Boledo has always belonged to the government of Belize. The license that it had issued to Brads to operate it since 2010 was revoked and ended on May 2 of this year. The government is now preparing to resume the Belizean tradition. It will now be operated in the right way and for the right reasons. No date is set yet for the inaugural draw but the Belize Government Lotteries is on an all-out information campaign on social media and traditional advertisement outlets. Boledo will be back soon. Word is that there will be an app and all. Here is the Prime Minister explaining the legislation needed to make the new Boledo selling open and transparent. Eventually, the winning numbers will be a surprise to all as it should be of course.
Prime Minister John Briceño presentation on May 19 at the House of Representatives:
“Madam Speaker since 1953 we have had boledo in Belize. Over these more than a half century boledo has become a part of
our Belizean Culture. From 1953 until 2010 -- for 57 years, government legislated and operated lottery in Belize. Then in 2010, the Barrow Administration gave the exclusive license to operate and manage boledo to Brads Gaming Company Limited of #2 Farmers Market, Belize City. This license expired in 2020, an election year, but they did not care about that, the lame duck Barrow Administration renewed the license to Brads through to 2030 -- another 10 years. Madam Speaker, Lotteries in Belize, as in other places in Central America and beyond, is a lucrative multi-million-dollar activity. Lottery requires a great deal of resources for oversight and administration, for sure a lot more than is currently provided by Brads Gaming Group Limited. For example, in Panama and Costa Rica, their national lottery is administered by Governments, and you know what they do with the profits from lottery? The profits from their lottery are used to fund social causes.
In Canada, in the Manitoba province the government through the Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries Corporation issues and distributes lotteries and it regulates through its Lotteries authority. You know what they use their lottery revenues for? They use it to support healthcare, education, social services, housing and infrastructure.
From 2010 to 2020, how many houses did you hear the UDP build from boledo revenues? How many hospital beds did they buy? How many streets did they fix?
From big to small countries, the business of lottery is something that governments pay close atten-
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tion to and the successful ones use the profits from lottery to improve the lives of their people, not just a few special interest persons.
It is time for us in Belize, to use a similar model to what is being employed in places like Costa Rica and Canada, to distribute the Belize Government lotteries so that like Costa Rica and Canada we can use the revenue to help improve the lives of our people.
The Plan then is to establish a Government-owned company which will have its own legislation that defines its key functions and responsibilities.
For example, this company, which we will establish as the Belize Government Lotteries Ltd (BGLL) will be required:
(a) to promote, conduct and manage lottery schemes;
(b) to redistribute earnings from the lotteries it administers to the National Health Insurance (NHI) and the Official Charities Fund (OCF);
(c) ensure that the service provided is of international industry standards; and
(d) to comply with its lotteries license conditions and the respective laws.
BGLL will be a company with a core mandate for the sale of Government lottery services to provide revenue to the Government of Belize to fund the NHI and the OCF. It will be run by a Board of Directors that will meet regularly to set corporate management and oversight policies of the Corporation.
The day-to-day management of the Corporation will be administered by
a Managing Director who will be assisted by
There will be a tendering process to identify adequate master agents. These are the persons or entities that will be allowed to distribute boledo.
Four master agents will be chosen, one for the North, one for the South, one for the East and one for the West of the country. Any individual, store, or company interested in becoming a master agent can apply. The BGLL will build a digital platform and begin setting up an extensive sales distribution network through these 4 master agents. These master agents will have an agreement with the Corporation to have sales countrywide through subagents and electronic sales. These 4 master agents will be required to have a bank surety of a specific value to cover winnings. The master agents will also be required to have allow their subagents to make payment of winning up to a certain amount and anything exceeding this amount would be paid in redeeming centres located in each major town.
The second implementation phase of the digital lottery platform will see the consumer being able to purchase through their mobile phones. This innovation is projected to increase sales and ensure that consumers are allowed to easily check the winning numbers. This system will also secure winning tickets electronically, so no more about losing your tickets and unable to redeem your prize.
So as you can see Madam Speaker we are doing this right. While we know Belizeans miss their boledo, we want to ensure that boledo is once again Belizean for Belizeans and it is properly administrated to allow for the profits to be used for the development of our nation. I hope everyone in this chamber will vote in favour of these amendments which has the recommendation of the Cabinet.”
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology (MoECST) today constituted the pro-tempore Tertiary Teacher Training Curriculum Reform Working Group comprised of representatives from all teacher training institutions aimed at transforming to competency-based education.
The main areas of focus for the working group are to review, reform, and standardize the present teacher training programmes; develop recommendations for teacher educator training, and establish articulation protocols between the secondary and tertiary levels. The working group is chaired by Dr. Hon. Louis Zabaneh, Minister of State in the MoECST, and its members are:
· Dr. Eve Aird - Provost of Galen University
· Rosali Cruz - Teacher Educator, Corozal Junior College
· Dr. Karen Martinez - Dean of Stann Creek Ecumenical Junior College
· Rebecca Henriquez - Teacher Educator, Belize Adventist Junior College
· Thisbe Lucas-Usher - Dean of the University of Belize
· Miriam Paz - Head Itinerary Resource Officer, Primary Curriculum Pilot Project
· Juliet Moguel - Teacher Educator, Sacred Heart Junior College
· Hon. Elena Smith – Senator, Former President of the Belize National Teachers’ Union
· Consuelo Godfrey - Director of Teacher Training, Pathlight
· Dr. Cynthia Thompson - Chair, Belize Board of Teacher Education
· Dr. Priscilla Brown - Curriculum Consultant
· Dr. Mathias Vairez - Curriculum Consultant
· Natasha Mantock - Education Consultant, UNICEF
The Working Group Secretariat comprises:
• Cecilia Ramirez-Smith - Deputy Chief Education Officer
• Shanine Campbell - Education Officer, Curriculum and Assessment Unit
• Jeannie Garbutt-Franklin - Director of the Teacher Education Unit
The work of this group is expected to conclude by August 2023.
On May 24, 2023, the mobile land clinic of the Ministry of Natural Resources came to the southside of Belize City in the Port Loyola Constituency. Some persons as early as six-thirty started to converge on the Young Men’s Christian Association (Y.M.C.A) for an opportunity to meet and get assistance from government officials in sorting out their land documents in some cases people have been waiting years and walked on with this title in hand.
Cordel Hyde, Minister of Natural Resources, Petroleum, and Mining, “We haven’t been on the south side; we save the best for last, and we are starting in Port Loyola because Mister Gilroy has been very determined to have us here and so we are glad to be here. We are taking care of some issues for people that date back in one instance thirty-five years. So, it is those kinds of issues that we are dealing with in addition to people applying for their purchase prices, for their lease approvals and land certificates.”
This is not the first time that the ministry has held a mobile land clinic as they have been North, South, West and finally returning to Belize District and to the southside. The mobile land clinic process brings the services of the Lands Department to us the people.
Joseph Perez, Resident, Freedom Street, “I’ve been up and down in Belmopan. I’m a part of the Government of Belize, working with the government, but it is very hard to get your documents here and I don’t own any piece of land in Belize, and I am finally trying to get my documents today. I did the application, I did the filling of the land, fencing it up and I did some real development because
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Founder: Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus
In today’s social media-riddled politics, we often meet groups who claim to not be political. The reason most often for an anti-political stance is that they would not withstand the rigors of election polls. Oftentimes, these groups do not have the capacity to lead and govern a nation with all its complexities. As today’s politics in Belize will have it, these groups often challenge and antagonize the government as a political party would. Often, these groups overlook the progress and gains of the Government of the people to focus on other points biased toward their cause. Since these groups are often comparatively small in numbers, they join in 'umbrella' groups with fancier names and find some common dissent to approach the Briceño administration called planBelize GoB. After all, the planBelize Government listens to everyone: this includes the ex-mass party of 8 members, the Unions, Nongovernmental Organizations, the Business Community, the Churches, the youths, the women, the children, and the electorate. The balancing act of 'Everybody fih win' is keenly guided by planBelize, PM John Briceño’s charisma, our Area Representatives, Senators, and the Cabinet.
Earlier this week, Prime Minister John Briceño, his deputy Hon. Cordel Hyde and most recent past Party Leader Hon. Francis Fonseca met with members of the National Trade Union Congress, one of those umbrella groups. The premise is that all individuals and groups of Belizeans are equally relevant and of dire importance to the planBelize administration. The Briceño administration listens to all with respectful ears with the intent of being a partner with all Belizeans. The unions in the NTUCB have been granted a meeting with the government twice a year. This is the respect for the NTUCB that is often reciprocated in these meetings. This time more of their membership/executives were a part of the meeting. This is cause for praise but some cynics in the media allowed their myopia to blind the fact that the government of the people is sitting with the people. A government elected by a body politic of 31 constituencies listens to the concerns of 12 Unions because all partnerships are important. Post-meeting, the leadership of the NTUCB voiced satisfaction with being able to sit at the table and be heard. They, like the government, are looking forward to improvements in their agenda items which the PM has called “real progressive work being done under the responsible governance agenda of #PlanBelize.”
The GoB discussed with the NTUCB the status of the Occupational Safety and Health Bill; International Labour Organization Conventions 158 and 155. Also, they made inroads to work being done in Campaign Finance Regulations, Whistleblowers Regulations, and Civil Asset Recovery and Unexplained Wealth Bill. The government is poised to work towards the tenets of good governance. Broader topics touching all Belizeans were inflation and fuel prices.
This partnership with social partners has become the hallmark of this administration's intent on following planBelize. For example, the Joint Public Accounts Committee of the House is another testament to the government fulfilling its mandate to more openness and transparency with respect to the social partners as meaningful in the governance of the country. Minister of Public Service Henry Charles Usher stated to this paper that the working relationship between the Government and the collective bargaining agent of public officers is critical for the efficient and effective delivery of government services. There is nothing wrong with disagreements, but the discourse must be respectful and constructive.
With a respectful partnership Belize will continue on its path to progress where more Belizeans will see their quality of life improve, where health care is addressed efficiently, where education is effective, where jobs are available, where a House and Lot move from dream to reality. This is the essence of planBelize; every man, woman, and child is assured of a comfortable living as long as they are ready to go to school and work. The Briceño administration will continue to listen to all and make decisions that will benefit the Belizean people.
En la política actual, plagada de redes sociales, a menudo nos encontramos con grupos que afirman no ser políticos. La razón más frecuente para su postura anti política es que no podrían resistir los rigores de las encuestas electorales. A menudo, estos grupos no tienen la capacidad de dirigir y gobernar una nación con todas sus complejidades. En la política actual de Belice, estos grupos suelen desafiar y enemistarse con el gobierno como partido político. A menudo, estos grupos pasan por alto los avances y logros del Gobierno del pueblo para centrarse en otros puntos sesgados hacia su causa. Dado que estos grupos suelen ser comparativamente pequeños en número, se unen en grupos "paraguas" con nombres más elegantes y encuentran alguna disidencia común para acercarse al gobierno de Briceño llamado planBelice. Al fin y al cabo, el Gobierno de planBelice escucha a todo el mundo: esto incluye al ex partido de masas de 8 miembros, los sindicatos, las organizaciones no gubernamentales, la comunidad empresarial, las iglesias, los jóvenes, las mujeres, los niños y el electorado. El planBelice, el carisma del Primer Ministro John Briceño, nuestros Representantes de Zona, Senadores y el Gabinete guían con agudeza el acto de equilibrio "Todos ganamos".
A principios de esta semana, el primer ministro John Briceño, su adjunto, Cordel Hyde, y el anterior líder del partido, Francis Fonseca, se reunieron con miembros del Congreso Nacional de Sindicatos, uno de esos grupos. La premisa es que todos los individuos y grupos de beliceños son igualmente relevantes y de extrema importancia para la administración del planBelice. La administración Briceño escucha a todos con oídos respetuosos con la intención de ser un socio de todos y cada uno de los beliceños. A los sindicatos del NTUCB se les ha concedido una reunión con el Gobierno dos veces al año. El respeto por el NTUCB suele ser recíproco en estas reuniones. Esta vez participaron en la reunión más miembros y ejecutivos. Esto es motivo de elogio, pero algunos cínicos de los medios de comunicación permitieron que su miopía cegara el hecho de que el gobierno del pueblo está sentado con el pueblo. Un gobierno elegido por un cuerpo político de 31 circunscripciones escucha las preocupaciones de 12 sindicatos porque todas las asociaciones son importantes. Tras la reunión, los dirigentes del NTUCB expresaron su satisfacción por haber podido sentarse a la mesa y ser escuchados. Ellos, al igual que el Gobierno, esperan mejoras en los puntos de su agenda, que el primer ministro ha calificado de "verdadero trabajo progresivo que se está realizando en el marco de la agenda de gobernanza responsable del #PlanBelice".
El Gobierno debatió con el NTUCB la situación del proyecto de ley sobre seguridad y salud en el trabajo y los Convenios 158 y 155 de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo. Asimismo, avanzaron en el trabajo que se está llevando a cabo en el Reglamento de Financiación de Campañas, el Reglamento de Denunciantes y el Proyecto de Ley de Recuperación de Activos Civiles y Riqueza Inexplicable. El Gobierno está dispuesto a trabajar en pro de los principios de la buena gobernanza. Temas más amplios que afectan a todos los beliceños fueron la inflación y los precios del combustible.
Esta colaboración con los interlocutores sociales se ha convertido en el sello distintivo de la intención de esta administración de seguir el planBelice. Por ejemplo, la Comisión Conjunta de Cuentas Públicas de la Cámara de representantes es otro testimonio de que el gobierno cumple su mandato de mayor apertura y transparencia con respecto a los interlocutores sociales como parte significativa de la gobernanza del país. El ministro del Servicio Público, Henry Charles Usher, declaró en este documento que la relación de trabajo entre el Gobierno y el agente de negociación colectiva de los funcionarios públicos es fundamental para la prestación eficiente y eficaz de los servicios gubernamentales. No hay nada malo en los desacuerdos, pero el discurso debe ser respetuoso y constructivo.
Con una asociación respetuosa, Belice continuará su camino hacia el progreso, en el que más beliceños verán mejorar su calidad de vida, en el que la atención sanitaria se abordará de forma eficiente, en el que la educación será eficaz, en el que habrá puestos de trabajo disponibles, en el que una Casa y un Lote pasarán de ser un sueño a una realidad. Esta es la esencia del planBelice; todo hombre, mujer y niño tiene asegurada una vida cómoda siempre que esté dispuesto a ir a la escuela y a trabajar. El gobierno de Briceño seguirá escuchando a todos y tomando decisiones que beneficien al pueblo beliceño.
day was a tremendous success.
“A mother is she who can take the place of all others, but whose place no one else can take.’ –Cardinal Mermillod
The annual Mother’s Day Pro gram of Hon. Gilroy Usher Area Rep
Continued from page 2 you know Belize is a swamp ground. But, so far, I’m seeing progress. Every Belizean look forward to own a piece of this paradise and you really cherish Belize when you own a piece of Belize.”
Ms. Delda Franklin, a Resident who is not from Port still with a positive mindset to get some assistance. She stated, “I’m trying to get my title some years and years and years. I am retired; I have three children and I don’t know what is God’s plan for me. I wouldn’t want to have war with my children when I retire; I want to really put things in place for them.”
When asked by a reporter how long is the time span she has been trying to get her land. She went on to say, “Well my baby son is thirty-six years old; I am a retired teacher for twelve years now and I’ve been going through this years and years and years. There are many times I feel like giving up, but you know I am not that type of person to give up.”
One might ask, ‘is there any land in the Port Loyola Constituency the Area Representative assured the media that land does exist’.
Gilroy Usher, Area Representative, Port Loyola, “There is land in Port Loyola, but weh happen is that the land needs survey. And so, I am thankful to the Ministry of Natural Resources for undertaking to survey the land in Pen Road extension. Now in the other areas, what people are dealing with here is for land issues pertaining to say they applied for their lease long time and can’t get it. They applied for their title. Some persons have issues with the correction because their lease number is wrong. Other persons apply for permission to survey, and they haven’t received the okay from the ministry. And then you also have persons wanting to transfer their land from one person to the next, but it is just a long process trying to get it done in Belmopan. So, the land clinic shortens the time that it takes to get these things done.”
It is expected that over two hundred persons would be either applying for land or getting their land issues resolved, lease certificate, or title in hand.
Over 200 mothers from across the division had a wonderful time with exciting games, dancing contest, tribute to mothers, prizes for the eldest mother and youngest “expecting” mother in attendance, as well as raffles including the grand prize of a washing machine. The activity to determine which mother in each of two sets wished a happy Mother’s Day to all mothers with love, energy, and passion was also a great energizer for the crowd. The event was held at the basketball court across from the Muslim School on Central American Blvd. in Belize City.
Sincere thanks to the M.C. for the program, the mothers in attendance, Mr. Norman Usher -Chairman PUP Port Loyola Committee, the staff of the campaign office, the sponsors, and all others, whose tremendous efforts made the Mother’s Day program a very successful event.
May 26, 2023
Good morning,
I am happy to join you all at this important meeting of the Council of Ministers of Culture of CECC/SICA here in Belize. Welcome.
Bienvenidos a todos y todas. Your work in education and culture continues to have transformative impacts on our people. Through your efforts we are together championing the pursuit of Quality Education, which is a part of the Sustainable Development Goals, goal number 4 to be exact which is to “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.”
I commend you on the five priority areas of focus, specifically: the Emergency Curriculum to address the adverse effects of the Covid pandemic; the need to develop skills as a way to empower our students to become active and positive contributors to our sustainable human development as global citizens; the incorporation of STEM education as an integral part of all of our children’s education; the funding of school feeding programs to support our vulnerable children and improve their productive attendance in class; and the emphasis on quality teacher training to elevate the competencies of our educators. In culture, you have worked diligently to promote the welfare of our indigenous and afro-descendant peoples, and is our creatives, to secure respect for their invaluable contributions to the sustainable human development of our region.
You have also made it a high priority to protect and preserve our cultural and archaeological treasures, including our indigenous languages, that embody our history and our identity as Central American and Caribbean peoples.
Now you are also valuing the artistic and creative contributions of our women in these various cultural spheres with the aim of finally achieving gender balance and gender equality. Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, we are glad you are able to join us; to share values of quality education and cultural promotion which are essential to the welfare of our peoples.
I wish you all every success in your deliberations, and in the future work of the CECC.
El trabajo de la Coordinación Educativa y Cultural Centroamericana (CECC) es de suma importancia para el desarrollo sostenible humano de nuestros hermanos países. Deseo Que desfruten de la hospitalidad caloroso y humilde de nuestro pueblo, y estén seguros que ustedes están en casa.
¡Bienvenidos! Welcome!
On Friday, 19th May 2023, Honourable Members met in the National Assembly Chamber, in Belmopan for a Sitting of the House of Representatives which began around ten thirty-seven a.m.
A total of six (6) Sessional Papers were presented and ordered to be laid on the Tabled. Along with reports from the Finance and Economic Development Committee a total tabled was seven. The Constitution and Foreign Affairs Committee Reports were ordered to be laid on the table. The Leader of the Opposition Moses ‘Shyne’ Barrow posted two questions to the government side.
For this Sitting of the House of Representatives, a total of seven (7) Bills were introduced between the Honourable Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Economic Development and the Honourable Minister of Home Affairs and New Growth Industries, namely: Belize Companies (Amendment) Bill, 2023; Financial Intelligence Unit (Amendment) Bill, 2023; Insurance Bill, 2023; Civil Asset Recovery
On May 25, 2023, Ms. Maria Arthurs was officially sworn in as the new Contractor General before H.E. Dame Froyla Tzalam, Governor General of Belize.
Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño announced Ms. Arthurs’ appointment at the Sitting of the House of Representatives on April 23. Her appointment is for a period of three years, effective June 1.
Ms. Arthurs succeeds Mr. Omar Mitchell, who held the post since February 2020.
Ms. Darlin Gaitan has also made history in her own right after being appointed as Belize Ports Authority Commissioner. Both she and Ms. Arthurs are breaking new ground in a Belize that this new PUP government has pledged to make an all-inclusive and gender fair administration.
It cannot go unheralded that the Briceño administration following through with the commitments in planBelize Women’s agenda point number 6: Guarantee the equitable participation of women in leadership and governance. The appointment of Maria Arthurs and Darlin Gaitan keeps the trend of the Briceño administration of placing women in key positions of leadership. These were the best candidates for the post and they got it. That is equal opportunity.
and Unexplained Wealth Bill, 2023; International Limited Liability Companies (Amendment) Bill, 2023; Lotteries Control (Amendment) Bill, 2023; and Misuse of Drugs (Amendment) Bill, 2023. Of these, only the Lotteries Control (Amendment) Bill, 2023, was the only Bill introduced and taken through all its stages.
Of the ten (10) Bills that went
through all their stages, the Credit Unions (Amendment) Bill, 2023 and Money Laundering and Terrorism (Prevention) (Amendment) Bill, 2023 were passed with amendments. The following Bills were passed without amendment: Central Bank of Belize (Amendment) Bill, 2023; Domestic Banks and Financial Institutions (Amendment) Bill, 2023; International Banking (Amendment) Bill, 2023; Moneylenders (Amendment) Bill, 2023; National Payment System (Amendment) Bill, 2023; Lotteries Control (Amendment) Bill, 2023; Law Revision (Amendment) Bill, 2023; and Special Prosecutor Bill, 2023.
The three of the most important bills that came out of the House Meeting were the $90 Million from Saudi Arabia to construct a hospital in Belmopan, Asset Recovery Bill and the Government Lotteries Bill.
The government of Belize is preparing to construct a ninety-million-dollar, tertiary-level, hospital in Belmopan. The funds for the construction of the state-of-the-art facility are being provided by the Saudi Fund for Development through a loan at a
two percent concessionary rate. Prime Minister John Briceño explained the need for the construction of the hospital during today’s sitting.
Prime Minister John Briceño “Belize’s national referral hospital, the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital was built over thirty years ago, in addition to serving as a national referral hospital, the KHMH serves as a regional hospital. While we continue to commend the excellent work being carried out by the fine doctor, nurses and other healthcare professionals at KHMH. I don’t think anyone needs to be convinced that the KHMH is no longer at its best to meet increasing demands at both national and regional level. In spite of its age, KHMH remains the best hospital we have in Belize offering the most extensive care service we have in the country. Similarly, the Belmopan hospital was contracted over fifty years ago and despite renovations and additions over the years it too is no longer in any shape to meet the growing demands of the central region. Today, roughly nine months after formalizing establishing diplomatic relations with the king-
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dom of Saudi Arabia, I am most pleased to report to the nation that we have been able to secure ninety million dollars for the construction of a new one hundred and fifty bed modern national referral tertiary care hospital in Belize.”
This Briceño administration also introduced a bill to the House of Representatives that is one of the steps forward in tackling the scourge of corruption in Belize. The Civil Asset Recovery and Unexplained Wealth Bill will give the Government of Belize, through the Financial Intelligence Unit, the authority to recover assets and wealth acquired by individuals through criminal means.
So, for context, the F.I.U., under the act, will be given the power to acquire an Unexplained Wealth Order where suspicion arises. The order once issued will require individuals to explain and reveal their source of assets and wealth before the High Court. Prime Minister John Briceño explained.
Prime Minister John Briceño, “The Civil Recovery Authority will need to obtain a preliminary unexplained Wealth Order requiring an individual to file a declaration of wealth and appear before the high court to answer questions. If the individual provides misleading information, it may amount to an offense. What is important here is that we want to have the FIU ability to be able to go after unexplained wealth and assets that were illegally taken. But at the same time, we have to ensure we protect the rights of individuals because as I said in this country we live by the principle that you are presumed innocent until proven guilty But we are also pointing out that that individual also has to come clean, to provide evidence how he or she or the company acquired that asset or who that wealth is in his or her possession. We also know we have all these drug people, drug lords within the country and they don’t work but are driving these fancy vehicles. This will give us the ability to pull them in and explain how they have their wealth, what work they do.”
Even the Leader of the Opposition, Moses ‘Shyne’ Barrow supports this Bill he explains.
Moses “Shyne” Barrow, Leader of the Opposition, “No politician should come into politics to become wealthy. You come into politics to advocate on behalf of the people that elected you to implement policies and to serve. It should be all about public administration. It shouldn’t be about wealth. So, I have absolutely no difficulty with this bill. I hope that is retroactive. I hope that we can look, since the PUP always looks backwards, I hope that we can go beyond thirteen years and so that it can be a bipartisan bill and not a political bill that seeks to go after politicians in the opposition but all politicians that cannot explain their source of wealth and assets that they have amassed since becoming elected members of the house.”
These are the steps that this PUP Administration under the leadership of Hon. John Briceño is leading. Being accountable and transparent creates the atmosphere for good governance.
Belmopan, May 23, 2023.
The Office of the Prime Minister informs that Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño departed the country today en route to Busan, South Korea, where he will attend the World Climate Industry Expo 2023 – Leaders’ Summit.
Joining Prime Minister Briceño at the summit are Hon. Eamon Courtenay, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Immigration, and Dr. Osmond Martinez, Chief Executive Officer in the Ministry of Economic Development. The Hon. Briceño will also meet with H.E. Han Duck-soo, Prime Minister of South Korea.
The Prime Minister returns to Belize on May 29, 2023. During his absence, Hon. Cordel Hyde, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Natural Resources, Petroleum & Mining, will hold over as Prime Minister.
Excellencies, Ministers,
As we gather here at the 76th World Health Assembly, I bring greetings from the beautiful country of Belize, located in the Central American and Caribbean region. Our region faces unique health challenges, compounded by poverty, inequity, and limited resources. However, we are committed to the theme of this year's assembly - "Saving Lives, driving health for all." Belize recognizes that health is a human right, and we are committed to ensuring that all our citizens have access to quality health services, by breaking down barriers.
Challenges such as human resource for health, increase in Non-Communicable Diseases, difficulties obtaining vital medication and vaccines along with the many detrimental effects of global warming, all continue to plague our region.
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of investing in public health and building strong health systems. Belize has taken bold steps to tackle the pandemic, by implementing aggressive public health measures, investing in testing and contact tracing, and securing vaccines for our population. We are proud to have one of the highest vaccination rates in the region, with over 55% of our population vaccinated.
Belize has made great strides over the last year as we move forward towards the certification of being malaria free, and toward achieving the elimination of mother to child transmission of HIV and Syphilis. Both areas are in the process of certification by WHO and these achievements have resulted from the hard work and dedication of our staff. Belize has worked tirelessly to improve nutrition in schools at all levels. With strong political will, and working with partners, our nutrition policy has been launched. This incorporates promoting healthy foods in school, along with a ban on sugar-sweetened beverages at all levels of education. Belize has also signed on to the HEARTS initiative to ensure better management of NCDS.
Mental Health challenges have increased globally. Our health care workers are better equipped to identify and manage mental health illnesses, through widespread mh-Gap training expanded to all cadre of health staff and including Police Officers.
Climate change and its effects have significantly affected our region, with Belize still feeling the effects of Hurricane Lisa which occurred Nov 2022. Building resilient and SMART facilities for a sustainable health system remains one of our priorities. Over the last two years, many of our health infrastructures have been upgraded, this solidifies our commitment to a stronger, sustainable health system.
Belize recognizes the importance of technical cooperation in improving health outcomes.
We are committed to continue to work with partners like PAHO.
We are committed to continue to improve, expand, educate, and launch.
We are committed to continue to work toward better access to care for our people with the aim of achieving Universal Health Coverage for Belize.
In conclusion, Belize reaffirms its commitment to saving lives and driving health for all.
We call on all member states to prioritize health as a fundamental human right and to work together to build a healthier, more equitable, and more sustainable world.
Belize also reiterates its unequivocal support to Taiwan involvement in all WHO events.
San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize District; Camalote Village, Cayo District; Dangriga, Stann Creek District
BY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. The Belize Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via the following properties. Sales currently running until 15th July 2023. Public Auction Sales will expire fortnightly within this period on the dates and times listed on the website until these properties are sold.
1. Parcel No. 6201 San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, Belize District:
The freehold property of Mr. Alfredo Rubio
2. Parcel No. 3965 Young Bank Area, Camalote Village, Cayo District:
The freehold property of Mr. Luiz Guerra & Ms. Rosalia Sanchez.
Dangriga South 31 1685
As we gather here at the 76th World Health Assembly, I bring greetings from the beautiful country of Belize, located in the Central American and Caribbean region. Our region faces unique health challenges, compounded by poverty, inequity, and limited resources. However, we are committed to the theme of this year's assembly - "Saving Lives, driving health for all." Belize recognizes that health is a human right, and we are committed to ensuring that all our citizens have access to quality health services, by breaking down barriers.
Challenges such as human resource for health, increase in Non-Communicable Diseases, difficulties obtaining vital medication and vaccines along with the many detrimental effects of global warming, all continue to plague our region.
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of investing in public health and building strong health systems. Belize has taken bold steps to tackle the pandemic, by implementing aggressive public health measures, investing in testing and contact tracing, and securing vaccines for our population. We are proud to have one of the highest vaccination rates in the region, with over 55% of our population vaccinated.
Belize has made great strides over the last year as we move forward towards the certification of being malaria free, and toward achieving the elimination of mother to child transmission of HIV and Syphilis. Both areas are in the process of certification by WHO and these achievements have resulted from the hard work and dedication of our staff. Belize has worked tirelessly to improve nutrition in schools at all levels. With strong political will, and working with partners, our nutrition policy has been launched. This incorporates promoting healthy foods in school, along with a ban on sugar-sweetened beverages at all levels of education. Belize has also signed on to the HEARTS initiative to ensure better management of NCDS.
Mental Health challenges have increased globally. Our health care workers are better equipped to identify and manage mental health illnesses, through widespread
TELEPHONE: 223-4488
Facebook: Belize Auctions
5 FEB 2023
This policy of our opposition on the secure independence of Belize is not only a negative policy but it is a confused policy. It not only seeks to terrorize the people with one scare after another, but like the weather it changes from time to time: first it favours independence; then it is against independence and in favour of a moratorium for at least ten years; the latest shift of policy is independence not right now.
The opposition has an affinity, a sameness, of policy with Guatemala. Guatemala strives to delay the independence of Belize for the obvious reason that a postponement of independence would give Guatemala more time to strengthen its military might and to subvert the people of Belize. Subversion takes its wicked course as monies and aid from Guatemala support those who oppose the government of the People’s United Party and thus, knowingly or unknowingly, support Guatemala’s unjust claims to Belize.
Let not the enemies of Belizean independence lull us to sleep in the belief that by postponing the day of a secure independence we have chosen the safest course. We have not. In the end such a course can lead only to disaster and destruction.
To prevent this from happening and to save and safeguard Belize, the People’s United Party realises the serious risk of delaying independence and advocates a policy of a secure and safe independence of Belize with all its territory by one of two ways: (1) a peaceful negotiated settlement of the Anglo-Guatemalan dispute and/ or (2) a security arrangement.
It should be clear to all that the first way, a negotiated settlement, depends on the agreement of Guatemala which wants Belizean land and that if land is not ceded, then Guatemala will not agree to a settlement. Thus, Guatemala will delay a settlement in the belief that the longer it takes to reach such a settlement, Guatemala will have more time to build up its military forces and to subvert the Belizean people.
We must also bear in mind that the Belizean people have the final say: either in accepting or rejecting a negotiated settlement by a referendum which was arranged by the People’s United Party, or in mandating, the future status of Belize as a non-self-governing country with all the known risks or as a securely independent country or struggling on to obtain a security arrangement that would protect our independence.
To save and safeguard Belize for future generations, let us not be stampeded into a senseless fear of a secure independence with all our territory. For we know that the final decision rests with the Belizean people.
As a conscientious and courageous people, who understand clearly the issues at stake, we must keep on working to save and safeguard Belize. We must do so in order to put a stop to the unfounded claims of Guatemala, and to attain an independence protected by a security guarantee that will enable us to live as a united, sovereign and independent country, the Central American nation of Belize.
With your continued support and with God’s help we shall attain this just objective. As we move forward to the national elections, let us vote PUP - all the way.
Belama Phase 2, Belize City, Belize District
1. Parcel No. 2846 B2 Street, Belama Phase 2, Belize City, Belize District:
Caribbean Shores/Belize 16 2846
The Freehold property of property of Ms. Ying Liu
(Being a two-storey concrete dwelling house; Ground Floor - Living/ Dining/Kitchen + Utility/Laundry room + half Bathroom; First Floor - 4 Bedrooms + 2 Bathrooms TOGETHER with lot [373.356 S.M.] situate on B2 Street, Belama Phase 2, Belize City, Belize District, the freehold property of Ms. Ying Liu.)
TELEPHONE: 223-4488
Facebook: Belize Auctions
Bullet Tree Falls, Cayo District; San Jose Palmar, Orange Walk District
ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. The Belize Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via the following
1. Lot No. 137 Bullet Tree Falls, Cayo District:
All that piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 137 containing 418.237 S.M. situate in Bullett Tree Falls Village, Cayo District, Belize and bounded and described as shown on Plan no. 501 of 2012 TOGETHER with all buildings standing and being thereon. The freehold property of Mr. Omar Williams.
2. Parcel No. 24 Cemetery Street, San Jose Palmar Village, Orange Walk District:
San Jose Palmar 4 24
TELEPHONE: 223-4488
Facebook: Belize Auctions
Belize is making good progress towards women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health in keeping with the goals outlined in the Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health (2016–2030). Total fertility rate declined from 2.6 in 2015 to 2.27 in 2019.
The maternal mortality ratio fell from 134/100,000 live births in 2018 to 57/100,000 live births in 2020.
Neonatal, infant and under 5 mortality also showed declining trends with ranges of 24%-33% decline in 2020/2021 compared to baselines of 2009 and 2015. Belize is close to achieving elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis. Next month an external validation team will visit Belize to validate this process; and Belize has had zero indigenous cases of malaria since December 2018.
After the launch of the “Every Woman Every Child” (EWEC) initiative in 2010, a Technical Working Group started to develop evidence-based tools and interventions to strengthen the response to social inequities affecting the health of women, children and adolescents. After Belize adopted the global strategy of Accelerating Action for Health of Adolescents, a needs assessment was undertaken and an analysis of adolescent health programs, policies, legislation and resources was conducted. Participation of young persons for the review of the situation analysis and consultations with stakeholders across the country allowed for the identification of priorities and validation of findings. These actions lead to the development of Belize’s Adolescent Health Strategy 2019-2030.
As the strategy was beginning to be implemented, the world entered a health and socio-economic crisis leading to changes in prioritization for the health sector. While resources were dedicated to the COVID-19 pandemic, exposure to the adverse impacts of the pandemic has resulted in development losses for adolescent health. With the new determination to move beyond the pandemic, a sense of urgency to provide interventions for adolescents led to the launch of the Belize National Adolescent Health Strategy 2019-2030. An implementation plan has been drafted and a multisectoral technical working group has been established to coordinate activities in the implementation plan, participate in periodic reviews and make recommendations on planned strategies and activities. The training of clinicians to build capacity to provide adolescent-centred care will begin June 2023.
Continued from page 10
mh-Gap training expanded to all cadre of health staff and including Police Officers.
Climate change and its effects have significantly affected our region, with Belize still feeling the effects of Hurricane Lisa which occurred Nov 2022. Building resilient and SMART facilities for a sustainable health system remains one of our priorities. Over the last two years, many of our health infrastructures have been upgraded, this solidifies our commitment to a stronger, sustainable health system.
Belize recognizes the importance of technical cooperation in improving health outcomes.
We are committed to continue to
work with partners like PAHO.
We are committed to continue to improve, expand, educate, and launch.
We are committed to continue to work toward better access to care for our people with the aim of achieving Universal Health Coverage for Belize.
In conclusion, Belize reaffirms its commitment to saving lives and driving health for all.
We call on all member states to prioritize health as a fundamental human right and to work together to build a healthier, more equitable, and more sustainable world.
Belize also reiterates its unequivocal support to Taiwan involvement in all WHO events.
Belize City, 24 May 2023: The public is hereby informed that, in accordance Regulation 32 of the Exchange Control Regulations, 2003, the Central Bank of Belize the buying rate of the United States Dollar at a rate of BZ$2.00 to US$1.00 for all monetary instruments, including currency notes, commencing 1 June 2023.
Belize City, 24 May 2023: The public is hereby informed that, in accordance with Regulation 32 of the Exchange Control Regulations, 2003, the Central Bank of Belize has fixed the buying rate of the United States Dollar at a rate of BZ$2.00 to US$1.00 for all United States monetary instruments, including currency notes, commencing 1 June 2023.
Therefore, all transactions involving the purchase and sale of all United States instruments, including currency notes, must be conducted as follows:
Therefore, all transactions involving the purchase and sale of all United States monetary instruments, including currency notes, must be conducted as follows:
Belize City, 24 May 2023: The public is hereby informed that, in accordance with Regulation 32 of the Exchange Control Regulations, 2003, the Central Bank of Belize has fixed the buying rate of the United States Dollar at a rate of BZ$2.00 to US$1.00 for all United States monetary instruments, including currency notes, commencing 1 June 2023.
Belize City, 24 May 2023: The public is hereby informed that, in accordance with Regulation 32 of the Exchange Control Regulations, 2003, the Central Bank of Belize has fixed the buying rate of the United States Dollar at a rate of BZ$2.00 to US$1.00 for all United States monetary instruments, including currency notes, commencing 1 June 2023.
Therefore, all transactions involving the purchase and sale of all United States monetary instruments, including currency notes, must be conducted as follows:
Therefore, all transactions involving the purchase and sale of all United States monetary instruments, including currency notes, must be conducted as follows:
Note that this change aligns the buying rates for US currency notes and other instruments at BZ$2.00 to US$1.00.
Note that this change aligns the buying rates for US currency notes and other monetary instruments at BZ$2.00 to US$1.00.
Let me proudly state that during the past 15 months, Belize has not had any maternal deaths in hospitals. This reflects the priority placed on maternal health.
Thank you.
The Central Bank of Belize encourages individuals and firms to transact their holdings of United States currency and monetary instruments with an authorised dealer, subject to regulations under the Money Laundering and Terrorism (Prevention) Act, 2020. -
Note that this change aligns the buying rates for US currency notes and other monetary instruments at BZ$2.00 to US$1.00.
Note that this change aligns the buying rates for US currency notes and other monetary instruments at BZ$2.00 to US$1.00.
The Central Bank of Belize encourages individuals and firms to transact their holdings States currency and monetary instruments with an authorised dealer, subject under the Money Laundering and Terrorism (Prevention) Act, 2020. -
The Central Bank of Belize encourages individuals and firms to transact their holdings of United States currency and monetary instruments with an authorised dealer, subject to regulations under the Money Laundering and Terrorism (Prevention) Act, 2020
The Central Bank of Belize encourages individuals and firms to transact their holdings of United States currency and monetary instruments with an authorised dealer, subject to regulations under the Money Laundering and Terrorism (Prevention) Act, 2020 - ENDS -
- ENDS -
Applicant must be a Belizean citizen or a child of a Belizean citizen and residing in Belize for at least three (3) consecutive years.
Applicant must be a full-time student of a recognized educational institution by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology of Belize (MOECST).
Applicant must be entering high school for the first time.
Applicant must have an average score of 80% or its equivalent GPA for Standard 4, 5 and 6
Applications can be found at:
On the heels of BELIZE INVESTMENT SUMMIT 2022, a first, BELIZE INVESTMENT SUMMIT 2023 is fast approaching. This year’s summit will be held in the beautiful peninsula of Placencia from August 30 - September 1. There is already over one hundred million in projected investments in the pipeline. Since the 2022 theme “Belize is Open for Business” it is clear that investor confidence has been restored as a myriad of international and local investments and Public Sector Private Sector partnerships in the Jewel have been accomplished.
The Prime Minister, Honorable John Briceño announced the innovative investment by some Jamaican investors in the growing and producing bamboo. The investors have raised almost five hundred million dollars in hopes of planting twenty to thirty thousand acres of bamboo trees. Briceño told the media that “there is this bio products, bamboo bio products. A group out of Jamaica, they have set up a new industry by growing bamboo…to produce pulp, and also the waste is used to produce energy.” The group is looking to source land in the Toledo District and the Stann Creek District where idle lands from the citrus industry exist.
Bamboo is wild grass (not trees) that grow across the world including Belize. It can provide income generation for the local communities and it can help tackle climate change as hinted by Prime Minister, John Briceño. “It can sequester carbon faster than similar fast-growing tree species, such as Chinese fir and eucalyptus when properly managed” said Coosje Hoogendoorn, Director General of International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR), based in Beijing, China. Hoogendoorn, in a presentation at COP16 in Cancun, Mexico said that “Bamboo is a remarkable resource for driving economic development, and is readily available in many of the world’s poorest countries.” Its strength and flexibility materials can withstand floods, storms and earthquakes. It is stronger than steel weight for weight, and its roots can reduce soil erosion by up to 75 percent. Hence, bamboo products can be used to alleviate the ill effects of climate change in the areas of Monkey River, Silk Caye, Goff’s Caye and other coastal areas suffering from soil erosion.
Alvaro Cabnera, INBAR’s regional coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean, suggested that “apart from mitigating climate change effects, people can make money by building a sustainable industry that requires little investment.” This type of investment is aligned with Belize’s Sustainable Development Goals. It signals the creation of jobs, and a lot of opportunities. This is a far cry from
5 FEB 2023
the cold embrace of the investment climate under the Barrow regime. The result was the loss of investors confidence.
As Belize opened its doors for business, the investment confidence was restored. The Prime Minister, John Briceño, expressed the support of his
Government for the project. The Bamboo Investment is surely a win for the economy, business, environment and country and people. This is another indicator that the PUP Government continues to work in the best interest of the country and people.
Bamboo a win for Belize!
The Development Finance Corporation of Bliss Parade, City of Belmopan, Cayo District hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as mortgagee under Deed of Mortgages or Charges between those hereinafter named and the said Corporation which mortgages or charges are recorded at the Land Titles Unit or the Lands Registry, respectively and that the said Development Finance Corporation will, at the expiration of two (2) months from the date of the first publication of this notice, sell the properties described in the Schedule hereto.
All offers to purchase the said properties must be made in writing to the said Corporation at its Headquarters Office or District Offices.
Parcel No. 419, Block No. 4, Tower Hill Registration Section containing 30 acres of land situate in Orange Walk District, held under a Land Certificate being the freehold interest of ARMANDO SERGIO CARRILLO surety for DARIO AZIEL CARILLO.
Parcel No. 495, Block No. 4, Tower Hill Registration Section containing 9.20 acres of land situate in Orange Walk District, held under a Land Certificate being the freehold interest of ARMANDO SERGIO CARRILLO, ARMANDO TOMAS CARRILLO & DARIO AZIEL CARILLO (jointly) surety for DARIO AZIEL CARILLO.
Parcel No. 1033, Block No. 1, Corozal Central Registration Section containing 555.6 square yards situate on 16th of June Street, Corozal Town, Corozal District, Belize, held under a Land Certificate being the freehold interest of BENJAMIN JOSE ANTONIO ACOSTA
The Government of Belize (GOB) has received financing from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) towards the cost of a Second Road Safety Project and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this financing to eligible payments under a contract for which this invitation is issued. Payments by CDB will be made only at the request of GOB and upon approval by CDB, and will be subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the Financing Agreement. The Financing Agreement prohibits withdrawal from the financing account for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any import of goods, if such payment or import, to the knowledge of CDB, is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations. No party other than GOB shall derive any rights from the Financing Agreement or have any claim to the proceeds of the Financing.
The Ministry of Finance, Economic Development and Investment (MFEDI), the Executing Agency, now wishes to procure consultancy services for a Finance Officer.
The objective of the consultancy is to maintain records and carrying out the day-to-day financial management of the Second Road Safety Project, including the preparation of regular financial progress reports. The duration of the assignment is for eighteen (18) months.
– Procurement of items for STEAM Kits for MOECST – EQIP II-G/RFQ/2.2.3/2023-02
The Consultant must have a minimum of the following qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent in Business Administration, Accounting, Finance or other related field with minimum of three (3) years’ experience in the financial aspect of project management. Having experience working with International Funding Institutions (IFIs) financing project would be an advantage.
The Government of Belize has received financing (hereinafter called funds) from the Inter -American Development Bank (IDB) and intends to apply a portion of the funds to make eligible payments under the Contract for which this invitation is being issued.
financing (hereinafter called funds) from the Inter -American apply a portion of the funds to make eligible payments under the
MFEDI now invites interested eligible individual consultants to submit Expressions of Interest (EOI) indicating qualification and experience required to provide this consultancy service.
Government of Belize has received financing (hereinafter called funds) from the Inter -American Bank (IDB) and intends to apply a portion of the funds to make eligible payments under the which this invitation is being issued.
The Government of Belize has received financing (hereinafter called funds) from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and intends to apply a portion of the funds to make eligible payments under the Contract for which this invitation is being issued.
The Government of Belize acting through the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology (MOECST) hereby invites sealed offers from eligible and qualified Suppliers to submit a quotation for the following items:
The Government of Belize acting through the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology (MOECST) hereby invites sealed offers from eligible and qualified Suppliers to submit a quotation for the following items:
Consultants shall be eligible to participate if:
(a) the persons are citizens or bona fide residents of an eligible country; and
Government of Belize acting through the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology hereby invites sealed offers from eligible and qualified Suppliers to submit a quotation for the :
(b) in all cases, the consultant has no arrangement and undertakes not to make any arrangements, whereby any substantial part of the net profits or other tangible benefits of the contract will accrue or be paid to a person not a citizen or bona fide resident of an eligible country.
to apply a portion of
being issued.
Eligible countries are member countries of CDB. The Member Countries of the CDB can be found at the following web address: The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of CDB’s Guidelines for the Selection and Engagement of Consultants (2011), setting forth CDB’s policy on conflict of interest.
In the assessment of submissions, consideration will be given to qualification and experience on similar assignments. All information must be submitted in English. Further information may be obtained from the first address below between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 pm (local time) Monday to Friday.
The Expression of Interest must be received electronically at the first email address (Second Road Safety Project) and second email address (CDB) below no later than 3:00 p.m. (local time) on Monday, June 12th, 2023. The subject of the email shall be “Expression of Interest –Consultancy Services for Finance Officer.”
Following the assessment of submissions, the most technically capable and appropriately experienced applicant will be invited to negotiate a contract to provide the consultancy services. GOB reserves the right to accept or reject late applications or to cancel the present invitation partially or in its entirety. It will not be bound to assign any reason for not short-listing any applicant and will not defray any costs incurred by any applicant in the preparation and submission of Expressions of Interest.
Envelopes should be addressed to:
Tel: +501-822-3517
Tel: (+1 246) 539 1600
Institution: Inter-American Development Bank
Country: Belize
Project: Program for Digital Innovation to Boost Economic Development in Belize.
Sector: Finance and Public Service
Abstract: The project’s implementation includes the procurement of several contracts that falls in the following categories: goods, consulting (individuals and firms) and non-consulting services for digital transformation services, digital transformation of government services and demand for digital technology and innovation.
Loan/Credit/Grant No.: 5647/0C-BL
Borrower: Government of Belize
The Government of Belize has received financing in the amount equivalent to ten million US Dollars (US $10M) from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and it intends to apply part of the proceeds to payments for goods, consulting (individuals and firms) and non-consulting services to be procured under the project Program for Digital Innovation to Boost Economic Development in Belize. Bidding will be governed by the Inter-American Development Bank’s eligibility rules and procedures.
The main objective of this project is to promote digitalization of firms and government services in order to promote growth and increase efficiency in Belize’s economy. The specific objectives are to: (i) promote firms’ growth through increased adoption of digital solutions; (ii) promote firms’ efficiency through digitization of licensing processes; and (iii) reduce costs for citizen through the digitization of civil registration services. The project contains two (2) components.
Component 1 Digital transformation for firm growth and efficiency- stimulate private sector demand for digital technology and digital innovation, enhance local digital capacities; and digitalize government services for firms.
Component 2 Digital transformation of government services for citizens -support the optimization and digitalization of government processes related to citizens registration services.
Procurement processes of contracts financed by the Inter-American Development Bank will be conducted in accordance with the Policies for Procurement of Goods and Works financed by the Inter-American Development Bank (current edition), and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the policies. . Consulting services will be selected and contracted in accordance with the Policies for the Selection and Contracting of Consultants financed by the Inter-American Development Bank (current ed).
Specific procurement notices will be published as they become available pursuant to the Procurement Plan published in For consulting services expected to cost an amount equivalent to US $200.000 or more, a request for expressions of interest contracts will be advertised in UN Development Business and Inter-American Development Bank’s Web Site, CARICOM Public Procurement Notice Board (CPPNB) and national newspapers of wide circulation within Belize.
Interested eligible bidders and consultants who wish to be included on the mailing list to receive invitations to prequalify/bid under ICB procedures, and interested consultants who wish to receive a copy of advertisement requesting expressions of interest for consultancy contracts, or those requiring additional information, should contact the address below:
Central Executing Unit
Attn: Procurement Specialist
Habet Building
2nd Floor
1904 Constitution Drive
Belmopan, Cayo District
Contact Information: Tel: 501-822-4106
Institution: Inter-American Development Bank
Country: Belize
Project: Strengthening Public Expenditure Management in Belize
Sector: Finance and Public Service
Abstract: The list of procurement is to achieve the objectives of each subcomponent of the project. Procurement will include consultancy services and goods for financial management, procurement systems, technological infrastructure and strengthening capacity building.
Loan/Credit/Grant No.: 5353/0C-BL Borrower: Government of Belize
The Government of Belize has received financing in the amount equivalent to eight million US Dollars (US $8M) from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and it intends to apply part of the proceeds to payments for goods, works, related services and consulting services to be procured under the project Strengthening Public Expenditure Management in Belize. Bidding will be governed by the Inter-American Development Bank’s eligibility rules and procedures.
The main objective of this project is to promote the fiscal sustainability of Belize. The specific objective is to increase the efficiency of public resources by strengthening public financial management. The project contains four (4) subcomponents.
Subcomponent 1 Financial Management - Improve the efficiency of key expenditure functions.
Subcomponent 2 Procurement - Improve efficiency by promoting economies of scale and competitiveness among suppliers in the acquisition of all goods and services.
Subcomponent 3 Technological Infrastructure - Promote a more sustainable technological infrastructure enabling processes to be more reliable and faster.
Subcomponent 4 Strengthening Capacity Building - Improve institutional capacity for personnel to carry out processes and operate systems efficiently.
Procurement processes of contracts financed by the Inter-American Development Bank will be conducted in accordance with the Policies for Procurement of Goods and Works financed by the Inter-American Development Bank (current edition), and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the policies. For these procurement processes domestic preference shall be applied to compare bids. Consulting services will be selected and contracted in accordance with the Policies for the Selection and Contracting of Consultants financed by the Inter-American Development Bank (current edition).
Specific procurement notices will be published as they become available pursuant to the Procurement Plan published in For consulting services expected to cost an amount equivalent to US $200.000 or more, a request for expressions of interest contracts will be advertised in UN Development Business, Inter-American Development Bank’s and Ministry of Economic Development Web Site, CARICOM Public Procurement Notice Board (CPPNB) and national newspapers of wide circulation within Belize.
Interested eligible bidders and consultants who wish to be included on the mailing list to receive invitations to prequalify/bid under ICB procedures, and interested consultants who wish to receive a copy of advertisement requesting expressions of interest for consultancy contracts, or those requiring additional information, should contact the address below:
Subject – Request for information – SPEM – BL-L1038
Central Executing Unit
Attn: Procurement Specialist
Habet Building 1904 Constitution Drive
Belmopan, Cayo District
Contact Information: Tel: 501-822-4106
Notice is hereby given to all interested parties that the company MOCTON GROUP S.A. (“the Company”) Registered under the Belize Companies Act 2022 commenced dissolution on the 09th day of May, 2023; and Mapcia Guerrero of Aquilino de la Guardia St. No. 8, Panama City, Panama is the Liquidator of the Company.
Icaza Belize Trust Corporation Limited
Registered Agent
Notice is hereby given to all interested parties that the company Jade Success Ltd. (“the Company”) Registered under the Belize Companies Act 2022 commenced dissolution on the 11th day of May, 2023; and Hsiao, Mei-Fang of 3F, No. 1, Aly. 12, Ln. 221, Mingxing St., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City, Taiwan, R.O.C. is the Liquidator of the Company.
GenPro Consulting (Belize) Limited.
Registered Agent
Notice is hereby given that the below company has been dissolved and struck off the Belize Companies and Corporate Affairs Register with effect from the date indicated:
Institution: Inter-American Development Bank
Country: Belize
Project: Program for Sustainable and Inclusive Belize.
Sector: Agriculture and Tourism
Abstract: The project’s implementation includes the procurement of several contracts that falls in the following categories: goods, consulting (individuals and firms) and non-consulting services for environmentally sustainable and climate resilient farming systems, sustainable and inclusive agrifood markets and sustainable and inclusive tourism.
Loan/Credit/Grant No.: 5583/0C-BL
Borrower: Government of Belize
The Government of Belize has received financing in the amount equivalent to fifteen million, eight hundred thousand US Dollars (US $15.8M) from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and it intends to apply part of the proceeds to payments for goods, consulting (individuals and firms) and non-consulting services to be procured under the project Program for Sustainable and Inclusive Belize. Bidding will be governed by the Inter-American Development Bank’s eligibility rules and procedures.
The main objective of this project is to improve incomes and promote sustainable livelihoods in the agriculture and tourism sectors. The specific objectives are to improve Micro Small and Mediumsized Enterprises (MSMEs) competitiveness, climate resilience, and environmental sustainability. The project contains two (2) components.
Component 1 Direct support to farmers, agriculture groups and MSMEs for sustainable and inclusive development.
Component 2 Enabling environment for sustainable and inclusive development.
Procurement processes of contracts financed by the Inter-American Development Bank will be conducted in accordance with the Policies for Procurement of Goods and Works financed by the Inter-American Development Bank (current edition), and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the policies. Consulting services will be selected and contracted in accordance with the Policies for the Selection and Contracting of Consultants financed by the Inter-American Development Bank (current edition).
Icaza Belize Trust Corporation Limited
Registered Agent
Notice is hereby given that the below company has been dissolved and struck off the Belize Companies and Corporate Affairs Register with effect from the date indicated:
Specific procurement notices will be published as they become available pursuant to the Procurement Plan published in https://projectprocurement. For consulting services expected to cost an amount equivalent to US $200.000 or more, a request for expressions of interest contracts will be advertised in UN Development Business and Inter-American Development Bank’s Web Site, CARICOM Public Procurement Notice Board (CPPNB) and national newspapers of wide circulation within Belize.
Interested eligible bidders and consultants who wish to be included on the mailing list to receive invitations to prequalify/bid under ICB procedures, and interested consultants who wish to receive a copy of advertisement requesting expressions of interest for consultancy contracts, or those requiring additional information, should contact the address below:
Central Executing Unit
Attn: Procurement Specialist
Habet Building
2nd Floor 1904 Constitution Drive
Belmopan, Cayo District
GenPro Consulting (Belize) Limited Registered Agent
Contact Information: Tel: 501-822-4106
Continued from page 20
too much politics in it. Belize is one of the countries that openly calls for Taiwan’s inclusion at the World Health Organization and to have its sovereignty respected and officially upheld by the United Nations.
sia and Belize. The editor of the Belize Times Press, Jose ‘Tony’ Jimenez, was invited to this year’s Press Group. The latter saw what most experienced—a country of hard-working people who were in peace. Taiwan’s citizens ask for
peace to continue and for development to accelerate not only in Taiwan but in the rest of the world. In Belize, San Pedro will see a 30-million-dollar general hospital soon. ‘Taiwan can help’ is their call to the world.
5 FEB 2023
Repeating for context: at the invitation of the Republic of China (Taiwan), an International Press Group visited the Republic of China (Taiwan) on May 7 and were directly hosted by officials of Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA). The 30 delegates hailed from 24 different countries: United States (California, Washington D.C. Alaska), Spain, Poland, Brazil, Paraguay, Canada, Japan, United Kingdom, Oman, Nigeria, Colombia, Australia, Germany, Eswatini, South Korea, St. Christopher and Nevis, Slovakia, Kuwait, Italy, Fiji, Israel, Denmark, Malay-
BY ORDER of the Government of Belize, Licensed Auctioneer unserviceable vehicles and motorcycles on-site at the Ministry of Works Compound, located in Belmopan City, Cayo District, Saturday, June 3rd, 2023. The registration and viewing will commence at 8:00 a.m.
It is the responsibility of the successful bidder, to remove the vehicle/motorcycle from the compound the same day.
BY ORDER of the Government of Belize, Licensed Auctioneer Mrs. Wendy Castillo will auction for sale the following unserviceable vehicles and motorcycles on-site at the Ministry of Works Compound, located in Belmopan City, Cayo District, Saturday, June 3rd, 2023. The registration and viewing will commence at 8:00 a.m.
BY ORDER of the Government of Belize, Licensed Auctioneer Mrs. Wendy Castillo will auction for sale the following unserviceable vehicles and motorcycles on-site at the Ministry of Works Compound, located in Belmopan City, Cayo District, Belize on Saturday, June 3rd, 2023. The registration and viewing will commence at 8:00 a.m.
Government of Belize, Licensed Auctioneer Mrs. Wendy Castillo will auction for sale the following and motorcycles on-site at the Ministry of Works Compound, located in Belmopan City, Cayo , 2023. The registration and viewing will commence at 8:00 a.m. It is the responsibility of the successful bidder, to remove the vehicle/motorcycle from the compound the same
The signing of this PAHO/ WHO Country Cooperation Strategy, 2023-2027 represents the commitment between PAHO/WHO and the Government of Belize. This initiative will guide the collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Wellness with the aim of strengthening the national health system. Strategic lines of action comprise addressing health determinants for the prevention and control of diseases and human resource development. The partnership with PAHO/WHO is consolidated and directly contributes to the vision of the MOHW in improving the quality of health care provided to all Belizeans.
Signing the Cooperation Strategy was Hon. Kevin Bernard, Minister of Health and Wellness, and Dr. Jarbas Barbosa da Silva Jr.
Joining the Minister was the Director of Hospital Services and Allied Health Dr. Jorge Polanco, Delegate Andrei Rohan Chell and the PAHO/WHO Country Representative in Belize, Dr. Bell.
NOTE: It is the responsibility of the successful bidder, to remove the vehicle/motorcycle from the compound the same day.
It is the responsibility of the successful bidder, to remove the vehicle/motorcycle from the compound the same day.
Dr. Leroy Almendarez, Executive Director of BELTRAIDE is among 60 senior-level government, business, policy and economic decision-makers from 20 countries across the Americas who are attending the Americas Competitiveness Exchange (ACE). The exchange being held from May 14 – May 19, 2023, grants participants a first-hand look at the greater Seattle, Washington region’s economic, innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem.
Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) is hosting ACE Greater Seattle in partnership with the Washington State Department of Commerce. The program was developed in collaboration with Greater Seattle Partners (GSP), under the guidance of the Organization of American States (OAS), United States Economic Development Administration (EDA), International Trade Administration and Department of State. The delegates will meet with leaders from established and emerging economic sectors to explore the region’s dynamic and inventive sectors including information technology, aerospace, space, maritime, higher education, life sciences and global health. Additionally:
• Microsoft will invite the group to their Redmond campus to discuss AI and Cloud platform technology.
• Chateau Ste. Michelle and Woodinville Wine Country will host a reception for the delegation and highlight Washington’s thriving viniculture industry.
• University of Washington Seattle and Tacoma will showcase technology innovation education opportunities and efforts to accelerate adoption of clean energy technology.
• Boeing will host the group for a tour of their Everett factory facility followed by a discussion of the public-private partnership that has led to commercial aviation success at Snohomish County Paine Field Airport.
• The Suquamish Tribe will share about tribal revitalization efforts at the House of Awakened Culture Community Center.
• The Port of Tacoma will host a boat tour of the waterfront focused on supply chain and logistics and the Port of Seattle will facilitate a discussion on aviation sustainability technology.
• Amazon will facilitate a discussion about Amazon Web Services and innovation in the Americas and will invite the delegation to the Amazon Spheres for a closing ceremony to solidify collaboration fostered throughout the week.
Dr. Almendarez stated that ACE gives Belize an opportunity to “explore partnerships that can derive mutually beneficial outcomes; to discuss, learn, adopt and customize, where necessary methodologies and programs that can lead to economic development.”
1. Background
Assumes direct responsibility for planning and managing the grant budget by ensuring that:
1. Background
In November 2021, The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and the Government of Belize (GOB) finalized the single largest debt conversion agreement through the Blue Loan Agreement (BLA) and the Conservation Funding Agreement (CFA). These agreements referred to as the Belize Blue Bond has enabled the country to reduce its debt burden and increase its long-term investment in Ocean conservation for 20 years and beyond with a commitment to protect up to 30% of Belize’s ocean, in addition to other conservation commitments, beneficial to the country’s economy and people.
9. Expenditures are in accordance with the grant agreement, the work plan and other grant documents, and adjustments (if any) are made with due consultation and approval.
In November 2021, The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and the Government of Belize (GOB) finalized the single largest debt conversion agreement through the Blue Loan Agreement (BLA) and the Conservation Funding Agreement (CFA). These agreements referred to as the Belize Blue Bond has enabled the country to reduce its debt burden and increase its long-term investment in Ocean conservation for 20 years and beyond with a commitment to protect up to 30% of Belize’s ocean, in addition to other conservation commitments, beneficial to the country’s economy and people.
As an indication of the Government’s highest commitment to fulfilling the commitments of these agreements, the Prime Minister has established the Blue Bond Coordination Unit (the “Unit”) within the Office of the Prime Minister with the principal objective to ensure that the Government of Belize (GoB) meets all commitments outlined in the Blue Loan Agreement (BLA) and Conservation Funding Agreement (CFA) in collaboration with the Belize Blue Investment Company (BZBIC) and The Nature Conservancy (TNC).
Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation:
As an indication of the Government’s highest commitment to fulfilling the commitments of these agreements, the Prime Minister has established the Blue Bond Coordination Unit (the “Unit”) within the Office of the Prime Minister with the principal objective to ensure that the Government of Belize (GoB) meets all commitments outlined in the Blue Loan Agreement (BLA) and Conservation Funding Agreement (CFA) in collaboration with the Belize Blue Investment Company (BZBIC) and The Nature Conservancy (TNC).
10. Finalize and submit to the BBFP the monitoring and evaluation plan for the GSA including the budget and mechanism for data collection and responsibilities; and ensure monitoring, reporting, and evaluation are undertaken as per the Monitoring and Evaluation Plan.
11. Finalize and submit to the BBFP the annual work plans and the procurement plan.
The Unit is headed by the CEO in the Office of the Prime Minister and led by a Director. The CEO shall be authorized in accordance with applicable procedures the employment or engagement appropriate personnel to provide requisite support for the fulfillment of obligations under the BLA and the CFA and the successful design of Finance Permanence for Belize.
The Unit is headed by the CEO in the Office of the Prime Minister and led by a Director. The CEO shall be authorized in accordance with applicable procedures the employment or engagement appropriate personnel to provide requisite support for the fulfillment of obligations under the BLA and the CFA and the successful design of Finance Permanence for Belize.
2. Project Description
In 2022 as stipulated by the BLA and CFA, a Conservation Fund was established known as the “Belize Fund for a Sustainable Future”. The Belize Fund for a Sustainable Future (BFSF) has two (2) funding mechanisms: (i) Government Strategic Allocation (GSA), and (ii) the Grant Awards Program (GAP). The GSA is earmarked for the Government and its agencies to support the achievement of the milestones and conservation commitments included in the CFA. The GSA is to be coordinated by a single government entity the Blue Bond and Finance Permanence Unit for the development of the Government’s proposal to the BFSF.
12. Finalize and submit to the BBFP the quarterly and annual progress reports against set targets and indicators, with an analysis of evidence of progress towards planned outputs according to schedules, budgets, and inputs provided by the project and with respect to the Monitoring and Evaluation Plan, and according to the reporting requirements of the BFSF and the BBIC.
13. Reports regularly to Director of the BBFP and keeps the PSC up to date on progress and problems.
In 2022 as stipulated by the BLA and CFA, a Conservation Fund was established known as the “Belize Fund for a Sustainable Future”. The Belize Fund for a Sustainable Future (BFSF) has two (2) funding mechanisms:
(i) Government Strategic Allocation (GSA), and (ii) the Grant Awards Program (GAP). The GSA is earmarked for the Government and its agencies to support the achievement of the milestones and conservation commitments included in the CFA. The GSA is to be coordinated by a single government entity the Blue Bond and Finance Permanence Unit for the development of the Government’s proposal to the BFSF.
• Minimum of a Master’s Degree in Project Management, Business Administration or any other related fields;
• At least two years of practical experience in project management.
• Proven experience working in the natural resources/ environmental field.
The GSA proposal aims to ensure the successful and timely delivery of the timebound Milestones and other conservation commitments for the Government of Belize with a focus on establishing t he enabling environment for the development of a Marine Spatial Plan through strengthened governance, improved management, and enhanced monitoring of Belize’s coastal and marine resources.
The GSA proposal aims to ensure the successful and timely delivery of the timebound Milestones and other conservation commitments for the Government of Belize with a focus on establishing the enabling environment for the development of a Marine Spatial Plan through strengthened governance, improved management, and enhanced monitoring of Belize’s coastal and marine resources.
• Experience in budgeting/ payments or general project finance or accounting
• Working experiences/familiarity with the Government of Belize process and procedures is an asset.
The proposed projects within this GSA submission will be executed over the 202 3-2025 period with a total budget of $11,692,815.20 BZD.
• Strong leadership, management, and interpersonal skills with proven ability to work effectively within a multidisciplinary team, motivate quality work and promote team building.
The proposed projects within this GSA submission will be executed over the 2023-2025 period with a total budget of $11,692,815.20 BZD.
3. Duties and Responsibilities
The overall objective of the assignment is to coordinate the implementation of the Government Strategic Allocation (GSA) activities with key Government agencies.
Key Function:
1. Coordinate and oversee the project activities defined in the GSA, providing strategic inputs and ensuring compliance with the terms and procedures outlined in the Grant Agreement, including the environmental and social safeguards policies, and any other relevant documents associated with the Grant.
2. Manage the day-to-day operations of the GSA, including the supervision of consultants (if any) hired to work on project implementation and the coordination with key stakeholders.
Planning and Implementation of GSA:
3. Lead the preparation and implementation of annual work plans with the inputs from the various government entities, with budget and clearly stated milestones contributing to the achievement of target outputs consistent with the GSA and fulfillment of the Blue Bond Agreements and ensuring their clearance by the Project Steering Committee (PSC).
4. Organize, facilitate, and provide technical and logistical support to and participate in meetings relevant to GSA, including Steering Committee (PSC) and the CEO Committee (upon request).
5. Participate and represent the BBFP in workshops/meetings for stakeholders relevant to the GSA and its implementation.
6. Ensure that all GSA program activities are fully mainstreamed into the national development agenda and contributing to the fulfillment of the Belize Blue Bond Agreements.
7. Lead the preparation of the GSA submission based on a process of interministerial coordination.
8. Any other Blue Bond and Finance Permanence Unit related activities as appropriate.
• Proven ability to manage human resources within a project context and to follow the rules of consultative and adaptive management.
• Fluency in written and spoken English is indispensable; Spanish would be an additional asset.
• Ability and willingness to undertake extensive local travel.
• Sound computer skills including Microsoft Office, QuickBooks, and other relevant applications.
6. Supervision
The Project Manager will report directly to the Director of the BBFP.
7. Duty Station
Belize City
8. Payment Arrangements
The salary of the contract commensurate with experience and qualifications.
9. Estimated Starting Date and Duration
Start date will be effective at contract signature. A contract will be renewed biannually based on an assessment of performance and requires full-time commitment.
10. Presentation of Resumes
Those interested in filling the vacancy for the position of Project Manager should send a statement of capability and CV along with three references to email: executiveassistant.bbfpunit@opm. or printed to the address 3rd Floor, Eleanor Hall Building, Lake Independence Boulevard, Belize City by Friday, 2nd June 2023 no later than 4:00 p.m.
Applications will be reviewed by a Selection Committee. Those shortlisted will be invited to an interview with the Committee. The evaluation will be made taking into account the selection criteria and respective capabilities. Due diligence will be done to validate the information included in the CV or the information provided during the interviews.
The Government of Belize (GOB), through the Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing (MIDH), intends to upgrade the Bullet Tree Road from its intersection with Joseph Andrews Drive in San Ignacio, Cayo District, to Bullet Tree Village (approximately 3.0 Miles) using Hot-Mix Asphalt Cement.
Provided there are no delays, construction is expected to start in the Third Quarter of 2023. The MIDH hereby invites interested qualified contractors with experience in road construction with emphasis in Hot-Mix Asphalt Cement (HMAC) pavement to participate in this process.
The Project is being implemented by the MIDH, Project Execution Unit (PEU). An Engineering Coordinator within the PEU will be responsible for the day-to-day management of project activities.
The Scope of Works refers to:
●Minor earthworks
●Culvert installation and drainage improvements
●Granular sub-base and basecourse pavement rehabilitation
●Construction of hot-mix asphalt concrete surfacing
●Road marking, Furniture & Miscellaneous Works
Consideration will be given to local firms who have qualified extensive experience in road construction of a similar nature, size and complexity.
Minimum Qualification Criteria:
●Provision of audited financial statements for 3 years between 2019 and 2022
●General Construction Experience: 10 Years
●Specific Construction Experience in the placement of Hot-Mix Asphalt Cement (HMAC)
●Contract Management Experience: 10 Years
●Construction Experience in a Project of Similar Size and Complexity (one)
●Access to Line of Credit: $500,000.00
●Average annual turnover of minimum: Bz$1.5 Million
Qualified registered Engineer: 10 years’ experience (5 years registered)
Effective Monday 29 May 2023, Bidding Documents are available at a cost of Bz$1,000.00 from the address below. There are two options for submitting the bidding information. These are:
(a) By electronic submission, in pdf format, to the email address indicated below. The submission will be deemed to have been received at the time that it is received by the PEU. The burden of proving receipt of the email will be on the applicant and will not be met solely by a read receipt or sent items report generated by the bidder’s computer.; or
(b) By submission of one original and three hard copies, by hand or by registered mail, in a sealed envelope to the address below. The sealed envelope containing each submission must include the name and address of the applicant.
All Bidding Documents properly completed should reach the office of the Chief Engineer at the address below no later than Monday 12 June 2023 at 10:00 am. The Ministry shall not be bound to assign any reason for not post-qualifying any contractor and shall not accept responsibility for any cost incurred by the applicants.
Attention: Mr. Evondale Moody Chief Engineer Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing Power LaneBelmopan
Tel: +501-828-5220
The Government of Belize (GOB), through the Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing (MIDH), intends to upgrade three streets in Belize City to concrete paved standards, namely:
1. Lacroix Boulevard
2. Complex Avenue
3. Neal’s Pen Road
Lacroix Boulevard will comprise the upgrading to concrete paved standards of this Boulevard from its intersection with George Price Highway along Lopez Street - Lacroix Boulevard to Haulover Creek, which is approximately 1,267 meters.
Complex Avenue will comprise the upgrading to concrete paved standards of this Avenue from its intersection with Mahogany Street to Lacroix Boulevard, which is approximately 595 meters.
Neal’s Pen Road will comprise the upgrading to concrete paved standards of this Road from its intersection with Central American Boulevard to Fabers Road, which is approximately 1,270 meters.
Provided there are no delays, construction is expected to start in the Third Quarter of 2023. The MIDH hereby invites interested contractors in the civil works to be part of this bidding process.
The Project is being implemented by the MIDH, Project Execution Unit (PEU). An Engineering Coordinator within the PEU will be responsible for the day-to-day management of project activities.
The Scope of Works refers to:
●Preparation of granular road base
●Drainage improvements
●Formwork and reinforcement setting and concreting
●Roadmarking, Furniture & Miscellaneous Works
Consideration will be given to local firms who have qualified extensive experience in road construction of a similar size and complexity.
Minimum Qualification Criteria:
●Provision of audited financial statements for 3 years between 2019 and 2022
●General Construction Experience: 10 Years
●Specific Construction Experience in the construction of rigid (concrete) pavement
●Contract Management Experience: 10 Years
●Construction Experience in a Project of Similar Size and Complexity (one)
●Access to Line of Credit: $500,000.00
●Average annual turnover of minimum: Bz$1.5 Million
●Qualified registered Engineer: 10 years’ experience (5 years registered)
Effective Monday 29 May 2023, Bidding Documents are available at a cost of Bz$1,000.00 from the address below.
There are two options for submitting the bidding information. These are:
(a) By electronic submission, in pdf format, to the email address indicated below. The submission will be deemed to have been received at the time that it is received by the PEU. The burden of proving receipt of the email will be on the applicant and will not be met solely by a read receipt or sent items report generated by the bidder’s computer.; or
(b) By submission of one original and three hard copies, by hand or by registered mail, in a sealed envelope to the address below. The sealed envelope containing each submission must include the name and address of the applicant.
All Bidding Documents properly completed should reach the office of the Chief Engineer at the address below no later than Monday 12 June 2023 at 10:00 am. The Ministry shall not be bound to assign any reason for not post-qualifying any contractor and shall not accept responsibility for any cost incurred by the applicants.
Attention: Mr. Evondale Moody Chief Engineer Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing Power Lane BelmopanBELIZE C.A.
Tel: +501-828-5220
The Government of Belize (GOB) has been allocated grant funds (the Grant) from the Global Environmental Facility (GEF), which are administered by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) and executed by Belize Electricity Limited (BEL) in conjunction with the Ministry of Public Service, Energy and Public Utility (MPSEPU) and the National Meteorological Service (NMS), in an amount equivalent to USD 8 million, towards the cost of an Energy Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation Project. A portion of the proceeds of the Grant will be applied to eligible payments unde r the contract for which this specific procurement notice is issued. Payments by the World Bank will be made only at the request of BEL, and upon approval by the World Bank, and will be subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the Grant Agreement. The Grant Agreement prohibits withdrawal from the financing account for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any import of goods, if such payment or import, to the knowledge of the World Bank, is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations. No party other than GOB shall derive any rights from the Grant Agreement or have any claim to the proceeds of the Grant.
BEL now invites electronic Bids from eligible Bidders for the Civil works and supply of manpower for the installation of a) hydrometeorological automatic weather stations, b) rainfall stations, and c) automatic weather stations.
Bidding will be conducted through National Competitive Bidding (NCB) using a Request for Bids (RFB) as specified in the World Bank’s "Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” dated January 2011 (revised July 2014) (“Procurement Guidelines”) and is open to all eligible Bidders as defined in the Procurement Guidelines.
Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from the following person:
Ms. Carolyn L. Crawford Procurement ConsultantERCAP
Project Management UnitBelize Electricity Limited
The bidding document in English may be requested by interested Bidders upon the submission of a written application to the address above. The document will be sent electronically upon this request.
Bids must be received at the e mail address below on or before Wednesday, May 31, 2023, by 3:00 p.m. and will be opened at 3:15 p.m. sharp Belize time
Submission of bids by electronic email (EM):
A PDF copy of the bid should be submitted by EM. The PDF copy should be encrypted, or password protected. The e mail should not be encrypted but only the attachment shall be encrypted, or password protected.
The procedure for submission of bid is:
A. The zipped file is to be sent to Manager, Procurement Department at
B. Password or encryption key should be sent along with the bid to the same bid submission e mail address listed below.
C. Bidders will receive a confirmation e mail from BEL once their bid is received.
D. Bidders should ensure that the bid document(s) are not corrupt or affected by any computer virus that may possibly deny access to the files. BEL will not be responsible for such corrupt files which may deny access during the bid opening process.
E. The maximum file size for each e mail will be 30 MB. Any e mail with an attachment above this size will bounce back. Hence, Bidders must ensure the attachments do not exceed 30 MB.
F. Email submissions should be clearly labelled in their subject with the following: Bid for Weather Stations Installation – ERCAP
– “include Bidders name or Company name”
Bids submitted electronically shall only be opened publicly at the Bid Opening time mentioned above on May 31, 2023, in the presence of Bidders and/or their representat ives who have submitted a bid. Bid opening will be held virtually using Microsoft (MS) Teams. The link to the MS-Teams bid opening invite will be shared with all Bidders prior to the bid opening date and all Bidders are encouraged to participate therein. L ate Bids shall be rejected.
All Bids must be accompanied by a Bid-Securing Declaration.
The address referred to above is:
Manager Procurement Department
Belize Electricity Limited
2 ½ Miles Phillip Goldson Highway
Belize City, Belize
Telephone: +501-227-0954
BEL reserves the right to reject late bids or to cancel the bid opening session in its entirety. It will not be bound to assign any reason for not engaging the services of any Bidder and will not defray any costs incurred by any Bidder in the preparation and submission of their bid.
In accordance with Section 13 of the Registered Land Act Chapter 194, I Patricia Robateau Blackett, Registrar of Lands, hereby serves notice that within one month from the date hereof, I intend to register the following parcels of land listed below for which application for first registration have been received.
The attention of the general public is hereby drawn to this notice. Any person whose rights and interest may be affected by the registering of these parcels must get in touch with me before expiry date of this notice between Mondays to Fridays at the Land Registry, Belmopan.
SOUTH Block No.23 and being Parcel No.1405 Formerly Lot 42, 541.914 Square Meters situated in San Ignacio Town, Cayo District.
This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.689 of 2007 dated 16th July, 2007 in favor of SHARON MORRIS
This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section LADYVILLE/ LORD’S BANK Block No.16 and being Parcel No.6634 Formerly Lot No. 1, 470.242 Square Yards situated in Ladyville Village, Belize District. This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Conveyance No. 573 of 1991 dated 8th March, 1991 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No. 7 of 1991 Folios 85-94 in favor of MIRNA KATINA MAGANA MEJIA.
Patricia Robateau Blackett (Mrs.) Registrar ofAPPLICATION NO. LRS-202215506
This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section YO CREEK VILLAGE Block No.4 and being Parcel No.244 Formerly Lot 36, 1614.25 Square Yards situated in Yo Creek Village, Orange Walk District.
This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.49 of 1982 dated 28th January, 1982 in favor of MAURO GONGORA (DECEASED).
This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section GUINEA GRASS Block No.4 and being Parcel No.529 Formerly Lot 150, 2834.965 Square Meters situated in Guinea Grass Village, Orange Walk District.
This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.814 of 2005 dated 4th October, 2005 in favor of VALERIO GARCIA
This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section FORT GEORGE/ PICKSTOCK Block No.45 and being Parcel No.1699 Formerly Portion of Parcel No. 1512 and No. 497 (E19429), 506.20 Square Meters situated on Victoria Street, Belize City, Belize District.
This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Conveyance No. 3890 of 2006 dated 13th December, 2006 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No. 45 of 2006 Folios 1457-1472 in favor of ELSWORTH CARL CASTILLO.
This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section LADYVILLE/ LORD’S BANK Block No.16 and being Parcels No. 1561, 1562, 1563, 1564, 1565 & 1566 Formerly Lots No. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13 respectively, each containing 928.73 Square Meters situated Southwest of the Northern Highway at Mile 13, Belize District.
This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Conveyance No. 719 of 1993 dated 5th April, 1993 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No. 8 of 1993 Folios 1111-1120 in favor of SUMA LIMITED.
This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section SAN IGNACIO SOUTH Block No.23 and being Parcel No.1406 Formerly Lot 43, 542.126 Square Meters situated in San Ignacio Town, Cayo District.
This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.690 of 2007 dated 3rd August, 2007 in favor of SHARON MORRIS
This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section SAN IGNACIO
This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section QUEEN’S SQUARE WEST Block No.45 and being Parcel No.126 Formerly Lot No. 7757, 371.46 Square Meters situated in Madam Liz Avenue Port Loyola Area, Belize City, Belize District.
This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Conveyance No. 1022 of 2007 dated 22nd March, 2007 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No. 12 of 2007 Folios 1441-1450 in favor of MICHELLE HAYLOCK.
This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section ST. MARTIN DE PORRES WEST Block No.45 and being Parcel No.1199 Formerly Lot 154, 393.15 Square Yards situated in the St. Martin De Porres Area, Belize City, Belize District.
This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.633 of 2007 dated 5th July, 2007 in favor of EDIS AUDINETT
This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section CAYE CAULKER Block No.12 and being Parcel No.2197 Formerly portion of Parcel 1619 (Entry 20249), 997.60 Square Meters situated in Caye Caulker Village, Belize District.
This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Conveyance No. 642 of 1989 dated 13th April, 1989 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No. 7 of 1989 Folios 467-474 in favor of FIDELIA TERESITA GOMEZ.
This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section CAYE CAULKER Block No.12 and being Parcel No.2299 Formerly portion of Parcel 2175 (Entry 18184), 769.905 Square Meters situated in Caye Caulker Village, Belize District.
This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Conveyance No. 1044 of 1981 dated 16th July, 1981 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No. 10 of 1981 Folios 739-750 in favor of RAY LESLIE AND JOY LESLIE (JOINTLY).
This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section DANGRIGA NORTH Block No.31 and being Parcel No.205 Formerly Lot 1163, 411.11 Square Yards situated at the corner of 3rd Street and Pen Road, Dangriga Town, Stann Creek District.
This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.200 of 2001 dated 29th March, 2001 in favor of DAVID KUUMBA OBI.
This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section LADYVILLE/ LORD’S BANK Block No.16 and being Parcel No. 5007 Formerly Lot
Continued from page 29
No. 11, 0.446 Acre situated North of the Northern Highway, near Mile 13, Ladyville Area, Belize District.
This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Conveyance No. 3334 of 2002 dated 15th November, 2002 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No. 39 of 2002 Folios 199-204 in favor of NANDLAL NANDWANI.
This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section LADYVILLE/ LORD’S BANK Block No.16 and being Parcel No.3694 Formerly Entry 3907, 1393.073 Square Meters situated along the Northern Highway near Mile 10, Belize District.
This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Conveyance No. 2385 of 2004 dated 1st October, 2004 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No. 31 of 2004 Folios 1237-1250 in favor of JITENDRA NANDWANI
This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section VALLEY COMMUNITY /ALTA VISTA Block No.31 and being Parcel No. 51 Formerly Block No. 26, 7.71 Acres situated at Stann Creek Valley Road, 19 Miles, Stann Creek District.
This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Conveyance No. 2788 of 2004 dated 16th November, 2004 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No. 37 of 2004 Folios 131-138 in favor of EGBERT IRVING.
This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section LADYVILLE/ LORD’S BANK Block No.16 and being Parcel No. 5703 & No 5704 Formerly Lot Nos. 31A and 31B, 890.89 and 705.88 Square Meters respectively situated on the Eastern Side of the Northern Highway near Mile 10¼, Belize District.
This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Conveyance No. 2847 of 2005 dated 16th September, 2005 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No. 34 of 2005 Folios 391-410 in favor of CAROLYN JENKINS.
This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section CAYE CAULKER Block No.12 and being Parcel No. 729 Formerly Lot No. 154, 900.2 Square Yards situated at Caye Caulker Village, Belize District.
This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Conveyance No. 650 of 1991 dated 22nd March, 1991 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No. 7 of 1991 Folios 1369-1378 in favor of DAVID HEREDIA & SOLEDAD HEREDIA (JOINTLY).
This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section CAYE CAULKER Block No.12 and being Parcel No.2201 Formerly Southern Portion of Parcel No. 813, Block No. 12, 302.704 Square Meters situated in Caye Caulker Village, Belize District.
This parcel of land is subject of a Court Order 92/2019 dated 29th May, 2019 in favor of WENDY ILNA AUXILLOU.
Pursuant to Section 37(3) of the Registered Land Act, Chapter 194, Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, notice is hereby given of the loss of the following Land and Lease Certificates:
The above Land/Lease Certificates after the expiration of twenty-one (21) days from the appearance of this notice. Any person in possession of the above-mentioned certificates is required to return it to the Belize Land Registry, Ministry of Natural Resources, City of Belmopan.
Patricia Robateau Blackett (Mrs.) Registrar of LandsIn accordance with Article 8 of the Cotonou Agreement, Belize and the European Union (EU) held their eighth political dialogue in San Pedro, Belize, on May 22.
The dialogue was held in a very constructive atmosphere and addressed the multidimensional relationship between Belize and the EU. Both were like-minded on many critical global issues and shared their commitment to working together on the rules-based international order and the importance of multilateralism.
The development cooperation dimension reviewed the progress of implementation of projects and programmes ongoing under the 11th European Development Fund and stated the current discussion on identifying the actions under the EU-Belize Multi-Annual Indicative Programme 2021–2027. The EU provided further updates on the progress of programming under their regional sub-programmes with the Caribbean and Central America, both of which are accessible to Belize.
The European Union’s proposal for a Global Gateway Investment Agenda was also discussed. The trade and investment dimension followed up on the implementation of the EU-Economic Partnership Agreement and the challenges and opportunities therein. The broader challenge of access to affordable and sustainable financing was also addressed. As such, Belize highlighted the importance of the ongoing discussion of a Multidimensional Vulnerability Index, which is expected to change the criteria for small island developing states to access concessional financing.
The participants discussed Belize’s desire to enter the Schengen visa waiver list and the necessity of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States agreement to enter into force. The EU and Belize stressed the importance of the relationship of the EU-Community of Latin American and Caribbean States through the upcoming summit in Brussels from July 17 to 18, 2023.
The EU underlined the key role Belize plays as part of the Caribbean Community and the Central American Integration System (SICA). Belize presented achievements of its SICA Presidency Pro Tempore and committed to efficiently leading the regional efforts towards overcoming the difficulties SICA countries currently face and promoting development and prosperity for all.
Other issues on the agenda included good governance, human rights, the condemnation of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and its impact on food and energy security, the deterioration of the security situation in Haiti, the EU support for confidence-building measures in the Adjacency Zone between Belize and Guatemala ahead of the International Court of Justice ruling, and the preparation of the new Global Financial Pact. Regarding climate change, both sides shared their views on adaptation and mitigation measures, loss and damage reparations, and more ambitious climate financing.
The political dialogue was co-chaired by Hon. Eamon Courtenay, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Immigration, and H.E. Marianne Van Steen, EU’s Ambassador to Belize. Minister Courtenay was joined by Ambassador Amalia Mai, CEO in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade. Ambassador Van Steen was accompanied by EU ambassadors from member states, including H.E. Elisabeth Kehrner of Austria, H.E. Johan Verkammen of Belgium, H.E. Zdenek Kubanek of the Czech Republic, H.E. Luigi De Chiara of Italy, H.E. Wilfred Theo Mohr of the Netherlands, H.E. José María Lavina Rodriguez of Spain, and Charge d’Affaires Mr. Thomas Wulfing of Germany.
Continued from page 30
LAND TITLES UNIT Ministry of Natural Resources City of Belmopan
WHEREAS having made the necessary inquires and having read the statutory declaration filed in connection therewith, I have come to the conclusion that the duplicate of the Transfer Certificate of Title dated 1st day of March, 2002 and Registered in the Land Titles Register Volume 40 at Folio No. 106.
ALL THAT piece or parcel of land containing 6.0 acres or thereabouts being a portion of Maya Ranch Limited situate South of Georgeville Village in the Cayo District of Belize shown and delineated as Lot #8 on a Plan of Subdivision surveyed by H.D. Flowers, Certified Land Surveyor and is lodged at the Lands and Surveys Department in Belmopan in Register 2 Entry No. 1490 and, ALL THAT piece or parcel of land containing 5.0 acres or thereabouts being a portion of Maya Ranch Limited situate south of Georgeville Village in the Cayo District of Belize shown and delineated as Lot #18 on a Plan of Subdivision surveyed by H.D. Flowers , Certified Land Surveyor and is lodged at the Lands and Surveys Department in Belmopan in Register 2 Entry No. 1490.
I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that I intend, at the expiration of twenty-one days from the first appearance of this notice, to issue a new duplicate of the Registered Transfer Certificate of Title registered in the Land Titles Register Volume 40 at Folio No. 106.
ANY PERSON in whose custody the TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE may be or who may have any objection to such issue is hereby requested to inform me of the fact.
WHEREAS having made the necessary inquires and having read the statutory declaration filed in connection therewith, I have come to the conclusion that the duplicate of the Transfer Certificate of Title dated 11th day of October, 1972 and Registered in the Land Titles Register Volume 8 at Folio No. 129.
ALL THAT piece or parcel of land situate near Vernon Street in the Town of Belize being a portion of Lot No. 1804, and bounded as follows: On the North by another portion of the said Lot No. 1804 the property of the said Richard Seymour Bickham Vernon where it measures 56 feet more or less; on the East by land the property of Anastacio Roberts where it measures 95½ feet more or less; on the south by another portion of the said Lot No. 1804 the property of John Richard Majarrez where it measures 56 feet more or less and on the West by another portion of the said Lot No. 1804 the property of Wallace Hyde, by a roadway 30 feet wide and by another portion of the said Lot No. 1804 the property of the said Richard Seymour Bickham Vernon where it measures 104½ feet more or less.
In the name of: HIPOLITO IGNACIO ACOSTA: Belize City, Belize
I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that I intend, at the expiration of twenty-one days from the first appearance of this notice, to issue a new duplicate of the Registered Transfer Certificate of Title registered in the Land Titles Register Volume 8 at Folio No. 129.
ANY PERSON in whose custody the TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE may be or who may have any objection to such issue is hereby requested to inform me of the fact.
Registrar of Lands