The Belize Times
Established 1957
22 SEPTEMBER 2013 | ISSUE NO: 4863
The Truth Shall Make You Free
Happy Independence Day
PUP Leader Hon. Francis Fonseca inspiring national pride in students of Calvary Temple Primary School on Wednesday
Friends With Benefits PENNER FORCED TO RESIGN Pg. 31
Santi Castillo
Gapi Vega
Kennard Smart
Daniel Cano
Tribute to
Imer Hernandez
UDP corrupts Social Investment Fund
Pg. 3
PUP observes 2nd Annual National Service Day
Pg. 6
2 02
Pay up GOB!
Dear Editor, I write expressing my displeasure and my anger at how our Government continues to shamelessly disregard the welfare of its citizens. Two years ago, I brought a suit against a customer who owed me some thousand dollars. I had won the case and I was to get this money from the Treasury and every time I visit the Treasury I am given the turn around. I am told to go and get it in Belmopan. I have been to Belmopan four times and every time I am told to pick it up from the Treasury in my town. Over this two year period, I have made every effort to get my money and I am still here, not paid one penny. How does our Government treat citizens this way? How does it expect me to give it another chance at governance? What is worse, Editor is that Government charges 12% GST on this sum of money. How can this possibly be when I have lost time and interest just trying to collect this sum from the customer who owed me and then to contend with a heartless Government that seeks to extract GST over a two year period in which it has not paid me my money? I am left to wonder whether the people who work in the Ministry of Finance are aware of all this nonsense and advantage it taken of our citizens. How do they sleep at night if they are aware that a citizen who struggles daily to make life possible has been waiting two years to collect monies owed? Public servants, do your job. If there is one or two of you who are stalling this process, get to work and let our democracy be seen to be done. Your bread is buttered and you have no need to wait for your checks at the end of the month. Waiting for my check for two years is an abomination. Thank you for publishing my letter. Respectfully, Signed: Dwight Lopez
LOCAL 20 Sep
22 SEP
We need more support for Young People!
Dear Editor, We all know that in an ever changing world, BELIZE needs to adapt quickly, or the country and its people will lose their grasp. The younger generations are fast adapting to technology, internet and cable TV, for instance. However, they need to learn to apply it properly to accommodate Education, Entrepreneurship, and Community Service. These areas must be “worked into” the mentality of the young people in BELIZE to ensure that the future is not only promising, but feasible to growth and development. Without a proper education, you can’t be adequately employed. Getting an education that encompasses both academics and technical “hands on” experience is a necessity. That is solid education. A majority of young Belizeans are accustomed to going to school because they “have to” – because their parents send them. That MUST change. Parents are sending their children to school to LEARN, and make the best of themselves. Young Belizeans need to change their “lag and learn” mentality to “learn, improvise, and act”. We must take advantage of ALL the opportunities that come forth at school. We must LEARN, LEARN, and LEARN some more. When we try to learn new things, its helps to broaden our scope of knowledge, and aid us to make better, healthier decisions. Education can help us not to move mountains, but to learn to travel the rainforests in BELIZE, and face any challenge of the wild with vibrancy. Young people, at first, need to take FULL ADVANTAGE of their educational opportuni-
weather 21 Sep
22 Sep
23 Sep
ties because this is their foundation to build BELIZE in the years to come. Saying you will do it tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow. Get up; stand up, take advantage now. And some people might say that they are not good in a regular school setting, with academics, and all that. Well, then, you must have an undiscovered talent. Probably, its mechanics or construction. Then you must enroll into a trade institution that would give you more knowledge to become an even better person, and have a brighter future. The TIME is NOW. I believe that our young Belizeans need to be learn about entrepreneurship. It is very important that our young minds bring into action their vivid thoughts. Many high school graduates have vibrant ideas that could generate tens of thousands of dollars of income. But there are many obstacles such as a lack of financial support, business proposal support, lack of support from families/network, and the list goes on. I have mentioned it before, and all of us know this fact: BELIZE is rich in natural resources. However, we are not being properly “nurtured” on how to sustainably use these resources. Our young people have many different business ideas in fields ranging from agriculture, business, marine, forestry, furniture, tourism, youth development, etc. However, financial support has been minimal. What is needed here is more investment on the part of the Government, and International Funding Agencies. It is of course, up to the Government to give the nod and for investors to come in, and see what’s special about these ideas, and BELIZE on a whole. These young people also need technical support in proposal writing workshops to teach them how to draft their core material, and build a sound business and marketing plan for their project. It will take time, yes, but if we start now, then we can get our economy to bolster. We also need the support from the community. Without community support, our project cannot move forward. As I have mentioned in previous letters, it is OPTIMAL for our young people to be entrepreneurs. The economy of Belize is STIFF. The people are waiting patiently on a change. They are waiting for our young people to be addressed. Finally, community service is very essential in our country. Giving back to the community has always been a blessing for me, and my family, as I am sure with other young people in Belize. We must learn to give freely some of our time to foster community love, and a spirit. We
2624Mar Sep
2013 must learn to help the elders, help the young people, help environmental cause, educational events, local charities, and the list goes on. Having a good heart helps you to go a long way. And you never know, by doing community service, you might be “seen for your potential” and good things might come your way: a job, educational opportunities, etc. We learn greatly, from “volunteering”- as it is commonly known. We meet new people. We go to new places. Definitely, community service is a plus for all young people. And I am encouraging more young Belizeans to join hands, and lend support to community causes, as it helps to develop you, and your country. Let’s do our part in redefining Belize. Education, Entrepreneurship, & Community Service are high points for our young BELIZEANS. Our leaders of today, our Government, must ENSURE that young people are being addressed properly and that the necessary areas of development are covered. It’s not “I will try” or “maybe”, but “yes”, always “yes”. Young People in Belize deserves the right for their potential to be brought out. It’s doesn’t matter if they are from Belize City or Belmopan, or Crique Sarco Village in Toledo. It’s doesn’t matter if they are rich, middle class, or poor. It’s doesn’t matter if they are Maya, Creole, Mestizo, East Indian or Garifuna. What matters is that in BELIZE everyone should have an equal opportunity to unleash their potential, and become someone. Let’s throw out nepotism, and greed, and selfishness. Let’s fight for sustainable development of our natural resources, and its people. After all, Belize is in You, Belize is in Me, but we can’t say that we live in the LAND OF THE FREE. Respectfully Yours, Kenny Jacobs
The Belize Times
Established 1957
14 APR 2013
ISSUE NO: 4840
The Truth Shall Make You Free
serving Belize since 1957 as the longest continuous newspaper. Founder: Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus EDITOR
Chris Williams
Roberto Peyrefitte Printed and Published By The Belize Times Press Ltd. Tel: 671-8385 #3 Queen Street P.O. BOX 506 Belize City, Belize
27 Mar Sep 6 25 Feb
Exchange rate of One Belize Dollar
United States (USD): $ 0.50
Barbados (BBD): $ 1.01
Eastern Caribbean Euro (XCD):$ 1.36 (EUR) : $ 0.37
Sterling Pound Guatemala Quetzal CANADIAN DOLLAR (GBP): $ 0.31 (GTQ): $ 3.98 (CAD): $ 0.52
Trinidadian (TTD) : $ 3.21
22 SEP
Friends With Benefits UDP corrupts Social Investment Fund Belize City, September 18, 2013 The Social Investment Fund (SIF), which was once recognized throughout the region as a model development-funding agency, has now been permanently tarnished by corruption at the hands of operatives of the UDP Government. The agency has been turned into a sort of “Friends With Benefits” organization where friends of UDP Ministers are allowed to disregard due process and exploit its resources. In return the UDP Ministers get kickbacks for their political campaigns and UDP friends collect special monetary gifts, while the project languishes and its proposed beneficiaries are shafted. On Tuesday the Executive Director of SIF, Daniel Cano, resigned amidst a huge scandal involving allegations of extortion made by a contractor, Kenard Smart, who is a known UDP. Four other executive employees: Public Relations Officer, Mike Hernandez; Project Engineer, Lionel Jimenez; Financial officer Enrique Romero and Fausto Pineda were fired following evidence that they received payments from Smart’s company, K&G Construction. Smart alleges that he was frustrated out of several contracts, including one to construct a market in Dangriga Town, a project for which $1.38 million had been earmarked with SIF funds. This project is now stalled with a stench of corruption reeking from the site. Smart claims that during his contract period he was “shaken down” several times by other employees for thousands of dollars. He said that when he provided evidence of the shake down to Cano, the SIF executive director joined the band instead and demanded money himself. Cano has denied the allegations. A cash-strapped Smart had turned to three financiers who entered into financing/sub-contract agreements with him and SIF. The three financiers, Belize Bank, Lyndon Bailey and Emy Gilharry Ramirez, provided over half a million dollars to get the project moving. But when SIF refused to release funding in order for Smart to pay its financiers, they pulled out of the project, leaving Smart handicapped and forcing SIF to cancel the contract. The entire fiasco is outrageously scandalous, a bunch of greedy UDPs going at it with no shame. Prime Minister Dean Barrow hid from the media when the scandal broke. Barrow is now pretending that his Cabinet is concerned and
acting swiftly, but there is glaring evidence that the Prime Minister and his Cabinet may have been aware of the allegations for months, possibly as far back as February of this year when Smart began to complain with emails sent to the Contractor General Godwin Arzu. The problems at SIF are just the start of the Continued on page 7
Cheques showing payments made to SIF staff by Smart’s company, K&G Construction
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22 SEP
on the
BIRTHDAY BELIZE By Francis W. Fonseca Thirty two years ago, after a hard won campaign for recognition of our right to Independence, the people of Belize began charting a new course as a sovereign, independent nation, inspired by the message and vision of George Price. There is reason for us therefore to be proud and even to celebrate. As we celebrate, we
recognize that serious challenges confront us as a nation. Governance continues to be characterized by chronic combativeness. We need less confrontation and more dialogue. We need less arrogance and more humility. Less personality politics and more problem solving.
The UDP Government’s response to the PUP proposal for Reform of the Public Accounts Committee, supported by the NTUCB and the Chamber of Commerce, regrettably, takes us further away from these objectives. The will of the people
2013 can be delayed. It shall not be denied. The politics of change and participation is here to stay. Our education system is failing our students. Our health system is in crisis. Unemployment remains unacceptably high, particularly for women and youth. Crime and violence have become too commonplace. Corruption is eating away at the UDP Government. Our people are losing hope in the future. On this 32nd anniversary of
Belize’s Independence, let us embrace the Politics of Change and commit to a new era of governance and politics. Together we must begin the work of shaping a future of HOPE, O P P O RT U N IT Y, GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT. All Belizeans deserve and demand no less. HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!! MAY GOD CONTINUE TO GUIDE AND BLESS OUR BELOVED BELIZE!!
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hirty two years after our glorious independence, Dean Barrow as the current Prime Minister has succeeded in dragging our young nation to the ground. Barrow himself has been in party politics for thirty years and has succeeded in bringing nothing to the table. There is no legislation, no policy initiative, no plank or raft of reform to which he points to or claims credit to which he can say with some measure of pride: this is my legacy to my country. The stinking, rotten carcass of corruption which represents only the last in a long line of scandalous revelations under the Dean Barrow Administration burst out of Dangriga two weeks ago. Hundreds and thousands of dollars has been stolen and disappeared like so many other scandalous hustles under Dean Barrow. He never has any apologies, so do not expect any from the wholesale thieving that went on in Dangriga. This latest one is $700,000 of money that should have assisted the poor people of Dangriga. The Social Investment Fund (SIF) has become a sieve under Barrow. That is where all the money is being funnelled to cronies and Party hacks. They are hustling to high heavens. A UDP political candidate from Corozal closely linked to that well known character, one Gaspar “the Grabber”, Vega. This Corozal character was interjected into Dangriga taking away much needed jobs from the contractors and workers down there. In similar fashion to how Corozal Truckers were imposed into the logging business in Toledo to gangster the Mayans out of millions dollar of rosewood that should have benefited the poorest of the poor Mayans and East Indians down south. Now we know why Dean Barrow and his government have sabotaged every effort to reform and implement an effective Public Accounts Committee (PAC). Thirty two years after independence we have a non functioning PAC that cannot conduct a basic oversight responsibility of the tax-payers monies.
Now we know why despite a constitutional issue adjudicated upon by the Court of Appeal, the Barrow administration and the Prime Minister himself violated Belize’s Supreme law and grabbed the wealthiest private sector company in Belize, BTL. A venture from which the hustling, feeding and gouging is Unlimited. Thirty two years after our glorious independence, nepotism, cronyism and the siphoning of tax payers monies have reached epidemic proportions. It is like a biblical plague that has been imposed upon the land. These smiling, thieving scoundrels will be living high off the hog, drinking champagne and imported delicacies while poverty has reached 50% in the country. One out of every two Belizean is now poor. Expect the grand standing, press conference artist Prime Minister to stand up at official ceremonies in George Price’s Belmopan and tell us what a wonderful life we are living and how the cost of living is going down. How he loves the poor people so much that he is creating some many of them. How he is bringing in investment by the billions. And blah, blah, blah. He will make no mention of how he is enriching his family. How UDP Ministers have become multi-millionaires. In the case of one of them, he is so swollen with his sudden “suck-cess” and wealth that it is expected that he will soon burst open on his new Belmopan television station. The tide will turn. The Party that brought Independence to glorious Belize under the leadership of the great George Price, the Party that unified our ethnic groups into one people, the Party that will bring prosperity to our people who under the current administration have lost hope. Under the new leadership of our Party Leader, the young and dynamic Honorable Francis Fonseca, the turning of the tide starts this twenty-first of September. Let the word go forth. Happy Independence to all. Especially, to our supporters and all our loyal Party workers in the constituencies.
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22 SEP
Tribute to George Price PUP observes 2nd Annual National Service Day
PUP Leader Hon. Francis Fonseca and tudents of St. Martin de Porres School pay homage at the Father of the Nation at Lord Ridge Cemetery
Belize City, Thursday, September 19th, 2013 One of the everlasting memories of the Father of the Nation Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price is his selfless commitment to service to the nation. To mark the legacy of the Father of the Nation, last year the PUP committed to holding a day of national service annually. This year, the PUP is holding steadfast to its commitment with a series of activities to commemorate the important day. The day began with the PUP Leader Hon. Francis Fonseca, members of the Price family and other leaders of the Party laying a wreath at Premier Price’s grave site at Lord Ridge Cemetery. Following this
various constituencies and the arms of the Party spread across the country to carry out its community service. The PUP Freetown carried out a visit to the elderly where they also handed over a food basket with basic food items. The Committee also donated paint to Trinity Methodist School. The Pickstock and Fort George Divisions joined efforts to donate a refrigerator to the Yvette’s Kitchen on Victoria Street which provides meals to school children on a daily basis. The Mesopotamia Division held a food drive for children in the constituency while in the Port
Loyola division there were deliveries of food hampers to needy families. The Belize Rural Central committee and Hon. Dolores Balderamos Garcia carried out the cleaning up of the George Price Highway along their division, cutting the grass and picking up garbage. They also spruced up the bus stop along the highway to make it more comfortable for commuters. In Belize Rural South, the PUP held a cleaning up of the DFC Park while a candlelight procession and mass were held in tribute to the Party Leader emeritus. In Corozal Bay and Orange Walk South, the PUP Continued on page 10
22 SEP
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Friends With Benefits UDP corrupts Social Investment Fund Excerpt of email sent by Kenard Smart to the Contractor General
Belize Rural Central Standard Bearer Endorsement
The People’s United Party Standard Bearer Endorsement for the Belize Rural Central Electoral Division is scheduled for Sunday October 6th, 2013. Continued from page 3
UDP’s grab tub with public funds. The new political gimmicks the National Bank and the controversial Belize Infrastructure Limited have been stocked with UDP cronies who will be allowed to handle millions of dollars on behalf of the UDP with no oversight whatsoever.
PUP NOTICE Convention for Party Units
The People’s United Party announces the convention dates for the party units as follows: United Women’s Group October 19th, 2013
Belize Youth Movement October 26th, 2013
Marshalls Service Corps October 27th, 2013
Deadline for applications is October 11 for UWG and October 18 for BYM/Marshalls
Liquor License
Notice is hereby given that AUGUSTINE SILVESTRE RAMOS is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “ONE AH WI”, situate at Old Hattieville, Boom Rood, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that NIGEL MEJIA is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “NPJ’s Store”, situate at Mile 12, Phillip Goldson Highway, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
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Julius Espat
22 SEP
& the PUP Cayo South Executive Committee Sworn In
Former PUP Minister Florencio Marin Sr, Hon. Jose Mai & Hon. Julius
PUP leader Hon. Francis welcomed in Cayo South
New Cayo South Executive
22 SEP
09 9
Belize Rural Central Constituency Committee The People’s United Party is accepting applications for members of the Belize Rural Central Constituency Committee. Application forms are available at the Belize Rural Central PUP office or the PUP Secretariat, Independence Hall, #3 Queen Street, Belize City. Date of Election is October 6th, 2013 Application must be filled and returned to the Secretariat, addressed to the Secretary General by Monday September 30, 2013.
Belmopan Standard Bearer Convention The People’s United Party Standard Bearer Convention for the Belmopan Electoral Division is scheduled for November 3, 2013. Applications can be picked up from the Secretariat or Mr. Paul Castillo, Chairman for Belmopan Executive Committee. Completed applications are to be submitted to Mr. Paul Castillo and the Secretary General. The non-refundable fee is to be submitted to the Secretariat along with the necessary documentation to complete the application package. Deadline for submission is October 3, 2013.
Queen Square Constituency Committee The People’s United Party is accepting applications for members of the Queen Square Constituency Committee. Application forms are available at the PUP Secretariat, Independence Hall, #3 Queen Street, Belize City. Date of Election is October 16th, 2013 Application must be filled and returned to the Secretariat, addressed to the Secretary General by Friday October 4th, 2013.
Pickstock Standard Bearer Convention The People’s United Party Standard Bearer Convention for the Pickstock Electoral Division is scheduled for October 16, 2013 at the Independence Hall. Applications can be picked up from the Secretariat or Mr. Ricardo Castillo, Chairman for Pickstock Committee. Completed applications are to be submitted to Mr. Ricardo Castillo and the Secretary General. The non-refundable fee is to be submitted to the Secretariat along with the necessary documentation to complete the application package. Deadline for submission is September 16, 2013.
22 SEP
by Micah Vernon
Do you think normal Belizeans can access a loan from the National Bank?
Tribute to George Price PUP observes 2nd Annual National Service Day Continued from page 6 delivered food hampered to families in need of assistance. In Orange Walk Central Hon. John Briceño and the PUP Town Council laid a wreath at a monument of the former Prime Minister and donated books to local high schools. In the Orange Walk East constituency, the PUP Committee planted trees on Libertad Avenue and held a special mass. The Cayo Cen-
tral committee held a food drive while in the Stann Creek, the Stann Creek West Committee carried out the cleaning of the cemetery in Pomona, while in Dangriga the four bridges in the municipality were painted. The Dangriga Town Council also spruced up and planted trees on the George Price Boulevard. In Toledo, the PUP Toledo East constituency assisted with the registration of births while the
Roy Jr.
I believe that no bank or credit union in Belize at this point in time would give a normal person a loan, so it would be even harder to get a loan from the National Bank.
I believe that we as Belizeans can get loans from the Bank. That is the purpose it was created, for the Belizean public.
Yes, because we’re all Belizeans and we pay our taxes so we should be able to get a loan.
Marshalls President Stephen Latchman at work at the Raymond Parks Shelter Toledo West constituency carried out a clean-up in San Pedro Columbia. The Punta Gorda Town
Anything can work if it’s properly managed, so a venture like this with the right process and management, and less corruption will succeed. However a clearly written articles of association must also be available to the general public for review but with all this said only time will tell.
Christophe I believe we should be able to access funds from the national bank.
Yes because it supposed to allow first time borrowers to get one.
Mesopotamia Executive cooked up a healthy meal for the division’s children Council also planned activities to refurbish the Venacia Petillo Park. The Marshall’s Service Corp led by President Stephen Latchman and Belize Youth Movement, arms of the Party, were also taking part in National Service Day by giving the historic Raymond Parks Night Shelter a total spruce up with new paint. The Party’ Secretariat led by Secretary General Myrtle Palacio assisted with Continued on page 31
No, the requirements they ask from average and normal Belizeans as we’d say will not be met.
I believe that we might be able to get a loan if the bank is run properly and not by political means as most things in Belize. But to be honest I do think a hidden agenda is in order. It seems a bit sketchy, but we should try!
22 SEP SEP 22
Scenes from CARNIVAL
Location: Battlefield Park
Keisha • • • •
Height: 5’ 8” Career Plan: Entrepreneur Sign: Pisces Favourite Food: Steak and Fish
TOP MODEL Clothing and Accessories provided by CATWALK FASHIONS
• • •
Likes: Music and Sports Lives in Belize City, Belize District Fav. Quote: “The sky is not my limit, I am my own limit.”
visit us at or Facebook/ Belize Times
Cor. North Front Steet & Queen Street Belize City
Follow us on facebook
22 SEP
Belize’s Eric Stamp wins Gold in Central American table tennis championships Belize City, September 16, 2013 Belizean Eric Stamp won Gold in the 65 and over age category; while Hector Lopez and Davis Huang won bronze medals in the 60-64 years category; when Belize Table Tennis Association hosted the XV Central American table tennis masters singles championships at the Belize Elementary School auditorium over the weekend. 68 players signed up in the Round Robin competition followed by Knock Out finals for 2 players from each group who advances to the Knock Out Final round. Costa Rica’s Carlos Velazquez won the 30-39 category. Mexico’s Sergio Blanco won the 40-49 category. El Salvador’s Jose Ramos won the 50-59 category. Gerardo Villagra of Costa Rica won the 60-64 category in 1st place while Belize’s Hector Lopez and Davis Huang were 3rd place. Trophies were awarded to all Individual winners. Medal count by country 1st - Costa Rica = 11 Medals 2nd - El Salvador = 9 Medals 3rd - Mexico = 8 Medals 4th - Belize = 6 Medals 5th - Guatemala = 1 Medal 6th - Panama = 1 Medal
Eric Stamp won Gold
Team Belize
Salvador team
Mexico team
Pope, Choto, Eiley & Quiros win September Criterium
Byron Pope Jose Choto
Belize City, September 15, 2013 Benny’s Megabytes’ Byron Pope won the elite category of the Belize Cycling Association’s annual September criterium sponsored by Bowen & Bowen Ltd on Albert and Regent Streets in downtown Belize City on Sunday, September 15. Jose Choto won the Masters category, while Kerah Eiley won the Female category and Oscar Quiros won the junior category. Pope was 1st in the 30-lap race to win 5 cases of Belikin beer and stout from Bowen & Bowen Ltd and the 1st place trophy as well as 3 lap prizes of $25 each at the 9th, 24th and 27th laps. Team Capital City cycling’s Erwin Middleton was 2nd. Team Belize Telemedia’s Joel Borland was 3rd place. Benny’s Megabytes’ Mark Staine was 4th place. Mexico’s Team Depredadores’ Manuel Ayala Balam was 5th place. 6th place was Jose Choto of Belikin Western Spirits. Masters Division 1st place – Jose Choto 2nd place – Scotiabank’s Barney Brown 3rd place –Team BelCal Dwight Lopez Weekend Warriors Division 1st place – Barney Brown Continued on page 13
Belize wins 3 medals in Central American table tennis championship Belize City, September 15, 2013 3 Belize Teams won bronze medals in the XV Central American table tennis Master’s championship held over the weekend. The Team competition took place on Saturday with a Knockout format in all the different age categories. The teams Billy Musa Jr./ Nicholas Martin, Arturo “Tux” Vasquez/Carlos Cui and Eric Stamp/Ernesto Rivero (Belize) won 3rd place in the 30-39, 50-59 and 60 and over divisions. Division top winners: 30-39 years - 1st - Ricardo Sosa/Gabriel Castillo (El Salvador). 40-49 years - 1st - Raul Sanchez/Jose Ramos (El Salvador) 50-59 years - 1st - Jose V i va n c o / A l e j a n d r o S a n ch e z (Mexico) 60 years and over 1st - Carlos Quiros/Gerardo Villagra (Costa Rica)
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2013 2013
Easy Does It & UB Jaguars win softball games Belize City, September 15, 2013 Easy Does It of Flowers Bank and the UB Jaguars both won Game 1 of the Belize Rural women’s softball semifinals in Lord’s Bank on Sunday. Winning pitcher Amber Wade led Easy Does It to an 18-17 win over Lord’s Bank Sunrise, whose pitcher Stacey Smith was credited with the loss. Winning pitcher Herlette Clarke led the UB Jaguars to a 16-6 win by mercy rule over Double Head Cabbage Mel’s United, whose pitcher Annett Morey was credited with the loss. Easy Does It will take on Lord’s Bank Sunrise and the UB Jaguars face off with Mel’s United in Game 2 of their series in Lord’s Bank at 9 AM Sunday, September 22.
Easy Does It
Calling athletes to “End of the World” Placencia Marathon Placencia, Stann Creek, September 17, 2013 The annual Placencia Half-Marathon and Marathon will be held on Sunday 8 December 2013 at 5:00am. Registration will remain open until 15 October. Kindly register at The 26.2 mile marathon course begins at the football/soccer field at the bottom of the peninsula, goes through Placencia Village, past Chabil Mar, Seine Bight Village, and Maya Beach, with multiple views of the Caribbean Sea and the mountains along the way. The course then loops back a few miles south of Riversdale. The 13.1 mile half marathon course begins at the marathon turnaround and both races finish in Placencia Village.
Pope, Choto, Eiley & Quiros
win September Criterium
Continued from page 12 2nd place – Ernest “Tangalang” Thurton, Team Santino’s 3rd place – Wilbert Jones, Team Digicel 4G Junior Division (15 laps) 1st Oscar Quiros - Team Xibalban, clocked 38:15 to win 3 cases of Real Fruit juices from Bowen& Bowen Ltd and a trophy. 2nd Giovanni Lovell – Team Telemedia won 2 cases of Real Fruit juices and a trophy. 3rd Brandon Morgan – Team Benny’s Megabytes, won 1 case of juice and a trophy. Female Division (15 laps) 1st Kerah Eiley – Team BECOL 2nd Patricia Chavarria – Team BECOL
UB Jaguars
22 SEP
Established 1957
22 SEPTEMBER 2013 | ISSUE NO: 4863
The Truth Shall Make You Free
Feliz Dia de Independencia!
El Lider del PUP Hon. Francis Fonseca y los estudiantes de Calvary Temple
Amigos con Beneficios Santi Castillo
Gapi Vega
Kennard Smart
Daniel Cano
Imer Hernandez
El UDP corrompe el Fondo de Inversión Social
Ciudad de Belice, 18 de septiembre 2013 El Fondo de Inversión Social (FIS), que una vez fue reconocido en toda la región como una agencia de desarrollo-modelo de financiación, que ahora se ha visto empañada por la corrupción de forma permanente a manos de agentes del Gobierno UDP. La agencia se ha convertido en una especie de “Amigos con Beneficios” organización donde se permiten los amigos de Ministros UDP no tener en cuenta el debido proceso y explotar sus recursos. A cambio, los ministros UDP reciben sobornos para sus campañas políticas y los amigos UDP recoger regalos monetarios especiales, mientras que el proyecto languidece y sus beneficiarios propuestos están estafados. El martes, el Director Ejecutivo del FIS, Daniel Cano, renunció en medio de un gran escándalo que involucra acusaciones de extorsión hechas por un contratista, Kenard Smart, que es un conocido UDP. Otros cuatro empleados ejecutivos: Oficial de Relaciones Públicas, Mike Hernández, Ingeniero de Proyecto, Lionel Jiménez, Director Financiero Enrique Romero y Fausto Pineda fueron despedidos después de la prueba de que recibieron pagos de la compañía de Smart, K&G Construction. Smart alega que fue frustrado de varios contratos, entre ellos uno para la construcción de un mercado en Dangriga, un proyecto para el que 1.38 millones dólares se habían destinado los fondos del FIS. Este proyecto está estancado con un fetidez de la corrupción apesta desde el sitio.
Pg. 16
22 SEP
on the
Feliz 32 cumpleaños
Por Francis W. Fonseca Hace treinta dos años, después de una campaña difícilmente lograda por el reconocimiento de nuestro derecho a la independencia, el pueblo de Belice comenzó trazar un nuevo rumbo como nación soberana e independiente, inspirada en el mensaje y la visión de George Price.
Amigos con Beneficios Continued from page 15 Smart reclama que durante su período de contrato que era “extorsionado” varias veces por otros empleados de miles de dólares. Dijo que cuando él proporcionó evidencia de la sacudida a Cano, director ejecutivo FIS se unió a la banda en su lugar y exigió el dinero a sí mismo. Cano ha negado las acusaciones. Smart con problemas de liquidez había solicitado a tres entidades financieras que han suscrito acuerdos de financiamiento / sub-contrato entre él y el FIS. Las tres entidades financieras, el Banco de Belice, Lyndon Bailey y Emy Gilharry Ramírez, presentaron más de medio millón de dólares para el proyecto móvil. Pero cuando el FIS se negó a liberar los fondos con fin de que Smart pagara a sus financistas, se retiraron del proyecto, dejando al minusválido Smart y forzando FIS a cancelar el contrato. Todo el fiasco es depravadamente escandaloso, un grupo de codiciosos UDP se aprovechan sin vergüenza. El Primer Ministro Dean Barrow se escondió de los medios de comunicación cuando estalló el escándalo. Barrow está pretendiendo que su gabinete está preocupado y que actúan con rapidez, pero existe evidencia de que el Primer Ministro y su gabinete podrían estar al tanto de las denuncias haces meces, posiblemente desde febrero de este año cuando Smart comenzó a quejarse con mensajes de correo electrónico enviados al Contratista General Godwin Arzú. The problems at SIF are just the start of the UDP’s grab tub with public funds. The new political gimmicks the National Bank and the controversial Belize Infrastructure Limited have been stocked with UDP cronies who will be allowed to handle millions of dollars on behalf of the UDP with no oversight whatsoever. Los problemas en el FIS son sólo el comienzo de bañera de agarre del UDP con fondos públicos. Los nuevos trucos políticos del Banco Nacional y el polémico Belize Infrastructure Limited se han repoblado con Compinches UDP que se les permitirá manejar millones de dólares en nombre de la UDP sin supervisión alguna.
Por lo tanto, existe razón para que nosotros estemos orgullosos e incluso para celebrar. Al celebrar, reconocemos que aún nos enfrentan serios desafíos como nación. La gobernabilidad sigue caracterizándose por la vehemencia
crónica. Necesitamos menos enfrentamiento y más diálogo. Necesitamos menos arrogancia y más humildad. Menos personalidad política y más solución a problemas. La respuesta del Gobierno UDP a la propuesta de PUP para la Reforma de
2013 la Comisión de Cuentas Públicas, con el apoyo de la NTUCB y la Cámara de Comercio, lamentablemente, nos lleva más lejos de estos objetivos. La voluntad del pueblo se puede retrasar. No se le va negar. La política del cambio y la participación está aquí para quedarse. Nuestro sistema educativo está fallando a nuestros estudiantes. Nuestro sistema de salud está en crisis. El desempleo sigue siendo inaceptablemente alto, especialmente para las mujeres y los jóvenes. La delincuencia y la violencia se han vuelto demasiado comunes. La corrupción está carcomiendo el Gobierno UDP. Nuestra gente
está perdiendo la esperanza en el futuro. En este 32 º aniversario de la Independencia de Belice, abracemos la política del cambio y comprometamos a una nueva era de gobernabilidad y la política. Juntos debemos comenzar el trabajo de dar forma a un futuro de ESPERANZA, OPORTUNIDAD, CRECIMIENTO y DESARROLLO. Todos los Beliceños se merecen y exigen nada menos. ¡FELIZ DÍA DE LA INDEPENDENCIA! QUE DIOS SIGA GUÍANDO Y BENDIGA NUESTRO AMADO BELICE!!
22 SEP
EDITORIAL Español La marea ha volteado
reinta y dos años después de nuestra gloriosa independencia, Dean Barrow como el actual Primer Ministro ha logrado arrastrar a nuestra joven nación por debajo la tierra. El mismo Barrow ha estado en la política partidaria desde hace treinta años y nunca ha logrado proponer nada a la mesa. No existe ninguna legislación, ni iniciativa política, ni tablón o balsa de reforma a la que apunte o derechos de crédito a la que se puede decir con cierto grado de orgullo: es mí legado a mi país. El apestoso cadáver putrefacto de la corrupción que representa sólo el último de una larga serie de revelaciones escandalosas bajo la Administración Dean Barrow salió de Dangriga hace dos semanas. Cientos de miles de dólares han sido robados y desaparecido como tantas otras escandalosas prisas bajo Dean Barrow. Nunca tiene ninguna disculpas, así que no esperes nada del robo al por mayor de lo que pasaba en Dangriga. Esta última suma a $ 700,000, dinero que debería haber ayudado a la gente pobre de Dangriga. El Fondo de Inversión Social (FIS) se ha convertido en un colador de corrupción bajo Barrow. Ahí es donde todo el dinero se canalizó a camaradas y partidarios. Están ajetreando hasta los altos cielos. Un candidato político UDP desde Corozal estrechamente vinculada a ese personaje bien conocido, Gaspar “el Arrebatador” Vega. Este personaje de Corozal se intervino en Dangriga impidiendo puestos de trabajo muy necesarios de los contratistas y los trabajadores de ahí. De manera similar a cómo se impusieron Camioneros de Corozal en el negocio de tala maderera en Toledo a quitarle a los millones de dólares de palo de rosa que deberían beneficiar a los más pobres como los mayas del sur. Ahora sabemos por qué Dean Barrow y su gobierno han saboteado todos los esfuerzos para reformar y poner en práctica una Comisión efectiva de Cuentas Públicas (PAC). Treinta y dos años después de la independencia tenemos un PAC que no puede llevar a cabo una función de supervisión básica del dinero de los contribuyentes. Ahora sabemos por qué a pesar de ser un asunto
constitucional juzgado por el Tribunal de Apelación, el gobierno de Barrow y el propio primer ministro, violaron la ley Suprema de Belice, y tomaron la compañía más rica del sector privado en Belice, BTL. Una empresa de donde el ajetreo, alimentación y la ranura es ilimitado. Treinta y dos años después de nuestra gloriosa independencia, el nepotismo, el clientelismo y el desvío de dinero de los pagadores de impuestos han alcanzado proporciones epidémicas. Es como una plaga bíblica que se ha impuesto sobre la tierra. Estos sonrientes, sinvergüenzas ladrones van a vivir como reyes, bebiendo champagne y delicias importadas mientras que la pobreza alcanza el 50% en el país. Uno de cada dos personas en Belice ahora es pobre. Esperamos que en gran ceremonia, el Primer Ministro, quien es un artista de rueda de prensa, va a ponerse frente a las ceremonias oficiales en el Belmopan de George Price y decirnos de la vida tan maravillosa en que vivimos y cómo el costo de vida está bajando. Nos dirá cómo quiere a la gente pobre tanto que él está creando muchísimo más de ellos. Cómo le está atrayendo la inversión por los miles de millones y bla, bla, bla. Él no hará ninguna mención de cómo se está enriqueciendo a su familia. Cómo Ministros UDP se han convertido en multimillonarios. En el caso de uno de ellos, él está tan hinchado por su repentina “suck-ceso” y de la riqueza que se espera que pronto inaugure su nuevo canal de televisión en Belmopan. La marea se está volteando. El partido que llevó Belice a la independencia glorioso bajo el liderazgo del gran George Price, el Partido que unifico nuestros grupos étnicos en un solo pueblo, el Partido que traerá prosperidad a nuestro pueblo, que bajo la actual administración han perdido la esperanza. Bajo el nuevo liderazgo de nuestro líder del partido, el joven y dinámico Honorable Francis Fonseca, el cambio de la marea comienza el veintiuno de septiembre. Que surja la palabra. Feliz día de la Independencia a todos. Sobre todo, a nuestros seguidores y todos nuestros fieles trabajadores del Partido en las divisiones.
22 SEP
22 SEP
2013 Stories of a
Fallen Soldiers It’s a common practice for everyone connected to a fallen soldier to pay their respect at the soldier’s departure from this world. I have been to several funerals where “fallen soldiers” are given the fullest respect, not by the top brass but by the foot soldiers. I went to the late Michelle Williams funeral, in attendance was a host of teachers, students, ordinary citizens and fellow soldiers from various neighborhoods. I also attended the late great Pearlene Smith’s funeral whose attendants were mostly relatives and neighborhood sympathizers. At both funerals I observed a serious sense of disrespect as none of the political bosses for any of them showed up to pay their respects. I would have to say that the highest level of disrespect towards a fallen soldier was at the late PC Dean Yearwood’s funeral, whose very own superiors challenged the events that led to his death. Well, not only did they have displayed a lack of honor, but probably bias against justice for this brave Belizean. Williams, Smith and PC Yearwood have a common thread. They were all public servants at some point in their lives. Both Michelle and Miss P were registered voters in the Albert Division and at both of their funerals there was no sign of their UDP generals Herman Longsworth nor UDP Ambassador Mark Espat. At PC Yearwood’s funeral, there was a noshow of his “jefe”, who happens to be Minister of National Security John Saldivar. And even worse, Yearwood’s next door neighbor in Orange Walk town, Deputy Prime Minister Gaspar Vega chose to travel to Guatemala than to attend his constituents’ funeral. What a shame!
22 SEP
1 8 9 1
15/1/1919 - 19/9/2011
“To show great love for God and our neighbor, we need not do great things. It is how much we put in the doing that makes our offering something beautiful to God” – Mother Teresa Mr. Price gave his all for his country. In his memory and on our 32nd Anniversary of Independence let us, too, work for our country with love.
Happy Independence Day! From Beth & Tony Zabaneh and family
22 SEP
Reid Requiem for September 10th holiday By G. Michael Reid So the UDP portion of the celebrations is over and done with and now we can move on the day when all Belizeans can join in the celebration. The Tenth of September has come and gone but from most accounts, it did not amount to much. I watched the parade (if you can call it that) on the only media house that actually covered the event in real time. No surprise, that station was Wave radio and television, the UDP party organs. All that I saw was a bunch of red shirts and a few UDP flags being waved. It was a sad requiem to an occasion that was once festive, inclusive and expressive of loyalty to country. The parade, like the holiday, seems to have now been reduced to simply a display of loyalty to a political party. On the eve of the parade was another traditional parade, this one The Fire Engine Parade. So named because it is where all the fire engines in town would join with any other vehicle that used a siren to circle the town and add to the excitement of the occasion. It is something that used to be looked forward to, in particular by young children. A part of the tradition, and this traditionally an equally exciting part, was the large number of bicycles that would follow the parade. In my day, bicycles were not only for participating in this parade; they were the popular mode of transportation. For most people, they were the only mode of transport since vehicles were not nearly as common as they are now. The popular brands of bicycles were Rudge, Raleigh and Hercules; all imported from the UK. On Saturdays, most bike owners would be found cleaning and polishing their prized possession. Bikes were adorned and embellished with shiny clips, reflectors, colorful tapes and beads that would
be strung on the spokes and which would jangle as we rode along. There were also colorful frills that were attached to the end of handles bars; queuing behind as we rode. I remember being in high school when the son of a white Englishman created quite a stir by bringing to school, a bike on which he had replaced the handle bar with an old steering wheel. There was also much excitement when a neighborhood kid returned from the states with a bicycle that could be folded up and carried in a suitcase. The fire engine parade gave bike owners an opportunity to put on dis-
Tenth Parade. Somewhere along the line, some bright politician decided that bicycles could no longer participate in the fire engine parade. It was a thoughtless and very dumb decision. This year, the three fire engines (two seemly in need of the one ambulance that tagged along), and one Police vehicle did little to stir any interest or excitement. It was to say the least, as huge a disappointment as the parade of the following day. In 1975, five women, recorded simply as- Ms. Crystal, Ms. June, Ms. Alice, Ms. Maude and Ms. Myrtle had the foresight to realize that this day was coming. In a back yard on Sixth Street, they sat down determined to find a way to save the September Celebrations. After Saturday’s showing, one would have to conclude that they certainly might have succeeded. What began as a few kids masquerading down a few back streets has grown exponentially to represent arguably the biggest attraction of the September Celebrations. Those five ladies, whose memory will forever be immortal-
somewhere. Then it hit me; this was j’ouvert morning! About five years ago, copying from a tradition in Trinidad, J’ouvert became a part of Carnival. On Saturday last, a crowd estimated as many as ten thousand participated in what has grown almost out of control. Despite a few drawbacks and a few incidents of violence, it is obvious that September now means much more than a parade and commemoration of some battle. September now means J’ouvert and Carnival! Another favorite of the September Celebrations and another that totally overshadows the actual Tenth celebration is the Chamber of Commerce’s Expo Show. What started out as a single row of booths advertising a few products has evolved to a massive market place showcasing hundreds of business people looking for exposure. Some patrons view it as just an opportunity to meet, mingle and consume a few cheap beers while enjoying the few free samples on display. For many, it’s a chance for a deal on a new phone or an opportunity to “top up”. Whatever the reason, thousands flock to this event making it another highlight of the September season. Seems the new kids have taken over the block. For many years, I have advocated for the continued observance the Tenth, a significant milepost in our history. I believe that in a fashion similar to Joshua and the walls of Jericho, divine intervention could have made that victory possible. I’ve always considered it a tale of courage that could lend a lift to our normally low self-esteem. There are times however, when one must face reality. Unless we combine Carnival with the Tenth of September, we can read the obituary and sing the recessional hymn. The Tenth is dead, long live the Tenth!
After almost six years of their current term, many are beginning to believe that the UDP makes a much more efficient opposition than it does a government. play their many hours of hard work and creativity. There were all types of bikes; men’s bikes, ladies bikes, balloon tires, carrier bikes, bikes with step nuts for carrying passengers and also bicycle carts. Bicycle carts were not fast enough for the fire engine parade but many were decorated and shone brightly in the
ized in the acronym C-JAM might have never, in their wildest dreams, imagined that their brainstorm would have produced such a festive storm. Sometime before 3 am on the morning of Saturday September 14th, I was awakened by a loud racket in the street. I peeped out warily and saw droves of people headed
22 SEP
For Sale By Order of the
Stake Bank – Striking the Right Balance Belize City, September 18, 2013 There is a lot of heated debate taking place right now over two mega-developments being proposed for the future of tourism in Belize. On the one hand, there is the Norwegian Cruise Line (NCL) project that seems to have gotten off on the wrong foot, with a reckless “diss” to the sacred dügu ceremony and an MOU that looks more like an IOU. It is clear that with the NCL deal, certain handpicked UDPs “di come up” with no real or long-term benefits trickling down to our southern brothers and sisters. Sure, there may be a few jobs created, 25% to be exact, but cleaning up the excrement and trash left behind by party-going revelers could hardly be described as “dignified” employment. After five long years of complete neglect, the south is hungry for investment, any investment, and the UDPs are now capitalizing on our people’s starvation. On the other hand, the Stake Bank project seems to have taken off almost turbulent-free. For starters, the project is the brainchild of the Feinstein Group headed by Mike Feinstein, a Belizean developer who is tried, tested and proven. Mike Feinstein is the same developer that made the Fort Street Tourism Village a reality, and a successful one at that. For two days a week during the low season and up to five days a week during the high season, the entire North Front Street area is transformed into a bustling community, where hundreds of vendors, hair-braiders, tour guides and operators can make a decent, dignified living. In truth, there is not much else happening in Belize City for low and middle income families and losing that tourism dollar is not really an option. But some have asked: why are we developing a new port if the Fort Street Tourism Village is such a success? As industry insiders like Tom Greenwood are aware, all the major cruise lines have threatened to cancel Belize as a Port of Call
within the next two years in the event a new ship-to-dock port is not developed. The threat is real and it is imminent. Indeed, developing a new port that meets the approval of the cruise lines is a gargantuan task, but one that has to be undertaken if tourism is to survive in the old capital. A minority have expressed their concern over the potential harm or loss that may come to the manatees, a species on the brink of extinction. Indeed, this is a very valid concern, but according to the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) that was conducted on the project, the potential damage, if any, would be minimal. But what about our Belize City brothers and sisters? Was an EIA conducted to determine how many of them would starve, die or turn to a life of violence if the project does not get the green light from our government and people? Belize has always boasted a stellar record of conservation and preservation. Thus far, the developers of the Stake Bank project have shown a keen awareness of the environmental concerns and have pledged their commitment to execute the project in an environmentally sound and sustainable manner. Some may think that our country is at a crossroads when it comes to tourism, but in actuality the way forward is very clear. Development, in a sustainable manner, is a must. Keeping the tourism dollar in Belize City is also a must. This is not the time for UDP lackeys like Mike Singh to be holding a good project hostage. Government officials need to be more decisive and supportive of the Stake Bank project. It represents the only real hope for the survival and growth of our city’s tourism product.
Dangriga Constituency Committee The People’s United Party is accepting applications for members of the Dangriga Constituency Committee. The Election of the Committee will be held on October 20, 2013. Application forms are available through Dangriga PUP Committee Chairman Mr. Melvin Bernard or the PUP Secretariat located at Independence Hall, #3 Queen Street, Belize City. The application must be filled and returned to the Secretariat, addressed to the Secretary General by Friday October 10, 2013.
Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Mortgage made the 15th day of September, 2010, between FRANK VASQUEZ of 17B Melinda Road, Stann Creek District, Belize of the one part, and Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., of the other part, and recorded at the Land Titles Unit in the Deeds Book Vol. 28 of 2010 at Folios 1069–1138, the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the schedule hereto. All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. SCHEDULE ALL THAT lot, piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 205 comprising of 870.676 square meters situated in the Hope Creek Village Extension, Stann Creek District, Belize, shown on a Plan of Survey attached to Minister’s Fiat Grant No. 665 of 2001 dated 9th September, 2001 lodged at the Lands Titles Unit, Belmopan, TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. DATED this 30th day of August, 2013. MUSA & BALDERAMOS 91 North Front Street Belize City Attorney-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.
22 SEP
22 SEP
Recipe of the week
Rice & Beans Ingredients: 1 lb Red Kidney Beans 1/2 tsp. pepper 1/2 tsp. thyme 1 tsp salt 2 plugs garlic 1 medium garlic (crushed) 1 medium onion (sliced) 1 cup coconut milk 3 cups rice 1 small pig’s tail or salted beef (optional for extra taste, trim fat) 6-8 cups of water
Directions • Wash hands and gather ingredients • Soak Beans for 4-6 hours • Boil beans in a crock pot until tender with garlic, onions, and pig tail (Or use a pressure cooker) • Season beans with black pepper, thyme and salt • Add coconut milk, stir taste, let boil • Clean rice • Add clean rice to seasoned beans. Stir, then cover. • Cook until water is absorbed and the rice is tender. If necessary, add more water gradually until rice is tender.
22 SEP
22 SEP
Mini drug factory churns out drugs from inside bone 18 September 2013 by Linda Geddes James Rilling and his colleaIMAGINE never having to take a pill again. Instead, mini drug factories hidden inside your bones, and made from your own immune cells, would churn out personalised drugs and other molecules designed to keep you fit and healthy. Such a factory has been created in mice, and could soon be tested in humans to treat HIV. “We want to turn people’s cells into drug factories, giving them the genetic information they need to produce their own treatment,” says Matthew Scholz of Immusoft in Seattle, which is developing the technique. Immusoft is focusing on B-cells, a component of the immune system. One of their roles is to produce antibodies against infections or unwanted foreign substances such as toxins. In 2009, David Baltimore and colleagues at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena showed that stem cells from bone marrow could be engineered to develop into B-cells that made antibodies against HIV (Blood, The Immusoft researchers have built on that work, extracting immature B-cells called plasmoblasts from human blood and treating them with a virus that inserts the genetic code for a new protein (see diagram). When the modified cells were injected into the bloodstream of mice, some migrated to the bone marrow. Here they began making the proteins they had been engineered to make – a class of so-called broadly neutralising antibodies against HIV. “I think this is potentially very important,” says Carl June at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, who has been engineering another part of the immune system, T-cells, to fight HIV. “But whether this has clinical use depends on the efficiency of gene transfer, expression and secretion of the antibody, and most importantly the level of secreted protein in body fluids.” “If they can achieve therapeutic levels of antibody, this could be a real advance in cellular therapy,” Baltimore says.
One of the remaining challenges is to ensure that the correct amount of antibody is produced. “The risk of too little or too much has to be considered,” says Michel Sadelain of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, who has engineered T-cells to fight cancer. It’s also not clear how long the engineered B-cells can be made to survive. In the tests on mice, many of the cells died, but some were still alive 100 days later. “It’s a very attractive idea to supply stable levels of antibodies from a cellular source in the body. The challenge is finding the right cell that would persist for the desired amount of time – days, or years in some cases – and that’s a big challenge,” Sadelain says. The next step is to try injecting the modified B-cells into people, with Immusoft gearing up to do a trial in HIV-positive adults. If this succeeds, the approach could also be used in children with rare enzyme disorders like mucopolysaccharidosis. These children are unable to make certain enzymes, leading to the breakdown of various tissues, loss of vision and cognitive problems. Untreated, they usually die by the age of 12. Hamster cells can be harnessed to produce replacement enzymes, but the treatment costs around $250,000 a year and involves regular injections. “For disorders like that, being able to produce the enzyme 24/7 in your body would be a big advantage,” says Scholz, who presented the mouse results at the Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence meeting in Cambridge, UK, this month. Ultimately, it might be possible to engineer B-cells to churn out any protein of choice. They could boost levels of hormones that fall as we age, or other substances that keep the body healthy, such as humanin. This protects brain cells against Alzheimer’s disease, and is present at higher than average levels in people who live to be 100. “It might be possible to recreate the biochemical environment of youth,” Scholz says.
Answers for last week’s puzzle
Answers for last week’s puzzle
See answers NEXT WEEK
See answers NEXT WEEK
22 SEP
22 SEP
Has Belize come to her senses?
elize is a country which can boast natural treasures, such as our blue hole, our barrier reef (which is the longest living barrier reef), pristine jungles, and so much more. Our land is also a treasure chest of history with our Maya sites and preservations. We are masters of diversity; the descendants of the indigenous Maya, the Garifuna, the Creole, the Mestizo, and even modern Europeans call this place home. It has been more than three decades since independence was gained on that fateful night in 1981. Now, as our thirty-second birthday approaches, I wonder: Belize, have you come to your senses? Jesus tells a story about a young man who came to his senses when he hit absolute rock bottom. This particular young man had everything: a nice home, a loving father, food on the table. Still, he was restless. He needed to get out and see the world, so he demanded his inheritance from his father. After pocketing his father’s money, he turned on his heels and went about his own way. Drunk on his new wealth, the son decided to take a walk on the wild side. He frequented the latest dance clubs and partied away. He bought rounds of booze for his friends and kept the company of prostitutes. Sounds like a lot of fun right? Well, unfortunately for the wayward son, the novelty of partying wore off pretty quickly. In fact, the minute his money ran out, the allure of bright lights disappeared. His friends deserted him for people with heavier and deeper pockets. He ended up broke and eyeing the pig slop like a plate of sweet and sour from Lee Chee or Kick Down Fence. It was at this desperate place that he realized even his father’s servants ate better than him. With a big gulp, he swallowed his pride and determined to ask his father to accept him back, but as a slave. Long story short, the father celebrated his prodigal son’s return. He killed a fattened calf and invited the neighborhood to a block party barbeque. He laid a cloak on his son’s shoulder and gave him a ring. His celebration probably rivaled Belize’s own September festivities. Just think, as we wave our flags and shout “Hip, Hip, Hooray!”, as we decorate our houses, classrooms, or vehicles, as we march in the parades, what are we really celebrating? Belize is in her thirties now; she hasn’t been a child in a long time. Have we matured? Or have we merely existed? Have we truly learned from our mistakes? Have we grown in wisdom? It’s not too late to return to our Father, Belize. Let this year’s celebration mean more than the passing of one more year since independence. Let it be more than an excuse to party or revel in the streets. Let us celebrate the reunion of a child who has come to her senses and a daddy who welcomes her back with joy.
By Dr. Francis Smith
a.k.a. Chest Pain
Costochondritis is a medical condition which causes chest wall pain. It is also called sternocostal joint pain, or costosternal chondrodynia. When the pain is accompanied by swelling, it is called Tietze’s syndrome. It is an inflammation of the cartilage which joins the ribs to the sternum (breastbone). Symptoms Costochondritis usually causes pain over the lower ribs towards the side and front of the upper abdomen. It usually affects more than one rib but can also affect specifically one rib when caused by a direct blow to the chest. Costochondritis pain usually worsens on inhalation (taking a deep breath in), or coughing. Costochondritis may mimic an ischaemic heart disease therefore one should see a doctor to rule out any life threatening conditions if there is chest pain. Causes Costochondritis most often is caused by blunt trauma to the chest wall, but may be caused by heavy lifting, pulling and other strenuous activities. It may be caused from arthritic conditions, infection, heavy episodes of coughing and benign or malignant tumours. Physical Examination: Costochondritis can be diagnosed by touching and pressing over the ribs, breastbone and the junction between the ribs and breastbone. Pain, tenderness and swelling over the cartilaginous connection between the rib and breast bone mean that there is a costochondritis. Lifting the arms upwards from the sides or pressing on the rib cage which elicits pain may also mean there is a costochondritis. The doctor may order x-rays to rule out bone tumours, fractures or infection of the lungs or ribs. The doctor may order an electrocardiogram to rule out heart disease. Treatments and drugs Costochondritis is treated mainly with the usual nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen (Advil), naproxen (Aleve) and diclofenac, purchased over-the-counter. Costochondritis will usually go away on its own. Other options are ice packs, topical anti-inflammatory gels, and if the pains persist, narcotic medication such as codeine, hydrocodone and tramadol may be added. Local infiltration with a corticosteroid suspension and a local anaesthetic injection is used for intractable pain. Physical therapy which may include stretching exercises, ultrasound and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) may be beneficial.
22 SEP
THINK ABOUT IT HAPPPY BIRTHDAY We Belizeans have much to be thankful for as we celebrate 32 years of becoming an independent nation. We are still a God bearing nation. We have excellent relationship among our diverse ethnic groups. We have a reasonable working form of democracy although it is currently crippled and mocked by a handful of politicians in office. We are a poor people but need to remember the words of our national Anthem that nature has blest us with wealth untold and that with good leadership and proper government we all can and will enjoy the benefits of that blessing. Despite the shocking revelations in the recent report by the Inter American Development Bank, a large number of our young people are still able to get into school across the nation thanks to the efforts of their parents. There are still decent numbers of our people who get up each day and have some form of work to go to. Our hearts bleed for the large number who can find no work. It is unsatisfactory that workers like the Police, BDF, teacher, nurses and Public Officers have been slaving in the trenches and their wages are unable to keep up with the rising cost of living. We have a good country. We are a good people. We can live a better life and deserve to live a better life. And if it is to be, it is up to we. Lord we are grateful for our blessings. Happy Birthday Belize. LEADERSHIP The 10th September is a part of the official program of events for the celebrations. The 10th commemorates the Battle of St. George’s Caye in 1798. George Price did not believe the British version of this so-called battle. He was right. The opposition to George Price, NIP, UDP believed everything the British said and wrote about the battle. It is our prerogative if we wish to believe or choose not to believe. The UDP as a party whole-hearted embraces the British version of the Battle of St. George’s Caye. This year the Prime Minister attended the official ceremonies in a red shirt. Several of his Ministers and party officials attended in red shirts. Red is the colour of the UDP. It is an insult to the people of this country for the Prime Minister to attend an official event, decked out in his party’s colour. When a party wins a general election the government represents all the people, red, blue and Belizeans who support no party. The Prime Minister need to be more mature and bigger than the party fanatics who are a source of division and bitterness in this country. Francis Fonseca, the leader of the Opposition, which represents almost FIFTY percent of the people of Belize, attended the 10 September ceremony. There are those in his party who wish he would snub these partisan events; but he attended. He wore no blue. He wore neutral colours. Big Respect OH NO It is about nine months since Belizean started seeing the television news and documentaries on Al Jazeera. In many ways Al Jazeera is superior to the British BBC and to the American CNN. Thanks to Al Jazeera we learn of events in countries which got no coverage on CNN. We hear the views of other people and other leaders not covered by CNN. Al Jazeera helps to open up the world for our people and our students. This is so important for a country which does not read and has been deprived of information on the wider world of which we are apart. Two weeks ago the cable providers
switched from Al Jazeera to a watered down off shoot called Al Jazeera America. It is like CNN. The intention is to keep Americans poorly informed and biased towards the non-white people of the earth. We Belizeans deserve more than CNN. We deserve more than Al Jazeera but at least leave us with an alternative to just CNN. The Cable company owes its customer a proper explanation. And if it ain’t satisfactory we need to do something. Information and knowledge is a vital part of our people’s needs if we are to move out of our neo-colonial bondage. “Emancipate yourself from Mental Slavery” - Bob Marley’s “Redemption Song”. 32 YEARS 32 years after bearing independent, Belizeans are subjected to eating and drinking and more foreign products. Look at the quantity and variety of imported drinks and foods, all stocked with cancer-causing chemicals and preservatives. Belize is blessed with sufficient rich land and products to keep ourselves eating fresh, healthy and nutritious food. As for fruit drinks the social variety can be staggering. Pineapple, grapefruit, mango, tambran, coconut, golden plum, may plum, cherry, grapes. The list is endless. People stop drinking or eating imported products and help support Belizean farmers. PUBLIC ACCOUNTS COMMITTEE 32 years after Independence, the Legislature of Belize has been exposed as a wishywashy, shallow and flakie institution, unworthy of any respect. One long standing UDP member of the House exposed himself and his colleagues by stating publicly that NONE of the Committee of the House are functioning. NONE. This includes the Public Accounts Committee whose very composition is designed to fail. Even if this one Committee wished to do something, it cannot. Its membership is two opposition and four government members. It is the only committee which must be chaired by an opposition member. Recently, the Chairman of the Public Account Committee was candid enough to say, not only that the current committee is getting no work done, but he proposed one way of improving the committee by adding independent Senators form the private sector. The suggestion has been ridiculed and rejected by the Prime Minister, who offered no alternative proposal as to how to better the ineffective committee, which is the only legislative oversight required to monitor the spending of taxpayer’s monies. Respect is therefore in order to the tame National Trade Union Congress which fully endorsed an improved committee. The same respect need to be repeated for the Chamber of Commerce. Thanks to Mark Lizarraga and Kay Menzies for speaking out. It is an important aspect of our democracy for Union leaders, church leader, community leaders and others to speak out on national issues which affect our country. Especially so, where the political leaders show themselves to be too immature, irresponsible and partisan to put the national interests above narrow party political interest. Shame on Dean Barrow and the UDP and major respect to those who support improvement and reform. MAGISTRATE USHER Magistrate Usher is a former high ranking military officer in the BDF. He received the Baton of Honour from Britain top military academy – Sandhurst. Apart from his other academic achieve-
ments he holds a law degree from the University of Guyana. He is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in law with emphasis on legislative drafting. He was a Magistrate of the Family Court and the regular courts. He has published two poetry books Last month he received a letter that his contract as a Magistrate will not be renewed. Letters also went to re-employ three foreigners as Magistrates, including the foreign Magistrate in Cayo who continues to disrespect the citizens whom she routinely sends to jail for petty matters. A Belizean Magistrate with years of experience, who has done nothing wrong or improper has been sent home while foreigners are brought in to disrespect our people. When is the next general elections? There will be changes. Much. A MINOR MYSTERY There is a half page advertisement of sorts in the Amandala newspaper of 15 September, 2013. Actually, it is not an advertisement. It is a mystery of sorts. The Government of Guatemala, through its Ministry of Foreign relations was expressing its profound condolences to the family of Colin Elrington, and especially his Excellency the Ministry of Foreign Relations of Belize, Wilfred Elrington. Colin Elrington is a brother of Hon Wilfred Elrington. He lives in New York. To our knowledge he holds no government position there. We want to think that is out of the greatest of respect for Hon. Wilfred, that the Guatemalan government has publicly done what they did. And leave it at that. But things are never what they seem. A little healthy skepticism can do no harm or disrespect for that matter. So we
limit the speculation to this. Why the open, public announcement that the Republic of Guatemala is in condolence over the passing of Colin. The usual Protocol is for a letter and maybe even a phone call from Hon Wilfred’s counterpart, the Guatemalan Foreign Minister. The Great George Price used to say that missing a Christening or birthday is one thing but the loss of a loved one is a major matter to a family and we should pay respect and condolences if we know the family. Maybe the Guats are practicing some of those words of wisdom. CAROL CABRAL We offer our condolence to the family of Carol Cabral who was laid to rest in Belize City at the cemetery. Carol led an illustrious life and was a pleasant person always willing to help her fellow human beings. At the time of her passing she was an Accountant at the Port Authority office on North Front Street. She was an active member of the Lions Club and became the first woman Lion head in Belize. She also travelled as far as Russia for training in her worker’s union days. She was much loved and will be greatly missed. TINY On Wednesday morning 18th September his worship the Mayor of Belize City around 10:30am had some kind of ceremony on the new Four Hundred Thousand dollars Battle field Park. A new bust of labour hero Antonio Soberanis was unveiled. A tiny group of 25 person mostly city council employees attended The pedestrians and passers by look and went their way.
22 SEP
22 SEP
George Price Timeline 1919 Born January 15 1924-1930 Holy Redeemer School 1931 Almost lost his life in Hurricane 1931-1935 St. John’s College 1944 Entered politics, lost 1st election 1947 Won 1st election on Town Council; elected for 6 terms 1950 Along with others George Price forms People’s United Party. He is Secretary General until 1956. 1954 Universal Adult Suffrage 1954 Member of the Legislative Council until 1956 1956 Becomes leader of Peoples United Party until 1996 1958 March 22 – Arrested for sedition, tried and acquitted. Mayor of Belize City (1958 – 1962) 1964 Self-Government (Governor’s powers reduced to ‘defense’, Executive Council replaced by Cabinet headed by Premier). George Price becomes Premier. 1965 Member of the House of Representatives 1965 – 1984 and 1989 – 2003. 1970 Government moves to new capital, Belmopan 1973 June 1 – Name British Honduras changed to Belize 1981 September 21 – Independence. George Price be comes Belize’s 1st Prime Minister (1981 – 1984 and 1989 – 1993) 1984 People’s United Party loses 1st General Election 1996 George Price steps aside as Party Leader. Said Musa becomes Party Leader. 2000 George Price awarded Order of Belize 2001 George Price awarded Order of CARICOM 2011 Dies in his 93 year of life
PUP observes 2nd Annual National Service Day
Hon Jose Mai delivers food to Mamita Lina Castillo in Yo Creek
PUP Chairman Henry Usher & Eastern Caucus Chairman Dr. Francis Smith hand over new refrigerator to Ms. Yvette
PENNER FORCED TO RESIGN Belize City, September 19, 2013 The Barrow Administration has confirmed what the BELIZE TIMES has been reporting for several months – that massive corruption exists in the Ministry of Immigration involving the unscrupulous issuance of visas and passports by high officials. The Minister of State in the Ministry of Immigration Elvin Penner was forced to resign on Wednesday evening and the public informed of that resignation on Thursday morning via a vague press release from the Office of the Prime Minister. The release did not give a clear reason for the firing, aside from saying that Penner “did not discharge his responsibilities with either the due judgment and balance, or the scrupulous regard for appearances” in a
“situation” that was brought to the attention of the Prime Minister. The release did not say what that “situation” was or in what way Penner failed to show “due judgment and balance”. Two months ago, a scandal broke out when a Belizean national, Carlos Murga, flying to Belize through Cuba was caught with several Chinese passports containing Belizean visas. Murga was suspected of being part of a ring which facilitated illegal visas for Chinese nationals. The Minister of Immigration Godwin Hulse, however, claimed that nothing illegal was taking place. A few weeks later, the BELIZE TIMES broke the story of an internal investigation taking place in the Ministry involving the illegal sale of visas. We exposed that the Minister had been
given the names of at least four persons who were involved in the scam. One was alleged to be a Belize City Councillor and another a huge UDP official, handpicked for a special job by the Prime Minister. This investigation and the names of those involved was kept hidden from the public by the UDP and the Prime Minister to avoid more public embarrassments. Penner was appointed a Minister of State with direct control of the Immigration Department. The substantive Minister is the self-righteous Godwin Hulse, and at the end of the day he is ultimately responsible. How he has remained the head of a Ministry so rocked by scandals after scandals tells how far he would go to protect the UDP Government. While the buck in this instance may stop at Godwin, Dean Barrow cannot escape the fact that he is currently leading the most corrupt government in the history of our young nation.
Tribute to George Price Continued from page 10 the coordination of several events, as well as carr ying out their own service activities including visits and delivery of care packages to needy persons. Several other organisations including the university and primary schools throughout the country also took part in National Service Day with a series of community service activities.
22 SEP