Belize Times June 9, 2013

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The Belize Times

Established 1957

09 JUNE 2013

| ISSUE NO: 4848

The Truth Shall Make You Free



UDP crony steals


from KHMH

Pg. 4

“Pablo Marin Must Go!”

Protesters call for resignations of Health Minister/KHMH authorities

Pg. 9

Million dollar contracts for

Gaspar Vega’s nephew, Imer Hernandez Orange Walk Town, June 5, 2013 The major controversy over the payment of $179,000 to Imer Hernandez, the nephew of Deputy Prime Minister Gaspar Vega, for

Pg. 31

PUP 7’s historic win in Arenal Village!

Page 10

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Response to ‘A few thoughts … from buttons to bottom of souls.’

Petition: Stop the Spearing of Tarpon in the Gulf of Mexico


Good Day Fellow Sports Fishers, Tarpon are a migratory fish. They migrate from extreme ranges as far north as Nova Scotia, Canada to as far South as Argentina. From our observations over the years, tarpons begin migrating North in March. The migration goes on through to August. They slowdown in September and October and start migration back South around the first week in November. While migrating through Belize’s waters, there are several locations they stop in Belize and join resident tarpons. Belize River, Ambergris Caye and Tarpon Caye lagoon are the main three areas. In our area, the main reasons they stop at Tarpon Caye are: 1. The island sitting in the middle of the Victoria channel, through which the tarpons naturally navigate. 2. Tarpon love to feed on glass minnows. Tarpon Caye has a deep dark lagoon that is home to a large quantity of these minnows, which feed on the algae that grows in the lagoon. Even the pelicans play a part in this feeding cycle. When they dive down to scoop up a mouth full of minnows, some are always injured in the process, and the tarpons find it easy to prey on the injured minnows. It is quite a beautiful natural process to watch. On September 26th, 2009 the Government of Belize enacted, into law, Statutory Instrument #144 to restrict the taking of Permit, Bonefish and Tarpon to catch and release only. This act requires all the above species to be returned alive to the water. It is now illegal for any restaurant, fisherman market trader etc. to be in possession of these species. With sports fishing bringing approximately $50 million BZ per annum


09 JUN



I found the article, ‘A few thoughts … from buttons to bottom of souls’ at page 38 of the May 12, 2013 edition of the Amandala to be so astonishingly inaccurate and misinforming that I am compelled to analyze the flawed assumptions presented therein. In this article, the writer rehashes the stale premises that have been repeated to no avail, countless times by previous pundits long before. There is significant difference between a ‘sexual preference’ and a ‘sexual orientation.’ Sexual preference connotes choice. Sexual orientation does not, as it is caused by the interplay of biological, genetic, hormonal, and environmental influences. Sexual preference has to do with what a person is attracted to, what they like sexually such as: tall, short, thin, fat, brown, black, red, white, foreign, local, race, educated, handsome, beautiful, masculine, gender-nonconforming, sexy, feminine, color of eyes or hair, etc. Sexual preference also has to do with what turns people on, what sexually excites us. Sexual orientation refers to one’s erotic attractions toward, and interinto the Belizean economy, it was one of the best moves the Government of Belize could have done, to make sure this niche sector of the tourism industry remain sustainable. Now, one of our major concerns at Tarpon Caye, is the fact that in the federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico, tarpons are being purposely (and legally) speared in the hundreds! This may very well pose a detriment to the tarpon stock in Belize, due to the fact, as explained above, these fish are migratory, and since they are being killed in such large quantities in the Gulf of Mexico, it may eventually lead to the depletion of the tarpon stock in Belize. This may also pose a detriment to the future of the sports fishing industry in Belize, and those of us who make a living from this very sustainable niche tourism service. We are asking all stakeholders to

est in developing sexual/affective/romantic relationships with, members of one’s own or the other gender. A homosexual orientation refers to an erotic attraction to, and interest in forming sexual or affective (emotional) or romantic relationships with, members of one’s own gender. Sexual orientation is no longer considered to be one’s conscious individual preference or choice but instead formed by a complex network of biological, social, cultural, economic, and political factors. And now to deal with the fallacies - the term “anally assaulted” is used in the article, which later uses “anal intercourse.” These are not the same thing -anally assaulted without consent or anal intercourse. They are two very different concepts. The former is a coercive sexual act that is based on power, control, dominance and violence also known to the rest of the world as rape. Anal intercourse is a sexual act that is commonly engaged in by people of all types of sexual orientations. What is a “homosexual lifestyle?” The manner in which lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people live their lives is as varied as the manner in which heterosexual people live theirs. LGBT people have “lives,” not “lifestyles.” What many people really want to say is “I do not like samesex sexual relations.” But it would be inappropriate to reduce anyone to a sex act. “After all, out of 168-hour week, one might have sex for about two hours or three hours. And it’s these three hours that form the basis of how a whole world looks and judges you” (Simon-Rosser, 1999). The same goes for the term “heterosexual lifestyle.” Heterosexuals live widely varied lifestyles. Grouping lets join together to help lobby the US Fisheries Management Commissions to enact regulations that would protect, enhance and preserve these migratory fish in the Gulf of Mexico, from which so many people, from North to South America, make a living. To sign the petition, please go to Click the orange button in the right hand margin of the article, to provide necessary protection for tarpon now. We need to protect this specie for today and for the livelihood of future generations. Sincerely, Charles Leslie Sr. Founder Kingfisher Adventures Ltd. Tarpon Caye Belize

9 Jun

a minority of the population together under one umbrella term of how they all live is simplistic. People repeat phrases like these again and again, not understanding the offense and discrimination they are causing. Many of the statements are rooted in ignorance and based on gay stereotypes. They are also rooted in heterosexism, which is the belief that exclusive heterosexuality is innately superior to all other sexual orientations. When using the term ‘lifestyle’ it is also imperative to recognize that people who engage in same-sex sexual relations are already our brothers, sisters, parents, friends, neighbors, religious and political leaders, teachers, public servants, executives, doing what any ordinary person does on a regular basis. Would one be mistaken to observe that a ‘hetero-lifestyle’ also suggests husbands beating their wives? Married couples engaging in extra-marital affairs? A pretty high divorce rate? Here is another crucial clarification that must be understood unequivocally. The constitutional challenge is seeking a declaration from the Supreme Court that Section 53 of the Belizean Criminal Code violates sections 2, 3, 6 and 14 of the Belizean Constitution, and is therefore of no effect insofar as it applies to sexual intercourse between consenting adults. The relief that is being sought is that the offence be amended, so that it will not apply to sexual intercourse between consenting adults in private. Again, it must be emphasized that there is absolutely NO call for any law that criminalizes sex with minors, rape or bestiality to be repealed. The camp that keeps demonizing UNIBAM’s suit, keeps flogging this distortion. They need to inform themselves about the specifics of the suit and stop misinforming the public. Continued on page 29


The Belize Times

Established 1957

14 APR 2013


ISSUE NO: 4840

The Truth Shall Make You Free



serving Belize since 1957 as the longest continuous newspaper. Founder: Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus EDITOR


Chris Williams


Roberto Peyrefitte Printed and Published By The Belize Times Press Ltd.

weather 8 Jun


10 Jun

2611Mar Jun

27 Mar Jun 6 12 Feb

Tel: 671-8385 #3 Queen Street P.O. BOX 506 Belize City, Belize


09 JUN



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Barrow’s Musical Chairs of DEBT! Efforts to solve fiscal problems are “uninspiring”, says New York financial expert crisis, possibly even another debt default. “A sustained reduction in debt in the region over the next decade will require a combination of Prime Minister Dean Barrow will soon have to aggressive fiscal consolicall on his “Superbond Team”, Moody’s predicts dation and increased economic growth,” said Edward Al-Hussainy, Moody’s analyst for the Belize City, June 3, 2013 next ten years and that it got Belize closCaribbean, in the latest report. Belize and other Caribbean coun- er to a “kind of nirvana” where Belize’s However, both goals are increastries have come under debt watch from debt to GDP ratio could be cut to 60% in ingly out of reach for Belize. In addition, economic analysts, after Moody’s In- four years. fiscal liabilities created by the exproprivestor Service raised red flags over the While the predictions are not disputation of the two utility companies in inability to manage their financial obliga- ed by Moody’s and other analysts, the 2009 and 2010, Belize Telemedia and tions. mishandling of the economy and conBelize Electricity Limited, continue to be Belize and two other Caribbean tinued spending have come under their the economic albatross for the Barrow countries engaged in bond restructur- focus and is the primary basis of their Administration. Indeed, their albatross ings over the past three years. In Belize’s debt crisis warning. around the necks of the people of Becase, the US$544m external debt which Speaking about Belize, Flora Hsu lize. was due by 2029 has been extended un- of the New York-based Nomura SecuriBad example til 2038, with “haircuts” for bondholders ties International Inc. said, “We think Analysts say the precedent set by and a modified (prolonged) schedule of the debt restructuring only delayed Belize, of defaulting on their debt to payments. The restructuring was trum- Belize’s problems, and recent efforts force bondholders to the table for a betpeted as a success by Prime Minister to solve fiscal issues have been unter deal, sets a bad precedent. Dean Barrow, who said that there would inspiring”. Without faster growth, repeat deBelize continues to stare at a debt be BZE$494 million in savings over the

faults may become common as Caribbean governments find it easier to cut bond payments than spending, said Arturo Porzecanski, a professor of international finance at American University in Washington. “These countries are exhibiting an increased unwillingness to pay,” Porzecanski said. “We may be seeing the birth of a region of serial defaulters.” Other say the Belize scenario could mislead others. Carl Ross, managing director at brokerage Oppenheimer & Co. in Atlanta, Georgia, said investors are taking advantage of higher yields for Caribbean debt now and betting they can sell ahead of any payment problems. He said this prognosis is skewed by a 53 per cent return on Belize’s debt, which covers a period triggered when the country’s skipped a US $23 million coupon payment last year. The bond rally in Caribbean debt is “more of a fluke,” Ross said, addding “it’s not reflected in the fundamentals by any stretch”.

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UDP crony steals $50,000 from KHMH Belize City, June 5, 2013 There is another major scandal at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital. This one involves the mishandling and fleecing of the hospital’s money by a UDP crony hired by key UDP players now managing the hospital. The BELIZE TIMES has learnt from reliable sources that $50,000 was stolen from the KHMH. A UDP crony from the Corozal District, hired with the

consent of his northern political boss, is responsible for the disappearance of overtime money belonging to the hardworking employees of the hospital. This overtime payment belonged to the pharmacists, the wardens and security officers. The money was stolen when the UDP crony diverted it from the hospital’s account to a separate private account at a local bank. When the workers’ claimed over-

HRCB condemns Police killings 6th June 2013 The Human Rights Commission of Belize (HRCB) is deeply disturbed that members of the Belize Police Department (BPD) have recently killed two men in highly questionable circumstances. Our concern is aggravated by the fact that over the several weeks going into months since these deaths the Police Department has not provided the public with its investigation results and neither officer involved in the killings has been arrested and charged with any criminal offence. Rasheed Elijio was shot in his back and killed by a police officer in Punta Gorda after he and another man escaped police custody. Elijio, himself a teen, had been charged with carnal knowledge of a teenage girl. Ryan Lozano, a 21 year old, was killed by Ladyville police in April allegedly in the course of a burglary. At the time Lozano was shot in the back, police say that Lozano was approaching them with a weapon. We call upon the authorities to quickly conclude their investigations into these two cases and arrest and prosecute the police officers who killed these young men if the evidence warrants. HRCB also calls on authorities to keep the families of these two men apprised of the investigations into the deaths of their loved ones as well as to inform the public of the progress in these cases. HRCB is disappointed and saddened that extrajudicial killings by the police continue to be one of the human rights violations most associated with Belize. In fact, the US State Department Human Rights Country Report for Belize for 2012 states that, “The most important human rights abuse during the year were the use of excessive force by security forces, including the deaths of five persons involving on or off- duty police officers…” With this in mind, the Human Rights Commission of Belize strongly urges the BPD and the responsible Ministry to ensure that international norms and domestic law on use of force by law enforcement are not only taught regularly to all new police recruits at the Academy but are also routinely taught to higher ranking officers in refresher courses. The Department must not only teach the norms but also enforce these standards. It is critical that the people who are served by and depend upon the police have confidence that officers will not abuse their authority and unjustifiably harm and kill members of the public, including members of the public accused of having committed a crime. It is incumbent upon the Police Department and the government to take all necessary measures to end killings by the police and rebuild the public trust in the Department. (Press Release)

time, it was rejected by the hospital. This matter has come to a head, creating major conflict between the administration and the staff. The pharmacy workers took protest action, and are under a work to rule mode, which means that they only work from 8am to 12pm, and 1-1pm-5pm. No extra work. Some weeks ago, the hospital treated former security officers with contempt when the ex-employees claimed the hospital is withholding overtime

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payments. Instead of admitting the serious case of mismanagement at the hospital and getting to the bottom of it in order to pay the security officers what they are due, KHMH denied vehemently that any overtime payment was outstanding. This scandal was swept under the rug. We do not believe the KHMH administration intends to prosecute the UDP crony for the wrongdoing. Many instances of mismanagement and outright fleecing have been overlooked in the past, with full knowledge and forgiveness of the Barrow Administration. Uncovering this scandal will hopefully rid the public hospital of the UDP flunkies and sycophants hiding behind an oath they never meant to keep.

09 JUN



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KHMH Madness

he mess at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital is really a microcosm of the entire health system currently. This system has been in distress ever since the UDP took office in 2008 and began spitefully and recklessly changing policies, cancelling programs and victimizing health officials. You can ask retired nurse Mrs. Marjorie Parks, she knows firsthand. Those in charge were able to evade facing the music in 2009 when corruption was exposed in the supply and purchasing of pharmaceutical supplies, but now we are in 2013. The Barrow Administration has been expending political capital at a fast pace. The Minister of Health has been at the center of several controversies and has been getting away with just about anything including, up until now, the death of thirteen babies due to a strange contamination. This is the last straw, Just as the public has been slowly regaining its composure from the shock of what has been going on at the hospital, there are more scandals bulging out. The hospital employees have been scammed of their hard-earned monies by a UDP crony linked directly to the Minister. This crony has been taking the workers’ overtime moneys and pocketing it. This matter has been hidden by KHMH authorities in fear that

they will once again come under public scrutiny. And it doesn’t stop there. There are also scandalous UDP sweetheart deals for certain top UDPs to provide cheap pharmaceuticals to the hospital. The UDPs are paid millions of dollars and in return they dump inferior medicine at KHMH. Tax payers are being taken for a serious ride by those in charge of KHMH. It is clear that coldness and cruelty are strong traits of the Barrow Administration. There has been absolutely no remorse shown to the parents of the 13 newborn babies. There has been no apology to the workers who are being denied overtime payments. No sympathy for Belizeans who suffer in pain as a result of the inferior medicine they receive. Opposition Leader Francis Fonseca’s call for the resignation of the Minister of Health and for a full investigation into the breakdown of care and treatment at the neo-natal unit of the hospital is the right thing. To say that no one is responsible is unacceptable. The bacteria that took the lives of 13 babies inside the ICU is the greed and incompetence breathing under the UDP. If there is one lesson to learn between 2009 and 2013 it is that as long as Pablo Marin is in charge of our health system, absolutely no one is safe.

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Reflections on the Public Square By Francis Fonseca For some time now I have wanted to get back to writing a weekly column for The BELIZE TIMES. My first BT column was a Youth Column written during my tenure as President of the Belize Youth Movement, the youth arm of the PUP, some 25 years ago. Since then I have had a few other columns and contributed many articles to the newspaper. I have also served on the Editorial Board of the paper for many years and few know that as a young sixth form student I served as Office Manager of the BT for a few months following the sad loss of Don Hamid Musa. 25 years ago, I was a young, idealistic, romantic who loved and believed in Belize. I still do! The People’s United Party represented an opportunity for me to participate in a movement that could and would shape and guide Belize’s future. I was drawn to the leadership of George Price and

Said Musa, both passionately committed to creating a better Belize for young persons like me. I quickly found out that I shared a love for reading with these men. I have always been an avid reader and very often my conversations with these PUP leaders involved a Book that one of us was reading. And this brings me back to this column… hope is that I can briefly share some of my reflections on Books that I am reading with you and make an effort to connect those reflections to Belize in 2013 and beyond. I am currently reading the book: CHE-A MEMOIR BY FIDEL CASTRO. Castro writes candidly and with deep personal reflection about Che Guevara the man, the revolutionary, the intellectual. Born in Argentina in 1928,

09 JUN


PUP calls for withdrawal of revised National Gender Policy

Che dedicated his short life (39 years) to Latin American Liberation. A medical doctor by training, Che first met Castro in Mexico City in 1955 forging a historical partnership that would effectively change the world. The book contains many important lessons but one that I will leave with you is that which Castro cites as one of the most important lessons he learnt from Che: “THOSE WHO DEFEND A GOOD CAUSE MUST BEHAVE IN SUCH A WAY AS WOULD ALLOW THEM TO EARN THE RESPECT OF THE ENEMY”. Today in Belize where so much divides us as a people, let us keep this important lesson in mind!

June 6th, 2013 On Wednesday June 5th, 2013 Party Leader Hon. Francis Fonseca and Deputy Party Leader Julius Espat met, at their invitation, with church leaders of the Cayo District particularly those representing Belmopan and surrounding communities. Following presentations from Pastors Scott Stirm and Louis Wade, the Party Leader addressed the gathering and the meeting concluded with a robust, frank, open, respectful discussion with meaningful contributions from various members of the Church community. In light of the discussion and the very serious concerns expressed by the Church leaders present the PUP recommends to the Government of Belize the following: 1. A complete withdrawal of the Revised National Gender Policy in its current form. This, we believe, is the only way to preserve support for ANY Gender Policy moving forward. 2. Allow the Church Community and/or their representatives to undertake a full and comprehensive review of the Policy in its current form and Continued on page 7

09 JUN


Who pays the piper… calls the tune! Belize City, June 4, 2013 An interesting thing happened this past weekend. A kind of high level tit for tat. A sizeable donation of $92,000 made by known Belize City businessman, Jack Chitendra Charles, to a telethon fundraiser held under the auspices of the Prime Minister’s current wife came at a most interesting time. Three weeks ago, an advertisement placed by the Minister of Natural Resources Gaspar Vega in the Amandala newspaper, announced the dereservation of a large portion of an important reserve near Belize City. In the quarter page ad published in the May 12, 2013 edition of the newspaper, Vega’s Ministry declared the dereservation of 2.08 acres of the Krooman Lagoon. The lagoon, which covers areas within the Collet, Lake Independence and Port Loyola divisions, serves as an important ecology for certain areas of the old capital. The patch of lagoon and swamp land acts as a habitat for unique species of animals and birds, as well as a catchment for water in the area. This catchment helps to mitigate flooding in flood-prone sections of Southside Belize City. In 2009, Krooman lagoon made the news when, coincidentally, the same

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businessman Jack Chitendra Charles purchased 9.3 acres of the reserve. This attracted major public opposition and was challenged by a community Continued on page 30

PUP calls for withdrawal of revised National Gender Policy Continued from page 6 make recommendations for refining and revising the Policy. 3. Only after this has taken place should the policy be re-tabled for Cabinet and National Assembly approval. The Revised National Gender Policy 2013 has some very good objectives and aspirations which all Belizeans can and should support but our Church Community must be given every opportunity to offer their views on the Policy if it is to have any chance of forming the basis for meaningful and effective change in our society.

BY ORDER OF CHARGEE NOTICE OF INTENTION TO SELL HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED a statutory body formed and registered under the Credit Union Act, Chapter 314 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2000, and whose registered office is situated at No. 1 Hyde’s Lane, Belize City, Belize District hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Chargee under and by virtue of a Charge registered at the Land Registry between those hereinafter named and the said Holy Redeemer Credit Union Limited. HRCU will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the Schedule below. ALL offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing to HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED from whom full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained.

SCHEDULE ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Block 42, Parcel 578 situate in the Punta Gorda Registration Section, the freehold property of LUANA HINES, surety for GLENFORD HINES DATED the 21st day of May, 2013 HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED 1 HYDE’S LANE, BELIZE CITY, BELIZE Phone: (501) 224-5644 Fax: (501) 223-0738

0 88

09 JUN



Belize Best and Brightest Part III: Belize High School, ACC, Ladyville Tech & Canaan Seventh Day Adventist High

Ladyville Tech’s Jennifer Orellana ACC’s Tareek Matthews

Belize High’s Valedictorian Pui Fung (Steven) Lam, Salutatorian Jani Carisa Reyes & Chun Che (Ryan) Shen, parents night speaker (3rd highest cumulative GPA)

BELIZE CITY, Monday, June 3rd, 2013 By Alton F. Humes (Freelance Reporter) The BELIZE TIMES continues coverage of the 2013 high school graduation season with a look at Belize High School (BHS), Anglican Cathedral College (ACC), Ladyville Technical High School (LTHS) and Canaan Seventh-Day Adventist High School (CSDAHS). While Belize High School (BHS) is only 3 years old, the off-shoot of the Belize Elementary School (BES) has created chartered even – a special space for the gifted. And 12 of them, having completed their high school education at this well-disciplined proving ground, will now march on to their graduation on Saturday, June 8th, at the BES Gymnasium in Belize City. Leading them will be the Valedictorian Steven Lam, and the Salutatorian Jani Reyes. Mr. Lam was gracious enough to grant us an interview when we visited on Friday, May 31st. Lam, an Asian-Belizean, has created

history by being the very first Valedictorian of BHS. He certainly seemed aware of that (and pleased about it to boot), but his ambitions are more plotted outside of the walls of the school. When asked about his work ethic, he was clear about one thing, “You have to work hard”. He told us that motivation is worth just as much as perspiration in order to get the results you want. Studying carries the same method, he continued; it’s all about “…trying not to be distracted, thinking ahead of the curve, and knowing what you want out of life….” But even as a BHS student desires and strives for perfection, he said that life is ‘trial and error’ and about learning from mistakes made. Lam’s ambitions, like a notable hero of his, Dr. Arlie Petters, will take him to the United States of America – specifically Diablo Valley Community College in the state of California, where he will study Applied Mathemat-

ACC’s Valerie Valerio

ics. He got scholarships to top-rated American universities, ranging from the University of South Florida (USF) to Hofstra University and Drexel University, and even Purdue University. But Diablo Valley is first up, and then he’ll transfer to a school of his choice. But even as he tackles his graduation (and maybe a round or three of Call of Duty, of which he’s a certified master), he knows he’s laid down a foundation fellow students will have to catch up to… something anyone would be proud of. Next on this profile is Anglican Cathedral College (ACC), who marched up 87 students out of 104 on Sunday, June 2nd at the Bliss Center for the Performing Arts, at 2:00 p.m. The Valedictorian will be Ms. Valerie Valerio, while the Salutatorian will be Tareek Matthews. Then there’s Ladyville Technical High School (LTHS), a home for both academic and vocational students tucked away in Ladyville Village in the Belize District. The school, at least academically, is in good form this year, according to a school official, as 71 students will be marching up this year (a school record, as the school’s population has increased yearly). The

ceremony will take place at the Belize Biltmore (Best Western) Hotel’s Toucan Room on Saturday, June 8th, 2013. Leading the charge will be Jennifer Ladyville Tech’s Sanis Torres Orellana (Valedictorian) and Sanis Torres (Salutatorian). mark, declaring to Finally, there’s Caus, “We’ll be aiming naan Seventh-Day Adfor [at least] 60 stuventist High School, a dents for next year’s tucked-away Christian class.” The graduschool in the Buttonation has already wood Bay neighborhood been held on Saturof Belize City. And while day, June 1st, 2013). not always on the list of The Valedictorian best-known or most-acwas Deidre Grinage, complished schools, while the Salutatothey still aim to make rian was Dominique their mark as an instiBryant, both aspiring tute of higher learning female leaders. for young people. And In our world for a very proud Princiwhich is continuously pal Garfield McCullouch, filled with darkness 49 new graduates (from and evil, highlightthree 4th Forms) is a ing the good, even huge accomplishment where there is so litindeed. tle, must be celebratSpeaking to him ed with total neutralat the school today, he ity and respect. We told us that since the hope that, in some school is rarely lauded small way, we have anywhere in the media, achieved this goal. he considers this gradNext week, we’ll uating class (the largest have the final part of in his current tenure as this series of Belize’s Principal) a crowning Best and Brightest.

09 JUN



“Pablo Marin Must Go!” Belize City, June 6th 2013 A loud call for the Minister of Health Pablo Marin and for the top administrators of the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital to resign was made by a group of protesters who held up placards outside of the hospital on Thursday morning. The protest is in response to the health authorities’ lame response and glaring attempt to defuse the scandal of 13 newborn deaths as a result of a mysterious infection or infections at the neo-natal unit over a period of 20 days last month. Neither the KHMH Chief Executive officer Gary Longsworth, Board Chairman Chandra Cansino nor Chief of Medical Staff Adrian Coye have explained who is responsible. Longsworth and Cansino said they learnt of the mess through the evening news. The Minister of Health Pablo Marin has not uttered a single word through it all. The protest was organized by the Coalition for Liberty through Action. This action was preceded by a press conference held on Tuesday morning by COLA President Geovanni Brackett to condemn the reprehensible negligence that took place at the hospital, which cost the lives of thirteen babies and left 13 mothers scarred for life. “We are searching for justice, but there seems to be none,” said Brackett at the conference. At his side were three of the parents who endured the terrible ordeal at the hospital. Marissa Cruz, Steven Panton, and Harrison Sutherland all hoped to be holding their newborn babies in their arms today. Instead, they carry a tremendous bundle or grief and pain. Brackett questioned how it is that the care for our newborns deteriorated so badly. He said that COLA’s research has revealed that the hospital did not detect anything wrong until seven babies had died at the hospital. By then, a mysterious infection had spread taking victim after victim in what should have been one of the most protected and sanitized areas of the hospital. “This is a medical disaster and it is being treated just as an incident,” Brackett observed. COLA’s vice-president Gilroy Usher Jr. said the response has been shameful. Instead of providing answers, there has been self-praise among the top administrators of the hospital at each of their press conferences. “There has been too much self-congratulation and not enough investigation. The hospital and its CEO are congratu-

lating Tom, Dick and Harry, and Jamie too. Why not save the thanks for when something is actually found - that is not to say that we are not grateful but we pay you for results not for platitudes,” declared Usher. The hospital’s latest press conference did not shed much light on how things went wrong. The CEO, Board Chairman, and Chief of Medical Staff have all admitted that an infection was not detected in Continued on page 11

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09 JUN




PUP 7’s historic win in Arenal Village!

By Dolores Balderamos Garcia

RESIGN PABLO MARIN!!! The death of a child is always heartwrenching. Children are to be protected, cherished, nurtured and encouraged to fulfill their full potential, and it is trite wisdom that children are the adults of our future, the leaders of the Belize we strive to create. Families, parents, guardians, school authorities, church leaders, counsellors and, yes, Government all bear responsibility for children’s protection and best interests. When we hear of children who have died, accidentally locked in a sweltering vehicle or found face down in a bucket it is excruciating. Worse is when we hear that there has been severe neglect or abuse. We are still as a nation collectively in shock over the deaths of the three children at Belizean Beach last month. What went so terribly wrong? The killer or killers of baby Kaylee Burgess are still walking around in Ladyville or elsewhere in Belize. I recall participating in the peace march in Ladyville last year, when the family and friends of Kaylee’s mother organized the event to honor Kaylee and call for justice. We walked from Mile 9 ½ on the Northern Highway unto Egbert Quilter Road, Marage Road, Perez Road and then unto Poinsettia Road before rallying at the Community Center. Together we mourned her loss and called for justice under the watchful eyes of the Police, who seem unable to make an arrest in her case. When will the mother and family of Kaylee see justice done in her heartbreaking loss? When will the families of the babies lost and the mothers severely injured at the Northern Regional Hospital achieve some level of closure or be compensated for the damage done at that facility? I recall too, along with Dr. Marco Tulio Mendez, speaking on behalf of our political party about the occurrences at the Northern Regional Hospital. I said it was an abomination that we could hear nothing from the Minister or his health authorities about all these cases. We heard nothing, absolutely nothing, from the Minister of Health Pablo Marin at that time. There was deafening silence! Sure it was fine for Pablo Marin to be dancing punta in Benque Viejo del Carmen along with the Guatemalan Minister of Health and PAHO Executive Director Dr. Carissa Etienne at the launch of the regional immunization initiative. But where was he when it was time to address the deaths and injuries due to negligence at the Northern Regional Hospital?

And now we have the unspeakable, the unforgivable - newborn, premature babies dying hand over fist at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital, over a dozen in twenty days, and perhaps many more before that. Incredibly, the CEO says he heard about it on the news! I have a friend whose wife had to be taken to the United States for medical attention after being hospitalized at the KHMH. He was told that there must have been gross negligence at the hospital in Belize, as the woman was found to have severe infection and sepsis after her stay at the hospital. Yet we hear of sub-standard medications and antibiotics being the order of the day throughout the health system, while major hustling continues by ministerial cronies in the procurement of medicines for the health facilities. All this negligence and lack of accountability have been compounded by the latest revelations. The public has lost all confidence in the ability of the hospital and the health system to deliver adequate service in a competent manner. Who will take responsibility? The buck has to stop with the Minister of Health. He cannot hide behind his boss. The Minister of Health must know that his boss cannot cover for him. The Minister and Government MUST take responsibility for such an occurrence at our country’s foremost referral hospital. I have never been a fan of personally disparaging someone for their profession or the work that they did or now do. If the Minister of Health is an electrician by trade, that is alright. Every job has dignity to it, regardless of how menial or relatively unimportant in other people’s eyes. But whether he swept the drain or sat in a board room before being named Minister of Health, he bears the ultimate responsibility for all these deaths and serious damage to children within our health system. The Minister of Health sat mute in this past week’s press conference about the neonatal deaths at the KHMH. He uttered not one word, while Belizeans deserve and are demanding answers. He will not be getting any smiles or camaraderie from me when next I sit opposite him in the House of Representatives. If he has any shred of self respect or integrity left in him, the proper thing for him to do is to tender his resignation as Belize’s Minister of Health. Assume responsibility Mr. Minister of Health, and do the right thing. Resign Pablo Marin!!

Arenal Village, Cayo District, es to raid the Chairman’s house June 5, 2013 at 4 a.m. on Thursday, May 30th, There was a significant vic- 2013 in an attempt to incarcerate tory in Arenal Village in the Cayo the Chairman over the weekend. West constituency this last Sun- But their stunt didn’t work. day, June 2nd, 2013, when the At the end of the day, powervoters, after almost 35 years of ful operatives of the United Demhaving a UDP chairman and Vil- ocratic Party abandoned the village lage Council changed to the Peo- right after the polls closed at 1p.m. ple’s United Party. Voters this time The lines were long and the voting around elected a full PUP slate of was completed about 3pm. By the seven new members including a end of the counting, a political era dynamic chairman, Mirto Nah. The in the village had ended, and a new turnout of voters was the largest one filled with hope had begun for ever seen in the village’s political the People’s United Party candihistory and enthusiasm for the dates who will now work closely candidates representing the Peo- with the villagers to promote the ple’s United Party was as palpable much needed development so as the summer heat that blanket- long desired in that village for beted the village under a band of gray ter water supply facilities, better clouds that hung over the village drainage and road maintenance, that day. better social and cultural improveThe heat and the sun was no ments, progress and hard work to deterrent as voter after voter cast- bring viable projects to the village ed their vote and came out and from whatever source these can gave their nod to the People’s Unit- be obtained. Congratulations are ed Party representatives signifying due and are extended to the peothat the change was truly here. This ple of Arenal. change was difficult to come by especially after the powers at be used every trick in the book to block the PUP victory including usThe fastest selling newspaper in Belize ing the Security Forc-


PUP NOTICE Mesopotamia Constituency Committee The People’s United Party is accepting applications for members of the Mesopotamia Constituency Committee. Application forms at the PUP Secretariat, Independence Hall, #3 Queen Street, Belize City. Application must be filled and returned to the Secretariat, addressed to the Secretary General by Friday June 28, 2013.

09 JUN




Parents demand answers! “This was my 2nd child killed at KHMH,” says grieving mother, Marissa Cruz

Magali Mai

Steven Panton, COLA VP Gilroy Usher and Harrison Sutherland

Marisa Cruz and COLA President Geovanni Brackett

Belize City, June 6, 2013 Four of the thirteen parents, whose newborn babies died under the care and treatment of the medical personnel at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital, spoke about their dreadful and tragic experience. Three of the parents spoke at the COLA press conference on Tuesday, while the fourth a mother spoke for the first time at the COLA protest today. The parents, Marissa Cruz, Magali Mai, Steven Panton and Harrison

Sutherland say that before being admitted to the hospital, examinations done at various stages of the pregnancy showed a normal gestation. The parents said they had a normal delivery, aside from delivering premature babies, but the days that followed turned into a horrifying experience. Sutherland’s baby died on May 18th, eight days after birth. Sutherland said that the day after his son was born, the doctor told him that something

“Pablo Marin Must Go!” Continued from page 9

time, at the detriment of 13 lives, but none have said who will be held responsible. To COLA and others including the Opposition Leader Hon. Francis Fonseca, who has expressed outrage at the incident, that is inexcusable. “Somebody needs to be held accountable. Heads must roll,” stated Brackett on Tuesday. Opposition Leader Hon. Francis Fonseca called, since last week, for Minister of Health Pablo Marin’s head to roll. Hon. Fonseca said these deaths under Marin’s miserable leadership cannot be excused. He also pointed out that it is the Prime Minister’s responsibility to get rid of Marin, if the Minister of Health refuses to go on his own. “The minister of health has had absolutely nothing to say and I find that to be absolutely disgraceful. It is disgraceful that the person who the Prime Minister of this country has put in charge of our health sector has absolutely nothing to say about this incident; the most serious challenge facing his ministry since he became the minister of health. We repeat our demand that

he must resign and if he does not resign the Prime Minister must remove him. That is the only way we will start the process of restoring trust and confidence in our health system,” asserted Hon. Fonseca.

was wrong and that he was in need of blood. Sutherland said he was able to get the needed blood donations, but the next day he was told that his child didn’t make it. When he asked if the blood had been used, the hospital said that they had not. Panton’s baby was born on April 28th and died May 5th. This grieving father said that his son’s health progressed after birth. “Tests done after birth showed he was ok. The doctor said he just had to give him oxygen to make sure that nothing was wrong. Every day the specialists reported good news,” he said. Panton added that his child’s mother was excited to know that she could breastfeed her baby. He said that he was extremely cautious and there were times that he rushed directly from work to see his baby, but stayed outside of the baby unit knowing that they were susceptible to infection. On Saturday May 4th when Panton and his wife visited the hospital, they opened the incubator and found their child moaning. “The baby’s colour had changed. He was moaning in pain. When we called the nurses’ attention and they responded, I heard them say that it

was not an emergency,” Panton said. By Sunday, Panton said the situation got worse. “His hands and feet were already blue, he was deteriorating fast,” related Panton. The parents were told to go home because the hospital was monitoring the baby’s condition. On Monday when they returned to the hospital, their baby had already gasped for his last breath. Marissa Cruz’s baby was born March 22nd and died April 1st. She said her 7 month old child was healthy and this was confirmed by the results of a test done with fluid from the baby’s spinal cord. On Saturday March 30th, when her husband arrived to visit the child, he noticed that the baby was not breathing well and his eyes moved side to side repetitively. When her husband called the attention of the nurses, he was told that it’s normal. On Sunday, Mrs. Cruz said their visit was disheartening. She said the baby looked pale and his lower body had become cold and stiff. The nurses said they had to put the baby on a machine, but they took half an hour to repair the machine. The parents were told to go home and that they would be called by Continued on page 30


09 JUN


Makoabi R


Relationships, Love Tips & Advice…

FACE OFF: COMMON-LAW vs. MARRIAGE A recent American study notes that “shacking up” or cohabitating before marriage has now become a western trend. In our region “common-law” relationships have always been “in style”. There are of course many arguments for and against both cohabitating and getting married. We decided to have a face-off between getting married and shacking up…


Liquor License NOTICE

Liquor License NOTICE

Notice is hereby given that ANA MARIA VASQUEZ is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Cevicheria La Favorita”, situate at Corozal Street, Trial Farm Village, Orange Walk District, under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that OSCAR GUTIERREZ is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Cocina Sabor”, situate at Belize Road, Orange Walk under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

First Progressive Company Ltd. (“the Company”)


Psychological Well-Being Although both relationships improve general wellbeing, in the study, cohabitating couples reported higher levels of happiness and self-esteem. Seemingly, without the rigours (societal expectations) of marriage and kids that are often part of that package, couples may have more room for flexibility, independence and personal growth. Physical Health Married people win in this category due to legal benefits like joint health insurance. Married men it seemed benefit the most in this category – stating their wives played a significant role by ensuring they visited the doctor’s office.



Lower Divorce Rates If you’ve only lived with the person you are going to marry, you have no greater chance of getting divorced than a couple that hasn’t lived together. But, people who live with multiple partners have higher divorce rates.

Social Life Lovers who live together—married or not—spend less time with friends than single people. There are only so many hours in a day, and the formation of a romantic relationship draws time away from others. When experiencing the mood-boosting benefits of a relationship, connections to friends and family don’t feel as essential.


Communication Skills If couples report greater psychological wellbeing from cohabitating then it should be the clear winner in this category right? Not so, cohabitating trains couples to fight in an unhealthy way. Because they don’t have the commitment or security, cohabiters tend to be more relationally and emotionally manipulative.


More Intimacy Initially, cohabitating couples score much higher in this area but as with marriages it begins to wane over the long haul. Married couples reported having a more sexually fulfilling relationship long term.



Fidelity Although there are no indicators as to who will be faithful. The study found that cohabitating persons were more likely to look outside of their relationships to satisfy their sexual or emotional needs. What’s the bottom line? Simply, you and your partner have to decide what is right for you both. Avoid sliding into cohabiting simply because it feels convenient. Talk about what your expectations of living together are... Remember, keeping children out of the picture is the healthiest option. Keep in mind also as one ethicist put it we always marry the wrong person. Ready made soul mates is a romantic notion, the reality is couples become soul mates by living life together through the years.

Notice is hereby given that First Progressive Company Ltd. (“the Company”) - is in dissolution - commenced dissolution on May 21st, 2013; and - Fidelity Overseas Limited of Office Suite 508 Marina Towers Newton Barracks Road Belize City, Belize is the Liquidator of the company Fidelity Overseas Limited

09 JUN JUN 09






REGGAE Belizeans are undoubtedly a talented people. Scan through our small but vibrant music industry you’ll find many waiting for the opportunity to be discovered and go big. One Belizean artist living in the United States who is looking for the next break is Melonie Myvette, aka REGGAE CARAMEL. The BELIZE TIMES discovered Caramel through Facebook and Twitter. She was born in Belize and is now making music in the U.S. Hopefully Reggae Caramel can debut her singing in Belize soon, along with some of our celebrity artists here at home. For more on this talented, Belizean visit her Facebook or Twitter account, both under the name “Reggae Caramel”.

Location: The Great House



• • • •

Height: 5’ 3” Career Plan: Medical Doctor Sign: Gemini Favourite Food: Belizean

TOP MODEL Clothing and Accessories provided by CATWALK FASHIONS

• • •

Likes: Dancing, Modeling, Reading, Listening to music Lives in Belize City Fav. Quote: “The purpose of life is a life of purpose.”

visit us at or Facebook/ Belize Times

Cor. North Front Steet & Queen Street Belize City

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09 JUN



Lady Rebels sting Blazers 6-4 in softball Belize City, May 31, 2013 The Mirage Lady Rebels scorched the Belize Bank Blazers 6-4 in the Belize City women’s softball competition at the Roger’s Stadium on Friday, May 31. No runs were scored in the first 2 innings, but Mertell Bailey, Sharette Vernon, Lisa Jones and pitcher Lanisha Jones gave the Rebels a 4-0 lead when they came home in the 3rd inning. Fiona Rivero scored the Blazers’ 1st run in the 4th inning, while Blazers’ pitcher Ashley Lucas allowed no runs in the 4th inning, but Rebels’ Patricia Thimbrell came home in the 5th inning. Blazers’ Kiri Lizama and Marsha Wills also came home in the 6th, but Lisa Jones came home again in the 7th inning for a 6-1 lead. Blazers’ Kiri Lizama came home in the 7th but the Rebels had collected 8 hits to score 6 runs off Ashley Lucas’ pitching. The Blazers had scorched Belize Telemedia 14-8 on Monday. Telemedia had their payback on Wednesday, May 22, as they hammered the Blazers 7-2.

Lady Rebels Team

BTL Team

UB Jaguars

UB Jaguars, Sunrise

Geovanni Lovell wins weekend cycling race Belmopan City, June 2, 2013 Team Telemedia’s Giovanni Lovell won the 60-mile race on the Hummingbird Highway on Sunday June 2, 2013. Some 41 riders suited up for the ride from Belmopan to La Democracia Village on the George Price Highway, back to Caves Branch Bridge on the Hummingbird Highway and back to Belmopan. Lovell broke away from the lead group on the Hummingbird

Hills and rode solo to the finish. Team Belikin Western Spirits’ Jose Choto was 2nd, Bennys Megabytes’ Allen Castillo and Angel Tzib were 3rd and 4th while Team C4’s Erwin Middleton rounded out the top 5. Team Sagitun’s Shalini Zabaneh was the 1st Female cyclist, sweeping another major win. Lovell was also 1st place in Juniors, while the 2nd Junior was BECOL Uprising’s Zahir Figueroa and the Capital Jewel Cycling Team’s Phillip Mencias was 3rd.

win in softball Ladyville, June 2, 2013 Sunrise scorched the Ladyville Rising Stars 12-1 by mercy rule with Sherrie Stevens; Kaylee Joseph, Stacy Smith and Sasha Brown scoring the first 4 runs in the 1st inning. Stars’ Sharette Williams also came home in the 1st, but it was all Sunrise after that. Stacy Smith came home in the 2nd inning, when pitcher Alma Gabourel and Georgia Humes came home in the 3rd inning and Kera Arnold, Chelsie Young, Gabourel, Humes and Stevens came home in the 4th. The UB Jaguars blanked Bermudian Landing’s Arrows Reloaded 20-0 in the second

game. UB’s pitcher Herlette Clarke struck out 7 batters to shut out the Landing ladies. UB led 13-0 when Deanah Garbutt, Donnalee Burns, Sherrie Macfadzean and Monica Tablada came home twice while Talesha Mckay, Kaylin Fuller, Monique Tablada, Rochelle Orellano and Yvette Macfadzean came home once in the 1st inning. Mckay, Monica and Monique came home in the 2nd inning while Aleesha Taylor Sasha Lamb, Georgia Young and Luise Rodrguez came off the bench to each score a run. Other games: DHC’s Mel’s United vs. St. Paul’s girls – 12-5 Flowers Bank Easy Does It vs. Rancho Dolores Village Gyals – 11-1

09 JUN JUN 09


SPORTS 15 Berlan upsets Excellence


183-181 in cricket playoffs Double Head Cabbage, June 1, 2013 Berlan of Bermudian Landing upset the defending champions, Excellence C.C. 182-181 in the first semifinal of the 2013 SMART Harrison Parks national cricket competition in Double Head Cabbage on Saturday, June 1. Excellence batted first and scored 181 runs all out, with Earl Weir hitting a six and five boundaries to score 32 runs. Emmanuel Macfadzean also hit three boundaries, scoring 27 runs. When Berlan came to bat, Berlan’s Man of the Match Her-

Bjourne Gabourel

Division Champs crowned at RF&G national table tennis tournament

Tyrone Tun, A Div. Champ

Billy Musa, B Div. Champ


defeats Belize U-17 females 7-0 Ladyville, June 2, 2013 The Belize U-17 national female football team lost 7-0 to Guatemala in the return match of the World Cup Qualifier. The girls had travelled to Guatemala, after losing the first match 8-0 played at the FFB stadium in Belmopan. In football related news,

the Belize National A football team will be holding their telethon to raise funds for the July Gold Cup competition in the United States. The team will assemble at the Majestic Room at the Princess Hotel and Casino on Saturday June 15th to meet fans and accept donations. Their target is $500,000.

Bryton Codd, C Div. champ Belize City, June 2, 2013 Four champs rose to top when the bi-annual RF&G national ranking tournament was held at the Belize Elementary School auditorium over the weekend. Tyrone Tun won the “A” division, Billy Musa - the “B” division, Bryton Codd - the “C” division and Petie Usher-Matus - the women’s division. Some 66 players took part in the competition on Saturday with the C Division round robin and continued on Sunday with round robin competition in all divisions. The competition format was a round robin qualification round, from which the top 2 from each group

bert Banner batted 54 runs while Jermaine “Hand” Baizar batted 52 runs. Lloyd Cassasola batted 13 runs and Tyrone Bood finished it up, batting 20 runs for the 183-181 win. Other matches: Lord’s Bank Sunrise vs. Rancho Dolores’ Western Eagles – 229-84 Man of the Match: Michael Sobers with 63 runs Upcoming games: DHC Excellence vs. Berlan Game 2, Bermudian Landing, Saturday Sunrise vs. Brilliant of Crooked Tree - Game 1, Lord’s Bank, Saturday

would advance to the double elimination finals in each division. Vice President of the BTTA, Jorge Espat, and Membership Director, Janine Carballo presented the trophies on behalf of the sponsors. BTTA President Arturo “Tux” Vasquez congratulated all the winners and thanked all the participants, sponsors, organizers and spectators who all made this event a great success. A division (5 top senior players competed) 1st - Tyrone Tun 2nd - Zhi Chen 3rd - Carlos Cui 4th - Billy Musa Jr. B division (16 players took part) 1st – Billy Musa Jr 2nd - Yasser Musa 3rd - Fabio Carballo 4th – Mario Guerrero C division (40 players participated) 1st – Bryton Codd 2nd – Toni Lui 3rd – Jason Lin 4th – Bjarne Gabourel Women’s division (5 players entered) 1st – Petie Matus 2nd – Samira Pott 3rd – Nikki Chang 4th – Diana Ma

Volleyball victories for St. John Vianney girls & St. Martin’s boys

Holy Redeemer girls

Tuff e’Nuff, Oceana No Limits, CYDP & Allied Abyssinnians enter basketball playoffs



09 JUN


09 JUN





Suraye Solis Valedictorian

Tatiana Habet Solis

Yasmin Ayuso

Marilen Guerra

Juhi Nandwani Salutatorian Belize City, Belize June 7, 2013 Saint Catherine’s Academy celebrated its Graduation ceremonies for the class of 2013! The school was celebrating its 130th anniversary of existence -- founded in 1883 by the Sisters of Mercy. The theme for the school year and graduation is -- Excellence is asking more of yourself than others ask of you. 142 students were in the senior class --134 were successful. 43% of the class of 2013 graduated with honors which means maintaining honor roll status for three or all four years. The Valedictorian was Suraye Rori Solis - St. Ignatius was her primary school. She had also topped PSE four years ago and (her sister Mirieli Solis was outstanding candidate for the country in 2013 CXC results). Her average was 96.250 over four years. Salutatorian was Juhi Nandwani with average of 94.500, third and also Parents’ Night Speaker was Tatiana Habet with average of 93.650. Notable rankings within the declared top twelve students for the entire school was Nia Arthurs, who was previously the Valedictorian from Grace Primary School and pioneered the first newspaper club at SCA. Nia Arthurs ranked 7th of the 142 students. We are told that another bright star of the graduating class is Karen Munnings who placed 12th of 142 students. Munnings, who was also the Valedictorian of United Evergreen Primary School in Belmopan City has distinguished herself as well by forming the first debate society for St Catherine’s Academy, after she was successful in the National Library Service Debate Competition. The Catherine McAuley Award is pre-

Krystal Bevans

Nia Arthurs

Karen Munnings

sented to the student that demonstrates the following criteria: 1. Is an inspiration and role model to all students 2. has made outstanding contribution to school life 3. has an enquiring mind and vision for her future 4. has energy and vitality 5. has potential for community, national, and internation leadership 6. has demonstrated committment to the SCA community The award is selected by the faculty. This years’s recipient was Juhi Nandwani. The guest speaker was Mrs. Jacqui Santos Locke, alumna of Class of ‘89. She is the mother of Tamera Locke ‘13. It is our tradition to give the mom of a member of the graduating class the honor to be the keynote speaker. She spoke on the importance of the students giving back to the community in any large or small way they can. In attendance were the Governor General Colville Young and Lady Young, Honorable Ivan Ramos and several other high ranking members of society. The air conditioned Kings Room at the Princess Hotel hosted over 900 invited guests. Teachers were honored for long and outstanding service including Jude Lizama for 39 years of service. Finally Sr. Margaret Salisbury, RSM retires after 18 years of service to SCA. She is the last Sister of Mercy to serve in active duty in the school. Her retirement brings a 130 year era of service in the school by Sisters of Mercy to a close. The audience gave her a standing ovation! SCA remains an educational institution that produces excellence and cultured citizens of Belize. BELIZE TIMES salutes the institution and the future female national leaders of Belize. God bless you and your families.

Tamera Locke

Shamera Gillett

Khaila Gentle

Michelle Quan

18 Remember that you have a solid foundation from EPYHS to become whoever you want to be. Be the change you want to see.

09 JUN



Valedictory Address 2013

Xiaowen Huang

“I have a dream” were the words of the great Martin Luther King Junior. With those words he inspired a movement that changed a segregated America. Today America has a black president in a second term of office. Class of 2013, one of our dreams is being realized today. Our day is here! Being able to become a graduate of Edward P. Yorke High School is definitely NO ACCIDENT. It started off as a dream five years ago as we were about to enter standard six. We knew we wanted to be students of one of the most distinguished secondary institutions in the Belize district but we knew that dreaming alone would not be enough as the standards and expectations at EPYHS are very high and so we worked very hard towards achieving high PSE scores. Four years ago that dream became our reality, but despite the fact that we were chosen from among the best of those who had applied, we stepped into EPYHS feeling awkward and confused, but having a dream of one day becoming graduates of this prestigious institution. We knew that it would not be easy from the first day we got home work from our Math teacher. All our subject teachers began to give us assignments and many days we felt like a flooding river. Second form only got worse as even Mr. Butler, our homeroom teacher, gave us homework for homeroom. I still remember our first homeroom homework; it was to write out the school song and the National Anthem. I thought to myself, “Seriously, Mr. Butler, we sang those songs more than 180 times each last year.” By the time we hit third form, we began to prepare for CXCs in our course subjects and subjects that we intended to challenge. We began to feel the nervous tension that success demands, but we pressed on. It was not easy; it included a lot of hard work which demanded long hours, different strategies and skills but we kept the dream alive. Today we have fulfilled yet another dream. We are leaving EPYHS with a solid foundation and confidence instilled in us by dedicated teachers of this prestigious institution. Thank you teachers! To my parents Mr. and Mrs. Huang, Mom and Dad, thank you for the love and support that you showered on us during these four years. You were patient and understanding. Each day, dad, you dropped us off and waited some times for hours for us as we did our extra classes in the evening. Thank you! To our creator, we thank you for the wisdom and knowledge and the will to preserve what you gave us for there are those who started this journey along with us but fell along the way. We pray that you give them the courage to press on. Though our years have been challenging academically, there were still enjoyable moments that we will never forget like when my class, 4IS, forced Aaron Huang to dance Gangnam Style during our class assembly. And up to this point we still do not know what Alden was saying in his Spanish rap even though he repeated it for Parents’ Evening. Probably the most interesting thing I can recall is that as fourth formers we went to UB to play preschool mathematics games. And how can I forget that a lot of us, including myself, got a detention on the last day of school because of coming out early from the Social Studies CXC exam. We have engraved so many memories in our hearts over these four years. Nevertheless the hard work is not yet com-

Edward P. Yorke High School plete; we will take off our gowns, hats and tassels and put on our uniforms to complete our CXCs over the next few weeks and thus write the last few lines in the high school chapter of our lives. As one chapter comes rapidly to a close; another starts abruptly with few warning signs and no room for errors. So I know that as the Vale-

dictorian I am to leave you with some profound insight on the right path ahead. To be honest, I had absolutely no clue of who to quote so I did what most of us would do when tasked with projects and researches. I visited the most magical website, Google, to gather some ideas. As I scrolled through the thousands of speeches Continued on page 30


for our Village Communities People’s United Party Village Council Agenda 2013 – 2016

The People’s United Party recognizes that true development in Belize will only take place thru meaningful, equitable and sustainable investments in our Village Communities. After 5 years of UDP Government our villages are poorer and less developed. The PUP understands that Rural Economic Development means access to potable water, access to arable land, access to affordable credit for our farmers, access to electricity, better feeder roads, access to modern telecommunications, proper housing and quality health care and education. Our village communities need less political interference and more solutions to the serious challenges they face. The next People’s United Party Government will pursue a bold reform and development agenda in our villages across Belize and will take the following specific actions: 1.

The PUP will recognize and respect the role and responsibilities of Village Alcaldes and Chairpersons.


The PUP will always consult with village communities before undertaking any project, investment or development in that community.


The PUP will provide an annual Subvention/Budget for each village community as a part of the National Budget. This budget will be determined thru consultation and on the basis of equity and need.


The PUP will remove the politically appointed Water Boards and give this important responsibility to the elected Village Councils.


The PUP will review, amend and strengthen the Village Council Act in consultation with Village Chairpersons, Alcaldes and residents in an effort to further empower these communities.


The PUP will re-activate and strengthen the National Association of Village Councils (NAVCO) and the District Associations of Village Councils (DAVCO) to allow these organizations to more effectively and efficiently serve the needs of our villages.


The PUP will increase the monthly stipend for Alcalde’s from $100.00 per month to $250.00 per month to allow them to more effectively carry out their responsibilities.


The PUP will institute a stipend for Village Chairpersons of $250.00 per month to allow the Chairpersons to more effectively carry out their work.


The PUP will increase the stipend for Community Health Workers from $75.00 to $250.00 per month to allow these dedicated workers to more effectively carry out their duties. We will also ensure that basic medicines and medical supplies are available at all Village Health Posts.


The PUP will re-establish functioning Ministry of Works Road Units in each and every district.


The PUP will re-activate the Rice Industry in the Toledo District and institute a one–payment system at a fairer price to our Belizean Rice Farmers.


The PUP will re-establish a Survey Unit in the Ministry of National Resources to assist with land surveys and the ongoing challenge of village boundaries.


The PUP will work with village communities to determine how these communities can more effectively benefit from the issuance of trade and liquor licenses.


The PUP will work with village leaders to make more effective use of Community Centers as “Opportunity and Activity Centers”.

09 JUN




Valedictorian Speech

Canaan High Class of 2013

By Deidre Lexcy Grinage It is an honor to address you in such a glamorous fashion. I am privileged to be a part of this historic event. Canaan High this year celebrates its Silver Anniversary. Perhaps that is another reason for the mixed emotions. For me it is one of nostalgia and accomplishment. Tonight’s event is the result of four years of hard work, sleepless nights, bitter tears, and at times the selfless sacrifice of fun times. But we hung in there fellow graduates. The memories of school experience here at Canaan High are in fact significant and unforgettable. We each have our own amazing story of our experiences during these past four years. But allow me to share the following quote by an anonymous writer as it relates to school life: Most irritating moments- morning alarm Most difficult task- to find socks Most dreadful journey- way to class Most lovely time - meeting friends Most tragic moments – surprise test in first period (and I add nobody does!!) Most wonderful news – Teacher is absent These may have been your views also on school life and probably still is for some but for me the past four years has been rigorous and at times frustrating decked with many wonderful instances. I can recall the first day I attended Canaan High, I felt so out of place, I felt so alone, but we all knew it wouldn’t stay that way for long. I have made some amazing friends throughout my 4 years at Canaan. Our little school on Coney Drive has been and will always be the best high school anyone could have possibly attended. The teachers are like mothers and fathers in my view. They are right there beside you in whatever and through whatever. They make the most difficult task doable I could recall when I was in 1st form with some of you guys. All we did was chew in Mrs. Evelyn’s class. Idle as we all were, we popped our gum as if no one was there but sad to say or glad to say Handsome Hansen took the fall for us. Thanks Hansen. Mrs. Evelyn always treated the class of 1 Sapphire to ice-cream and cake if we promised not to call “Social Studies” “Social Worries”. Well hello! Why not. Anything that is free we like. In 3rd form, we were entering

a new phase of our lives, deciding what we wanted to be in life. Our new home room teacher, Mrs. Praxedes Gillette, was not what we expected in a teacher. She is a surprise package in a unique way. She threw us a party at the end of the school year with piñata and all that stuff! How sweet of her. I could also remember in 4th form whenever we had nothing to do or a teacher was missing, we would take that to our advantage and would start the singing. Please don’t ask what kind of songs. In the midst would be Dj Daren and Dj Raven along with Superstar Deidre and Akeem. Right there and then the singing clash would begin. 4 Academic (A) has been the best class and that package came with an extraordinary homeroom teacher, Mrs. Prax we love you. We couldn’t have asked for more. Great Memories. I believe that recognition is due to all those who took their time with me and taught me what was best. Let me inject here that this is not the vote of thanks Keren, but I must thank the following people. Thanks goes out to Pastor Brown, the best counselor you could ever find. You have put up with me and my crazy frustrations but I am glad to say when I was finished I felt relieved and lightheaded. Thanks pastor. Mr. Jones thanks a bunch for always being kind when I need a banana or an orange. You have motivated me to do well in Biology and Chemistry classes. When I failed one of your quizzes, I made sure to pass the test by a landslide. Mrs. Praxedes, you have been like a mother to me, to us, to 4 Academic A. You’re understanding, caring, loving and loves to spoil me. I will miss you. Thanks to Mr. Alvarado. Although I got upset and lashed out at you sometimes when I didn’t know how to do a math problem, you stayed right by my side and pushed me to do what is right. A big thank you goes out to my parents especially my mom. Mother you have been there to meet my every need. Even when I don’t feel that way, you are. Thank you for being so strong. I love you mom, but most of all I would like to thank God for giving me strength and providing for my family and me. God comes first in my family’s life and always will. We have now reached the bridge of decision. We must decide from now on what we intend to do with our lives. We are about to venture out into the world and we might not know what lies

ahead but let God guide us in the right path. My fellow graduates, now is not the time to make hasty decisions. Now is the time to enjoy life, to learn from our mistakes, to imagine dreams bigger than ourselves. Don’t let anyone tell you you’re dreaming too big; a dream is never too big. Our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them. Think about all the great times we spent together, think about all the loving fiends we’ve lost, Mrs. Daisy and Rajiv, think about how amazing our God is to give us this kind of enthusiasm to do what we need to do. In this fast-paced world, there is still so much to learn, so many things to discover, so many dreams left to unfold. This is the time to be amusing, the time to be clowns, the time to have fun but it is also the time to be serious, it is the time to be sober, the time to be optimistic and the time to be whatever God wants us to be in this sin sick world. After all life is short, so let live it with purpose and vision. Albert Einstein once said that, “Education Is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.” I believe he was referring to what occurs at Canaan High. Each day we begin our day with prayer, singing and a short meditation. What better way to train the mind. In our lessons we are not simply taught the facts in

the books but we are trained to think for ourselves. As we see the bloodshed in our streets and faces of mothers who lose their children to violence, I realize that my country needs young people who can think, young people who are willing to make a difference in the country side where they live or in the residential areas of the well off or in the ghettos where they reside. Each day we have literally walked with God and trained to be the leaders that we are in God’s timing. We are certainly leaving Canaan, a different person. God created us with a purpose. If anyone tells you you’re not good enough you make sure you prove them wrong. We were all made in the likeness of God and therefore we can reason and do what is right. Graduates, we are the future generation of this country and we are the ones to make a difference. I want to conclude with a quote from Gandhi who once said, “Be the change we want to see in the world.” So fellow graduates as we go out to face the world let us ever remember the values learned and training received here at Canaan. We all will miss each other but remember, keep our memories dear to our heart and we will never be apart. To all the graduates of Canaan High 2013, from the bottom of my heart I would like to say keep on maintaining your walk with God because today we follow tomorrow we lead.

SharpCircle Corp (“the Company”)

Notice is hereby given that SharpCircle Corp. (“the Company”) - is in dissolution - commenced dissolution on May 15th, 2013; and - NICHOLAS JAMES TUDOR of 2 Dean Mains Barn Dean Cumbria CA 14 4TJ, UK is the Liquidator of the company NICHOLAS JAMES TUDOR (Liquidator)

COMARFI S.A. (“the Company”)

Notice is hereby given that COMARFI S.A., (the Company) - is in dissolution - commenced dissolution on June 3rd, 2013; and - Fidelity Management Ltd. of Suit 508 Marina Towers, Newton Barracks Road, Belize City, Belize is the Liquidator of the company Fidelity Management Ltd. (Liquidator)



09 JUN


09 JUN




Home Economics What we must do to avoid squandering the temporary relief from debt restructuring By Richard Harrison Belize was forced into commercial public-debt restructuring in 2006-7...and five-years after, it found itself in default, with need for another restructuring in 2012-13. In both scenarios....the respective governments claimed that the restructuring resulted in quantitative relief for Belize...saying that the government’s annual requirements for financing the debt was lowered. The amount of relief claimed in each case can be debated, but that is not the purpose of this piece. What we do know, is that any such relief was only kept the doctor away for only five years in the first instance!! The principal question is: how did Belize find itself, after only five years, in need of a second debt restructuring? The answer to this question can help us to avoid squandering the temporary relief from this second round of restructuring. To help us wrap our brain around this problem, let’s use a simple business principle: REVENUES - EXPENSES = PROFITS Revenues for Belize comes from various sources: - EXPORTS OF GOODS - sugar, citrus, banana, papaya, marine, grains, beef - EXPORTS OF SERVICES - tourism,

ship registry, IBCs, immigration - FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENTS (FDI) - sugar - REMITTANCES - from USA mostly - GRANTS - Taiwan - LOANS - multi-lateral IFIs Expenses for Belize comes from various sources: - RECURRENT EXPENDITURES - salaries, wages, benefits, social programs, graft, etc. - CAPITAL EXPENDITURES - roads, bridges, etc. Whenever the economy is spending more than it is reports deficits. These deficits are either closed by grants... or loans. In Belize’s case, unfortunately, it’s mostly the latter. Belize’s trade deficit has been a continuous sour point. Even though we discovered oil in 2005, our exports have remained at around half our imports. Receipts from export of services (mostly tourism), FDI, Remittances and grants have not been able to make up for our trade deficits. We import too much...and export too little. We are not a production oriented country. If we increased our production (wheth-

er for import substitution or for export), we would close the trade deficit gap....and significantly improve our macro-economic picture. We have to change our laws that limit our production capacity and capability....that limit our competitiveness and productivity.... these are primarily to do with the Customs Tariff Law, The Policy on Fuel Pricing, The General Sales Tax Act, The Business Tax, the Environmental Tax Act and the Central Bank of Belize current in-ability to determine interest rates. Modifications to these laws...could enhance Belize’s capacity and capability for production.....and exports cannot be increased without increase in production capacity and capability.....with improved competitiveness and productivity. Spending more and more on social programs.....without growing our production and like taking from Peter to pay Paul....both will be paupers in the end. It seems that Belize is hell bent on proving me wrong.....because there is absolutely no movement in this direction. Our leaders are putting all our eggs in one basket...... that the oil industry will lay another golden egg sometime soon....and that this blessing from the Almighty will be our saving grace. Our leaders love their imported brands and goods.....and will not give them up for local brands and goods. By allowing them this life of temporary luxury, we are cutting off our nose to spite our face. But....we were exporting oil during all those first five years of relief from 20072012. There is no evidence to prove that an oil find can save us from squandering ourselves. To avoid squandering the temporary relief we have from the debt restructur-

ing.....we had better fast track an agenda to improve Belize’s competitiveness and improve Belize’s capacity and capability for production....especially secondary manufacturing of value-adding on imported raw materials from Mexico and Guatemala. This is not a time for patting ourselves on the back... Unless we do this.....before another five years, we will find ourselves on our knees again asking for another bailout and restructuring....and the investment community will not be as lenient with us. In conjunction with this Belize MUST consider other forms of reducing liability exposure: (1) divesting of utility companies that were questionably appropriated (2) aggressively pursue debt-for-nature and debt-for-education swaps with developed countries, and that will mean upgrading our governance and transparency/accountability laws. (3) organize and channel the Belize diaspora’s investment capacity and capability within Belize, while also increasing their representation in our government. This must be done now.....while our credit rating has seen a modest improvement from the restructuring. This requires prudent and pragmatic leadership....that can help us walk a sustainable development path of rich diversity.....rather than take us down a narrow, slippery escape route of Almighty anointment with oil. Richard Harrison is a local businessman and investor in the manufacturing and service industries. Mr. Harrison holds a Masters in Business Administration degree from Lancaster University, United Kingdom. Send comments to harrisonbz@

Look like only Barrow fu eat! NEPOTISM = CORRUPTION

Lois Young Barrow (Ex-Wife)

Anwar Barrow (Son)

Shyne Barrow (Son)

Kimano Barrow (Nephew) PUC Board Member/Granted Oil Exploration Licence

Naima Barrow (Niece) Appointed to Election and Boundaries Commission

Liesje Barrow (Niece) Appointed to Belize Advisory Council

United Nations Ambassador

Appointed to BTL Board

Cultural Ambassador

Denys Barrow (Brother)

Appointed to Court of Appeal/Private Attorney for GOB

Cheryl Krusen (formerly Barrow) Appointed to Solicitor General




09 JUN


09 JUN


Valuing Your Self-Worth and Loving Yourself

By Dr. Angela Banner Joseph “Only make decisions that support your self-image, self-esteem, and self-worth” - Oprah Winfrey Do you know what it means to have self-worth? How do you determine what you are worth? Is your self-worth defined by someone else? Do you underestimate your value? I ask those questions because people often concentrate on their failures rather than their successes or their weaknesses rather than their strengths. So I ask the question respectfully, do you know your self-worth? Selfworth is defined as how you perceive yourself as a person; it is what you value about yourself in life and the respect you have for the person you are. It is simply a healthy way of looking at yourself. In life, we need to appreciate who we are, both perfections and flaws. As individuals, we must acknowledge our strengths and weaknesses while embracing what life throws our way. When you have positive self-worth, you feel good, have self-pride, and appreciate your own worth and accomplishments. Similarly, having a positive view of our self-worth allows us to accept and handle our flaws and imperfections in a way that does not negate our personal self-image. According to author and lawyer Inyala Vanzant, “Everything that happens to you is a reflection of what you believe about yourself. We cannot outperform our level of self-esteem. We cannot draw to ourselves more than we think we are worth.” If you have low self-worth, find the strength within your soul to think positive thoughts to change how you feel about yourself. Having poor self-worth can negatively affect how you interact with people in relationships, school, or the workplace



on a daily basis. It’s up to you to love you; so just do it! Be passionate about you. Learn about what makes you tick. Find the inner you in the middle of your madness. When you love yourself, you do better and feel better. When you are passionate about yourself, your self-worth shows. How comfortable do you feel by yourself? How do you handle your alone time? Is your self-worth based on what others think about you? Are others’ comments irrelevant to you, or do you worry and get depressed that you have depleted your self-worth over someone’s two-cent remarks? How do you feel when someone says something negative about you? How does it make you feel? Do you respond or walk away? We live in a world where we are compared against others, which makes us question whether we are good enough. Sometimes when you may ask the questions: Am I beautiful? Am I smart? Am I tall? Or other questions, like Do I have enough money? Questions like these may come up in people who are not happy with themselves. Not having positive selfworth can be a source of emotional pain. How often do you interact with people? How often do you let people know who you are? If you love yourself, you would let others like you, too. Try to engage in conversation with people around you. Don’t be shy when others try to have a conversation with you. Build your self-confidence so you will be comfortable with yourself. Being anxious will only ruin your self-confidence. Try not to masquerade as someone you are not. Love you! Let your self-worth shine and love yourself so others will see it. Value yourself and discover you. We all have within us unconditional self-worth. As we mature, we must acknowledge our self-worth and value the person we are in life. On our journey in the world, much learning will come from our experiences and interactions with family, friends, and self. But how do you respond to all of life’s changes as you grow and develop as a human being? Continue to learn about yourself: grow, change, and enjoy your life as the dynamic person you are. As Sasha Azevedo contended, “When you’re a beautiful person on the inside, nothing in the world can change that about you. Jealousy is the result of one’s lack of self-confidence, self-worth, and self-acceptance. The Lesson: If you can’t accept yourself, then certainly no one else will.” Dr. Angela Banner Joseph holds a doctorate degree in Educational Leadership and Change from the Fielding Graduate University.

More UDP Corruption


By Gilroy Usher, Sr. “To oppose corruption in government is the highest obligation of patriotism” - G. Edward Griffin At a press conference on Friday, Prime Minister Barrow tried to brush the worsening San Antonio Road scandal under the table. In doing that the PM said that there was nothing to worry about financially with the project because the paving of that road was cancelled and the funds were used to pave the road on which Deputy Prime Minister Gaspar Vega and his brother German Vega live in Orange Walk Town. Initially after all government officials refused to touch the matter with a ten feet pole for almost an entire week, it was stated that the funds for the paving of the San Antonio Road was disbursed by the Social Investment Fund (SIF). SIS then denied any involvement in the fiasco that the Prime Minister attempted to sweep under the rug. Copies of payment vouchers obtained by the press, however, show that although Imer Hernandez, who is nephew of the Deputy P.M., only did minimal work on the road several payments were made out to his company, Imer Hernandez Development Company, for a total of $179,957 over a period of almost a month. Hernandez himself has stated that he only received $50,000 of that money for minimal work he did on the said road. The Belizean people therefore have a right to know who collected the additional money for those vouchers that were made out to Hernandez’s company.

Unconfirmed reports were that the money for San Antonio Road was diverted to pave Clarke Street, where the DPM and his Rosewood brother, German Vega, both live. If the Government has nothing to hide on this matter why don’t they reveal which contractor paved Vega’s street, the bill of sale for the work and its source of funding, and who actually received the payment for the completed job. And why has Deputy P.M. Vega been hiding from the press ever since this latest corruption scandal broke? San Antonio Road and Clarke Street are totally different in length, width, and require varying preparatory work for paving. The paving of each street therefore would require a separate bills of sale to justify the cost for different the aspects of the work. They could not be used interchangeably. Without the bill of sale for the paving of the DPM’s street, the door has been left wide open for massive corruption. For example if the paving of the Vega’s street only cost half of $130,000, the Belizean people have a right to know who pocketed the remaining $65,000 of taxpayers’ money. And you can bet your last dollar that contractors, who politicians “turn on” to government, always end up overcharging and never undercharging for contracts. The Belizean people also need to see the payment vouchers for the paving of the Vega’s street, because it is highly likely that crooked UDP politicians pocketed thousands of dollars while the paving of the San Antonio Road was never done, and entirely separate funds were used to pave Clarke Street. Now consider this. Although the deal for San Antonio Road awarded to Deputy P.M. Vega’s nephew Imer Hernandez is shady, the same nephew of the Deputy P.M. has been awarded a $6 million contract to upgrade the Belize City Municipal Airstrip. Indeed, when it comes to corruption this UDP administration knows no bound.



09 JUN


Recipe of the week

Grilled Steak with

Tomatoes and Scallions Ingredients 1 tablespoon olive oil, plus more for grates 4 flat-iron steaks (about 6 ounces each) Coarse salt and ground pepper 2 pints cherry tomatoes or according to your preference several small regular sized tomatoes 2 bunches scallions, cut into 2-inch lengths 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

Directions . Heat grill to high. . Clean and lightly oil hot grates. . Season steaks with salt and pepper and cook 3 to 4 minutes per side for medium-rare. Longer for well done. . Transfer steaks to a plate, tent with foil, and let rest. . Meanwhile, place a double layer of foil or a grill topper on grill. Top with tomatoes and scallions; drizzle with oil. Grill until tender and lightly charred, 6 to 8 minutes. . Transfer vegetables to a bowl, toss with vinegar, and season with salt and pepper. . Top steaks with vegetables.

MARRIAGES Ruperto Emmanuel Coleman, 35, to Elsie Danita Cano, 26, both of San Juan, Stann Creek District Jeffrey James Smolinski, 52, to Annette Marie Rawlings, 54, both of Avon, Ohio, U.S.A. John Manuel Thompson, 61, to Adrianna Ursella Pineda, 52, both of Valley Community, Stann Creek District Eladio Mencias, 36, to Rosalia Cowo, 33, both of San Narciso, Corozal District Francisco Odair Biagne Montejo, 21, of San Roman, Corozal District, to Seyni Adely Cawich, 17, of San Victor, Corozal District Rene Othoniel Villanueva, 24, to Adriana Patricia Caliz, 19, both of Libertad, Corozal District Vidal Chan, Jr., 29, of San Narciso, Corozal District, to Ofelia Lucia Medina, 28, of Patchakan, Corozal District Marlon Cecil Peters, 34, to Sandra Denise Goff, 39, both of Belize City Edwin Humberto Noh, 29, to Gabriela Evangelina Novelo, 18, both of Guinea Grass, Orange Walk District Marvin Javier Morales, 20, to Irma Ermelinda Martinez, 28, both of Bella Vista, Toledo District Justino Audomaro Quintanilla,

28, to Midely Roseleny Rivero, 29, both of Sarteneja, Corozal District Felix Lorenzo Ek, 22, to Aura Rosario Velasquez Lopez, 18, both of San Narciso, Corozal District Julian Jasiel Patt, 19, to Miri Mireida Ramires, 19, both of San Narciso, Corozal District Santos Edito Oroman, 24, to Bertha Lidia Alvarado, 18, both of Santa Cruz, Stann Creek District Joel Leonel Sanchez, 35, to Brenda Judith Valladares, 31, both of Arenal, Cayo District Nery Atilio Valladares, 29, to Nidian Consuelo Gonzales Moran, 25, both of Arenal, Cayo District Amor Amado Meda Cunil, 29, to Eliza Mariela Chan, 27, both of Arenal, Cayo District Moises Velasquez, 35, to Yeni Asencio, 29, both of Bullet Tree Falls, Cayo District

DEATHS Julian Isidoro Bol, 55 Hubert Sanchez, 88 Octavio Alamilla, 61 Alesia Louise Bowen, 99 Manuel August, 46 Thelma Bernadette Palacio, 42 Mark Mervin McKoy, 26 Godwin Michael Flowers, 76 Gilbert Cadle, 45 Sommers Noel McCord, 51 Arturo Chang, 83

BIRTHS Born to Jose Manuel Martinez, Sr., and Milvia Yaseni Martinez nee Mendez, a boy, Jose Manuel, Jr. Born to Bernabe Camal, Jr., and Elizabeth Yolanda Camal nee Chi, a girl, Kylie Krystle Born to Nery Saul Paz Cano and Karen Lizzeth Cano nee Orellano, a boy, Alexander Emil Paz Born to Darrell Gilbert Swaso and Marla Aisha Swaso nee Cayetano, a girl, Kaelyn Arya Born to Omar Hamze and Rim Hamze nee El-Sayed, a boy, Ahmad Omar Born to Renan Rutilio Nicholson and Delmis Nicholson nee Sarceno, a boy, Renan Patrick Born to Charles and Margarita Reimer, a girl, Alicia Kaylee Born to Matthew Mark Young and Britney Deshawn Young nee Magdaleno, a girl, Brynae Martaysha Born to Louis Anthony Thompson, Sr., and Shanda Samanta Thompson nee Leslie, a boy, Louis Anthony, Jr. Born to Delroy Winston Hamilton and Natalie Rose Hamilton nee Espejo, a girl, Saige Emily Rose Born to Darren Zayne Gentle and Roxanne Sheila Gentle nee Perez, a girl, Annigail Sylvia Born to David Robert Wade and Nancy Ann Wade nee Mangar, a boy, Daedron Eric

BNTU wants Gender Policy halted June 3, 2013 Since the launch of the Revised National Gender Policy 2013 by the National Women’s Commission, the Belize National Teachers’ Union has been following with great concern, the wide range of issues that have emanated from the contents of this gender policy. The Council of Management of the BNTU has met and had the opportunity to have a presentation made to this body with reference to the implications the policy will have on our human, constitutional, social and educational policies and rights. Consequently, the BNTU views with grave concern these implications. The BNTU hereby indicates its intention to undertake a thorough review of the document with a view towards determining the impact the Gender Policy will have on ALL. BNTU intends to sensitize its general membership on the implications of this Gender Policy as well as to take the requisite steps to ensure that our general citizenry suffers no constitutional infringement as a consequence of having this gender policy enforced. We thus call on the government to put an immediate halt to any further action on this policy. Let it be known that as a significant stakeholder in the business of education, the BNTU will do all in its power to defend the best interest of all our constituents. We take this opportunity to indicate that we remain resolute in our intent to stand in solidarity against any system that will jeopardize the construct of the Belizean society. We now place the National Gender Policy under the microscope and we stand ready to act as our review unravels the real truth. (Press Release)

09 JUN



Father’s Day is next week Sunday, June 16th but we are starting to celebrate early here at MKC. Join us! Have you thought about what you will do for your Dad this Father’s Day? While you think, how about filling out our all about Dad form. You can get help from your Mom.



09 JUN


PUBLIC service






Queen Conch season closed Notice to all fishermen! The Queen Conch (Strombus gigas) fishing season officially closed to fishing, harvesting or capture as of Thursday 23rd May, 2013. A grace period had been of 8 days had been allowed to persons to consume and dispose of all Queen Conch in their possession. That ended on Friday 31st May, 2013. This means, all conch fishing activities must cease until the opening of the next

fishing season on 1st October, 2013. The Belize Fisheries Department has advised that any person found in possession of the Queen Conch after Friday May 31st will be charged and prosecuted in a Court of Law in accordance to the Fisheries Regulations. Any illegal fishing activity can be reported to the Fisheries Department at its Belize City Offices located on Princess Margaret Drive or at telephone numbers: 224-4552 or 223-2623.

BTIA OW announces winner of Name & Logo Competition The winners of the Belize Tourism Industry Association Orange Walk Chapter’s name and logo competition have been announced. The first place winner is Diana Obando from Branch Mouth, Cayo. Diana Obando landed the first place winning with the name submission of “La Dulce Vista.” This name encompasses everything that Corozal and Orange Walk District stands for. “Dulce” represents the cane fields and the sugar industry that both districts work on so arduously. “Vista” portrays the breath-taking scenic view which both districts have to offer. It characterizes a “get-away to a place that will capture SWEET memories.” Dorcas de Paz from Orange Walk Town is the second place winner. The idea of integrating the map

Answers for last week’s puzzle SUDOKU PUZZLE SOLUTION #19/2013

See answers NEXT WEEK

of northern Belize into the name of the quarterly publication came from third place winner, Jeremy Gongora of Yo Creek Village in Orange Walk. The map completes the image that we wanted to portray in the name of the publication – La Dulce Vista. The competition was carried out to obtain an original name and logo design for the BTIA Orange Walk Chapter’s quarterly publication that best represents both the Orange Walk and the Corozal Districts in its entirety through its culture, people, lifestyle, industries, landmarks, and/ or history. Eleven Belizeans submitted their vibrant and creative designs. The BTIA-OW Chapter is very grateful to all those who took time to participate in this wonderful competition. Look forward to the first issue of the publication “La Dulce Vista” in the first week of June 2013.

Answers for last week’s puzzle

See answers NEXT WEEK

09 JUN











Selected By Chris Williams

Mind-controlled exoskeleton lets paralysed people walk 5 June 2013 by Helen Thomson TWO years ago, Antonio Melillo was in a car crash that completely severed his spinal cord. He has not been able to move or feel his legs since. And yet here I am, in a lab at the Santa Lucia Foundation hospital in Rome, Italy, watching him walk. Melillo is one of the first people with lower limb paralysis to try out MindWalker – the world’s first exoskeleton that aims to enable paralysed and locked-in people to walk using only their mind. Five people have been involved in the clinical trial of MindWalker over the past eight weeks. The trial culminates this week with a review by the European Commission, which funded the work; the project has been carried out by a consortium of several major universities and companies. It’s the end of a three-year development period for the project, which has three main elements. There is the exoskeleton itself, a contraption that holds a person’s body weight and moves their legs when instructed. People learn how to use it in the second element: a virtual-reality environment. And then there’s the mind-reading component. Over in the corner of the lab, Thomas Hoellinger of the Free University of Brussels (ULB) in Belgium is wearing an EEG cap, which measures electrical activity at various points

across his scalp. There are several ways he can use it to control the exoskeleton through thought alone – at the moment, the most promising involves wearing a pair of glasses with flickering diodes attached to each lens. Each set of diodes flashes at a different frequency in the wearer’s peripheral vision. The light is processed by an

area of the brain called the occipital cortex. Measurements from this part of the brain can detect whether Hoellinger is concentrating on the left diode or the right. He shows me how concentrating on the left starts the exoskeleton walking, while concentrating on the right stops it. All this happens in under a second. Melillo isn’t wearing the cap right now, because the team has hit a snag. When the exoskeleton moves, its motors induce electrical noise in the EEG signal, making the readings unreliable. So instead of mind control, Melillo is walking by moving his upper body. As he leans left, a pressure

sensor just above his buttock registers the movement and moves the opposite leg of the exoskeleton. He repeats the process on the other side to begin walking. “It’s great, such an amazing sensation,” he says. “Not just walking but even being able to stand upright.” Two days after my visit, the team identified flickering frequencies that are less affected by the mechanical noise and filmed a researcher controlling the exoskeleton with his mind alone. The team plans to spend another five years refining MindWalker with an eye towards building a commercial product. “We’re going to make it more lightweight and smooth out the movements,” says Jeremi Gancet of Space Application Services in Zaventem, Belgium, a deputy coordinator on the project, “and possibly even incorporate it all into a

pair of pants to make it a little less ‘Robocop’.” They also want to ditch the glasses with the flashing diodes. A team led by Guy Chéron at ULB has identified the brain activity that corresponds with the intention of walking. This activity occurs about a second before you actually move and can be identified by EEG signals from the motor cortex. The team can even distinguish between the intention to walk quickly or slowly. The creation of an algorithm that can recognise these signals reliably opens up the tantalising possibility that much more intuitive walking control could be given both to people who are paralysed and to those who are completely locked-in, unable to move even their eyes. After some tentative first steps, Melillo is looking more confident. He won’t be swapping his wheelchair for a MindWalker just yet, but hopefully one day. “It’s great finally being able to look people in the eye,” he says.

Photo of your face is all it takes to predict your BMI 5 June 2013 by Paul Marks THERE’S a lot you can tell from a face – and now there’s one more thing: body mass index. Software that can predict your BMI from a snapshot of your face could turn a simple headshot into a revealing portrait of your build, and even your risk of certain diseases. BMI is a standard health metric that’s equal to a person’s weight (in kilograms) divided by the square of their height (in metres). Someone with a BMI over 30 is acknowledged as obese and below 18.5 as

underweight. How we perceive someone’s weight based on images of their face is strongly correlated with actual body weight and associated health risks (Perception, Building on that knowledge, Guodong Guo and colleagues at West Virginia University in Morgantown have now produced an algorithm that can analyse a mugshot and predict that person’s BMI. The software assesses seven weight-related components in a face image, including the ratios of cheekbone width to jaw width, face length to

cheekbone width and the average distance between eyebrow and eye. They then ran the program across images of 14,500 faces of people with known BMIs. The predicted BMIs were mostly within two or three points of the person’s actual BMI (Image and Vision Computing, That’s just a first attempt, Guo says. He says that tweaking the software to analyse more facial features should improve the results. “This could be used in smart health applications, relating face images to BMI and associated health

risks,” Guo says. “Or on online dating sites, for instance, it could help you assess the BMI and state of health of people you might date.” Ioanna Tzoulaki, an epidemiologist at Imperial College London, says such analyses could be useful if fat in the face can be correlated with patterns of disease, but she worries about discrimination. “What can this be used for except dating sites? People often have facial images in their CVs. Is it right to assign people into obesity groups from these?”



Get Out and Stay Out Today, so many people have a problem with self-control. An overweight woman will attend a party and eye the delicious pastries. “I’ll only take one,” she convinces herself. But, she then decides to take a little more. Despite understanding that the fatty food is not healthy for her, she keeps on taking ‘just one more’. Consider this. A man with a drinking problem is out with his buddies. He knows he’s driving, but his friends convince him to take a little tat. He doesn’t feel drunk after a taste, so he believes he can hold his liquor. One tat turns into a pint and another pint and another. The man eventually stumbles to his car. What do you think will happen next? Abandoning a habit is the easy part. Staying off a habit is where true strength lies. I often wonder why women who have abusive husbands return to their situation. From the outside looking in, I can’t seem to wrap my mind around the reasons for such a decision. It is so easy to point fingers and judge, but if we are truly honest we can find instances where we have returned to a destructive path lured by the false promise of ‘one more’. Let’s examine this passage from the Manual found in Genesis 19. Lot, Abraham’s nephew, decides to buy a house in Sodom, a city full of sexual immorality. The Manufacturer observed all His products malfunctioning in that city and decided he would get rid of them. Some heavenly beings who were visiting Abraham and Sarah at the time let it slip that God was planning to destroy Sodom. Abraham reasoned with the Manufacturer until He agreed to spare the town if ten properly functioning (righteous) people could be found. Apparently, those people went missing and God sent His angels to destroy the city. First, though, they stopped by Lot’s home and insisted he get out. For some reason as they were running away, Lot’s wife looked back and turned into a pillar of salt. She was the only family member who didn’t make it to safety. This story is the perfect example of God’s mercy and his justice. Many people (Christ followers included) take advantage of God’s mercy, which is new every morning. This doesn’t, however, mean it lasts forever. When we take one more look, hug, taste, drink, sniff or anything else, we are playing around with God’s mercy, and you can only play so much with fire until you get burned. Do not return to what God has already brought you out of. Do not look back. Here’s your Lawyer’s (Jesus) advice for dealing with these unhealthy desires: if it causes you to sin, cut it off (Mat 5:30). Done. No fuss. No complications. The Manufacturer loves His creation, but He is no fool. His judgment is swift and sure, just as His mercy is new and encompassing. So, for the love of all that is right, take your Lawyer’s advice. Get out and stay out! Until next week, God bless

09 JUN


Blurred Vision/Age Macular Degeneration Macular degeneration develops when the macula (the part of the eye responsible for central vision) is unBy Dr. David Hoy able to function as effectively as it used to. It is still unclear what causes the macula to become damaged, but getting older, smoking and a family history of AMD are known to increase the risk of developing the condition. Macular degeneration does not affect the peripheral vision (outer vision), which means it will not cause complete blindness. Symptoms: - d i f ficulty reading printed or written text (because it appears blurry) - c o lours appear less vibrant - difficulty recognizing people’s faces AMD usually affects both eyes, but the speed at which it progresses can vary from eye to eye. Types of AMD: - Dry AMD develops when the cells of the macula become damaged due to lack of nutrients and a build-up of waste products called drusens. It is the most common and least serious type of AMD accounting for around 9 out of 10 cases. The loss of vision is gradual, occurring over many years. However, an estimated 1 in 10 people with dry AMD will then go on to develop wet AMD. - Wet AMD develops when abnormal blood vessels form underneath the macula and damage its cells (doctors sometimes refer to wet AMD as neovascular AMD). Wet AMD is more serious and without treatment, vision can deteriorate within days. Treatment There is currently no cure. Treatment is mostly based on helping a person make the most of their remaining vision, such as using magnifying lenses to help make reading easier. Eating a diet high in leafy green vegetables and fresh fruit can slow the progression of dry AMD. Wet MD can be treated with a medication called ranibizumab, which helps prevent further blood vessels developing. In some cases laser surgery can also be used to destroy abnormal blood vessels. Treatment for wet AMD does not always lead to improved vision, but can prevent vision from worsening.

09 JUN

OUT Response to ‘A few thoughts … from buttons to bottom of souls.’ Continued from page 2

This next assumption is an alltime low for absurdities. To juxtapose sex between people and bestiality is arguably vicious, damaging and even malicious. Zoophilia is placed in the classification ‘paraphilias’ “not otherwise specified.” The World Health Organization takes the same position listing a sexual preference for animals in its ICD-10 as “other disorder of sexual preference.” Homosexuality is not such a disorder, or indeed a disorder at all. Informed consent between adults is not harmful. There is a clear and huge difference between a sexual orientation and a paraphilia. In the case of zoophilia, there are several kinds of zoophiles including sadistic bestials, which is examined in psychiatry, psychology, sex-




ology, ethology, anthrozoology, ethics, philosophy, law, animal rights and animal welfare. Having said that “maybe soon we will hear of another group” which was specifically referred to as ‘animal-bam’ claiming human rights to have sex with their own animals in the privacy of their own home, the author implies intentionally that therefore everything is acceptable under your own roof. This statement is far from truth, as well as being callously misleading and irresponsible. Ms. Matura-Shepard makes an astoundingly leap from sex between consenting adults to marital rape, crimes of incest, child abuse. How many LGBT people have ever been convicted of raping minors? Her outcry, that using privacy of one’s home to decriminalize sodomy would lead to marital rape, crimes of incest, child abuse, murder, slowly poisoning a spouse, and euthanasia, is an absurdist reduction. With no reason-based argument to propose, the writer is reduced to going for broke with fear-mongering tactics like this. It is akin to the Nazis spreading anti-Semitic propaganda. The only more appalling thought at this point is that any media house or public would consider this line of thinking credible. Ms. Matura-Shepherd does not see (or chooses not to) this issue as a human rights issue, yet young people every single day in the Caribbean

and around the globe commit suicide because of internalized shame, guilt, and fear due to heterosexism, heteronormativity, homophobia, homonegativity, biphobia, and transphobia. This antiquated colonial law (Section 53) that criminalizes the sexual behavior of gays and men who have sex with men, along with many firmly heterosexual men, fuels homophobia. It legitimizes prejudice, discrimination, hate crimes, and ‘cultural abuse.’ ‘Cultural abuse’ pertains to the everyday occurrence of prejudice and discrimination, verbal abuse, psychological harassment, bullying, or mobbing, ill treatment and everyday assault of LGBT by the whole society. It IS a human rights issue because one’s sexuality is integral to his/her humanity. To express and act upon one’s sexuality is fundamental to his or her experience as a human being. The writer also makes a deeply fallacious argument that the decriminalizing of sodomy is an impediment to her freedom of religion. How she draws up these conclusions defies common sense logic. No one is calling for a law to be adjusted so that Belizeans cannot practice or express their religion. She also thus turns the spotlight on herself as a god-fearing victim of people who, in demanding their inalienable human rights, are attacking her and her faith. It is a fact that LGBT folks historically have been persecuted under the

tenets and dogmas of fundamentalist religion. It is not OK for religious partisans to dehumanize and condemn LGBT people to eternal flames and irresponsibly associate their sexuality with rape and murder. Yet where is the condemnation of that? When LGBT folks defend themselves and respond, the same partisans cry foul. The religious voice and perspective have for centuries been the dominant ones, historically tyrannizing entire societies and even brutally oppressing anyone who doesn’t submit to its strict creeds. Women, especially, have been oppressed by the harsh tenets of fundamentalist religion. Fortunately, religious laws do not govern Belize; Belize is not a theocracy. To see how such a society operates, one need only study Iran, Sudan or Pakistan. I wonder if anyone would find these societies improved by their theocratic rules? Whether the decriminalizing of sodomy will lead to “more demands for gay recognition,” is up to future generations. But as generations progress and cultures shift, they will inevitably know when it’s time to (re)create laws that suit them. This is happening in the world and in Belize. Wherever a law oppresses a human being, it is his or her right to fight against that law and fight for his or her freedom to live in dignity and without fear and shame. Alex P. Vega, Psychologist/Sexologist

Residents of Dangriga

pay your taxes and

The Dangriga Town Council is raffling brand new 2 bedroom house.

For every fifty dollars paid on your property tax you get a ticket for a chance to win. Other residents can take part of this tremendous offer by purchasing a ticket for only fifty dollars ($50.00).

win a house!!!!!

Starting now June 2013 and drawing date will be March 2014.


Did she really say that?!!

Babies’ families could expect hospital bill, no compensation, says KHMH Board Chair Belize City, June 3, 2013 The families of the thirteen newborns who died at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital continue to live a nightmare as they try to find the answers to their tragedy. The Minster of Health nor the KHMH administration have offered any sort of relief to the mothers and fathers of the babies. In fact, aside from calling them into a meeting in a last minute attempt to dialogue with them, just hours before a press conference held last week, the hospital has abandoned them to suffer in grief. But the height of the KHMH’s cold and callousness was reflected by the Chairperson of the Board of Directors, Chandra Cansino, who responded

09 JUN


Continued from page 11 telephone if something went wrong. That horrible phone call came at 11:30 that same night when they were told that the baby was not breathing well, followed by another call at 11:45 to say that the child had died. The parents rushed to the hospital and by the time they arrived, five minutes later, the baby had already been taken to the morgue. “I am not happy with the KHMH,” said Mrs. Cruz, “we need to know what went wrong. We need answers”. This morning during the COLA protest outside the KHMH, we met 20 year old Magali Mai whose child died on May 17, 27 days after birth. Mai travelled the 52-mile distance from Orange Walk to join the protest. Her baby son was born prematurely on April 20th. Days later, she was told that her baby got infected with a bacteria and needed blood. When she obtained the blood asked for, she was told the blood wouldn’t work anymore. Her child died days after. In Mai’s hands, she held a bundle of papers, copies of hospital bills printed and given to her when she was let out. In total, the bills come up to $1,860. So far, the hospital has had one meeting with the parents, which was called minutes before the hospital administration held a press briefing last week Thursday, May 30th. Panton said he feels that meeting was simply for the hospital officials to gain an upper-hand by knowing what concerns the parents have. Since then, the hospital has not contacted the parents, and at least one parent was told to stay away. In the May 26th edition, the BELIZE TIMES had reported the experience of another mother who lost her newborn in December 2012. In this case, it is believed that an infection believed to be “klebsiella pheumonea” contaminated the hospital’s neo-natal unit and killed several babies. These incidents were not reported by KHMH authorities.

Who pays the piper…calls the tune! Continued from page 7 group, which pressured the Government to revoke the sale. Charles could not fight the revocation, because the land was and still is a protect area. We are told the UDP never took their eyes or stickyfingers off the land at Krooman lagoon and have now found a way to sell away the protected area little by little. This is what Vega will accomplish following the dereservation. Could it be any coincidence that two weeks after the dereservation is announced, the same businessman involved in the land controversy in 2009 is making a huge donation to the event held by the PM’s wife? Inquiring minds want to know.

indignantly to a question about compensation for the victims as a result of the gross neglect at the hospital. In Cansino’s view, compensation is out of the question, but she added that instead they should expect a hospital bill. Here are her exact words: “I’m not sure exactly what compensation, because it was basically a brief admission and discharge and the only thing that they would probably be given would be a hospital bill.” – KHMH Board of Director Chairperson, Chandra Cansino.

Parents demand answers!


Valedictory Address 2013

Xiaowen Huang Edward P. Yorke High School

Continued from page 4 and found nothing in my personal interest, I realized that I am just going to express how I feel. We are living in a world filled with poverty, immorality, crime and violence and there is no doubt in my mind that we all desperately want solutions to these ills of our society. Graduates, we may feel that we are in no position to prevent or even alleviate the inevitable destruction of our society. If it is to be, it must begin with me. You can work towards being a productive citizen of this beautiful country that we love so much. Milton Berle, a famous actor from the United States said, “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” This quotation means a lot to me. If you look around you: in your workplace, in your homes, in your community, in the society as a whole, everyone seems to be waiting for opportunity to knock. The student is waiting for a scholarship to further his/her education, the single mother is waiting on the meager fifty dollars from child support, the young graduate is waiting for a white collar job, the unemployed are waiting for the minister to pay their bills, teachers and public officers are waiting for a raise. We all seem to sit idly by and wait for opportunity to knock, but sadly, for the vast majority of those who sit and wait for opportunity to knock: it does not. My fellow graduates “Build a door”. Like Martin Luther we all “have a dream” of being someone great, Asher wants to be an architect, Burns wants to be an engineer, Hardie wants to be a

police officer, Xiaochuan wants to be a mathematician, Edgar wants to be a football player and I myself dream of becoming a chemist, but dreaming is not enough. These careers will not just fall into our laps. There will be hardships, closed doors, even failures. Graduates do not be discouraged if opportunity does not knock, “Build a door.” One problem with Belizean youths today is that we are too single minded. Most of us graduate from high school, go on to college and graduate from college which is very commendable, but what do so many of us do with the Diplomas and the Associates degrees that we worked so hard for? NOTHING! Many sit at home and wait for an office job while they complain that Belize doesn’t have opportunities for employment. Well I stand here to tell you that you are sadly mistaken. Belize has a lot of opportunities for employment: the hospital is full of Cuban doctors and nurses. When last have you been to a store or grocer who was born in Belize? Have you caught the famous “Dalla Van” or spoken to the security guard at your local bank or store? Job opportunity does exist but it will not fall into your lap. You need to get up off the couch. The Bible says to Ask! Seek! Knock! Unfortunately none of these are passive words; they require action on your part. But many prefer to sit in their houses doing nothing and hope that one day someone could see their talent. It is ridiculous.

Madea is a famous character in every household that families have come to enjoy. When Tyler Perry found himself unemployed, homeless and living out of his car he “built a door” instead of waiting for a job to be the actor in a play or movie; he started to write his own plays and movies. Opportunity did not knock at his door he built his own door, opened it and walked through. Today, Madea is known and loved worldwide. And Tyler Perry, well he is a millionaire. Graduates, “build a door”. If your dream job requires more skills and more education keep on building the door to your success. Be fully equipped with education. Do not ever stop to think that graduating from high school or even Sixth Form is enough. There are thousands of university graduates who are searching for your dream job. Take a look around you. Look at how far so many have traversed to follow their dreams; they have built their own doors to opportunities and filled spaces that you could have filled. The competition for jobs is the most challenging in this world and so opportunity may never knock at your door, so don’t wait, “Build a door”. Remember that you have a solid foundation from EPYHS to become whoever you want to be. Be the change you want to see. Do not become a negative statistic. Fellow graduates, I challenge you “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” Thank you, May God bless you.

09 JUN



Who dropped the ball?? Belize absent from important SICA-CARICOM trade meeting

Belize City, June 5, 2013 Belize has always been considered the bridge between Central America and the Caribbean, but last week when an important trade and economy meeting was held with key business leaders of the two regions in Guatemala, that bridge was overlooked when Belize absented itself. The organisers of the meeting had invited Belize through the Belize embassy in Washington, but no official of the country chose to show up.

When pressed for questions, our Ambassadors in Guatemala and Washington gave conflicting reports. Ambassador in Guatemala Fred Martinez claimed that “none of our embassies were informed”, while Belize’s Permanent Representative to the OAS in Washington said that not only was Belize officially invited, but that that invitation was “transmitted to several places in Belize”. Aware of the role Belize plays between both regions, Mendez said that the OAS

Million dollar contracts for

Deputy Secretary General Albert Ramdin had contacted him several times to remind him of the meeting, and in turn, he reminded officials in Belize. “We reminded our contacts in Belize about the invitation that it was very important to the OAS because Belize is seen as the bridge between CARICOM and Central America. It was very important for us to be there and unfortunately we were not,” Mendez told Channel 7 News. And with no Belize ‘bridge’ to cross, CARICOM countries have set

31 up direct trade agreements with Guatemala. Trinidad and Tobago’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Winston Dookeran, said that for his country which has the largest economy in the Caribbean the meeting further facilitated trade and business with Guatemala.

VACANCY: Waitress needed at La Catracha Bar. #1756 Coney Drive, Belize City. For more information, call telephone number 605-7307.

Gaspar Vega’s nephew, Imer Hernandez $179,000 for San Antonio Road, MILLIONS more from UDP Government


Continued from page 1 road works that were never done in Orange Walk Town is only the tip of the iceberg. So far, no one in Government has been able to elucidate how taxpayers’ money was used so loosely, to benefit Vega’s family member. Not even Prime Minister Dean Barrow, who is the Minister of Finance, can explain adequately how Hernandez got paid for a contract that was not executed. Barrow fumbled with words as he concocted the excuse to news media that Hernandez’s contract for the San Antonio Road had been cancelled and replaced. But the documents obtained by the BELIZE TIMES and other media houses tell another story: the story of almost $200,000 paid to Vega’s nephew for the paving of a road that is today a horrendous environmental and traffic hazard to residents. The work was never done, but in the payment vouchers leaked from the Ministry, the work was confirmed as completed by officials. While Hernandez has hidden from the media to avoid the hard questions, his name has been ringing constantly as information has surfaced of more contracts given to him by the UDP Government. This is not a normal situation. One of those contracts is a $200,000 contract for the renovation of the Belmopan Market. This 12-month contract which started May 20 2013 was granted by the Ministry of Works. Reports are that Hernandez’s bid for the contract was selected even though a lower bid by another company had been offered. There is also a $6 million contract for the rehabilitation of the Belize City Municipal Airstrip. This contract, like the Belmopan market, was awarded to Hernandez’ company even though lower bids were offered. Then there is the contract to carry out phase four of the Trial Farm Drainage project. Trial Farm is in the Deputy Prime Minister’s constituency. It is a project that started in 2009 and has moved at a snail’s-pace. The first phase was awarded to Kennard Smart, a former UDP candidate from Corozal. The other phase was carried out by UDP candidate Denny Grijalva’s company, and now Imer Hernandez has the nod to carry out phase four. Over that period tens of thousands of dollars have been paid out by the UDP Government. Hernandez was also awarded a contract to “improve” street side drains and pave “a section” of Zuzuc Street in Corozal Town. Last week, the BELIZE TIMES revealed that Hernandez was granted a $2 million contract to pave a number of streets in Benque Viejo, San Ignacio and Santa Elena and Punta Gorda through the Social Investment Fund. We are certain this list is not complete. There are many more contracts through which the nephew of Gaspar Vega is being paid millions of dollars.



09 JUN


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