Belize Times February 7, 2016

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The Belize Times

Established 1957

7 FEBRUARY 2016 | ISSUE NO: 4979

The Truth Shall Make You Free | $1.00

“We Will Unite”

New PUP Leader Hon. John Briceño sounds the battle cry

Belizeans suffer under Barrow

Pg. 4

PUP: READY TO WIN Pg. 12 & 13

Pg. 7

Pg. 4

Hon. John Briceno flanked by Henry Usher and Hon. Abelardo Mai, celebrates convention victory

Faber ready Moody’s Predicts to fire 1,300 Collapse of Credit Card Services Teachers Pg. 8

Pg. 6


Pg. 18

Elrindo “Jun” Matura Jr.

Rene Antonio Acevedo


Pg. 23

Pg. 9


0 22 OUT


PUP Mayor Kevin Bernard: “it’s time to unite” Dear Editor,

At 10:15pm Sunday night John Briceño was officially returned as the new Leader of the People’s United Party. To share a hard-fought victory with his was his entire slate - new Chairman Henry Charles Usher, new Deputy Leader for the South Rodwell Ferguson, new Deputy Leader for the North Jose Abelardo Mai and new Communications Director Anthony Mahler. It was a good victory for these generals of the People’s United Party, but it was a GREAT victory for the many thousands of our supporters countrywide. Hon. Julius Espat stated last night that this process to select a leader, with voting from almost 3000 delegates, is a historic one...the first for any Party in Belize. The people have spoken... loudly. Now it’s time to put differences aside and to support the PEOPLE’S CHAMPION. I call on all Area Representatives and Standard Bearers to heed the call for unity, a call that has been sent out loud and clear. We are one family, and like any family we have our differences. But when faced with an enemy and threat real families form a cohesive and unbreakable bond. Our people and country are threatened by the United Democratic Party. It is time for us all to recognize the REAL enemy and to join together as one. Our Parliamentarians in the House of Representatives must rally behind the new leader of the People’s United Party. Not for his sake, but because the people demand it. And first and foremost we are to be the servants of the peo-


Congrats to New PUP Leader


Dear Editor, Dion Leslie

Big congratulations to Hon. John Briceño and his team elected to serve the PUP stronghold during this tenure. I know they will do a good job, and a big thanks to Hon Francis Fonseca also for guiding the Party when all thought that our Party was doomed. The rebuilding process starts now and anyone who says they support PUP need to chip in any way. Listening to Marshall and G. Mike on the air about a membership drive is an excellent idea. Party supporters can pay at least $10.00 a year for support. Another idea is for the Party to host an Annual Ball, catering to about 500 plus guests with a special guest speaker. If one charges $100.00 per person one would raise about $50,000.00 or more. This would help in running the expense of the Party especially the media outlets and Independence Hall. But I know Hon John. and his team will find away.

Belize City, February 4, 2016 Is Belize City Councillor Dion Leslie the Cycling Federation President or Emperor? It appears Leslie crowned himself king and ruler of all his subjects. As king he can order them to shut

Adelante PUP. Signed, Hakeem Bush

Kaya Cattouse

up and what to say when they speak. Or so he thinks. The BELIZE TIMES has obContinued on page 23


The Belize Times

Established 1957

ple. We are to do their will. As Mayor of Orange Walk and a proud PUP, I salute my brothers Francis Fonseca and Cordel Hyde, and all their many supporters who fought long and hard for them. The campaign to leadership was passionate, brutal and unceasing. We must now turn all that passion and force and mount an unceasing campaign against the real enemy, the UDP. I thought the PUP was taking its last breaths. Instead, on Sunday, I saw that the Party is strong and vibrant and powerful. I am proud of my PUP family which flooded Bel-

mopan - one family united. I BELIEVE IN THE PUP. I believe that we can shrug off the adversities of the past and march straight to Belmopan. We have been given new life, a new opportunity. Let us do the right thing. The bitterness ends now. The anger and attacks must end now. The people have spoken. We now move to rebuild our proud PUP. Long live the People’s United Party. Que Viva el Partido Unido del Pueblo. Signed: Mayor Kevin Bernard Orange Walk Town Council

7 Feb

14 APR 2013


ISSUE NO: 4840

The Truth Shall Make You Free



serving Belize since 1957 as the longest continuous newspaper. Founder: Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus EDITOR


Chris Williams


Roberto Peyrefitte Printed and Published By TIMES NEWSPAPER LTD.



Cycling President tries to muzzle well-known female cyclist





8 Feb

269 Mar Feb

Tel: 671-8385 #3 Queen Street P.O. BOX 506 Belize City, Belize

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Exchange rate of One Belize Dollar

United States (USD): $ 0.50

Barbados (BBD): $ 1.00

Eastern Caribbean Euro (XCD):$ 1.35 (EUR) : $ 0.47

Sterling Pound Guatemala Quetzal CANADIAN DOLLAR (GBP): $ 0.34 (GTQ): $ 3.82 (CAD): $ 0.64


Trinidadian (TTD) : $ 3.19





03 3

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“We Will Unite” New PUP Leader Hon. John Briceño sounds the battle cry

Independence Hall, Belize City, February 7, 2016 Newly-elected People’s United Party Leader Hon. John Briceño called for unity and a re-commitment to the Party’s social justice values and philosophy rooted in service to the people, as he addressed supporters at the swearing-in of the newly-elected members of the National Executive held at Independence Hall, the Party’s Headquarters on Queen Street on Wednesday, three days after convincingly wining a spirited convention to decide who will be the next leader. “I am promising the Party members and this nation that the People’s United Party is united. It’s strong and it is ready to take over the Government. We need a government that has ability, has experience, has a vision for Belize, and that can only happen with a government of the People’s United Party. And there is hope to believe in the P.U.P., to believe in Belize and God willing we are going to form the next government of Belize,” declared the Party leader.

PUP Leader Hon. John Briceno addressing supporters

The PUP is on the right track, to the grave disappointment of the critics and the cynics. Flanking the leader at the event were former PUP leader Hon. Francis Fonseca and Deputy Leader from the West, Hon. Julius Espat, two giants in the PUP. Their presence on Wednesday signalled support for Hon. Briceño and it is clear that with the convention being over, divisions have been put aside and the Party will move forward. Not present for the occasion was Lake Independence PUP Area Representative Hon. Cordel Hyde, who had thrown his hat into the leadership race, but as explained by Hon. Briceño the event was to officially swear in

the newly elected members of the Executive. Hon. Hyde is not yet a member of the Executive and he and the PUP leader are in talks about the role and responsibilities he can undertake to help to rebuild the Party and ensure victory. Hon. Briceño also indicated that he is holding discussions with former Prime Minister and former Party Leader Rt. Hon. Said Musa. Sworn in at Wednesday’s event were Hon. Rodwell Ferguson, Deputy

2016 Party Leader (South); Hon. Julius Espat, Deputy Leader (West); Hon. Kareem Musa, Deputy Leader (East); Hon. Jose Abelardo Mai, Deputy Leader (North); Victor Espat, National Campaign Manager; Anthony Mahler, National Communications Director; Ramon Cervantes, Treasurer and Henry Charles Usher, Chairman. Samuel Waight, the Chairman of the Order of Distinguished Services (ODS) who sits on the Party’s National Executive and who is also a former PUP Parliamentarian, did the honours. They will join the existing members of the National Executive including the leaders of the Party Units: United Women’s Group, Marshalls and the Belize Youth Movement. A new Secretary General will be appointed to carry out the fundamentally important work of the Party. In his address to supporters, reelected Chairman Henry Usher admitContinued on page 8

Belmopan Mayor threatens to leave 30 families homeless

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5 05



Barrow fails!

rime Minister Dean Barrow had no good news to share with the Belizean public and in particular the business community, about his recent mission to the United States to discuss with officials of the Obama Administration ways of mitigating the correspondent banking crisis crippling Belize. Barrow’s mission was a total failure and the best he got from Uncle Sam were supposed “assurances” that there is “nothing wrong with the Belize jurisdiction”. The Prime Minister was running in circles as he tried to convince the media that the U.S. banks’ de-risking of Belize’s banks is some kind of mistake. While he did mesmerize some of the news reporters with his half-cooked excuses, the Belizean public and business community are not fools. It is not true that there is “nothing wrong with the Belize jurisdiction”. Barrow needed to check with the U.S. State Department who are the ones who sign off on the annual International Narcotics Control Strategy Report (INCSR). President Barrack Obama

reviews the reports and approves the designation of countries based on how grave their situations are. In the case of Belize, in the last report released in 2015, the country was classified as a “Major Illicit Drug Producing, Major Drug-Transit, Major Money Laundering” jurisdiction. The INCSR classification for Belize is the real reason why our banks are being de-risked. The U.S. banks fear to do business with Belize, until the mess and corruption is cleaned up. This won’t happen under the UDP. While Prime Minister and a delegation that included the highly-paid political/economic advisor Mark Espat travelled to Washington with no success, Opposition Leader Hon. John Briceño has offered the most rational proposal to tackle the situation. Hon. Briceño proposed this week that Belize should take the issue before CARICOM, in order for the issue to be tackled as a region, instead of just individual countries. It’s an idea that the Government should pursue. We also believe the Government should reach out to the Opposition for support on this issue. But we won’t hold our breaths.

PUP Leader Hon. John Briceno’s Message to Belizeans! I want to thank the supporters of our People’s United Party for the opportunity to serve as their leader. I promise to continue to work hard everyday for our Party and our Country. I especially thank all those who offered themselves as candidates to serve on our Party’s National Executive and look forward to working closely with everyone as we revitalize our Party. Sunday’s convention was in itself a victory for our beloved PUP and marks the start of our campaign to energize the PUP and renew our commitment to the aims and objectives of our Party. I invite everyone to join us as we move forward, confident that together we can do great things. The People’s United Party has and always will be

about the betterment of our nation and about service to others. Join me and together let us work in the spirit of our creed sharing the responsibility to build a Belize that works for everyone, where opportunity, fairness and justice can prevail over selfishness and injustice. I truly believe that the PUP is the best hope for Belize. Muchas gracias por el apoyo y la confianza que depositaron en mi equipo. No los vamos a defraudar. ¡Les invito a unirse a la gran campaña de trabajo que iniciaremos para hacer del PUP un partido que empiece a ganar! So I invite you all to join us, COME HOME! BELIEVE AGAIN! And let’s get to work. Thank you.

06 6


Faber ready to fire 1,300 Teachers

Belize City, February 3, 2016 Minister of Education Patrick Faber has announced one of the Barrow Administration’s retrenchment plans for 1,300 Belizeans. Faber declared that as of March 15th, teachers who have not met the full requirements to obtain a full teacher’s license will no longer have jobs at the Ministry. The announcement done at a press briefing on Wednesday, February 3, 2016 took teachers, principals and school administrations by total surprise. There has been no prior announcement of an ultimate deadline for teachers to comply with the requirements for their full licenses. The understanding among education stakeholders is that teachers will be given sufficient time to meet the criteria. Many have done so while others are in the process of being in compliance. Tertiary education is not affordable in Belize under this Government, and incentives offered by the Ministry

Patrick Faber are politically-not available to all. Prior to Wednesday’s press briefing, neither teachers nor principals had any idea that Faber would announce such a decision. Clearly, it is a political decision taken by Cabinet which met on Tuesday this week, in the face of the financial crisis and economic meltdown the country is in.

The Barrow Administration has steered the country into depression. All the industries are struggling, and Government’s revenues, pumped up before last year’s elections by Petrocaribe loans and oil exports, are now scraping the bottom of the barrel. The Government has been told by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) that its public service wage bill is too high and unsustainable. The IMF has recommended retrenchment and higher taxes, and now the UDP will begin to follow their advice. At the start of 2016, the Government increases its taxes on fuel. The UDP Government will attempt to disguise its retrenchment plans. It is shameful and disgraceful to threaten 1,300 teachers with retrenchment, at a time when our education system needs all hands on deck to rescue our children from rising social and academic degradation. Faber is doing the bidding of his boss, Prime Minister Dean Barrow, but


2016 they should have learnt the lessons from their still recent history. Or do they think Belizeans have forgotten the 850 Belizeans retrenched by then PM Manuel Esquivel before Christmas 1995. We haven’t forgotten.

Police investigate Belize City shooting Belize City, February 7, 2016 On Wednesday the 3rd day of February 2016 about 7:12 p.m., police visited the KHMH where they saw 26-year-old Benua Andrews of Belize City suffering from two gunshot injuries to chest. Also seen was 26-year-old Tyron Myers also of a Belize City address suffering from gunshot injury to the left knee, right thigh and left elbow. Initial investigation reveals that on Wednesday, the 3rd day of February about 6:48 p.m., both Andrews and Myers were standing at the corner of Marigold Lane and Jasmine Street when male person approached and fired several shots at them causing their injuries. They are presently listed as stable.



07 7


Belizeans suffer under Barrow Contributed Do you know how much Petrocaribe money is left? Let me tell you. Out of more than $350M borrowed in the past three years, $15M or even less is left. Do you know how much G.O.B. repays in debt every year? Let me tell you. G.O.B. has to find more than $100M every year to pay back for money it borrowed and spent. It is plain to see that the Barrow Government had an agreement all along with Fortis just before elections? Let me tell you. The people of Belize had to pay Fortis more than $60M for Dean Barrow’s wrong-headed appropriation of that company. Plus he had to give Fortis back 1/3 of B.E.L control. Do you know about the UDP Government’s secret agreement with Lord Ashcroft just before elections? Let me tell you. The people of Belize

Dean Barrow had to pay Lord Ashcroft more than $160M for Dean Barrow’s illegal appropriation of that company. PLUS… Dean Barrow had to agree to pay Lord Ashcroft back an additional amount based on the share value of B.T.L., to be determined by an arbitration panel. That decision is due any day

now, and attorneys say it could be as much as an addition $200M. We need to educate ourselves about these things because Dean Barrow isn’t paying any of this money out of his own pockets. His mansion is safe, his fortunes intact. When Dean Barrow leaves politics he will still be a multi-millionaire. When Dean Barrow leaves politics every member of his family will be a multi-millionaire. This man has a Friends & Family Plan which rivals anything any phone company could ever come up with. Long after Dean Barrow has departed to spend the rest of his days on the beach of St. Tropez, or in Paris, dining in fancy restaurants and living the lifestyle of the rich and famous, we will be paying the debts left behind. We will pay. Our children will pay. Their children will pay. But Dean Barrow and his children and their children will be RICH. WE NEED TO WAKE UP. WE NEED TO LOOK AROUND. WE NEED TO TAKE STOCK. None of us has any control over how, or why or where any of this money was spent. None of us had any control over the decisions that

were made. None of us has been made privy to the secret agreements and sweetheart deals. But we will pay for every cent that has been spent, millions and millions and millions of times over for many years to come. Do you know why Mr. Barrow doesn’t seem concerned about Petrocaribe? Do you know why he doesn’t seem concerned about the crippling debt under which we are being buried? Do you know why Mr. Barrow doesn’t care about the loss of correspondent bank relationships or the way Belize is constantly being humiliated on the regional and international scene? Well, see, he won’t be around to suffer with the rest of us. With the wealth he has amassed Mr. Barrow can go anywhere he wants whenever he wants. How many of us can say the same thing? We must take control of our fate. The sky is not falling but the dark storm clouds are covering the horizon. But the winds of change are blowing. There is a new leader of the P.U.P. in Hon. John Briceño. There is hope. But we must recognize how far we have fallen under the U.D.P. Mr. Barrow’s fancy words cannot save us. We are further up that proverbial creek than ever before.

For Sale By Order of the Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Mortgage made the 28 th day of December, 2013, between BEVERLY BRENDALEE PEREZ of #6 Arizona Road, Ladyville Village, Belize District, Belize of the one part, and Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., of the other part, and recorded at the Land Titles Unit as Instrument LTU201400092, the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the schedule hereto. All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. SCHEDULE ALL THAT freehold interest in all lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Laydville, Belize District being a portion of Grant No. 88 of 1952 and which said lot is numbered 6 as shown on the said Subdivision Plan dated 27th June, 1993 made by H.D. Flowers, Licensed Surveyor and recorded at the Lands Registry in Belmopan in Entry No. 565 Reg. No. 2 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. DATED this 3rd day of February, 2016. MUSA & BALDERAMOS LLP 91 North Front Street Belize City Attorneys-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.

08 8


Moody’s Predicts Collapse of Credit Card Services Belize City, February 3, 2016 The crisis in correspondent banking services in Belize will intensify and could almost cause the collapse of credit card services in the country, according a report issued to investors by Moody’s Credit Rating Service on Tuesday, February 2nd. Belize began losing correspondent banking ties with major United States banks such as Bank of America in mid-2015 as U.S. banks, under pressure from the Obama Administration which imposes heavy fines on banks who are linked to money laundering and terrorism, carried out a “purging” of overseas bank clients. According to Moody’s, U.S. banks see Belize as a huge risk.

“We Will Unite”

New PUP Leader Hon. John Briceño sounds the battle cry Continued from 4 ted that the work of rebuilding the Party will have its challenges but he emphasized that the common bond among all the leaders must be fealty to the leader. “We must remain loyal to the leader,” he exclaimed. Hon. Briceño declared that unity is being demanded by supporters, who have gotten enough of the discord that has affected the Party, causing losses in three general elections since 2008. “…everywhere we went, in every village and in every community, town or city, we heard the same cry, we need to unite,” he shared with supporters. The PUP leader also said that the Party will turn to supporters to provide financial support to the blue machine. “We have 67,000 people that voted for us. They all have a stake. We have thousands more out there that want to see a P.U.P. government and it is going to be a concerted effort from all of us to be able to fund this Party in order for it to be a fighting ship,” he said. Hon. Briceño confirmed that he has the support of the elected PUP Parliamentarians to be appointed as the next Opposition Leader. There is renewed hope and energy flowing through the veins of the Party following the election of Hon. John Briceño. The PUP is on the rise and on its way to victory.

“Although domestic banks appear to be in full compliance with FATCA and international banking standards, large banks with US dollar operations face heavy fines under the Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorist Financing (CTF) initiatives if they are found to be involved in transactions deemed illicit. Their risk/return analysis is stacked heavily against doing business in Belize given the threat of large fines by US regulators,” explained the report. Moody’s indicated that the effects

will be far-reaching and long term. “…80% of Belize’s banking system is likely to lose correspondent and credit card settlement services by mid-year 2016,” the report cited. Local banks have rushed to establish correspondent banking services with other international banks, in an attempt to maintain services involving US dollar transactions such as wire transfers, bank drafts and letters of credit. Atlantic Bank recently established correspondent banking rela-


2016 tions with Bancredito International Bank of Puerto Rico, but has had to limit U.S. transaction services for customers. Meanwhile the Belize Bank has established correspondent banking relations with Commerzbank of Frankfurt, Germany. Moody’s also warned that the crisis may force the informal-sector (cash transactions) to expand, which could affect the Government revenue collection since they collect taxes international transactions. Moody’s report confirms that the crisis is far from over, and Belizeans, with all the difficulties ahead involving the weak economy, staggering industries, high debt payments, rising cost of living and a clueless Government, will have find a way to survive.




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Jaguars are male & female volleyball champs Orange Walk Town, January 31, 2015 The Lady Jaguars won 2-0 over long-time rivals Moen Stars to win the 2016 the national female volleyball championship finals at the Orange Walk Multipurpose Complex over the weekend. The Lady Jaguars’s Shantel Arnold, Tichele Solis, Zaire Garbutt, Maurissa Williams and Kayde Vaughn scored kills on plays set by Tanesha Encalada and libero Tisha Solis to win 25-13, 2725. The Belmopan girls placed

3rd after winning the Orange Walk Servivors 25-17, 25-8. Meanwhile, the Jaguars male team won 2-1 over the hosts, the Orange Walk Bad to win the 2016 national male volleyball championship finals. The Jaguars won 25-20, 2125 and 15-6 against the Orange Walk Bad News. In 3rd place, Toledo King Scorpions defeated Belmopan Blingz: 20-25, 25-23 and 15-10. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners received team trophies and individual medals in the closing ceremonies after the finals.

City Boys

win 2016 U-15 football champs

Jaguars Male team

Jaguars Female team

SCA girls & Wesley College boys lead football playoffs

City Boys are champs Belize City, January 31, 2015 The City Boys won the 2016 Belize District Football Association’s (BDFA) Under-15 football championship finals: 3-2 in a penalty shootout against the Hattieville River Side Boys. In regulation time, the game ended 2-2 and 3-3 in overtime at the MCC Garden on Sunday. City Boys’ Akeem “Bib” Sutherland scored the 1st goal and Kyle Samuels scored a penalty for City Boys to lead: 2-0 at the half. Hattieville’s Mario Rivera scored after the break, and Michael Robinson scored Hattieville’s 2nd goal to tie 2-2 at the end of regulation. In overtime, City Boys’ Kyle Samuels scored first to lead 3-2, but Hattieville’s Jadon “Chites” McGregor equalized 3-3, sending the game into penalties.

Hattieville River Side boys

SCA girls In the penalty shootout, City Boys’ Richard Hines, Jalen Babb and Shadrick Lord scored, while only Michael Robinson and Jermaine Garnett scored for Hattieville. City Boys’ star goalie Shawn Gilharry stopped 2 shots and Hattieville’s 5th kicker hit the crossbar for the City Boys to win the shootout: 3-2. In 3rd place, the SMART Brown Bombers won 3-1 against Face of Belize with goals by Claishaun Lewis, Tyreek “Pippin” Muschamp and Christian Gladden, after Ajani Vaughn had scored first for Face of Belize. Individual Awards: Best Goalkeeper – Shawn Gilharry Best Defender – Shadrick Lord Best midfielder – Mario Galindo Best Strikers: Kenny Linarez, Jason Macgregor & Tyreek Muschamp Most Valuable Player award: Kenny Linarez

Belize City, January 30, 2015 The undefeated St. Catherine Academy girls and Wesley College boys are leading the Central Division high school football competition into the playoffs. The SCA girls have 4 wins, while the Wesley boys have 7 wins as they entered the playoffs. SCA won over the Wesley College girls on Monday afternoon, with goals by Kelsie Moss, Wareyni Gillett and Renisha Martinez. The Wesley College boys entered the playoffs, defeating the Ladyville Technical High School boys on Monday with goals by Nathan Oliva and Kermit Sutherland, while only Kenroy Allen scored for Ladyville. The Gwen Lizarraga High School girls drew 0-0 with the Ladyville

Technical High School on Tuesday afternoon. The competition continues with semifinals on Thursday and Friday, February 4-5.

Other matches: St. John’s College vs. Anglican Cathedral College - 3-2 Goals by Carlos Guerra (2), Erick Rodriguez, Christian Ancona, Darrell Flowers Wesley boys vs. Ladyville Tech - 5-0 Goals by Kenyon Lewis (2), Shemar Thompson, Jalen Babb, Alfredo Franco (autogoal) Wesley vs. A.C.C. – 2-1 Goals by Kenyon Lewis, Devon Davis, Christian Ancona Ladyville Tech vs. Belize High School – 9-0 Goals by Deidron Baptist (3), David “Hondo” Solórzano (2), Eric Gomez, Elan White, Lashon Wade, Kenroy Allen ACC vs. SJC - 0-0

Wesley boys





Vibes Alive, Orange Walk Central Stars, ITVET & Carmelita Ruffians win in U-15 & U-19 football Orange Walk Town, January 30, 2015 Vibes Alive and the Orange Walk Central “B’ Stars won in the under-15 competition, and the Orange Walk ITVET FC and the Carmelita Ruffians won in the Under-19 football tournament started by the Orange Walk Town Council Sports Committee at the Orange Walk Technical High School field on Saturday afternoon. Results: Vibes Alive vs. 2-0 Goals by Joan Bull, Edgar Calderon Orange Walk Central “A” Stars vs. Trial Farm Jaguars – 1-1 Goals by Luis Lara scored and Jesse “Beast” August Orange Walk Central “B” Stars vs. White Eagles - 2-1 Goals by Henry Cordero, Freddy Lopez, Brandon Amaya Orange Walk ITVET FC vs. Tower Hill Rising Stars - 3-0 Goals by Wilber Aban, Ian Torres, Andres Muy Carmelita Ruffians vs. Blackwater United – 1-0 Goal by Kevin Rhaburn

Gian Mai vs Henry Cordero

Weekend Warriors’ Crooked Tree race Belize City, January 31, 2015 Team F.T. Williams’ Isaiah Willacey won the Weekend Warriors Cycling Club’s Crooked Tree to Belize City race on the Philip Goldson and George Price Highways on Sunday morning, while Team SMART’s Ryan Willoughby won the B Division race, and Team Stationery House’s Ingmar Perera won the C Division race from the Sand Hill junction on the Philip Goldson Highway. All riders came via the Burrell Boom-Hattieville bypass road on to the George Price highway to finish at Leslie’s Imports. The next Weekend Warriors’s event will be individual time trials on the Burrell Boom Bypass Road on Sunday morning, February 7. A Division race 1st Isaiah Willacey – Team F.T. Williams - 2:05:18 2nd Gilroy Robinson – Team Santino’s 3rd Orson Butler – Team Bel-Cal 4th Fitzgerald “Palas” Joseph – Team Lampaz 2:11:31 5th Robert Mariano – Team DigiCell 4G 6th Kent “Bob” Gabourel – Team Kulture Megabytes 7th Daniel Cano – Team Santino’s 8th Colin Maheia – Team F.T. Williams - 2:12:03 9th Dave Yearwood - Team Lampaz 10th Preston Martinez – Team Kulture Megabytes B Division race 1st Ryan Willoughby – Team SMART - 2:16.23 2nd Santino “Chief” Castillo – Team Santino’s 3rd Clarence Tesecum – Team F.T.Williams 4th Damien Gough - Team Scotiabank 5th Albert Conorquie - Team Sugar City United 6th Manuel Esquiliano - Truckers Posse 7th Steven Robinson – Team Caribbean Tires 8th Mike Phillips - Team Lampaz 9th John Burns – Team DigiCell 4G 10th Eustace Ireland C Division race 1st Ingmar Perera – Team Stationery House -1:46:00 2nd Alejandro Moralez – Team Caribbean Tires 3rd Maynard Bood - Team DigiCell 4G 4th Steve Gill – Team SMART 5th Alphonso Morales – Team Caribbean Tires 6th Enrique Morales - Team Caribbean Tires 7th Savinus Flores – Team Sugar City United 8th Valentine Sosa - Truckers Posse 9th Michael Wagner – 10th David Madrid – Team Sugar City United.

Omar Delgado vs Shamir Basto

St. John's Anglican & St Martin's girls lead primary schools basketball

Top 5 winners - A Division

St. Martins’ Shantell Flowers scored 13pts

Holy Redeemer & Wesley Upper boys win in primary schools basketball Top 5 winners - B Division

Top 5 winners - C Division

BES’ Eric Williams scored 5pts

34 12






18 JAN



PUP delegates elect Hon. John Briceno as new Leader in historic convention

Hon. John Briceno flanked by Henry Usher and Hon. Abelardo Mai, celebrates convention victory

Hon. John Briceno and former Party Leader Hon. Francis Fonseca share a moment to converse during Sunday’s race

Chairman candidates Henry Usher & Oscar Requena

Hon. John Briceno and Hon. Kareem Musa greet Hon. Cordel Hyde during convention

Over 2,700 delegates braved the heat and long lines to exercise their democratic right and decide the future of the PUP










BSI/ASR Crop Review - Week 7


Pursuant to Section 102 (4) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2000, notice is hereby given that CRYSTAL PARADISE TRADING LIMITED:

(January 18, 2016 to January 24, 2016) Cane milled in Week 8 - 50,894 tons Total cane milled since start of 2015/2016 crop: 346,284 tons Total cane milled in the same period in 2014/2015 crop: 416,750 tons Difference in this year’s crop: -70,466 tons Sugar produced in Week 8 – 4,877 tons Total sugar produced since start of 2015/2016 crop: 30,576 tons Total sugar produced in the same period in 2014/2015 crop: 49,670 tons Grinding rate in Week 8 – 7,271 tons of cane per day Average grinding rate since start of 2015/2016 crop – 6,184 tons of cane per day Grinding rate in the same period of 2014/2015 crop – 7,442 tons of cane per day Juice purity in Week 8 – 84.63% Average juice purity since start of 2015/2016 crop – 83.71% Juice purity in same period of 2014/2015 crop – 88.12% Tons Cane per Ton Sugar (TC/TS) in Week 8 – 10.44:1 Average TC/TS since start of 2015/2016 crop – 11.33:1 TC/TS for same period in 2014/2015 crop – 8.39:1 Sugar level in cane in Week 8 – 96.33% Average sugar level since start of 2015/2016 crop – 95.22 % Sugar level in the same period in 2014/2015 crop – 95.27% Factory Time efficiency in Week 8 – 99.41% Factory efficiency since the start of 2015/2016 crop – 93.43% Factory efficiency in the same period in 2014/2015 crop – 97.42% BSI Comments - Factory performance was very good with 50,894 metric tons milled for the week. - Sugar in cane is improving resulting in a similar improvement in the TC/TS ratio. - Mud in cane is now within the acceptable limit. - Farmers, minimize kill to mill time to ensure the delivery of fresh cane to mill. Data compiled from Daily and Weekly Factory Reports prepared by BSI.

a) is in dissolution b) commenced dissolution on the 1st day of February, 2016; and c) Photis Photiou whose address is 6 Kolokotroni Street, 1st Floor, Nicosia 1101, Cyprus is the Liquidator of the Company.

Cititrust International Limited Registered Agent

AMEDEUS HOLDINGS LIMITED #84,273 (“the Company”)

Pursuant to Section 102 (4) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2000, notice is hereby given that AMEDEUS HOLDINGS LIMITED:

a) is in dissolution b) commenced dissolution on the 1st day of February, 2016; and c) Photis Photiou whose address is 6 Kolokotroni Street, 1st Floor, Nicosia 1101, Cyprus is the Liquidator of the Company.

Cititrust International Limited Registered Agent

GELARD GROUP LIMITED #147,628 (“the Company”)

Pursuant to Section 102 (4) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2000, notice is hereby given that GELARD GROUP LIMITED:

a) is in dissolution b) commenced dissolution on the 1st day of February, 2016; and c) Mr. Arthur Joseph Grice whose address is 25 Kleinste Street, Ifafi, Hartbeespoort, 0260, South Africa is the Liquidator of the Company.

Cititrust International Limited Registered Agent



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Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Mortgage made the 27th day of October, 2011, between FAURA CARDINEZ of Big Falls Village, Toledo District, Belize, and SCOTIABANK (BELIZE) LTD., of the other part, and recorded in Deeds Book Vol. 24 of 2010 at Folios 361 – 410, the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the schedule hereto. All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.

ALL THAT piece and parcel of land situate at Mile 67 Southern Highway, Big Falls Village, Toledo District, Belize and being Lot No. 26 containing 1482.92 Square Yards or 1239.90 Square Meters and bounded and described as shown on Plan No. 304 of 2003 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and thereon. DATED this 20th day of January, 2016. MUSA & BALDERAMOS LLP 91 North Front Street Belize City Attorney-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.


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A time to heal By G. Michael Reid Belmopan was blue this past Sunday as delegates from across the nation converged to select a new leader for the grand old party. The last contested convention for the PUP was held in March of 2008 after former leader and Prime Minister Said Musa had stepped down following a loss in the General Elections of earlier that same year. In that convention, Johnny Briceño had defeated Francis Fonseca but that was a close contest. Mark Espat, who had already done considerable damage to the party, was initially nominated as a candidate, but he later withdrew and threw his support behind Briceño. Johnny pulled off the victory and went on to head the party for the next three years. He stepped down in 2011 and following a brief interim stint by Mark Espat, Francis Fonseca was endorsed as party leader at a convention in October of 2011. This time around, the contest was again between Johnny and Francis but Cordel Hyde, who had put a resounding whipping on Mark King in Lake Independence, made it interesting by also deciding to throw his hat into the ring. Cordel is extremely popular, in particular in the city, and many people believed that he had a more than decent chance of winning. The weeks leading up to the convention was tense and had all the excitement and drama of a General Election. At the end of a long hectic day of voting at Compre High School in the capital, the majority of delegates decided that they wanted to give Johnny Briceño another opportunity to lead the party. The convention was preceded by a little more than a month of active campaigning by the three candidates who crisscrossed the country meeting with the delegates and selling their plan of action. To their credit, the candidates each conducted themselves with much civility and that in the end; might very well make easier, the task of fence-mending moving forward. Exchanges between the supporters were at a different level however, and social media was on fire with



Every industry is in crisis and while Dean Barrow continues to slick talk his way around issues, the harsh reality is that it is only a matter of time before these chickens come home to roost. The problems within the PUP have long served as a convenient distraction but with that behind us, what was nebulous will now come into focus. The current situation within the burning comments from some quarbanking industry will have huge impliters. The big challenge now will be for cations for Belize and after listening all factions to set aside differences, to the Prime Minister’s recent press forgive and forget and move on with briefing, it is obvious that the seas the bigger interest of the party at are only getting rougher. While the heart. Again, the saving grace might PM tried desperately to sugar coat be the civil conduct of the candidates the bitter pill, any reasonable thinker themselves during the campaign and can recognize that he was simply no bridges seem to have been burnt. shuffling chairs on the deck of this Each candidate had pledged to work Titanic. The SOS has been sent but with whoever was victorious and there is no hope of any rescue. “We should that come to reality, the PUP have struck iceberg…sinking fast… will be hard to beat going forward. come to our assistance”. For his part, Johnny Briceno, in a As was the case with the fabled statement to the media following his ship that went down in the Atlantic, victory, had this to say, “With experiit is obvious that the culprit here is ence you learn. I am going to reach out no iceberg or any other obstacle but to everyone. Tomorrow, I want to go simply, failed leadership. The Prime and visit them individually, the Hon. Minister was given ample warning Francis Fonseca and Cordel and Julius about the impending doom but so and Mike and everybody and I want to often has his ego, pride and love of tell them let’s forget our differences, power blurred his better judgement. As with the Titanic, the crew is unprepared and the Captain is drunk with The woes of the PUP have allowed the United Demself importance. ocratic Party to literally get away with murder in this What we have here is a juggernaut of political country.They have squandered hundreds of stupidity that will result millions of dollars and have Belize currently in much suffering for this country for some time to mired in unmanageable debt. Every industry come. Petro Caribe was is in crisis and while Dean Barrow continues a squandered opportunity that could have done much to slick talk his way around issues, the harsh to prepare us for the inevireality is that it is only a matter of time before table. Those who partook and excused away the these chickens come home to roost. corruption must now look themselves squarely in the eyes and mer glory. Even while divided and quarlet’s work. The People’s United Party is once again sing, “Roll it”. The band is relling among themselves, the PUP not a social party, it is a political party still playing but the slant of the deck still came close to winning the last two and we have a common bond that we is growing steeper as we slowly General Elections and a united People’s want to serve the people and we can sink. The song that is playing sound United Party will give the people the only do that by winning elections and very much like Gypsy’s Sinking Ship. hope that they are longing for and deby getting to Belmopan. But there is “Captain this ship is sinking, Captain serve. one difference this time, I am going these seas are rough, our gas tank The woes of the PUP have allowed to reach out. But if after a while I see almost empty, no electricity, we oil the United Democratic Party to literally people that are still attempting to unpressure reading low, shall we abanget away with murder in this country. dermine the party, it is time for those don ship Or shall we stay on it and They have squandered hundreds of people to leave. I am not going to do perish slow, we don’t know, Captain millions of dollars and have Belize curit alone. I don’t have that power under you tell we what to do…” rently mired in unmanageable debt. the constitution, but I am going to call a national party council meeting for us to decide that and if we have to have a national convention - we are going to do that.” I believe that to be a fair and mature approach and early indications are that the majority of supporters feel it is the way that he should go. Dis yah time nuh fuh tan like befo time! First order of the day will be for Johnny Briceño to win over the confidence of his fellow Representatives in the House and get them to support him as the Leader of the Opposition. That should not be too difficult since the delegates have sent a clear message as to who they wish to lead this party. There is no proof or even allegations that any underhanded methods were employed and for all intents and purposes, this election was fair and free of controversy. In the words of the Publisher of the Amandala, it truly was “a historic exercise in political democracy in Belize”. Sunday’s exercise saw the biggest percentage of the members of any political party having a say in determining who would run the party. In response to a call for a more democratic way of doing things and more involvement by party members, the party had amended its constitution to provide each constituency with a larger number of delegates. Unlike 2008, when each constituency was given one delegate per every hundred votes received in the previous elections, the new amendment provided for one delegate per every 25 votes received. Each standing unit of the party i.e. ODS (Order of Distinct Service), Marshals and BYM (Belize Youth Movement) are also afforded two delegates each. All toll, some 2,700 persons cast votes in the convention which also included the election of Chairman, two Deputy Leaders and a Communications Director. While the way forward will still be fraught with a fair share of challenges, I believe that Johnny Briceño will have a much easier time this time around. Johnny had a tough time during his first run as leader but indeed, much has been learned along the way. Johnny himself is now much more seasoned and prepared while his dissenters will have to realize that he must be given support if the PUP is to resume its for-


Belize blocks Transparency International for 8th Year Belize City, February 3, 2016 For the eighth consecutive year the Barrow Administration has denied the international watchdog group, Transparency International, the opportunity to evaluate the level of corruption in Belize. It appears that Prime Minister Dean Barrow is afraid of any scrutiny that would shed light on the serious transgressions committed by his Government. Every year Transparency International reveals its global corruption index, to indicate which countries operate under a democratic and accountable system or where corruption is rampant. This index is a serious measuring stick for investors and economic analysts. Belize has not been included in the indices since 2008, because the Barrow Administration has flatly denied Transparency International access to Government and country data for the agency to carry out its annual review of corruption. The last time Belize was evaluated by Transparency International was in 2007, which was the end of the last PUP term. If the Barrow Administration were serious about meeting global transparency standards it should not be afraid of scrutiny. But the Barrow Administration hasn’t shown any serious attempt to become more transparent, not globally nor locally. Transparency International defines “grand corruption” as the abuse of high-level power that benefits the few at the expense of the many, and causes serious and widespread harm to individuals and society. It often goes unpunished. That definition seems to speak entirely about Belize under the UDP Government. Here at home Belizeans are fully aware of the rampant corruption at the hands of Government Ministers. Over the years Ministers have been caught up in all sorts of controversies: Visa Hustle scandal, Immigration scandal, Rosewood scandal, llegal and abusive Petrocaribe loan spending etc. There has also been widespread abuse of power and authority by those Ministers, including the Prime Minister who has given his family members



key jobs in his Government and pays them a hefty sum. Transparency International would not only expose some of the scandals

in Belize, but it would do so to the world and encourage citizens to rise up against tyrannical and autocratic Governments.


“To stamp out the abuse of power, bribery and shed light on secret deals, citizens must together tell their governments they have had enough,” said Jose Ugaz, Chair of Transparency International. Top performers in the index share key characteristics: high levels of press freedom; access to budget information so the public knows where money comes from and how it is spent; high levels of integrity among people in power; and judiciaries that don’t differentiate between rich and poor, and are truly independent from other parts of government. Belizeans will all agree that the UDP Government is failing miserably in all of those areas.

PUBLIC AUCTION SALE BY ORDER OF THE CHARGEE HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED, a Licensed Public Auctioneer will sell on site the following property at the time as listed. At No. 19 Tapir Street, Belmopan, Cayo District on Monday 29th February 2016 at 2:00p.m. ALL THAT piece or parcel of land comprising 501.740 square metres being Parcel 3108, Block 20 in the Belmopan Registration Section situate at No. 19 Tapir Street, Belmopan, Cayo District, TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon, the freehold property of STEPHEN WATTERS and GLORIA WATTERS (Jointly)

DATED this 3rd day of February 2016 All sales are strictly cash and deemed final. For more information contact: HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED 1 HYDE’S LANE, BELIZE CITY, BELIZE Phone: (501) 224-5644 Fax: (501) 223-0738





Supporters pledge a total of $12,175.00 in one day telethon organized by KREM February 3, 2016 Mr. Lucillo Teck on whose behalf Krem Radio and Television mounted a telethon to raise funds to help him pay his legal cost to Barrow & Williams Law Firm says a grateful and sincere thanks to the Belizean public. Mr. Teck on January 12, 2016 appeared on Krem Television soliciting funds to be able to defray his legal cost incurred as a result of his case against the Belize Sugar Industry Control Board (BSICB) represented by Barrow & Williams. This he did so as to mandate that the sugar cane grinding season for 2014-2015 be declared open since this was being used as leverage to force cane farmers to sign an agreement with BSI/ASR that was not beneficial to the farmers. This caused much economic hardship to the farmers who demanded that the government appointed and controlled SICB do it job and set the date and not side with

the manufacture to the detriment of the farmers. At the end of the day in court it was Lucillo Teck alone against the Minister of Natural Resources, SICB, the Belize Sugar Cane Farmers Association (BSCFA) and BSI/ASR. Before the case could conclude the grinding season was opened after farmers became divided and under duress singed the agreement that has resulted in serious repercussions for them now. The attorneys for SICB had

For Sale By Order of the Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Mortgage made the 11th day of December, 2002, between JOSEPH JONES of No. 57 Freetown Road, Belize City, of the one part, and SCOTIABANK (BELIZE) LTD., of the other part, and recorded in Deeds Book Vol. 42 of 2002 at Folios 1 – 28, the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the schedule hereto. All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. SCHEDULE ALL THAT Leasehold interest in ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 323 situate in the Village of Sandhill (Maxboro Area), Belize District, and bounded as follows: On the North for 30.476 Metres by Lot No. 305; On the South for 30.476 Metres by a Street; On the East for 31.393 Metres by Lot No. 322; On the West for 31.393 Metres by Lot No. 324, containing 956.733 Square Metres of land as shown on Entry No. 5146, Register No. 21 at the office of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon.

initially asked the court to award them $78,416.00 in legal cost. But the Registrar after reviewing the fees being charged as cost and after hearing Counsel for both sides on December 18, 2015 awarded only $29,204.00. No deadline to make payment was ordered by the Court, but by letter received on January 11, 2014 the attorneys for SICB asked for full payment within fourteen days. Mr. Teck is unable to meet that demand but has shown willingness to make payment. Further through his attorney he has sent a letter re-

questing more time to fundraise the outstanding balance failing which he has offered to make monthly payments of $200.00. There has been no response to his request. Thanks to the kindness of donors who tuned in the KREM radio and TV and responded to the calls made by Mose Hyde to aid Mr. Teck, a total of $12,175.00 was pledge, of which to date a total of $10,500.00 has been collected and paid out to Barrow & Williams law firm. “Every penny counts” said Mr. Teck who is now planning another such event on CTV 3 and Fiesta inOrange Walk on Friday February 12, 2016. He is still hoping to raise the remaining $18,704.00 to be able to pay off this bill to Barrow & Williams Law Firm. MR. Teck explains that he is so appreciative of the public support in cash, kindness, moral support and words of encouragement. For those, who still wish to make good on their pledges and those who would want to now offer a donation, please deposit said monies at Scotiabank Account 1614 Corozal Branch in the name of Lucillo Teck. Mr. Teck was represented in his case by attorneys Anthony Sylvestre and Audrey Matura-Shepherd pro bono. (Press Release)

BY ORDER OF CHARGEE NOTICE OF INTENTION TO SELL HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED a statutory body formed and registered under the Credit Union Act, Chapter 314 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2000, and whose registered office is situated at No. 1 Hyde’s Lane, Belize City, Belize District hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Chargee under and by virtue of a Charge registered at the Land Registry between ANDRE ANTHONY YOUNG and JENNA MARIE YOUNG (Jointly) of the one part and HRCU of the other part. HRCU will at the expiration of three months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the Schedule below. ALL offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing to Holy Redeemer Credit Union Limited from whom full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained.

SCHEDULE ALL THAT piece or parcel of land comprising 568.910 square metres being Parcel 3232, Block 16 in the Caribbean Shores/Belize Registration Section TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon, the freehold property of ANDRE ANTHONY YOUNG and JENNA MARIE YOUNG (Jointly) DATED this 4th day of February 2016

DATED this 28th day of January, 2016. MUSA & BALDERAMOS LLP 91 North Front Street Belize City Attorney-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.













Oil-rich Venezuela is now importing U.S. oil

Venezuela has more oil than any other country on the planet. February 3, 2016 by Patrick Gillespie - CNNMoney Venezuela has more oil than any other country on the planet. But it just bought a bunch of American crude. A ship carrying half a million barrels of oil that was pumped in the U.S. docked at a terminal owned by Venezuela last week, according to oil data research firm ClipperData. The shipment was sent to a facility located on the Dutch island of Curacao in the Caribbean. The fact that Venezuela is importing American oil is raising eyebrows because Venezuela has 298 billion barrels of proven oil reserves, according to the Energy Information Administration. That’s more than Saudi Arabia, Russia or Iran and eight times the reserves of the United States. But the oil extracted in Venezu-

ela is very heavy and hard to refine and then sell to other countries. Venezuela needs to first mix its heavy oil with lighter types of crude

to balance out the quality, according to Nilofar Saidi, an oil market analyst at ClipperData. Saidi said Venezuela had already

Person catches Zika via sex in US – here’s what you need to know DAILY NEWS 3 February 2016 Health officials in the US have confirmed that a person who contracted Zika on the mainland was infected through sex; the virus is present in semen. The infection is generally mild, but if a pregnant woman catches the virus, it can prevent the fetus’s brain from developing properly, leading to potential life-long health issues. It was widely thought that Zika could only be transmitted via bites from infected mosquitoes. So how does the fact it can be passed on through sex change things? What just happened? Yesterday, Texas health officials said a case of Zika had been confirmed in someone who had sex with a returnee from a region where the virus is present, reported to be Venezuela.

Is this the first such case? No. A US researcher caught Zika in 2008 while on a field trip to study malaria in Senegal. Six days after returning home he fell sick, and four days later so did his wife. Blood samples later revealed they both had Zika. How do we know these cases weren’t caused by a rogue mosquito

carried back in luggage? Few details have been released about the Texas patient, but in the 2008 case, the timing of the wife’s infection suggests sexual transmission. The researcher and his wife had been having unprotected sex. What are the chances of sexual

transmission? We don’t know. But the rarity of known cases suggests that in areas where Zika is endemic they are likely to be dwarfed by infections from mosquito bites. However, a study from Yap, an island in Micronesia, hints that sexual transmission might be more common than we thought. There,

been importing lighter types of crude oil from Russia, Angola and Nigeria. “It’s just cheaper to bring a tanker of light crude from the U.S. Gulf than to ship it from West Africa or North Africa,” says Nilofar Saidi, an oil market analyst at ClipperData. The U.S. officially lifted its 40year ban on exporting oil to other countries in December. Despite political tension between the two countries, Venezuela’s state-run oil company, PDVSA, was quick to get in line for American oil. Friction between the U.S. and Venezuela runs deep. Last March the Obama administration slapped sanctions on several high-ranking members of President Nicolas Maduro’s government. U.S. authorities also arrested and indicted two of Maduro’s family members for drug trafficking late last year.

more women were infected with Zika than men, a pattern that is seen with most sexually transmitted diseases. How does this change health advice? It makes a bad situation worse. In regions with Zika, pregnant women are being told to take preventive measures against being bitten by mosquitoes, such as covering up and using repellents, which can be impractical and unaffordable in Central and South America. Now their partners may have to do the same. And how about people in Europe and the US? The advice to pregnant women and those trying to conceive is to avoid areas with Zika – this might be expanded to include their partners. Worryingly, we don’t know how long the virus lingers in semen. Men who have travelled to Zika regions are being advised by the UK’s Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists to use condoms for four weeks after their return home, or, if they experienced Zika symptoms, for six months after recovery.

7 FEB 17 JAN




South Sudan army accused of suffocating 50 civilians Report says troops shoved civilians into a metal container, used as makeshift prison cell, leading to their deaths. 04 Feb 2016 At least 50 people suffocated to death when they were shoved into metal containers in sweltering conditions by troops belonging to South Sudan, a commission monitoring the ceasefire between rival factions said. The incident was one of several listed as examples of ceasefire violations carried out by forces on both sides, outlined in a report compiled by the Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (JMEC), which was made public at the African Union (AU) summit on Sunday. “About 50 people suffocated in a container on about October 22. The investigation was protracted. Attribution of responsibility: Government Forces,” the report said in a section titled “concerning the killing of civilians in Unity State”. Speaking to Al Jazeera, Angelos Agok, director in the office of the chief of general staff of the army, denied that the incident happened.

Zika outbreak forces India’s Tata Motors to rename car Zica presented at car show as the country’s biggest vehicles manufacturer confirms new name will be announced soon. Indian car manufacturer Tata Motors has confirmed it will rename its new small car Zica given the name’s similarity to the Zika virus spreading across the globe. The car was presented at the Auto Expo 2016 in Greater Noida, outside New Delhi, on Wednesday as the World Health Organization declared a global health emergency following the latest Zika virus outbreak. Zica - an abbreviation for Zippy Car - has been endorsed by Argentina and Barcelona football star Lionel Messi, who was named world player of the year 2015 at a FIFA gala in Zurich last month and claimed the Ballon d’Or trophy for the fifth time overall. “Empathising with the hardships being caused by the recent Zika virus outbreak across many countries, Tata Motors, as a socially responsible company, has decided to re-brand the car,” the company said in a statement.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership in perspective 04 Feb 2016 The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) - a deal involving 12 economies worth about $28 trillion - was signed in New Zealand’s Auckland on Thursday by ministers from the Asia-Pacific region and the Americas. The pact - which will cut tariffs, improve access to markets and set common ground on labour and environmental standards and intellectual property protections - was finally reached last October after five years of negotiations. The partnership comprises Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the US and Vietnam. China is not used to being excluded from a big new international organisation. As the world’s second largest economy, its absence from the TPP represents a loss of face.



US drone strike kills senior al-Qaeda leader in Yemen Jalal Baleedi, a field commander in the country’s south, was killed with his guards in Shabwa province. One of al-Qaeda’s senior commanders was killed by a US drone strike in southern Yemen, a military source told Al Jazeera. Fighters belonging to al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) were preparing to receive the body of Jalal Baleedi, also known as Hamza al-Marqashi, after he was killed overnight with two of his guards near the town of Azzan, the source, speaking on condition of anonymity, said on Thursday. Reuters news agency also reported another US drone attack that killed six alleged al-Qaeda fighters in their car travelling in Yemen’s southern Shabwa province. Al-Qaeda fighters took over Azzan on Monday, and it has become the group’s stronghold in Shabwa. Recent reports suggested Baleedi pledged allegiance to and joined the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant group with several other AQAP fighters, becoming the leader of ISIL in Yemen. However, the reports were not confirmed by ISIL nor by AQAP.

Anti-austerity demonstrations in Greece turn violent Protests against government’s plan to tweak pension policy bring over 40,000 to streets of Athens and other cities. Clashes have broken out between Greek police and youths throwing fire bombs and stones, after 40,000 protesters joined anti-government demonstrations through central Athens in protest against planned pensionpolicy changes. Police used tear gas and stun grenades on Thursday against

dozens of hooded anarchists outside the parliament and other parts of the city centre. Protests were also held in at least a dozen other Greek cities and towns, where several rallies were joined by protesting farmers driving their tractors. Unions are angry at pension-policy changes that are part of Greece’s third interna-

tional bailout. The government, which is led by the left-wing Syriza, is trying to overhaul the pension system by increasing social-security contributions to avoid pension cuts. But critics say the changes will lead many to pay up to three-quarters of their income in pension contributions and taxes.



JOHNNY IS THE MAN The People’s United Party has a new leader. He has the experience and been there and done that in the politics of Belize. The Hon. John Briceno emerged from the National Convention on Sunday as the winner in a three man race to lead the party from its long battle of in-fighting and disunity. Johnny competed with Hon. Francis Fonseca and Hon. Cordel Hyde, and received 1,122 votes out of 2700 delegate votes. Unity and dynamic leadership must be two of the key components of Johnny’s renewed leadership of the party. The organs of the party such as the Youth Movement, the Women’s Group, the Marshalls, the Constituency Committees must be reorganized and infused with new blood. The important media agents, the BELIZE TIMES and Vibes, the Party Radio/TV news needs new programming and additional hosts focusing on education, entertainment and particularly on capturing the attention of the young generation. Party membership and recruitment drives across the country must be another goal. Several advisory committees for each district and for national issues need to be in place. The new party leader needs to surround himself with persons who can advise him on national issues and formulate new policy positions. Intellectual currency has been a short coming in the party for some time. Only this Monday, we witnessed the abject failure of the Prime Minister to produce a minimum viable solution to the banking crisis. A major problem that can topple the UDP government is their disgraceful loss of the Sarstoon Island and half of the Sarstoon River. This issue requires urgent attention by the new Party Leader and a clear policy provision. We congratulate our new Party Leader and call on all supporters of our great party to unite and move forward. THE P.M FAILED The Prime Minister of Belize returned from the USA and held his usual “press conference” on Monday morning. He wished to report on his efforts to obtain solutions to the correspondent banks issue. This is a very serious issue, raised on the National Assembly by Hon. Kareem Musa who articulated the negative effects already been felt by the business commercial and even regular citizens who need to send and receive moneys through the banks. Well, a little re-phrase of James Brown song can explain the P.M press conference- talking plenty and saying nothing. The P.M returned to Belize empty handed. It was a useless and fruitless trip to the offices of some important officials in the USA. Most of these Czars had never even heard of Dean Barrow and had lower level officials meet with him out of courtesy. Not one single solution came out of any of the meetings. The PM returned praising himself and making up his own statements that he was



told Belize is not in any problem. He was unable to establish any link with any bank and could not tell Belizeans there was now a correspondent banking service. The PM went all the way to the USA to be made a joke by the banking officials. They told him why doesn’t he try to meet with some of the little Mom & Pop Credit Unions and tiny banks, because the established banks didn’t have any time for him. Belize is in big trouble. Big, big trouble. And next month the national budget has to be presented. The same deceptions and lies that we’re so evident and at Monday’s press conference and which have come to be associated with the UDP’s bogus budget, are expected to be on display next month. STOP BAV Stop BAV is one of the most popular Belize website. All Internet savvy teenagers stay checking on it. Recently, Stop Bav put up a video recording of a fight on the Southside of Belize City. It is one of the most disgraceful incidents to be captured on cell phone camera in the ghetto. A man comes up on a bicycle. He gets off in front of a young lady, grabs her and threw her to the ground. He tackles at another young lady. He punches her repeatedly in her face with left and right hand punches. Hard punches. She is grabbing onto him. Meantime another young lady is seen wrestling the first young lady who was thrown to the ground. She gets her on the ground, gets on top of her and punches her several times in her face. Some seconds after, a young man is seen running with a long piece of board in his hands. He whaps the man beating the young lady. The beater is seen fleeing the scene. What is going on around us? The indiscipline. The lawlessness. The disrespect seems to be on the increase. Since when a man can attack a female and beat her up so viciously in open view on a public street. We would like to see the video shown as part of the news on the local TV stations so all Belizeans can see the low levels to which sections of our society are descending. It is written that violence. It is a shocking state of affairs. BOB MARLEY’S BIRTHDAY This Saturday 6th February is the birth day of Bob Marley. He would have been 71 years old. Bob is a superstar and hero to his Jamaican countrymen and women; as he is to many millions of his fans across the world. Although he left this Earth on May 1981, he lives on in his magnificent music where his lyrics have now made him immortal. He was the prophet fighting against oppression and Babylon system. He was about “one love, one heart, let’s get together and be alright”. We pay respect to this great talent who walked among us and inspired so

many people. UPSIDE DOWN, BACKWAY Belize is becoming an upside down, backway, snake and ladder country. In nature it is the big fish that swallows the small fish. It is the large predators that eat smaller animals. You will never see a garden snake on tommygoff swallowing a wowla. In Belize a tiny bank called Heritage has swallowed a big bank called First Caribbean. This could only happen in Belize, where the government Ministers and Cronies are “eating up all the flesh from off the Earth” in the words of Bob Marley. Out on the streets, the word is that certain government Ministers and cronies own Heritage Bank. Say it ain’t so, blow. DID YOU HEAR OF... Did you hear of a tiny little country with some three hundred thousand people living therein and the huge next door neighbor of over fifteen million. The tiny country has been following another country, a big country which is far away but has convinced the tiny country to take its next door neighbor to court. The next door neighbor has always said a part of the tiny country belongs to them and they would like to get it back. The big country which is far away has found a way to convince the tiny country to go to a far away court to settle the next door country’s claim. The tiny country with its tiny leaders have been convinced by the big country that the next door neighbor country knows it will not get any part of the tiny country when they go to the far away court. The tiny country has been told the next door neighbor does not want to tell its own people it will get nothing. They want the far away court to say so. An elderly lady by a street side panades shop, when told this anancy story, said-fool di talk, but da nuh fool di listen. ZIKA SERIOUS The Zika virus has rapidly become a global health emergency. Cases have turned up in New York and medical scientists in the USA say there is evidence the virus is capable of spreading through sexual intercourse. Zika is crazy stuff. It gets into the womb of pregnant women and deforms the babies, shrinking their heads and causing them to be born with damaged brains. Authorities in Latin America and in Jamaica have warned their populations to unleash a war against the breeding ground of the mosquitoes which spread the virus. They are also calling on women not to get pregnant for the next 18 months. In Belize, where rats and toads and snakes live in some of the hospitals nothing is being done. As late as Wednesday 3rd February a Health Ministry official told the media they were planning to do something. They said they were ramping up their efforts. Ramping.

2016 ANTI Anti is the latest music album by Rihanna. Critics are not impressed but her fans love her and her music. Sounds okay to us. And Rihanna is Caribbean blood like us so we down with her. Waiting on Tanya Carter and Melonie Gillett to drop another hot track and accompanying video. EARTH, WIND & FIRE The music group sold more than 90 million albums and won six Grammys for their fabulous music, which included “September”. Maurice White who was the founder of Earth Wind and Fire left this world on Wednesday 3 September. He was 73years old. CRAZINESS Only 40 percent of teachers in the primary schools are trained at an associate degree level. Only 31 percent of teachers in the secondary schools have the required training, whatever that is. At another of those “press conference” this week the Minister of Education announced that many teachers did not get qualified to remain as teachers. Programs were put in place, some teachers took up the opportunities, some didn’t. As much as 1300 teachers now being told they will lose their jobs. All this while, the Ministry sat on their butts and after 8 years they came with this threat. What were they doing all these years to help teachers to get the qualifications? 3 VEHICLES-2 MINISTERS Tourist Board which squanders millions of dollars donated three pick-ups to the Police. Three. The under-resourced Police need three dozen vehicles. But not one but two Ministers attended a silly ceremony and even cut a ribbon tied to the side of the 3 pickups. For this show timing occasion, the Commissioner of Police, and a whole heap of Senior Police were instructed to stand around and salute the 3 vehicles. Crime remains at an all-time high, with 120 murders last year. A similar amount in 2014 and 13 so far this year. Minister of Police Saldivar and Minister of Tourism Herredia attended instead of being in their office trying to do some work to make life better for Belizeans. DYING YOUNG “The power of this book lies in its eloquent insistence that we are all confronting our mortality everyday, whether we know it or not. The real question we face, Kalanithi writes, is not how long, but rather how, we will live- and the answer does not appear in any medical textbook. It brings him back, at last, to the books of poetry he left gathering dust when he entered medical school”. The above is from a review of the book-When Breath Becomes Air written by Paul Kalanithi who was a doctor who died from Cancer at the age of 37.


2016 LIQUOR LICENSE NOTICES Notice is hereby given that LAURA THOMPSON is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “The Wet Lizard Bar #2”, situated at #1 Fort Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that RHONDA CHRICHTON is applying for a renewal of a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Can Café”, situated at 27 Albert Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.


Cold blooded murders in Orange Walk

Elrindo “Jun” Matura Jr.

Notice is hereby given that ARTURO HERNANDEZ is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “G-Mart”, situated at San Estevan Village, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that ADAN CHULIN is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “J&S Shop”, situated at Tower Hill, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that NORMA VASQUEZ is applying for a Malt and Cider Liquor License to be operated at “Angie’s Cool Spot”, situated at San Felipe Village, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that ROBERTO CASTILLO is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Luisa’s Grocery”, situated at Yo Creek Village, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that REINA DEL CID is applying for a Malt and Cider Liquor License to be operated at “Pupuseria Dianita”, situated at #64 Otro Benque Road, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that DORITA BURGOS is applying for a Malt and Cider Liquor License to be operated at “Work Beer Tavern”, situated at #44 Baker’s Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that PABLO DOMINGUEZ is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Dominguez Shop”, situated at Trial Farm Village, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Rene Antonio Acevedo

Orange Walk Town, February 4, 2016 Orange Walk Police are still searching for a suspect who murdered two teenagers in cold blood on Monday afternoon. 19 year old Elrindo “Jun” Matura Jr. and 17 year old Rene Antonio Acevedo were shot dead by a lone gunman, a short distance from their homes on Gristock Street. The two teenagers and a third person were socialising outside the Matura’s residence when a male individual approached them along the street riding a bicycle and called for Erlindo. The Police say the man was inquiring about where to buy marijuana in the neighborhood. It is reported that Erlindo and the individual chatted for a short while on the street, before the man walked a short distance and turned around with a firearm in his hand, aimed at Rene. The man fired several shots. Erlindo and Rene were both shot while the third teenager was able to run away and escape harm. The gunman rode away and along the way assaulted a young woman, stealing her bicycle. The suspect, it is believed, rode to the Belize-Corozal Road where he stopped and pretended to be a hitch-hiker. A vehicle stopped for him and headed to the direction of Belize City. Erlindo was shot on his back, with the bullet exiting his chest. Rene, who

23 appeared to be the target, was shot in the back of his head, killing him instantly. The Police say they have identified the suspect, but have not revealed his name. The suspect’s identity has been confirmed by witnesses, authorities said on Tuesday afternoon. The Orange Walk community has been shocked by the murders. The double homicide is the most ruthless in recent times. The teenagers’ families are heart-broken. Erlindo’s mother was at home during the shooting. She said there was nothing she could do but watch her son’s life slip away. “I just run outside and I see my son out there on the road lying down with gunshots. He was face up, he was bleeding. He didn’t die at the instant. He just took one breath, smiled and died in my hands. That’s what I saw out there, but I couldn’t believe he was already gone; I didn’t believe my son was dead,” said the grieving mother, Maria Matura. Rene’s mother knows the pain of losing a child too well. In October last year, one of her sons was shot dead during a failed robbery attempt at a downtown business in Belize City. Three months later, she is mourning once more. Both teens have had problems with law authorities in the past. Elrindo was on court probation which helped him keep in line, according to his mother. She said she tried to give him the best advice always, but Erlindo chose his own path most times.

Cycling President tries to muzzle well-known female cyclist Continued from page 2 tained a copy of a letter sent by Leslie to well-known female cyclist, Kaya Cattouse, in which he threatens to fine and suspend her from the Federation if she continues posting comments on social media which he doesn’t like. “…you have written comments on social media regarding your displeasure on decisions of the C.F.B., you have been verbally advised to cease and desist by Executive members,” said Emperor Leslie scroll, “failure to cease will result in a fine and suspension”. So what monstrous things did Kaya Cattouse post on her Facebook page that has gotten the Emperor so angry that he issued a royal decree against her? She simply expressed disappointment that while the Federation and Digicell are organising a cycling tour for males, there will be none for females. That’s it. She was just calling for fairness and equality. It’s such a shame the Federation President stooped so low to threaten Kaya for standing up for her rights as a female Belizean athlete. Isn’t there a more civil way of communicating these days? Or was the President speaking for the other emperor at Digicell?





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