Belize Times July 29, 2018- The City Cries For Baby Etana!

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QUESTIONS TO THE MINISTA: 1) Why is the Commissioner of Lands asking for: Land Files to be BURNT ? 2) Why did the DPM’s Pregnant wife throw him out of his House and Where does he live ? 3) Who is the Lucky Applicant of the Beach Land property on the 60ft of Reserve of Caye Caulker ? 4) Why is CZL South West Dr Campos C/ Law wife at Elections and Boundaries ? 5) Why is the AG immediately appointing Alifa Elrington as Senior Magistrate ? 6) Why Shaming Pablo Marin has never been considered for Acting Prime Minister ? 7) Is it true that the UDP is holding the School Children $300 dollar quota hostage for Re-registration of parents?




Teodoro “Teddy” Zetina

Unexpectedly on 21 June 2018, Teodoro (Teddy) Zetina quietly passed away. He was the son of the late Vicente and Eulalia (Sosa) Zetina born in Belize City on 7 December 1938. He was a graduate of St John’s College, the highest level of education offered in Belize at that time. After graduation he worked for Gomez’s Store in Orange Walk, until his hobby of beekeeping became a full-time occupation. He later branched out to raising cattle. He married Elinor Leland and became a loving father to twins Glen Vicente and

Alicia Helena. In the 1980s he moved to the United States, living in Big Pine Key in Florida. He worked as a landscape gardener where his clients would point out that he had a natural ability to know what plants would look good in their yard. After suffering losses due to Hurricane Irma in 2017 he moved to Maryland to live with his daughter. While there he got to enjoy spending time with his granddaughter Mitia Zetina, walking to the neighborhood library and reading. He also tended a garden in his daughter’s yard. Besides his wife and children he is survived by his sister Cristina Escalante who resides in Orange Walk Town and numerous nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his sisters Leonarda Leiva, Teresa Leiva and Margarita Briceño. Our beloved Teddy was in the midst of getting ready to return to Belize, when the Lord called him. May he rest in peace.

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Belizeans of the old capital, Belize City, continue to wax nostalgic for the “good ole days” when Belize was considered safe and life was valued. Belizeans in their mid-forties and fifties can still remember those idyllic days when families strolled down their streets and enjoyed the various parks, had ice cream, attended public activities and then retired to their homes. Belizeans lived without the fear of being robbed, raped, kidnapped or murdered. Belize in the seventies and early eighties was considered relatively safe. It was a time when the biggest fear on the streets at nights was for spirits of the dead or “ghosts”. Presently in the old capital the fear of the dead is a thing of the distant past, Belizeans must now definitely fear the living. In 1992, the Honorable George Price, as Prime Minister of Belize, commissioned a Crime Report Committee of five members. This report was very detailed and highlighted the root causes of the deterioration of the mindset of the youth in Belizean society. The report noted that the breakdown in the family unit structure significantly contributed to the moral degradation of our society. The breakdown commenced after Hurricane Hattie in 1961 that left Belize City devastated. It severely affected economic activities in the urban center and caused a major migration exodus of city dwellers for the United States seeking better economic conditions. The result was broken families where one or sometimes both parents were absent. The incidence of teenage pregnancy and single parenthood escalated as did the prevalence of poverty, crime, illiteracy and unemployment. The UDP government of the mid 1980s was disinterested in putting forth any kind of social programs to assist in the increase of opportunities for higher education or jobs. Coupled with the social ills at the time, the apathy felt by the young people drove them increasingly to find comfort and a means to make a living on the streets. By 1992, the crime situation was already sensational with the introduction of contract killings. One such example of a contract killing was the Itza Brown assassination at the National Stadium. However, since then, murders have escalated significantly and since 2008 it has skyrocketed. Belize City is known as one of the most deadly cities in the entire world. Since 2008, the United Democratic Party (UDP) has been at the helm of government and since that period over 2,000 Belizeans have been slaughtered. Since taking office the UDP government has enacted draconian laws and practices such as the dreaded “Gun Law” and instituted the Gang Suppression Unit, still crime has not abated. During their ten (10) years in government, the Minister of Police position has rotated like a carrousel. First, there was the lack luster, Carlos Perdomo, followed by Douglas Singh, and John Saldivar. After the Mason scandal the seemingly irreproachable Godwin Hulse took over. Recently we have had a feeble Dean Barrow, a confused Wilfred “Sedi’ Elrington, and the pompous Elodio Aragon. We have come full circle and back again to the scandalous John Saldivar. All of these, every one of them, have proved themselves ineffective and incompetent in the war against crime. The murders and other violent crimes continue to escalate. The 2018 murder count is already at ninety-five (95) and we are only in the month of July. What we experience is a consistent increase in the crime wave because of the Gang war over territory and the drug trade. While drug planes land on our rural roads, which coincidentally just so happened to experience recent upgrades, we are left to wonder how these criminals know these details. We are left to ponder how it is that no convictions have ever been made in the connection of these drops. The recent slaying of three year old baby, Etana Bennet, who was shot dead while sleeping in her own bed is a stark reminder that no one anywhere is ever safe from the criminal elements. As even the wannabe politico ex-con and deportee, son of the Prime Minister, via his social media denounced recently “We need to accept that a 1% conviction rate for murder is unacceptable.” This may certainly be the one time we may ever agree on any point. The irony that it was precisely Shyne, who was accused and found guilty and served 10 years for an array of criminal charges which include attempted murder, that pointed out the gross deficiencies of this failed UDP government was not lost on the Belizean public. In any case, it is a point we have long labored. The present UDP government is focused on the Police Department as the primary agency in fighting crime. In 2008 they brought in Harold Crooks to advise them on how to modify the Police Department. Soon after it was discovered that Mr. Crooks, no pun intended, was wanted in his native Jamaica on sex related offences. To date nothing has changed for the better with the Police Department, crime remains unabated because living conditions for Belizeans have declined, and the social ills, poverty and unemployment continue to spiral out of control. The UDP government has failed to establish a proper forensic unit and laboratory to assist in convictions and failed to reach the young people even while they boast to be spending 30% of the national budget on education. The UDP government has not been able to create any permanent jobs and opportunities for our farmers but at the same time they dole out huge concessions to multi-million dollar corporations. They tax us so severely at the gas pumps but give foreign owned companies like Santander and ASR/BSI fuel almost tax free through concessions on fuel and Export Processing Status. These companies get an unfair advantage over the local farmer who has to pay full price for fuel. Soon the time will come for Belizeans to send a strong message to the UDP government telling them that they failed as a government. Belizeans have had enough. Very soon the UDP will be given their pink slips, and some of them may even need accommodation at Kolbe. The people must demand that Dean Barrow call the election now!


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Los Beliceños de la antigua capital, la ciudad de Belice, continúan expresando nostalgia por los “Buenos viejos tiempos” cuando Belice era considerado seguro y la vida era valorada. Los Beliceños de cuarenta y cinco y cincuenta y tantos años todavía pueden recordar aquellos días idílicos en que las familias paseaban por sus calles y disfrutaban de los diversos parques, tomaban helado, asistían a actividades públicas y luego se retiraban a sus casas. Los Beliceños vivían sin el temor de ser robados, violados, secuestrados o asesinados. Belice en los años setenta y principios de los ochenta se consideraba relativamente seguro. Fue una época en la que el mayor temor en las calles por las noches era para los espíritus de los muertos o “fantasmas”. Actualmente en la antigua capital el miedo a los muertos es cosa del pasado distante, los beliceños ahora definitivamente deben temerles a los vivos. En 1992, el Honorable George Price, como primer ministro de Belice, nombro a un Comité para un informe sobre la delincuencia de cinco miembros. Este informe fue muy detallado y puso de relieve las causas fundamentales del deterioro de la mentalidad de los jóvenes en la sociedad de Belice. El informe señalaba que la ruptura de la estructura de la unidad familiar contribuyó significativamente a la degradación moral de nuestra sociedad. El colapso comenzó después del huracán Hattie en 1961 que dejo a la ciudad de Belice devastada. Afectó gravemente las actividades económicas en el centro urbano y causó un éxodo importante de la migración de los habitantes de la ciudad para los Estados Unidos que buscaban mejores condiciones económicas. El resultado fue la ruptura de las familias donde uno o a veces ambos padres estaban ausentes. La incidencia de los embarazos de adolescentes y las familias mono parentales aumentaron al igual que la prevalencia de la pobreza, la delincuencia, el analfabetismo y el desempleo. El gobierno UDP de mediados de la década de 1980 fue desinteresado en poner adelante cualquier tipo de programas sociales para ayudar en el aumento de oportunidades de educación superior o puestos de trabajo. Junto con los males sociales de la época, la apatía sentida por los jóvenes los condujo cada vez más a encontrar consuelo y otro medio para ganarse la vida en las calles. Hacia 1992, la situación del crimen ya era sensacional con la introducción de asesinatos por contrato. Un ejemplo de asesinato por contrato fue el asesinato de Itza Brown en el estadio nacional. Sin embargo, desde entonces, los asesinatos han aumentado significativamente y desde 2008 se ha disparado. La ciudad de Belice es conocida como una de las ciudades más mortíferas del mundo entero. Desde 2008, el Partido Unido Democrático (UDP por sus siglas en inglés) ha estado a la cabeza del gobierno y desde ese período fueron asesinados más de 2.000 beliceños. Desde que asumió el poder el gobierno del UDP ha promulgado leyes y prácticas draconianas tales como la temida “ley de armas” e instituyó la Unidad de Supresión de Pandillas (GSU por sus siglas en inglés), no obstante el crimen no ha disminuido. Durante sus diez (10) años en el gobierno, la posición del Ministro de Policía ha girado como un carrusel. Primero, fue el mediocre y deslucido, Carlos Perdomo, seguido por Douglas Singh, y John Saldivar. Después del escándalo de Mason el supuesto intachable Hulse asumió el cargo. Recientemente hemos tenido al enclenque Dean Barrow, un confundido Wilfred “SEDI ‘ Elrington, y al pomposo Elodio Aragon. Hemos cerrado el círculo y retornamos al escandaloso John Saldivar. Todos ellos, cada uno de ellos, han demostrado ser ineficaces e incompetentes en la guerra contra la delincuencia. Los asesinatos y otros crímenes violentos continúan aumentando. El conteo de asesinatos de 2018 ya está en noventa y cinco (95) y sólo estamos en el mes de julio. Lo que experimentamos es un aumento constante de la ola delictiva debido a la guerra de pandillas sobre el territorio y el narcotráfico. Mientras que los aviones de la droga aterrizan en nuestras carreteras rurales, que por casualidad recién fueron objeto de mejoramiento, nos preguntamos cómo estos criminales conocen estos detalles. Nos quedamos con la incertidumbre sobre cómo es que nunca tuvimos condenas en relación con estos aterrizajes. El reciente asesinato de una bebé de tres años, Etana Bennet que fue asesinada a balazos mientras dormía en su propia cama es un recordatorio duro de que nadie en ningún momento está siempre a salvo de los elementos criminales. Como incluso el aspirante a político el ex convicto y deportado, hijo del primer ministro, a través de sus medios sociales denunció recientemente “Necesitamos aceptar que una tasa de condena del 1% por asesinato es inaceptable”. Esa puede ser la única vez que podamos llegar a un acuerdo sobre cualquier punto. La ironía que es precisamente Shyne que fue acusado y declarado culpable y sirvió 10 años por una serie de cargos criminales que incluyen intento de asesinato, quien señaló las deficiencias graves de este gobierno fallido del UDP no pasa desapercibida por la ciudadanía de Belice. En cualquier caso, es un punto al que le hemos dedicado mucho tiempo. El actual gobierno UDP se centra en el Departamento de Policía como la agencia principal en la lucha contra el crimen. En 2008 trajeron a Harold Crooks para asesorarlos sobre cómo modificar el Departamento de Policía. Poco después se descubrió que el Sr. Crooks, sin intención de hacer juego de palabras, era buscado en su Jamaica natal por delitos relacionados con el sexo. Hasta la fecha no se ha producido ninguna mejora en el Departamento de Policía. El crimen sigue sin disminuir porque las condiciones de vida de los beliceños han disminuido, y los males sociales, la pobreza y el desempleo continúan en espiral fuera de control. El gobierno UDP no ha establecido una unidad forense ni un laboratorio apropiados para ayudar en las condenas y no ha logrado llevarle beneficios a los jóvenes, aun cuando se jactan de estar gastando el 30% del presupuesto nacional en educación. El gobierno UDP no ha sido capaz de crear ningún trabajo permanente ni oportunidades para nuestros agricultores, pero al mismo tiempo le otorgan grandes concesiones a las corporaciones de varios millones de dólares. Nos gravan con tanta severidad en las bombas de gas, pero otorgan a compañías de propiedad extranjera como Santander y ASR/BSI combustible casi exentos de impuestos a través de concesiones sobre el combustible y en su calidad de procesadores para exportación. Estas empresas tienen una ventaja injusta sobre el agricultor local que tiene que pagar el precio completo de combustible. Pronto llegará el momento cuando los beliceños le enviaran un mensaje fuerte al Gobierno UDP diciéndoles que fracasaron como gobierno. Los Beliceños están hartos. Muy pronto los UDP recibirán sus notificaciones de despido, y algunos de ellos podrán incluso necesitar alojamiento en el Kolbe. ¡La gente debe exigirle a Dean Barrow que llame a elecciones ahora!

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Belizean-Guatemalan arraigned in Melchor …Possession of Military Grade Firearms Belize City: Monday 23rd July 2018 Francisco Javier dela Ho Duarte, a money changer (Pesero) and businessman operating in the western border free zone, was escorted to Court last Friday where he was read a battery of charges related to possession of prohibited military grade firearms. Dela Ho Duarte who claims to be a Belizean living in Benque Viejo Town surprised authorities in Court when he presented documents also showing him as a Guatemalan citizen. He was transferred to San Benito, Peten, where he will be on remand until the full outcome of his trial. Police in the Municipality of Melchor de Mencos carried out a surprised pre-dawn sting operation last Tuesday at an undisclosed location in that border town where they surprised Dela Ho Duarte in possession of two Russian made Ak47 assault rifles along with seventy-five rounds of ammunition family


Government squeezing the blood out… Wednesday, July 25, 2018. The Government of Belize through the Bureau of Standards today issued a new gas prices that will take effect as of midnight tonight. This time around the hike will only affect Regular gas which will increase from $10.89 to $10.93 per gallon. This represents a 0.04 cent increase per gallon. Just two weeks ago on July 11th government reduced the price of Regular gas from $11.02 to $10.89 which was a meagre 0.13 cent, today its up by 0.04 cents per gallon. This is the kind of footsie game the government has been playing every month since late last year just about. With today’s price hike on Regular, all other prices for the next few weeks will remain the same with Premium gas at $11.60, Diesel at $10.75 and Kerosene at $8.21 per gallon respectively. Don’t be surprise if by the first week of August government hits back with another price hike on the other fuels they did not raised today.

members claim that they are licensed in Guatemala. Duarte was also found to be in possession of thousands of dollars in cash of various currencies and a small quantity of marijuana. At the time of his arrest he also had in his possession, three computers, twelve cellular phones and two external computer hard drives were also found. Guatemalan re-

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2018 ports say he was in the company of a female when he was intercepted even though local media made no mention of it at the time. Belizean authorities have confirm that Dela Ho-Duarte is a native Belizean, raised, schooled and married in Benque Viejo Town. Reports from that western municipality say that Duarte is a money-changer but is also operates out of the Free Zone with the importation of high volumes of liquor and cigarettes which is then resold into the Guatemalan market. Belize authorities said this week that they are now working with the Guatemalan authorities and carrying out a detailed investigation of Ho-Duarte’s activities on this side of the border. Belize authorities also confirmed that he was given license for one fire-arm in Belize.

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PUP VINDICATED Chief Justice sets Precedent

Belize City, Monday, July 22, 2018 The Supreme Court of Belize set a precedent last Friday in pointing out that the PUP was correct in ventilating the many errors and irregularities committed during the counting process on Election Day in San Pedro but, rejected the PUP’s petition to set aside the election results of the Mach 7th Municipal Elections. Chief Justice Kenneth Benjamin in his ruling last Friday discharged the PUP’s request that the

election be declared void. Nonetheless, the Chief Justice, set a precedent eloquently pointing out that the PUP was correct in calling out the many errors and irregularities which occurred during the Election Day counting process. The C.J. emphasised saying that the irregularities were serious issues that needed to be ventilated and corrected; however, he did not find that the errors were compelling enough to influence the election results. Steven Perrera, attorney for the United Democratic Party, said

that the laws of Belize takes into account that there will always be room for errors on election day, but that the elections were still fair because the errors made in the San Pedro election were made after the votes were already cast, which meant the results were still valid. The PUP Mayoral Candidate Andre Perez and his PUP 7 team, challenged the election results of the election because they were on hand to witness the errors and irregularities regarding 275 ballots from polling station #37 on the island town. The margin of victory of the UDP slate was so small that the people of San Pedro, who voted for the PUP, believe that they won the elections. They turned to the Courts because they believed there was a strong case to convince the judge to set aside the results of the election, based on the many discrepancies witnessed. The PUP Mayoral Candidate told the media that he would be consulting with his legal team to consider an appeal of the decision.

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Prayer To The Holy Spirit O Holy Spirit, You who are the Fountainhead of all knowledge, Who Illuminate the path way which enables me to reach my goal. You Who shares your Divine gift permitting me to forgive and forget past insults and injustices, and Who are always at my side within reaching distance. I desire in this short supplication to thank You for all that You have done for me; and to assure You once more that I never want to be separated from You under any circumstances, no matter what the incentive. I want to be with You, I along with my loved ones, cradled in Your unending love. Thank You for your never-failing kindness towards me and those I call my own. (Prayer to be offered for three consecutive days: Faith in The Holy Spirit will cause Him to respond to your request no matter how difficult the problem might be. Publish prayer as soon as request has been Granted .) Thank You Holy Spirit. F.H.U.

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THE TIMES THEY ARE A CHANGING When the PUP Belize City council slate launched their manifesto earlier this year in Pen Road it proclaimed that this was a manifesto about hope. It offered a realistic promise that the PUP of John Briceño and Cordel Hyde, of Bernard Wagner, Aiesha Gentle, Chips, Candice, Mica and the rest of the PUP 11 was going to live the Party’s creed and “serve the people.” The PUP Belize City Manifesto was “‘bout di people.” Across the nine municipalities the manifestos of the PUP gave people hope that the times were about to change. All nine PUP slates offered the residents of the cities and towns nationwide a commitment that elected PUP municipal governments would put people first. Four months after the PUP victories in Belize City, Corozal and Orange Walk the work has been focused on implementing programs that are people centered and people driven. All three municipalities have developed emergency plans in time for the hurricane season. Evacuation routes have been reviewed, teams assembled and a plan for shelters agreed upon. Also, in partnership with the private sector and volunteer groups, summer programs were developed and are in full swing. These summer programs are providing children in the three municipalities opportunities for outdoor activities and for character building events. In Belize City sport camps have been held in many neighbourhoods to provide children who are out of school for the summer with meaningful recreation. These programs are not cheap to sponsor, but they are getting done with the cooperation of the private sector and other social partners. The doors of city hall have been thrown open in Belize City, Orange Walk and Corozal welcoming the people and ensuring that the affairs of these municipalities are being properly managed in an open and transparent manner. In the past when governments transitioned from one administration to another, the practice has been to go on political witch huts. Remember when Patrick Faber boasted about firing over 100 school wardens because they were supposed to be PUP supporters? When asked if this was wrong the Prime Minister, Dean Barrow said of those PUP supporters who lost their jobs for no other reason then being PUP that they were collateral damage. To the many working mothers who were sent home and the hundreds more who have been retrenched under this oppressive UDP government, this has been one of the worst times in the nations history. In a climate where there is genuine concern for the betterment of others there is no room for the kind of vindictiveness that was displayed by Faber, Barrow and the other UDP

officers. Today at City Hall in Belize City, Corozal and Orange Walk time and energy is being spent on people centered and people driven initiatives. In this month of July alone, there are plans being made to work on public safety projects and beneficial programs. In Corozal plans are being drawn up and proposals presented to find ways to work with the Government of Venezuela to fix

up and improve public spaces. In Orange Walk the proceeds from the Fiesta Rama will be used to offer school assistance to needy families. In Belize City Mayor Bernard Wagner and his team have been spending their weekends in the community handing out school supplies and organizing fun events for young people. They have also been putting the final touches on their plans to roll out their grieving mothers programs. Of course while all these people centered programs are being rolled out in the three PUP municipalities the day-to-day responsibilities continue. The services of these coun-

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2018 cils have continued efficiently, without increasing taxes and with no bailouts that previous UDP councils got from the Central Government. Judging from the work done so far it is clear that where the PUP city and town councils are concerned the work has commenced and the promise to be people centered and people driven is being kept. Bob Dylan gave the world a great song which Belizeans in Corozal and Orange Walk Town and in Belize City can once again embrace for with Bernard, Kevin, Rigo and the PUP municipal councils, “the times they are a changing and they are changing” for the better.

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By: Karim Adle Jr. The re-registration process in black and white is intended to clean out or rather purge out the old, “corrupted” voters list. It is a due process enshrined within our constitution. One thing is for sure though, and I am sure many Belizeans underestimated the fact that this present government, will destroy, taint and tarnish any and everything in its path. The present-day UDP reminds me of that saying Gaspar Vega said a little before the 2008 elections that they would sell their own mothers for the sake of winning an election. If they went to such extreme lengths what are we to expect, our patrimony was never their priority, and this re-registration exercise is intended or rather geared towards re-corrupting the list to ensure their survival. In Cayo North, we are faced with several cases of voter fraud. It is presently an uphill battle, but we in the People’s United Party intend to fight any suspected case of voter fraud. It is impossible to believe so many voters registered at Martin Galvez’s apartment complex. This man is an ex-mayor of the twin towns, and it is a shame and disgrace on him to allow himself to be riddled with so many cases of fraud. However, he is a flag bearing member of the UDP so as a result we cannot expect too much. Likewise, we are equally appalled at the dishonorable behavior from the area representative who is supposed to act honorable and live up to the expectations not only as a moral, law-abiding citizen but also as a doc-

torate honors graduate. Why on earth would these individuals sell our birthright and patrimony and illegally register individuals from Arenal, Melchor, Cayo Northeast and other areas? As Belizeans prepare to go to the polls for the upcoming referendum, it is of utmost importance to keep our voters list 100% Belizeans. Belizeans must decide if we are to go or not go to the ICJ. We don’t need to be scientists to determine where these illegal Guatemalan voters will vote for in the referendum. I would like to urge characters such as Omar Figueroa, his lackey’s and individuals such as Martin Galvez to seize and desist from registering these individuals at your personal addresses. You might love your party, but the love of our country should surpass all love for the party. The level of treason you are partaking in is disgraceful, and it is an utter shame. I appeal to all Belizeans to open your eyes, register and vote them out, let your voices be heard and let us keep our land ours.

Belize Sugar Industries Limited Tower Hill, P.O. Box 29 Orange Walk Town, Belize

OUR REF: CFRM-10/18 July 24, 2018 Mr. Salvador Martin, Chairman, Belize Sugar Cane Farmers’ Association Mr. Vladimir Puck, Acting Chairman, Corozal Sugar Cane Producers Association Mr. Octavio Cob, Chairman, Progressive Sugar Cane Producers Association Dear Sirs: Second Payment - 2018 Crop Attached is the detailed computation of the estimated cane price for the 2018 crop, based on which the second payment to farmers will be made. I confirm that the second payment will be made on Wednesday, 1 August 2018. The estimated average price is BZ$45.47 per ton cane. In accordance with our agreement, 91% of this price is due at second payment. The first payment made at the time of cane delivery to the factory was BZ$36.02 per ton cane to all farmers. The second payment price calculation is based on the relative factors for the respective delivery groups. The attached statement shows the price of each group, using the relative factors as approved by the Sugar Cane Production Committee (SCPC). The estimate is based on the final 2018 crop production figures of 138,806 tons sugar and 35,043 tons molasses, adjusted for B molasses sales. During the course of the crop, a total of 1,040 tons of B Molasses was sold to local distilleries. This product, which contains a higher concentration of sugar than does final molasses, was not shown separately in the factory’s Daily Laboratory Reports. This was necessary so as to reconcile the pol balances. Please note below the adjustment made to the Lab Reports production figures in order to reflect this product. In addition, given low prices for EU raw sugar, BSI concentrated on producing DC sugar for the EU. Likewise, total cane supply for the crop was lower than projected. As a result, we were not able to complete the full Plantation White Sugar (PWS) requirement when milling ended on 27 June 2018 and therefore re-melted raw sugar to produce the balance of PWS. The production figures below reflect final numbers after re-melting program. Production Figures Per Final Lab Reports Metric Tons Sugar Final Molasses

Production Figures Per Final Lab Reports Long Tons

Adjustments For B Molasses Long Tons


Notice is hereby given that Louverta Medina is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Maya Ruin (Souviner Store) located at Philip Goldson International Airport, Ladyville Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

JOB VACANCY: Sales Clerk needed at Koyes Super Shop located at the Belmopan Bus Terminal. Visit the store for more information.

The People’s United Party hereby announces its convention to elect Standard Bearers for the BELIZE RURAL CENTRAL AND BELIZE RURAL SOUTH Constituencies.










The cane price estimate assumes the following: 1.

That 95,733 tons of sugar will be sold to the EU market as raw sugar to T&L Sugars Limited (TLS) and will realize an average f.a.s. price of BZ$526.81 per ton.


That 11,129 tons of sugar willFamily be sold in theatlocal market, including 8,356 tons as PWS Visit Our of Brands and 2,773 tons as local brown. The production of PWS was reduced from the previous estimate of 9,500 tons to take account of excess stock of PWS from 2017 crop and to avoid taking surplus stock into the 2019 crop which can result in higher incidents of sugar becoming damaged.


That 19,000 tons of bagged Direct Consumption (DC) sugars will be sold to TLS at an estimated average f.a.s. price of BZ$1,197.32 per ton.


That 10,868 tons of sugar will be sold to the USA market for the 2017/18 crop and will realize an average f.a.s. price of BZ$971.66 per ton.


Freight rates for export shipments are a significant variable and actual rates are only known at the time of chartering vessels for export shipments. This crop so far, average freight rates achieved on actual shipments have been above the initial estimate for this crop and this has been reflected in the revised price estimates.


That 2,076 tons of bagged brown sugar will be sold to other destinations, mainly the Caribbean, at an estimated average f.a.s. price of BZ$809.25 per ton.


That the f.a.s. value of export molasses will be BZ$102.32 per ton.


Local sugar and molasses proceeds have been computed at current prevailing prices.


Cargo dues on export sugar and molasses is included at the rate of BZ$1.41 per short ton.


Handling charges have been included at BZ$76.89 and BZ$49.00 per ton sugar and molasses respectively.


Manufacturing allowances have been included at $160 and $150 per ton for plantation white and export direct consumption sugar respectively.


Stevedoring costs are included at current prices.


A provision of $200K for the underpayment of the 2017 crop is being made at this time; the final position will be verified by the audit report at the end of August 2018.

Making Life A Little Sweeter

No provision has been made for sugar store losses, as these are not yet known. Yours sincerely, Belize Sugar Industries Limited

Closing date for applications is Friday, July 27, 2018 at 4:00

For further information please contact the PUP Secretariat at 677-9168

Adjusted Final Production Long Tons


B Molasses


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Chairman, Sugar Industry Control Board Executive Secretary, Sugar Industry Control Board Belize Sugar Industries Limited Tower Hill, P.O. Box 29


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Orange Walk Town, Belize




2016 2017 2018

Team Belize places 2nd in COCABA AmeriCup qualifiers Belize City, July 22, 2018 Team Belize won 2nd place at the Central American Basketball Confederation’s (COCABA) qualifier tournament for the 2018 FIBA AmeriCup, which the Belize Basketball Federation hosted at the Belize Civic Center over the weekend. In Game 1 Friday, July 20, Team Belize won 71-67 against El Salvador, led by Devin Daly hitting 4 long treys for 18pts. Charles Garcia added 16pts, Darwin Carter put up 10pts, and Charles Burgess posted 6pts, while Jared Chatham and Glency Lopez netted 4pts apiece. Salvador’s Robert Sandoval was the top-scorer of the tournament, scoring 23pts per game. In Game 2 Saturday was a preview of coming attractions; as the eventual gold medallists - Costa Rica blew away El Salvador 69-49, led by Carlos Quesada with 14pts. Jefny Anderson and Isaac Conejo scored 13pts apiece and MVP Kay Martinez posted 9pts. El Salvador’s Robert Sandoval top-scored again with 22pts, and Julio Mancia Arias added 14pts. In Game 3 Sunday, Costa Rica won 57-52 against Belize, led by MVP Kay Shomarie Martinez with 15pts. Jefny Anderson Brown and Carlos Quesada posted 7pts apiece,

Champs Costa Rica and Daniel Shedden and Rohel Bennett put up 6pts apiece. It was a game of strategy; as Belgium had shown Japan in the recent FIFA World Cup Russia, a 2-0 lead doesn’t mean you’ve won the game. Team Belize opened up an 8-pt lead in both 2nd and 3rd quarters, leading 29-27 at half time and 44-41 at the end of the 3rd quarter. But as it turned out, the visitors were just softening up the Belize boys; before they pinned them down

DigiCell wins 2018 Belize City women’s softball championship Belize City, July 20, 2018 DigiCell won the 2018 Belize City female softball championship by a 3-1 win in Game 3 of the Finals against the 3-time champions Belize Bank Bulldogs at the home of softball at the Rogers Stadium on Friday night. Bulldogs’ pitcher Renisha Richards struck out 3 batters, walked 4 and gave up 4 hits. DigiCell to left 5 runners on base, but Norecia Frazier scored in the 4th and 6th innings, and Mayu Fukada also scored in the 4th. The Bulldogs got only 1 hit off DigiCell’s pitcher Mayu Fukada, who struck out 11 batters. The Bulldogs left 4 runners on base, and Marsha Wills scored their only run. Association executive member Tamara Ramsey presented team trophies and individual medals to the 1st and 2nd place winners. DigiCell also swept all the Individual awards: Most Valauble Player - Kiri Lizama – DigiCell. Most Stolen Bases: Kiri Lizama – DigiCell: 10. Most Runs Batted In (RBIs) - Mary Flowers – DigiCell: 8. Best Batting Average - Lydia Cacho – DigiCell: 0.529. Most Strikeouts - Mayu Fukada – DigiCell: 70!

in the 4th quarter, when Belize’s top-scorer Charles Garcia ran into foul trouble. Point guard Glency Lopez was also injured, while Devin Daly had also suffered an eye injury that threw off his 3-point game, he shot no 3-pointers and was limited to only 3pts. Garcia led with 14pts, including a monster dunk and a long trey, Charlie Burgess put up 9pts, and Glency Lopez added 8pts. Daniel Conorquie netted 6pts and Richard Troyer hit a

Daniel Conorquie scored 6pts vs Jefny Anderson long trey 5pts, while Jared Chatham there in 4pts. Englebert Cherrington became Belize’s only big man after Garcia fouled out of the game, but was only shooting 50% of shot attempted, he scored 3pts! The COCABA President was on hand to present the champions’ trophy and individual gold medals to Team Costa Rica and the MVP award to Kay Shomarie Martinez, while Team Belize received silver medals, and El Salvador – bronze medals.

Lemonal Easy Does It wins thru to Harrison Parks cricket finals Bermudian Landing, July 21, 2018 Lemonal’s Easy Does It will challenge Bermudian Landing’s Summer Fever in the 2018 Harrison Parks cricket championship finals on Saturday, July 28, after they eliminated Flowers Bank’s Wicked 11 by a score of 301 runs to 98 in Game 3 of the semi-finals series at Bermudian Landing last Saturday. Aaron Muslar led the Lemonal batting with 119 runs, including 13 sixes and 4 fours. Andrew Banner scored another 63 runs, including 5 sixes and 5 fours, while Cyril Banner batted 44 runs including 2 sixes and 2 fours.

Walter Flowers added 36 runs, including 2 sixes and 4 fours. Wicked 11’s Egbert Robinson took 4 wickets, and Dwayne Hendy took 2 wickets, but the Lemonal batters had tallied 301 runs before their last wicket fell. This was a big score that Wicked 11 tried to equal when they came to bat, but Lemonal’s Walter Flowers took 5 wickets and Glenroy Reynolds took 3 wickets, limiting Wicket 11 to 98 runs – all out! Winston “Boss Hog” Flowers batted 28 runs, including 5 fours, while Andrew Banner Sr and T. Robinson managed 15 runs apiece, and Dwayne Hendy added 9 runs.

DigiCell win 3-1 Bulldogs in Game 3 of Finals

Wicked 11, Andrew Banner Sr. batted 15 runs

29 JUL






The Holy Redeemer Credit Union Limited (HRCU) invites qualified individuals to join its Internal Audit Department Internal Audit covers all aspects of the Holy Redeemer Credit Union ( H R C U ) business operations, governance and financial management through the evaluation of policies, procedures, business practices and internal controls. The Internal Auditor will work independently under the guidelines of the HRCU Charter. The Internal Auditor will:

 Provide audit coverage of assigned audit areas  Participate in and lead audit engagements, from planning to reporting, and produce quality deliverables in accordance with professional internal audit standards;  Finalize and communicate audit findings and develop comprehensive recommendations to address and improve the design and effectiveness of internal controls;  Prepare concise written reports and presentations on the activity audited;  Implement and execute an effective continuous auditing program for assigned areas.  Analyze and assess assigned financial and operating systems of the Credit Union  Assist in the evaluation of policies, procedures and practices related to risk management;  Perform other duties and responsibilities as assigned.

The applicants should possess the following:


 A Bachelor`s Degree in Accounting or Finance or related discipline from a recognized tertiary institution; with at least five years working experience in conducting Internal Audits

 A recognized professional qualification or certificate would be an asset. TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE

 Knowledge of the Credit Union Act, audit and accounting principles and internal control processes, investigative and reporting skills; ability to apply relevant methodologies and tools effectively on audit engagements; proficient in software application, including Microsoft suite.


 Flexibility;

Adaptability; Results Oriented; Organizational Awareness; Communication; Personal Credibility; Analytical Thinking, Diagnostic Information Gathering.


 In accordance with the Credit Union’s Salary Structure Submit the following documents by Friday, August 10, 2018  Letter of Application

 Curriculum Vitae  Copies of university transcripts, degrees, and any other personal certificates  Police Record and References (at least two recent) Applications should be addressed to: Manager, Human Resources Department Holy Redeemer Credit Union 1 Hydes Lane, P.O. Box 544 Belize City, Belize Ref: Internal Auditor – Internal Audit Department (All applications will be held in strict confidence) ********************************************************************************************* HRCU reminds all member-owners to please stop by the office on Hydes Lane or in Independence Village to update your account information if you have not already done so! Please bring along your Social Security Card or Passport and a utility bill as proof of your address. These are now requirements of the Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter Financing of Terrorism (CFT) compliance Laws that we must adhere to! ******************************************************************************************

56 12 2018 29 JUL


29 JUL


29 JUL


18 JAN



The People’s United Party’s United Women’s Group (UWG) National Executive met on July 21, 2018, in Belize City to discuss women representation in the Party and the upcoming conventions along with other topics of discussion.

PUP CITY COUNCIL SPEARHEADS THE SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE INITIATIVE …Provides Pantry to needy persons of three Constituencies The Belize City Council Administration of Mayor Bernard Wagner won by a landslide victory on March 7th on the ‘…all bout the people’ platform which promised that social infrastructure will play a significant role in the first tenure of this municipal government. Its been hardly five months into Mayor Wagner’s ascendency and his government is already delivering good on his Manifest promise launching its ‘Pantry Program’ in the needy areas of Lake Independence, Collet and Port Loyola. The Pantry which includes grocery, clothing, footwear and school supplies which is benefiting over 300 families started on Tuesday 24th at Lake Independence’s Swift Hall, St John’s Vianny Primary School on Wednesday 25th and concluded at the Grace Primary School on Thursday 26th July. Councillor Dr. Candice Pitts who has the portfolio for foreign affairs and sister country relationships said that the Pantry initiative is a joint effort of the Belize City Council and ‘The Sisters and Brothers in Christ Ministries of Florida, USA. Councillor Pitts added that the said Ministries Programme was founded about five years ago by Ms. Brenda August in West Palm Beach, Florida. Ms August first conceived the idea and started implementing the concept after seeing the need of the under privilege homeless transients in her community. She started out small making sandwiches then quickly started a feeding program to cater for 25 persons per week. Ms August embarked on networking her programme with family members, and churches and multiplied her services to feed 125 persons per week then extended the ministry with an international outreach to include her hometown of Belize. Three years ago, her Ministry made a donation to the communities of Bullet Tree Cayo, Libertad, Corozal and the area of Gungulung in Belize City. Recently, following the change of direction in the municipal elections, Lyle August, brother of founder Brenda August, reached out to Mayor Bernard Wagner and his Council where he shared the Ministry’s plans to serve the residents of Belize City. Mayor Bernard Wagner’s Council is the first Municipal Government to provide a social assistance initiative of this magnitude to three of the larger communities in the City.


“Excellence is the best deterrent to racism or sexism”. – Oprah Winfrey– I. Background The World has been in the grip of football fever for the past many weeks. All of us experienced personally how the Football World Cup frenzy consumed people, country after country! Every pass, every kick, every hit and every miss were analyzed, commented upon and evaluated! Billions of opinions of millions of people. This time the Football World Cup was even more special, because many previous world champs were out and many under-dogs kept winning. Croatia reached the Finals: a team completely unexpected, beating many heavyweight champions and winning every match with great determination. The final match was done, celebrations and tears followed, nations were moved by emotions and the event that united almost the whole world was over! Although the problem of the racism seemed to have been overcome in Europe, events like the emission of monkey sounds against black players, anti-Semitic songs and even the use of slogans and racist symbols of the extreme right and the several racists memes circulated on Social Media seem to show the opposite. In this sense, the alarm has raised again after the recent concluded FIFA World Cup in Russia. Football International Federation (FIFA) has an “Anti-Racist Treaty” that was established in Buenos Aires FIFA Congress, Argentina in 2001, and July 7th was established as “Anti-Discrimination Day”. This Treaty has clear standards for players, fanatics and federations with penalties and monetary sanctions for violators. The two Latin American Federations: CONMEBOL and CONCACAF were represented by 8 Teams: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Panama, Peru and Uruguay. All of them were eliminated before quarter finals stage. Telling the present and past history of these teams is to tell the stories of great legends arising from each community and stratum of our societies. It is a story of struggle for self-improvement and inclusion. It is, in its best moments, the history of the great deeds that our countries can achieve when working as a team, walking side by side, without distinctions, towards an objective. Same situation applies to musicians and other artists. II. Discussion In Belize we have different races that are well represented at different levels in almost all sector of our society, including politics, maybe the pending challenge is the gender equity, since our society is mostly steered by men. Unfortunately, the impact of afro-descendant in music and sports is not the same in politics and leadership spaces in other Latin American Countries. In Brazil for example 50% of its population are afro-descendant but only 6.5% of the managers and 5% of the executives of the main companies are black. Most of the available statis-

tics in Latin America and the Caribbean do not reflect these numbers that is an indicator of how black people are affected. After analyzing the available data for 20 Countries in the Latin American Region, only 7 of them provided the information about statistics by races. It makes difficult to stablish how much of region population are afro-descendant, what are their main jobs and living conditions. This is not a minor problem because its estimated that about 30% of Latin Americas population are afro-descendant. Regarding the recently concluded FIFA World Cup, France’s history with blacks is far from spotless. Though it has the distinction of being the first European country to emancipate our ancestors, providing them with full rights in 1791, racists flare-ups are not uncommon to the Gauls. We all know the Dreyfus Affair of the late 19th to early 20th Century, in which Army Captain, Alfred Dreyfus, was falsely accused of treason and served 10 years in prison. For Croatia’s part, the country’s Christian population peacefully cohabitated with Jews until our forebears were expelled from its borders, along with most Protestants, in 1456. By the time the Habsburgs ran the show Jews were barred from settling in Northern Croatia, but throughout the 19th Century, the People of the Book gained steady ground towards full citizenship. By 1873, they were granted legal equality, and by the 20th Century had established some prominence as a minority community. France certainly sees racist displays during football games, but the people have also been known to protest, as they did in the case of Knoll’s murder, in response to acts of hate. France has the largest black population in Europe and has fostered great black musicians and sports players. Though French blacks are right to be alarmed by an uptick in prejudice, French President Emmanuel Macron has renewed a commitment to fighting racism, which he called “the shame of France.” Black’s afro-descendants can feel ok cheering France on, knowing that Macron’s stance on hate is stronger than that of our own Leaders. The current Football World Champion France, with a Team full of afro-descendants, has long reflected the ethnic diversity of the Country and proved that they truly support anti-racist practices and re-gain the title they won 20 years ago against Brazil in 1998 leaded by the star Zinedine Zidane. Current French Team has been accused of being plagued of non-”genuinely” French origin players but being descendants of immigrants of former French colonies they are genuine as any white blue eyes Frenches. In April 2011, a story was released which claimed that the French Football federation (FFF) had been attempting to secretly put in place a quota system in order to limit the number of dual-citizenship players in its national academies. Quoting a senior figure in the FFF, the organization was said to have wanted to set a cap of 30% on the number of players of dual-nationality by limiting places in the academies. The FFF responded by releasing a public statement denying the report, stating, “None of its elected bodies has been validated, or even contemplated a policy of quotas for the recruitment of its training centers”. The FFF also announced that it had authorized a full investigation into the matter and, as a result, suspended National Technical Director François Blaquart.

29 JUL

Picture 1. Race distribution in Belize according to SIB 2010 census.

Picture 2. Social Media announcement of Russia World Cup Final Match between France and Croatia on July 15th, 2018 where “accidentally” black players are no included, why? As it has been very well pointed out, the success of sportsmen belonging to ethnic minorities in certain elite sports modalities has become an inconvenience regarding the awareness of the need to work in racial equality since their success is used to justify that things are going well, that sport is open to all and that, therefore, programs of social equality are not so necessary, when the reality is quite different since it shows that there is hardly representation of ethnic minorities in different sporting practices, especially afro-descendants. Former USA President Barack Obama offered his powerful defense of diversity and embracing others while speaking in honor of Nelson Mandela’s 100 birthday and he even used the French World Cup Team to make a brilliant point about of the power of diversity. III. Conclusions Faced with that idealized or politically correct vision of sport, the truth is that this is presented to us as a dialectical reality, since it can become a source of social integration in the fight against racism and even in a peaceful celebration of difference, or on the contrary, can be a means of racial discrimination in accordance with the philosophy of the current competitive system where it is established that the goal is to win by enhancing selection and exclusion processes incompatible in some cases with inclusion and participation. As Latin Americans, we are proud of each and every one of the players in our National Teams, who represent on the field

the crucible of our diversity. Can you imagine the potential of our societies and economies if we take advantage of diversity in the same way? It is required to promote the policies of inclusion by races in the region, not only in sports but also in all society levels. The recent concluded FIFA World Cup in Russia demonstrated that sports are always useful in the fight against social exclusion, racism, poverty and segregation. You can reach your own conclusions. God bless Belize. Dr. Pedro Villegas. Follow us at: & IV. References • Aguad, J., Rojas, M. (2018) “2018 World Cup: without inclusion there is no selection”. Inter-American Developing Bank Newsletter: June 13th, 2018. • Duran, J., Jiménez, P. J. (2016). Football and Racism: a social and scientific problem. International Journal of Sports’ Sciences. 3 (2), 68-94. • Murillo, P. (2014) “Afro-descendants: included in sport but excluded from the politics”. Afroestilo Newsletter: blog. July 15th, 2014. • Statistical Institute of Belize Census (2010). Available at: population • Obama, B. (2018) “Speech paying tribute to Nelson Mandela on his 100th birthday: World Cup teaches us about the power of diversity”. Johannesburg, South Africa, July 17th, 2018.

29 JUL


OUT PAYE Workers Footing the Bill


Dear Editor, I write to you with a concern that is plaguing all working professionals especially us young and new graduates that have recently joined the work force. On a daily basis among colleagues we discuss this issue and we appreciate and give thanks that we form part of that fortunate group that has been able to earn a university degree and find a job. In this day and age in Belize that is not so common. Not many people can achieve these objectives in their lives. However, we also discuss the rising cost of taxes in Belize whether they are direct or indirect. These taxes without a doubt negatively impact our cost of living and leave us with less disposable income. Lately in Belize we are being taxed in every way possible starting with the steep taxes on fuel, electricity, income tax, GST, Data and everything else. If working Belizeans calculate how much of every dollar earned is taxed by Government we can safely say that we are paying about 60 – 65 cents of every earned dollar to the government. This we believe is excessive and damaging to an already weak economy. It gets more irritating when as a working man or woman you realize that the government services you are supporting with your taxes are grossly inefficient and ineffective to say the least. The frustration worsens when every day you see the governments wasteful spending and abuse of resources for personal and political reasons. In our working environment it is common to hear that we do not really want a raise in salary. This is so because for every incremental dollar we get…25 cents goes to the inefficient and grossly incompetent government that is unable to render effective services to us. Look at the road infrastructure, the public health system, the public transportation, the public education system and it goes on. The working population (the PAYE) or the salaried worker of this country is the one that pays more taxes than any other. Simply put, our income taxes are deducted at source…there is no way to avoid it. Lately the government has either instituted or approved increases in various taxes directly affecting us the workers of this country. It is time that we stand up and say that enough is enough. We need to stand up and demand better from those we elect to govern. Just look around and you will see that our neighbours do no take these increases lightly. WE also need to demand better services! The time to be complacent needs to end now! Belizeans are suffering from tax fatigue! Sincerely, Lizbeth Alpuche PAYE Worker



Alifa Elrington Appointed to Senior Magistrate Tuesday, July 24, 2018. The Belize Times learned that Alifa Elrington, was secretly sworn in as Senior Magistrate last week. Sources within the judiciary have expressed growing concern saying her appointment is controversial. This appointment is generating a spirited debate among the judiciary because, normally, it would take at least five years of practice by a lay magistrate to qualify for consideration to assume the position of that senior magistrate position. Political pundits see her secret appointment with scepticism and part of the UDP’s mechanism of convenience especially since we are going through a re-registration process. Everyone who is familiar with this process know that magistrates will be needed in the review of the voters list. It will be the courts/magistrates who will ultimately decide/approve who remains on the approved voters list The review of the new voters list is slated for around the ending

of September or October this year. At those hearings there will be objections ventilated regarding registered electors not living in specific areas. This UDP government has always tried to be ahead of the game with a defence shield. This part of the process will be aired before a sitting magistrate. It’s just convenient for the UDP that the process appears that it is legally going through its mandated motions. So, it will be of no surprise to see the new Senior Magistrate at the forefront adjudicating this part of the process. Alifa is the youngest daughter of the infamous Foreign Minister, Wilfred Sedi

Elrington, who served two terms under UDP’s Darrel Bradley city council but were all defeated in the recent March 7th municipal elections. During her tenure as a Councillor in August of 2017, she was one of the first to resubmit and offer herself as a candidate once again on the UDP’s Slate, way ahead of the 2018 municipal elections. Elrington, along with three other persons were secretly sworn in last week without any press release by the Attorney General’s Office to inform the public. Ever since she was rejected by the electorate, she has explored every avenue possible to stay in the mix of power. During her tenure as a Councillor, she was on the Board of Governors for the Gwen Lizarraga High School representing the Belize City Council. However, after losing the municipal elections on March 7th, she refused to vacate her seat on that Board. The present City Council appointed Councillor Ryan Elijio, an educator himself, to represent them. Even DPM Patrck Faber went public speaking in her favour on why she should remain on the Board. That caused more than twenty teachers of the Gwen Liz Faculty to stage a sit-out from classes. Seems the ex-city councillors are having a hard time adapting to the life of normal Belizeans.

NOTICE PUBLIC AUCTION SALE BY ORDER OF THE CHARGEE HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED, a Licensed Public Auctioneer will sell on site the following property at the time as listed. At No. 10 5th Street South, Corozal Town, Corozal District on Wednesday August 8, 2018 at 1:30 p.m.

SCHEDULE ALL THAT piece or parcel of land comprising 612.7 square yards being Parcel 731, Block 1 in the Corozal Central Registration Section situate at No. 10 5th Street South, Corozal Town, Corozal District, TOGETHER with a two-storey building of reinforced concrete construction, ground floor comprising 3,400 square feet containing five bedrooms, three bathrooms, living room, dining, kitchen and storeroom and the first floor comprising 2,800 square feet containing four bedrooms, four bathrooms, living room, dining, kitchen and storeroom, surrounded by a concrete verandah and patio, the freehold property of VIDHYA BAXANI, surety for SURAJ BAXANI. DATED this 25th day of July 2018

All sales are strictly cash and deemed final. For more information contact: HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED 1 HYDE’S LANE, BELIZE CITY, BELIZE Phone: (501) 224-5644 Fax: (501) 223-0738 Email:





2018 2018

ASAMBLEA LEGISLATIVA DE EL SALVADOR RATIFICA ADHESIÓN A UNIÓN ADUANERA CON GUATEMALA Y HONDURAS La Asamblea Legislativa de El Salvador ratificó este viernes el Protocolo de Adhesión al proceso de Unión Aduanera, el cual fue suscrito entre Guatemala y Honduras en el 2015 y que opera entre estos dos países desde junio de 2017.

Prensa Libre: Guatemala 20 de Julio de 2018 El Congreso salvadoreño informó por medio de sus redes sociales que la ratificación se efectuó con 57 votos. El acuerdo se denomina Protocolo de Adhesión de El Salvador al Protocolo Habilitante para el Proceso de Integración Profunda hacia el Libre Tránsito de Mercancías y de Personas Naturales. A un año de la vigencia de la unión aduanera entre Guatemala y Honduras las cifras de comercio entre ambos países registraron un incremento. El primer beneficio al ingresar un nuevo país es que se forma un mercado de 32 millones de habitantes al unirse los tres países, indicó el Viceministro de Integración y Comercio Exterior de Guatemala, Julio Dougherty. “Esto ratifica que el proceso de Unión Aduanera entre Guatemala y Honduras ha sido un éxito, como el inicio de una integración centroamericana verdadera”, afirmó el funcionario quien agregó que con esta acción tanto los costos como el tiempo de traslado se reducen para los empresarios y el área adquiere más competitividad debido a esa reducción en costos de operación.

Congreso de El Salvador ratificó el Protocolo para adherirse a la Unión Aduanera Centroamericana que ya opera entre Guatemala y Honduras desde el 2017. Las exportaciones de Guatemala crecieron 5.8% con un valor de US$967.3 millones, (unos Q7 mil millones) con respecto al 2016. Mientras que las importaciones desde Honduras hacia nuestro el país aumentaron 15.7%, por un valor de US$383.8 millones (alrededor de Q2 mil 813 millones). El viceministro espera que a finales de este año El Salvador se encuentre al mismo nivel que Guatemala y Honduras porque es un proceso que ya se había iniciado pero aún debe concluir

en las áreas de infraestructura aduanera, informática y en la homologación de todos los productos para que puedan tener libre comercio. La gubernamental Agencia Guatemalteca de Noticias (AGN) indicó que el Gobierno del presidente Jimmy Morales “ha reiterado su decidido respaldo a la unión aduanera con Honduras y promovido la incorporación de El Salvador, destacando que se trata de una ruta para la ampliación de las oportunidades comerciales para el beneficio de los tres pueblos”.

Traductora de Trump salta al estrellato luego de la opaca cumbre con Putin Hace una semana nadie sabía quién era, pero el nombre de Marina Gross se ha convertido en uno de los más repetidos en los pasillos del Congreso de Estados Unidos, intrigado por las notas de la única estadounidense que acompañó al presidente Donald Trump en su larga reunión a solas con Vladímir Putin. Por EFE / Washington 20 de Julio de 2018 En un Washington obsesionado con la posibilidad de que Trump hiciera promesas escandalosas a Putin durante el encuentro de más de dos horas que ambos mantuvieron el lunes en Helsinki, la veterana traductora del Departamento de Estado que acompañó al mandatario estadounidense ha cobrado un protagonismo inédito. “Ella es la única testigo fiable de la conversación entre los dos líderes”, opinó este martes el congresista demócrata Bill Pascrell. “Esta intérprete nos puede ayudar a determinar lo que el presidente compartió con Vladimir Putin o le prometió”, tuiteó también la senadora demócrata Jeanne Shaheen.

Marina Gross intérprete estadounidense (izq) durante la reunión de Vladímir Putin (dcha), Donald Trump (c) en Helsinki, Finlandia.

Ese desmedido interés en el testimonio de Gross evidencia la desconfianza de buena parte del aparato político estadounidense en la capacidad de Donald Trump de ceñirse a la línea dura marcada por su Gobierno hacia Rusia. Pascrell, Shaheen y otros legisladores demócratas exigieron que ambas cámaras del Congre-

so ordenaran que la intérprete compareciera ante ellos a puerta cerrada para dar detalles sobre el encuentro de Helsinki, o que al menos compartiera sus notas de esa cita en la que solo ella y el traductor ruso acompañaron a Trump y Putin. Sin embargo, la mayoría republicana en el comité de inteligencia de la Cámara Baja

La canciller Sandra Jovel que esa ratificación ayudará a facilitar “el tráfico de mercancías y de personas naturales de los 3 países centroamericanos”. Según el Congreso de El Salvador dio a conocer en su cuenta de Twitter que el diputado Reynaldo Cardoza mencionó que con esa iniciativa espera que se agilicen más esos trámites ya que “este Protocolo es muy superior a un TLC, el trámite de exportación de mercancías será mucho más ágiles”. El diputado salvadoreño Rodolfo Martínez expuso que “una unión aduanera debemos entenderla como aquella área donde los países miembros eliminan los aranceles y permiten la libre circulación de mercancías, así logramos ampliar el mercado. Esto será en beneficio para los salvadoreños en su comercio”. Mientras que la diputada Yanci Urbina dijo que este protocolo va a contribuir para a dar pasos importantes ya que el 68% del comercio intrarregional circula por esa zona del Triángulo Norte. La Cámara Guatemalteca de Alimentos y Bebidas (CGAB) expresó que con la adhesión de El Salvador se fortalecen los mecanismos de intercambio comercial y facilitación entre los socios centroamericanos más relevantes.

votó en contra de esa solicitud demócrata, y el presidente del comité de Relaciones Exteriores del Senado, Bob Corker, anunció también hoy que no planea exigir a Gross que les entregue sus notas del encuentro. “Si empezamos a exigir las notas de los traductores, creo que estamos sentando un precedente que simplemente no es adecuado, a no ser que se haya cometido algún crimen”, dijo Corker a periodistas. Pero el senador no descartó que pueda cambiar de opinión en los próximos días, y apuntó que primero quiere ver si los senadores pueden obtener más información sobre el encuentro “por los canales normales”, durante una audiencia programada para el próximo miércoles con el secretario de Estado de EE.UU., Mike Pompeo. Aunque es común que el Congreso emita citaciones para forzar el testimonio de funcionarios, exfuncionarios u otros ciudadanos estadounidenses, el Departamento de Estado no está al tanto de ningún caso pasado en el que uno de sus intérpretes haya debido testificar sobre uno de los encuentros en los que han Cont’do pagina 17

18 JAN

29 JUL



Explosión causa incendio en planta de gas TROPIGAS en la Avenida Petapa

Un incendio de grandes proporciones ocurrió este domingo en la Avenida Petapa y 23 calle, zona 12. Por más de una hora decenas de vehículos de rescate han trabajado para evitar una tragedia. Prensa Libre: Guatemala 22 de Julio de 2018 Una sola chispa habría provocado un voraz incendio en una planta de gas en la zona 12. Las llamas rapidamente se extendieron destruyendo camiones e hicieron explotar decenas de cilindros con gas propano. La Coordinadora Nacional para la Reducción de Desastres (Conred) advirtió a las personas, ya sea vecinos o quienes se acercan al lugar para observar el incendio, que se alejen del área y dejen libre las rutas de acceso, en un perímetro que la

Policía Muncipal de Tránsito cerró en un kilómetro alrededor de la planta de gas. Hasta las 11 horas, el incendio había sido controlado en un 80 por ciento, según los cuerpos de socorro que se concentraban en enfriar todo el lugar para reducir el riesgo de una nueva explosión. En el lugar la Conred instaló un puesto de comando de incidentes, para dirigir el trabajo de los cuerpos de socorro. Detalle de daños De acuerdo al primer informe de daños emitido por la Conred, el incendio se logró controlar en su totalidad y los daños incluyen: 17 camiones repartidores con

Cuba aprueba proyecto de nueva Constitución que reconoce propiedad privada Por AFP 22 de Julio de 2018 Pic Biline: Un hombre observa discos en un negocio privado en La Habana, Cuba. En la isla se debate este fin de semana el anteproyecto de una nueva Constitución que refleje la realidad económica, social y política en el país. El nuevo texto constitucional fue aprobado por unanimidad en una sesión ordinaria de la Asamblea Nacional. El proyecto pasará ahora a discusión popular del 13 de agosto al 15 de noviembre. Por último se realizará un referendo nacional, antes de su aprobación final. “Estamos frente a un proyecto que contribuirá, luego de la consulta popular y el referendo, a fortalecer la unidad de los cubanos en torno a la revolución“, dijo el presidente Miguel Díaz-Canel, al clausurar la sesión parlamentaria de dos días. Díaz-Canel, quien sucedió en el poder a Raúl Castro desde el 19 de abril, subrayó que en esa discusión “cada cubano podrá expresar libremente sus opiniones y contribuir a alcanzar un texto constitucional que refleje el hoy y el futuro de la patria.” El proyecto de 224 artículos reafirma “el carácter socialista” del sistema político cubano y el papel rector del gobernante y único Partido Comunista, a la vez que mantiene invariables sus fundamentos económicos: “la propiedad socialista de todo el pueblo y la dirección planificada de la economía.” Sin embargo, retira de la nueva Carta Magna la parte que alude a la “sociedad comunista” como un fin. Piso legal para las reformas Luego de cuatro décadas de propiedad mayoritariamente estatal, Raúl Castro inició en 2008 reformas para “actualizar” el modelo económico de la isla, que impulsaron el trabajo privado, que hoy abarca a 591 mil personas y representa el 13% de la fuerza laboral. Sin embargo, esas reformas, que ahora Díaz-Canel debe continuar, requieren de un piso legal que no existe en la Carta Magna vigente, que data de 1976. El proyecto sienta las bases para integrar diferentes actores económicos, al reconocer el papel del mercado en la economía socialista de la isla, la inversión extranjera y nuevas formas de propiedad,

entre ellas la privada. El reconocimiento de esta forma de propiedad puede dar paso a la legalización de la pequeña y mediana empresa, surgidas al amparo de las reformas. “Esta dinámica abre perspectivas de otros cambios que ahora serían no solo deseables sino lógicos desde una perspectiva de desarrollo“, opinó el analista político cubano Arturo López-Levy, profesor de la Universidad de Texas-Rio Grande Valley. Asimismo, la nueva Constitución permitirá la generación de riqueza a través de una actividad privada reglamentada por el sistema socialista, un tema que generó amplios debates en el parlamento, según imágenes difundidas por la televisión cubana. El presidente ya había advertido días antes de la reunión de la Asamblea Nacional que “en Cuba no hay ni habrá giros capitalistas.” En el plano político, el proyecto instituirá la fórmula de presidente de la República (actual presidente del Consejo de Estado y de Ministros), y el vicepresidente. Restablece el cargo de primer ministro. Además, a diferencia de la Constitución de 1976, el proyecto define el matrimonio como la unión concertada entre dos personas, sin precisar sexo, allanando legalmente el camino para el matrimonio homosexual, una importante demanda de la comunidad LGBT en la isla. Tensa situación financiera En su discurso ante la Asamblea Nacional, Díaz-Canel informó que la economía cubana creció en 1,1% durante el primer semestre y que se mantiene bajo “una tensa situación en las finanzas“, e invocó al “uso eficiente de los recursos disponibles, garantizando los servicios básicos.” El sábado, el gobernante anunció a los integrantes de su Consejo de Ministros. La mayoría de ellos fue ratificado en el cargo que ocuparon durante el gobierno de su antecesor. Aunque hizo algunos ajustes en el campo económico. “El gobierno debe asumir grandes retos en un contexto internacional complejo y con la situación económica que tiene el país“, agregó. La economía de Cuba, bajó embargo de Estados Unidos desde hace más de cinco décadas, creció un 0,5% en 2016 y un 1,6% en 2017.

Bomberos Municipales intentan controlar las llamas y enfriar el lugar para evitar que se propague el siniestro.

daño parcial 6 camiones repartidores quemados en su totalidad 2 vehículos pequeños quemados por completo 2 mil 400 cilindros de diferentes



tamaños quemados totalmente. Una explosión “Me caí al salir corriendo de la fábrica. Estaba durmiendo en uno de los camiones cuando escuché que todos gritaban que había que salir. El primer retumbó lo escuché cuando me caí”, comentó Carlos Díaz, que esperaba descargar uno de los camiones con cilindros en la planta. Los cuerpos de bomberos Voluntarios y Municipales, así como médicos que se acercaron al lugar, atienden a heridos o personas que se han intoxicado. De acuerdo con los rescatistas, el incendio se extendió a sitios aledaños a la planta de gas en la Avenida Petapa, zona 12, y varios cilindros de gas salieron volando por el aire durante las explosiones. Una adolescente se desmayó en una de las calles aledañas de la envasadora, cuando se acercó a ver el incendio. Médicos en el lugar explicaron que hay gas diseminado en el ambiente por lo que podría darse intoxicaciones como dificultades respiratorias principalmente personas asmáticas o con alergias. Adentro de la envasadora se pueden observar camiones o estructuras destruidas por las explosiones y las llamas, mientras los socorristas trabajan en controlar el incendio.

Traductora de Trump salta al estrellato luego de la opaca cumbre con Putin Cont’do de pagina 16

trabajado. “No hemos podido encontrar ningún precedente”, confirmó este miércoles la portavoz de ese departamento, Heather Nauert. El carácter inusual de esa solicitud ha aumentado la presión sobre Gross, pero la traductora ha logrado hasta ahora mantener su privacidad y se conocen muy pocos detalles sobre ella. Los medios de comunicación han difundido fotografías de la intérprete junto a la ex primera dama Laura Bush (2001-2009), y con el exsecretario de Estado Rex Tillerson durante su visita a Moscú en abril del año pasado. “Es (una profesional) absolutamente fantástica”, dijo sobre ella Michael McFaul, que fue embajador estadounidense en Moscú entre el 2012 y el 2014, en un mensaje en su cuenta de Twitter. Incluso si Gross tiene notas del encuentro, es probable que no estén completas, dado que su objetivo sería traducir la conversación entre los presidentes, y no crear un registro de esa interacción. John Beyrle, que fue embajador estadounidense en Rusia entre 2008 y 2011, aseguró a la

cadena CNN que era probable que los asesores de Trump en política exterior hubieran hablado ya con la traductora para “tener una idea de lo que pasó en esa reunión”. En cualquier otro Gobierno, recurrir al intérprete parecería una opción ridícula pudiendo preguntar al propio presidente, pero el sistema de comunicación entre la Casa Blanca, las agencias gubernamentales y el Congreso de EE.UU. no parece seguir las reglas habituales bajo el mandato de Trump. Según el diario The Washington Post, altos funcionarios del Pentágono siguen tratando de averiguar cuáles son los supuestos “acuerdos verbales” que, de acuerdo con el embajador ruso en Estados Unidos, Anatoli Antónov, alcanzaron Trump y Putin en su cita. Y el director nacional de Inteligencia de EE.UU., Dan Coats, reconoció hoy que no sabe de qué se habló en la reunión del lunes. “No sé lo que ocurrió en ese encuentro”, admitió Coats durante el foro de seguridad de Aspen.


29 JUL



As emerging economies bring their citizens online, global trust in Internet media is changing Tuesday, July 24, 2018 Digital technology was dreamed of as the ultimate connector and leveller, the ideal destroyer of borders and boundaries. The digital community that assembled itself around this summer’s FIFA World Cup shows one example of a true global village, in which people share the same obsessions on the digital planet. That’s a significant contrast to the online communities leaning toward nativism and anti-globalisation. But that’s not the only split in what was imagined as a link to a true global community. In our multiyear study of digital evolution around the world, The Digital Planet, my collaborators and I identified divisions among Internet users in different countries — largely mirroring differences in economic development. More digitally evolved nations, like those in western Europe, North America, Japan, Singapore or New Zealand, are in what we called the “Digital North”. Russia, China, India and others in South East Asia, Africa and the Middle East, or Latin America, are in what we called the “Digital South”. We found that the Digital South, broadly speaking, not only has greater momentum in terms of embrace of digital technologies, but also greater trust in these technologies. Some recent studies of users point to three emerging trends driving a deeper wedge between the north and the south. Privacy concerns are rising Around the world, people are more worried about privacy — which isn’t surprising given the stream of revelations relating to Facebook users’ data and commercial security breaches. More than half of global Internet users are more concerned about their online privacy this year than they were a year ago — including threats from cybercriminals, governments and social media companies. Yet privacy concerns climbed much higher in Digital South countries than they did in the Digital North. For example, 58 per cent of Internet users in Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa were more concerned now than a year ago; in France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada, only 43 per cent were more concerned in 2018 than they had been in 2017. Part of this is because the Digital North already had a higher level of concern about privacy — the south is clearly catching up. RADING DATA FOR SERVICES Perhaps related, a recent Asia-focused survey found a clear divergence on the issue of users giving up their personal data in exchange for convenience and free

digital services. People in China, India, Vietnam, Indonesia and Thailand — all part of the Digital South — tend to be more willing to let companies collect and aggregate their data as part of using online services. In the Digital Northern countries of Japan, New Zealand, Singapore and Australia, however, people are less willing to make that trade-off. In fact, 94 per cent of Chinese customers said they would agree to let businesses share or reuse their personal data. But only 60 per cent of New Zealanders agreed. Of course, many of those who say they wouldn’t share their data in exchange for online services are doing so — just less willingly. Shifting attitudes toward news on social media Beyond concerns about their own data are worries about truth and accuracy in online information. People in wealthy countries tend to get more of their news online more frequently than people in poorer nations. And more than half of all people agree or strongly agree that they are concerned about what is real and what is fake online. Yet only 23 per cent of those surveyed say they trust news they get from social media. And people in both the Digital North and the Digital South are equally likely to get news from social media. That’s partly a result of decreasing social media use for news in the Digital North, as well as a rise in news on social platforms like WhatsApp and Instagram in many parts of the developing world. The emergence of these new platforms is creating a host of new problems — which, in many ways, are more devastating than the problems created in the Digital North. For example in India, rumours carried over WhatsApp have given rise to a spate of lynchings. Users in the Digital South are new to such media and have not yet had the opportunity to make distinctions between what is real and what is false. Because WhatsApp messages are encrypted, it is harder to track and control how these malicious forms of fake news spread. That comes with a real human cost: At least 25 people have reportedly been killed across India since May by mobs encouraged by rumors over WhatsApp. Collectively, these emerging trends suggest the Digital South’s online use is developing and evolving very differently from the path the Digital North has taken. The digital fervour around the recently concluded World Cup reflects this: The national soccer team of Peru, a part of the Digital South, had more Facebook profile likes, comments and shares per post than any other World Cup team. And the Facebook and

Twitter profiles of Digital Southerner Mohamed Salah of Egypt had the most fan engagement among all the players, this despite neither Peru nor Egypt being a top-ranked team on the soccer pitch. Then consider China and India, neither of which had a team in the World Cup. A quarter of active Internet users around the world planned to watch the World Cup online — but that number was

nearly twice as high among Internet users in China and India. That’s the scale of change coming as the Digital South continues to come online. Taken from the Associated Press, this article was originally published on The Conversation, an independent and non-profit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.

NOTICE DATMA LIMITED # 8,619 (“the Company”) Pursuant to Section 102 (8) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011, notice is hereby given that DATMA LIMITED has been dissolved as at 18th July, 2018 and has been struck off the Register of International Business Companies. CIL TRUST INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Registered Agent

NOTICE IMBODEN LIMITED # 8,623 (“the Company”) Pursuant to Section 102 (8) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011, notice is hereby given that IMBODEN LIMITED has been dissolved as at 18th July, 2018 and has been struck off the Register of International Business Companies. CILTRUST INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Registered Agent

29 JUL



Re-Registration Process, third week records 54,500 Belize City: Tuesday 24th July 2018 The national re-registration process is currently on-going countrywide in Belize for three weeks now and the process has recorded over 54,451 Belizeans have Re-registered The process which began on July 1, and the latest statistics indicated that as of July 23rd some fifty-four thousand four hundred and fifty-one Belizeans has visited the various centres across the nation to re-register. The last re-registration of electors was conducted in Belize twenty-one years ago in July 1997 and even though Belize’s constitution requires that a re-registration exercise be carried out every ten years, neither of the past administrations have complied with this constitutional obligation during the past two decades. During the first week of conducting the process some sixteen thousand six hundred and seventy-eight persons, the second week raked in some nineteen thousand, two hundred and seventy three person and as of the week which lead to Saturday 21st July, eighteen thousand, and five hundred applied throughout the thirty-one centres county wide. This re-registration process is required for any Belizean who want to exercise their unalienable right to vote, have a say in the future of our country including voting in the upcoming referendum schedule for April of 2019. Belizeans must be decisive about the re- registration process especially with the upcoming national referendum regarding which direction Belizeans want to go regarding the ICJ and the long-standing Guatemalan claim to Belize. In the referendum schedule for April 2019 Belizeans will decide whether or not we accept that the Guatemalan claim be mediated by the International Court of Justice who will render a final judgement that both countries must abide to. Belizeans, especially from the diaspora met with Prime Minister last week where they recorded their concern regarding Guatemalan nationalized Belizeans who presently enjoys the constitutional rights and freedoms like every other Belizean. According to the battle cry of the diaspora, Guatemalan born Belizean citizens must not be allowed to vote in Belize and more so, in the upcoming referendum. It must be acknowledge that over many generations even before the Belize constitution was written people from all over have settled

in Belize however, the constitution of the Independent Belize states: “that any citizen of a country which does not recognize Belize’s Independence and territorial integrity cannot be considered for legal citizenship of Belize”. In this case, the diaspora among other Belizeans are redirecting this constitutional clause to Guatemalan citizens who obtained citizenship by nationality and are now Belizeans. But in his response last week when Prime Minister Dean Barrow met with the diaspora, Barrow explained that while he understood the diaspora’s position, the Guatemalans were here living and initially granted them permanent residence for five years, before they were given Belize citizenship. Over the last three weeks since the Re-Registration process

19 was launched, reports have accused several UDP area representatives using and abusing government vehicles to ferry party stalwarts to designated areas in their effort to continue with the padding of UDP strongholds in their attempt to secure their votes, thus disregarding the law and the purpose of re-registration which is to sanitise the voters list. It is a known fact that these UDP area representatives are taking Belizeans to register or re-register in areas where they do not reside which makes the process unreliable and useless if the new voters list will result in more of the same. Belizeans are the vanguards of our democracy and we must ensure that the process work without any kind of manipulation or intimidation and must sound off any semblance of fraud as we visit the thirty-one centres to apply for our new voters card.


The Poor Responsible For Their Financial Decisions By: Steve Lyston Monday July 23, 2018 The poor are forgotten within the society, and the drastic local and global decisions that are being made do not include the input or thought of the poor, so it is critical for the poor to make better decisions if they want to see drastic changes. First, the poor must begin to have a different perception and perspective on things. Mark 8: 23 - 25 reminds us that Jesus had to literally pull the man away from his community before his eyes could open to see the truth. Sometimes you have to pull away from your family, your friends, your culture, the curse and the mindset of the people in order to see clearly and get the right perspective, or else you will only see disfigured images. Poverty stems from a state of the mind, and the state of mind can bring blindness. The poor need to begin to see like the rich - they make and save money. Oftentimes the poor waste money, spending millions on a funeral and not one cent on self-empowerment. The poor use social network to waste time and money - using data and phone credit for gossiping and idling; while the rich use social media to make money. Misplaced Priorities The poor waste money on appearance to show a false lifestyle, and the rich sell the things the poor use to maintain the false lifestyle. Do you see liquor stores, abortion clinics, payday loans stores, pawn shops, tattoo parlours, bars, or brothels in the wealthy communities? The poor need to stop making choices based on emotions and short-term benefits, and particularly when voting. They need to cut down on fast food and popular brand names and buy more things wholesale. The poor need to make decisions with their children and grandchildren in mind. The rich have no political loyalty. If the poor continue to be die-hard supporters of a party they will become poorer. The poor need to understand that politicians serve only what benefits them. The poor need to look to God as their source to take them out of the financial spiral. This is the time for the poor to get wise. The rich will use the money of the poor to invest it in assets that they will rent back to the poor or sell to them at exorbitant prices. The poor will take their money and buy drugs crack, cocaine, and marijuana; but where are the crack houses? Certainly not in the wealthy communities. Very few wealthy people are going to spend their money to buy that. Instead, most will either invest it for their children’s education, or to set up a business that they will pass on to their children. The poor spend millions on phone cards and credit; millions in witchcraft to fight each other, and refuse to give anything to the Lord who can break the curse they are living under. They would pay to buy false hair, lashes and body parts to create a false image and in the process, they are empowering the politicians and businessmen who in turn create a credit system that would keep them in debt - and they (the rich) don’t use their personal credit for anything.

29 JUL

THE BELIZE TIMES ...We need to cry for the poor Jesus’ main purpose on earth was to equip the poor and voiceless for them to have a better life. The poor have been forgotten. Many leaders have been put greater hardships on the poor to increase the rich. Proverbs 31: 8 - 9 reminds us to open our mouths for the voiceless, defenceless, poor and needy. Sadly, even for many churches, this is no


longer the priority. Every church, civil government, family and leader - regardless of political affiliation, will be judged on how they treat the poor. There are many, who because of policies and systems, are now homeless, their families are broken and they are becoming hopeless. Some are treated as if they are prisoners of war according to Micah 2: 8 - 9.

They are laughed at, scoffed and treated with disrespect and dishonour, while people manipulate them and gain power. The poor need to make wiser decisions. -Steve Lyston is a biblical economics consultant and author of several books, including ‘End Time Finance’ and ‘The New Millionaire’.

Vacancies – The SOL Group Are you driven to succeed? The Sol Group is the Caribbean’s leading independent energy company operating a petroleum, marketing, and distribution business across 23 territories in the Eastern and Western Caribbean, Puerto Rico, as well as Central and South America. Sol is an equal opportunity employer, and aims to create a world-class operation through the development and retention of talented Caribbean nationals across the region. Sol will provide challenging and meaningful careers to the right people. Sol has an immediate vacancy for the following position at its office in Belize City. Customer Service Representative. Reporting to Marketing and Retail Sales Executive this position will be responsible for the following activities:  Process Third Party claims  Generate and issue customer invoices  Set-up, issue and replace Fleet Cards for customers  Key in data for manual Fleet Card transactions  Maintain records for all Fleet card transactions  Update Fleet Card tracker  Maintain and update Fleet Card Procedures Manual  Assist with credit management, through direct contact with customers and update customer records  Assist with organizing meetings and trainings for dealers, service station staff, and commercial customers  Assist in advising customers of price change and perform updates in Alvic system  Assist with the preparation of sales correspondence, fax, photocopy and filing of documentation  Act as back-up for Fleet Card Administrator or Sales Assistant during periods of absence  Health, Safety and Environment mind-set: maintain integrity of system and confidentiality  Act as liaison with Sol Network Administrator to resolve employees IT issues Qualification Requirements  Associate Degree in IT or Business and two years’ work experience Candidate Requirements  Good computer skills in Word, Excel and PowerPoint  Good telephone skills and able to communicate clearly  Able to deal tactfully & pleasantly with customers  Strong organizational skills & tidy  Basic knowledge of accounting and book-keeping procedures  Working knowledge of Spanish would be an asset SOL promotes a drug and alcohol free environment and all employees are subject to initial and random screenings. Sol Belize Limited provides a very attractive remuneration and benefits package. For more information or to apply for this position, please visit our website at Application forms can be downloaded and must be submitted along with your CV via email to or by hand – addressed to: Human Resource Officer, Sol Belize Limited, Mile 2 ½ Phillip Goldson Highway, Belize City on or before 15 August, 2018 with email subject line: BZE, CSR – AUGUST 2018. Certified copies of relevant certificates will be requested for those applications under consideration. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview.

SOL people think SOL people act SOL people lead

29 JUL




Belize City Council Notice of Summons Pursuant to section 25 (c) and 21 (1) of Towns Property Evaluation Act, Chapter 65 of the Substantive laws of Belize R.E 2000 the Belize City Council hereby serves this Notice of Summons on the following property owners to appear in Municipal Court No. 1 Second Floor, Wellworth Building, on August 2nd, 2018 to settle the following property fees arrears: Name of Last Registered Owners

Address & Description of Property

Total arrears

Period of Arrears

Tillet, Maria Louisa Vernon, Rosanna Lu/Lee/Lui/Wu, Sheng-Ho/FangChuan/Hsun-Teng/Te-Cheng/Chen Ysaguirre, Carol Gillett Jr. Clarence McKay, Donald Forte, Engel Gillett, Nelson Lindo & Herrera, Brian & Marion Bradley, Nolan E. & Consuelo V. Tseng/Mei-Hua/hia-Hao/Li-Hua/LiHsiang, Frank, Fang, Chang Yen, Chen Yen Staine, Absolom Chang, Fung Kuang Chiang,Yao-Hsun Vega, Antonio & Bernaditte CASTLE ENTERPRISE LIMITED CASTLE ENTERPRISE LIMITED CASTLE ENTERPRISE LIMITED Chin-Shan, Chen Shou Horng/Shu-Yuan-Chun/Yi-Hs, Tai/WEu/Yang/Yang/Liu/Lee Ayuso, John Burns, Melody Beet, Lloyd & Patricia Kang, Chou Fu Smith, Henry & Yvonne Perry, Michelle SZE, SHING Sze, Shing Shing Chia-Wei/Chen, Chou & Chou Chaing Mei Ming, Liu Spindler, Robert & Mary Mendez Nee Ayuso, Margarita (Administratix) Gegg, Edgar & Alice ALLIANCE HOLDINGS LIMITED Reyes, Ernestine B.I.S LIMITED Stuart, Frances McFadzean, Daphne Robateau, John Kong, Chou Fu Young (Est), Clinton Gulab, Sharma Flowers, Kenyon Lee

Parcel #664 #11 Freshman Lane, Coral Grove Parcel #1002 #44 Graduate Crescent, Coral Grove Parcel #1559 Joy Ave, Coral Grove Parcel #1548 Grave Ave, Coral Grove Parcel #1558 Joy Ave, Coral Grove Parcel #1685 Spain Avenue Parcel #628 #31 Campus Ave, West Landivar Mayflower Garden Parcel #1856 Phillip Goldson Hwy R.H.S to Bridge Parcel #1965 Phillip Goldson Hwy L.H.S to Bridge Parcel #3624 Phillip Goldson Hwy L.H.S to Bridge

$7778.00 $7778.00 $7778.00 $7778.00 $8601.00 $8578.75 $8578.75 $8578.00

2008/18 2008/18 2008/18 2008/18 2008/18 2008/18 2008/18 2008/18

Parcel #975 #27 Guadalupe Street Parcel #2320 Phillip Goldson Hwy R.H.S to Bridge Parcel #3541 Phillip Goldson Hwy R.H.S to Bridge Parcel #1353 Phillip Goldson Hwt R.H.S to Bridge Parcel #3475 Phillip Goldson Hwy L.H.S to Bridge Parcel #3477 Phillip Goldson Hwy L.H.S to Bridge Parcel #3478 Phillip Goldson Hwy L.H.S to Bridge Parcel #2430 Palm Grove Estate Parcel #1560 Joy Avenue, Coral Grove

$8553.00 $8553.00 $8553.00 $8546.00 $8529.00 $8529.00 $8529.00 $8474.00 $8113.72

2008/18 2008/18 2008/18 2008/18 2008/18 2008/18 2008/18 2008/18 2008/18

Parcel #114 Bella Vista Parcel #1354 Phillip Goldson Hwy R.H.S to Bridge Parcel #1974 #4 Phillip Goldson Hwy L.H.S to Bridge Parcel #1415 Phillip Goldson Hwy R.H.S to Bridge Parcel #1341 Phillip Goldson Hwy R.H.S to Bridge Parcel #119 Bella Vista Parcel #1349 Phillip Goldson Hwy R.H.S to Bridge Parcel #1342 Phillip Goldson Hwy R.H.S to Bridge Parcel #2078 Phillip Goldson Hwy L.H.S to Bridge

$9660.00 $9601.75 $9380.00 $9328.00 $9328.00 $9328.00 $9328.00 $9328.00 $9225.00

2008/18 2008/18 2008/18 2008/18 2008/18 2008/18 2008/18 2008/18 2008/18

Parcel #1401 Phillip Goldson Hwy R.H.S to Bridge Parcel #704 Phillip Goldson Hwy L.H.S to Bridge Parcel #4707 Phillip Goldson Hwy L.H.S to Bridge

$8805.00 $18,628.00 $18,601.53

2008/18 2008/18 2008/18

Parcel #1045 #2 Marine Parade Parcel #81 5 ½ Mls George Price Hwy Parcel #148 #6 Mapp Street Parcel #694 Chapel Lane Parcel #453 #39A West Canal Street Parcel #1222 #119 Albert Street Parcel #2455 Palm Grove Estate Parcel #1413 Phillip Goldson Hwy R.H.S to Bridge Parcel #1014 #29 Brides Alley 3 ½ Mls George Price Hwy L.H.S to bridge Parcel #3004 #35 Apollo Street

$17,983.25 $15,497.75 $11,741.00 $11,626.60 $11,427.80 $10,954.00 $10,117.00 $10,024.00 $9926.34 $9831.00 $6253.75

2008/18 2008/18 2008/18 2008/18 2008/18 2008/18 2008/18 2008/18 2008/18 2008/18 2008/18

$7822.00 $7822.00 $7803.75

2008/18 2008/18 2008/18

Kindly be advised that if any changes have been made to the ownership of any property in this listing above, it is the onus of the new owner to update the Council.



29 JUL


Accidente de tránsito – ADO - en Bacalar dejó un muerto y 16 heridos Forging Partnerships. Impacting Lives


Chances are you’ve heard the popular song “Mercy” from the Galen Eagles Band. You probably don’t know that one of the vocalists in the band, with her very melodious voice, was our very own Carolina Bonilla. Carolina was fortunate to have represented Belize with the Galen Eagles Band at the Caribbean Music Festival in Suriname in 2013. Music is her hobby and she feels fortunate to have the gift of a beautiful singing voice. Due to her singing talent, she was awarded a Galen University scholarship. She expresses gratitude to Dr. Louis Zabaneh, new Standard Bearer in Dangriga, for his support in realizing that opportunity. Originally from Santa Elena Town, Carolina comes from a single mother family of six children, three girls and three boys. She is grateful to her mother for having struggled hard to be the main and able provider for all her children. Being the eldest, Carolina helped her mother look after her younger siblings while growing up, and continues in that role today. She is a mother of 5 children of her own, ranging in ages from 18 years to 7 months old, her eldest being the only daughter. Raised as a Christian, Carolina humbly turns to God as her rock and provider who teaches humility towards others and service to the needy and less fortunate. She believes strongly in family values and encourages couples to fight to overcome the struggles for the sake of their families and children. In this way, we can help to reverse the effects of crime and violence in this nation. It is the values of humility, service to the poor and strong family foundations that Carolina says make her an avid supporter the People’s United Party. She has seen how the PUP has served its people, how the party tries to ensure that everyone benefits and is treated fairly, regardless of class, race, religion or party affiliation. She loves that her party always puts people before anything else. She has served the party in the Cayo Central Constituency for many years in various capacities. Carolina has observed that people want special positions to serve in the party. Her view is that positions should

not matter; you must feel proud that you are putting your grain of sand and being part of the change our country needs. Her most beautiful and humbling political experience is visiting the homes of residents and getting to know them, their challenges and goals in life. For this she takes her hats off to the campaigners in our communities who she sees as hardy, worthy foot soldiers of the party. She shared that she feels even more humbled seeing her party leader visiting homes in the sweltering Belizean sun and pouring rain. Being a vocal advocate against injustice, Carolina has had the unfortunate experience of spiteful victimization by the UDP. As an outspoken woman, she often speaks publicly about the unjust treatment of people by the UDP. It apparently became too much for the some high ranking party members to bear, and she was threatened that they would make sure she has no opportunities in this country. They held true to their threat and ensured she was fired from her job. But God is her provider, and before she kneels to any man, Carolina kneels before God. God has opened other doors to her and she is now doing freelance work which gives her the freedom to continue her advocacy and work with her party. Having gone through this experience, she advises other women to use their God given talents to move forward in life. Do not depend on the system; it will fail you. Many women have skills such as sewing, baking, catering, and craft, which can be used to create a livelihood. Carolina is looking forward to a PUP administration in Government. One of her expectations is that the PUP will make secondary and tertiary education more affordable, and that other programs will put in place to help the youth in our communities who often go astray because of lack of work. Having the right environment to encourage business development coupled with a solid education foundation, our people can create their own jobs and opportunities. Carolina very recently relocated to Belmopan and is ready to become an active member of the PUP in that constituency. She is committed to the PUP and has promised herself that wherever she goes she will serve her party with love and dedication. The UWG acknowledges your hard work, sacrifice, positive attitude and energy you bring to the party Carolina. You are a breath of fresh air! We encourage you to infect others with your positive melodies as we work towards the goal of a better Belize for everyone. Keep on singing our melodious blue bird!

Join the movement by contacting or call 677-9168. Your voice matters in helping to create the next Women’s Agenda of the PUP.

MARTES, 24 JUL. 2018 BACALAR, Chetumal.- El sur de Quintana Roo se tiño de rojo en estas vacaciones, luego que un hombre perdió la vida al salir ‘disparado’ y las llantas del bus de primera clase en el que viajaba le pasaran encima, luego que la unidad ADO chocara de frente contra un camión estacionado sobre el acotamiento por una falla mecánica; 16 personas más resultaron lesionadas, cinco de ellas graves. De acuerdo a un parte policíaco, eran las 5:35 de la madrugada de ayer cuando fueron alertados del choque de un autobús de primera clase contra la parte posterior de un camión estacionado sin señalamientos sobre el acotamiento del camino nacional 307 Puerto Juárez-Reforma Agraria, tramo Bacalar-Buenavista a la altura del kilómetro 32. Al llegar al lugar se encontraron con un trágico panorama, una persona estaba tendida en el pavimento con el cuerpo y cabeza destrozados, un autobús ADO con daños considerables en la parte frontal del costado derecho y más de 40 pasajeros, entre ellos 16 lesionados, cinco de los cuales con lesiones graves. Se pudo averiguar que el autobús de primera clase de la marca Volvo color rojo con placas de circulación 38HA8P del Estado de México, con número económico 0629 en el que viajaban aproximadamente 40 pasajeros, circulaba de norte a sur, salió de la ciudad de Cancún con destino a Veracruz. A la altura del kilómetros 32 el conductor

del autobús ADO, quien por cierto, se fugó, se impactó de frente contra el camión tipo torton de la marca Ford tipo plana de color verde con matrícula quintanarroense SZ-9875-E que estaba estacionado de norte a sur en el acotamiento por falla mecánica, sin señalamientos, el chofer también huyó. Del fuerte impacto un pasajero que viajaba en el asiento delantero, sin el cinturón de seguridad, salió disparado y cayó al pavimento, donde las llantas del autobús le pasaron encima destrozando su cuerpo y cráneo. Paramédicos del Grupo de Rescate y Emergencias Médicas (GREM) de Bacalar trasladaron a 8 lesionado al Hospital Comunitario de esa demarcación y una ambulancia de ese nosocomio trasladó a 6 más, en total solo 16 personas requirieron atención médica y cinco de ellos fueron llevados a Chetumal por lo delicado de su salud. Policías federales y ministeriales se hicieron cargo de las diligencias así como peritos forenses para el levantamiento de evidencias para el deslinde de responsabilidades, y posteriormente llevaron el cuerpo del infortunado pasajero al anfiteatro para realizarle la necropsia de rigor, que preliminarmente estableció que su muerte fue por traumatismo craneoencefálico severo y múltiples fracturas. Hasta el momento el occiso se encuentra en calidad de desconocido, por este hecho la Fiscalía General del Estado informó que el fiscal del MP adscrito a Bacalar inició la carpeta de investigación

29 JUL




PUBLIC AUCTION SALES: PROPERTIES Placencia Peninsula; Stann Creek District

PUBLIC AUCTION SALES: PROPERTIES Placencia Peninsula; Stann Creek District

BY ORDER ofMortgagees, the Mortgagees, Messrs. TheBank Belize Bank International Limited, LicensedKevin Auctioneer BY ORDER of the Messrs. The Belize International Limited, Licensed Auctioneer A. Castillo will A. sellCastillo the following properties in front properties Messrs. TheinBelize Limited, Street, Kevin will sell the following frontBank Messrs. The Main Belize BankPlacencia Limited,Village, Main Stann Creek District on Monday 30th July 2018 th at 10:30 am: Street, Placencia Village, Stann Creek District on Wednesday 18 July 2018 at 10:30 am: 1. Parcel No. 2109 Placencia Residences, Placencia Peninsula, Stann Creek:

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Placencia North 36 2109 (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house elevated 3 ft. above grade [32 ft. X 46 ft.] + side porches [5 ft X 20 ft. each side] + back porch [5ft X 42ft] containing 2 bedrooms + 2 bathrooms (1 with jacuzzi) + kitchen + laundry + dining room + large open living room and lagoon side lot [902.31 square meters (1079.16 square yards)] situate in the sub-division known as The Placencia Residences near Mile 13 Placencia Road, Placencia Peninsula, Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Mr. Giuseppe Asti). *******NB. Copies of Covenant is available upon request********* 2. Parcel No. 2159 Placencia Residences, Placencia Peninsula, Stann Creek:

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Placencia North 36 2159 (Being a canal side vacant lot situate in the sub-division known as The Placencia Residences near Mile 13 Placencia Road, Placencia Peninsula, Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Mr. Ryan Pott). *******NB. Restrictions on use of Property is available upon request*********

ADDITIONAL- INFORMATION(foreclosure ADDITIONAL INFORMATION listing) (foreclosure listing) TERMS: STRICTLY CASH KEVIN A. CASTILLO TERMS: STRICTLY CASH TELEPHONE 223-4488 KEVIN A. CASTILLO E-mail: Face Book: Belize TELEPHONE: 223Auctions 4488 Email: Face Book: Belize Auctions



29 JUL


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