05_energy lab technical design

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technical design

energy lab empower: invent, industrialise lucas ward


technical design

Energy Lab Empower: Invent, Industrialise Arch 570 Lucas Ward Master of Architecture Plymouth University 2014

submitted documents 05. Technical Design 06. Technical Details 07. Exploded Detail


contents 01. Project Introduction Project Synopsis 02. Building Section Location Plan 1:50 Key Section 03. Precedent Study Building Study 01 04. Material Properties Precast Fly ash Concrete Glu-Lam Flitch Column Timber Column Acoustic Glazing


05. Sustainability Statement


06. Fixings Pod panels Column Footing Curtain walling Temporary framing Primary structure 07. Assembly Sequence


08. Building Tolerances


09. Maintenance


10. Bibliography



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project introduction

1.1 Energy Lab is the development of the ‘Cieszyn Energy Innovation Centre’ proposed in the Empower: Invent, Industrialise[E:I/I] Urban Strategy and sits as one of the main buildings in the Industrial Cluster of the E:I/I masterplan. Energy lab builds upon the need for improved physiological conditions in the city identified by E:I/I, in particular the need for a cleaner local atmosphere to. Energy Lab focuses on providing a viable alternative to coal fired power stations for both heat and power by bringing industry and education together in a creative environment that democratises technology in response to the basic human need for a clean, healthy, breathable environment and opens up the development and direction of energy provision in the city to its citizens. Waste streams from industries producing biological matter such as the local brewery, paper mills, cardboard packaging factory and


project synopsis saw mills will be utilised as raw material for energy production the procurement of this waste could be through a resource exchange or industrial symbiosis agreement, energy for material facilitated through the alliance set up as part of the urban strategy proposition. The production and subsequent use of Hydrogen is an industrial process that has the capability to use multiple forms of input, provide multiple forms of end product and output multiple forms of by-products. A process of waste matter from Industry types mentioned above converted to Hydrogen gas and subsequently Liquid Hydrogen as a storable energy source for use directly as a fuel for vehicles or through fuel cell conversion to electrical energy for heat and power will provide the core function of CEIC. Energy Lab seeks to change the way both Industrial Architecture and energy production is understood and their relationships with the public, the spaces they

occupy and the places they make using technology as a mediator. The project treats both the architecture and industrial processes as forms of infrastructure and technology instead of imoveable objects. Technological process infrastructure provides locations of fillable space that use localised inputs and outputs for specific potential development opportunities based on the ability to analyse the process for all inputs and outputs, of all types including heat, energy, wastes, recyclables in all stages of production it is possible to purposefully spread out the process so that it can be consciously manipulated, branched off, opened up and exploited in a precise manner turning inter-connections into interfaces that users can plug into for work, research, development, prototype and commercialisation. The spaces are ultimatley

designed by the technology that can support them and vice-versa creating a symbiotic relationship between architecture and technology that can be hacked by the user. Regarding the architecture as an infrastructure to fill the specified spaces as well as the infrastructure to support those spaces at a building physics level removes the feeling of permanence in the building allowing the users the freedom to adapt the architecture to their desired needs. Cieszyns transport system has already been identified as an integral part of the E:I/I network as a front line in providing information, Energy Lab will build on this, firstly, to provide the fuel for local busses and electricity for local trains and secondly as real world testing grounds of commercial transport power applications and will ultimately capitalise on the exposure of these technologies to people.


building section

location plan 1:50 key section


location plan An overall area of one structural bay [blue] has been looked at in this report with a more detailed look at the spine wall and a temporary pod [red]. Please refer to ducument ‘06 Technical Details’ for element build up and key connections. Please refer to Document ‘07 Exploded Detail’ for overview of key element studied in this report.



1:50 key section The connection to and from the spine wall and in particular the connection to a temporary plug-in pod, its make up and the modular construction and assembly of the pods, have been chosen for this technical design study. The section [opposite] shows all major connections in the wall build up and to adjoining floor plates it also shows a 4 module plug in pod in a first floor connecting bay.


Precast concrete inner panel solid insulation precast concrete panel central core solid insulation precast concrete outer panel steel fixing pins precast concrete beam precast concrete capping element rain water collection concrete end cap steel sub frame thermal break sespended ceiling curtain wall glu-lam frame steel tensile cable spider connector 18mm triple glazing brise soleil frame brise soleil basement wall solid insulation anchor bolts tensile cable anchor strip foundation

600 x 600 glu-lam flitch column acoustic glazing and glazed double door safety grille 200 x 200 mm douglas fir column single module beam four way steel connecting collar roof panels [four panel types] wall panels [four panel types] end wall panels [three panel types] impact resistant floor finish concrete screed twin profile connecting edge floor panels [four types solid insulation cast in situ concrete steel profile decking steel decking frame impact resistant floor finish precast concrete floor panel solid insulation floor socket waffle slab basement


precedent study


allianz rivera stadium

In December 2009, the city of Nice launched an international competition for the construction of a new 35,000-seat stadium capable of hosting large international competitions. The stadium would sit at the heart of the Eco Valley in the Plaine du Var, named an ‘Operation of National Interest’ (OIN) in March 2008, and was to be the first flagship project in the new district. [Wilmotte and Associates Sa] Glue laminated columns provide a more sustainably sourced alternative to the traditionally used steel for stadiums. A seemingly complex structure can be broken down into smaller more regular and repetitive elements.


Allianz Rivera Stadium Nice, France Wilmotte and Associates Sa 2013

‘hidden’ fixings provide interesting end details to glu lam members

seemingly high tech structure with low tech material

simple pendant lighting contrasts exposed structure


material properties

pre cast fyl ash concrete glu-lam flitch column douglas fir columns acoustic glazing


precast fly ash concrete

Concrete insulated panels form the south wall of the spine wall. Each panel consists of 5 layers, an inner concrete core, two layers of rigid insulation and outer layers of concrete on each side. Concrete has been chosen to express the wall as a monolithic entity at core of the entire building. These panels have been designed to accommodate all thermal and interior/ exterior changes that take place the length of the wall within one panel in order to simplify initial panel construction but also for maximum freedom for the building to develop, extend and reduce. The varying changes in conditions along the wall will be reflected in the weathering and discolouration of the panels, this can be overcome with simple maintenance. The high thermal resistance of the panels and there exposure to the south will support a gradual


release of heat during the day and cooling overnight. The flyash composition has been chosen as it is the core product from the ‘prefab lab’ where the panels will be manufactured, Flyash concrete has an overall lower embodied energy due to its replacement of cement in the mixture, fly ash is sourced as a waste product from the local coal fired power stations.


glu-lam flitch column

600 x 600mm Glue laminated flitch columns provide the main load bearing elements for the roof over the main energy lab floor. They also provide fixing points and load transfer of spine wall floor decks and plugin pods. Laminated timbers are not restricted by logging sizes and can be formed to any size or length. The feedstock timber is fully seasoned before lamination to ensure a high quality member and products are specified by quality and dimension like standard timber products. A central flitch plate provides reinforcement for floor plate joins and areas of increased stress. The flitch plate edge is exposed to provide a welding surface for additional flanges as well as mounting point for one side of the gantry crane rails.


Glue Laminated timbers can be significantly lighter for equivalent load carrying capacity over their concrete and steel counterparts. Laminated timbers have a long lifespan with the most significant threat to there durability being moisture rising over 22-25% for prolonged periods, however appropriate maintenance and ventilation and the avoidance of moisture traps in the initial design. The columns have a high thermal resistance and in a fire will perform well and predictably with a charring rate of 40mm per hour Class 0 and 1 surface spread of flame, can usually be achieved for glul-am members by the application of a proprietary treatment on site after the building is dry and watertight. The inherent chemical resistance properties of timber coupled with the synthetic adhesives providing a strong barrier to accident spillages and leaks


Douglas Fir Columns

200 x 200mm secondary columns made from Douglas Fir, a timber readily available in Poland, will be used for the vertical connecting system for the plug in pods. The timber has been chosen for its availability as it will be in a working environment where it will be fixed to, struck about and damaged and therefore can be easily repaired or replaced owing to the use of simple and accessible fixings. An in-tumescent coating will be applied to improve fire resistance due to the reduced size compared to the Primary Glu Lam Structure. There will be a gradual discolouration and weathering affect on the timber, though this will be a much longer process as the timbers are internal. The columns are not major load bearing elements, this is transferred by steel beams to the Glu-Lam flitch beams, the columns only support local loads


exerted by the connecting plug in panel.


glazed panels and doors

Glazed panels are used in the spine wall to provide a safe yet visible connection between the service and circulation areas and the main energy lab floor particularly as the spin walls walkways are open to visitors. Glazed double doors installed the length of each spine wall level where a possible pod could be installed act as the final enclosing element for the pods them selves and as the threshold between semi public and the energy lab floor only allowing those with granted access to pass through. Acoustic laminated glass will protect the circulation spaces and the plug in pods from potential sound reverberation from the concrete side of the spine. Acoustic glazing such as ‘Pilkington Optiphon’ can be tailored to meet specific noise requirements, this can be included into the glazing schedule by knowing the localised acoustic out put of process infrastructure. The glass will also meet all of the


impact safety requirements of BS EN 12600 A temporary aluminium screen will be fitted when a pod is not using the door to provide a second level of safety and security to the energy lab floor if the electronic looks and sensors were to fail.


sustainability statement

4.1 Many of the components and materials have been chosen for there proximity to the site and as readily available. Components can be transported directly to the site via the rail network reducing embodied energy costs related to transportation. Poland has a large timber industry from which local forests can be identified and saw mills used for processing, for this reason timber based elements for primary structure have been specified.

Modular design allows for efficient manufacture of components and ease of construction and overall construction time. Simple timber elements with the expectation that they will have intensive and wear inducing life span can be easily repaired and at the end of there life span, be chipped and pulped for use as a feedstock in the hydrogen production process.

Fly ash concrete produced by the ‘prefab lab’ is manufactured in a responsible and sustainable way under its own sustainability and environmental protection procedures, its proximity to the site will also lessen embodied energy costs associated with transportation, it is hoped that this will be further offset in the future by supplying the prefab lab with hydrogen fuel delivery and transport vehicles in return.




column footing curtain walling temporary framing primary structure pod panels


pod panels Pod panels use simple tongue and groove connections as the primary form of assembly. This design requires a specific construction order and optimum strength and rigidity is only acheived when all elements are in place. There are no bolt fixings within the panels themselves only in the supporting framework acting as the pods exo-skeleton.



column footing Floor boxes set out on a 2400mm grid, anchor bolted into the waffle slab and finished flush with the energy lab floor will house fixings for temporary columns. These fixing have been designed for maximum ease of access when installing and removing the columns. This is acheived by using a raised column footing with only the steel flanges fixed into the base of the box allowing the technicians room to use tools. When a column is not in location a steel grill provides a cover for saftey



curtain wall connection The curtain walling framework provides resistance against wind loading with the glazing itself in conjunction with spider connectos and tensile cabbles providing the structural support.



temporary framing Temporary columns and beams provide an exo-skeleton to the plug in pods. These element are designed and built in multiple of 2400mm to align with the floor grid. Four way connectors take a ‘one size fits all’ approach in order to simplify and speed up assembly times. Columns are pre drilled with holes for bolt fixings at regular intervals for the four way connecting collars.



primary structure A 6 way steel connector provides a neat join for the convergence of 6 elements, two each for the roof, columns and beams,



assembly sequence

01. Columns erected using gantry crane and fixed into floor sockets. Four way connector collars pre set to the correct heights.

02. Modular beams connected to collars ready for floor panels.

03. Floor panel closest to the wall is laid first and slots onto one of two fixed male connection points on the spine wall.

04. Floor panels are laid one by one slotting into the previously set panel.

05. Final floor panels are laid with the last one forming a tight connection with the outer most columns locking all previous floor panel into place.

06. Floor panels provide a working surface for the installation of wall panels. Panels closest to the spine are set down first and the first ceiling panel is coonected to service and power couplings

07. Wall panels are slotted together in pair and then sat between the columns before finally being located onto the floor panels.

08. The remaining wall panels are installed, in the same manner as the floor panels, the last wall panel locks together all previous walls.

09. End wall panels partially lock together at an acute angle before first location into the corner columns and then and a secondary locking moving them into the same plane and finally set to floor mountings .

10. Ceiling Panels are installed in three steps; power and services [in series]coupling, slotting together and finally set onto wall panels.

11. The final ceiling panel acts as a key stone and locking in all adjacent locking panels and subsequently all other panels.

12. A Final stage of fitting modular beams provides a complete exo-skeleton and fixings back to the spine wall provide overall structural stability against racking.


building tolerances

7.1 Prefabrication and a modular design will ensure the high tolerances needed for inter locking panels. Precision machining provided by the facilities located in the ‘Prefab Lab’ will be able to construct panels repeatedly to the same high standard as well as install fixtures for power and ventilation with couplings. Training will be required for precise installation in order to achieve the self locking feature.




8.1 A maintenance area is provided as part of the panel store and crane preparation platform. The panels will be inspected pre and post installation for any defects, those found can either be repaired on site or sent to the prefab lab for parts for new panels, those at the end of the life span can be dismantled and separated for recycling, organic based matter can be use as feedstock for the hydrogen production processes. Pre fitted crane attachments on panels and temporary frame elements provide a stable aerial method of installation with final location of piec es finished by technicians with the panels weight held by the gantry crane.




V.Ballard Bell [2006], Materials For Architectural Design, Princeton Architectural Press. Timber Construction, Vol. 2014, 2, English Edition, Detail Magazine A. Watts[2007], Facades Technical review, RIBA Publishing F.D.K.Ching [2008] Building Construction Illustrated Fourth edition, John Wiley and Sons R. Gregory [2008], Key Contemporary Buildings; Plans, Sections and Elevations, Lawrence King Publishing, London R. Weston [2004], Plans, Sections and Elevations; Key Buildings of the twentieth Century, Lawrence King Publishing, London D. Graham, L. Ward, C. Willis (2013) Empower: Invent, Industrialise Urban Strategy. Plymouth University.

http://www.wilmotte.com/en/projects/program/5/Sport-facilities http://www.konecranes.com/ equipment/hoists/electric-wirerope-hoists http://smartmovewithcxt.com http://www.pilkington.com/en-gb/ uk/products/product-categories/ thermal-insulation

energy lab

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