“Together we have worked for the advancement of democracy at home and abroad because our people, Belizean and Taiwanese, desire to live in peace with our neighbours near and far.” Prime Minister John Briceño
“What our two countries share, is the strength and courage to rise from our challenging past, and make our present and future free, bright, and prosperous.” President Tsai Ing-Wen

President Tsai Visits
Sheep & Goat Breeding Enhancement project
ROC (Taiwan) Technical Mission
Resolution to Support Democratic Taiwan Motion, 2023
SOLVED that this Honourable House:
Conveys its sincere welcome to H.E. Dr. Tsai Ing-wen, President of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the delegation from Taiwan to visit Belize, to consolidate the diplomatic relations, partnership and friendship between the two countries;

Extends its commitment to the strong and healthy diplomatic bond between Belize and Taiwan and the close bilateral cooperation in multiple areas;

On the afternoon of April 3 local time (early morning of April 4 Taipei time) President Tsai Ing-wen visited the Breeding Sheep and Goat Production and Guidance System Enhancement Project implemented under a Republic of China (Taiwan) technical mission.

After arriving at the Central Farm, President Tsai was first briefed by technical mission chief Pan Sheng-tsair, who explained the Taiwan-Belize cooperation project.
Minister of Agriculture, Food Security, and Enterprises Jose Mai of Belize and representatives from farm households that have benefitted from the project then delivered remarks before accompanying President Tsai to visit the sheep breeding operation. Two young people doing alternative national service, Wu You-qin and Xu Tian-han then explained the method for feeding young sheep, and President Tsai fed some lambs herself.
With support from the Taiwan-Belize bilateral cooperation project, the first facility at the Belize National Breeding Sheep & Goat Center has become the first modern high-bed sheep shed operation in Central America. The shed can accommodate nearly 400 breeding sheep and will gradually help Belize improve its overall productivity in the mutton industry. Through cooperation with the US-based Food for the Poor (FFTP) that began in 2021, the center is advising disadvantaged domestic households how to alleviate poverty through sheep husbandry. ( tw)
WHEREAS, the year 2023 marks the 34th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between Belize and the Republic of China (Taiwan);
AND WHEREAS, Belize and Taiwan enjoy a close relationship based on the common values of democracy, freedom, and human rights;
AND WHEREAS, throughout the 34 years of friendship and alliance, Belize and Taiwan have continuously supported and helped each other and closely cooperated in numerous areas, ranging from diplomatic affairs, infrastructure, medical and public health, agriculture, environmental resilience, information and communication technology, to culture and education;
AND WHEREAS, all bilateral cooperation projects between Belize and Taiwan, including road construction, motor vehicle registration and license system, breeding sheep and goat production, urban resilience and disaster prevention, medical imaging system, women empowerment, mandarin teaching and talent cultivation are currently proceeding smoothly;
AND WHEREAS, the Honourable John Briceño, Prime Minister of Belize, and H.E. David Kuan-Chou Chien, former Ambassador of the Republic of China (Taiwan) to Belize, signed the Cooperation Agreement Regarding Construction of General Hospital for San Pedro Town, between the Government of Belize and the Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan), on 11 January 2023, for the health and wellness of the Belizean people;
AND WHEREAS, Taiwan is a faithful ally and development partner to Belize, and the generosity and contribution Taiwan made to other countries has shown that Taiwan is an indispensable part of the global community, and Taiwan can play, and has played a critical role in the world;
AND WHEREAS, Taiwan shows great courage and resilience in safeguarding its democracy and freedom in the face of provocative military activities from the People’s Republic of China (PRC), which pose a serious threat to global security;
AND WHEREAS, Belize continuously extends unwavering support to Taiwan in safeguarding its democracy and freedom, as well as the self-determination for Taiwanese people, when Taiwan faces the military, political and economic coercion and the hegemonic threats from the People’s Republic of China (PRC);
Reassure that the Governments of Belize and Taiwan will further deepen the diplomatic cooperation through the bilateral and multilateral channels of partnership, especially during Belize’s Presidency Pro-Tempore (PPT) of Central American Integration System (SICA) as Taiwan is an important extra-regional partner of SICA;
Reaffirms to stand with the people and the Government of Taiwan in solidarity to secure Taiwan’s democracy, freedom, human rights and self-determination, so as to maintain peace, stability and prosperity across the Taiwan Strait and in the region;
Calls on the international community to condemn any military threat, and other coercive actions that undermine Taiwan’s sovereign integrity, democracy, freedom, human rights and self-determination; and
The House of Representatives and the Senate express their full support of Taiwan’s participation in ALL related international organizations, including the United Nations, the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL);
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be presented to President Tsai Ing-wen of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and to the office of the Prime Minister as a tangible token of the friendship expressed herein.
Founder: Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus
Fay Castillo EDITOR
Roberto Peyrefitte
Over the past two years, planBelize has been revitalizing Belize and ‘Open for Business’ became the clarion call from Belize to the world that Belize is a potent and growing investment hub. Belize speedily, in the usual turnaround time for economies, beat the odds and predictions set by most of the International Financing Institutions(IFIs). Belize overnight became the best practice extraordinaire for the world when it came to debt management and GDP growth. The world wanted to see Belize, the secret was out. The Tourist industry announced that Belize was back and more open than ever before. A quick search of ‘Belize Open for Business’ and ‘Mother Nature’s Best Kept Secret’ will yield hits galore. These two mantras were seemingly in cahoots and tandem for success.
The Belize Tourism Board has it that last year, 2022, Belize registered 370,524 overnight tourist arriv-als representing a 69.2% growth over the previous year. All indications with just the first two months in 2023 are that this will be eclipsed this year. As you peek over the economic horizon, Easter is here and to get a hotel room at the start of Holy Week will be met with apologies. If you tiptoe up, you will see Investment Summit 2023 on the 9-11th of August already chomping at the bits ready to showcase that 2023 is grander. Tourism measures itself in overnight stays and investment measures itself in For-eign Direct Investment. In 2022, FDI in millions of dollars went from approximately 256 to 261 and is projected to be higher in 2023. It is predicted to remain above 200 million each year up to 2027, more than a Billion in investment. Confidence in the Belizean product? The BTB has surely got the attention of Belize in every travel magazine available.

In the past month, the Music Concerts, Ruta Maya, Music Festival Pre-Fest Jam, Band Fest and other celebrations have confirmed the worse of UDP fears. PlanBelize has Belize overflowing with investor confidence, job opportunities, entrepreneurial growth, and MSME activity. Those at the helm of Tourism, and Investment surely are reading out of the same book as they are definitely in tandem with their success. Officially, the pandemic is lingering in the world yet also officially the bubbling economy of Belize is looking at that pandemic in the rearview mirror. What can Belizeans do to keep this success growing? Belizeans can keep getting themselves educated. They can keep upgrading their capacity to perform at a higher level. They can seek and keep employment. They can create a money-making venture.
Very crucial in this push to become an economic power in our own right is the advancement of women. Today, women's empowerment is highly visible everywhere in Belize in business, education, and, even, government. As politics is a bit different, women in politics have lots more ground to cover but it is only a matter of time. On the dais at the National Assembly for the Taiwanese Presidential visit there were three women at the fore in the lopsided male-dominated House. Speaker Valerie Woods noted to the packed building and the President that it was certainly the first time that three women had been in those three positions at one time. Specifically, women empowerment makes up the majority of registered MSMEs in Belize. The world is noticing.
Any chance that Belize is still Mother Nature’s secret is an allure in a marketing strategy that is seemingly still working. This Easter will be a financial bonanza for hotels, airlines, restaurants, car rentals and all entertainment-type businesses. Belize is truly open for Business in the truest sense of the word. With increasingly more visitors flocking to our shores, Belize becomes a magnet for investment dollars. This confidence is one that only the magic and marvel of planBelize can allow. Come to Belize! We are open for Business and during your break visit some of Mother Nature’s Best Kept Secrets.
EDITORIAL en Español

Durante los dos últimos años, planBelice ha revitalizado Belice y "Open for Business" se ha convertido en el toque de clarín de Belice al mundo para demostrar que Belice es un centro de inversión potente y en crecimiento. Belice superó rápidamente, en el plazo habitual para las economías, los pronósticos y las predicciones de la mayoría de las instituciones financieras internacionales (IFI). De la noche a la mañana, Belice se convirtió en la mejor práctica del mundo en cuanto a la gestión de la deuda y crecimiento del PIB. El secreto estaba a la vista, e incluso la madre naturaleza había hecho todo lo posible, pero el turismo declaró que Belice había resucitado a principios de este año. Una búsqueda rápida de "Belize Open for Business" (Belice abierto a los negocios) y "Mother Nature's Best Kept Secret" (El secreto mejor guardado de la madre naturaleza) arrojará multitud de resultados. Parece que estos dos mantras se aliaron para lograr el éxito.
Según la Oficina de Turismo de Belice, el año pasado, 2022, Belice registró 370.524 llegadas de turistas que pernoctaron, lo que representa un crecimiento del 69,2% con respecto al año anterior. Todo indica que en los dos primeros meses de 2023 se superará esta cifra. Mientras se asoma al horizonte económico, la Semana Santa ya está aquí y conseguir una habitación de hotel al comienzo de la Semana Santa será recibido con disculpas. Si se pone de puntillas, verá que la Cumbre de la Inversión 2023 que se celebrará del 9 al 11 de agosto, ya está lista para demostrar que 2023 es más grande. El turismo se mide en pernoctaciones y la inversión se mide en Inversión Extranjera Directa. En 2022, la IED en millones de dólares pasó de aproximadamente 256 a 261 y se prevé que sea mayor en 2023. Se prevé que se mantenga por encima de los 200 millones cada año hasta 2027, más de mil millones en inversión. ¿Confianza en el producto beliceño? Sin duda, el BTB ha conseguido llamar la atención sobre Belice en todas las revistas de viajes disponibles. En el pasado mes, los Conciertos de Música, Ruta Maya, el Festival Musical Pre-Fest Jam, Band Fest y otras celebraciones han confirmado lo peor de los temores de la UDP. PlanBelize tiene a Belice rebosante de confianza de los inversores, oportunidades de empleo, crecimiento empresarial y actividad de las MIPYME. Los responsables de Turismo e Inversión seguramente están leyendo el mismo libro, ya que su éxito es rotundo. Oficialmente, la pandemia persiste en el mundo, pero también oficialmente la economía burbujeante de Belice mira la pandemia por el retrovisor. ¿Qué pueden hacer los beliceños para que este éxito siga creciendo? Pueden seguir formándose. Pueden seguir mejorando su capacidad para rendir a un nivel superior. Pueden buscar y mantener un empleo. Pueden crear una empresa que genere dinero.
La promoción de la mujer es crucial para convertirnos en una potencia económica por derecho propio. Hoy en día, la emancipación de la mujer es muy visible en todas partes en Belice, en los negocios, la educación e, incluso, el gobierno. Como la política es un poco diferente, las mujeres en la política tienen mucho más terreno que cubrir, pero es sólo cuestión de tiempo. En el estrado de la Asamblea Nacional para la visita presidencial de Taiwán había tres mujeres al frente de una Cámara dominada por hombres. La Presidenta de la Cámara, Valerie Woods, señaló ante un edificio abarrotado y ante el Presidente que, sin duda, era la primera vez que tres mujeres ocupaban esos tres puestos a la vez. En concreto, las mujeres constituyen la mayoría de las MIPYME registradas en Belice. El mundo se está dando cuenta.
Cualquier posibilidad de que Belice siga siendo el secreto de la Madre Naturaleza es un aliciente en una estrategia de marketing que parece seguir funcionando. Esta Semana Santa será una bonanza financiera para hoteles, aerolíneas, restaurantes, empresas de alquiler de coches y todo tipo de negocios de ocio. Belice está abierto a los negocios en el sentido más estricto de la palabra. Con cada vez más visitantes acudiendo a nuestras costas, Belice se convierte en un imán para los dólares de inversión. Una confianza que sólo la magia y la maravilla de planBelize pueden permitir. ¡Venga a Belice! Estamos abiertos a los negocios y durante su descanso visite algunos de los secretos mejor guardados de la madre naturaleza.
Governments of Belize and Taiwan Sign Technical Cooperation Framework Agreement

Taiwan Donates 5000 Laptops

April 3, 2023 - Hon. Eamon H. Courtenay, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Immigration of Belize, and H.E. Jaushieh Joseph Wu, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China (Taiwan), signed a Technical Cooperation Framework Agreement on April 3, which will serve to establish further cooperation programmes between Belize and Taiwan in areas such as agriculture, forestry, fisheries, technology, education, climate change, youth and women, health, tourism and other areas of mutual consent. The signing was witnessed by Hon. John Briceño, Prime Minister of Belize, and H.E. Dr. Tsai IngWen, President of the Republic of China (Taiwan).
During the ceremony, President Tsai presented Prime Minister Briceño with a donation of 5,000 laptops from Taiwanese manufacturers to assist Belize in improving learning resources for vulnerable groups such as children and women in rural areas.
Belize and Taiwan share long-standing bilateral relations spanning almost 34 years. The signing and handing-over ceremonies were part of activities organized during the State Visit of the President of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and her delegation.
This donation is in line with what the PUP calls social justice. People in the rural areas were named the most port in the multidimensional manner of assessing poverty. This donation will go a long way in lowering the percentage of Belizeans that are deemed poor. Education will be eased a bit. Work is always there.

Notice is hereby given that Leta S. Fuller is applying for a Malt & Cider Liquor License to be operated at “Westby Cool Spot” located in Hattieville Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance
Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Lester Young is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “ Young’s Bar & Grill” located at Goff Caye, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance
Revised Edition 1980.

Prime Minister of Belize JOHN BRICEÑO

State Visit
April 3, 2023
Madam Speaker, Madam President of the Senate, Members of the House and Senate, Distinguished guests, Ladies and gentlemen,
Good morning,
It is truly my pleasure and honour on behalf of all Belizeans to welcome you, our dear friend, President Tsai Ing-wen, to the National Assembly, which is our people’s house. As we say in Spanish, mi casa es su casa, or in this case nuestra casa es tambien su casa -- our house is your house. At our last meeting, we approved the Resolution to Support Democratic Taiwan Motion, 2023, which called for our commitment to the strong and healthy diplomatic bond between Belize and Taiwan and the close bilateral cooperation in multiple areas.
Madam President for Belizeans this is a historic home. It was from the very steps you ascended that the Father of our Nation, George Price said on Independence Day in 1981 and I quote: “Belize is a people with all the attributes of nationhood having one flag, one government, one Constitution. Our mind imbues the democratic process. Our hand works the mixed economy. Our heart beats with social justice and our soul cherishes treasures of the spirit.”
Mr. Price also said on that historic day that “Belize will stand upright and will do its duty to help bring peace, stability, and prosperity to our region and the wider circles of our planet Earth.”
As a nation, we have lived by these principles, and we know you and the Taiwanese people believe and live these principles too. For the past 33 years, Belize and Taiwan have worked to improve the world and make it a better place to live.
Together we have worked for the advancement of democracy at home and abroad because our people, Belizean and Taiwanese, desire to live in peace with our neighbours near and far. We also share a deep appreciation for social, economic, and environmental justice and for this reason, no force or ocean will keep us from working together for the advancement of these just objectives. Taiwan and Belize are united in our desire to leave, for the next generation, a better world than the one we presently live in.
I know this because last October on Taiwan’s National Day, President Tsai told the Taiwanese people and I quote “the greatest duty for all of us living on this land is to do everything we can to give the next generation a better country, and to give the world a better Taiwan.” End of quote.
All the evidence shows that the Taiwanese people are benefiting from a strong and growing Taiwanese economy, an expanded social safety net, and greater opportunities for the marginalized people of Taiwan. The evidence shows that you are a nation of people who respect the rule of law and desire to live in peace on a cleaner and greener planet.
We have also seen that the Government and people of Taiwan have not just kept their prosperity for themselves, in fact, they have shared this prosperity with others, including us here in Belize. At present we enjoy strong and growing trade relations. Taiwan’s humanitarian and economic assistance has assisted in the advancement of our development agenda and Taiwan continues to invest in our future. Today, hundreds of Belizean students are in Taiwan studying and receiving a first-class tertiary and professional education. Among these are many talented young Belizean women who will surely return to Belize with a renewed and enriched spirit, believing that women should and can become maximum leaders of their country.
Your visit, Madam President, comes on the heels of the celebration of international women’s month highlighting the potential of women in leadership roles. As you have shared with us, so too you have shared with other nations. This is why we so desire to have Taiwan represented in world organisations like the United Nations, not only because the 23 million people who live in Taiwan deserve to be represented, but also so that together we can promote our shared values like democracy, the right of people’s to self-determination and respect for international law. Together, we can be a force in the fight against climate change, against all forms of inequality and discrimination, and promote greater peace and security. This is a historic day because you Madam President have crossed oceans to come to our shore to celebrate these values, strengthen this partnership, and reaffirm our commitment to prosperity for our people. For this Belize welcomes you into our home with open arms.
Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my pleasure to invite Her Excellency the President of Taiwan, Tsai Ing-wen, to address us.
It is so wonderful to be in Belmopan again. I cannot believe it's been five years since we last saw one another. This is too long, in my opinion.
I want to begin my talk by thanking Prime Minister Briceño, Speaker Valerie Woods of the House of Representatives, and President Trench-Sandiford of the Senate for inviting me to speak at your National Assembly.
I have very fond memories of my last trip to Belize. I visited Taiwan Street, where our embassy stands. I also remember meeting aspiring young Belizeans, and was very happy to offer scholarships for their studies in Taiwan. I remember thinking, these bright minds would eventually serve as bridges for our friendship in our shared future. I also remember visiting the Museum of Belize, seeing the drawings of slave ships and hearing dreadful stories of the slave trade.
What our two countries share, is the strength and courage to rise from our challenging past, and make our present and future free, bright, and prosperous.
Therefore, I must tell you again, I am delighted to be back in your beautiful country.
I would really have loved to come to Belize earlier, however, most of us were grounded by the COVID-19 pandemic. And, as we work diligently to move toward the post-pandemic era, more challenges await us. For example, climate change, economic downturn, inflation, and most challenging of all, expansionist threats from authoritarian regimes.
The people of Taiwan face constant threats and pressure from the neighbor on the other side of the Taiwan Strait. While Taiwan's relationships with democracies around the world have grown stronger in recent years, we continue to be excluded from participating in international organizations, and serving as a productive member of the international community.
From international forums to meetings held by international organizations, such as the United Nations, WHO, ICAO, and under the UNFCCC, Belize has helped give voice to the 23 million people of Taiwan. I want to say thank you.
Not only that, Belize continues to be Taiwan's strongest and most powerful advocate for our international participation.
Moreover, last May, in this very chamber, your National Assembly members unanimously passed a motion to support Taiwan's participation in international organizations. And, a motion supporting democratic Taiwan was also passed a few days ago.
On behalf of the people of Taiwan, I want to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to the government of Belize, and all the members of the House and the Senate. Your unwavering friendship and support mean so much to us.
Belize has accomplished quite a lot over its history. And as a grateful friend, Taiwan is honored to play a role in assisting Belize's national development, through projects on infrastructure, healthcare, agriculture, disaster management and prevention, information and communications technology, and education.
In fact, I am very pleased to note that, over the past two years, Taiwan and Belize have been able to step up our bilateral cooperation to help make everyday life here even more convenient.
For example, road upgrades will connect people from one region to another. We are also working together to bring clean water to rural areas. More importantly, in order to better the learning environment for Belize's next generation, we are supporting programs to provide nutritious food and internet access to schools.
In addition, an upgrade to provide more comprehensive healthcare facil-
President Tsai Ing-wen

State Visit
April 3, 2023
ities on Belizean islands – the San Pedro General Hospital – will soon commence.
Our efforts do not stop here. Through our joint Women's Empowerment Project, Belizean women are able to receive vocational training and financial support to fulfil their entrepreneurial aspirations. To this date, the program has directly assisted over 700 women and benefited more than 2,000 people in Belize.
The ICDF Scholarship and the MOFA Taiwan Scholarship have also brought 500 Belizean students to Taiwan to attend schools. It is also my hope to welcome even more students to come study in Taiwan.
These projects, wide-ranging in scope, are testament to our close cooperation and substantive contributions to Belizean society.
As Belize's 10th largest trading partner, we look forward to opening up even more avenues for cooperation.
Since the Taiwan-Belize Economic Cooperation Agreement took effect last January, Belizean exports to Taiwan in 2022 increased to 317 percent of the amount in 2021, that is 3.24 million US dollars. One such example is Marie Sharp's hot sauce, which is already very popular in Taiwan, and also one of my personal favorites.
Steps are also being taken to realize the potential of Belize's seafood industry. A letter of intent was signed last year between companies from our two countries for the import of 2 million US dollars' worth of Belizean lobsters. Our government is working to facilitate and accelerate the import of marine products from Belize, so that more delicious Belizean seafood can make it onto Taiwanese dinner tables.
And, as we speak, our Coffee and Cacao Mission is exploring opportunities for cooperation with your country.
Spurred on by the Taiwan-Belize Economic Cooperation Agreement, our economies can look forward to even closer engagement.
Even though our countries are thousands of miles apart, our connection is intimate and strong. We share some similar history, like emerging from colonial rule and rising above our challenging pasts. Now, we uphold the values of democracy and face the challenges to our existence without hesitation.
Both our countries' success is testament to what courage, hard work, determination, and diligence can achieve.
And, our relationship is built on genuine partnership between our governments, our people, and our businesses. My visits to Belize have solidified my confidence that our relationship will continue to stand strong for decades to come.
Let me conclude my address by reiterating what I said here five years ago, “the friendship between Taiwan and Belize is not built on empty promises or the political whims of our leadership.” This is a friendship that, for the past 34 years, has led to results that have benefitted people from both our countries.
While we recognize that there are countries that seek to insert a wedge into this friendship, we have remained close because of our common values and our shared vision for a more prosperous and peaceful future. We will also continue to work together to demonstrate that democracies help one another and we deliver.
Here, in the presence of true friends, please allow me to reaffirm Taiwan's steadfast commitment to our bilateral partnership.
I want to once again thank Prime Minister Briceño, Speaker Woods, President Trench-Sandiford, Leader of the Opposition Barrow, and all the members of the National Assembly for your hospitality and for inviting me to address you here today.
“friendship between the two countries will last forever”
On the evening of the April 3, President Tsai Ing-wen attended the dinner hosted by Belize Prime Minister John Briceño. The highlight of the evening was the symbolic donation ceremony of San Pedro's Hospital. President Tsai Ing-wen said that these plans based on the solid partnership between the two countries are concrete examples of Taiwan's commitment to the development of Belize. The President looks forward to more cooperation in the future, and congratulates Taiwan and Belize on "the friendship will last forever, and the friendship between the two countries will last forever.
After Tsai Ing-wen arrived, accompanied by Briceño, they walked into the banquet venue together. Afterwards, watch the video of Taiwan-British Bilateral Cooperation and the construction of San Pedro General Hospital, and witness the symbolic donation ceremony of the hospital model together with Briceño.
Tsai Ing-wen delivered a speech in English at the dinner and pointed out that I still remember when I received the visiting delegation of Prime Minister Briceño in Taipei last March, we discussed cooperation plans that could be promoted in Belize. "Now, I'm excited to be here and see our vision come to life."
She said that San Pedro General Hospital is the best example. We signed a memorandum of understanding on the cooperation agreement on the construction of the hospital in January this year. We hope that this hospital can meet the needs of residents and tourists in the tourist resort of Belize who want convenient and comprehensive medical care. service needs. This afternoon, we also visited the breeding sheep production project and saw how the Taipei technical cooperation cultivated agricultural expertise.
Tsai Ing-wen said that these projects, based on the solid partnership between the peoples, institutions, businesses and governments of the two countries, are concrete examples of Taiwan's commitment to the development of Belize, and
we look forward to more cooperation in the future. Our trip in Belize was fruitful, she said. Earlier, she had the opportunity to exchange views on bilateral relations with Prime Minister Briceño and other government officials, and she was also very honored to deliver a speech to the Parliament of Benin, explaining the firm and stable partnership between the two countries. At the same time, she also received a resolution from the House of Representatives reaffirming support for Taiwan and the sincere friendship between the two countries.
Tsai Ing-wen emphasized that after a busy day, everyone is very much looking forward to the delicacies in Belize tonight. We all know that Taiwanese love food. She then invited the attendees to raise their glasses together, paying tribute to Prime Minister Briceño and his wife, congratulating the everlasting friendship between Taiwan and Belize, and the eternal friendship between the two countries!
San Pedro General Hospital is located in the most famous tourist destination—San Pedro, which attracts a large number of international tourists every year. However, the location is located on an outlying island, and medical resources are insufficient, so residents or tourists with medical needs need to travel long distances to seek medical treatment.
During Briceño visit to Taiwan last March, he approached us to build a general hospital there, and the government agreed to provide assistance, and designated our project builder, Overseas Engineering Corporation (OECC), to undertake the construction. On January 11 this year, the then ambassadors Qian Guangzhou and Eamon Courtenay signed a cooperation agreement on behalf of the two governments. Currently, the OECC and the Belizean government are negotiating on design-related planning and other aspects, and construction will be carried out accordingly.(
With Chinese Merchants on Cost of Living CONSULTATION:
GoB To Effect Measures To Combat Price Gouging
Tuesday April 4,2023, the Prime Minister of Belize Honorable John Briceño and the President of Mexico met in a virtual session to engage in discussions regarding inflation and price gouging as a part of the meeting. The global factors explain much of the reasons for the inflationary pressures being felt across the globe and in small developing countries like Belize. However, shrewd business merchants have increased some of their prices over and above their costs. Price gouging and profiteering have also been responsible for driving inflation and cost of living through the roof. Growing business costs make up the majority of the current prices of goods on the shelves, hence businesses are passing on these increases in costs onto their customers.
Seemingly, everyday consumers are being punished for what is essentially ‘greedflation’. Economist Jim Stanford, from the Center for Future Work proffered that" there is no doubt
On March 10, 2023, In order paper No. HR151/1/13 - Report from the Finance and Economic Development Committee on the Money Laundering andTerrorism (Prevention) (Amendment) Bill, 2023. This is for Bill for an Act to amend the Money Laundering and Terrorism (Prevention) Act, Chapter 104 of the Substantive Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2020; to satisfy the requirements of the Financial Action Task Force Recommendations with respect to laws regarding national anti-money laundering, combatting the financing of terrorism and combatting proliferation financing.
The Belize Network of NGOs is currently in consultation with the government of Belize and other stakeholders. This act would affect those who actively seek to run or participate in a non-profit organization within Belize. The ACT would be a separate legislation as no amends would be made to the NGO Act as it is now.
This ACT would provide for the regulation of Non-Profit Organisations; to protect Non-Profit Organisations from terrorist financing abuse; to satisfy the requirements of the Financial Action Task Force Recommendations with respect to laws regarding combating the financing of terrorism; and to provide for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
Hon. Henry Charles Usher, Minister of the Public Service, Constitutional and Political Reform stated, “The issue is that this is a package of bills that have to be introduced and have to be passed, in order for the next run of certification that is happening for Belize, I believe that’s going to be in December of this year. And there are different legislations that are required to be passed. This is just one of them. It’s not anything, too difficult. And I’m sure that, with some discussions that the parts of the will can be explained.”
There was a meeting held by the Social Partners Advisory Committee to discuss the NPO Bill. It was a very cordial and instructive meeting. Acting Director of FIU Mrs. Leni Ysaguirre McGann gave an overview of the Financial Action Task Force 3rd round review which happened in 2011 and the recommendations and follow-ups that were needed. As usual, the Barrow Administration ignored and now as the 4th round review is this year a slew of legislation is needed to be compliant. Unlike the 3rd round which focused on Technical Compliance this 4th round will also look at Effective Implementation. So just having the law on the books is not enough. Belize must show it is implementing the law. Following the overview, the discussion was on specific areas that the NGO community in particular had concerns. Recommendations for amendments were made and a new draft should be circulated shortly before the next Senate Meeting.
Minister Usher was also quoted previously as stating, “This is something that the FIU and different organizations have been approaching, the NGOs and the non-profit organizations on. The bill was prepared by the Attorney General’s Ministry. They will have an opportunity when it goes to the house committee and they will also have an opportunity in the Senate. They have a representation in the Senate.”
society and also that of the merchant class. President Ou, whilst holding some reservations on the ticketing system, stating what he considered grey areas, where reasonable price point price for an item ends and where price gouging begins. A similar sentiment of Lennox Nicolson who said that "what we need to do as enforcement agency is to be able to to distinguish where imported inflation ends and gouging starts."
trative records to rely upon for proof. He said Belizean don't want to hear about the lack of public officers in addressing the issue. The public simply wants GOB to get the job done.
that corporations have taken advantage of the supply chain problems and the desperation of consumers to jack-up prices far more than required to cover their own costs, and their record profits this inflation far worse."

The People’s United Party Government led by Prime Minister John Briceño has heard and listened to the cries of the masses regarding the steep rise in cost of living. The Government has been making some policy changes to combat inflation/cost of living/price gouging. A ticketing system with penalties was legislated for as one of the measures on price gouging and the effects on the consumer.
On Friday March 31, 2023, the Belize Chinese Association, led by Johnston Ou, President met in a closed-door meeting with ministers of government at Charter House, the Office of the Prime Minister to engage on the matter of price gouging. The discussions were fruitful and productive in the addressing of the concerns raised by the Belizean
Members of the Supplies Control Unit produced several bags of groceries from different stores to punctuate the reasons that make price gouging an issue. The findings of the inspection were explained to contextualize where the price gouging exists. Nicholson further explained the need to map through the entire distribution chain and to identify exactly where the problem exists. Nicholson said there is enough adminis-
This is exactly what the PUP Government led by John Briceño is seeking to do - GET THE JOB DONE! As a responsible Leader and a man with a conscience and with a heart beating with social justice, Briceño continues to attend to the needs of his people. Interestingly, the PM continues seek solutions to the problems facing the nation and inflation, cost of living and price gouging is just another one. With PlanBelize as the Northstar, the PUP Government and Prime Minister Honorable John Briceño trods on to the halcyon days of yesteryear under the great Peoples United Party. Adelante!
By Hilly Bennett

Invitation for Bids
Belize Water Services Limited Belize
GRT/CF-19538-BL & GRT/MA-19539-BL
Advancing Water Disinfection in Urban & Rural Areas
International Competitive Bidding (ICB) BWSL/BIF-27-2205
1. The Government of Belize has received financing from the Inter-American Development Bank toward the cost of the project “Advancing Water Disinfection in Urban & Rural Areas GRT/CF19538-BL and GRT/MA-19539-BL”, and intends to apply the proceeds of this financingto payments under the Contract for the “supply, installation and commissioning of OSG Disinfection Equipment”.
2. Belize Water Services Limited now invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for the:
a) Supply, install & commission of OSG Disinfection
Equipment for Caye Caulker Village- Lot A
b) Supply, install & commission of OSG Disinfection Equipment for San Marcos Village- Lot B
c) Supply, install & commission of OSG Disinfection Equipment& Filtration System for Crooked Tree Village - Lot C.
3. Bidding will be conducted through the International Competitive Bidding (ICB) procedures specified in the Inter-American Development Bank’s Policies for the Procurement of Goods and Works financed by the Inter-American Development Bank, and is open to all bidders from Eligible Source Countries as defined in the Policies.

4. Interested eligible bidders may obtain an e-copy of bidding document by making a request to the below:
Ervin Flores, Resident Consultant Engineer Belize Water Services Ltd.
7 Central American Blvd. Belize City, Belize.
5. Bids must be delivered to the address below at or before 2:00 pm, 18th May, 2023. Electronic bidding shall not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be opened physically in the presence of the bidders’ representatives who choose to attend in person at the address below at 2:15 pm on18th May, 2023.
6. All bids to be accompanied by a Bid Security, as specified in the bidding document and must be delivered to the address below by 2:00 pm local time on 18th May, 2023
7. The address referred to above is:
Ervin Flores, Resident Consultant Engineer
Belize Water Services Limited
7 Central American Blvd. Belize City
The Government of Belize (GOB) has received financing from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) towards implementing the Belize Social Investment Fund Loan III and the Basic Needs Trust Fund Tenth Programme and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this financing to eligible payments under a contract for which this invitation is issued. Payments by CDB will be made only at the request of GOB and upon approval by CDB, and will be subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the Financing Agreement. The Financing Agreement prohibits withdrawal from the financing account for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any import of goods, if such payment or import, to the knowledge of CDB, is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations. No party other than GOB shall derive any rights from the Financing Agreement or have any claim to the proceeds of the Financing.
The Belize Social Investment Fund (BSIF) the Executing Agency, now wishes to procure consultancy services for Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist.

The objective of the consultancy is to provide Monitoring and Evaluation Services to BSIF. The Consultant will be responsible for the development (including collection of baseline data), management, and implementation of a quality M&E system for the Programmes, Projects and the sub-projects that are implemented by BSIF. The duration of the assignment is expected to be a period of two (2) years, extendable by mutual agreement in accordance with prevailing Belize legislation as well as results of his/her performance appraisal.

Further details can be found in the Terms of Reference, which can be obtained from Address 1 below.
BSIFnow invites interested eligible individual consultants to submit Expressions of Interest indicating qualifications and experience required to provide these consultancy services.
Consultants shall be eligible to participate if:
(a) the persons are citizens or bona fide residents of an eligible country; and
(b) in all cases, the consultant has no arrangement and undertakes not to make any arrangements, whereby any substantial part of the net profits or other tangible benefits of the contract will accrue or be paid to a person not a citizen or bona fide resident of an eligible country.
Eligible countries are member countries of CDB. Consultants are advised to review the detailed eligibility criteria detailed in Section 4 and conflict of interest provisions in Section 5 of the Procurement Procedures for Projects Financed by CDB (January, 2021), as published on CDB’s website.
In the assessment of submissions, consideration will be given to qualifications, experience on similar assignments and interview questions.
All information must be submitted in English. Further information may be obtained from the first address below between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. (Belize Time)hours Monday to Friday.
The Expressions of Interest must be received electronically at the first address (BSIF) and second (CDB) below no later than Tuesday 2nd May 2023 at 10:00 a.m. (Belize Time). The subject line of the email containing each submission shall be clearly marked “Expression of Interest – Consultancy Services for Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist for BSIF”.
Following the assessment of submissions, the most technically capable and appropriately experienced applicant will be invited to negotiate a contract to provide the consultancy services. GOBZ reserves the right to accept or reject late applications or to cancel the present invitation partially or in its entirety. It will not be bound to assign any reason for not engaging the services of any applicant and will not defray any costs incurred by any applicant in the preparation and submission of Expressions of Interest.
2.Procurement Officer Caribbean Development Bank
P.O. Box 408 Wildey
St. Michael BARBADOS, W.I.
Tel. (246) 539-1600
San Pedro, Ambergris Caye; Belize District; Little Belize Settlement, Corozal Town, Corozal District; August Pine Ridge Village, Orange Walk Town; Hattieville, Potts Creek/Salt Creek,Belize District; Georgeville Village, Cayo District; Dangriga, Stann Creek District; Bella Vista Village, Toledo District
BY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. Atlantic Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via the following properties. Sales currently running until31st May 2023. Public Auction Sales will expire fortnightly on the dates and times listed on the website until these properties are sold.
A: San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize District:
ALL THOSE pieces or parcels of land being Lots Nos. 43 and 44 situate Southwest of the Phillip Goldson Highway at Mile 13, Belize District, Belize being a portion of land comprised in Minister’s Fiat Grant No. 15 of 1989 date 23rd Feb uary 1989 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being 2 vacant lots situate in the Fred Hunter Subdivision near Mile 13 on the Northern Highway, South of Los Largos in the Belize District, the freehold properties of Mr. Gildardo Cardona and Mrs. Rocio Aguilar Cardona)
ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 307 situated at Belizean American Site near Mile 17 ½ South of George Price Highway, Hattieville Village, Belize District comprising 613.44 square meters TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Freehold property of Mr. Sean Delroy Nicholas)
Freehold property of Mr. Pablo Sosa
Corn Mill.
ALL THAT piece or parcel of vacant land being Lot No. 193 Minister's Fiat 606 of 2013 o f Georgeville Village, Cayo District, comprising of 1026.481 Square Meters, TOGETHER with all buildings and erection standing and being thereon. (Freehold property of Ms. Tanesha Salazar)

Dangriga South 3144
Freehold property of Messrs. Dangriga Cable Vision. 0

Freehold property of Mr. Abraham Nicholson
Freehold property of Mr. Jacob Freisen.
ALL THAT lot piece or parcel of land containing 995 acres situated on the intersection of Potts Creek Road and the western boundary of Salt Creek Work TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Freehold property of Messrs. Smuggler’s Run Holdings Limited)
Dangriga South 3161
Freehold property of Messrs. Dangriga Cable Vision. 8

All That piece or parcel of land known as Lot #2 located in Bella Vista Village, Stann Creek District compromising 445.892 square meters Together with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Freehold property of Mr. Robert Andrew August and Ms. Roselia E Lizama)
TELEPHONE: 223 4488
Face Book: Belize Auctions

Her Excellency Rossana Briceño Special Envoy for the Development of Families & Children Exhibition of Achievements
Women Empowerment Project (Taiwan)
President Tsai Ing-Wen, Secretary General Lin, Foreign Minister Wu, Minister Dolores Balderamos-Garcia, Ambassadors, Excellencies, Government Officials, Distinguished Guests, Ladies, and Gentlemen,It is a pleasure to welcome you to today’s event and to thank you for supporting women’s empowerment and the fight for gender equity. It is clear that promoting and protecting Women’s Rights is a critical objective that our two nations share.
The Republic of China (Taiwan) has been at the forefront of women's empowerment, and we applaud the efforts of the Taiwanese government and its people in advocating gender equality. Taiwan has made remarkable progress in ensuring that women are represented in all sectors of society, including in government, education, and business.

In addition, Taiwan has been committed to supporting the development of Latin American and Caribbean countries. Belize’s experience was shared along with the experience of other allied countries in the Empower Women! Empower LAC! Forum which was held on February 15 of this year in Taipei. Taiwan has always valued our relationship with this region, and we have made great strides in working together to promote shared prosperity and development.
In Belize, we are appreciative of partnering with Taiwan as this has given us the opportunity to provide training, tech-
April 4, 2023
nical assistance, and resources to support the empowerment of women and girls through Taiwan’s International Cooperation and Development Fund.
Thanks to this friendship and partnership, many women entrepreneurs countrywide have benefited through the project entitled “Enhancing the Economic Empowerment of Women in Belize in the COVID-19 Post-Pandemic Era. Technical Assistance for Women's Employment, Entrepreneurship, and Financial Inclusion”.
Through this project, the Government of Taiwan is supporting Belize’s response and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on economic growth and sustainability. It is well known that the pandemic affected many Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises, especially women-owned businesses which represent 66% of all businesses operating in Belize. This is why women's empower-
ment is not only the right thing to do but it is also good for business; it is a win-win situation for everyone involved.
The Women Empowerment Project promotes women’s entrepreneurship and social inclusion through financial and technical collaborations with relevant national institutions and Taiwanese experts. Many women-led businesses and projects aiming to promote women’s empowerment have benefited from extensive professional and vocational training, business incubation programs, financial relief counseling, and a national network for MSME support.
Some of these women-led businesses are: Alejo’s Golden Plantain Chips, Elisa’s Fabric, C’s Ingenious Creations, E’s Closet, Lasting Impression, Dude Car Wash, House of Gains Gym, Angel Wings, ZZ’s Pizzeria, Oshanz Detox, Jayla’s Tutus, and Yessi’s Cuisine, which represented us at the Empower LAC! Forum.
This project, in collaboration with BELTRAIDE, has also benefited 5 women-led seaweed businesses in Placencia: Seaweed, Powa Productions, Fruitful Belize, Sea Gold Essentials, and Mother Nature Enterprise. Seaweed farming provides a source of income and food to coastal communities while simultaneously benefitting the ecosystem by absorbing carbon dioxide emissions. This makes the seaweed business sustainable and an excellent tool in the fight against climate change.
The investment and cooperation by Taiwan in women's empowerment have led to the creation of more opportunities for women in the workforce, and in turn, this has led to economic growth and prosperity in Belize. These gains have been significant, and they can be reflected in the growth of our music industry. With this project, Taiwan has also supported 5 talented women musicians: Mellonie Gillet, Jackie Castillo, Ms. HoneyDee, Denise Castillo, and Chanelle Parks.
The beneficiaries that I have just mentioned are just a few of the many women that have benefited from the Women Empowerment Project. We are truly grateful for Taiwan’s support and partnership.
I would like to take this opportunity to reaffirm Belize's allegiance to our strong partnership with Taiwan. Our two countries share many common values, including a deep commitment to freedom and democracy, human rights, and women’s empowerment. We also share a vision of a peaceful and prosperous nation, and we stand ready to work with our esteemed partner and ally, Taiwan, to identify new areas of cooperation to achieve this vision.
We are honored to have President Tsai here with us today, and we look forward to hearing her thoughts on how we can work together to further promote women's empowerment and women-owned businesses.
I am confident that the friendship and cooperation between our two countries will continue to thrive in the years ahead. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to President Tsai and the people of Taiwan for their generosity and kindness.
Once again, I would like to extend a warm welcome to everyone, and thank you for being part of this memorable event.

Visit of President of the Republic of China (Taiwan)

Dr. Tsai Ing-Wen

Arrival & Welcome by Governor General Tzalam with military salute

Reasons You Should Add This Central American Country To Your Travel Plans This Year
By Marci RiveraWith so many diverse places to choose from in Central America, it’s likely that the majority of travelers head for popular destinations such as Costa Rica and Guatemala, and with good reason.
Central and Latin America are full of diverse countries that overflow with natural beauty, and choosing between them can be a tough call.
While all these places definitely deserve a place on any traveler’s wish list, there are some Central American countries that tend to get overlooked by visitors, and here is where you can often find the undercover gems.
One such place is Belize – which is in no way a secret – but is, however, a country that hasn’t traditionally gotten as much traveler attention as it should, although this is changing and the country is becoming more and more popular with tourists.

In fact, 2022 saw Belize being named one of the top destinations of the year, and CNN Travel listed Belize as one of the 23 destinations to visit in 2023.
You can find the small tropical country of Belize nestled between Mexico and Guatemala.
The country is full of postcard-perfect beaches, colorful towns, ancient Mayan ruins, dense rain forests, and, not to mention, so much natural beauty both on land as well as offshore.
Easily Accessible
While you might feel as if you are worlds away from most American cities, technically speaking, you are only a short 3-4 hour flight from most of the U.S. and Canada.
Belize City is well connected to many American airports, making this lush destination an easy flight compared to some other tropical places further south or over in Southeast Asia.
Recently airlines have been adding Belize City to their routes from major Canadian cities as well, meaning there are more options and better fares than before.
Southwest, United, and American Airlines are popular options from the U.S., while WestJet and Air Canada of-
fer options from Canada.
Not to mention that Belize is easily reachable from Mexico’s Uber-popular Yucatán Peninsula, and bus connections make this addon an option for any Cancun area trip.

It also offers a bit of a different vibe for those looking to avoid the crowds and nightclubs of the ever-popular hotspots along Mexico’s Caribbean coast, although there is possibly no escape from the
5 FEB 2023
It’s best to check the local reports for that, as the record sargassum that has been plaguing the Mexican coast might be an issue here as well, depending on the current conditions.
Many reports have indicated that sustainable travel is a big trend for this year, and travelers are making more of their holiday choices based on the economic impact of their
Those who are attempting to make strides in this area will be happy to know that Belize is too.
The country’s new Tourism Minister has stated that Belize is dedicated to becoming a low-impact/value destination for visitors.

The country recently publicity committed to protecting 30% of its ocean territory, and many are hailing Belize as a conservation success story for this and the many other initiatives taken thus far.
No Language Barrier
This may or may not be a reason for some people, but Belize is technically the only English-speaking country in all of Central America.
Being a county that is as diverse
Continued on page 18
The Central Bank invites qualified individuals to join its Office of Strategy Management.
The Project Analyst will provide direct or indirect project management services in the application of the Central Bank of Belize’s Project Management (PM) methodology and effective use of PM and Change Management (CM) tools. The Project Analyst will perform direct services when assigned to a project in the role of project manager. Indirect services include supporting other project managers and teams to enhance their capability to successfully implement projects and contribute to the achievement of the Central Bank’s strategic objectives.
Essential Duties and Responsibilities
▪ Supports the Office of Strategy Management in the promotion of PM and CM best practices, methodology, standards, and tools in the execution of the Central Bank’s projects.
▪ Applies the change management process and tools to support the adoption of the changes required by a project or initiative.
▪ Assists in training, mentoring, and guiding project team members throughout the project life cycle.
▪ Assists in identifying and utilizing of technology-based tools, especially Microsoft Project to facilitate project support and continuous development of project management skills.
▪ Assists in preparing project budgets and developing resource requirements.
▪ Reviews and reports on the project portfolio’s performance, budget, and finances.
▪ Develops Service Level Agreements for indirect and direct project management services.
▪ Performs other related work required to ensure successful implementation of projects.
The applicants should possess the following:
Education and Experience
▪ A master’s degree in project management, management information systems, business management, or a related field from a recognized university, with two (2) years of experience in managing business-related projects. Knowledge and proficiency in project management software, preferably, Microsoft Project, or

▪ A minimum of a bachelor’s degree in project management, management information systems, business management, or a related field from a recognized university, with four (4) years of experience in managing business-related projects. Knowledge and proficiency in project management software, preferably, Microsoft Project.
Technical Knowledge
▪ Knowledge of Microsoft Project: Knowledge of Change Management tools and techniques; Knowledge of the strategic management approach; Excellent research and presentation skills; Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite.
▪ Strong Communication Skills; Diagnostic Information Gathering; Analytical Thinking; Results Orientation; Initiative; Thoroughness; Flexibility, Fostering Teamwork; Performance Management; Building Collaborative Relationships; Managing Change; Self-Confidence; Organizational Awareness.
Submit the following documents by Wednesday, 12 April 2023:
▪ CBB Employment Application Form (Available online)
▪ Curriculum Vitae
▪ Three (3) current references (one must be from a previous employer)
▪ Certified copies of university transcripts, degrees, and any other personal certificates
6 Reasons You Should Add This Central American Country To Your Travel Plans This Year
Continued from page 16
as Belize, the official language is English, yet Spanish and Creole are commonly spoken as well.
This lack of language barrier makes traveling here much easier than in other Central American countries, where you might find it a bit more difficult to get around if you do not have some basic Spanish under your belt.
New Resorts
An increased interest in Belize also means more accommodation options can be expected to spring up, and this year saw one major one open its doors.
The popular resort chain Jimmy Buffett’s Margaritaville has just opened its newest Caribbean property in Ambergris Caye, one of Belize’s most popular tourist areas.

Alongside the Margaritaville opening, Belize has seen a handful of other high-end properties breaking ground recently, including The Belize Marriott Ambergris Caye Resort and Residences and The Alaia Belize.
In addition, luxury hotel group Four Seasons has announced their plans for their first private island in the Americas, off the coast of Belize, planned for 2024.
Dive Right In
For being such a small country, Belize makes up for it with its stunning waters full of life and wonders to discover.
Belize National Prayer
Almighty and Eternal God, who through Jesus Christ has revealed Your Glory to all nations, please protect and preserve Belize, our beloved country.

God of might, wisdom and justice, please assist our Belizean government and people with your Holy Spirit of counsel and fortitude.
Let Your light of Your divine wisdom direct their plans and endeavours so that with Your help we may attain our just objectives.

With Your guidance, may all our endeavours tend to peace, social justice, liberty, national happiness, the increase of industry, sobriety and useful knowledge.
We pray, O God of Mercy, for all of us that we may be blessed in the knowledge and sanctified in the observance of Your most holy law, that we may be preserved in union and, in that peace which the world itself cannot give.
And, after enjoying the blessings of this life, please admit us, dear Lord, to that eternal reward that You have prepared for those who love You. Amen.
Mayan Ruins
One thing that Belize has in abundance is Mayan Ruins, which shouldn’t be hard to believe since it is the cradle of the ancient Maya civilization.
In fact, the small country of Belize actually holds more Mayan Ruins per square mile than any other country in the World.
While the ruins range from easy to visit to ones you have to trek to get to, they are no doubt worth visiting.
Home to the second largest barrier reef in the world, snorkelers love this area for the warm, clear turquoise waters and the variety of fish, coral, and many other kinds of marine life you are sure to see here.
In addition to the coral reef, one
main draw for divers looking for adventure is the famous Blue Hole. This massive underwater hole was made famous by Jacques Cousteau in the 1970s and remains a huge draw for those looking to see it for themselves.

Experienced divers can make the trip, and the hole –about 1,000ft wide and 412ft deep –is known to be the world’s largest.
If you are one of the many who are waiting for the Maya Train to open in Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula, hopping over the border to explore the Belize ruins is a good alternative.
The US Government-funded Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) has selected Belize as one of only two countries in the world for a five-year government to government grant to fund a program aimed at reducing poverty and stimulating economic growth.

The Government of Belize (GOB) through the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development, and Investment, have contracted a team of individual consultants to form a Compact Development Team in Belize that will work together with a U.S.-based MCC Team to conduct a diagnosis of the constraints to economic growth, prepare concept notes, develop project proposals, and plan for project implementation.
The Belize Compact Development Team will be led by a National Coordinator who will manage the team, engage key stakeholders across all sectors, and bear responsibility for the overall performance and work quality of the team. The Electricity Sector Specialist will be a member of BCDT and will work closely with the Program Coordinator and other members of the BCDT as well as the MCC team to develop the Electricity Project following the MCC’s Investment Criteria.
Vacant PostRemuneration: Competitive salary and benefits are offered, commensurate with academic level, work experience and other relevant strengths of the winning candidate. Kindly follow the below link for further details.
Interested candidates are requested to submit ONE PDF File that shall include: a) Letter of Interest indicating the post being applied for; b) the curriculum vitae, c) copies of university degrees, and d) the names of 3 references.
Subsequently the top 3 applicants for the post will be interviewed.
Deadline for application is 14 April at 4:00pm. Application can be sent via email to: or hand delivered to the address indicated below:
Chief Executive Officer
Ministry of Economic Development
Sir Edney Cain Building
Ground Floor, Right Wing
Belmopan City, Belize C.A.

Any request for clarification should be sent via email no later than 20 April 2023. Responses will be provided within three days.

Profound Experiences in Britain
living. Due to low salaries for millions of persons, many residents in Britain cannot provide their children with a high school education or afford cable TV. In higher end, stores a necktie cost 80 pounds or approximately $85 US. In London, a taxi to the airport is 95 pounds or approximately $100.00 US.
At least four speakers at the Westminster seminar had to speak virtually, instead of in person, because train strikes for higher wages across London made traveling long distances from point A to point B by train unachievable.
the House of Commons in Britain 225 or 33% of them are women. At home of the 31 elected members of the House of Representatives 4 or 13% of them are women. To encourage more women to participate in government as leaders, the constitution of a number of Commonwealth countries state that a specific number of seats must be reserved for women. A few of those constitutions go even further in stating that only female candidates can contest specific seats for parliament.
Caribbean are being severely strained in coping with the large flow of refugees from Haiti, which has been experiencing major instability for over a year. The consensus was that as a block, CARICOM heads, need to take the lead in pressing world leaders to aid in the stabilization of the country for the benefit of the entire region and the wider world instead of only complaining as the situation get worse.
By Hon. Gilroy Usher, Port Loyola“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.”
–Saint Augustine(Continued from March 26) The service to commemorate Commonwealth Day was held at the historic Westminster Abbey on Monday March 13th, 2023. Royalties such as Prince Charles who is King Charles III in waiting only for a few more weeks and his wife, Camilla, Queen Consort sat in the front row on two chairs with red velvet and gold colored metal linings. Beside the Queen Consort was Prince William and his wife Princess Catherine. I sat in the second row directly opposite members of the Royal family. Throughout the service they did everything as normal persons.
Sir Lindsay Hoyle is Speaker of the House of Commons in Britain. According to Speaker Hoyle some fundamental qualities of good Speaker include the ability to be fair to all parties as well as the ability to allow robust but respectful debate in the House without allowing the pot to boil over –without allowing the debate to become disrespectful and disorderly with mudslinging and character attacks.
Attorney Abdul Rahim Sowe of Sierra Leone, who is confined to a wheelchair, is a professional with diverse ability from birth. Mr. Sowe is the principal bills officer for the parliament of his country. As a result of the appreciation of Britain /United Kingdom (U.K.) for persons with diverse abilities provision is made for wheelchairs in all government buildings. Consequently, Attorney Sowe was able to attend all the sessions with little or no difficulty. Attorney Fatou Bensouda is Gambia’s High Commissioner to the United Kingdom and former Chief Prosecutor for the International Criminal Court (ICC). In one of her final acts at the ICC, Attorney Bensouda ruled that the ICC should hear the case of the Palestinians against Israeli occupation.
Despite its long history of racism against minorities especially Blacks, the Westminster Seminar gave the delegates from around the world the opportunity to see that Britain is moving steadily towards inclusion of all its people.
Axell Kaubo Programme, Manager for the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association ( CPA) UK ; Hon. Bell Ribeiro –Addy Labour MP for Streatham ; Victoria Obaze first Nigerian female Mayor of Tower Hamlets, and Prime Minister Rishi Sunak are all black persons. While the PM is of East Indian heritage, he is still considered black in Britain and the United States. A few decades ago, nonwhites especially blacks being victorious in elections for many prominent positions in Britain was definitely mission impossible.
One of the things that cannot escape anyone in Britain is the high cost of
The Westminster conference revealed that the success of women being elected members of parliament in Commonwealth countries varies a lot.
25 SEP 2020
Of the 650 elected members of
The Westminster seminar revealed interesting positions on conflicts that are affecting neighboring Commonwealth countries. The resources of Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, and many other Commonwealth counties in the

The seminar also revealed that, while the rate of crime is low in many Commonwealth nations. Progressive and firm action must be taken to halt the major crime problem in Jamaica and several other member nations as more youths are looking up to local artists who glorify gangs, murder, dishonesty, disrespect for women and police officers, and other criminal activities.
The Assistant Manager, Facility Management is responsible for the leadership and management of the Facilities Management Unit (FMU) and reports to the Manager, Administration. The FMU is responsible for providing complete operations and maintenance se rvice support to ensure that the Central Bank’s fac ility is operated at peak performance; the building and grounds are kept in immaculate condition; and the working environment is comfortable, safe,and healthy and is conducive to high productivity.
Develops, implements, maintains and oversees a comprehensive Operating and Maintenance Program in line with international standards and best practices
Develops, implements, and maintains Occupational Health and Safety Policy and Procedures.

Plans for future development in line with strategic business objectives.
Prepares, negotiates and oversees the performance of service contracts for the maintenance of the facility.
Plans and oversees Energy Management efforts and provides monthly reports on energy and wate r utilization.
Establishes and maintains files of as -built, schematic and engineering drawings of plant facilities, including specifications, operations and maintenance manuals.
Oversees the maintenance, modification and upgrade of computerized systems, such as computer-aided design and drafting (CADD) and building management system (BMS) and any other automated system deemed necessary to improve efficiency.
Leads and coordinates projects involving spatial requirement s, including re-organization of current premises, facility expansion, and identification of new premises and/or new construction.
Participates actively in Business Continuity Planning to ensure quick recovery and resumption of critical business function.
Responds appropriately to emergencies or urgent issues as they arise and be accessible on a 24 -hour basis.
The applicants should possess the following:
Master's degree in Facilities Management or any of the following engineering disciplines: Electrical Mechanical or Civil Engineering with at least four (4) years of industry experience in a management and/or maintenance field; or
Master's degree in Management (MBA) and a Bachelor's degree in Electrical, Mechanical, or Civil Engineering with at least five (5) years of industry experience; or
Bachelor's degree in Electrical Mechanical or Civil Engineering or Facilities Management with at least six (6) years of industry experience in management and/or mechanical, electrical, or civil maintenance and/or installation. A certificate or experience in Facilities Management would be an asset.
Strong mechanical aptitude and a working knowledge of electrical and mechanical systems to deliver quality work, and keep informed of the latest trends and developments in the discipline; Knowledge of Occupational Health & Safety Standards and safe workplace practices, facilities management including civil, mechanical, and electrical applications, plumbing and air conditioning and building compliance codes; Proficient in software applications, including CADD software, CMMS, and Microsoft Suite; Proficient in strategic management and project management; Abilityto read and interpret blueprints, plans, specifications, and detailed layout drawings.
Communications & Interpersonal Skills, Results Orientation, Flexibility/Adaptability, Leadership, Decision Making/ProblemSolving, Empowering and Developing Others, Project Management
Submit the following documents by Wednesday, 12 April 2023:
CBB Employment ApplicationForm (Available online)
Curriculum Vitae
Three (3) current references (one must be from a previous employer)
Certified copies of university transcripts, degrees, andany other personal certificates
The Central Bank invites qualified individuals to join its Administration Department Applications
Operation Data
Country: BELIZE
Operation: Expansion and Rehabilitation of the Philip Goldson Highway
Operation No: Loan Agreement No. 2295
Consulting Data
Name of the Consultancy: Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision of the Expansion and Rehabilitation of the Philip Goldson Highway
Selection Method: Quality and Cost Based Selection
Reference number: PGHUP-CAB-002
The Government of Belize – Ministry of Infrastructure Development & Housing has received financing from the Central American Bank for Economic Integration for the Expansion and Rehabilitation of the Philip Goldson Highway, and it is intended to use a portion of the funds for consulting services contracts.

The Consulting services (“the services”) include: A two phased assignment. Phase #1, is to assist the GOBZ in reviewing the existing (November 2017) detailed design and make adjustments to its content and cost estimates reflecting conditions that have changed since its completion and current cost escalations due to various national and international factors. Phase #2, of this consultancy is to assist the GOBZ in providing project management of those road works, including contractor supervision and contract administration throughout the project implementation process, inclusive of the defects liability period.
The Government of Belize – Ministry of Infrastructure Development & Housing invites eligible consulting firms to express their interest in providing the requested services. Interested consultants shall provide information indicating that they are qualified to provide the services and may partner with other firms in the form of a Joint Venture (JV) or subconsultants to improve their qualifications. The criteria for shortlist selection are found within the respective Terms of Reference.
Interested Consulting Firms can obtain the Terms of Reference at no cost by requesting them by email:
Consultants will be selected using the method of Quality Cost-Based Selection described in the Regulations for the Application of the Procurement Policy available in
Interested consultants can obtain more information at the address indicated at the end of this invitation, during business hours. One electronic copy of the Expression (s) of interest together with the information indicated in the Terms of Reference must be submitted to the address below. The file(s) containing each submission should include the name and address of the applicant and shall be clearly marked “Expression of InterestConsultancy Services for Contract Supervision of the Expansion and Rehabilitation of the Philip Goldson Highway” and shall be received by no later than 10:00 a.m. local time on Friday 21 April 2023.
The burden of proving receipt of the e-mail will be on the applicant and will not be met solely by a read receipt or sent items report generated by the applicant’s computer. Con rmation of receipt can be requested at the address listed below.
Ministry of Infrastructure Development & Housing - Project Execution Unit

Mr. Evondale Moody Engineering Coordinator
Ministry of Infrastructure Development & Housing Power Lane, Belmopan, BELIZE Tel: +501-828-5220
Commitment to Education and Excellence
Hon. Francis Fonseca: Late last week, “The Chief Education Officer Ms Yolanda Gongora and I visited Edward P. Yorke High School in Belize City.

We had an opportunity to meet with the Principal, Vice Principal, Members of the School Board, Heads of Department, teachers and students. We also had an opportunity to tour the school campus and see first-hand the condition of the existing buildings.
EPYHS is a growing institution with a school population of around 620 students. It is clear that a new school building is needed to meet the needs of the students and teachers. The Ministry of Education will work along with the Board and Administration of the school to develop a plan to achieve this objective.
EPYHS has a proud history of academic excellence and producing quality students who are contributing in many different ways to the development of Belize.
EPYHS is a model government secondary school with strong leadership, dedicated teachers and staff and enthusiastic students who appreciate the value of Education.
Working together we will build on this history and legacy.....the Work Continues....”(via FB)
Raquel Vasquez Obituary
Born July 5th 1930 –
Died April 1st 2023
Those we love can never be more than a thought away; for as long as there's a memory, they live on in our hearts.
It is with heavy hearts that the Hon. Andre Perez , and his San Pedro staff extend their deepest condolences to the Vasquez and Perez family and friends on the passing of Mrs. Raquel Vasquez who passed away peacefully this past Saturday April 1 at the age of 92.
The wake will be held in Corozal Town on Tuesday, April 4, 2023.
Funeral service to honor her will be held at 3pm, Wednesday, April 5th, at St. Francis Xavier Church in Corozal Town. May she rest in peace and rise in eternal glory.

She leaves behind her 1 son, her 9 daughters, 33 grandchildren, 60 great grandchildren, 4 great, great grandchildren. 6 sons-in-law, 1 daughter-in-law and her siblings, 3 sisters and 2 brothers.

Belmopan BYM’s Community Mural showcasing unity! We love to create green spaces for our youth, leaders and wider community.

A shoutout to our guest speaker: April Martinez
Much appreciation to our area representative Hon. Oscar Mira for his unwavering support.
This is how we dweet!
Central Information Technology Office Ministry of Finance

1. The Government of Belize, acting through the Central Information Technology Office, now invites Tenders for the supply of Microsoft 365 Licenses for the Government of Belize. The subscription period required is for one (1) year.
1. The Government of Belize, acting through the CentralInformation Technology Office,now invites Tenders for the supplyof Microsoft 365 Licenses for the Government of Belize The subscription period required is for one(1) year.
2. Procurement of the goods will be conducted through Open Tendering Procedure.
3. Terms of Reference
4. Two references.
1. The Government of Belize, acting through the CentralInformation Technology Office,now invites Tenders for the supplyof Microsoft 365 Licenses for the Government of Belize The subscription period required is for one(1) year.
5. The bids should be valid for six months from the last date for submission of the bids.
2.Procurement of the goods will be conducted through Open Tendering Procedure.
3a. Technical specifications
3. Terms of Reference
The scope of work includes the provision of Microsoft Licenses for the products listed in the table below:
3a. Technical specifications
8. The contract is subject to the following Income and Business Tax as per Government Policy as shown below:
a. 25% - for entities from non-Caricom countries
b. 15% - for entities from Caricom countries
c. 19% for entities licensed to provide telecommunication services that offer real-time voice services.
The scope of work includes theprovision of Microsoft Licenses for the products listed in the table below:
d. 6% for companies in Belize
9. Price should be inclusive of General Sales Tax (GST) payment of 12.5% for GST-registered agents.
10. Questions and Replies
Questions shall be type-written in English and shall be sent via email to the following address: The deadline for queries is 14 April 2023.
Responses from the CITO will be type-written in English and will be emailed to the requester and may also be made available to other Tenderers subject to confidentiality.
11. Submission of Tenders should be emailed to bz with the subject TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY OF MICROSOFT 365 LICENSES FOR GOVERNMENT OF BELIZE.
a) To ensure confidentiality, the bid response shall consist of two password-protected files - one technical and one financial. This can be done on the file itself, using zip password protection, or some other means of password-protecting the file. The password will be requested at the opening of the tender.
3b. Program of Works
3b. Program of Works
The program of work includes:
The program of work includes:
1. Technical support with license provisioning.
b) Bidders shall submit a brief description of the documents contained in each of the password-protected files.
1.Technical support with license provisioning.
2. Activation of licenses and handing over to the Central Information Technology Office.
c) Any discounts offered should be clearly stated by the Tenderer.
2. Activation of licenses and handing over to the Central Information Technology Office
3. Issue resolution for the duration of the contract period (12 months).
3c. Schedule The licenses are to be provisioned and activated no later than 30 June 2023.
4. Copies of this Tender document can be downloaded from the Ministry of Finance Procurement Portal or the CARICOM Public Procurement Notice Board
5. The currency exchange rate for regional/international bidders is USD 1.00 to BZD 2.00.
6. Eligibility Criteria: This invitation is open to all eligible Tenderers as per the eligibility criteria below:
1. The Tenderer has an active membership in Microsoft Partner Network for Latin America and the Caribbean region and market (MPN ID) at the time of bid submission.
2. The Tenderer must be an active Cloud Service Provider (CSP) that can sell CSP offers in Latin America and the Caribbean region and market
3. The Tenderer should provide evidence of experience deploying Microsoft 365 Licenses for at least one (1) previous contract of a similar size and nature within the past three years.
4. The Tenderer is required to provide a signed and dated banker’s reference that should include the following information:
a. The name and contact information of the bank or financial institution providing the reference.
b. The name of the account holder and the account number.
c. The length of the banking relationship.
d. The monthly average balance of the account over the past 12 months.
e. Any other relevant information that the bank or financial institution deems appropriate.
5. The Tenderer has availability of liquid assets through either:
a. Access to a line of credit of 100% of the bid price
b. Cash in a bank account of an amount at least 100% of the bid price
7. Administrative Requirements: All Tenders shall include the following additional documentation in their submission:
1. Business certificates
a. For local Tenderers:
1. Current copies of Certificates of Good Standing from:
a. Belize Tax Service within 6 months
b. Belize Companies Registry within 1 year
c. Belize Social Security Board within 1 year
2. A valid copy of the entity’s Trade License reflecting the name of the entity that is bidding within 1 year
b. For regional/international Tenderers: Statement of compliance from Companies’ Registry within 1 year.
2. Bids must be accompanied by a notarized bid-securing declaration.
3. Power of attorney showing person signing the bid is authorized to do so.
13. The deadline for Tender submission is 10:00 am on 28 April 2023. Submissions received after the deadline will be rejected.
14. Evaluation Criteria
Tenders will be evaluated on technical merit and price based on the following criteria:
term of the agreement (1 year)
Service delivery models for issue resolution must be with English-speaking technical support.
Service delivery experience in provisioning and supporting Microsoft 365 for business comparable in the magnitude of this Tender
The financial strength of the company demonstrated over the past three (3) years
15. Opening of the Tenders will take place online on 3 May 2023 at 2 pm Belize Time and in the presence of the Tenderers or their representatives who wish to attend the Tender opening.
16. Evaluation of the Tenders will be conducted on 5 May 2023.
a) The selection of the successful Tenderer will be based on a competitive process that considers Technical and Financial Proposals.
b) The Technical file will be opened first, evaluated, and ranked. The Evaluation Committee will first check for administrative compliance and only those bids complying will have their technical proposal evaluated against the Evaluation Criteria to determine the technical capacity of the tenderer to provide the Microsoft 365 Licenses and Support services at the level being requested.
c) Only those Tenderers passing a minimum of 70% will have their Financial proposal opened and evaluated.
d) The financial proposal will count for 50% of the total points.
e) The Tenderer with the highest combined value (Technical + Financial) will be recommended for the award of the contract.
f) Incomplete tenders will not be accepted.
17. The Tenderer who offers the lowest price and who qualified in the technical evaluation, may not necessarily be awarded the contract for the supply of the Microsoft 365 Licenses to the Government of Belize.

2023 – 2024
1.Tenders are invited for the supply of food items listed below to the Belize Defence force for the period 1st June 2023 to 31st May 2024.
2.Quotation for the supply of goods is to be based on Duty Paid Prices. Brand names are to be specified where necessary.
3.Contract will be terminated if the contractor consistently fails to supply the requisite items as agreed.
4.The food and household sundries requirements are calculated by the month and are an estimate only. Orders by the Belize Defence Force will fluctuate as necessary.
5.Tenders should be in a sealed envelope address to the chairperson, Ministry of National Defence and Border Security, Belmopan, and marked “Tender for the Supply of Food, Household Sundries, Vegetables, and Meat for the Belize Defence Force”. Envelopes should be deposited at Belmopan in the tender box no later than the 6th April 2023 at 11:30 am.
6.Companies Registry Certificate to be submitted.
7.Social Security letter of good standing to be submitted.
Food allocation and household sundries are per month. Belize Defence Force, Price Barracks, Ladyville, Belize District
Continued from page 23

Dry Goods

Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing


Lodgment of an ESIA Report and Public Consultation For George Price Highway Upgrading Project (Belize City - Belmopan) by the Ministry of Infrastructure Development & Housing

The General Public is hereby informed that an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) report was submitted to the Department of the Environment (DOE) by the Ministry of Infrastructure Development & Housing for the George Price Highway Upgrading Project (Belize City - Belmopan). The ESIA report was prepared by Nextera Environmental and Engineering Consultants. The ESIA report will be reviewed by the National Environmental Appraisal Committee (NEAC) before a final decision is taken.
The public is hereby advised that the EIA-Report will be available for public review, free of charge, Mondays to Fridays, during normal working hours (8:00 am to 5:00 pm) from March 16th at the following locations: Hattieville Community Center, La Democracia Community Center, St. Matthews Village Government School, MIDH-Project Execution Unit and at the DOE’s Office located at 7552 Hummingbird Highway, Belmopan. Likewise, the EIA-Report and its annexes are all available on the DOE’s website at link: appendices-esia-george-price-highway-upgrade-belize-to-belmopan/

The public is invited to submit their comments in writing on or before April 19, 2023, to the DOE Office in Belmopan or email:;, or by link:

Kindly be informed that a hybrid public consultation for the ESIA will be held on April 13, 2023, commencing at 6:30 pm at St. Matthews Village – Basketball Court. An online link will be provided three days before the date of the Public Consultation.
The public is invited to participate in-person or virtually in this public consultation to provide comments/input, recommendations, and/or express their concerns to the DOE regarding this proposed project activity.
1. Tenders are invited for the supply of food items listed below to the Belize Coast Guard for the period 1st June 2023 to 31st May 2024.
2. Quotation for the supply of goods is to be based on Duty Paid Prices. Brand names are to be specified where necessary
3. Contract will be terminated if the contractor consistently fails to supply the requisite items as agreed.
4. The food and household sundries requirements are calculated by the month and are an estimate only. Orders by the Belize Coast Guard will fluctuate as necessary.
5. Tenders should be in sealed envelope address to the chairperson, Ministry of National Defence and Border Security, Belmopan, and marked “Tender for the Supply of Food, Household Sundries, Vegetables, and Meat for the Belize Coast Guard”. Envelopes should be deposited at Belmopan in the tender box no later than the 6th April 2023 at 1130 am.
6. Companies Registry Certificate to be submitted.
7. Social Security letter of good standing to be submitted.
8. Belize Sales Tax Letter to be submitted.
Food allocation and household sundries are per month. Belize Coast Guard 2 ½ Miles George Price Highway, Belize FOOD (RATION) TENDERING FOR FISCAL YEAR 2023 – 24