Lucille Roberts Newsletter | November 2013

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November 2013

5 HEALTHY Eating Tips For Thanksgiving!

10 Ways To

Shake Up Your Fall Fitness Routine Meet Miss November

Ilise R. find out her secrets to making healthy and extremely tasty food on our blog! Join The Lucille Roberts Community:


Weight Loss Smoothie of the Month Pumpkin Praline Tasty On Your Lips And Won’t Go To Your Hips

Get Naturally Glowing Skin With These 5 Steps

WIN Lululemon Forme Jacket and 2 months FREE just for showing some online love! Find out HOW!

Healthy Eating Tips For

5 Thanksgiving Thanksgiving is a holiday filled with food, food, and more food. On average, one plate of Thanksgiving classics contains anywhere from 1,600-3,000 calories— that's over most people's recommended daily allowance! But we’ve got you covered. Here are 5 ways you can still enjoy a great meal that took so long to make without falling off the healthy wagon:


Don’t skip breakfast. Starting out your day with a healthy breakfast is a good idea for any day. If you end up missing the first meal of the day it will slow down your metabolism. This will cause your body to store more calories later, and you may end up gorging at dinner because you're extra hungry. Don’t be that hungry, grumpy person!


Give your plate a healthy makeover. Sure, your plate may have some healthy items like sweet potatoes or turkey, but vegetables are usually scarce at most Thanksgiving dinners. Make sure you throw in a salad or side dish of green beans and brussels sprouts to bal-

ance your plate and add some much needed nutrients to your meal.


Socialize at the table. As good as your food may look, you can still lift your head up from your plate to have a conversation with others at the table. Talking will encourage you to slow down and not overeat. Also make sure you chew your food thoroughly. Turns out that the more you chew your food, the better your body will digest it.


Practice portion control. Thanksgiving plates usually resemble Mount Everest – people just pile it on. Give yourself reasonable portions so you

don’t start out stuffing your face. Start your meal with protein and vegetables and use a smaller plate. That way you’ll be almost full when you get to the carbs and sweets.


If you’re full, save dessert for later. After eating such a big meal, you’ll for sure feel full. As good as that huge table full of desserts looks, giving yourself some time to rest after dinner is a good idea. Save dessert for later in the night or make up a plate to enjoy the next day. Have a happy and healthy Thanksgiving! Make sure to follow us on Twitter @lucilleroberts for more great tips for dining during the holidays!

Get Naturally Glowing Skin Who doesn’t love flawless skin? When your skin glows, you look and feel happier and more beautiful. But radiant skin does not happen overnight – it takes work and time. Here are 5 steps to get gorgeous glowing skin: Exfoliate Most of us know that exfoliating your skin is important, but to achieve glowing skin, it is a must. Try exfoliators that contain alpha hydroxy acids like glycolic acid.

counter the damaging effects of the sun, reduce wrinkles and improve skin tone. Eat fruits and vegetables that contain antioxidants as well, so you get them internally and externally.

Detox Your Body There’s a saying that the outside of your body reflects what's going on inside and it’s 100% true. Skin conditions develop when the skin can't do its job of eliminating toxins efficiently, which happens because the other eliminative organs are overloaded as well. To take a load off your system you can drink warm lemon water, cut out sugar and alcohol, eat more fruits and veggies, and limit salty snacks.

Try Coconut Oil Virgin coconut oil has the ability to restore and rejuvenate damaged skin. It heals, repairs, and leaves your skin radiant. Coconut oil can also even out your skin tone, giving it a more healthy-looking texture and a subtle glow.

Eat And Apply Antioxidants Antioxidants help fight free radicals and protect the skin from environmental damage. They can

Use Radiance Boosting Makeup Many celebrities use illuminating cream under their makeup for a “lit from within” look. Bronzers are also excellent for creating a healthy glow. Choose an illuminating shade rather than a matte one and apply where the sun would naturally hit your face: forehead, nose and cheeks.

10 Ways To Shake Up Your Fall Fitness Routine Take Advantage of the Weather Fall can be a treat for the senses: the crisp air, apple picking, pumpkin carving, a gorgeous canopy of fall foliage, and the crunch of leaves underfoot. These months are a great time to exercise outdoors and enjoy cooler temperatures, so go for a run, jog, walk, or hike!


Remember The 30-Day Rule It takes about four weeks for the body to adapt to lifestyle changes. That’s why people tend to give up their fitness routines in the first 30 days. Don’t let that happen to you! When your alarm goes off in the morning, don't roll over and hit the snooze button.


Think Outside The Box Have you been meaning to try something, but keep finding an excuse not to? Fall is a great time to learn something new. Find something that interests you so you can master it!

Strive For The 3 Cs Commitment, convenience, and consistency are what will lead you to have a successful fitness routine.



Deal With Darkness The best way to enjoy fall is to exercise outdoors. Yes, it does get darker earlier during this season so be smart and safe when exercising at night.


Be An Active TV Watcher Many fall TV shows have started so your nights may be filled, but that doesn’t mean you have to be a couch potato. While you watch, you can walk or run in place, do standing lunges, do tricep dips off the couch, or lift weights.


Dress In Layers When you’re exercising outside, don’t forget to layer up! Before your body warms up, you may feel chilly, but once the blood gets pumping, you'll feel overdressed. Layers will help you adapt to your body’s new temperature so you don’t get sick. Also remember to put your layers back on after your routine. You may feel hot, but you can’t forget that the weather is chilly outside.


Integrate Exercise Into Your Life Autumn is the season to be outside. The weather is cool and crisp so why not spend some more time outdoors by parking farther away from your destination or taking a walk on your lunch break?


Rejuvenate Yourself Fall is a great time to rejuvenate your body, mind and spirit. Treat yourself to a massage after your run or learn to meditate. Choose something that will relax your body rather than add more stress.



1⁄ cup canned pumpkin 4

2 tbs crushed pralines 1 scoop vanilla Live Rite 6 oz vanilla almond milk Dash of pumpkin pie spice Dash of cinnamon

Lucille Roberts Cheerleader you can earn points every time you share our blog posts with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Myspace. Want to earn more points? Sign your friends up to be cheerleaders! The bIGGeR the squad, the LouDeR the noise!

Top 3 Cheerleaders at the end of October will win:

1st plaCe Lululemon Forme Jacket + 2 months free! 2nd plaCe $50 to Sephora + 2 months free! 3rd plaCe Slow Cooker

+ 2 months free! We’ll also be sending out a SpeCiaL emaiL to all of our cheerleaders about neW prizes you can be entered to Win including Free months, Free personal training and amazing gift bags!

Find Your Motivation Finding what will make you more prone to exercise is important. Create a goal every week and challenge yourself to do better!



• Recipe by Ilise Reilly •

Pumpkin Praline

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ENJOY! Stop by the front desk to start “Shaking Up” your weight loss!


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