The Belize Times
Established 1957
COCKFIGHT! The Truth Shall Make You Free
23 JULY 2017 | ISSUE NO: 5055 | $1.00
Wednesday, 19 July 2017 The UDP is in crisis mode in the city, which promises to be the municipal battleground, after Mayor Darrell Bradley has missed consecutive deadlines to submit his name in the race. Credible reports to the Belize Times are that Bradley left the country on vacation for three weeks and has refused to take calls from Prime Minister Dean Barrow. Sources close to the PM say that this past weekend Barrow was desperately trying to reach his hormonal Mayor with no success. It’s something the Mayor has done before – in fact leading up to the last municipal election – and even back then veiled threats from Barrow did not sway him. It is no secret that the relationship between the two has been souring for years and it has even played out in public where both have been critical of the other. Bradley has openly condemned the Barrow Administration’s handling of issues including blatant corruption, and Barrow has retaliated by basically calling the Mayor a liar after comments
Pg. 2
Darker Days Ahead for Cane-Farmers Pg. 3
Agriculture CEO, Jose Alpuche
Pg. 4
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Continued from page 1 he made about zoning regulations going before Cabinet. But while there’s no love lost between the two, Mr. Barrow apparently realizes that with the tide turning against his corrupt, incompetent Party, he has to do whatever it takes to secure any victory possible. And all eyes are on the city where the UDP has held sway for consecutive terms. While Bradley plays coy, the sharks are circling. Both Dion Peyrefitte and Phillip Willoughby have submitted their names, but Mr. Barrow and his Cabinet as well as senior insiders have all agreed that they prefer to wait than to go with either of the two which would mean a sure loss in municipal elections. How it must chafe the PM to realize that truly he has lost any power he once wielded when he must sit and wait for the Mayor. And the truth is with the tides turned against the UDP, even Darrell Bradley has lost the ‘golden boy’ finish which characterized his first term when money was flowing like a river. In addition to being the only municipality allowed to float a bond, Central Government also provides the largest subvention of any municipality to Belize City. And if that were not enough, Central Government also granted CitCo millions and millions from Petrocaribe monies to get stuff done. And…wait for it – Belize City also boasts the most powerful UDP Ministers as Representatives – the Prime Minister, Boots Martinez, Michael Finnegan, Patrick Faber. Check it out – the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister – so theoretically the city should be paved with gold. But the City Council and Darrell Bradley have been a gigantic flop.
LOCAL 20 Jul
23 JUL
When those millions ran out, the work came to a complete halt. Any resident can tell you that after any reasonably heavy rain the city now floods. All the cemented streets have broken up – many of them within a couple months. The downtown area is a filthy eyesore. The southside of Belize City remains the most impoverished, under-developed area in the country. Hundreds of streets have been untouched and are broken up beyond description. And despite levying the highest fees on residents of any municipality, Darrell Bradley has been unable to generate revenues to get anything done. So Mr. Barrow can beg and plead while Mr. Bradley plays coy. But either way it goes, the city will be a battleground. The UDP – Central Government and Municipal Administration have failed the people.
22 Jul
23 Jul
Thursday, 20 July 2017 Retired Police Superintendent Julio Valdez was called to testify before the Senate Select Committee, and he confirmed to the Senate that the Police top brass knew about the hustling at immigration from late 2013 and early 2014. That was 2 years before the Auditor General’s team produced their findings, alerting the nation to the rampant corruption within that department. Yet, nothing was done, despite one investigator’s attempt to get to the bottom of the entire situation. In October of 2013, right after the Elvin Penner/Wonhong Kim scandal broke, Valdez was sent into the Immigration Department to find out how documents had been leaked to attorney Arthur Saldivar. But what he found while in there was much worse. He described it in his perspective with the analogy, “If I receive a report of burglary, and I visit a house and a find a dead man in there, I will not just leave the dead man and deal with the burglary. I will pick up the murder.” But incredibly, the seasoned investigator claims that he was told to leave that “murder” alone and to focus only on the “burglary.” And that’s where it got very interesting. According to Valdez, he only reported to then Deputy Commissioner of Police Russell Blackett and Commissioner Allen Whylie (who coincidentally was the CEO in Immigration before he became Commissioner of Police). Valdez would confirm to Senators on Wednesday that it wasn’t Blackett who told him to back off the investigation into rampant irregularities, but he refused to name and blame the ComPol despite persistent questioning. “I choose not to answer that at this time for legal ramifications,” stated Valdez repeatedly. When pressed further he said, “I have now retired out of the Belize Police Department, I am a civilian now. I do not want to be dragged back into Court and all those things with legal ramifications and the end result to prove that what I said is right. Based on that I choose not to answer at this time.” What Valdez found in the Immigration Department is what has been coming out week after week from the hearings – a culture of corruption and a frightening pattern of irregularity and illegality. He said that his close examination of the files handed over by Saldivar, those leaked files,
24 Jul
revealed that most of them were for applicants seeking nationality. In several instances, the applicants did not qualify, yet some of them were able to get Belize nationality within onoe month of entering Belize. Of course, Asian nationals featured prominently among those applicants who did not qualify. Valdez said that he then focused on Belizean addresses being given in the applications for places of residence. He also noticed a trend there; none of the applicants lived where they claimed to live. In some instances, there were even made up addresses which didn’t exist, and if they did, Valdez did not find the applicant as the resident at the address declared in the nationality application form. The veteran officer told the Senate that he also spotted that in all of these cases immigration officer Ady Pacheco featured prominently as the front desk person who accepted these applications. He noticed that there were forgeries in the photocopies of the native passports of the applicants. But that investigation into those irregularities ended as quickly as it begun, based on instructions from higher up. While Valdez refused to say exactly who gave him those directives, it’s fair comment to say that it could only have been one man and we all know who that is.
The Belize Times
Established 1957
14 APR 2013
ISSUE NO: 4840
The Truth Shall Make You Free
serving Belize since 1957 as the longest continuous newspaper. Founder: Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus OFFICE MANAGER
Fay Castillo EDITOR
Mike Rudon
Chris Williams
Roberto Peyrefitte Printed and Published By TIMES NEWSPAPER LTD. Tel: 671-8385 #3 Queen Street P.O. BOX 506 Belize City, Belize
25 Jul
United States
on page 31 ExchangeContinued rate (USD): $ 0.50 of One Belize Dollar
Barbados (BBD): $ 1.00
Eastern Caribbean Euro (XCD):$ 1.35 (EUR) : $ 0.46
Sterling Pound Guatemala Quetzal CANADIAN DOLLAR (GBP): $ 0.35 (GTQ): $ 3.85 (CAD): $ 0.67
Trinidadian (TTD) : $ 3.27
23 JUL
03 3
Darker Days Ahead for Cane-Farmers
For Sale By Order of the Mortgagee Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Mortgage made the 5th day of March 2009, between ABEL PIXABAJ of Silk Grass Village, Stann Creek District, Belize (hereinafter called “the Borrower”) of the one part and SCOTIABANK (BELIZE) LIMITED (hereinafter called “the Mortgagee”) of the other part, and recorded in Deeds Book Volume 6 of 2009 at Folios 729-754, the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the schedule hereto. All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. SCHEDULE ALL THAT lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Independence Village Extension, Stann Creek District, being Lot No. 33 containing 721.032 square meters, bounded and described as shown on a plan of survey signed by E. H. Arzu, Licensed Land Surveyor, dated the 3rd day of February, 2000 and recorded at the office of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys in Belmopan in Entry No. 4852 Register No. 22, TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon.
Thursday, 20 July 2017 ther party could call for a re-negotiaStakeholders in the Belize sug- tion. Instead, BSI/ASR - arguing that ar industry are trying to prepare for they need an uninterrupted cane DATED this 5th day of July, 2017. the fast arriving October 2017 liber- supply to justify the investment MUSA & BALDERAMOS LLP alization of beet sugar production in wants the contract to run its full term 91 North Front Street the European Union market. That will until 2022. The problem? The largest Belize City usher in an end to higher sugar prices sugar cane farmers’ association, the Attorneys-at-Law for enjoyed by the Belizean cane farm- Belize Sugar Cane Farmers AssociaScotiabank (Belize) Ltd. er. Currently, sugar world prices are tion (BSCFA) is not in support while already over 40 percent lower than the two smaller associations have PUBLIC AUCTION SALE: PROPERT 2016. already signed on. BSCFA wants the As if more bad news is needed, commercial agreement to be renegoCosta del Sol, West of San Pedro Town, Ambergris Ca agriculture CEO Jose Alpuche has tiated. Among the points they want Costa del Sol, West of San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, Belize District already warned that the fuel subsi- revised is the bagasse payment and BY ORDER of the Mortgagees, Messrs.The Belize Bank International Limited, Licensed Auctioneer BYKevin ORDER of the Mortgagees, Messrs. The Belize Bank International L A. Castillo will sell the following properties atThe Belize Bank Limited Parking Lot, Barrier Reef dy currently enjoyed by the farmers cane plot ownership. Drive, San Pedro, Caye, Belizeproperties District onTuesday 1st August 2017Bank at 10:00 Limited am: A. Castillo will sellAmbergris the following at The Belize might be up for review. Earlier this BSI/ASR is arguing that any San Pedro, Ambergris Caye,BluBelize District Tuesday 1st August 2017 week he stated, “I know for a fact that re-negotiation would lead to a fur3 Condominiums, Brahma Resort, West ofon San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, Belize District: Government is coming under tremen- ther period of stalemate and uncer3 Condominiums, Brahma Blu Resort, West of San Pedro Town, A dous pressure by the IFIs to end the tainty like in previous years. Alfredo AUCTION SALE: PROPERTIES subsidies that they provide to sugar. Ortega, chairman ofPUBLIC the Orange Walk Sugar is one of the only industries Branch of the saysofwith Costa del BSCFA Sol, West Santhe Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, Belize District that obtains those levels of subsidies initial three-year mark around the corand Government is coming under in- ner, they want to cement the formuBY ORDER of the Mortgagees, Messrs. The Belize Bank International Limited, Licensed Auctioneer Kevin creasing pressure to end those. It is a la used for the payment of bagasse. A. Castillo willCurrently, sell the following properties atisThe Belize Bank Limited Parking Lot, Barrier Reef Drive, dialogue that we will have with them says Ortega, the formula Pedro, Ambergris Belize District on Tuesday 1st August 2017 at 10:00 am:SALE: PROPERTIES PUBLIC AUCTION in due course.” He hasSan affirmed that based onCaye, the price of sugar produced del Sol, West of San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, Belize District Government certainly does not have rather than electricity with of San PedroCosta 3 Condominiums, Brahma Blugenerated Resort, West Town, Ambergris Caye, Belize District: resources to provide additional sup- the bagasse. He also adds that a run BY ORDER of the Mortgagees, Messrs. The Belize Bank International Limited, Licensed Auctioneer Kevin port to farmers who enjoy duty free through of the current agreement A. Castillo will sell the following properties at The Belize Bank Limited Parking Lot, Barrier Reef Drive, San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize District on Tuesday 1st August 2017 at 10:00 am: fuel. However, with the cost at the would mean that there would be no 3 Condominiums, Brahma Blu Resort, West of San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, Belize District: pumps increasing, farmers’ produc- negotiation for the payment of other REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK tion costs are still higher than before. by-products that might emerge. OrSan Pedro 7 All that aside, there is other trou- tega added that BSI/ASR wants to ble brewing in the industry. The task charge farmers to produce the direct of preparing for the upcoming diffi- consumption sugar and they want to (Being three condominiums inside the development known as Brah culties is colossal and is seeing the include that clause in the agreement. del Sol Area, west of San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, Belize Dis BSI/ASR factory at Tower Hill proBSCFA is currently holding meetParcel 5527 (H3): Condominium [17ft. X 70 ft] + balcony [136 sq. pose a BZ$22 million investment. ings with their members to inform en-suite bathroom + shared bathroom + living/sitting room + dinin The 18-month implementation would them of this development. Ortega REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK Kama Three PARCELS room, theSan freehold property of Messrs. Inc. be aimed at achieving an increase in REGISTRATION says that while for the most part, the Pedro 7 5527 (H3), (H8) & (H12) SECTION BLOCK PARCELS the production of value-added direct farmers want the investment to be Parcel 5527 (H8): Condominium [17ft. X 70 ft] + balcony [136 sq. San Pedro 7 condominiums inside 5527 (H3), (H8) & (H12) (Being three the development known as Brahma Blue situate in the Costa consumption sugar to reign in higher made, they feel they should not be en-suite bathroom + 1 bathroom + living/sitting room + dining room del Sol Area, west of San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, Belize District described as follows: earnings. However, BSI/ASR’s proviso held hostage by that investment. the freehold property of XMessrs. Pink Orchid Parcel 5527 (H3): Condominium [17ft. 70 ft] + balcony sq. ft.] -S.A. 2 bedrooms one with an (Being known as+ Brahma Blue situate in the[136 Costa is the removal of what they call the three condominiums inside the development en-suite bathroom shared bathroom + living/sitting room + dining roomft] + kitchen + laundry Parcel 5527 (H12): Condominium [17ft. X 70 + balcony [136 sq “opt-out” clause from the del current room, the freehold property of Messrs. Kama Threeas Inc. Sol Area, west of San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, Belize District described follows: an5527 en-suite bathroom itsft]own balcony covers (H8): Condominium X 70 + balcony [136 sq. (ft.]balcony - 2 bedrooms one withapproxi an cane purchase agreement scheduled Parcel 5527 (H3): Condominium [17ft. X 70 ft] +Parcel balcony [136 sq. ft.] -[17ft. 2and bedrooms one with an en-suite bathroom + 1 bathroom++ living/sitting living/sitting room +room dining room + kitchen + laundry room, for January 19, 2018. At that time, ei1shared bathroom + dining room + kitchen +l
the freehold property of Messrs. Pink Orchid S.A. en-suite bathroom + shared bathroom + living/sitting room + dining room + kitchen + laundry NOTICE property ofCondominium Messrs. Kama Twelve Inc.) Parcel 5527 (H12): [17ft. X 70 ft] + balcony [136 sq. ft.] - 2 bedrooms one with room, the freehold property of Messrs. Kama Three Inc. an en-suite bathroom and its own balcony ( balcony covers approximately 200 square feet) + hereby given that Ro-X 70 ft] +1shared bathroom + living/sitting + dining roomone + kitchen + laundry Parcel 5527 Notice (H8): is Condominium [17ft. balcony [136 sq. ft.] -room 2 bedrooms with an room, the freehold raima V. Arzu is applying for a ADDITIONAL property of Messrs. Kama Twelve Inc.) INFORMATION - en-suite bathroom + 1 bathroom + living/sitting room + dining room + kitchen + laundry room, Beer Liquor License to be opTERMS: STRICTLY CASH Vacancy exist for a Cashier/ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION -(foreclosure listing) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - the freeholderated property of Messrs. Orchid S.A. at “Oceany MiniPink Shop”, (foreclosure listing) KEVIN Salesman at Caribbean TERMS: STRICTLY CASH Parcel 5527 #(H12): Condominium [17ft. X 70 ft] + balcony [136 sq. ft.] - 2KEVIN bedrooms one with A. CASTILLO Mahogany Street, Orange A. CASTILLO TERMS: STRICTLY CASH Charm located TELEPHONE 223-4488 Walk Town,and Orange Walkbalcony District ( balcony covers approximatelyTELEPHONE an en-suite bathroom its own 200 A. square feet) + 223-4488 KEVIN CASTILLO At #90 North Front Street, E-mail: under the Intoxicating Liquor 1shared bathroom + living/sitting roomLi-+ dining room + kitchen + laundry room, the E-mail: freehold TELEPHONE: 4473Book: Belize Auctions Face Book: Belize224 Auctions Belize City. Call 666-1155 for cense Ordinance Revised EdiFace Kama Twelve Inc.) Email: more information. property of Messrs. tion 1980.
Face Book: Belize Auctions
0 4 4 04
Thursday, 20 July 2017 The Belize Times has received more documents leaked out of the Ministry of Natural Resources, documents which show the unbridled greed of the Vega family. Of course, this will be nothing new to our readers or to Belizeans in general who have been disgusted by the revelations coming out of the Vega’s hotbed of corruption, operated like a private family business. We’ve revealed scores of documents showing prime land all over the country given to family members of the then Minister of Natural Resources Gaspar Vega. We have shown you the documents chronicling how millions were paid out in an organized compensation scam which benefitted cronies and family members of Vega, including his son Andre who has yet to give back the $400,000 his daddy took from Belizeans and gave to him. By now you have seen the documents which show that an associate of Vega paid $6000 for a piece of land and was compensated $1M when that land was taken away. We’ve also shown you how Vega managed to get hold of 1600 acres of prime property in Carmelita for himself – signing over that land to selected persons and then having those persons transfer it back to his wife and his brother German until it made its way back into his hands. Last week you saw how Vega did the same for his brother Eduardo, securing for him 400 acres of prime riverside property in the Cayo District – same scheme. Vega as Minister granted lands to a few people who then turned around and transferred the land to Eduardo
Vega and his wife Alma. And there’s more because where Gaspar and his not normal family is concerned, there is always more. In this latest hustle, Eduardo and his wife Alma managed to get hold of a caye through the same deal. It’s simple – the same people who were used to get hold of the 400 acres were used again. Miriam Merida, Ramon Banos, Fredi Cruz and Ricardo Banos applied for grant to large parcels of Ramsey Caye. Very quickly, Minister Gaspar Vega produced a Minister’s Fiat for them. They then just as hurriedly applied to purchase the said parcels and were granted approval, for a pittance. As soon as that purchase price was paid, those persons then turned around and through deeds of conveyance, signed over title to Ramsey Caye to Eduardo and Alma Vega. All the documents are there in black and white. Belizeans now need to ask the most important questions. When is Gaspar Vega going to pay for what he has done to the Belizean people? When is Gaspar Vega going to stand before a Judge and be tried for his corruption? When will there be a comprehensive investigation to determine how many millions were stolen, and how many parcels of land were illegally obtained by the Vega family? When will there be attempts to get back that money or to take back those assets? Right now, it is only the Prime Minister who can answer any of those questions…but where Vega is concerned, he seems to have gone deaf, dumb and blind.
23 JUL
Big Bolas…. Darrell Bradley has big, shiny brass bolas. I figure he found them after Zenaida revealed that Dean Oliver has lost them. I hear the man nearly made DOB cry this weekend because he refused to take his calls. So what’s the fuss all about? Well apparently Darrell will run as Mayor, but is holding out because he wants DOB to approve a multi-million-dollar loan from the Heritage Bank which has been held back. See, lending agencies don’t generally make large loans to municipal administration which would not be paid back within their term of office. But the Mayor is looking to have this loan disbursed later this year, only a few months before the term would end. Bradley knows the UDP higher-ups don’t take either Dion Leslie or Phillip Willoughby seriously so he’s not concerned about taking a three-week vacation and ignoring the deadlines to submit his name. He may look like a lil wuss and talk funny, but the bolas on the fellow. I swear… I’m telling you I nearly pissed myself laughing when I heard an interview by Phillip Willoughby a couple days back. So the man says – with a serious face because he wants to be Mayor so he can’t continue to look like a dodo-bird – “nobody can deny that the work that the Council has done in the past six years has been tumultuous.” Yes…he did! He said tumultuous. Should I give him points for using such a big word even though he used in completely wrongly? Sheesh. I hear the Galen Management has been frantically calling around trying to verify if this fellow really has a Master’s Degree from that institution. They haven’t found a copy just yet. Just saying… Oh hell… Remember that scene from Rocky V where the champ has just beaten the crap out of Tommy Gunn? George Washington Duke tells Rocky – “touch me and I’ll sue.” I got a flashback while watching the news last night where that Whylie guy was in the Senate. So Whylie says basically if any of you suggest that I covered up the corruption in Immigration by stopping the investigation I’ll sue. Boss, are you stupid or something? That’s like me saying if any of you suggest that I’m fat I’ll sue. Please stop. I just can’t deal…I just can’t. Ain’t nobody with even a fraction of sense that really thinks the ComPol didn’t stop the investigation. Nobody. Then he says…get this…well I directed this guy Valdez to continue the investigation into Immigration, and somehow he must have heard – don’t continue the investigation into Immigration. Hey, that shit happens. One time I ordered a chicken with fries and they gave me fried rice. Same thing, right? My lerd. My pressure’s too high for me to be dealing with this level of stupidity right now. Another daddy’s boy… The next time I get stopped by Police I’m gonna tell them – do you know who I is? Do you know who my daddy be? That seems to be the in thing right now. The Castro sons did it the other day and hell, it must have worked because they assaulted two Police officers and didn’t get charged. Hear those officers are hoping to meet them again some night but anyway…seems that Rene Montero’s son, Rene Amin was pulled over the other day by Police. I’m hearing from sources that he wasn’t driving but was sleeping in the vehicle drunk. Apparently up he jumps when Police check the vehicle and does the daddy thing. He allegedly wasn’t getting the result he wanted so reports are he started getting disorderly and had to be handcuffed and put in the back of the Police vehicle to cool off. Anyway long story short, Rene Amin who works out of the DPP’s office allegedly went to the Sol-en and demanded compensation because of the way he was treated. I hear the Sol-Gen, a normally taciturn fellow, could not contain his mirth and so Rene Amin then decided to sue the Police Department. Last I’ve hear the matter has been sent to mediation, but I’ll be sure to have more information for our next issue. I swear these Ministers’ sons kill me. Penner… It’s been 27 days since that waste of space Elvin Penner knocked down and killed a man on the George Price Highway. He claimed he was overtaking a vehicle and a motorcycle just “appeared” in front of him. My problem, apart from the loss of life, is that after 27days the Cayo Police say they still haven’t gotten the result of a test to show if Penner was drinking or not. Twenty-seven days. If any of you believe that it takes a whole month to test for alcohol in blood or urine you probably need to be tested too. This really pisses me off. I know there are very many things which piss me off. This here is one.
23 JUL
n 2008 the UDP under Mr. Barrow represented a bright light, a ray of hope. Oh that fellow was a brilliant politician, Mr. Barrow. He said all the right things. He made all the right promises. With carefully practiced gestures and phrases he told the people of Belize everything they wanted to hear. He would fix everything that was broken, right every wrong. Seated on his white charger he would lead an army of the righteous in Cabinet. He would stamp out corruption. He would grow the economy. He would save this little corner of the world, our jewel Belize. What a sick, cruel joke that turned out to be. What a sick, cruel joke Mr. Barrow turned out to be. From those glorious days of chest-beating and pontificating we have now reached to the point where scandals and corruption are the orders of the day. Think back to that shameful, disgraceful, repulsive showing in the Senate two weeks ago where two Senior Ministers of Mr. Barrow’s Cabinet behaved like unabashed thugs, and realize that they are an integral part of Mr. Barrow’s army of the righteous. These are two of the stars of Mr. Barrow’s Cabinet, if you can imagine that. From the awe-inspiring rhetoric in which Mr. Barrow brandished his two-sided machete, imagine that we have now come to the point where there is overwhelming evidence to show that former Deputy Prime Minister Gaspar Vega is a thief, and used his power and influence to enrich himself and his family members. In any civilized country, Mr. Vega would be in jail. He would be locked away for crimes against the people. But nothing of the sort has or will happen. That is our reality today. Corruption in government has become the norm. And Mr. Barrow has said nothing. No more rhetoric about stomping out corruption. No more blazing speeches. Just NOTHING! Nothing is working for the UDP. Every system under the control of the Barrow administration has flatlined. Can you look at any current Minister of Cabinet and feel a sense of pride and confidence? Can you look at any of our systems and really believe that they are working? After nine years of the UDP our economy is in shambles, our health system is in shambles, our Police Department is demoralized to the point of impotence. Our Immigration processes have been rendered meaningless by unscrupulous Ministers who have intimidated and/or incentivised key public officers. Imagine that it can take months for a REAL born Belizean to obtain a passport, while a foreigner who has never set foot in Belize can get a Visa, Nationality and Passport in a day or two. Mr. Barrow has chosen to bury his head in the sand and feebly live out the few remaining months of his political life as a paper tiger. But the chickens are coming home to roost and the UDP will not get a fourth term to betray the Belizean people. Not even two years into its third term in office, only months away from municipal elections, the United Democratic Party has been having no end of difficulties putting together its slates. This is no fluke and certainly no surprise. The UDP is in a terrible state of limbo – an uncertain and unpleasant time spawned by crisis after crisis, scandal upon scandal, a leader who is no longer a leader, constant infighting on the road to choosing a new leader and a seriously lack of talent, character, intelligence and ability in Cabinet. The UDP is actually screwed, and that is becoming clearer every day. Dean Barrow, Erwin Contreras, Gaspar Vega, Michael Finnegan, ‘Boots’ Martinez, Manuel Heredia, Rene Montero and Sedi Elrington are on their way out. Patrick Faber clearly wants to be leader, but he lacks the maturity to do so and he is known to have problems with both alcohol and domestic abuse. John Saldivar also wants to be leader, but he lacks the integrity and the Mason spectre still hangs over his head. He is considered arrogant and uncouth, and there are those who would never sanction his rise in power. So who is left to rule this once mighty UDP? Mark Espat’s name was thrown on the table but just as swiftly thrown off. Deputy Prime Minister Patrick Faber has said that he will break up the UDP rather than contemplate a leader like Espat. His boast would perhaps be an idle one if not supported by senior Minister Michael Finnegan who has the ear of the Prime Minister. Espat is a seasoned strategist, though, and we wouldn’t count him out just yet. Mr. Barrow sees in him a sort of kindred soul, someone who would do whatever it takes to win elections just as he did - much to the detriment of country and people. And there is another player who sees himself as a saviour of the UDP – the new guard and a refreshing change after the stinking corruption which has tarnished every term of this UDP under Mr. Barrow. Darrell Bradley is ambitious, and he realizes that Mr. Barrow needs him desperately if the UDP is even to have a chance of holding on to the municipal seat in Belize City. If the UDP loses Belize City, then all is lost. As he did once before, Bradley is playing it close to the line – refusing to submit his name for Mayor despite the passing of deadlines. And Mr. Barrow can do nothing but wait. Bradley, we are told, wants consideration as a prospective leader of the UDP. But what is left of the UDP? Perhaps only a song from that proverbial fat lady. For all intents and purposes, the United Democratic Party has flatlined.
05 5 en Español
Sin constantes vitales
n 2008 el UDP bajo el Sr. Barrow representó una luz brillante, un rayo de esperanza. ¡Ah! Ese hombre era un político brillante, el Sr. Barrow. Dijo todo lo correcto. Hizo todas las promesas correctas. Con frases y gestos cuidadosamente ensayados le dijo al pueblo Beliceño todo lo que querían escuchar. Él arreglaría todo lo que estaba roto, corregiría todo mal. Montado en su corcel blanco estaba presto a dirigir un ejército de los rectos en el gabinete. Él sería el que erradicaría la corrupción. Él crecería la economía. Él salvaría este pequeño rincón del mundo, nuestra joya que es Belice. Qué broma tan enferma y cruel resultó ser eso. Que broma tan enferma y cruel resultó ser el Sr. Barrow. Desde aquellos días gloriosos de golpes de pecho y estar pontificando hemos llegado al punto donde los escándalos y la corrupción son la orden del día. Piense en esa vergonzosa y repugnante ocasión en el Senado hace dos semanas donde dos ministros de alto rango en el gabinete del Sr. Barrow se comportaron como rufianes descarados y dese cuenta de que son parte integral del ejército de los rectos del Sr. Barrow. Estas son dos de las estrellas del gabinete del Sr. Barrow, si puede usted imaginarse eso. De la retórica impresionante en la cual el Sr. Barrow blandió su machete de dos filos, imagínense que ahora hemos llegado al punto donde hay pruebas abrumadoras que demuestran que el ex Vice primer Ministro Gaspar Vega es un ladrón y utilizo su poder e influencia para enriquecerse a sí mismo y a sus familiares. En cualquier país civilizado, el Sr. Vega estaría en la cárcel. El sería encarcelado por crímenes contra el pueblo. Pero nada de eso ha sido o va a suceder. Esa es nuestra realidad hoy. La corrupción en el gobierno ha pasado a ser la norma. Y el Sr. Barrow no ha dicho nada. Ya no hay más retórica sobre la eliminación de la corrupción. Ya no da más discursos ardientes. ¡Simplemente nada! Nada le está funcionando al UDP. Todos los sistemas bajo el control de la administración de Barrow están moribundos. ¿Puede usted mirar a cualquier ministro de gabinete actual y tener un sentido de orgullo y confianza? ¿Puede ver cualquiera de nuestros sistemas y realmente creer que están funcionando? Después de nueve años del UDP nuestra economía está en caos, nuestro sistema de salud es un desastre, nuestro Departamento de Policía está desmoralizado al punto de la impotencia. Nuestros procesos de inmigración fueron despojados de su sentido por ministros sin escrúpulos que han intimidado o incentivado a funcionarios públicos claves. Imagínese que puede tomarle meses a un Beliceño de nacimiento el obtener un pasaporte, mientras que un extranjero que jamás ha puesto un pie en Belice puede obtener una Visa, nacionalidad y pasaporte en un día o dos. El Sr. Barrow ha optado por enterrar su cabeza en la arena y vivir los meses restantes de su vida política débilmente como un tigre de papel. Pero sufrirán las consecuencias de sus actos y el UDP no conseguirá un cuarto periodo de gobierno para traicionar al pueblo Beliceño. Cercano a los dos años en su tercer periodo de gobierno y a solamente meses de las elecciones municipales, el Partido Unido Democrático tiene un sinfín de dificultades para armar sus plantillas de candidatos. Esto ni es una casualidad y ciertamente ni es de extrañar. El UDP está en un terrible estado de limbo – un tiempo incierto y desagradable generado por crisis sobre crisis, escándalo tras escándalo, un líder que ya no es un líder, la lucha interna constante en el camino a elegir un nuevo líder y una falta grave de talento, carácter, inteligencia y capacidad en el gabinete. El UDP realmente esta arruinado, y es cada vez más evidente al paso de los días. Dean Barrow, Erwin Contreras, Gaspar Vega, Michael Finnegan, 'Boots' Martinez, Manuel Heredia, René Montero y Sedi Elrington van de salida. Patrick Faber claramente quiere ser líder, pero carece de la madurez para hacerlo y se le conoce tener problemas con el alcohol y el abuso doméstico. John Saldívar también quiere ser líder, pero carece de integridad y el fantasma de Mason todavía cuelga sobre su cabeza. Se le considera arrogante y grosero, y hay quienes nunca sancionarían su ascenso al poder. ¿Entonces quien queda para gobernar a la otrora poderosa, UDP? El nombre de Mark Espat fue lanzado a la mesa pero al igual rápidamente fue descartado. El Vice Primer Ministro Patrick Faber ha dicho que prefiere despedazar al UDP que considerar un líder como Espat. Su alarde quizás fuera vano de no ser apoyado por el ministro de alto rango Michael Finnegan quien disfruta de la confianza del Primer Ministro. Espat es un estratega experimentado, sin embargo, y no lo descartaríamos aún. El Sr. Barrow lo ve como una especie de alma gemela, alguien que haría todo lo necesario para ganar las elecciones, tal como lo hizo el – al gran detrimento del país y el pueblo. Pero hay otro protagonista que se ve a sí mismo como el Salvador del UDP – el nuevo guardia y un cambio refrescante después de la corrupción hedionda que ha empañado todo periodo de este UDP bajo el Sr. Barrow. Darrell Bradley es ambicioso, y sabe que el Sr. Barrow lo necesita desesperadamente si el UDP ha de tener la oportunidad de aferrarse la cabecera municipal en la ciudad de Belice. Si el UDP pierde la ciudad de Belice, todo está perdido. Como lo hizo una vez antes, Bradley está jugando cerca de la línea – negándose a presentar su nombre para alcalde a pesar de que los plazos se han vencido. Y el Sr. Barrow no puede hacer nada más que esperar. Bradley, se nos dice, demanda consideración como líder prospectivo de la UDP. ¿Pero qué queda del UDP? Tal vez sólo la canción de la soprano regordeta proverbial. Para todos los efectos, el Partido Unido Democrático se encuentra sin signos vitales.
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23 JUL
Thursday, 20 July 2017 Readers probably did not expect much from the testimony of Commissioner of Police Allen Whylie, so you would not have been too disappointed with his appearance before the Senate Special Select Committee on Wednesday. Throughout his term as ComPol, Whylie has been seen as more a political puppet than a Policeman, and that seems quite clear following his testimony. Almost a year after their release, Police Commissioner Allen Whylie has finally started reading the Auditor General’s reports, about two weeks ago he says. He’s only just seeing for himself why Belizeans are outraged at institutional corruption within that Department that the Audit Team’s investigations have unearthed. But, instead of diving right in, better late than never, the Commissioner is still not ready to direct that a criminal investigation be launched into the findings. When asked why did didn’t want to launch an investigation into the corruption and illegality at the Immigration Department after it was revealed to him, Whylie said he didn’t want to do so because the Auditor-General was doing her own thing. When asked why he hasn’t done so after the findings of the report, Whylie says he wants to wait until the Senate hearings are concluded. Who wants to bet that there will never be a real Police investigation into the Immigration Department? That’s another sticking point for the Commissioner. The Auditor General did not send his office an official copy of her report, and so, he took that as reasonable grounds to ignore it completely, even though the press began asking him about it in September of last year. Readers are well aware that the Auditor General’s reports are posted on their webpage, and so anyone who was interested in reading them could have found them right there. But, for whatever reason he delayed in looking at them, he’s now reading them now, and he agrees with all reasonable persons who have combed through the report. He gave his opinion on what he read saying, “I've received these reports the past 2 week; I'm going through them… I think that from my browsing of these reports, it is obvious… that the system broke down and individuals allowed the system to break down because those individuals are the persons who did things against policy… I was very annoyed… when I browsed this report because I viewed the things the auditor general discovered as very grave in terms of what is alleged some of these individuals have done. As I said I believe that the report contains sufficient for administratively for the department to deal with some of these individuals.” Note that he is referring to actions taken against the public officers involved and not against the Ministers who corrupted the system for their own gain. In fact, the Commissioner doesn’t know much about the police investigations into irregularities at the Im-
migration Department, which were commenced under his watch. PUP’s Francis Fonseca had to sue him and get a writ of mandamus from the Chief Justice to force him to investigate Elvin Penner. The Commissioner told the Senate that an investigating team was assembled to look at Elvin Penner’s action as chief producer in the illegal citizenship of the South Korean fugitive Won Hong Kim. That investigation is closed, and no criminal charges have been brought against Penner, except those from COLA, which failed in that private prosecution. Commissioner Whylie also isn’t sure what happened to the investiga-
tion from retired Superintendent Julio Valdez. He said that he thought that Valdez closed his investigation and forwarded the file to the DPP’s Office. The Commissioner, who was once a CEO responsible for Immigration, also doesn’t know for sure if Cabinet discontinued the security clearance checks for persons applying for immigration documents, even though witnesses have come to testify that the Barrow Administration did so. But if you, as a reader, are a disappointed that the head of the police appears rather clueless and disinterested in urgent matters of national interest, don't bother voicing that to him. He boldly claimed, “I have 30 years' service with distinction in the Belize Police Department and in the public service… I'm comfortable in my very own skin, very comfortable in my own skin.”
23 JUL
No Clinic for Santa Elena Town Yet
Thursday, 20 July 2017 Before the 2015 general elections, UDP Cayo Central Area Representative Rene Montero promised residents a brand new clinic equipped with medical staff to provide services to the residents of Santa Elena Town. Montero moved the Belize Marketing and Development Corporation building to another location and selected their building to house the new clinic. The renovations began just before elections but after elections, the work on the clinic ceased. In February of 2016, Montero announced that the clinic will be opened soon and the residents continue to wait. The contract was awarded to prominent UDP supporter Luis Avella at a cost of allegedly close to $500,000 and was expected to be completed in 16 weeks from signing date. Mothers from Santa Elena Town continue to wait in long lines at the office of Montero to get medical services from nurses. Nurses from the San Ignacio Community Hospital attend to mothers every other Friday and most times only one time per month. In cases of emergencies, residents need to walk or charter a taxi paying almost $10 to reach the San Ignacio Community Hospital. The Belize Times spoke to a pregnant resident of Santa Elena Town who explained to us that it is uncomfortable for her to be standing in line for so long. “I get tired, my feet are swollen and I feel bad too for the mothers with small children that are crying and it is hot, sometimes we have to wait the whole day. It is unfair to us and also sometimes I wake up at 4am and when I come to Montero’s office, the book already has names. Look like people put them
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NOTICE Notice is hereby given that FORMALISM LTD. has been dissolved and struck off the International Business Companies Register with effect from the 11th day of July, 2017. GENPRO CONSULTING (BELIZE) LIMITED
NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the below companies have been dissolved and struck off the International Business Companies Register with effect from the dates indicated:
name from the day before. I think that we need our own clinic to attend to we people. I see a building but it is never open there, I don’t know when it will open for us so we can use it,” the woman told us. Apart from being unsanitary for mothers and children to be attended to in the open and in front of other people waiting in line, it is unsafe since the upstairs of Montero’s office is an unfinished building with no railings. In his 2017, Budget presentation, Montero boasted of his achievements including that he transformed the building into a new clinic for the people of Santa Elena Town. However, it is yet unknown when the residents will benefit from the services and equipment from the clinic since it remains closed with padlocks. Elderly residents, pregnant women and sick people continue to walk over to San Ignacio town for medical services. The Belize Times notes that the residents of San Antonio Village remain without a clinic too. The work on their clinic has also been ceased since last year.
NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the below companies have been dissolved and struck off the International Business Companies Register with effect from the dates indicated: BANNERS INTERNATIONAL INC. - July 6th, 2017 ALMODEN INVESTMENTS LTD. - July 6th, 2017 FAIRIX ENTERPRISES LIMITED - July 15th, 2017 ASBESTOS CORPORATION - July 15th, 2017 ALEMAN, CORDERO, GALINDO & LEE TRUST (BELIZE) LIMITED
Registered Agent
NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the below company have been dissolved and struck off the International Business Companies Register with effect from the date indicated: GROVENOR MANAGEMENT INC. - July 11th, 2017 Belize Corporate Services Limited Registered Agent
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23 JUL
No Belizean Buses Past Northern Border were asked to park at the old ADO bus terminal closer to the police station. It meant that passengers would be taken away from the downtown area and the bus owners opted altogether to remain in Belize. According to Thursday, 20 July 2017 Beginning on Saturday July 15, 2017, Belizeans using public transportation to travel into Mexico met with a different – and hassling - procedure to get all the way to the downtown area of Chetumal, Quintana Roo. Rather than being transported by the Belize buses to the usual parking lot at the Lazaro Cardenas market, they had to disembark at the old Belize-Mexico Bridge then walk over to the Mexican Immigration booth and take “combis” or taxis to continue their journey. That not only raises the cost of travel but is greatly inconvenient because shoppers have to themselves carry their purchases through Mexican Immigration and across the bridge on the return to Belize. The Mexican Embassy in Belize has clarified that the local government in Chetumal had prior discussions with Belizean authorities on the matter. Buses would no longer be allowed to park at their usual parking lot. Instead, they
some of the bus owners, they were only called to a meeting one week before to be informed about the change. One owner pointed also to other demands like insurance now being required and upgraded drivers’ licenses. While bus owners indicated they would seek help from the Belize Transport Ministry, perhaps none will be forthcoming as the Minister of Transport, Hon. Edmund Castro has hailed the Mexican’s enforcement of their rules and regulations. He said it is no different from Belize implementing road safety and other transport regulations. He pointed to meetings being held with stakeholders as far back as February of 2012. At the time, the talk was about insurance and road service permits which ADO buses that travel to Belize have obtained. In this case, Mexico has waived the road service permit requirement for Belize buses but is now implementing the insurance requirement. Additionally, they want upgraded buses on the highways.
SPEEDNET AND PUC RUMBLE AGAIN Thursday, 20 July 2017 Speednet Communications Ltd., the parent company of SMART has taken the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to Court over its attempt to charge the company more than $1 million in spectrum frees (fees for the use of a portion of the radio frequency spectrum). The matter dates back several years ago when Speednet was rolling out its LTE technology and needed to use a portion of the 700MGHertz spectrum. It applied to the PUC to be assigned that part of the spectrum but it was already assigned to broadcasting and would need to be reassigned to mobile services. Speednet’s attorney, Senior Counsel Eamon Courtenay said PUC told the company that until that happened, it could not charge Speednet. Some four years ago, Speednet applied to do a test and was granted provisional permission. But according to Courtenay, up to now, the official reassignment of the spectrum has not been done, therefore, the PUC cannot claim fees that have not been reassigned. In December 2016, the Caribbean Court of Justice ordered the PUC to refund Speednet $790,000 dollars each for three years of license fees after determining that the PUC
had levied excessive spectrum fees on the company. Courtenay said that when they wrote the PUC to return the money, “PUC dug up in its files and said ‘Oh! Guess what? We remember that four years ago we had given you an informal approval to test your equipment. We are now going to charge you one million and odd dollars. You, in fact, Speednet, owe us three hundred and odd thousand dollars. So we told them that that was ridiculous, it was unlawful and it was a clear attempt to try to wipe out the debt that it had to pay that was ordered by the CCJ.” The PUC’s refusal to withdraw its decision is what landed them in Court as Speednet seeks to get it declared as illegal and unlawful. Courtenay says the paper trail is clear, showing that the PUC wrote Speednet on July 29, 2013 saying that the approval to test was provisional and no fees were payable. In Court on Monday, the PUC argued for the first time that said letter was the actual license. The trial by affidavit was heard Monday July 17, by Madame Justice Michelle Arana. The Judge has reserved her decision for a later date. The PUC is being represented by Senior Counsel Fred Lumor.
2017 For Sale By Order of the Mortgagee
Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Mortgage made the 2nd day of June 2014, between CARDINAL A. SMITH of Cattle Landing Village, Toledo District, Belize (hereinafter called “the Borrower”) of the one part, and SCOTIABANK (BELIZE) LIMITED (hereinafter called “the Mortgagee”) of the other part, and recorded as Instrument Number LTU-201400932, the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the schedule hereto. All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. SCHEDULE ALL THAT freehold interest in all that piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 2 comprising of 841.073 S.M. situate West of Punta Gorda Town, Toledo District being a portion Entry No. 13396 Reg. 4 surveyed by Guillermo Valdez registered at the Lands and Surveys Department, Belmopan City TOGETHER with all buildings and erection and being thereon. DATED this 17th day of July, 2017. MUSA & BALDERAMOS LLP 91 North Front Street Belize City Attorneys-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.
PUBLIC AUCTION SALE FOR COROZAL DISTRICT Licensed Auctioneer Noel J. Codd will sell the following properties on Monday July 31th, 2016 at the time and place mention below Onsite at 10:00a.m.
All that parcel or piece of land, in Corozal North. Being Registartion Section Corozal North, Block 1, Parcel 869, Corozal Town. The property holds a concrete two storey building.The building contains 1,395 square feet on the main floor and 930 sqare feet on the second floor.The building is made up off 4 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, a laundry, a living kitchen and a dining area. Being the Fee simple property of Mohan and Asha Thani.
Licensed Auctioneer Carmelita Village, Orange Walk District Tel: Office: 677-5184 cell: 624-5184
@Noel Codd Auctioneer
23 JUL
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23 JUL
Message from Hon. John Briceño, Leader of the Opposition
“Protecting Our Most Precious Resource, Our Children” Although I didn’t know young Faye Lin Cannon who was murdered in San Pedro – I knew her. She was a teenage girl the same age as my son Andre: like all our teenaged sons and daughters I am sure she dreamed of going to college, of maybe becoming a teacher, or an environmentalist, maybe even a Prime Minister. I am sure she was a girl who had courage and compassion. She was like any other teenager, looking to the future with hope and dreaming of changing the world When any child is killed in the way this child died, it touches the soul of every parent and it angers us all. Our job is always to protect the innocent. And like all those children in Belize who died from gun violence, like the three girls who burned to death, trapped in a locked room at the correctional facility near Gracie Rock, it not only saddens us, it causes a rage in all of us - for every good Belizean believes that even if one child dies a senseless death it is one child too many. I know we have many great parents in our nation, and I know that every day many of us try our best to do right by our children. We try to protect them as best we can. Still, we need the systems that are in place like the Ministry of Human Development and Child Care Services to work with us to protect our children from those who for some reason or the other fail to fulfill their very sacred commitment to protect the young. The Bible teaches that the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to the children. Jesus himself said: Let the children come unto me, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. As Belizeans, we are wounded each time we hear of these deaths. And I applaud all the activists who stand up and speak out when we learn of these tragic events. More of us need to stand up and call on the responsible authorities to protect our children and the vulnerable in our neighborhoods every day. In the days and weeks ahead, we have to have some frank conversations about the way we are raising and protecting our children and the role of families and parenting in our Belizean society. We have to talk about values and as adults we have to look at how we behave and the kinds of examples we are setting for our children. All of us will have to get the courage to talk about our behavior and our actions and how it is contributing to the development of our families and communities. So while we are angry over the tragic death of young Faye Lin and all the other innocent children we have lost to wrongful deaths in recent months and years, we can’t lose hope. We have to resolve to do all we can to ensure that this never happens again for we know that we must together build a Belize that works for everyone, especially for our children. Thank you, God bless you and have a good week.
For Sale By Order of the Mortgagee Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Assignment & Transfer of Mortgage made the 8th day of October 2008, registered in Deeds Book Vol 37 of 2008 at Folios 643 – 672 between FIRST CARIBBEAN INTERNATIONAL BANK (BARBADOS) LIMITED (the Assignor) SCOTIABANK (BELIZE) LIMITED (the Assignee), and ZENAIDA MOYA (the Mortgagor), which said property was mortgaged by the said ZENAIDA MOYA (the Mortgagor), to the said FIRST CARIBBEAN INTERNATIONAL BANK (BARBADOS) LIMITED on the 27th day of June, 2007 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume 24 of 2007 at Folios 1365-1442 will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the schedule hereto.
For Sale By Order of the Mortgagee Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Mortgage made the 10th day of December, 2010, between JUAN E. BETANCOURT AND JONATHAN BETANCOURT of the First Part and REINA BETANCOURT (Surety) of the Second Part, and SCOTIABANK (BELIZE) LIMITED of the Third Part, and recorded in Deeds Book Volume 36 of 2010 at Folios 1067 to 1102, the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the schedule hereto.
All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.
All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.
ALL THAT piece or parcel of land numbered 3 situate along the Northern Side of the Northern Highway near Mile 5 Belize District, Belize and being more particularly described as Lot 3 as shown on the said plan of subdivision registered in the Lands Department Belmopan City in Register No. 20 Entry No. 3484 for an estate in fee simple free from incumbrances TOGETHER with all buildings, erections and developments standing and being thereon.
ALL THAT piece or parcel of land BEING Lot No. 378 comprising 927.825 Square Metres situate in the Maxboro Area, Sandhill Village, Belize District, Belize, and bounded and described as shown by Plan No. 839 of 2004 attached to Minister’s Fiat (Grant) No. 839 of 2004 dated the 18th day of January, 2005 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon.
DATED this 17th day of July, 2017.
DATED this 17th day of July, 2017.
MUSA & BALDERAMOS LLP 91 North Front Street Belize City Attorneys-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.
MUSA & BALDERAMOS LLP 91 North Front Street Belize City Attorneys-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.
23 JUL
OW Central Summer Camp
23 JUL
Belize Sugar Industries Limited
BelizeHill, Sugar Limited Tower P.O.Industries Box 29 Orange WalkP.O. Town, Tower Hill, BoxBelize 29 Orange Walk Town, Belize
July 19, 2017 July 19, 2017
Belize Sugar Industries Ltd. Preparing to Manage Market Changes Belize Sugar Industries Ltd. Preparing to Manage Market Changes BSI thanks farmers for their collaboration in achieving another record crop. The industry BSI thanks farmers for their collaboration in achieving another record crop. The industry produced over 144,000 metric tons of sugar, more than metric tons thanfor lasttheir crop, grinding 1.29 tons of cane.than BSI10,000 thanks farmers collaboration in achieving another The industry produced over 144,000 metric tons ofmillion sugar, more 10,000 record metric crop. tons than last crop, produced over 144,000 tons of sugar, more than 10,000 metric tons than last crop, grinding 1.29 million tonsmetric ofconsistency cane. Work has already begun to improve the of the factory performance next crop. Changes to the EU sugar regime in October 2017 mean an end 1.29 to the higher prices we of historically grinding million tons cane. enjoyed in that market. World prices for raw sugar have dropped by over 40 percent since last year. We need to prepare for this challenge: it cannot be business as usual for our industry. Work has already begun to improve the consistency of the factory performance next crop. BSI believes into the future our industry and has to 2017 sugar industry for BSIprices to invest BZ$22 million over the Work has already to improve the consistency ofstakeholders theend factory performance next crop. Changes the EUofbegun sugar regime inpresented October mean an toa proposal the higher we next 18 months to increase production of value-added, direct consumption sugar from the current production of 30,000 metric tons per year Changes toenjoyed theThis EUsugar sugar regime in October 2017 mean end to thedropped higher prices we40 that from this in that market. World prices for rawan sugar byBSI over tohistorically 50,000 metric tons. receives a higher price compared to raw sugar and openshave market opportunities. estimates investment, based on the year. 65%/35% share revenue, prices farmers will benefit by around an additional ton as of40 cane above what historically enjoyed in that market. World forchallenge: raw sugar dropped byperover percent since last Wevalue need toofprepare for this ithave cannot be BZ$2 business usual could be earned for selling raw sugar. percent since last year. We need to prepare for this challenge: it cannot be business as usual for our industry. Tofor justify thisindustry. investment, BSI needs assurance that cane supply will not be interrupted over the next four years. BSI has therefore proposed our to amend the 2015 cane purchase agreement to remove the opt-out clause allowing either side to terminate the agreement after 19 January 2018, to eliminate in other uncertainties, allow the contract run for its full term until 2022. industry stakeholders a BSI believes the future ofand our industry andto has presented to sugar BSI believes of our million industryover andthe hasnext presented to sugar industryproduction stakeholders proposal for in BSIthe to future invest BZ$22 18 months to increase of a The 2015 cane purchase agreement is the product of honest and extensive efforts of farmers and BSI. It encapsulates many compromises reached between since startedBZ$22 working together. agreement hasproduction functionedto well date, these changingtons conditions proposal forusBSI towe invest million overthe next 18 months increase production ofper require value-added, direct consumption sugar While from the current ofto 30,000 metric that we now improve the agreement in order to secure the industry’s way forward. value-added, sugar from the currentprice production of 30,000 metricand tonsopens per year to 50,000direct metricconsumption tons. This sugar receives a higher compared to raw sugar BSI is not alter the revenue share agreement of 65%/35% between andon miller, or65%/35% to sugar alter theand payment formula year toproposing 50,000 to metric tons. This sugar receives a higher pricefarmers compared to raw opens market opportunities. BSI estimates that from this investment, based the value for bagasse. These would remain as they are today. However, farmers would receive the benefit of higher revenue from the sale of market opportunities. BSIsugars estimates that from this based onton theof65%/35% value share ofvolumes revenue, farmers will benefit byofaround aninvestment, additional BZ$2 per cane above what increased of added value as a result BSI’s investment. share be of revenue, could earned forfarmers selling will rawbenefit sugar. by around an additional BZ$2 per ton of cane above what BSI wants to emphasize to farmers that BSI is unable under law to accept cane from farmers who do not have a cane purchase could beinearned for selling raw sugar. agreement place. Therefore, if the agreement is terminated, BSI will not be able to accept cane from Belize Sugar Cane Farmers Association (BSCFA) farmers. To justify this investment, BSI needs assurance that cane supply will not be interrupted over the To the justify thisofinvestment, BSIstakeholders needs assurance that will beSugar interrupted over the next four years. BSI has therefore proposed to amend thesupply 2015 cane purchase agreement toAssociation With exception BSCFA, all industry have supported thiscane initiative, including thenot Corozal Cane Producers (CSCPA), the Progressive Sugar Cane Producers Association (PSCPA) the the Government of Belize. Rather thanagreement rest of to the industry next four years. BSI has therefore to amend 2015 purchase remove the opt-out clause allowingproposed either side toand terminate the cane agreement afterjoin 19theJanuary in this joint effort to increase the revenue available to stakeholders, BSCFA has proposed changes which amount to a comprehensive reviremove the opt-out clause allowing either side tothe terminate the after 19into January 2018, eliminate other uncertainties, and allow contract to agreement run forlead itsthe full term until 2022. sion of theto contract, including the payment for bagasse. Any re-negotiation of these changes would industry a further period of stalemate and uncertainty, as they have in previous years, at a time farmers can least afford it. BSCFA is focused on altering the division of 2018, to eliminate other agreement uncertainties, andproduct allow the contract to extensive run for itsefforts full term 2022. The 2015 cane purchase is the of honest and of until farmers existing revenue, rather than focusing on increasing overall revenue for the benefit of the entire industry and the country of Belize. The BSI. 2015It cane purchasemany agreement is the product ofbetween honest and extensive effortsworking of farmers and encapsulates compromises reached us since we started On 6 July, BSI asked BSCFA leaders to plan together outreach to individual branches to explain this proposal. Regrettably, BSCFA chose to and BSI. ItWhile encapsulates many compromises reached us since we started working together. theonagreement functioned well tobetween date, BSI these changing conditions require proceed with this outreach its own, hence has the need for this public announcement. offers to explain the project benefits to farmers and clarify any questions. BSI is available to visit farmers or to invite farmers to visit the mill to see for themselves what is planned. together. While the agreement has functioned to date, these changing conditions require that we now improve the agreement in order towell secure the industry’s way forward. that we nowcane improve the inbyorder totosecure theand industry’s way inforward. BSI urges BSCFA farmers to joinagreement all other farmers agreeing the proposal therefore sharing the additional revenue from this added value project, and any other projects that improve the value of sugar or molasses and therefore improve cane prices for and the duration BSI is not proposing to alter the revenue share agreement of 65%/35% between farmers of the existing contract. BSI is not proposing alter theformula revenue agreement of 65%/35% farmers and miller, or to alter theto payment forshare bagasse. These would remainbetween as they are today. With the changing market the environment in theformula EU andbenefit thefor UK, bagasse. this presents the best possible option forincreased the long term viability of miller, or to alter payment These would remain as they are today. However, farmers would receive the ofproposal higher revenue from the sale of the sugar industry in Belize. However,offarmers wouldsugars receive benefit of higher revenue from the sale of increased volumes added value asthe a result of BSI’s investment. volumes of added value sugars as a result of BSI’s investment. -----ENDS--BSI wants to emphasize to farmers that BSI is unable under law to accept cane from farmers BSI wants emphasize to farmersagreement that BSI isin unable law toifaccept cane from who do nottohave a cane purchase place.under Therefore, the agreement is farmers For further information, please contact: who A.doNeal not have a cane purchase place. Therefore, if theFarmers agreement is William terminated, BSI will not be able to agreement accept caneinfrom Belize Sugar Cane Association Email: terminated, BSI will not be able to accept cane from Belize Sugar Cane Farmers Association (BSCFA) Cell: 610-9774farmers. (BSCFA) farmers. Making Life A Little Sweeter A Little Visit OurMaking Family Life of Brands at Sweeter Visit Our Family of Brands at
23 JUL
Belize Sugar Industries Limited
BelizeHill, Sugar Limited Tower P.O.Industries Box 29 Orange WalkP.O. Town, Tower Hill, BoxBelize 29 Orange Walk Town, Belize
July 19, 2017 19 de julio de 2017
Belize Sugar Industries Ltd. Preparing to Manage Market Changes Belize Sugar Industries Ltd. preparándose para administrar los cambios de mercado BSI thanks farmers for their collaboration in achieving another record crop. The industry produced over 144,000 metric tons of sugar, more than 10,000 metric tons than last crop, BSI le agradece a los cañeros por su colaboración en el logro de otra zafra récord. La industria produjo más de 144.000 toneladas métricas BSI le agradece a los cañeros porquesulacolaboración en el dedeotra zafraderécord. La industria de azúcar, más de 10.000 toneladas métricas última zafra, moliendo 1.29logro millones toneladas caña. grinding 1.29 million tons of cane. produjo más de 144.000 toneladas métricas de azúcar, más de 10.000 toneladas métricas que Ya se han iniciado trabajos para mejorar la consistencia en el rendimiento de la fábrica para la próxima zafra. Los cambios en el régimen del la última zafra, moliendo millones de toneladas de caña. azúcar dehas la UE en octubre del 2017to , 1.29 significan el finthe a los precios altos que históricamente disfrutado ennext ese mercado. Work already begun improve consistency of the factoryhemos performance crop. Los precios
mundiales del azúcar han bajado más del 40 por ciento desde el año pasado. Tenemos que prepararnos para este desafío: No puede ser Changes todethe EU sugar in October 2017 mean an end to the higher prices we negocio como costumbre pararegime nuestra industria.
Ya se han iniciado para mejorar consistencia el rendimiento deby la over fábrica historically enjoyedtrabajos in that market. Worldlaprices for rawen sugar have dropped 40para la BSI cree en el futuro de nuestra industria y ha presentado a los socios interesados una propuesta de inversión por parte de BSI de BZ$ 22 próxima zafra. Los18 cambios en el to régimen delfor azúcar de la UE endirecto, octubre delbusiness 2017, significan el percent since last year. We need prepare challenge: cannot be as usual millones en los próximos meses para aumentar la producción dethis azúcar de consumoit de mayor valor agregado; esto aumentara lafor producción actual de 30.000 métricas por año ahemos 50.000 toneladas métricas azúcar. Este azúcar recibe un precio más alto en fin a losindustry. precios altos toneladas que históricamente disfrutado endeese mercado. Los precios our comparación con el azúcar en bruto y abre oportunidades de mercado. BSI estima que con esta inversión, basándose en el valor de 65%/35% mundiales del azúcar han bajado más del 40 por ciento desde el año pasado. Tenemos que de los ingresos, los cañeros se beneficiarán con alrededor de BZ$2 adicional por tonelada de caña por encima de lo que podrían ganar por la venta del azúcar crudo. prepararnos desafío: puedeand serhas negocio comoto desugar costumbre para nuestra a BSI believes inpara the este future of our No industry presented industry stakeholders industria. Para justificar for esta BSI inversión, BSI necesita garantía que la entrega caña 18 no será interrumpida durante los próximos cuatro proposal to invest BZ$22 million over thedenext months to increase production ofaños. BSI ha propuesto por lo tanto, enmendar el acuerdo comercial del 2015, para eliminar la cláusula opcional de salida, que permite que cualquier lado value-added, direct consumption sugar from the current production of 30,000 metric tons per de las partes de por terminado el acuerdo, después del 19 de enero del 2018 ; así como, eliminar la incertidumbre y permitir que el contrato BSI cree en elsusfuturo de nuestra industria ha presentado los socios interesados una continúe todos términos hasta 2022. contrato deyacuerdo comercialprice dela2015 es el producto esfuerzos honestos y extensos year toen50,000 metric tons. This El sugar receives a higher compared to de raw sugar and opens entre los cañeros y BSI. Esto encierra muchos compromisos alcanzados entre nosotros desde que empezamos a trabajar juntos. Mientras propuesta de inversiónBSI por parte dethat BSI de BZ$this 22 investment, millones en los próximos 18 meses para market opportunities. estimates from based onelthe 65%/35% que el acuerdo ha funcionado bien hasta la fecha de hoy, las condiciones cambiantes requieren que acuerdo se mejorevalue para asegurar el aumentar la producción azúcar de consumo de mayor valor futuro la industria. share of revenue, farmersdewill benefit by arounddirecto, an additional BZ$2 per agregado; ton of caneesto above what aumentara la producción actual de 30.000 toneladas métricas por año a 50.000 toneladas could be earned sellingde raw sugar. BSI no propone alterarfor el acuerdo compartir ingresos de 65%/35% entre los cañeros y la fabrica o modificar la fórmula de pago métricas de seguirán azúcar.tal Este azúcar recibe unhoy. precio más alto en comparación con eldeazúcar eningresos por de bagazo. Estos como han sido hasta el Sin embargo, los caneros recibirían el beneficio mayores el incremento en la venta de volúmenes de azucares de valor añadido, como resultado de la inversión de BSI. bruto y abre mercado. BSI estima que supply con esta basándoseover en elthe To justify thisoportunidades investment, BSIdeneeds assurance that cane willinversión, not be interrupted BSI quierede enfatizar a los cañeros queingresos, no es capaz, bajo aceptar caña de cañeros que nocon un acuerdo de compra caña. Por lo tanto, valor 65%/35% los ley, cañeros se beneficiarán alrededor BZ$2deadicional next four years. BSIde haslos therefore proposed to amend the 2015 tengan cane purchasedeagreement to si el acuerdo se termina, BSI no será capaz de aceptar la caña de los cañeros de la Asociación Cañera de Belize (BSCFA). por tonelada de caña por encima deeither lo queside podrían ganar por laagreement venta del azúcar crudo. remove the opt-out clause allowing to terminate the after 19 January Con la excepción de BSCFA, todos los socios de la industria han apoyado esta iniciativa, incluyendo la Asociación de Productores de Caña de azúcar de 2018,(CSCPA), to eliminate uncertainties, the contract to run for its fulldeterm Corozal la Asociaciónother Progresista de Productores deand Caña allow de Azúcar (PSCPA) y el Gobierno de Belice. En lugar unirseuntil al resto2022. de la industria enPara este esfuerzo conjunto para aumentar los ingresos disponibles a los interesados, BSCFA tiene cambios propuestos que equivalen a una revisión integral justificar inversión, BSI necesita que la entregaextensive de caña no será interrumpida The 2015 caneesta purchase agreement is the garantía product of honest efforts of farmers del contrato, incluyendo el pago de bagazo. Cualquier renegociación de estos cambios llevaría a and la industria a un periodo de estancamiento e incertidumbre, durante próximos cuatro años. ha propuesto lo tanto, enmendar el acuerdo como seBSI. tuvo en anteriores, en un tiempo en que BSI los cañeros tienen menos por para sostener. BSCFA se centra alterar laworking división de los ingresos and Itlosaños encapsulates many compromises reached between us since we en started existentes, en vez de centrarse en el aumento de ingresos totales para el beneficio de toda la industria y el país de Belice. comercialWhile del 2015, para eliminar cláusula opcional salida, que permiteconditions que cualquier lado together. the agreement haslafunctioned well to de date, these changing require Elde 6 delas julio,partes pidió de a líderes BSCFA para planificar juntos para después alcanzar a las del sucursales individuales para explicar esta propuesta. Lamentablemente, pordeterminado el acuerdo, 19 de enero del 2018 ; así como, that weBSI now in order to losecure the industry’s way forward. BSCFA decidió seguirimprove adelante conthe este agreement alcance por su propia cuenta, por tanto, la necesidad de este anuncio público. BSI está dispuesto explicar los beneficios del proyecto a los cañeros y aclarar cualquier duda. disponiblecontinúe para visitar aen los cañeros invitarlos a visitar lahasta fábrica para ver por sí eliminar la incertidumbre y permitir que BSI el está contrato todososus términos 2022. mismos lo que está planeado. El contrato de acuerdo comercial del 2015share es el agreement producto deofesfuerzos extensosand BSI is not proposing to alter the revenue 65%/35%honestos betweenyfarmers BSI le pidelos a loscañeros cañeros de layBSCFA juntarse con otros cañeros y aceptar la propuesta y por lo tanto compartir entre los ingresos adicionalesdesde de este proyecto entre BSI. Esto encierra muchos compromisos alcanzados nosotros miller, or toy otros alter the payment formula for bagasse. would remain asla caña they are today. de valor agregado proyectos que mejoraran el valor de azúcar o melaza y porThese lo tanto mejoraran los precios de para la duración del contrato. Con el entorno cambiante del mercado en juntos. la UE y el Reino Unido, esta propuesta presenta ha la mejor posible opciónbien para lahasta viabilidad a fecha largo plazo que empezamos a trabajar Mientras que el acuerdo funcionado la However, farmers would receive the benefit of higher revenue from the sale of increased dede la industria azucarera de Belice. hoy, las condiciones cambiantes que el acuerdo se mejore para asegurar el futuro la volumes of added value sugars asrequieren a result of BSI’s investment. industria. ---TERMINA--BSI wants to emphasize to farmers that BSI is unable under law to accept cane from farmers BSImásno propone alterar elpurchase acuerdo de compartir ingresos de 65%/35% los cañeros Para información, póngase en contacto con: who do not have a cane agreement in place. Therefore, if theentre agreement is y la William A. Neal fabrica o modificar fórmula de cane bagazo. Estos seguirán tal como han sido hasta el terminated, BSI willla not be abledetopago accept from Belize Sugar Cane Farmers Association Correo electrónico: Celular: hoy.610-9774 Sinfarmers. embargo, los caneros recibirían el beneficio de mayores ingresos por el incremento (BSCFA) en la venta de volúmenes de azucares de valor añadido, como resultado de la inversión de BSI. Making Life A Little Sweeter
A Little Visit OurMaking Family Life of Brands at Sweeter Visit Our Family of Brands at
23 JUL
MY PERSPECTIVE By Dolores Balderamos Garcia
I have just finished reading the book “The Life, Times, and Legacy of Dr. Karl Stanislaus Heusner.” Knowing that I needed something to keep me occupied while traveling, I picked up a copy of this text in Brodies downtown Belize City, and I must say that I was fascinated from beginning to end. A granddaughter of Doctor Heusner, June Amelia Heusner, is author of the book. She was born in 1946 to Charles and Fermena Heusner, and it appears that she lives in Belmopan. The book is very well researched, and Ms. June acknowledges that it was a family effort. BRC Printing of Benque Viejo del Carmen did the printing honors, and my Auntie Meg, better known as Alice Margaret Craig of Regent Street provided a Foreword. Ms. June is entirely correct in describing her grandfather Dr. Heusner as a true Belizean hero. As a doctor he served his patients, cured numerous illnesses, and spent his entire life in Belize contributing to our country and its development. I did know a few things about the legendary Dr. Heusner, for example his well-known love of many Belizean women, and the fact, told by my mother, that he had once unfortunately driven his Model T Ford vehicle into the Burdon Canal off of the then Camel Back Bridge on the Western (George Price) Highway. But there was so much more to learn, and what a pleasure experiencing this vitally important slice of Belizean history. Dr. Heusner's father, Jakob Heusner, escaped from a ship in Panama, upon which he had apparently been kidnapped to work as a sailor. Jakob made his way up the Eastern coast of Central America until he reached Belize. He was fluent in English, and he settled here and soon established himself as a well-off businessman, since he had the skill of boot making. He was from Hamburg, Germany, and arrived in Belize when a yellow fever plague was raging in the 1850's. He married Amelia Strack, a young woman from Prussia, and they had two sons, Karl (Dr. Heusner), born in 1872, and William, born in 1874. Jakob also acquired many properties in the Albert and Regent Street areas and elsewhere in the
country. And over the years, he was successful enough to send Karl to medical school in the United States. William, the younger son, died a tragic death at age 15, but Karl went on, after medical training and his licence to practice in 1896, to become the first and one of the longest serving private doctors in Belize. Karl obtained his Bachelor's Degree in medicine by age 19. Interestingly, the British refused to allow him off the ship upon his return because he had not attended schools that had British professors. Dr. Heusner was forced to return to the US, where he obtained qualification at a university the colonial masters would recognize. And he also obtained his Medical Degree from Tulane University's School of Tropical Medicine by age of 22 in 1894. With his certifications in hand Dr. Heusner hung up his shingle at 23 Regent Street, and as many would say, the rest is history. He did indeed distinguish himself in the practice of medicine, curing many and providing valuable medical services for close to sixty-five years. He was also a Chemist/Druggist, and he was known to utilize many tropical herbs and remedies, which he put into the famous blue medicine bottles. Some herbs he used at that time before the advent of penicillin are Billy Web Bark, Talla Walla, Piss a Bed, Apasote, Scogineal, and Fever Grass. His personal life is now the stuff of lore. He fathered five children with his wife and about sixteen others with eight women. He sired children for thirty-five years. What I did not know and learned from the book is that my old classmate Karl Leacock is a grandson of Dr. Heusner. Karl Leacock's father, Ramsey, evidently took his mother's surname. And I wondered of course about the historical circumstances, cultural and economic reality, and social structures in then Belize Town that enabled Dr. Heusner to have had so many women, some having children with him at the same time as their contemporaries. It makes very gripping reading !! Next week I will continue this review of Dr. Heusner's “Life, Times and Legacy,” as Ms. June has called her fine effort.
While I was doing my rounds of schools, there were several groups of students who asked me about being Mayor. They asked me about the challenges because even as young as some of them were they understood that it is not easy to be involved in politics in this stage of Belize’s history. They also asked me what kept me going when the work got overwhelming and when politics gets nasty, as it invariably does. The answer I gave then is still true today. What keeps me going is being able to make a real difference in the lives of our residents. What motivates me is a positive word from a member of our community who has seen the work being done and whose life has been impacted positively. What makes this all worthwhile is being a part of a team which has done good things in Orange Walk, a team that has served well and continues to serve our people with everything we are. Just as an update, the Council is currently working on San Francisco Street and Boulevard, as well as the paving of the intersection of Baker’s Street and Queen Victoria Avenue. At last count we had paved 44 streets and cemented eight major intersections. By January 2018 we will have paved nine more major streets including South Main Street, Nargusta Street, Santa Maria Street, Independence Street, Unity Street, Bliss Drive, Santa Familia Street from Pasadita to Burns, Gristock Street and Bautista Lane. All this work is part of a comprehensive program which we started months ago. And we have been able to get it all done without the support of Central Government but with the support of you, our residents who have given us your trust and support. So as always, I say thank you. I also take this opportunity to thank the UDP Area Representative for Orange Walk East on behalf of the people of Santa Marta. Elodio Aragon Jr. has been a Minister in this government since November 2015. We are now in July 2017 and he is all over Facebook boasting about a few culverts. That is all. That is what he has done for the people
of OW East in almost two years. Still, this is not about him. The culverts will help the people of that area so I am happy that finally Aragon is using a portion of our taxpayer dollars to do something in that area. I don’t pay him much attention because I have frankly been too busy. I have heard about his constant attacks on me and the Council, but that is hardly important. I have heard from some persons that my name rings out on the UDP’s station almost daily, and I guess I should thank them for the additional publicity. I figure they have to talk about me because there’s not much they can say about Mr. Aragon. It’s not like he has been doing anything for his people. When he is questioned about all the promises he made before elections, I am told he tells people that those neglected streets in the section of the East which is within town limits is the responsibility of the Council so he will do nothing. That doesn’t surprise me at all. And I can assure him that we will continue to pave streets in the East because our people deserve much better than fancy rhetoric and empty promises before elections. Instead of spending so much time attacking me and calling me stupid names, Mr. Aragon should explain why instead of helping his people he is apparently building a radio station and a gas station. Where did he get the money to do all that? Those are the things the people want to know. But enough about Mr. Aragon. I end by assuring the people of Orange Walk that we continue the work for which we elected. This isn’t about hurry-up paving right before an election – paving which breaks up weeks after the election (ask the residents of Liberty Avenue about that). We have been working and we will continue to work. We are satisfied and confident that the people can see the worth of this Council. We have not played politics and we have not served selectively. We have been responsible managers and we have included our people in all our decisions. And we will continue to do so. That is our commitment.
23 JUL
Forging Partnerships. Impacting Lives
Something Wrong with Us
Last week I had a story in the newspaper about another scandal with former Deputy Prime Minister Gaspar Vega at the center. See, what Vega would do is facilitate the transfer of land to pre-selected persons who would receive title immediately and then transfer that title to Vega’s brother Eduardo and his wife Alma. There are a lot of these documents involving hundreds of acres of prime property in Cayo, and a bunch more documents in which Eduardo Vega and his wife got ownership of a large caye. It’s institutionalized corruption, and we’ve seen it before. The same thing happened with 1600 acres of prime property in Carmelita in the Orange Walk district. Gaspar Vega got ownership of that ranch by granting title to selected persons while he was Minister. Those persons then immediately turned around and transferred all that land back to Gapi’s brother German and Gapi’s wife, and of course that land ended up in Gapi’s hands. You know what bothers me? Nobody really seems to care. It’s as if there is some sort of apathy which has settled in. Perhaps these tales of corruption have become too common, causing a sort of corruption fatigue. Maybe we’re not getting the message out properly. I don’t know. I know that we have the evidence. I know that I personally tried to give the evidence to the Prime Minister and I know that he didn’t want to see it. He doesn’t care. It’s no skin off his back. It doesn’t affect his millions. He’s got his, so he doesn’t seem to care what Gapi did. To me it’s pretty simple. Vega is a thief. He used his power as a Minister of Natural Resources to steal from us. He took thousands of acres of land for himself, his immediate family members and his extended family members. Hell, he was so brazen that he installed his nephews at the Ministry of Lands to oversee the institutionalized corruption.
You know, every day we hear stories of persons who wait years to get one piece of land. That includes dozens of trips back and forth to the Lands Department and often just to get a piece of paper, a folded piece of another kind of paper has to be handed over. There are many Belizeans who can’t even get a piece of land. There are many who have tried and given up because it is just too much work for a normal Belizean to get a piece of the jewel. I don’t even own a piece of land in Belize. I had one tiny piece and it was taken away by the UDP about a month after they got into office. That’s how things work in Belize. But Gaspar Vega and his not normal family are different, see. They are allowed to steal from us. This crooked, thieving politician is allowed to plunder our assets for himself and for his family. Shit, he even found a way to give his son Andre $400,000 cash in the bargain. Do you really think Belizeans will ever get back that $400,000? Or the $400,000 given to UDP attorney Sharon Pitts? Or the millions given to other UDP cronies and friends? Hell no. It’s gone. I don’t understand the apathy of our Belizean people. Maybe Gapi needs to appear on KTV to get the condemnation he so richly deserves. Because we are frigging spectacular at criticizing our own people who do nothing wrong but to try to carry a note on stage. We tear them apart. We belittle them. We blast them on Facebook where they can be humiliated with the maximum exposure. We are merciless and cold and brutal. But Vega steals our money and we say nothing. Do we even understand that the millions taken from the Lands Department is directly related to the increase in taxes? Do we understand that every time we cry about having to pay more for basic goods at the store it is directly related to corruption by these UDP Ministers? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Every time I have to sit on a slow, dilapidated stinking old bus late at night trying to reach home because I can no longer afford fuel, I am angry – way past angry. Because Gapi stole from us, and he gets free fuel. And we seem okay with it. There must be something wrong with us as a people. I just don’t get it.
WOMEN ON THE MOVE – DOLORES BALDERAMOS GARCIA An outstanding woman leader and past-president of the United Women’s Group is Dolores Balderamos-Garcia. Mrs. Dolores is a true champion for women empowerment and has contributed significantly to the development of Belize and women’s rights. She was successfully elected twice to the House of Representatives, first in 1998 as the representative for Port Loyola and the second time was in 2012 as the area representative for Belize Rural Central. In doing this, she was the first woman to have represented two uniquely different divisions in the House of Representatives– one rural area and one urban area. She served as Belize’s Minister of Human Development, Women and Civil Society. She represented her constituencies with grace, grit, intelligence and respect, unlike the current occupant of Port Loyola Minister Anthony “ Boots” Martinez. She also served as a Senator in 1993 to 1998 and in 2005 to 2008. Dolores Balderamos-Garcia, in addition to serving in various capacities in the PUP’s national executive, was also a former President of the United Women’s Group (1994 to 1997) who led the development of progressive women’s agenda for the party. A proud PUP supporter and fierce fighter for women’s rights, Dolores Balderamos-Garcia is also the niece of the Father of the Nation, the late Rt. Hon. George Price and of former Minister Jane Usher. One can say that nation building has been in her genes. She was committed and still is to improving the living environment for women and children. Women’s rights in education, health, financial welfare and overall gender equality remain a passion of hers. She is still called upon to speak and present at public lectures on these areas often. Her voice is one that resonates across the country in championing women’s rights. Dolores Balderamos-Garcia was Belize’s 1st Special Envoy for Women and Children and HIV Aids. She was also the first chairperson for the National Aids Commission.
Her leadership led to the development of the National Policy on HIV/ AIDS and the program for providing the much-needed life-saving medication for persons impacted by the disease. One of the more outstanding pieces of legislation that is attributed to Dolores Balderamos-Garcia is the recognition of the common law union thereby granting rights to the women in these unions, the same rights recognized under the marriage act without having been formally married but co-habitating for a minimum of 5 consecutive years. This was a progressive move for Belize and for the region. This legislation was successfully passed into law under the PUP administration of 1998 to 2003. The current president of the UWG, Tanya Santos-Neal, says “The Hon. Dolores Balderamos-Garcia has been instrumental in Belize’s development towards a better Belize for its women and children. She epitomizes the strength and vision of the UWG that from its inception in 1958 has been making bold changes for women empowerment. We are thankful for the guidance and advice from her and look forward to her continued stellar contributions to Belize’s development”. In addition to her political career, Dolores Balderamos-Garcia is a Senior Legal Counsel, author and activist. Many lessons can be learnt from her experience in making meaningful changes for improvement to women and children rights while navigating the corridors of government in Belmopan that have been male dominated pre and post Independence. The City and Town Council elections will be held in March 2018. The People’s United Party has several women vying for a seat in these elections. They have a true warrior and leader in Dolores Balderamos-Garcia that they can look to for advice in improving women empowerment at the municipal level. The UWG proudly salutes Dolores Balderamos-Garcia. Women in politics do matter and have mattered in Belize. Be the change you want to see. Connect.
Join the movement by contacting or call 677-9168. Your voice matters in helping to create the next Women’s Agenda of the PUP.
23 JUL
PUBLIC AUCTION SALE FOR ORANGE WALK DISTRICT Licensed Auctioneer NOEL J. CODD will sell the following properties on Monday July 24th, 2017 at the time and places mention below On site at 9:00a.m.
On site at 10:30a.m.
ALL THAT LOT PARCEL OR PIECE OF LAND BEING PARCEL 284/1, TRIAL FARM REG. SECTION BLOCK 4, O/ WALK. Property contains 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, Living and kitchen area. Property for Lisandro Vargas
All that lot, parcel or piece of land situated in Orange Walk Town. Being Parcel 3333, Block 4, Registration Section Orange Walk Town. The property holds an incomplete two-storey concrete building which measures 2,788 square-feet. The concrete structure is 60% complete. The Building contains 4bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a living-room, a kitchen and a dining area. Being the Freehold property of Enrique Patt and Nubia Patt.
On site at 9:30a.m.
On site at 11:00p.m.
On site at 1:00p.m.
All this parcel of piece of land in Orange Walk Town. Being Parcel 1123, Block 4, Registration Section Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District. This propery hold a concrete building which measures 1,282 square-feet. The building has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a living-room, a dining area and a laundry area. Being the freehold property of David Faber.
On site at 10:00a.m.
All that parcel or piece of land. Being parcel 1261/1, Block 4, Registration Section Ann Gabourel. The property holds a concrete building. The building has two bedrooms, a full bathroom, a living-room, a dining-room and a kitchen. Being the Leasehold property of Stephen Williams
AT 3:00 P.M. IN FRONT SCOTIABANK (BELIZE) LTD. Orange Walk Branch On Monday July 24th, 2017
On site at 1:30p.m.
All that parcel or piece of land located on No.2 San Francisco Street, Orange Walk Town. Being Parcel 4386, Block 4, Registation Section Orange Walk Town. The lot holds a one and half storey concrete building. Which measures a gross floor of 2,414 square-feet of which 1,530 squarefeet is occupied as a residence. Beling the Freehold property of Jorge Urbina. All that lot, parcel or piece of land in Orange Walk being Registration Section Orange Walk Town Block 4 Parcel 1911. Property contains 4 bedrooms, 2 Full bathrooms, Living, Kitchen and dining area. The building is also comprised of 1786 S.FT. Being the Fee Simple property of Ana B. Castillo.
On site at 2:30p.m.
All that parcel or piece of land situated in Trial Farm. Being Parcel 351, Block 4, Registration Section Trial Farm. The property measures 1,666.62 square-meters. The property holds a one storey concrete with a gross floor area of 1,529 square-feet. The building has 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, a kitchen, dining and a living-room area. Being the Freehold property of Marciano Cowo.
On site at 2:00p.m. All that Lot, Parcel or Piece of Land, in Orange Walk Town. Being Parcel 2946, Block 4, Registration Section Orange Walk Town. The building measures 2,740 square-feet and it holds six bedrooms, two full bathrooms, two part baths, a living-room and dining area. Being the Freehold property of Sunil Talreja.
On site at 11:30p.m. All that piece or parcel of land containing 1045.045square meters being Lot 648 situated in Trial Farm village, Orange Walk District. Property is vacant lot. Being the Fee simple property of Melbourne Rodriguez.
All that piece or parcel of land containing 645.890 s. m.3744 Cor. Palmar Boundary Road & Macal River Street, Orange Walk. The Subject Building comprises 1,360sft. The same is occupied as a family home of 2 bedrooms & 2 bathrooms, complete with kitchen, dining & living room spaces. Being the freehold property of Roger Tun.
All that lot or piece of land located in Louisiana Farm area. Being Lot No. 115, Block 4, Registration Section Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District. This Lot holds a Ferro-concrete one storey building that measures 1,000 square-feet. The building has two bedrooms, one bathroom, a kitchen, a living-room and a dining area. Being the Leasehold property of Rafael Novelo.
All that Lot, Parcel or Piece of land situated in Orange Walk District. Being Parcel 1381/1,Block 4, Registration Section Ann Gabourel , Orange Walk District. The building on the property is a concrete structure measuring 624.75 squarefeet. The building holds two bedrooms, one bath and a living/dining area and a kitchen. Being the Leasehold property of Ruben Portillo.
Continued on page 17
23 JUL
2017 Continued from page 16
All that Lot, Parcel or Piece of land in Orange Walk District. Being Parcel 281, Block 1, Registration Section Ann Gabourel , Orange Walk District. The property is currently in its natural state approximately measuring 25 acres. Being the Freehold property of Santiago Rosado.
ALL THAT piece or parcel being BLOCK 4 PARCEL 428/1 SAN JOSE/SAN PABLO REGISTRATION SECTION containing 1646.7 square meters being the Leasehold property of Miguel Briceno.
Licensed Auctioneer Noel J. Codd will sell the following properties on Tuesday July 25th, 2017 at the time and places mention below On site at 9:00a.m. On site at 10:30a.m.
All that parcel or piece of land. Being Parcel 483/1, Block 1, Registration Section Douglas Rural, Orange Walk District. The property holds a concrete building which measures 1,636 square-feet. The building has six bedrooms, two full bathrooms, a living-room, a kitchen and a dining area. Being the Leasehold property of Elvia Acosta.
All that lot, piece or parcel of land being parcel 510/1. REGISTRATION SECTION: SAN JOSE/SAN PABLO BLOCK: 1 PARCEL: 510/1. The Building is a 2 bedroom bungalow house. Being the leasehold property of Edwin Patt
All that parcel or piece of land in Yo Creek Village. Being Parcel 140/, Block 4, Registration Section Yo Creek, Orange Walk District. The property holds a one-story concrete building that measures 1,362 square-feet. The family dwelling has 4 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, a kitchen, a dining and a living room area. Being the freehold property of Florention Cal.
All that lot, piece or parcel of land being Block 1 Parcel 53 & 54 Corozal Central Registration Section. Building is 1615 square feet 2 storey building. Lot 53 houses a radio station and studio at the top and a television studio at the bottom. Lot 54 has an out toilet, concreted courtyard/dancehall with a portion of a kitchen/bar. Being the fee simple property of Leonardo Folgarait
On site at 9:30a.m.
AT 10:00 a.m. on site
All that parcel of piece of land in San Jose/ San Pablo. Being Parcel 140/1, Block 1, Registration Section San Jose/ San Pablo. The property holds a concrete building and also a wooden building. The concrete building measures 594 square-feet and it has two bedrooms, one full bathroom, a living-room, a kitchen and a dining area. Being the Leasehold property of Bernardo Marin.
ALL THAT LOT, PARCEL OR PIECE OF LAND, BEING PARCEL # 31 Block 1, PARAISO/ SANTA RITA REGISTRATION SECTION. Building:2 ½ storey with 5,013 sq. ft. with Main:- 2,294 sq. ft 2 Bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, 1 part bath, with kitchen, dining and living room areas and laundry room. Second:2,077 sq. ft. 2 Bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, 1 part bath, with kitchen, dining and living room areas and laundry room. Third:-642 sq. ft. and is used as an additional living room space being the freehold of Ramesh Buxani Co Ltd
On site at 11:00a.m.
All that parcel or piece of land. Being Parcel 66, Block 1, Registration Section Paraiso/ Santa Rita, Corozal District. The property is in its natural state. Being the freehold property of Guadalupe Rosado. All those parcels or two pieces of land in Tower Hill. Being Parcels 685 and 686, Block 4, Registration Section Tower Hill. The subject lots are cleared and a concrete two storey building measuring 1,800 square-feet sits on the property. Being the Freehold property of German Cob.
All that Lot, Parcel or Piece of land in San Felipe. Being Parcel 463/1, Block 13, Registration Section San Felipe, Orange Walk District. The building on the property is a concrete bungalow structure which measures 805.5 square-meters. An incomplete extension is also on the property and it measures approximately 140 square-feet. Being the Leasehold property of Omar Mejia.
On site at 1:30p.m.
All that lot, parcel or piece of land in Corozal. Being Registration Section Corozal North, Block 1, Parcel 1982. The property contains two building. The main building contains 2 bedrooms, 1 full bathroom, a living room, a kitchen and a dining area. Being the Fee simple property of Robert and Elizabeth Cervera
On site at 10:00a.m.
All that parcel or piece of land in Paraiso/ Santa Rita. Being Parcel 177/1, Block 1, Registration Section Paraiso/ Santa Rita, Corozal District. The property holds a two-storey concrete building which measures 2,188 square-feet. The building has two bedrooms, one full bathroom, a living-room, a kitchen and a dining area. Being the Leasehold property of David Aguilar.
On site at 2:00p.m.
All that parcel or piece of land in San Jose Village. Being Parcel 618, Block 1, Registration Section San Jose/ San Pablo, Orange Walk District. The property holds two structures. A comfy wooden structure and an incomplete cement structure. Being the Freehold property of Adrian Garcia.
All that parcel or piece of land situated in Corozal North. Being Parcel 1393/1, Block 1, Registration Section Corozal North, Corozal District. The property holds a concrete two-storey buildng with a gross floor of 2,111 square-feet. The first floor has three bedrooms, one bathroom, a living-room, a kitcken, a dining area, a laundry and storeage room. The second floor has one bedroom, one bathroom, a sitting/ roof patio area. Being the Freehold property of Ravey O Smith.
Continued on page 18
18 Continued from page 17
All that parcel or piece of land in Libertad Village. Being Parcel 442/1, Block 1, Registration Section Libertad Village, Corozal District. The property holds a concrete building that measures 957 square-feet. The concrete structure has 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, a living-room, a kitchen and a dining area. Being the leasehold property of Enrique Montejo.
All that lot, piece or parcel of land, in Louisville. Being Parcel 1, Registration Section Louisville, Block 1, Corozal District. The building is 1051 square feet, it has 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, a living room, a kitchen and dining area. Being the Fee simple property of Saturnino Coba
ALL THAT piece or parcel of land containing 2995 sm being Block1 Parcel 141 San Andres/ Ranchito Registration Section. The Subject Property houses 3 structures. Building No.1 is 1,200sft. and is occupied as a 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom home complete with kitchen, dining & living room spaces. Building No.2: concrete two storey structure of 1,920sft. Each floor is a 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom space each with kitchen, dining & living room spaces. Building No. 3 is aq 1,200sft. structure with floor & walls in place only Freehold properties of Armando Martinez and Ervin Rancharan.
ALL THAT pieces or parcels of land being 1 Parcel 120 containing 50.2 acres Parcel 97 containing 14.798 acres, Parcel 95 containing 62.79 acres and Parcel 86 containing 88.16 acres situated in Libertad Rural Registration Section cane land only being the Freehold properties of Armando Martinez and Ervin Rancharan.
All that piece or parcel of land being Block 1, Parcel 13, Libertad Rural Registration Section. Land only. Being the fee simple property of Leonardo Folgarait
All that lot, piece or parcel of land, in San Andres/ Ranchito. Being parcel 453, Block 1, Registration Section San Andres/ Ranchito . . The property comprises of 1128 Sq. Ft. and has 3 bedrooms, 1 full bathroom, living, Kitchen and dining area. Being the fee simple property of Patrick Smith.
All that lot, parcel, or piece of land in Sarteneja being Registration Section Sarteneja Block 3 parcel 604/1. The house contains 2 bedrooms, 1 full bathroom, a living, a kitchen and a dining area and comprise of 954 sq. ft. Being the Leasehold property of Jael Cobb.
All that parcel or piece of land situated in Sarteneja. Being Parcel 833/1, Block 3, Registration Section Sarteneja, Corozal District. The land measures 849.30 square-meters. The property holds a concrete family bungalow with a gross floor of 921 square-feet. The building has two bedrooms, one bathroom, a kitchen, a living, a dining area, a front porch and a back porch. Being the Leasehold property of Guiermo Rodriquez.
2017 All that lot, parcel or piece of land in Libertad. Being Parcel 225, Block 1, Registration Section Libertad Rural. The property is land only. Being the Fee simple property of Leonardo Folgarait
All that parcel or piece of land situated in San Andres/ Ranchito. Being Parcel 30, Block 1, Registration Section San Andres/ Ranchito. The property measures 6.19 acres. The property holds two family dwelling. The first concrete building measures 820 square-feet, it has two bedrooms, a bathroom, dining and living area. The second concrete building has four bedrooms, one bathroom, and measures 768 square-feet. Being the Freehold property Marcus Kingston.
AT 2:30P.M. IN FRONT OF SCOTIABANK (Belize) LTD. Corozal Town Branch on Tuesday July 25th, 2017
23 JUL
All that lot, piece or parcel of land being Block 1 Parcel 221 Libertad Rural Registration Section. Building is 1410 square feet. Contains 2 bedrooms, 1 full bath, a living, kitchen and family room. Being the fee simple property of Leonardo Folgarait
All that parcel or piece of land. Being Parcel 441/1, Block 1, Registration Section Grants Land, Corozal District. The property measures 743.0 square-meters. The property holds an incomplete two- storey structure. The building has a gross square footage of 1,286 square-feet. The building comprises of three bedrooms, one bathroom, a living-room, a kitchen, a dining area, a covered entry veranda and a shed. Being the Leasehold property of Rogel Tzul.
All that parcel or piece of land situated in Sarteneja Village. Being Parcel 1022, Block 3, Registration Section Sarteneja. The property is a vacant land that measures 888.70 square-meters. Being the Freehold property of Elton Sosa.
All that lot, piece or parcel being Block 1 Parcel 93 Libertad Rural Registration Section. Land only. Being the Fee simple property of Leonardo Folgarait
All that lot, piece or parcel of land being Block 1, parcels 302 Libertad Rural, Registration Section. Only being land is the fee simple property of Leonardo Folgarait
All that parcel or piece of land situated in Carolina/ Calcutta. Being Parcel 339, Block 1, Registration Section Carolina/ Calcutta. The property holds a concrete building. The building has two bedrooms, a bathroom, a living-room, a kitchen and dining area. Being the Freehold property Luis Rosales. Continued on page 19
23 JUL
Continued from page 18
All that parcel or piece of land in Chan Chen. Being Parcel 209/1, Block 1, Registration Section Chan Chen, Corozal District. The property holds a one-story building which measures 928 square-feet. The building has 2bedrooms, a living-room, a kitchen and 1 outhouse as a bathroom. Being the leasehold property of Lizandro Murray.
All that parcel or piece of land in Chan Chen. Being Parcel 209/1, Block 1, Registration Section Chan Chen, Corozal District. The property holds a one-story building which measures 928 square-feet. The building has 2bedrooms, a living-room, a kitchen and 1 outhouse as a bathroom. Being the leasehold property of Lizandro Murray.
ALL THAT LOT, PARCEL OR PIECE OF LAND, IN SAN ANDRES/RANCHITO being Registration Section San Andres/ Ranchito Block 1 Parcel 792 Corozal District. The building contains 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, living, and kitchen area being the Freehold of Jorge Zetina
All that parcel or piece of land in San Narciso Village. Being Parcel 400, Block 1, Registration Section San Narciso. The property holds a ferro-concrete one storey structure. The building measures 1,064 square-feet it has two bedroom, one bathroom, a kitchen, a living-room and a dining-room. Being the Freehold property of Jorge Cawich.
Licensed Auctioneer NOEL J. CODD will sell the following properties on Wednesday July 26th on at the places and the time mention below On site at 11:00a.m. On site at 1:30p.m.
All that parcel or piece of land situated at mile 19 Sandhill Village, Belize District. Being Lot 34, the property holds a concrete building that has a gross floor of 288 square feet. The single family bungalow has one bedroom, a bathroom, a kitchen, living-room and dining area. In addition there is an adjoining incomplete structure with a square-footage of 270 square-feet. Being the freehold property of Damion Garbutt.
All that piece or parcel containing 1.17 Acres being lot 5 situate approximate 10 1/2 Miles on the Belize Corozal Road. The land only being the freehold property of Noguera Sugarcane Derivatives
Licensed Auctioneer Carmelita Village, Orange Walk District Tel: Office: 677-5184 cell: 624-5184
@Noel Codd Auctioneer
According to the Natural Disaster Hotspot study conducted by the World Bank, disaster wise Belize is the 61st country with highest exposure to relative mortality risk from an array of world hazards. They also concluded that we ranked 8th from 167 countries for climate risk. The report claims that we are located in one of the most active hurricane areas of the world. Belize’s population of only 300,000 is hit by a major storm on average every three years, over 50 times since records began in 1871. Between 1935 and 2005, 11 hurricanes killed an average of 168 people per event, injuring 52 and causing an average annual loss of US$5.5 million (in constant US$ of 2000) to its economy of approximately US$1 billion GDP. Hurricanes and tropical storms are the principal hazards affecting Belize, causing severe losses from wind damage and flooding due to storm surge and heavy rainfall. Belize City is especially vulnerable to flood damage due to its very low-lying land and exposed position on the coast. The country faces some minor seismic and tsunami risks as Belize is close to the boundary of three tectonic plates with earthquake risk concentrated in the southern part of the country. The population across the country is vulnerable because of the relative lack of transport and flood protection infrastructure; high levels of poverty; concentration of urban centers in low-lying coastal areas; high levels of linguistic and cultural diversity; and poor access to information and health care. Climate Change models have predicted that Belize will undergo a warming and drying trend and is expected to endure more frequent heat waves and droughts, rainfalls with increased intensity, and rising sea levels as predicted for the rest of the Caribbean consistent with the projected global median. Changes in sea surface temperature as a result of climate variability could increase the intensity of cyclones and heighten storm surges, which in turn will cause more damaging flood conditions in coastal zones and low-lying areas. In terms of disaster management in Belize I believe great improvement has occurred. Kudos to NEMO. There is still a lot more to do especially when we have to prepare ourselves for increases in disasters in the near future. What has me wondering as I wander around the
country is what are we doing in regards to Climate Change. Are we taking this issue seriously because it seems that our leaders and their technical staff think that climate change is only sea level rise and elevated temperatures? In Miami wastewater plants are being re-built higher, seawalls raised and car parks designed with flood gates, not only in response to flooding today, but with a wondering eye to sea levels of tomorrow. Yes “Tomorrow.” We are not thinking about tomorrow until it’s too late. Those effects may only be the tip of the melting iceberg. Climate change will shake up everything from finance to health. We all have to shift our framework for planning for the future. Urban planners, financial planners, farmers, engineers, doctors, architects, plus a wide range of other professionals will find their industries affected, including BWSL, BEL, BTL, SMART, Banana/Citrus/Cane/Tourism/Fishing Industries, etc. So have you all Belizeans ever wondered what climate change means for your career/business. “Everyone is going to need to understand this climate change issue the same way you’d assume everyone in business needs to have some fluency in social media today, or that everyone would be able to use a computer 20 years ago,” says Andrew Winston, author of the book The Big Pivot: Radically Practical Strategies for a Hotter, Scarcer, and More Open World. We Belizeans must wake up and smell the coffee before it’s too late. Our Architects, our engineers, our planners, our city managers, our politicians haven’t been trained to deal with climate change in their training or experience. Nobody has been taught about this mess about to attack us. We must all come together as Belizeans, it’s not only the governments or politicians. The whole nation must unite! We must plan and be prepared otherwise we will be in trouble, serious trouble. The competencies of our people in the climate change issue is lagging given the scale of the challenge. People thought that Climate Change is a political issue, NO! It’s real, it is not a myth…it’s here and we should start doing something even without the participation of Trumpland! Should Belize City stay or be seriously relocated with time? We should develop new rules and laws for this new consideration that will affect our lives completely. Climate di change! We Belizeans must change also! THE WONDERER!
Inside Katie Numi Usher’s LAByrinth by yasser musa, lab documentalist 17July 2017 What is her drive? Why is Katie Numi Usher’s LAB so significant to the shift in how we experience art in our community? It dawned on me that Katie Numi Usher has single handedly overthrown the orthodoxy of how we appreciate, consume and interact with art in Belize. Since 2014 Katie Numi Usher has organized LAB, a unique and never before attempted approach to planning and exhibiting a variety of arts within a site-specific time frame, and in so doing she had to knockdown many assumptions and traditions. The Image Factory Art Foundation formed in 1995, has been utilized by Katie as a space of upheaval and culture shift. Usher has proven that the Factory itself had become too slow and in many respects irrelevant for the twitter age. She has orchestrated a cultural coup d’etat from within, with such clarity and brilliance. Katie’s LAB at its core is an imaginative and bold construction of something urgent, and that is – how can the current generation of artists function in the Belizean cultural landscape? In real time she is developing a shorthand filter for our hurried existence while maintaining a multisensory, high octane and socially conscious platform. It is no big news that the National Institute of Culture (NICH) has demonstrated itself to be a tragic failure in dealing with the changing times of the living arts. That institution has spent the last decade unfocused, uninspired and lacking in direction trapped within a myopic gatekeeping regime of their own construction. It is no shock that the NICH has no orientation for something as significant as an artistic LAB being organized by a young black woman. Who does she, Katie Numi Usher, think she is; creating on her own a space of liberation and collaboration? We are in the middle of something
Ilona Smiling - Ketl Di Kos Pat
23 JUL
Dancer Joan Kelly and artist Katie Usher
2017 Then on Thursday night Usher hosted Thank You, I deserve it! a performance by Briheda Haylock. Well my reflection on that is for a separate text. Let me just say, that work by Briheda is a smashing bombshell of incredible force. Friday at the LAB saw an explosion of sound, dance and painting as artist Yaoling Lee created, “ ‘Live Painting Music & Dance’ was Yaoling Lee sketching as the Pink Puma Ensemble Chelsea Thompson (viola), Joy Shi (flute), Nadiya Sedasey (violin) and Amber Shi (violin) played classical standards and a few contemporary numbers for about an hour. Later she would sketch them, quick charcoal sketches as they played solo. For the second hour Musa Shaheed played a Leroy The Grandmaster djembe and as he did, Young LAB4 11, July 2017 dancer Delbert Quilter
beautiful and organic. Katie Numi Usher is a leader because her actions demonstrate curiosity, integrity, solidarity and hope. Last Monday June 10th she opened LAB4 with her installation #GRUBPIX. To find out more about all four years of LABs go to Tuesday, she hosted The Grandmaster Celebration
Briheda Haylock - Thank You, I deserve it!
Yaoling Lee - Live Painting Music Dance 2
Amy Jenine Wong - Good Day Shop to a packed gallery, where a few of the next generation of poets payed homage to the Poet from Pinks Alley Leroy ‘The Grandmaster’ Young. When he was called to speak, the man of so many words was so overcome with emotion that Usher went up to the front of the room to hug and comfort him. On Wednesday artist Ilona Smiling created an installation Who the Cap Fits. Ketl Di Kos Pat: A Belizean Tale, a project that she says, “is based on my experience of people feeling the need to scold you while they do the same or worse.” Thursday afternoon Kyana Brindle performed I am the Lovers: A Healing Ritual of the Tarot, a mixture of poetry, movement, introspection, song and tarot.
moved. A beautiful juxtaposition of body in motion and reverb.” The first week of Usher’s LAB4 ended on Saturday afternoon with Amy Jenine Wong’s Good Day Shop where the artist asked audience members to share their stories of "their ideal good day" in exchange for free food, household items and more in her installation.” For me it was a moment of clarity for art in Belize. We belong to a creative group - fragile, sensitive and yes emotional. These are the characteristics of strength for any society because it is there, in that vulnerability, that we find the drive to build, to create, to explore, to experiment, to make new and fresh and to demonstrate that hope lives, always. I thank Katie Numi for leading the way. Respect to the artist from Ladyville!
Kyana Brindle - I am the Lovers A Healing Ritual of the Tarot
Orange Walk Town 4 1189 (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [24 ft. X 26 ft. + bathroom addition 8 ft. X 8 ft.] containing 2 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + living/dining/kitchen + laundry/open ended shed 8 ft. X 16 ft. + block wall storeroom 5 ft. X 8 ft. and lot [371.988 S.M. or 444.90 S.Y.] situate in an Alley of San Francisco Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District, the freehold property of Mr. Gilbert Bernard Jr.). 7. Parcel No. 754 San Jose Palmar, Orange Walk District:
23 JUL
Corozal & Orange Walk Districts; San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize District:
PUBLIC AUCTION SALES: PROPERTIES Corozal & Orange Walk Districts; San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize District:
BY ORDER of the Mortgagees, Messrs.The Belize Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneer Kevin A. Castillo will sell the following properties at the location, dates and times below listed:
BY ORDER of the Mortgagees, Messrs. The Belize Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneer Kevin A. Castillo will sell the following properties at the location, dates and times below listed: In Front The Belize Bank Limited corner 5th Avenue & 1st Street North, Corozal Town, Corozal District on Monday 31st July 2017 at 1:00 pm: 1. Parcel No. 770 corner 7th Avenue and 6th Street South, Corozal Town, Corozal District: A.)
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL San Jose Palmar 4 754 (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [26 ft. X 26 ft.] and lot [1045.113 square meters or 1249.96 square yards] situate in San Jose Palmar, Orange Walk District, the freehold property of Mr. Walter Tejeda & Ms. Iris Lovina Tejada)
8. Parcel No. 120 Phillip Goldson Highway, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District:
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Corozal Central 1 770 (Being concrete commercial building and lot situate at corner 7th Avenue and 6th Street South, Corozal Town, Corozal District, the freehold property of Mr. Ricardo Gomez) Parcel No. 525 Santa Elena Commercial Freezone, Santa Elena, Corozal District:
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL San Jose Palmar 4 120/1 (Being a two storey concrete residential complex and lot situate beside the Phillip Goldson Highway, Orange Walk Town, the leasehold property of Mr. Luis Romeo Urbina)
9. Parcel No. 236 Indian Hill East, Orange Walk District:
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Santa Elena 1 525/1 (Being a vacant lot containing 881.79 S.Y. situate inside the Santa Elena Commercial Freezone, Santa Elena, Corozal District, the leasehold property of Mr. Eudaldo Santiago Briceno) Parcel No. 526 Santa Elena Commercial Freezone, Santa Elena, Corozal District:
(Being 88.10 acres of land situate between the New River and the Orange Walk Town Bye-Pass opposite New River Enterprise Saw Mill, Orange Walk District, the freehold property of Mr. Luis Romeo Urbina)
10. Parcels Nos. 21, 42, 232 & 280 Libertad Registration Section, Corozal District:
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Santa Elena 1 526/1 (Being a vacant lot containing 614.33 S.Y. situate inside the Santa Elena Commercial Freezone, Santa Elena, Corozal District, the leasehold property of Mr. Graciano Briceno) B.)
At UNIT 4, Corner Belize/Corozal and San Antonio Roads, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District Monday 31st July 2017 at 3:00 pm: 4. Parcel No. 2759 Unity Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District:
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Orange Walk Town 4 2759 (Being an elevated timber dwelling house [14 ft. X 35 ft. + addition 15ft. X 29 ft.] and lot [547.690 S.M.] situate on Unity Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District, the freehold property of Ms. Eulocadia Magana). 5. Parcel No. 246 corner Seagull & Sparrow Streets, Trial Farm Village, Orange Walk District:
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Trial Farm 4 246 (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [24 ft. X 36 ft. + addition 15ft. X 29 ft.] and lot [1,618.590 S.M.] situate at the corner Seagull & Sparrow Streets, Trial Farm Village, Orange Walk District, the freehold property of Mr. Francisco Orellana and Ms. Edelmira Orellana). 6. Parcel No. 1189 in an Alley off San Francisco Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District:
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Orange Walk Town 4 1189 (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [24 ft. X 26 ft. + bathroom addition 8 ft. X 8 ft.] containing 2 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + living/dining/kitchen + laundry/open ended shed 8 ft. X 16 ft. + block wall storeroom 5 ft. X 8 ft. and lot [371.988 S.M. or 444.90 S.Y.] situate in an Alley of San Francisco Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District, the freehold property of Mr. Gilbert Bernard Jr.). 7. Parcel No. 754 San Jose Palmar, Orange Walk District:
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCELS Libertad 1 21, 42 & 280 (Being SUGAR CANE LANDS: Parcel 21 - 37.29 acres [33 ACRES cultivated with sugar cane] situate 1.7 kilometers west of Libertad-Buena Vista Road, Corozal District; Parcel 42 - 20.79 acres [14 ACRES cultivated with sugar cane] situate 1.5 kilometers southwest of Libertad Village, Corozal District; Parcel 232 - 42 acres [16 ACRES cultivated with sugar cane] situate 1.8 kilometers south of Libertad Village on the main Buena Vista-Libertad Road with electricity accessibility, Corozal District ; Parcel 280 - 19.99 acres [19.99 ACRES cultivated with sugar cane] situate 240 meters west of the Libertad-Buena Vista Road and approximately 7 kilometers south of Libertad Village, Corozal District, the freehold properties of Mr. Leonard Folgarait) 11. Parcel No. 234 Indian Hill East, San Estevan Road, Orange Walk District:
(Being a vacant 23.017 acres parcel of land situate between the river and the round-a-bout on the San Estevan Road, Orange Walk District, the freehold property of Mr. John Ayuso) C.
At The Belize Bank Limited Parking Lot, Barrier Reef Drive, San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize District on Tuesday 1st August 2017 at 10:00 am: 12. Parcel No. 2948 Eiley Subdivision, San Pedro, Ambergris Caye:
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL San Pedro 7 2948 (Being a vacant corner lot [4,847.72 square feet] situate in the Eiley Subdivision, San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, the freehold property of Mr. Jose Raudalez) 13. Parcels Nos. 10075 & 10076 Santa Rita Area, north Ambergris Caye, Belize District:
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCELS San Pedro 7 10075 & 10076 (Being two vacant lots [10075 - 492 S.Y.] and [10076 - 548 S.Y.] situate in theContinued Santa Rita areaon of North page 23 Ambergris Caye in a small subdivision West of the Resort called Belize Legacy, the freehold properties of
23 JUL
Placencia Peninsula; Hopkins; Stann Creek District, Barton Creek, Cayo District; North Ambergris Caye; West Ambergris Caye, Blackbird Caye, Turneffe Island Range, Belize District; PUBLIC AUCTION SALES: PROPERTIES BY ORDER of District, the Mortgagees, Messrs. The Placencia Peninsula; Hopkins; Stann Creek Barton Creek, Cayo District; North Ambergris Caye; WestBelize Bank International Limited, Licensed Auctioneer Ambergris Caye, Blackbird Caye, Turneffe Island Range, Belize District; Kevin A. Castillo will sell the following property at the following locations, dates & times: BY ORDER of the Mortgagees, Messrs. The Belize Bank International Limited, Licensed Auctioneer Kevin A. Castillo will sell the following property at the following locations, dates & times: A.) PLACENCIA PENINSULA; HOPKINS VILLAGE AREA: 1. At (The Placencia Hotel & Residences Sub-Division, Mile 13 Placencia Road, Placencia Peninsula, Stann Creek District on Monday 24th July 2017 at 10:00 am:
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Society Hall 24 3004 (Being 951.9 acres of land [30 acres cleared and maintained + larger area medium bush + balance high bush] and a small workers camp [24 ft. X 26 ft.] situate in the Barton Creek Area on the Society Hall Road adjoining the Tapir Mountain Nature Reserve approximately 6.6 miles south of the junction of the George Price Highway and Society Hall Road, Blackman Eddy Village, Cayo District, the freehold property of Messrs. Some Place Else Limited) C.) North Ambergris Caye, West Ambergris Caye Belize District: At The Belize Bank Limited’s Parking Lot, Barrier Reef Drive, San Pedro, Ambergris Caye on Wednesday 26th July 2017 at 10:30 am: 5. REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Placencia North 36 2109 (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house elevated 3 ft. above grade [32 ft. X 46 ft.] + side porches [5 ft X 20 ft. each side] + back porch [5ft X 42ft] containing 2 bedrooms + 2 bathrooms (1 with jacuzzi) + kitchen + laundry + dining room + large open living room and lagoon side lot [902.31 square meters (1079.16 square yards)] situate in the sub-division of The Placencia Hotel & Residences near Mile 13 Placencia Road, Placencia Peninsula, Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Mr. Giuseppe Asti).
28.961 Acres (53 parcels) situate approx. 5 Kilometers north San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize District:
*******NB. Copies of Covenant is available upon request********* 2.
At Mile Post 11, Placencia Road, Placencia Peninsula, Stann Creek District Monday 24th July 2017 at 10:45 am
ALL THAT PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND situate in the Blair Atoll Estate, Placencia Peninsula, Stann Creek District bounded and described as follows: Lot No. 248 containing 1301.802 square meters bounded on the North for a distance of 29.744 meters by Lot No. 260; On the South for a distance of 22.826 meters by a portion of Lot No. 247; On the East by a cul-de-sac and on the West for a distance of 36.570 meters by the Placencia Road (Being a vacant lot situate in the Blair Atoll Estate near Mile 11 Placencia Road, Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Mr. Jeryl Graham) 3. In front Police Station, Hopkins Village, Stann Creek District on Monday 24th July 2017 at 12:00 noon:
REGISTRATION SECTION San Pedro ALL THAT piece or parcel of land comprising of 361.676 acres situate along the Western Side of Commerce Bight Lagoon, Commerce Bight Area, Stann Creek District, Belize as shown on Grant No. 364 of 2006 with Plan No 364 of 2006 annexed and being more delineated on Plan Entry 8959 in Register 7 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being a vacant parcel of land containing 361.676 acres situate along the Western Side of Commerce Bight Lagoon, Commerce Bight Area, Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Messrs. Commerce Bight Limited surety for Messrs. Hopkins Bay Limited) B.) MOUNTAIN NATURE RESERVE AREA, BARTON CREEK, CAYO DISTRICT: 4. At The Belize Bank Limited Parking Lot, Constitution Drive, Belmopan, Cayo District on Monday 24th July 2017 at 3:30 pm: 951.9 ACRES TAPIR MOUNTAIN NATURE RESERVE AREA, BARTON CREEK, CAYO DISTRICT
PARCELS As below listed: 9723
675.461 SM (LS)
680.631 SM (LS)
557.101 SM (LS)
647.180 SM (LS)
557.101 SM (LS)
616.045 SM (LS)
557.101 SM (LS)
567.614 SM (LS)
627.843 SM (IL)
532.124 SM
558.052 SM (IL)
504.324 SM (LS)
558.052 SM (IL)
558.052 SM (IL)
693.120 SM (LS
583.842 SM (IL)
724.672 SM (LS)
662.901 SM (IL)
724.672 SM (LS)
875.185 SM (LS)
742.011 SM (LS)
504.063 SM (LS)
612.663 SM (LS)
409.181 SM (LS)
612.663 SM (LS)
440.475 SM (LS)
Continued on page 23
532.124 SM
558.052 SM (IL)
504.324 SM (LS)
693.120 SM (LS
724.672 SM (LS)
662.901 SM (IL)
9734 from page 724.672 Continued 22 SM (LS)
875.185 SM (LS)
9730 23 JUL
558.052 SM (IL) 558.052 SM (IL) 583.842 SM (IL)
742.011 SM (LS)
504.063 SM (LS)
612.663 SM (LS)
409.181 SM (LS)
612.663 SM (LS)
440.475 SM (LS)
612.663 SM (LS)
557.770 SM (LS)
661.347 SM (LS)
570.492 SM (LS)
719.078 SM (IL)
560.699 SM (LS)
558.590 SM (IL)
557.101 SM (LS)
657.157 SM (IL)
599.945 SM (LS)
660.457 SM (IL)
563.892 SM (LS)
697.944 SM (IL)
557.101 SM (LS)
710.193 SM (IL)
535.726 SM (LS)
629.888 SM (IL)
785.774 SM (LS)
569.234 SM (IL)
557.101 SM (IL)
18.01 ACRES
557.101 SM (IL)
a. ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being block 3 consisting of 5.01 acres situated at Well’s Point, Soldier Caye, Turneffe Island Range, Belize District bounded and described as shown by Plan No. 1008 of 2003 TOGETHER with all buildings erections and improvements standing and made thereon; b. ALL THAT piece or parcel of land situate near Well’s Point, Blackbird Caye, Turneffe Island Range, Belize District being 5.433 acres of land as shown on Plan No. 691 of 2006 Entry No. 9658 Register No. 31 attached to Minister’s Fiat (Grant) No. 691 od 2006 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and thereon; c. ALL THAT lot piece or parcel of land being Block No. 1 consisting of 14.909 acres of land situate at Well’s Point, Soldier Caye, Turneffe Island Range, Belize District bounded and described as shown by Plan No. 503 of 2008 attached to Minister’s Fiat Grant No. 503 of 2008 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being three undeveloped parcels of land [5.01 acres + 5.433 + 14.909 acres] situate at Well's Point, Soldier Caye, also known as BLACKBIRD CAYE, East side of Turneffe Island, Belize District, the freehold properties of Messrs. Creative Potential Limited surety for Messrs. Solas Development Holdings Limited) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - (foreclosure listing) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION TERMS: STRICTLY CASH KEVIN A. CASTILLO (foreclosure listing) TELEPHONE 223-4488
TERMS: STRICTLY CASH E-mail: Face Book: Belize Auctions
(Being 28.961 acres of vacant land subdivided to create 53 parcels situate approximately 5 kilometers north of the San Pedro Bridge (straight line) and west of Las Terrazas Resort on Ambergris Caye, Belize District. The freehold property of Messrs. Satori Land Inc. Surety for Mr. Rajiv Seth & Mr. Rupinder Kaur Gill) 6. Beach front Parcels 4835 & 4836 Caribbean Coves/Costa Del Sol Subdivision, west of San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye:
Face Book: Belize Auctions
(Being a vacant 23.017 acres parcel of land situate between the river and the round-a-bout on the San Estevan Road, Orange Walk District, the freehold property of Mr. John Ayuso) C.
PARCELS 4835 & 4836
(Being two vacant beach front lots [4835 - .653 Acre & 4836 - .586 acre] situate in the Caribbean Coves, Costa Del Sol Subdivision, approximately 1 mile west of San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye and across Laguna De San Pedro, the freehold properties of Messrs. Roarr Financial Inc surety for Mr. Rupinder Kaur Gill) 21 vacant Lots approximately 3 kilometers north of the San Pedro Bridge, Ambergris Caye:
At The Belize Bank Limited Parking Lot, Barrier Reef Drive, San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize District on Tuesday 1st August 2017 at 10:00 am: 12. Parcel No. 2948 Eiley Subdivision, San Pedro, Ambergris Caye:
Qualifications and Experience: • Minimum 2 years’ experience working as Receptionist or any other position • High School Diploma • Computer literate • Speak & Write English • Spanish would be an asset
Salary: Negotiable and dependent on experience and qualifications Interested persons must be a highly motivated team player with initiative, flexibility and excellent communication skills.SECTION Speaks clearlyBLOCK and fluently. Must have the ability REGISTRATION PARCEL San Pedro 7 2948to operate in a busy to organize workload and work with minimal supervision. Be able (Being a vacant and corner lot initiative. [4,847.72 square feet] situate in the Eiley Subdivision, San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, environment use
the freehold property of Mr. Jose Raudalez) 13. Parcels Nos. 10075 & 10076 Santa Rita Area, north Ambergris Caye, Belize District:
Closing Date: August 11, 2017 Please send your resume inclusive of 2 references to: Manager P. O. Box 80 Belize City, BELIZE
PARCELS 6495, 6496, 6497, 6498, 6499, 6500, 6501, 6502, 6503, 6504, 6505, 6506, 6507, 6508, 6509, 6510, 6511, 6512, 6513, 6514 & 6515 (Being twenty one (21) vacant lots [Nos. 6495 to 6511 - 557.007 S.M. each, Lot No. 6512 - 658.528 S.M., Lot No. 6513 - 616.116 S.M., Lot No. 6514 - 517.086 S.M. and Lot No. 6515 - 548.736 S.M.] situate approximately 3 kilometers North of the San Pedro Bridge, [immediately North and West of El Pescador Fly Fishing Resort], San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, the freehold property of Messrs. Svelto Holdings LLC surety for Mr. Sukhjit S. Randhawa & Mr. Erin G. Georgopoulos).
SECTION Continued fromREGISTRATION page 21 San Pedro
BLOCK PARCELS 7 10075 & 10076 (Being two vacant lots [10075 - 492 S.Y.] and [10076 - 548 S.Y.] situate in the Santa Rita area of North Ambergris Caye in a small subdivision West of the Resort called Belize Legacy, the freehold properties of Messrs. Legacy Group Limited) 14. Parcels Nos. 3989, 3997 & 3998 Marina Area, San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize District:
D.) BLACKBIRD CAYE, TURNEFFE ISLAND, BELIZE DISTRICT: At No. 170 Beltex Avenue, Belama, Phase 1, Belize City on Wednesday 26th July 2017 at 3:30 pm: 8. 5.01 acres + 5.433 acres + 14.909 acres Well’s Point, Blackbird Caye, Turneffe Island Range, Belize District:
a. ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being block 3 consisting of 5.01 acres situated at Well’s Point, Soldier Caye, Turneffe Island Range, Belize District bounded and described as shown by Plan No. 1008 of 2003 TOGETHER with all buildings erections and improvements standing and made thereon; b. ALL THAT piece or parcel of land situate near Well’s Point, Blackbird Caye, Turneffe Island Range, Belize District being 5.433 acres of land as shown on Plan No. 691 of 2006 Entry No. 9658 Register No. 31 attached to Minister’s Fiat (Grant) No. 691 od 2006 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and thereon; c. ALL THAT lot piece or parcel of land being Block No. 1 consisting of 14.909 acres of land situate at Well’s Point, Soldier Caye, Turneffe Island Range, Belize District bounded and described as shown by Plan No. 503 of 2008 attached to Minister’s Fiat Grant No. 503 of 2008
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCELS San Pedro 7 3989, 3997 & 3998 (Being three vacant commercial lots situate near Marina Road, approx. ½ Kilometer Northeast of the Marina Area in San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize District containing the following areas [Parcel No. 3989 – 2707.100 Sq. Metres or 3237.69 Sq. Yds; Parcel No. 3997 – 784.290 Sq. Metres or 938.00 Sq. Yds; Parcel No. 3998 – 867.900 Sq. Metres or 1038.00 Sq. Yds.], the freehold property of Messrs. Worldnet International Limited). 15. Parcel No. 2826 west of Marina Road, approx. ½ Kilometer northeast of the Marina Area, San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize District:
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL San Pedro 7 2826 (Being a vacant lagoon front parcel of land situate west of Marina Road, approx. ½ Kilometer Northeast of the Marina Area in San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize District containing 689.327 S.M., the freehold property of Mr. Michael Estephan).
(foreclosure listing) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - (foreclosure listing) TERMS: STRICTLY CASH TERMS: STRICTLY CASH KEVIN A. CASTILLO TELEPHONE 223-4488 KEVIN A. CASTILLO E-mail: TELEPHONE: 224 4473 Face Book: Belize Auctions
Email: Face Book: Belize Auctions
23 JUL