Belize Times January 19, 2014

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The Belize Times

Established 1957

The Truth Shall Make You Free

19 JANUARY 2014 | ISSUE NO: 4878 | $1.00

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PUP Roots! Party Leader commits to Social Justice for Belizeans

Belize City, January 16, 2014 Opposition Leader Hon. Francis Fonseca has declared that under his leadership the People’s United Party will return to its core philosophy of social justice to make the next PUP Government more progressive, just and people-centered. Hon. Fonseca made the declaration on Wednesday,

PUP Leader Hon. Francis Fonseca presenting the Party’s progressive platform

Pg. 6


H1N1 Alert!! Young Belize City mother dies of deadly influenza virus

Pg. 7

CitCo approves opening of Bar in BTL Park!!

CASTRO Corruption Continues!! Pg. 31


Pg. 9

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BNTU protests stingy UDP & Barrow Orange Walk, January 10, 2014 The People’s United Party government was the last administration to give Belizean teachers and public officers a much-deserved raise in 2005. The failure of the United Democratic Party and Prime Minister Dean Barrow to rein in inflation and stop the rising cost of living, and Barrow’s stinginess and his failure to give teachers the salary they deserve has the teachers up in arms. The Orange Walk and Corozal branches of the Belize National Teachers Union (BNTU) sent Barrow a message that their pay raise is long, long overdue and that they are fed up with the corruption in public office that has denied them a decent living wage, by marching through the streets in protest and organizing public rallies in both towns last Friday. Barrow could not get his foot out of his mouth fast enough after he misspoke in his New Year’s message, that the teachers may be getting a salary adjustment until August. Teachers could not believe their ears, as the Prime Minister had promised them, only a

few months ago, that the adjustment would take effect on July 1st this year, with teachers getting 50 cents out of every dollar of any increase in revenue collected in 2013, over the revenue collected in 2012. BNTU President Luke Palacio “lick shot” at both Barrow and Education Minister Patrick Faber on the pay raise, saying he wanted the promise in writing, when he addressed the teachers at the rallies. Faber’s protests that teachers should not be rallying on a school day cut little ice with the teachers who have had to fund-raise and dip into their own pockets to buy school supplies which the school’s managements fail to provide because they themselves face less support from the Government

Teachers in Orange Walk marched last Friday

and are therefore under financial constraints. With their present pay buying only half what it could buy in 2005, they know they are overdue for a raise. Palacio said teachers are preparing the younger generation for future success and they are a key part of Belize’s development; they are only asking for what they deserve. He promised the nation that on this score, “Teechaz got yu back”, the slogan of their campaign and that they will be organizing other rallies in Belize City on Friday, January 17, in San Ignacio on January 24 and Stann Creek and Toledo on January 31st. The teachers have been further enraged by Minister Fabers’ threats that his Ministry will not deal lightly with teachers who participate in the protests.

Monies Missing at Corozal Town Council Former Revenue Manager points to Mayor and Town Administrator

Corozal Town, January 16, 2014 The Corozal Town Council, led by absentee UDP Mayor Hilberto Campos and a band of do-nothing Councillors, is the latest to join the list of UDP-ran offices under deep scandal. Monies have been reported missing, stolen actually, by a person or persons employed at the Town Hall. Everyone is a suspect, and everyone is acting suspicious. When questioned about the latest embarrassment under his watch, Mayor Campos tried his best to minimize the disgrace by claiming that it was only “a couple thousand dollars”. He then put his foot in his mouth by admitting that it is so grave that his entire Revenue Department, which is the crime scene, has been put “on

Clueless Mayor, Hilberto Campos

LOCAL 17 Jan

weather 18 Jan

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hold”. The BELIZE TIMES understands that the Mayor supported action to be taken against three employees, including the Revenue Manager Jorge Alpuche who the Mayor said was fired immediately after the case was revealed, shortly before Christmas last year. But Alpuche has a different view of what happened. He told CTV-3 News in Orange Walk that he was not fired, but that he resigned to pursue his studies. When asked about the allegations made against him, he said he had no idea about them and that the Mayor and Town Administrator should be questioned instead. Meanwhile Alpuche gave direct answers, the Mayor was playing footsie with the scandal. While he said only a “couple thousands” are missing, he could not report exactly how much was the “couple thousands”. He also confessed that the Ministry of Local Government was asleep at the wheels and were yet to fully investigate the theft of tax payers’ money. With such incompetence on display, the Mayor should hang his head low. He

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BNTU National President Luke Palacio

shouldn’t even be considering running for Standard Bearer if he cannot get this right at the local municipal office. He is clearly clueless and deceitful, aside from lazy and impotent when it comes to running the affairs of his office and getting the basic necessities to the residents of the town.


The Belize Times

Established 1957

14 APR 2013


The Truth Shall Make You Free

ISSUE NO: 4840



serving Belize since 1957 as the longest continuous newspaper. Founder: Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus EDITOR


Chris Williams


Roberto Peyrefitte Printed and Published By The Belize Times Press Ltd. Tel: 671-8385 #3 Queen Street P.O. BOX 506 Belize City, Belize

27 Mar Jan 6 22 Feb


Exchange rate of One Belize Dollar

United States (USD): $ 0.50

Barbados (BBD): $ 1.00

Eastern Caribbean Euro (XCD):$ 1.35 (EUR) : $ 0.37

Sterling Pound Guatemala Quetzal CANADIAN DOLLAR (GBP): $ 0.31 (GTQ): $ 3.95 (CAD): $ 0.52


Trinidadian (TTD) : $ 3.21





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on the

George Price and Social Justice By Francis W. Fonseca This past Wednesday, January 15th, 2014, our People’s United Party marked two distinct yet deeply interwoven events. January 15th is of course the birthday of our Great Leader, National Hero and Father of the Nation George Price. We, the Leaders, members and support-

ers of the PUP, consider ourselves to be the children of George Price, children of the peaceful, constructive, Belizean revolution. George Price gave us our Belizean identity and our PUP identity. It is because of George Price’s work and service to our nation that we hold our

heads high as proud Belizeans and proud members and supporters of this great political Party, the PUP. George Price laid the foundation. It is for us to build upon that foundation, a more just, equitable society with growing economic opportunities for our people.

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On January 15th, 2014 the PUP also launched its Social Justice Agenda proclaiming and reaffirming our unwavering commitment to Social Justice for and on behalf of the people of Belize. We have set out ten (10) specific principles and objectives which we are committed to fulfilling in the next PUP government. Our Social Justice Agenda is aimed at expanding opportunities and providing protection for those most vulnerable among us. The foundation of our Party must never be shaken, it must remain solid and consistent-a Party committed to Social Justice through economic growth.

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EDITORIAL NO TIME TO WASTE Much to the surprise of Patrick Faber, the teachers of Belize have taken the bold decision to publicly demonstrate against the woes of this corrupt and chancey Barrow administration. Faber has been throwing tantrums on the airwaves, upset that the UDP-friendly union leaders have been unable to tame the masses of teachers and public officers who can no longer stomach the BS that Barrow has been spewing. Promise after empty promise of a salary adjustment, tagged first to a phantom oil find, then to a surplus in revenue to be paid in July (and now maybe August) has caused teachers to become disillusioned, frustrated and skeptical of Barrow and his shenanigans. Understandably, the teachers don’t plan on falling for another “Happy Birthday Dear George Fraser” come July. They are wasting no time bringing it to Barrow. And why should they, when Barrow has publicly declared that he has millions and millions to spend on saving his own backside from losing a seat in Cayo Northeast. Day after day the government continues to demonstrate that they do not consider the teachers a “threat” to their grip on power. Barrow would rather give gang members $3 million in 2 months than give teachers their $6 million salary adjustment. He would rather give Lois and Denys $2 million in legal fees than acknowledge the hard work, the importance and role that teachers play in a developing Belize. What many Belizeans are now coming to realize is that Dean Barrow is a short-term leader. He does not plan to be there for another 5-year term. Take his handling of the BTL acquisition, for example. Barrow, in the name of “nationalism”, confiscated a private company then appointed UDP cronies who continue to pillage the company and divert funds into the UDP coffers (tv and radio stations included) while refusing to pay the owners for the unlawful confiscation. The matter then goes through the rigorous court process from appeal to appeal for approximately 5 years. All this while, his family are the preferred private attorneys who are making big bucks to represent GOB. By the time a final determination is made by the CCJ and the proverbial doo-doo hits the fan, Barrow is long gone. His treatment of the teachers is no different. Barrow does not intend to pay the teachers. He skirts around the issue at every corner, cozies up to union leaders like Dylan Reneau (who has been rewarded with several board appointments) and buys time, hoping that the teachers would not be able to organize and mobilize against his administration. But the teachers are no fools. They have figured Barrow out. Last Friday, Orange Walk and Corozal sent a loud and long overdue message to Barrow and his bunch of lying, thieving, corrupt Ministers. Today, Friday morning, it’s the city’s turn. Patrick Faber no longer needs to wonder where all of this is coming from. The teachers have seen the light. The heat is coming and it will only get hotter.

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Back to its Roots! PUP commits to fighting for Social Justice for Belizeans Continued from page 1 January 15, at the launching of the PUP’s Social Justice Agenda – a 10-point document which sets out the Party’s platforms for development in social and economic areas. “The Belizean people deserve a Government focused on development and less politics, a Government with a clear plan to develop Belize and one that offers solutions,” stated the PUP Leader. The Social Justice Agenda is aimed at making Belizeans have greater benefits and lead more productive lives through the eradication of poverty, universal access to quality and relevant education, allow greater citizen participation in economic growth and the fair distribution of wealth and access to wealth, assistance and support for vulnerable citizens, the democratic and non-political distribution of land, increase in minimum wage, a review of national legislation to better protect the rights of Belizeans, and deepening the protection of our rights and freedoms enshrined in the constitution.

The important document was launched on the day the Father of the Nation, Rt. Hon. George Price would have celebrated another birthday, turning 95, if he were alive. Price, who led the PUP from 1956 to 1996,

anchored the Party’s political work and goals on the principles of social justice and advocated for them up until his passing in 2011. The very constitution and the oath of allegation of the Party, speak of the pursuit of social

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justice. Chairman of the PUP, Henry C. Usher, who is also Price’s nephew, reminded those in attendance of what social justice meant to Premier Price. He introduced a response which Rt. Hon. Price had given to a question about what inspired the fight for Independence, which was answered as follows: “My vision, a free and independent Belize with our territory intact where all had equal share and opportunity to our nation’s wealth and where the haves would share with the havenots in whatever way their lives could become better.” The Chairman added that the Social Justice Agenda is the first step towards a new Belizean revolution… “a revolution of ideas, vision and work grounded in the principles of social justice”. PUP Leader Hon. Francis explained that the launching of the Social Justice agenda is really laying the foundation for what is to come, as the Party prepares to formulate and publicize its policy positions on key areas such as the economy, education and governance reform. He said those three will be the pillars of the new Belize envisioned by the PUP, and sought by the people of Belize for the development of the country.

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H1N1 Alert!!

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Young Belize City mother dies of deadly influenza virus Belize City, January 15, 2014 The death of 29-year-old Shahera Bodden from the H1N1 influenza virus last Monday, January 6th, is only the latest failure of Belize’s failed health system that also allowed 13 babies to die in the prenatal Intensive Care Unit at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital last year. The health ministry and the KHMH hastily called a press conference to warn the public, after the regional testing facility CARPHA in Trinidad confirmed that Shahera had died of H1N1. Two others tested positive for H1N1; these were patients from the Western region eventually treated and discharged by the KHMH, Dr. Marvin Manzanero explained. He said of 26 samples sent to Trinidad, 19 had tested negative for any virus, and one other case had tested positive for adenovirus. The KHMH has sent 13 more samples of other sick patients for testing, and results are expected back in 3 to 5 days, as that’s the time it can take for the samples to reach the lab. Of the 19 that tested negative, he explained that a lot depends on if the swab was taken during the first 3 days of the infection, as the symptoms will ease after 3 days, and a sample taken then will usually come back negative. The health ministry’s Dr. Franz Murray said the ministry had immediately done a contact tracing after Shahera died, and found out that she had not travelled outside Belize, and none of her other relatives and family were sick, so they have not yet detected how or from whom she got infected. The public needs to be aware of the danger and to take the necessary precautions, KHMH director of Health Services Dr. Michael Pitts advised. People need to learn to cough or sneeze into their elbows instead of their hand, he said, as handshakes are the fastest way to spread the virus if you are infected. He said H1N1 virus is now endemic to Belize, and this is the flu season, so people who are at risk would be advised to get their flu shots. The health ministry immunized 9,000 people against the flu last year. The vaccine is recommended for all essential services: Police, BDF, doctors and nurse, but pregnant mothers, infants and senior citizens are also at risk and should get their flu shots. Anyone with a high fever over 102, with body aches, headaches and other symptoms should go to the nearest hospital or clinic immediately. Health officials asked the public to use their “good sense”. If their children have the flu, keep them at home until they get better, don’t send them to school to infect everybody else’s children. Employers should also send home workers who turn up sick with the flu. Tamiflu is available by prescription for H1N1 treatment, but PAHO’s representative in Belize, Dr. Gerardo De Cosio, warned that Tamiflu cannot be used indiscriminately, you can’t buy it over the counter because if the H1N1 virus develops a resistance to the drug, as has happened with many other drugs to treat other bugs, then doctors will have no medicine to fight the H1N1 virus with.

Street upgrades in Dangriga begin

Dangriga Town, January 13, 2014 The first phase of the much anticipated street upgrades in Dangriga Town, carried out under the auspices of the Dangriga Town Council, has begun. Continued on page 8

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CitCo approves opening of Bar in BTL Park!!

The kiosk on the pier has been designated as a bar Belize City, January 14, 2014 Deon Leslie, a current City Councilor and former Deputy Mayor of Belize City could be sitting in the hot seat if reliable reports are confirmed that he has been gifted with the lease to operate a public bar in BTL Park. As we go to print, reports are that Mayor Darrell Bradley and the Belize City Council decided to convert what was once considered a family park into a drunken zone, where alcoholics can frolic along children swinging and playing ball in the park. It is a first in the park’s history, for alcohol to be legally sold among children, going as far back as the days of Newtown Barracks and the Ramada Park; as a matter of fact, as far back as when Linbergh landed his aircraft back in 1927. But what is even more disturbing is that the liquor license has been issued to none other than current city councilor, Deon Leslie, through a third party. As is the norm with UDP scandals these days, there are more questions than answers: (1) Why is Deon Leslie using a third party to “front” for him if it is that this transaction was totally above board? (2) Was there a tendering of this bar (the only bar in the park) to the general public? (3) If so, was Deon Leslie a part of the vetting committee that received the tenders? (4) If so, did his tender (or rather that of his “front” man) come in after all the tenders for the bar had been submitted? It is indeed a most questionable transaction and it can only be hoped that Deon Leslie was not guilty of insider trading. Of course, insider trading is not a criminal offence in Belize but if the reports are true, it is a just another UDP deal that stinks to high heavens. We’ll keep you posted if and when the Mayor decides to fill us in on the details of this latest scandal to rock city hall.

call 650-8429

Street upgrades in Dangriga begin Continued from page 7 Work has commenced on Isla Street in the Lakeland Area and San Jose Road from the airstrip entrance to the Pelican Beach Resort. The preliminary work on Isla Street will first see personnel from Belize Water Services carry out the appropriate drainage work to avoid costly mistakes of having to penetrate streets once they are paved, as what has occurred in various areas of Belize City. BWS will be laying new and im-

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proved PVC pipes, replacing the existing galvanized with asbestos health risk pipes. Residents will enjoy better water pressure and cleaner and safe water to drink in this manner. When BWS has completed their work, the concreting of the streets under phase 1 should commence shortly after. As for San Jose Road, the concreting has gotten underway and within a few days, it should be completed to ensure that residents have much better infrastructure in their community. The Dangriga Town Council expresses their gratitude to residents for their understanding and look forward to working together to improve the municipality.

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UDP heavyweights fight over land!! Belize City, January 16, 2014 There is a nasty fight going on among UDP political heavyweights over a small but prime piece of land in Belize City. The land in question is Block No. 16 Parcel No. 3820 in the Caribbean Shores area. The land is a sea side property, along a protected mangrove area that has been constantly under threat from greedy private interests. According to the Ministry of Natural Resources, the land is privately owned. The owner is allegedly Giovanni Blease, at least on paper. The supposed private ownership has created a rift because the Belize City Council has, with its municipal authority, designated the land as a protected area to be used as a public park. The Council has supported residents’ efforts to develop the land as a park, but those efforts have been frustrated and threatened by the Ministry of Natural Resources who has asserted the private ownership over the publics’ interest. In April 2013, the Ministry of Natural Resources issued a Caution notice on the land to stop its development as a public park. This was followed by an objection to the Caution by the City Council, who wrote the Ministry and

Land under dispute reiterated the purpose of the land as a “Public and Municipal Reserve Land”. The Ministry responded, re-asserting that the land is privately owned and that the Ministry has substantive authority over it. The caution has since been lifted and residents have moved forward to turn the space into a park, but the fight is far from over. On the one hand, influential private interests who are wealthy UDPs want the land to remain as privately-owned. They seem to enjoy the protection and support of Gaspar Vega’s Ministry of Natural Resources, which has been imposing its power over the municipal authority, led by the UDP Mayor Darrel Bradley. How this fight will end is unpredictable, but it is clear that the UDP land grab continues, and not even parks where innocent children can go to recreate is of any importance to them.

For Sale By Order of the Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under:1) A Deed of Assignment and Transfer of Mortgage made the 20th day of October, 2005, between ATLANTIC BANK LIMITED (the Assignor) SCOTIABANK (BELIZE) LTD., and CHARLES LESLIE, which said property was mortgaged by the said CHARLES LESLIE to the said ATLANTIC BANK LIMITED on the 12th day of September, 2003, and recorded at the Land Titles Unit in Deeds Book Volume 33 of 2003 at Folios 341– 380; THE SCHEDULE ALL THOSE pieces or parcels of land being Lots Nos. 84 and 85 in Independence Village Extension, Stann Creek District and bounded as follows:- On the Northeast for 30.476 meters by Lot No. 86; On the Southeast for a total distance 30.476 meters by a street; On the Southwest for 30.476 meters by Lot No. 83; and on the Northwest for30.476 meters by Lots Nos. 70 and 71, containing a total area of 928.786square meters of land shown on Entry No. 6418, Register No. 4 at the Office of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. 2) A Deed of Mortgage made the 18th day of September, 2006, between CHARLES LESLIE, SR. of Independence Village, Stann Creek District, Belize of the one part, and Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., of the other part, and recorded in Deeds Book Vol. 34of 2006 at Folios 281 – 350, THE SCHEDULE All THOSE pieces or parcels of land being Lots Nos. 68 and 87 containing 556.179 Square Meters and 556.129 Square Meters respectively and situate in Independence Village, Stann Creek District the subject of Minister’s Fiat (Grant) 23 of 2005 and more particularly described and shown on a plan of survey by licensed surveyor G. E. Valdez with reference Entry 6418 Register 4 lodged at the Office of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys, Belmopan TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. The said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the properties described in the schedules hereto. All offers to purchase the said properties must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. DATED this 15th day of January, 2014 MUSA & BALDERAMOS 91 North Front Street Belize City Attorneys-at-Law for

Land Ministry’s letter to CitCo asserting private ownership of the seashore land

Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.



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19 JAN




Address by PUP Chairman, Henry C. Usher, at launching of Social Justice Agenda Independence Hall, Belize City, January 15, 2014 Today 15th January would have marked the 95th birthday of the Father of Belize, Right Hon. George Price. On behalf of the Price family I would like to thank all the Belizeans who attended mass this morning in honour of Uncle George, who called in to the radio with special blessings and our Party Leader, PUP Secretariat and attendees for organizing a wreath-laying ceremony at Mr. Price’s gravesite. If he was still with us, he would have been giving us and the country the same message, “Serve the People!” And that spirit of service lives on in our great Party and is personified in our humble but fearless leader, Hon. Francis Fonseca. Social justice can be defined as the ability people have to realize their potential in the society where they live. In a broader sense it includes the institutions that will enable people to lead fulfilling lives and be active contributors to their community. It

encompasses all sectors of society, education, healthcare, social security, labour rights, the rule of law and the regulation of the market to ensure the fair distribution of wealth and equality of opportunity for all. Our very National Prayer asks Almighty and Eternal God to guide our endeavours toward peace, SOCIAL JUSTICE, liberty, national happiness, the increase of industry, sobriety and useful knowledge. The People’s United Party was forged in the fires of unionism and nationalism. At the heart of that movement, our political creed, is a commitment to social justice. We are a Party of the People, baptized in the labour movement, and like the preamble to establish the International Labour Organization states, we believe that “universal and lasting peace can be established only if it is based upon social justice.” Included in the PUP’s principal aims and ob-

jects is the right to work free from victimization and discrimination, the right to unionize and the right of all Belizeans to receive a just return for their labour based on a living wage, a fair share of the national wealth, and a continuously improving quality of life. Today, my friends, we lay the groundwork, we cast the foundation upon which the next PUP government under the leadership of Francis Fonseca will launch a new Belizean revolution. A revolution of ideas, vision and work grounded in the principles of social justice. This is the first step in a long and arduous process toward achieving the vision of George Price, but as the famous quote goes, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” And what was Mr. Price’s vision? Recently

For Sale By Order of the Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Assignment of Mortgage made the 26th day of September, 2005, recorded in Deeds Book Vol. 29 of2005 at Folios 1181 – 1210, between BELIZE MORTGAGE COMPANY 2002-1 (the Assignor) Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. (the Assignee), and the said AURA YOUNG, and under Deed of Assignment of Mortgage made the 13th day of June, 2003, recorded in Deeds Book Volume 23 of 2003 at folios 157 – 188, between DEVELOPMENT FINANCE CORPORATION (the Assignors) and BELIZE MORTGAGE COMPANY 2002-1, which said property was mortgaged by the yourself to the said DEVELOPMENT FINANCE CORPORATION on the 5th day of May, 2004 and recorded in Deeds Book Vol. 15 of 2004 at Folios 409 – 452; and the said SCOTIABANK (BELIZE) LTD. will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the schedules hereto. All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. SCHEDULE ALL THAT lot piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 300 situate in the Mile3 Area, Northern Highway, Ladyville, Belize District, as surveyed by Kenneth A. Gillett, Licensed Surveyor and recorded at the Office of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys, Belmopan at Register 16 Entry4460 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. DATED this 15th day of January, 2014. MUSA & BALDERAMOS 91 North Front Street Belize City Attorneys-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.

while going through his papers, we came across some responses that Mr. Price had prepared for the 30th anniversary of Belize’s independence. As you may recall, in September 2011, the National Institute of Culture and History had organized an event in which the four Prime Ministers of Belize would reflect on their time in office and of the movement toward indepen-

dence. Of course in his customary Price way of thinking Uncle George said very clearly that if they had wanted him to participate then they would not have scheduled it to start so late at night. So instead he had asked for the questions in advance and was preparing answers for someone else to read. In response to the quesContinued on page 31

BY ORDER OF MORTGAGEE NOTICE OF INTENTION TO SELL HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED a statutory body formed and registered under the Credit Union Act, Chapter 314 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2000, and whose registered office is situated at No. 1 Hyde’s Lane, Belize City, Belize District hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under and by virtue of a Deed of Mortgage registered at the Land Titles Unit between BRODWICK NEAL and LUIS SOSA of the first part, LUIS SOSA of the second part and HRCU of the third part. HRCU will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the Schedule below. ALL offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing to Holy Redeemer Credit Union Limited from whom full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained.

SCHEDULE ALL THAT piece or parcel or block of land being Block No. 65 consisting of 5.80 Acres situate along the George Price Highway near Mile 8.5, Belize District being such land comprised in MINISTER’S FIAT GRANT No. 524 of 2002 dated 5th July 2002 and more particularly shown and delineated on a Plan of Survey No. 524 of 2002 by G.E. Gill, Licensed Land Surveyor, recorded at the Office of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys, Belmopan, Cayo District as Plan No. 1347B TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon, the freehold property of LUIS SOSA DATED this 10th day of January 2014 HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED 1 HYDE’S LANE, BELIZE CITY, BELIZE Phone: (501) 224-5644 Fax: (501) 223-0738



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The BELIZE TIMES is supporting efforts to engage our young people in music and arts. One such effort is the Belizean rap battle scheduled for this Saturday, January 18th at the Battlefield Park. Some of Belize’s most prolific but undiscovered rappers will be turning up to demonstrate their lyrical skills. The main event will be a verbal competition between Stig and Izak, who will get the rap battle on. The BELIZE TIMES encourages your support and asks that the environment remain peaceful and that the only war taking place are with respectful lyrics. Other artists that will be featured on that day are Swaggerman, Big Bang, Atlas Major, James Ramos, Jem, Denzel Armstrong and more. The event starts at 2pm and promises to be very entertaining.

Location: Spoonaz Cafe

Rap Battle dis Saturday

Isabel • • • •

Height: 5’ 7” Career Plan: Nurse Sign: Saggitarius Favourite Food: Indian Food

• • •

TOP MODEL Clothing and Accessories provided by CATWALK FASHIONS

Likes: Football, shopping, swimming Lives in: Belize City Fav. Quote: “Strive not only to be a success but rather to also be of value”

visit us at or Facebook/ Belize Times

Cor. North Front Steet & Queen Street Belize City

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19 JAN



Team NICH wins Boom to Manatee Lodge canoe race

Burrell Boom, Belize District, January 15, 2014 Team NICH’s Oscar Cordon, and brothers Felix and Efrain Cruz won the annual Boom to Manatee Lodge race, in preparation for the grueling 4-day Ruta Maya River Challenge on Saturday morning. The NICH team clocked 1:14:14 to win the $150 first prize in the Male category and a trophy. 2nd place went to Belize Telemedia’s “Cobb’s Arm” made up by Roy & Eric Cano and Andres Cob who won the $75 prize. 3rd place was won by Belize Bank Bulldogs’ Armin Lopez, Amado and Daniel Cruz who won the $50 prize. Intramural Winners 1st Place: “What Eva Boys” from St. Ignatius High School - $150 prize & trophy (6th overall)

Mixed Winners 1st Place: “Black Orchid” - $150 prize and trophy (8th overall) Paddled by Jayda Guydis, Jermain Sanchez, Wilbert Daniels Junior Winners 1st Place: “River Kings” of Belize Rural High School - $150 prize and trophy (9th overall) Paddled by Jeffery Seguro, Matthew Mask, Ashton Moody 2nd Team: “Turdz” $75 prize (13th overall) Paddled by Martin Gideon, Glenford Sutherland Pleasure Winners 1st Team: “Print Belize” - $150 prize & trophy (11th overall) Paddled by Francisco Perez, Rudoph Gentle and Ernest Santos

Team NICH wins

Female team Masters Winners 1st Team: “Grumpy Ol’ Men” - $150 prize & trophy (12th overall) Paddled by Victor Seguro, Stanley Bailey and Jer-

ry Wilkens 2nd Team: “Crazy Canucks” - $75 prize Paddled by Joan Barrett, Katie & Jim Stewart Female Winners

1st Team: “Party Tun Up” - $150 prize & trophy (14th overall) Paddled by Jane & Bobby Dee Usher, Ana Cruz Lamp

Wesley College undefeated in high school football Belize City, January 12, 2014 The Wesley College boys are leading undefeated in the high school football competition. On Monday, the Wesley College boys posted their 2nd win against the Anglican Cathedral College boys 5-1. Marquez Stamp scored Wesley’s 1st winning goal, and Tyrell Rowley, Sheldon Linares, Emerson Kelly and Kieron Young scored a goal each. Sergio Luna scored A.C.C’s only consolation goal. Wesley College also stomped the Belize High School boys 13-0 in the opening game last Wednesday. Kenyon Lewis and Kieron Young scored 4 goals each, and Marquez stamp added 2 goals. Kieffer McKenzie, Tyrell Rowley and Shemar Moore scored 1 goal each. On Saturday, Wesley College drew 2-2 with Excelsior High School. Wesley’s Shemar Moore drew first blood, then Excelsior’s Michael “Head” Bowen connected to a corner kick from Jamal Ford to equalize 1-1 before the half. In the 2nd half, Wesley’s Kieron Young scored to lead 2-1, but Excelsior’s James “Sooky” Fitzgibbons equalized 2-2. Other matches: St. John’s College boys vs. ACC - 2-0 Goals by Sydney “Bucket” Bradley last Thursday SJC vs. Belize High School - 17-1 Goals by Dimitri Fabro (6), Sydney Bradley (4), Charles James (3), Tariq James,

Sergio Luna scored ACC 1st goal

EHS’ Jamal Ford kicks the ball

Jahron Morales, Luis Acosta and Rayan Figueroa, Ricardo Oyuela A.C.C. vs. Gwen Lizarraga High – 1-0 Goals by Sergio Luna Gwen Liz boys vs. Excelsior High – 3-2 Goals by Kenroy Linarez (2), Michael “Head” Bowen, Jamal “Kaka” Ford, Clinton Dawson

ACC team

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2014 2014



Verdes is #1 entering football playoffs

Benque Viejo, January 12, 2013 Verdes F.C. of Benque Viejo Del Carmen will take on 4th place FC Belize when the Belikin Cup football playoffs kick off at the MCC Gardens in Belize City on Sunday, January 19th. Verdes drew 0-0 with 2nd place team Belmopan Bandits at the Marshalleck Stadium on Sunday night, but 3 players will have to sit out the first game of the playoffs because of red card suspensions from Sunday: Verdes’ Kareem Haylock and Bandits’ defenders Tyrone Pandy and Shane Armstrong. The “Mean Green Machine” could not get their mojo in gear

Verdes’ Everald Trapp

on their muddy field, but the pressure of their attacks forced the cardinal Bandits to some desperate moves. Verdes also killed the playoffs hopes of defending champs Police United by a 1-1 draw on Friday night. The No. 3 seed Belize Defence Force will challenge the Bandits at the Isidoro Beaton Stadium on Saturday night, as they eliminated the Paradise Freedom Fighters from the playoffs by a 1-1 draw at the Carl Ramos Stadium in Dangriga on Sunday. Alex Peters had scored for Paradise in the 40th minute, but in the 2nd half, BDF’s Ambrose Thomas equalized in the 80th minute.

Wesley College girls lead football Belize City, January 15, 2014 The Wesley College girls are undefeated in the high school football competition, after schooling the Belize High School girls 2-0 on Monday with Shanice Neal scoring 2 goals. The Wesley girls also drilled the Excelsior High School girls 3-0 in their debut last Thursday. Shanice Neal

Gwen Liz vs Excelsior

SCA Team

scored the 1st goal, Erica Milligan added a 2nd goal, and Deneshia Thurton added a 3rd goal. On Saturday morning, the St. Catherine Academy girls held football clinic for the Belize High School 3-0. Jody Pott scored the 1st goal: 1-0 before the half. In the 2nd half, SCA’s coach Mario Rodriguez refreshed his offensive lineup with Sophia Diego, Kerry Chee, Jacqueline Alas, Jennifer Estrada and Mariana Moguel, who supported Jodie Pott’s attacks as she scored a 2nd goal and Jada Myvett added a 3rd goal for the 3-0 win SCA and Gwen Lizarraga High school had drawn 0-0 in the opening game last Wednesday. Gwen Liz girls also drew 0-0 with Excelsior High School on Saturday morning.

Bandits’ Floyd jones

Verdes’ Humberto Requena controls the ball

House of Shotokan promotes 32 Karatekas

Belize City, January 10, 2014 The House of Shotokan promoted 32 karatekas, among them 2 first degree black belts, with 2 brown belts joining the Black Belt Club in a belt ceremony at the House of Shotokan dojo in Belize City last Friday night. Sensei Shihan Kelly personally congratulated and put the belts on all those promoted. Mrs. Maritza Espat and 16-year-old Craghan Cleland both proudly earned their 1st degree Black belt. Ethan Hunt won his 2nd degree Brown belt, and Samara Vasquez earned her Purple belt. Both joined the Black Belt Karate Club in which they will train to achieve their Black belts. Promoted from a White to BlackStriped belt were Rebecca Ellington, Gian Cano, Kelly Lui, Anthony Usher, Alissa Seguro, Krystofer Gentle, Kenroy

Sanchez, Leydi Ellington and Jorge Aguilar. Promoted from Yellow to Blackstriped belt were Abigail Sharp and Andres Cervantes. Promoted from White to Brownstriped belt was Norman Usher. Promoted Blue to Black-striped belt were Vanch Chawla, Gabriel Pate and Addy Sabido. New Tigo Shodan Black belt were Landom Cocom, Isabel Arriaga and Jordan Fuller. 1st Degree Brown belts went to Elias Meyers, Robert Chang and Jose Diaz. 2nd Degree Brown belts went to Pedro Espat and Xaria Cleland. Yellow Belts were received by Gia Jones, Lia Hunt, Alessio Boscardi and Ashton Vernon. Blue Belts were earned by Alana Marshalleck and Jordan Medina.


19 JAN



As BIG as you think you are... House #1

House #2 rented to a Judge, paid for by GOB

House #5

House #3

House #4 Juliet Thimbriel, UDP Senator

House #6 under co nstruction

2012 Infinity valued at $120K

you’re living in a small world MORE TO COME...

19 JAN




For Sale

For Sale

By Order of the Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Mortgage made the 3rd day of July, 2002, between FRANCISCO CAL of Red Bank Village, Stann Creek District, Belize of the one part, and SCOTIABANK (BELIZE) LTD., of the other part, and recorded at in Deeds Book Vol. 24 of 2002 at Folios 787 – 808, the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the schedule here to. All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. SCHEDULE ALL THAT piece and parcel of land being Lot No. 10 comprising of 1505.92 Square Yards situate in the Red Bank Village, Stann Creek District, Belize bounded described as shown on Plan No. 276 of 2002 attached to Minister’s Fiat Grant No. 276 of 2002 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon.

DATED this 15th day of January, 2014. MUSA & BALDERAMOS 91 North Front Street Belize City Attorneys-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.

By Order of the

Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Mortgage made the 5th day of April, 2000 between PEDRO GUERRA and VICTOR GUERRA both of 25 Miles Stann Creek Valley Road, Belize District, Belize of the one part, and THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA (Belize) LTD., of the other part, and recorded in Deeds Book Vol. 18 of 2000 at Folios 27 - 52 will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the schedule hereto. All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. SCHEDULE ALL THAT LEASEHOLD INTEREST IN ALL THAT piece and parcel of land being Lot No. 53 situate in Hummingbird Community Village, Stann Creek District, Belize and bounded as follows: On the Northeast for 62.397 metres by a street; On the Southwest for 47.851 metres by Lot No. 54 and Lot No. 55; On the West for 5.833 metres by portion of Lot No. 52; and On the Northwest for 33.571 metres by portion of Lot No. 52 containing 1191.04 square yards of Land as shown on Entry 3713 Register 12 at the office of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. DATED this 6th day of January, 2014. MUSA & BALDERAMOS 91 North Front Street Belize City Attorney-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.



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19 JAN




The Fate of the Scarlet Macaws Godfrey Smith


The silence of Chalillo Lake in the misty, early morning hours is fractured only by the lazy dipping of paddles as we canoed downstream from Blue Hole Camp in the Chiquibul Forest making our way towards Phoebe Canyon. We paused every now and then to listen to the stillness of the forest, muffling our expressions of awe like Christians whispering in deference to a sacred place. Derric Chan, intrepid doyen of the Chiquibul Park Rangers, slaps his paddle expertly on the surface of the lake; the valley returns an echo, like the crack of a rifle shot, sending a mess of iguanas lounging in a bromeliad on a bough above us, diving into the lake, their scaly bodies writhing clumsily in the air. A great blue heron silently takes to the air; a sunbathing croc camouflaged on a log near the bank slithers into the water and disappears beneath the opaque surface. This is as close as an atheist is likely to get to a religious experience. I had been to the Chalillo area on two previous occasions in an official capacity. On neither of those two occasions, I confess, had I been interested in the scarlet macaw. In the waning days of 2013, I returned to Chalillo to discover for myself the fate of the ara macao. I wanted to witness these long-tailed, majestic birds in the wild, soaring above the jungle canopy in all their breath-taking glory. I also wanted to understand the important Scarlet Macaw Monitoring Program being run by Friends for Conservation and Development (FCD) whose subsidiary, EcoQuest, had organized the four-day, jungle-camping expedition. We decamped at dawn’s first light. Ranger Marvin Pook lit a piece of hard plastic with his lighter, attempting to seal the hairline fissure on the floor of our canoe with the melting droppings and smoothed on grey duct tape in the form of a cross. We set off, eyes scanning the forest canopy for quamwoods in which the macaw typically makes its nest in the trees’ natural cavities. In Belize, the Chiquibul Forest is the primary foraging and breeding habitat for the scarlet macaw, especially along the banks of the Macal and Raspaculo Rivers. FCD’s field assistants navigate the rivers, examining the trees on both banks for potential nesting cavities and plotting the GPS points. After observing the adult bird inside the cavity for a week, the tree is typically climbed and the nest is examined. Once the eggs are hatched, the nest is monitored every five days to record the development of the chicks. Adult behavior around the nest is recorded, as well as the number of times the parent feeds the chick and the time spent feeding it. Chick health and growth rates are then periodically evaluated by veterinarians. The field assistants also monitor the stealing of nestlings by Guatemalan poachers as evidenced by climbing spur marks on the tree trunks. FCD combats poaching of scarlet macaws - a major threat to the species - by attempting to maintain a regular presence around active nests at breeding sites. They dismantle campsites and makeshift rafts used by the poachers to traverse the lake and arrest the poachers where possible. According to Boris Arevalo, FCD’s point man on the scarlet macaw bio-monitoring project, the

2013 breeding season added 5 fledglings to the wild population from 24 eggs laid in 11 monitored nests. Within an hour of our downstream journey, Marvin’s lead canoe turned right, heading towards the embankment. Derric pointed out a pair of macaws in a low tree in the distance. As we approached ever more closely, he instructed us to stop paddling and deftly, quietly maneuvered Derric Chan us to within thirty feet of Chiquibul Park Ranger the birds. Immediately we noticed another pair of macaws in a nearby tree and yet another four high up in a cohune tree. As we glided nearer, the low-perched macaws took flight, their raucous “rrahk” “rrahk” rrahking shattering the silence of the morning and echoing across the valley. They flew so low we could see their spectacularly bright plumage from above. Even for veteran Derric Chan it was rare to see them so close, without the aid of binoculars, and to get such a clear view of their backs and the top of their wings in flight. In all we saw three different sightings; a total of twelve scarlet macaws. It was encouraging to see that the devastation predicted to occur with the damming of the Macal River had not come to pass. Morelet’s crocodiles were readily observable; frequent patches of round droppings along the banks indicated the presence of tapirs and the outsized, guttural bellowing of howler monkeys still reverberated through the dense forest and across the lake. New species are identifiable in the area. It was interesting to learn from the research of Paul F. Healey that the remains of a dam from the Classic Period was to be found near Blue Hole Camp in the Chiquibul indicating that the Maya were building dams in the area over 1,000 years ago. These scarlet apparitions of Chalillo Lake, having revealed themselves to me like the Virgin Mary appearing to Juan Diego at Tepeyec, I left the Chiquibul Forest inspired; grateful for the experience and the knowledge that there is still time for us to make a meaningful contribution to the survival and population growth of this iconic species. To read more Flashpoint articles, visit www.flashpointbelize. com

Scarlet Macaws in flight.



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19 JAN



Reid Unions Wake Up! By G. Michael Reid It seems that the Prime Minister and his United Democratic Party just do not get it. The people of Belize are sick and tired of the blatant corruption and robbing of our taxes and natural resources. The teachers, who have been quiet and tolerant for a long time, are finally stirring and making their disgust felt! What is most ironic here is that these very teachers and the other unions, were the ones who by these very same type of actions, catapulted the UDP into office. It seems that these mawga dogs, which have now grown fat and forgetful, are now turning around and biting the hands of the very ones who supported and felt sorry for them. Patrick Faber himself, ten years ago disrupted classes, standing (or should we say staggering) in solidarity with the very teachers who today he condemns and insults at every opportunity. My how things have changed! Patrick Faber, with support of the financial secretary Joseph Waight, has been making the media rounds trying to stir public sentiment against the teachers. The teachers however, are representing the sentiments of these very people that these politicians are attempting to turn against them. The teacher’s motto is “we got your back”. It seems that the people are feeling it and instead of being bamboozled again, have decided to have the teachers’ back in all of this. After getting no headway on Krem radio and being exposed as a hypocrite, Faber and Waight then took their “dog and pony show” to Love radio. They were greeted with no greater enthusiasm and show-host Nuri Mohammed also presented a tough line of questioning. This prompted no less than the Prime Minister himself to call in to the show to place Nuri “in check”. It seems that Nuri was not following the script and was leading Faber into forbidden territory. It is left to be seen if Nuri will ever again be allowed to conduct more of these

to an agreement signed last year, in which the Prime Minister promised in writing, that the teachers would get their long overdue adjustment in July. The teachers saw it as deliberate and habitual chicanery on the part of the Prime Minister. Who can blame them? The Prime Minister has proven time and time again to be deceitful, disingenuous and misleading. The thing is that the teachers are now saying that it is no longer only about salary adjustment but that they believe that they have a responsibility to stand up against the widespread corruption in this government. The UDP came into office on a platform of transparency and accountability and has delivered on neither. Instead, the Prime Minister has stood up time and again to defend the corrupt actions of his cabinet and minions. One issue that just won’t go away is blatant corruption in the Immigration Department. Elvin Penner is still walking free and laughing in the face of the Belizean people. Edmund Castro, despite being publicly exposed, has faced no reprimand. Denny Grijalva, despite flattening a Mayan ruin has been serving as caretaker and is now poised to become a standard bear-


be more understanding. We see in the United States where New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is almost facing impeachment after a member of his office simply closed a couple of lanes on a bridge. In Belize, the culprit would have gotten a promotion. Christie was full steam into his re-election bid but now he will be lucky to even finish out this term. This is how you hold public officers accountable, folks. interviews. As a result of the bridge closing, The problem of course, is that David Wildstein who held a high post Nuri dared to venture into a certain at Port Authority of New York was taboo area. The Prime Minister has made to resign while Bridget Anne been trying hard to live down his blunKelly, another high aid in the governor’s der of last October when he informed office has been fired. In Belize, these the people of Cayo Northeast that his people would have been given an even government was rolling in money. To higher office. Case in point, Merlene quote the Prime Minister, “We have Bailey-Martinez who was involved in in our coffers millions and millions some serious corruption at Social Seof dollars”. This, after telling the teachcurity. Instead of weeded out of such ers that they could not get their salary vital jobs, she was given an even highadjustment because the government er position in an even more sensitive was broke. Barrow has been busy area. trying to convince people that what Recently, checks have surfaced he meant was that he was going to that show Castro and cohorts at the borrow that money to spend in Cayo Belize Airport Authority have been Northeast. The old folks have a saying: involved in some very questionable misappropriation of his Ministry’s funds. While the Prime Minister knows nothing about After getting no headway on Krem radio and being this, he knows every question exposed as a hypocrite, Faber and Waight then took which Nuri is asking Patrick Faber on Love. Something their “dog and pony show” to Love radio. They were doesn’t make sense. greeted with no greater enthusiasm and Instead of intimidating the show-host Nuri Mohammed also presented a media and the teachers, Barrow and Faber would do better tough line of questioning. This prompted no to try and curb corruption in less than the Prime Minister himself to call in their government. The people to the show to place Nuri “in check”. have had enough and a few dollars here and there will no longer do the trick. The people er in Orange Walk. Gaspar Vega’s brother “That dog won’t hunt”. are demanding better governance and after pillaging our forest is laughing all the People know that the Prime Minpenalties for wrong doing. way to the bank while his nephew, who ister is very careful and deliberate in The teachers have held two sucwalked away with hundreds and thouwhat he says and few believe that he cessful marches and rallies in Orange sands of dollars from the San Antonio meant anything other than what he Walk and Corozal and are planning Road, is now given more money to work said. The straw, it seems, that broke similar events in the City and the rest on roads in Corozal. The natives are lookthe camel’s back was when the Prime of the country. Other organizations are ing at this and are becoming rather restMinister in his New Year’s address, inplanning to jump in and all the sweet less. formed the teachers that they might talk, the threats or the bribes will not Had the Prime Minister made some be getting their salary adjustment in be enough to stem this tide. Enough is effort to correct things, the people might August. This was in direct contradiction enough and the corruption must stop!


Bullying: Stop it and Make a Difference

By Dr. Angela Banner Joseph Ten-year-old Samuel was nervous; he had been moody and stayed by himself when he was at home. When his parents asked what was wrong, he started yelling and crying to be left alone. Samuel said that three boys at school had been calling him names, hitting him, and kicking him, and they stole his lunch money every day for two weeks. No one at school liked Rosita and they repeatedly teased her because of the large birthmark on her left cheek. The students in her class made her time at school unbearable and she did not want to return. She told her teacher, who did not believe her, and he called her a crybaby. So, what is bullying? It is aggressive, unprovoked, and unwanted behavior where there is an imbalance of power between school-aged children. Bullying comes in many different forms. Three types of bullying are common: physical bullying includes threatening to cause harm or attacking someone physically, such as hitting, shoving, or kicking. Verbal bullying is saying or writing mean, hateful, or inappropriate things and includes name-calling, spreading rumors, and taunting. Social bullying is sometimes called relational bullying and occurs when a person tries to damage another persons’ reputation or relationships and tries to separate the person from his or her friends. Bullying can happen anywhere, from elementary school through college. The antagonistic behavior is often repeated over a period of time and may

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be detrimental to a young person’s health and academic achievement. The effects of the repeated hostile behavior sometimes linger and cause longterm physical and psychological harm to victims. We have heard a great deal in the news lately about bullying that has caused suicides and school shootings. Each student’s behavior is different when he or she is being bullied. Some speak up and defend themselves, others remain calm and ignore the bully, and others walk away to a safe location to prevent any further problems. Preparing how to respond to a bully is an important step in prevention and safety. In some schools, teachers may be aware of bullying but they believe it is only child’s play and a normal part of childhood antics. Such teachers may believe the children should resolve their own issues in the school yard, and the teachers do not intervene. In spite of the reaction of the teachers above, it is extremely important that students tell someone they trust when they are being bullied. The student must explain to the person what has happened and must ask what the trusted individual can do to help through the situation safely and quickly. Students should not give up trying to find someone who will listen and help. Additionally, students who are being bullied should try to find a friend at school who will stick up for them. They can ask the teacher or friend to keep an eye on them. Students who are bullies must be aware of their actions to another person and must realize that bullying is legally and morally wrong. Schools must continue to create a safe learning environment for all students. Finally, students must learn strategies to stop bullying of themselves and their friends to prevent lifetime impact, long after they complete their education. Dr. Angela Banner Joseph holds a doctorate degree in Educational Leadership and Change from the Fielding Graduate University


For Sale By Order of the

Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Assignment of Mortgage made the 2nd day of September, 2009, recorded in Deeds Book Vol. 22 of 2009 at Folios 313 – 328, between THE BELIZE BANK LIMITED (the Assignor) SCOTIABANK (BELIZE) LTD., and LEONARDO OBANDO, JR., which said property was mortgaged by the said LEONARDO OBANDO, JR. to the said BELIZE BANK LIMITED on the 21st day of June, 2003 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume 22 of 2003 at Folios 647 – 696 will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the schedule hereto. All offers to purchase the said properties must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.

THE SCHEDULE ALL THOSE LEASEHOLD INTEREST IN ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being “A Lot” situate in Santa Familia Village, Cayo District and bounded as follows: On the North for a 30.419 metres by Lot No. 22; On the South for 29.990 metres by a portion of Lot No. 20; On the East for 29.309 metres by portion of Lot No. 20; and on the West for 29.337 metres by a street, containing 883.39 square metres of land as shown on Entry No. 6568, Register No. 14 at the Office of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. DATED this 17th day of December, 2013. MUSA & BALDERAMOS 91 North Front Street Belize City Attorney-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.

STATUTORY NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE of WESLEY MONROE CALLAWAY JR. Deceased of #4400 Island Avenue, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 36 of the Administration of Estates Act, Chapter 197 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2000, that all creditors having any claims or demands upon or against the Estate of WESLEY MONROE CALLAWAY JR., deceased, late of #4400 Island Avenue, Austin, Texas, U.S.A., who died on the 31st day of July, 2012, and in whose estate Grant of Administration With The Will Annexed has been granted to MELISSA BALDERAMOS MAHLER, should lodge such claims or demands with the said MELISSA BALDERAMOS MAHLER c/o MUSA & BALDERAMOS, Attorneys-at-Law of No. 91 North Front Street, Belize City, on or before the expiration of three months from the first publication hereof AND NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that at the expiration of the said three months the said MELISSA BALDERAMOS MAHLER shall proceed to distribute the assets of the said WESLEY MONROE CALLAWAY JR., deceased amongst the beneficiaries entitled thereto, having regard only to claims and demands of which they shall then have had notice. DATED this 6th day of January, 2014. MUSA & BALDERAMOS Attorneys-at-Law for MELISSA BALDERAMOS MAHLER Administratix in the Estate of Wesley Monroe Callaway Jr.

19 JAN




Home Economics

Cement Manufacturing in Belize By Richard Harrison Cement is made from limestone, clay and gypsum... all of which are available naturally in Belize in commercial quantities. Belize imports all its cement supply from Mexico, El Salvador and Jamaica....a total of around US$150 million per year is traded in the domestic market, approximately 0.15 M tpa. A BZ$3.5 billion project to rebuild highways and municipal streets using cement (as opposed to asphalt) could increase domestic trade to around US$300 million per year over a five-year execution period... or around 0.3M tpa....since the local cement will be a little lower in price due to savings on freight. A new cement plant with capacity of 0.5M tpa should not cost more than US$50 million to install. Additional equipment, mining surveys/ rights and operating capital should not require more than another US$50 million. Hence, a total projected capital investment of US$100 million. This investment could be completely private (foreign or domestic or mix of both), or structured in a way to allow for a 25% stake for the Government of Belize and/ or another 10-20% stake for Belizean investors, especially those with surface rights above the raw material deposits. Since the Government of Belize would become the biggest customer for this investment... the government should announce that it WILL undertake this project on its own...if a two year investment invitation (complete with clear investment facilitation package) does not attract serious interest. Such a plant and its mining-processing chain would

create direct employment for around 500 workers. As most of the high quality limestone, clay and gypsum deposits are in Cayo District, the most logical location for such a plant would be in the Georgeville-Spanish Lookout-Belmopan triangle. It would be interesting to know if the kilns could be partially fired with cohune... since this product produces very high temperatures and is naturally abundant in the Cayo district. This would create direct employment for another 150 workers. With this investment.... Belize could save many, many millions that are flowing out of the country each year, rebuild all its highway and street infrastructure by developing our domestic natural resources while creating many direct and indirect employment inside our country. The Belize Government needs to stop pandering to the interests of a few wellplaced importers and give the best interest of its people and country primary importance. Of course, if the importers joint-ventured with their current suppliers at CEMEX, Cessa and/or Carib Cement.....there would be a win-win-win situation developing. Richard Harrison is a local businessman and investor in the manufacturing and service industries. Mr. Harrison holds a Masters in Business Administration degree from Lancaster University, United Kingdom. Send comments to

PUBLIC AUCTION SALE BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED, a Licensed Public Auctioneer will sell the property described in the schedule below at the time as listed. At the Parking Lot across the street from the office of Holy Redeemer Credit Union Limited, No. 1 Hyde’s Lane, Belize City on Friday 31st January 2014 at 2:00p.m.

SCHEDULE ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 290, comprising 888.89 Square Yards situate in Ladyville Village, Belize District, being such land comprised in MINISTER’S FIAT GRANT No. 333 of 2011 dated 28th September 2011 and more particularly shown and delineated on a Plan of Survey No. 333 of 2011 dated 18th September 2011 by G. E. Gill, Licensed Land Surveyor, recorded at the Office of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys, Belmopan City, Cayo District in Register No. 23 Entry No. 6209 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon, the freehold property of KIRK GRIFFITHS DATED this 16th day of January 2014 All sales are strictly cash and deemed final. For more information contact: HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED 1 HYDE’S LANE, BELIZE CITY, BELIZE Phone: (501) 224-5644 Fax: (501) 223-0738

Application for a Moneylender’s Certificate I, Adan Cal, hereby give notice that I have applied to the Magistrates’ Court sitting at Punta Gorda on the 28th day of January, 2014, at 9:00 AM for a Certificate to be granted to me under the Moneylenders Act, Chapter 260 to authorize me to carry on business as a Moneylender in the name of The Best at Main Street, Punta Gorda Town, Toledo District, Belize. Adan M. Cal


The fastest selling newspaper in Belize


19 JAN



Recipe of the week

Strawberry oatmeal breakfast smoothie Here is a recipe for a fast vegan smoothie. Filling and perfect for people in a rush in the morning. You don’t have to give up a good breakfast when it’s this fast to make! Ingredients 1 cup soy milk 1/2 cup rolled oats 1 banana, broken into chunks 14 frozen strawberries 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 1/2 teaspoons brown sugar Directions In a blender, combine soy milk, oats, banana and strawberries. Add vanilla and sugar if desired. Blend until smooth. Pour into glasses and serve.

Liquor License NOTICES Notice is hereby given that LI YAN JIANG is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Wahaha Store”, situate at 11 2nd Avenue, Buttonwood Bay, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that NANCY RIFENBARK is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Scotty’s Bar & Grill”, situate at G Street North, Corozal Town, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that DEODORO BUSTILLOS is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Traveller’s Shop”, situate at Progresso Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that DAVID BERGER is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Tradewinds Restaurant”, situate at Chunox Village, Corozal

District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that KATHI HAYES is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Dragon Fly Grill”, situate at 2nd Avenue, Corozal Town, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that SHANTEL DALY is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Blue Iguana Restaurant & Bar”, Finca Solana, Corozal Town, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that ERNESTINE CANTUN is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Cactus Lounge”, situate at 5th Avenue, Corozal Town, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that GLORIA ANTIPOWICH is applying for a Restaurant and Bar Liquor License to be operated at “Copper Horse Inn”, situate at 4th Street, Corozal Town, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that DAVID GWIN LAWRENCE is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Sea Breeze”, situate at 23 1st Avenue, Corozal Town, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that BRENDA VALDEZ is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “V&S Shop”, situate at San Andres Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that EMIL CRUZ is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “O & D Shop”, situate Sarteneja Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that EFRAIN LOPEZ is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Paloma Bar”, situate at 1st Avenue, Corozal Town, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that SELENY MARTINEZ is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Felmar’s Cool Spot”, situate at Mayflower Street, Orange Walk under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordi-

nance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that OSCAR GUTTIEREZ is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Cocina Sabor”, situate at Belize/ Corozal Road, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that XIN CHEN is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Winnie Restaurant”, situate at Guinea Grass Village, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that TOMASA NOVELO is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “HDL’s Shop”, situate at San Felipe Village, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that RUBEN GUERRA is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Snack Shop”, situate at Barrack Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

19 JAN






Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

George Cadle Price



2. His march on Washington drew thousands of people and it was there he delivered his most famous speech “I Have A _____________.” 3. After leaving Morehouse College, Martin Luther King Jr. went to Crozer Theological Seminary to study _______________. 5. Dr. King then went on to be a ___________ minister at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Alabama. 6. Before he was killed in 1968, Dr. King had for _______________ years led massive protests against the oppression of African-Americans. 8. The principles of Christianity and those of Mahatma Mohandas _______________ guided Dr. King in his fight for equality. 9. He became a strong and tireless fighter for the ______________ rights of all African-Americans. Down 1. Martin Luther King Jr. is a graduate of the famous_______________ College where he read for his Bachelor of Arts degree. 2. He then went on to study at Boston University where he earned his _______________. 4. Martin Luther King Jr. was originally named ______________ but his father changed his name to Martin. This was in honor of Martin Luther a reformer of the church in Germany. 7. He traveled over_________________ million miles and spoke over twenty-five hundred times, appearing wherever there was injustice, protest, and action.

Down 1. George Price is known as the ___________________of the Nation for his tireless fight to see British Honduras become Belize - an independent and self-governing nation. 2. George Price entered into politics in 1944 but with only three days of preparation, he lost his first __________________. 3. He attended high school at St. John’s _________________. 5. George Price was elected as Belize’s first _______________ Minister in 1981. 6. He is a past student of ________________ Redeemer Primary.

Answers Election Father College Peaceful

Holy Hero Prime Mayor


4. George Price believed in creating a _______________, constructive, Belizean Revolution. 6. In September 2000, George Price became the first person to receive Belize’s highest honour, the Order of National ________________. 7. Learning from his first attempt, George Price bounced back and in 1947 he was elected to the Belize City Council and from 1958 to 1962 he was the _______________ of Belize City.

Doctorate Eleven Michael Morehouse Dream

Civil Gandhi Baptist Theology Six


WESTRAC wins PUP Cayo North East football competition Duckrun II, January 9, 2014 The Orlando Habet PUP Cayo Northeast Football Competition came to an end in Duckrun Two on Sunday December 29, 2013. The winners of the competition were WESTRAC who won over Santa Elena United by penalties (5-4) after a heated 3-3 draw after regular time. 3rd place went to real Juventud of Duckrun Two. Top scorer for the regular season was “Reds” Diaz of Santa Elena United. The Marathon opener game was won at Billy White some three months ago by Duckrun Three. The first place of the regular season was won by the Los Tambos football club.

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Orlando Habet and the PUP Cayo Northeast Committee express their special thanks to the organizers of the competition, especially Ovidio Estrada and Jorge Padilla of Duckrun One. Appreciation is extended to Billy White and Duckrun Two villages for the use of their football field and for the preparation of the field for the football matches.

See answers NEXT WEEK

Liquor License NOTICES Notice is hereby given that ALBERT W. ELRINGTON is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “BBQ Restaurant & Bar”, situate at 87 North Front Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that CHRISTIAN RIVEROLL is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Chap’s Bar & Grill”, situate at 160 Newtown Barracks, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Answers for last week’s puzzle

Answers for last week’s puzzle


See answers NEXT WEEK

19 JAN











Recycled wombs could nurture child and grandchild 14 January 2014 by Andy Coghlan Uterus transplants are go. A Swedish surgeon who successfully transplanted wombs into nine women is now helping some of them get pregnant via IVF. “We are in the process of starting embryo transfer,” says Mats Brännström of the University of Gothenburg’s Sahlgrenska Hospital. If successful, it will be the first pregnancy in a transplanted womb. Since some of the uterus transplants are from mother to daughter, pregnancies could lead to a second generation being born from the same womb. “I cannot give any specific information about the cases,” says

Brännström, but he revealed that most of the women are in their 30s and were either born without a uterus or had their own removed during cancer treatment. All the donors are alive and healthy, and all are related to the recipient to minimise the likelihood of rejection. At least two received wombs from their mothers, the same wombs they grew in as embryos. The transplant does not include ovaries or fallopian tubes so IVF is essential. “We make sure the women are fertile and have embryos stored beforehand,” Brännström says. Privileged condition Brännström told New Sci-

entist in 2011 when he was planning the treatment that he would transplant the womb itself, plus all uterine arteries and veins to supply and drain blood from the organ. But he would not transplant nerves, which would greatly increase the complexity of the operation. He said that recipients would receive small doses of immunosuppressive drugs to prevent rejection, but hoped that the organ would be accepted more readily because pregnancy is itself an “immunoprivileged” condition, where foreign material from the father is tolerated in the body. If pregnancy and birth are successful, Brännström will remove the womb, unless the recipient

The father of all men is 340,000 years old 14 January 2014 by Colin Barras Albert Perry carried a secret in his DNA: a Y chromosome so distinctive that it reveals new information about the origin of our species. It shows that the last common male ancestor down the paternal line of our species is over twice as old as we thought. One possible explanation is that hundreds of thousands of years ago, modern and archaic humans in central Africa interbred, adding to known examples of interbreeding – with Neanderthals in the Middle East, and with the enigmatic Denisovans somewhere in southeast Asia. Perry, recently deceased, was an African-American who lived in South Carolina. A few years ago, one of his female relatives submitted a sample of his DNA to a company called Family Tree DNA for genealogical analysis. Geneticists can use such samples to work out how we are related to one another. Hundreds of thousands of people have now had their DNA tested. The data from these tests had shown that all men gained their Y chromosome from a common

Dwarfed by the X chromosome, the Y seems more ancient than we thought (Image: Pasieka/SPL)

male ancestor. This genetic “Adam” lived between 60,000 and 140,000 years ago. All men except Perry, that is. When Family Tree DNA’s technicians tried to place Perry on the Y-chromosome family tree, they just couldn’t. His Y chromosome was like no other so far analysed. Deeper roots Michael Hammer, a geneticist at the University of Arizona in Tucson, heard about Perry’s unusual Y chromosome and did some further testing. His team’s research revealed something extraordinary: Perry did not descend from the genetic Adam. In fact, his Y chromosome was so

distinct that his male lineage probably separated from all others about 338,000 years ago. “The Y-chromosome tree is much older than we thought,” says Chris Tyler-Smith at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in Hinxton, UK, who was not involved in the study. He says further work will be needed to confirm exactly how much older. “It’s a cool discovery,” says Jon Wilkins of the Ronin Institute in Montclair, New Jersey. “We geneticists have been looking at Y chromosomes about as long as we’ve been looking at anything. Changing where the root of the Y-chromosome tree is at this point is extremely surprising.” Digging deeper, Hammer’s team examined an African database of nearly 6000 Y chromosomes and found similarities between Perry’s and those in samples taken from 11 men, all living in one village in Cameroon. This may indicate where in Africa Perry’s ancestors hailed from. Older than humanity The first anatomically modern human fossils date back only 195,000 years, so Perry’s Y chromosome lineage split from the rest of

plans to have more babies. Brännström is not the first surgeon to transplant a womb. A Saudi woman received one in 2000, but surgeons said in 2002 that they’d had to remove it 99 days later because of life-threatening blood clots in associated blood vessels. In preparations for womb transplants over the past decade, Brännström and his colleagues have demonstrated successful births from such transplants in mice and sheep, and practiced the procedure on baboons. He will divulge more details next month at a workshop on womb transplantation in Macau, China.

humanity long before our species appeared. What are the implications? One possibility is that Perry’s Y chromosome may have been inherited from an archaic human population that has since gone extinct. If that’s the case, then some time within the last 195,000 years, anatomically modern humans interbred with an ancient African human. There is some supporting evidence for this scenario. In 2011, researchers examined human fossils from a Nigerian site called Iwo Eleru. The fossils showed a strange mix of ancient and modern features, which also suggested interbreeding between modern and archaic humans. “The Cameroon village with an unusual genetic signature is right on the border with Nigeria, and Iwo Eleru is not too far away,” says Hammer. Chris Stringer at the Natural History Museum, London, was involved in the Iwo Eleru analysis, and says the new Y chromosome result highlights the need for more genetic data from modern-day sub-Saharan Africans. “The oldest known fossil humans in both West Africa at Iwo Eleru and Central Africa at Ishango [in Democratic Republic of the Congo] show unexpectedly archaic features, so it certainly looks like we have a more complex scenario for the evolution of modern humans in Africa.”



If God Truly Exists


n the Operating Manual, Psalms 53:1 harshly states, “The Fool says in his heart there is no God”. For the New Year I decided that I would read the Manual all the way from the beginning and work towards the end. This led me to the story of the first man and woman who lived on the earth that, sadly, decided to eat the fruit of a tree that they were instructed not to eat. In fact the instruction was more than not to eat. They were not to even ‘touch’ this tree or they would surely die! See, everything was going well when along skipped this serpent offering them advice! What amazes me is that Adam and Eve completely set aside the instruction of the Creator and began listening to a created! Somehow Adam forgot that God was the one who created him, that God was the one who gave him the permission to name all the creatures in the Garden of Eden, and even Eve got the description “woman” from him! He somehow forgot that he was lonely for a long time and God miraculously created a companion for him! The person that says there is no God and believes it (in his heart) is a ‘Fool’ according to the scriptures, but he that says there is no God for convenience says so simply as a means of averting accountability. See, if He is not God, then He cannot tell you what to do, or how to function! You would owe him no explanation! This is what we love as humans. Having to answer to nobody, not even God, means I can do what I want and what makes ‘me’ feel good! I remember speaking to a good friend the other day that was face to face with the same predicament as Adam and Eve. He was involved in some things that God had directly by his Word banned all humans from doing! As we spoke for a while he was taken aback by my recommendation. Here is what I told him: if this is how you want to live, although you know it is contrary to God’s instruction, do it with all your might, enjoy yourself, knock yourself out, squeeze as much as you can from out of it! You may ask, ‘what kind of advice is that’? Well, let me continue. I told him enjoy it to the fullest because “If God exists” you are going to be in a lot of trouble for a very long time! We cannot see God and it makes it difficult to believe He exists, much-less to obey Him! But think of this, Adam and Eve had a better relationship with Him than us! He would come down every evening in the cool of the day to hang out with them; they were used to having him around. There were no televisions showing and speaking filth to them, no pornography books, no guns, no stress, yet Adam still found a place within his heart to question God’s instruction and to ultimately choose his own pleasures and satisfaction rather than listening to the voice of God! My question for you today is “Do you believe that God exists? If He doesn’t, live as you please. But if you live as you please and He does exist, you will receive a salary! The Manual says that the salary/payment for sin is ‘Death’ (Romans 6:23)! Choose today ‘Who’ you will work for! Until next week God bless!

By Dr. Mark Musa

19 JAN


The Importance of Screening for Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. Colon cancer may not cause any symptoms at an early stage until it is at an advanced potentially incurable stage. The Stage at which a cancer is found has a direct bearing on whether the cancer is curable and on the survival of the patient. For example, Stage 1 colon cancer is a growth that is confined to the wall of the colon and has not spread outside. It has a high 80-90% 5-year survival rate with treatment. However, Stage 4 colon cancer occurs when the cancer has spread outside the colon to distant organs such as the liver or lung. This advanced stage cancer has a poor response to any form of treatment and the 5 year survival rate is about 5%. Colon cancer usually develops from polyps which are warty growths/lumps on the inside lining of the colon. At the polyp stage it does not usually cause any symptoms, but if left undetected it can progress to cancer in 5 to 10 years. If a polyp is found at the time of a colonoscopy, it can be removed through the camera without requiring invasive surgery and potentially preventing that individual from developing colon cancer. Methods of Colon Cancer Screening Colonoscopy: involves passing a long flexible tube with a camera at the end of it up the anus while the patient is sedated to examine the 5 feet of rectum and large colon. The benefits of this test are that the doctor is directly visualizing the inner lining of the colon to detect any polyps or early growths, biopsies can be taken through the camera and polyps can be removed at the same examination. Because 90% of colon cancers occur after the age of 50 years, it is recommended that persons start doing screening colonoscopies at the age of 50 and repeat the examination every 5 to 10 years. The disadvantages of a colonoscopy are its cost; it is invasive, requires a trained specialist to perform and might not be widely available. The possible complications involve a small risk of bleeding or causing a tear in the bowel. These complications tend to occur if polyps are being removed. Fecal occult blood testing: involves testing the stool for microscopic blood which may be leaking from a cancerous growth but might not be significant enough to be seen with the naked eye. The stool test is cheap, widely available and simple to do. However, it has a high miss rate as the growth or polyp might not be bleeding at the time of the stool test. It is therefore not as accurate or specific as a colonoscopy test for detecting or screening for colon cancer. If the stool test comes back as positive for microscopic blood then a colonoscopy would need to be performed to detect what is the cause of the bleeding. If the stool test is negative, it needs repeating every year as part of your routine check-up. Screening is important in order to detect any abnormalities or cancers at an early stage before any symptoms have developed.

19 19 JAN JAN






Women solar engineers in each of 43 Least Developed Countries will receive training at the college by 2015 [Shweta Desai]

Mayan woman trains in solar energy inIndia

US governor faces probe over relief funds

College helps to bring electricity to villages around the globe by training poor women to be solar engineers. 15 Jan 2014 Living in a palmlined thatched roof house surrounded by dense jungles and rows of corn and cassava in the Santa Teresa village, 42-yearold Florentine until now has spent all her evenings in the dark, literally. But today, sitting in the dusty village of Tilonia in Rajasthan India, the Mayan woman is lighting the

first sparks, which three months from now will bring electricity for the first time in her hometown in Toldeo in Latin America’s Belize. “I never thought I could do anything. My life revolved around planting corns and cassava,” Florentine said, with an apparent coyness to hide her low educational qualifications. “I only studied till class six you know, I don’t read or write much. I had no idea what a solar panel is or that sun

Syrian refugee girl to marry to pay the rent 15 Jan 2014 Over one million Syrian refugees have fled to Lebanon, but

not all are eligible for aid. Refugees who are not registered with the United Nations have been

Cardinal Francis George said releasing the records “raises transparency to a new level” [AP]

Chicago church to release sex abuse files

can bring electricity. I was surprised to even discover a solar lamp when I first came here. But now I can fix a solar light,” she said with a shrug. Florentine is one among the 37 women coming from 11 least developed countries - with lowest indicators of socio-economic development and Human Development Index in the world - currently undergoing the training for solar engineer in Tilonia’s Barefoot College.

forced to take desperate measures to survive. Fourteen-year-old Hanifa has agreed to marry a 44-year-old Lebanese landlord. Her family can not afford to pay their monthly rent, so the owner of the house has demanded Hanifa become his second wife. Lebanon hosts the largest number of refugees from Syria and aid agencies are calling the Syrian refugee crisis a humanitarian tragedy.

US officials investigating whether New Jersey Governor Chris Christie misused relief funds for political self interest. New Jersey governor Chris Christie is being investigated for allegedly wasting $2.2mn of relief funds on ads starring him and his family, US auditors said. If proven, the claims could affect Christie’s presidential ambitions, already reeling over a recent political revenge scandal involving one of his aides. Already cornered in a scandal over snarled traffic at the George Washington Bridge, Christie is now being audited by the Inspector General at the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), an agency spokesman said on Monday. The inspector is focusing on a federally financed $25m Jersey Shore marketing campaign that included a television commercial featuring Christie and his family. The probe also includes Christie’s decision to award a $4.7m contract – $2.2m more than a lower bid that did not propose featuring the governor in the ads.

The governor is also facing a lawsuit over the massive traffic jams. He has apologized repeatedly and said he was unaware of the alleged dirty tricks, unveiled in news reports last week.

Mexico vigilantes battle cartels

Archdiocese will hand over thousands of pages documenting clergy sex abuse allegations to victims’ attorneys. The Archdiocese of Chicago will hand over thousands of pages documenting clergy sex abuse allegations to victims’ attorneys who have fought for years to hold the Catholic Church accountable for its handling of such claims. The files on the nation’s third-largest archdiocese will include complaints, personnel documents and other files for about 30 priests with substantiated abuse allegations. Victims’ attorneys next week will make public the documents detailing allegations of crimes concealed and priests assigned to positions that allowed them to continue molesting children. Chicago officials said most of the abuse occurred before 1988 and none after 1996. “Until there is public disclosure and transparency ... there is no way people can learn about it and make sure it does not happen again,” attorney Marc Pearlman, who has represented about 200 abuse victims of clergy abuse in the Chicago area, said on Wednesday.

Styling themselves as ‘self-defence groups’, militias in the state of Michoacan are battling powerful drug cartels 15 Jan 2014 In Mexico, a country home to powerful drug cartels, groups of armed vigilantes known as “fuerzas autodefensas”, or self-defence groups, have formed in the past year. In recent weeks, they have even taken over communities in the state

of Michoacan; in one case surrounding a city thought to be a key stronghold for the Knights Templar cartel and taking over nearby towns after violent street clashes. In these newly occupied towns the citizen militia have disarmed and detained local police, claiming that both police and

government forces are corrupt and in league with the cartels. Mexico’s drug war has wreaked havoc on the country, bringing staggering levels of crime and violence. These civilians, armed with AK-47s, have been fighting back in what they see as a bid to liberate the country.



SOCIAL JUSTICE The new Leader of the People’s United Party has made a significant move. He choose the 15 of January for his public pronouncement. This date is the birth date of the greatest political leader and co-founder of the P.U.P. – George Price. With his keen vision and foresight, it is George Price who placed the words in the Constitution of Belize. The importance cannot be over-emphasized. At the beginning of the Constitution is stated – “Whereas the people of Belize – (a) Affirm that the Nation of Belize shall be founded upon the principles which acknowledge the supremacy of God, faith in human rights and fundamental freedoms….. (b) Respect the principles of SOCIAL JUSTICE and therefore believe that the operation of the economic system must result in the material resources of the community being so distributed as to sub serve the common good ……… Social Justice. Those are the words. That is the call of arms for a party that needs to burnish its image and sharpen its focus. The people of Belize deserve better than what they are getting. They deserve a better life, a better living standard and a better future than the bleak one staring them in their faces. In a country with bountiful resources, half of our population are living in poverty and large sectors are unable to find meaningful employment. The overburdened taxpayers and business sector watch with increasing discontent the ongoing waste of taxpayers’ monies on political projects. The government’s decision to allow a foreign “investor” to buy the sugar factory rather than assisting the cane farmers to own it, is nothing short of a national disgrace. The outright sale of Harvest Caye to a cruise ship company and the 25 years monopoly for the whole southern areas is scandalous. The new Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, who renamed himself Pope Francis, has become the latest champion reminding the world of the need to practice Social Justice. Francis Fonseca, on Wednesday, 15 January has made a bold and decisive commitment that when his party becomes the government, the people of this country will see a return to the philosophy of George Price. Where the government becomes the servant of the people, working to make their lives and those of their children better, fruitful and productive. SHAHERA DIED FROM NEGLIGENCE Shakera Bodden was a bright eyed, beautiful and bubbling young lady from Southside, Belize City. Her poor upbringing and limited educational journey never stopped her from being a caring and cheerful human being. Everybody who knew her admired her pleasant nature and can

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do spirit. On the 28 December, 2013 she was so ill that she attended the dreaded K.H.M.H., initials which in the cruel underbelly of Belize stands for Kill Her Murder Him, arising out of years of neglect for the poorer classes forced to seek medical help. Shahera was in the grips of the deadly swine flu and didn’t know it. Her heart was racing way above normal and her body had reached temperatures almost too high for a thermometer. But she was given the normal treatment and sent home. Days after she was dead. Another victim of the system. HATE CRIME? A homosexual who was taking his life style to another level was stabbed to death on the mean streets of Belize City. Police found his body in the wee hours of last Sunday morning on Elston Kerr Street. He was dressed as a female. Police say they believe his killing was the result of a robbery. The family says no for his money and cell phone were found on his body. The family says he liked to dress as a female and go out on dates with men. Caleb Orozco, the self-proclaimed spokesperson for gay and lesbian and bi-sexual and transgender persons, has told the media the killing is a “hatecrime”. There is no evidence to support the claim. Several homosexuals have met cruel deaths over the past few years but there has never been any suggestion that the motive is that of hatred. The sensational stabbings of homosexuals have always been known in the communities to result from jealousy, spurned lovers and rage. To call the latest killing a hate crime will result in overseas funding coming into the homosexual organizations, but it will also give Belize bad press coverage when in fact no evidence exist to even suggest that Belizeans so scorn those whose sexual orientations are different, that we are now murdering them. CORDEL IS BACK The Eastern Caucus of the PUP met on Monday and among its deliberations and decisions was the one to vote on the issue of Cordel Hyde’s return. Chairman of the Eastern Caucus is Doctor Francis Smith. His first entrance into general elections was in Pickstock where he almost toppled the incumbent Minister Elrington. Dr. Smith is a man of substance, quiet, unassuming and of a humble nature. He is an intelligent and brilliant doctor who has been providing excellent service to the people of Belize. He is more than likely going to be elected at the next general elections because of his hard work, sincerity and dedication to the people. Said Musa, the two-time Prime Minister of Belize attended the Cau-

cus meeting whose members are the standard bearers and Chairmen and candidates for Belize City and Belize district constituencies. It is Said, who, with malice towards none, has been the lead in steering the return of Cordel and convincing the Caucus to reach a favorable decision. Said Musa, of course, is the elder statesman of the party. His experience is nothing short of awesome. He along with Harry Courtney, Assad Shoman and Lindy Rogers were the foundation of the policy to internationalize Belize’s quest for independence. He fought and overcame enormous odds to become chairman and later Leader of the P.U.P. Cordel Hyde is a three time champion for Lake Independence. He won the general elections in 1998, 2003 and 2008. That says it all. Even when he did not run in 2008, the PUP got more votes than the UDP. UNJUST GUN LAWS An apparent grassroots organization sprung up last week to advocate for changes in the firearm law. Russell Roberts and Delroy Herrera are spearheading the group which will be forming itself into an activist organization. They met with several lawyers seeking to better appreciate the areas of the law which need to be changed. The Firearms Act has been steadily amended with increasing draconian effects. The regular judicial discretion of magistrates to decide whether a person should get bail has been taken away. Anyone, regardless of age, illness or other circumstances cannot be granted bail by a Magistrate and must go to jail for a minimum of three months. In effect, citizens are being punished before a trial and in violation of the Constitution which treats them as innocent until proven guilty. Under this unjust law, whole families, including minors, pregnant mothers, hard working fathers, sick persons and the elderly are being routinely sent to jail for an allegation. In some cases whole families go to prison before trial for one or two bullets, not even a gun. Another amendment prevents the Judges of the Supreme Court from hearing a bail application until after 14 days have passed. Another amendment demands that poor people given bail must take a land title document as security for their bail. Another amendment removes any discretion of a Magistrate or judge in punishing persons found guilty. The law passed by the government is that everyone must spend a minimum of five years for a bullet or for a gun. No monetary fine, no suspended sentence, no shorter sentence, even if it is a grandmother in whose yard or house one bullet is found. The government knows that certain Police plant bullets on citizens or claim they saw persons throwing a gun in a yard but there is no protection against this rogue action. The government knows the law is unjust but wants to create the impression that it is tough on crime, so the


injustice continues to ruin the lives of many innocent citizens. The formation of a group to educate Belizeans on the evil and unjust laws is a good sign for Belize. More Belizeans need to start speaking up against injustice and wrong doing. MARIJUANA While Belize is still in the dark ages brutalizing and jailing persons for a little bit of weed, the USA and an increasing number of countries have been decriminalizing marijuana. In Uruguay, a country in South America, sale and use of marijuana is legal. In the U.S.A. a dozen states are allowing its use for medicinal purpose. In Washington and Colorado states it is now legal. In the case of Colorado the 37 shops licensed to sell marijuana for recreational use, the price has shot up to U.S. $50.00 for .08 grams plus a government tax of U.S. $20.00. The shops have run out of weed because of heavy demand. In Belize 60 grams and over is drug trafficking and the penalty is a minimum of three years and ten thousand dollars, but the Magistrate can give ten years and charge one hundred thousand dollars or an additional 3, 5, or ten years in jail. For Weed. While cancer causing cigarettes are legal and advertised to children and teenagers on radio and TV in Belize. JANE USHER BLVD Jane Usher Boulevard is gone. It disappeared into the swamp and clay in the Port Loyola area off Central America Boulevard. Replacing it is a regular street. A street is a street and a boulevard is a different matter. “Miss Jane”, as Miss Jane Usher is popularly called, should ask that her name be removed as they are using it a poppy show. And by the way, God continue to bless Miss Jane, she must be in her nineties and still going to work and still helping many people through H.R.C.U. SUPREME COURT In opening the 2014 court calendar, the Chief Justice in his annual state of the Judiciary speech highlighted some of the matters needing urgent attention if the courts are to perform at optimum and justice is not delayed. He said too many persons are awaiting trials in the criminal sessions because of a lack of judges and lack of funding. He said Lawyers need to help the poor and the unfortunate who are in jail and unable to obtain legal services for the capital offence of murder. He said the law library has received no funding from government. The Chief Justice also pointed out that of the national budget, the Judiciary only receives a mere 1.1 percent. The full text of the Chief Justice speech is posted on the internet at and deserves public discussion.

19 JAN



PUP Marshalls step up to the challenge! Belize City, January 14, 2014 Tired of being neglected by the UDP San Pedro Town Board and UDP Area Representative Minister Manuel Herredia, the PUP Marshalls of San Pedro Town came together to serve their community. Spearheaded by Marshalls member, Nigel Belisle, and assisted by Marshalls Reymundo Nunez and Mandy Castillo, the group raised funds to purchase two truckloads of hard core material and carried out the upgrading of Black Pearl Drive in

the DFC Area. The street had become totally impassable after heavy rains and weeks of neglect. The residents requested assistance from the Mayor and the Council, and even from their area rep, but no one responded. Belisle told the BELIZE TIMES that they were triggered to action upon realizing that the street repairs were not a priority for those responsible. Hats off to you Marshalls. Let us renew our efforts of serving the people.

Address by PUP Chairman, Henry C. Usher, at launching of Social Justice Agenda Continued from page 11 tion of “What vision motivated the movement toward Independence?” Mr. Price wrote: “My vision, a free and independent Belize with our territory intact where all had equal share and opportunity to our nation’s wealth and where the haves would share with the have-nots in whatever way their lives could become better.” My PUP brothers and sisters, Belizeans, we owe it to Mr. Price to realize his dream of improving the numbers of

people who share in the advances of our country. I am proud to be here with the Honourable Francis Fonseca at the launch and the PUP National Executive fully endorses the Social Justice Agenda.

PUP NOTICE Port Loyola Standard Bearer Endorsement Convention The People’s United Party announces the Convention Date for Port Loyola Standard Bearer as Sunday, January 19th 2014.

MISSING One boat bearing certificate no. BPA - A18295 of 2012 GENERAL DESCRIPTION Registration No.: BZ-1441 Name of Vessel: Island Woman Class A - Use - Passsenger Description of Hull: Wooden Sail Boat Color: Blue, black and red stripe with white deck Manufacturer: Locally done in Belize Port of Registry: Caye Caulker Name of Owner: Richard Pollack Overall Length: 30 feet - Beam - 10 feet Depth of hull: 4 feet Tonnage: 6.5 tons Engine Information: Yanmar Model - HP-28 Serial No. 03069


CASTRO Corruption Continues!! Airport Authority pays Bike Repairs & Dental Care….but for whom? Belize City, January 14, 2014 The messy scandal at the Belize Airport Authority involving the Minister in charge (Ministry of Transport), Edmund Castro, is about to get more nefarious and disgraceful. So far, the BELIZE TIMES has exposed cheques #004951 and #005064 which show that Minister Castro has been dipping his hands into taxpayers’ cookie jar to collect $9,000 – an unusual and possibly unlawful practice for a Government Minister. The Airport Authority General Manager Kenworth Tillett has publicly defended cheque #004951, which is for $4,000, and in an interview on Channel 7, he claimed that the cheque was an authorized “donation” towards Castro’s mother’s funeral expense. But last week when we published yet another cheque, showing a payment for over $3,000 to a funeral home, and then another showing that Castro collected over $5,000, Tillett seemed to have boarded one of the suspicious late night flights at the airport and disappeared when Channel 7 tried to reach him for comment. But that’s not all there is to the evident abuse of funds at the Statutory Government Department. Another cheque (#004954) that appears on page 1 obtained by the BELIZE TIMES shows Castro being paid $900 in April 2013. Like the previous cheques we have published in past issues of the newspaper, there is no explanation why Castro is being given money from the account of the Airport Authority. Other cheques, obtained by the BELIZE TIMES, show that the Airport Authority coffers have been

used for all sorts of purposes not related to the official business of the office. For example, there is cheque number #004714 dated December 12, 2013 for $1,937 paid to Ordonez Bike Shop for repairs to a race bicycle. The question Tillett needs to answer is 1. why his signature appears on the cheque and 2. for whom did the Airport Authority pay bicycle repairs? Was it Minister Castro who owns race bicycles? Or was it one of his children, who are also owners of race bicycles? Will Tillett simply continue to brush the scandal as more donations, endorsed by the Board? There is also cheque #004855, dated February 2013, through which the Airport Authority paid The Dental Center a total of $2,040. Whose dental needs has the Airport Authority been taking care of? Was Minister Castro the beneficiary of this special service? Tillett’s signature also appears on this cheque along with Chairlady Barbara Miller, therefore, any of them could and should provide answer. Meanwhile, the Dean Barrow administration has not budged to investigate a Cabinet Minister who is clearly hustling funds from a Government Department. The Auditor General nor the Ombudsman’s Office have budged to look into the troubling cases. Edmund “Clear the Cheques” Castro’s hustling is more evidence that the UDP continues to endorse wholesale corruption in Government.



19 JAN


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