Luca stancari portfolio

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Personal Information

Luca Stancari Born_Modena (MO), Italy, 13/09/1987 Address_Via Pistoia 41 Modena Mo 41126 Mobile +39 333 4932182 Email Citizenship_Italian P.IVA_03566550368 codice fiscale STNLCU87P13F257A

Bio Born in 1987 in Modena, I graduated at Politecnico di Milano for a bachelor in architecture in September 2009. Following my passion for travelling and discovering new realities, I studied 1 year overseas, at the Queensland University of technology in Brisbane, Australia. I came back to Italy in February 2011 and worked at A++ Studio in Milano (http:// as an architect, both to address architecture sustainable design and competitions. Meanwhile i kept going with my studies and in 2012 I attended a 3 months internship at LAND studio Milano (http:// , an internationally known sustainable architecture and landscape design studio, where i worked on arch. competitions. I finally graduated in april 2013 and worked for a few months in a small architecture firm in Modena. In february 2014 i started a 6months collaboration with a big architecture/engineering firm in florence, Politecnica. I’m currently looking for new connections and collaborations.

Education | 2010 - 2013 |


@ Politecnico di Milano (Mantova campus) Thesis: Urban regeneration - low cost re-use of a dismissed military area in Mantova | 2010 - 2011 |


architecture exchange scolarship for 2 semesters @ Queensland university of Technology, Brisbane | 2006 - 2009 |


@ Politecnico di Milano (Mantova campus) Thesis: sustainable modern nibourghoods - a theoric research and design | 2001 - 2006 | SCIENTIFIC HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA @ Liceo Scientifico Tassoni (Modena, Italy)

Working Experience |FEB - AUG 2014| @ Politecnica Architecture & Engineering (Florence) - working (architecture and engineering design studio) I worked for 6 months with this studio on big projects in libya, Itay and Malta. During my experience i learned and deepened my knowledge of the Revit software for every kind of use, from families design to 3d architectural creations. I had the priviege to work with a team in the final phases of these big projects and personally gained a great experience from that. |OCTOBER 2013 - JAN 2014| @ Ivan Mattaliano studio (Modena) - working (architecture and interior design studio) During my experience in this small architecture studio, I’m having the opportunity to design different kind of projects: from housing (patio house in Sri lanka), to retail (metaphysical piazza concept store in china), to interior and outdoor customized furniture, as well as learning vray rendering and 3ds modeling. |MARCH-JUNE 2012| @ LAND studio (Milano) - Interniship (landscape and sustainable architecture studio) A 3 month internship in the most prestigious Landscape architecture studio in Italy. A great experience with a great group, where i participated to international competitions and different kind of projects, all of them very interesting for my formation. |OCTOBER 2011 - FEBRUARY 2012| @ A++ (Milano) - Interniship (sustainable architecture) During this working experience i participated in particular to an international design competition, for a metro station in Sofia, Bulgaria; I also took part to the inital design stage for sustainable residential housing in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. |APRIL - JULY 2009| @ ARKE’ studio (Modena) - Interniship (sustainable architecture) here I studied the development of a residential nibourghood for the studio, and i learned theory and practical detalis which helped me developing my bachelor thesis.

Computer Skills - Drawing Autocad (advanced) - BIM sydtems Revit, Archicad (advanced) - Modeling Sketchup (advanced) 3ds Max (course september 2014) Rhino vray - Graphics Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign (advanced) - Office applications word, excel

Foreign Languages [2008] TOEFL IBT level B2 [2010-2011]: 12 months in AUSTRALIA (where i attended and passed 7 exams in, of course, Australian English, and travelled across New Zealand for 3 weeks; [2011]: I’m now fluent in english language and have been working in a studio (A++ milan) with only foreign people; I also have a girlfriend abroad, so I speak english every day.

Personal Interests I really enjoy outdoor sports, especially hiking and mountain biking. I have been travelling for hundreds of kilometers with my bike. Photography is a great passion for me, as an amateur photgrapher i like particularly street and travel photography. Ask me more! And, last but not least........travelling. I have been travelling A LOT during the university years, around Australia, New Zealand, Italy and many places in Europe. So i guess I’m a very active person! I’m searching for opportunities to work in Italy or abroad and get to know new realities and meet different people... I am an intelligent person, hard worker and used to team-work. I make an effort everytime in completing high quality work. I like to relate to other people and I am a very social kind of person, enjoying the interaction with people.

Clearly squared - social housing design competition winner | Mantova, Italy, 2012 | This is the design for the low price dwellings competition of Mantova’s city council housing building program. The design aims to find a correct shape in order to mmet the energetic advanced efficiency principles required by te competition, as well as keeping a building Cost while having high quality life spaces and ambients, and responding to the local climate conditions and sun light. Fitting all of these requirements in such a building lot’s shape was quite hard. The building is composed of three main volumes, intersecting one another to create “social spaces” in the two intersections: these spaces host a sereis of common function in order to create interaction between the inhabitants, following the principles of the co-housing. To be as more passive as possible, it is closed on the North facade with distribution passages and a public space, while it opens on the spouther façade with Windows. Also different materials are used to define these two different orientations. At the ground floor a particular attention was put in creating a continuity between public space and the semi-public areas close to the building, with the use of ground green terraces and opening in the building through which public paths run.

Sofia metro station 20 design competition

| Sofia, Bulgaria, 2011 | with A++ | The competition was about designing the station n. 20 of the new metro station line in Sofia, the capital city of Bulgaria. The station was to be located in a future development business district, and comprehended also pucblic spaces with green aras. Out design inspirion was the one of the urban forest: not only an metro exit, but a canopy which characterized the whole space of the the pedestrian street with a fluid and articulated ceiling/ shelter. The Forest ceiling also goes don and gives identity to the inside and outside of the station.

patio house concept | Jaffna, Sri Lanka, 2013 |

This is one of my last project on which i have been working on during my stay at Ivan mattaliano studio in Modena. It is characterized by a very simple and effective design, with a square structural pilotis grid. The main aim of the project was the one to adapt the architecture to the local climate, which is very humid and hot: typically houses in this tropical environment make the best out of the exterior space, which melts with the interior, often without even walls or glasses, since there is not much difference in terms of temperature between the seasons. I played with volumes to create a white block (the night area block) leaning on a concrete basement (living space, kitchen), in order to create a large and livable loggia, working as an extension of the living area, to the outside.

kid’s room

| Modena, Italy, 2013 |

In 2014 I realized this room for an 11 years old kid in Modena. Working with a wood working artisanand improving my rendering and design skills had been really exciting.

metaphysical piazza | Hangzou, China, 2013 |

Concept store The store concept is based on the ambitious idea of creating a brand, capable to give a unique experience to the clients, through a self story-telling while visiting the stores. Metaphysical piazza An english and an italian term fuse together to mark the both the italian and the international character of the design, as well as to merge a sensorial and a physical concept. Metaphysical The will to create a non narrative and deconstructed and surreal space, but at the same time sublimated and articulated for the typical retail requirements. Piazza The italian “piazza� is the symbol of open market and direct shopping experience through a free space people can walk through, in and out the porticos: this allows the brand to become a strong platform for italian clothing firms and businesses abroad. Metaphysical piazza Space and non space at the same time it can be configured as a simple theatrical wing, or as a whole store: every piece is in fact modular and stackable. The arch elements are metal structures which can be equipped and stocked in order to the necessity of the product exposition, allowing multiple configurations due to the store layout, but always keeping its strong characterization of the base idea and atmosphere. The exhibition sequence works with arch modules: every single arch can be equipped with a modular block for punctual product showing, or one for multiple clothes stocking, the check block, the dressing room block, etc. in order to value a particular product or to create different store design dispositions.

Visioni per Mantova

Rigenerazione urbana partecipata “Reazione a catena” - Tesi specialistica

| Mantova, 2012 - ? | with Antonia Araldi | Reazione a Catena e’ un laboratorio sui quartieri di Fiera Catena e Valletta Valsecchi, nella prima periferia Mantovana, per uno sviluppo urbano partecipato, secondo strategie alternative di recupero del patrimonio inutilizzato. L’approccio è quello sperimentale di immaginare la rigenerazione urbana dal basso, coinvolgendo direttamente i suoi abitanti e i soggetti che vivono il territorio. Inanzitutto per rianimare un dibattito nei quartieri e supportare la rete tra le realtà attive, le associazioni, i comitati. aiutare il dialogo intergenerazionale e interculturale e creare dei momenti e dei luoghi di espressione per il quartiere. I progetti che sono stati elaborati sono ragionamenti su strategie razionali, di coinvolgimento e distribuzione dell’investimento tra pubblico, privato e cittadinanza attiva, per il riuso dell’enorme patrimonio inutilizzato: capannoni industriali dismessi, proprietà militari demaniali, condomini Aler abbandonati e la moltitudine di negozi e appartamenti sfitti. La strategia delle azioni ha perseguito gli obiettivi di - ripopolare, riabitare, soprattutto di energie giovani e riattivare i quartieri - recuperare, riutilizzare l’ingente patrimonio privato e pubblico inutilizzato (nessun consumo di suolo) - coinvolgere, rianimare il senso di protagonismo e aiutare la collaborazione fra i soggetti agenti sul territorio

Tavola a fianco: Idee per il riutilizzo dei capannoni abbandonati dell’ex area militare San Nicolò di Mantova: tramite tecniche costruttive low Cost quali la paglia e la terra cruda e il riutilizzo di mattoni del muro di cinta e della ceramica abbandonata, il progetto prevede l’inserimento all’interno dei “guisci” esistenti di varie funzioni quali: un mercato coperto, spazi per artisti / gruppi musicali / startups, uno spazio multiculturale, un museo della memoria, cohousing.

New Logistic centre

international competition with Land studio and Mario Cucinella architects | Novara, Italy, 2013 |

Project for the implementation of Novara’s existing logistic centre/interport. I worked on this project while being an intern at Land studio in Milano, and taking part to a few landscape architecture international competitions. The design aims to valorize the typical rice fields landscape and create a New orizontal landmark, giving a perception of passing through it from the highway, running next to the logistic centre. The vegetation is distributed in proper way to create a sense of landscape partition, and helps integration between natural and productive landscape. The new logistic buildings blend into the landscape with fluid shape, while the entire area is treated as a New entrance to the city, with its own mobility and distribution system.


Visioni per un paesaggio produttivo



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La nuova porta tra il terziario e il pasaggio agricolo


Passaggio tra gli specchi d’acqua, memoria delle risaie tipiche del paesaggio piemontese


Un landmark che accende il paesaggio

La strutturazione delle stanze verdi

La logistica integrata I magazzini destinati alla logistica presentano un layout funzionale in grado di assolvere alle necessità e alle flessibilità dei singoli operatori che si andranno ad insediare in loco, prevedendo spazi di sosta e di manovra distinti tra veicoli pesanti e leggeri. I singoli spazi operativi per le aree destinate alla logistica prevedono aree per il ricevimento, il controllo qualitativo e quantitativo delle merci e ampi spazi di manovra dei veicoli per facilitare l’accesso alle ribalte. Tutti i magazzini si affacciano sull’asse attrezzato che attraversa l’area longitudinalmente e garantisce un accesso diretto alle singole aree e la connessione con la rete esterna.

Un’area campione

Il territorio dello sviluppo Strategia di distribuzione


Le architetture fluide del terziario Morfologicamente gli edifici proposti per uso terziario cercano di riprendere l’idea di movimento e dinamicità degli elementi che li circondano, diventando due forti segni del profilo facilmente riconoscibile tramite una volumetria molto fluida che esce dal terreno come una continuazione dell’intervento paesaggistico. Le coperture a verde consentono di rafforzare l’idea di movimento del terreno stesso, come se si sollevasse per scoprire gli edifici. Hanno uno sviluppo prevalentemente orizzontale e tramite questa lunghezza si rendono più adatti alla velocità di percezione di chi percorre la ferrovia o l’autostrada. Le principali strategie bioclimatiche, oltre alla creazione di un favorevole microclima interno, sono l’orientamento ottimale per ogni tipologia, la raccolta di acqua piovana e un involucro altamente performante.

La nuova area logistica del Centro intermodale merci di Novara

The Path - temporary pavillion | Brisbane, Australia, 2010 |

During this unit, we had to design a temporary art installation: the various locations were situated in the Valley, an historic neighbourhood which characterized the development of Brisbane in the last century. The project was part of an initiative, called : “FORGOTTEN PLACES: RIDISCOVERING THE SMALL SPACES AND LANEWAYS OF FORTITUDE VALLEY” . Together with a little publication of the designs, an exhibition took place in June 2010 with the models, in an art gallery in Fortitude valley itself; the designs will be seriously taken in consideration from the city council for a future realization of this ridiscovering of the forgotten places. Our design enhances the emotional path people do every day, a shortcut they take walking through a hotel’s laneway to reach the multilevel carparking situated behind the hotel. Floating helium balloons are fixed to the walls with metal cables, and a textile shelter is positioned on them, moved by the wind, to protect people from rain. People experience here a journey through visual art media: digital art works are projected onto the balloons, which become the changing thought of the people passing under the canopy. Like the valley which has 2 faces (day and night, during which is the largest nightlife active area in Australia), the canopy structure seeks to highlight this contrast by remaining subtle during the daylight jostled by the prevailing breezes only to come alive at night with the rest of the valley district.

A Museum for the Valley | Brisbane, Australia, 2010 | Design of a museum in an empty space in front of chinatown mall, fortitude valley | Brisbane. The main theme of the project is the structure. As the concept, the museum is made of two big structural cantilevering elements that lean on each other and connect in a particular point: the driving idea was in fact the one of the arch. I wanted to create a museum that relates with the city, so a strongly cantilevering structure creates a new social public space UNDER the museum itself, where people can rest and seat on the big steps over the structure. The other key feature is the one of the path, the trail: the visitor climbs up to ramps and plans to the top of the building, and experiences an artistic journey through the architecture during this walk. Two volumes: a mediateque and a museum. Two levels underground: another museum level and a car parking. The access to the building is THROUGH the structure itself, which is made by 3 trusses composed by static triangles to create more stability, and presents holes to make it lighter: this creates a particular inclined galley space the visitor walks through and either can see art works on the walls or see outside the building, or seat into the holes. This path continues and has 2 ramps and 3 levels, until the rooftop. Volumes come out from the roof to give light inside the principal museum level, as light chimneys. This volumes are also expositive volumes, and project on the underneath levels as museum expositive volumes (to put paintings on), seats, and projecting volumes over the public plaza. The lower volumes contain screens to project visual art or digital art works, or also to give information about the inside expositions to the people passing next to the museum. Different views of the city: the mediateque volume splits in 2 parts in the directions of the railway present behind the side. The museum volume cantilevers on the streets and two glass screens give the visitor inside the views in the two directions of Wickham street.

Multi functional building | Mantova, Italy, 2009 | (Mixed use building complex and park design project) This has been a massive project, on which we have been working for a whole year. The aim was to reskill a park adjacent to a high importance heritage place, Palazzo Te in Mantova, that was the summer residence of the Gonzaga family. Other than that, we designed a mixed use residential/office/ retail building. This area was very big and hard to manage but at the end our 4 student group team managed to do it. We studied in particular Peter Eisenman’s philosophy and theories, and after a few time spent on theorical studies, we stared designing the huge area. The park is composed by a square grid, taken from the ancient romans centuriation grid, and put on the area. The main theme of the design was THE SUBTRACTION. We analyzed the urban structure of Mantova, took the central plazas system, and put it as a diagram on the site, subtracting terrain to create a lower level area in that zone, and give it a significate and a character. For the building deign we took as a main reference the Tourette Monastery by Le Corbusier, and studied the way he disposed the paths, the volumes, the spaces, and the point elements in his architecture. We made the same for our court cuilding, that relates at the same time to the city, to th street and to the park, with different treatments of the volumes shapes and of the façades. It closeson the street and opens to the park, and guests 3 different types of building: on the street side there is an office/ retail volume, with an L shape on south and east sides. On the city side there is a commercial building, that is divided to leave the public passage through the building, which was an ancient street of Mantova in the Gonzaga reign. The building on the west side (park) is a student dwelling, and stands on sects to open the court to the park. The remaining three buildings are a Theater, a temporary accomodation and a commercial tower, juxtaposed as the buildings in the ancient greek agorĂ .

Contemporary stone design pavillion | Mantova, Italy, 2009 |

From the contemporary stone design unit, we studied the history of stone constructions, from ancient egypt to our days, and the different techniques. massive stone, thins or thick stone wall covering, etc. I designed a stone pavillion to put in a park, where two perpendicular paths meet. The pavillion is simply made of 4 walls, and every wall shows a different construcitve technique, so a different type of stone is used to best express every technique, due to its own natural characteristics. A massive wall (lessinia italian stone) A semi massive wall (granite) A light stone covering (travertine) A roman wall “a sacco� (vaals italian stone) My design project was exhibited at the marmomacc stone exhibition, in Verona in 2009. This is an international exposition about stone technology and is well known all over the wolrld.

University interior public spaces | Mantova, Italy, 2011 |

Durin this unit we were asked to renew the public spaces in the area surrounding our own university. We first made a context study, including plants and history of the site. Every ambient was treated according its own topics and need of improvement, and in particular we focused in the design of the central space, the interior courtyards of the architecture university. We came out with a very simple and effective design, made of platforms with fluid and curving shapes, connecting the accesses at different height level with smooth inclinations and ramps.

Tourette cloister Design workshop | Eveux (Lyon), France, 2009 |

(Survey and church design workshop @ st.Marie de la Tourette cloister) I took part to this workshop inside LeCorbusier’s LaTourette monastery, where for 4 days we surveyed the different volumes of the church and dorms, and started re designing the church volume. I decided to split the main church volume in two smaller ones, one on the street for services and the one on the back as a proper church. The two volumes are connected by “light volumes”, glass blocks between the two façades that provide light for both of them. this division also creates a high quality threshold access to the church, that is actually under the service volume. Due to the inclination of the terrain, the main service block entrance is on a ramp from the street, while going under the block the people can access to the church, through a colonnade that scans the space. The church has a volume into the volume, an “architecture into the architecture”: it is a 2 storwys volume with an auditorium for conferences, closed by glass bricks. Light cannons come from the garden roof to give light inside, as in LeCorbusier’s poetique. It was a great experience and a important fast team working design project. An exposition was organized about our woks and a book is now being printed on our experience.


forgotten places Public temporary art pavillion competition

Contemporary stone design exhibition marmomacc international stone exhibition verona, 2009

(mentioned) brisbane, 2010

Sustainable housing competition (1st) mantova, 2013

Public space exhibition design competition milano, 2009


Amsterdam 2009

La tourette 2008

milano 2012

politecnico di milano (mantova campus) 2006-2013

Queensland University of Technology Brisbane 2010


cycling 1200 km across ireland wild atlantic way 2014

plane/bus/car France-spain-portugal 2012

hiking norwegian fjords 2012

vespa trip giro d’italia 2011

hitch hiking new zealand 2011

roadtripping australia 2010

contact Mobile nr. : +39 333 4932182 Email:

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