The Belize Times Established 1957
4 AUGUST 2019 | ISSUE NO: 5158
The Truth Shall Make You Free | $1.00
MONTERO AGAIN! Thursday, August 1, 2019 One month ago, Belizeans were taxed by this UDP administration through the Social Security Board (SSB), forced to pay much more in contributions because the fund was drying up. The nation was told that the SSB’s path was unsustainable, and that if there was no increase, it would mean dark days for the SSB, the end of an institution. The only resort, we were told, is that we needed to pay more. But if that is the case, then why is Social Security about to be raided for another $1.67M, a contract which the Ministry of Finance has verified will come from a GRANT from NHI funds managed by the SSB? In a memo from the Ministry of Finance, the Prime Minister’s Ministry, dated July 29, 2019, the Ministry “has no objection to the award of contract for the construction of the Central Medical Stores building in Belmopan to Joehann Construction and Engineering Limited.” Readers will recall that Joehann Construction and Engineering Limited is a company owned by the brother of Minister of Works Rene Montero, Rolando Montero. It is a company which has been in the spotlight before, since it was formed around the very same time that it was awarded a multi-million dollar contract for the construction of the municipal building which serves the Twin Towns. Now it will benefit from another contract, worth $1.67M, and we are told that this money will come from SSB monies allocated for National health Insurance. But it gets worse. A source from the SSB has told the Belize Times that it is illegal for NHI money to be used for any other purpose other than the Insurance scheme. The source claims that any such application for the use of the funds would have to go before the Board of Social Security for approval, and this newspaper has been able to confirm that no such application for the use of those funds has gone before the Board. The leader of the People’s United Party, Hon. John Briceño has written to the Minister of Finance, the Prime Minister, demanding an explanation for this proposed illegality. In his urgent letter dated today, Briceño states – “I bring to your attention that the letter and spirit of this law do not allow for this. The provisions are clear that the NHI funds can only be used for NHI services and/or NHI related expenses. The construction of this building
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MONTERO AGAIN! Continued from page 1 does not, in my opinion, fall under any of these. Moreover, the Belize Social Security Board does not have the statutory authority to use these funds in this way and, if allowed, would be in contravention of the legislation.” If a copy of the memo from the Ministry of Finance had not been leaked, there is no doubt that the monies, $1.67M, would have been spent with no legal approval or authority – just another contract to a UDP crony, as has become the hallmark of the Barrow administration. The people of Belize cannot
The United Democratic Party LOST the 2019 Village Council Elections(VCE) by a margin of 22 Chairpersons. In the Village of La Gracia, Cayo District, located in the Cayo Central voting constituency of the Minister of Agriculture, Rene Montero, the UDP lost. The Chairmanship was won by a PUP, Walter Zepeda, with a 63 to 45 score. The PUP councillors won by an average difference of 18 also. Small Village but powerful at sending messages. The rejection was a bitter blow to the incumbent’s ego. ‘How dare the people vote against the UDP?’, might be Montero’s mind-set. Montero’s self-evaluation is that he has shared the wealth fairly. The people’s evaluation is an unmistakable rejection of Montero, the UDP, Dean Barrow, and any imaginary item to come. On July 29, 2019, the media is rocked with videos showing a police-vehicle-transported surveyor and equipment were in the bushes of La Gracia Village territory. Police and surveyor did not have the grace to announce themselves with the village chairman. The village men and women armed with sharp machetes and well-charged
and will not stand for the abuse of its monies to continue to enrich the UDP fat cats. Just weeks ago, the nation was told that we would have to pay more from our pockets to bail out the Social Security Board, because that entity could not continue to sustain itself. Yet, that same entity continues to be plundered by this administration for its own political gain. It is time to take a stand against the UDP. We must continue to monitor this issue to ensure that the UDP does not find a way to access the $1.67M for an unnecessary, bloated contract. The UDP corruption MUST be brought to an end.
SANCTUARY BAY SAGA: PELAYO AND THE CENTRAL BANK FTC Findings:… an email chain in which Ricardo Pelayo, AIB’s CEO, to Chadwick in which he passes on praise for the quality of the Sanctuary Belize Enterprise’s marketing and asks for support in marketing his own resort. Luke Chadwick then forwards the email to Andris Pukke, asking Pukke to support the marketing for Pelayo’s resort. Andris Pukke and his Sanctuary Belize Enterprises(SBE) co-defendants go to trial January 21, 2020. Your bet is as good as mine when it will go to judgement. Maybe during its deliberation, Belizeans will also be deliberating on our own Decision 2020. While SBE is litigating, Belizean ears will be ringing. Our good name will be uttered in a Maryland court on a daily basis. Some Belizean citizen’s names might also be uttered. While we wait for that and the illusive Settlement approval by FTC commissioners, inquiring minds will want to know. The ex-CEO of Atlantic Bank International Bank(AIBL) seemed to instantaneously resign from his post after the late 2018 FTC’s last straw announcement—that AIBL had facilitated the Sanctuary Bay scam and the duping of mostly retiree Americans of tens of millions of dollars. Ricardo ‘Rico’ Pelayo
seems to have had a rags to riches fairy-tale story post-resignation. One day he is a bank teller climbs the proverbial ladder and thereafter he is co-owner (Along with Senator Aldo Salazar) of a skyrise (for Belizean standards) edifice. They say Amber Sunset is beautiful. Mr. Pelayo should have never been in this position given that he was at the Central Bank before. He worked for the entity in Belize that knows all the ins and outs of compliance. So even though he knows the macro prudential standards that govern financial institutions why did he act unethically? FTC: Atlantic International Corporate Services (“AICS”) (which creates offshore entities); Atlantic Insurance Company (“AIC”); Professional Advisory Services Ltd. (“PASL”), a law firm Salazar uses (and half-owned by AIB CEO Ricardo Pelayo);164 and Belize Premier Accounting Services (“BPAS”), an accounting firm also half-owned by Pelayo. Most of this could have been a private matter and not public but it has become such since our banks may have been placed in peril for the sake of a few. Little by little this will unravel and word is that there is much to know about other entities that surround SBE. We only want the public to know and the only one here that is first is Belize. ONLY FULL DISCLOSURE can be in the public’s interest even if it means grand resignations.
United States
on page 31 ExchangeContinued rate (USD): $ 0.50 of One Belize Dollar
Barbados (BBD): $ 0.97
The Port Authority has imposed a new Tax/Fee/Charge whatever they would like to say but it is a new hit to the Belizean worker. July 1 is Social Security and August 1 is shilling or a dollar or two. It is definitely a burden on Water Taxi commuters. At this stage, every dollar counts and it is painful to hear that in a month it will mean an extra 20 dollars and if you have a family you can multiply it by every person. Most likely if you ask the Prime Minister, he will say that this has nothing to do with the Ministry of Finance. He would also say that all he does is take care of the kickback budget and who cannot afford it probably should not be travelling in a boat. We are in a super sad state of affairs. Any tax eventually finds its way to every pocket. So if you do not travel in a boat this tax will come out of everyone’s pocket indirectly. What they do not say is that most likely this had to do with mismanagement or pilfering at some level and, now, instead of taking the blame and resigning, they just pass it on to the consumers. Something has got to give. Belize will not be able to take it much more.
Eastern Caribbean Euro (XCD):$ 1.32 (EUR) : $ 0.43
cell phones, respectively, headed out in defence of their livelihood. Video showed the men walked a picado directly to where the surveyor and police “worked”.The instruction by the villagers was clear: leave now or we will take you out. The villagers explained to the surveyor and police that the only reason this is happening was due to the fact that the UDP lost the VCE and that La Gracia voted PUP—with pleasure. The moment was tense! It was a standoff that could have ended up badly for everyone. But cool head prevailed, thanks God. The message was sent. The surveyor obviously didn’t expect such a reception. He packed up his tripod and equipment and exited via the picado unto the Police vehicle which reversed out after claiming a flat tire. Questions: Who was the land being surveyed for? What does the Minister of Natural Resources know about this? What does the Commissioner of Police know? The peasant revolution brandished by the PUP is a peaceful one as endorsed by George Price. No one should mistake the resolve of the PUP in ridding Belize of the present corruption-laden government. Leave La Gracia in the peace that they know. They simply want to enjoy their blessings. La Gracia has given the Prime Minister a lesson of how to use a machete to nip out corruption when it rears its ugly head.
The Belize Times
Established 1957
14 APR 2013
ISSUE NO: 4840
The Truth Shall Make You Free
serving Belize since 1957 as the longest continuous newspaper. Founder: Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus OFFICE MANAGER
Fay Castillo EDITOR
José Jiménez
Chris Williams
Roberto Peyrefitte Printed and Published By TIMES NEWSPAPER LTD. Tel: 671-8385 #3 Queen Street P.O. BOX 506 Belize City, Belize
Sterling Pound Guatemala Quetzal CANADIAN DOLLAR CHINESE YUAN (GBP): $ 0.37 (GTQ): $ 3.71 (CNY): $ 3.28 (CAD): $ 0.65
Trinidadian (TTD) : $ 3.26
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here are so very many issues plaguing our nation recently. Belizeans at home and in the diaspora are reeling as scandal after scandal rocks our nation to the core. It is unacceptable that The Red Devil in his characteristic sesquipedalian loquaciousness habitually employs slurs to demean and humiliate Belizeans he considers beneath his lofty social, economic and intellectual standing. Therefore, while it is certainly disappointing, it comes as no surprise that those in his administration follow his insalubrious example. We refer to Commissioner of Police Chester Williams, of course, who recently questioned “who raised these little monsters?” The answer we feel is best summed in the old African proverb “It takes a Village to Raise a Child.” Therefore it is safe to say dear COMPOL, that the behavior of our youth are a direct result of the questionable role models and the experience of their grim existence. The burden of responsibility must not be entirely placed on the backs of the parents. The GOB has failed utterly in providing food security, employment, opportunities for education, and most importantly it has failed to provide law and order. This generation of young people witness daily the despicable acts of corruption and heinous crimes that go unpunished. Belizean youths observe the impunity granted to certain privileged members of society. They are aware that they do not enjoy the same and are, in fact, targeted because of their socio-economic background and discriminated against because of the geographic area where they reside. After ten long years it has finally dawned upon the MOH that about half of children in this country experience hunger and malnutrition. The minister has recently been made aware that about 16% of indigenous children in the Toledo district, another group of marginalized Belizeans, suffer stunting as a consequence of malnutrition. These are facts that the Borgen Project concluded four years ago in 2015. Many children must scrape and scratch to survive in Belize. It is not only in the Old Capital, poverty is rampant in the rural communities as well. There are many who are not fortunate to have good mentors and role models in their communities to emulate. Once upon a time the youths in Belize City thought the COMPOL was such a mentor. Lately, it seems he too has forgotten his humble beginnings and turned against them. There are many monsters in our midst to be sure. The Police Department with very little effort could easily discover and charge them. While we patiently wait to see if the real monsters are discovered and exposed, it is anyone’s guess when the Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) will weigh in on the Sanctuary Bay Saga. The BCCI is known to speak out on matters of public importance but our guess is that they will continue to remain conveniently silent as long as at the apex of this organization there is a genealogical relation with the co-owners/shareholders of Sanctuary Bay and the GOB. The BCCI has also remained suspiciously quiet on the matter of the increments in social security contributions. Dear Belizeans, we must remain alert to the intricacies of the web of deceit and lies that The Red Devil and his minions have woven. The web is unraveling slowly but oh so surely. The day draws ever near, when we will clearly see all the monsters in our midst in their true light.
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en Español
ay muchos problemas que recientemente asolan a nuestra nación. Los beliceños en casa y en la diáspora se devanan ante el escándalo tras escándalo que sacude a nuestra nación hasta sus entrañas. Es inaceptable que el Diablo Rojo en su característica locuacidad sesquipedal emplee habitualmente calumnias para degradar y humillar a los beliceños que considera por debajo de su elevada posición social, económica e intelectual. Por lo tanto, si bien es ciertamente decepcionante, no es de extrañar que los de su administración sigan su insalubre ejemplo. Nos referimos al comisario de Policía (COMPOL) Chester Williams, por supuesto, quien recientemente cuestionó “¿quién crio a estos pequeños monstruos?” Creemos que la respuesta se resume mejor en el viejo proverbio africano “Se necesita un pueblo para criar a un niño”. Por lo tanto, es seguro decir, querido COMPOL, que el comportamiento de nuestra juventud es un resultado directo de los cuestionables modelos a seguir y de la experiencia de su sombría existencia. La carga de responsabilidad no debe ser puesta enteramente sobre las espaldas de los padres. El Gobierno de Belice (GOB, en inglés) ha fracasado totalmente en lo que respecta a la seguridad alimentaria, empleo, oportunidades para la educación y, lo que es más importante, no ha podido proporcionar el orden público. Esta generación de jóvenes presencia diariamente los despreciables actos de corrupción y crímenes atroces que quedan impunes. Los jóvenes beliceños observan la impunidad otorgada a ciertos miembros privilegiados de la sociedad. Están conscientes de que no disfrutan de lo mismo y que, de hecho, son blancos de ataques debido a su origen socioeconómico y discriminados por el área geográfica donde residen. Después de diez largos años, finalmente el ministerio de salud (MOH, en inglés) se ha dado cuenta que alrededor de la mitad de los niños en este país experimentan hambre y desnutrición. Recientemente se le ha informado al Ministro de que alrededor del 16% de los niños indígenas del distrito de Toledo, otro grupo de beliceños marginados, sufren retraso en el crecimiento como consecuencia de la desnutrición. Estos son hechos que el Proyecto Borgen concluyó hace cuatro años en 2015. Mientras esperamos pacientemente ver si los monstruos verdaderos son descubiertos y expuestos, la incógnita es cuando la Cámara de Comercio e Industria de Belice (BCCI, en inglés) opinara sobre la Saga del Sanctuary Bay. La BCCI es conocida por pronunciarse sobre asuntos de importancia pública, pero nuestra suposición es que continuarán permaneciendo convenientemente en silencio mientras que en la cúspide de esta organización haya una relación genealógica con los copropietarios/accionistas de Sanctuary Bay y el GOB. La BCCI también ha permanecido sospechosamente tranquila en cuanto a los incrementos en las cotizaciones a la seguridad social. Queridos beliceños, debemos permanecer alerta a las complejidades de la red del engaño y mentiras que El Diablo Rojo y sus secuaces han tejido. La trama se está desentrañando lentamente, pero de manera tan segura. El día se acerca cada vez más, cuando veremos claramente a todos los monstruos en nuestro medio en su verdadera luz.
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QUESTIONS TO THE MINISTERS 1. Will the Minister of Finance please inform Belizeans why was there the need for a limited tender to be granted for the construction of a building costing 1.6 million dollars for a storeroom for medicine? What was so important about this contract that we could not wait for the appointment of a contractor general? 2. Would the Prime Minister say if, in his opinion, it is a serious conflict of interest for the family member of a minister to be granted a contract under a limited tender and if this is, in any way, in contradiction to his promise to the Belizean people of not tolerating even the whiff of corruption? 3. Considering that there is a consistent shortage of medical supplies in the nation, will the Minister of Health please inform Belizeans what need and what he intends to store in a 1.6 million-dollar storeroom for medicines? And will the Minister of Health also say if some of the $1.6 million dollars being spent on a storeroom could have been better spent in modernizing and equipping all our hospitals with proper morgues? 4. Will the Minister responsible for Lands please say if he authorized the surveying of lands in or around the village of La Gracia and will Minister Hugo Patt also say whether it is standard practice for surveyors to be provided with armed police officers when they go out to survey lands? 5. Will the Minister of Foreign Affairs please say if the announcement that the government would seek the support of the International Court of Justice to get a ruling to get provisional measures on the Sarstoon to stop Guatemalan soldiers from their actions in harassing Belizeans on the Sarstoon has been halted? And will the Minister also say, in light of his comments to Channel 5, that the promise by the Prime Minister to seek provisional measures was merely a political gimmick to win support for the ICJ?
BY ORDER OF CHARGEE NOTICE OF INTENTION TO SELL HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED a statutory body formed and registered under the Credit Union Act, Chapter 314 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2000, and whose registered office is situated at No. 1 Hyde’s Lane, Belize City, Belize District hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Chargee under and by virtue of a Charge registered at the Land Registry between LUIS ALONSO SALAZAR of the one part and HRCU of the other part. HRCU will at the expiration of three months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the Schedule below. ALL offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing to Holy Redeemer Credit Union Limited from whom full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained.
SCHEDULE ALL THAT piece or parcel of land comprising 1166.54 square yards being Parcel 332, Block 4 in the San Jose Palmar Registration Section TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon, the freehold property of LUIS ALONSO SALAZAR DATED this 1st day of August 2019 HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED 1 HYDE’S LANE, BELIZE CITY, BELIZE Phone: (501) 224-5644 Fax: (501) 223-0738 E-mail:
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The United Democratic Party has already fallen off the political cliff and are now they are grabbing at the straws falling down beside them in an obviously futile effort to regain 2008 electricity. Their excuse for getting soundly trounced at the Village Council polls is fraud. Really??... yes, it has been said by desperate UDP operatives. Our village residents who voted UDP are sorry for wasting their vote. The PUP welcomes them since for us Belizeans are first. We are not like the UDP demi-Kings. The Belizean Millennials will not remember ‘Five years dah Five Years’ or the VAT or SIS. All of these have their place in the inglorious UDP political history. These memories might still be relevant since they are being resurrected by the UDP as they are grabbing at straws trying anything to save their political fate. But, the Village Council Elections is the survey of surveys and the results are written all over the proverbial and FB walls. The UDP is done not only Castro, not only Montero, the entire UDP cadre is finished. In 1998, the UDP were reigning and were unpopular beyond statistics. The defacto PM famously grabbed on to law and advised the PM to spite Belize and hold on to power up to the very last seconds. The people castigated them without mercy and at the 1998 elections they won ONLY three seats. The UDP seemed to have learned their lesson well as in 2012 and 2015 they did not wait for the five years, not even close. This, thus, makes the UDP, have at this moment three incomplete administrations. Are they repeating 1998? It would be so unfair to Belize. Did they learn their 1998 lesson well? Note: I did NOT say that the UDP are incompetent or that they lie.
EMANCIPATION DAY MESSAGE Hon. John Briceño Leader: People’s United Party I greet Belizeans everywhere on this Emancipation Day in the spirit of freedom. Emancipation Day allows us the chance to reflect on what was lost because of slavery and the perseverance of our ancestors which we now see in our generation of freedom loving people. Because of the courage of our ancestors, we stand today free from the bondage of slavery and strong in our conviction that this should never happen again. The ending of the evils of human enslavement is, however, only a part of the struggle to free ourselves from the bigotry and injustices of our time. Poverty and other forms of modern day oppression remain our unfinished task. We must therefore remain committed to the enhancement of equality and to the achievement of social, economic and environmental justice. So while we celebrate Thomas Buxton’s Bill of 1833, which resulted in the Emancipation Proclamation of August 1834, let us commit to the work ahead, which includes ending all forms of oppression and tyranny and let us dedicate ourselves to the task of building a Belize that works for everyone! Happy Emancipation Day!
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BELLY of the
Disgrace Even as Belizeans struggle to pay the increase in contributions demanded by the UDP run SSB, that entity continues to be used as a cash cow for political projects. This time it is $1.6M that the government wants to sneak into the pockets of Rolando Montero, brother of UDP Minister Rene Montero. The wutless bunch tried to pull a fast one, claiming that the money would be paid out of NHI funds managed by the SSB. But check this out. The government cannot touch NHI funds just like that, and now the cat is out of the bag. A document leaked this week shows that the $1.6M was a done deal, according to the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Finance. If a friend at very high levels in the PM’s Ministry hadn’t raised a stink, this one would have gone just like that. But now the problem is that Minister Montero’s brother has already been promised the $1.6M –so where is that money going to come from? We’ll keep following this one, because no matter how much they hustle it is ALWAYS the people that pay. ALWAYS. Victory On behalf of our leader and the Party, we thank all Belizeans who came out during Village Council elections to send a message to the UDP that it is time for them to go. It was a resounding victory for the PUP, and clear sign that the people are ready to return the PUP to office to right the wrongs of this administration led by the lame-duck, bad-back Barrow. They can try to spin this all they like, but the truth is the truth, and the writing is on the wall. The people of our rural communities all across this country have announced, in convincing fashion, that they are tired of the UDP. As it is said, so shall it be done! Sanctuary Bay The PUP is forced to concede that the UDP did win convincingly in one community – you know, that one down South somewhere. It’s called Sanctuary Bay. Thanks to the work put in by the Prime Minister and a lot of his rich and privileged friends who are no friends of the FTC, the UDP won Sanctuary Bay without contest. We won’t even begin to claim that one. Between us political friends, we hear that there’s another FTC rocket aimed at the Prime Minister which will blow this scam wide open again. But we’ve been asked to keep that one quiet for now. Wait for it. Porky Pig The pot-bellied Minister of National Insecurity has done what he does best – blame the media for the murder and violence and mayhem plaguing the country. In a press release issued on Wednesday, Mason’s best friend says that in reporting the 18 murders for the month of June, the media mistakenly gave the impression that crime is out of control, and people might mistakenly get the impression that the Ministry and Police are not in control. Jesus forget the wheel – please take that whole man because he desperately needs an intervention. We don’t know if he is still tipsy from all those drinks he took at Mason’s house when he used to hang out there, but there’s something definitely not right with the man who says he wants to be the next Prime Minister of this country. In just the time he took to write that release from his insecurity Ministry, three more bodies were found. That’s how safe Belize is right now. Insomnia There are reliable reports from the Minister’s inner circle that as his buddy Mason’s trial draws closer to an end, he has been unable to sleep. A close friend of the man who used to do sleepovers at Mason’s house confided that he has taken to drinking more at night so that he can find some peace and get some rest. We at the Belize Times almost feel sorry for him. Actually no we don’t. He is the one who allowed his friend and business partner Danny Mason to walk around like he was king, Police guard and everything. We figure he’s terrified at what will come out if Mason is ever put on the stand, and that seems likely to happen since the Prosecution has closed its case. Mason, who was thrown under the proverbial bus by the Minister, may now feel inclined to say who he called for help the night the head of poor Pastor Lucas was found? Who was this powerful friend that Mason called when his back was against the wall? We can’t wait to find out.
For Sale By Order of the Mortgagee Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Mortgage made the 25th day of April, 2006, between ORVILLE MELENDREZ and CYNTHIA MELENDRED both of Hattieville Village, Belize District, Belize (hereinafter called “the Borrower”) of the one part and SCOTIABANK (BELIZE) LIMITED (hereinafter called “the Bank”) of the other part, and recorded in Deeds Book Volume 14 of 2006 at Folios 103-134, the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the schedule hereto. All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. SCHEDULE ALL THAT leasehold interest in all that lot, piece and parcel of land being Lot NO. 379 situate in the Belizean American Area, Hattieville Village, Belize District, Belize and bounded as follows:On the Northeast for 30.476 metres by Lot No. 380; On the Southeast for 23.381 metres by now or formerly national lands; On the Southwest for 27.429 metres by a street; On the Northwest for 4.309 metres by a truncation; On the Northwest for 20.334 metres by a street, containing 708.094 square meters of land as shown on Entry No. 2301 at the Office of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. DATED this 19th day of July, 2019 MUSA & BALDERAMOS LLP 91 North Front Street Belize City Attorneys-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.
For Sale By Order of the Mortgagee Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Mortgage made the 12th day of March, 2014, between ELIZABETH MYERS of 57 Plues Street, Belize City, Belize District, Belize (hereinafter called “the Mortgagor”) of the one part and THE BANK OF NOVASCOTIA (hereinafter called “the Bank”) of the other part, and recorded in Deeds Book Volume 25 of 1998 at Folios 349-372, the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the schedule hereto. All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. SCHEDULE ALL THAT leasehold interest in all that piece and parcel of land being Lot NO. 221 situate in Seine Bight Village, Stann Creek District, Belize and bounded as follows:On the East for 55.26 feet by Lot No. 222; On the Southeast for 60.78 feet by 66 feet Reserve; On the West for 60.00 feet by a 66 feet Road Reserve; On the Northwest for 60.21 feet by A street containing 384.19 S.Y as shown on Plan No. 1175 at the Office of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. DATED this 24th day of July, 2019 MUSA & BALDERAMOS LLP 91 North Front Street Belize City Attorneys-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.
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July 31, 2019 Belize Times Another woman lost her life as a result of Domestic Violence. Geraldine Flowers, 41 year old, was fatally shot by her jealous ex-boyfriend. The incident happened early Sunday Morning at her home located in the New Site Area, Dangriga. Flowers ex-boyfriend showed up and the two got into an argument which ended up in Flowers being murdered. When her cousin who was staying with her at the time came to her defense, he too was shot and stabbed. He is recovering from his injuries at the KHMH. This was not the first time that Flowers had to endure violence at the hands of her ex-boyfriend. At the start of 2019, as Belizeans were ringing in the New Year they were hit with the sad news of five murders, one was Anita Pineda, mother, 37 year old, who had been murdered by her ex-common law husband, 35 year old, Angel Reuben Cassasola. According to reports Pineda was suffering years of abuse at the hands of her common-law-husband. Domestic violence is not physical violence alone, but is any behavior which is sexual, emotional, psychological or financial abuse, committed by a person against a spouse, child, de facto spouse, or any other person who is a member of the household of the applicant or the respondent. According to a study done by the Women’s Commission, majority of cases of domestic violence goes unreported, and the number of cases are believed to be far higher. Crime statistics provided by the Belize Police Department indicated that between 2006 and 2014 there were 96 cases of femicides, which averages to 10.6 females per annum. The highest being in Belize, Cayo and Orange Walk District. In January of 2019, in speaking at a Conference on Domestic Violence, Commissioner of Police Chester Williams said that the Belize Police Department is working
on a domestic violence protocol. This protocol will entail that once a domestic abuse victims goes to make an official recorded statement, court action will be taken. No longer will a domestic abuse victim be allowed to withdraw their statement. If a victim does not want court action, he/she must appear before the magistrate and make that request. Also, under this protocol, the Police Family Domestic unit will be moved from inside the police compound to an indepen-
2019 dent location. Among other staff, the unit will have its own in-house gynecologist, counselor and psychologist. This unit is expected to be up and running sometime soon. In May, 2019, 31 year old, Francisca Caceres Duarte, a Honduran national, was fatally shot by her common-law husband, Andrew Caliz inside their bedroom at their home. According to sources the relationship was troubled. There are several resources available to women who suffer domestic violence. These includes among several others Non-Governmental Organizations, safe homes, the family domestic violence unit that operates 24 hours and the Women’s Commission. The PUP is very concerned that our women and girls are in harm’s way and will do the utmost to curb this plight.///
PUBLIC AUCTION SALE ** Second Publication ** BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED, a Licensed Public Auctioneer will sell the following property at the place and time as listed. At the Parking Lot across the street from the office of Holy Redeemer Credit Union Limited, No. 1 Hyde’s Lane, Belize City on Thursday August 8, 2019 at 10:00a.m. SCHEDULE
ALL THAT piece or parcel or block of land situate in Crooked Tree Village, Belize District being such land comprised in Minister’s Fiat Grant No. 235 of 2000 dated 2nd April 2000 and more particularly shown and delineated on a Plan of Survey by J. V. Hyde, Licensed Land Surveyor, recorded at the Office of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys, Belmopan City, Cayo District as entry Plan No. 3357 consisting of 3.906 Acres of unoccupied land filled with fruit trees such as mango and cashew and other vegetation ready for construction with good potential the freehold property of JACINTO LUNA
DATED this 25th day of July 2019
Vacancy Donaire’s Dental Laboratory needs a Caretaker person. Interested persons can walk in or call 630-2405 for more information.
LIQUOR LICENSE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Alfonso Evan Witz Jr. is applying for a Malt & Cider Liquor License to be operated at ”The Pit Stop Belize City” located at # 5944 Buttonwood Bay Blvd., Belize City, Belize District, under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
All sales are strictly cash and deemed final. For more information contact: HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED 1 HYDE’S LANE, BELIZE CITY, BELIZE Phone: (501) 224-5644 Fax: (501) 223-0738 Email:
Danny Mason Trial Prosecution Case
August 1, 2019 The prosecution under the direction of the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) Chery-Lynn Vidal wrapped up its side of the case regarding the murder of Pastor Llewellyn Lucas. The final prosecution witness testified yesterday. Yesterday retired Assistant Commissioner of Police Russel Blackett was called to testify. Following his testimony the lead investigator was called to the stand. The Lead Investigator told the court that he was following up on a robbery at the Income Tax Department which led to 4 male persons by the name of William “Danny” Mason, Ashton Vanegas, Keron Fernandez, Terrence Fernandez, and Ernest Castillo. The Lead Investigator told the court that the men pursued all attempts to avoid authorities from searching the vehicle. He called for backup where he was assisted in detaining the men. He was able to do a search of the back of the pickup which led to the discovery of a bucket. Inside he observed what appeared to be a human head with duct tape from the mouth to the lower chin, and a blue bandana around
NOTICE KING CROWN ONLINE SERVICES LTD. IBC # 99,616 (“the Company”) Pursuant to Section 102 (4) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011, notice is hereby given that KING CROWN ONLINE SERVICES LTD.: a) Is in dissolution b) Commenced dissolution on the 29th day of July, 2019; and c) CILTrust International Inc. of No. 35 Barrack Road, Third Floor, Belize City, Belize, Central America, is the Liquidator of the Company. CILTrust International Limited Registered Agent
the neck. The Lead Investigator said Mason aware of his discovery upon which Mason indicated, “ I don’t know who that is”. During Wednesday’s court hearings site visits were made to Mason’s Intelco Hill property, his Outback Ranch, and the establishment that was once known as Sancho’s Bar. The case has been adjourned and will resume on September 2nd where the defense will make its case. The Minister has another month to wait on if Mason will take the stand.///
NOTICE REYDEL HOLDINGS LTD. IBC# 25,161 (“the Company”) Pursuant to Section 102 (8) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011, notice is hereby given that REYDEL HOLDINGS LTD. has been dissolved as at July 26 th, 2019 and has been struck off the Register of International Business Companies.
The TEN STEPS to Successful Breastfeeding CILTrust International Limited Registered Agent
World Breastfeeding Week 2019
began on Thursday, 1 August and ends on Wednesday, 7 August World Breastfeeding Week (WBW) is an annual celebration which is being held every year from 1 to 7 August in more than 120 countries. According to the 26 August data of WBW website, 540 events have been held worldwide by more than 79 countries with 488 organizations and 406,620 participants for the World Breastfeeding Week 2010. Being organized by WABA, WHO and UNICEF, WBW came up with the goal to promote exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life which yields tremendous health benefits, providing critical nutrients, protection from deadly diseases such as pneumonia and fostering growth and development for the first time in 1991. World Breastfeeding Week STAFF COMPETENCY ANTENATAL CAREwas first celebrated in 1992 by World Alliance Hospitals support mothers to breastfeed Hospitals support mothers to breastfeed by... by... for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) and is Assessing health Training staff on knowledge nowsupporting observed in overworkers’ 120 countries by IMPORTANCEmothers OF and Discussing skills to BREASTFEEDING breastfeed the importance of UNICEF, WHO and their partners includbreastfeeding babies and ing individuals, organizations,forand governmothers ments. WABA itself have been formed on 14 February 1991 with the goal to re-establish a global breastfeeding culture Preparing and women in how to feed their provide support for breastfeeding everybaby where. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) emphasize the value of breastfeed-
Hospitals support mothers to breastfeed Hospitals support mothers to breastfeed
1 3
Hospitals support mothers to breastfeed by... Hospitals support mothers to breastfeed by...
The TEN STEPS The TEN STEPS STEPS Training staff on supporting mothers to breastfeed
Assessing health workers’ knowledge and Not skills promoting infant formula, bottles or teats
to Successful cessfulto Successful Breastfeeding Breastfeeding eeding 32
Continued on page 16
Making breastfeeding care standard practice
Making breastfeeding care standard practice Preparing women in how to feed their baby
Keeping track of support for breastfeeding
Keeping track of support for breastfeeding
Hospitals support mothers toto breastfeed by... Hospitals Hospitals support support mothers mothers to breastfeed breastfeed by... by... Hospitals support mothers to breastfeed by... Training staff on supporting mothers IMPORTANCE OF to breastfeed BREASTFEEDING Encouraging skin-to-skin contact between mother and baby soon after birth
Helping mothers to put their baby to the breast right away
Discussing the Not promoting importance of infant formula, breastfeeding bottles or teats for babies and mothers
Assessing health workers’ knowledge and skillsChecking Discussing the positioning, importance of attachment and breastfeeding suckling for babies and mothers
Giving practical breastfeeding support Preparing women in how to feed their baby Helping mothers with common breastfeeding problems
36 4
Hospitals supportmothers mothers breastfeed by... Hospitals support toto breastfeed by... Hospitals support mothers to breastfeed by...
BREASTFEEDING Encouraging Giving only breast milk skin-to-skin contact unless theremother are medical between and reasons baby soon after birth Prioritizing donor human milk when a supplement is needed Helping mothers to put their baby to the breast right Helping mothers away who want to formula feed to do so safely
Discussing the importance of breastfeeding for babies and mothers
Preparing women in how to feed their baby
Team Belize competes at Lima 2019 Panam Games
Lima, Peru, July 29, 2019 Belize has representation from Central American champion sprinter Hilary Gladden, kayakers Francisca Cruz-Phaender, Ruth Cruz, Amado Cruz, triathlete Jordan Santos, and
bodybuilder Godfrey Alford at the Lima 2019 Pan-Am Games being held from Friday July 26 to Sunday, August 11. On Saturday morning, 8-times Ruta Maya champion Amado Cruz finished 5th in the K1000 meter heats in 3:47.73, which 13.37 seconds slower than 1st place. He qualified to the semifinals in the afternoon, but finished 6th in 3:57.6, only the top 2 advanced to the finals. On Sunday morning, Amado finished 7th in the K200 meter heats in 39.371 seconds, 4.227 seconds slower than 1st place. He qualified to the afternoon’s semifinals, but finished 6th in 39.08 seconds, but did not advance to the finals, he ranked 12th overall,
of 16. On Saturday in the Female K500 meters, 12-times Ruta Maya female champ Francisca Cruz finished 6th in her heat in 2:41.27 minutes - 46.75 seconds slower than 1st place. She qualified to the semifinals, but finished 8th in 2:37.75 and did not qualify to the finals. on Sunday On Sunday in the Female K200 meters heats, Ruth Cruz finished 6th in 1:11.44 minutes, - 29.45 seconds slower than 1st place and did not qualify to the semifinals. On Monday morning, July 29 in the Female K2 500meter heats, Francisca and Ruth Cruz raced again but finished 6th in 2:41.27, or 46.75 seconds slower than 1st place. They qualified
21 29 AUG JAN 4 AUG
2016 2017 2019
to the semifinals, but finished 6th in 2:33.90, or 43 seconds slower than 1st place. At Friday night’s opening ceremonies, Jordan Santos had the honor of being Belize’s flag-bearer leading Team Belize into the Lima National Stadium, where Latin heart-throb singer Luis Fonsi sang 5 of his hits, including “Despacito” and “Echame la Culpa”. On Saturday afternoon, Santos competed in the Triathlon at the Agua Dulce beach in the Chorillos district of Lima. He completed the 1.5 kilometer swim in a cold sea at 15.1 degrees Celsius, and the 40 kilometer bike ride, but did not complete the run, because of the time gap. Of 32 men who started the race, only 28 finished.
Team Belize women blast East Coast USA: 6-0 Belmopan, July 26, 2019 The Team Belize female football “A” senior team blasted the East Coast USA: 6-0 in an international at the Football Federation of Belize Stadium last Friday night, and the national U-17 Baby Jaguars bombed the East Coast girls 2-1 at the Carl Ramos Stadium on Sunday. Speedy Jayda Brown struck Belize’s 1st goal in the 45th minute, to lead 1-0 at the half. Football phenom Katie Jones came off the bench to score the 2nd goal in the 47th minute and Jayda Brown embarrased teh East Coast keeper with a 3rd goal in the 57th minute. Coach Kent Gabourel Sr sent in some more reinforcements in Ashley Rodriguez, Flor Vasquez, Zulema Ortega, Julissa Mejia and veteran Jennisha Scott! Ashley Rodriguez also found the back of the net in the 72nd minute: 4-0. Jayda Brown scored 2 more goal in the 79th and 83rd minutes for the 6-0 win. The U-17 Baby Jaguar girls bombed the East Coast girls 2-1, a good preparation for when they take on the rest of CONCACAF at the regional competition in Brandenton, Florida in August. USA’s Claudia Iwinski struck first in the 18th minute, but Ophelia Casimiro answered in the 40th minute, and Tiana Rowley scored Belize’s 2nd winning goal in the 59th minute.
Belize A Female team blasts East Coast USA 6-0
Anijay Quiros attacks
One Vision…One People BILL OF RIGHTS The People’s United Party wants to share its vision with the Belizean people. It is rooted in a philosophy that goes back to the Father of our Nation the Right Hon. George Price. Mr. Price always believed ours was a work in progress; he led a revolution that is at its core peaceful, always constructive, progressive and uniquely Belizean. These values remain true today and form a part of our PUP Creed. We are committed to the protection of our territorial sovereignty. We cannot, and will not risk even an inch of our beloved country, from the Rio Hondo to the Sarstoon. And we are committed to an accessible, fair and independent justice system and the rule of law in Belize. The PUP will always seek to achieve social, economic and environmental justice. It is a commitment to the socio-economic improvement of all Belizeans. Our plan is to rid Belize of poverty. To the PUP, poverty is an ugly scar on our nation’s collective conscience, and no amount of cosmetic surgery can paste over the suffering of close to half of our people, most of them women and children, who live on less than ten dollars per day. This is not only a task for governments. We all have a stake in this enterprise, but government must LEAD and bold leaders must show that they truly care. For us the task ahead is clear - to build a Belize that works for everyone, so that every Belizean should come to expect five things. This vision, this determination, has created what we call our BELIZEAN BILL OF RIGHTS. FIRST - Every Belizean should have access to a piece of land. With land we immediately create opportunities for upliftment and personal growth. SECOND - Every Belizean should be able to own a decent home. The 17th Century Jurist and politician Edward Coke in speaking on human rights said: “A man’s home is his castle.” Every Belizean in 2017 should expect such an entitlement whether they live on Bocotora Street or on Seashore Drive. THIRD - Every Belizean should be given the chance to go to school from pre-school to junior college. We have to make education free from pre-kinder to Junior College. If we will give our young people a chance at success, it must start with a good education. FOURTH – Accessibility to quality basic health care is critical, which means every Belizean should be enrolled in the National Health Insurance Program. If we can invest 42 million dollars in a basketball stadium, then we should be able to provide basic health services to all. FIFTH and most important, the driving force behind it all is JOBS - good jobs that can lead to meaningful careers; jobs that will give Belizeans a chance for personal growth and prosperity and provide a hand up for those at the very bottom of the economic ladder. If we do these things, if we create a fair and just society, if we build on these principles we will then be able to change people’s lives and together we will rid our shores of the scourge that is poverty.
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18 JAN
Noh Faget
Mini-Excerpts of Belize Times issues from November 2009 As promised, Faber went on to sign the document in 2012 without a final consultation with the Unions. Today, this commission and formula is still unnecessary bureaucracy and is a hindrance to the development of the Education system of this Nation.
Nothing much has changed. Millennials can see that this Barrow Administration has been denying Belize of Health Care for a decade now. We are all ready to move on.
Even as the UDP keep singing to Dangriga that they care, the truth is that they don’t. Miami is a way better option. There they can attempt to resolve the Barrow BTL Accommodation and the AIBL/FTC/Sanctuary/… settlement.
As you can see Belize, the lavish spending on Legal fees began since then without a break. Since then they have taken on case after case— without much luck. Belize is praying that the PUP takes the reins of the Mother of Belizean litigations at The Hague.
GUATEMALAN RUN-OFF THIS AUGUST 11 By Patrick J. McDonnell Mexico City Bureau Chief Reporting from Guatemala City Guatemala’s presidential election is headed for a runoff this upcoming August 11.between a former first lady and a former prisons chief after none of the 19 candidates won a majority of votes in last June’s balloting. With 98% of the ballots counted, the country’s electoral tribunal reported on the first round of the elections that former first lady and businesswoman Sandra Torres was leading with 25.7% of the vote. Alejandro
THE BELIZE TIMES Giammattei, a doctor who once ran the country’s penitentiary system, was in second with 13.9%. Both had been favorites in pre-electoral polls and held significant leads over the third-placed candidate, Edmond Mulet, a longtime diplomat who garnered 11.1% of the vote. It is Torres’ third run for the presidency, and Giammattei’s fourth try. Their success this time suggests a sharp turn by voters toward traditional politicians — unlike the current president, Jimmy Morales, a former television comedian who was elected four years ago with no previous political experience in what was widely seen as a rebuke to a corruption-riddled system. Term-limits prevented Morales, whose presidency has itself been marred by graft allegations, from seeking re-election. His four-year mandate ends in January. Torres, the ex-wife of former President Alvaro Colom, ran under the banner of the center-left National Unity of Hope party and pledged enhanced social welfare programs. She has denied allegations of campaign-financing improprieties from a previous presidential run. In comments to reporters early Monday, Torres spoke of the need for “national unity” in a deeply riven nation where much of the wealth is concen-
trated in a small minority. She pledged an “economic reactivation to generate employment” and discourage emigration. Giammattei, the candidate of the right-wing Vamos party, vowed to bring back the death penalty in a bid to curb ram-
pant gang violence. He was jailed in 2010 for his alleged role in the death of inmates while he headed the national prison system. But a court later cleared him of any wrongdoing. The world will be waiting for the results.
August 1, 2019
UWG Congratulates Women Village Council Candidates and Dr. Candice Pitts
The United Women’s Group hereby expresses its gratitude and congratulations to all the candidates, but in particular the women candidates who ran during the recently concluded Village Council elections. We also take the opportunity to congratulate Councilor Dr. Candice Pitts on her endorsement as PUP Standard Bearer for Mesopotamia Division. Dr. Pitts now joins Senior Counsel Dolores Balderamos Garcia as part of PUP Team 31! In the current vicious climate where political victimization is on open display and enforcement, many capable women choose to stay away and avoid the limelight which exposes them to political assault, including bullying and personal attacks on their reputation. Hence, when we see a woman candidate, it must be acknowledged that much thought, prayers, family discussion and often anguish have gone into making that important decision. The UWG salutes all our women candidates who have shown the courage, fortitude and resilience to stand up on behalf of their families and communities in spite of the difficulties they have, and will continue to encounter. The meaningful involvement of women in politics and political leadership is possible, important and necessary. Women CAN lead. Be assured that the UWG will be working with all our elected Chairladies, Councilors and our Standard Bearers to support their full and effective participation in improving governance to better the lives of residents in their respective communities.
PUBLIC NOTICE 22 July 2019
Appointment of a New Liquidator – Choice Bank Limited IT IS NOTIFIED for general information that in accordance with Section 26 of the International Banking Act, Chapter 267 of the Substantive Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011 (“the Act), the Central Bank of Belize has appointed a new liquidator in respect of Choice Bank Limited with effect from 22 July 2019. IT IS FURTHER NOTIFIED for general information that: 1. In accordance with Sections 25, 26, and 27 of the Act, the Unrestricted “A” Class International Banking Licence of Choice Bank Limited has been revoked with effect from 29 June 2018; 2. The rights, powers, responsibilities and authorisations of shareholders, directors, officers responsible for management of Choice Bank Limited, and any other person previously authorised to act or give instructions on behalf of Choice Bank Limited have been cancelled and such persons are no longer so authorised; 3. The liquidator, succeeds to all the rights, powers, and authorisations of shareholders, directors, officers responsible for management of Choice Bank Limited, and any other person previously authorised to act or give instructions on behalf of Choice Bank Limited with effect from 22 July 2019. 4. Mr Cedric Flowers’ appointment as liquidator of Choice Bank Limited has expired. Mr. Kareem Michael has been appointed to replace Mr. Cedric Flowers as liquidator for Choice Bank Limited with effect from 22 July 2019. MADE this 22nd day of July, 2019.
End. Join the movement by contacting belizeuwg@ or call 677-9168. Your voice matters in helping to create the next Women’s Agenda of the PUP.
AMB. A. JOY GRANT Governor, Central Bank of Belize
Preparing Preparing Preparing women women in how women in how in how to feed to their feed to feed their their babybabybaby
Helping Helping Helping mothers mothers mothers to puttotheir puttotheir put their babybaby to the baby to theto the breast breast right breast right right awayawayaway
World Breastfeeding Week 2019
began on Thursday, 1 August and ends on Wednesday, 7 August Continued from page 9
ing for mothers as well 5 5 5WITH WITH BREASTFEEDING WITH BREASTFEEDING BREASTFEEDING as children. Both recom-Hospitals Hospitals Hospitals support support support mothers mothers mothers to breastfeed to breastfeed to breastfeed by... by... by... mend exclusive breastChecking Checking Checking feeding for the first six positioning, positioning, positioning, attachment attachment attachment and and and suckling suckling suckling months of life and then supplemented breastfeeding for at least one Giving Giving practical Giving practical practical breastfeeding breastfeeding breastfeeding year and up to two years support support support or more. WBW commemorates the InnocenHelping Helping mothers Helping mothers with mothers with with common common common ti Declaration made by breastfeeding breastfeeding breastfeeding problems problems problems WHO and UNICEF in August 1990 to protect and support breastfeeding. SUPPORT SUPPORT SUPPORT MOTHERS MOTHERS MOTHERS
Hospitals Hospitals Hospitals support support support mothers mothers mothers to breastfeed to breastfeed to breastfeed by... by... by...
Helping Helping mothers Helping mothers mothers know know when know when theirwhen theirtheir babybaby is hungry baby is hungry is hungry
SUPPLEMENTING 6 6 SUPPLEMENTING 6 SUPPLEMENTING Hospitals Hospitals Hospitals support support support mothers mothers mothers to breastfeed to breastfeed to breastfeed by... by... by...
Hospitals Hospitals Hospitals support support support mothers mothers mothers to breastfeed to breastfeed to breastfeed by... by... b
Letting Letting mothers Letting mothers and mothers and and Making Making sure Making that sure that sure that babies babies stay babies together stay together stay togethermothers mothers ofmothers sick ofbabies sick ofbabies sick bab can stay can near stay can near their stay their near thei day and daynight and daynight and night babybaby baby
Giving Giving only Giving breast only only breast milk breast milk milk unless unless there unless there are medical there are medical are medical reasons reasons reasons
Prioritizing Prioritizing Prioritizing donordonor donor human human milk human when milk milk when a when a a supplement supplement supplement is needed is needed is needed
Helping Helping mothers Helping mothers mothers who want who want who to formula want to formula to formula feed to feed dofeed to sodo safely tosodo safely so safely
Hospitals Hospitals Hospitals support support support mothers mothers mothers to breastfeed to breastfeed to breastfeed by... by... by...
Hospitals Hospitals Hospitals support support support mothers mothers mothers to breastfeed to breastfeed to breastfeed by... by... b
Counsel Counsel Counsel mothers mothers on mothers the on the on the use and userisks and use risks of and risks of of feeding feeding bottles, feeding bottles, bottles, teats,teats, and teats, and and pacifiers pacifiers pacifiers
Referring Referring Referring mothers mothers tomothers to to community community communit resources resources for resources for f breastfeeding breastfeeding breastfeedi support support support
By Order of the Supreme Court of Belize License Auctioneer Noel J. Codd will sell the following on Monday August 12th, 2019 on site at 10:00 a.m. Not limiting Not limiting Not limiting breastfeeding breastfeeding breastfeeding timestimes times
Hon. Roy Gilbert Young JP was born November 17, 1933 in Belize City and died July 26, 2019 in Lancaster California after battling cancer. Mr. Young was a true Belizean Patriot who served Belize in various important positions. He worked in The Social Development Dept. Then as Town Clerk at The Belize City Council. He was appointed as the first Chief Elections Officer. He retired and ran for office under the PUP. He served as Mayor of Belize City. He migrated to USA with his family and was appointed Consul General of Belize for California. He served 10 years, launching the Justice of The Peace California Chapter to facilitate Belizeans. He was appointed Dean of the Los Angeles Consular Corps receiving numerous awards including Distinguished Citizen Award and Nelson Mandela bronze medal. He became a beloved icon in Los Angeles. He retired from his Diplomatic post and served as a paralegal and immigration consultant. He is survived by his wife Wilhelmina “Minnie”-Married for 45 years 9 Children : Karole (Keegan) | Karla ( John) | Kamille ( Anthony) | Wayne (Diana) | Ivy (Levi) | Kenton | Sharon | Cecile | Denni plus 18 Grandchildren, 9 great grandchildren, 4 sisters, 3 brothers. The People’s United Party, The Hon. John Briceño, and The Belize Times extends the most heartfelt condolences to the Hon. Roy Young’s family on his passing.
Working Working with Working with w communities communities communitie to to improve improve improve breastfeeding breastfeeding breastfeed support support services support services serv
All that piece or parcel of land being Parcels 2208 and 2209 Block 4, Registration Section Orange Walk Town. The property is situated along the Philip Goldson Highway, Orange Walk Town. The property holds two concrete two-storey buildings. The first two-storey building was formally use as a disco-tech known as Butchy’s. The second two-storey building a residence which consist of three bedrooms, one bathroom, one kitchen, a dining/living room area. NOEL J. CODD Licensed Auctioneer Carmelita Village, Orange Walk District Tel: Office: 677-5184 cell: 624-5184 Email: @Noel Codd Auctioneer
Carnival Queen 2019
JOB OPPORTUNITY We are looking for an experienced Business Manager to lead and oversee the work of employees in our company. You will be responsible for ensuring the efficiency of business operations as well as setting strategic goals for the future. The ideal candidate will be well versed in all business matters. They will be a competent leader able to provide guidance that enhances performance in a manner which incorporates the company’s vision and culture. The goal will be to ensure the profitability of our company’s activities to drive sustainable development and long-term success. RESPONSIBILITIES: • Develop goals and activities that tend to growth and prosperity. • Design and implement business plans and strategies to promote the attainment of goals. • Ensure the company has the adequate and suitable resources to complete its activities (e.g. people, material, equipment etc.) • Maintain relationships with partners/vendors/suppliers. • Gather, analyze and interpret external and internal data and write reports. • Assess overall company performance against objectives. • Represent the company in events, conferences etc. REQUIREMENTS & SKILLS: • Proven experience as business manager or relevant role. • Excellent organizational and leadership skills. • Outstanding communication and interpersonal abilities. • Thorough understanding of diverse business processes and strategy development. • Excellent knowledge of MS Office, databases and information systems. • Good Understanding of research methods and data analysis techniques. • Demonstrable analytical thinking and business insight. • Written and spoken fluency in English required; Spanish a plus. • Must be able to travel. Travel is primarily local and can be during the business day or overnight. Some regional and/or international travel may be expected. • Ability to organize processes and people. • Detail-oriented. • Analytical skills. QUALIFICATION: BSc/Ba in Business Management or relevant field. MSc/MA will be a plus. Interested candidates can apply along with their CV on or before August 16, 2019 to the following address: Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview.
The Belize Times and Vibes Media Congratulates Lechille DJ Fyah Dixon on her win. She is announcer / DJ by profession who has been at Vibes Radio and TV since September of 2016. We got permission to say she is 27 years of age and a proud mother of a 7 year-old son. She is one of the most intelligent, beautiful, coolest, willing, dependable, funniest, and generous person to be around. Miss Carnival is a one-of-a-Kind pageant—features a lot of dancing to soca music. However, it does not incorporate vulgarity nor rowdiness. It is an event organized by The Belize Carnival Association in collaboration with the respective Carnival Bands. This year, both the Junior and Senior Pageant were held simultaneously. The eleven contestants were representatives of the Five senior bands and six junior bands who will be competing in this year’s Belize Carnival. Mother Nature’s Creation, who’s Audra Andrews held the title of Miss Carnival / Carnival Ambassador for 2018 - 19, selected the lovely, talented, vivacious Lechille Dixon, an announcer and DJ employed at Vibes Radio and TV as their representative. At the end of the evening, which saw contestants contesting in four segments - Introduction, Talent, Costume Showcase, and Platform Statement, Miss Dixon from Mother Nature was the resounding winner. She delighted the audi-
JOB OPPORTUNITY We are looking for a competent Security Manager, preferably male, between the ages of 35 -50 years to organize and oversee all security operations of our company. As Security Manager, you will have to demonstrate excellent surveillance and emergency response skills. You will need a strong commitment to security rules and knowledge of all hazards and threats to safety. The goal is to create and preserve an environment where employees, visitors and property are safe and well protected.
ence from the start with her unique introduction, had them stomping with laughter with her comical, dramatic monologue, stunned them with her spectacular red and gold costume ,”” Aura “” the phantom goddess of light and hope, and transfixed them with her outstanding platform statement based on the theme - Experience Belize - through Beauty ! Talent! And Carnival! Lechille walked away with Best Talent, Best Costume, and the crown. She is now Miss Carnival / Carnival Ambassador 2019 -2020 - a back to back victory for Mother Mature. I could have not done it without my main supporter Leroy Green; he made sure I was well prepared for every segment of the pageant, I thank you from the Bottom of my heart. “Crowns Aren’t Made Of Rhinestones. They Are Made Of Discipline, Determination, And A Hard To Find Alloy Called Courage “ Ms. Lechille Dixon Carnival Ambassador
RESPONSIBILITIES: • Develop and implement security policies, protocols and procedures. • Control budgets for security operations and monitor expenses. • Recruit, train and supervise security officers. • Train employees in security rules and procedures. • Plan and coordinate security operations for specific events. • Assist in emergency management and contingency planning. • Conduct physical examinations of property to ensure compliance with security policies and regulations. • Supervise subordinate security professionals, performing activities such as training, assigning work, evaluating performance, or disciplining. • Investigate and resolve issues. • Analyze data to form proposals for improvements (e.g. implementation of new technology). REQUIREMENTS & SKILLS: • Possession of a valid motor vehicle license and willingness to operate motor vehicles in the course of employment. • Proven experience as security manager or similar position. • Experience using relevant technology, software and equipment (e.g. CCTV and MS Office). • Experience in reporting and emergency response planning. • Excellent knowledge of security protocols and procedures. • Having good knowledge of security environments and hazards. • Written and spoken fluency in English required, Spanish a plus. • Solid understanding of budgeting and statistical data analysis. • Be able to occasionally do night supervision. • Must be able to travel. Travel is primarily local and can be during the business day or overnight. Some regional and/or international travel may be expected. • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. • Outstanding organizational and leadership skills. • A “can-do” attitude and resilient character with the ability to manage expectations • Being physically fit, polite, proactive and be able to work with a team. QUALIFICATION: Minimum of an Associate Degree in Business. Further or additional training or education in security administration or similar field will be an asset. Interested candidates can apply along with their CV on or before August 16, 2019 to the following address: Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview.
18 OUT
Dear Editor As I read the newspaper for the 28th of July in regards to “Micro – Management at MOH, there is so much that needs to be added in regards to the facts that must be placed to this concern of micro-management at MOH. It was a deja vu feeling as I read this article because as a manager for a company that is still part of the tender today from the inception under this Government, I too have experienced this in the past and it must come to light. Pablo Marin over time have allegedly learnt how to play the system at his advantage with the Tender and any contract that is managed under his Ministry. There are many companies out there, who have won items from the Tender time and time after. Because Belize is small and we vendors talk to each other even though we are competitors. But then there are the few that are exclusive with the Ministry. We have had cases where we won tender items and the items were scratched off our list and given to a competitor at a higher price or at a lower price with lower quality to those favourites on the tender. As well it is not the first time we have heard, where the Tender Committee has approved all our products and that is so right, that Pablo Marin would disregard their decision on items given to us because the favourite companies would run to the Minister to complain on us. The Minister has taken this behaviour as well to the National Referral Hospital with his political crony, the chairperson of the Board, where her name was brought up with questionable checks signed at the Airport Authority, wonder what she doing now at KHMH. With his infiltration of micro managing the Tenders for the Ministry, he now allegedly uses her to do the same, at that level, entertaining the same behaviour of micro managing such purchases in the National Referral Hospital. I can say this because some of us that are Tenders to the Government are also suppliers to the National Referral Hospital from before 2008 and to date still supply them. It is highly recommended that just as how the Auditor General
THE BELIZE TIMES can swoop in and audit these small regional hospitals. We would ask the Auditor General for an audit for just two areas in Health, the first being an audit of the last Tender for Medical & Pharmaceutical Supplies by MOH and an audit of same for the National Referral Hospital in regards to procurement. Let the people of Belize see, as this Government slowly leaves Belmopan, how the outrageous pilfering and Micro-Management at MOH and the National Referral Hospital KHMH continues as we speak. As a supplier, you know as you go around the Hospital and deliver your goods, the staff talks to us and tells us what’s going on daily inside and they were giving us the news on the KHMH Union. We understand that the Union for the KHMH has asked for certain demands, let them add and include for the Ministry of Health for an audit of the Tender and the KHMH procurement process because these same Union members want transparency and accountability of these tendered and purchased supplies used at their place of work. The KHMH Union should realize that they will never sit or be represented on a KHMH Board because this Minister of Health Micro-Manages and they would be an obstacle sitting at the table of his Board Meetings for KHMH and Tender Committees for the Ministry etc. So, let us see some transparency and accountability in regards to the entire process of all Medical & Pharmaceutical supplied to all our government hospitals and statutory body (KHMH). How do we start this? As a supplier to the Government and a supplier to the KHMH, we want to see an audit of both the Tender for Medical and Pharmaceutical Supplies of the Ministry of Health and the Procurement of KHMH to ensure we are being treated fairly at a competitive level than being pushed aside by the corruption at the Ministry of Health and KHMH. Sincerely Yours, Jason Leiva Concerned Tender/Supplier
671-8385 or
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2019 For Sale By Order of the Mortgagee
Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Mortgage made the 2nd day of April, 2014, between EGBERT MYERS of 57 Plues Street, Belize City, Belize District, Belize (hereinafter called “the Mortgagor”) of the one part and SCOTIABANK (BELIZE) LTD. (hereinafter called “the Mortgagee”) of the other part, and recorded as Instrument No. LTU-201400580, the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the schedule hereto. All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. SCHEDULE ALL THAT leasehold interest in ALL that lot, piece or parcel of land being situated Southside of Mile 8 on the Western Highway, Belize District being Lot No. 288 and bounded as follows:On the North for 14.997 Meters by Lot No. 286 On the South for 14.997 Metres by A Street; On the East for 22.996 Meters by Lot No. 289; and On the West for 22.996 Meters by Lot No. 287; Containing 344.891 S.M. of land as shown on Plan No. 2042 at the Office of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. DATED this 24th day of July, 2019 MUSA & BALDERAMOS LLP 91 North Front Street Belize City Attorneys-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.
For Sale By Order of the Mortgagee Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Assignment and Transfer of Mortgage made the 15th day of April, 2008, between FIRST CARIBBEAN INTERNATIONAL BANK (BARBADOS) LIMITED (hereinafter called “the Assignor”) of the first part, SCOTIABANK (BELIZE) LIMITED ( “the Assignee”) of the second part, SANDRA MCKAY AND DELBERT MCKAY of Mile 13 Western Highway, Belize District, Belize (hereinafter called “the Borrowers”) of the third part, and SANDRA MCKAY (“The surety”) of the fourth part and recorded in Deeds Book Volume 13 of 2008 at Folios 1367-1400, the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the schedule hereto. All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. SCHEDULE ALL THAT piece or parcel of land containing 2.11 acres situate along the Western Highway near Mile 12 ¾, Belize District, and bounded and described as shown by the plan attached to Minister’s Fiat (Grant) No. 115 of 2002 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. SECONDLY, all that piece and parcel of land containing 149 acres situate along the Western Highway near Mile 12 ¾, Belize District, and bounded and described as shown by the Plan attached to Minister’s Fiat (Grant) No. 311 of 2002 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon SAVE AND EXCEPT all freehold piece or parcel of land situate along the Western Highway near Mile 12 ¾, Belize District and being a portion of Minister’s Fiat (Grant) No. 311 of 2002 dated 22 April, 2002 and comprising of 3.015 acres of land and more particularly delineated and described on Entry No. 7368 Register No. 20 dated 30 May, 2003 by Licensed Surveyor, Donald W. Mckay and lodged at the Office of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys, Belmopan, Cayo District,TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. DATED this 23rd day of July, 2019 MUSA & BALDERAMOS LLP 91 North Front Street Belize City Attorneys-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.
Launch of the Belize Parliamentary Alliance against Hunger and Malnutrition (MPAHM) Remarks by Hon Jose A. Mai, Representative of Orange Walk South Belize City July 27, 2019
Salutations: Hon. Patrick Faber, Deputy Prime Minister Hon. Pablo Marin, Minister of Health Hon. Laura Longsworth, Speaker of the House of Representatives Hon. Darrell Bradley, President of the Senate A very pleasant day to you all, As spokesperson for the People’s United Party on the agricultural sector, and as a member of the MPAHM I feel honoured and privileged to make a few remarks on the launch of the Belize Parliamentary Alliance against Hunger and Malnutrition. It is an alliance that the PUP strongly supports and will participate in to ensure its success. The goal of the Alliance is to support national efforts to eradicate hunger and mal-nutrition through the formulation of effective legislation and public policy, sensitization and alliances with civil society, academia, international organizations and other key actors. In this respect, I will focus my remarks on why I support this PAHM initiative, and provide some justification and information on the challenges we will face as we move forward. Food access, security and nutrition constitute a basic human right. It is not a political game…. It is a national matter and must be addressed by all…. That is the reason why am here to support. In theory, good policies lead to appropriate legislation, regulations and programs, which will require prioritization and allocation of budgets for human resources, operations, equipment, infrastructure, etc. So I can understand and fully appreciate the key roles of PAHM-Belize Chapter, which is to establish team work & create partnerships to: 1. Support legislation to achieve zero hunger, reduce malnutrition and increase food security 2. Ensure adequate budgets and resources, appropriate surveillance and accountability processes
3. Conduct meetings with key stakeholders to share knowledge and lessons learned and agree on joint actions For all of the above, we will need authentic and committed leadership with good theory, good practices, competent people to implement, and accountability systems in place. Then, we will see results and an impact on the people that suffer from hunger and malnutrition in Belize. If our people are well fed and healthy, they will achieve the physical and cognitive development and productivity that enables them to contribute effectively to the socio-economic growth and sustainable development of our entire country. On the contrary, if our people are poor and hungry, everyone loses for lack of economic growth, lack of business and increased public expenditures on public assistance as well as health, violence and crime problems. To achieve our food and nutrition security, the Government and other stakeholders must focus on three basic pillars: production, utilization and access. First of all we need to produce enough food for all in terms of quantity and quality for all Belizeans, rich and poor. Secondly, we need to focus on the utilization of all that is produced through processing and value-adding, which is the surest way to make food production a viable and sustainable industry. The third pillar is food access/affordability. We can produce; but, can the poor and the hungry afford pay for it? We cannot expect the farmers to subsidize food, because the farmers and producers are barely surviving financially. Let us be honest! Food and nutrition security is not an attainable objective under the current circumstances of cheap food imports (amounting to B$200m every year)—continuous contraband at our northern border, issuance of food permits to privileged operators, and poor public sector support especially to the small producers and rural communities. Belize has signed on to many policy statements, MOUs, project agreements and other such commitments on this topic, but in the final analysis; let us ask ourselves, “do these produce or deliver the expected benefits?” We all know the answer. If we are to succeed in combating the curse of hunger and malnutrition, we must have the political commitment, the adequate resources, good implementation and competency, and the policy to avoid wasting of already scarce resources.
Colleagues, invited guests, members of the diplomatic core: In finalising my remarks I must state, if we are to succeed in achieving this objective of reducing hunger and malnutrition in Belize, we need to place greater priority on the agric and food sector. It should be 10% of the national budget; currently we are at 2%. We need to invest more on education for the sector, which includes the farmers and producers, the technical and professional people—their institutions need to be strengthened and well-supported. We need to invest in Research and Development (R&D) and Extension in food production, food processing and food access in a
well-balanced manner. Overall, the investment in the sector should be at least 15% of the GDP of the sector: we are at about a lowly 4%, and most of the current investment is made by external donors who want to assist us to feed our people, especially the poor. These are all policy issues that must be addressed at the highest level. Addressing these issues will demonstrate our political will, political priority and political commitment. Once again we are happy to be a part of this Alliance. I thank you for listening; and, I thank you for making us a part of this team…. Together we have a lot of work to do!! God Bless Belize
CHANGE OF ELECTORAL DIVISION/TRANSFER PERIOD The months of JULY and AUGUST are set aside each year by Law for the transfer of electors from one Electoral Division to another. Application for a change of Electoral Division from one Electoral Division to another are done using Form No. 17. These applications are processed during normal working hours at the Elections and Boundaries Registration Office in his or her new division during the Period: JULY 1 - AUGUST 31 Of Each Year Requirements to change from one electoral division to another are: • • •
Be a Registered voter Reside at the new Division for not less than two (2) months Present your Voters ID at the time of application or any other picture Identification; eg. Passport, Social Security or Driver’s License • and “a utility bill” in the elector’s name to assist the officers in the verification of the address given.
NOTE: Electors are required to provide true and accurate information as it is an offence to give false information. The People’s United Party urges its supporters that wish to transfer their vote to do so promptly. As of September 1, they will be able to ONLY change address within that same division. Additionally, if you have not yet registered, please do so. Your constituency offices are open countrywide at the usual time for that purpose. IF you do not register, then you will not be able to remove the UDP government. Change is coming. Participate.
Candidates Name
No. of Votes Received
Chairperson Chairperson
208 234
Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member
179 207 196 196 201 187 236 220 224 231 217 239 No. of Votes Received
Georgeville Patrick Henry Alexander Mckoy Joyce Thelma Hall
Total Votes Polled
Spoilt Votes
Rejected Votes
Elected 2547
Alton Dennis Diaz Adron Nicoli Williams Tanisha Elizabeth Dorado Glenford Junior Tucker Eric Williams Emelita Isenia Gomez David Samuel McDougal Delvorene Elizabeth Bennett Herman Wellington Mckoy Ian Akeem Vasquez Jean Glannis Conorquie Albert Anthony Mortis
Election Date
El Progresso
Moses Waight Carlos Ramiro Ruano Yanira Araceli Espinoza Ethel Maribel Hernandez Elmer Netall Garcia Carlos Arturo Santos Calet Benjamin Figueroa
Election Date
Candidates Name
Member Member Member Member Member Member
Uncontested Uncontested Uncontested Uncontested Uncontested Uncontested
No. of Votes Received
Herson Daniel Manchame
Sharilee May Gomez
Bernard Anthony Lemott Shelmadine Carline Patt
Chairperson Chairperson
46 23
Laura Garcia Walter Leonardo Milian Fredy Antonio Cubias Randy Armando Bueckert Wendy Arturo Garcia Efren De Jesus Mancilla Patricia Michelle Pitterson Frederick Douglas Casey Aaron Malachi Lemott Rosa Elvira Galicia Heidy Marisol Parada Ericka Yaneth Agosto Pedro Umberto Escobar Delmi Janet Pineda Shamiah Shanelle Ireland Shaniah Janelle Ireland
Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member
Candidates Name
132 134 132 124 128 122 153 143 141 141 143 137 37 47 41 39 No. of Votes Received
Candidates Name
Elected Elected Elected Elected Elected Elected
Total Votes Polled
Spoilt Votes
Rejected Votes
Total Votes Polled
Spoilt Votes
Rejected Votes
6 1806
Election Date
Santa Familia
Israel Rivera Karen Melissa Carrias
Chairperson Chairperson
406 434
Ruperto Blanco Raul Torres Javier Perez Julian Noel Carrias Felix Emilio Torres Alberto Estuardo Lopez Yuri Claudette Bacab Roy Gustavo Cano Shayan Manzanero Elias Gilmer Cabb Dorlin Rubycelly Landero Jeanette Waight
Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member
Candidates Name
388 407 417 422 382 349 414 434 453 413 392 399 No. of Votes Received
Elected Elected Elected Elected Elected Elected
Total Votes Polled
Spoilt Votes
Rejected Votes 15
Elected 4886
Election Date
Bullet Tree Falls
Guotai Wa Sabino Wilfredo Pinelo
Chairperson Chairperson
707 775
Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member
676 706 708 709 711 715 783 765 757 745 752 744
Elected Elected 16
Elected Elected Elected Elected
Total Votes Polled
Spoilt Votes
Rejected Votes 38
Elected 8802
Elmer Jamil Tzib Alfredo Fidel Cocom Nathaniel Emil Garcia Hipolita Medina Hob Medina Wilford Francis Pook Cleofido Balon Emilio Barredo Franklyn Efrain Cordova Jaime David Garcia Orlando Jimenez Lenny Lee Manzanero
Elected Elected Elected Elected Elected Elected
THINK ABOUT IT CANDICE – SUPER CANDIDATE Candice Pitts has emerged as the new dynamic force in the People’s United Party. She has accepted the challenge to be a Standard Bearer in the Mesopotamia in the next General Elections, which will be sooner rather than later. Elections are coming. The end of the UDP is near. Candice becomes the most highly educated candidate in the PUP and indeed in the country. She is more qualified than the present arrogant Prime Minister who has a Master’s degree whereas Candice holds a doctorate degree. Candice is the daughter of Matilda Malcolm and Roderick Pitts. She was born right in the Port Loyola area of Belize City and received her education at Port Loyola Pre-School, St. John Vianney Primary, Pallotti High School and SJC Sixth Form. The whole Southside knows Candice’s parents, her wonderful and extra-ordinary mother and an independent woman who worked hard to make sure her children got the best education. She baked johnny cakes, made tamales and tasty food, so that today she can say, “Thank You Lord, look at the blessed child that Candice has grown to be.” This young, outstanding woman travelled to the USA and attended Albany State University, thereafter Ohio State University, and the prestigious Howard University where she chalked up a first degree, a Master’s degree and the highest academic accolade of a Doctorate degree. Big respect madam, Big respect. It is important to remember that Candice Pitts was the leading candidate who brought victory to the PUP in last year’s Belize City Council elections. This victory sent shock waves through the UDP leadership and acts as an important reminder that with all the corrupt money the UDP uses to bribe voters, those needy Belize City voters will take the money and vote against all the wrong doers. Dr. Candice Pitts is highly regarded in Belize City and across the country. She is known as a down to earth person, who has the humility and sincerity that is so lacking in the UDP politicians. Candice is bubbling with ideas and a vision that the people of Mesop (UDP turned it into Mess-up), especially the young people and the children, deserve not just better, but the best that they are entitled to. Not beggars waiting for a hand-out but precious, worthwhile, productive citizens entitled to a better future. X IS BACK The Amandala newspaper is among the best when it comes to its editorial. Such editorials are not just a mere part of the newspaper. They reflect insights and analysis not available anywhere else in Belize. And, they are written in language that is like poetry. Recently, it appeared that the editorials were written by someone else. But during the last few weeks, the X was back. This month, August is also an achievement and anniversary for the Amandala newspaper. Fifty years ago the paper hit the streets of Belize City and has gone from strength to strength. GILL NETS It is unbelievable that, although only 3 percent of Belizean fishermen use gill nets, the government has been dragging its feet for years to ban this destructive form of fishing. Ban gill nets now. MASON MURDER MATTER The murder trial of Danny Mason and four of his cohorts continues this week. The Director of Public Prosecutions is systematically laying out her case to the Judge. There is no jury so the accused have a harder hill to climb. The accused are also at a disadvantage as they all have Court appointed lawyers, except for Mason, who managed to scrape-up money to bring one of his Guyanese countrymen. Most Court appointed lawyers do not wish to do murder trials which usually take a long time. Such lawyers are not paid. They get an allowance which doesn’t even cover what it cost them to be away from their offices or to travel to the districts. It is understood the new lawyers will stop doing pro-bono cases unless they are properly paid. There is a misconception that lawyers must take up court-appointed cases. No one can be forced to do work. Nobody can force a Judge, lawyer, doctor, engineer, pilot, contractor, carpenter, fisherman or anyone to do work if he or she doesn’t want. We are told that four of the Mason accused have lawyers who did not want to be involved in the trial. If such accused are found guilty, that is already a grounds for appeal. MIGHTY SPARROW The greatest calypso singer and song writer is 84 years of age. He is Slinger Francisco aka Sparrow. The second greatest Calypsonian is Gerald Rhaburn, more popularly known as Lord Rhaburn. NO TIME FOR TINT As if the endless Police checkpoints are not enough of a nuisance to motorists, along come traffic bureaucrats checking on windshield and window tint. Give us a break. Criminals are more sophisticated than to be riding around with guns and drugs in tinted vehicles. They know heavily tinted vehicles is the surest way to attract attention. In 2019, a tinted vehicle is necessary to protect from sun, dashboard and seat damage and keep prying eyes out of your privacy. Motorists feel safer behind tint. Aren’t there more important things like clearing drains in this hurricane season; patching pot holes; cleaning overgrown yards, fighting the rats now coming out in broad daylight and planting trees to beautify the city. Get rid of that stupid Darrel Bradley UDP tint law and leave law abiding drivers alone. LEAVE BOTES ALONE “They make the world so hard, that every day the people are crying.” Bob Marley. Why is government putting pressure on poor people who bring across a few groceries from Mexico to Belize across the river at Botes? Why? Why are they not cracking down on the big time smugglers in the Free Zone and the money launderers, all over the land? BAD GIAL Bad gial no deh again. You don’t ever hear references to bad gial. A bad gial is used to refer to a female who sleeps around. For a female to sleep around is a bad thing. It made the person a kind of Jezebel, a whore or prostitute were seen differently. They were to be pitied or to be sorry for. DON’T COLABORATE On Monday this week, the Police senior officers gathered for their annual meeting. They invited a couple of civilian speakers. Two of these speakers are Human Rights Officials. We don’t support lawyers, human rights officials or activists who take part in these
police meetings. Nothing comes of it. Nothing is achieved, nothing is accomplished. The police have become more brutal and more disrespectful in the way they treat the citizens of Belize. The Human Rights Commission never call out the police. They never take issue or expose the growing instances of abuse of citizens. Except for a few instances earlier this year when attorney Kevin Arthurs went public, none of these Human Rights Officials say or do anything. In fact, to find out what kind of Police Department we have, we must go and look at the USA State Department annual reports to their Congress. It is a sad indictment. The Police will not mend its ways. They may even believe they are doing nothing wrong. They are not held accountable. The systems in place to ensure Belize has a professional and respected Police Department have since collapsed. For example, the House of Representatives is required by law to have Standing Committees. These various committees are responsible to look at their areas and make reports to the House. No such thing is happening for the Ministry of Police, as for the other portfolio duties. Inside the Ministry is a Minister and a Chief Executive Officer. They are part of the oversight of the Police Department and are paid to put in place policies to ensure not only effective crime fighting but professional conduct and compliance with the laws and the rights of the citizens. No such thing is happening. Were it not for a few sensational stories carried by the media and highlights of extreme police abuse, the Police are running themselves. They even have their own hand-picked unit to investigate themselves.
For Sale By Order of the Mortgagee Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Mortgage made the 3rd day of August, 1998, between CLIVE ZUNIGA of Seine Bight Village, Stann Creek District, Belize (hereinafter called “the Borrower”) of the one part and THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA (hereinafter called “the Bank”) of the other part, and recorded in Deeds Book Volume 25 of 1998 at Folios 349-372, the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the schedule hereto. All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. SCHEDULE ALL THAT leasehold interest in all that piece and parcel of land being Lot NO. 221 situate in Seine Bight Village, Stann Creek District, Belize and bounded as follows:On the East for 55.26 feet by Lot No. 222; On the Southeast for 60.78 feet by 66 feet Reserve; On the West for 60.00 feet by a 66 feet Road Reserve; On the Northwest for 60.21 feet by A street containing 384.19 S.Y as shown on Plan No. 1175 at the Office of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. DATED this 24th day of July, 2019 MUSA & BALDERAMOS LLP 91 North Front Street Belize City Attorneys-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.
Dear Editor,
Kindly allow me space to respond to a letter published in your last week’s newspapers by C. Cansino. First of all, I would like to publicly thank customer service General Manager of SSB C. Cansino for responding to my letter. In reference to the 50,000 employers’ contribution statement I made, its 50,000 employers’ contributions paid in weekly by employers for their employees. She mentioned that there are 12,453 active businesses registered with SSB. There are employers I know who have in excess of 1,000 employees, like the call centers. The Government of Belize is an employer and that is one entity. 50,000 is a minimum figure used to make my point. So please do the math here. The CEO of SSB said that the SSB fund is drying up, and that is why they need the increase. Now, is the CEO alluding to the fact that the country is stagnant and there is no growth? You see the fund can never go dry, because there are people added to it every year. Just recently, I attended my daughter’s Graduation from University of Belize at the Belize Civic Center. There were over 1,200 graduates. And that’s just one graduation exercise. In a recent house of representative meeting, the Honorable Julius Espat said that the CEO of SSB is taking home a salary of $200,000 a year. He also said that each SSB board member makes a stipend of $1,000 for each meeting they attend. There are a total of 4 board meetings every month and each last at least an hour. Just to note, the majority of the board members are politically appointed. I also saw in a recent newspaper, the SSB had out a tender for bids to build a structure that will cost $600,000. Now, if they are claiming the fund is drying up, then why do these things continue to happen? The SSB fund is for the working class population and not to be abused and misused for political gains. I will end with this from the Prime Minister, “For God’s Sake Stop It!” Nuff said. M. Brown
LOCATION: Works Department -4 1/2 Miles George Price Hwy AUCTION DATE: August 3, 2019 VIEWING TIME: 9:00a.m. AUCTION TIME: 10:00a.m. LICENSE AUCTIONEER: Robert P. Cadle Jr. J.P. No 1 2
Particulars of Stores 2005 FORD F150 Blue 2015 Ford Explorer sport 4WD
No 30 31
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3 4
2015 Ford F150 4x4 crew xlt sport 2005 Ford F-250 Pickup Truck
Calipers Grease Pump
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7 8 9 10
Komatsu Backhoe, WB146-5, Yellow, Engine Komatsu /4.4L/ Backhoe 2008 Volvo BL60 4x4 Backhoe Loader 2010 Isuzu NQR 16’ Dump Truck(White) Garbage Truck- Republic of China-2002
11 12 13
GMC Tipper/1992/Engine Dump Truck 2011 John Deer-320 Skidsteer Bobcat Ford Econoline
14 15 16 17 18
Ford Explorer Chevy Colorado HOBART P.55 Mobile Welder Machine 2010 Isuzu Transmission 2010 Isuzu Engine
40 41 42 43 44
19 20
2008 International Engine Volvo Engine Backhoe
45 46
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37” Panasonic Flat Screen TV
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Black/grey sieve chair
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Turbo- Intl Truck
Soft side Goggles Mirror Assy left, right Dry Wall Tape Fiberglass Mat, cloth Cabinet Draw roller 16” Drawer Set Wiper Motor VIEW THE FULL LISTING ON OUR: Facebook Page: Mayor Belize IG Page: belize_city_council
35 36 37
Out Board Motor 8HP YAMAHA Miscellaneous box A 4”Sink(white) Toilet& Tank (white) Air Grease Gun(use) TUBE-TR-10.00-20 TR78A (4) TUBE-11R-22.5 TR300(6) TUBE-14.00-24(1) Cummins Engine
GOVERNMENT OF BELIZE SECOND ROAD SAFETY PROJECT RE-ADVERTISEMENT CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR ROAD SAFETY CONSULTANCY REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST The Government of Belize (GOB) has received financing from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) towards the cost of a Second Road Safety Project and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this financing to eligible payments under a contract for which this invitation is issued. Payments by CDB will be made only at the request of GOB and upon approval by CDB, and will be subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the Financing Agreement. The Financing Agreement prohibits withdrawal from the financing account for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any import of goods, if such payment or import, to the knowledge of CDB, is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations. No party other than GOB shall derive any rights from the Financing Agreement or have any claim to the proceeds of the Financing. Ministry of Economic Development and Petroleum (MEDP), the Executing Agency, now wishes to procure consultancy services for Road Safety Consultancy. The objective of the consultancy is to strengthen, develop and consolidate the capacity of the Road Safety Unit (RSU) and other participating agencies to effectively manage road safety in the country. The duration of the assignment is expected to be for a period of forty-eight (48) months, periodically. Ministry of Economic Development and Petroleum (MEDP) now invites interested eligible individual consultants to submit Expressions of Interest indicating qualifications and experience required to provide these consultancy services. Consultants shall be eligible to participate if: (a) (b) (c)
the persons are citizens or bona fide residents of an eligible country; and in all cases, the consultant has no arrangement and undertakes not to make any arrangements, whereby any substantial part of the net profits or other tangible benefits of the contract will accrue or be paid to a person not a citizen or bona fide resident of an eligible country. permanent staff or associates of a consulting firm may be available as individual consultants. In such cases, the conflict of interest provisions described in CDB’S Guidelines shall apply to the parent firm.
Eligible countries are member countries of CDB. The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of CDB’s Guidelines for the Selection and Engagement of Consultants (2011), setting forth CDB’s policy on conflict of interest. In the assessment of submissions, consideration will be given to technical competence, qualifications and experience, local and regional experience on similar assignments, financial capability and existing commitments. All information must be submitted in English. Further information may be obtained from the first address below between 0900 and 1600 hours Monday to Friday. Three hard copies of the Expressions of Interest must be received at the first address below no later than 1630 hours on Friday, July 26, 2019 and an electronic copy must be sent simultaneously to CDB at the second address below. The sealed envelope containing each submission should include the name and address of the applicant and shall be clearly marked “Expression of Interest – Consultancy Services for Road Safety Consultancy” Following the assessment of submissions, the most technically capable and appropriately experienced applicant will be invited to negotiate a contract to provide the consultancy services. . GOB reserves the right to accept or reject late applications or to cancel the present invitation partially or in its entirety. It will not be bound to assign any reason for not short-listing any applicant and will not defray any costs incurred by any applicant in the preparation and submission of Expressions of Interest.
1.01 The Board of Directors (BOD) of CDB at its Two Hundred and Fifty-First Meeting held on May 21, 2012, considered Paper BD 44/12 and approved a loan to GOBZ to assist in financing a Road Safety Project. The expected outcome of the Project was a reduction in deaths and serious injuries associated with RTAs along a Demonstration Corridor on the George Price Highway between Belize City and Belmopan. The investments included activities to support improving: the safety of road infrastructure along the Corridor; road user awareness of safety; driver behaviour and adherence to traffic laws; post-crash care; and the capacity of GOBZ to manage road safety. The Project was completed in September 2018, and infrastructure, enforcement, and public awareness efforts implemented have contributed to significant improvements to safety on the Corridor. Fatalities on the demonstration corridor moved from 33 deaths in 2009 to a 5-year average of 9 between 2013-2017. 1.02 GOBZ now wishes to replicate this approach to improve road safety along the Philip S. W. Goldson (PSWG) Highway between Belize City and the border with Mexico. The PSWG Highway is one of Belize’s most important and serves as the main trade route to and from Mexico. A 2011 safety assessment of the road network determined that it was predominately 1-2 stars for all users (with 3 being the minimum acceptable standard), it is now considered to have the poorest safety record in the entire network. 1.03 Road Traffic Injuries have significant negative impacts on Belize, at all levels, as they place significant emotional, psychological and financial burden on families of accident victims, elevate the number of healthy life-years lost, loss if productivity and income for victims and their care takers and contribute to the overall mortality and morbidity levels in the country. Road death and injury are not inevitable. Road trauma is a preventable public health challenge. Road systems can be developed that reduce the likelihood of a crash occurring and minimize the severity, if a crash does occur. This can be achieved with road users understanding the risks they impose on themselves and other road users, safe vehicles and safe roads, together with appropriate enforcement. 2.
2.01 The objectives of the assignment is to strengthen, develop and consolidate the capacity of the Road Safety Unit (RSU) and other participating agencies to effectively manage road safety in the country. 3.
3.01 The Consultant shall report to, and coordinate activities with other participating agencies through the Project Manager (PM), RSU. The scope of services shall include, but not be limited to the following activities: a. Assist the Operational Steering Committee (OSC) and provide inputs to inform and guide their decision-making; b. Assist the National Road Safety Committee (NRSC) and provide inputs to inform and guide their decision-making; c. Assist NRSC, OSC and PM, RSU, to review the validity of the established road safety vision for Belize; d. Assist PM and relevant stakeholders to analyze road traffic accidents data and make practical recommendations to ensure dataset definition commonality in the Ministry of Health’s, Health Management Information Management System, Police Department’s (PD) Crime Information System road traffic accidents database suite and Belize City’s and traffic enforcement database. Assist stakeholders to establish comparable, consistent, and timely generation of database reports to inform effective monitoring and evaluation (M&E) and ensure a result based focus to a national road safety strategy, Master Plan and Operational Plans; e. Assist RSU in the establishment of collision reduction targets; f. Assist RSU in calculating the estimated cost of collisions; g. Review the Report on Legislative and Regulatory Analysis of Traffic Management in Belize and assist RSU to lobby for legislative and regulatory changes to improve enforcement effectiveness; h. Review the new and used vehicle-importing industry and associated regulations, and then make recommendations on vehicle age limits and quality standards; i. Assist the Ministry of Transport, Department of Transport (DOT), and Ministry of National Security, Police Department (PD), in the development of biannual enforcement strategies in coordination with the Enforcement Training Consultancy; j. Review and provide comments and recommendations on the communications and awareness campaigns; k. Assist RSU in stakeholder consultations to mobilise funding resources. Make recommendations for the establishment of sustainable road safety funding mechanisms. l. Assist RSU in identifying capacity constraints within participating agencies. Make recommendations for institutional strengthening activities; m.Assist RSU in developing M&E framework, including the identification and compilation of data and the development of appropriate performance targets and indicators; n. Participate in project launch, annual project review proceedings, exit workshop and project completion exercises. Assist in the development and implementation of Annual Action Plans based on the deliberations and outcomes of these proceedings; o. Assist RSU in the revision of consultant’s reports; p. Assist RSU in integrating cross sector needs and developing a result focused, revision of medium term national road safety strategy, identifying goals and objectives along with specific achievable activities, initiatives, capacity building measures and a financing plan. 4.
4.01 It is expected that the consultancy will be completed, periodically and intermittently, over a 48 month period. 5.
5.01 The consultant will be required to submit the following number of gender-sensitive and socially-inclusive reports to the Government of Belize (GOBZ) and the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), respectively, within the time periods indicated: (a) Inception Report: Within two weeks of the completion of the Project Launch, submit an Inception Report describing the approaches proposed to be taken to prepare and deliver the scope of services outlined and a biannual work plan. (b) Progress Reports: preparation of progress reports following project missions. (c) Annual Project Review: preparation of a report summarizing proceedings and the proposed action plan for the coming year, within two weeks of the Annual Review consultations. (d) Periodic Ad Hoc Reports: preparation of Ad Hoc Reports, as and when required but not exceeding ten over the life of the project, to provide guidance to RSU and PM on particular issues. (e) Project Completion Report: preparation of a Completion Report within three months after the completion of the services. 5.02 GOBZ and CDB will provide comments on reports within two weeks of receipt of the report and the consultants will adjust the ongoing work according to the comments received. Reports should be submitted in three hard copies and electronically. 6.
6.01 The Project Manager, Road Safety Unit will facilitate the work of the consultant and make available all relevant documents, and will act as liaison between the consultant and GOBZ officials and stakeholders. 7.
7.01 The Consultant should have the necessary skills, including but not limited to, high-level expertise and experience in road safety management, advocacy, and strategy development. Experience with the design, implementation and management of results-focused national road safety strategies, at senior agency and ministerial levels, is required. The Consultant should have significant experience in skills and knowledge transfer and mentoring.