The Belize Times
Established 1957
15 JUNE 2014 | ISSUE NO: 4899
The Truth Shall Make You Free | $1.00
The Auditor General’s report has revealed why the Barrow administration has refused to prosecute Elvin Penner
the FileS! COLA says Barrow & Hulse cover up stinks to high heaven
Pg. 6
9 SHOOTINGS IN 3 DAYS Anthony Scott
Barrow Lashed by the Rod of
Correction Pg. 23
Rafael Cruz
Windell Neal
Here comes MORE STRESS!! Belize City, June 9th, 2014 Darrel Bradley has brought nothing but a pile of stress to Belize City. The conference or media dance held on Wednesday afternoon by the UDP to announce that he would run again for Mayor was like warning of the resurgence of a deadly plague.
Pg. 2
Kirk Smith
Sigmond Trapp
2 02 OUT
A Sad State of Affairs
Dear Editor, Allow me space to express some serious concerns. If we adopt the theory of Minister of State Mark King that offices, contracts and employment are to be given as rewards for services and membership in the U.D.P. we will see that these rewards will become the prey and spoil of frustration which will be the booty of victory of factions in the U.D.P. It will become like a virus in the flesh of the UDP Government, if it is not already. Our nation is already showing signs of fast becoming a mass of corruption. It is like a living carcass rotting with cancer under the UDP. King’s unsound theory represents the body politic of the UDP Government. This habit of electioneering and begging for political sweets has ended in bribery and corruption in offices of Government. Kindly note that offices of all kinds are now cooked up to give rewards to party hacks. The offices then become less practical. Seventeen tyrants are seventeen times worse than one tyrant. Note that the food pantry system of the UDP prepares and makes many recipients to be slaves of their whims and fancy, a sad state for our sisters and brothers. Our Government is full of incompetent and dishonest people which results in despair, causing calamity and agony. We ask the Belizean people to have faith and to struggle on against this UDP evil and discouragement. Faith will be our re-
13 Jun
Continued from page 1
Bradley has turned the city upside down with his chaotic street works, turning the city into dustville and causing many people to get sick. Bradley has made life harder with increased taxes. He introduced an inspection fee and hiked the cost of driver’s license to $60.00. He increased trade license fees and threatened to impose a garbage tax. He has denied basic services to city residents if they cannot afford to pay up. He has been the most stubborn and “haad ayes” Mayor who listens to no one else but himself and always seems to know the answers. He fired workers including security personnel and then en-
Time for true Servants of the People
Here comes MORE STRESS!!
15 JUN
The Editor Belize Times
Editor Sir, I write to advocate for unity in Belize and an end to the politics of victimization, division and hate. When Minister of State Mark King said publicly that as a member of the government he serves UDPs first, Belizeans second and PUPs last that was totally wrong and distasteful. King’s remarks however reflect the view of the entire administration. That is exactly why they have been assisting only a selected few for the past six years. Can you imagine that not a single Minister has publicly condemned King’s outrageous remarks? This administration needs to remember two very important things. First they need to realize that the huge bucks they are spending include millions of dollars in taxes that are paid by all Belizeans: UDPs, PUPs, and independent voters (no Ps) to the national treasury. All the citizens of this country
therefore have a right to benefit from the use of such funds. Second, this administration needs to realize that they were elected to office with the support of thousands of independent thinking Belizeans or swing voters and not only with the vote of their hard core party supporters. The government therefore has a duty to serve all the citizens of this country. Failure to recognize those realities is the reason why the administration continues to use the resources of the country to provide few jobs, contracts, half a ham at Christmas, Mothers’ Day
gaged in a battle with their attorney Audrey Matura-Shepherd over proper compensation. While negotiating a settlement, he turned into a diva and began complaining that Audrey was frustrating him. He even barged out of the middle of a meeting and later said he had to go home to babysit. The Mayor is a diva, borrowing the words of Krem WUB’s Mose Hyde. He has admitted that the job of Mayor is painful and frustrating. He had the media and his own party confused about whether he would run again. Not us at the BELIZE TIMES. We knew Bradley wouldn’t resist Barrow’s carrot. You see, the UDP is on the throes of a leadership crisis. Barrow is on his way out. Bradley, who believes he is the UDP’s Continued on page 6
money, food pantry, and other little social assistance only for UDP supporters at the exclusion of all other Belizeans including the young and the old. To paraphrase Abraham Lincoln ‘to build a better Belize, our leaders must work with charity towards all and malice towards none’. Sincerely yours, Gilroy Usher, Sr. 629-6560 SCAN HERE
The Belize Times
Established 1957
14 APR 2013
deemer and savior. Continue to protest in the name of the right things to do. The word of God will destroy evil like a sword. We must continue to write to the area representatives, to the newspapers, for the television and radio. The nation like the individual man must make constant efforts to stay in the paths of virtue and manliness. Fraud, falsehood, trickery and deceit in our Government are signs of a Government falling apart. Notice how they bully our citizens that try to offer them advice. Our executive has be-
come the dispenser of patronage chiefly to the most unworthy men who are bribed with offices and positions to the greater ruin of our nation. The notion of divineness in Government has disappeared and self-interest, greed and selfishness are taking over. This is happening because we cannot serve God and the devil at the same time. We are to the point where the needs and services for even the infants of our nation are being taken away. Such is our sad undeniable state in Belize. Thanks, Concerned citizen
weather 14 Jun
15 Jun
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2617Mar Jun
The Truth Shall Make You Free
ISSUE NO: 4840
serving Belize since 1957 as the longest continuous newspaper. Founder: Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus EDITOR
Chris Williams
Roberto Peyrefitte Printed and Published By The Belize Times Press Ltd. Tel: 671-8385 #3 Queen Street P.O. BOX 506 Belize City, Belize
27 Mar Jun 618 Feb
Exchange rate of One Belize Dollar
United States (USD): $ 0.50
Barbados (BBD): $ 1.01
Eastern Caribbean Euro (XCD):$ 1.36 (EUR) : $ 0.37
Sterling Pound Guatemala Quetzal CANADIAN DOLLAR (GBP): $ 0.30 (GTQ): $ 3.94 (CAD): $ 0.56
Trinidadian (TTD) : $ 3.22
15 JUN
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Despite “millions and millions”… UDP Convention flops Elvin Penner still protected in Cayo North East
Elvin Penner San Ignacio Town, June 9, 2014 The United Democratic Party has sealed their demise in the Cayo North East constituency with their antics leading up to the weekend’s failed convention. The UDP demonstrated that they will continue to protect disgraced and corrupt UDP area representative Elvin Penner when they rejected all the persons who had signed the 2013 anti-Penner Recall petition. The petition attracted 2002 signatures, endorsed by nationalist Belizeans and who are PUP and UDP supporters, but the UDP considered them traitors and disallowed their participation in Sunday’s convention. Many die-hard UDPs were turned back. They left the convention area cursing out the UDP and promising to vote for Landy Habet who is by far the better man to represent Cayo North East. Convention flops Rejecting 2,000 votes in a constituency with over 6,200 was political suicide. The UDP’s new standard bearer, town mouse John August, was only able to attract 14% of the total votes. The other candidates did even more miserably. Eduardo Juan barely got 6% of the total votes, with 390 votes. Tony McNab who was outspent and outdone got 1% of the total votes with 72 votes. In the last election, the PUP’s Orlando Habet garnered 2,034 votes. The convention turned to be a huge flop for the UDP who has been campaigning day and night to protect Penner, and who has been spending millions and millions to appease residents not to rile up against the corruption in the UDP. Allegations of bribery, vote buying As has become the norm with UDP conventions, the division between the candidates is ugly. Hours after the convention, McNab’s son “DiJon McNab” turned to Facebook to apologise to supporters for what he called “corruption in the party”. “The bribing was obvious,” wrote young DiJon, “if you can’t get
John August
one sincere vote then you aren’t the person the country needs”. Recognising that the UDP had pushed itself of the proverbial cliff, he added, “I would like to be the first to wish Mr. Habet congratulations on winning the election”. The UDP candidate son then accused his party of being undemocratic and of disenfranchising many persons.
Vacancy Amin Super Market 16 Queen Street, Belize City We are seeking a cashier, aged between 20-40 years Must be a male person. Contact us at the Supermarket if interested.
4 04
on the
A Message to the Voters of Cayo Northeast By Francis W. Fonseca
This past Sunday, the UDP held a convention in the electoral division of Cayo North East (CNE) to elect a new Standard Bearer to represent their Party in the next general Elections. Three persons stood for election and Mr. John August, the current Mayor of San Ignacio Town, emerged victorious. The UDP want the voters of CNE to view this as a new beginning for their Party and are desperately seeking to
put as much space and time between themselves and the current UDP Representative Elvin Penner. The voters of CNE must therefore be reminded that it is this same UDP Government and Party that continues to protect and cover-up the wrongdoings of Elvin Penner and others who are allegedly deeply involved in the passport and visa “hustle� which continues to cheapen and bastardize our Belizean nationality.
It is this UDP which gave us Penner and which allowed him to act unchecked leading to this national and international embarrassment. It is this UDP which has refused to investigate the immigration crimes and which has sent its Solicitor General and Commissioner of Police to the Supreme Court of Belize to defend that refusal. It is this very same UDP that will now
15 JUN
come to you the voters of CNE and ask for your support. A vote for the UDP in CNE is a vote for the continued cover-up and protection of Penner. A vote for John August is a vote of support for Penner and for his actions. The UDP has changed its face in CNE but it is the same old, dirty, rotten UDP bogged down in corruption and hustling. The entire nation has its eyes on CNE. The people of CNE must send a very clear and resounding message. Reject corruption! Stand up for our Belizean identity and nationality. Reject the UDP! Reject Elvin Penner! Reject John August! Embrace real change and give your support to Landy Habet and the PUP!
15 JUN
05 5
POWER AND WEALTH The concentration of wealth in a society’s elite has been the legacy of slavery and colonialism throughout history. When the nationalist movement led by the People’s United Party began in 1950, 90% of the land in Belize was owned by less than 5% of the population. It was British companies like the Belize Estate& Produce Company that was given title by the colonial government to thousands of acres of forest and agricultural land. One of the many accomplishments of successive PUP administrations was to vest ownership and control of land in the hands of thousands of Belizean farmers, homesteaders, villagers and town dwellers. In the late 1960s after hurricane Hattie had devastated Belize City and coastal communities in the south, all the land around what is now the nation’s capital Belmopan was owned by one family – the Melhado’s. It was through the ingenuity and savvy negotiating skills of Premier George Price that this land was transferred to the government. And today we not only have the seat of government in the “new” capital but burgeoning communities of small farmers around Belmopan. Fast forward to 2014. There is a kind of dissonance coming out of that area of Cotton Tree and a budding new community that is called Harmonyville. The residents of Cotton Tree Village cannot get house lots for their growing families. The Minister of Natural Resources Gaspar Vega and his colleague in Cabinet Boots Martinez are dividing up the land into lots to distribute to their political cronies. In the case of Harmonyville, the land has been distributed in small parcels to over a thousand persons. But here is the catch, the UDP government is telling these people you are on your own. You have to build your own streets, get your own electricity and water supply and you are not to plant corn in the buffer zone – an area on the side of the highway which is reserved to the government. You have to keep it clean and you may plant flowers but no corn or any other crops! The dissonance, the weird feeling one gets is compounded when you travel to other parts of the country. Up north the sugar cane grows in abundance right up to the side of the highway. Down south, the citrus, bananas, the corn, the beans – all can be seen on the side of the highways and roads all down to Jalacte. This is déjà vu! The Colonial government discouraged our people from planting. We were only supposed to cut the mahogany and bleed the chicle from the sapodilla tree. Now this neo-colonial elitist Barrow government is telling the people you can’t plant corn. The brother of Minister Vega can get the exclusive contract to export the valuable Rosewood at a huge profit for himself with a minimal royalty to the government. But BGYEA members cannot plant corn in the buffer. The son of the Prime Minister, a moneylender by trade, can be made head of one of the largest government owned companies in Belize (for which hundreds of millions of dollars are owed to the previous owners) but the sons and daughters of poor Belizean workers are dragged into Court by this arrogant government and prevented from planting corn. The daughter of another Minister straight out of school with no experience can be foisted to the top of the Pharmacy supervisory department but the qualified long-serving public officers are pushed aside. The concentration of power and wealth in Belize is now in the hands of the political elite and their business partners and cronies. The economy of Belize is in a slump. Growth is at 0.4% less than 1%. But whatever the resources, caye land and remaining agricultural land, these assets of the nation, the people’s property, are being exploited to further enrich this same group of the political elite. Minister of State Mark King almost got it right when he said that for them (this Barrow government) it is UDP first and Belizeans second. We say “almost” because in the greed and rampant corruption of this government many of the poor UDPs are also abandoned and left to scrounge for survival.
6 06
the FileS!
Godwin Hulse
Elvin Penner
Belize City, June 12, 2014 Prime Minister Dean Barrow and Godwin Hulse’s cover up of the Elvin Penner immigration scandal has evolved into an absolute national disgrace. COLA revealed today that the immigration files that supposedly went “missing” from the Immigration Department in Belmopan were actually stolen by the man at the center of the scandal: Elvin Penner. COLA, who has obtained a leaked copy of the Auditor General Dorothy Bradley’s investigation into the immigration scandal, held a press conference this morning to disclose some of the shocking findings. The most scandalous of these findings is that the very same files which Godwin Hulse repeatedly claimed to have gone missing and which have supposedly created “difficulty” for the Commissioner of Police’s investigations to continue were taken out of the Immigration Department without authorisation by Elvin Penner. Additionally, the Auditor General’s report reveals that Hulse was made aware of the files being in Penner’s possession through a letter reportedly written to him by Immigration Supervisor Ady Pacheco. In that letter, according to COLA, Pacheco claimed that around the same time the scandal broke, in September 2013, Penner strode into Immigration Department, demanded and collected a bunch of immigration files including the Won Hong Kim file, and left. This revelation is shocking. Hulse has repeatedly claimed “we still don’t have the Won Hong Kim file”. He has said that it is “missing”, that it “disappeared”, but has never reported to the nation that he is aware that Penner took the important files. This points to the existence of a well-orchestrated cover up by Godwin Hulse as the Minister of Immigration and Prime Minister Dean Barrow. Both of them have been sitting on the Auditor General’s report since March of this year, concealing the growing evidence of rampant criminal behaviour discovered by the Auditor General. There is much more. COLA revealed that the illegal Won Hong Kim nationality and passport are not the only ones that Penner should be criminally investigated for. The Auditor General’s report found at least four other cases of fraudulently issued passports also facilitated by Penner. All for Asian nationals who, like Kim Won Hong, never set foot in Belize. These were issued to Yiu-Pang Chen, Peter Pang, Quoh Vinh Truong, Yaqup Sut and Mark Chin aka Jack Jie Qin. COLA’s attorney Kareem Musa said that the findings in the report are explosive. He indicated that it has boosted COLA’s private prosecution of Penner, which returns to the Magistrate’s Court on June 26th. Musa also said that Hulse has many questions to answer as the Auditor General’s report cites that she requested key information and files from Hulse, but he refused to comply with her requests.
Here comes MORE TRESS!!
Continued from page 2
9th wonder of the world, has fantastical leadership dreams and he set his eyes on Caribbean Shores. Barrow, who does not allow his UDP politicians’ egos to get larger than his, sees Bradley more as a pawn
in HIS game. With little political capital left and more scandals to come out, Barrow is hedging his bet that Bradley has a better chance of winning the city council elections than the UDP
15 JUN
winning central government for another term. Bradley’s announcement that he will run again is Barrow’s way of tricking voters from Belize City– where the UDP won most of their seats. Bradley seeking another term and the promised millions for infrastructure works in the old capital has nothing to do with progress for Belizeans or improving the rest of the country. It’s about keeping Barrow and the UDP in power and in wealth while the rest of us struggle daily and scramble for crumbs.
15 JUN
07 7
for Caribbean Shores
HAVE HOPE! The PUP will Serve The People
0 88
WOMAN IN THE HOUSE By Dolores Balderamos Garcia
A Focus on Conduct A few months ago the Prime Minister of our sister Caricom country, Trinidad and Tobago, Kamla Persad Bissessar took swift and decisive action following reports of the misbehavior of two of her Cabinet colleagues. She fired them from the Cabinet forthwith, not waiting for court action or the judicial pronouncement of innocence or guilt. I think that Prime Minister Persad Bissessar acted correctly in sending a strong signal that bad conduct would not be tolerated from anyone in her Cabinet. After all, a higher standard of behavior should be adhered to by members of the Cabinet in any country.
As an aside I note that the women political leaders in Trinidad and Tobago are making strides and asserting themselves fully in the political life of their country. Carolyn Seepersad Bachan has made a bid for the leadership of her party, the Congress of the People, which holds six seats in the Trinidadian National Assembly. Penelope Beckles Robinson, an old classmate of mine, recently launched a challenge for the leadership of the opposition People’s National Movement. She was not successful this time, but I strongly feel that she will one day be the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago. Could it be that the emer-
gence of women leaders means that there will be less tolerance of wrongdoing by politicians and elected representatives? We recall of course that Prime Minister Persad Bissessar called on former Minister Jack Warner to resign after the scathing revelations of corruption in FIFA, of which he was a member. Furthermore, she sacked Ministers Chandresh Sharma and Glen Ramadharsingh. If I remember correctly, Mr. Ramadharsingh behaved unruly and disorderly on an airplane, and Mr. Sharma was accused of beating up his former girlfriend in a parking lot. I do remember well what Prime Minister Persad Bissessar said at the time: “There is no privileged escape, no allowance for arrogance, no forgiveness for indiscretion.” (Emphasis mine.) My, my, what if Prime Minister Dean Barrow were to follow his Trinidadian colleague?? There has been the breaking up of a casino and assault of police officers, sexual indiscretion in Taiwan, the smashing of a wife’s vehicle and assault upon her, corruption and thievery of public monies, conflicts of interest,
15 JUN
and the sale of visas and passports, even to the extent of selling a Belizean passport to a man in jail in Taiwan. I could go on and on. You get the picture?? My feeling is that if PM Barrow were to take a page from the position of Kamla Persad Bissessar, he would not have a Cabinet!! Instead we have had cover-ups, double speak and pretense that nothing is amiss. The Prime Minister prefers to make a public fool of himself, as noted by the Amandala, rather than deal with the misconduct. But something is certainly amiss if the Prime Minister cannot ensure good and upright conduct from the members of his Cabinet. It is time for a sea change in this state of affairs. I repeat – a higher and better standard of conduct is expected from our public officials at the highest level. Gross arrogance and crass misbehavior have to stop, with those in charge saying enough is enough, and the Belizean people being able to expect and insist on the proper behavior of those in high office.
15 15 JUN JUN
2014 2014
NEWS TANYA CARTER releases “Bullie”
Location: Bacab Eco Park, Belize District
There is a reason why Tanya Carter has the undisputed title of “Belize’s sultry reggae songstress” . She has been delivering A-class reggae tracks that have kept Belizean fans’ appetite for local entertainment more than satisfied. Ex-Boyfriend and DJ Boy put Ms. Carter on a distinct level among Belizean female artists. “Crazy” gave her fans goose-bumps. Now her new release “Bullie” will entice her followers in a different way. The reggae song accompanies by video is everything we know Ms. Carter to be…indeed smooth and sultry. The song produced by Birchill Records in Jamaica is accompanied by a video directed by Ms. Carter’s hubbie, Carlo Habet. To check it out the video Ms. Carter’s Facebook page or The song is also available and can be downloaded on Soundcloud.
Marlena • • • • •
Modeling Agency: Nouveau Model Management Height: 5’ 6” Career Plan: IT Technician/Software Developer Sign: Sagittarius Favourite Food: Pasta
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TOP MODEL Clothing and Accessories provided by CATWALK FASHIONS
Cor. North Front Steet & Queen Street Belize City
Likes: Listening to Music, Dancing, Socializing with friends and meeting new people Lives in: Belize City, Belize District Fav. Quote: “Everything happens for a reason”
visit us at or Facebook/ Belize Times
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15 JUN
Western Ballaz takes on Tigersharks in finals San Ignacio, June 6, 2014 The Cayo Western Ballaz are preparing for the rough seas as they take on the San Pedro Tigersharks in Game 1 of the National Elite Basketball League (NEBL) championship finals at the Angel Nunez Auditorium at 1:30pm Sunday, June 15th. The Western Ballaz advanced to the finals in grand fashion when they defeated the Smart No Limits team 75-57 in a heated match played at the Sacred Heart College auditorium last Friday night. The Western Ballaz’ power-forward Farron Louriano had a blast jamming 4 alley-hoop dunks to emphatically punctuate the highest individual score in an NEBL game, in double-double style, with 34 points and 12 rebounds. Richard Troyer hit 3 treys from long range to add 17 points and 16 rebounds, while Travis Lennon put up 12 points and 4 rebounds. The referee threw Cayo’s top rebounder, Kurt “Chengo” Burgess, out of the ball game some 3 seconds before the half time break, after a misunderstanding with SMART’s Andrew Ortiz, who also got an early ticket to the showers to cool off! SMART attacks were shut out, limiting Greg “Chippy” Rudon, Elsworth Itza and Matthew Young to
8 points each. Brian White only had 7 points, and Lincey Lopez tossed in 6 points while Ervin “Poty” Orosco added 5 points. Individual Awards: Most Points: Randy Usher (Orange Walk Running Rebels) 274pts Most Rebounds: Kurt Burgess (Western Ballaz) 197 in 14 games Most Assists: Tyrone Edwards (San Pedro Tigersharks) 4.6 per game Most Steals: Ivan Flowers (Western Ballaz) 2.3 per game Most Blocks: Michael Adams (Tigersharks) 2.8 per game Most Treys: Ashton Edwards (Tigersharks) Andrew Ortiz blocks Farron Louriano
SMART’s Greg Rudon scored 8pts
Collet Strikers lead SMART Mundialito Belize City, June 7, 2014 The Collet Strikers won 2-0 over Third World with goals by Mickey Palacio and Jomel David, who now leads the tournament with 4 goals. The Collet Strikers are now Undefeated and No. 1 in the 2014 SMART Mundialito posting their 4th win in Week 5 of the competition which was forced to shift to the Yabra green because of unannounced works at the MCC Grounds on Saturday, June 7.
BES girls
BES girls & Chan Pine Ridge boys win national volleyball champs
Other match results: Brown Bombers vs. Carlston United - 3-0 Goals by Jovaun Ramos (2), Dion Cacho Rising Stars vs. London Strikers - 1-0 Goal by Camryn Lozano Ladyville Jaguars vs. Heights FC - 1-0 Goals by Trivion Bainton City Boys Jrs. vs. Hattieville United Youth Sporting Club – 0-0 Upcoming matches (Saturday, June 14)
Hattieville United vs. Rising Stars Heights FC vs. Third World City Boys vs. Brown Bombers Carlston FC vs. Collet Strikers London Strikers vs. Ladyville Jaguars
Mikey Palacio scored Collet Strikers 1st goal
Chan Pine Ridge team
15 15 JUN JUN
2014 2014
11 SPORTS 11
BWS/MOE & BEL Powersockets win softball matches
BES & Holy Redeemer boys lead basketball competition Belize City, June 9, 2014 Kristian Swasey scored 11 points, Edwin Quan had 8 points and Willie Chi had 5 points for Belize Elementary’s 3rd win over St. John’s Anglican boys on Monday. John Kelly scored 15 points for St. John’s while Malcolm Waight added 8pts. BES also won over Calvary Temple boys 31-11 last Wednesday and 22-19 over the St. Luke’s Methodist School boys last Monday. James Saunders scored 11 points while Luciano Novelo had 9 points and Shakur Swift 5 points in Holy Redeemer’s 3rd win 31-4 over the Muslim Community boys on Monday. Luciano Novelo scored 5 points, and James Saunders and Shamar Molina had 4pts each for Holy Redeemer in their 19-8 win last Wednesday over St. John Vianney RC School. James and Luciano top scored with 4 points each in their 17-8 win over Buttonwood Bay Nazarene on Monday, June 2.
Belize City, June 7, 2014 The Ministry of Education/Belize Water Services and the BEL Powersockets both posted big wins in Belize City interoffice softball at the Rogers Stadium over the weekend. On Saturday, the Powersockets shocked Digicell 4G into silence with a score of 16-2 (mercy rule) in the 4th inning. BEL’s Reynaldo Duran scored 4 runs, Melissa Forman, Godsden Ferguson Sr. and Joseph “Sonny” Enriquez each scored 2 runs, while Miiam Dawson, Jomere Young, Jason Bennett and Khadine Gongora each scored once. Digicell’s Adrian Mahler and Caryl Meighan each came home in the 1st inning. IN Game 2, the National Sports Council outlasted Belize Bank Bulldogs 10-9. In Game 3, MOE/BWS outlasted the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital 11-6.
Kaya Cattouse pitches
(L - R) Matthew Hulse, Norman Garcia, Dr. Whilhelm Casey, Mike Sosa, Billy Musa Sr., Dr. Mitra Meeneveli & Glenn Gill
Belmopan Tennis Club wins Billy Musa Shield
BES & Holy Redeemer girls lead primary schools basketball Belize City, June 9, 2014 The Belize Elementary School and Holy Redeemer RC School girls are leading the Belize City primary schools basketball competition. Allyana Musa scored 10 points as she led the Belize Elementary girls to their 4th win, 13-4, over the St. John’s Anglican Primary School girls. Allyana scored 5 points and Ashleigh Card scored 4 for BES in their 3rd win over the Calvary Temple girls 13-1 last Wednesday, June 4, while Pauline Jex scored a free throw for Calvary Temple. In the BES girls’ 18-5 win over the St. Luke Methodist girls last Monday Allyana scored 14 points. She also
scored 17 points as she led the BES girls to their 1st win, 19-7, over the St. Martin De Porres RC School girls on Friday May 30; while Faith Parks scored 5pts for Martin’s. The Holy Redeemer girls posted their 3rd win: 12-6 over the Muslim Community girls on Monday, with Zaria Jenkins and Nicole Neal each scoring 4 points. Zaria and Katrina Aguilar each scored 10 points as they led Holy Redeemer to their 2nd win, 28-3, over the St. John Vianney RC girls last Wednesday, while Kelsie Moss added 6 points. In the Holy Redeemer girls’ first win : 20-4 over the Buttonwood Bay Nazarene girls, Zaria also scored 10 points while Daniella Sanchez scored 3 points for Buttonwood Bay.
Belize City, June 7th 2014 The inter-club tennis tournament for the prestigious “Billy Musa Shield” took place over the weekends of May 31st and June 7th at the Pickwick Tennis court. Belize Pickwick Tennis Club went in as the defending champs having won the shield for 5 years straight from the inception of this tournament so they got a bye leaving St. Mary’s Tennis Club to take on Belmopan Tennis Club on May 31st. Belmopan Tennis Club defeated the St. Mary’s Tennis Club by winning 6 of the 7 matches slated for this tournament (in Men’s B doubles, Belmopan’s Mike Sosa & Robert Lee overcame St. Mary’s Peter Quan & Ellison Flowers 6-2, 6-2; in the women’s doubles Belmopan’s Lauren Mena Sosa and Jessie Clark defeated Judith Brooks and Judith Swift 6-1, 6-4; in the men’s A singles Belmopan’s Dr. Mitra Meenaveli defeated Peter Quan 6-3, 6-3 and in the lady’s singles Belmopan’s Jessie Clark took out St. Mary’s Karen Pike 6-1, 6-0. St. Mary’s forfeited the men’s A doubles and men’s B singles and Belmopan forfeited the men’s C doubles.) On June 7th, the finals between Belmopan and Pickwick took place with some excellent and competitive tennis! Belmopan took the championship for
the first time, by winning 4 matches out of 7. In the men’s B doubles Pickwick’s Curtis Musa and Ian McField defeated Belmopan’s Mike Sosa and Robert Lee in the best match of the entire tournament 5-7, 6-3, 6-4. Belmopan’s Lauren Mena Sosa and Jessie Clark took out Nelly Mendoza and Samira Pott in the women’s doubles 6-0, 6-2. Dr. Mitra Meenaveli took out Pickwick’s Stefan Musa 6-3, 6-3 in the men’s A singles. Belmopan won the men’s C doubles with Glenn Gill and Erickson Lamb defeating Eamon Courtenay and Martin Marshalleck in two sets. Pickwick won the women’s singles with Samira Pott defeating Jessie Clark 6-0, 6-3. Pickwick won the men’s A doubles with Billy Musa Jr. and Stefan Musa taking out Dr. Mitra Meenaveli and Dr. Wilhelm Casey in two straight sets; and in the Male’s B singles Belmopan’s Mike Sosa defeated Curtis Musa 6-3, 6-1. Mr. Edward “Billy” Musa Sr. presented the shield to Belmopan Tennis Club’s captain Dr. Mitra Meenaveli. The Belmopan Tennis Club was sponsored by Builders Hardware which “has everything for all your building needs”. Congratulations to Belmopan’s Tennis Club for making history! All tennis players nationwide are encouraged to keep playing and to encourage the youth in their clubs to keep on playing!
New PUP Corozal Bay Executive Sworn In
Corozal Town, June 9th, 2014 On Friday June 6, 2014 a new PUP Corozal Bay Executive Committee was sworn in. The Party Chairman Henry Usher travelled to Corozal Town and conducted the swearing in ceremony at the Corozal Bay PUP Office. Present at the ceremony was Deputy Party Leader Hon Florencio Marin, Past Party Leader Hon. John Briceno, Hon. Ramiro Ramirez, PUP Standard Bearer for Corozal Bay Gregorio Papas Garcia and PUP Standard Bearer for Corozal North David Castillo. The Executive Committee that was sworn in consists of the following: Thea Garcia, Chairperson; Cor-
nelio Acosta, Deputy Chairman; Roy Smith, Secretary; Alberto Dominguez, Logistics; Vildo Marin, Campaign Manager; Jose Chan, Deputy Campaign Manager; Santiago Vasquez, Treasurer; George Escalante, Deputy Treasurer; Nikita Riverol, U.W.G. Representative; Josue Perez, B.Y.M. Representative; Mark Cuellar, Marshall; Canaima Dominguez , Fundraisor and Special Events; Angie Villanueva, P.R./Communications and members Kenny Gladden, Miguel Cawich, Shamir Alpuche, Eddie Palma, Fernando Montero, Elizardo Vasquez, Eder Riveroll, Ivor Nicholson, Alex Ewens, Carmela Hadad and Froila Tzul.
15 JUN
Chinese shakedown underway
Belize City, June 10, 2014 The BELIZE TIMES has been reliably informed that a secret meeting between high officials of the Police Department and members of a so called Chinese mafia was held over the weekend. The purpose of the meeting was to organise a campaign to squeeze Chinese businessmen who are not willing to support UDP politicians financially. The Chinese mafia who has very close ties and interests in the UDP have ordered their Police allies to get tough on any business that does not cooperate with them. The scheme is blatant UDP extortion. Chinese businessmen who resist will be persecuted by City Council special constables, GST harassment and even special GSU visits if necessary. Among those who attended Saturday’s clandestine meeting at an undisclosed location on St. Thomas Street were two nefarious UDPs – one from a “Palace” and the other who is front and center of the Penner immigration scandal.
Belizean receives award at US Medical School graduation Belize City, June 8, 2014 Belizean Giselle Habet Basdeo was awarded the Dr. Charles H. Pegellow Award for Compassion, Dedication and Excellence in recognition for her commitment to the care of children at a graduation at the University of Miami. Mrs. Habet Basdeo has completed her studies at the Jackson Memorial Childrens Hospital where she studied specialization in Pediatrics. Four years ago Mrs. Habet Basdeo graduated from the UWI medical school in Trinidad where she was the Valedictorian. Belize is very proud.
15 JUN
PRESS RELEASE GREEN TROPICS LTD (the Company) BACKGROUND The Company is in the process of construction of a Sugar Factory & Mill in western Belize. Supplemental to that facility will be electricity generation via bagasse and solar sources and intends to sell up to 21 MW phased to the national grid of Belize resulting in decreased reliance on Mexican supply and pricing. Application has been made to the PUC for consideration. If approved, the Company will be in a position to supply reliable Belizean-generated electricity to meet approximately 25% of Belize’s electrical needs. This will be a large contributor to the export earnings of Belize while providing 300 permanent jobs and creating a new industry from ground up for the West. It will also create an immediate and unlimited market for any farmer in the area who wishes to take advantage of the opportunity. LEGAL CERTAINTY & SQUATTERS For an investment of this size, the Company has had to convince (and must continue to demonstrate to) international financiers of the viability of the project together with the legal certainty in its reliance on the laws of Belize. From its inception, the principals have met with the trespassers on its property to notify and advise them that they trespass on lands that are the property of the Company as shown on the plan below. It has discussed the issue with the Government of Belize to curtail and relocate the ever-growing squatter community in order for them to respect the ownership and rights of others. It has reiterated the statements contained in the Ministry of Natural Resources “Enforcement Notice” served under Section 41 of the National Lands Act where they were ordered to “Cease the Illegal Occupation of Lands”. This has been to no avail with their general response being that they would never leave to put it mildly. The Company has even offered “without prejudice” and without acceptance of liability, to pay for all expenses to relocate and provide equally suitable farmland together with water access elsewhere. This has been rejected by the Trespassers. Needless to say, this has been an obstacle to continued development of the project and can jeopardize ongoing financing. As the below map shows, the area of occupation falls squarely within lands owned by the company. It is nowhere near the Valley of Peace though some of the trespassers are indeed from the Valley of Peace. Therefore the Company denies any suggestion that vegetable prices for the country have increased due to damage to farms in the Valley of Peace.
LAWSUIT As a responsible company committed to the long term in Belize, it has held discussions with relevant parties involved to ascertain causation in relation to the acts complained of with regard to the crop spraying. Both sides have sent samples for testing. The company has taken aerial pictures and flown reporters over the area to show the buffer zone remaining intact. The Company denies the claim that 100% of the crops were destroyed and also with the assertion of quantum of damages. CONCLUSION The company is of the position that it will not pay any alleged compensation for purported damage done by a third party subcontractor following GPS coordinates since all crop spraying occurred over its own lands. The company is prepared to abide by any Belize Court order if such Court so finds otherwise than as set out above and has in fact, instructed its own attorneys to commence eviction proceedings for trespass against all squatters to get the project off the ground.
15 JUN
For Sale By Order of the
Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Mortgage made the 29th day of September, 2008, between Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., and Edwin Quiroz, recorded at the Land Titles Unit in Deeds Book Volume 35 of 2008 at Folios 1063 to 1130, will at the expiration of three months from the date hereof sell the property described in the schedule. All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.
Mayor Gilbert Swaso,
Councilors and Staff of the Dangriga Town Council would like to wish all fathers of Belize and in particular all fathers of Dangriga Town,
San Ignacio North
DATED this 4th day of June, 2014. MUSA & BALDERAMOS LLP 91 North Front Street Belize City Attorneys-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.
For Sale By Order of the
Who Is A Dad? A dad is someone who Wants to catch you before you fall but instead picks you up, brushes you off, and lets you try again. A dad is someone who wants to keep you from making mistakes but instead lets you find your own way, even though his heart breaks in silence when you get hurt. A dad is someone who holds you when you cry, scolds you when you break the rules, shines with pride when you succeed, and has faith in you even when you fail...
Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Transfer of Charge made the 21st day of November, 2007, between Development Finance Corporation, of the one part, and Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., of the other part, which said property was mortgaged by Matias Celestino Duran to the said Development Finance Corporation on the 3rd October, 2006, and the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. will at the expiration of three months from the date hereof sell the property described in the schedule. All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. SCHEDULE REGISTRATION SECTION
ANN GABOUREL Area: - 555.56 S.Y.
4 1843
DATED this 4th day of June, 2014. MUSA & BALDERAMOS LLP 91 North Front Street Belize City Attorneys-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.
15 JUN
PUBLIC AUCTION SALE BY ORDER OF THE CHARGEE HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED, a Licensed Public Auctioneer will sell on site the following property at the time as listed. At No. 15 Mount Mossey Street, East Picinni, Belmopan, Cayo District on Tuesday, 17th June 2014 at 10:00a.m. ALL THAT piece or parcel of land comprising 501.722 square metres being Parcel 5237, Block 20 in the Belmopan Registration Section situate at No. 15 Mount Mossey Street, East Picinni, Belmopan, Cayo District, TOGETHER with a concrete house with a total floor area of 600 square feet containing three bedrooms, one bathroom, living, dining and kitchen and small front verandah, the freehold property of ISMAY ADELINE SWASO, surety for ALDEN COURTNEY. DATED this 3rd day of June 2014
All sales are strictly cash and deemed final. For more information contact: HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED
1 HYDE’S LANE, BELIZE CITY, BELIZE Phone: (501) 224-5644 Fax: (501) 223-0738
Happy Father’s Day To all the fathers of Belmopan City from TEAM FLORES
15 JUN
15 JUN
18 Celebrating Our Bright Minds! THE BELIZE TIMES
15 JUN
We move North to Belize Adventist College in Corozal. According to the Principal, Mrs. Celia Clarke, the school graduated all 68 of its students, at a ceremony held on Sunday, June 8th at the school’s Auditorium. The ValedictoFeaturing: Wesley College, Belize Adventist College, Corozal Community College, Orange Walk rian was Ervin Lucas, the SalutatoTechnical High, Muffles College, Belmopan Comprehensive School and Delille Academy rian was Neydi Clarke and the Vote of Thanks was done by Ireni Tun. Corozal Community College By: Alton F. Humes (Freelance Reporter) also had its Graduation Ceremony BELIZE CITY, Tuesday, June 11th, 2014 on Sunday, June 8th at its school The final article in our series on the 2014 Auditorium. According to school High School Graduation Season will be an upofficials, 118 students – 64 females and-down, cross-country journey through our and 54 males – marched up, with beautiful country. We kick things off with WesAngela Sun (Valedictorian) and ley College on Yarborough Road. The venerable Alexandria Grinage (Salutatorian) Methodist high school has weathered through leading the way. a transition in leadership – long-time Principal Orange Walk Technical High Mrs. Brenda Armstrong was recently succeedSchool had its ceremony on Sated by her long-time second-in-command, Mrs. urday, June 7th, 2014 at the Town Joan Tillett. But it hasn’t stopped the school Multi-Purpose Complex. 132 of from cultivating and producing premium grad150 students took the March, with uate material. Suleimay Roberts as the ValedictoThe school marched up 111 graduates of Bradon Jackson and Jorge Rodriquez rian and Allison Donis as the Salu130 students on Wednesday, June 11th, 2014 tatorian. at the Ramada Princess Hotel in Belize City. Muffles College in Orange According to Vice-Principal Edgar Pacheco, Walk Town will have their ceremothe top students are Class 4Green’s Keeron R. ny on Sunday, June 15th, 2014. Young (Valedictorian, studying Science, with a According to Vice-Principal of AcaGPA of 3.57), Shenelle A. Williams (Salutatoridemic Affairs, Mrs. Maria Urbina, an, studying Business, with a GPA of 3.07) and 114 of 124 students – 63 females Chyanne Whylie (3rd Place, studying Science, and 51 males – will take that faithwith a GPA of 3.01). ful march up the aisles of the MufThe BELIZE TIMES interviewed the top fles Junior College Gymnasium. two in the middle of their graduation practice Leading them will be Valedictorian at the Ramada Princess on Monday evening. Alexia Esquiliano and Salutatorian Keeron, the 16-year-old well-mannered resTanairi Baizar. ident of Sandhill Village in the Belize District, Moving to the West, Belmopan balances his passion for sport (volleyball and Comprehensive School held its football amongst others) as easily as his love ceremony last Thursday, June 5th, of learning. Keeron has now switched his focus 2014 at the University of Belize to college study at St. John’s Junior College, Keeron Young, Shenelle Williams & Chyanne Whylie Gymnasium. The school graduated planning to major (as he did while at Wesley) 173 out of 180 students, 81 males in Biology and Chemistry in hopes to become and 92 females. The Valedictorian a forensic scientist, because as he put it to us, “Belize jus’ was Susana Tetkau and the Salutanoh have none-a dat”. torian was Elsbeth Guerra. The Valedictorian credited his parents, especially his Finally, from the South, Delteacher mom, because “they were always pushing me ille Academy from Dangriga held when I wanted to goof off…” His advice to his fellow grads its ceremony on Friday, June 6th and youth is that “There’ll be a lot of haters; just stay foat the Sacred Heart Church in cused on what you’re doing and keep going”. Dangriga. According to the Acting By contrast, 15-year-old Shenelle is bubbly. But don’t be Vice-Principal of the school, Ms. too fooled – the Belize City girl hasn’t had it easy. In fact, the Gwen Garcia-Gentle, who spoke graduate with a love for writing and poetry found out the hard with us on Monday, the Valedictoway in her sophomore year that new friendships could lead to Alexia Esquiliano Tanairi Baeza rian was Sherrie Perriott and the bad decisions and almost cost her an education, as she ended Salutatorian was Lorup having to serve a susraine Castillo. pension. But she refused And with that, to let it bring her down and we bring our look took it as a learning curve into the High School to stand as the SalutatoriGraduation Season an she is today. And more to a close. It was a than that, she now has a fascinating and ofchance to make her goals ten arduous journey, a reality with her plans but bringing to focus to join fellow graduates these stories of inat SJJC, where she will Sherrie Perriott Lorraine Castillo Gina Castillo Jeysie Crispin spiration, perspiration study History and Socioland dedication was ogy in hopes to become a and is worth every bit lawyer, with a focus on eiof ink and paper possible. We ther Business or Criminal Law. She thank the schools who were credited her parents for keeping her patient with our line of quesfocused, with mom being “emotioning and willing to highlight tional support” and Dad “always the brightest young minds in pushing me”. our midst today. We look forHer advice to fellow grads and ward to 2015 and a new crop youth is: “Never give up… no matof High School graduates – and ter how many times you fall, you a season dedicated to them. get back up and try again.” Ervin Lucas Irene Tun Nydi Nayeli Clarke
High School Graduation Season 2014
15 JUN
15 JUN
LIVESTER MANAGEMENT LIMITED # 74,960 (“the Company”) Pursuant to Section 102(4) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2000, notice is hereby given that LIVESTER MANAGEMENT LIMITED: a) is in dissolution b) commenced dissolution on the 10th day of June, 2014; and c) Mr. Suler Mihai whose address is at Dorobanti, 2, Bldg. A4 Flat5, Buzau Romania is the Liquidator of the Company
Cititrust International Limited Registered Agent
Lanthier Group Limited (“the Company”) Notice is hereby given that Lanthier Group Limited (“the Company”) - is in dissolution - commenced dissolution on May 19th, 2014 and; - Stephen C. Read, of Rosasgasse 15/2/6, 1120 Vienna, Austria is the Liquidator of the Company
See answers NEXT WEEK
Stephen C. Read (Liquidator)
QUEEN OF THE BAY PAGEANT Her Graciousness, the Reigning Queen of the Bay Jarine Avila invites all Belizean young women between the ages of 18 and 23 to participate in this year’s Pageant to be held on Saturday, 30th August to be held at the Bliss. Interested young women can call 602-2307.
Answers for last week’s puzzle SUDOKU PUZZLE SOLUTION
Answers for last week’s puzzle
See answers NEXT WEEK
15 JUN
City resident accuses Lands official of sabotage “Hotbed of corruption” continues unabated
Raymond Williams
Belize City, June 9, 2014 In October last year while in the hot seat at a meeting with the Belize diaspora in Los Angeles, Prime Minister Dean Barrow called Gaspar Vega’s Ministry of Natural Resources a “hotbed of corruption”. The PM’s serious indictment of his Deputy was followed by the embarrassing words of Commissioner of Lands Wilbert Vallejos in March this year when he said that it was impossible for corruption to be uprooted from the Ministry of Lands under the Barrow Administration. He said “only God can” eliminate the corruption. Vallejos’ statement came as no surprise as there are thousands of cases of hustling, under the table land deals, political land grabs, disappearing of files and manipulation of the national lands systems under the watch of Minister
Who Sold Prized Land in San Ignacio? San Ignacio Town, May 25, 2014 It is rumoured that a wellknown UDP individual in San Ignacio sold this historic, prime piece of Downtown land in San Ignacio to a Chinese businessman. The land is situated just beside the San Ignacio/Santa Elena market on Savannah Street. The land was filled up by the PUP town council in 2001 along with the land where the market now sits. This parcel of land was designated for a public parking facility. The village buses used it for parking since the year 2000. The people of San Ignacio are concerned that this prime parcel of land has been sold and that there was no consideration for the village bus owners or taxi operators who badly need a public parking facility. This land is immediately above the famous Boat Wharf, an area which was long ago used for the docking of boats that ferried people to and from Belize City and San Ignacio/Santa Elena. It was the famous ‘Cayo Port’ and one of extreme importance for Trade between Belize and Guatemala
and also one reason for the derivation of the name of “El Cayo”. What else is wrong? The construction has not followed National Building Code Regulations (perhaps these regulations only apply to our poor, struggling Belizeans). The building is too close to the main street. What happened to the minimum 7ft from the street regulation? The construction seen will not allow vehicles to park in front of the business and as one businessman pointed out, this could just be the very first Drive-thru supermarket in Belize. Additionally, it appears that this past week an additional portion/strip of land was sold that was the space where the large drain passes between the market and the building. Mr. Mayor, there should be a reserve space between the drain and the land sold. Did the Town Council, Mayor/building code committee get some “remuneration” for this Infraction? The people of “El Cayp” want to know.
of Natural Resources Gaspar Vega. We at the BELIZE TIMES have shed light to hundreds of fishy land business but the new case of Raymond Williams, a resident of Belize City, and his frustrations with “Lands” is pretty unique, because Williams has identified the problem and made high officials at the Ministry aware of what’s going on, yet nothing has changed for him. Williams visited the BELIZE
21 TIMES last week to share his situation. His problems began in 2010 when a certain Ministry official learnt of his efforts to acquire a lease for Lot 46 located in the “American Site” of Hattieville. Williams had secured a land recommendation from the then area representative, followed by visits with Ministry of lands’ officials to inspect and evaluate the land. Williams learnt later that the land was already Continued on page 23
THINK ABOUT IT THOUSAND GRADUATE – NO JOBS It’s that time of year again. Graduation! Proud parents, proud teachers and proud students. Congratulations are in order. It is an achievement, to pass through four years of High School, or two years of Sixth Form, or three years of University. Everyone has a right to be proud. Except the government. They have nothing to offer the graduates of Belize. The economy is in shambles with zero growth, no investments, no new industries, no jobs. Bad business. COLLEGE CRISES The southside of Belize City can be considered the home of the creoles. The southside of Belize City is represented by six UDP area representatives who are all Ministers of Government. These include the Prime Minister and Minister of Finance who has been in Queen’s Square for many years. Also the Minister of Housing who is in Mesopotamia for over three terms. The Minister of Education in Collet for three terms and new comer in Lake Independence for his first term, Minister of local work and Poverty in the Port Loyola area. The southside Colleges are collapsing in front of the eyes of these selfish so-called representatives, who seem to be representing themselves, their families and their cronies to the detriment of the young people and the country. Maud Williams High School, situated in Queen’s Square and Mesopotamia has seen its enrollment fall by a disturbing 23 percent. Excelsior High School in Port Loyola has seen its enrollment plummet by a huge 34 percent. Sadie Vernon in Lake I has gone to the ground with almost a whopping fifty percent fall in enrollment. How did this happen? How long has this been going on? What has been causing students to stay away from getting an education? Why was this problem not immediately tackled by the Minister of Education and his colleagues the Minister of Finance, Housing, Poverty and the respective area representatives. It is bad enough that not a single basketball court or football field or park of playground has been put in place on the southside since the UDP became government. But it must be the worst thing to sit back and allow colleges to fail because parents are not sending their children. Not a single southside representative has said or done anything to find out from his constituents why they have given up on sending their children to college. Not a single one of these southside representatives can offer the nation an explanation of this most disturbing development – make that under development. They are presiding over the slow destruction of the creoles on southside, Belize City. This has to be, along with rampant poverty, rising crime, and lack of opportunities and employment, the ‘worstest’ curse visited on the people by incompetent and uncaring area representatives who are also Ministers of Government. Imagine, this includes the Prime
15 JUN
Minister who after two terms and six years in the highest office has presided over three dying high schools. Poverty and hopelessness has to be a factor and a most shameful lack of leadership. THEY ARE FIRING TEACHERS The Minister of Education, called a press conference to announce a halfbaked plan on what is being done about the three colleges in crises. Admitting that enrollment has been falling at the three colleges for the past three years he had the gall to announce that he was firing teachers. Of the 61 teachers at the three colleges, some 12 to 14 will be sent home. Fools! Fools! You need more teachers, not less. Southside Belize City needs more colleges, more classrooms, more teachers, more students. There are thousands of young people on southside who have never seen the inside of a college. They have no future. Many will have to turn to crime. How else can they survive? We need more teachers, not less. While the failed Minister was rattling off at the mouth, the camera at the press conference showed him flanked on each side by two retired teachers. He is rehiring cronies who have retired while threatening current working teachers with loss of employment. None of the two retirees are from the troubled southside. ROD OF CORRECTION All across Belize, citizens and citizen groups have been getting the shaft from an arrogant and high handed government. These groups range from the Roman Catholic and Evangelical churches, artists, cane farmers, university students, the Pharmacists Association, Unions for teacher, nurses, public officers, Prison Wardens, the Police Association (formerly alive), the Maya of Toledo, BGYEA, COLA and Territorial Volunteers. In an extraordinary and historic move, all these groups have felt compelled to come together to fight tyranny. They have named their new formed movement R.O.C. – Rod of Correction. On 30th May they released a joint bulletin like a roadside bomb – “CABINET SEEMS TO HAVE REACHED A NEW HEIGHT OF ARROGANCE OR BELIEVED TO HAVE TAKEN ON SUPREME AND DEMONIC POWERS LIKE UNTO DEMAGOGUES” These organizations represent some fifteen thousand public officers, teachers, nurses, Mayas, and civil society groups and activists organizations. Frightened by what has suddenly emerged as big potential problems for his arrogant and victimizing behavior to the citizens of Belize, the Prime Minister hastily called a press conference for Wednesday 11 June. Of significance in the formation of R.O.C. was the attendance of Mose Hyde, host of Krem Radio/ TV morning call in show. Mose who previously supported PM Barrow and the UDP government, seems like most citizens to have seen through the rhetoric and posturing of a man who has brought Belize to its knees, with worse to
come. Nuff said, for now. SAD STATE OF AFFAIRS Channel 7 News reported on 6th June that Greg Ch’oc, the Executive Director of SATIIM, the group fighting US capital oil company and its local puppet, the government of Belize, has concluded that in Belize might makes right. Ch’oc is complaining that the Supreme Court appears to be back-peddling in a judgement it gave which appeared to have assisted SATIIM but which in the written order now weakens SATIIM. The written order does not require the government to “obtain the free, prior and informed consent” of the Maya groups in allowing the oil company on their lands. The written order now includes, according to Ch’oc, the words the government must “seek to obtain” free prior and inform consent now allows the government to say we tried to obtain but were unable so let’s move ahead and make the oil company rape their lands. What is of concern is the news report that Ch’oc stated “The court going back on its original order is rather unfortunate and a travesty of justice in this country. It is neither here nor there for us because we have concluded that there is absolutely no rule of law in this country. So we could have gotten a case or an order where US capital permit was quashed, I know that they still would be there (in our land) so it doesn’t really matter”. Wow! KAREEM It is as if he came out of nowhere. This cool, humble and respectful young man brought a level of dynamism and energy to opposition supporters on Sunday evening when he was accepted as the Standard Bearer for the upcoming general elections as candidate in the Caribbean Shores constituency. Kareem is highly respected as a decent young man. He is a brilliant attorney, a social activist and is never too busy to listen to the cries of the people. His acceptance speech at the convention was uplifting and dynamic and manifested a passion to bring change and betterment to the country. Residents of Caribbean Shores will benefit from having such a quality representative for their area. With Kareem joining the new PUP team under Francis Fonseca, the PUP has increased their very good chances of becoming the next government. As one speaker at the convention stated, Dan Silva is a next seat, Patrick Andrews is another, Cordel Hyde yet another, and now Kareem makes FOUR new additional seats on top of the FOURTEEN the PUP already has. For sure, there will be a change of government. We are energized by Kareem’s candidacy and congratulate him and his family on this momentous decision. Our congratulations also go to Mrs. Joan and Said and his siblings. TALIBAN Who are the Taliban? Who are they? It is the Taliban that caused the USA to invade Afghanistan 14 years ago along with European forces. It turned out to be America’s longest war, costing billion of dollars. As the USA winds down its military occupation with the intention to leave 10,000 soldiers “to train” the local army
and even as NATO (European) allies have 50,000 soldiers, the Taliban and other Jihadists have launched some stunning military attacks against the occupiers Afghan army. Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city, was captured by a group being called “ISIS”. Also taken were Fallujha, Ramadi and other key towns. This has sent shockwaves through the USA and Europe. Their illegal invasion and 14 year war/ occupation has been unraveled in the space of one week. The Iraqi government is in deep trouble. And death and destruction goes on. Thursday 12 June 2014 Iraq is under a state of emergency. War is so stupid and accomplishes nothing except enriching the companies who sell arms and war material. WORSE PRESS CONFERENCE The Prime Minister Press Conference on Wednesday is his worse to date. The multitude of issues and scandals of all kinds raised by civil society groups, Union and the media were all brushed over and laughed at by the leader of the nation. Misreading the small turn out at BGYEA rally last Saturday in Belize City as a sign that he the P.M. was still well loved and doing a great job; the PM conceded not even an inch on issues for which he and his government are clearly wrong. Whom the gods would destroy, they first infect with megalomania. Laugh on Sir. Laugh on. LOVE & HIP-HOP The television series on VHI channel has huge fans in Belize among young viewers. A glimpse of the show last Monday explains some of its attractiveness. All the women are George Gabb-type creations. Meaning they look like a master sculptor chiseled their figures from rosewood or mahogany. The dialogue and the plot is much but the awesome presence of the fantastic features of females is compelling. Derogatory words describing the women in particular come out of everyone’s mouths. As to Joseline Hernandes, there is no one on American television sexier than her, not even Kim Kardashian. MAYA ANGELOU “I know why the Cage Birds Sing” remain her considered best among a list of excellent books. She was also a poet of considerable talent. Check “you may write me down in history with your bitter, twisted lies. You may trod me in the very dirt But still, like dust, I’ll rise” She was invited to read at the inauguration of new US President Bill Clinton. She had an awesome voice, like her awesome mind. We will miss Maya Angelou we passed on 28 May 2014. THERESE BELISLE Therese Belisle, of Belize City and history teacher of St. Michael’s College met and married a visiting Magistrate Mr. Nweke and is living in Nigeria. She wrote and important view on the struggle between so-called western civilization (US, Europe) and its intention to impose its will on other sections of the planet (Africa, India China). The latest issue now, LGBT.
15 JUN
City resident accuses Lands official of sabotage Continued from page 21 leased to Sheila Garbutt. Because there was no development on the land, the area representative issued a recommendation letter for Garbutt’s lease to be cancelled on June 1st 2011. Williams said that almost a year later, while waiting for his lease application to be accepted, his hopes of acquiring the small lot were dashed when he was informed by Lands official Chaka Quilter that Garbutt paid up money towards her outstanding taxes.
Faced with the disappointing news, Williams returned to the place he called home for over four years – a small plywood structure erected on a small parcel in the Lake Independence area. The lot was nothing but swamp when Williams found it in 2007. He, like many other Belizeans, decided to make something out of it by clearing it. This is called squatting, a practice recognised by the laws of Belize. Williams said that last year he learnt
of amnesty program which gave squatters an opportunity to own the land they were on. He began the process of applying for the land. But lo and behold, earlier this year Williams was informed by folks in the Ministry that the land was, all of a sudden, privately owned. To his shock, the land reportedly belonged to the same land official who had given him the “bad news” about the Hattieville land. This person is a well-connected UDP supporter, related to a former UDP City Councillor. Williams said the official has gone to great lengths to keep him away from the land, even meddling with the Ministry’s computerized system and inserting her name as the owner. When he reported the situation to
Commissioner Vallejos, the Commissioner promised that the person had been blocked from accessing any information. But it appears that Vallejos’ authority was undermined and overruled easily. Williams claimed that as of Tuesday June 3rd, the official’s name was back in the system as the land owner. He said that on one of his trips to the Ministry’s office in Belmopan, the official told him, “if yu know we good fi yuh, yuh betta lef da land”. Williams told the BELIZE TIMES that he will not back down because he knows that it is corruption that is standing in his way. He found it incredible that the Commissioner had not been able to deal with the problem.
Barrow Lashed by the Rod of Correction Belize City, June 11, 2014 Prime Minister Dean Barrow entered rough waters when he opted to disrespect the newly formed Rod of Correction (ROC) at a press conference held on Wednesday in Belize City, in response to the fiery protest rally held against his administration on Saturday. When the Prime Minister brought up the topic of the ROC, the UDP officials in attendance were heard snickering and sneering in the background. Barrow then began entertaining his set of hyenas, dissing the new movement and calling the leaders all sorts of names. He said that the rally held on Saturday which was supported by over a dozen organisations and saw the participation of over 300 persons was not “tactually successful”. He accused the organisers of creating “a crisis that isn’t there” and that the organisations were merely seeking “opportunism”. He then began picking on each organisation, calling out its leader, and lambasting him/her for being misguided. Of the NTUCB, he said they had disrespected his administration in their suggestion that the sky is falling. He told BGYEA that his Government will “not countenance illegality” and they will not be allowed to plant corn in the buffer zone. He rejected the Pharmacists Association’s calls for Danini Contreras, the daughter of Erwin Contreras, to be removed as Director of Drug Inspectorate Unit, claiming that she is best qualified for the job although she has no experience in the sector. He then told COLA that his UDP colleague Elvin Penner will continue to roam free and collect taxpayer’s money as an elected UDP representative, despite the mounting evidence of his wrongdoing. The Prime Minister did his best to show bravado in the face of the ROC’s fierceness and traction gaining, but his attempts were weak. He seems to be aware that his time is nearing the end. The Rod of Correction’s protest rally was a success. While BGYEA’s “plant di corn” rally was the head-
line feature of the rally, the objective was to bring organisations who felt that the Government is on the wrong course. Organisations such as SATIIM, the Maya Leaders Alliance, the Valley of Peace Farmers Association, the Pharmacists Association, the Public Service Union, the Belize National Teachers Union, the Association of Public Service Senior Managers
and COLA. The organisations that were represented and now stand in solidary with the ROC wanted to send a message to the UDP administration: you have failed the country. That message was clear as supporters came from various parts of the country to take a stand. The Opposition PUP also supported the rally. PUP Leader Hon. Francis
Fonseca said on Monday that he respects the Unions and Social Partners and will not politicise and exploit their efforts as Dean Barrow did when he was in Opposition. Hon. Fonseca said that the PUP is preparing for its own mass protests and that there will come a time when everyone will have to join efforts to remove the tyrannical leaders of the UDP Government.
BGYEA’s Nigel Petillo
15 JUN