When the Jungle Bunch discover their forest is in danger, they travel around
It’s a strange pink foam*!
1 Maurice the penguin-tiger and his friends are worried*… The jungle* is in danger* from a toxic pink foam*. The pink foam* explodes* on contact with water and it’s the rainy* season* in one month! danger: peligro explodes: explota, estalla foam: espuma jungle: jungla rainy: lluviosa season: estación worried: preocupados
We must find Camelia!
I can’t see her. What is that?
3 The animals go to the Far* North to find Albert’s daughter, Camelia. Maybe* she knows* how to find Albert? Far: Lejano knows: sabe Maybe: Quizá(s)
Edita Bayard Revistas, S.A. Tel.: 91 405 70 10 Internet: ww.bayardeducacion.com. C. electrónico: ilejunior@bayard-revistas.com. Teléfono Delegación en Barcelona: 93 218 24 76. Redactora: Gema Marcos. Colaboradora: Amanda Vincent. Directora de arte y coordinadora editorial: Lucía Molina.
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ISSN: 1131-5288. Depósito legal: M-27287-1991.
© I LOVE ENGLISH FOR KIDS. Bayard Presse. Directora de la Prensa Juvenil: Nathalie Becht. Redactora Jefa: Lemisse Al-Hafidh. Director de Arte: Martin Fonquernie. Secretario General de la Redacción: Julien Vonthron. Primera Secretaria de Re dacción: Mary Cummings. Primer Redactor Gráfico: Pierre Hovnanian. Directora de fotografía: Isabelle Rouvillois. Asistente de Redacción: Mariama Camara. Todas las ilustraciones “Benny” son de Yomgui D.
Imprime: Reyper y Jider. Printed in Spain.
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We are the New Zealand All Blacks.
We are doing the haka!
Hagen Hopkins/GettyAsiaPac/Getty/AFP
New Zealand is famous for its amazing scenery, talented rugby team and Maori culture.
Meet the koalas, who live and sleep in the eucalyptus trees of Australia.
Woohoo! It’s back to school time, and Kevin and Kate can’t wait!
Page 6. Game 1. You can jump really high! Game 2. a-jump, b-squirrel, c-hazelnuts, d-trampoline. Game 3. I can see sixteen hazelnuts. Game 4. Trampolining is very easy! Game 5. Are you hiding under the trampoline? Game 6. I’ve got some hazelnuts for you! Page 10. Game 1. Charles and Camilla are king and queen. Game 2. There are nineteen diamonds, five red rubies, thirteen green emeralds, sixteen blue sapphires. Game 3. Running. Game 4. Harry; William. Pages 14-15. Game 1. This is my teacher, Mrs Smith. Game 2. I’ve got seven pencils. I’ve got one pencil case. I’ve got four pens. I’ve got nine books. I’ve got two rulers. I’ve got five rubbers. Game 3. I want a blue calculator. Game 4. Do you like school? Game 5. A blue pen. A green pencil case. A red school bag. A yellow glue stick. A pink rubber. An orange pencil sharpener. Page 18. Game 1. I like to go for walks every day. Game 2. I am calm, gentle and affectionate.