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Independence Day Address by Opposition Leader Hon. Francis W. Fonseca
City of Belmopan, September 21, 2014 My Fellow Belizeans Unlike any other day in our National Calendar, September 21st imbues us with patriotic sentiment and a deep sense of national pride whether you are here, or you live elsewhere. Indeed the entire month of September is regarded as our most patriotic month with homes, parks, office buildings and vehicles lavishly adorned with decorations and our streets and monuments festooned with flags and streamers in our national colors. In between savoring the soulful Afro-Caribbean rhythms of sweet steel pan music and delighting in the wildly creative costumes of Carnival, our abiding sense of history and gratitude should oblige us to pause to pay collective tribute to the founding fathers of Belize’s nationalist movement: George Price, Antonio Soberanis, Philip Goldson and Leigh Richardson. It was the vision, courage, sacrifice and tireless work of these national leaders, over decades, that swelled the powerful headwaters of our freedom movement and burst the dam of colonial resistance to sweep us to our rightful date with independent self-determination. But we must take care not to fall victim to the tendency of history to focus solely on leaders. Let us not forget the tens of thousands of courageous Belizeans all across the country who rallied to the call to throw off the shackles of colonialism, courageous in the belief that we were ready for Independence and could construct a free state on the foundation stones of self-government. On the morning of that first September 21st in 1981 George Price, the Father of the Nation declared that Independence was not just a changing of the guard but a chance to create a new society in which each Belizean man and woman would be assured of a fair opportunity to improve his standard of living in the new Belize. Our task, as contemporary national leaders, is to strive with a sense of purpose, direction and urgency to deliver on this promise of Independence. We recognize that Independence is not a single isolated event. It was just the first important step in the ongoing task of building a nation. This involves a sustained commitment by all Belizeans to work towards a national vision; to toil tirelessly in the fields of national endeavor; to respect other cultures and ethnicities; to protect and uphold the rights of our indige-
nous peoples and to forge a society united in its commitment to justice and equality for all. We celebrate the 33rd anniversary of our independence amidst a world in turmoil. The emergence of ISIS threatens to once again unleash the dogs of war and fragment global stability in to alliances of “good” and axes of “evil” and draw the international community inexorably in to the global war on terror. The continuing crisis in Northwestern Europe portends the coming of a new cold war between NATO and the west and Putin’s Russia. The latest seven-week war between Israel and Hamas has left an estimated 2100 Palestinians dead, mostly civilians and children, and some 64 Israeli soldiers have also lost their lives. Viewed against this global tapestry of terror and turmoil, Belize remains relatively peaceful-even while we are not quite the tranquil haven of democracy we once boasted of. Our challenges even appear by rigorous comparison to be tame. But they are real nonetheless. Real for the hundreds of families who have lost loved ones to senseless violence unleashed in the urban terror that besieges Southside Belize City and is slowly spreading to other population centers of the country. Like the global war on terror, the battle to stem the rushing tide of violence by marginalized Belizeans, especially our youth who have very little to lose, can never be won with brute force and aggression and without understanding and focusing on the root causes of the problem and without investing more in people and less in meager, unsustainable handouts. The political rewards may be less tangible immediately but ultimately our nation will be better off socially and economically. While we are grateful that we do not have to face incoming rocket fire across our borders as in Israel and Gaza, we recognize that we are nonetheless at war. A war we are currently losing. Even as we celebrate in our towns and cities across Belize, deep inside the magnificent Chiquibul and other protected rainforest areas of our country, hundreds of acres of our pristine national patrimony are being lost to illegal farmers, miners, and extractors of xate and rare artifacts. Virtually all originate from our neighbor, Guatemala. Precious hardwoods and important wildlife, including endangered species are being illegally harvested and hunted. And our water security is being imperiled from contamination and pollution through illegal and indiscriminate activities from those coming across our borders. We are a country of limited financial resources but the situation demands that we re-prioritize so that we can invest in adequate security infrastructure, including helicopters. Without the ability to quickly reach our borders, patrol our seas and safeguard our natural resources, proclaiming our sovereignty and territorial integrity risks becoming nothing more than empty, clamorous
rhetoric. I say to every Belizean in cities, towns and villages; in sugar cane fields, in citrus factories, on banana farms, on the seas fishing, in the tourism sector, in our schools and churches, in our health institutions, to public officers and the workers preserving our rainforest and marine reserves, keeping our communities clean, caring for our elderly and disabled, to the youth of Belize; I say to you: RISE UP. AWAKE. It is NOW tomorrow’s noon. And each and every one of us has our part to play in building on the hopes, dreams and aspirations of independence. We are the sons and daughters of George Price, the inheritors of Soberanis, the heirs of Richardson and Goldson. God’s goodness may have given this land to us, to honor and to love-but it was given, above all for us to sustainably develop and preserve. Let us join hands, hearts and minds in the service of that sacred task for our nation. Belizeans do not expect miracles from their leaders. What they want, what they truly expect is that we act to fulfill the true promise of independence which was so hard-won 33 years ago. They expect us to recognize and accept that we are servants of the people and that each day we are honored with the responsibility of public service, we work tirelessly to resolve the many challenges facing our nation. We cannot buy our way to a safe society; we all must make the necessary sacrifice and investment to achieve it. We cannot protect the ordinary citizen against abuse of power by keeping our eyes closed and our mouths shut, we must speak out against injustice and corruption whenever or wherever we see it, in our homes, our businesses, our communities, on our streets, and in our government. A publication at the time of Independence in 1981 entitled: “The Road to Independence” states: “With Independence a serious task faces the Belizean people-not only to transform a society marked by centuries of colonial exploitation and dependency, but to build a national unity shattered by decades of political strain under the weight of the Guatemalan claim.” In 2014, we are unquestionably united in our rejection of the unfounded claim but new threats to national unity of our own making have arisen. A growing political divide grounded in a troubling brand of governance which offers no regard or respect to duly elected representatives of the people who do not belong to the Party in Government. Political Parties are important and necessary but once elected to Government, that Political Party and its Leader have a solemn duty and obligation to serve the people of Belize wherever they may live and regardless of whom they voted for. The nation’s resources are not the purview of any one political party. There must be equity and respect for all our communities across the country.
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2014 Today, my fellow Belizeans, we must quietly resolve that ours will be a united and dedicated mission of national renaissance, renewing our commitment as a people to build an egalitarian society based on social justice and economic achievement. I myself am resolved, unshakeable in my belief that together we can build our nation with pride in ourselves. We can become an efficient, forward-thinking, forward-planning and united nation of 350,000 people that uses its natural resources in a sustainable way, secure in social justice and confident in the hope of real political and economic change. A country where our children will raise our grandchildren and their children with a shining future to look forward to. That should be our dream, our hope, our goal. Not just to promise change. To deliver change. To achieve change. That change must result in real, purposeful economic reform, governance reform and health and education reform. Economic reform is about building a creative, innovative, dynamic economy which attracts investment and creates jobs. In 2014 no one credibly questions the importance of investment, both domestic and foreign, to national development. The challenge is to attract investment that is compatible with the goals and aspirations we have set for ourselves as a nation and people. Similarly, by focusing on sustainable employment we assure sustainable economic growth and development. Governance is about the systems and structures in place which determine how the collective wealth and resources of the nation is managed, allocated and distributed, and ultimately the quality of life that each of us as citizens enjoy. Governance is about you, your family, your community, your country. It is entirely unacceptable that as we celebrate 33 years of Independence there is no functioning Public Accounts Committee and no Integrity Commission. The absence of oversight means waste, inefficiency and corruption. Education and health reform remain essential ingredients for real national development. These reforms are about preparing our youth, our workforce, our people, both mentally and physically, for full and active participation in the work of nation building. As written in the “Road to Independence”: “ the victory of Independence belongs to each and every Belizean throughout this history who in no matter how small a way, demonstrated by his or her action, their conviction that nothing is more abhorrent than slavery in any form, and that nothing is more precious than freedom and independence.” I wish you all, on behalf of myself, my family, my Party, a peaceful, safe and Happy Independence Day! ¡Feliz Día de nuestra Independencia a todos en nuestro país! May God Bless each of you, your families and our beloved Belize!
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28 SEP
(CAP. 9) Registration Office Cayo North Electoral Division 28 West Street San Ignacio Town NOTICE TO ELECTORS
ALL PERSONS who are registered as electors in the CAYO NORTH ELECTORAL DIVISION, and who may have objection to the retention in that register of the name of any other person entered therein prior to the 30th day of September, 2014, are notified that they must state their objection in Form 14A to the undersigned by the 31st day of October, 2014. DATED this 1st day of October, 2014 Signed: Jerrylyn Bruce REGISTERING OFFICER Cayo North Electoral Division
ALL PERSONS who are registered as electors in the CAYO SOUTH ELECTORAL DIVISION, and who may have objection to the retention in that register of the name of any other person entered therein prior to the 30th day of September, 2014, are notified that they must state their objection in Form 14A to the undersigned by the 31st day of October, 2014.
DATED this 1st day of October, 2014 (CAP. 9) Signed: Eneida Vargas Registration Office REGISTERING OFFICER Cayo North East Electoral Division Cayo South Electoral Division 28 West Street San Ignacio Town NOTICE TO ELECTORS
Rule 46
ALL PERSONS who are registered as electors in the CAYO NORTH EAST ELECTORAL DIVISION, and who may have objection to the retention in that register of the name of any other person entered therein prior to the 30th day of September, 2014, are notified that they must state their objection in Form 14A to the undersigned by the 31st day of October, 2014.
DATED this 1st day of October, 2014 Signed: Jerrylyn Bruce REGISTERING OFFICER Cayo North East Electoral Division
(CAP. 9) Registration Office Dangriga Electoral Division 19 Yemeri Road Dangriga Town NOTICE TO ELECTORS
Rule 46
ALL PERSONS who are registered as electors in the DANGRIGA ELECTORAL DIVISION, and who may have objection to the retention in that register of the name of any other person entered therein prior to the 30th day of September, 2014, are notified that they must state their objection in Form 14A to the undersigned by the 31st day of October, 2014.
REPRESENTATION OF THE PEOPLE REGISTRATION RULES (CAP. 9) Registration Office Cayo Central Electoral Division 123 George Price Highway Santa Elena Town
DATED this 1st day of October, 2014 Signed: Georgia Bell AG. REGISTERING OFFICER Dangriga Electoral Division Rule 46
ALL PERSONS who are registered as electors in the CAYO CENTRAL ELECTORAL DIVISION, and who may have objection to the retention in that register of the name of any other person entered therein prior to the 30th day of September, 2014, are notified that they must state their objection in Form 14A to the undersigned by the 31st day of October, 2014. DATED this 1st day of October, 2014 Signed: Isabel Gentle AG. REGISTERING OFFICER Cayo Central Electoral Division
ALL PERSONS who are registered as electors in the STANN CREEK WEST ELECTORAL DIVISION, and who may have objection to the retention in that register of the name of any other person entered therein prior to the 30th day of September, 2014, are notified that they must state their objection in Form 14A to the undersigned by the 31st day of October, 2014.
REPRESENTATION OF THE PEOPLE REGISTRATION RULES (CAP. 9) Registration Office Cayo West Electoral Division Kennedy Street Benque Viejo Del Carmen
DATED this 1st day of October, 2014 Signed: Georgia Bell AG. REGISTERING OFFICER Stann Creek West Electoral Division Rule 46
ALL PERSONS who are registered as electors in the CAYO WEST ELECTORAL DIVISION, and who may have objection to the retention in that register of the name of any other person entered therein prior to the 30th day of September, 2014, are notified that they must state their objection in Form 14A to the undersigned by the 31st day of October, 2014.
DATED this 1st day of October, 2014 Signed: Brendalyn Staine AG. REGISTERING OFFICER Cayo West Electoral Division
ALL PERSONS who are registered as electors in the TOLEDO EAST ELECTORAL DIVISION, and who may have objection to the retention in that register of the name of any other person entered therein prior to the 30th day of September, 2014, are notified that they must state their objection in Form 14A to the undersigned by the 31st day of October, 2014.
REPRESENTATION OF THE PEOPLE REGISTRATION RULES (CAP. 9) Registration Office Belmopan Electoral Division Constitution Drive Belmopan City
DATED this 1st day of October, 2014 Signed: Mildred Guzman REGISTERING OFFICER Toledo East Electoral Division
Rule 46
ALL PERSONS who are registered as electors in the BELMOPAN ELECTORAL DIVISION, and who may have objection to the retention in that register of the name of any other person entered therein prior to the 30th day of September, 2014, are notified that they must state their objection in Form 14A to the undersigned by the 31st day of October, 2014. DATED this 1st day of October, 2014 Signed: Eneida Vargas REGISTERING OFFICER Belmopan Electoral Division
(CAP. 9) Registration Office Toledo East Electoral Division 41A Prince Street Punta Gorda Town NOTICE TO ELECTORS
Rule 46
(CAP. 9) Registration Office Stann Creek West Electoral Division 19 Yemeri Road Dangriga Town NOTICE TO ELECTORS
Rule 46
(CAP. 9) Registration Office Toledo West Electoral Division 41A Prince Street Punta Gorda Town
(CAP. 9)
Registration Office Cayo South Electoral Division Constitution Drive Belmopan City
NOTICE TO ELECTORS ALL PERSONS who are registered as electors in the TOLEDO WEST ELECTORAL DIVISION, and who may have objection to the retention in that register of the name of any other person entered therein prior to the 30th day of September, 2014, are notified that they must state their objection in Form 14A to the undersigned by the 31st day of October, 2014. DATED this 1st day of October, 2014 Signed: Mildred Guzman REGISTERING OFFICER Toledo West Electoral Division
28 SEP
For Sale By Order of the
For Sale By Order of the
Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Mortgage made the 17th day of May, 2011 between Crispin Jeffries of 189 Belizean American Site, Hattieville Village, Belize District, Belize, of the one part, and Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., of the other part, and recorded in Deeds Book Vol. 912 of 2011 at Folios 1217 – 1284, the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the schedule hereto. All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.
Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Mortgage made the 12th day of July, 2004 between REGINA BAIDE of Pomona Village, Stann Creek District, Belize, of the one part, and Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., of the other part, and recorded in Deeds Book Vol. 22 of 2004 at Folios 59 – 88, the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the schedule hereto.
SCHEDULE ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 152 containing 827.78 square yards situate South of the Western Highway, near Mile 17, Hattieville Village Extension, Belize District, and bounded and described as shown by Plan attached to Minister’s Fiat (Grant) No. 846 of 2005 TOGETHER with all buildings, erections and developments standing and being thereon.
All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. SCHEDULE ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 2 and comprising 835.844 Square Metres situate in the New Pomona Village Site, near Mile 11, Stann Creek Valley Road, Stann Creek District, bounded and described as shown by Plan No. 10 of 2004 attached to Minister’s Fiat Grant No. 10 of 2004 TOGETHER with buildings and erections standing and being thereon.
DATED this 16th day of September, 2014.
DATED this 16th day of September, 2014.
MUSA & BALDERAMOS LLP 91 North Front Street Belize City Attorneys-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.
MUSA & BALDERAMOS LLP 91 North Front Street Belize City Attorneys-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.
For Sale By Order of the
Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Mortgage made the 16th day of February, 2005 between MARCUS NUNEZ of Hopkins Village, Stann Creek District, Belize, of the one part, and Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., of the other part, and recorded in Deeds Book Vol. 7 of 2005 at Folios 125 – 192, the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the schedule hereto. All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. SCHEDULE ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 142A comprising 800 square yards situate in Hopkins Village, Stann Creek District and more particularly shown on a plan of survey of lots laid out in Hopkins Village, Stann Creek District by Government Surveyor W. P. Christie dated July 12th 1965 registered at the Lands and Survey Department, Belmopan in Tracing No. 6 of Hopkins Village TOGETHER with all buildings, and erections standing and being thereon.
HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED a statutory body formed and registered under the Credit Union Act, Chapter 314 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2000, and whose registered office is situated at No. 1 Hyde’s Lane, Belize City, Belize District hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Chargee under and by virtue of a Charge registered at the Land Registry between Kenrick Jones (Deceased) Surety for Nessie Jones and the said Holy Redeemer Credit Union Limited. HRCU will at the expiration of three months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the Schedule below. ALL offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing to HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED from whom full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained.
SCHEDULE ALL THAT piece or parcel of land comprising 508.9 square yards being Parcel 63, Block 16 in the Caribbean Shores/Belize Registration Section situate at No. 5865 Corner Seashore Drive and Broaster Avenue, Belize City, Belize District, TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon, the freehold property of KENRICK JONES (Deceased) Surety for NESSIE JONES DATED the 11th day of September 2014
DATED this 16 day of September, 2014. th
MUSA & BALDERAMOS LLP 91 North Front Street Belize City Attorneys-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.
18 In my perspective…
We all could learn from Sir Barry!
by Rayford Young On September 21st Belize celebrated its thirty third year of independence. However you may feel about Independence it’s a month of parades, floats, concerts and people just having a good time. What always amazes me is the turn out and how people can enjoy themselves and be patriotic after seven years of hardship and unemployment being the highest in modern times. You cannot tell people are hurting from the smiles and the joy you see on their faces in the parades. I was told so many times that I had to check out the Sir Barry Belikin Bash. Everyone said to me it’s the best festivity, you got to come. Well I was kind of embarrassed to say the least; I didn’t know what was the Sir Barry Bash but it gave me a chance to do a little research and what I found is amazing indeed. This is my kind of guy. Eric Bowen, originally from San Ignacio District, Cayo, District, founded a lemonade factory called Bowen and Bowen (and also known as the Crystal Bottling Co.) in 1930. The company would eventually grow into Belize’s largest bottler under his son, Barry. Barry Bowen completed his bachelor’s degree at Cornell University and returned to run Bowen and Bowen with his father Eric. They began distributing Coca-Cola products throughout what was then known as British Honduras. Barry Bowen became the manager of his father’s company in 1968. In 1971, the family-owned Bowen and Bowen acquired the Belize Brewing Company, maker of Belikin, which was first brewed in the late 1960s. As of 2010, the Bowen family-owned brewing company controls virtually the entire beer market in Belize, as imports of brands from Mexico and Guatemala are prohibited. Belikin is now the country’s only domestically produced beer, following the failure of its competitor, Charger beer. The company currently brews several brands of beer - Belikin, Lighthouse lager, Belikin Supreme lager, and Belikin stout, as well as Guinness stout under a licensing agreement. In December 2007, Queen Elizabeth ll knighted Bowen as a Knight Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George. Bowen was killed around 5:30 p.m. on February 26, 2010, when the Cessna 206 he was piloting crashed on approach to the airstrip at San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye. Bowen was 64 years old. (Wikipedia.com) What I like most about Sir Barry is that he never forgot where he came. Every year in September for three nights Bowen & Bowen sponsors free live concerts as a way of saying thank you to the people of Belize. A time to bring the whole family for fun and entrainment and the people come out in huge numbers. What I also like about Sir Barry is that he made his wealth from hard work, innovation, experiment and taking chances. That’s what entrepreneurship is all about: taking risks and if you succeed you are entitled to all the financial rewards it brings.
As of lately thought that idea is not the norm anymore. Too many have found another way to gain wealth without the hard work or innovation. Today there’s an easier way: become a politician. In Belize the system is set up for this kind of behavior you are accountable to no one. The ruling party is in control of everything, from the finances of the country to the judges and the police department. Therefore the politicians can do as they please with no fear of being caught or investigated. The Government Ministers are Kings. They have the authority to hire and fire as they please. No government employee better cross them. Many of the government Ministers today were average citizens before they became Ministers. In seven short years they are millionaires living large in mansions, driving SUVs and many of their kids are in Universities abroad. Unlike Sir Barry these politicians don’t produce a product or take the risk of marketing a product, instead they are takers. They are the worst kind of human beings that take from the poor to enrich themselves and their family and friends. How can you live in Belize City and drive around and see the conditions so many of our citizens live in and drive to your mansion knowing your fellow citizens are living in deplorable conditions? The problem in Belize is that we don’t have a system of check and balances. How many of these politicians, like Sir Barry, would consider giving back something to the community. After all it’s not yours anyhow. Do you think the Hon. Boots Martinez Minister of Human Development, Social Transformation and Poverty Alleviation, could donate one of his pool tables to some poor youth so they have something positive to do after school? Or give one of your many apartments to a single mother who is trying to raise her kids but just need a helping hand? Or what about Hon. Gaspar Vega, Minister of Natural Resources and Agriculture? This man has provided so much land for his family and friends it should be a scandal. How about giving a poor family a parcel of land since you have so many? How about the Prime Minister returning BTL to its rightful, legal owners? Don’t hold your breath. Thieves don’t give back or share. They are always in search for more and it’s never enough. This thirty-third anniversary of Belize’s Independence I would say it’s a mixed bag. For the politicians, it’s been a great ride into prosperity. But for the masses, it’s been a horrible, dysfunctional economic disaster especially these past seven years. People that were elected to be the watchdogs and the protectors of the country’s treasurers and resources have turned out to be its biggest looters. Sir Barry’s contribution and patriotic love of country will live on for eternity. Today’s politicians will be marked as the most corrupt, self-indulging hypocrites known to man and rightfully so. You were elected to lead the country to a better place. Instead, you took and took and that makes you an unpatriotic Belizean who chose to serve self rather than the people you were elected to serve. Rayford Young is a Belizean-American, who currently lives in Michigan, U.S.A. Send comments to rayfordyoung@comcast.net
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28 SEP
5 year old accuses classmate of sodomy
City of Belmopan, September 24, 2014 Belmopan Police are investigating a report by a 5 year old boy and his family that he was sodomized by another child at his school. The child reported to the Police that he was assaulted by a 5 year old boy inside the bathroom of the school. Following their report to the Police, the child was examined by a medical doctor who confirmed that there had been anal penetration. The mother told the media that last week Tuesday she picked up her son at the school when she noticed that his underwear and pants had blood stains. She said she asked her son what took place, and he told her what happened. Feeling terrified, she reported the incident to the school authorities and then the Police. She added that she is disappointed that
Barrow’s Bandaid GOB Ignores Home Mortgage Crisis
Belize City, September 24, 2014 In his unwrapping of yet another political gimmick that will once again see the UDP Government use public funds to lure votes, Prime Minister Dean Barrow exposed the ignored crisis in the mortgage sector which has seen thousands of Belizeans lose their homes and properties. These losses are a direct result of the economic decline under the Barrow Administration. While the Prime Minister beats his chest about an imagined 8.7% GDP second quarter growth, Belizeans are living zero growth with the high cost of living, heavy taxation, high unemployment and no salary increases. The hundreds of homes that are advertised “FOR SALE” in the weekly newspapers are proof of this. Barrow has, in the past, complained about the private banks’ killer interest rates and has even threatened to use his executive power to force the interest rates down through regulation by the Central Bank, but it has been nothing but talk and talk. This has been disappointing and unfair, especially considering that in Belize everyone is affected by Government’s policies or in this case, inaction. The UDP Government pretends that their poor management of the economy has nothing to do with the loan mortgage failures. The Prime Minister is well aware of the magnitude of the crisis, and his so-called “relief” for those feeling the brunt of it, the home mortgage owners, is short-sighted and deceptive. Barrow’s version of relief is that GOB will pay the December interest rates for all home mortgages that were originally less than $100,000. That’s it!! There is no new policy that addresses the long-term challenges of this crisis. No cap on interest rates for mortgages bases on family income. No new regulation requiring banks to join the rest of the world in reducing their interest rates. No protection for thousands of Belizeans trapped in the foreclosure madness. The Government simply put a band-aid for December and maintains the status quo. Belizeans have reacted to the Government’s proposal. Most are concerned that GOB will once more dipping its hands into public monies to finance its political gimmick. This type of politics is deceitful and very detrimental to our country’s growth and development.
no one has taken action. She feels that the school and Police authorities are dragging their feet. This week, when classes resumed on Tuesday the
mother and concerned residents held a protest outside the school gates, calling on the school officials to act. The school has reported that they are investigating the
allegations. They have also disputed that if the incident had occurred in the school’s bathroom, it would have been detected by one of their school wardens who is always posted near the bathroom.
28 SEP
28 SEP
The Queen of the Bay Committee thanks all who by their generosity and support made the selection of the 69th Queen of the Bay Pageant a successful event including those listed below. Thank you. Prizes – Queen of the Bay Pageant 2014 QUEEN DESIGNATE, MONISHA STUART, MISS BELIZE CITY – REPRESENTING PITTS HOUSE – RECEIVED: Coronation Dress sponsored by Joycelyn Codd: Elda Hulse Degree Scholarship to UB from Hon. Patrick Faber, Minister of Education $1,000.00 from Hon. Dean Barrow One TABLET from Fultec One Digicel Prepaid Package from Belize Temedia One Necklace from Cynthia Nunez $100.00 Beauty Treatment from Mapye’s Beauty World $100.00 Beauty Treatment from Joyalel’s Beauty Lounge Gift basket from Grace Kennedy Belize Gift basket from Francis Coye $100.00 Gift card from James Brodie and Co. Two $100.00 gift cards from MIKADO 1st Runner-Up, Jasmine Rhamdas, Queen of the Bay, Belmopan – Received: $1000.00 from Simon Quan & Co. Tablet from Courts Belize 1 Gift Basket from Roses Paper Products 2 Gifts from Hofius From Ellison Flowers – one gift certificate at Becky’s A gift card from Habet & Habet 2nd Runner Up, Carmelita Lara, Queen of the West – Received: $500.00 from Barrow & Williams $300.00 from Douglas Singh Gift basket from Southside Meats From the Beverage Division at Karl H. Menzies a gift basket
Restaurants & Persons who provided meals Hon. Manuel Herredia Mayor Darrel Bradley Commissioner of Police Marlin’s Restaurant Mr. and Mrs. Dean Fuller Marvas Restaurant Chateau Caribbean Chon Saan Palace Conningsby Inn K&M Restaurant Mr. and Mrs. Ian Morrison PUC Diversified Life Solutions
4 scholarships from a Belizean in New York Prizes for other finalists sponsored by Public Service Commission Consolation Prizes sponsored by Social Security Board, SMART Belize, Price Premier Products Miss Amity – Tamika Miranda - $200 from Bradley’s Imports Miss Photogenic – Jasmine Rhamdas - $300.00 from Atlantic Bank Miss Eloquence – Carmelita Lara – St. John’s Credit Union $200.00 Saving Certificate Best Talent – Monisha Stuart – Civil Service Credit Union Best Dressed – Monisha Stuart - $100.00 from Beas Creations, $200.00 from Brother’s Habet The Om Shanti & Reiki (pronounced rake-e) Center hosted a yoga session for the candidates. Each Candidate Received: A handbag from Geraldine Kingston, photos of the week’s activities – a fan from a Belizean in New York Bouquets prepared by Florasol; by Mark Hulse Tabulators – Jason Pascual & crew Security provided by KBH Security Sponsored by September Celebrations were: the Pageant Venue, the Lights/Sound & Music, the Sashes and posters which were prepared by Creative Marketing, Reggie Rodriguez the Photographer for the week, AND Expenses for the 10th and 21st 0f September. The Venue & Refreshment for Sashing Ceremony was sponsored by SPOONAZ Café Expenses during year of Queens’ reigns sponsored by Central Bank. Sponsors: Prime Minister, Hon. Dean Barrow Hon. Manuel Herredia Bliss Centre for Performing Arts Belize Biltmore Plaza – one week accommodation for Queen/Candidates/Chaperones Euphrates Auto Rental & Price & Co. - transportation for Queen & Candidates from 24th August to 10th September Fx Auto Body Shop Print Belizie – Tickets Development Solutions KBH Solutions KBH Security Carpet Plus Horse & Carriage BiWay Gift Shop Jules Boutique The BELIZE TIMES POSITIVE VIBES WAVE TV, LOVE, KREM, LIK ROAD, BBN, The Guardian, MORE FM Matus Taxi Suprem Creations
28 SEP