The Belize Times
Established 1957
The Truth Shall Make You Free
27 AUGUST 2017 | ISSUE NO: 5060 | $1.00
Thursday, 24 August 2017 The revelation came at the Senate meeting yesterday – before that it had been only an unsubstantiated report. But on Wednesday the truth came out, the glaring truth about nepotism and UDP corruption in
Cayo. The Town Hall building which will house the San Ignacio and Santa Elena Town Council, the new municipal building, is being constructed by no other than Rolando Montero, the brother of the Minister of Works and Cayo Central Area
Representative, Rene Montero. The name Rolando Montero is using for his brand new construction firm is Joehann Construction named, we are told, for his two
Pg. 2
Rolando Montero
PUP Orange Walk Town Council slate
PUP Punta Gorda Town Council slate
Ryan “Fish” Thompson Gaspar Vega
Andre Vega
Pg. 2
German Vega
Linton Wilshire
Pg. 7 & 10
Crevan Cardinez
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27 AUG
Continued from page 1 children Joseph and Hannah. A check at the Business Registry revealed that Joehann Construction and Engineering Limited was registered in February 2017, a few months ago, just in time to be awarded the huge contract. In fact, this is the first job which will be done by Joehann Construction, since Rolando Montero is not a contractor, but owns a vehicle dealership, RGM Trading, which has already made a mint supplying vehicles to government at exorbitant prices. And there is even more which was revealed at the Senate Meeting yesterday. The amendment to the Town Councils Act being tabled, according to the Prime Minister, is to provide Councils with more autonomy to handle their own finances, that is, to make private arrangements with banks, etc. The amendment tabled at this specific time is supposedly so that the San Ignacio/ Santa Elena Town Council can borrow money from the National Bank of Belize to finish the building which was started months ago. But even as the Bill is being debated, the sign on the construction site clearly shows that the National Bank of Belize has already lent the money to the bank as it is listed as one of the two financiers of the project. If that is so, as it clearly seems, then an illegal transaction took place, apart from the blatant nepotism and corruption in the awarding of the contract. The Belize Times tried all day to reach Mayor Earl Trapp, who could surely provide some clarity on the matter, but he did not take our calls. We wanted to ask him what role Minister of Works Rene Montero played in the awarding of the contract, and whether there was a REAL tendering and bidding process observed. We also wanted to ask him why such an important and sizable contract would be awarded to a company which has never done any construction work. We’ll continue trying to reach the Mayor.
LOCAL 24 Aug
25 Aug
26 Aug
Thursday, 24 August 2017 Today, on the heels of even more shocking revelations of corruption in the Ministry of Natural Resources under then Minister Gaspar Vega, the People’s United Party issued a stinging release stating that this has now gone far past the point of asking for Vega’s resignation as a Member of Parliament, and the Party “demands that the Prime Minister immediately convene an impartial investigative team to look into the gross enrichment of Vega and members of his family from the public purse, with a view to criminal prosecution.” The latest wave of documents leaked from the Ministry of Natural Resources shows the Vega family, including Ignacio German Vega and his wife Karen, Eduardo Vega and even Andre Vega benefitting from a compensation scheme eerily similar to the deal which gifted Andre with $400,000 which still has not been recovered. But in
BULLY BARROW GOES AFTER AMBASSADOR SHOMAN Monday, August 21, 2017 Prime Minister Dean Barrow seems to have no difficulty whatsoever with the fact that his Foreign Minister, Hon. Wilfred ‘Sedi’ Elrington is stating publicly and officially that the borders of our country are not recognized internationally. When asked for a response on Sedi’s wrongheaded and totally invalid commentary after Friday’s House meeting, the Prime Minister dodged the question completely, instead choosing to launch a cowardly attack on Ambassador Lisa Shoman. Shoman had just that week written an open letter to the Prime Minister in which she stated, “For the Foreign Minister of Belize to make that statement is nothing short of ridiculous and it is utterly wrong. Prime Minister, as you well know, Belize does in fact, have borders that are internationally recognized. It is GUATEMALA that refuses to now recognize portions of those borders. They must and do - recognize our border at Benque Viejo Del Carmen. It is an international border crossing.”
27 Aug
28 Aug
ther to state its clear plan of action failing any action by the Prime Minister. “The next government of the People’s United Party WILL launch a comprehensive, independent investigation at the Ministry of Natural Resources. We WILL seek the criminal prosecution of ALL who are found guilty of wrongdoing in that investigation, including then Minister Vega and members of his family. And we WILL enact an ‘Asset Recovery Law’ that will allow for the recovery of assets and seizure of goods obtained by corruption in government and illicit transactions. This is in keeping with UNCAC to which Belize is a signatory,” commits the Party. In closing, the Party calls on all social partners and right-thinking Belizeans to take a stance against corruption by joining the push for an independent investigation into the wrongdoing at the Ministry of Natural Resources.
this case, at least one of the persons whose name was used has stated that she did not participate in any such deal, meaning that the documents were forged. The PUP is clear in its stance, stating that if this is indeed proven to be so, then “those who are involved, up to and including the then Minister, need to be jailed. The PUP also lays waste to the Prime Minister’s latest statement on the corruption. When asked for a response to the latest documents last Friday, Barrow stated, “why would I look at those documents? What it is, is what it is.” But the PUP is far from satisfied with that, stating that “We send notice to Mr. Barrow that his deliberate inaction where Vega’s corruption is concerned makes him complicit in larcenous schemes which likely robbed Belizeans of tens of millions of dollars and thousands of acres of prime property.” And then the party goes fur-
Shoman went on to call on the Prime Minister to reject Elrington’s statement in its entirety. But rather than do any such thing, Barrow unleashed a red herring as regards Ambassador Shoman’s prestigious position on the IDB’s prestigious Administrative Tribunal. According to the one-time master of the game and, if we could borrow his own words, an Artful Dodger, “I just got something today from the IDB, you see, a while ago. Ms. Shoman is a member of a tribunal that deals with staff matters. There is now a complaint made against her in consequence of what she said with respect to the foreign minister and the whole issue of borders and so on.” The Belize Times contacted Ambassador Shoman at press time, and she confirmed that she has received no communication from the IDB as regards her letter to the Prime Minister, and she does not expect to since nothing in that letter is in violation of the terms of her posting or
brings disrepute to the IDB. And while Barrow suggests, through his clever use of words, that the complaint may have originated from the IDB, the Belize Times is reliably informed that the complaint came from Oj Elrington, nephew of Sedi Elrington and rabid UDP hanger-on, which renders it inconsequential. The Prime Minister continues to work skilfully to protect the corrupt and incompetent in his Cabinet, yet plays mentally incapacitated and absent-minded when asked about the blatant corruption and rot which had overwhelmed his administration.
The Belize Times
Established 1957
14 APR 2013
ISSUE NO: 4840
The Truth Shall Make You Free
serving Belize since 1957 as the longest continuous newspaper. Founder: Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus OFFICE MANAGER
Fay Castillo EDITOR
Mike Rudon
Chris Williams
Roberto Peyrefitte Printed and Published By TIMES NEWSPAPER LTD. Tel: 671-8385 #3 Queen Street P.O. BOX 506 Belize City, Belize
29 Aug
United States
on page 31 ExchangeContinued rate (USD): $ 0.50 of One Belize Dollar
Barbados (BBD): $ 1.00
Eastern Caribbean Euro (XCD):$ 1.35 (EUR) : $ 0.46
Sterling Pound Guatemala Quetzal CANADIAN DOLLAR (GBP): $ 0.35 (GTQ): $ 3.85 (CAD): $ 0.67
Trinidadian (TTD) : $ 3.27
27 AUG
The Family That Hustles Together…
Thursday, August 24, 2017 More documents leaked out of the Lands Department say that the Gaspar Vega and family hustle for land continued. This time, they ended up with land on Mosquito Caye, an island off the coast of San Pedro, in some highly suspect compensation packages. It follows the usual pattern unearthed over the last few months with land at the Haulover Bridge, Carmelita Village, Orange Walk, Ramsey Caye, and Spanish Creek. The land in question is a privately owned, prime piece of real estate, 6.74 acres of land on Caye Caulker, one-mile north of the “Split”. The market value in 2007 was 1.4 million dollars, which may have gone up since then. Land documents say that the 6.74 acres of land passed from Belize Conservation Island Holdings Limited to Charter House Holdings Limited, and finally to Aquarius Holdings Limited. So, it should be noted in Lands Department’s registry system that this piece of land has an owner, and so the officials shouldn’t dare attempt to sell a second title to it. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what happened, and it appears that it was deliberately done. Sources tell the press that civilians were chosen to act as middlemen for these land transactions. There is a paper trail that’s created which
says that these civilians supposedly bought the land the Ministry shouldn’t have sold. They then hold on to this imaginary ownership for a few months, and they then sell it to one of Gaspar Vega’s family members. After that, the Ministry of Natural Resources suddenly finds out that they should not have sold the land, and so they offer the Vegas some sort of compensation. In the past,
it was financial compensation. In this case, it was land on another island, given to the Vegas for absolutely free. In these instances, the civilians chosen were Krystel Guzman and Darrel Henry of Belize City, and Amy Forte of Belmopan. The land documents say that 3 portions were carved out 6.74 acres of Caye Caulker land belonging to Aquarius Holdings Limited. According to the documents, these 3 lots 1-3 were then given to Guzman, Henry and Forte for $2,500. All 3 transactions, according to the documents, happened on May 18, 2009. The documents show that Darrel Henry sold his Lot # 1 on Caye Caulker to Eduardo Cristino Vega on February 16, 2010 for $25,000. He only held on to the land for a little over 8 months. Amy Forte allegedly sold her lot #2 to Andre Vega on February 17, 2010, for $30,0000, at least according to the documents. Krystel Guzman sold her Lot #3 to Ignacio German
Message from Hon. John Briceño, Leader of the Opposition
Back to School It’s that time again, back to school time. While it is exciting for our students, it can be very stressful for parents who must meet the cost of uniforms, books and most of all those expensive school fees. Of course it is a sacrifice every good parent makes for we know that education is the key to success. And while this time is stressful on those parents who must get their children back in school, too many of our children who should be in school are not. Some, because their parents can’t afford to send them, others because we do not have enough space in our schools. This is not acceptable, since we all support the right of every Belizean child to education. We all know the social problems that can emerge when you have a population that is lacking in education; it means a less skilled work force, higher unemployment and more poverty, which leads to more crime. We in the PUP realize the importance of education and how it ties in with our idea of a fairer society. This is why we keep asking this question - “How can we make sure all our children have a fair shot at success?” We know that the answer to that question starts with an education system that should cater to all school-aged children, from pre-school to high school and those who wish to go on to junior college. We know that government’s role is to ensure that our standard of education is competitive. We also know that for our education system to work it has to be a partnership with parents and our schools’ managements. Sometimes I wonder if we are all working together in the best interest of our young people. When politicians pick and chose who to give scholarships to; when they give subsidies only to those whose parents are their party supporters, it undermines the fairness and very often leaves behind some very deserving students. When politicians interfere with the management of schools and refuse to work with parents and the local communities it goes against the very idea of partnership in education and hurts the very people we swear an oath to protect – our children. Today I promise you that your next PUP government will not let politics interfere in our education system. Already members of our policy team are looking at ways to ensure that our preschool, elementary and high school programs can provide greater access to more of our children and young people. We are also looking at ways to ensure that our education system provides opportunities for our students to learn computer science at the earliest possible stage. We want more math, science, language, history and more physical education and the arts as well as vocational and technical training. As early as possible we want our youth involved in community service programmes so that we can build a more caring society. We want an education system that will award excellence and one that will be relevant, ensuring that the next generation of Belizean can compete anywhere on the planet, equipped with the knowledge and the confidence to succeed, ensuring that Belize keeps growing and enhancing our development thereby joining in the work of building a Belize that works for everyone. God bless, and have a great week.
03 3 Vega and Karen Vega on February 16, 2010 for $30,000, again according to the documents. And then the Ministry suddenly realized that they sold duplicate titles to the land. On November 17, 2014, in compensation the Ministry compensated Karen and German Ignacio Vega 8.167 acres of land on Mosquito Caye, to make up for the lot on Caye Caulker they never really owned. That’s 8.5 miles northwest of San Pedro Town, which can easily be turned into a nice island paradise getaway. For his paper title to lot #1 on Caye Caulker, Eduardo Vega was given 7.215 acres of land on Mosquito Caye. There is no leaked document to see what the Ministry of Lands did to compensate Andre Vega for his paper title to a land that shouldn’t be sold. But, it is reasonable to speculate that he got a similar compensation package. At least one of the persons whose names were used, Amy Forte has reportedly retained an attorney to inspect the Minister’s Fiat Grant and the land conveyance document that was put in her name. Sources say that her identity was used to perpetuate fraud. She says that she never knew that her name and signature were used on these documents. She additionally claims that she never collected any money for any sale of land to Andre Vega The Belize Times will keep following this story.
4 04
Questions to Ministers Could the Member for Queen Square and Prime Minister please confirm or deny reports that the Member for Orange Walk North has something incriminating on him, and that is why he refuses to acknowledge the blatant corruption and order a criminal investigation? Would the Member for Queen Square and Prime Minister please say why Cabinet refused to waive Visa fees for the world renowned, visiting China Disabled People’s Performing Art Troupe, as it has done for many other visiting performers? Could he further say whether that decision was influenced by the $60M handout received from Taiwan recently? Would the Member for Collet and Deputy Prime Minister please say if he is aware that there are others in the Cabinet who are quietly seeking to wrest power from him? Could he further say how he feels to know that he will never be the leader of the UDP, much less Prime Minister of Belize? Would the Member for Cayo Central please explain the process which saw his brother getting a multi-million-dollar contract for the construction of the Town Hall in his constituency, when his brother is not a contractor? Would the Member for Pickstock and Minister of Foreign Affairs please say whether it was mere coincidence that he tabled the marijuana bill, since from his recent proclamations on our borders it is clear that he is on close terms with the herb and probably got a bad batch? Would the Member for Belmopan and Minister of Defence please confirm or deny reports that he has formed an alliance with the Members for Orange Walk North, Corozal Bay, Cayo Central and Cayo West and there is a coup in the planning to take leadership of the UDP? Could the Member for Belmopan and Minister of Defence please say what exactly was the nature of his relationship with Special Effects in Belmopan, the business named in the Audit Report? Could he also confirm or deny reports that he received ‘gifts’ from that company as a result of that relationship?
27 AUG
I just can’t… I’ve been sitting here staring at my laptop for a half hour, my mind so full it’s blank. I’m really frigging angry. The news was on in the background and I had to listen to how people’s names were actually forged on land documents so that Gaspar Vega could enrich his family members. I’m trying to write this without throwing in a few choice words not fit for public consumption, but for the love of God, when will that damned worthless, corruption-condoning arrogant fool we call the Prime Minister of this country get up and do something? When will the people get up and do something? This is criminal. This is too much. What it is, is what it is, and it is stinking, rotten corruption. Gaspar Vega is scum. He may be a not normal Belizean but he is also just a common thief. Family hustle… And it’s clear that when the UDP hustles big, they keep it in the family. The Minister of Works, formerly known as the pigthief is in the news tonight after it was revealed that his brother Rolando, who owns a car dealership which has already gotten rich off GOB contracts, has now become a contractor. Well, not exactly now, but he magically became a contractor in February 2017 just in time to get the multi-million-dollar contract for the construction of the Town Hall building for the San Ignacio/Santa Elena Town Council, arranged through his brother the Minister. And bright fellow that he is, he named the construction company after his children Joseph and Hannah – Joehann Construction. There must be a law against this somewhere, anywhere. Not against the stupidity I mean, but against this blatant corruption. Sheesh. Poor Joe… With all those heavy thoughts weighing me down, it’s almost a relief to turn to lighter things, lightweight things even like Joe Bradley. Dih man tek wah assing last week. But hear the funny part. Joe tell everybody he midi walk inna wah dark alley taking food for the poor when he was jumped by ten gang members. He claims that he beat seven of them before he was hit from behind. LMAO. Well what a ting. I mih actually believe it. Then I hear dat dah wah woman buss ih ass pon Vernon Street. I hear dutty wutless was with a woman (must be a woman with a strong stomach) when his other woman came up to him and as it turns out she had a strong stomach and a strong left hook. I hear afta she knock down dih man he get up and run deh bawl fuh Fonso help ah. Yuh know what…I deh write dis and I get depressed all ovah again. Imagine wat we come to when wah woman actually deh fight fuh Joe Bradley. Wih done done. #sigh Zombie Apocalypse… Don’t think I’m a conspiracy theorist when I say this, but I’m convinced the Ministry of Health is covering up the extent of this Ciguatera toxin shit. According to their stats only 10 people have it and they had to eat barrow to get it. But they’re wrong. I just know it. They want to keep us in the dark. This thing is like the frigging t-virus on Resident Evil. It’s like Resident Evil meets Zombie Apocalypse. They say you have to eat barrow to get it, but what if everything they told you was just a lie. I can prove it. Last week Friday I didn’t eat any barrow. I just watched Barrow on television and in seconds I was nauseous, had a pounding headache and stomach cramps, fever and diarrhoea. I haven’t been the same since. I may never be the same again. Roosevelt… I’d like to take this opportunity to congratulate my buddy Roosevelt Blades, the Chairman of the Board of Governors of Gwen Liz. I hear he got his high-school equivalency recently and I couldn’t be prouder. That’ll show that impudent Dr. McKay from Gwen Liz for thinking she could talk down to him just because she has a PhD. Hell, with his high school equivalency he’s right up there with her. I hear his boss Patrick is proud of him too. So proud that he’s trying to push him into the post of UNESCO Ambassador. Apparently he went to Dean Oliver with that suggestion and almost gave the frail old fellow a conniption fit. Serious business… Back to serious business. There is a move by the John Saldivar/Gaspar Vega/Rene Montero/Erwin Contreras/Pablo Marin faction to seize power from the toothless paper tiger with a vote of no confidence. Did you realize that Patrick hasn’t gained any ground in conventions so far? He supported Anna Banner Guy in Belmopan and she didn’t even make it on the slate. His candidate didn’t make it in Corozal either. Did you notice that big John, Mason’s love sponge, was in Corozal at the Convention? He had no real reason to be there. Except he did, and does. Patrick is in full-fledged panic mode. There is a coup in progress, and Dean Barrow is a dead man walking, politically speaking of course. Pastor Rocke… If Ashley Rocke is a real symbol and representative of the Church in Belize, I will denounce the Church and take up crochet. Just saying. Won’t say anything else about this bought and paid for political puppet. The End. I’m gonna go sleep now.
27 AUG
05 5
On Friday at the House of Representatives, Dean Oliver Barrow revealed once again that he has no sense of obligation when it comes to the people or country of Belize. None. It is quite clear that he has lost his moral compass, perhaps in the same place and at the same time as his mythical two-sided machete. Barely into his third term and likely just months away from an undignified departure, DOB has done away with all pretence as regards the rank corruption in his Cabinet. DOB was asked, once again, about the latest documents revealing that his former Deputy Prime Minister and personal friend Gaspar Vega is an unscrupulous, greedy, corrupt politician who has enriched himself and his family members while treating our public coffers as his personal/family piggybank/piñata. He has been asked about those documents on multiple occasions because the media must find it astonishing that Vega continues to enjoy all the privileges of a favoured, powerful and fabulously wealthy politician while so much ready evidence exists to show that he belongs behind bars. On a previous occasion Mr. Barrow said he had not seen the documents. And on Friday, the leader of the nation went further to say, “Why would I look at those documents? What it is, is what it is!” Imagine, that when faced with evidence of public betrayal, abuse of power, personal enrichment and larceny by his close friend and once second most powerful man in the UDP and in the country, the Prime Minister says simply, “What it is, is what it is.” End of story. On October 17, 2016, the Prime Minister, dressed all in funereal black, announced to the nation the resignation of his friend Gaspar Vega. There was scant mention of the scandal which forced Vega’s departure, and forced it only because of prolonged pressure from the media and an outraged public. Mr. Barrow seemed on the point of tears as he eulogized his friend’s political career, and spoke of the toll on his family. It would not have been surprising in that moment for the Prime Minister to ask for a moment of silence and prayer for the family of Gaspar Vega, forced, poor things, to bear the indignity of his resignation. Belizeans have still not been able to get back the $400,000 Vega gave to his son out of public coffers, or the $400,000 given to UDP crony Sharon Pitts from public coffers, or the many millions given out in a blatantly corrupt compensation scam at the hotbed of corruption. But we were expected to feel sympathy for Mr. Vega and his family. On Friday, Mr. Barrow was also called upon to speak about corruption which is threatening to tear the Belize Airports Authority apart. Remember, this is the statutory body that was once Minister Edmond Castro’s personal piggy bank. But it wasn’t corruption then, said the Prime Minister. It was only very distasteful. On Friday he claimed to know about the forced resignation of Chairman Severo Guerrero, then seconds after told the media the resignation was news to him. Then he said he was not aware of, but had only heard about the misappropriation of public monies. So of course he had been presented with no evidence. End of story. There are many instances where Mr. Barrow has done the same – play lawyer and unethical politician rather than leader of the nation and servant of the people (God forbid). As the Prime Minister, Mr. Barrow has a fiduciary duty to safeguard the people’s money, and a moral obligation to put an end to the corruption that is now the order of the day in his Cabinet. Instead, he insists on the old throwback of not having seen any evidence, when as the leader he has the resources and the sacred duty to investigate any and all allegations which suggest the putrid corruption which has infested the UDP. When presented with the matter of John Saldivar and con-man/accused murderer William Danny Mason, and certain allegations made by Mason which would incriminate Saldivar and other Ministers, Dean Oliver ran like a scalded cat. He had no interest in hearing those allegations from Mason or indeed to investigate their veracity, but we contend that he had an absolute obligation to do so. Mr. Barrow is now a sick joke, a crude caricature of the man he once portrayed himself to be. He has neglected his duty to the people and the country, repeatedly and deliberately. He has been derelict in his duty. He has failed the people. He has condoned the rape of public coffers by his steadfast refusal to locate the mythical machete. Dean Oliver likely thinks that he can walk away from office and retire to the beaches of Placencia or travel the world to enjoy his riches for as long as his health allows. But it should not and WILL NOT be so easy for the man who is solely responsible for the corruption which will characterize the three terms of UDP rule. The filth he allowed to pervade his Cabinet will come back to haunt him even when he no longer enjoys the privilege of his perch in Belmopan. You can take that to the bank.
en Español
El viernes en la Cámara de Representantes, Dean Oliver Barrow (DOB) demostró una vez más que no tiene sentido de obligación cuando se trata del pueblo y el país de Belice. Ninguno. Es evidente que ha perdido su compás moral, quizás en el mismo lugar y al mismo tiempo que su mítico machete de dos filos. Apenas en el inicio de su tercer mandato y probablemente a unos meses de una salida indigna, DOB ha hecho desaparecer toda pretensión en cuanto a la corrupción pestilente en su gabinete. A DOB se le preguntó, una vez más, sobre los más recientes documentos que revelan que su ex Viceprimer Ministro y amigo personal Gaspar Vega es un político corrupto, codicioso y sin escrúpulos que se ha enriquecido a sí mismo y a sus familiares utilizando nuestras arcas públicas como alcancía-piñata personal y familiar. Se le ha preguntado sobre esos documentos en múltiples ocasiones porque los medios de comunicación se sorprenden de ver como Vega continúa disfrutando de todos los privilegios de un político muy favorecido, fabulosamente rico y poderoso, cuando existe tanta evidencia para demostrar que debería estar tras las rejas. En otra ocasión el Sr. Barrow dijo que no había visto los documentos. Y el viernes, el Líder de la nación fue más lejos al decir, ¿"por qué habría de ver esos documentos? ¡Lo que es, es lo que es!" Imagínese, que cuando lo enfrentan con evidencia de traición pública, abuso de poder, enriquecimiento personal y hurto por su amigo y una vez el segundo más poderoso del UDP y en el país, el Primer Ministro dice simplemente, "lo que es, es lo que es". Punto final. El 17 de octubre de 2016, el Primer Ministro, vestido de negro fúnebre, anunció a la nación la renuncia de su amigo Gaspar Vega. Hubo escasa mención del escándalo que forzó la salida de Vega y de que había sido obligado sólo por la presión prolongada de los medios de comunicación y un pueblo indignado. El Sr. Barrow parecía a punto de llorar elogiando la carrera política de su amigo y habló del impacto en su familia. No habría sido sorprendente en ese momento que el Primer Ministro pidiera un momento de silencio y oración para la familia de Gaspar Vega, obligados, pobrecitos, a soportar la indignidad de su dimisión. Los Beliceños aún no han podido recuperar los $400.000 que Vega le dio a su hijo, ni los $400.000 a la compinche UDP Sharon Pitts de las arcas públicas, ni los millones de dólares entregados en una estafa de compensación descaradamente corrupta en el semillero de corrupción. Pero se espera sentamos simpatía por el Sr. Vega y su familia. El viernes, al Sr. Barrow también se le pidió hablar acerca de la corrupción que amenaza con destruir la Autoridad de Aeropuertos de Belice. Recuerde, este es el órgano oficial que una vez fue la alcancía personal del ministro Edmond Castro. Pero no era corrupción, dijo entonces el Primer Ministro. Era muy desagradable. El viernes afirmó conocer la dimisión forzada del Presidente Severo Guerrero, luego segundos después le dijo a la prensa que la dimisión era nueva para él. Después dijo que no conocía, pero sólo había oído hablar de la apropiación indebida de fondos públicos. Por supuesto no se le había presentado evidencia. Punto final. Hay muchos casos donde el Sr. Barrow ha hecho lo mismo – juega a ser abogado y político sin ética en lugar de líder de la nación y servidor del pueblo (Dios no lo quiera). Como Primer Ministro, el Sr. Barrow tiene una obligación fiduciaria para garantizar el dinero del pueblo y la obligación moral de poner fin a la corrupción que hoy es la orden del día en su gabinete. Por el contrario, él insiste con la recurrencia de siempre de no haber visto ninguna prueba, cuando como líder tiene los recursos y el sagrado deber de investigar todas las acusaciones que sugieren la corrupción pútrida que ha infestado al UDP. Cuando se le presentó el asunto de John Saldívar y el timador y presunto asesino William Danny Mason y ciertos alegatos de Mason que incriminan a Saldívar y otros ministros, Dean Oliver corrió como gato escaldado. No tenía ningún interés en escuchar los alegatos de Mason o de investigar su veracidad, pero sostenemos que él tenía la obligación absoluta de hacerlo. El Sr. Barrow es por ahora una broma de mal gusto, una cruda caricatura del hombre que una vez pretendió ser. Ha descuidado su deber al pueblo y al país, repetida y deliberadamente. Ha abandonado su deber. Le ha fallado al pueblo. Él ha condonado la violación de las arcas públicas por su firme negativa a localizar el mítico machete. Dean Oliver probablemente piensa que él puede salirse del gobierno y retirarse a las playas de Placencia o viajar por el mundo para disfrutar de sus riquezas mientras que su estado de salud se lo permita. Pero no debe y no será tan fácil para el hombre que es exclusivamente responsable de la corrupción que caracteriza los tres periodos de la administración UDP. La inmundicia que él permitió impregnar su gabinete volverá a atormentarlo incluso cuando ya no goce del privilegio de su percha en Belmopán. Téngalo por seguro.
6 06 05
27 AUG
E&B Officers Playing Dirty Politics
PUBLIC AUCTION SALES: PROPERTIES Costa del Sol, West of San Pedro Town, Ambergris Ca Costa del Sol, West of San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, Belize District
BY ORDER Mortgagees, Messrs. TheBank Belize Bank International Kevin A. Castilloof willthe sell the following properties atThe Belize Limited Parking Lot, Barrier Reef L Drive, San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize District on Monday 28th August 2017 at 10:30 am: A. Castillo will sell the following properties at The Belize Bank Limited San Pedro, Ambergris Caye,BluBelize District Tuesday 1st August 201 3 Condominiums, Brahma Resort, West ofon San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, Belize District: Brahma Blu Resort, West of San Pedro Town, A 3 Condominiums, BY ORDER of the Mortgagees, Messrs.The Belize Bank International Limited, Licensed Auctioneer
PUBLIC AUCTION SALE: PROPERTIES Costa del Sol, West of San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, Belize District
Thursday, 24 August 2017 According to confirmed reports from San Ignacio and Santa Elena, officers of the Mortgagees, Messrs. The Belize Bank International Limited, Licensed Auctioneer Kevin BYthe ORDER working inside the Elections and BoundarA. Castillo ies offices in both towns have been usingwill sell the following properties at The Belize Bank Limited Parking Lot, Barrier Reef Drive, PUBLIC AUCTION SALE: PROPERTIES San Pedro, atof10:00 am: intimidation tactics to discourage votersAmbergris Caye, Belize District on Tuesday 1st August Costa del2017 Sol, West San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, Belize District from transferring their votes. 3 The constitCondominiums, Brahma Blu Resort, West of San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, Belize District: BY ORDER of the Mortgagees, Messrs. The Belize Bank International Limited, Licensed Auctioneer Kevin uents from Cayo North have been given A. Castillo will sell the following properties at The Belize Bank Limited Parking Lot, Barrier Reef Drive, a hard time at the office in San Ignacio San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize District on Tuesday 1st August 2017 at 10:00 am: Town and the voters from Santa Elena 3 Condominiums, Brahma Blu Resort, West of San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, Belize District: Town have also been turned down. It is no REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK secret that the officers are stalwart supporters of the UDP and actively involved San Pedro 7 in their party’s affairs in Cayo. Noe Bonilla and Soledad Alonzo are the officers in San (Being three condominiums inside the development known as Brah Alberto August Ignacio and Melvin Requena is the officer del Sol Area, west of San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, Belize Di in Santa Elena Town. There are numerous allegations Parcel 5527 (H3): Condominium [17ft. X 70 ft] + balcony [136 sq. their complete lists of transferees and against the officers threatening the conthe Elections and Boundaries officers en-suite bathroom + shared bathroom + living/sitting room + dinin REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCELS stituents that they will be forced to pay a have allowed all of them to go through San Pedro 7 5527 (H3), (H8) & (H12) room, the freehold property of Messrs. Kama Three Inc. fine, taken to Court and charged for hav- REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCELS without due process of checking their Parcel 5527 (H8):inside Condominium [17ft. X 70 ft] + balcony [136 sq. ing people living at their houses. residenceSan and Pedro without any objections. (Being three the (H3), development known as Brahma Blue situate in the Costa 7 condominiums 5527 (H8) & (H12) Standard Bearer for Cayo North, Midel Sol Area, west of San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, Belize District described en-suite bathroom + 1 bathroom + living/sitting roomas+follows: dining room Omar Figueroa and UDP Chairman chel Chebat and his executive committee Parcel 5527 (H3): Condominium [17ft. X 70 ft] + balcony [136 sq. ft.] - 2 bedrooms one with an Alberto August have been personally the freehold property of Messrs. Pink Orchid S.A. en-suite bathroom shared bathroom dining room + kitchen + laundry (Being condominiums insideand thetaking development known as+ Brahma Blue+ living/sitting situate inroom the+Costa have fought 11 cases of voters being ob- three going to people’s residences room, the freehold property of Messrs. Kama Three Inc.[17ft. X 70 ft] + balcony [136 sq Parcel 5527 (H12): Condominium jected to by Adib Hegar and UDP Chairpictures of of their homes trying to intimdel Sol Area, west San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, Belize District[17ft. described as follows: Parcel 5527 (H8): Condominium X 70 ft] + balcony [136 sq. ft.] - 2 bedrooms one with an man Alberto August. The Cayo North team an en-suite bathroom and its own balcony ( +balcony covers approxi idate residents. Figueroa’s driver also en-suite bathroom + 1 bathroom + living/sitting room + dining rooman kitchen + laundry room, Parcel 5527 (H3): Condominium [17ft. X 70 ft] + balcony [136 sq. ft.] 2 bedrooms one with won 10 cases of the objections made. took in Kevin Awe who lives in Cristo the 1shared freehold property of Messrs.+Pink Orchid S.A. bathroom living/sitting + dining room + kitchen + en-suite bathroom + shared bathroom + living/sitting room + Condominium dining room +room laundry However, the officers at the Elections Parcel 5527 (H12): [17ft.+Xkitchen 70 ft] + balcony [136 sq. ft.] - 2 bedrooms one with Rey. Awe was transferred by Elections property of Messrs. Kama Twelve Inc.) an en-suite and its own balcony ( balcony covers approximately 200 square feet) + and Boundaries are now using a different room, theand freehold property ofinto Messrs. Kama Three Inc. bathroom Boundaries officials Cayo North 1shared bathroom + living/sitting + dining room + kitchen + laundry room, the freehold strategy to intimidate the voters. InParcel recent 5527 without anyCondominium problems. (H8): [17ft. X 70 ft] +property balcony [136Kama sq.Twelve ft.] -room 2 bedrooms one with an of Messrs. Inc.) cases, Bonilla has been going daily to the ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Members ofbathroom the UDP are desperate en-suite bathroom + 1 + living/sitting room + dining room + kitchen + laundry room,- voters’ homes and verbally threatening to continue stealing elections and sourcADDITIONAL INFORMATION - (foreclosure listing) TERMS: STRICTLY CAS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION the freehold property Messrs. Pinkout Orchid them. TERMS: STRICTLY CASH es say that theofperson carrying the S.A. (foreclosure listing) The Belize Times interviewedParcel several 5527 A. CASTILLO (H12): Condominium X 70 ft] + balcony [136 sq. ft.] - 2KEVIN bedrooms oneKEVIN with A. CASTILLO transfers in San Ignacio is on [17ft. the Town TERMS: STRICTLY CASH 223-4488 TELEPHONE 223-4488 voters from San Ignacio and Santa Council’s payroll. trademark( balcony covers approximatelyTELEPHONE anElena en-suite bathroom andThe itsUDP’s own balcony 200 square feet) + E-mail: KEVIN A. CASTILLO Town who had similar experiences with E-mail: of brazenly transferring people illegally Face Book: Belize Auctions + living/sitting room + dining room + kitchen + laundry room, the 224 freehold TELEPHONE: 4473Book: Belize Auctions Elections and Boundaries officers 1shared in both bathroom with fake addresses continues with the Face property Kamaand Twelve Inc.) offitowns. A landlady from San Ignacio Town of Email: aidMessrs. of the Elections Boundaries told us what happened: “The man from Face Book: Belize Auctions cers. The transfer period ends this SaturElections and Boundaries came here. His day countrywide. INFORMATION - (foreclosure listing) ADDITIONAL name is Noe Bonilla. He bring papers and TERMS: STRICTLY CASH tell me how the people don’t live here. He KEVIN A. CASTILLO not even ask me anything, he come tell me. I rent out these places here and yes TELEPHONE 223-4488 people are living there. I don’t know how E-mail: he can tell people that they don’t live there Face Book: Belize Auctions when he don’t know. Then I tell him yes, they live there but he get vex and start say how I lie and he will charge me and take me to Court. He continue tell me to stop give false information and that they will charge me $1000 for each person. So then he wanted me to sign a paper and I nevah want sign it, so he continue tell me how he will make they charge me like he mih want force me to sign the paper,” she told us. For the period 10 July to 14 August, the San Ignacio Elections and Boundaries office has rejected 30 more people. Meanwhile, the UDP continues with their plan to transfer people into fake addresses using Martin Galvez Boulevard, Thornley St., Quarry Hill and Figueroa Street. For example: Romancito Palma was transferred to 15 Street, San Ignacio and he resides in Iowa, Illinois. Gia Gianni Montero was placed on Stanton Street at Oscar Montero’s house and Gia lives in Santa Martha, Belmopan. Another example is that of Sergio Trujillo Jr. who was placed at Figueroa Street in Cayo North when he lives in Cayo Northeast. Henry Alfaro was also placed at Thornley Street, Cayo North when he really lives beside Santa Rita Cemetery in Cayo North East. The UDP representatives in Cayo North and Cayo Central have handed in
27 AUG
TIME TO UNITE AGAINST CORRUPTION #7740 Madam Liz Avenue Belize City, Belize 21/8/17 The Editor Belize Times Dear Editor, This question is often asked - When will Belizeans unite and take a firm stand against the endless corruption in government that is one of the root causes of tremendous poverty across the country, especially in southside Belize City? The latest Auditor General’s Report shows that in the 2012- 2013 financial year the Ministry of Works often paid 5 times the market price for supplies from Special Effects, a shady and unregistered company. The report also shows that in the financial year under review the Ministry of Works paid $830,000.00, almost a million dollars, for a set of tires from the same shady company, but there is absolutely no proof that it received the tires and no evidence of how they were distributed. Those are only two of the scores of corrupt transactions outlined in the latest Auditor General’s Report. In the numerous shady deals, a number of Ministers and their cronies have robbed this country of millions of dollars in a single year. Those are all funds that are needed for community services across this nation. We have witnessed nine years
of rampant UDP corruption in government because a lot of people continue to turn a blind eye to it for tiny, tiny crumbs. Open tender is one of the best ways to reduce corruption in any administration. No Minister should be allowed to purchase millions of dollars in supplies for the government from a company of his choice, and no Minister should be given contracts to supply large amounts of items to his own government. Such things are gross conflicts of interest. In such instances the actions of the ministers are mostly guided by their self-interest. It’s like putting the rat to look after the best welfare of the cheese. In a transparent tendering process, business-persons should be invited to submit bids to supply an administration with huge amounts of a particular item. The tenders or bids should then be opened in public, and the contract should be awarded to a reliable business-person with the most suitable bid. We need broad-bases public activism to end the massive corruption in government. It is depriving poor people of better access to education, proper housing, better wages and improved health-care, among other things. Sincerely yours, Gilroy Usher Sr.
TWO MEN MURDERED OVER WEEDWACKER? Thursday, August 24, 2017 On Sunday night Ryan “Fish” Thompson, 24, was gunned down on the verandah of his home while his two daughters were inside watching television. Police reported that around 9:30 p.m. they received calls of a shooting incident at #193 Neal Penn Road Extension. When officers visited the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital (KHMH) they saw Thompson suffering from various gunshot injuries to his body. He identified the man who shot him to Police. After fighting for his life for five hours, Thompson could fight no more. At 2:56 a.m. on Monday morning he was pronounced dead by medical officials. Less than 24 hours after Thompson’s death, his close friend and neighbor, Linton Wilshire, 25, was kidnapped from his home. He was killed and disposed of in a dumpsite on a dirt road about 330 feet off the George Price Highway between miles 3 and 4. His throat was slashed and his left temple was burst open. On Wednesday afternoon his body was found by a man riding a bicycle near the dumpsite. He was taken to the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital where a medical examiner certified the cause of his death to be, “External Exsanguination due to multiple cut wounds to the neck and blunt force trauma to the head.” Shaken by two apparently con-
07 7
nected murders, Police have made one arrest. Neal Penn road resident, Jevon Belizaire, 24, was on Tuesday arrested and charged for the murder of Ryan “Fish” Thompson. However, he escaped from the Raccoon Street police station at around 5:30 a.m. on Wednesday. According to police reports, he asked to use the rest room, but that was the last time officers saw or heard from him. At around 5:30 a.m. he was recaptured by Police in the vicinity of Antelope Street. We understand that he was at a friend’s home. On Thursday afternoon he appeared unrepresented before Senior Magistrate, Sharon Fraser to be arraigned for “Murder” and “Escaping from Lawful Custody.” No plea was taken and he was remanded to prison until October. It has been widely reported that on Saturday Thompson, Wilshire and another associate jumped an associate of Belizaire. As we understand it, their deaths were merely retaliation for jumping the man they loaned a weed whacker to but instead of returning it, he sold it for next to nothing. Other sources have indicated that the fight and the two murders were caused by drugs. However, Police have not confirmed either suspected motives and have only confirmed that there was indeed a fight.
Licensed Auctioneer NOEL J. CODD will sell the following properties on Wednesday August 30th at the places and the time mention below. On site at 10:00a.m. On site at 1:30p.m.
All that parcel or piece of land situated at mile 19 Sandhill Village, Belize District. Being Lot 34, the property holds a concrete building that has a gross floor of 288 square feet. The single family bungalow has one bedroom, a bathroom, a kitchen, living-room and dining area. In addition there is an adjoining incomplete structure with a square-footage of 270 square-feet. Being the freehold property of Damion Garbutt.
On site at 11:30a.m.
All that parcel or piece of land. Being Parcel 731, Block 45, Registration Section Fort George/Pickstock. The property is located along Pickstock Street in Belize City. The street is connected to two major traffic arteries. One leading into downtown Belize City and the other leading north bound leaving the City. The property holds a two-storey concrete building with a gross floor of 1,584 square-feet. The first floor has two open units and a bathroom. The second floor has 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom, a kitchen, living-room and a dining area. Being the freehold property of Lizert Herbert.
All that piece or parcel containing 1.17 Acres being lot 5 situate approximate 10 1/2 Miles on the Belize Corozal Road. The land only being the freehold property of Noguera Sugarcane Derivatives
Licensed Auctioneer Carmelita Village, Orange Walk District Tel: Office: 677-5184 cell: 624-5184
@Noel Codd Auctioneer
0 88
US Removes Johnny Zab’s Kingpin Designation Thursday, 24 August 2017 The US State Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control, (OFAC) has ended John Zabaneh’s 5-year nightmare. The Stann Creek businessman is no longer being treated as a drug kingpin, but the relief is all but too late. The lives of John Zabaneh, his family and his close business allies were flipped upside down in August 2012 when OFAC sanctioned him along with his nephew Dion Zabaneh, and Corozal Resident Daniel Moreno. OFAC claimed that they were part of the Mexican Sinaloa Drug Cartel, and an associate of the infamous boss Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman. American nationals were prohibited from conducting any kind of business with Zabaneh or any of his companies, Mayan King Limited, Mid-South Investments Limited, Crown Paradise Enterprises Limited, and Belize Chemicals Limited. Though this should have only applied to American nationals, Zabaneh received a complete hands-off treatment from Belizean companies. All banks, suppliers and service providers stayed as far away from Zabaneh and his family-owned companies as they could. Everyone was afraid of the taint of the Kingpin Designation, and the companies haemorrhaged business until they all but shut down. Zabaneh, his family, and his loyal business associates were isolated, and the biggest financial blow came in October 2015, 3 years after the OFAC sanction. That’s when the European multinational, Fyffes, abruptly stopped buying bananas from Mayan King Banana Farms, which was being run by the management company, Meridian. This management company was hired by Zabaneh’s family to continue operation of the farm, which kept business going until Fyffes decided that they were not comfortable with the proximity to Zabaneh. That forced the shutdown of one of the most successful banana farms in Stann Creek, and the management company had to lay off over 900 employees. Over the course of the 5 years with the kingpin designation, Zabaneh has fought as strongly as he could to get it lifted. Last month, he filed a lawsuit in the US court to force OFAC to remove the sanction. The removal didn’t come until Tuesday, August 22. In a letter from OFAC which doesn’t include an apology, the US writes, “Dear Mr. Zabaneh, this
27 AUG
John Zabaneh
letter informs you that as of the effective date of this letter, you and your companies are no longer designated as Specially Designated Narcotics Traffickers… you and your companies are permitted to engage in any lawful transactions involving US persons.” So, just like that, the US Government officials who sanctioned him want him to simply pick up where he left off back in 2012 and continue on. Zabaneh has indicated it just isn’t that simple. He and his family sent press release which says, “From his designation over five long years ago, Mr. Zabaneh has strongly and adamantly professed and maintained his innocence to no avail. As time passed, the impact on Mr. Zabaneh and his family has been severe as Mr. Zabaneh has suffered heavy losses, not only financial…, but also serious emotional distress as they have been abandoned, even shunned, by many friends, financial institutions and business associates. Fyffes’ actions, in particular, led to the complete shutdown of the entire banana farming operations linked to John Zabaneh and his family on the basis of mere media reports concerning his designation causing losses of hundreds of jobs. As Mr. Zabaneh’s innocence has finally proven out, he and his family are hopeful that the business community and the government will now support their efforts to restart and restore those businesses that brought meaningful benefit to so many workers and their families in the South.” As far as this newspaper is aware, Zabaneh is the only Belizean in recent history to have suffered this sanction. There is no indication what his next move will be, since he is now cleared of all accusations that he was a narco-trafficker.
Thursday, 24 August 2017 As we go to press, organizers of a much anticipated weekend performance by the visiting China Disabled People’s Performing Troupe are awaiting reconsideration by Cabinet on an application to waive Visa fees of $2000 each for the performers. The Belize Times has confirmed that an application was made in advance of the visit of the more than 30-member strong group from China which just wrapped up performances in Panama before heading to Belize. Cabinet discussed the matter on Tuesday, and while the decision was made to approve the Visas, instruction was given that each member of the Troupe would need to pay $2000 for the Visas. Those we spoke to described the hard-line, inflexible stance on the Chinese Disabled People’s Troupe request as extraordinary. We are told that traditionally the country welcomes performers to raise cultural awareness. In fact, we are told that very recently an Indian group was in Belize and was
given the facility of Visa fee waivers. And certainly there have been many performing groups from Taiwan who have been afforded this courtesy. But a source in Cabinet provided some clarity. It can be recalled that a month ago, the Taiwanese government gifted Belize with $60M, $20M as a grant and $40M as a loan. The government has yet to say exactly what that money will be used for, but the free hand with monies from Taiwan has been described as nothing more than dollar diplomacy, where Taiwan seeks to retain its dwindling support from countries. According to the source, Cabinet would have granted the request ordinarily, but there was an intervention at some level by elements of the Taiwanese Embassy who lobbied against the Visa fee waiver for the Chinese Troupe. Still grinning and happy from the $60M, it appears Cabinet was only too willing to cave. We have not been able to confirm whether the show will go on at the Bliss Center for the Performing Arts as scheduled if Cabinet does not reconsider its hard-line stance.
27 AUG
09 9
BLOCK PARCELS 16 13,175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 193, 194, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212 & 213 (Being twenty three vacant lots near the sea in the Sibun Bight Subdivision, the freehold properties of Mr. Louis Leslie) Parcel No. 195 Sibun Bight Area, Belize City:
Belize City; Vista del Mar; San Pedro, Belize District; Belmopan, Cayo District; CaribReserve,Tobacco Caye, Red Bank Village, Independence Village, Stann Creek District: BY ORDER of the Mortgagees, Messrs. The Belize Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneer Kevin A. Castillo will REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Sibun Bight 16 195 sell the following properties at the locations, dates and times below listed: 6.
A. BELIZE CITY - At No. 170 Beltex Avenue, Belama 1, Belize City on Monday 28th August 2017 at 1:30 pm:
(Being 1.97 acres of vacant land situate near the Caribbean Sea in the Sibun Bight Area, approximately 5 ½ Miles George Price Highway, Belize City, the freehold property of Mr. Louis Leslie) 3 Lots Marina Area, San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize District:
1. Parcel No. 2867 Chetumal Boulevard, Belama Phase 1, Belize City: PUBLIC AUCTION SALES: PROPERTIES
Belize City; Vista del Mar; San Pedro, Belize District; Belmopan, Cayo District; Carib Reserve, Tobacco Caye, Red Bank Village, Independence Village, Stann Creek District:
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCELS BY ORDER of the Mortgagees, Messrs. The Belize Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneer Kevin A. Castillo will San Pedro 7 3989, 3997 & 3998 sell the following properties at the locations, dates and times below listed: A. BELIZE CITY - At No. 170 Beltex Avenue, Belama 1, Belize City on Monday 28th August 2017 at 1:30(Being pm: three vacant commercial lots situate near Marina Road, approx. ½ Kilometer Northeast of the Marina Area in San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize District containing the following areas [Parcel No. 3989 – 1. Parcel No. 2867 Chetumal Boulevard, Belama Phase 1, Belize City: 2707.100 Sq. Metres or 3237.69 Sq. Yds; Parcel No. 3997 – 784.290 Sq. Metres or 938.00 Sq. Yds; Parcel No. 3998 – 867.900 Sq. Metres or 1038.00 Sq. Yds.], the freehold property of Messrs. Worldnet International Limited).
REGISTRATION SECTION Caribbean Shores/Belize
Crocland Adventure & Eco Park
REGISTRATION BLOCK PARCEL (Being an elevated concreteSECTION building [24 ft. X 38 ft.] + back portion 6 ft. X 17 ft. + Caribbean Shores/Belize 16 2867 two porches [6 ft. X 17 ft. and 6 ft. X 16 ft.] and lot [341.277 Sq. Yds.] situate on[6 ft. X 17 ft. (Being an elevated concrete building [24 ft. X 38 ft.] + back portion 6 ft. X 17 ft. + two porches Chetumal Boulevard (near the Bridge), 1, Boulevard Belize City, and 6 ft. X 16 ft.] and lot [341.277 Sq. Yds.]Belama situate onPhase Chetumal (nearthe the freehold Bridge), Belama Phase 1, Belize City,Edilberto the freehold Reyes property Jr.) of Mr. Edilberto Reyes Jr.) property of Mr. 2.
Lot No. 2179 Vista del Mar, Ladyville, Belize District:
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Vista del Mar 16 2179 (Being a vacant lot situate in Vista del Mar, Ladyville, Belize District, the freehold property of Mr. Sean Belisle) Nine Lots (9) Sibun Bight Subdivision, Belize City:
(Photograph 2014) ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Block No. 26 (26.50 acres) and Block No. 27 (18.20 acres) situate at Washing Tree Area, Black Creek Reserve, Belize District bounded and described as shown by Plan No. 1143 of 2000 attached to Minister’s Fiat Grant No. 11143 of 2000 dated January 1 st 2001 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon being the freehold properties of Mr. Luke Espat; ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Block No. 17 containing 27.85 acres situate at Washing Tree, Black Creek Reserve, Belize District bounded and described as shown by Plan No. 1232 of 2005 attached to Minister’s Fiat Grant No. 1232 of 2005 dated 3 rd February 2006 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon and ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Block No. 18 containing 15.00 acres situate at Washing Tree, Black Creek Reserve, Belize District bounded and described as shown by Plan No. 1226 of 2005 attached to Minister’s Fiat Grant No. 1226 of 2005 dated 3rd February 2006 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon and ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Block No. 19 containing 10.93 acres situate at Washing Tree, Black Creek Reserve, Belize District bounded and described as shown by Plan No. 1138 of 2005 attached to Minister’s Fiat Grant No. 1138 of 2005 dated 27th November 2006 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon and ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Block No. 22 containing 19.20 acres situate at Washing Tree, Black Creek Reserve, Belize District bounded and described as shown by Plan No. 1228 of 2005 attached to Minister’s Fiat Grant No. 1228 of 2005 dated 3rd February 2006 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being and ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Block No. 23 containing 10.19 acres situate at Washing Tree, Black Creek Reserve, Belize District bounded and described as shown by Plan No. 1229 of 2005 attached to Minister’s Fiat Grant No. 1229 of 2005 dated 3 rd February 2006 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon and ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Block No. 24 containing 50.94 acres situate at Washing Tree, Black Creek Reserve, Belize District bounded and described as shown by Plan No. 1230 of 2005 attached to Minister’s Fiat Grant No. 1230 of 2005 dated 3rd February 2006 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon, the freehold properties of Messrs. Belize Crocodile & Reptiles Breeders Ltd.; (Being Crockland Adventure and Eco Park 25 ½ Miles Phillip Goldson Highway, Belize District, the freehold properties of Mr. Luke Espat and Messrs. Belize Crocodile & Reptiles Breeders Limited)
PARCELS 61, 85, 110, 154, 157, 171, 172, 173
(Being nine vacant lots near the sea in the Sibun Bight Subdivision containing the following sizes: Parcel 61643.85 Square Yards, Parcel 85 - 432.46 Square Yards, Parcel 110 - 624.79 Square Yards, Parcel 154 472.80 Square Yards, Parcel 157 - 624.79 Square Yards, Parcel 171 - 521.96 Square Yards, Parcel 172 472.79 Square Yards, Parcel 173 - 538.24 Square Yards, the freehold properties of Mr. Antonio Novelo) Twenty three (23) Lots Sibun Bight Subdivision, Belize City:
BLOCK PARCELS 16 13,175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 193, 194, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212 & 213 (Being twenty three vacant lots near the sea in the Sibun Bight Subdivision, the freehold properties of Mr. Louis Leslie) Parcel No. 195 Sibun Bight Area, Belize City:
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Sibun Bight 16 195 (Being 1.97 acres of vacant land situate near the Caribbean Sea in the Sibun Bight Area, approximately 5 ½ Miles George Price Highway, Belize City, the freehold property of Mr. Louis Leslie) 3 Lots Marina Area, San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize District:
Vacant Lots - Vista del Mar, Ladyville, Belize District:
Registration Section
Block No.
Parcel No.
Continued on page1610 Vista Del Mar
All that piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 21 comprising (1141.14 Square yards) situate in Red Bank Village, in the Stann Creek District of Belize and bounded and described as shown colored red on Plan No. 677 of 2002 attached to Minister’s Fiat (Grant) no. 677 of 2002 dated 5 th September, 2002 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [19 ft. X 24 ft.] containing 1 bedroom + sitting room + kitchen and lot [1141.14 S.Y.] situate at Lot No. 21 Red Bank Village Layout, Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Mr. Mateo Teul) 4. At Parcel No. 1027 Isidora Guevara Street, Dangriga, Stann Creek District:
10 Continued from page 9 Registration Section Vista Del Mar Vista Del Mar Vista Del Mar Vista Del Mar Vista Del Mar Vista Del Mar Vista Del Mar Vista Del Mar Vista Del Mar Vista Del Mar Vista Del Mar Vista Del Mar Vista Del Mar Vista Del Mar Vista Del Mar Vista Del Mar Vista Del Mar Vista Del Mar
Block No. 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
Parcel No. 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1823 1827 1828 1830 1831 1832 1844 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850
Vista Del Mar Vista Del Mar Vista Del Mar Vista Del Mar Vista Del Mar Vista Del Mar Vista Del Mar Vista Del Mar Vista Del Mar Vista Del Mar Vista Del Mar Vista Del Mar Vista Del Mar Vista Del Mar Vista Del Mar Vista Del Mar Vista Del Mar Vista Del Mar
16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1866 1870 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878
(Being attractive vacant lots situate within the Vista del Mar, sub-division, Vista del Mar, Ladyville, Belize District, the freehold properties of Messrs. Vista del Mar Development Company Limited) B - BELMOPAN, CAYO DISTRICT: 1.
27 AUG
At Parcel No. 7253 Professor Street, south of U.B. Campus, Belmopan, Cayo District on Monday 28th August 2017 at 4:30 pm:
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Belmopan 20 7253 (Being an irregular shaped concrete bungalow dwelling house [c. 12 ft. X 30 ft. + 22 ft. X 36 ft.] and lot [487.785 square meters or 572.63 square yards] situate south of the U.B. Campus on Professor Street, Belmopan, Cayo District, the freehold property of Mr. Theodore Mark Martinez) 2. At The Belize Bank Limited Parking Lot, Constitution Drive, Belmopan Cayo District at 5:00 pm: Parcel No. 1524 Belmopan, Cayo District:
ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 237 situate in the Village of Independence in the Stann Creek District TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being a vacant parcel of land situate at the Corner Delany and Craboo Streets, Independence Village, Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Mr. Basilio Mes and Ms. Antonia Mes) 5. Lot No. 47 Independence Village, Stann Creek District:
All that piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 47 containing (709.975 square meters or 849.13 square yards) situated in Independence Village Extension, Stann Creek District as shown on a plan of survey by E.H. Arzu Licensed Land Surveyor dated the 3rd. February, 2000 registered at the Lands and Surveys Department in Belmopan in Entry No. 4868, Register No. 22. TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [20 ft. X 24 ft.] containing 2 bedrooms+1bathroom + Living room + kitchen situated in Independence Village, Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Mr. Andrew Charles Castillo) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - (foreclosure listing) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - (foreclosure listing) TERMS: STRICTLY CASH KEVIN A. CASTILLO TELEPHONE 223-4488 E-mail: Facebook: Belize Auctions
TERMS: STRICTLY CASH KEVIN A. CASTILLO TELEPHONE: 224 4473 Email: Facebook: Belize Auctions
Body of Murdered Youth Recovered 1524
(Being a vacant parcel of land comprising 6818.879 square yards acres of land situated in the City of Belmopan, Cayo District, the freehold property of Mr. Karim Adle) C - STANN CREEK DISTRICT: In front The Belize Bank Limited No. 24 St. Vincent Street, Dangriga, Stann Creek District on Tuesday 29th August 2017 at 1:30 pm: 1. Parcel No. 1027 Isidora Guevara Street, Dangriga, Stann Creek District:
All that lot, piece or parcel of land situate in the Carib Reserve being block numbered 36 containing 5 acres and bounded on the North by Block No. 37 there measuring 450’ 0” on the South by No. 32P there measuring 450’ 0” on the East by Block No. 99 there measuring 484’ 0” the said piece or parcel of land being more particularly described in Grant No. 33 of 1954 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being 5 acres of land situate in the Carib Reserve [45 meters north of the North Stann Creek River; 300 meters south of the Melinda Road and approximately 2.7 kilometers west of Dangriga Town, Stann Creek District], the freehold property of Mr. Nolan Jackson) 2. At Parcel No. 1027 Isidora Guevara Street, Dangriga, Stann Creek District:
ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Block No. 1 comprising 1.60 acres situate along the East Side of Tobacco Caye Range in the Stann Creek District of Belize and bounded and described as shown by Plan No. 578 of 2006 attached to Minister’s Fiat (Grant) No. 578 of 2006 dated 26 th May 2006 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being 1.6 acres of land along the East Side of Tobacco Caye Range, Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Mr. Karl Gabourel Jr.) 3. At Parcel No. 1027 Isidora Guevara Street, Dangriga, Stann Creek District:
All that piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 21 comprising (1141.14 Square yards) situate in Red Bank Village, in the Stann Creek District of Belize and bounded and described as shown colored red on Plan No. 677 of 2002 attached to Minister’s Fiat (Grant) no. 677 of 2002 dated 5 th September, 2002 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [19 ft. X 24 ft.] containing 1 bedroom + sitting room + kitchen and lot [1141.14 S.Y.] situate at Lot No. 21 Red Bank Village Layout, Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Mr. Mateo Teul) 4. At Parcel No. 1027 Isidora Guevara Street, Dangriga, Stann Creek District:
Thursday, August 24, 2017 On Wednesday afternoon, Police received reports of a commotion on board a skiff in the Caribbean Sea near the Fisheries Department in Belize City. When officers arrived on the scene a man had already been thrown overboard and the skiff had sped off. Officers of the Coast Guard were called in to search for the body. However, their efforts were unsuccessful until Thursday morning when the body was seen afloat near the Barry Bowen Municipal Airstrip. Police observed three stab wounds in the man’s midsection which they believe led to his death. They could not release the identity of the victim as his family was not yet notified as they reside in the Orange Walk District. As we go to press, we have been able to confirm the identity of the body to be Crevan Cardinez, 18. At the start of this month he was slapped with charges of aggravated assault, kept firearm and ammunition without a gun license as well as escape from lawful custody. This incident dates back to June 30 when Bernard Wade told police that while on Baghdad Street in Belize City, Cardinez pulled a gun threatened to kill him. Cardinez was remanded to prison until September 25 but was able to secure bail before.
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2016 2017 2016
Team Brazil wins OW Mundialito Championship Orange Walk, August 20, 2017 Team Brazil of Orange Walk Town won the 2017 Orange Walk U-15 Mundialito championship organized by the New Horizon Sporting Club at the Louisiana Government School field on Sunday afternoon. In Game 1, the consolation game for 3rd place, the defending champs “Colombia” of San Jose Palmar Village won: 2-0 over Holland of Yo Creek, with 2 goals scored by Carlos Itza. In Game 2, the championship final, the tournament’s top goleador Eldon “Tuncy” Reneau Byrd scored his 8th goal of the competition for Brazil’s 1-0 win over team “USA” of Trinidad Village. Tournament sponsor Hon. John Briceño joined Orange Walk Town Mayor Kevin Bernard in presenting the team trophies to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners and individual medals to the players. Briceño also
presented the $1,000 first prize to the champions – Brazil, and the $600 2nd prize to the sub-champs – Team USA. Team Colombia received the $400 third prize donated by Mayor Kevin Bernard. Michael Bradley distinguished himself as the Most Valuable Player award of the playoffs; as he was the back bone of the Brazil defense, he also won the Best Defender award sponsored by Mr. Errol Perrera. Eusebio Carillo of Team Sweden won the Best Goalkeeper award sponsored by Mr. Edmundo “Mundo” Canul. Rigoberto Cardenas of Team USA won the Most Valuable Player award of the Regular Season, also sponsored by Canul, and his teammate Rodolfo Argueta won the Best Midfielder award sponsored by Mrs. Ariani Alfaro. Mayor Kevin Bernard, Mr Francisco Mendez of Sinbads F.C. and Hon. Elodio Aragon Jr. sponsored the cash prizes for the winners.
Belize City, August 16, 2017 DigiCell won the 2017 Belize City women’s softball championship at the “home of softball” at the Rogers Stadium last Wednesday night, hammering Beacon: 10-6 in Game 2 of the finals. DigiCell got 10 hits off Beacon’s pitcher Ayannah Smith, who struck out 6 batters and walked 4, and the diamond also made 11 errors, allowing Kiri Lizama and Norecia Fraser to score 2 runs apiece, while Lydia Cacho, Earlene Belisle, Mary Flowers Barbara Cadle, Martha Rhys and Yuko Takenaga scored a run apiece. DigiCell’s Mary Flowers struck out 1 batter, walked 4 and gave up 9
11 09 SPORTS 11
hits, but the BTL diamond made only 6 errors, by which Beacon’s Clarencia Jones scored 2 runs and Crystal Hernandez, Ayannah Smith, Agnes Lucas and Kira Arnold scored a run apiece. DigiCell received the champs’ team trophy. Individual awards: Most Runs Batted In - Barbara Cadle of Digicell Highest Batting Average - Lydia Cacho of Digicell Most Stolen Bases - Kiri Lizama of Digicell Most Strikeouts - Renisha Richards of Belize Bank Bulldogs Most Valuable Player - Mary Flowers of Digicell.
1st Place Champs - Brazil
2nd Place - Team USA
3rd Place - Colombia
Roaring Creek/Grace Kennedy Wins Cayo Women’s Softball Championship
Roaring Creek, August 20, 2017 Roaring Creek/Grace Kennedy softball girls ‘9-peat’ as Cayo softball champions, dominating the Unitedville Rebels: 5-0 in Game 2 of the championship finals at the Raymond Garbutt Sr. softball field in Roaring Creek on Sunday. The Rebels veteran pitcher Francine Salazar struck out 3 batters, walked 3 and gave up 7 hits, allowing Shadalee Ho to score 2 runs; while Keisha Garbutt, Sharine Reyes and Arlene Wade scored a run apiece. MVP pitcher Leyandra Guy gave up 8 hits, struck out 1 batter and walked 2, but the diamond made only 3 errors, conceding no runs as they forced the Rebels to leave 9 runners on base. Both Roaring Creek girls and Unitedville Rebels will represent the Cayo association at the upcoming
national championships to be organized by the Belize Softball Federation at the Rogers Stadium in Belize City from Friday to Sunday, August 25-27. The Belmopan Bandits won 3rd place. Individual awards: Winningest pitcher - Leandra Guy Most Strike Outs - Leandra Guy Matilda Orellano Most Valuable Player award - Leandra Guy Most Runs Batted In (RBIs) - Shadalee Ho Most Stolen Bases - Indira Spain of Rebels. Most Home Runs - Karlene Lewis and Myralee Ho - Belmopan Bandits Rookie of the Year - Ashley Lucas – Bandits Coach of the Year - Dion Ifield – Rebels Best Team Spirit award - Belmopan Capital City Emeralds.
OW Town Council Endorsement
Over the weekend, the dynamic, visionary PUP 7 Orange Walk Team led by the best Mayor in the country, Kevin Bernard, was endorsed at Crystal Palace Auditorium. This is the team which will continue the work in the Sugar City. Never before in the history of Orange Walk has there been such a transformation, not only in infrastructure but in transparency, accountability, integrity and the bond between the Council and the Community. And things can only get better with the continued support of the people.
27 AUG
27 AUG
PG Town Council Swearing in
On Sunday, the people of Punta Gorda Town came out in numbers to vote for the team which will lead them after March 2018 when municipal elections are slated. Led by the charismatic worker Carlos Galvez, a tried and true servant of the people, this is the team which will re-energize a town abandoned and neglected by the United Democratic Party for far too long. It is time for power to be given back to the people. It is time for the PUP.
MY PERSPECTIVE By Dolores Balderamos Garcia
DOWN WITH THE STATUES I wonder if the name Roger Brooke Taney means anything to Belizean students and to the public. I was not familiar with this name myself until I went to re-read the Dred Scott Decision of the Supreme Court of the United States which was delivered in 1857. The Chief Justice who made this most infamous of rulings was Roger Brooke Taney. The case was that of Dred Scott versus John Sanford. Dred Scott was a slave who had gone to live in a free US State where slavery was prohibited. Yet on his return to Missouri where he was still considered a slave, and upon his case going before the country's highest court, the court ruled that he was not entitled to his freedom AND that African Americans were not and could never be citizens of the United States (!!) This notorious decision, now considered to be the worst Supreme Court ruling in the US ever, helped to push the US towards civil war, and the United States Civil War was one of the bloodiest civil wars in the history of humanity. The Dred Scott Decision has also been cited as the most egregious example of a Court wrongly imposing a judicial solution to a problem that was political. Briefly, Dred Scott was owned by a white man Mr. Emerson, who took Scott along when he went to (free) Illinois and Wisconsin. After Emerson died and Scott returned to Missouri, with the help of anti-slavery lawyers Scott challenged his status in court, because of the accepted doctrine at the time of “Once free, Always free.” However, Chief Justice Taney did everything wrong, ignoring legal precedent, distorting history and imposing his views on the US Constitution rather than interpreting it. Suffice it to say that he forced his racist, bigoted and pro-slavery position into his ruling on Dred Scott. Astoundingly he held that the framers of the United States Constitution did not regard African Americans to be among the “people” for whose benefit and protection the United States was founded (!!!) The North of the United States, as expected, exploded in denouncing this patently racist decision, and we know that only a few years later civil war broke out. Taney is remembered now solely for his blatantly pro-slavery ruling and his
demeaning comments about black people. Dred Scott was eventually freed in 1857, the same year as the ruling, but it was not until the Thirteenth Amendment to the US Constitution in 1865 that slavery was finally abolished in the United States. Intriguingly, a statue of Taney is in the Maryland Statehouse, just as a statue of Robert E. Lee stands in Charlottesville, Virginia, the scene of the deadly, racist violence instigated and carried out by neo-Nazis, modern Ku Klux Klanners and white supremacists. Governor of Maryland Larry Hogan at first said that the removal of Taney's statue and other Confederate monuments is “political correctness gone amok.” But after last week's domestic terrorism by the racists, he has changed his mind. He has just said this week: “The time has come to make a clear difference between properly acknowledging our past and glorifying the darkest chapters of our history.” Governor Hogan is a Republican, and if he can now see the light, then that certainly marks significant progress in the United States where the condemnation of racism and white supremacy is concerned. Similarly, the governor of North Carolina has said clearly: “We cannot continue to glorify a war fought against the United States of America and in defence of slavery.” It goes without saying - how can a statue of a supreme racist Chief Justice in the United States still sit in a place of honour in a United States government building? In our own context, I can recall Dickie Bradley and several other Belizeans calling for the re-naming of Paslow Building before that venerable structure went up in flames. Thomas Paslow was a slave owner who terribly mistreated his slaves. The fire answered the question, but I for one, would have been happy to put to rest that name for the famous downtown Belize City building. As to the Robert E. Lee and other Confederate statues in the United States, like Governor Hogan we must only look at history to provide us with the moral compass as to what is right and just. I am not American, I am Belizean, but racism and the racist past cannot be glorified in any way. Down with those statues.
27 AUG
AN ILLEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT Statement on Re-registration Rt. Hon. Said Musa House of Representatives
Over the past couple weeks, Belizeans at home and abroad have been expressing forcefully their “disappointment” and “displeasure” with the decision by the Government to postpone the holding of the long awaited re-registration process, until 2018. The last time the re-registration of electors has taken place was 20 years ago in 1997. Indeed, it is reported earlier this week in the media that a consortium of NGO’s, Belize Network of NGO, have also expressed their “disappointment” with the government’s decision to not carry out the re-registration of electors exercise. They reasoned that “given the impending national referendum regarding taking the Guatemalan claim to the International Court of Justice, the urgency of compiling a legitimate voters list is stronger than ever.” They further pointed out, in response to the Government’s rationale for postponing the holding of the re-registration1 that the National Assembly could approve Supplementary Budgets for matters of national significance and this is undoubtedly a matter of national significance. The PUP Opposition has been raising this concern as a matter of fundamental national importance. We have been pointing out the absolute necessity to clean up the voters list. We have been demanding re-registration after the 2015 general elections. The Area Representative for Caribbean Shores has on several occasions in this Honourable House called for Re-Registration before any other election. Meetings have been held with Union officials including the BNTU, with the Chamber of Commerce and with representatives of NGOs. Meetings have been held with the Elections & Boundaries Commission and the Chief Elections Officer in an attempt to get them to do the right thing. The Party Leader has met with the Prime Minister calling on him to do the right thing. All to no avail. They have been winning elections with a tainted, totally outdated contaminated voters list (stuffed ballots, stuffed voters – rigged elec-
tions). As far as the UDP is concerned winning by any means necessary is what matters to them. To hell with democracy. To hell with free and fair elections. To hell with the law. The re-registration of electors in the country of Belize is a legal requirement set out in the Representation of the People Act. The specific provision is section 9. And this was brought into force by legislation of this National Assembly in 1997 (Act No. 11 of 1997)2 requiring at the time, re-registration of electors every 10 years. And because it is a legal requirement in the law for the re-registration of electors to be done, then, a government is therefore compelled to carry out the re-registration of electors exercise. The only way a government could lawfully postpone the carrying out of the re-registration of electors exercise is if the law was amended. And this is what was done in 2007 and 2012; but for different reasons. After the first re-registration was held in July, 1997, it was then due to be held in July, 2007. General elections were held in March 2003, and so the next general elections would have been due no later than March, 2008. So in July 2007, when the re-registration of electors exercise should have been carried out, general elections would be due any time soon. The law (section 9) contemplated an eventuality for the postponing of the holding of the re-registration exercise “…if the date of the re-registration exercise falls within six months of the general elections becoming due or being called…”. The period of time between the due re-registration and the due general elections was still so close that there were sound reasons for the postponement of the holding of the re-registration process. The only lawful way which this could have been done, was then to amend section 9. And this was what was done. This National Assembly in 2007 when I was Prime Minister passed Act No. 17 of 2007. That Act amended section 9 of the ROPA and extended the period for the carrying out of the complete re-registration of electors from ten years to 15 years. That meant that the re-registration of electors, rather than being due July, Continued on page 15
1 The rationale of the Elections and Boundaries Commission for the postponement is that “the money required for the national exercise (estimated at $20 million) was not provided for in the national 2017/2018 budget… [and] holding the re-registration exercise this July [2017] would not have been practical, as the window period before the cut-off date for the upcoming municipal elections isJanuary 10, 2018, which would leave a period of 6 months to complete the exercise.” (Source: Amandala, 29 July 2017).
2 That long title to that law reads as follows: “An Act to provide for a periodic re-registration of electors; to make certain miscellaneous amendments to the registration of election rules; to give effect to the proposals of the Election and Boundaries Commission for the re-division of the electoral divisions.”
27 AUG
This Weed Thing
I’m been keeping far away from this weed discussion even as the debate ranges freely. I know there’s been some constructive discussion, even if very little. What I’ve seen on Facebook is what I’ve come to expect from Facebook – little real discussion or credible fact-based contributions, and even that quickly degenerates into insults and personal attacks. That’s how we roll in Belize – a lot of people who feel their opinion is fact because they say so, and that means that anybody else’s opinion is bullshit. Absolutely no respect for each other in the jewel these days. The reason I’ve really kept away from this discussion is that I don’t know enough to really join in. I don’t smoke weed. I don’t know the effects, either short term or long term. I have no clue what weed does to the body or the brain, in small quantities or large. The closest I’ve come to smoking weed is listening to Bob Marley sing about it when I was young and stupid and thought for some now vague reason that I was a chubby, red rastaman. But that’s neither here nor there. I wanted to share a little about what I do know, and that’s alcohol – not the rubbing kind. Since Mr. Barrow decided to flex his legislative muscles, I think he should have focused more on laws cracking down on alcohol abuse. Let’s be real here. Alcohol destroys lives, literally. Alcohol destroys jobs, it destroys families. All of this is clichéd, but it is real. I know. Firsthand. I also know that at any of the hundreds and hundreds of clubs and bars and watering holes across the country on a week or weekend night, there are people leaving shit-faced drunk and getting behind the wheel. Been there, done that. If this government were serious about dealing with this problem, there are laws which could be enacted, enhanced and enforced. There could be much stronger laws on drinking and driving, and officers stationed outside clubs and on the roads with breathalyzers to deal with what is a serious, serious problem. The government MUST know that
many, many of our traffic-related fatalities are caused by alcohol. The government MUST know that many, many of the bloody fights and murders in our country are influenced by alcohol. The government MUST know that alcohol abuse leads to broken homes and contributes significantly to the social ills which have plagued us for years. And that’s because I haven’t even gotten to the health risk. Alcohol is a killer. It is a scourge. And it is a growing problem in Belize. I don’t need to see any statistics to know that. I know. Here’s an interesting anecdote. A couple decades ago I was in the US for a while and I was scared shitless of drinking and driving because I knew what would happen. I couldn’t wait to get back to Belize, land of the free, where I could drive the country with my bottle of Caribbean and coke and ice on the passenger seat beside me in easy reach, without fear of any repercussions. How sick and sad is that? Let me tell you something else which I know. Mr. Barrow isn’t doing this weed thing now because of the poor black youth who have been locked down behind bars for a roach or a couple grams of marijuana. He isn’t doing this now because his heart cries for those youth who are incarcerated for a little herb and enter our prison system to become hardened criminals by the time they leave. He isn’t doing this because he loves the youth and wants to give them a chance. First of all, Mr. Barrow doesn’t have a heart, at least in the emotional sense of the word. I’m pretty sure there is some organ beating in his chest if you want to get strictly literal. Secondly, Mr. Barrow has no knowledge of or affection for our poor black youth. He doesn’t know what that is. Homie don’t play that. He don’t roll in those circles. What it is, is what it is. Elections are coming – both of them, I believe – and Mr. Barrow is taking a calculated risk that the returns from this bill in terms of votes will outweigh the opposition to it. What Mr. Barrow believes is that especially in the city, there are so many weedheads (his opinion not mine) who will be jumping for joy over this bill that the UDP will be miraculously transformed from shit to gold bricks. Methinks Mr. Barrow has either smoked too much weed, or hasn’t smoked enough. I can’t exactly say because I’m not a weed man myself. But seriously, though, this alcohol thing. Forget political mileage. Think people, and you’ll see that before screwing around with weed, we should have dealt with alcohol.
Continued from page 14 2007, would then be due in July, 2012. So now we fast forward to July, 2012. This is four months after the March 2012 general elections in which the UDP was triumphant. There was no election looming but a triumphalist Prime Minister decided for no valid reason to postpone the holding of re-registration. They introduced a bill into the House of Representative which was passed and eventually became law as Act No. 7 of 2012. By that law, they pushed back the holding of the re-registration of electors process required by law to July, 2017. And so, now here we are in August, 2017, and it has just been caught on by most Belizeans, that the re-registration of electors is not taking place and will not take place this year. The way the government has sought to escape the legal obligation to carry out re-registration of electors, which all and sundry will tell you is long overdue, was by way of Statutory Instrument No. 47 of 2017 which was gazetted on 30 June of this year. In that SI the Government used (or should I say abused) the office of the Governor General, who by proclamation declared that the holding of the legally required re-registration of electors will be pushed back to June, 2018. And the Governor General, in making this proclamation, purported to exercise powers granted to him under section 3 of the Representation of the People Act. But here is the thing. The Governor General does not have the power to change the date for the holding of the re-registration of electors. Only this National Assembly has that power. I say that for these reasons. Firstly, the law (section 3) which the Governor General purports to have exercised his powers to push back the holding of the re-registration of electors is a law originally enacted in 1978 in the Representation of People Ordinance. This was before Independence. And just to show you how things were so really
different back then, the Representation of People Ordinance (when you read the Ordinance) is said to have been enacted “by the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty.” Laws enacted by the National Assembly since Independence are enacted without the Queen’s imprimatur. (By and with the consent of the House of Representatives and the Senate and by the authority of the same). In 1978 as well, when this law was enacted, re-registration of electors was not in the law at the time. Therefore, sensibly, the Governor General would not be able to exercise a power to do something which could not be done or intended to be done at the time he was given the power. Since there was no re-registration of voters before the 1997 law came into existence. In addition to the government giving a flimsily and woefully inadequate justification for postponing the re-registration of electors (that is, it was not budgeted for), there arises the question of whether the government can lawfully do this through this means. Is this not legislation by decree? You would expect that to happen in a dictatorship, not a parliamentary democracy! It seems to me that what they should have done is to have come to this National Assembly and introduce a bill into this House for an amendment to the law and allow for rigorous debate to be done by members who all have interest in this matter as well. This is what was done the two previous occasions when the holding of re-registration was postponed. That they have not done this and in my view utilized an illegal back door way to post pone the holding of the re-registration suggests some sinister motives on the government’s part. A party that can only win elections with a corrupted voters list can only be described as an illegitimate government.
27 AUG
ON A POINT OF ORDER Forging Partnerships. Impacting Lives
CONNECTED THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAILS On Friday, August 18th 2017 in parliament, Prime Minister Barrow announced to the nation that his government would introduce legislation for a moratorium on offshore oil exploration. This is a step in the right direction. There is no denying that. This was fought hard by the people of Belize led by the Coalition to Save our Natural Heritage, Oceana Belize, BTIA and many individuals and grass roots leaders. This is a good example of individuals and interest groups, in an organized manner fighting for and standing up for country and not because of party colors. The people of a country do have the power to make positive changes for the country. Congratulations Belize. This progress came after a People’s Referendum in 2012 that overwhelmingly rejected offshore oil exploration, a referendum that Prime Minister Barrow denied; after thousands of letters and calls were delivered upon the Government to implement this moratorium legally; after years of having the Belize Barrier Reef on the endangered list of UNESCO World Heritage site; and after several reports by UNESCO that this UDP government’s actions are inadequate to safeguard the unique value and status of the Belize Barrier reef system. Belize needed a break from the negative reviews on how we are handling this most precious resource. In his interview after the house meeting, Prime Minister Barrow stated, “…I've always said that I am completely against that [a permanent ban] and I am still against that. A moratorium is a different thing. Even though it is indefinite, the fact is that it is not permanent; it is not expressed to be permanent, so that you cannot rule out the possibility that at some point in the future, clearly not in the near future, when technology has advanced, there might
be very easy ways of determining whether we do have resources where some people think there might be, without having to go through the sort of process that the environmentalists object to, that is the position now.” So he made it abundantly clear that he is not against offshore oil exploration and he will not make any effort to put in procedures to ensure that the decision to protect our Barrier Reef and marine resources cannot be easily undone. The Belize Barrier Reef and Belize’s marine resources are critical to the livelihoods of thousands of Belizeans. Even though there could possibly be offshore oil exploration sometime in the future based on technology advances (as per his statements), Prime Minister Barrow has been unable to cite one developing country in the world that has pursued offshore oil exploration and it has resulted in improved quality of life for its citizens. The risk of oil spills and the consequential effects of that of course at this early stage were not part of his remarks in stating that he would prefer an indefinite moratorium. In fact, there were not much details of why after 5 years and much protest by Belizeans, there has been a sudden change in thinking. Offshore oil exploration in Belize is a matter of national importance. There is no denying that. The policy on such matters and the decision to change such policies should be put to a national referendum. As the saying goes, the devil is in the details. There is much experience with this Prime Minister and his UDP government where it commits to many promises: improved transparency, accountability, a double sided machete to chop out corruption, a decrease in poverty and increase in employment, a decrease in fuel prices and the list goes on. Failed promises. Belizeans need to remain vigilant with Ali Baba. October is 6 weeks away. Let’s be the change we want to see. Connect.
Join the movement by contacting or call 677-9168. Your voice matters in helping to create the next Women’s Agenda of the PUP.
By Valerie Woods Last week Thursday (August 17th 2017) on all media stations, the Foreign Minister of this country stated “we have to go to the ICJ because we don't have borders that are internationally recognized and that can put us in trouble." This is factually incorrect. More importantly, it is a disgraceful and egregious statement to be uttered by any Foreign Minister of this country. Even more appalling is that a full 5 days have passed and the Prime Minister of this country and his cabinet Ministers have not denounced that statement, have not clarified it nor have they attempted to address it. To be fair, the media has not questioned them if it is that they too agree with Elrington’s statements. Instead, Prime Minister Barrow attacks Lisa Shoman, a former Foreign Minister who has been very much involved in the discussions, meetings and negotiations on the Guatemala unfounded claim to Belize. A classic case of this leader of government who often attacks the messenger but never addresses the message. He has done this to Senator Osmany Salas, to Audrey Matura, to Zenaida Moya, to Senator Mark Lizarraga and even to myself. His actions on the face of it are not Prime Ministerial and are unbecoming of a responsible leader. The fact is Ms. Shoman was on point in her letter. I commend her for speaking out and documenting that these alternative facts that this
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government so willingly allow to be stated by their leadership cannot be tolerated. The fact is that Sedi Elrington was completely inaccurate and continues to mislead this nation. This is particularly worrisome because it is PM Barrow and FM Sedi Elrington who are leading the charge to go to the ICJ. They say they are doing countrywide educational campaigns on the matter although this has yet to be seen, felt or heard. If it is that they wish to convince the nation of Belize that this is the right way to settle the dispute that Guatemala has on Belize’s borders, they should at least start by asserting that Belize has borders and those borders are internationally recognized. A leader of a country has the obligation to provide guidance and denounce false statements uttered by any of his Cabinet members. A responsible leader is called upon, particularly during challenging times and on sensitive and difficult matters as a dispute over the country’s borders by one nation, to articulate with absolute clarity his position on those borders. There can never be ambiguity especially when the government is seeking permission from its citizenry to go to Court on it. One media house referred to PM Barrow’s handling of the open letter as him utilizing his “trademark wit.” This must have been meant in a facetious or sarcastic manner because it is not wit that was on display by PM Barrow when he refused to address the statement made by his Foreign Minister. Instead, it was his trademark tolerance of incompetence, mismanagement and corruption. This is the thing for which he holds patent and trademark. He ignores the statements and the actions of his Ministers of Government and tries to distract and divert attention to the person who has dared to call him and his government out, who dares to speak truth to power. In the House meeting of Friday, August 18th 2017, PM Barrow stated he must assume that silence means consent. Therefore, this nation using PM Barrow’s own words, must assume his silence on these false utterances and public statements by Sedi Elrington must mean they consent. The statements of the Foreign Minister of Belize must be denounced by the Prime Minister of this country and his Cabinet. The Foreign Minister should be relieved of his post. Nothing personal. What it is, is what it is.
27 AUG
On Saturday, there was a massive showing of support for our PUP Orange Walk Municipal Team as we were endorsed to contest upcoming election in March 2018. For me it was exciting and uplifting to see so many residents of our town energized and ready to place their trust in us. The love was overwhelming – from those who will vote in the election and from those who came out from every corner of the country to stand with us in solidarity. I take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart, and I speak for my team when I say that we will never betray the confidence you have in us. We will never let you down. I thank also the Party Leader, Hon. John Briceño who has always been there for us and for Orange Walk. His presence, vision, humility and hard work have revitalized the Party as we prepare for victory at both the Municipal and General levels. I am happy that he was there to share the moment with us on Saturday along with Deputy Leader Cordel Hyde, Jose Mai, Chairman Henry Charles Usher and many others. I think it is important for our people to see that we are a united, vibrant Party ready to take the next step into office. While the Convention was an uplifting one for the entire team, it was also a humbling experience. It should always inspire humility when there are so many persons who have faith and confidence in a group of young leaders who are ready to take on the job. We were especially proud and humbled by the endorsement given by Ambassador Efrain Novelo. You see, this is the kind of politics that we must support, where political lines are not drawn deeply in the sand. It was an inspiration to listen to the words of Ambassador Novelo as he expressed full confidence in us because we have shown that we can work and we are ready to work. To me, it should never matter which colour of flag you wave, so to speak. This should be about
people and ability. So many thanks go out to Ambassador Novelo who had the integrity to speak his mind and offer his endorsement. I watched on Friday as the Prime Minister went to great lengths to insult a man whom I consider a good friend, a patriot and an independent thinker, Senator Osmany Salas. Osmany was elected the 13th Senator by the NGO community and since then I think he has done a stellar job. His criticisms, even those directed at the PUP side of the gallery, have been fair and objective and far from malicious. So I find it disheartening that he would come under attack from Mr. Barrow simply because he has taken a stance which a majority of right-thinking Belizeans have also taken. We are long overdue for a re-registration exercise. Even if we had not seen overwhelming evidence of Immigration corruption and padding of the voters lists with unqualified voters, we would be long overdue. It is a constitutionally mandated exercise for a good and valid reason. There are many who believe that the UDP has won the last two elections simply because of illegalities with voters, but even that aside, we CANNOT support going to another election using the current voters list. But Mr. Barrow attacked Senator Salas simply because the NGO community has come out strongly for the re-registration exercise, and the UDP is hell-bent on going to elections with a crooked list. This is exactly what I mean when I keep saying that we must do things differently in this country. As politicians we cannot attack people simply because they have different opinions from us, or perhaps support another Party. We MUST return to the politics of inclusivity where all Belizeans have the right to express their opinions without fear of attack, intimidation or victimization. My friends, that is the message I have been bringing to you, and it is the message I will continue to bring. The PUP 7 Team is bringing a different kind of politics to Orange Walk – the politics of hard work, integrity, transparency and inclusion. And that is what the People’s United Party will be bringing countrywide. It will be done.
VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT; Operations Officer, NO-A, Belize City, Belize VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT; Operations Officer, NO-A, Belize City, Belize Apply Now
Job no: 505931 Location: Belize City, Belize Apply Now Work type: Term Staff Job no: Fixed 505931
Location: Belize City, Belize Work type: Fixed Term Staff UNICEF works in 190 countries and territories to protect the rights of every child. UNICEF has spent 70 years the lives of children and their families. Defending children's rights throughout their lives requires a global produce results and understand their effects. UNICEF believes all children have a right to survive, thrive and works in 190world. countries and territories to protect the rights of every child. UNICEF – toUNICEF the benefit of a better has spent 70 years working to improve the lives of children and their families. Defending children's rights throughout their lives requires a global presence, aiming to produce results and For every child, a champion… understand their effects. UNICEF believes all children have a right to survive, thrive and fulfill their potential – to the benefit a better UNICEF's commitment to Belizeofdates backworld. to 1954. Environmental health, vector control, school feeding a primary school textbooks and supplies were part of our work in the country. The UNICEF office was establishe every child, a champion… yearFor Belize gained its independence.
Today UNICEF Belize focuses on survival, education and development, disparity reduction throug UNICEF's commitment toyoung Belizechild dates back to 1954. Environmental health, vector control, and participatory andof the protection of children against school feeding andgovernance, the provision primary school textbooks andviolence. supplies were part of our work inInthe country. with The UNICEF office was established in 1981, the same and yearpolicy Belize gained itsprovides inpartnership the Government of Belize, UNICEF promotes legislative reforms and dependence. Today UNICEF Belize focuses on young child survival, education development, of government and civil society organizations, to turn innovative ideas into reality. Inand shaping a Belize fit for c disparity reduction through policy investment and participatory governance, and the protection UNICEF has supported education efforts; early childhood development; legal and institutional reform; and s ofchild children against violence. In monitoring partnership with the Government of Belize, UNICEF promotes justice, data management, and evaluation. legislative and policy reforms and provides support to a variety of government and civil society UNICEF provides support to the Government of Belize in the implementation the National Plan of Acti organizations, to turn innovative ideas into reality. In shaping a Belize fit for of children and women, Childrenhas (NPA). Guided byeducation the Convention on the Rights of the Child, UNICEF is also committed to assisting Be UNICEF supported efforts; early childhood development; legal and institutional sustainable Goals by reform; and Development stronger systems for2030. child justice, data management, monitoring and evaluation. UNICEF provides support the Government of Belize inthe theOperations implementation of the National Under the supervision and to guidance of the Representative, Officer provides support in t Plan of Action for Families and Children (NPA). Guided by the Convention the Rights of the operational functions, Accountable for management of cost-effective, efficient andon secure operations, in supp Child, UNICEF is also committed toofassisting Belize in achieving the sustainable Development administration and implementation the country programmes, consistent with operations of all other co Goals by in 2030. the supervision ofand theinRepresentative, Operations OffiRegion, strictUnder compliance with the rulesand andguidance regulations accordance with the strategy, plans and decision cer provides support theCountry management of operational functions, for management Management Team in and Programme Management Teams. Accountable Collaborate with all other UN age ofimplementation cost-effective, of efficient and secure operations, in support of management, administration and the Harmonized Business practices in line within Reform/coherence. implementation of the country programmes, consistent with operations of all other country offices in the Region, in strict compliance with the rules and regulations and in accordance with For moreplans information on UNICEF’s workby in Regional Belize, go to: strategy, and decisions made Management Team and Country Programme Management Teams. Collaborate with all other UN agencies to accelerate implementation of the Harmonized Business in line within Reform/coherence. How can you make apractices difference?
We are looking for a dynamic and innovative Operations Officer to support UNICEF’s Belize programmes in th For more information on UNICEF’s work in Belize, go to:
Operations of financial, budget, information & communication technology, supply & logistics, h How administrative can you make a difference? management strengthened and maintained for Country Office.
Accurate and consistent interpretation and application of operations policy and procedures imple We are looking for a dynamic and innovative Operations Officer to support UNICEF’s Belize operations at the country and sub-country levels. programmes in the following areas: Fiduciary responsibility for funds and assets effectively secured and timely executed for optimum appropriate decision budget, on all operational financial transactions, disbursement of funds, • Operations of financial, informationand & communication technology, supply & logisarrangements. tics, human resource and administrative management strengthened and maintained for Country Office. Effective technical input provided in strategic planning and policy recommendations in the area o initiative in improving implementingand operations management systems.policy and proce• Accurate and consistentand interpretation application of operations Basic officetoservices effectively provided enhanceand staffsub-country safety and productivity. dures implemented support operations at thetocountry levels. •Fiduciary responsibility for of funds and assets effectively secured timely executed foras we Operations components the CPMP and annual work plan of theand office timely prepared, optimum utilization by taking appropriate decision on all operational and financial transactions, reporting requirements fully met for the office. disbursement of funds, andalladministrative arrangements. Compliance with operational systems and procedures effectively monitored and corrective • Effective technical input integrity providedininallstrategic policy recommendations appropriate to ensure financial planning and otherand administrative operations of thein offic the area ofpartners operations, taking initiative improving andand implementing operations management accountability ensuredinregarding supply financial assistance systems. • Basic office services effectively provided to enhance staff safety and productivity. • Operations components of the CPMP and annual work plan of the office timely prepared, as well as all operational reporting requirements fully met for the office. • Compliance with all operational systems and procedures effectively monitored and corrective measures taken as appropriate to ensure integrity in all financial and other administrative operations of the office. All implementing partners accountability ensured regarding supply and financial assistance • Staff learning/development for effective operations performance programme developed, implemented and enhanced for capacity building. • Effective coordination, communication, collaboration established and maintained with internal and external partners for efficient operations, advisory function, vision and leadership, policy coordination, consultative and participatory management process, external representation as well as security and emergency operations. UNDG policies and processes for harmonized business practices including on joint offices, commons premises and common services are effectively implemented To qualify as an advocate for every child, you will have… • University degree in accounting, business administration, economics or financial management and membership - or enrolled for membership - of recognized professional accountancy body. • One year of relevant professional work experience. (Five years work experience in office management, finance, accounting, ICT, human resources, support and administration will be an asset). • Experience working with NGO or international organization will be considered as an asset. • Staff supervision experience will be considered as an asset • Work experience in emergency duty station. • Fluency in English. Fluency in another UN language will be considered an asset. For every Child, you will demonstrate… Our core values of Commitment, Diversity and Integrity and core competencies in Communication, Working with People and Drive for Results. Closing date of submitting applications is 27th August, 2017. Late applications will not be considered and regret letters will only be sent to short-listed candidates. Please submit your application for this post by visiting our website: about/employ/?job=505931 UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages qualified candidates from all backgrounds to apply.
2017 2017
Por AGENCIAS / Washington 22 de Agosto de 2017 La sección The Fact Checker, cuya misión es detectar la veracidad o falsedad de las declaraciones de figuras públicas, catalogó un total de mil 57 casos en los que las afirmaciones del presidente Trump fueron mentirosas o engañosas, equivalente a 4.9 diarias. "En sus primeros seis meses, el presidente estaba promediando 4.6 falsedades al día, pero ha incrementado su ritmo. A este paso, el presidente no romperá la barrera de las dos mil falsedades en su primer año en el gobierno, pero aún faltan cinco meses y todo puede suceder", escribió su autor, Glen Kessler. The Fact Checker mide el nivel de falsedad de las declaraciones de políticos con la escala "Pinocho", que va del uno al cuatro. Trump ha obtenido el número máximo de "Pinochos" en varias ocasiones. De acuerdo con "The Washington Post", que mantiene un riguroso banco de datos de las declaraciones del presidente, los casos más recurrentes de declaraciones falsas o engañosas, tienen que ver con Obamacare o por darse crédito de logros que fueron hechos antes de que llegara a la Presidencia. La más recurrente declaración engañosa de Trump, repetida en El presidente Donald Trump ha pronunciado más de mil más de 50 ocasiones, ha sido según el diario la afirmación de que la Ley de Salud Asequible (ACA) del presidente Barack Obama es un declaraciones falsas o engañosas desde que asumió la "desastre total". presidencia el 20 de enero, lo que equivale a un promedio de "Falso", señaló el diario. "ACA no es un desastre total y se espera casi cinco al día, de acuerdo con una investigación de The que se mantenga estable por el futuro previsible, de acuerdo con la Washington Post. Oficina Presupuestal del Congreso". En segundo lugar, con 42 repeticiones, quedó la declaración presidencial de que convenció a Ford y a otras empresas de no construir plantas en países como México. "No tan rápido", concluyó el periódico. "Donald Trump sigue atribuyéndose crédito por decisiones de negocios hechas antes que asumiera el cargo y que no fueron cambiadas debido a su presidencia". En tercer sitio se ubicó la declaración presidencial de que le ahorró a los contribuyente estadunidenses 725 millones gracias a que negoció con el gigante aeronáutico Lockheed Martin el costo final del caza bombardero F-35. "The Washington Post" concluyó que eso fue una mentira porque el Pentágono anunció reducciones antes de que Trump se reuniera con el presidente de Lockheed Martin. En cuarto lugar se situó la afirmación de Trump de que eran "falsas" las notas informativas sobre la injerencia de Rusia en las elecciones y que los medios la inventaron porque estaban avergonzados de la derrota de Hillary Clinton. "Falso", indicó el Post toda vez que la comunidad de inteligencia divulgó un reporte expresando Roxana Cortés, de 34 años, "alta confianza" de que Rusia interfirió en las elecciones presidenciales del 8 de noviembre. expresentadora del inforFinalmente, The Washington Post calificó asimismo como una falsedad la declaración de Trump mativo del Canal 29 en la de que convenció a miembros de la Otán en aumentar sus contribuciones, pues el diario afirmó que las ciudad de Apopa. promesas de recursos habían sido hechas por esos países desde 2014.
Donald Trump ha obtenido el número máximo de "Pinochos" en varias ocasiones, según The Fact Checker
PRESUNTOS PANDILLEROS ASESINAN A EXPRESENTADORA DE NOTICIERO SALVADOREÑO Presuntos pandilleros asesinaron este martes a una expresentadora de un noticiero de un canal televisivo en la periferia norte de la capital salvadoreña, informó la policía.
Por AFP / El Salvador 22 de Agosto de 2017 Roxana Cortés, de 34 años, expresentadora del informativo del Canal 29 en la ciudad de Apopa (12 km al norte de San Salvador) , fue asesinada de varios disparos mientras hacia ejercicios a un costado de una carretera en las afueras de dicha localidad, explicó a la AFP un portavoz de la Policía Nacional Civil (PNC) . Según investigaciones preliminares de la Policía, “presuntos pandilleros” dispararon a la mujer desde un vehículo en marcha y luego huyeron. Tras dejar la televisora, Cortez abrió una pequeña tienda en Apopa, donde comerciaba productos de primera necesidad. Según las primeras investigaciones de la Policía, los pandilleros extorsionaban a la mujer para permitirle que su negocio siguiera funcionando y al parecer se había negado a seguir pagando a los delincuentes. En El Salvador, las maras o pandillas están integradas por más de 77 mil jóvenes y adultos, están establecidas en barrios y comunidades populosas y según las autoridades están involucradas en el narcotráfico, la extorsión y el crimen organizado. Las autoridades iniciaron una investigación para dar con los responsables del crimen, indicó la fuente. Las pandillas son consideradas por las autoridades como las principales generadoras de violencia criminal en el país. De enero a julio, El Salvador registró dos mil 92 homicidios, cifra menor a los tres mil 434 casos de igual período de 2016, según cifras oficiales. El Salvador es asediado por la Mara Salvatrucha (MS13) , el Barrio 18 y otras pandillas minoritarias que poseen más de 600 células en todo ese país y a las cuales el Gobierno atribuye la mayoría de los homicidios, que en el 2015 y el 2016 alcanzaron los 103 y 81.7 por cada 100 mil habitantes, respectivamente.
Mauricio López Bonilla es involucrado en nuevo caso de corrupción Tres personas capturadas y dos citadas, entre ellas el exministro de Gobernación, Mauricio López Bonilla, son el resultado de un operativo por un nuevo caso de corrupción investigado por autoridades.
Sindicados en un nuevo caso de corrupción por anomalías en contratos que hizo el Ministerio de Gobernación en 2014. Prensa Libre: Guatemala 22 de Agosto de 2017 Cinco allanamientos fueron ejecutados esta mañana coordinados por la Fiscalía contra la Corrupción, como parte del seguimiento a la investigación de un nuevo caso, derivado de la supuesta contratación anómala que hizo el Ministerio de Gobernación en 2014, a una empresa por equipos de cómputo. El hecho fue denunciado por la Contraloría General de Cuentas el 18 de febrero del 2016, en cuyo informe se detalla que se detectaron anomalías en cuanto
a la modalidad de contratación utilizada. López Bonilla en su llegada a la Torre de Tribunales dijo desconocer detalles sobre este nuevo caso, pero que no le sorprendía las nuevas acusaciones en su contra, las cuales calificó de “un espectáculo”. Investigación El Ministerio Público (MP) informó que las cinco personas estarían involucradas en la suscripción de un contrato anómalo en la gestión del Ministerio de Gobernación durante el periodo del Partido Patriota. Las anomalías denunciadas por la CGC señalaban la modal-
idad de contratación utilizada para el arrendamiento con opción de compra del equipo tipo appliance con supuesta tecnología para la planeación, gestión y análisis de recursos de gobierno y la automatización de procesos de gestión institucional. Según las investigaciones, el Ministerio de Gobernación pagó Q13 millones a la empresa que contrató, sin que la misma efectuara la entrega del equipo que se establecía en el contrato. Además se razona que la contratación se hizo por excepción, cuando por el monto del contrato, debió realizarse un proceso de licitación.
18 JAN
27 AUG 27
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Yuri Geovanni Masaya Masaya, director del Departamento de Prevención y Cumplimiento de la Intendencia de Verificación Especial (IVE) de la Superintendencia de Bancos (SIB), se entregó a la justicia por el caso del Banco de Comercio. Guatemala, Prensa Libre: 22 de Agosto de 2017 Masaya se presentó el pasado lunes al juzgado que giró la orden de captura en su contra, por lo que quedó detenido, mientras se lleva a cabo la audiencia de primera declaración. Con la detención del director de supervisión de la IVE, suman siete los detenidos por la acusación que señaló el Ministerio Público el pasado sábado de que personal de la SIB “se había aprovechado de sus cargos para modificar, ocultar y desviar información de las operaciones del Banco de Comercio”. Masaya ocupaba uno de los puestos más importantes en el organigrama de la IVE. La IVE es un tipo de unidad que internacionalmente se le conoce como Unidad de Análisis Financiero (UAF), de carácter administrativo, se rige según las disposiciones legales vigentes contra el delito de lavado de dinero u otros activos y para prevenir y reprimir el delito de financiamiento del terrorismo. Conocerá proceso Sergio Recinos, presidente en funciones de la Junta Monetaria y Banco de Guatemala, explicó este martes que se solicitó a la SIB un informe sobre la situación del Banco de Comercio, así como de los funcionarios detenidos el pasado sábado. “El proceso del banco de Comercio quedó liquidado en el 2007 con la creación de un fideicomiso de 25 años para la recuperación de activos”, afirmó Recinos luego de acudir a una citación al Congreso. La Junta Monetaria conocerá ese informe en la sesión programada para este miércoles. Capturas El pasado 19 de agosto, las autoridades capturaron a seis funcionarios y exfuncionarios de la Superintendencia de Bancos (SIB) y de la IVE, señalados de colaborar con directivos del Banco del Comercio para estafar a más de 12 mil personas.
La IVE funciona en el edificio de la Superintendencia de Bancos, en el Centro Cívico.
La Constituyente asume las competencias del Parlamento en Venezuela
El organismo que ahora rige Venezuela con poderes absolutos ha adoptado esas competencias, de un Parlamento que está controlado por los opositores de Nicolás Maduro La Asamblea Constituyente que rige Venezuela con poderes absolutos acordó, por unanimidad, asumir competencias del Parlamento controlado por la oposición, que aseguró desconocerá lo que denunció como su "disolución" impuesta por el presidente Nicolás Maduro. Reunida en sesión este pasado viernes, la Constituyente decidió que legislará en las materias para "garantizar la preservación de la paz, la seguridad, la soberanía, el sistema socioeconómico y financiero, los bienes del Estado y la preeminencia de los derechos de los venezolanos", según el decreto. El parlamento, llamado oficialmente Asamblea Nacional (AN) aseveró en Twitter que Maduro busca anularla a través de la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente (ANC); por lo que, según dijo, no reconoce ni acatará esa decisión, que calificó como un "golpe de estado". "La ANC es nula y sus actos ilegales e inconstitucionales. Decisión
de anulación no será acatada por AN, comunidad internacional o pueblo", agregó el Congreso, que convocó a sus seguidores y a miembros del cuerpo diplomático a una sesión para este mismo sábado. La Asamblea Constituyente debe redactar una nueva Carta Magna pero mandará en Venezuela por dos años como un "suprapoder", superando el período de Maduro, que finaliza en enero de 2019. El decreto, que incluye la potestad de dictar leyes, fue tomado en una sesión a la que se negó a asistir la junta directiva del Congreso, que había sido citada por la presidenta de la Constituyente, la excanciller Delcy Rodríguez. "¡No vamos a permitir más desviaciones de poder! (...) ¡Llegó la Constituyente a poner orden!",
advirtió Rodríguez antes de la lectura del dictamen. Rodríguez recordó que todos los poderes públicos están "subordinados" a la Constituyente, por lo que sus representantes, incluido Maduro, han comparecido ante ella desde se instaló el 4 de agosto. Excepto el Congreso. En una carta abierta, la junta directiva parlamentaria había señalado que consideraba nulo los "mandatos y todos los actos emanados" de la Constituyente, elegida el 30 de julio entre denuncias de fraude y desconocida por más de una docena de países latinoamericanos, Estados Unidos, la Unión Europea, la ONU y la OEA. "Todos los desmanes que ellos hacen en Venezuela pretenden suplirlos con la histeria internacional de los poderes fácticos mediáticos", comentó Rodríguez. Aunque la Constituyente asume facultades para legislar, Rodríguez descartó que se trate de una disolución del Parlamento. "No señor, los vagos tienen que trabajar. No está disuelta, vayan a trabajar y a cumplir la leyes de la República y tienen que respetar al poder constituyente originario", dijo. Amplio rechazo internacional A fines de marzo pasado, el Tribunal Supremo de
Justicia (TSJ), acusado por la oposición de servir al gobierno, había asumido funciones del Parlamento. Ello provocó amplio rechazo internacional, lo que lo hizo dar marcha atrás. Aunque la corte revirtió entonces su decisión, desató una ola de protestas que dejaron unos 125 muertos entre abril y julio. De todas formas, el TSJ considera nulas todas las decisiones del Congreso, tras declararlo en desacato desde que la oposición asumió en enero de 2016 el control del Legislativo. "Para los que andan chillando, la ANC no ha eliminado la AN, solo asume funciones de quienes se han colocado al margen de la Constitución", enfatizó el poderoso dirigente chavista y asambleísta, Diosdado Cabello. Según Rodríguez, la Constituyente "va a convivir" con el Congreso. Ambos órganos sesionan en el Palacio Legislativo, en salones diferentes. Hasta ahora no han coincidido. "Fraudulenta Constituyente decidió cerrar definitivamente la legítima Asamblea Nacional", escribió el líder opositor Henrique Capriles en Twitter, dirigiendo su mensaje a la comunidad internacional, la ONU y la OEA.
27 AUG
PUBLIC AUCTION SALE FOR ORANGE WALK DISTRICT Licensed Auctioneer NOEL J. CODD will sell the following properties on Monday August 28th, 2017 at the time and places mention below On site at 9:00a.m.
On site at 10:30a.m.
ALL THAT LOT PARCEL OR PIECE OF LAND BEING PARCEL 284/1, TRIAL FARM REG. SECTION BLOCK 4, O/ WALK. Property contains 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, Living and kitchen area. Property for Lisandro Vargas
All that lot, parcel or piece of land situated in Orange Walk Town. Being Parcel 3333, Block 4, Registration Section Orange Walk Town. The property holds an incomplete two-storey concrete building which measures 2,788 square-feet. The concrete structure is 60% complete. The Building contains 4bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a living-room, a kitchen and a dining area. Being the Freehold property of Enrique Patt and Nubia Patt.
On site at 9:30a.m.
On site at 11:00p.m.
On site at 1:00p.m.
All this parcel of piece of land in Orange Walk Town. Being Parcel 1123, Block 4, Registration Section Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District. This propery hold a concrete building which measures 1,282 square-feet. The building has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a living-room, a dining area and a laundry area. Being the freehold property of David Faber.
On site at 10:00a.m.
All that parcel or piece of land. Being parcel 1261/1, Block 4, Registration Section Ann Gabourel. The property holds a concrete building. The building has two bedrooms, a full bathroom, a living-room, a dining-room and a kitchen. Being the Leasehold property of Stephen Williams
On site at 2:15p.m.
On site at 1:15p.m. All that parcel or piece of land. Being Parcel 103, Block 4, Registration Section Orange Walk Town. The property holds a concrete house. The building measures approximately 1,200.00square-feet. It has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a living room, a kitchen and a dining area. Being the freehold property of Lucio Alcoser Jr. All that parcel or piece of land located on No.2 San Francisco Street, Orange Walk Town. Being Parcel 4386, Block 4, Registation Section Orange Walk Town. The lot holds a one and half storey concrete building. Which measures a gross floor of 2,414 square-feet of which 1,530 squarefeet is occupied as a residence. Beling the Freehold property of Jorge Urbina.
All that lot, parcel or piece of land in Orange Walk being Registration Section Orange Walk Town Block 4 Parcel 1911. Property contains 4 bedrooms, 2 Full bathrooms, Living, Kitchen and dining area. The building is also comprised of 1786 S.FT. Being the Fee Simple property of Ana B. Castillo.
On site at 2:00p.m.
On site at 1:30p.m. All that Lot, Parcel or Piece of Land, in Orange Walk Town. Being Parcel 2946, Block 4, Registration Section Orange Walk Town. The building measures 2,740 square-feet and it holds six bedrooms, two full bathrooms, two part baths, a living-room and dining area. Being the Freehold property of Sunil Talreja.
On site at 11:30p.m.
On site at 2:30p.m.
All that parcel or piece of land. Being Parcel 4096, Block 4, Registration Section Orange Walk Town. This lot is a large corner, double lot on the main road to San Lorenzo road. The property is just behind the hospital compound. The property holds a concreate two-story building. The building measures approximately 3,600 square-feet and it has 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen, dining and living-room area. Being the freehold property of Marlo Perera.
AT 3:00 P.M. IN FRONT SCOTIABANK (BELIZE) LTD. Orange Walk Branch On Monday August 28th, 2017
All that piece or parcel of land containing 645.890 s. m.3744 Cor. Palmar Boundary Road & Macal River Street, Orange Walk. The Subject Building comprises 1,360sft. The same is occupied as a family home of 2 bedrooms & 2 bathrooms, complete with kitchen, dining & living room spaces. Being the freehold property of Roger Tun.
All that lot or piece of land located in Louisiana Farm area. Being Lot No. 115, Block 4, Registration Section Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District. This Lot holds a Ferro-concrete one storey building that measures 1,000 square-feet. The building has two bedrooms, one bathroom, a kitchen, a living-room and a dining area. Being the Leasehold property of Rafael Novelo.
All that Lot, Parcel or Piece of land situated in Orange Walk District. Being Parcel 1381/1,Block 4, Registration Section Ann Gabourel , Orange Walk District. The building on the property is a concrete structure measuring 624.75 squarefeet. The building holds two bedrooms, one bath and a living/dining area and a kitchen. Being the Leasehold property of Ruben Portillo.
Continued on page 21
27 AUG
Continued from page 20 All that parcel or piece of land situated in Trial Farm. Being Parcel 351, Block 4, Registration Section Trial Farm. The property measures 1,666.62 square-meters. The property holds a one storey concrete with a gross floor area of 1,529 square-feet. The building has 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, a kitchen, dining and a living-room area. Being the Freehold property of Marciano Cowo.
THE BELIZE TIMES All that parcel of piece of land in San Jose/ San Pablo. Being Parcel 140/1, Block 1, Registration Section San Jose/ San Pablo. The property holds a concrete building and also a wooden building. The concrete building measures 594 square-feet and it has two bedrooms, one full bathroom, a living-room, a kitchen and a dining area. Being the Leasehold property of Bernardo Marin.
All that parcel or piece of land in Yo Creek Village. Being Parcel 140/, Block 4, Registration Section Yo Creek, Orange Walk District. The property holds a one-story concrete building that measures 1,362 square-feet. The family dwelling has 4 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, a kitchen, a dining and a living room area. Being the freehold property of Florention Cal.
All that parcel or piece of land. Being Parcel 417/1, Block 4, Registration Section Yo-Creek, Orange Walk District. The property holds a two-storey concrete building with a gross floor area measuring 1,944 square-feet. The building has 4bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a living-room, a kitchen and a dining area. Being the leasehold property of Teofilo Rejon.
All that piece or parcel of land containing 1045.045square meters being Lot 648 situated in Trial Farm village, Orange Walk District. Property is vacant lot. Being the Fee simple property of Melbourne Rodriguez.
All that parcel or piece of land in San Jose Village. Being Parcel 618, Block 1, Registration Section San Jose/ San Pablo, Orange Walk District. The property holds two structures. A comfy wooden structure and an incomplete cement structure. Being the Freehold property of Adrian Garcia.
All those parcels or two pieces of land in Tower Hill. Being Parcels 685 and 686, Block 4, Registration Section Tower Hill. The subject lots are cleared and a concrete two storey building measuring 1,800 square-feet sits on the property. Being the Freehold property of German Cob.
All that parcel or piece of land. Being Parcel 812/1, Block 4, Registration Section Tower Hill, Orange Walk District. The property is a vacant land and it measures approximately 28.36 acres. Being the leasehold property of Renei Tun.
All that parcel or piece of land. Being Parcel 483/1, Block 1, Registration Section Douglas Rural, Orange Walk District. The property holds a concrete building which measures 1,636 square-feet. The building has six bedrooms, two full bathrooms, a living-room, a kitchen and a dining area. Being the Leasehold property of Elvia Acosta.
Licensed Auctioneer Noel J. Codd will sell the following properties on Tuesday August 29th, 2017 at the time and places mention below All that lot, parcel or piece of land in On site at 9:00a.m. Corozal. Being Registration Section
ALL THAT piece or parcel being BLOCK 4 PARCEL 428/1 SAN JOSE/SAN PABLO REGISTRATION SECTION containing 1646.7 square meters being the Leasehold property of Miguel Briceno.
All that lot, piece or parcel of land being parcel 510/1. REGISTRATION SECTION: SAN JOSE/SAN PABLO BLOCK: 1 PARCEL: 510/1. The Building is a 2 bedroom bungalow house. Being the leasehold property of Edwin Patt
Corozal North, Block 1, Parcel 1982. The property contains two building. The main building contains 2 bedrooms, 1 full bathroom, a living room, a kitchen and a dining area. Being the Fee simple property of Robert and Elizabeth Cervera
All that Lot, Parcel or Piece of land in San Felipe. Being Parcel 463/1, Block 13, Registration Section San Felipe, Orange Walk District. The building on the property is a concrete bungalow structure which measures 805.5 square-meters. An incomplete extension is also on the property and it measures approximately 140 square-feet. Being the Leasehold property of Omar Mejia.
All that Lot, Parcel or Piece of land in Orange Walk District. Being Parcel 281, Block 1, Registration Section Ann Gabourel , Orange Walk District. The property is currently in its natural state approximately measuring 25 acres. Being the Freehold property of Santiago Rosado.
On site at 10:00a.m.
All that lot, piece or parcel of land being Block 1 Parcel 53 & 54 Corozal Central Registration Section. Building is 1615 square feet 2 storey building. Lot 53 houses a radio station and studio at the top and a television studio at the bottom. Lot 54 has an out toilet, concreted courtyard/dancehall with a portion of a kitchen/bar. Being the fee simple property of Leonardo Folgarait
On site at 9:30a.m.
All that parcel or piece of land situated in Corozal North. Being Parcel 1393/1, Block 1, Registration Section Corozal North, Corozal District. The property holds a concrete two-storey buildng with a gross floor of 2,111 square-feet. The first floor has three bedrooms, one bathroom, a living-room, a kitcken, a dining area, a laundry and storeage room. The second floor has one bedroom, one bathroom, a sitting/ roof patio area. Being the Freehold property of Ravey O Smith.
On site at 10:30a.m.
Continued on page 22
27 AUG
Continued from page 21
ALL THAT LOT, PARCEL OR PIECE OF LAND, BEING PARCEL # 31 Block 1, PARAISO/ SANTA RITA REGISTRATION SECTION. Building:2 ½ storey with 5,013 sq. ft. with Main:- 2,294 sq. ft 2 Bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, 1 part bath, with kitchen, dining and living room areas and laundry room. Second:2,077 sq. ft. 2 Bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, 1 part bath, with kitchen, dining and living room areas and laundry room. Third:-642 sq. ft. and is used as an additional living room space being the freehold of Ramesh Buxani Co Ltd
All that piece or parcel of land being Block 1, Parcel 13, Libertad Rural Registration Section. Land only. Being the fee simple property of Leonardo Folgarait
On site at 11:00a.m. All that lot, piece or parcel of land, in San Andres/ Ranchito. Being parcel 453, Block 1, Registration Section San Andres/ Ranchito . . The property comprises of 1128 Sq. Ft. and has 3 bedrooms, 1 full bathroom, living, Kitchen and dining area. Being the fee simple property of Patrick Smith.
All that parcel or piece of land. Being Parcel 66, Block 1, Registration Section Paraiso/ Santa Rita, Corozal District. The property is in its natural state. Being the freehold property of Guadalupe Rosado.
All that parcel or piece of land situated in Sarteneja. Being Parcel 833/1, Block 3, Registration Section Sarteneja, Corozal District. The land measures 849.30 square-meters. The property holds a concrete family bungalow with a gross floor of 921 square-feet. The building has two bedrooms, one bathroom, a kitchen, a living, a dining area, a front porch and a back porch. Being the Leasehold property of Guiermo Rodriquez.
On site at 11:30a.m.
All that parcel or piece of land in Paraiso/ Santa Rita. Being Parcel 177/1, Block 1, Registration Section Paraiso/ Santa Rita, Corozal District. The property holds a two-storey concrete building which measures 2,188 square-feet. The building has two bedrooms, one full bathroom, a living-room, a kitchen and a dining area. Being the Leasehold property of David Aguilar.
All that parcel or piece of land situated in San Andres/ Ranchito. Being Parcel 30, Block 1, Registration Section San Andres/ Ranchito. The property measures 6.19 acres. The property holds two family dwelling. The first concrete building measures 820 square-feet, it has two bedrooms, a bathroom, dining and living area. The second concrete building has four bedrooms, one bathroom, and measures 768 square-feet. Being the Freehold property Marcus Kingston.
AT 1:00 P.M. IN FRONT OF SCOTIABANK (Belize) LTD. Corozal Town Branch on Tuesday August 29th, 2017
All that parcel or piece of land in Libertad Village. Being Parcel 442/1, Block 1, Registration Section Libertad Village, Corozal District. The property holds a concrete building that measures 957 square-feet. The concrete structure has 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, a living-room, a kitchen and a dining area. Being the leasehold property of Enrique Montejo.
All that lot, parcel, or piece of land in Sarteneja being Registration Section Sarteneja Block 3 parcel 604/1. The house contains 2 bedrooms, 1 full bathroom, a living, a kitchen and a dining area and comprise of 954 sq. ft. Being the Leasehold property of Jael Cobb.
All that lot, piece or parcel of land, in Louisville. Being Parcel 1, Registration Section Louisville, Block 1, Corozal District. The building is 1051 square feet, it has 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, a living room, a kitchen and dining area. Being the Fee simple property of Saturnino Coba
ALL THAT piece or parcel of land containing 2995 sm being Block1 Parcel 141 San Andres/ Ranchito Registration Section. The Subject Property houses 3 structures. Building No.1 is 1,200sft. and is occupied as a 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom home complete with kitchen, dining & living room spaces. Building No.2: concrete two storey structure of 1,920sft. Each floor is a 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom space each with kitchen, dining & living room spaces. Building No. 3 is aq 1,200sft. structure with floor & walls in place only Freehold properties of Armando Martinez and Ervin Rancharan.
ALL THAT pieces or parcels of land being 1 Parcel 120 containing 50.2 acres Parcel 97 containing 14.798 acres, Parcel 95 containing 62.79 acres and Parcel 86 containing 88.16 acres situated in Libertad Rural Registration Section cane land only being the Freehold properties of Armando Martinez and Ervin Rancharan.
All that lot, piece or parcel being Block 1 Parcel 93 Libertad Rural Registration Section. Land only. Being the Fee simple property of Leonardo Folgarait
All that lot, piece or parcel of land being Block 1, parcels 302 Libertad Rural, Registration Section. Only being land is the fee simple property of Leonardo Folgarait
All that lot, parcel or piece of land in Libertad. Being Parcel 225, Block 1, Registration Section Libertad Rural. The property is land only. Being the Fee simple property of Leonardo Folgarait
All that lot, piece or parcel of land being Block 1 Parcel 221 Libertad Rural Registration Section. Building is 1410 square feet. Contains 2 bedrooms, 1 full bath, a living, kitchen and family room. Being the fee simple property of Leonardo Folgarait
All that parcel or piece of land. Being Parcel 441/1, Block 1, Registration Section Grants Land, Corozal District. The property measures 743.0 square-meters. The property holds an incomplete two- storey structure. The building has a gross square footage of 1,286 square-feet. The building comprises of three bedrooms, one bathroom, a living-room, a kitchen, a dining area, a covered entry veranda and a shed. Being the Leasehold property of Rogel Tzul.
Continued on page 27
27 AUG
Continued from page 22
PUBLIC AUCTION SALE All that parcel or piece of land situated in Sarteneja Village. Being Parcel 1022, Block 3, Registration Section Sarteneja. The property is a vacant land that measures 888.70 square-meters. Being the Freehold property of Elton Sosa.
All that parcel or piece of land in Chan Chen. Being Parcel 209/1, Block 1, Registration Section Chan Chen, Corozal District. The property holds a one-story building which measures 928 square-feet. The building has 2bedrooms, a living-room, a kitchen and 1 outhouse as a bathroom. Being the leasehold property of Lizandro Murray.
BY ORDER OF THE CHARGEE HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED, a Licensed Public Auctioneer will sell on site the following property at the time as listed. At No. 3196 Marciana Funes Street, Belize City on Wednesday September 6, 2017 at 10:00a.m.
SCHEDULE ALL THAT piece or parcel of land comprising 348.257 square metres being Parcel 3196, Block 16 in the Caribbean Shores/Belize Registration Section situate at No. 3196 Marciana Funes Street, Belama Phase III, Belize City, Belize TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon, the freehold property of LLOYD FORD JR.
DATED this 23rd day of August 2017 All sales are strictly cash and deemed final. For more information contact: All that parcel or piece of land situated in Carolina/ Calcutta. Being Parcel 339, Block 1, Registration Section Carolina/ Calcutta. The property holds a concrete building. The building has two bedrooms, a bathroom, a living-room, a kitchen and dining area. Being the Freehold property Luis Rosales.
ALL THAT LOT, PARCEL OR PIECE OF LAND, IN SAN ANDRES/RANCHITO being Registration Section San Andres/ Ranchito Block 1 Parcel 792 Corozal District. The building contains 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, living, and kitchen area being the Freehold of Jorge Zetina
HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED 1 HYDE’S LANE, BELIZE CITY, BELIZE Phone: (501) 224-5644 Fax: (501) 223-0738 Email:
NOTICE Bulk Global Limited #156, 286 (“the Company”)
All that parcel or piece of land in Chan Chen. Being Parcel 209/1, Block 1, Registration Section Chan Chen, Corozal District. The property holds a one-story building which measures 928 square-feet. The building has 2bedrooms, a living-room, a kitchen and 1 outhouse as a bathroom. Being the leasehold property of Lizandro Murray. All that parcel or piece of land. being Parcel 1458, Block 1, Registration Section Consejo Road S.E., Corozal District. The parcel is on Finca Solana Layout, Corozal. The lot has direct access to the street in the town’s network which is connected to the Northern Highway. The property is a vacant lot. Being the freehold property of Ian Glory.
Licensed Auctioneer Carmelita Village, Orange Walk District Tel: Office: 677-5184 cell: 624-5184
@Noel Codd Auctioneer
Pursuant to Section 102 (4) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2000, notice is hereby given that SALISBURY VENTURES CORP: a) Is in dissolution b) Commenced dissolution on the 17th day of August 2017; and c) ROBERTO GABRIEL RIVERO, whose address is Juana Azurduy 3431, Saavedra, Cuidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina is the Liquidator of the Company. CILTRUST International Limited Registered Agent
NOTICE Elmbrook Nominess Limited # 71,220 (“the Company”)
Pursuant to Section 102 (8) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2000, notice is hereby given that Elmbrook Nominess Limited has been dissolved as at 19th August , 2017 and has been struck off the Register of International Business Companies. CILTRUST INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Registered Agent
27 AUG