Belize times june 16, 2013

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The Belize Times

Established 1957

16 JUNE 2013

The Truth Shall Make You Free

| ISSUE NO: 4849




Exposed!!! Another get-rich “Legal Fees” scheme for Barrow Attorneys Belize City, June 13, 2013 Prime Minister Dean Barrow has schemed another round of expensive legal battles as a result of Government’s hostile takeover of the privately managed International Business Company Registry (IBC) and the International Merchant Marne Registry of Belize (IMMARBE) on Tuesday.

Sweetheart Deal GOB buys out Espat building for millions

One of the Espat buildings on Regent Street

Belmopan City, June 10, 2013 Mark Espat is a slippery guy. He is one thing today and next he is holding a dagger behind you tomorrow. As we have been telling the UDP there is one rule which applies when

Mayor disobeys court order! Rogue Mayor either pays up or goes to jail! Pg. 31

According to the PM, even though the Government is at its worst point financially, he is prepared to fight “to death” or did he mean “to debt”. Belize International Service Limited (BISL), which held the management contracts for IBC and IMMARBE since 1993, warned on Monday that they will pursue damages to the highest level which could see

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No apologies for 13 dead babies! PM defends Pablo Marin, says he is performing where “it matters”

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Fired SSB CEO gets job as Port Commissioner

Belize City, June 11, 2013 Merlene Bailey Martinez who was removed from office as Former Chief Executive Officer

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Dear Editor, In 2008 when the Barrow Administration came into power I thought his administration would solve Belize’s problems and make us proud. But after listening to the PM at the press conference on Wednesday I am convinced it’s not the same PM that was elected 2008. I was very disappointed when a reporter asked him why the Minister of Health didn’t speak at the press conference concerning the babies and the answer he gave. He told the reporter he won’t blame Minister Pablo Marin because Minister Marin is winning village councils elections in Corozal and that’s good for him. Come on Mr. PM, are village council elections more important than the lives of those babies? Sometime ago when Dough Singh was Party Chairman for the UDP, he mention that this Barrow Administration is not there to govern but to win elections. Now I see where he’s coming from. Shame on this PM, he must be losing it. Another stupid reply he made was the answer concerning the destruction of the Maya Ruin; that they are waiting to find out the driver of the bulldozer and camera man’s whereabouts so they can interview them to finish the investigations. Man, the evidence is there in the destruction. Arrest the contractor! He’s responsible not those workers they only followed orders. I think the PM by taking over the Ship Registry and IBC is trying to sway the public’s opinion and on the nonsense his administration is doing. Signed, Hakeem Bush

14 Jun

BAGMO asks PM to step up fight against GMOs

Nursing Student seeks remedy for faulty UB program


Dear Editor, I am a student nurse at the University of Belize. I would like to express my concern with respect to a practicum course NURS 3101 P, Care of the Adult Population Practicum, that was carried out at Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital. I decided to come forward when I saw and heard other students of U.B. expressing their own concerns. This incident took place this semester from January 14th to May 10th, 2013. I reported to duty Saturday morning February 23, 2013 where I met the Covering Sister who appeared annoyed and shocked and spoke sharply when she saw me working on a Saturday. I need to explain that practicum classes are held Monday to Friday, but two other students and I have a class in Belmopan on Fridays. So we needed to make up that lost day back on Saturdays. The Covering Sister approached me in the Surgical Ward and asked me what I was doing there that Saturday. I replied by telling her that I have classes on Fridays and so I needed to make up the day on Saturdays. She instead said, she needed that in writing and needed to check with the Matron because I should not be there without supervision. I further explained to her that my Chair and Instructor of nursing had discussed the matter with those in authority. She went about her business, while I waited for the nurse in charge to assign my duty. Later she called and informed me that there was nothing in writing and that I needed to go home, which I did. I then contacted my Chair of Nursing via text and phone who responded to me long after I had arrived home. After picking up my kids from the baby sitter and gone home, I called my Clinical Instructor for that course and explained to her what had happened. She soundContinued on page 22


Dear Prime Minister Barrow, Once again, the eyes of the world will be on Belize as it struggles with the disclosure that GMO soybeans are illegally growing in Northern Belize. I am not alone in considering this to be a serious issue, not unlike that of an EcoTerrorist, who, by the very nature of cross-pollination, intentionally contaminates the surrounding environment (including water systems, numerous non-targeted animals, insects and organisms, and the soil) with a man-made protein whose characteristics and actions are barely understood. Vertical transfer and resistance are already being noted in scientific studies that these proteins are having impacts well beyond Continued on page 22

Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear


Dear Editor, We’d like to address this issue of gay rights. As Christians, we’d like to make it known in no uncertain terms that this is NOT something we will entertain in any shape or form in our nation of Belize. Firstly, we have nothing to prove. People were not our idea, and neither was it their idea. People are GOD’s idea, and HE it was that decided and made them male and female when He created [see Genesis 1:27]. It’s His design so jump high, jump low the reality remains and can only change in a mistaken mind. We will not be distracted. This is not a battle over words, meanings, semantics and secretive privileged information to certain groups. God sees all and everything will be exposed. Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to Continued on page 22

16 Jun

OUT Prejudices still alive in Belize


Dear Editor, “I have a dream”. Fifty years ago, on August 28th, 1063, American Civil Rights leader, Martin Luther King Jr., uttered those words in his most famous speech. Using that captivating refrain, Dr. King expressed his dreams or hope that one day people would enjoy life free from racial prejudice. Though his aspirations were addressed to an audience in the United States, the essence of his dream has been embraced by people throughout the world. Belize being no exception. Three months after Dr. King’s speech, on November 20 1963, over 100 nations adopted the UN declaration on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination. Other global initiatives were adopted in the decades that followed. All such worthy efforts inevitably raised the question: what has been the result? Was Dr. King’s dream fulfilled? On March 21 2012 UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon stated there are many valuable treaties and tools, as well as a comprehensive global frameworks, to prevent and eradicate racism, racial discrimination and related intolerance. Nonetheless racism continues to reign, causing suffering on people across the world, even in Belize. Continued on page 22


The Belize Times

Established 1957

14 APR 2013


ISSUE NO: 4840

The Truth Shall Make You Free



serving Belize since 1957 as the longest continuous newspaper. Founder: Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus EDITOR


Chris Williams


Roberto Peyrefitte Printed and Published By The Belize Times Press Ltd.

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Tel: 671-8385 #3 Queen Street P.O. BOX 506 Belize City, Belize


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Belize faces sanctions for “money laundering and terrorist financing” Belize City, June 13, 2013 The February 2011 report and recommendations from the European Fisheries Control Agency on illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing is not the only document being ignored by the Barrow Administration. The BELIZE TIMES has discovered that Belize faces possible sanctions for falling in non-compliance with recommendations by the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF) on ongoing money laundering and terrorist financing activities since July 2011. A report published by the CFATF on May 30th, 2013 declares that if Belize does not take specific steps to correct identified deficiencies by November 2013, the agency will lobby for measures against Belize that could further cripple the economy. In a 212-page July 2011 assessment carried out by CFATF on Belize’s control and enforcement of laws on Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism in Belize, a detailed plan of action with identified target dates areas that needed corrective action was included. However, Belize has not measured up to expectations. The recent May 30th reports declares, “If Belize does not take specific steps by November 2013, then the CFATF will take the additional steps of calling upon its Members to consider implementing counter measures to protect their financial systems from the ongoing money laundering and terrorist financing risks emanating from Belize, and at that time CFATF will consider referring Belize to the Financial Action Task Force International Cooperation Review Group (FATF ICRG).” In the July 2011 report, CFATF indicates that “the highest risk of money laundering [in Belize] is from drug trafficking”. While criminalized under the Money Laundering and Terrorism Prevention Act, 2008, the full gambit of the law, under the Vienna Convention, is not being applied. For example, the report cited that Belize’s law does not consider illicit the “manufacture, transport or distribution of certain substances” such as Pseudoephedrine. Additionally, certain categories of offences for money laundering are not criminalized and the offence of theft has a minimum property value for criminalization. The report also highlights that while money laundering is against the law, the rate of convictions “demonstrates ineffective implementation”. The Financial Intelligence Unit investigates financial crimes in Belize, but CFATF says the FIU is inadequately outfitted to carry out its work. “The operational independence of the FIU is vulnerable to external influence and the resources of the FIU are inadequate to allow it to effectively carry out its functions,” declared CFATF’s report, “The FIU’s

office space is inadequate and the present IT configuration does not provide adequate security”. The report also cites that the FIU lacks the legal teeth to conduct its work without depending other agencies such as the Police Department, which has its own level of challenges. “There are no measures that provide for the postponing and waiving of an arrest or seizure of money for the purpose of identifying persons or gathering evidence during the course of an investigation…there are no written provisions granting the FIU powers to take witness statements for use in investigations

and prosecutions…” The report also looks at terrorist financing and how Belize’s laws deal with that crime. While terrorist financing has been criminalized, the report says certain vital areas of that criminal activity are not covered by the law. For example, ancillary terrorist financing offences committed in another jurisdiction are not Continued on page 10

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YOUNG MANDELA: THE REVOLUTIONARY YEARS terrible years in prison, was a supreme model of tolerance, generosity and grace. This was, of course, not always Mandela. This book takes us deep into the heart of the hideously racist South Africa of the 1960’s and brings to life Mandela, the committed revolutionary organizing to overthrow a corrupt Apartheid state. It reveals Mandela’s undercover life, secret ANC (African National Congress) operations and his transformation from a young man into a legendary warrior. In a 1953 speech to the ANC, Mandela had this to say: “there is no easy walk to freedom anywhere…dangers and difficulties have not deterred us in the past, they will not frighten us now. But we must be prepared… and not waste energy in vain talk or idle action. The way of preparation lies in our



Reflections on the Public Square By FRANCIS W. FONSECA As I write this column, television images of a frail, 94 year old Nelson Mandela are being carried throughout the world as this great man nears the end of life’s journey. If News reports of the gravity of his health situation are accurate, it may even be that you are in fact reading this after his passing. The images of Mandela caused me to pick up a book I have just recently completed reading: “YOUNG MANDELA-THE REVOLUTIONARY YEARS” by David James Smith. As Smith points out, Nelson Mandela is one of the greatest political icons of our age, recognized throughout the world as a leader whose name is synonymous with freedom and moral authority. As President of South Africa Mandela became fixed in the public mind as the world’s elder statesman, the dignified gray-haired man with a kindly smile who despite having spent 27

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rooting out all impurity and indiscipline from our organization and making it the bright and shining instrument that will cleave its way to freedom.” In 2013, Belizeans must prepare to walk to freedom and our great People’s United Party must lead this walk. We must not be intimidated by the arrogance and vindictiveness of this UDP Government. We must not whine and complain, we must work! We must strengthen and more effectively organize our Party structure and root out those who seek to undermine the work of our great Party in fulfillment of personal agendas. We embrace and honor Mandela’s great life of humility, respect, and dignity, and we pay tribute to the young warrior who made it all possible! SHOSHOLOZA MANDELA!!!

Continued from page 1 in the Social Security Board, after it was exposed that she was guilty of insider trading and had acted in contravention to the ethical standards of her office, has been appointed as Ports Commissioner as June 3, 2013. Martinez, a loyal UDP, had been silently moved to the Transport Department after the scandal at SSB. She was told to sit tight until the ‘lee breeze’ blows away. The post of Ports Commissioner became vacant when Major John Flowers abruptly walked off the job in February 2013. Ironically, Major Flowers faced an ethical problem at work too. He disclosed that he had become frustrated with UDP Minister Edmond Castro who was manipulating the Belize Port Authority to hire his daughter and son. When Major Flowers protested Castro’s demands due to the financial situation at the Port Authority, Castro threatened to “get him moved”. Major Flowers explained his final discussions with Castro as follows: “The Monday morning I got a call from the minister saying that, “listen to me, I have my son Continued on page 21

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n characteristic heavy-handed nature, Dean Barrow strong-armed control of the International Business Company (IBC) and International Merchant Marine Registry (IMMARBE) Registries on Tuesday the 11th of June, 2013. The two registries were previously managed by a private company by way of a Management Services Agreement entered into with the Government of Belize and the private company, Belize International Services Limited. The management services agreements date back to June 1993 at a time the Government established a new foreign investment sector. This latest move by Barrow is sure to drive investors even further away from Belize, as it had surely happened when Barrow took over BEL and Telemedia. And if our experience of Barrow’s management of BEL and Telemedia is a guide, the Belizean people can expect no net benefit of such a move to them. Only a handful of UDP belly-full cronies will be the beneficiaries. Barrow gave as one of the reasons for this latest move a decision of the European Commission concerning Belize. This decision, he said, puts Belize’s marine export in jeopardy. The Commission carried out a mission to Belize between the 8th and 12th November, 2010 with the support of the European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA). The purpose of the mission, among other things, was to “verify information concerning Belize’s arrangements for the implementation, control and enforcement of laws, regulations and conservation and management measures which must be complied with by its fishing vessels”. The mission sent its final report to government of Belize on 7 February, 2011. Based on information derived from the mission in November 2010, it was concluded that Belize lacked the necessary legal environment and empowerment to enable the authorities to perform their duties. In other words, necessary regulations and laws were needed to enable the authorities to “require information from and to conduct investigations of operators, registered owners and beneficial owners of the fishing vessels flagged to Belize“. This recommendation was brought to Barrow’s attention as far back as February, 2011 but he did nothing. Barrow’s decision to take over the management of the registries then cannot be based on the European Commission’s decision. He was told in February, 2011 what needed to be done and he did nothing and still has not done anything. For the takeover on Tuesday still does not address the Commission’s recommendation of February, 2011 that there needs to be better regulations and laws to enable the authorities be better regulate fishing vessels flagged to Belize.

Prime Minister Dean Barrow’s press conference on Wednesday June 12th is really a political distraction to shift the nation’s attention away from the corruption and scandal after scandal that has rocked his administration over the past weeks. In pulling out smokescreens from the 90s and post-2008 period, Barrow pretends that he has not been in office for the past two terms and is not responsible for the state of the country. The Prime Minister’s antics at the press conference were predictable. We have seen it many times before. And it only comes when things get too hot for his administration, when there is a dangerous agenda to pursue, or prior to an election. Wednesday’s press conference had nothing to do with the real issues: our young graduates who are struggling with joblessness in 2013. It had nothing to do with the fact that three out of every five primary school graduate won’t make it into high school, and only 4% of our young people make it to universities. It had nothing to do with the sad reality that our children are dying at the KHMH. Barrow’s conference was all about himself pretending to be some kind of savior. The International Business Companies Registry and IMMARBE deals with lots of foreign investors and millions in foreign investments. Again, this misstep will be costly for Belize. But the PM is hell bent on it, which confirms what we have been saying for a while now: the Barrow Administration is facing a financial crisis and with no prospects of an oil find, they are desperately pulling at anything to stay alive. Such desperation is dangerous. The question is what next will Barrow do as the Government scuttles around for money to fit into its budget? Who will he target next? While the hostile takeover of the IBC Registry will remedy the Barrow Administration’s thirst from revenue, this will be short-lived, as foreign investors who had already become apprehensive with the earlier expropriations will choose to take their monies somewhere with a Government that respects their investments. Things are already bad in our country. Food prices are high. Jobs are scarce. Single mothers and poor families can make ends meet. Business on a whole is down and struggling to pay their taxes to Government to avoid GST harassment. Criminal activity is spiraling out of control again. With those issues affecting Belizeans we can only describe the Prime Minister’s antics as desperate distractions. He would want us to forget Rosewood, forget Noh Mul, forget the 13 babies who died at KHMH and forget the corrupt-stench emanating from his Deputy Prime Minister. Belizeans, noh listen to the noise in the market….

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No apologies for 13 dead babies! Belize City, June 12, 2013 Prime Minister Dean Barrow is a very cold and callous man. He proved just as much on Wednesday when he conveyed that he still had confidence in Pablo Marin despite the scandals under the Minister of Health. The Prime Minister explained, in as most insensitive remark that Marin has “performed”… “WHERE IT MATTERS”. Marin’s Ministry has been rocked by scandals about corruption and gross negligence at public hospitals. The corruption involves a drug racket in which high Ministry officials are involved in

Sweetheart Deal

Magali Mai and Marissa Cruz are two of the 13 mothers whose babies died at the KHMH

Continued from page 1 dealing with the Devil, that rule is “Don’t!” Mark is always scheming on ways to make the best out of any situation. This is how he backstabbed the PUP and sold his soul to Dean Barrow. Reports are that a deal was brokered prior to the 2012 elections involving millions of dollars if he had any success whatsoever with the superbond negotiations. Shortly after Mark sold the people of Belize into UDP slavery and sided with Pharaoh, he was given a gluttonous contract as “Hallmark” where that company was guaranteed $20,000 per month with all expenses paid for eight months. Hallmark was Espat’s piggybank. Barrow made the deposits. Now, it has come to light that the Government – through the Belize Tourism Board – will buy one of the many Espat-owned towers on Regent Street in cold cash. This new high level hustle/political pay-off will see the starting price for the building pitched at $2 million with the hope that they settle anywhere close to $1.8m, we are told. The BELIZE TIMES has learnt that certain UDPs such as Patrick Faber and John Saldivar are vehemently against the purchase of the building. Everyone else is afraid to take a stand against Barrow’s love affair with Judas. The skeletons of Mark are many. His evil secrets are dark but in particular with this building, the public will recall that in 1998 Mark Espat twisted his way into being the Minister of Information, Broadcasting and Tourism. In 1998 he used that same building as office along with Paul Thompson and Tracey Teagar. It was the Belize Tourist Board office on the second floor. Then the public will recall there was a huge stink when the building was mysteriously “sold” to his male “friend” Paul Thompson. The UDP ripped Paul Thompson apart. He was slaughtered for getting a public government asset for almost nothing, they said. Four years later low and behold when it was time to construct on the property everything was in the Espats’ name, even though Thompson had been abused and taken the political hit. The Espats then began cashing in on rent money. Business was even good enough to make deals with Ashcroft companies who leased the structure. Fast forward to today, when the Belize Bank has moved over to the Matalon Building. No one except the UDP wants to buy or rent the white elephant that has the curse of Mark on it. Who is Mark trying to get one over on? Not the people of Belize again? As he tries by hook and crook to get his dollar pound of flesh. He does not care if everyone else starves. He must live and beat us all the time. The people of Belize are tired of him and the game he and Barrow play.

the provision of cheap and inadequate medicine to the Ministry at bloated prices. The negligence involves the deaths of babies at public hospitals, most recently at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital where it was discovered that an unknown bacteria contaminated the neo-natal unit and infected and killed 13

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babies between May 1st and May 20th with inadequate response from hospital authorities. Marin has said nothing over the deaths. When he attended a press conference two weeks ago, he chose to sit and pretend to be invisible. No line of sympathy to the parents was expressed. No media interview. Not even a press release or a card of condolence. Shouldn’t Marin have said something? After all, under the KHMH Act the hospital board is answerable to him and only him. PM Barrow said that Marin didn’t say anything because he, the PM, was there to speak to the media. And what about the loss of the little confidence the public had in Marin as Continued on page 10

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Barrow Exposed!!! Continued from page 1 the Government become liable for over US$60m as a result of the takeover. Where Belize sees distress over the reckless and irrational actions of the UDP Government, Prime Minister Barrow sees dollar signs. Barrow’s anticipated takeover of the IBC registry and IMMARBE has nothing to do with the actions of the former Musa Administration and not entirely with the international pressure over its proper regulation. Barrow made a heap of noise using the most effective line he knows – to distract Belizeans by using the PUP as a boogeyman - to cover up his devious deeds. He lied that the contract extension was a secret agreement. The 2005 contract extension granted by the Government of Belize for the private management of the IBC or IMMARBE was neither secret nor wrongful. The contract extension was discussed fully by Cabinet and no one except UDP Ambassador Mark Espat, who was a full-fledged PUP Minister then, is expected to deny this to serve his and Barrow’s interests. Even the then financial secretary,

The Prime Minister’s brother, attorney Denys Barrow, will continue to smile all the way to the bank Joseph Waight, who is still the current financial secretary knew along with Government’s legal advisor, Gian Ghandi, who still holds that post in the Barrow Administration. In fact, in 2005 financial secretary Waight wrote the managers of the company, acknowl-

edging receipt of payment of $1.5 million towards the contract extension. This money was allotted by the PUP Government for the construction of more school classrooms in the Toledo and Stann Creek Districts, but was instead diverted by the Barrow Administration when they took office. The other reason for the takeover, claimed Barrow, is the threat from the European Commission to blacklist Belize’s aquamarine products from trading in the EU because of the poor regulation of vessels flying Belize’s flag. While this threat is real, the truth is that Barrow is using it to fulfill his agenda. The European Commission has, since July 2011, seriously demanded better control and regulation of the issuance of Belize flags to vessels in their jurisdiction. The Commission called for better laws to regulate the sector. The formulation of such laws is the responsibility of the legislature headed by Prime Minister Dean Barrow. If the Commission’s threat has indeed arrived at a very dangerous point for Belize, then Barrow is the one to blame.

07 7 To claim that Government had to intervene by taking over the management is also hogwash. This same Government, who can barely manage a hospital and save the lives of babies, wants to manage a million dollar global enterprise. Up to today, the IBC registry has 132,000 international business companies operating in Belize. Through IMMARBE 7,000 ships operate with the Belize flag. These companies operate three foreign offices and hire hundreds of employees. Does the Barrow Administration have the capacity to properly manage such an expansive sector? The ICB and IMMARBE registry generate millions in revenue annually. The Barrow Administration sees this sector, like BTL and BEL which were expropriated similarly in 2009 and 2010, as a cash cow to rescue their Government from the dismal financial state it is in, and to feed their political gimmicks frenzies. This are the real secrets behind Barrow’s takeover: more money for political gimmicks and more get rich legal fees from the Government to special Barrow attorneys who are paid millions to appear in court on behalf of the Barrow Administration. Belizeans must now watch as Barrow hands over the management of the IBC and IMMARBE to one of their cronies…et tu, Singh…Mark?

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Tubal Institute The Leading Pioneer of Vocational Education

BELIZE CITY, Monday, June 10th, 2013 By Alton F. Humes (Freelance Reporter) There is a no-so-well known school off the beaten path in Ladyville Village in the Belize District which is impacting the Belizean educational system by making vocational education accessible to those who would otherwise be “hustlin’” without a decent education under their belts. The Tubal Trade and Vocational Institute (TTVI) is the fittest epitome of a Belizean educational success story. Mr. Lyndon Bailey and his wife, Lavern, founded the school several years ago, unaware that it would become the largest private vocational school in Belize, outside of the ITVET (Institute for Technical and Vocational Educational Training) which despite being government-owned-&-operated is facing its own kind of challenges. On Thursday, June 6th, the school held an Open Day 2013 to showcase the students’ skills and talents. Their success is reflected in the 23 graduates of 40 students who will be marching up on Thursday, June 27th, 2013 at the school’s auditorium. They will graduate from five different fields of study (usually studied under a 2 to 3-year program): Automotive, Electrical, Computer Technology, Catering/Hospitality and Construction (a cluster of courses, ranging from Construction proper to Plumbing, Masonry and others). The school’s “top 3” are Argeniz Caballeros (from the Automotive Program), Darrel Gideon (from the Electrical Program) and Jason Wade (from the Catering/Hospitality Program). The Open Day itself showcased the projects, both internally and externally, that have brought the school such quietly respected fame and recognition. I took a walking tour of the campus with Construction instructor and Tubal’s ‘unofficial’ Public Relations Officer, Mr. Jevon McKay. Every corner of the school had activities buzzing. From the Computer Technology Lab (equipped with 12 working computers and a High-Definition TV set that will form the future for the working environment for students – interactive learning that uses the Internet as a means to further learning) to projects in the Electrical, Automotive, Construction and the Catering-Hospital-

Mrs. Bailey (2nd from Left) along with Tubal’s top three students ity sections, there was little in the way that suggested the students aren’t benefitting from what they learn (not to mention the great, if somewhat unusual, food that was offered up – from the fresh juice samples and finger sandwiches with a dollop of blue food coloring inside, to standard rice-andbeans, chicken and potato salad, with some delicious desserts also on sale). In fact, every section of the school has contributed to the outside – via housing construction projects within Ladyville going for BZ$15,000 and above, to Catering/Hospitality students getting plum internships at places like the Belize Biltmore Plaza and BACAB Eco-Park (where a handful of students will gain full-time employment after graduation). Mr. McKay expressed what he and other teachers consistently drill into the students’ minds at every turn: “As long as you do your best, don’t worry about the rest….” He added, “The students are our product, and as long as they have the ability to do the job, “…. it helps them to learn and grow as

people.” That sentiment was also echoed by Mr. Bailey when we sat with him during the day. He ascribed the success of the programs as a combination of teaching “religious, moral content (students must believe and live under the word of God) and instilling discipline and dignity” into his young charges. There are a few female students, Mrs. Bailey told us, and they’re working to add more in the future. While nothing could be wrong with an academic education, Mr. Bailey maintained that, “A skill can take you right through life…”, and where necessary, combining both together creates “a well-rounded person.” His overall plea to those will leave high school, especially with minimal prospects of finding employment is that they “jump into a vocational institution since the job market is saturated with too many academic people.” And certainly, from all that we saw on campus, it’s going rather

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well indeed, with the proof of such lying with young Jason Wade, who could conceivably holds the ‘title’ of “Most Tenacious Student”. A student of the Catering/Hospitality program who joined the school around 2009, not even financial problems have stopped this young gentleman from excelling and reaching for greater things. Before Tubal, he admitted to us he wasn’t the nicest guy, engaging in youthful fighting, “hengin’”, and overall idleness, admitting, “My life mi done befo’ ah come da Tubal…” It was his mother’s blunt advices that led him to the doors of Tubal. Choosing to work in the C/H program, he ‘fell in love’ with it, and now couldn’t really imagine doing much else. And that’s more so now that he has a full-time job at BACAB Eco-Park, where he will work as a Chef. And his ambition and personality – shy but firm of speech – could certainly be helpful in a future start-up business. But it’s Messrs. Caballeros and Gideon who stand at the top of this class of 2013. We met with them and school co-Founder/Acting Manager Mrs. Bailey on Monday. The pair are different in every way – Caballeros, who started working at a neighborhood supermarket fresh out of primary school, and Gideon, who like his compatriot Wade, was unfortunately attracted to trouble and rather unable to shake it. But it was the right kind of motivation that led both of them to Tubal. As for their respective futures, they’re fairly bright. Caballeros will have his choice of places to work, including the garage of an old friend he learned his skills from, while Gideon will take up a summer job at the FT Williams firm, with a potential full-time gig down the line. Their general advice to future potential students, especially those without major prospects, is this: “If yu wan’ laan wa trade, come da Tubal…” While they are the youthful trees that will be taking root throughout Belize, Tubal wants to be around for the long-term as well. For Mr. Bailey and his team, it’s all about transformation, and the experiment with the High-Definition TV set that, if Mr. Bailey has his way, will be in every classroom to aid the students in their classes and enhance their learning capacities. After all, he told us, having a TV helps to ‘capture their mind’ and keep them engaged (and out of trouble). He also talked of formal sports teams (e.g. basketball, soccer, etc.) to compete in local high school competitions. As Mrs. Bailey put it to us, “All of our students have flaws, but there are students who try really hard and do their best. It’s really doing everything and doing it the best that makes TTVI such a great Belizean school, and a blueprint for future generations to look up to and respect. So even if the above doesn’t work out (and we doubt it won’t), Tubal Trade and Vocational Institute, just by giving young people hope to work and live in an impossible universe that gets more impossible every day, has earned the right to be called “The Leading Pioneer of Vocational Education”.

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Will UDP’s Denny Grijalva ever face charges?

Belize City, June 12, 2013 The Orange Walk Police Department are dragging their feet with the investigation into the destruction of the archaeological site, Noh Mul, located near Nuevo San Juan village in the Orange Walk north

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constituency. The BELIZE TIMES has confirmed that the Institute of Archaeology has completed their investigation and the evidence files has been sitting on a desk at the Police Department. The Director of Public Prosecutions had received the file, but returned it to the Police for further evidence gathering. On Wednesday, Prime Minister Dean Barrow left Belizeans in dismay when he disclosed that the Noh Mul file is delayed because the Police were yet to get a statement from the news cameraman who captured video of the destruction taking place, or identify who was the driver of the trucks which were transporting fill from the site. The BELIZE TIMES did some investigating and found out that political interference is the reason why the Police have dragged their feet with the case. At the center of the controversy and the man who Continued on page 10

BY ORDER OF MORTGAGEE NOTICE OF INTENTION TO SELL HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED a statutory body formed and registered under the Credit Union Act, Chapter 314 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2000, and whose registered office is situated at No. 1 Hyde’s Lane, Belize City, Belize District hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under and by virtue of a Deed of Mortgage registered at the Land Titles Unit between MINERVA CANUL FLORES of the one part and HRCU of the other part. HRCU will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the Schedule below. ALL offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing to Holy Redeemer Credit Union Limited from whom full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained.

SCHEDULE ALL THAT piece or parcel or lot of land situate at Guadalupe street in the Village of Sarteneja, Corozal District, Belize, being Lot No. 151B comprising 490.373 square metres as shown and described on a Plan drawn by Licensed Surveyor L.S. Tingling dated the 12th day of June 2000 and being lodged and recorded at the Lands & Surveys Department in Belmopan in Register No. 15 Entry No. 5129 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon, the freehold property of MINERVA CANUL FLORES DATED this 10th day of June 2013 HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED 1 HYDE’S LANE, BELIZE CITY, BELIZE Phone: (501) 224-5644 Fax: (501) 223-0738




Will UDP’s Denny Grijalva ever face charges? Continued from page 9

has already admitted culpability is UDP Orange Walk Central caretaker, Denny Grijalva. Grijalva’s company equipment was caught red-handed digging into the Mayan site, extracting material for a road fill project in the Deputy Prime Minister Gaspar Vega’s constituency. This occurred on May 9th, 5 long weeks ago. The reprehensible act triggered vast media coverage by the foreign press including CNN, National Geographic, Fox News, ABC, NBC and others. It was an international embarrassment to Belize. It is well known that DPM Vega wields heavy influence in the Orange Walk Police. If the UDP gets away with protecting one of their politicians no one will be reprimanded for the destruction of the 2,300 year old Mayan site.

No apologies for 13 dead babies! Continued from page 6 Minister of Health? The recent report of the 13 babies dying is not the first. Previously, there were over a dozen reports from mothers who said they were maltreated during labor at the Northern Regional Hospital. In some cases, the babies died. In other cases, the newborns suffered lasting injuries and the mothers’ painful experiences. At least in one case, one mother was admitted to the hospital expecting twins but waking up to the news that only one child was delivered. No explanations were given. The Belizean public clearly has have no confidence in Marin, the licensed electrician, to continue serving as the Minister of Health. But Barrow doesn’t agree. He argued vehemently on Wednesday that the public has in fact not lost confidence in Marin following the scandal at KHMH. He said he has proof of it and claimed that Marin has seen success in the political coordination of village council elections in rural Corozal. According to Barrow, those are the results that “really matter” to him. That 13 babies died at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital and more died in December and many others before, seem not to matter sufficiently to the Prime Minister to require him to take action. The Prime Minister also seems unshaken by a protest held last week Thursday by the Citizens Organized for Liberty through Action in front of the KHMH. In that protest, several parents turned out with members of the public, calling on the removal of the Minister of Health and members of the KHMH board.

16 JUN


Belize faces sanctions for “money laundering and terrorist financing” Continued from page 3 covered by the law. Another area not dealt with is the freezing mechanism for property jointly owned or controlled directly or indirectly by terrorists, those who finance terrorism or terrorist organizations or property derived or generated from funds or other assets owned or controlled directly or indirectly by terrorists, those who finance terrorism or terrorist organizations. The report also calls on transparency for casinos. It calls for a law to require for information on persons behind the corporate shareholders of applicants for licences for gaming facilities. Additionally, says the report, there is no adequate provision to prevent criminals or their associates from holding or being the beneficial owner of a significant or controlling interest or holding a management function in or being an operator under licences for gaming premises and the use of gaming machines.

16 JUN





16 JUN


Makoabi R



Mesopotamia Constituency Committee

Relationships, Love Tips & Advice…

In-law DRAMA – Part I Getting along with your in-laws is a critical aspect of any relationship. In our culture, it can either make or break your relationship with your spouse so we advise that you read carefully the next two instalments. No one ever said it was easy to balance your needs with the needs of others -- especially the needs of an entire new family. But creating family harmony is possible -- and it’s very much worth the effort. Here are some ideas to get you started.


Work with your spouse. This is the key rule, numero uno. Dealing effectively with in-laws all starts with first working conflicts through with your spouse. Never put your spouse in a situation where he or she has to choose between you and a relative. If you do so, you’re putting your spouse in a nearly impossible bind. Instead, try to understand the bond your spouse has with his or her grandparents, parents, and siblings. If possible, try to support that relationship. Even if your spouse has parents from hell, they are his or her parents. Family Matters Never go behind your spouse’s back when you deal with in-laws. And don’t tolerate it if your spouse does.



Set boundaries and limits. With your spouse, decide what’s important and what’s not. Working as a team, set your family values. Then communicate your values to your in-laws. All of your values and all of your in-laws. Without being as inflexible as a teenager, stick to your guns. For example, if you don’t want drop-in company, tell your in-laws that you’d prefer that they call before they show up at your doorstep. If they ignore you, don’t answer the door the next time they just happen to drop-by.


Family Matters Think of your in-laws as a potential resource to expand your support network. You can accomplish this by approaching your in-laws the same way you would any potential friend. Respect them, be interested in them, and listen to them.


Communicate directly. Whenever possible, avoid communicating through a third party. Don’t ask your spouse to talk to his sister about something she did that hurt your feelings. Talk to your sister-in-law directly. If something bothers you, address it as soon as possible. Sometimes it’s a genuine problem; other times, it might be a misunderstanding. Candace married into a family whose members were from Belmopan. During the weekends, her in-laws loved to visit. Some weekends, she wanted privacy and to be alone. Instead of talking to her spouse, she kept it to herself, and allowed anger to build up in her. A cultural misunderstanding had caused years of distress for her -- which neither her in-laws nor she ever realized. Next week, part II.


The People’s United Party is accepting applications for members of the Mesopotamia Constituency Committee. Application forms at the PUP Secretariat, Independence Hall, #3 Queen Street, Belize City. Application must be filled and returned to the Secretariat, addressed to the Secretary General by Friday June 28, 2013.

(located Corner Queen Street & Handyside Street)

FATHER’S DAY SPECIAL!! Thursday – June 13th Big Bash with DJ Scorpion Friday – June 14th Special presentation with Samantha imitating the late Jenny Rivera. A big dance follows Saturday – June 15th Special Father’s Night featuring Male and Female Dancers Immediately after the show, dance to the music of DJ Super Mario Lots of giveaways. Doors open from 7:30pm until, nightly. Security guaranteed, both in and outside the club.

See you there!

16 JUN JUN 16






Model: Chantae Guy

Location: Admiral’s Bay Restaurant and Bar

Chantae Guy



in jamaica


• • • •

Height: 5’ 3” Career Plan: Entrepreneur Sign: Aries Favourite Food: Brazilian and Moroccan foods

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TOP MODEL Clothing and Accessories provided by CATWALK FASHIONS

Likes: Traveling, reading, meeting new people, movies, social events, watching basketball Lives in Belize City Fav. Quote: “I could do all things through him who strengthens me”

visit us at or Facebook/ Belize Times

Cor. North Front Steet & Queen Street Belize City

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16 JUN



Camalote defeats Shooting Stars 15-3 Esperanza Village, June 9, 2013 Camalote’s star pitcher Francine Salazar struck out 6 batters in her 15-3 inning mercy rule shutout of the Las Flores Shooting Stars, who committed 5 errors and left 2 runners on base. The Camalote hitters scored 15 runs off Guadalupe Chicas’ pitching. Chicas walked one hitter: Frances “Fanny” Coye. Shadine Salazar, Tamira Martinez, Bridgett Fuller and Francine Salazar came home in the 1st inning;

Camalote United team

and Shadine, Tamira, Francine and Shandy Casey came home in the 2nd inning to lead 9-0. The game was called when Shadine, Tamira, Bridgett, Shandy and Molly Coye came home in the 3rd inning. Roaring Creek’s Grace Kennedy dazzled Belmopan’s Capital City Emeralds 12-0, also in 3 innings. Roaring Creek Leyandra Guy out 6 batters, giving up only 2

Esperanza Wolverines team

hits, the Belmopan girls left 3 runners on base. Belmopan’s pitcher Dana May King had help from Paulett Flowers but the Roaring Creek girls walloped their pitching for 9 hits. The Esperanza Wolverines had payback against the Ontario Rebels with a 6-1 drubbing. Esperanza’s Shereeni Soberanis struck out 4

Brilliant dazzles Sunrise 144-122 in cricket semifinals Lord’s Bank Village, June 8, 2013 Four-time national champs, Crooked Tree Brilliant dazzled Lords Bank Sunrise with their bowling to win the 2013 SMART Harrison Parks national cricket semifinals in Lord’s Bank on Saturday with a score of 144-122. Brilliant came to bat first and Shane Westby led the batting with 35 runs. Steve Flowers batted 29 runs, Eldon “Pia” Wade batted 12 runs, and Landis “Ciego” Wade batted 11 runs. Joel Jex and Rodwell Conorquie each batted 7 runs and Jermaine Smith batted 6. The Lords Bank bowlers also bowled 13 wides and 7 leg byes to give the visitors a 144 runs score, all out. Michael Sobers led Lords Bank with 46 runs; Jonathan Benjamin hit 16 runs, Mykelt Anthony batted 15 runs and Alburn Rivero scored 14 runs. Gareth Banner scored 8 runs and Warren Anthony only managed

batters, and excellent defense by the Ranza women saw Shania Soberanis and Samira Wade catching everything hit to left and center field. Las Flores Shooting Stars will want payback when they challenge the Capital City Emeralds, and Grace Kennedy takes on the Ontario Rebels in Ontario Village on Sunday, June 16.

Horizon Academy

dominates Judo competition

Rodwell Conorquie took 2 wickets 5 runs, and Lords Bank had scored only 122 all out. Lords Bank will need to do better when they visit Brilliant in Crooked Tree for Game 2 of the series on Saturday, June 15, while defending champs Double Head Cabbage Excellence also need a win when they visit Berlan in Bermudian Landing.

Alburn Rivero batted 14 runs

Belize City, June 7, 2013 The Red Dragon Judo Club hosted the first ever Primary School Judo Championship at the Horizon Academy Primary School with 5 primary schools participating on June 2nd. Lightweight category 1st place – Victoria Usher (Horizon Academy) 2nd place – Jordan Longsworth ((Horizon Academy) 3rd place – William Grant (Belize Elementary) Middleweight category 1st place – David Maheia (Horizon Academy) 2nd place – Jahkob Phillips (Horizon Academy) Continued on page 15

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Belize draws with Guatemala 0-0

Belize City, June 10, 2013 Our National A football team held up against Guatemala’s national team in a match played in Antigua, Guatemala. The game ended 0-0.

Holy Redeemer advances to volleyball semis Belize City, June 10, 2013 The Holy Redeemer girls got the easy bye to Tuesday’s semifinals when the St Mary’s Anglican School girls forfeited their scheduled game on Monday. The Holy Redeemer girls had spanked the Trinity Methodist girls 255, 25-15 last Tuesday. The Holy Redeemer boys are undefeated with a 6-0 record as they bombed the St. Ignatius RC School boys 25-15, 25-22 on Friday and outlasted the St. Martin de Porres RC School boys: 23-25, 25-13 and 15-5. The Holy Redeemer boys had also won against the St. Martin’s boys 1625, 25-19, 15-10 last Thursday; and they hammered Trinity Methodist School boys: 25-9, 25-15 last Tuesday. The Vianney boys made the semifinals by a 25-17, 25-20 win against the Queen Square Anglican School boys in Friday’s playoffs. They also won 25-19, 25-23 against the Unity Presbyterian school boys last Thursday, and outlast-

ed the Trinity Methodist School boys 25-21, 21-25 and 15-8 last Wednesday. The Hummingbird Elementary reached the semifinals by walking over the All Saints School girls: 25-3, 25-12 in Monday’s playoffs. The Belize Elementary School boys are 5-0, handing the St. John Vianney RC School boys their first loss: 25-14, 2624 on Friday and walking over the Queen Street Baptist School boys: 25-6, 25-14. The BES boys also won against the St. Ignatius boys 2520, 25-13 last Thursday and won against Queen Street Baptist boys: 21-25, 25-9, and 15-8 last Wednesday. The Belize Elementary girls are 4-0 after a 25-11, 25-4 win against the St. John’s Anglican School girls in Monday’s playoffs.

Raul Roaches dunks 2 of 14 pts

Holy Redeemer girls team

They also won 25-2, 25-8 against the Muslim Community School girls last Thursday; and 211, 25-9 against the Wesley Upper School girls last Tuesday. The St. John’s Anglican girls entered the playoffs when they won by default over the St. Ignatius girls last Thursday. The St. John Vianney RC School girls eliminated the Muslim Community girls 17-25, 25-18, 16-14 in Monday’s playoffs. The Vianney girls blew out the ‘Nashus’ girls 25-14, 25-23 last Wednesday.

Team Santino’s wins Weekend Warriors race

Tuff e’Nuff No.1 in interoffice basketball playoffs

Jim Scott wins

Horizon Academy Continued from page 14 3rd place – Ryan Chiac (Holy Redeemer) Heavyweight category 1st place – Alex Vernon (All Saints Primary) 2nd place – Billy Maheia (Horizon Academy) 3rd place – Jahred Phillips (Horizon Academy) Overall the champion of the event was Horizon Academy followed by All Saints Primary in 2nd Place and Belize Elementary in 3rd Place. Judo involves no striking; strangulation techniques, joint lock techniques and pinning techniques. Children, however, are limited to education in pinning techniques (control and opponent on the mat) only. Athletes and fans can look forward to seeing Judo again in this year’s Clash of the Titans Martial Arts Tournament annually organised by the Red Dragon Martial Arts Academy. For information on these events and/or on class schedules call Sensei Leon Guild at 666 5084 or email



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We must understand that the mistakes we have made served to set the foundation of the bright future ahead of us.


2013 Valedictory Speech

Justyn Peter Craig

As Ms Gongora has said, I am a man of very few words. Therefore, the task of preparing this valedictory speech to the Class of 2013 was far more daunting than taking the recent Spanish orals for the CSEC exams and far more challenging than writing a 120word reflection on who God is to me. Nevertheless, I stand before you today - humbled, honoured and proud to deliver this address to the graduating class of one hundred and three exceptional young men. Honourable Francis Fonseca - Leader of the Opposition, Chair of the Board of Trustees - Mrs Lisa Chang, President Mr Jorge Espat, Members of the Board of Trustees, Headmaster - Ms Yolanda Gongora, invited guests, members of the administration, teachers, faculty, parents, guardians and friends, I acknowledge your presence with us here today. Young men of Saint John’s College, I must say that it has been a long four years and a short four years. The days and nights seemed long when we had endless assignments, labs, readings and projects to complete, and when we had tests and quizzes to prepare for. Today it seems short. We remember our first days at SJC with our new crisp white shirts and navy blue Dickies, timidly walking into our classrooms. We have made lifelong friendships, have gained lasting memories and have learned a whole heap of interesting things in what seems to be such a short period of time. Whether it seems long or short to you, we can all agree, however, that these four years have been meaningful, demanding and fruitful. No matter the experiences – the good, the bad, the ugly, they have all worked to bring us to this moment, and they have shaped us to be the persons sitting to the left and to the right of me. We have persevered and have successfully made it to this stage. With each failure we learned from our mistakes, we became wiser, capable of learning and showing signs of adaptation, using our past to see what mere men could not. We must understand that the mistakes we have made served to set the foundation of the bright future ahead of us. The renowned American inventor Thomas Edison said, “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realise how close they were to success when they gave up.” After we make a mistake, it is our decision to choose: • Whether we allow it to discourage us • Whether we ignore it completely or • Whether we learn from it. Clearly, only by learning from our mistakes do we build this foundation for our successful future. While the right answers may not be immediately evident, I urge you to learn from your mis-

St. John’s College High School takes, to be persistent and to maintain a positive attitude. Staying positive will help you find a solution that will enable you to resolve the problems you will certainly experience. Think of a mistake as a lesson learned and a step closer to success. This is truly the mark of a rational and educated mind. In the words of Martin Luther King Jr, “The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.” SJC has given us both. We have grown into more than young men. Today, we join the prestigious group of SJC graduates with a social responsibility to our institution and to our country, as “Men for Others”. But, our educational journey does not end here. SJC has equipped us with the confidence we need to continue our quest for higher knowledge. As we celebrate our SJC experiences, let us not forget that there are those whose efforts have brought us to the success of this event. I would like to start by thanking our President, our Headmaster and our teachers. Your supervision and knowledge sharing have guided us to this point in our lives. To all other friends and well-wishers of SJC, thank you for your continued support as our institution continues to grow. Parents and guardians, your task is not an easy role nor is it yet complete. Perhaps it was a need to feel a sense of independence or perhaps it is our age, but if during our high school years we tended to distance ourselves from you it was because we thought, “We dah nuh lee bwai nuh muh.” Your typical response would be, “Bwai, you muss di smell yuhself.” Now, I ask you to forgive us for our naivety. I also ask that you remember that as we enter the wider world, even if we will not admit it – you will continue to impact our lives as we forge our paths. It would be remiss of me not to thank my parents, Doctors Peter and Sheree Craig and my sisters, Jordan and Jaylan, who have been my constant support and who have unwavering faith in my abilities to be the best that I can be. My fellow graduates, as we leave our high school years behind, each of us will be embarking on different journeys as we chart our individual destinies. Robert F. Kennedy said, “Few will have the greatness to bend history itself; but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in total of all those acts will be written the history of this generation.” Each of us will undoubtedly contribute to forging history. Whatever we do, let us have the desire and the will, to serve Belize. As I leave my final charge as valedictorian, I know some of you may be thinking, he must have truly aced all or most of his tests, or he learned something that the others did not. Perhaps, he had a bet-

ter way to memorise formulae, scientific names and dates. Some of that may be true and so I stand as the valedictorian. In retrospect, however, I cannot say that I am any more intelligent than my peers are. My efforts may have been greater, but the SJC environment has moulded me, like all my fellow graduates. It was the intense competition, the sportsmanship and the camaraderie that motivated us in our different ways. The friendships I have made with you all have moved me to try harder. Each of you, by being here today, have also accomplished much and if what you have done was the best that you could do, then I want you to know that all of you can be considered valedictorians. I conclude this valedictory address by assuring you that once we are able to build character by learning from our mistakes, and to further gain and apply our knowledge, we will not only achieve personal success in life but we will also contribute to building Belize. The Father of our Nation, The Right Honourable George Price reminds us: “We invite you to be nation builders and not wreckers. Go out and spread love in place of jealousy... and animosity. Go out,

and by your knowledge and persuasion, win all your fellow citizens over... and our future as an independent nation can be and should be achieved.” Ladies, gentlemen, my fellow graduates, it has been a good evening. Thank you so much for sharing in our achievements. 2013 Graduates, relish this moment, but never give up, the world is ours to conquer! Thank You.


THE BELIZE TIMES 2013 Valedictory Speech

cles of history as Belize High School continues to move from success to success. Ms. Pam, we know you will be happy to see the last of us, but we will remember you. And you will miss us. To the Boards of UWI and BES, we owe you a debt of gratitude for sharing your campuses with us. You will always be a part of the foundation that built this great school. My fellow graduates – I want you to know that I stand here tonight, but I only represent you in the limelight. As school mates, we dazzled many and baffled some on a daily basis. I’d like to use this opportunity to now talk about my friends and fellow classmates. I share this glory with all of you, for we have all worked hard to be here, and we have all earned our place today. Indeed, my classmates amaze me on a daily basis with their unique talents and abilities. When the class is stumped with a math problem, Tony would rise to the front, tackle it head on and explain it to the rest of us. Ryan and Victor can write

Steven Lam Belize High School “At the end of the day, it has all been said before. But this is the end of our ‘day’ here at Belize High Schoolhistory has been made - WITH us and BY us. And so for us and for you here present, it is being said for the first time.” I am so honored to be standing here tonight. Getting here took hard work, but standing here tonight - having had to prepare this Valedictory Speech- was the greatest task of all. Today is the 159th day of the year 2013 It has been suggested that we greet each day as it is – a golden day – filled with blessings and opportunities. Today is indeed a golden day for us, and we owe many a debt of gratitude. Parents, on behalf of all of us graduating today – thank you, thank you,

thank you. I sneak in this opportunity to especially thank my mom and my sister without whose love, support, and encouragement I would not be here. Teachers - you guided us skillfully through these years. I know we frustrated you often, but that was only to keep you on your toes. I pause here to express a special thank you to Dr. Tun and Mr. Campbell. Your advice and guidance with college admissions were invaluable. A humble, sincere, and yes, ‘humongous’ thank you to Mrs. Eck and Ms. Jamie who took this brainchild of the Board and ran with it – never looking back, sacrificing much in their own lives so that we could make history. We have. And you will forever be in the chroni-

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computer programs that put Windows and Apple apps to shame. No one can match the speed and agility of Chris and Landini. Ashley and Jani are our nurturing surrogate mothers. Regina, you are our beautiful ballerina; Kryston- our composer; Julian, you are an artist; and Alexander, a powerhouse. With modesty, I thank you for saying I am hard-working. All together, we are indeed a great group. To our third formers, in one short year (and time will fly), you will be where we are today. What do we want as our legacy to you? As Randy Paush says, “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” Always remember that. Play your hand with honesty, integrity and gratitude in all things. Overcome obstacles. Seize the moment. I certainly cherish our memories together. We are all very diverse and distinct in our beliefs and ideas, but we were still able to form this special friendship. It takes important events to make us realize that we won’t have a second chance to do what we have done over these past three years, but we are on our way to becoming what we set out to be. BHS: Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow. Thank you.

16 JUN




Scales of JUSTICE

by anthony sylvestre

Checking yuh Change My friend observed the other day that the Prime Minister Dean Barrow keeps making a lot of noise and we aren’t checking our change; that the Prime Minister says a lot of stuff that doesn’t make sense to divert our attention from the real issues and gets away with it. And my friend is right! There I was, watching the nightly news last Thursday and the Prime Minister was being challenged as to why Pablo Marin is still the Minister of Health, on the heels of the deaths of the 13 infants at the KHMH. “I don’t know what the Minister has to do with it,” he told the reporter. “Lord, man - this is a statutory body that is ran by a board of directors.” To tell the truth, he had me there for a while (but only a while). I was saying to myself - “The man is right. KHMH is a statutory body fi true.” But, as you must do when Dean Barrow speaks, I didn’t just listen to the noise, I checked my change. And it wasn’t adding up, as anyone who has read the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital (KHMH) Act would know. And we have to be thankful that information like these are so accessible and easy to find, thanks the And one of the first things you come across in the KHMH Act is the fact that KHMH is mandated by law to serve as a secondary care provider for the public. And “secondary care” is defined as in-patient and out-patient services offered by specialists and other health providers and includes internal medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology. So, it is without question that KHMH is, by law, responsible for providing the type of care that the 13 mothers sought- that is, delivering their children. And contrary to Barrow’s protestations, it is the Minister of Health who is the legally responsible for the KHMH. The KHMH Act says so. It is the Minister who firstly appoints the Board of the KHMH and the Chairlady. Then, the Minister is consulted by the Board to appoint the Chief Executive Officer (which means that the Minister tells the Board-which he had appointed- who the CEO will be). Then, the CEO in turn hires the staff of the KHMH. And the CEO hires from the big people to

little people. He can hire from as high as the Medical Chief of Staff, Director of Nursing to other professional and t e ch n i c a l staff. And then this is the clincher: the Minister tells the Board what the general character of the policies that the Board must follow in the performance of its functions; and the Board has to follow these directions. I don’t know about you, but this surely sounds like the Minister is responsible for the management of the KHMH. And it isn’t me saying so, it’s the provisions of the KHMH Act. And if the Minister is responsible for the management of the KHMH, then he is responsible when things go so terribly wrong. And then for good measure, if you go to the Ministry of Health page on the government of Belize website ( you will find, you

guessed it, KHMH listed as one of the seven departments of the Ministry of Health. And so, in the face of this, why would Dean Barrow tell the reporter “I don’t know what the Minister has to do with it”. It is unquestionable that the Minister of Health has all to do with the deaths. Could it be that Dean Barrow does not know what any of these things (in which case he would be guilty of grave incompetence), or he is deliberately misleading the mothers of the 13 infants and the rest of the Belizean public and trying to throw them off. It is clearly the latter. And Barrow has over the recent months gotten away with this- making a lot of noise, blurring things and always trying to divert the Belizean

the manifest corruption under the rug and defended those involved and made us all feel like we are fools for even thinking something was wrong with these things. And this was what his press conference Wednesday was all about again- an attempt to divert our attention from the fact that life in Belize under his administration has worsened. He is trying to divert our attention from the fact that the cost of education is out of the reach of the ordinary man; that even when a young person remains steadfast and diligent and makes it through four years of high school or graduate from sixth form, their future prospects are still dim; that economic activity has regressed under his watch and a $100.00 has the buying power of $10.00 ten years ago; that crime and violence is the career, sadly, of too many of our youths; that his government has not built one housing project for the poor or the middle class Belizeans even a year into his second term; that under his watch the health system is in shambles; that ordinary Belizeans cannot get any service in government departments like lands without having to pay someone; that the criminal justice system is way past being in crisis and that from toddler to the old will tell you that his government is the most brazen bunch of “hustlers“ ever. No, he wants to try to divert us from these realities. But we won’t let him; can’t let him. So try as he will, for the rest of us who are not well connected UDPs, we must not study the noise Barrow makes, but keep checking our change.

Contrary to Barrow’s protestations, it is the Minister of Health who is the legally responsible for the KHMH. The KHMH Act says so. public’s attention from the scandal and real issue at hand. This is what he did when Gapi Vega public boasted that he is “not normal” and gave his family land, when the rosewood scandal broke, the Noh Mul destruction by Denny Grijalva construction company, the $200,000 plus paid to Imer Hernandez (nephew of Gapi Vega) for the unpaved San Antonio Road which he didn’t do, and now the with Pablo Marin and KHMH infant deaths. In all of them, Barrow has tried to sweep



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16 JUN




Home Economics

Belize’s potential in the Garment Industry By Richard Harrison In 2000, Belize exported BZ$40 million worth of garments. Today our export of garment is ZERO. The one garment exporter closed down....they used to produce clothing with DICKIES brand. Belize has the capacity to support a robust garment industry for the domestic market....and expand outward from there. Instead of importing everything. POLICE: 1000 men, 3000 uniforms/yr @ $70 = $210,000 BDF: 1000 men, 3000 uniforms/yr @ $90 = $270,000 SCHOOL KIDS: 60,000 kids, 100,000 uniforms/yr @ $30 = $3,000,000 SCHOOL TEACHERS: 2000 teachers, 6000 uniforms/yr @ $50 = $300,000 NURSES and DOCTORS: 1000 persons, 2000 uniforms/yr @ $50 =

$100,000 Government Workers: 6000 persons, 12,000 uniforms/yr @ $40 = $480,000 UTILITY WORKERS: 1000 persons, 2000 uniforms/yr @ $50 = $100,000 TOURISM WORKERS: 6,000 persons, 12,000 uniforms/yr @ $40 = $480,000

These are conservative estimates of demand....and we already have a $5 million a year business.....which can employ 100 persons....including managers, designers, accountants, marketers, salespersons, tailors, cutters, warehouse managers, drivers, delivery personnel, etc. etc. etc. This uniforms business would be the core that would bring all this talent together.....once this talent is under the same roof....BOOM.....too many things can happen. School bags, bed sheets (hospitals, hotels, residential), bed spreads, pillow cases, curtains, hand towels, beach towels, shower towels, spongy designer kids pillows, table cloths....tropical wear, underwear, socks, polo shirts, t-shirts, etc. etc. Great design talent is coming up in Belize.....will they have to move offshore to perform their magic??? We would have to produce garments of world-class quality....and we can....with just a little organization and training!! In the early stages.....government policy would have to provide for some PROTECTION for this “nascent” industry from import our leaders have the political will to do this???? Richard Harrison is a local businessman and investor in the manufacturing and service industries. Mr. Harrison holds a Masters in Business Administration degree from Lancaster University, United Kingdom. Send comments to

Fired SSB CEO Continued from page 4 here that I need to find a job. He’s giving me battery, he’s giving me some trouble and I need to find somewhere to put him and I’m not asking you to move mountains.” I said, “minister that is not the issue. We just don’t have the space, we don’t have the means to facilitate your son. He said, “well I’m not asking you, I am instructing you to do that.” Then he said thank you very much and left. Well that never did happen and so on Wednesday the minister came down to the office and he came in in the morning and said, “you noh di work wid me. I’ve been giving instructions and you noh di follow it out and soh I noh think that you wah di ya fi wah year. I gwein back da cabinet and get you moved.” And so I said minister we have had this discussion before, we talked about this thing, I just simply don’t have the vacancy to put your son and he did not take that lightly.” We at the BELIZE TIMES wonder what Merlene Bailey Martinez will do when Castro barges into her to demand jobs for his family and friends who are giving “battery”. Will she stand up, or will she say “yes massa”? Considering her record at SSB, we frown at the answer.

Look like only Barrow fu eat! NEPOTISM = CORRUPTION

Lois Young Barrow (Ex-Wife)

Anwar Barrow (Son)

Shyne Barrow (Son)

Kimano Barrow (Nephew) PUC Board Member/Granted Oil Exploration Licence

Naima Barrow (Niece) Appointed to Election and Boundaries Commission

Liesje Barrow (Niece) Appointed to Belize Advisory Council

United Nations Ambassador

Appointed to BTL Board

Cultural Ambassador

Denys Barrow (Brother)

Appointed to Court of Appeal/Private Attorney for GOB

Cheryl Krusen (formerly Barrow) Appointed to Solicitor General


22 OUT Nursing Student seeks remedy for faulty UB program Continued from page 2 ed upset because I called her after I got home; I didn’t have her phone number at the time. My instructor later called to inform me that I must report back to work (duty) at the hospital. At this time I had already picked up my kids and taken off my uniform. I then called and informed my Chair of Nursing once more about the situation, who suggested for me to return to or make up the hours lost at the end of the semester as the course outline had initially indicated. I agreed to make it up at the end of semester because if I went back it could cause some animosity between the Covering Sister and me. On Monday my Instructor had the audacity to inform me that I was on punishment starting the same Monday until Thursday of the same week for not reporting to work that Saturday. She further stated I will work 4 hours extra for each of those days. I informed my Chair in writing that I didn’t think I should be working 12 hours so unjustifiably when the situation was clearly the fault of UB for not passing on that information about my Saturday classes, or the fault of the KHMH administration for not sharing the students’ duties with the Covering Sister. Why should I be penalized for it with doing extra hours after my Chair did absolutely nothing to rectify my situation? I decided to withdraw from the course before getting a failing grade with the same Instructor at the end of the semester. Just to mention, too, that this dilemma has translated into a huge loss of money I have already paid for my course and indeed a tremendous set back to my entire program. My concern is with the Senior Nurses in this field such as the Chair and those in authority who should have handled this situation professionally and timely. I am still waiting for the Chair or Dean to invite me to a meeting with my Instructor about this miscommunication. My Instructor has never once called me to inquire why I withdrew from the Practicum Course. I think HOLISTIC CARE for nursing needs to be enforced or looked at little more into. It is my hope that this situation will be resolved at the earliest because a new semester is approaching soon and I don’t want the same incident to reoccur. Thanks very much for your time and consideration of my plight. Signed, Please withhold my name as I fear further victimization.

THE BELIZE TIMES Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear Continued from page 2 any people [Proverbs 14:34]. We do not know of ONE church in the country of Belize that is in favour of homosexuality. So, when we “consult”, when we declare, when we state and write – seeing that so many consider themselves to be intelligent – if you mean man and woman then let’s say what we mean and mean what we say. The Church is not intimidated. We do not move in fear. This is one of many key issues. We do not turn to the world to inform us about the holy. There is a distinct difference between the holy and the profane. We are not confused one inch. Woe to the nation that calls evil good and good evil! [see Isaiah 5:20] Secondly, no one is standing alone to face this issue as some may suppose – not a female, not a male “flanked by two”. Do not make the mistake like Elijah did – when he thought he was standing alone, God let him know that there were 7000 more just like him that he did not know of [see I Kings 19:18]. So just a message to them: for every 1 that you think you’re touching, there are 7000 more unnamed out there. We are not even going to begin to discuss the case of Sodom and Gomorrah and the destruction after righteous Lot got out. [see Genesis 18 & 19] Where are they getting their statistics from? The spectacles must be turned backwards on their nose. Everyone knows that the ordinary Belizean man or woman would not sit down and fill out an online poll. In fact, if they were honest they would clearly see that even the non-Christian on the street nuh deh wid it. Who cares if they quote figures in the thousands if that is even accurate? We are not impressed. Since when is 8% a majority? But the Church does not even worry/is not concerned about being a majority nor even a silent majority. This is not a popularity contest. The Church is the moral voice of the nation. We know that the future of this nation is not dependent upon politicians, NGO’s or the most vocal. God says in II Chronicles 7:14, “If My people, called by My name will pray…“ It’s up to HIS people. So we are a praying people whose trust is in a powerful ALL-mighty God. Therefore go ahead and refer to earth. Continue along youth and travel to represent special interest groups. But just bear in mind that there is Someone who is sovereign over heaven and earth and yes He sees what is done in the privacy of a bedroom and for all of that we will have to give account to Him. Our mandate is clear – We the Church are the salt of the earth, the light of the world. Salt and light are not always welcome but they certainly make a difference - like it or not - we do not back down. We remain. We will not get into a discussion about where true power on earth comes from [see Matthew 28:18, John 19:11]. All you advocates may laugh for now but remember, the Bible tells us that God laughs and His laugh is the best one and the last. Signed, Christian, Belizean Citizen

OUT BAGMO asks PM to step up against GMOs Continued from page 2 those desired by the biotech industry. The world is rapidly awakening to the existence of adverse and understudied GMOs - to their many and serious dangers and negative effects. I am sure you are aware of the highly-publicized March Against Monsanto that happened in 436 cities in 52 different countries on May 25th. The mainstream media chose to ignore the event but the internet overflowed with photos, blogs and videos of the phenomenal participation of over 2 million people. As people come to learn about GMOs, they are appalled that GMOs were allowed (by the FDA whose decision makers are prior Monsanto directors) to be put into our foods with only 90 days of testing for safety required (…and the biotech companies did their own testing). Now the awakening people of the world want to say no to foods that contain GMOs. Legislation in the US has been introduced to require labeling of all GMO food products. The demand and salability of GMO corn products is going down as the demand for non-GMO food products are now going up. By contrast, the organics industry shows an ongoing upward growth. Belize would be far better served to direct future

OUT Prejudices still alive in Belize Continued from page 2 Have the declarations and commitments to eliminate all forms of racial discrimination really rooted out the deep-seated feelings of people, or have they merely curbed the outward manifestation of these feelings. Some believe that at best, such improvements only help prevent discrimination, but may be powerless at eliminating real prejudices. Why so? Because

16 JUN


agricultural efforts into nonGMO crops with less commercial pesticide use. Your leadership strongly demonstrates your commitment to protecting and preserving the natural resources of Belize. You banned trawling in Belizean waters, for example, which was applauded across the globe and will be remembered with great appreciation. It is with this same sense of appreciation (and urgency) that I (we) trust you will implement the National Biosafety Policy and enforce the BAHA Act which calls for fines and or imprisonment or both for anyone found importing (and by implication, the growing of) GMO seeds in Belize. Please provide BAHA with the authority and needed materials to conduct random and thorough testing throughout Belize for the presence of GMO crops. Please demand complete and immediate eradication of all GMO plant material that is found. A country as rare in natural beauty as Belize, whose very appeal to the rest of the world is her healthy and lush natural biodiversity, can demand no less than to keep GMOs available only as items on the grocery store shelves where we can choose not to buy them… never in her fields where they will contaminate and cause havoc with the natural seed handed down through centuries of farming. Please, Mr. Barrow, declare Belize to officially be a GMO-free country, joining an ever-growing list of countries that are looking ahead at the bigger picture for the health and well-being of their people and environment. Respectfully, Denise Frank Member of Belizeans Against GMOs (BAGMO, a Social Network Group of more than 1,700 members)

discrimination is an act that can be seen and may be punishable by law, whereas prejudice is related to people’s inner thoughts and emotions, which cannot be easily regulated. Recent events like UNIBAM’s agenda, the Government’s revision of the Gender Policy and other issues are all testament to a lot of the above thoughts. Any attempt to strive to eliminate prejudice must be done to not only curb discriminatory acts, but also strive to change a persons’ thoughts and feelings towards one another, or of any groups different from ours. By adjusting our thinking towards one another, we may begin to find that inner peace and strive to work in unity confronting the many real issues confronting us as a people. That was the essence of Dr. King’s dream. Signed, Stanley Lemus

16 JUN



The World is Flat: FREE Online Education Courses

By Dr. Angela Banner Joseph Technology has provided us with many great learning tools. Stimulate your mind with these FREE online courses that can be taken anywhere or anytime and are available year-round. Enrol in at least one course, and challenge yourself to learn something new today. Through E-Learning you have access to computer-based learning in the classroom or the comfort of your home. The materials are either self-paced or instructor-led. So, please take advantage of these FREE courses, and get energized, as you engage yourself in new learning. Enjoy! Khan Academy http://www.khanacademy. org/ Khan Academy, a site for learning academic and real-world knowledge from videos and other interactive modules, is an example of content conquering all. All of the site’s resources are available to anyone. The subject matter taught at Khan Academy varies widely and is expanding all the time. It doesn’t matter if you are a student, teacher, home-schooler, principal, adult returning to the classroom after 20 years. Khan Academy’s materials and resources are available to you completely free of charge. For the most part, the content is aimed at upper grade school and college-level students. But the beauty of free online learning is that anyone can attempt to learn, and indeed nothing restricts a user of any age or background from working through any of the material. Coursera Coursera is a company that partners with top colleges

in the world to offer Free online courses for anyone to take. Classes offered on Coursera are designed to help you master the material. When you take one of their classes, you will watch lectures taught by world-class professors, learn at your own pace, test your knowledge, and reinforce concepts through interactive exercises. Their goal is to give everyone access to the world-class education that has so far been available only to a select few. They want to empower people with education that will improve their lives, the lives of their families, and the communities they live in. Coursera offers courses in a wide range of topics, spanning the Humanities, Medicine, Biology, Social Sciences, Mathematics, Business, Computer Science, and many others. Whether you’re looking to improve your resume, advance your career, or just learn more and expand your knowledge. They hope there will be multiple courses that you find interesting. Open Culture: The best free cultural & educational media on the web freeonlinecourses free_certificate_courses Open Culture provides a list of 200 free online courses offered by leading universities. Most of these free courses offer “certificates” or “statements of completion,” though typically not university credit. Courses are arranged by start date. MIT OpenCourseWare MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) is a web-based publication of virtually all Massachusetts Institute of Tecnology (MIT) course content. OCW is open and available to the world and is a permanent MIT activity. MIT OpenCourseWare makes the material used in the majority of MIT’s undergraduate and graduate courses—more than 2,150 in all—available on the Web, free of charge, to any user in the world. OCW receives an average of 2 million web site visits per month from more than 215 countries and territories worldwide. To date, more than 150 million individuals have accessed OCW materials. Dr. Angela Banner Joseph holds a doctorate degree in Educational Leadership and Change from the Fielding Graduate University.



16 JUN



Recipe of the week

Pork Ribs With Barbecue Sauce Ingredients 2 slabs (about 1 to 1 1/2 pounds each) baby-back pork ribs Coarse salt and ground pepper Vegetable oil, for grates 1/2 cup Barbecue Sauce Directions • Preheat oven to 400 degrees. • Season ribs all over with salt and pepper. Stack slabs on a large piece of heavy-duty foil; seal tightly, and place on a rimmed baking sheet. Cook until meat is fork-tender, about 1 1/2 hours. • Heat grill to me-

dium-high; lightly oil grates. Remove ribs from foil (discard foil); brush with sauce, coating rounded side well. • Grill until nicely browned, 3 to 4 minutes. Serve with more sauce.

sauce 1/3 cup cider vinegar (substitute cane vinegar) 1 tablespoon molasses 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper

Barbecue Sauce Ingredients 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 small onion, finely chopped 4 garlic cloves, minced 1 tablespoon mustard powder (substitute bottled classic yellow mustard or Dijon Mustard) 1 teaspoon red-pepper flakes 3 tablespoons light-brown sugar 2 cups ketchup 1/3 cup Worcestershire

Directions . In a medium saucepan, heat oil over medium heat. Add onion and garlic; cook, stirring occasionally, until translucent, about 5 minutes. . Stir in mustard powder and red-pepper flakes; cook 30 seconds. . Reduce heat to medium-low; stir in sugar, ketchup, Worcestershire, vinegar, molasses, and black pepper. . Cook, stirring occasionally, until thickened, 5 to 10 minutes.

MARRIAGES Juan Guillermo Sho, 25, to Glendy Esperanza Ac Caal, 21, both of Red Bank, Stann Creek District Vallan Jonathan Menzies, 18, to Dorla Marie Trolley, 44, both of Forest Home, Toledo District Jose Eliseo Aguilar, 22, to Leandra Merari Lopez, 17, both of Dangriga Town, Stann Creek District Calbert Maxwell Neal, Sr., 59, to Edilma Puresa Oliva, 55, both of Santa Elena Town, Cayo District Enrique Orlando Nabet, 25, of San Jose Succotz, Cayo District, to Ida Marilyn Wohlers, 24, of San Ignacio Town, Cayo District Edin Rene Obrego, 25, to Yolanda Lopez Hernandez, 29, both of Belmopan Paul DeHaan, 57, to Ivan Tanada, 20, both of Belmopan Gadi Gadiel Vasquez, 30, to Elisa Campos, 20, both of San Narciso, Corozal District Frank Tyrone Ramos, 21, to Criste Tesie Magdaleno, 21, both of Hopkins, Stann Creek District Hermer Carillo, 44, to Perla Ayala, 41, both of Crique Sarco, Toledo District Ishmael Orlando Paquiul, 22, of Punta Gorda Town, Toledo District, to Marcia Elora Cal, 18, of San Miguel, Toledo District Edwardo Ayala, 40, to Amanda

Leiva, 30, both of Cristo Rey, Cayo District Jose Luis Jimenez, 29, to Teresa Cus, 24, both of Cristo Rey, Cayo District Antonio Marin, 55, of San Narciso, Corozal District, to Marciala Santana, 58, of Corozal Town, Corozal District Jiovanni Hernan Cano, 22, of Concepcion, Corozal District, to Samira Beatrice Correa, 22, of Louisville, Corozal District Wilbert Clenton Armstrong, 24, to Wendy Lucia Tamay, 22, both of Santa Rita, Corozal District Rudy Reynaldo Cawich, 22, to Melissa Cawich, 21, both of San Victor, Corozal District Cupertino Nolberto Castro, 39, to Sildy Madein Hernandez Soberanis, 32, both of Trial Farm, Orange Walk District Herminio Ernesto Ramirez, 26, to Joaquina Alma Amaris Wagner, 19, both of San Jose/San Pablo, Orange Walk District Noel Veronico Tzib, 26, of Cristo Rey, Cayo District, to Shenny Mayte Sosa, 22, of Yo Creek, Orange Walk District Angel Orlando Alvarado, 24, to Leicy Lorena Figueroa, 21, both of El Progreso, Cayo District Eduardo Misael Ivanes, 26, to Teresa de Jesus Pacheco, 24, both of Spanish Lookout, Cayo District Gerson Amed Erazo, 31, of Esperanza, Cayo District, to Angela

Janeth Ponce, 31, of Belmopan Edward Robert Broaster, 46, to Kera Kamela Bowman, 29, both of Belize City Kenrick Jaime James, 30, to Kovenka Margaret Rodriguez, 32, both of Belize City Loren Tracy Salazar, 29, of San Ignacio Town, Cayo District, to Sharlette Yvonne Mutrie, 25, of Santa Elena Town, Cayo District Santiago Xi, 20, to Anna Pop, 18, both of Bella Vista, Toledo District Mario Choc, 25, to Ingris Maas, 24, both of Blmopan Levan Condor Wewe, 36, to Elva Toribia Oh, 36, both of Crique Jute, Toledo District Yolando Castillo, 60, of Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District, to Maria Elena Mejia Vasquez, 34, of Corozal Town, Corozal District

DEATHS Theodore Richard Myers, 69 Harry Sutherland, 96 Evangelita Mar, 54 Ann Patricia Johnson, 57 Hubert Errol August, 56 Diodoro Fajardo, 83 Doris Elfreda Gabourel, 80 William James Johnson, 76 Culin Francis Wiltshire, 52 Ivan Enrique Garcia Gomez, 46 Alfred Sylvester Garnett, 82 Erlinda Bowden, 70 Yvonne Anestine Ottley, 57 Daniel Chavarria, 83 Stephen Garwood Craig, 70

BIRTHS Born to Herman Jonathan Charlesworth and Kendra Johannah Charlesworth nee Thompson, a girl, Alyssa Rene Born to Efrain Chiguela and Concepcion Chiguela nee Garcia, a girl, Daniela Alejandra Born to Irving Lee Griffith and Lisa Lisette Griffith nee Cawich, a girl, Jaylani Leeza Born to Milton Dueck and Judy Plett Dueck nee Dueck, a girl, Joella Amber Born to Diedrich Schmitt and Katharina Schmitt nee Dyck, a girl, Maria Born to Franz Penner and Carol Penner nee Dueck, a girl, Kiralina Daicy Born to Jorge Luis McField and Ann Marie McField nee Thompson, a girl, Amanda Marie


prices increase

Belize City, June 6, 2013 Fuel prices are up again. On Sunday at midnight, the price of premium gasoline increased by 22 cents, from $12.12 to$12.32. Regular fuel increased by 11 cents, from $11.71 to $11.82 and while Diesel dropped by 11 cents, from $10.22 to 10.11. Commuters found about the increase the way we did, by surprise when going to pumps as there was no official notice of the increase by the Government. The Consumer Protection Unit seems to be asleep or dead.


One bedroom apartment. Good for one or two people, only $275. Free facilities at #89 Vernon Street. Also, medium-sized furnished apartment only $475. Call 601-7915 for information or inquiries.

16 JUN





16 JUN








See answers NEXT WEEK


NOTICE Mr. Rushiel Bevans a.k.a. Rashad Bevans No. 620 Keating Crescent Buttonwood Bay Belize City, Belize And R & F Brickmakers & Construction Limited Cor. Faber’s Road & Central American Blvd. Belize City, Belize

TAKE NOTICE that the assessment of the damages due to the Claimant will take place on the 9th day of July, 2013 at 10:00am before the Honorable Madame Justice Arana. If you do not attend this hearing, an Order may be made in your absence. Dated 11th day of June, 2013 MUSA & BALDERAMOS Attorneys for the Claimant BARRY PAPWORTH

Answers for last week’s puzzle SUDOKU PUZZLE SOLUTION #20/2013

Answers for last week’s puzzle

See answers NEXT WEEK

16 JUN






Jesus the Bartender? Many times I wonder what Jesus would be doing if he was here on earth today. If he was in Belize visiting for a month, what would his daily activities be? I believe it would be a much more difficult experience for those who claim they believe in him than those who don’t! Jesus would be perplexed; he would wonder why so many of you believers are relaxing at home while the world goes down the drain daily. He would ask some others, ‘how can you be so blind and disobedient living daily with a person you are not married to, having intercourse, and coming into my house on Sunday raising your two hands’? How could you be sleeping with the little girl-students from your school? How could you turn a blind eye to those in need while you live lavishly from pay check to paycheck? I wonder! I firmly believe that if Jesus would be here we would find that he is interested in completely different things than the believers of today. Who today would be comparable to the woman at the well that Jesus asked for water in (John 4:7)? Who today would be comparable to the prostitute that was about to be stoned to death (John 8:7) that Jesus spared by asking ‘him without sin to cast the first stone’? Who today would be compared to the greedy tax collector who had to climb a tree to see Jesus passing (Luke 19:4)? I am completely amazed as in the scriptures Jesus is viewed a friend of sinners! In Matthew 9:9 he sits and eats with them! But the one that knocks me out of the park is the first ever recorded miracle that Jesus did (John 2:3). He was at a wedding minding his own business, but a crisis came up! The host ran out of strong drinks! For some odd reason Jesus’ mother knew he could help, but not only that, she knew he would use his power to help this man in his dire situation to keep this party pumping! She asked him for help and told the servants to do exactly what he told them to do. The story ended up with Jesus coming through for the family making the best wine the guests had ever tasted! They even commented that usually a smart host would give his best first and when everyone was drunk he would slip in the not so good wine, but this was not the case with Jesus’ bartending practices! Now, right here, many would put Jesus out their churches. How dare you make wine? ‘It is a sin to drink!’ they would say. Jesus would cause so many problems to religious Christians today that, yes, we would put him out of his own church. You may say I probably hit my head while writing this article, but let’s take a quick look closer. Every time Jesus scolded someone, it was a “Christian”, for example read Matthew 3:7. Even worse, those highest in the church had so much problems with Jesus that they tried to kill him many times (Matthew 12:13)! What am I trying to say? Well, as I observe the life of Jesus, I find him working from the inside on the people he is trying to reach, moving with both love and wisdom and with, of course a teaspoon of stealth! As I look at the church today, I see a people consumed with the outside focusing too many times on changing external situations rather than seeking to reach the heart of man which incidentally is the main driver of all the negative experiences we are facing, and worse the main window to take a person from darkness into life! Until next week God bless!

16 JUN


DIVERTICULAR DISEASE/ DIVERTICULITIS What is Diverticulitis? Diverticular disease occurs when By Dr. David Hoy there are weak areas in the muscle layer of the intestine leading to bulging pouches or sacs (diverticula) on the outside of the colon. These pouches are often harmless and might not cause any symptoms. However, these diverticula can become inflamed and infected and is then referred to as Diverticulitis. How common are these Diverticula? These pouches are present in approximately half of persons over 50 years old and over 70% of persons over the age of 80 years will have the presence of diverticula. However, it will cause symptoms related to inflammation/diverticulitis in only 20% of those affected with diverticular disease. What causes Diverticular disease? The exact cause is not known, but it is uncommon in places where a high fiber diet is the norm. It is felt that in countries with a low-fiber Western diet the stool becomes hard and dried. This leads to increase in pressures within the intestine which causes the walls to weaken and cause the bulges or pouches to form. These pouches can become inflamed and infected leading to Diverticulitis. Exactly how diverticula become inflamed or infected isn’t clear. One theory is that the narrow openings of the diverticula may trap fecal matter, which can lead to infection. Or an obstruction in the diverticula may reduce blood supply to the area which leads to inflammation. What are the symptoms of Diverticulitis? When the pouches are not inflamed, diverticular disease may not cause any symptoms. When Diverticulitis develops, pain especially in the left lower abdomen is common, fever; diarrhea and even bleeding with the passage of stool are the main symptoms. How is it diagnosed? Diverticular disease can be diagnosed with a camera test called a colonoscopy which is passed up the rectum into the large intestines. A CT scan with contrast liquid being put into the large intestines can also show complications of diverticulitis such as abscess formation or a perforation or a hole in the pouches. These complications need Surgery as the main treatment. How is Diverticulitis treated? Once diverticula/pouches develop in the colon they are permanent and can’t be cured with medication. Preventing the formation of the pouches is best done by having a high fiber diet with lots of fruits, vegetables and water to maintain a normal bowl habit. If the pouches become inflamed antibiotics, pain-killers and hospitalization may be required depending on the severity. During an attack of diverticulitis, a liquid diet is recommended. In severe cases with complications Surgery may be necessary in situations such as uncontrollable bleeding, narrowing and blockage of the colon, abscess formation and if there is a perforation or leakage because of a ruptured pouch.

16 JUN





art by Julian Veronin Kuo By Katie Usher The new show at the Image Factory may have some us spooked especially with the current situation at the KHMH. Contagious, quite unlike the tragedy at Belize’s national referral hospital, features colourful and playful paintings by Belizean Taiwanese artist Julian Veronin Kuo. Check out his website: http:// Kuo explores various media and techniques to create his images, which, in my opinion are sharp, pristine and bursting with Caribbean colors. Earlier in the week, as Julian assisted with setting up his exhibit, I asked him a few questions about his show and his art. “Painting makes my life happy and this joy is contagious. With this show, I’d like to contaminate viewers with

joy when they enter my art world,” he affirmed. Contagious will only feature Kuo’s paintings, but he is also an avid photographer. In explaining what captures his interest photographically, he explained, “When I go out, I must have my camera with me, I like to record some moments of life, every picture has its own story. It is an intuitive reaction for me.” It is clear that Julian’s use of vibrant colors is contagious. I asked him to elaborate on his experience or relationship with color and how it affects his work: “When I was 3, I started to interact with art. The walls of my room were my canvas. I painted and drew on the walls. I tried a variety of art styles, while creating my own view of art. I was the winner of the BTL directory cover design. I am the Milky Way Cafe’s photographer and I

Monkey- Acrylic on watercolor paper with wood frame

Accumulation - Acrylic on Canvas

also design the posters and menus for the Cafe. Designing the Belize High School yearbook gave me a lot of experience. The color of art is just like a language for me; an international language because of the many stories I have created in my works. When people see my works, they will describe it from their point of view.” In this new techie era, where social media has made interaction virtual, and music, books and movies stream online, I asked the young artist what he thought about the very traditional and tactile medium painting. Is painting new enough for our young tech-savvy artists? Kuo replied “Painting is always new, because painting is diversification”. Contagious premieres Friday June 14 at 7 p.m. and will be on display for two weeks.

Serenity - Acrylic on watercolor paper with wood frame

Anxiety - Acrylic on Canvas

No - Acrylic on Canvas

Cafe Angel - Acrylic on Canvas

Mountain V - Acrylic on Canvas

Gato - Acrylic on Canvas



16 JUN


BELIZE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES LIMITED 212 NORTH FRONT STREET P.O. BOX 1764 BELIZE CITY, BELIZE PRESS RELEASE Belize International Services Limited (BISL) expresses its surprise, disappointment and indignation at the Government of Belize’s unilateral decision, announced in a press release issued yesterday, to assume control of the International Business Companies Registry and the International Merchant Marine Registry of Belize (IMMARBE) with effect from 11th June 2013. BISL, at great expense and effort, created a thriving offshore and shipping services industry in Belize which had hitherto not existed. BISL has been professionally and competently managing these two Registries, under valid, lawful, binding and enforceable contracts since 1991, to the mutual benefit of BISL and the Government of Belize on behalf of the people of Belize. BISL has a legally enforceable contractual right to operate and manage these two Registries on behalf of the Government of Belize until June 2020. Just prior to the illegal take over of the Registries, BISL surprisingly received a Tax Assessment from the Government’s Tax Commissioner in excess of 30 million dollars, in spite of Clause 12 of the Agreement between BISL and the Government, which plainly states: “12. Fiscal Exemptions – Any income derived by the Company in accordance with this Agreement contract shall be exempt from Government taxes, fees and other assessments. Likewise the emoluments of the personnel employed by the Company abroad shall be exempt from Government taxes and other charges.” Consistent with this contractual provision, BISL had not been taxed throughout the 20 years it has operated the Registries. This is clearly another unlawful and arbitrary act by the Government against BISL. The illegal decision by the Government to take over the Registries is unmerited and without justification. BISL has been a good, upstanding corporate citizen of Belize and both BISL and the Government and people of Belize have benefited from a long and professional relationship. This flagrant breach of contract now exposes the Government to yet another round of expensive litigation which will be saddled on the back of Belizean taxpayers. The Government will become liable to BISL for an amount estimated to be in excess of 60 million United States dollars in damages with obvious implications for the recently concluded Super-bond negotiations. Over the last 22 years both Registries under the management and direction of BISL have made significant contributions to Belize and its people: • Over USD$36 million in fees paid to the Government of Belize. • Over 132,000 international business companies were incorporated. • Over 62,000 active international business companies as of March 2013. • Over 7,000 ships were registered. • Today Belize has the sixth largest vessel fleet in the world by number of ships with 914 ships currently active. • 90 IBCR Registered Agents. • 64 IMMARBE Deputy Registrars. • Hundreds of people employed directly by the Registries, resident agents and deputy registrars in Belize. In spite of the arbitrary and unlawful acts by the Government, BISL, as a good corporate citizen, has, under protest, cooperated to keep the two Registries operating as smoothly as possible under the circumstances for the benefit of all their clients and the people of Belize. BISL intends to vigorously defend its contractual rights and pursue its claim for damages to the highest level of the legal system in Belize and will exercise all options available to it to vindicate its rights. ENDS DATED the 11th day of June, 2013

16 JUN


Mayor disobeys court order! Belize City, June 10, 2013 By the skin of his teeth, this past Monday Mayor Darrel Bradley once again avoided going to jail for not paying a Belize City Council’s debt owed to Belize Waste Control. On Monday June 10th, the Mayor’s attorney Michael Young was called back by the Court to explain why the Mayor has not paid up the debt which he had personally committed would have been settled back in 2005. At that time, the Council was led by Mayor Zenaida Moya and Bradley was their attorney. Attorney Fred Lumor has gone before the Court twice this year, on behalf

Mother Nature

obstructs oil discovery Belize City, June 12, 2013 The Barrow Administration is running out of gas, literally. The oil fields in Spanish Lookout, discovered in 2005, are expected to be depleted by the year 2020. Already, Government’s revenue from the export of crude oil through Belize Natural Energy is falling, and with no economic plan to stimulate growth the Government has had to resort to praying for another oil find. The best prospect came from Maranco Limited’s oil drilling in the Gallon Jug area of the Orange Walk district. In April, a small oil quantity was discovered, but since then their exploration operations have met all sorts of complications. First, there was some salt wa-

ter seepage which created a terrible combustion. The acid used to remove mud turned the oil to tar. Further exploration was delay. Today, two months later, the company continues to explore unsuccessfully. The company is now experiencing difficulty getting the oil to flow properly. A 2nd well is being drilled, from a horizontal angle, to allow the oil to flow through another direction. This has delayed plans to estimate the quantity of the oil found. Another company, US Capital, has also been drilling in the Toledo District, but the San Juan #3 well has turned out no oil discovery. It appears that the thirstier the Barrow Administration gets for oil, Mother Nature just keeps standing in their way.

31 Liquor License NOTICES Notice is hereby given that EDMUND H. CIEGO is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Paranda Beach Front Cool Spot”, situate at Seine Bight Village, Stann Creek District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that CHARLES COC is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “The Great Chameleon”, situate at 9 ½ Miles Phillip Goldson Highway, Ladyville, Belize District, under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.


of BWC, seeking the enforcement of an order for the Council to pay up what they owe. The debt has accumulated to $2.3 million, and the Council has refused to meet BWC’s settlement conditions. The Council’s most recent attempt to ignore the Court’s directive and continue being a hard-pay entity stunned the garbage disposal company. The Council wrote BWC on Friday June 7th, not even a full working day before Monday’s court hearing, offering to pay a portion of the debt with the assistance of Central Government on the odd condition that BWC writes off $1.3 million plus the cost of court. In return the Council said they will assist with some of the collection of garbage done by BWC. This offer, like the previous one that offered to pay $120,000 yearly, has been rejected by BWC. Lumor said it was an illogical suggestion, “This letter is not only patronizing, it’s a smoke!” Lumor added that BWC will not allow the Council to set conditions for complying with a court order which has already instructed them to pay what is owed. The Council’s attorney, Michael Young, said the decision to reject the offer was “unfortunate”. In defense of the “patronizing” suggestion, he said the Council views the matter as a question of the collection of the balance of the debt which he hopes can be negotiated. Young said it would be “unfortunate” and an “ugly situation” if BWC succeeds in getting the Court to issue a committal order against the Mayor. Lumor explained that BWC simply wants the Mayor to obey the court order. “The court order says pay a judgment debt forthwith since April second, 2012. If you are unable to pay then please present to the court a schedule of how you can repay the debt. That is what we have not received to date,” said Lumor. After informing the Court that there was still no settlement and that the Council’s proposal was unsatisfactory, the Court directed that a schedule of payment be presented at the next hearing on July 17th. While Mayor Darrel Bradley continues to disobey the Court’s order, he is busy pressuring small business owners who are presently struggling in this depressed economy to pay increased trade license fees and property taxes. If the businesses don’t pay, they are shut down by Council personnel. Unlike the Mayor, they don’t get away.




16 JUN


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