Sunday, December 2, 2012
Issue No. 4824
www.facebook/Belize Times
SUNDAY December 2, 2012
135 DEAD!
Editorial: PRIDE COMES BEFORE DISASTER With this serious debt overhang and so many Belizean families falling deeper into poverty and misery you would think that Mr. Barrow as Minister of Finance would exercise some level of prudence and humility in trying to convince our lenders and creditors of the dire need for debt relief for Belize.
Page 5
Gapi v. Faber: Round 2 Alfred Schakron
Azziz Mohammed Dib
Suzenne Martinez
James Norales
Despite pledges of support, UDP Chairman Patrick Faber’s bid for deputy leader is threatened by backstabbing and greedy politicians
Page 9
Reid Between the Lines:
Deon Waight
Robert Vellos
Human bones found near Swing Bridge
Karen Skeen Vellos
Teena Skeen
Pg. 4
This government believes that the solution to crime is to pay criminals not to commit crime. This approach has never worked and certainly will not work now. If we do that, then once the money is done, they will either have to be given more or they will go right back to what they know best.
Page 21
TOP MODEL inside
visits Belize next Thursday
Pg. 31
During his visit to Belize Minister Farrakhan will be meeting Government officials, the Opposition Leader and holding public rallies
Page 31
on the social media
“Norteños in support of Maya People of southern Belize” says lesson learnt from history Editor Sir, Kindly allow me a space in your prestigious newspaper to let our Mayan brothers and sisters living in communities around the Sarstoon Temash national park managed by SATIIM know, that we in the north of this beautiful jewel Belize are in full support against oil exploration and drilling around their communities. The government must understand that these lands rightfully
belong to these communities. A group of students and I, who are of Yucatec Maya descent and our families, have come together in alliance to voice our support to the Maya people of the south. We call ourselves “Norteños in support of Maya People of southern Belize”. We are in full support and in solidarity with our brothers and sisters and SATIIM. We strongly believe that drilling will impact very negatively and the con-
sequences can be far reaching to those Mayan communities and to the pristine and yet unspoiled Sarstoon Temash National Park and others. Those supporting oil drilling in our parks or even offshore should remember the worrisome phrases constantly repeating around the world by scientist and environmentalist alike. Phrases like global warming, hole in the ozone layer, coral bleaching, changing in weather patterns or climate changes etc. Let us remember that all of this is occurring because we are destroying our rainforest, the lungs of mother earth, hence the reason why recently we are experiencing more severe natural disasters. We refuse to just stand aside and see our forest destroyed just for the enrichment of some few people. Many people in Orange Walk, especially in the villages of San Jose Nuevo Palmar still remember when the British logging company, the Belize estate and produce company forcibly removed the villagers of San Jose near the Yalbac hills of Western Orange Walk District in 1936 just so they could rape their fertile lands and forest of precious woods like Mahogany and others. These villages were also Mayan (Yucatec) and they had been living in the Yalbac hills for generations. This was their ancestral homeland yet the wealthy British Giant didn’t care. They needed their land for their future
Is an increase in fees at the public hospital necessary? Dear Editor, Recently the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital (KHMH) announced an increase in fees to be paid by persons visiting the Emergency and Accident Ward at Belize City’s only public hospital; indeed, it is the largest referral hospital countrywide and can in a sense be referred to as the national hospital in that it hosts patients from around the country. The KHMH has been in existence for more than a decade and a half and in that time has acquired an image in some quarters as incompetently managed and improperly equipped to handle even the most basic of services. The hospital has endured numerous scandals and “black eyes” in its history and in some corners is still regarded with deep mistrust and even
loathing. The recent (2009) Commission of Inquiry into alleged misappropriation of hospital equipment to the alleged benefit of a few favored dealers has not resulted in a meaningful change at top level and the hospital’s administrative caucus has in fact become more tightly knit, as recently demonstrated when a simple request by certain media houses for a report by the Government’s Audit Department into follow-up allegations by a whistle-blowing employee was stonewalled. The hospital would prefer to talk up its triumphs and achievements, such as expansion of services in cardiology and orthopedics and improvement of basic services. And yet, it is those basic services which have now been targeted for additional revenue bases by the hospital.
Illegal CitCo tax squeeze?
Dear Editor, I went to the Traffic Department this week to license my vehicle only to be told that I cannot proceed unless I first check with the Belize City Council office. They claimed that I owe taxes. First of all, I want to know if what they are doing to us is legal. And if it ain’t, then where is the Bar Association, legal aid or just one good attorney on this to stop those people? I have no problem paying my taxes if I owe the Belize City Council. But they shouldn’t deny me services I am rightfully due. There is no need for this squeeze by the Council. I call on the Court to stop the harsh tax and squeeze. For good sake Mayor, don’t tax us poor and hardworking city residents to debt! Yours sincerely, City resident
According to the hospital’s CEO, Dr. Gary Longsworth, some 30,000 patients go to the hospital on a yearly basis with “non-urgent” conditions and are treated for free at the Accident and Emergency Ward. In a conference with reporters he claims that Belizeans have become used to having the hospital available to treat just about anything and that the hospital is “grateful” for the confidence Belizeans have placed in it, but adds that this creates a strain on the hospital’s resources, leading to the “re-imposition” (as according to him the fee was already in place and not enforced) of a $10 fee for such treatments and a pharmacy fee of $5 to complement the already low cost of prescriptions. It is all well and good for the hospital to claim overwork, but that is a matter of planning and efficiency, not only at hospital level but at administrative level in the Ministry of Health. There is no evidence of an overall plan for the health sector, and numerous incidents in the last few years have demonstrated that the Ministry is simply muddling along from crisis to crisis, relying on temporary fixes rather than long-term solutions. The KHMH has implemented a health information system that was boasted to be a model for countries around the world – yet is telling would-be patients to see their issues treated at a public health clinic. Why not coordinate with the public health facilities such as Cleopatra White, Matron Roberts and others and establish a paper trail through the health information system so that small crises do not become large ones? What about mobile health clinics – they work just as well in the urban areas as they do the rural ones?
Sunday, December 2, 2012 enrichment. The BEC employed brutal methods on the company to force out the villagers in the 1930’s. They paid miskito mercenaries to destroy their crops, kill their animals, and more than once even hurt and kill some of the peasant Maya farmers who refused to move. They were a peaceful group of farmers not warriors. Eventually the British giant won and the villagers were relocated in what is now San Jose Nuevo Palmer. We are not going to stand and watch a repeat of this disastrous event of the 1930’s. Maybe US Capital Energy, American giant this time, and the Government are not forcibly removing the villagers there right now. But if their forest is destroyed because of some petroleum related disaster, God forbid, the villagers would then have to relocate somewhere else. Our organization is ready to fight back. Solidarity forever, long live our natural parks, may they remain pristine forever. Long live the “Norteños in support of the Mayan people of Southern Belize”. Government of Belize, US, Capital Energy we are watching! Sincerely, Public Admin Student University Of Belize
The hospital insists that no patient will be turned away if they are unable to pay for services rendered. But that is not the point. The imposition of fees without consultation with the general public whom they affect results in a winnowing of individuals who prefer to take over the counter solutions or go to traditional herbal medicine which is no guarantee of success. The hospital must buckle down and address this problem if it is to prevent its constituency from losing confidence in it by chasing money over development. Student of the University of Belize Public Administration
THE BELIZE TIMES serving Belize since 1957 as the longest continous newspaper. Founder: Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus
Chris Williams Published By The Belize Times Press Ltd. Tel: 671-8385 #3 Queen Street P.O. BOX 506 Belize City, Belize Email:
Sunday, December 2, 2012
BUYERS BEWARE! Belize City, November 27, 2012 Since June of 2012 the Mayor of Belize City, Darrel Bradley has been setting a launch date for the prospectus of a BZ$20m Municipal Bond. In finance, a prospectus is a marketing document that describes the “offering” (Municipal Bonds) and commonly provides the potential investors (lenders) about the operation and viability of the entity making the bond offering which in this case is the Belize City Council (the borrower). The insider traders who were preparing the prospectus initially got greedy and walked away from the table because they wanted 5% of the BZ$20.0m and not the 2% the Mayor offered. That initial prospectus attempt had a member of the “first family’s” finger prints all over it. But then an even greedier set got involved. It is reported that the Mayor and members of his Council got involved in the drafting of the prospectus and fees. All this confusion had them missing the initial June deadline for the initial launch, the next date was set for August 29th, then it was September 15th, then October 17th, then November 15th, and then
FINALLY November 22nd, 2012. Whew. The prospectus has finally been revealed to the public, and any possible investors are urged to confirm that they are making a sound investment. Our review of the Municipal Bond Prospectus 2012 has left us alarmed. As standard procedure, the first thing an investor does is to review the Auditor’s opinion on the presentation of the borrower’s financials and their projections. These financials provide a history and analysis of the “borrower’s” (Belize City Council) current financial performance. The projections should give investors some lev-
el of confidence in their investment by showing how their monies will be paid back. According to the Auditor’s opinion on the financial projection, “Our report dated June 22, 2012 expressed adverse opinion, based on our inability to ascertain opening balances for accounts receivable and accounts payable”. This means, in layman’s terms, that the Auditor could not confirm how much is owed to the Council and how much the Council owed. This is a glaring statement because it means that nothing thereafter in the financial statement can be relied upon. The Auditor went on to say that in their opinion, “Since the financial projection is based on assumptions regarding future events, actual results may vary from the information presented and the variations may be material. Accordingly, we express no opinion as to whether the financial projection will be achieved”. The Auditor is cautioning investors. The Council’s projection to afford and pay back bondholder’s monies is based on unreliable data. That the Auditor stated “we express no opinion”, it is them saying in a guarded way that the risk is too great to invest in these bonds. In our cursory review of the financials it is noted that the Government of Belize subvention to the Belize City Council went up by BZ$1.0m in 2012 when compared to 2011, which signifies
that Darrell Bradley has more money from Government to carry out work than Zenaida Moya had as Mayor of Belize City. There is a clear bias towards Bradley by this UDP Government. In addition, the spending (Operating Expense) under Darrell Bradley increased by over 15%, from BZ$16.1m to BZ$19.2m, and one of the largest increases in expense occurred under the heading Finance & Administration which increased by 47%. The five-year projection indicates that Government subvention will be consistent at BZ$2.3m which everyone knows is unsustainable because the Government is broke and is living from Continued on page 10
Murderous Year 135 killings so far in 2012
Belize City, November 28th, 2012 There is nothing joyous about the crumbling state of our nation, especially when it comes to the worsening safety and security of Belizeans. The BELIZE TIMES has been closely monitoring the murder count and our unofficial counting has it at 135 homicides. This is the highest it has ever been. It is much more than all of 2011 which recorded 128 murders, and 2010, which up to now, had recorded the highest murders at 132. The level of crime and violence in Belize is shocking, especially since we are a country with a population of only over 300,000, and with a youth population of more than 60%. Worst is that the year isn’t even over, and there is no telling just who can be the next victim. Nowhere seems to be safe anymore, not inside your home or even a church.
Over the weekend, six more chilling homicides occurred, all in the Belize District, with three of the most gruesome execution-style killings in Belize City which is now considered the murder capital. Two of the victims were riddled with more than a dozen bullets on the street side, like their lives didn’t matter. Two of the murders occurred inside the “crime ridden” zone in the Lake Independence area where the Government claims it has stepped up sufficient foot police patrols. Belize City has become a hotbed for crime – it is crippling the economy and exacerbating deteriorated social conditions. The Barrow Administration has failed to put in place appropriate measures to reduce the night-time and even broad daylight shootings and brazen armed robberies. Their ideas sound great in speeches and look good on paper, but lack proper implementation and execution. There was Vision 360 under former Police Minister Carlos Perdomo . It took us nowhere. Then came Op-
eration Jaguar and Minister Doug Singh. Both failed badly. The Barrow Administration, with current Police Minister John Saldivar, is repeating their mistakes. They are refusing to listen to advice coming from social partners and the Opposition, that the high crime rate is a symptom of the bad economic state in our country. With the increasing unemployment statistics and growing poverty, Belizeans are turning to illegal activity at a rapid pace. Belize cannot afford to lose its precious people, especially the innocent younger generation. More importantly, Belizeans must realize that they cannot afford to allow the Barrow Administration to “govern” with gross neglect and incompetence that they have failed to keep the citizens in this country safe and secure.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Victim of senseless killing Belize City, November 28, 2012 Police have no leads to the murder of Deon Waight who was killed on Friday November 23 night. Waight was found lying dead on the street with four gunshot wounds – to back of neck, back of head, right side of head and to left hand. All authorities know so far is that Waight was walking on Kraal Road, heading to his residence, when upon reaching the junction with Guerrero Street, a white car with gold stripes and unknown license plate number, stopped beside him and unidentified persons fired several shots at him. Waight’s family believes their loved one was the victim of a senseless killing his he was not one who meddled with others. “He was just going to shop. The store closes ten o’clock so I figure now he runs out there thinking ‘mek ah go over there and buy this cigarette and get right back because dah wah close distance’. He does this all the time; this is something that he does all the time. He have no fear about nothing because he’s not in the game. We heard that the people dehn just send people round yah fi kill anybody. So it could have been me, could have been anyone, innocent person comes out just like that man that come out his house innocently going to buy something. These people just wanted to kill somebody from around here,” said his brother, Papi Dickson. At the scene, Police found three 9mm expended shells, two WCC and an Aguila brand shells, suggesting three firearms were used in the shooting.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
nd arrogance before a fall, according to the Book of Proverbs 16: 18-19. The Chinese have a way of disguising the rise to economic power of the great nation of China. Over the past decade they have quietly become one of the most powerful countries in the world. China is today a net lender to the US Government. But you will not hear any official of the Chinese government publicly berating any executive of an international financial institution. Even the President of the United States of America, a super-power, when it comes to international relations will more often than not speak softly and carry a big stick. Belize has no big stick. Its leader has bark but no bite. Belize has an economy that is struggling between stagnant and dread. After 5 years of Barrow bravado and braggadocio, this economy is now on life-support. Our society is racked by violence. Crime is rampant. Unemployment especially among youth is the highest in our nation’s history. In April 2012, according to the Prime Minister’s budget presentation, the recorded public debt had reached US$1.2 billion or 81% of G.D.P. (BZ$2.4 Billion dollars). Then there is the additional liability of compensation due for the forcible take-over of BTL and BEL – a reported US$450 million claimed by the former owners. Even if only half this amount is awarded the total public debt owed by Belize would amount to over US$1.6 billion or $3.2 Billion Belize dollars. This year alone on top of that the Government is borrowing an additional $140 million. With this serious debt overhang and so many Belizean families falling deeper into poverty and misery you would think that Mr. Barrow as Minister of Finance would exercise some level of prudence and humility in trying to convince our lenders and creditors of the dire need for debt relief for Belize. Not so. So full of themselves this UDP macho bunch have been behaving like bulls let loose on the streets of downtown Belize City. The head-bull Barrow during his campaign for re-election blasted the rating agencies – Standard & Poors and Moodys for downgrading Belize. When told of the possible repercussions, the Prime Minister blurted out “I don’t give a damn!” He has also from time to time spoken disparagingly of the International Monetary Fund posturing like a populist strongman of the Caribbean region. Now he has gone further to publicly castigate the President of the Inter-American Development Bank (I.D.B.) because the Bank refused to provide him with a partial guarantee and policy based loan to assist in the payment to bond holders. The I.D.B. has been the main source of financing to Belize for the past decade. But this one time when I.D.B. is unable to give Mr. Barrow what he so desperately wants he has taken to the airwaves calling out the President of the Bank, describing Mr. Moreno’s decision as “a crass act of cowardice”. Because Moreno refused to take the proposal to his Board knowing that the US Treasury representative would have blocked it, Barrow calls him a coward. By calling the distinguished President of the I.D.B. “a chicken” Dean Barrow is displaying a highly irresponsible tactless and puerile foolhardiness. In his delusion of grandeur Belize’s puffed-up, soi-disant Minister of Everything has been destroying the good name and image of Belize in the eyes of the international community. When asked by the media about the proposed shift from a 9% hotel and accommodation tax to the 12.5% GST, which the Prime Minister had tabled at the last House Meeting, Barrow said, “that’s dead, dead, dead! It ain’t going to be done!” This is a case of cutting off one’s nose to spite one’s face! Earlier this year the Prime Minister had presented and passed several Bills in the House of Representatives including the Domestic Banks and Financial Institutions Bill which has some far-reaching provisions empowering the Central Bank to pry into an individual’s bank account. At the time the Prime Minister denied that these laws were being rush through the National Assembly as a condition for expected support from the I.D.B. in the debt-restructuring negotiations. Now that this assistance from the I.D.B. is not forthcoming Barrow is behaving like a raving, unhinged person. He so much wanted to win a second term. But his first term turned out to be a major disappointment. Many who welcomed the change in 2008 saw their hopes and dreams shattered by an administration driven by spiteful political victimization, riddled by corruption and incompetence. Barrow and the UDP did eke out a win in 2012 but only at the price of massive vote buying and fraudulent instant registration of unqualified immigrants. There is no way that the Prime Minister can sit comfortably in his office in Belmopan. He must know that his days are numbered. So he has resorted to the rash exercise of absolute power, the irresponsible exercise of the power of his office. He will not be seen on the same podium with the President of the I.D.B. anytime soon, says Barrow – but who cares?!! Perhaps this editorial should conclude with Kipling’s quote: “Power without Responsibility: the prerogative of the harlot throughout the ages”. Better yet, there is a more fitting quote suitable to a man who only has the illusion of his self-importance. That quote comes from the playwright Tom Stoppard: “Responsibility without power, the prerogative of the eunuch throughout the ages”.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Sunday, December 2, 2012
X stands for Xtra (Cash) Belize City, November 27, 2012 This week, as with almost every other week, the Editor of the Amandala newspaper seemed to be obsessing over the PUP at a time when most of our citizens are focused on the real issues affecting our country, like the gruesome daily murders, the rising cost of living, and an economy that remains comatose thanks to Dean Barrow’s failed policies as Prime Minister of Belize. Misdirection and distraction have always been the hallmark of UDP political tactics. In the normal course of Belizean politics, untimely, out-of-touch editorials such as the one found in Tuesday’s edition of the Amandala are expected from an entity like the UDP’s El Guardian. But now it appears that the X is trying to adopt these very same strategies in trying to convince the Belizean electorate that in the face of crisis on every street corner, you guessed it, the PUP is the problem. Indeed, it’s a hard pill to swallow, especially since his organization is rooted in one of the communities most affected by crime, poverty, and joblessness. For X it must seem like a real “game”: trying to keep afloat this fantasy bubble behind the zinc fence where Dean Barrow is prince charming and the X the genie from Aladdin. Anything is possible (with the right amount of cheddar that is).
In his editorial this week, X challenges the PUP to show him the money. As he says, “Well, to tell the truth,” ….hold up, hold up, before going any further, anyone who opens up with “to tell the truth” or “to be honest” you have to really question, haven’t you been truthful with us all along? Anyways, as X was saying: “Well, to tell the truth, we really wish we knew where all this money is which Mr. Barrow has bought us with, because we could certainly use it.” Now if they were doing some hanky panky under the table, X could have gotten away with such a bogus remark, but everybody could see from Krem TV and the Amandala newspaper that there is a funnel connected from government’s rear end into X’s pocket. It has been estimated, and the X could come clean on this if he likes, that Kremandala is receiving a whopping $40,000 per month in ads from government, BTL (also government), Social Security Board (also government) and so on and so on. Just flip through their 70plus page newspaper editions and you will see how many government ads are being poured into the paper. The only other entity to clear that kind of mullah is Hallmark; and well, again we don’t have to dig very far to uncover that connection to the X either. The very
After bloody weekend, Magistrate’s Court hears 26 new matters Belize City, Tues. November 27, 2012 After a bloody weekend, a total of 26 criminal matters were lodged yesterday at the Magistrate’s Court, which is quite indicative of how high the crime rate is, particularly in the Belize District. Noteworthy among them was the case of three young men who were charged with the murder of James Norales, 28, who was shot and killed around 7:15pm on Friday, November 23, at the corner of Kraal Road and Faber’s Road. The three accused were 24 year old Brandon Baptist, a construction
same one who he used to refer to as Hezbollah, now publicly known as Judas, has been reaping the sweets of a betrayal of the Belizean people that is likely to go down as the worst act of deception in the history of Belizean politics. So the next time, and we’re sure that next time will be next week, you see X playing the Jerry Mcguire “show me the money” game, you let him know that fool di write but dah no fool di read.
workers of #6632 Police Street address; 24 year old Orel Leslie, a businessman of #7 Linda Vista Site; and 19 year old Tyron Meighan, unemployed of #27 Banak Street. They were jointly charged and remanded into custody until January 7, 2013. Another case of interest was one in which two men, Quincy Gentle, 22, and Deon Warrior, 39, were charged with 3 counts of burglary for stolen items that amounted to over $21,320 in value. The items, which were recovered, included an assortment of jewelry, digital cameras, cellular phones, perfumes, handbags, and wrist watches. They were stolen from the dwelling house of Sandra Young, located at 14 Bride’s Alley. The incident occurred on Thursday, November 22. Apart from burglary, Gentle and Warrior were charged with 3 counts of handling stolen goods, conspiracy to commit burglary and conspiracy to commit handling stolen goods. Senior Magistrate Sharon Fraser offered each of them a bail of $15,000. Their case was adjourned until January 9. Twenty-six cases may be a record number and the Magistrate’s Court in Belize City which seems to be short of Magistrates, had its fill yesterday. Most of the cases yesterday were for drug possession, which has become quite prevalent.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Sunday, December 2, 2012
BUYERS BEWARE! Continued from page 3 hand to mouth because all their taxes are underperforming and the Superbond negotiation has gone bonkers. So shortly Government will have to review and reduce their subvention. It is important to note that there is no legal obligation for the Central Government to give subventions to Municipal bodies. The issue of reliance on the head tax is also very concerning because any perils such as hurricanes, tsunami, etc. or some attack that endangers tourist can force a decline in tourist arrivals, which would diminish the amount collected from the head tax. All of this could affect the bondholders’ payments. In the event that a default occurs on the Municipal Bond the only recourse the bondholders have is to seek the assistance of the Courts, but the Belize City Council under Darrell Bradley have shown a track record of not respecting the Courts. Belize Maintenance Limited (BML) won a court dispute against the Council several months ago and was awarded BZ$2.4m which the Belize City Council has refused to pay to date. So in short, the Belize City Council is snubbing the Court and not paying their bills. Why would a rational person (investor or managers of funds) feel comforted to lend them money? In weeks prior, the largest banking institution in Belize was poised and prepared to underwrite the entire BZ$20.0m with the stroke of pen, but while doing their due diligence they discovered all these scary information in the prospectus. In addition, they could not get any comfort from the Auditor’s statement, so as rational custodians of depositors’ money they removed their offer from the Municipal Bond pool. In short, the prospectus is a financial minefield. There is nothing in that booklet that encourages investors to invest their money. If one is like Lascelle Arnold, who claimed on national radio that he has not read the prospectus but wants people to invest out of emotions because cement streets are good, so they should not be concerned if they cannot/do not get back monies lent to the Council, must be the most absurd thing we’ve heard. No one wants puss in a bag. Belizeans cannot afford to be reckless in these hard economic times. Business people cannot just give away hard earned monies to reckless investments. The prospectus does little to encourage any smart and shrewd businessperson to invest. We say if you want to lose your hard earned money then give it to Darrell Bradley. We urge the insurance companies and the Social Security Board directors to read the prospectus very carefully and read the Auditor’s opinion because if you play Russian Roulette with the people’s money there will be hell to pay, maybe even jail time.
Gapi vs. Faber Round: 2 Orange Walk Town, November 27, 12 Normally, we do not concern ourselves with the fidgeting inside the UDP but we keep being bombarded by more inside scoops put out by agents inside rival camps. Really the race for Deputy leadership of the UDP is frustrating. It is like a joke about two blondes in a round room. You do know the joke about the two dumb blondes who were looking for a corner in a round room? Gapi won the first round as was reported to us last week. But sources inside the Faber camp called to say Gapi will get huffed in this numbers game because Faber has been using his position as Party Chairman to appoint just-come temporary Standard Bearers and constituency officers in the districts who will pull out votes for him convention time. For example, Miley Garcia is not going to contest the next upcoming general elections but he and some of his colleagues were handpicked to represent the UDP in Cayo South by Chairman Faber with the agreement of Hon.
Hon. Patrick Faber
Hon. Gaspar Vega
John Saldivar. So Faber was counting on these seven votes from Cayo South. However, John Saldivar who had pledged his support to Faber has been attending Gapi’s strategy meetings in Orange Walk where after one meeting last week he was seen as the last person leaving Gapi’s meeting with a large manila envelope. Another example of Faber stacking the delegate votes in his favor is Eden Martinez who is hanging on as another “UDP caretaker” for Toledo East. Chairman Faber has promised Eden and his constituency committee that they will receive positions in government when he becomes the first Deputy with prospects of Faber as next UDP Leader. Faber is planning to make Gapi a backbench Minister of State in the Ministry of Indigenous People and Rose Wood. The same that applies to Eden in Toledo applies to Duncan McPherson. Poor little McPherson he is always getting slam dunked. He is a local boy, barely known in his own village. But Patrick is using him. Patrick is trying to box out flippin’ Melvin Hulse who has moved on to what the song calls “big money wine”. McPherson is being manipulated and deceived with promises for being a delegate along with seven supporters from Stann Creek to vote for Faber.
There is some truth that Faber is stacking the delegate count in the southern districts. There is an air of desperation to Faber’s behaviour because Gapi seems to have a lock on the northern and the western districts. Along with Saldivar in Gapi’s camp, Boots and Finnegan are expected to sell out Faber. Patrick is now campaigning in the districts because he is counting on all delegates in Belize City. He is counting on Castro, Hutchy and his delegates. This would give Faber sixteen constituencies but he has lost Saldivar and likely to lose Finnegan and Boots which puts him as the runner up in this race. But it is far from over. Barrow has promised him that Gapi will not be allowed to become Party Leader of the UDP. The sad tragedy about this is that with all this money, campaigning and promises there is no work going on in any Ministry, thus the frighten escalation in crime. The fact is that Cabinet meetings are getting shorter and shorter. Ministers are out of office lobbying and campaigning. The Minister of National Security is of course the most obvious example of this Ministerial neglect, witnessed by this weekend’s frightening increase in home invasions, robberies and murders. Round three of this political comedy will soon unfold by next week. The BELIZE TIMES has learnt it will be juicy.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Former Mayor, Area Representative, Eminent Belizean Adolfo Lizarraga, passes Belize City, November 28, 2012 The People’s United Party is saddened to report the passing of Francisco Adolfo Lizarraga who died in the early morning after Thanksgiving in New Orleans, about a month short of his seventy seventh birthday which is on Boxing Day, December 26th. Mr. Lizarraga, who born 1935 in Belize, served without fuss or fury and did his duty to his family,
community and country. After graduating from St. John’s College he went to St. Louis University to pursue his interest in aeronautical engineering where he learnt to fly. For almost a decade he was the Editor of the BELIZE TIMES newspaper and had it as a daily publication during the heightened nationalistic drive towards independence. Two footnotes to his career are, firstly when he attracted attention within the City Council for naming the street “Calle al Mar”, which was a big thing at the time and secondly when he defeated the popular United Democratic Party mayor in the mid 1970s who would have delayed independence in 1981 if he had won. As an elected member of
the House of Representative he was appointed Deputy Speaker and on occasions served as Speaker of the House. After twenty years of an undefeated political career, he was asked by the party leader George Price to step aside for his sister to take over the Pickstock division. He complied and left for New Orleans to work for American Trading Company for many years until his retirement when he returned to San Estevan, Orange Walk, a few years ago. He never drank alcohol or smoked in his life, living a life of duty. He was the fourth child of Hon. Gwendolyn Lizarraga, Belize’s first female minister of Cabinet. The People’s United Party expresses its deepest condolences to his wife and family in Belize and abroad.
The BELIZE TIMES gone internash!! Belize City, November 21 2012 As with most businesses in Belize today, the BELIZE TIMES was forced to close its doors in August of 2012 due to the financial crunch brought on by a business-oppressive government, bankrupt of ideas to get the economy back on track. Since coming out of print, citizens have been clamoring and demanding the return of the BELIZE TIMES to newsstands countrywide. Indeed, the last four months of restructuring, regrouping and rebounding has not been an easy task, but more than anything else, we have come to realize that our
Liquor License NOTICES
Notice is hereby given that Audry Balfour is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Sea Breeze”, Caye Caulker, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Noeli Kuylen is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Rainbow Grill & Bar”, Caye Caulker, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
people are hungry for accurate news and timely information about the harsh realities facing our country today. Like any other Belizean or business facing these failed economic policies, the BELIZE TIMES has had to seek the most cost-effective way of getting the paper back on the streets. Research and market analysis has led the BELIZE TIMES to the printing capital of Central America – Mexico where the cost of ink, paper and printing is a whopping 1/3 the cost of printing in Belize. With the advancement of technology and the click of a button, the BELIZE TIMES layout goes from our #3 Queen Street office in Belize City to across the Yucatan to the desktop of the international printers in less than a second. From there, it is printed in full color and distributed to us at the border. The paper is then transported all across the country, bringing the truth into the homes of Belizeans. No more will corruption, nepotism, financial waste and mismanagement stay in the dark. No more will our people have to suffer in silence. It is time to expose the Barrow government for their lack of vision, lack of economic policies, and lack of leadership. Crime in Belize needs a real solution, not a band-aid. Our mothers in the north need doctors not butchers. The farmers and growers in the citrus and sugar industries need protection not oppression. It is time for the truth to set us free. PUP Port Loyola Constituency Committee Executive (9 MemQue viva Belize and que viva the bers) BELIZE TIMES.
PUP Notice
Election of Port Loyola Executive Committee
Visit Us Online at:
Date & Time: Sunday December 16, 2012 at 3:00 p.m. Venue: Monica’s Pawn Shop, Cor Central American Blvd. and Banak St. Kindly submit nominations to PUP Secretary General at Independence Hall, #3 Queen Street by December 14, 2012
Sunday, December 2, 2012
What about us? By Anthony Sylvestre Jr. The United Nations is currently in its 67th session. Each year, since the body was created in 1945, the member states (called the General Assembly) meet in regular session from September to December. The General Assembly is the main, deliberative, policymaking and representative organ of the United Nations. But before resolutions are put to the floor of the General Assembly, the member states meet in various committees to work out the wording of the resolution and if the resolution should be put to the floor of the General Assembly to vote on. One such committee is the Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee- the Third Committee. Last week, the Third Committee met and deliberated and approved a draft resolution that would have the General Assembly express its deep concern about the continued application of the death penalty and called on States to establish a moratorium on executions, with a view to abolishing the practice. There was overwhelming attendance of member states at the Third Committee, with 185 of the 193 member states being in attendance. 110 countries voted in favour, 39 against (including Belize and superpowers United States, China, Japan, North Korea, Iran and India) and 36 abstained. When this resolution is endorsed by the General Assembly in the next few weeks, there will be a moral obligation on nation states to ratify this resolution in their national law. This is done by amending national laws to do away with capital punishment. Now what does all this have to do with Belize? Belize is engulfed right now in a tsunami of crime. It has been for some time now. The nation is in a state of paralysis, comatose even, because of the seemingly ending spate of crime and particularly, murders. It has baffled our leaders. Amongst the suggestions to our ending crime problem has been the cry to implement the death penalty. Just Tuesday of this week, Channel5 did a poll asking: “what do you think is best to reduce crime?” There were of course varying suggestions, but up to the time of writing this article Wednesday morning, the overwhelming response (50%) was unequivocal: “the Death Penalty. The government needs to put some fear into these criminals and would be criminals” And I suppose if a national poll were done, a great majority of Belizeans would similarly call for the immediate implementation of the death penalty. Of course, the anti death penalty proponents will say, there is no evidence to show that implementing the death penalty will reduce crime. This is an impressive argument to be truthful. Indeed, I cannot conjure up any ready data to support my belief in
capital punishment. But then, I have been thinking how much of a better country Belize was in 1985, when capital punishment was still in effect. And I thought how it would be impossible to provide any data on the usefulness of capital punishment when we as a country have been blocked from carrying it out for almost 30 years now. And now here comes the United Nations’ draft resolution calling for the eventual abolishing of death penalty in all countries; a move the head of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon has welcomed and hailed as a “record vote”. It does, however, strike me as incongruous with a state’s right to self determination, to be told that it must do away with the death penalty. What about us, our culture and opinions? Do they not matter? Do we not have the right to decide what
may work best for us? And it does seem to me too, that to a large extent, the supplanting of these foreign dictates without regard to the local conditions has been more corrosive to our national development and identity than it has been helpful. It will be said that the clamour for the implementation of the death penalty is idle, emotive chattering. But it is not. Murders are being committed today with impunity. As lawyers, we are taught that the punishment must fit the crime. Therein lies the reason for the demand for the implementation of the death penalty. A function of punishment is deterrence. There are two types of deterrence, specific and general. Specific deterrence is aimed at individual offenders. By making the punishment so harsh, a particular offender should not repeat in the future. General de-
terrence, on the other hand, is aimed at the general public. By making “an example” of an offender, it is argued, others will learn from their lesson and not commit a similar crime. The thing is, no one has been made “an example” of in almost 30 years. To add to this, many of the persons arrested for these murders being committed today are in fact younger than 30 years. They have never seen someone being made “an example of” in their lifetime. That seems to be one of the primary reasons why the modern murderers are cold, unrepentant and have no fear of the justice system. Our local conditions, culture therefore, should be considered in deciding whether the death penalty should be retained and implemented. But alas, the decision may have already been made for us by the United Nations.
This Week’s
Sunday, December 2, 2012
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Photo by Richard Holder
14 SPORTS 14
Sunday, December22,DEC 2012
Brothers Habet team table tennis championship finals
Team Garage wins Bros. Habet table tennis championships
Belize City, November 25, 2012 Team Garage 1st Division have repeated as the Brothers Habet team table tennis champs, while Team Garage 2nd Division won the championship finals for the third time at the Belize Elementary School Auditorium on Sunday. Team Garage won the 1st Division finals 5-4 against Team Cuz. Garage’s invincible Eric Stamp overwhelmed Jorge Espat, Dan Habet and Mishek Martin 3-0 each; while Mandy Gomez spanked Dan Habet
Armando Gomez
All winners
and Jorge Habet 3-0 each. Team Cuz’s Nick Martin had won 3-0 over Mario Guerrero and 3-0 over Mandy Gomez, while Jorge Espat and Dan Habet had each clipped Guerrero 3-0. In the consolation match for 3rd place, Team Hurricanes won 5-1 over the Rivero’s Welders. Carlos Cui spanked Mike Rivero and Ian Mcfield each 3-0, while Lopez won 3-1 over Ernesto Rivero and 3-0 over Mike Rivero. David Vernon also triumphed 3-0 over Ernesto and only Ian Mcfield won 3-0 against David Vernon. Team Garage won the 2nd Division finals 5-4 against Team Ping Pang. Roberto Leal spanked Mishek and Yasser Musa each 3-0 while Harold Young triumphed similarly over Mishek and Yasser Musa each 3-0, and Luis Marin had also won 3-1 over Mishek. Ping pang’s Yasser Musa clipped Luis Marin 3-1, while Billy Musa Jr. won
3-0 each over Young, Marin and Leal. In the consolation match for 3rd place, Team Bismark won 5-2 over Tallawah. Moses Babb triumphed 3-0 over Robert Peyrefittte and 3-0 over Gian Lisbey while Aaron Stock spanked Lisbey 3-0 and outlasted Harim Ochaeta 3-2 and Matthew Usher won 3-1 over Peyrefitte. Ochaeta had won 3-0 over Babb, while Peyrefitte had spanked Matthew Usher 3-0. The sponsors, Bros. Habet marketing manager Carlo Habet presented the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th place trophies to the winners and finalists. The BTTA has been organizing tournaments for the past 3 years, and has hundreds of registered members, now involving the youth in high schools and even primary schools, but lamentably the Ministry of Sports has yet to find a more a permanent home for table tennis in Belize.
U-15 Football Tournament in Dominican Republic
Team Belize wins Gold in U-15 football quadrangular Santo Domingo, November 25, 2012 The Belmopan Football Talent School Selection returned home to the jewel with a Gold medal from its participation in the Dominican Republic U-15 Football Tournament. The team coached by Kenneth Budna and Santiago Valencia went undefeated throughout the tournament, defeating all four teams to take the top spot. Technical Director for the FFB Renan Couoh could not make the trip due to commitment with the FFB as a result of FIFA Officials being in the country. The Belmopan Selection had left for the Dominican Republic on Tuesday. Times sports says ‘nuff
respect’ to this tremendous achievement by the Selection; as this is a historic win for Belize since it is the first time Belize has won an International football tournament. Game summary Game 1: Belize vs. Dominican Republic Northern Selection – 4-3 Goals by Randy Serrano (4 goals) Game 2: Belize vs. Dominican Republic National “A” Team – 2-1 Goals by Randy Serrano, Marlon Garcia (1 goal) Game 3: Team Belize vs. Guadalajara Mexican Selection – 2-1 Goals by Demetri Fabro (2 goals) Game 4: Team Belize vs. Dominican Republic National “A” Team - 2-1 Goals by Randy Serrano, Marlon Garcia (1 goal)
BWSL & Ports win basketball semifinals SEE NEXT PAGE
Karim Thompson scored 11pts, made 5 rebs
2 DEC December 2, 2012 Sunday,
15 SPORTS 15
2012 Belize City firms’ basketball competition
BWSL & Ports win basketball semifinals
Chadwick Ysaguuirre vs Travis Lennon
Belize City, November 24, 2012 The Belize Water Services Limited and Ports Belize Limited each won Game 1 of their semifinals series in the 2012 Belize City firms’ basketball competition which continued at Bird’s Isle on Saturday night. In Game 1 of the semifinals on Saturday, Ports flattened Airport 69-55. Port’s Lennox Bowman led with 24 points and Leroy Forbes with 14 points. Angus Cherrington added 9 points and 10 rebounds while Ian “AC” Augustine had 8 points, 8 rebounds. Airport’s Vince “Postman” Lamb had 20 points while Paul Swasey added 23 points and 12 rebounds, Myron Flowers scored 7 points, while Kelvin Gillett chipped in 3 points. Port’s 36-33 lead at the half was extended to 50-39 at the end of the 3rd quarter. Despite trailing Port in scoring by just three points in the 4th Quarter, Airport didn’t have enough fuel in them to get the win.
BES girls & Vianney boys are Belize City football finalists
Airport must win Game 2 on Friday to force the series to a 3rd game. Telemedia Digicell did not bring their 4-G game to Semifinals Game 2, as BWSL disconnected them 46-42. BWSL took a 7-0 in the first minutes. Travis Lennon hit 2 treys while Karim Thompson scored 11 points and helped with 5 rebounds to lead 16-11 at the end of the 1st quarter. At the half, BWSL’s lead was 27-15 and by the 3rd quarter buzzer, the points trickled for BWSL while Telemedia increased their scoring to 32-27. But it wasn’t enough, even though Telemedia outscored them by a point in the 4th quarter, cutting the lead to only four at the end of the game. Digicell must have a comeback win in Game 2 on Friday, November 30, to force a Game 3 in the series. Pre Semi-final games, Friday, November 23 BWSL vs. Central Bank – 50-40 Telemedia Digicell vs. Bowen & Bowen – 61-38
Erwin Middleton & Joel Borland star in UWI cycling criteriums
Sensei Leon Guild writes from World Karate Championships
BES girls are champs Belize City, November 6, 2012 The girls of Belize Elementary School and the boys of St John Vianney RC School will represent Belize City in the Belize District football championships after winning the city championships last Friday, November 23. The undefeated St John Vianney RC School boys posted their 8th win: 2-1 against the Unity Presbyterian boys. Orlando Velasquez scored his 12th goal of the tournament to give the Vianney boys a 1-0 lead, and while July Barrientos scored his 9th goal of the competition as he equalized 1-1. Nathan Oliver scored the Vianney boys’ 2nd winning goal. The Unity Presbyterian also won thru to
the finals by a 3-1 win over the Salvation Army school boys. Fitzroy Myles struck the Unity boys’ first winning goal and July Barrientos and Cesar Arenivar each scored a goal, only Keron Patnett scored for Salvation’s Army. In Friday’s finals, the Belize Elementary girls and the Holy Redeemer girls were 0-0 after regulation and overtime. In the penalty shootout that followed, Chelsea Williams and Jillian Alamina scored for BES; Jada Myvette and Aaliyah Crawford scored for Holy Redeemer. Alyssa Mckenzie scored BES’ winning penalty in sudden death. Both teams go on to the district finals along with the island girls of San Pedro RC School girls and the Belize rural champs, the girls of Guadalupe RC School from Sand Hill.
Belizean karate trainer/athlete Leon Guild participated in the 21st World Karate Championships to be held in Paris, France from November 21st to 25th. While Leon wasn’t successful in obtaining medals, he wrote on Facebook this week that Belize is now recognised as a martial arts powerhouse.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
BARROW’S LEGAL FEES SHUFFLE First it was Lady Lois. Now it’s Brother B’s turn to eat
Brother B’s new life-sized Law Firm under construction
The 2012 Auditor General’s Report disclosed that Dean Barrow paid his brother, Denys Barrow’s law firm more than $1,000,000.00 of public funds in legal fees.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Belize City, November 26, 2012 You know that vexing feeling when your partner in a major project isn’t pulling his/her weight and you have do end up doing all the work knowing he/she will unashamedly claim some of the success? Well, that’s just how Mexico must be feeling towards the Government of Belize right about now. This is because the UDP administration had to beg the Government of Mexico to fund and construct a piece of road, on the Belize side of the border, which leads to an international bridge that was recently constructed, entirely, by our northern neighbours. It is shameful. The road, which is an 800 meter (0.49 mile) stretch, was supposed to have been done by the Government of Belize, since
Mexico to complete Belize’s road to new bridge
…GOB too broke to do it 2008, but after years of misspending and misprioritising public funds, and eventually failing to carry out the work, Mexico intervened, at the pleading of the Prime Minister of course. The Belize Government is too broke to do it. The Government of Belize’s failure to carry out its part of the agreement led to a small diplomatic quarrel earlier this year. Mexico didn’t recall its Ambassador, but did recall its pledge to fund the construction of a new sports facility to replace the now condemned Belize City Center. They must have been dismayed - all Belize had
to do was pave a small stretch of road. However, considering that it’s an important project for Mexico, since it will further open up their businesses in the south to a wider Belize and Central American market, they have agreed to foot the bill and do the whole thing. Perhaps this was the intention of the Barrow Administration all this while, knowing that Mexico is fully committed to the development of its southern states. Mexico’s President Felipe Calderon isn’t falling entirely for the trap. While he has agreed to ‘cover’ for the Belize Government, this past weekend he went ahead and officially opened the bridge from the completed Mexican side. This is perhaps his way of letting the world know that all the work was done by Mexico and zilch by Belize. Incredibly, to gain whatever limelight was possible, Belize’s Deputy Prime Minister Gaspar Vega attended, looking quite sheepish. We are certain Vega looks forward to the new bridge to carry out his cross border “trade”.The Prime Minister opted not to be present. But there is one more worthwhile lesson to be learnt from all of this. Mexico, not to be overburdened by the Barrow Administration’s incompetence, has sought its Senate approval to utilise its military personnel to carry out the construction of the road. No bloated private contracts. No overspending in hiring political cronies. The Mexicans have deployed 11 military persons, including a colonel, a captain, a superintendent and eight private soldiers to carry out the work which is expected to be completed in four weeks. This kind efficiency for a UDP Government that admittedly gets it wrong 9 out of every 10 times is certainly out of this world.
The only public sports facility in Belize City have been condemned and left to rot
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Sunday, December 2, 2012
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Of this and that… Baby Wedda Christmas weather is here. It came after hearing the Salvation Army bells. This is cruffy’s favorite time of year. It is bigger than all of September celebrations. They say this Christmas weather brings its own money. This is not a good saying. Because funerals brings the same thing. Mawga season is a funeral. Beware. This is together weather. Night time will be all business. Blankets and comforter sets will be active. Nuff baby wah mek. Box or Barrel? Families are pulling out the valise now. They are hauling out the snow jackets. Sun will be out. We will still see warm caps. Long sleeves can’t done. Thick sweaters and jeckit, all flava. Gloves and all. The garments will smell like camfa balls still. Check your change We will listen to Christmas songs. They will be about snow. We will sing about a rich fat man entering chimneys in Belize. Foolishniss. There will be kissing under mistletoe. That is a plant. It does not grow in Belize. Brad Patico made a song. It was a rally call. He wanted back the old fashion Christmas. The days of scrubbing step in December is gone. Scraping furniture with pint bottle and varnishing last minute is gone. Home made wine by the bucket is gone. Local Christmas culture is gone. Take this dare. You are dared to go buy a Belizean-made toy. You cannot buy a locally made toy for our children. Your gift has to be foreign. Millions of dollars will be spent. It will be spent on purchasing Playschool. It will spent on Barbie. It will be spent on American commercialism. Not a single Belizean is encouraged to cash in on the toy bonanza. This is a big loss. The harvest is plentiful. The laborers are few. Young, Gifted and Black Gilroy Press Cadogan is a genius. He is a walking computer. He is an energy god. He is a ghetto legend. He is a friend. He is a mild mannered Steven A Smith. He predicts rakes and boledo. He aint rich. He definitely is bold. He is a loveable character. His value is priceless. He deserves to be paid well. He is also famous for other things. Press sells the best rum popo in Belize. It is home made. It is the real deal. Support the brother. You can’t serious Do not adjust your TV sets. Darell Bradley give weh di keys of Belize City to Guatemala. Are you kidding me? We do not care what jankroo story you swing, this is @#$!! Would you see the mayor of Jerusalem give the mayor of Tel Aviv any keys? Crazy? The portion of Belize the Guats are claiming does not include Belize City. That does not mean you bite on a religion story and go gi weh wi guts. You could have given her a gold mug.
Give her a pen. A plaque even. Why give her part of our birthright? Do that a 100 years from now when this foolishniss bout Guatemala claim done. Yo, “bwai” Darrell, dey pipple claim Belize. In di Constitution of Belize, Guatemalans cannot even be Belizean citizens. How di hell you wah give them bloody keys? You want they come in? What did she bring you? Did she exchange the keys to Guatemala’s city? You give weh Belize City to Guatemala fi nothing. We should not be shocked. We may have debates about the strength of your gender. But for sure you are your father’s child. You and Sedi need to go live the same place in Guatemala where you give the keys to. Darrel, you di mek a sin mi soul. Eh tu Hubert The Belize/Guatemala talking will get testy. It is that time. That time Phillip Goldson spoke about. That time to save our country. The Belize Coalition for Justice is serious. They are a fearless group. They are headed by a pastor. Motivated by a rebel in military fatigue. They are speaking with Jihadist passion. This group demands some respect. They are the only organization to take an official stand. No other group dares. Hubert Elrington was part of a group led by Phillip S. W. They took a stance similar to BCJ. They were expelled from grace. It was over Belize losing part of the country. It was an international law issue. Hubert is a lawyer. He understood international law then. Now he says he “ain’t no constitutional lawyer”. Hubert the Raven This is Animal Farm. Hubert was once with us other animals in the barn. He used to curse Farmer Jones. Then his brother got into the Jones’ Farmhouse. Hubert started eating apples and drinking milk. He came out walking on two legs. Poor Hubert. He is old and washed up. It is not his fault. Sedi is the culprit. He sold out his brother. He is using him. Sedi brought poor old Hubert back to the Farm. He is being used like Moses “the Raven”. Hubert sold out Mr. Goldson. He is now singing the praises of Sugarcandy Mountain. He is sounding like Farmer Jones. He changed the “All animals are equal rule”. He is now saying that all animals are equal IF the animal went to school. Most animals are too uneducated and dumb to talk. He says. Hubert is inconsistent. This is bad. He has been chanced because he loves and needs attention. He fears being irrelevant. In his old age he is starting to glitter. On the other hand, the extent of his substance is pilinki. History will record his turning on the people of Belize. It will be recorded as a disappointment. Not in Belmopan Belmopan is more distinct than any other City in Belize. Imagine playing Taboo. Belmopan is the word. You would not be able to say the words: Capital, George Price, government, conservative, planned or organized. There is a dangerous intersection.
It is right in the heart of Belmopan. The best planned town in our history. So well planned it has concrete drains. It has both a City Council and ReConDev. There will be a bad accident at this intersection. It is a T – intersection. It is at the crossing of Forest Drive and Constitution Drive. Motorist must wait for hours to turn in to Constitution drive. No one yields. They become impatient. This is a recipe for disaster. UDP Mayor Lopez experiences this daily. He does absolutely nothing. What a shame. Take some advice. Reclaim some land. Put a big roundabout right there. Or you can put up some stop lights. Do not wait ‘til someone dies. Stop spoiling Mr. Price’s Belmopan. Fraudian Newsletter The Guardian Newspaper has no editorial. Check it. This is telling. An editorial in Belize expresses a Party’s philosophy. It puts out the Party’s position. The UDP then have no philosophy. They have no position. Their paper is quarrel, scandal, and lies. It is a propped up newsletter. It is a true reflection of the UDP. There is no truth in any of the pages. Education and information are ignored. Propaganda takes priority over facts. So the Guardian ain’t writing the UDP Party’s positions. Question is which newspaper is? Power to the people. Minister Farrakhan blesses Belize has no black leaders. The skin color of Dean Barrow is a lie. He is no Barack. He sure as hell ain’t no Malcolm X. The Muslim Community is too small in Belize. This is beyond explanation. Islam is a powerful religion. It is the fastest growing in the world. It is transforming. It is the answer to all the black crime, failures and disconnect. Belize in 2012 is too reckless, compromised and indisciplined for Islam. Islam would guarantee prosperity. Belize would become a first world country in days under Islam. The powers will play tokenistic with Islam. They are fake. Barrow will disrespect the Minister. Barrow has presided over the greatest downfall of blacks and minorities in Belize’s history. He will meet with the Prophet. He will not confess his sins. He will not tell the Minister the evils he has done to us in Belize. We cannot blame him. Mugabe would not either. The Hon. Minister Farrakhan will be here. Barrow will be smiling. He will try to claim the spotlight. As the Hon. Minister Farrakhan is speaking black people will be racially profiled. Inside and outside the crime ridden areas. As he is speaking Mayans will be told to shut up. Shut up about the land they own. The Hon. Minister will be shown the jails. The UDP will do this proudly. Under the UDP there is not a single University or school he will go to. He will go to worship at the masjid. The mosque is on Central American Boulevard. Allah will lead him to walk. He will walk on Jane Usher Boulevard. He will see how the current leaders who are black have failed. He will see how Boots has shamed the ideals of Islam. How Patrick has ignored the vulnerable people. He will hear the shotgun blasts
19 of the blacks of Dean Barrow’s George Street. The Hon. Minister will not embrace the oppressor. He has fought bigger wars. He will see right through the façade. Allah be praised. Positive Vibe is a prophet Belize has mucho talent. There is a recording artist called Positive Vibes. His real name is Garif Valentine. He is a Grigalizean. He is originally from Georgetown Village in Stann Creek. He has mad skills. He is a rapper. He has a song. It is called “The Living a di devil out yah”. It is catchy. It is a deep song. It is on his album named “No Sense”. He brought it out in 2008. The lyrics are about the youth violence in Belize City. The video was shot on Mahogany Street. This was shot there long before Martins officially became a crime ridden area. Only the youth can save the youth. Respect Vibes. You are a prophet in your own land. Leremu Balisi Hageira liburetian laru barana, Ruwanmuti were lun baslubaru. Merederubana furundetian ya, Heiba luei wageira le darangilabei. Seti hata wayuna lihuru me mua, Webener luei adamuruni. Lau lubafu irichau, bungiu waba, Mamudirun dugu yadiwa ya. No Confusion “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high and low places.” Ephesians 6:12
Liquor License NOTICES
Notice is hereby given that Edward Musa Sr. is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “James Brodie & Co.”, Albert Street, Belize City under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Edward Musa Jr. is applying for a Publican General Liquor License to be operated at “James Brodie & Co.”, 1.5 miles Miles Northern Highway, Belize City under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Erlin Moore is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Wish Willy Bar & Grill”, Caye Caulker, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Recipe of the week Old Fashioned Pound Cake
Ingredients - 3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour - 3 cups white sugar - 1 1/2 cups shortening - 1 cup milk - 2 tablespoons lemon extract - 1 teaspoon vanilla extract - 1 teaspoon salt - 6 eggs Directions 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease and flour a 10 inch tube pan. 2. Sift together the flour and salt set aside. 3. In a large bowl, cream together the shortening and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in the eggs one at a time. 4. Beat in the flour mixture alternately with the milk, mixing just until incorporated. 5. Beat in the vanilla and lemon extracts. Pour batter into prepared pan. 6. Bake in the preheated oven for 90 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the centre of the cake comes out clean. 7. Allow cake to cool in pan for 10 minutes then turn out on to a wire rack and cool completely. Excerpt from (2012)
Sunday, December 2, 2012
3 Men detained for execution-style murder
Victim was shot 13 times! Belize City, November 26, 2012 Three men - 24 year old Brandon Baptist, unemployed of a Police Street address; 24 year old Orel Leslie, Laborer of #7 Linda Vista Site; and 19 year old Tyron Meighan, unemployed of #27 Banak Street; have been jointly arrested and charged for the crime of murder. The men are accused of the gruesome killing of 28 year old James Norales of Linda Vista. He was found fatally injured, with 13 gunshot wounds. Police say that around 7pm on Friday, November 23rd, Norales was found gravely injured on Faber’s Road Extension approximately 500 feet from the intersection of George Price Highway. He had 13 wounds: once to left side of neck, three times to the left side of chest, four times to upper shoulder, once under left arm pit, once to left upper arm, once to left side of chin, once to the right side of eye, once to left side upper back, and once more to the back of head. Seven S&B brand expended shell and one slug was retrieved from the scene.
Brandon Baptist
Orel Leslie
Tyron Meighan
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Reid Belize – going down fast By G. Mike Reid Many folks will tell you that they rarely watch the evening news or even read the newspapers anymore because of the depressing nature of the contents. Most newscasts in Belize are comprised primarily of items drafted from the Police blotter with adherence to the old adage; “if it bleeds, it leads”. U n fo r tu n a t e l y, media houses have little trouble finding stories that bleed to lead with since most of what is happening is about victims found lying in a “pool of blood”. Regardless of our best efforts to ignore or avoid the bad news, it is right up in our faces every day. This past weekend was again filled the usual violence as our murder count continues to climb and will most likely surpass even last year’s record figures. For a small country like ours, this is indeed alarming. This past weekend saw no less than six murders in a space of less than 48 hours and the saddest part is that this is not unusual. Far too often, our weekends are filled with multiple reports of homicides. Our government has finally admitted that their ill-advised gang
truce was a failure and a total waste of a lot of money! According to their own reports, the gang truce cost taxpayers in excess of seven million dollars per annum. The Prime Minister recently admitted on Krem that it was a poorly thought out program. Most of his other ministers have long distanced themselves with the latest being Boots Martinez in an interview last week. The government has now unveiled a new plan which will once again cost the taxpayers a whole heap of funds. Certain areas have been designated “crime ridden”. This gives the Police unrestricted powers to harass residents of those areas at will. The Police and BDF will be working long hours and this in itself will make them short-tempered and brutal. Interesting enough, one of this weekend’s murders was right in the middle of one of these areas and right under the nose of well-armed security forces. How long will it take this government to realize that this is yet another high priced failure? According to the Prime Minister, this new initiative will cost the people about a hundred thousand dollars every week. With Belize at the edge of a “fiscal cliff” and languishing at the bottom of every rating agency’s list, is this really a good use of the little money that we have? The problem is that these programs are just a temporary fix to very chronic problems. These criminals no longer fear law enforcement and carry out their deeds with brazen audacity. What is needed here is a more intelligent approach that will result in a more perennial fix. To just keep throwing good money after
This government believes that the solution to crime is to pay criminals not to commit crime. This approach has never worked and certainly will not work now.”
bad makes absolutely no sense. We need more creative ways to get through to our young people and to guide them to a better way of resolving conflicts. As it is now, it seems that picking up a gun and ending someone’s life is the only solution to any problem. We must better teach our young people how to reason. The situation that we are in will not be an easy one to get out of and the solution will not come overnight. This problem of crime did not just start but if we are to be honest with ourselves, we must admit that it has gotten much worse under this current administration. Many believe that under the past administration, the then opposition encouraged crime in order for the government of the day to look bad. I remember writing an article back then where I warned that civil unrest is like tsunami which once it gets rolling, is practically impossible to halt. I hate to say it but, “I told them so!” This government believes that the solution to crime is to pay criminals not to commit crime. This approach has never worked and certainly will not work now. If we do that, then once the money is done, they will either have to be given more or they will go right back to what they know best. We will have to find a more sensible approach to solving this problem. Crime is a problem that is affecting all Belizeans and it will require a bipartisan effort if we are to make any headway. The opposition has long been offering to join forces with the government to try and find a solution. Dean Barrow and his government will have to put aside pride and arrogance and accept advice from any source. The Government must sit with not only the Opposition but with the Churches, the NGOs, the business community and any other interested parties to lock heads and work out a plan. This is not about who will get the credit or about who will be able to boast later on but about making it happen, but about making Belize a safer place for all. Too many of our children are winding up dead or in jail instead of being alive to contribute to our development. Crime is hurting Belize in a myriad of ways. Citizens don’t feel safe and as a result, do not go out to shop thereby stifling the economy. Tourism is affected as every travel guide warns travelers about visiting Belize. Nobody wants to open a business for not even the most populated of areas is safe. It is first and foremost, the government’s responsibility to protect citizens and visitors to our shores. So far, this government has been doing a very poor job and it is time that our people demand better. A government is judged by the services that it provides and so far, this government has failed every test. We cannot continue to live in this climate of fear and despair. Let us all come together and reclaim our country. May GOD help us in this endeavor!
Liquor License NOTICES Notice is hereby given that Ninfa Coc is applying for a Malt & Cider License to be operated at “Jae’s Cool Spot”, #157 Aposote St., Lord’s Bank Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Yihe Zhang is applying for Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Judy’s Restaurant”, #8 Vernon Street, Belize City under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Edward Solis is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Double Duce”, Maskall Village under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Myrna Meighan is applying for a Malt, Ale & Cider License to be operated at “Myrna’s Cool Spot”, Caye Caulker Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that O.J. Holden is applying for a Night Club License to be operated at “Ocean Side Bar”, Caye Caulker Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Curtis Musa is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “James Brodie & Co.”, 2.5 Miles Northern Highway, Belize City under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Majority of HIV victims are from “lower income levels”, says study Belmopan, November 28th, 2012 The National HIV Programme of the Ministry of Health in collaboration with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Central America (CDC) conducted a Behavioural Survey Study (BSS) earlier this year among three identified vulnerable groups, Men who have Sex with Men (MSM), Female Sex Workers (FSW) and Persons with HIV (PHIV). The objectives of the survey were to document the behaviour risks as-
sociated to HIV in the three target groups, to determine the behaviour risks associated to HIV in the MSM and FSW groups and to determine the prevalence of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) in the three studied groups. The significant findings include the following: - Overall consistent condom use was suboptimal and ranged from less than 70% in the MSM and PHIV to 81% in FSW.
Belize Youth Against Violence Delegation travels to El Salvador Wednesday, November 28, 2012 TODAY, a delegation of 20 powerful Belizean youth, are traveling to San Salvador to represent our nation, in the “First Central American Youth Against Violence Forum”. The primary objective of the First Youth Against Violence Forum is to create a space where youth get to know, share, and analyze policies and strategies in youth violence prevention, while improving their advocacy and organization capacity. • Socialize with youth from the 7 Central American countries, and share the Central American policy recommendations on violence prevention produced by the Central American
Youth Movement Against Violence. • Strengthen youth capacity from the Central American Movement in violence prevention, organization, and advocacy work. • Integrate young representatives from the Central American Youth Movement Against Violence into dialogue and exchange their knowledge and experiences in violence prevention. The Forum will be Thursday, November 29th and Friday, November 30th, 2012 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in San Salvador, with the participation of CAYMAV national chapters delegations from the 7 countries in the region, with 20 members each - a total
Habinahan Wanaragua/Dance Wanaragua 2012 November 28, 2012 The Habinahan Wanaragua/Dance Wanaragua Steering Committee is pleased to announce the schedule for this year’s edition of the Habinahan Wanaragua (Jankunu) Festival. It is expected that this 3rd Habinahan Wanaragua will be bigger and better with new features that are intended to further improve the quality and widen the appreciation of the art form. Significant dates for this 3rd Habinahan Wanaragua season are as follows: Formal launch 30th December at 3:00pm Junior Competition 16th December at 2:00pm Senior Competition 30th December at 3:00pm It is expected that participation in both the Junior and Senior Competitions will continue to increase this year as additional schools and groups have indicated an interest in participating Primary schools and senior wanaragua groups from all over the country and even further afield in the region are encouraged to continue work on improving their performance and to enter the events and avail themselves of the opportunity to win attractive prizes this year and in subsequent versions of this exciting event. All are invited to save the dates and not miss the chance to gain a new appreciation of our brand of a tradition that has enthralled the peoples of the Caribbean for centuries. (Press Release, Habinahan Wanaragua Steering Committee, Dangriga)
- Knowledge of HIV transmission was also found to be suboptimal with 33% of FSW and 57% of the MSM. - The majority of PHIV were from lower income levels. - Prevalence of HIV among the MSM tested was 13.8% and 0.9% of the FSW tested. (compared with an estimated 2.3% in the general population) - Genital Herpes and Chlamydia were the most common STIs diagnosed across the groups. The preva-
of 140 delegates. Approximately 25 experts will gather with youth, to analyze public policies for violence prevention and necessary training in violence prevention. The speakers will be regional and international experts, regional and national government officials, cooperating partners, communicators, the majority involved in violence prevention work.
lence of Syphilis and Gonorrhea were lower when compared with the other Central American countries. - Stigma and discrimination was highest in the community and workplace and estimated at 10% in the health sector. The findings of this study have provided tangible evidence that can be used to improve the National Response to HIV in Belize. The final report is scheduled for release in February 2013. (Press Release)
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Home Economics
Tourism Industry & the Revolution By Richard Harrison The second phase of the Peaceful, Constructive, Belizean Revolution is about achieving, to the extent possible, the economic independence of Belice. The Tourism Industry is the most organized and influential group of investors in Belice (second only to the Mennonite communities)….and at this time, they hold the ACE card in their hands. The Government of Belize is facing challenges with revenue generation in a sluggish economy….it needs to increase its revenue intake….but it cannot take blood out of stone. The many pages of weekly newspapers filled with auctions, debt and tax default notices, receiverships notices….are reflective of an economy that needs to go into the “intensive care unit”. The financial institutions have become, for all intents and purposes, “real estate brokers”….further channeling the spoils of an unjust and unfair economy into the hands of the already over-privileged (its only they who can snap up at cut-throat prices the assets defaulted on by the many economically wounded victims among us)….creating greater gaps between haves and have-nots. Do you know a father, uncle, brother, cousin, friend or neighbor who have had to default on debts or taxes… or have had their homes/assets taken from under their feet over the past ten years? If so, you are a Beliceño. ALL of Belice needs to participate in this acute ICU surgery. Our tax base is what it is….because of its arbitrary development in response to special interest over the years….resulting in an uneven burden on the various sectors of the economy. Already….only 35% of the value of our consumption is subject to our consumption tax…..65% of the value of what we consume is not subject to GST….even as our stated “general strategy” was to reduce taxes on personal and business income and profits, towards consumption taxation. Let’s leave criticism of other tax sources aside for this exercise. Rice, flour, bread, corn, fresh meats, egg, beans, sugar, tortilla, fresh milk, fresh fruit and vegetables, salt, cooking lard and oils, baby formula, margarine, coffee, seafood, hatching eggs, financial services, educational supplies, medicines and medical supplies, residential property sale, supplies connected with agriculture, accommodation services, fruit concentrate, utilities and public transport, exported services…..all of these, and some more, are exempt from GST. Those who control the commercial-scale agricultural and tourism sectors (which are respectively not taxed or get their tax back for direct reinvestment in their sector)…the chosen few who have been “rewarded” with the discretionary benefits of “development concessions” and “market protection”….those who are “facilitated” with evasion and avoidance of customs duty and taxes…and those who engage
in illicit trade of drugs, passports, work permits, permanent residencies, state lands, licenses and permits, bloated un-tendered contracts, and other such “free money” sources….are the only ones that are being ‘successful’ in Belice. Honest and hard work and investments in Belice is not being rewarded. This has to change. Increasing the rates of taxation….. without broadening the base of taxation….will only create more “Quasimodos”….Hunchbacks of Belize….those who are already bearing the brunt of the burden….and truly, if blood were available from stone…the favorites in our economy could continue to reap their unfair share of the bountiful harvest available in Belize…and the government could continue on its merry way. The correction of this inequity….. requires political goodwill…and decisive, whole-scale action…..we have to beat this knot with a hammer or sharp machete….otherwise it will never be unwound…..this….is truly a Gordian knot. Gradualism and/or incrementalism is not going to work. The Tourism Sector is concerned/ resistant to GST because they do not see where they will gain from this change….it’s a one-sided and unrealistic proposition from our government. If they agreed….they would be paying a higher tax rate from 8% to 12.5%....losing a tax-base to general revenue that is currently ear-marked via the BTB for re-investment in their own sector…. and have no guarantee from the current proposal that an equal or larger amount of resources would be channeled back into development of their industry… they would become subject to the draconian rules of the GST that include threat of heavy fines and imprisonment, compared with which the Hotel Tax can be considered very lenient. The relatively small amount they could get back from filing returns to GST just does not balance the new rights and responsibilities. If the government proposed (1) a full-scale application of the GST acrossthe-board at 10%......(2) removed all taxes and duties on fuel….(3) reduced the rate of business tax to 1% of sales… (4) over-hauled the Customs Tariff Law to make the average rate of import duty reducing duty on inputs for production to zero and raising the tariff barrier-to-entry on the few lines of production where we are competing directly with imports (removing the need for discretionary “subsidies” associated with development concessions and market protection as required by our treaties)…..(5) and implemented a “road maintenance contribution” for road infrastructure maintenance and improvement….it would be talking the language of the vast majority of Belizeans….win-win for everyone (6) expanding the Environmental Tax (ET) to include ALL imported non-input finished products and earmarking it for
investments on competitive demand by our municipalities for environmental rehabilitation caused by human effects… such as garbage collection, solid waste management, cleaning up of canals and run-off pollution, New River sugar-based pollution, etc. The net result of these changes would be from (1) increase of GST intake from $270 million to $770 million, which at 75% capture rate would be $615 million, and increase of $345 million (2) reduce revenue from taxes on fuel by $80 million (3) decrease of $31 million in Business Tax intake from a reduction to 1% of sale…no other form of reporting tax on business…currently some are allowed to report and pay tax on profits, more open to creative accounting (4) increasing the revenue from customs by $75 million (5) increasing the revenue from those who use our road infrastructure for private and commercial use by $15 million (6) increase ET by $5 million Without any increase in our volume of domestic, import and export trade…..this restructuring would net an increase of $329 million to government revenues….we would be able to pay our bills and become more credit worthy, with our self-esteem and self-respect intact…..increase the competitiveness of our business environment…. improve the investment-attractiveness of our economy where investments of all kinds have a significantly improved chance of making profits….significantly increase the amount of available jobs over and above the availability of labor….. increase the power of scarce labor to demand better wages and benefits….. improve the conditions for individuals to earn an honest and honorable livelihood with greater reward for honest and hard work…..improve the quality and quantity of our safety nets for the unfortunate among us….reduce the tendency to resort to crime for survival among many…. decentralize more funds to our local communities for cleaning up the areas where we live…dedicate a sustainable fund for maintenance and improvement of our streets, roads and highway infrastructure….improve the general quality of life in Belice. This is as much about increasing
23 our wealth….as about distribution of our wealth. However, this would not be the case…..Belice would grow at a rate not less than 6% annually….our government and people would be very prosperous within ten years….doubling our per-capita income….and reducing our debt load by 30% of GDP over the same period. While it is understood that Belicenos in general prefer gradualism and incrementalism (mostly because they know no other forms of development as achieved, for example, by Brazil with President Lula DaSilva and his financial advisors, including Guido Mantega)… opens a small statistical probability that this overall concept could be implemented piece-meal….with trial and error builtin…and proof-of-concepts trial balloons floated…as is being proposed with this move from Hotel Tax to GST. However, that only has a flying hope…..if an endgame of the type described here….is properly articulated at our highest levels of management….so that those who accede at first….know what they are buying into….and what they can expect in return for their accession….knowing that the net will be cast far and wide…. and that they will not just join us Quasimodos, to further fill the pockets of the favorites among us. The investors in our tourism industry love Belize as much as any….and am confident would be willing participants in this high-ambition exercise. Any other expectation can be cast as timid, immature and unrealistic….it is not the nature of this beast that must be tamed. This is what needs to be done. I have heard no other plausible solution to date….so my informed prescription remains. We need to call on our maximum leaders (across political party lines) to join hands in launching the second phase of the Peaceful, Constructive, Belizean Revolution. They must now rise above the petty, personal and special interest agenda….we will ALL be wise to respond to this call. Tyrants must be driven back…and despots must be made to flee….they never do so on their own. We and our leaders in tandem….with this precision of our sling-shot…..will be able to slay this Goliath. Divided….we will continue to fall. Que Viva Belice! Long Live Belize! Richard Harrison is a local businessman and investor in the manufacturing and service industries. Send comments to
Living with
AUTISM Contributed by Yadira Williams
Savant and Autism – an “extraordinary” link
nexpectedly and very thankfully as a parent, I can say Christopher has changed over the past months. He is now attending school at the Horizon Academy in Belize City and is in standard 1. Christopher now reads, interacts and has many friends. He expresses himself much easier and even looks forward to school every day and actually listens in class. He keeps surprising us every day with how quickly he learns how to do things on his own, especially navigating through a computer. Christopher knows how to manoeuvre through games and programs that many of us adults would feel stuck trying to understand. It is simply amazing. That led me this week to researching autism and rare conditions where people have extraordinary skills. There have been cases of people suddenly developing extraordinary abilities in painting and music in adult life as a result of brain damage caused by accidents or strokes. That, perhaps, is too high a price to pay. It suggests that as many as 30% of autistic people have some sort of savant-like capability in areas such as calculation or music. Moreover, it is widely acknowledged that some of the symptoms associated with autism, including poor communication skills and an obsession with detail, are also exhibited by many creative types, particularly in the fields of science, engineering, music, drawing and painting. Indeed, there is now a cottage industry in re-interpreting the lives of geniuses in the context of suggestions that they might belong, or have belonged, on the “autistic spectrum”, as the range of syndromes that include autistic symptoms is now dubbed. Genius goes without saying. But is it so unusual that it requires the brains of those that possess it to be unusual in other ways, too. A link between artistic genius on the one hand and schizophrenia and manic-depression on the other is widely debated. However another link, between savant syndrome and autism, is well established. It is, for example, the subject of films such as “Rain Man”.
Chris Williams Jr. is one of so many children born with autism in Belize. He is 8 years old.
So what is the link? A standard diagnosis of autism requires three things to be present in an individual. Two of these three, impairments in social interaction and in communication with other people, are the results of an autistic lacking empathy or, in technical slang, a “theory of mind”. In other words they cannot put themselves in the position of another being and ask themselves what that other is thinking. The third criterion, however, is that a person has what are known as (restrictive and repetitive behaviours and interests), or RRBI, in the slang. Until recently, the feeling among many researchers was that the first two features were crucial to someone becoming a savant. The idea was that mental resources which would have been used for interaction and communication could be redeployed to develop expertise in some arbitrary task. Now, though, that consensus is shifting. Several of the volume’s authors argue that it is the third feature, RRBI, that permits people to become savants. It is observed that, obsessional interests and repetitive behaviours would allow someone to practice, albeit inadvertently, whichever skill they were obsessed by. It is also suggested that anyone could become an expert in anything by practising for 10,000 hours. It would not be hard for an autistic individual to clock up that level of practice for the sort of skills, such as mathematical puzzles, that many others would rapidly give up on. Childhood talent in fields such as music and art is often associated with RRBIs, even in those who are not diagnosed as classically autistic. The abilities of savants in areas that others tend to find pointless or boring may result from an ability to see differences where we would see only similarities.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Surrogate’s Court Rensselaer Citation The People of the State of New York, by the Grace of God Free and Independent TO: Alexander Levin, a beneficiary of the Edward Levin Revocable Trust, last known to reside in San Ignazio, Cayo District, Belize, Central America, and if such beneficiary be dead, then all of the distributes, executors, administrators, devisees and legatees of such deceased beneficiary and all persons who by purchase, inheritance or otherwise, have or claim to have an interest in this matter, derived through such beneficiary, executors, administrators, devisees and legatees and all other persons, if any there be, their names and domiciles and/or places of residence being unknown, and which cannot, after due diligence, be ascertained. A petition and an account have been duly filed by Rolf M. Sternberg, who is domiciled at 407 Cold Spring Road, North Bennington Vermont, 05207. YOU ARE HEREBY CITED TO SHOW CAUSE, before the Surrogate’s Court, Rensselaer Country, at Troy, New York on January 22nd, 2013 at 10:00 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, why the account of Rolf M. Sternberg, as Trustee of the Edward Levin Revocable Trust, should not be judicially settled.
NOTICE To Alexander Levin, The foregoing citation is served upon you by publication pursuant to an order of the Hon. Robert Jacon, Acting Surrogate Judge of the Surrogate’s Court of the State of New York, County of Rensselaer, dated the 28th day of November, 2012, and filed with the petition and other papers in the office of the Clerk of said Surrogate’s Court at Troy, New York. The object of the proceeding is judicial settlement of the account of Rolf M. Sternberg, in his capacity as Trustee of the Edward Levin Revocable Trust. Dated November 28th, 2012. Edward J. Gorman, Esq. Attorney for Trustee Sternberg & Gorman, LLP P.O. Box 68 Hoosick Falls, New York 12090
Sunday, December 2, 2012
FIND-A-WORD Can you find and circle the words in the puzzle that remind us how to treat persons with disabilities?
Monday, December 3, is celebrated as the International Day of Persons with Disabilities! Do you know someone who is disabled? How do other people treat them? Sometimes we are unkind to people who are different from us. We treat them badly because of how they look or talk or if they don’t get things as quickly as we do. We call them horrible names or don’t accept them as our friends. Children who are disabled have feelings just like us. They want to feel loved, have friends and do as many things as they can just like we do! This Monday, try to imagine what it would be like if you couldn’t see and had to use your ears and hands to be your eyes. Imagine not being able to hear or speak and having to talk with your hands and hear no sounds at all. What about if you couldn’t walk or use your hands? How would you feel? Would you want to be treated as different? I think you would want to be treated just like everyone else. Share this week’s Mariposa with a friend and talk about why we must not treat disabled persons unkindly.
Belize, Guatemala and God Even before the independence of Belize, there has been an outstanding claim for more than half our country by our neighbor Guatemala. In the constitution of Belize we claim our borders, while in the constitution of Guatemala they lay claim to Belize. The claim has been very overbearing on Belizeans and to add to this weight there have been a number of infringements made across our borders to steal our national resources by our neighbors. I remember writing an article a couple weeks ago comparing our country to a young lady and the different issues connected with that fact, and this brings a concern to my mind. The fight for land is not a new one inside this world or outside it. Before the world was created we had a fight for land. Lucifer desired to be worshipped by the angels and beings in heaven; he wanted his share in the glory and authority that God enjoyed. The case went to court and his judgment was to be cast out of the heavens he once lived and into a lower heaven along with all those who were joint intellects with him in his quest. Satan did not recognize the ownership of God and the authority of God. He did not respect the boundaries that God had set up and he wanted half of God’s Kingdom. All over this world today we will find this same attitude in the heart of man, not respecting another’s property and not being satisfied with what God has portioned out for them. Because of this many nations are not at peace with their neighbors. A thief for example, suffers from the same mindset. He says “you have enough, more than you need, so I’ll take some of it away from you”. He also says “I need it and I’m suffering so since you have it, I will take it, I have a right to it!” Therefore he comes into your house and takes what he needs as if he is at some grocery store or cafeteria! Until the end of this world there will always be claims and taking away of people’s personal properties because this covetousness lies in the heart of man. Even in the manual it speaks of a great war in the end time that will take years for those living to clean up the blood and the dead bodies that lie around. If my statement above is true then there are certain things necessary by owners of resources to make their possessions more secure! The first is the right mentality, and sorry to say I am quite nervous as I think of our people and the leaders of this country Belize in that regard! Our mentality is the way we think, how we perceive things that are around us and before us. We must first believe that what we own is ours. I recall once as a younger child having a bicycle and saw a thief coming to steal it. He began walking away with my bicycle and I ran after him and caught up with him before he could ride away. He was a grown man and with a real innocent convincing face made up a beautiful story about the bike being for his boss’s daughter and how they lost it. He almost convinced me that my bike was for his boss! Well somehow miraculously my uncle came to my school the same time and settled the problem swinging a piece of metal fence, and I got back my bike. As I look back now, I feel stupid to even have entertained his conversation about my bike, as we were both pulling on it. I felt like I had considered this bike, that my dad bought brand new from the states, and that I had for months, an “adjacency bike” or an “artificial bike”, simply by entertaining his story and almost believing it. That story ended that the guy went to another building and stole a bike which was re-stolen from him by the owner when he parked it in front of a store! I am amazingly out of time but my first encouragement is for us as a country to know that we own this country and it is for us in its entirety, given to us by God, who will protect and keep it that way as long as we are faithful to him. We do not need to go to a lower judge to determine that our borders have been defined by the “Judge of the Earth” Until next week God bless!
Sunday, December 2, 2012
What are PROBIOTICS? Are they BENEFICIAL? By Dr Mark Musa Our digestive system normally has “good” bacteria and “bad” bacteria. Like in most things, maintaining the correct balance between the “good” bacteria and the “bad” bacteria is necessary for the best health. What are probiotics? Probiotics are the “good” bacteria that help maintain the natural balance of organisms in the large intestines (colon). The normal human digestive tract contains about 400 types of probiotic bacteria that reduce the growth of harmful bacteria and promote a healthy digestive system. Prebiotics are the non-digestible carbohydrates that are food for probiotics. Probiotics are found in foods such as yogurt, while prebiotics are found in whole grains, bananas, onions, garlic, and honey. It has been suggested that probiotics be used to treat problems in the stomach and intestines. But only certain types of bacteria or yeast (called strains) have been shown to work in the digestive tract. The largest group of probiotic bacteria in the intestine is lactic acid bacteria, of which Lactobacillus acidophilus, found in yogurt with live cultures, is the best known. Yeast is also a probiotic substance. What are probiotics used for? Many people use probiotics to prevent diarrhea, gas, and cramping caused by antibiotics. Antibiotics kill “good” bacteria along with the bacteria that cause illness. Taking probiotic, particularly after a course of antibiotics, may help retain beneficial bacteria. A decrease in beneficial bacteria may also lead to other infections, such as vaginal yeast and urinary tract infections. Probiotics can also help persons with Lactose intolerance digest dairy products better and help with the symptoms of gas, bloating and diarrhea in Irritable bowel syndrome. Side effects are rare, and most healthy adults can safely add foods and supplements that contain prebiotics and probiotics to their diet. Probiotics can be found in yogurts and is now made in capsules that can be taken as a daily supplement.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Selected By Chris Williams
Grapefruit makes drugs pack a stronger punch A healthy breakfast of half a grapefruit? Not advisable if you are taking certain prescription drugs – the interaction with the fruit could result in an inadvertent overdose. 27 November 2012 by Joanna Carver To find out the extent of the effect, David Bailey of the University of Western Ontario in London, Canada, reviewed the literature and prescribing information of various drugs for any mention of a reaction. He found that of the 85 drugs known to interact with grapefruit, 43 can result in severe adverse effects. The number has increased by 24 per cent since 2008 because new drugs have come onto the market. Chemicals in the fruit destroy an enzyme in the body that normally breaks down substances such as
Lack of Braille signage could soon be less of a hindrance (Image: Elizabeth Ellen/plainpicture)
drugs. That means the drug keeps circulating in the body, which can lead to overdose. A glass of the juice is enough, even if drunk hours before taking a drug, says Bailey. The most serious adverse effect is a condition known as torsade de pointes, which can cause cardiac arrest and death. It can occur if you mix grapefruit and anticancer drugs. “Care should definitely be taken with certain drugs,” says Bill Widmer of the US Horticultural Research Laboratory in Fort Piece, Florida, but he adds that there are people who “believe the problem is overstated”.
Study find world’s major rivers under pressure By Michael Vincent New research into the world’s major river systems has found that too much water is being taken out, and the situation is likely to get worse with climate change. The findings, published in the journal Nature Climate Change, reveal that environmental flows are not being met in the Colorado and Orange-Senqu Rivers and that the Murray-Darling and Yellow Rivers remain under pressure despite government intervention. The researchers studied these four major continent crossing tributaries because they suffer long droughts or extensive floods. Dr Jamie Pittock is a researcher at the Australian National University and director of Interna-
tional Programs for the UNESCO Chair in Water Economics and Transboundary Water Governance. He says it’s failures in governance of water extraction that’s the major problem. “Governments have allowed people to take too much water out of the rivers and these societies, these governments have locked themselves into systems that they’re fighting hard to change,” says Pittock. “For example in the United States there’s actually a compact, or an agreement, between the states over the allocation of the rivers, which the states refused to re-negotiate even though it is essential to restore the health of that river system.” Future issues The researchers found that climate
change is expected to create even more problems. “For most of the rivers we looked at, it seems possible that they will get drier with climate change, but that’s not a universal conclusion,” says Pittock. “It is possible that some of the rivers might get a little wetter.” “But the magnitude of the climate change impact that has been modelled is much less than the volume of water that’s being diverted by people at the moment.” After years of debate, a new plan for Australia’s Murray-Darling Basin plan has only just been finalised. But Pittock says South Africa had good policy for its Orange-Senqu river system, which failed because water continued to be taken out. He says too many rivers no longer flow from source to sea. “An increasing number of rivers
around the world are described as closed, meaning that they don’t reach the sea,” says Pittock. “A river that doesn’t reach the sea is an indicator of poor management.” “We need to ensure that there’s a basic level of river health ... whether it’s [for] drinking water, fisheries, floodplain forests or pastures for livestock, rivers need to reach the sea.”
ArtCulture Hayawadina Wayunagu
new works by Pen Cayetano
Artist Pen Cayetano November 27, 2012 Walking towards the Mexican Institute of Culture on the night of November 15, I could hear the faint but rich beating of Garifuna drums wafting through the door. The Mexican Embassy had invited the public to the launch of Pen Cayetano’s most recent exhibit ArtCulture. Just before the opening speeches started, I pulled Pen away to ask a few questions about his latest art installment. He obliged by explaining the concept behind the exhibit. “This ArtCulture exhibition is a special exhibition to me because we are losing our culture and only art could revive it. So we are only reenacting our culture every time a big celebration comes around. Just like how it is done in other countries. They used to live their culture, but now they are looking towards the galleries to see some of the aspects of their culture because we are not living it (culture) as how it used to be. So ArtCulture is; first there was culture but now it is art.” I asked Cayetano to give his view, both as a musician and an artist, about young Garifuna artists, if he thought that they were living the culture or a parody of it. “I think totally the black culture in Belize is deteriorating, in truth. Most of the things we used to do or value in our culture we are not doing again. We are adopting most of the North American culture and other cultures. Take for instance our celebrations last year. Our cultural dances have gone to a step
where not only it is not depicting culture, it’s a seductive kind of dance and it’s vulgar. We have to go back to school to study and re-learn our culture, although we think that we know our culture, we don’t know. We might know, but we are not acting it. And by not acting it we are losing it. I think the young people today should take another step and study our culture. Because this culture, our culture, was a strong one, the black culture. We are taking some other direction of cultures that is influencing our culture and even dominating it. That shouldn’t be. Let’s take the old Garifuna and the old Creole roots, the mahogany days, when the men would cut their mahogany or prepare their mahogany and the women would
PUP Leader Francis Fonseca delivering address at Unveiling of Mural ceremony
Sunday, December22,DEC 2012
The Mural prepare the food for their men. Nice dinner! Nice Creole dinner. It was not the garbage we are eating now. Even so, we are losing our culture, (with) what we eat. “That is what we should do, live our culture, although the world is changing. Young people, and we the elders, have to make a strict rule: that we have to learn our culture and the strength of our culture.” The Cultural Attaché Arq. Domingo Rodriguez Semerena in his opening remarks at the launch of ArtCulture, expressed his happiness with the success of the cultural exchange the Mexican Embassy does here in Belize through their Cultural Institute. Indeed, Mexican and Belizean artists have exhibited in the Mexican Embassy’s cultural spaces. Not only in the ambit of visual art but also in terms of music, where the Embassy has invited Mexican musicians to play here and has sent Belizean musicians, Pen Cayetano included, to Mexico. The paintings were oil snapshots of Belizean moments and culture. Lindbergh’s Landing on the Barracks, with what Pen described as his own interpretation of the sky, another painting shows women braiding hair on the steps of a wooden house; there is also a beautiful Garifuna Nativity. These images, along with the others, highlight the essence of the Belizean experience and ask us to live our culture, not just reenact it. ArtCulture was on display for the month of November at the Mexican Institute of Culture, which is located corner Newtown Barracks and Wilson Street. Only days after his launch, on November 18, 2012, Pen Cayetano unveiled Hayawadina Wayunagu
His Worship Mayor Gilbert Swaso at the Unveiling ceremony (the images of our ancestors) in the Dangriga Town Hall. The presentation was done in grand Dangriga style with drumming and dancing. The event was attended by His Worship Mayor Gilbert Swaso, the President of the National Garifuna Council Mrs. Phylis Cayetano, Leader of the Opposition Hon. Francis Fonseca, Cultural Attaché of the Mexican Embassy Arq. Domingo Rodriguez Semerena, Mexican Ambassador His Excellency Mario Velázquez Suarez and the general public. Pen explains the mural as follows “The mural talks about the landing of the Garinagu, it talks about our ancestors, and of great Belizeans, some have died some of them are still alive. And to me, it is a great thing that Belize has a mural now that is depicting a strong culture. And that is only the beginning; I think in the future there will be murals depicting not just the Garinagu culture, but all the other cultures. This, I believe is just the beginning of cultural murals which will be operating in Belize. Because as I said earlier, the culture is deteriorating, we have to look in galleries and museums to find it, or maybe in books or other things, video and so forth.” Surely placing this mural in the Town Hall – a symbol of the governance of Dangriga – is a significant one. As without culture what have we to govern, but a people without an identity. Cayetano hopes that the students will visit this mural, so that they can see and reconnect with their roots and culture. Pen’s message to the youth for Garifuna Settlement day was that he hopes that they be more culturally conscious. He reminded us that the youth are to engage in other dance forms besides the Punta Rock, and to careful of how they express themselves. “Don’t be vulgar!” I can hardly say I disagree with Pen advice, being the father of Punta Rock, he more than any, can tell us a thing or two about the ‘shake it, shake it’ as he calls it. So here’s to hoping that we ‘live and not just reenact our cultures!’
2 DEC December 2, 2012 Sunday,
Egypt: protesters descend on Tahrir Square
The Guardian UK, Wednesday 28 November 2012 More than 100,000 people took to the streets of Cairo on Tuesday to protest against a decree by the Egyptian president, Mohamed Morsi, that banned the Courts from judicial review of his decrees. Columns of protesters from all over the Egyptian capital descended on Tahrir Square, the focus of the January 2011 revolution, in numbers that rivalled the rallies in the 18-day protest that toppled the
authoritarian ruler Hosni Mubarak. “Dictator” was the word being used to describe Morsi’s new status after last Thursday’s decree, which grants immunity for the president from judicial review as well as protecting a controversial constitutional assembly dominated by the group he is affiliated with, the Muslim Brotherhood. “Today’s protests are to overthrow oppression and stand up to the new dictatorship of Morsi, his decree and a constitution far removed from the revolution,” said Haytham Mohamedeen of
the Egyptian Revolutionary Socialists movement. “He has to back down. The revolution and the streets will dictate what he will do. If he stands in the way of the revolution, he will share the same fate as Mubarak.” Other marchers called for Morsi not merely to rescind his decree but to step down from the presidency. The chant of the 2011 revolution – “The people want to bring down the regime” – was echoed in other major Egyptian cities, including Alexandria and Suez. Muslim Brotherhood headquarters
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in Alexandria and Mansoura were ransacked and in the case of latter, set on fire, prompting the organisation to formally request the armed forces to protect the main headquarters in Mokkatam in Cairo. Security Forces at both scenes had apparently refused to intervene. Clashes also raged in the city of Mahalla between Muslim Brotherhood sympathisers and anti-Morsi protesters, resulting in 300 injuries, while there were also reports of clashes in Port Said. Earlier, police continuously fired teargas near Tahrir Square while fighting raged with protesters who continued to arrive in large numbers. Among them was Mohamed ElBaradei, the former International Atomic Energy Agency chief who has taken on the role of co-ordinator of a national salvation front set up to unite opposition to the Morsi decree. Morsi, emboldened by his success on the international stage for in reaching a truce between Hamas and Israel, has defended his decree by stating it was necessary to defend the revolution from remnants of the Mubarak regime. It’s expected that Egypt’s Supreme Constitutional Court will issue a statement clarifying its position regarding Morsi’s decree Wednesday morning. The number of fatalities in a week of unrest reached four on Tuesday, with news of the death of Fathi Gharib, a member of the Socialist Popular Alliance party, who was reported to have died after inhaling teargas.
France to back Palestinians at UN PARIS — France will vote in favor of the Palestinians’ request to heighten their profile at the United Nations, its foreign minister told Parliament on Tuesday, embracing a move that Israel and the United States oppose. The support of France, a permanent member of the UN Security Council, is the most significant boost to date for the Palestinians’ hopes to be granted nonmember observer status and thus greater international recognition. Russia and China, two other permanent members, have also thrown their support behind the Palestinian bid. The French support appeared calculated to strengthen the position of the Palestinian Authority president, Mahmoud Abbas, whose party governs the West Bank, after fighting with Israel in the Gaza Strip this month that left Hamas, the Islamic militant organization that oversees Gaza, ascendant. The announcement is a blow to Israel, whose diplomats have been working feverishly to try to ensure what they call a ‘‘moral majority’’ in the UN vote, meaning that even if a majority of nations vote in favor of
the Palestinian bid, the major world powers would not. Speaking before the lower house of Parliament, Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said, ‘‘Next Thursday or Friday, when the question is asked, France will reply, ‘Yes.’’’ Muhammad Shtayyeh, the Palestinian special envoy for the UN bid, issued a statement from New York saying: ‘‘We are very thankful to France and we call upon other European governments to announce their support for Palestinian freedom. This is long overdue.’’ The two other permanent members of the Security Council are the United States and Britain. The Palestinians believe that broader recognition of its UN presence is a crucial step to a two-state solution with Israel, given the absence of any other progress. The Israelis are concerned that the Palestinians could use enhanced status to try to join other international bodies, like the International Criminal Court, where they could pursue legal claims against Israel. Israeli officials also view the Palestinian bid for enhanced status as a non-member state as a violation of previous accords. Just more than a year ago, France voted in favor of full Palestinian membership in UNESCO, despite a mandated cutoff of US funds to the organization.
THINK ABOUT IT HOW TO END DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Icilda Humes and the Staff of the Women’s Department along with others who volunteer their time to be of assistance are organising sixteen days of activism on behalf of women. It is geared towards women who are victims of violence. Domestic violence is primarily against women. It is a scourge against women and no amount of legislation or official programs have changed this shame in our society. Most victims suffer in silence. They are too ashamed to inform their relatives and friends of the unhappy life they are subjected to by violent men. These sick depraved individuals who beat their women deserve no sympathy. They are always making excuses. They are always sorry - after they beat up their women due to foolish jealousy, insecurity, sexual inability, drunkenness, sadism or whatever the reason. No amount of legislation or program seems to reduce or curb the women batterers. There is a radical solution. Women have to start “take out” their beaters. Death to women beaters. CHRISTMAS FROM NOVEMBER Jeremy McNab, a hard working productive Belizean who was shot down in cold blood had a huge sign on top of his business on Cemetery Road. Put Christ back in Christmas. It is a sign that should be at all churches in Belize. Christmas has been taken over by the merchants and those who seek to profit from something sacred. The pagans, infidels, hustlers and anti-Christ elements in society are openly exploiting the birthday of Jesus Christ. This exploitation has become so unbridled that from November 12th this year the hustle and hype had started. Christmas music is being played on the radio and local tv. Shopping for Christmas has started and many false images like Santa Claus, Frosty the Snowman and Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer are popping up daily. And, don’t forget the imported Christmas trees and lots of electric lights. The little baby born in a Manger (the poorest of conditions, next to being born on the street side) and the message of “love thy neighbour” has been thrown one side. In all this mild hedonism and wild spending in the name of Christ, the Churches are prominently silent. It is a powerful statement of where they stand. And, did you notice that the letters in SANTA when turned around spell SATAN? Satan, better known as the Devil must be so proud of his disciples in Belize. A once Christian country where Jesus was loved and respected and Christmas was December 25th and about family, friends, moderation and above all love. Put Christ back into Christmas. ASSAD SHOMAN
Assad Shoman is Belize’s greatest academic intellectual. He has written more books than any other Belizean. His books include Party Politics in Belize; A History of Belize in Thirteen Chapters; BackTalking Belize; Belize’s Independence and Decolonisation in Latin America. These are non-fiction works of research and history. Thirteen Chapters is required reading for students in our schools. Looking at my bookshelves, I see one other who towers equally as tall as Assad Shoman. His works are “Knocking Our Own Ting”; “North American Blues”; “68 to 78 Decade of Change”; “Feelings” and “X Communications”. All are works of fiction. And if you don’t know who wrote them, you are poorly educated. Assad Shoman was a revolutionary in his time. He formed PAC, the People’s Action Committee; RAM - Revolitical Action Movement and SPEAR - the Society for the Promotion of Education and Research. His movement briefly joined forces with Evan X’s UBAD (United Black Association for Development). He became a Minister of Government. He introduced many progressive laws that remain relevant like third party insurance for innocent victims of traffic accidents. He was one of the major driving forces to take Belize’s quest for independence to the international community and then successfully to the United Nations. He is one of the few men to walk away from power and party politics in Belize. Assad has also dedicated a great portion of his time and talent to helping Belize find a solution to the Guatemalan unjust claim to half of our country. Assad has been living abroad where it is likely he is doing research on another book. Assad has apparently been requested by the government to join the team that is preparing to steer Belizeans through a referendum to accept to go to the International Court of Justice. This is a huge coup for the government. Assad is a formidable intellectual and is widely respected among the student population of Belize. Those who oppose going to the ICJ have their work cut out for them. LIZ AND DICK It was the hottest romance of its time. The biggest scandal between two lovers. They were both married to different partners. He was a handsome, talented actor. She was a beautiful sexy enchantress. Their love affair was a worldwide sensation. The Pope, himself, felt compelled to speak out and condemn them. But love is more powerful than the Pope or the consequences of scandal and public gossip. There probably will never be such a sensational, titillating love affair again, like Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. They got married, divorced each other. Remarried and broke up and got back together. And then again, one more time for good measure. Ah! Love, sweet love, love. Now Hollywood has finally gotten
around to portraying this historic love affair. Liz and Dick, the movie featuring Lindsay Lohan as the one and only Elizabeth Taylor hits the big screen this coming week. Older Belizeans, back in the 1970’s before television and cable came to Belize, saw Elizabeth Taylor’s movies and fell in love with “National Velvet” and “Cleopatra”. IN DARKNESS It is inconceivable but it is true. We, who are living in Belize City and the District towns, cannot properly comprehend it. We take electricity for granted. Indeed, we cannot properly function without electrical power. And yet, in the Toledo District some 38 Maya Villages are without electricity. We talking 2012 in the 21st Century. We watch the huge waste of millions of dollars by the government but not a dollar for solar energy for Toledo. One Minister’s vehicle at seventy-five thousand dollars can cover the cost of providing solar energy to a whole Maya Village. The energy panels, battery and four bulbs cost seven hundred thousand dollars. It is incredible. Absolutely incredible. AL JAZEERA ON CBC Thank you CBC cable company for providing around the clock coverage of news and commentaries by award wining news provider Al Jazeera. In Belize, all foreign news comes through CNN and other USA networks like CBS or NBC. Belizeans have been brainwashed by American propaganda where foreign events are concerned. It is important to broaden the type and quality of covering what goes on in the world. It makes us better informed. It helps us to see things through different eyes. To be presented with different views is to be put in a position to start thinking. We wish to thank Channel 5 for the nightly Caribbean News Agency coverage of what is taking place in the Caribbean. There is a television provider which features news from the continent of Africa. Now, if we could have access to that too. Boy, oh boy! If you have Internet access is a must visit site. I.D.B. & I.C.J. Recently, Belizeans heard that the Prime Minister attempted to get a back up loan from the Inter American Development Bank - IDB. Belize along with our neighbours in the Caribbean and Central America are members. The USA is also member. The government failed to contact and lobby the member countries of the Caribbean and Central America to seek their support and approval of the standby loan. By overlooking this important process, Belize asked for the “Secretary” to the IDB Board to put the loan request on the agenda. Belize is saying the USA blocked such a request. Had the government done its homework, one member could not have snubbed all the other members and our
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request would have been put on the agenda by our Caribbean and Central American brothers. Makes you wonder if this kind of sloppiness is going to happen come time when the Guatemalan claim comes up for hearing before the International Court of Justice. MURDER & THE MIND The murder of a sister, mother and step father in Ladyville was the shocker of the weekend. Early Sunday morning the cell phones started their busy rounds, the news was of a home invasion turned deadly and fatal. All across the Belizean communities in Miami, New York and California came the queries. Was it true? What the devil is going on in Belize? Why isn’t the government doing more to deal with the crime crisis? What could have gone wrong? Belize is not a place where a son kills his sister, his mother and his step-father, with a knife and a gun. Not in Belize. Indeed, anyone who killed off his family and in one fell swoop is not considered normal. We Belizeans simply do not murder our blood relatives. Not our sister, certainly not our mothers. It just does not happen. There must be another explanation. There is another strange murder that happened over the weekend. In the peaceful village of Christo Rey, Cayo District. Martin Tut, 36 years of age, was found with two cut wounds. One to the chin and a large one to the neck. Tut was for days experiencing hallucinations of a troubling kind. He was telling his father that the Devil was disturbing him. He had seen an angel in his room. And he felt he was strong enough to resist because of EMO. EMO is a phenomenon in the Cayo district which has claimed the lives of several residents. Facebook is littered with messages and exchanges mostly young residents discussing suicide and suicide related issues. There is strong evidence of an EMO cult in Cayo. Be that as it may, Tut does not fit the profile of an EMO disciple in search of suicide. Whenever a person starts to speak to demons and claims to see heavenly or hellish apparitions we say such a person is disturbed. These are signs of mental illness. Tut was obviously depressed and having mental issues. The Ladyville family murders and the strange death of Martin Tut are pointing to a neglect by the Ministry of Health in our society. It is not enough to celebrate a mental health week. One week in a year when for the remaining fifty one weeks nothing is done to assist the mentally ill. For the want of a few dollars-worth of medication these unfortunate human beings can experience some level of tranquility and peace of mind. There is medication in Belize which helps to suppress delusions of the mind and aggressive behavior. Family members should be able to call the clinics or a hotline when mentally disturbed family members are in need of professional help if it is only to administer medication. Martin Tut left home talking aloud to himself that he was going through the village in search of EMO. This poor unfortunate human being was later found with his throat cut. In the case of Ladyville early Sunday morning, a sister, a mother and step-father had their lives cut short. These things can be prevented.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Jared Ranguy charged for murdering entire family Belize City, November 28, 2012 26 year old Jared Ranguy has been charged by Police for the murder of his family, including his mother 41 year old Abbidale Karen Skeen-Vellos, sister 32 year old Teena Beth Skeen and stepfather, 72 year old Robert Earl Vellos Sr. Ranguy wore a large hood jacket, in attempt to conceal himself, as he was escorted into the Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday morning. As he stood before Chief Magistrate Anne Marie Smith, he was emotionless, as he heard the charges be-
ing read to him. The serious charges are indictable therefore he was denied bail and remanded to Kolbe Correctional Facility until January 10th, 2013. Ranguy said nothing while in Court, although the Police and the public at large have many questions for him. He was found, naked, in wee hours of Sunday morning inside their family house in Ladyville where his parents and sister lay in separate rooms fatally injured.
Human bones
visits Belize next Thursday
found near Swing Bridge Belize City, November 28, 2012 A large crowd was drawn to North Front Street this morning as Belize Water Services personnel working on replacing underground water pipes uncovered human bones. It occurred in front of the Caye Caulker Water Taxi Terminal while workers were digging the ground. The bones appear to be human parts such as ribs and pelvic bones. Even parts of the human jaw were found, with a partial set of teeth. This afternoon Police officials
City residents intrigued by discovery
inspected the site and collect the bones. Even more human parts were found as the workers continued digging this afternoon. While the crowd gathered, several wondered how far back the remains have been underground. “It could be from Hattie days,” one said, referring to the 1961 Hurricane Hattie disaster. Another said, “it could be from as far as slavery days” and added that maybe it was no coincidence that it was found near the former Paslow Building site.
When Ladyville Police arrived at the house, they found him kneeling in front of a room screaming and holding a machete. Before him were two bodies, covered in blood. They were his mother Abbidale and stepfather Robert. Abbidale had multiple stab wounds to the center of her chest and a stab to the left side of her neck. Robert had a gunshot wound behind his head. In another room police found Teena with multiple gunshot wounds to the right side of her ear and right arm by the biceps. During a search of the house by the Police, three expended Aguila brand 9mm shells and 2 slugs were retrieved. In the attic, Police also reportedly found splinters of a 9-millimeter round, a black bag containing the suspected murder weapon, a silver and black 9-millimeter Taurus handgun, a single round of ammunition, an orange colored knife, a screwdriver, and clothing stained in the victims’ blood. Police say that around 3:30am, a loud argument was heard coming from inside the house found by the sound of gunshot. Police have not been able to ascertain what could have been the motive for the murders.
Belize City, November 28, 2012 Leader of the Nation of Islam, Minister Louis Farrakhan, will visit Belize next week as part of a five-nation Caribbean Tour. Minister Farrakhan will arrive in Belize in the morning of Thursday, December 6th, and is scheduled to have meetings with several Government officials and carry out public addresses during the fourday visit. He will visit the Governor General, the Prime Minister at his official office, and the Leader of the Opposition. Among the public events that will form part of Minister Farrakhan’s visit are an address to Muslims at the jummah service at Masjid Al Falah, a Youth Rally at Bird’s Isle, an address to inmates at the Kolbe Correctional Facility, and a final address to the general audience at Bird’s Isle. Minister Farrakhan will also be hosted to a reception sponsored by Foreign Minister Wilfred Elrington. This will be Minister Farrakhan’s third visit to Belize. Those who remember his last visit in 1986 would recall that the then Esquivel-UDP Administration boycotted all meetings with the leader of Islam. Minister Farrakhan’s Caribbean Tour started last week in Grenada, and moved to Barbados, then Dominica, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Belize and will end in the Bahamas.
Sunday, December 2, 2012