Belize Times October 19, 2014

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19 OCT


Established 1957

The Truth Shall Make You Free

19 OCTOBER 2014 | ISSUE NO: 4917 | $1.00

Territorial Integrity – A Priority!!

Walking towards the location where Danny Conorquie was killed on September 25th

Belize City, October 15, 2014 Opposition Leader Hon. Francis Fonseca is leading by example. In an effort to learn and get first-hand knowledge and experience of the challenges and problems facing our country’s border security and national sovereignty, Hon. Francis trekked through Belize’s wild forest and listened to the experts as

Pg. 3

PUP’s record of asserting Salvadoran shot Belize’s Independence dead one lane from

….the UDP’s record of betrayal

Pg. 23 While Belize faces a national security crisis, Minister of National Security John Saldivar preferred to participate in the Miami carnival this past Sunday October 12th

Police Station Pg. 23

Dangriga Market SUFFERS Another Delay Pg. 15

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Major Oscar Mira challenges Coast Guard Commander Johnny Borland


Dear Editor, It was with utter amazement and surprise and later disbelief that I watched the news last night and heard Rear Admiral Johnny Borland try to explain why the Ministry of National Security fell asleep behind the wheel and permitted a Guatemalan Construction Company, BINARQ, to build both the Belize Coast Guard Northern Forward Operation Base in San Pedro and the Forward Operating Base on Hunting Caye. His presentation, perhaps written by someone else and well-rehearsed can only be described as the Ministry of National Security’s attempt at using a credible, well-trained and professional individual to explain the reason why the contract could have been offered to BINARQ without raising any eyebrows. His statement is misleading in many ways. While the Status of Force Agreement states that the US government can award a contract to any company that qualifies, being the lowest bidder is not sufficient qualification. The Ministry of National Security must be more involved and agree to the company that is awarded the contract. The awarding of this particular contract to a Guatemalan Company to build the Coast Guard FOB at Hunting Caye had nothing to do with the second round of confidence building measures between Belize and Guatemala as insinuated by the Admiral. The reason no one offered any objection to the contract being awarded to BINARQ was because as the Minister of National Security noted “I imagine that at this point we are reviewing our procedures Continued on page 22

LOCAL 17 Oct

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Street Works & Value for Money October 4, 2014 The Belize Times #3 Queen Street Belize City Belize


Dear Editor: I am writing this letter to provide an overview and insight on the current atrocious conditions of the streets and major highways of our beloved jewel Belize. As has been observed, the quality of the highways and streets have deteriorated overtime. Several issues ranging from the increase in pot holes, minimal or no pavement on majority of the streets, and improper drainage contribute to the social, economic and environmental apprehensions that Belizeans bear on a daily basis. Fortunately, the Government of Belize has become conscious of the dilapidated state of the highways and roads. The Government of Belize has also created several projects with contractors to improve highways and most importantly local streets in the country. These works were fortunately made possible with aid from several nations and institutions in the form of financial grants to improve road infrastructure. Included in these major financial aids is the $30 million dollars that was granted to Belize by the World Bank. Nevertheless, many streets need to be fixed and reconstructed and our country cannot simply depend on foreign aid to


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20 Oct

address this issue. In some cases, the terrible conditions of the streets have directly led to fatalities. For instance, there are a high number of potholes on our major highways. This is very dangerous since vehicles are traveling at a high speed and can cause fatal accidents. To be frank, aside from being unacceptable, the conditions of some of the highways are quite humiliating. In regards to streets of towns and cities, citizens suffer high levels of dust that decrease the health of individuals. For instance, in the rural areas of Orange Walk, critical roads have become to a certain degree impassable! These streets then deny access to the various farms and villages of the town. As mentioned before, streets such as the San Antonio Road and even the main Highway in Orange Walk have been riddled and plundered with dust. Fortunately, due to the persistence of the Mayor, the main highway went under recent construction. Now, one of the most disastrous impacts of the streets is due to the poor drainage systems. Streets and major roads across the nation have been gutted by the incessant rains in the past days and weeks. The rains have directly led to massive flooding. These floods have prevented children from attending school and led to the loss of durable goods which in turn increases poverty. We must keep in mind that our country is prone to Hurricanes which can completely devastate any and if not, all the means of transportation in Belize. It is unfortunate that when we Belizeans are merely informed of the extravagant expenditure that is incurred to pay these contractors we just sit back and observe the negligible work that is done. Belize has benefited somewhat from cement streets that allow faster access to work, schools and shopping centre, but there is still no focus on the quality work. None of the roads in the nation has been constructed to international standards. Furthermore, the engineers of the roads do not have a plan for the proper drainage system. Even with these cemented roads, residences of Belize are still suffering floods! We must also bear in mind that only a small portion of the roads have been cemented. The frustration level continues to mount as motorists in the nation’s business hub try to creep over Continued on page 22

2621Mar Oct


OUT Is it a bar or not?


Dear Editor, I am in total disgust after reading the article entitled “DARREL’S LIE … Gets A Contraband Black Eye” published on the Sunday, August 31, 2014, in which a bust of large sums of money and contraband liquor was conducted on the co-owner of a bar situated in the BTL Park. This article speaks about multiple issues all pointing to the bar which has raised a lot of eye brows since it was opened for business. I am totally against a bar being located in a well-known park. One reason is that this is a place where a lot of families go to enjoy themselves and where children and teens come to interact. By placing a bar there it makes it prone for bar fights to happen. This can make visitors to the park feel unsafe and unprotected because at any time a beer bottle can come out flying from inside the bar and hit an innocent bystander. My other reason for being against it is the selling of illegal liquor, which only people with special permits are alContinued on page 22 SCAN HERE

The Belize Times

Established 1957

14 APR 2013


The Truth Shall Make You Free

ISSUE NO: 4840



serving Belize since 1957 as the longest continuous newspaper. Founder: Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus EDITOR


Chris Williams


Roberto Peyrefitte Printed and Published By TIMES NEWSPAPER LTD. Tel: 671-8385 #3 Queen Street P.O. BOX 506 Belize City, Belize

27 Mar Oct 622 Feb


Exchange rate of One Belize Dollar

United States (USD): $ 0.50

Barbados (BBD): $ 1.00

Eastern Caribbean Euro (XCD):$ 1.35 (EUR) : $ 0.37

Sterling Pound Guatemala Quetzal CANADIAN DOLLAR (GBP): $ 0.29 (GTQ): $ 3.91 (CAD): $ 0.54


Trinidadian (TTD) : $ 3.17


19 OCT



Territorial Integrity – A Priority!! Continued from page 1 he led a special visit to Chiquibul Forest Reserve on Saturday, October 11, 2014. The Chiquibul Forest Reserve has come under severe attack from incursions by illegal Guatemalans. In recent years the incursions have increased, resulting in accelerated devastation of the environment as trespassers enter to carry out hunting, logging, farming, poaching, gold-panning, and looting of important and historic Maya sites. It was inside the Chiquibul reserve, at the Caracol Mayan site, that 20 year old special constable Danny Conorquie was gunned down by a Guatemalan trespasser on September 25th. Danny became a target because a few days earlier Belize’s security officials patrolling the area had found Guatemalans. Their horses were confiscated and left near Caracol. When the Guatemalans returned for their belongings with weapons there was no security at the site and a lone Danny. Protecting and preserving all of Belize is the Government of Belize’s responsibility. Non-governmental organisations have been formed to support Government’s efforts and in the case of the 264,000-acre Chiquibul reserve, the responsibility has been taken up by Friends for Conservation and Development since 1995. Today, the challenges have outgrown the capacity of the conservation group; however, and they have been calling on Government and other stakeholders to provide more support to their efforts. For the most part those calls have landed on deaf ears. The Barrow Administration has undermined the efforts to protect Chiquibul by refusing to give adequate support. Despite the reports of serious environmental exploitation, neither Prime Minister Dean Barrow nor any member of his Cabinet has ever visited the Chiquibul area. Instead they remain in their AC offices and come up with policies that are disconnected with the reality. For example, the Government provides financial support through PACT grants to FCD. This year’s amount is less than half of the required budget, and is insufficient to even hire enough park rangers which are needed for greater presence in the protected area. FCD has had to resort to holding fundraisers to meet their budget. Being on the ground has given Hon. Francis a deeper understanding of our border and territorial issues which the PUP will have to address as priority when it becomes the next Government. On Wednesday, October 15, at a press conference held at the PUP Headquarters, Independence Hall Hon. Francis declared that Chiquibul needs urgent attention from the Government and stakeholders. He highlighted eight areas that need adequate response, which include better security with the installation of more BDF outposts at specific locations, more security through the establishment of a 40-member Environmental Police Unit, greater financial support from GOB through the budgetary allocation of $750,000 annually, the enforcement of laws to consultation and for-

Hon. Francis learning about the challenges facing Chiquibul National Reserve

03 3 mulating an overall sustainable plan in consultation with relevant stakeholders. “As the Leader of the Opposition, as a Party preparing to form the government of Belize, we have a duty and obligation to understand these things for ourselves…when it comes to national security issues, we have to be very clear, we have to be very strong. Until we resolve this unfounded claim, until Guatemala abandons this unfounded claim, we have to sleep with our own eyes,” he urged at the conference. Joining the Opposition Leader in the visit to Chiquibul was Deputy Leader Hon. Julius Espat and other individuals affiliated to the party with senior military experience. The Chiquibul area falls in Hon. Espat’s Cayo South constituency and he said that while Belize and Guatemala are moving to build relations, the laws of the countries must be respected.

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on the BORDER SECURITY AND THE CRISIS AT CHIQUIBUL By Francis W. Fonseca On Sunday, October 12th, 2014 I along with Deputy Party Leader Hon. Julius Espat visited the Chiquibul National Park and the Caracol Archaeological Reserve, the site of the slaying of Special Constable Danny Conorquie. There has been much talk over the past few weeks about Caracol, Chiquibul and Danny Conorquie and the purpose of our visit was to see first-hand these sites and in particular the scene of the crime against our Country. We were also there to learn as much as we could from the frontline workers in the fight to protect and secure our environment and borders. We left Belize City at 5am and were joined by Lt. Albert Vaughan (Ret. BDF), Major Oscar Mira (Ret. BDF), and Vaughan Gill who travelled with us to San Ignacio where we were met by Rafael Manzanero and Derick Chan of FRIENDS FOR CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT (FCD) at 6:30. From San Ignacio we travelled to the Chiquibul National Park where our first stop was the Visitor’s Center for a comprehensive briefing from FCD’s Executive Director Rafael Manzanero on the work, role, function and responsibilities of FCD. Manzanero, Chan and their team of 4 Rangers are extraordinary men with an awesome responsibility which they carry out courageously, proudly and honorably. The Chiquibul Forest comprises the Chiquibul National Park, the Chiquibul Forest Reserve, and the Caracol Archaeological Reserve which altogether amount to some 7.7% of Belize’s Landmass. The Chiquibul is documented as having 17 ecosystems, more than 650 plant species, some 780 species of fauna, and is home to the great animals of Belize including the Jaguar, Tapir and Scarlet Macaw. From the Visitor’s Center we travelled some 20 minutes to Caracol. Caracol is majestic and home to the Classic Mayan Temple CAANA. Its majestic beauty and great history are quickly forgotten when one’s eyes are fixed upon the small thatch hut with

logwood stumps upon which Danny Conorquie sat on September 25th, 2014 when he was cowardly and tragically executed by Guatemalan bandits intent upon making a point by assassinating one of Belize’s Security Officers. Caracol is now officially closed to the public but not much has changed there since September 25th. The BDF has moved soldiers from Tapir and D-Silva camps to establish a presence at Caracol and one officer from the Special Police Unit (SPU) is on duty alongside the BDF but there is still no transportation available to them. They rely on FCD to transport them in and out of Caracol. FCD and our Security Forces need our support. Our Country is under siege in the Chiquibul from Guatemalan nationals and we all need to understand this and respond accordingly. These are the Challenges: 1. AGRICULTURAL INCURSIONS: Guatemalan Nationals are planting huge Milpas (on average 50 acres) on Belizean territory growing Pumpkin, Blackbeans, Corn and Marijuana. In Caracol the area being illegally farmed has grown from 12000 hectares to 26000 hectares in just the past 3 years. Lands are even being surveyed and sold by these Guatemalans. 2. LOGGING: Daily illegal logging is destroying the Chiquibul Forest. It is taking place day and night and logging trails extend for miles from Belize into Guatemala.

Rare and valuable hardwoods are being cut down and hauled off to Guatemala costing Belize millions of dollars in lost revenue. 3. XATE EXTRACTION: Again, the Xate plant/leaf is being cut down and taken over to Guatemala for sale and export resulting in significant economic loss to Belize. 4. HUNTING AND WILDLIFE POACHING: Guatemalans are killing our animals for food and for sale and also capturing our wildcats, Macaw and Tapir for sale to Zoo’s in Guatemala and Mexico and to wealthy individuals in those Countries. 5. GOLD PANNING/ MINING: Guatemalan Nationals are illegally coming into Belize and our Chiquibul Forest to pan for Gold destroying our land but also imperiling the Chiquibul Watershed which provides water to 45% of Belize’s population. So when you open your faucet in Port Loyola, Belize City you need to appreciate that your water supply originates in the Chiquibul. 6. LOOTING OF MAYAN SITES: Guatemalan Nationals are destroying and stealing our History. Looting our ancient artefacts and breaking our priceless mounds in the process. What is lost can never be recovered. Guatemalan Nationals are coming into Belize on a daily basis in increasing

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numbers and more often than not they are armed. They are increasingly emboldened and aggressive toward FCD Rangers and our Security Officers. This is a difficult, complex issue which requires urgent national attention. It is not a Political Issue. The PUP has come to the Belizean people with this issue not only because we have a duty and obligation to do so, but also because regrettably the UDP government has consistently expressed and displayed a reluctance to work with the Opposition or anyone else on any issue of national importance. Based on our personal visit to Chiquibul and Caracol and in particular our discussions with frontline workers, we offer the following recommendations: 1. Government must convene an urgent meeting of all relevant stakeholders inclusive of Government, Opposition, FCD, Tour Guides Association, BTB, NICH, MNR, BDF/BPD. The objective is to understand the challenge and chart a coordinated way forward. This process begins with communication and information sharing. This must be done by the end of October. 2. There are 3 existing Conservation Posts: Tapir, Rio Blanco and Ceibo Chico. New posts are to be constructed at Camp Valentin, Caballo (further north), and Cebada. These must be completed urgently. 3. Establish a 40 Member ENVIRONMENTAL POLICE UNIT (EPU) to work alongside FCD and the BDF to man these Posts and protect our Reserves. 4. Each Conservation Post should be manned by a force of not less than 20 at any point in time (24 hrs a day). 12 BDF, 6EPU, and 2 FCD Rangers. 5. Approve a fixed budgetary allocation of $750K each year to FCD to strengthen their effectiveness and allow them to increase their number of Rangers from 6 to 24. 6. The Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) needs to coordinate the removal of survey lines and pegs which have been illegally put down by Guatemalan Nationals in Belizean territory. 7. Government must coordinate the clearing of the many large Milpa Farms by aerial spraying or some other effective alternative method. 8. There must be engagement with the Guatemalan authorities particularly those with responsibility for the village of LA REJOYA in Guatemala which is about 1500 ft from the Belize Border and has a population of some 2000, many of whom are directly involved with and responsible for the challenges we have outlined. It is our hope that the Belize Government will act quickly and responsibly to respond to these recommendations and address this urgent issue.

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BELIZE – GUATEMALA RELATIONS This statement was produced by the People’s United Party in 2010 in defence of Belize’s territorial sovereignty. The Barrow administration completely ignored it. The single most important issue facing Belize, as a nation, is the defence of our territorial integrity and our sovereignty over all our territory. Despite all our effort at negotiations, facilitation and other means of peaceful settlement of the unfounded claim by Guatemala to Belizean territory, no settlement has been achieved. Both countries have agreed to seek the approval of their respective peoples to submit the dispute to the International Court of Justice for determination. The People’s United Party wishes to express its serious concern at the lack of progress of the referendum process to date. More than one year has passed since the December 8th 2008 signing of the Special Agreement and we appear no closer to the referenda. In light of the electoral cycle in Belize and Guatemala, the prospect of holding a referendum is at least four years away. It now seems impractical and unlikely for a referendum to be held until after the 2013 general elections in Belize. This means that the earliest possible time that a court hearing can be begin, if approved by our respective peoples, is in 2017. We believe that this delay calls for a reassessment of the Belize Guatemala relations. Public records reveal that illegal migration by Guatemalans into Belize is on the increase. The number of illegal settlements in the border area has also increased. Additionally, deforestation and cultivation in the Chiquibul Forest Reserve by Guatemalan nationals has reached unprecedented and unacceptable levels. The Gulf of Honduras continues to be exploited by over-fishing by unlicensed fishermen, and pollution increases unabated. Trafficking in persons, drugs and illegal arms as well as smuggling of goods across the border continues to be a cause for serious concern. These new levels of illegal activities by Guatemalans with the resultant stresses on our land and sea demand a new focus, special attention and urgent remedial action. In short, the People’s United Party calls for a recalibration of our national policy in our relations with the Republic of Guatemala. This new policy must be designed to protect and preserve our land and sea from illegal activities which have deleterious effects on the environ-

ment. Illegality along the border and in our southern waters demands a dramatically new strategy by our security forces. No longer can we dedicate millions of dollars to diplomatic and legal efforts to solve an unfounded claim by Guatemala to Belizean territory, whilst we say we have insufficient resources to address the pressing problems of illegality and environmental degradation. It is time to emphasize the defence of our country from physical attacks whilst at the same time remaining engaged in defence of the Guatemalan Claim. The People’s United Party calls on the Government of Belize to prepare a White Paper on Belize Guatemala Relations within sixty days. This White Paper should have as its main elements, a factual description of the devastating effects of deforestation, cultivation, over-fishing and pollution and other illegal activities; it should elaborate a comprehensive strategy to immediately redress these urgent problems; and thirdly it should provide estimates of the resources – financial and otherwise – required to implement the strategy. The White Paper should be given the widest possible circulation and be the subject of an informed national discussion before the strategy is adopted as a national plan to effectively deal with these problems. We say that nothing less than this new national effort is required at this time. The PUP stands ready to play a leading part in this new effort. Before closing, the Party takes this opportunity to repeat our condemnation of Foreign Minister Wilfred Elrington for his description of our border with Guatemala as “artificial”. We reject that description. We assert without equivocation that we have had and continue to have a real border with Guatemala as defined in the Belize Constitution. History reveals that it is the PUP that has successfully led the national effort to maintain our sovereignty and to preserve our territorial integrity. We will not sit idly by and allow this Government to undermine our national position and to put at risk our national interests. We demand a retraction of the statement, a public clarification of the true and correct position, and the resignation of Minister Elrington. The national interest requires immediate action. Prime Minister Barrow the nation expects you to act; to do what’s right and to do it now.

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WOMAN IN THE HOUSE By Dolores Balderamos Garcia

J’OUVERT “J’Ouvert,” the word captures my imagination. I don’t speak French at all, but the first thing I think of is being in Port of Spain, Trinidad sometime around 1984, and going out with friends to play “Old Mas,” on J’Ouvert Morning, dressed in old crocus bag costumes and leaving home well before sunrise, so as not to miss out on any of the action. What fun it was! A quick look at definitions will tell us that J’ouvert means daybreak or dawn, literally ‘day’ and ‘open’ in French. It takes place on the Monday morning before Carnival Tuesday in Trinidad and Tobago, and Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday in New Orleans. J’ouvert, it is said, started in Trinidad and the Eastern Caribbean as part of Carnival celebrations before Ash Wednesday, with

the slaves having their own bacchanal, instead of following the more formal parties of the masters. Paint or mud was smeared on bodies, they say, so that slaves could avoid identification. I have been reflecting on how the September celebrations here at home have evolved over time. I represented the Opposition Leader at the official Tenth of September ceremony at Memorial Park last month, and joined in with all those present in heartily singing “It was the Tenth Day of September.” I have received some negative comments on this. How can a full blooded PUP be going to Battle of Saint George’s Caye celebrations? After all, the battle is all but a myth perpetuated by the Loyal and Patriotic Order of the Baymen, they said, wagging their fingers at me.

I reply to them personally and rhetorically that I am a full blooded Belizean. “It was the Tenth Day of September” is a part of me. However, I hasten to add that PUP is in my blood, and it is not without some conflicted feelings that I look back at September Tenth. My eldest sister was born on the Tenth of September, which ensures it is a festive day, and growing up, we used to go to the Memorial Park to witness the choosing of Miss Independence. Of course, across town, the picking of the Queen of the Bay was also in progress. Kudos to Miss Emma Boiton for keeping this tradition alive and well after so many years. She is nothing if not entirely loyal and faithful to the memory of Philip Goldson and the continuation of the stout tradition of the Queen of the Bay. But, back to J’ouvert. While the older ones of us still wonder how we could have become so divided as a people in the celebration of the Tenth and of Independence, the younger generations have decided that that debate is entirely moot! For years now J’ouvert in Belize, which has been imported straight out of Trinidad and the Eastern Caribbean, has grown phenomenally. I know of one young woman from Ladyville who moved to ‘town’ with friends so as not to miss any of the young people events, even though the ticket to J’ouvert, with T-shirt, water gun and

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paint, cost over $40. The Carnival Road March, styled after that in Trinidad and other Caribbean countries, and of course J’ouvert, has veritably taken over the celebrations. Young Belizeans couldn’t care less about the few L&POB marching anachronistically on Tenth morning. They are coming out in their thousands way before dawn on J’ouvert Morning to just have great fun in the march through city streets, jamming to the music and smearing one another with paint. I, of course, know the feeling! I get the sense that this is an emphatic metaphor for the sea change that has taken place in the way Belizeans ‘keep up’ the September celebrations. The official ceremonies on the Tenth and on Independence Day have their place, they are saying. But in terms of letting loose and expressing themselves, J’ouvert is where it is at. Thus, leaders and politicians have much work to do in attracting the youths’ attention to matters of national importance, such as our national identity and security. We need to teach and inculcate a “Jour Ouvert,” a new open day of nationalism and devoted Belizean pride, especially from the young people, the future of our beloved country.

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PUP San Ignacio/Santa Elena Town Council Slate Elected!

Ramon “Monchi” Quiroz and the new PUP San Ignacio/ Santa Elena Town Council team is ready to work and bring about victory

PUP Stalwart Mr. Espat arrives to cast his vote

The counting of the 1900 votes cast on convention day

Delegate voters waiting their turn

Papas, Baldemar Pech & Rafael Guerra Jr. assist the counting of votes

Former PUP Area Rep. Samuel Waight & PUP Corozal Bay Standard Bearer Gregoria “Papas” Garcia

Party supporters awaiting result of Sunday’s voting

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2014 2014





The Embassies of Mexico and Venezuela have organised an opera and piano concert titled “Voices from Mexico and Venezuela�. The concerts include arias and songs, and bring together three of the most interesting and promising voices of Latin American music scene: the Venezuelan mezzosoprano, Maria Eugenia Guerrero; Mexican soprano Carolina Carrillo; and Mexican tenor Christian Ibarra; accompanied by the outstanding Mexican pianist Carlos Camacho. The first part of the program includes arias and duets from Mozart, Puccini and other great composers.The second part will include songs from Latin American artists such as Tata Nacho, Maria Grever and Manuel de Falla. There will be two shows: the first on Saturday, 18 October 2014, at 7:00 pm and the second on Sunday, 19 October 2014, 7:00 pm, at the George Price Centre in Belmopan. ENTRANCE IS FREE.

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19 OCT 17


Rigo Vellos defends Mr. Belize title Belize City, October 15, 2014 The Mr. Belize and Ms. Belize fitness titles are up for grabs this Friday, October 17, 2014 when the Mr. Belize bodybuilding championship is held at the Bliss Center for the Performing Arts. While 2013 Ms. Belize fitness champ Cricel Castillo will not be competing due to a suspension from the Federation, the highlight will be the return of two-time Mr. Belize champ Rigo Vellos who will be competing to hold on to the title for a third year. Rigo’s closest competition in 2013, Clayton Greenidge (2013 Master’s Category winner), will be back

in the bid for the title. So are Ernest Broaster and Deon Banner who settled for 2nd and 3rd place in the Light Heavyweight respectively in 2013. In the Master’s Category, former champ Deon Danderson and Guy Neal will be going at it also. The BELIZE TIMES understands that this year’s competition will be Neal’s last, as he ends an exciting competitive bodybuilding career. Other weight classes include Middleweight, Welterweight, Mr. Physique, Female Bodybuilding, Miss Body Fitness and Miss Body Figure. Mr. Belize Rigo Vellos of Spartan

Rigo Vellos won the Mr. Bahia bodybuilding competition held in Chetumal this past Saturday

Fitness Club in Corozal Town won his first championship title in 2012. Since then, he has been Belize’s top bodybuilder and has represented Belize in a number of regional and international competitions. He has reigned supreme in various competitions in Mexico and last weekend, Saturday October 11th, he won 1st Place in the Mr. Bahia bodybuilding competition held

at the Plaza de las Americas in neighbouring Chetumal. From the competitors in Friday’s event, the Belize Body Building Fitness Federation will be selecting an elite national team to compete in the Central American and Caribbean games to be held in Veracruz, Mexico from November 14 to 30, 2014.

DFC Gentle Touch roughs up SMART Millennium 6-0 San Ignacio, October 4, 2014 DFC Gentle Touch of Esperanza were anything but gentle when they faced the SMART Millennium girls of Belize City 6-0 in the FFB President’s Cup national women’s football tournament held at the Norman Broaster Stadium in San Ignacio on Saturday evening. Gentle Touch’s Shanell Gentle, recruited from Millennium after last season, embarrassed her former teammates with the 1st winning goal in the 18th minute. Millennium’s goalie Ermine Ferguson could do nothing to stop the 2nd goal when Ethlene Gentle blasted the ball from point blank range in the 24th minute. Kim Perez played give and go with Abbi halliday to score a 3rd goal in the 30th minute and when the Millennium defense rejected an attack, Shanell Gentle picked up the rebound on the edge of the goal area and drilled home a 4th goal in the 40th minute for a 4-0 lead at the half. In the 2nd half, Gentle Touch introduced Julie Ponce, Britney Miguel and Vailene Lambert to press the attack, but it was Abbi Halliday who scored a 5th goal in the 53rd minute. Cynthia Salazar scored a 6th goal in the 89th minute for the 6-0 win. The Sugar City girls will host the DFC Gentle Touch at the Trial Farm field on Sunday October 19. Other matches: Toledo Strikers vs. Triple B’s 3-1

Hillview’s Simon Bateman recovers possession

Geanne Cayeatno sweeps down Sarah Arzu

Cynthia Salazar’s scored the 6th goal

Quinta’s FC leads Cayo 1st Division football San Ignacio, October 11, 2014 The Quinta’s Football Club of San Ignacio bombed San Jose Succotz’s IRKA 7-0 to lead the Cayo 1st Division football tournament with 13 points at the Norman Broaster Stadium in San Ignacio last Saturday night. Westrac of Spanish Lookout, which is currently in 7th place, struggled to a 0-0 game against Hillview FC of Santa Elena on Saturday evening. The tournament continues this weekend with the Adventurers vs. Bullet Tree on Friday night; Calla Creek vs Revolution and Synergy vs. Quintas FC on Saturday evening, and on Sunday it’s Penarol vs. Universal Hardware of Spanish Lookout and Succotz IRKA vs. the Warriors. Other Matches: Adventurers vs. Calla Creek - 2-0 Penarol vs. Lower Dover - 5-2 Synergy vs. Universal Hardware - 2-1

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SCA & BHS & ACC win in high school volleyball

San Ignacio, October 11, 2014 The St. Catherine’s Academy (SCA), Belize High School (BHS) girls and Anglican Cathedral College (ACC) enjoyed wins in the Belize District high school volleyball tournament held at the Lupita Quan gymnasium. The undefeated SCA girls picked up their 3rd win over a Maud Williams girls’ default on Saturday morning. They had also won their opening game against the BHS girls: 25-22, 25-13 on Monday, September 29 and picked up a 3rd win 25-3, 25-11 against the Ladyville Technical High School girls on Monday, October 6. The BHS girls picked up their 4th win by hammering the Sadie Vernon girls: 25-9, 25-1 on Saturday. They also won against Pallotti High School 25-10, 25-7; and over the Wesley College girls: 25-7 25-3 on Monday, October 6, after crushing the Maud Williams girls:

25-10, 25-19 on Thursday, October 2. The ACC girls enjoyed their 3rd win: 25-19, 25-17 over Pallotti last Tuesday, October 7, and also won 25-17, 22-25 and 16-14 against Wesley College on September 30. Their 2nd win was over the Sadie Vernon girls: 2521, 25-15 on Friday, October 3. Other games: Maud Williams High vs. Sadie Vernon Technical High - 25-15, 25-9 Sadie Vernon Tech vs. Maud Williams boys - 25-10, 25-20 Ladyville Tech vs. ACC - 2523, 25-18 Ladyville Tech vs. Maud Williams girls’ – Ladyville wins by default Ladyville Tech vs. Sadie Vernon – 25-12, 25-11 Pallotti vs. Maud Williams’ girls - 25-17, 25-20 Pallotti vs. Wesley College 25-23, 27-25

BHSHurricanes’ girls won 4Hector gamesLopez

ACC boys vs. Maud Williams - 2523, 25-12 ACC boys vs. Wesley College boys - 25-9, 25-13 ACC boys vs. Sadie Vernon - 25-8, 25-7 BHS boys vs. Sadie Vernon - 25-16 25-20

BHS boys vs. ACC - 25-21, 25-16 BHS boys vs. SJC - 25-18, 25-23 Ladyville Tech boys vs. Maud Williams - 25-22, 25-18 Wesley College boys vs. Maud Williams - 25-22, 25-18 Sadie Vernon vs. Wesley boys - 2522, 25-23

Team Santino’s wins Weekend Warriors’ TIDE races

Warren Coye

Francis Cassasola

Jim Scott

Daniel Cano

Punta Gorda, October 12, 2014 Team Santino’s dominated both races organized by the Weekend Warriors Cycling Club as part of the T.I.D.E. Fish Fest in Punta Gorda over the weekend, taking 4 of the top 5 spots. A/B class (32 miles from the Tide compound to Mafredi Village and back) 1st Santino “Chief” Castillo – Team Santino’s - 1:46.24 2nd Shelton Graham – Team Santino’s 3rd Jim Scott– Team Santino’s 4th Daniel Cano - Digcel 4G 5th Warren Coye – Team Santino’s C class (26 miles from the TIDE compound to PG Dump site) 1st Lawrence Craig - Truckers’ Posse 2nd Glen Sheppard - Team Big Blade 3rd Dennis Mckoy - Truckers’ Posse 4th Valentine Sosa- Truckers’ Posse 5th Sheldon Arnold - Team Big Blade A/B class (40 miles from the Tide compound to Big Falls Village and back) 1st Jim Scott – Team Santino’s 2nd Clarence Tesecum – BCB/F.T Williams 3rd Santino Castillo – Team Santino’s 4th Warren Coye – Team Santino’s 5th Shelton Graham – Team Santino’s C- Class (30 miles from the Tide Compound to the Big Falls bridge) 1st Glen Sheppard - Team Big Blade 2nd Valentine Sosa 3rd Dennis Mckoy 4th Sheldon Arnold 5th Lawrence Craig 6th Sheffield Eck

BHS girl going for a save

Belize places 6th in CentAm volleyball championships Guatemala City, October 12, 2014 Team Belize finished ranked 6th in the Central American Association of Volleyball Federations senior women’s championships in Guatemala City last week, October 4-13 In their last game, Team Belize won 3-2 against El Salvador in five sets that went: 25-21, 20-25, 2125, 25-17 and 15-12. It was Belize’s only win as Team Belize lost 0-3 to bronze medalists Guatemala on Monday, 0-3 to silver medalists Nicaragua on Tuesday, and 0-3 to the eventual gold medalists Costa Rica on Wednesday. They also lost 0-3 to Panama on Thursday and 1-3 to Honduras on Friday.



19 OCT



Hon. Francis learning about the challenges facing Chiquibul National Reserve

PUP Leader Hon. Francis Fonseca and Deputy Leader Hon. Julius Espat listening to Executive Director of FCD Rafael Manzanero

Walking towards the location where Danny Conorquie was killed on September 25th

Party Leader Hon. Francis, Deputy Julius, Major (Ret’d) Oscar Mira, Vaughan Gill and other PUP friends with FCD officials

19 OCT


New Art Exhibit at Image Factory Belize City, October 15, 2014 The Image Factory Art Foundation announces its latest exhibition by young Belizean artist Inga Woods. Utilizing a distinctly pop art vocabulary in her expression Woods offers a variety of media with her new set of works including painting, sculpture and installation Inga Woods is a young Belizean artist that comes from a family of five sisters. She spent her early childhood at a farm in Southern Belize and the rest of her life at construction campsites throughout the country. Since she was constantly moving from place to place, she grew accustomed to not having many friends and making the most out of whichever environment she was in. In her spare time she would get scraps of metal that were abandoned near workshops or pieces of junk by her house and try to make her own inven-

5TH ANNUAL HABINAHAN WANARAGUA The Habinahan Wanaragua Steering Committee is pleased to announce that plans are under way for the staging of the 5th Annual Habinahan Wanaragua. Habinahan Wanaragua was instituted in 2010 and the first Senior Habinahan Wanaragua Competition was staged in January of 2011. The Junior Competition which sees the participation of groups primarily, but not exclusively, from primary schools was launched in December, 2011. This year, the Junior Habinahan Wanaragua will take place on Sunday, 14th December, at the Ecumenical High School Auditorium in Dangriga and the Senior Habinahan Wanaragua will take their turn to thrill spectators on Sunday, 28th December, at the same venue. Through this initiative, the best of the Belizean version of Wanaragua (or Jankunu, as it is called elsewhere) is being retrieved and aficionados will agree that the standard of performance has continued to rise during these past five years to the extent that we can now assert that it is unmatched anywhere in the Caribbean where it is a tradition in several countries. Closing dates for entries are 28th November for the Junior Habinahan Wanaragua and 5th December for Senior Habinahan Wanaragua. Further information can be obtained from Gulisi Museum at Tel: 542 2700 Email: gulisimuseum@ All are urged to note the dates and enter them on their calendars. Habinahan Wanaragua Steering Committee Dangriga 6th October, 2014



tions. Being surrounded by many hard working laborers and seeing their pride in accomplishing a rough task and the genuine joy they had in what they did, made her strive to find her own happiness. Fortunately after searching for a while she found her joy…in art. “I work at my waking hours from 1am-4am painting or writing. So as you can tell I don’t get much sleep. I love the bright colors and attraction of the lines or dots in the background being very influenced by Vincent Van Gogh with his Starry Night painting.” – Inga Woods

GRAPHIC CONSULTING LTD. # 30,347 (“the Company”) Pursuant to Section 102(4) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2000, notice is hereby given that GRAPHIC CONSULTINGS LTD.: a) is in dissolution b) commenced dissolution on the 15th day of October, 2014 c) Cititrust International Limited whose address is 35 Barrack Road, Third Floor, Belize City, Belize is the Liquidator of the Company Cititrust International Limited Registered Agent



19 OCT


19 OCT


Dangriga Market SUFFERS Another Delay Dangriga Town, October 3, 2014 The Dangriga Municipal Market is dealt yet another blow. In a meeting with the new contractor, CB Contractor, of Cayo, the Belize Social Investment Fund and the Dangriga Town Council held in April 2014, the Dangriga Town Council was assured that the market would have been completed and handed over by Tuesday, 30 September, 2014. The month of October has started and the market has not been completed or handed over to SIF who would then hand it over to the Dangriga Town Council. The Dangriga Town Council is indeed mindful of the contractor’s commitment to complete the project and to hand it over to SIF to, according the council, ‘stop the bleeding and punishment of the people of Dangriga’. The council is also mindful of the substantial work the contractor has done in the quest to completing the market. The underlying factor however, is the prolonged agony that continues to be inflicted upon the residents of Dangriga. The Dangriga municipal market is the life blood of Dangriga. In addition, it is an important economic hub for Dangriga. It is a cultural institution where there is much oral history and information that impacts positively on the

market “goers”. The continued non-completion of the market reflects negatively on the landscape of Dangriga, where in almost every corner of the streets there are stalls, some of which are unsightly and risky for good health. It is more than 2 years that the residents of Dangriga handed over a market that was in full use to SIF. It was in May 2012 that the beginning of the project was celebrated with a ceremony of great fanfare and pomp and circumstance and photo ops with the Minister of Economic Development, Hon. Santiago Castillo in attendance. He deputized the Prime Minister. This project was poorly thought out and badly managed. The Dangriga Town Council was forced to provide a temporary market area for the re-located vendors to avoid any injuries to the vendors who were supposed to continue operating from the market while the project was going on. Also the previous original contractor, Kenard Smart, also assured SIF and the residents of Dangriga that the market would be completed on the due date – July 2013. Instead, the project suffered numerous delays and the workmen also suffered undue long waits for wages and materials. Not surprising to the council and the residents of Dangriga, and those intimately involved, the project was

VACANCY: In loving memory of

I often lie awake at night, when the world is fast asleep, and take a walk down memory lane, with tears upon my cheeks Remembering you is easy, I do it everyday, but missing you is heartache that never goes away. I hold you tightly within my heart and there you will remain. Until the joyous day arrives, That we will meet again. Sadly missed by mom Lavern Olivera, grandma, son, sisters and the Reneau family

flooding and that due to the infrequent inundation the project might not be worthwhile. SIF will have to prove otherwise. The idea of an environmental impact assessment was also quietly mentioned. This is certainly a red light since EIAs are very expensive undertaking. According to SIF, this Phase 2 project is delayed. Of course there will be delays when there were serious concerns before the preliminary works started. They are saying that for reasons beyond their control, the project will start in January of 2015. Is this not politics being played by SIF? SIF will need to be brutally honest to the people of Dangriga on the status of Phase 2 Project and the Dangriga Town Market.



All 4th Formers and 6th Formers and adults planning to study in Mexico, Cuba or Central America. Need to learn or improve your Spanish?


The moment that you died my heart was torn in two one side filled with heartache, the other died with you.

terminated in early September 2013, when SIF took over the market site. This action and the bureaucracy set by the World Bank brought about horrible inconvenience to the residents of Dangriga. The process of selecting another contractor started again. Meanwhile there was an effort to complete the market by another company led by Mr. and Mrs. Ramirez (Gush and Emy) and a Mr. Bailey, who were also financiers for the project. SIF had asked them to abandon the sight in late September, which they did. The project took more than 200 days to restart. SIF nor the Government of Belize has apologized to the people of Dangriga, who suffered inconvenience and loss of income. Instead they behaved in a manner of don’t ask, don’t say attitude. The Dangriga Town Council was able, however, to see through SIF’s attitude and braced for the worst which was already written on the wall. This is also notable in their attitude toward the non-implementation of the Phase 2 project. The council knew of SIF’s serious concern for the Phase 2 project which entails the asphalting of the Gadbsy Ramos and Trucking Boulevard streets in Dangriga. Without an explicit expression they are concerned that those streets are prone to

J.C. Fashion is looking for Handyman/ Maintenance Worker. Interested persons should apply in person at 3599 Central American Boulevard, Belize City.

Nobos Store has a vacancy for a Cashier. Call 660-3011 for more information.

Rennick Royon Reneau Sunrise: May 29th 1876 Sunset: October 16th, 2007



2004 Volkswagen Jetta, 4-door, 2.0L, FULLY LOADED and in excellent conditions. Contact 601-0379/667-4043. Going at a giveaway price.

NOTICE KEPSHAWN’S PAWN SHOP hereby gives notice that they have applied to the Belize City Magistrate’s Court for a renewal certificate to be granted under the Moneylenders Act to authorise him to carry on business as a Moneylender in 2015 under the name KEPSHAWN’S PAWN SHOP Booth 11, Commercial Center, Belize City, Belize.

FOR SALE 2001 Chrysler PT Cruiser, 4-door, 2.4L, 4 cyl, FULLY LOADED and in excellent conditions. Contact 601-3925. Leaving the country. Must Sell.

Get help now – experienced teacher – fun to learn – quick results. Call: 663 – 9050.



19 OCT


Home Economics National holidays that need re-thinking By Richard Harrison Belize celebrates Pan American Day on October 12 and Labor Day on May 1 each year…. as national public and bank holidays. These holidays seem to have lost their purpose in the psyche of the Belizean people….with the holiday having become just another day off from work…. serving no social, cultural or economic purpose of value to the nation. Holidays should bring our people closer together for a national constructive purpose….to promote unity. In keeping with the Pan American theme….we should construct a day that celebrates our diversity…in a healthy, competitive opportunity for getting to know new people and different places….invite participation from bordering communities in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. One idea that would achieve such an objective would be a massive sports day….where two-day track and field meets [focus on sporting contests that bring people close together] are organized by district and school sporting organizers….such that school teams, their families and school communities travel to another district for the contests….Corozal vs Cayo, Belize vs Toledo, Orange Walk vs Stann Creek….with a return visit the second year….and then moving on to challenge another district in the third year. If properly organized and promoted…..this would cause upwards of 50 thousand persons to gather in three locations across the country….in a healthy competitive spirit….requiring all kinds of transportation, hotel, restaurant, entertainment and other services…a big boost in economy for the hosting districts. Certainly the SICA, OAS, UNICEF, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports….governments of neighboring countries…and many private organizations from Belize and neighboring states….would be

more than happy to sponsor the organization and mobilization of such events. The better the organization and promotion….and the bigger the winning prizes…. the greater the incentive to participate…as contestants, spectators, fans, organizers, facilitators, service providers, etc etc. With regards to Labor Day….. the National Band Fest should be moved to this date….and in conjunction with the unions and other labor stakeholders….transform this holiday into a true celebration of labor and labor forces….with the theme focused on labor productivity…and rewards/ recognition for productivity measurement and gains. This will bring color, energy, momentum and socio-cultural inspiration.... vitality for our young population. These could be broadcast live on national television.... so that grandparents can enjoy the contests and cheer on their grandchildren from the comfort of their homes. These are only a couple ideas….and offered more to stimulate brain storming around this topic….with a view to coming up with a bunch of concepts from which to pick the best for these national holidays to regain their meaning, purpose and rightful place in our Belizean psyche. Allowing our national holidays to die a natural death makes all of us appear to lack creativity, innovation, inspiration and initiative. As Belizeans, we should aspire to a more highly developed society and culture….showing evidence of moral and intellectual advancement; humane, ethical, and reasonable….marked by refinement in taste and manners; cultured. Richard Harrison is a local businessman and investor in the manufacturing and service industries. Mr. Harrison holds a Masters in Business Administration degree from Lancaster University, United Kingdom. Send comments to

2015 BELIZE SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY FOR INTERNATIONAL BACCULAREATE DIPLOMA (IB) 1) UWC Costa Rica, located in Santa Ana, Costa Rica. 2) UWC Mahindra College, located in India. 3) UWC Atlantic College, located in Wales. This year Belize has been offered THREE scholarship opportunities by United World College. Two of these spots are partially funded and one spot fully funded. These colleges each offer two year courses to attain the International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB). These opportunities are being offered to Belizean third and/or fourth form students between the ages of 16-17. A UWC education will lead to a myriad of future opportunities, including funding for a Bachelor’s degree in the USA through the Shelby Davis Foundation United World College was founded in 1962 and currently has 13 schools and colleges throughout the world. UWC’s mission and values is to “make education a force to unite people, nations and culture for peace and a sustainable future.” Application forms can be found at and must be submitted along with an electronic copy of your high school transcript to


19 OCT


Reid Divine Intervention By G. Michael Reid Before the whole journalism bit, and while I was still agile and in fairly good health, I did some construction work. I rebuilt the home in which I was raised and constructed the house in which I now live. I did much of the work by myself but from time to time, I would need to hire help. Now I’m a patriot and would have much preferred to hire strictly Belizeans to work with me, but, as most anyone who has needed to hire Belizeans will tell you, good help from among our own people is damn hard to find. There was this one guy who saw me working and struggling by myself, stopped by and asked if he could help. In fact, if I remember well, he didn’t even wait for me to answer, he just started working. How do you not hire a guy like that? He told me that he had worked in the construction business for a while and it turned out that he was better than I could have hoped for. He came early, worked hard and took much pride in his work. I do not remember Flaco’s real name but in spite of his small and wiry frame, the man punched pounds above his weight. In retrospect, I am sure that I could not have accomplished all that I did without him. Flaco was a Guatemalan by birth but had been living in Belize for a few years. He worked with me for quite some time and we became very good friends. I allowed him to build a small shack in the back of the yard where he lived while we worked. That worked out well for me since he could then also double as watchman. The recent incident at the Caracol Archeological Reserve gave me cause to think about Flaco and I wonder if I would have hired him at this point. Even back then I had serious reservations, especially after finding out that he was Guatemalan but like I said, the guy was a decent human being and a competent worker. The Belize/Guatemala situation has been bubbling since time immemorial and I, in particular, grew up in a time when anti-Guatemala sentiment was high. Yet, there have been many friendships forged between citizens from different sides of our border and I imagine that to be more prevalent in small villages and communities along



the border. It is truly sad that Guatemala would remain so obstinate and refuse to abandon this unjust and unfounded claim. It would make life much easier all around. There were times during our workday when we would take a break and Flaco and I would sit around and talk. We spoke of many things and every so often, we touched on our cultural differences and cross border conflict. An example of the difference in our culture was exposed by the things that we ate. Flaco ate just about anything and some point to this as a reason why we should be cautioned about opening up our borders to immigrants; in particular from Central America. They would deplete our wildlife in no time flat and in fact, have already begun

been too late. What Flaco told me next however, was the part that I found most interesting and it sent me scurrying to my history books to validate his tale. According to Flaco, the two armies were amassed along the border and were hours away from crossing when a massive earthquake struck at the heart of Guatemala. According to Flaco, the event created mass hysteria and the troops went into total disarray; many believing it to be a sign from GOD. It seems that by the time the dust had finally settled, even our small Volunteer Guards could have put up enough resistance to withstand any assault by what was left of the two armies. Many soldiers abandoned their post while others simply refused to continue with the exercise. Like I said, I did my research and this is what I found. On February 4th, 1976, a devastating earthquake measuring 7.5 on the Richter scale, struck not far from Guatemala City and when it was over, 22,000 people were dead, 75,000 were injured and a million people were left homeless. A terrible tragedy indeed and while Schadenfreude would be ignoble, acknowledgement of the Grace of GOD would be well in order. If what Flaco told

happened on that fateful day of September 10th 1798 is not a hundred percent clear but what we do know is that said armada was soundly defeated by a force many times lesser. Whether it was dysentery, the perilous positioning of our reefs or just another Joshua bringing down the walls of Jericho, what we do know is that the Spaniards retreated and never threatened again. Well, at least not until around 1976, huh? There are other examples where it is clear that Belize is blessed and protected. In October of 1998, Mitch, a category five hurricane, formed a short distance from Belize. Packing winds of 180 miles per hour, Mitch stood staring down Belize and churning up the waters in the Bay of Honduras; it was almost certain that Belize would have caused massive destruction. Yet, as if a huge hand was holding him at bay, it just sat there, seemingly unable to move. Suddenly Mitch did what hurricanes around that time of the year just don’t do. It went south, circling Belize and hitting every country around us, including Honduras, Guatemala and Nicaragua. When it was done, 11,000 were dead, another 11,000 missing and 2.5 million were left homeless. Tell me again or you don’t think that Belize is blessed! The recently slaying of young Danny Cornorquie has brought the whole Guatemala issue back to the forefront. The good thing is that Belizeans for the most part, are not showing the type of fear that we used to in the days of old, only justified indignation. Our current leaders however, including our Prime Minister and Foreign Minister seem to be cowering and doing their best to downplay this terrible incident. It was encouraging to see the Leader of the Opposition bravely leading a team to the area to get a firsthand view of the circumstances. This is a sign of strong and bold leadership and an encouraging address to this matter. The real crux of this essay is to point out that Belize is obviously blessed and is protected. Guatemala, in spite of strong evidence to support, seems to be still having a hard time realizing that. What is even disheartening and unbelievable is that some in Belize and in particular our current leadership, themselves have a hard time recognizing that. Wake up Belize and render thanks and praises where it is justly due!

On February 4th, 1976, a devastating earthquake measuring 7.5 on the Richter scale, struck not far from Guatemala City and when it was over, 22,000 people were dead, 75,000 were injured and a million people were left homeless. to do so. I once saw Flaco chasing a “wish wily” around the yard and before I knew it, there was a long tail sticking out of the pot and Flaco was inviting me to lunch. I respectfully declined and retreated to my dish of rice and beans and regular chicken. Flaco would tell me that he, and many others like him, was glad that Belize and Guatemala were separate countries. They were glad that they had somewhere to go just next door where things were so different and much better that they were at home. It seems that life in Guatemala is no bed of roses; in particular for the proletariat. Flaco revealed to me that he was once a soldier in the Guatemalan army and told me a story that just absolutely blew my mind. If there is any truth to what Flaco told me, then one can only wonder as to why this fantastic and epic saga is not taught to our people in our school system. According to Flaco, sometime in the mid nineteen seventies, while serving in the Guatemalan army, they were deployed to the border and were awaiting orders to launch an invasion into Belize. According to Flaco, it was a stealth operation and had support and participation of troops from El Salvador. The British did eventually respond and sent Harrier Jets but by that time, according to Flaco, it would have

me is true and the history books certainly seem to back up his story, then we can only consider what happened to be no less than a true act of GOD. Many who are old enough will remember that around that same period, British troops had been sent to the border and a number of fighter jets had come flying over Belize. Again though, according to Flaco’s account, all that would have been, if not too little then certainly too late! Let us rewind some two hundred years or so. A massive Spanish armada is sailing toward our colony to once and for all, expel the few white men and their slaves that had settled there. After all, this territory they believed was theirs, given by the hand of the Pope himself. What

18 In my perspective…

19 OCT


We Should Learn from the Ebola Crisis!

by Rayford Young One of the saddest images I have ever seen online was a guy pushing a wheelbarrow with a very sick relative in it to the hospital in Liberia with the killer disease Ebola. This terrible disease has taken the life of over three thousand people in four West African Countries. This outbreak is the worst the world has ever seen. It does not discriminate and even if caught early, can kill in a very short period of time. The health institutions in those countries are ill equipped to handle such an outbreak. The hospitals don’t have enough beds or trained staff to deal with this Ebola crisis. Liberia’s economy has collapsed as a result and many experts say by the time this is all over 400,000 people would have died. Others say it could reach up to 1.2 million. Health care is a big problem for so many third world countries. Many years ago I was in the Philippines on a mission trip in the small city of Mindano. We did a health expo and the people came out in huge numbers wanting medical care. Needless to say, we could not attend to all the patients but we helped as many as we could. Many had dental problems. What was so striking was the lack of knowledge about the importance of basic hygiene like washing your hands after using the bathroom. We also had the opportunity to visit one of the local hospitals. Many are so poor that when admitted to the hospital they bring their belongings with them - usually in a garbage bag – otherwise they would be stolen if left at home. They even bring their cats and dogs. Patients lay on mattresses that are about an inch thick. Sick people dying everywhere. Cats and dogs running throughout the hospital. It was quite an experience. This is the way it is in so many countries. The poor and children are left to fend for themselves in these terrible conditions while the rich and the politicians can fly off to London or Miami when they get sick for the best care man can offer. It does not have to be this way. Could an outbreak like Ebola happen in Belize? Are the hospitals equipped to handle any kind of an outbreak? Do we have experienced doctors and nurses to

handle an outbreak? Do we have enough beds if something like this happened? Judging from the recent incidents at Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital, the main medical hospital in the country, I’m not sure we could handle a situation like the Ebola outbreak any better than the Liberians. It’s a tough situation especially when so many people are getting sick so quickly and dying right in front of your eyes or in the parking lot or in a van parked outside in the hot sun waiting for medical assistance. What we can learn from this episode is that we need the basic necessities for a hospital to run properly. We got to invest and update our equipment. We’ve got to train the staff frequently. Doctors have to stay on top of what’s happening in the medical field. It’s an obligation to the people of your country to make sure the medical institutions have the funding and the necessary equipment to treat the people. It’s a shame that so many Belizeans have to go to Chetumal or Merida for medical treatment. This is a total neglect to the people of Belize to have a major hospital that no one has confidence in and will travel hundreds of miles for treatment. It breaks my heart every time I see the Prime Minister and his wife board a plane for Miami for medical treatment. Not that I grudge them for having the resources to be able to travel to Miami but for the indifference they show towards the poor people of Belize. To see Ministers traveling to the USA for medical treatment while many are left behind to deal with an inadequate health care system is just plain wrong. Hospitals in Belize can be as efficient and responsible as any in Chetumal, Merida or Miami if we fund it as we should, put in place a competent CEO, train the staff and hire the best doctors. But it seems we are more interested in buying more SUVs than investing in our health care system. So before we purchase another vehicle let’s take care of the essentials. We have enough government vehicles so many, that we don’t even know when they are stolen. This is what government should be focusing on: meeting the needs of the sick and poor, not wasteful spending - like handouts near election time. The government’s responsibility is to keep us safe, educate our kids and improve the health care system - to name a few. We are lacking on all these fronts because our priorities are misguided. It just might take something as devastating as an Ebola crisis for us to change and commit to the important things, like health care. I hope not. Rayford Young is a Belizean-American, who currently lives in Michigan, U.S.A. Send comments to


BY ORDER OF CHARGEE NOTICE OF INTENTION TO SELL HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED a statutory body formed and registered under the Credit Union Act, Chapter 314 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2000, and whose registered office is situated at No. 1 Hyde’s Lane, Belize City, Belize District hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Chargee under and by virtue of a Charge registered at the Land Registry between CLINTON SUTHERLAND of the one part and HRCU of the other part. HRCU will at the expiration of three months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the Schedule below. ALL offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing to Holy Redeemer Credit Union Limited from whom full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained.

SCHEDULE ALL THAT piece or parcel of land comprising 450.86 square yards (376.523 square metres) being Parcel 712, Block 45 in the St. Martin De Porres Registration Section situate at No. 6809 Aloe Vera Street , Belize City, Belize District, TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon, the freehold property of CLINTON SUTHERLAND DATED this 30th day of September 2014 HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED 1 HYDE’S LANE, BELIZE CITY, BELIZE Phone: (501) 224-5644 Fax: (501) 223-0738

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY The Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) invites application for a consultancy to develop the capacity of Community Health Workers, health promoters and other community volunteers in Communication for Behavioural Impact (COMBI) Strategies in the prevention and control of dengue and malaria in Belize. This also include the provision of technical support at the community level in developing community specific programmes in all six district of Belize as part of the EU contribution agreement on the “Strengthening of the prevention and control of Dengue and Malaria in Belize”. Duty station: Qualifications/ Experience: Skills:

Belize City Master’s degree or higher in Communication Studies, Behavior Change, Health Education, Social Work or related field Background in Environmental and Community Health Highly Desirable Experience in working in rural communities in social services, health promotion and community mobilization will be an asset. Additional experience conducting training with diverse communities, and working with adult learners will be an asset. •

• • •

Strong interpersonal skills, diplomacy and tact to effectively communicate with senior level officials, multiple stakeholders and professionals from diverse cultural and professional backgrounds. Resourcefulness, initiative, leadership qualities and skills to deal with difficult situations and sensitive areas Enables utilization of knowledge and information sources. Delivers relevant knowledge and information in most appropriate form


Very good knowledge of English and Spanish


Letters of application and resume, including two current letters of recommendation should be sent to P.O. Box 1834, Belize City no later than October 20, 2014

Only candidates under serious consideration will be contacted. For further details visit our website PAHO/WHO has a smoke-free environment and does not recruit smokers or users of any form of tobacco.

19 OCT





THINK ABOUT IT 97 MURDERS AND COUNTING In 2010 there were 123 murders. In 2011 there were 124 murders. In 2012 there were 145 murders. In 2013 there were 88 murders. From January to 15 October 2014 there were 97 murders. There are two months and two weeks left in the year. It is going to be another bloody year for Belize. These statistics are the most shameful, most disgraceful thing to befall our otherwise wonderful country. It is an indictment, to put it mildly, on the utter inability of the government to produce any kind of solutions to the biggest tragedy to fall on our heads. It must be repeated that the vast majority of these cold bloodied murders are in Belize City. The six UDP area representatives on the Southside of Belize City have been playing “simple” with the people of this country. They have had nothing to say or nothing to do in relation to this unfolding curse which has been destroying the country. We are sorry to say this, but there are all those shallow and inapplicable programs on which the government wasted so many hundreds of thousands of dollars. They have nothing to do with solving the violent crime situation. “Restore Belize”; “CYDP”; funds from NICH for a variety of sponsorship. Crime is a social and economic problem. Unless the root causes are tackled – with urgency and sincerity, innocent citizens will continue to be assassinated in the streets, the yards and even in homes. And Police behaving like thugs and criminals with the support of the government is not a solution; it is becoming part of the problem. SALDIVAR BLAMES SINGH It is interesting to read Minister John Saldivar’s press release trying to wiggle out of the Hunting Caye fiasco. Having been exposed as the Minister under whose watch, the military base at Hunting Caye is being constructed by a Guatemalan company and Guatemalan workers; without a word reported to the nation or a full report given to the National Assembly. The Minister is now saying that before he became Minister of National Security, it was the previous Minister in 2011 who approved the project. That previous Minister was Doug “Carnival Dancer” Singh. He has issued no press release or bothered to inform the nation of what happened in 2011. Nor should he. It is the Prime Minister who should. The Prime Minister is the chairman of Cabinet. Is the Cabinet not being informed of the programs and

19 OCT


projects taking place under each Ministry? Does the Constitution of Belize not clearly state that the Cabinet is “collectively responsible”? Wasn’t John Saldivar in the Cabinet 2011? Don’t all Ministers receive and read Cabinet Minutes and documents? Aren’t the political hacks who the Prime Minister appoint as C.E.O. in each Ministry preparing regular information papers for Cabinet and their counterparts? It was almost infantile to hear Minister Saldivar try to cast aspirations on Doug Singh and all the other Ministers in cabinet. DON’T KNOW WHY Talented Jamaican artist Beenie Man is making another visit to Belize to perform this weekend. UNIBAM, the homosexual, lesbian, trans dis and trans dat organization created a storm in a tea-cup last week by stating it would seek a court injunction against the singer if there weren’t assurances that no anti-gay or gay-hating songs would be sung. How ludicrous. The organizers could have said yea, take us to court and then counter-attacked. There is a thing called freedom of speech. It is protected by the Constitution of Belize. Artist do have a little ‘leeway’ to express. What is unlawful for an artist to sing he don’t like gays? The answer is nothing is illegal about that. Who says any fans have ever gone out and carried out a few words in a Jamaican song? Beenie Man sang an anti-gay song TWENTY years ago. Shucks! Don’t the Holy Bible say sodomites are an abomination and are to be stoned to death. Want to get an injunction against the Bible? Today it is music artists next it will be writers, painters and poets. Check this out. Caleb and UNIBAM might want to consider that homosexuality in Belize is currently illegal. It is a criminal offence. Can they be accused of promoting criminal activities? Yes they can. Push foolishness too hard and there can be blowback. What’s good for Adam is good for Eve (make that Steve). Lighten up on the gay agenda and let us all be friends. Can we all just get along? U and your USA dollars from the USA Embassy and poor we trying to make a buck from sponsoring musicians. $4,000 A NIGHT Reports continue to persist that the “First lady” on a recent overseas jaunt had a budget of two hundred thousand dollars of tax payers’ money. Of which she lodged in a luxury hotel costing FOUR thousand per night. “First lady” of a third world country with 50 percent poverty.

It can’t be true. HALLOWEEN Did you know that in Satan’s favourite country, Halloween is a seven billion dollars a year industry. Belize is becoming a follower/disciple of Satan and his silly practices. INDIRA Indira is like fine wine. The years just make her more mellow, more beautiful. Her skin texture is as described in the Song of Solomon and the rest of her is aptly described therein. She shows and glows on the television screen. Thou art brown and thou art comely oh thou shulamite wonder, thou daughter of modern Jerusalem, also known as Belize. HOW DARE YOU How dare Godwin Hulse play judgemental and compare Arthur Saldivar to Elvin Penner? Saldivar has a private dispute with a client. It is before the Court. What is Penner’s explanation for lying and cheating the nation? Claiming he was with Kim Won Hong at the Belmopan Immigration Department early September 2013 when Kim was in a foreign prison? Penner forged and fraud and lied in writing on Immigration documents and illegally obtained a Belizean nationality document and then Belizean passport. Did Penner charge his client? Hulse should explain how come both he and Penner were signing documents as two same Ministers when the law does not allow such. MAGISTRATE MORGAN Someone is trying to destroy Magistrate Morgan. Every little thing she does in Court is reported to Cannel 7 which dutifully reports it. A book falls off her desk they report she threw it. She chastises a prosecutor or defendant, they report she is throwing tantrums. Magistrate Morgan has gone from an unbending, inflexible magistrate in a strange surrounding to an understanding and more flexible person. Most Cayo residents say they have come to appreciate their magistrate. Give the lady a break. COLA Why isn’t COLA spray painting over the American flags printed on Belize Police vehicles used by Belize Police officers. There has to be some law somewhere that the property of the sovereign nation of Belize cannot display the flags or national symbol of another nation. Whose government is in charge of


our country anyway? And of course the Prime Minister just barely knows and the Foreign Minister’s view is the foreign flags are artificial. SOLAR & VATS Why can’t some of Hugo Chavez Petro Caribe funds, a small amount of the millions, be used to provide solar energy in our villages and vats for our people to drink clean healthy rain water? Why? CHIEF JUSTICE The chief Justice of Belize, who is also the head of the third branch of government – the Judiciary, held a meeting with stake holders and concerned attorneys on Wednesday this week. The consultation saw the introduction of drafts of a new first time Criminal Procedure Rules, a draft Witness Protection law, a draft Judge’s Rule on Prison to Court video link and a draft treatment of persons in Police detention. Kudos are in order for the Chief Justice Kenneth Benjamin and Troadio Gonzalez, Herbert Lord, Dennis Hannomansingh, Adolph Lucas and the other judges whose inputs made the documents a reality. Assistance also came from the British Bar. The proposed documents when implemented will be a major step forward in dispensing justice in Belize, drastically reducing the growing backlog of criminal cases, reduce waste of judges precious time, lawyers and jurors times and create a more fair environment to all those caught up in the justice system and court functions. If only the government would provide more resources to the courts. Big respect C.J. 1724 Did you know that a Spanish Priest who passed through Belize in 1724 and wrote of his travels, mentioned that slaves had recently been introduced in the country from Jamaica and Bermuda. THEY CHANCED SEGURA An otherwise innocuous article made front page in one of our local newspapers. It contains information that was most likely leaked by the Police to the journalist whose name is credited with the story. That journalist is a former employee of the Police and carries regular Police stories. We would like to ask why the police would leak a damning report on the result of blood test on the person who is facing a jury trial on a very serious manslaughter charge. Who in the Police stand to personally benefit from the destruction of the accused? Or is it some personal revenge/ malice matter. No matter who he is or what grave allegation is made against him, that man is entitled to a fair trial.

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Sadly missed by his Mom, Brothers & Sisters, his kids: Renee & Daniel and there mother: Yolanda, Family and Friends. Management and staff of: J.E.C., MEGA BINGO & GADGETS would like to inform their customers that these establishments will be closed on: Friday October 24th.

22 OUT Major Oscar Mira challenges Coast Guard Commander Johnny Borland Continued from page 2 with respect to what people need to know and don’t need to know…it is obvious now that the matter is a very sensitive one for the Belizean people and so we will make the necessary changes to our policies.” He thought that no one else needed to know and that “you should not look a gifted horse in the mouth”! There is always a certain degree of risk in awarding a security contract to any company, be it Belizean or foreigner. But the risk is mitigated by hiring vetted contractors from your own country that can be monitored by the security forces. Saying that there is no potential threat to our National Security in having a company from a country that has an unfounded claim over our country and who as recently as January of this year completed a project for the Guatemalan Navy at “Base Naval

THE BELIZE TIMES Puerto San Jose”, begs the question if we are indeed serious about our National Security or just playing politics. I agree that we must continue to engage our international partners but we must acknowledge that we are ultimately responsible for our existence as well as our successes and failures. While our partners have demonstrated their willingness to support our national efforts, the strategic direction must be clearly Belizean. I don’t think that anyone believes that BINARQ is a terrorist or criminal organization therefore the Admirals’ claim that there are “four factors which constitute that sort of threat – espionage, sabotage, subversion and terrorism – and none of those factors were present” is misleading to the Belizean people. I believe that as the 2011 National Security Strategy states, when national security concerns are not addressed properly, it could lead to loss of public confidence. “Belize’s limited size, population, and resources demand addressing problems cooperatively with external actors. This remains true for the majority of challenges facing Belize, including maintaining the country’s territorial integrity, confronting criminal activity, increasing economic activity, addressing health related threats, and protecting the environment. These issues will influence the future of Belize. These national security concerns if not adequately addressed could lead to economic, political, and social instability and loss of public confidence.” The National Security Strategy of Belize 2011 (NSS) Signed, Oscar Mira MSc Major (Retired)

OUT Street Works & Value for Money

Continued from page 2 severely rutted streets which continue to deteriorate. As Belizeans we have realized that the Government has financially contributed to the improvement of the infrastructure, however; it is in vain if the quality of work is poor. The Ministry of Works should closely monitor the productivity of the engineers. They should test the quality of the work and consider the lifetime of the roads. One must effectively and efficiently utilize the resources to have optimal productivity. Time costs money therefore the longer these contractors take to complete a project the more expense the government incurs. Adriane Cawich UB Student

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OUT Is it a bar or not? Continued from page 2 lowed to sell but what gets me most furious is the fact that the bar is owned by a city councilor. My final reason for being against this bar is because of the Mayor’s refusal to admit that it’s a bar when it’s quite obvious that it is. Only in a bar will you find a huge beer sign signaling to customer that it is a bar and only in a bar you would find liquor being sold, or in this case perhaps contraband liquor. I would finally like to call the attention of the public to be more aware and notice the causes and effects of opening such establishments as this one in a public area where a large amount of children go to interact, so let us be careful. Sincerely, Said (AkA Austin) Hegar Benque Viejo Del Carmen

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PUP’s record of asserting Belize’s Independence ….the UDP’s record of betrayal Belize City, October 14, 2014 The Barrow Administration demonstrated very poor judgment in the monitoring of our national security protocols which resulted in the United States granting of a million dollar contract to a Guatemalan company to construct a military base for the Belize Coast Guard. Guatemala, every Belizean knows, has been pushing an unfounded claim for over 12,700 kilometres of Belizean territory for the past 160 years. Guatemala continues to allow the illegal incursions of its nationals into Belizean territory. They carry out illegal hunting and logging, and have devastated a large area of our protected areas. The most recent incursions led to the killing of Belizean security officer Danny Conorquie at the tourist site, Caracol, and the threat to destroy an outpost manned by the Belize Defense Force at San Valentin camp. Understandably, Belizeans are highly suspicious of Guatemala. Minister of National Security John Saldivar, however, didn’t seem concerned that a Guatemalan company was involved in the building of the military base at Hunting Caye. He called for calm and said that Uncle Sam’s contracting of a Guat firm to build a military base was a “gift horse” and, according to him, you shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Opposition Leader Hon. Francis Fonseca strongly disagreed with Saldivar, calling the incident a national security risk. Belizeans agreed with the Opposition. How could the Barrow Administration be so aloof and disconnected that they allowed a Guatemalan company to slip past our security protocols? Do they not treat the Guatemalan claim as the number one threat to our national defense? Added to this cavalier mixture of disengagement from national security issues is the Barrow Administration’s well-known acquiescence to world power, the great United States. It is this well-established special relation with the U.S. that saw the UDP Government easily giving in to the United States decision to grant the contract to Guatemalan company, BINARQ. Under the PUP, such thing would have never occurred. The first US-donated Coast Guard base that commenced under the former Musa Administration in 2007, under a Joint Forces Agreement, was constructed by Usher Construction Limited, a fully-Belizean company with Belizean workers. It was well into the UDP’s term, that these shenanigans commenced with Guatemalan company constructing Coast Guard facilities in San Pedro in then Hunting Caye. The UDP has stooped as low as to use the Coast Guard Commander John Borland to try to confuse matters. Borland, who recently took over the Coast Guard, was made to say that the agreement for support by the United States through which the Hunting Caye base came about was signed by the PUP and so it is the PUP’s fault. While the fact is that the PUP introduced the military support agreement, no Guatemalan company was ever involved in any of the construction taking place under its tenure.

23 PUP Youth Arm forms in Belmopan!!!


The San Pedro and Hunting Caye facilities built by Guatemalan company occurred under the nose of Barrow, Saldivar, Elrington and the entire UDP Cabinet. In fact, the PUP would not have allowed such things to occur. The PUP record has shown that they have asserted Belize’s independence whether it be dealing with Guatemalan, United States or any other country. In 2002, the news that the PUP Government had rejected the United States’ request to construct an anti-Cuba propaganda radio station in the country made international headlines. One can only imagine how the accommodationist UDP would have responded to this request. Belizeans must sleep with his and her own eye as the UDP missteps could cost us more than we can afford.

City of Belmopan, October 13, 2014 Yesterday, at the People’s United Party office, the Belmopan version of the Belize Youth Movement (BYM) was born. The PUP Belmopan youth were informed by the BYM national president, Alberto Vellos of the mission and objectives of the group. He emphasized that young people need to organise to be recognised and respected as critical partners in the development of our country. During the meeting, the PUP Mayoral Candidate, Mr. Jose “Chamika” Chacon voiced his support and encouraged the youth to be vibrant and partici-

patory in our city. The Party’s Chairman for Belmopan Division, Mr. Paul Wade, commented that the task assigned to our PUP Youths is of utmost importance since they will be tomorrow’s leaders. The Area Representative, Senator Patrick Jason Andrews also took the time to address the youth. He emphasized that the Mayoral Candidate and the constituency greatly supports the PUP Belmopan Youth group. He encouraged the group to engage more members and to never give up on the struggle to better themselves. Although we are going through some difficult times, we should strive and look forward to brighter things.

Salvadoran shot dead one lane from Police Station Belize City, October 14, 2014 Salvadoran national, 33 year old Jose Luis Umana, was the target of a cold-blooded murder in Belize City on Saturday night. Around 9:00pm, Umana was at the corner of New Road and Hyde’s Lane, just about 600 feet

from the Queen Street Police Station, when he was ambushed and shot dead by an unknown gunman. According to Umana’s family, he was at home located in Card’s Alley earlier in the day. He left home in the evening to take a walk, and the sound of gunshots

startled his family. When his family members came to the scene, they only got to see Umana being lifted unto an ambulance. He battled to stay alive for about an hour but succumbed. The Police have not detained anyone for the shooting.




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