PM - Private moments

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Laila Zarina

Lucas Teixeira

Oliver Rutte

Shay Raviv

pm Rise and shine it’s your free time. "In summer, after his midday meal, he would eat some fruit and take another drink; then he would remove his shoes and undress completely, just as he did at night, and rest for two or three hours." Life of Charlemagne

Topic Emerged from a widely known term siesta, daybreak is an attempt and an invitation to a new alternative concept for our daily lives. The traditional siesta as we know it, has existed for thousands of years and was previously regarded as a physical necessity rather than a luxury. The topic seems relevant in today's life since any time that is dedicated to our personal necessities and personal progress can be considered a luxury rather than being acknowledged fact. The goal of a daybreak is to break the conventional routine and offer a different comprehension towards currently underestimated individual's personal time during any weekday; to change the way we perceive routine and our given duties and to improve the quality of our lives.


Research & Context Siesta - from Latin hora sexta – "the sixth hour" (counting from dawn, therefore noon, "midday rest") Siesta is commonly understood as a short nap taken in the early afternoon, often after the midday meal. Although mainly related to Spain, such a period of sleep is a common tradition also in other countries where the weather is particularly warm: Portugal, Italy, Greece, China, Hispanic American, Philippines, Egypt (..). The siesta rest has origins in Islamic Law and is written about in the Koran. Centuries ago the day nap was introduced to allow farmers to rest during the hottest part of the day. Consequently they would then work longer into the evening. While the traditional Spanish style siesta can last for up to two hours to avoid the hottest part of the day, there is actually a biological need for people in all climates to have a short rest in the afternoon to revive energy levels. Factors explaining the geographical distribution of the modern siesta are mainly high temperatures and heavy intake of food at the midday main meal. Combined, these two factors contribute to the feeling of post-lunch drowsiness. In these countries, the heat can be unbearable in the early afternoon, making a midday break at home ideal. Contrary to siestas in warm climates, in the cold Patagonia people have siestas too. This could indicate that siestas have a stronger relation with culture than with climate. In regions where its been practised, siestas are really taken seriously. For example, in Argentina all businesses shut down for a few hours - the length of a siesta there can vary from 5 pm until 8 or 9 pm depending on the business nature. Its a time of the day which people use for themselves, its a time for relaxing, spending it with families, doing whatever is important and appropriate for them personally. Having said that, the ritual is changing, and researches are indicating that even is Spain the break in a middle of the day can be approached in a more modern way - in the air conditioned offices the break time can be reduced to a minimum of a normal hour lunch break, which, employers might proclaim, is better for a maximal productivity at work. In very modern and progressive western european offices they have started to introduce relaxing corners, quiet rooms with sofas or cocoons where you can recharge yourself or have a so called power nap. But this seems to have remained as an attempt to show a different attitude rather than a healthy habit. Instead, to escape a workload and take a rest, people are taking regular tea, coffee or cigarette breaks. The truth is, that the biological need for rest in the early afternoon applies to all people on all continents. In our modern culture we struggle through the natural tiredness that occurs about 8 hours after waking in the morning. NASA has done studies for astronauts and pilots, to determine what the best sleep patterns are to maintain maximum performance. Their tests have shown that a short nap can restore energy levels so they can take on more tasks, feel more alert and do significantly better in tests of mental performance. Research (published 2007) by Harvard School of Public Health in the US and the University of Athens Medical School conducted over a 6 year period with 24,000 men and women have found that a short nap in the early afternoon can reduce the risk of heart disease by 34%.

Our vision, our Goal Introducing a break in the middle of the day is empowering people to do what they like to do within the freedom and legitimacy that a routine can give you. Further than that it is valuing the individuals time by giving them the best time of the day. We believe noon is just the right time to do the things you like rather than the things you need. But the importance for a self-private time in a middle of the day is not about productivity or health related issues, and even not so much about having enough sleep. The daybreak, pm, is a necessity to maintain a healthy approach and attitude towards life and its essence. We have to work hard and we are willing to do it, but simultaneously we have to enjoy it to its fulness. We believe such a change in our routine would have a substantial impact in the way we relate to the others and perceive our lives. Taking the time and do what you like as an individual enriches you and the ones that surround you. We envision a day break that contributes to a society in which personal experiences and achievements play a more important role in our lives. But then again we don’t envision a break as a routine or a law. Instead we want people to understand how it could change our lives and implement in their own way. This has several benefits over making it a right or a law. It leaves space for flexible, distinctive and personal solutions for each company or organization. We propose a more eclectic daybreak system in which it is up to the individual to understand when they want to have a break with the minimum impact to the community dynamics. We want people to have the awareness and understanding of their private time to be precious. Its a time devoted to oneselves, detached and disconnected from work duties.



The target group Our project’s target group is everyone who is empowered to make big decisions that concern peoples lives as well as the employees themselves. It is important for us to make the decision makers aware of the value of a daybreak in order to make an effective change. At the same time we aim to make a general awareness of the benefits of this change in order to inspire them and to contemplate it as ordinary. The importance of convincing decision makers is to facilitate a seamless integration of this novelty in our society. If both parts understand the value of a day break it is much easier to make it work.

regular week Monday 9







pm Monday 9



week Tuesday




The opponents arguments This society is based on efficiency, people are the fittest from 8 in the morning till 5 in the afternoon. Implementing the siesta would break the control on the working rhythm. It would break any managers control. You have two times during the day that a worker is leaving from work instead of one. How will the siesta effect deadlines? And then you have people who work over time from 12 till 3 p.m? I can imagine that there are people who want to spend time with their family in the afternoon. At some point you could get siesta workers and non-siesta workers. How are we going to combine those? They can’t work together since they have different working hours. Do we then have to re-mix and match them? Or fire one and find someone who’s on the same daily rithm? A lot of corporations try to make work as fun as possible. Some have their own cafeteria with nice lunches. Is trying to implement a siesta not an exaggeration? Why not begin small or try small and start by making the lunch a little longer. Or try to make the break more entertaining for the worker. Implement something in the office so that workers have their “free time”, but don’t need 3 hours for it? And by the way, what can you do in 3 hours if you work in the city but live outside of it? Some workers drive 30 min to 1 hour to get to work. What could they do then in that siesta time? Putting special rooms in the office for siestas or hobbies might be quite extreme.

Why not a daybreak, pm? 1- Rhythm is something that makes working the most efficient and quickest. By working in a rithm people get more things done. Siesta breaks that. 2 - Some people want to have their evening, thus choose to work from 9 till 6, you get a separation between siesta goers and non-siesta goers. This will greatly disturb working for deadlines, combining work or working together. 3 - A lot of workers get paid by the hour. Do we need to change the pay rates? More money per hour or start to do a pay per job done system? 4 - The managers studied specially to get all the people with their nose in the right direction. So the company moves in the right way. With a siesta on the working floor you get chaos. The manager will have a lot of trouble managing every person. 5 - People who come from out of town. People who drive 30 min to one hour. How will they do their hobby during a siesta? Have their wife drive to them? 6 - Siestas are bad for the market and the economy. 7 - People are the fittest from 9 in the morning till 5 p.m. Siesta takes 3 hours from that.

Our arguments We all know those people who have a dream, a goal, a destination they have always wanted to reach. A star musician, artist, life-changing doctor, scientist, astronaut and so on. Those motivated talents will study day and night, practice, devote themselves to that special goal. Their daily life, routine, would be to practice their ultimate dream. These people are driven by fascination, passion, interest, and might be lucky or talented enough to earn their bread out of it. Not all of us have a specific talent, or the one dream job. Most of us try find our way within the market and organization world. Hope to make a respectful living, and maybe also to like what we are doing. That’s not easy. To work in an office or organization could be boring, grey, repetitive, and eventually could lead to frustration and depression. We often hear people say ''I don't like my job!'' or ''I don't want to go to work!'', or ''I wish I had more time for it!''. Peculiarly, but we've taken this attitude towards work as something almost standard and ordinary; rather than an enjoyable process where you give and receive back, work has often become as something we try to live through on a day to day basis. So how can we improve the daily working day routine? With pm.

Why pm? 1 - Regain control of our own time- by being a part of a big system, an organization, we often don't get to make our own decision, not everyone can be a boss. But once a day, right in the middle, we could regain control, design our own time. Within the working routine. 2 - Enjoy the best part of the day- the middle of the day is the best part to be ouside.It is the core of the day. Off course this is depending on climate. Nevertheless, we could use that time to be outside, breath fresh air. 3 - To break the routine- we all have routine, that’s not bad. People like it, need it. It is a safe feeling. But when does the routine overrules our well being? when the week becomes one long realty. When we can differentiate between Tuesday to Wednesday. When we will have Siesta, we will be able to have every day looking, tasting, sounding and smelling different. Depends on how we decide to spend it. 4 - To have opportunity to pursue our own goal, do more- develop personal interest, hobby, fascination, learn, do sports... 5 - To add value to our week- spend more time with people we love, do what we find important. 6 - Redefine the best employee- change the stigma of the excellent worker- The one who stays the longest in the office isn’t anymore the best; 7 - Create experiences, contact with people- not only from work enviroment. 8 - Improve the quality of our life- be more healthy, eat well, rest. 9 - To charge our batteries- to be more energetic 10 - Home charts- groceries, bills, mail and so.

Facts and numbers to support our arguments 1. NASA has done studies for astronauts and pilots and they've discovered that just a 30 minute nap increases performance by 34% and alertness by 54%. The benefits would apply equally well to any industry. It is hard to imagine any other method of productivity enhancement having such profound effects. 2. Google company can be named as a great example for a healthy work environment. They don't have a typical working culture - by looking into the Googleplex, it looks more like a children's playground not a place for work. They have napping corners, rooms for entertainment and relaxation. Google has people who's sole job and goal is to make employees happy and maintain their productivity. 3. Lecture by Stefan Sagmeister: The power of time off (Ted Talks) 4. People need to rest their bodies, so that food can digest properly and the brain has a chance to regroup. Taking breaks can generate fresh ideas for solving problems at work. 5. Spain's deepening recession and soaring unemployment have signaled the end of the country's traditional three-hour siesta, as new laws are brought in to try to boost ailing retail sales. 6. In New Zealand physician trainees can be legally asked to work 72 hours in one week. The researchers found that 42 percent of the physician trainees had made fatigue-related medical errors during one six-month period and 24 percent had fallen asleep at the wheel while driving home. 7. Overworked American employees felt less successful in their relationships with spouses, children and friends, did not cope as well with daily problems as rested workers, and experienced more conflict between their work and their family obligations than employees who were not overworked






Comparison of variation of energy levels during a working day (left normal day, right pm day)

Ayn Rand about productivity and time “Productiveness is your acceptance of morality, your recognition of the fact that you choose to live--that productive work is the process by which man's consciousness controls his existence, a constant process of acquiring knowledge and shaping matter to fit one's purpose, of translating an idea into physical form, of remaking the earth in the image of one's values--that all work is creative work if done by a thinking mind, and no work is creative if done by a blank who repeats in uncritical stupor a routine he has learned from others--that your work is yours to choose, and the choice is as wide as your mind, that nothing more is possible to you and nothing less is human--that to cheat your way into a job bigger than your mind can handle is to become a fear-corroded ape on borrowed motions and borrowed time, and to settle down into a job that requires less than your mind's full capacity is to cut your motor and sentence yourself to another kind of motion: decay--that your work is the process of achieving your values, and to lose your ambition for values is to lose your ambition to live--that your body is a machine, but your mind is its driver, and you must drive as far as your mind will take you, with achievement as the goal of your road--that the man who has no purpose is a machine that coasts downhill at the mercy of any boulder to crash in the first chance ditch, that the man who stifles his mind is a stalled machine slowly going to rust, that the man who lets a leader prescribe his course is a wreck being towed to the scrap heap, and the man who makes another man his goal is a hitchhiker no driver should ever pick up--that your work is the purpose of your life, and you must speed past any killer who assumes the right to stop you, that any value you might find outside your work, any other loyalty or love, can be only travelers you choose to share your journey and must be travelers going on their own power in the same direction.� / Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

Interesting quotes - the value of time The idle man does not know what it is to enjoy rest. / Albert Einstein I wasted time, and now time doth wasted me. / William Shakespeare We take no note of time But from its loss. / Edward Young The more business a man has to do, the more he is able to accomplish; for he learns to economize his time. / Sir Matthew Hale The world belongs to the energetic. / Ralph Waldo Emerson The happy man does not notice the flight of time. / Schiller It is worse to busy yourself with the trivial than to do nothing. / Baltasar Gracia


protest form

Our primary idea was to protest for an idea, not against one. We chose the topic of Siesta, because we feel it is crucial and relevant to our time. There are changes happening in the world, regarding the way people are working today - the system is shifting. In this time of new directions, we wish to implement pm as a part of that change. A different way of treating labour, a fresh way of treating time.

Understanding that our target group is companies and organizations, we chose a form that will be the most efficient in that context. We believe in protesting by inspiring, standing for a certain, strong idea, by teaching and directing. Therefore we chose the form of business consultancy. Consultancy is a process in which one company asks for advice or directions from an expert company that is skilled in a certain field. Approach that is often given to the managers and employees together.

Two directions With the consultancy we will approach the companies in two different directions: The first, for the companies that wish to stay ahead, to be progressive and innovative, we will present pm as a desirable position, a trend, new way of working. We will give it visual identity, and show examples of other leading companies who already implement pm. The second approach might be more compelling to conservative companies. By using numbers and facts,we will prove the benefit of pm as a rational and sustainable idea. In both directions, we wish to stay true to our starting point and statement - giving more value for time, introducing a more flexible routine, more exciting and colourful life.

Consultancy pm The consultancy consists of two parts: an informative lecture and an experience simulation. During our informative lectures we show numbers, facts and data of the benefits of pm regarding: Happiness, energy, productivity, health and efficiency. Next to that we bring you some examples of successful case studies: companies who are already working with pm and how they are implementing it.

Pm simulation The pm simulation is a key to create a safe, comfortable surrounding where managers and employees are seen as equals - this allows open minded approach to the whole experience. Together with the whole staff we go through a full working day analysing what does such day look like. Employees and bosses are then invited to share what their best part of the day and irritating part of the day is. With this we then design a frame similar to a calendar to work from. The second part of this simulation consists of a series of activities that work as examples of things one can do during a pm. For instance, having a lunch in new undiscovered places; going for walks in parks; doing groceries in the street market; going for a coffee with an old friend; jogging or visiting an interesting place. Depending on the group, different activities are prepared and people are able to choose the pack of experiences they like the most. By offering a wide range of experiences we encourage the workers to try new things. After this pm simulation the different experiences of the employees are shared in a meeting. Out of this meeting the pm team can advise the company how to implement the program. Finally we will conclude how the company can continue from that day, using the pm system, and present it to the entire staff. The day will be followed by a book to present the company ways they can implement pm by offering different ways, to make sure they find what fits best to their vision of the company.


Personal Moment Work time

Work time

Lunch Break PM Break

Work time


Work time 5PM - 8PM

Working day


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Laila Zarina

DAE 2013

Lucas Teixeira Market 2 Oliver Rutte Philosophy Shay Raviv

Piet Heijn

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