December 2012
How to Make Your
TOP STORIES ON THE BLOG • How to Score a Celebrity Butt: 4 Exercises From Top Trainers • Lose Inches Instantly With The Right Clothes • Snack Your Way To Energy • 5 Ways to Ease Post-Workout Muscle Soreness
New Year’s Fitness Resolutions Stick
SCULPT A LEAN BODY By Exercising Neglected Muscles Live Rite Shake: Satisfy Your
10 Fitness Apps
Meet Miss December! She’ll help you lose the weight and keep it off!
That Will Change Your Life!
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Ability is what you’re capable of doing.
• Motivation determines what you do.
• Attitude determines how well you do it. — Lou Holtz
NewYear, NewYou!
How to Make Your New Year’s Fitness Resolutions Stick
t is officially January 1st. You wake up from your slumber, anxious and excited at the thought of a brand new year. New resolutions, new possibilities, a new you. You head off to the gym, determined that this year will be different than the rest. But as the days and months pass, you slowly lose the enthusiasm you once had. Sound familiar? This scenario has become all too familiar for most people. And while we’d all love to have our resolutions fulfilled at the drop of a hat, it takes a little more effort than that to achieve your goals. Whether it’s to lose weight, eat healthier, or just become more active, follow these steps to ensure that your fitness resolutions stick year-round. Set Realistic Goals You may have visions of dropping 50 pounds in one month, or running a marathon by spring (when your running sneakers are still in the box collecting dust,) but setting attainable goals is very important when taking on your resolutions. By breaking down lofty goals into more tangible targets, like getting 30 minutes of exercise a day or eating more fruits and veggies, you’ll increase your odds of being successful. Create a Plan If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. This is true for any health and fitness goals you have for the New Year. By starting off January with a
step by step plan of how you’ll achieve your resolutions, you’ll be more motivated and more likely to stick with them. You can create a fitness vision board on Pinterest and visit the Lucille Roberts page for inspiration! Don’t Do It Alone Studies have shown that people are more likely to stick to their fitness regimen if they have someone to support them. Personal trainers and small group classes are great options. You can also enlist in the help of a family member or friend to be your “workout buddy” and you’ll both reap the benefits. Reward Yourself With every milestone you reach in the New Year, be sure to reward yourself a little — but not with food! Whether it’s a manicure or new pair of jeans, treating yourself when you reach even the smallest goal will motivate you to continue
your fitness regimen healthy lifestyle.
Write It Out Keeping a journal of your health and fitness aspirations is the perfect tool to keep you on track. Fitness journals are available at most book stores, but a plain marble notebook will do. Take notes on the foods you’re eating, the workouts you do, inspirational quotes, etc. Writing it out will help keep you organized, as you progress toward your goals. Go digital and check out our Top 10 fitness apps. Give It Time It’s easy to get discouraged if the results you want aren’t happening as quickly as you’d like them to. Maybe you’ve hit a plateau that you just can’t seem to get past. Nothing worth having ever comes easy. Don’t give up! With a little time, patience, and perseverance you can achieve any goal!
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Work THIS, To Get THAT!
Sculpt a Lean Body By Exercising These Neglected Muscles WORk ThIS: The Latissimus Dorsi TO GeT ThAT: A Perky Butt Your lats are large back muscles that are attached to your glutes by deep tissue. By working your lats and making them stronger, you’ll help your glutes engage more effectively. Engaged glutes equal a greater calorie burn and toned buns.
WORk ThIS: The Serratus Anterior TO GeT ThAT: Amazing Abs These small muscles are located on the sides of your rib cage and frame your abdominals. When they’re strong and defined, the serratus anterior muscles highlight your abs making your entire torso look more toned and defined.
The MOve: Lat Pulldown Machine* • Seat yourself in front of the Lat Pulldown machine, feet flat on the floor and knees bent at a 90 degree angle. • Reach up and grasp the bar, hands placed wider than shoulder width apart, palms facing away from you. • Sitting up straight, pull the bar toward your chest. • Hold for a moment, and then slowly ease the bar back to the starting position. • Do 3 sets of 12 reps.
The MOve: Weighted Punches* • Start by lying on your back. • With a 5-10 pound dumbbell in each hand, straighten both your arms up toward the ceiling, opening your chest wide. • Keeping your elbow and wrist straight, “punch up” with your right arm as if you were trying to push out your upper arm bone from your armpit, lifting just your right shoulder blade off the floor or bench underneath you. • Alternate punching with both arms. • Do 3 sets of 12 reps.
WORk ThIS: The Posterior Deltoid TO GeT ThAT: Sculpted Arms Otherwise known as the “rear delt,” the posterior deltoid is located at the back of your shoulder, right above your triceps. Because these two muscles are side-by-side, working the rear delts will define the separation between the triceps and make both muscles look more toned.
WORk ThIS: The Tibialis Anterior TO GeT ThAT: Toned Legs Most commonly known as your shin, we’re guessing the tibialis anterior rarely gets love during your regular gym sessions. But by working out these muscles at the front of your leg, you’ll create that line of definition that people crave for tight and toned legs. Added bonus? A strong tibialis anterior is great for preventing shin splints and ankle rolling.
The MOve: Reverse Fly* • With a dumbbell in each hand, stand with feet hip distance apart, knees slightly bent. • Lean forward at your hips until your torso is about 45 degrees to the ground. Don’t arch or round your lower back. • Keeping a slight bend in your elbows, squeeze your shoulder blades together and raise your arms out to the sides until they are parallel to the floor. • Slowly lower back down and repeat. • Do 3 sets of 10 reps.
The MOve: Resistance Band Pull* • Tie one end of a resistance band to a sturdy object near the floor; tie the other end around your right foot near the toes. • Sit facing the object, far enough away so the band is taut, and repeatedly point and flex your toes. • After a minute, switch feet and repeat the exercise. • Do as many sets as desired.
* Check out this article on our blog for instructional photos!
Candy Cane Kick off the Holiday Season with a healthy peppermint treat!
1 scoop vanilla Live Rite protein 3 drops of peppermint extract 6oz skim milk 1⁄ a crushed candy cane 2
Garnish with an extra chopped candycane for a delightful treat!
BLEND & ENJOY! • Recipe by Ilise Reilly •
Find more GREAT recipes on our Tumblr
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