The Belize Times
Established 1957
The Truth Shall Make You Free
5 JULY 2020 | ISSUE NO: 5205 | $1.00
Excerpts of the CCJ Ruling of BELIZE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES LIMITED v ATTORNEY GENERAL OF Belize [369] In these circumstances, the omissions by the Government to take any reasonable steps to try and resolve its issues with BISL collaboratively and amicably, together with its unilateral and high-handed actions to take over the Registries were contextually arbitrary, inconsistent with the standards of good governance, in breach of the duty of good faith, contractually unreasonable, fundamentally unfair, an abuse of State power, and therefore contrary to the rule of law. Taken together these all constitute a serious threat to, and undermining of, fundamental and core constitutional values and principles. They also weaken the integrity of the legal system, especially if the government is permitted to enjoy exemption from its failure to comply with its rule of law obligations in this case. And as well, left unaccounted for they diminish constitutional faith and public trust, and hence democratic legitimacy.
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Country Wide Tour Begins in the West
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Heredia Pg. 26 Gives Up on San Pedro Allan Pollard for Pg. 8 Queen Square
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Continued from page 1 [369] As a direct result of the Government’s actions, BISL, through no fault of its own, was deprived of its share of the income that it would have received between June 2013 and June 2020, had the Government not arbitrarily, unreasonably, unlawfully, and forcibly taken control of the Registries. It has suffered great loss and damage. For this the Government must be held accountable. Which raises the question, how so? [370] Using State power arbitrarily, unreasonably, and/or unlawfully in the commercial sphere erodes trust and confidence in doing business with government. Such actions impair the credibility of the State and undermine public, private, and international faith and assurance in the political and economic conditions for doing business in a jurisdiction. They are injurious economically and developmentally.
Allegations of swindling charitable donations against Shyne have been spinning in the political and media chatter for a few weeks now. With the new Trumpian reality of alternative facts and fake news there was little to hold on. Even bad boy Shyne was getting a pass on this allegation that is finally on legal threading. It seems that this deportee masking as Standard Bearer, albeit a gifted and undeserved post, did not come to Belize with a certificate for a clean bill of health. The underlying conditions are revealing themselves. Even P has endorsed this behaviour so it must be bad.
The Belize Times nevertheless will repeat that Shyne should be given another chance. This chance will include his resignation on anything governmental and also from the Standard Bearer farce. This will open the door for some other candidate to maybe give Candice a real opponent. After Shyne resigns he should apply for jobs that fit his education level like everyone else. The people of Belize cannot afford and should not be maintaining you for doing nothing. Your resignation would surely promote music to the ears of Mesopotamia residents. This here is one of the two like father like son UDP tandems to make the news this week.
BRADLEY’S GHOST STRIKES AGAIN Fry Chicken as Legal Tender for Tax Payments
Ohh… the UDP is showing all the symptoms of their imminent death. These are popping up everywhere but they refuse to face the ‘antivote’. Instead they unearth each other’s refuse-laden dirty linen for the public to see. The latest revelation was by the Lee Mark associated Chon Saan restaurant of the same address for an inordinate number of Caribbean Shores voters. It seems that the son of the Chinese restaurant tab holder and Talk show host made a deal for the now functus UDP City Council some three years ago in 2016-2017. The deal involved getting food, fried chicken and beers, in exchange for City Council tax credits. This son of the mentioned signee is ex Mayor Darrell Bradley who is of course now the functionless President of the Senate. Let’s leave it to the intelligence of our Belize Times readers to examine this one. Examine how Bradley now sits on the seat where Lee Mark sat also doing nothing. The Senate President seat is one of honour and both these persons have dishonoured it. Bradley was undesired as Mayor, as Caribbean Shores Standard Bearer so he cut some deal to exchange with the unknown Lee Mark whose sole achievement was moving random people into buildings to register them for votes. Bradley somehow feels that his throne at the Senate is for real. Nobody really wants to know about him. Now Lee Mark or his Chon Saan are demanding that the Fry Chicken for Taxes infamy be honoured. The demand was made public together with receipts. Bradley...a piece of advice, do not say you don’t know anything about this one. That would be worse for your quest to look Prime Ministerial. But hey... you Bradley
are looking more and more like the rest of the incompetent UDP you want to lead into their political grave. Now for a BRaata... five or more of the receipts totalling 18 thousand dollars of Landshark and Chicken were endorsed with the signature of crowfoot famed Miller herself. So she and Bradley were in cahoots. Miller infamously took the BCC to court and won a settlement of more than a quarter million. Poor Belize City citizens being fired today would love to get that type of severance. If the City Council is still paying her, this should in the very least be deducted from whatever settlement was arrived at. Oh....legalities can often be unfair. Belize City residents will again be forced to pay for the Bradley/Miller shenanigans. Soon the Belize City people will unleash their fury into the UDP. This UDP keeps refusing the catharsis gravely needed by Belize. Elections will only be the beginning of the UDP’s castigation. Update: It seems that Bradley could not take the heat, what is left to see is how far his imminent resignation would go-from the UDP, from the Senate, and what will he say?
The Belize Times
Established 1957
14 APR 2013
ISSUE NO: 4840
The Truth Shall Make You Free
serving Belize since 1957 as the longest continuous newspaper. Founder: Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus OFFICE MANAGER
Fay Castillo EDITOR
José Jiménez
Chris Williams
Roberto Peyrefitte Printed and Published By TIMES NEWSPAPER LTD. Tel: 671-8385 #3 Queen Street P.O. BOX 506 Belize City, Belize
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t is difficult to fathom and follow the thought processes of an obfuscated mind mired with obsessions of power and delusions of grandeur. What exactly keeps the Prime Minister (PM) going time and again to the Courts even as each time he is sent back defeated and deflated, tail between his legs and with ever increasing bills for Belizeans to pay? For years the PM has tried to affirm his omniscience and has used the abuse of state power to assert his dominion. However, it has become unmistakable that the actions of this UDP government are arbitrary, disreputable and dishonorable. In the latest debacle the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) ruled that the GOB’s arbitrary and unilateral taking over of the registries from Belize International Services Limited (BISL) were “inconsistent with the standards of good governance, in breach of the duty of good faith, contractually unreasonable, fundamentally unfair, an abuse of State power, and therefore contrary to the rule of law.” The Supreme Court in Belize must now decide what the damages payable are. There are damages however that are not so easily quantifiable. The hit to Belize’s reputation as a place to do good business has once again been dragged through the muck. Good Governance in Contract Law means contracting with parties in good faith, fairly and honestly. In the case of Belize the present Government can neither be trusted to do this duty nor to uphold the spirit of its own Constitution with any degree of integrity or objectivity. This PM has a long list of litigation botches. Each one has come at a heavy cost to the Belizean people, in some cases we have yet to see the bill we already know must be paid. The truth is simple, every single time the PM flexes his power, he violates the Laws and Constitution of Belize and loses the ensuing litigation. Belize then earns another black eye in the international community. We have just about lost all credibility as a viable option for international investment. There has not been significant development of industry or an influx of foreign investment in the country quite simply because there is no confidence or guarantee of good governance in this country. Even in the face of utter defeat, Barrow continues to petulantly disregard the Rule of Law and to lie. The assertion that the ruling Chief Justice Benjamin gave as a parting gift in regards to the unconstitutional spending of $1.5Billion is in fact non-binding because it was delivered orally and not in writing is ludicrous. This is grasping at straws, and further serves as an example of arrogance and is an affront to our judicial system. The PM has gone on record to say he grieves for Belize… he has strangled the economy, mutilated the health system, abandoned agriculture, humiliated our public service, bludgeoned our judiciary. Now he grieves over the carcass he prepares to leave for dead. Barrow has struck many a mortal blow, the departure of international commercial banks, the loss of correspondent bank services, the disregard for rule of law and the affront to the constitution and criminal spending of more than $1.5Billion. Yet despite crippling debt and notoriety for international fraud scams Belize may be down but certainly not out! Belize will not miss you when you leave Mr. Barrow. Belize will not grieve, she will rejoice as she is freed from the burdensome albatross she has carried around her neck these last twelve years. Together we will rebuild a Belize that works for all of us!
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en Español
s difícil comprender y seguir los procesos de pensamiento de una mente ofuscada y empantanada con obsesiones de poder y delirios de grandeza. ¿Qué es exactamente lo que mantiene al Primer Ministro yendo una y otra vez a los tribunales, incluso cuando cada vez regresa derrotado y desinflado, con la cola entre las piernas y con facturas cada vez mayores para que los beliceños paguen? Durante años el Primer Ministro ha tratado de afirmar su omnisciencia y ha utilizado el abuso del poder del Estado para afirmar su dominio. Sin embargo, se ha vuelto inconfundible que las acciones de este gobierno UDP son arbitrarias, de mala reputación y deshonrosas. En la última debacle, la CCJ dictaminó que la toma arbitraria y unilateral de los registros del BISL por parte del GOB fue “incompatible con las normas de buena gobernanza, en violación del deber de buena fe, contractualmente irrazonable, fundamentalmente injusto, un abuso del poder del Estado y, por lo tanto, contrario al Estado de derecho.” El Tribunal Supremo de Belice debe ahora decidir cuáles son los daños y perjuicios pagaderos. Sin embargo, hay daños y perjuicios que no son tan fácilmente cuantificables. El golpe a la reputación de Belice como un lugar para hacer buenos negocios ha sido arrastrada una vez más por el fango. La buena gobernanza en el Derecho contractual significa la contratación con las partes de buena fe, de manera justa y honesta. En el caso de Belice, no se puede confiar en que el actual Gobierno cumpla con este deber ni de que defienda el espíritu de su propia Constitución con ningún grado de integridad u objetividad. Este Primer Ministro tiene una larga lista de chapucerías judiciales. Cada una de ellas ha tenido un costo alto para el pueblo de Belice, en algunos casos todavía no hemos visto la factura que ya sabemos que debe pagarse. La verdad es simple, cada vez que el Primer Ministro flexiona su poder, viola las Leyes y la Constitución de Belice y pierde el litigio consecuente. Belice gana entonces otro ojo morado en la comunidad internacional. Casi hemos perdido toda credibilidad como opción viable para la inversión internacional. No ha habido un desarrollo significativo de la industria ni una afluencia de inversión extranjera en el país simplemente porque no hay confianza ni garantía de buena gobernanza en este país. Incluso frente a la derrota total, Barrow continúa ignorando petulantemente el Estado de Derecho y mintiendo. La afirmación del que el fallo judicial que el Presidente de la Corte Suprema, Benjamin, dio como regalo de despedida en relación con el gasto inconstitucional de 1,5 mil millones de dólares, es, de hecho, no vinculante porque se pronunció oralmente y no por escrito, es absurda. Esto es producto de la desesperación y además es un ejemplo de arrogancia y es una afrenta a nuestro sistema judicial. El Primer Ministro ha declarado públicamente que está de luto por Belice… Ha estrangulado la economía, mutilado el sistema de salud, abandonado la agricultura, humillado nuestro servicio público, apaleado a nuestro poder judicial. Ahora llora sobre el cadáver que se prepara para dejar suponiéndole muerto. Barrow ha asestado muchos golpes mortales, la salida de los bancos comerciales internacionales, la pérdida de servicios bancarios corresponsales, la violación del estado de derecho y la afrenta a la constitución y el gasto criminal de más de 1,5 mil millones de dólares. Sin embargo, a pesar de la deuda agobiante y la notoriedad de las estafas de fraude internacional, ¡Belice puede estar abajo pero ciertamente no está vencida! Belice no te extrañará cuando nos dejes, Sr. Barrow. Belice no se lamentara, se regocijará al liberarse del pesado albatros que ha llevado al cuello estos últimos doce años. ¡Juntos reconstruiremos un Belice que funcione para todos nosotros!
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BELLY of the
Shafted AGAIN Dean Oliver has done it to all Belizeans again – shafted without Vaseline. This foolish, crazy man has just piled on another $50M, or so, in debt on our backs, just because he is so damned arrogant he has deluded himself into believing his own spiel. The truth is that Dean Barrow and the UDP have lost every single major case that they have taken on against Lord Ashcroft – every single case. Do you understand that, thanks to Dean Barrow, Belizean taxpayers are in debt to Ashcroft for almost a billion dollars – yes, BILLION with a B. And the worst part of it is that this fool is still there on the podium arguing the cases. He now believes that he is smarter than all the judges of the Caribbean Court of Justice combined, it seems. We are in big trouble in Belize. Big trouble. And all because of the bombast of this mediocre leader whose mouth and ego issued checks that his intellect and ability could not cash. Can’t Pay…Won’t Pay Here’s the craziest thing. Dean Oliver knew he would lose this one, because from Friday he’s been spouting off. When asked about the judgment, he said without a thought – CAN’T PAY…WON’T PAY. The man has gone mad. He has disrespected the highest Court in the land, and he thinks he can get away with that because in his own mind he is king. Imagine what would happen if normal Belizeans would go to the banks in Belize, and when loans are due, simply refuse to pay. Imagine what would happen if we tell the Judge that we just can’t pay and won’t pay. Imagine that when Mr. Barrow sends his tax collectors to our businesses, we all just tell him – Can’t Pay – Won’t Pay. We’re sure that wouldn’t go down well. Dean Oliver and the UDP have already destroyed the economy, and now they want to leave office with all of us in debt for years and years to come. You heard the man. He says that by the time all that money comes due, he will no longer be in government – he’ll be in Placencia at his fancy resort or travelling the world with all his millions. Don’t let him get away with it. John et al What a terrible fellow Dean is. First he was supporting Patrick for leadership, then when Patrick was caught saying nasty things about the Barrow family, he jumped back on John’s bandwagon. With his last feeble, gasping breath, we are told he ordered big Mike to put a hit on big John. Okay we may need to clarify cause with this crew, putting a hit on somebody takes on a whole different connotation – just ask William Danny Mason. Anyway, we meant a political hit. There he was in the House, preparing to spout his usual long-winded bullshit, when Saldivar got the news that he and his BFFs Dougie, Jason and Miley were the subject of a Police investigation, and the Police were examining all their payslips from as far back as 2011. We are told that when John heard the news he nearly had a mental breakdown in the House. We hear that he had family members calling all over the place to try and find out who had leaked the information. The fat fellow from Belmopan doesn’t understand. His name stink dah road. Ever since the Mason thing broke, people have looked at Saldivar differently. Nobody is saying anything much, but everybody knows that there is much more to that Pastor Lue tragedy. Everybody knows that just before his death, Pastor Lue was on Facebook blasting John, and everybody knows that John and William Danny Mason were more than just friends. John and everybody around him are going down. Just wait for it. UDP Gluttony Darrell Bradley is a sick puppy. Can you imagine that they were running up bills in Chon Saan for food and drinks, and then trading those bills off against taxes owed by Chon Saan? That’s madness. What kind of operation was that fool running at City Hall? Like father, like son. Remember when Joe was running up all those bills at the Chinese restaurant across from the Council, partying like there was no tomorrow? They were apparently doing the same at Chon Saan. Our old friend Candice Miller of ménage a trois fame was also in on it. One of the invoices has her name on it – over $500 for food and drinks. Must have been one hell of a party at taxpayer expense. And Lee Mark is no better. We’re all going through this damned pandemic together, and people are struggling at all levels. The Council is just about to be able to pay its workers their full salaries again and now this rich UDP businessman decides that he absolutely must collect $18,000 which was owed to him from sometime in 2016 when the UDP were rolling in the people’s money at the Council. This whole bunch of UDPs needs to go – now.
Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District
BY ORDER of the Mortgagees, Messrs. The Belize Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo & Christiana R. Castillo will sell the following property ON SITE on Monday 13th July 2020 at 10:00 am:
1. At Parcel No. 120 off the Phillip Goldson Highway, San Jose Palmar, Orange Walk District:
PARCEL 120/1
(Being a fabulous two storey concrete residential complex and lot situate beside the Phillip Goldson Highway, Orange Walk Town, the leasehold property of Mr. Luis Romeo Urbina)
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1. Will the Prime Minister and Minister of Finance please say if he agrees that once a Court pronounces on an order that it is binding and effective and if so did the Prime Minister lie to the nation when he said he did the research and found this to not be so? And will the Prime Minster say if he read the paragraph 368 of the CCJ decision on the Queen v Henry? 2. Is the Attorney General aware of the meaning of the word ‘expert’? Is the Hon. Michael Pereyfitte aware that he is not an expert on anything, save and except for, perhaps, eating? The AG cannot be going around pretending to be an expert on anything and everything and he should resist referring to himself in such language. 3. Why is Carla Barnett trying to talk about the PUP and its past administration when she was the person who was advising the PUP government on matters of finance? Carla Barnett has lost every election she contested in Belize and has served both administrations during their time of failure. She should be advised to be quiet. 4. Will the Prime Minister not agree that the language of the Caribbean Court of Justice that refers to his behavior as Minister of Finance when it refers to him as violating the rule of law is the worst ever said in reference to any Belizean Prime Minister? For context, the CCJ justices unanimously agreed that his actions “these circumstances, the omission by the Government to take any reasonable steps to try and resolve its issues with BISL collaboratively and amicably, together with its unilateral and high-handed actions to take over the Registry, inconsistent with the standards of good governance, in breach of the duty of good faith, contractually unreasonable, fundamentally unfair. And abuse of State power, and therefore contrary to the rule of law.” 5. Will the Minister of Works please inform the Belizean people when the replacement of the culvert or bridge at mile 38 on the George Price Highway will be completed and will the Minister also say which private contractor was given the contract to make these much-needed repairs?
Monthly World Gasoline & Diesel prices review
The average price of gasoline/diesel around the world is 7.32/6.61
Gasoline prices, Octane-95/Diesel 30-June-2020: Belize Dollars per gallon. However, there is substantial difference in these prices among countries. As a general rule, richer countries have higher prices while poorer countries and the countries that produce and export oil have significantly lower prices. The differences in prices across countries are due to the various taxes and subsidies for gasoline. All countries have access to the same petroleum prices of international markets but then decide to impose different taxes. As a result, the retail price of gasoline/diesel is different. ( *are updated weekly. The data for the remaining countries are updated monthly. Ed. Note: The UDP has finally sold all its March Premium Fuel. Some of the gas stations will experience losses as now the price has been lowered for a new batch when they still have the old expensive fuel. This new batch nevertheless is still terribly over taxed. One can see in the chart that really ALL the countries in our region have lower gasoline(better octane fuel) and lower diesel prices than Belize. The UDP government continues their senseless policy of taxing anything that is being consumed even fuel. They collect fuel tax which causes higher product prices which yield them GST bonanzas. This form of taxation kills Belizean entrepreneurship and consumer spending. Bam, the UDP falls into recession and they wonder why? Their roughshod infrastructure projects benefit only Imer and the UDP appetite for cronyism. With world prices of petroleum dipping under zero cents, we would expect to be paying much lower prices. But not in Belize. Even our supplier Honduras is at the $6 level. Belize cannot be over taxed into recovery. This results in a citizenship that suffers. COVID-19/June 18 flooding has exposed so much of the UDP’s incompetence and corruption. Only the PUP has the oomph needed to take Belize forward regardless of the UDP’s irresponsible scare pronunciations. Barrow’s view is that ONLY Barrow can rule. Yes, only Dean Barrow can rule without sense. (Price per Gallon in Belize Dollars)
Countries Gasoline (Octane 95) Diesel Haiti 4.11 3.28 Colombia* 4.28 4.38 Panamá* 4.74 3.83 Puerto Rico 4.96 3.81 USA* 5.01 4.92 El Salvador* 5.24 4.14 Guyana 5.30 5.85 Guatemala* 5.69 4.40 Brazil* 5.70 4.36 Taiwan* 6.11 5.05 Mexico* 6.23 6.53 Australia* 6.29 6.29 Honduras 6.42 4.95 China* 6.40 5.54 Bahamas 6.48 6.86 Nicaragua* 6.49 5.39 Trinidad.& Tobago 6.49 3.85 Dominica 6.67 5.77 Canada* 6.83 5.51 Dominican Rep.* 7.07 5.02 Saint Lucia* 7.17 6.52 Jamaica* 7.52 7.19 Costa Rica* 7.63 4.71 Grenada* 7.81 7.08 Japan* 9.02 7.61 Cuba 9.19 7.66 Belize 9.21 7.61 Barbados* 10.58 8.65
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Excerpts from the Party Leader’s Remarks in the House of Representatives Belmopan, Friday, 26th June 2020 In March, we on this side came before this honorable house and tabled a no confidence motion. It was in effect our position that the Belizean People had lost confidence in this UDP Government and administration. The member for Cayo South and I successfully brought before the Chief Justice the case that his Government had violated the constitution and had unlawfully spent billions of dollars without the prior approval of this Honourable House. It was in part because of that court ruling, and it was also in part because we knew full well that the UDP would not be able to carry out the decision of the Chief Justice to correct this problem in 6 months that we on this side said that the UDP had lost their moral and legal ability to lead this nation. Now recall Madam Speaker that it was under oath and in the media that the Financial Secretary revealed that there was a “slippage” of 100 million dollars. In essence the Financial Secretary said that the government could not account for one hundred million dollars that they had spent. Remember now, this UDP Government and this Minister of Finance was found by the Chief Justice to be in violation of the Finance and Audit act for spending over a billion dollars without the prior approval of this Honourable House. It is with this backdrop of the illegal spending of monies and the 100 million dollars that the Fin Sec classified as slippage. It is with this backdrop of lack of transparency and accountability of billions. And it is with the backdrop that this administration, which is one hundred and twenty-nine days before the expiration of its mandate, today comes to this Honourable House to seek approval to borrow close to sixty million dollars. And of course, we should add to it the additional millions he will be borrowing in the offer of US treasury bills. So I ask the question Madam Speaker: what would be the right thing for us to do at this time? Would it be right for any responsible opposition to support an administration that 3 months ago unsuccessfully defended in court its record of illegal spending and of not being able to account for 100 million dollars in slippage? Would it be the responsible thing for an opposition to give leave for an outgoing Prime Minister and minister of Finance to saddle the Belizean people with yet over 100 million in debt when we all know full well that the real economic state of our nation is not because of COVID but because of the years of UDP corruption, incompetence and mismanagement? This government already got 75 million dollars at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, which we all agreed would help us get through this. I wonder if that 100 million in slippage had not occurred if perhaps, we may not have even needed that initial $75 million from the Central bank? But we are past that. What we are not past however, is that fact that by now our debt to GDP ratio must be well over 100 percent. Now I know that things dread, after all I was the person who at the last House Sitting raised the issue of a stimulus package. But any stimulus package has to have the input of our partners, it should include the input of the productive sector, the business sector by way of the Belize Chamber of Commerce and those who would want to see funds be directed to getting our country moving in the right direction again. We should not be borrowing to put money into the hands of cronies or to put cash in the hands of Party supporters. So we want to see the plan. We want a plan that shows how these monies, especially that $12 million US from the IDB for cash transfers, will be distributed. We want to see who will benefit and how 24 million dollars, which we will all have to pay back, will be spent. We on this side say again that the people have lost confidence in this UDP Government, they are tired of the UDP.
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We have seen time and again how the 2018 shock-to-the-UDP Belize City Council has performed beyond the best of expectations. Canal dredging, Bridge reparations, streets upgrades, garbage collecting, and drain maintenance paled to the performance seen under the worst of times brought onto us by Covid-19. Food distribution, Mask
distributions, employment guarantees, new Bond Offer, Bradley Bond sustainability, Clothing for workers, Tax Discounts, Welding programs, Cosmetology Programs, Sheroes and the list can go on and on. Now they are dabbling into more of the ground that they are champions at already—entrepreneurship. They have launched a Small Business Entre-
Heredia Gives Up on San Pedro BTB closes 50 Families Out
“Que viva el Partido Unido de Pueblo.” This is the usual final call at Heredia’s political events. Deep down Heredia knows that his record is clean—he has done nothing to move San Pedro forward. His record is blank except if you dig into accusations yet to be detailed in Aldo Salazar’s marinating Immigration report. Now in the times of Covid-19 Heredia dredges out 50 jobs at BTB San Pedro. It is obvious now that the Government of Belize which UDP Heredia is a minuscule part of is well into retrenchment mode. The May 8 no-jobswill-be-lost assertion, by the lowly person that managed to puncture and con enough imaginations to become Prime Minister, was a terrible falsehood. This Belize Tourism Board reality exposes once more the criminal splurging of resources. “Not a dollar”
NEEDED: Caretaker to work on a farm in Belmopan City, Cayo District. Call 610-8779 for more information.
was saved for these times. All managers and Chief Executive Officer should be fired first. BTB vehicles that are seen running around should be parked and best liquidated. Offices should be moved to other buildings in a sort of consolidation of resources. The very last option should be the livelihood of 50 families. Why does BTB have masks if they are broke? Heredia like all the UDP has given up on San Pedro and Belize. All ministers each seem to be campaigning to be the Minister who can be the most infamous and most corrupt. Saldivar, Faber and Sedi are not necessarily the champions of corruption. Who will win the UDPs Most Incompetent and Corrupt Challenge.
preneurs program already with 20 participants. The group underwent a set of class with marketing, basic accounting and other business acumen basics. This also comes with a trade license. Also, there will be follow-up to make sure that the individual’s survive in their new business world. Every three months the plan is to have another cohort.
2020 To sign up one must go to city hall and come ready with your social security card and a light bill or proof of residence. You may come to City Hall with an idea but it may change as the council guides you along. Entrees to the programs have to attend the meetings and workshops provided and show all the interest that being an entrepreneur entails. Many started their business even before the first round of workshops ended. The Belize City Council and the other two PUP have become beacons for their municipalities. They have given Belizeans hope that our country will move forward and progress like never before. MAYOR (The Whip morning show interview) Since it is back to school time and a new normal it is important to help those that have the Entrepreneuring spirit. You will never have to go to the city hall or to an area rep to request funds. You will be able to generate your own income and pay for your own school. The biggest asset will be an income generating tool. This would include paying your workers. This is to change the mind-set of the young people. When you go to school and you have this idea and it begins to generate income for you. Investing in an asset is important then this will pay for your home.
By Hilly Bennett On Thursday June 26, 2020 the House of Representatives met in Belmopan to consider several Bills and Loan Motions. Introduced was Loan Motion 2020, U.S. $15,000,000 from IDB to enhance Belize’s social safety net. The monies is [supposedly] earmarked to assist the downtrodden, the disadvantaged lot grappling to survive what the Foreign Minister(FM) describes as a “long and dark period of hardship.” Undeniably, that period begun twelve years ago, years of misery and abuse by a corrupt kakistocratic UDP Government. Upon responding to Toledo West representative Oscar Requena’s deliverance to Parliament regarding the IDB (new money) Loan Motion, Parliamentarians and television viewers became witness to SEDI’S Epiphanic Moment. Wilfred Sedi Elrington finally got it! The PUPs has been right—The UDP is visionless, incompetent and corrupt. The experienced politician of 1964, albeit unusual, agreed with the representative from Toledo West and cunningly embraced the visionary BLUE print proffered by the PUP for the Jewel’s post COVID-19 recovery. Consequently, an indictment on the Barrow administration failings to act upon the obvious. The shadow minister for agriculture Honorable Jose Abelardo Mai and the PUPs have beseeched the Prime Minister to divest from the chronic appetite for meaningless infrastructure, roads that lead to nowhere, and roundabouts, and invest in the people and country. The call for enhancing the country’s productive capacity and increasing of the trading capacity and the creation of opportunities for the citizenry is being held in total disregard. Barrow remains heedless to sound advice. However, Sedi has taken heed as was displayed by his BLUE-
PRINT sermon, a plan to resuscitate Belize from this period of darkness. The FM recommended the importance of food security. Government need to engage with the productive sector. Obstacles must be removed in order for individuals to realize quality education. Sedi highlighted that the tiny island nation St Vincent and the Grenadines found money to buy some 300 computers for students. Belize with “wealth untold” has to make a loan to pay a loan. What travesty! Sedi claims that “Belize does not have the social safety net that other countries have.” However, in the wake of their first term, the United Democratic Party Government touted the success of their politically contaminated Food Pantry, BOOST and CCTs social welfare programs. The programs that a regional advisor to social policy for the region stationed in Panama highlighted that the failures within the program were due to “errors of exclusion and errors of inclusion.” Meaning individuals that should have been included in the program did not qualify and those that should have been excluded was signed unto the programs. Therefore, Sedi was on point when he said, “I can understand the reservation and fear on the part of members on the other side who believe not without some measure of justification that the funds can be misused that is not beyond reason.” One of the funds that was misused was the Alba-petro fund earmarked to alleviate the conditions of the poor. Honorable Julius Espat has maintained the need for auditing the petro monies, Pibil and all the included shenanigans. Although, Sedi called his Party out to give the Belizeans the assurance that this new poor people money will be managed properly, the populace has lost confidence in the UDP and are demanding a new mandate. The time has come to an end to a worthless era. Perfected by Wilfred Sedi Elrington “the old era must come to an end.”
NOTICE The Belize Times Newspaper hereby advises the public that we will resume traditional newspaper print as of next Friday July 10th, 2020.
The Government of Belize (GOB) has received financing from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) towards the cost of a Second Road Safety Project and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this financing to eligible payments under a contract for which this invitation is issued. Payments by CDB will be made only at the request of GOB and upon approval by CDB, and will be subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the Financing Agreement. The Financing Agreement prohibits withdrawal from the financing account for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any import of goods, if such payment or import, to the knowledge of CDB, is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations. No party other than GOB shall derive any rights from the Financing Agreement or have any claim to the proceeds of the Financing. Ministry of Economic Development and Petroleum (MEDP), the Executing Agency, now wishes to procure consultancy services for a Monitoring and Evaluation Officer. The objective of the consultancy is to ensure that the PMU reports effectively, efficiently and accurately perform the services for monitoring, evaluation, research and reporting on all aspects of the Project. The duration of the assignment is expected to be for a period of twenty-four (24) months in the first instance with an option to renew the consultancy. Ministry of Economic Development and Petroleum (MEDP) now invites you to submit Expressions of Interest indicating qualifications and experience required to provide this service. Consultants shall be eligible to participate if: (a) the persons are citizens or bona fide residents of an eligible country; and (b) in all cases, the consultant has no arrangement and undertakes not to make any arrangements, whereby any substantial part of the net profits or other tangible benefits of the contract will accrue or be paid to a person not a citizen or bona fide resident of an eligible country. Eligible countries are member countries of CDB, as listed at https:// The attention is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of CDB’s Guidelines for the Selection and Engagement of Consultants (2011), setting forth CDB’s policy on conflict of interest. Three hard copies of the Expressions of Interest must be received at the first address below no later than 1530 hours on Friday, July 24, 2020 and an electronic copy must be sent simultaneously to CDB at the second address below. The sealed 1.9 envelope each submission should The attention is drawn to paragraph of CDB’s containing Guidelines for the Selection and Engagement of include the name and address of the applicant and shall be clearly marked Consultants (2011), setting forth CDB’s policy on conflict of interest. “Expression of Interest – Consultancy Services for Monitoring and Three hard copiesOfficer” of the Expressions of Interest must be received at the first address below no later than 1530 Evaluation hours on Friday, July 24, 2020 and anof electronic copy must bethe sentmost simultaneously to CDB capaat the Following the assessment submissions, technically second below. The sealed envelope containing each submission include the name anda ble andaddress appropriately experienced applicant will be should invited to negotiate address of to the provide applicant andthe shallconsultancy be clearly markedservices. “ExpressionGOB of Interest – Consultancy Services contract reserves the right to for acMonitoring and Evaluation Officer” cept or reject late applications or to cancel the present invitation partially or in its entirety. It will not be bound to assign any reason for not engaging Following the assessment of submissions, the most technically capable and appropriately experienced the services anytoapplicant and to will notthedefray anyservices. costsGOB incurred any applicant will beof invited negotiate a contract provide consultancy reserves by the right to accept or reject late preparation applications or to cancel the present invitation partially or in its entirety. It will not be applicant in the and submission of Expressions of Interest. bound to assign any reason for not engaging the services of any applicant and will not defray any costs incurred by any applicant in the preparation and submission of Expressions of Interest. 1. Chief Executive Officer 2. Procurement Ministry of Economic Development and Petroleum (Economic Development) Caribbean Development Bank P. O. Box 42 P.O. Box 408 Mountain View Blvd, Ground Floor, Unit Three Wildey, St. Michael William Tam Building Barbados, W. I. BB11000 Belmopan Fax: 246 426 7269 BELIZE, C.A. Tel: 246 431 1600 Tel: +501-822-3517/2526/2527 Emails: Email: cc.: cc.:; Attn.: Second Road Safety Project Management Unit Monitoring and Evaluation Officer
Licensed Auctioneer NOEL J. CODD will sell the following properties on Monday July 13th, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. in front of Noel Codd Office at Carmelita Village, Orange Walk District
All that parcel or piece of land measuring 1.002 acres. Being Parcel 623, Block 4, Registration Section San Jose Palmar, Orange Walk District. The property holds a concrete bungalow structure. The subject building has four bedrooms, three bathrooms, a kitchen, a dining and living room area. The structure is tiled, secured, plastered and painted. Being the freehold property of Jacob Friesen.
All that parcel or piece of land measuring 1,440.66 square meters. Being Parcel 16, Block 4, Registration Section San Jose Palmar, Orange Walk District. The property holds a one storey concrete structure with a gross floor area of 1,026 square feet. The subject structure has three bedrooms, one bathroom, a kitchen, a dining, a living room area and a storage arear. Being the freehold property of Guadalupe I. Caceres.
All that parcel or piece of land situated at Corozal Town. Being Parcel 1177, Block 1, Registration Section Corozal North, Corozal District. The property measures 583.19 square yards and holds a concrete raised bungalow structure. The building has two bed rooms, one bathroom, a kitchen, a living and a dining area. Being the freehold property of Herman H. Pinkney and Ina Locke.
All that parcel or piece of land situated at San Andres/ Ranchito. Being Parcel 1068, Block 1, Registration Section San Andres/Ranchito, Corozal District. The property holds a concrete bungalow with an extended deck. The building has three bedrooms, one bathroom, a living-room, a dining area, and a laundry room. Being the freehold property of Bruno S. Moreno.
All that parcel or piece of land. Being Parcel 1458, Block 1, Registration Consejo Road S.E., Corozal District. The parcel is on Finca Solana Layo Corozal. The lot has direct access to the street in the town’s network whi connected to the Northern Highway. The property is a vacant lot. Being freehold property of Ian Glory.
All that parcel or piece of land. Being Parcel 1458, Block 1, Registration Section Consejo Road S.E., Corozal District. The parcel is on Finca Solana Layout, Corozal. The lot has direct access to the street in the town’s network which is connected to the Northern Highway. The property is a vacant lot. Being the freehold property of Ian Glory.
All that parcel or piece of land in Trial Farm Village. Being Parcel 455, Block 4, Registration Section Trial Farm, Orange Walk District. The property measures 764.93 square meters and holds an elevated half concrete and half wooden building. The building has two bedrooms, one bathroom, a kitchen, a dining area, a living room, and unfinished laundry house below it. Being the Freehold property of Cesar E. Vasquez and Lorena A. Vasquez.
All that parcel or piece of land situated in San Pedro. Being Parcel 9247 Registration Section San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, Belize District. property is a vacant land. Being the freehold property of Marlon Calder All that parcel or piece of land situated in San Pedro. Being Parcel 9247, Block 7, Registration Section San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, Belize District. The property is a vacant land. Being the freehold property of Marlon Calderon.
All that parcel or piece of land situated in Libertad Village. Being Parcel 162, Block1, Registration Section Libertad, Corozal District. The property holds two building a concrete structure and a wooden structure. The concrete structure has two bedrooms, one bathroom, a living-room, and a kitchen/dining arear. Being the freehold property of Doris R Johnson.
NOEL J. CODD Licensed Auctioneer Carmelita Village, Orange Walk District Tel: Office: 677-5184 cell: 624-5184 Email: @Noel Codd Auctioneer
Former Prime Minister Will Undergo Surgery The Right Honorable Said Musa will be flown to Louisiana USA to undergo surgery related to his mild stroke he suffered a few weeks ago. Hon. Musa is doing well except for a throat problem that is hindering his ability to talk and swallow. The good news is that there is a high rate of recovery for this type of stroke. The People’s United Party and Party Leader Briceño reiterate heartfelt positive healing thoughts for a speedy recovery. Get Well Soon!!
Licensed Auctioneer NOEL J. CODD will sell the following property on Tuesday July 14th, 2020 at the place and the time mention below of land. Being Parcel 1458, Block 1, Registr On site at 11:00 a.m.
All that parcel or piece Consejo Road S.E., Corozal District. The parcel is on Finca Solana Corozal. The lot has direct access to the street in the town’s network connected to the Northern Highway. The property is a vacant lot. B freehold property of Ian Glory.
ELECTION GIMMICKS IN AN ELECTION YEAR All that parcel or piece of land situated in San Pedro. Being Parcel 9
We are months or as the rumor mill goes, only weeks away from the 2020 General Elections. While the United Democratic Party four jostle for their Party’s Leadership, the functions of government faces massive budgetary cuts resulting in decreasing functionality. From the time Doug Singh resigned as Chairman of the Elections and Boundaries Commission over that infamous recorded phone conversation, the Prime Minister and Minister of Elections and Boundaries has not named a replacement. There has been absolutely no meeting of the Commission since October 8, 2019. This is beyond reprehensible. Why is this reason for serious concern? Without the much needed meeting of the Commission, the Elections and Boundaries Department cannot make any formal decision as it pertains to the management, budgeting and running of the upcoming General Elections. July and August are the months designated for voters to transfer from one division to another as long as they meet the two-month residency requirement in the new division. Transfers along with the final push for new registration applications, will most certainly result in a massive surge of activity at the offices of Elections and Boundaries countrywide. This increase is usually met by additional staffers posted
Registration Section San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, Belize Dist property is a vacant land. Being the freehold property of Marlon Ca
at these offices. The Chief Elections Officer has already indicated that due to budgetary constraints no additional staff will be hired to meet the increased demand. Currently we have applicants who have complained about having to wait for close to an hour to be registered. This waiting time will only get worse. This is an election year and there is absolutely no excuse as to why the Prime Minister who is responsible for Elections will not ensure that the necessary staff and supplies are made available to such a crucial department. This cannot and should not be countenanced by the voting population and those wishing to form part of the register. This does not take into account the hundreds, possibly thousands of disenfranchised Belizeans who can’t secure the documents they need to get registered. Again Mr. Barrow and his government has made no effort to try to facilitate these individuals whose constitutional right to be registered to vote as born Belizeans are clearly being violated. This administration continues to fail us at every level of government. Our Prime Minister and Attorney General must take our Belizean voter(s) seriously by immediately addressing the situations at Vital Statistics and Elections and Boundaries. Our predecessors fought for and secured our right to vote. Dean Oliver Barrow and Michael Pyrefitte, not placing a chairman and having the due meetings is tantamount to taking our rights away.
All that parcel or piece of land. Being Parcel 2164, Block 23, Registration Section San Ignacio North. The property measures 417.88 square-meters which holds a concrete 1 ½ structure. The building has two large bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a kitchen, dining area, a living-room, a laundry room and a garage. Being the fee simple property of Innovative Auto Solutions.
NOEL J. CODD Licensed Auctioneer Carmelita Village, Orange Walk District Tel: Office: 677-5184 cell: 624-5184 Email: @Noel Codd Auctioneer
GOVERNMENT OF BELIZE MINISTRY OF WORKS SEVENTH ROAD (PHILIP GOLDSON HIGHWAY UPGRADING) PROJECT MILE 24.5 - 92 INCLUDING REMATE ROAD BYPASS INVITATION FOR PREQUALIFICATION OF CONTRACTORS The Government of Belize (GOBZ) has applied for financing from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), and the United Kingdom Caribbean Infrastructure Partnership Fund, towards the cost of the Seventh Road (Philip Goldson Highway Upgrading) Project – Mile 24.5 – 92 inclusive of the Remate Road Bypass, and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds to eligible payments under the contracts for which this invitation is issued. Payment by CDB, will be made only at the request of GOBZ and upon approval by CDB, and will be subject, in all respects, to the terms and conditions of the Financing Agreements. The Financing Agreement prohibits a withdrawal from the Project Accounts for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any import of goods, if such payment or import, to the knowledge of CDB, is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations. No party other than GOBZ shall derive any rights from the Financing Agreement or have any claim to the proceeds of the Financing. This Project is being implemented by the Ministry of Works (MOW), Project Execution Unit (PEU). A Project Coordinator within PEU is responsible for the day-to-day management of project activities. Engineering Consultants will be retained by MOW to assist with the supervision of the contracts. PEU intends to pre-qualify contractors for the four lots comprising the major works – Lot 1 (Sections A and D), Lot 2 (Section B), Lot 3 (Section C) and Lot 4 (Section E). Descriptions of the Works comprising each Section are provided below. It is expected that Invitations to Bid will be issued in the third quarter of 2020. Section A – Upgrading of the Philip Goldson Highway from Km 0+000 (Mile 24.5) to Km 44+600 (Orange Walk Town Bypass South Roundabout). Scope of works includes the execution of road safety features and traffic calming measures, and the installation of additional and new drainage structures for improvement of climate resilience. Road safety features includes line marking, road studs, traffic signs, bus lay-bys, rumble strips, pedestrian crossings and other traffic calming measures. Shoulder widening and pavement strengthening utilizing a DBST pavement will also be executed at Carmelita Village, BSI – M1 Junction and at Crooked Tree junction where a new roundabout will also be constructed. Section B – Upgrading of the Philip Goldson Highway from Km 44+600 (Orange Walk Town Bypass South Roundabout) to Km 81+446 (Remate Bypass Junction South) via OWT Bypass. Scope of works includes complete shoulder widening, pavement strengthening utilizing DBST pavement. Traffic calming measures in all villages along this route will be implemented, which includes pedestrian/bicycle paths, pedestrian crossings and rumble strips. Other road safety features such as Line Markings, Road Studs and Traffic Signs will also be included. New Drainage Structures for the highway as well as side roads and driveways are also included to improve the climate resilience of the highway. Section C - Remate Road Bypass (18.4Km) Upgrading of the Philip Goldson Highway (Remate Road Bypass) from Km 0+000 (Remate Bypass Junction South)to Km 18+400 (Remate Bypass Junction North) including the upgrading of the Remate Road Intersections (North & South Junctions) with the Philip Goldson Highway with two new roundabouts. The existing gravel road will be upgraded to a paved international standard using DBST pavement, as well as the installation of drainage structures and road safety features. Section D - Upgrading of the Phillip Goldson Highway from Km 99+760 (Remate Bypass Junction North) to Km 104+198 (Santa Elena Border). Scope of works includes complete shoulder widening, pavement strengthening utilizing DBST pavement. Traffic calming measures in all villages along this route will be implemented, which includes pedestrian/bicycle paths, pedestrian crossings and rumble strips. Other road safety features such as Line Markings, Road Studs and Traffic Signs will also be included. New Drainage Structures for the highway as well as side roads and driveways are also included to improve the climate resilience of the highway. Section E - Upgrading of the Phillip Goldson Highway from Km 0+000 (Remate Road Bypass South) via Corozal Town to Km 23+590 (Remate Road Bypass Junction North). Scope of works includes complete shoulder widening, pavement strengthening utilizing DBST pavement. Traffic calming measures in all villages along this route will be implemented, which includes pedestrian/bicycle paths, pedestrian crossings and rumble strips. Other road safety features such as Line Markings, Road Studs and Traffic Signs will also be included. New Drainage Structures for the highway as well as side roads and driveways are also included to improve the climate resilience of the highway. Firms whether applying individually or in the form of a Joint Venture, shall: (a) be legally incorporated or otherwise organised in, and have their principal place of business in, an Eligible Country; (b) be more than fifty (50) percent beneficially-owned by a citizen or citizens and/or a bona fide resident or residents of an Eligible Country, or by a body corporate or bodies meeting these requirements, as far as the ownership can be reasonably determined; and (c) shall have no arrangement and undertake not to make any arrangement whereby the majority of the financial benefits of the contract, i.e. more than fifty (50) percent of the value of the contract, will accrue or be paid to sub-contractors, sub-suppliers or sub-consultants that are not from an Eligible Country. Eligible Countries are member countries of CDB. Applicants may submit prequalification documents for Lot 1, Lot 2, Lot 3, Lot 4, a combination of Lots or all and should clearly indicate in their submissions the individual contract(s) in which they are interested. GOBZ shall prequalify each applicant for one or the selected number of contracts for which the Applicant has expressed interest and for which the applicant meets the appropriate Aggregate Requirements. The requirements for pre-qualification will include: Description of criteria
Lot 1
Lot 2
Lot 3
Lot 4
an average annual turnover of at least the United States Dollars (US$) equivalent shown (defined as billing for works 4.0 million in progress and completed) over the last five (5) years; (mn)
demonstrable capacity to have a cash flow of at least the US$ equivalent shown (including access to credit); and
experience as prime contractor in the construction of at least two assignments of a similar nature and complexity 5.5mn to the proposed project activity within the last ten years with at least the US$ equivalent value shown (to comply with this requirement, works quoted should be at least 80 percent complete). The similarity shall be based on the physical size, complexity, methods/technology or other characteristics as described in Section VII, Scope of Works, which includes experience in the earthworks operations particularly in greenfield alignments, construction of embankments on soft soils, reinforced concrete works, box culverts, DBST Pavement and the construction of roundabouts & short-span bridges > 5m where required.
Interested eligible applicants may obtain further information from, and inspect the Prequalification Documents at, the PEU at the first address below, Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. A complete hardcopy set of the prequalification documents in English may be obtained by interested applicants by writing or email to the first address below. The request must clearly state “Request for Pre-qualification Documents for Seventh Road (Philip Goldson Highway Upgrading) Project” and indicating the applicant’s interest in any or all of the sections. The hardcopy documents are available for a non-refundable fee of US$100.00. Potential applicants who request that hardcopy documents be forwarded to them are required to submit an account number from a local courier agent, which accepts freight collect charges. MOW will promptly dispatch the documents but under no circumstances will the Ministry be responsible for late delivery or loss of the documents so transmitted. Alternately, documents may be forwarded electronically, in pdf format, at no cost. Prequalification submissions must be in English and must be submitted by 10:00 hours, local time on Tuesday 28 July 2020. There are two options for submitting prequalification information. These are: (a) By simultaneous electronic submission, in pdf format, to the email addresses indicated in the first and second addresses below. The “Subject” field of the email message must read “Application to Prequalify for the Seventh Road (Philip Goldson Highway Upgrading) Project” followed by a list of the relevant Lots. The submission will be deemed to have been received at the time that it is received by PEU. The burden of proving receipt of the email will be on the applicant and will not be met solely by a read receipt or sent items report generated by the bidder’s computer.; or (b) By submission of one original and three hard copies, by hand or by registered mail, in a sealed envelope to the first address below, with simultaneous electronic submission as at (a) above to the second address below. The sealed envelope containing each submission must include the name and address of the applicant and be clearly marked “Application to Prequalify for the Seventh Road (Philip Goldson Highway Upgrading) Project” followed by a list of the relevant Lots. GOBZ reserves the right to accept or reject late applications or to cancel the prequalification process. GOBZ will not be bound to assign any reason for not pre-qualifying any applicant and will not defray costs incurred by applicants in the preparation and submission of the pre-qualification documents. Applicants will be advised in due course of the results of their application. Only firms and joint ventures pre-qualified under this procedure will be invited to bid. 1. Attention: Mr. Evondale Moody Project Execution Unit Ministry of Works Power Lane Belmopan Cayo District BELIZE, C. A Tel: +501-828-5220 Email: 2.
Procurement Officer Procurement Policy Unit Caribbean Development Bank P.O. Box 408, Wildey St. Michael BARBADOS, W. I
Tel: +246–539–1600 Fax: +246–426–7269 Email:
If Something Feels Off, You NEED to Speak Up Part II
So now as a nation, are we about to lose another fight against an institutional issue of alleged reports of extortion, maltreatment, sexual assault and sexual advances? This should be every Belizean fight for justice as our soldiers as they are already in a demoralizing working environment in many aspects. Now adding another crippling issue that impacts not just the female but her rich and possible healthy relationship with her significant other, her children and extended family members. Issues of such nature, coupled by fear of being victimized by authority can often leave a woman or man in a world of depression. This state of mind, can then lead to inability to function on the job and later, dismissal from the job which she/he had once deemed
as her/his dream career. And in some cases, may lead ultimately suicide. So when the administration knowingly hides or distorts the findings of an investigation of this nature and no justice is served, the institution should be held accountable. The unspoken message here would be that the institution is offering a free reign for the distasteful, disrespectful, unacceptable behavior to continue and solidify itself in the organization to its own detriment. A legacy that no administration should desire to leave behind. The rippling effects of allegations of this nature in a pillar institution such as the BDF, yields to the erosion of the institution’s own leadership, the institution’s credibility at home and abroad which has long term effect on collaboration; increased cost to tax payers when law suits are served when and if the issue was taken by the horn (tek the bull by the horn) and duly addressed. Legal actions could have been avoided. In addition, the unresolved issue, if not addressed properly, can result in a heightened awareness of what types of policies exist, the request for these policies to be updated to reflect virtual aspects of sexual harassment, personnel educating themselves about the sexual harassment act etc. But fear can also permeate in someone who tries to understand the scope and depth of how the institution defines extortion, maltreatment, sexual assault and sexual advances in the workplace. People should be empowered to speak out and not be crippled by a coward and the inability of an administration to take decisive actions. What can result, at times as well, is the
fact that administration is kept on its toes trying to address one alleged case after the other. This is so because people are unsure of what to say and how to behave for fear of being misread and accused of sexual assault or extortion or sexual advances. These pillar institutions therefore have a grave responsibility to provide timely training – not once every three years as the internet has heightened the access mode to people in ways that our archaic laws does not yet reflect. These pillar institutions owes it to their personnel to update sexual harassment policy on a timely bases to avoid black eyes of this nature. Each time a solider speaks up, administrations need to estimate the organizational cost of sexual harassment as we taxpayers feel the pinch of law suits. So we continue to operate at a loss when an administration does not conduct due diligence. All companies in Belize, and more so the Public Service, should be doing comprehensive job interviews which includes personality characteristics that increase vulnerability to sexual harassment among public officers; after all, the black eye will be on the organization so like the good saying goes, “prevention is better than cure.” I wonder how many of our organizations have embraced Bystander Awareness Program Against Sexual Harassment and Abuse? How many of our force’s managers have received certificated Managers Training on sexual offenses and the like in the past year? When was the last time the BDF Formal Grievance procedures were strengthened and are there supplemented with voluntary dispute resolution? And are these policies easily accessible to all personnel? This grave issue has existed since biblical days and it is seemingly getting worse especially with the advancement of technology. Therefore, every single person, need to become more self-aware and
13 understand that sexual harassment is defined as any unwanted behavior of a sexual nature which -violates your dignity -makes you feel intimidated, degraded or humiliated -creates a hostile or offensive environment and that you don’t need to have previously objected to someone’s behavior for it to be considered unwanted. This statement is very key, because offenders often tend to use this as a counter argument. At times, the offence is occurring so fast, the victim doesn’t even realize what is happening. Please remember unwanted sexual harassment can include: -sexual comments or jokes -physical behaviour, including unwelcome sexual advances, touching and various forms of sexual assault -displaying pictures, photos or drawings of a sexual nature -sending emails with a sexual content When someone calls you insulting sexual names, talks about you in a sexual way that makes you feel uncomfortable (like commenting on your body), or spreads sexual rumours about you, that’s sexual harassment. It can happen in person, over the phone, or online. Sexual harassment can make you feel anxious, depressed and lead to other problems, such as difficulties sleeping. You do not have to be a victim as you can become self-aware and you certainly do not have to remain a victim, SPEAK UP! I will not rest my case on this matter! If I have to write a weekly letter, I will do so, until some satisfactory response is given to the nation. So this is my call to the BDF administration, don’t fail our women. You have a mother, maybe even a daughter, a cousin or a niece or a sister or a wife!
Party Leader John Briceño
COUNTRY WIDE TOUR BEGINS In Cayo West in full support of
Jorge ‘Milin’ Espat
Florencio Marin for Corozal Southeast A Worker, A Leader in Corozal Southeast Florencio Marin Jr. is a seasoned politician, a quiet man but a hard worker who adheres to the principles of service. He is committed to the people of his constituency, and to the principle of social justice and empowerment. He is known in his area as a gentle giant but will go to war to represent the people of the division. Florencio graduated from St. John’s College Sixth Form and went on to attain his Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from Loyola University, majoring in Accounting and Economics. He earned his Master’s Degree in Business Administration from the University of Bath in the United Kingdom. He was Commissioned an Officer in the BDF upon passing out in December of 1995 from the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. He served his country for four years, and patrolled our borders protecting our national security. He also served there in various leadership capacities. Florencio taught at the SJC Sixth Form and Galen University, as well as worked in administrative positions in the private sector, and as a canefarmer. He has served the people of Corozal Southeast both in government and out, since being elected a Member of Parliament in 2008. He has also served the country and his Party as a Deputy Party Leader and currently continues to do so as Chairman of the Northern Caucus. Florencio is determined to uplift the people of his division, and all the people of Corozal, through the revitalization of the Corozal Free Zone and the industries of the north which have been destroyed because of the reckless incompetence of the UDP. He believes in equal opportunity for all his people, and the empowerment of all residents so they can work and lead meaningful, independent and productive lives. He is the only choice in Corozal Southeast.
51 16
28 JUN
28 JUN
18 JAN
Jorge ‘Milin’ Espat for Cayo West “Milin’ Espat is the new general in Cayo West, new life in an area that has been abandoned and neglected, a constituency that has seen no real representation and little development over the past decade. Where there is a will, there is a way, and Milin has the love for his people, the passion and the determination to re-energize Cayo West and to deliver to the people. Milin was raised in Benque Viejo del Carmen and attended Mount Carmel Primary School. He was thrust early into the family’s business, but determined to pursue his education, he attended St. John’s College Extension in Belize City and returned to the Cayo District where he finished High School in Santa Elena. He then received the opportunity to study in the US, attending Lincoln Technical Institute in Chicago, Illinois in 1990. He later attended San Jacinto College in Texas, receiving a degree in Diesel Technology. Milin’s family has a long history of service to Belize and Belizeans, and he was brought up with the determination to improve conditions for his people. He has served as a member of YMCA, and is the past president of Sunrise Rotary of Belize. Following in his father’s footsteps, he joined the People’s United Party because he knows that his calling is one of service—a service that advocates against social injustices, and one that advocates for the upliftment of the poor and marginalized. He believes in the dreams of the great George Price and the upliftment of Cayo West. Nothing can make him happier than to see his people living a better life, experiencing growth and success for all! Milin Espat will bring real change to Cayo West.
Kevin Bernard for Orange Walk East More Work…Less Talk In his third term as Mayor of Orange Walk Town, Kevin Bernard has been hailed as the best Mayor in the country, based on his record of integrity, transparency, inclusion of residents and hard work. Kevin has decided to pursue higher office, and already the people of Orange Walk East have returned the love, respect and support he has shown throughout his political career. While in office, Kevin pursued and attained his Master’s Degree in Business Administration, because he wanted every tool at his disposal to ensure that his office would run efficiently, and effectively, doing the people’s work. During his years of work before entering office, he also earned distinction for his non-nonsense style and work ethic, and that is how he has continued in his political career. Kevin grew up watching the Father of the Nation, George Price, working for the people of the country in every way, and early on determined that he would bring to politics the style of George Price – humility, discipline, hard work and service. He has served as the President of the Belize Youth Movement and is also a long-time member of the national executive of the PUP. During his time as Mayor, Orange Walk has seen unprecedented development, not only in works, though that is a highlight, but also in the social development of the people. Kevin believes in talking less and working more and he has inspired his team to follow the same principle. He understands that politics as usual has not worked for the people, and he has committed to always working with integrity, and always leading through service of the people. Kevin Bernard is a worker and a man of honour, and is the only choice for Orange Walk East.
Francis Fonseca for Freetown A Man for All People Francis Fonseca has never been a man of many words. He is a serious, committed man of action who has earned the respect and love of the people of Freetown because he works. He has served quietly and faithfully, with integrity and respect for all his people, and his vision for development and growth has transformed the Freetown constituency. Francis was educated at St. John’s College and St. John’s College Sixth Form. He then went on to the University of Louisiana where he earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Economics. He decided to pursue a career in law, and attended the University of the West Indies, attaining a Bachelor of Law with honours, and a Certificate of Legal Education from the Normal Manley Law School. He returned to Belize where he served with distinction in the public and private sectors, as a Research Economist with SPEAR (Society for the Promotion of Education and Research), an Economist in the Ministry of Economic Development and a Crown Counsel in the DPP’s Office before he decided to go into private practice. Francis also has a long and distinguished career of service of his people and country, and the People’s United Party. He was President of the Belize Youth Movement, and has been Chairman of the Fort George Division, Secretary-General of the Party, Party Chairman, Deputy Leader and Leader. He has been Area Representative of Freetown since 2003 and has been Chief of Staff in the Prime Minister’s Office, Attorney-General and Minister of Education, Youth, Culture and Sports. Francis has never wavered from his commitment to education of our youth and empowerment of the people. He has led, in his constituency and in higher office, with honour and humility. His focus remains on providing access to quality, affordable healthcare, education and housing, and in providing opportunities for meaningful employment so that residents can uplift themselves and their families and help to build the community and the nation. Because of his vision and his work, Francis remains the only choice in Freetown.
PUP Sound Bites Meeting of the House of Representatives on June 26, 2020 Orange Walk Central, Party Leader Hon. John Briceño: Party Leader’s words can be seen earlier in this newspaper.
Orange Walk South: Hon. Jose Mai ““Two million dollars, More than a Year After and 5,400 Cane Farmers, 1.3 Million tons of Sugar Cane. You either divide this money by the amount of farmers or the amount of sugar cane. If you divide it by farmer each will get $370.37. If you divide it by tons or sugar cane including ASR’s 150 thousand tons, the farmers will get $1.53 per ton of cane. I want to believe that they will divide this by ton which is the most equitable way. A farmer needs four bags of fertilizer per acre. The formula only allows for one bag for acre, what a shame. What a disrespect to the cane farmers of Belize. The government expects that with the 1 million will cause the sugar industry to rebound. I don’t know where they get it from. This is craziness. This is madness. The drought came, extended and went. The million dollars(US) is still not forthcoming. The crop is about to end, floods came and the debate it just here. This is a disrespect and unfair to the poor cane farmers of this country. When we were home protecting ourselves from Covid-19 protecting ourselves the cane farmers kept going like clockwork. The mill never stopped. We all met virtually. They kept generating foreign exchange for this government which is now broke.” Toledo West, Hon. Oscar Requena: “I feel that overall as a nation we as a nation have shown great resilience. Government has the responsibility to provide adequate support and a safety net. I want to certainly associate myself with what the leader of the Opposition said. We are not against people getting help. We have a a problem in the manner in which it is done. Here we are borrowing money and saying that we will reach out to the vulnerable population. The truth of the matter is that there has been many inefficiencies in getting help to our people. I am talking both about the Covid Relief program and the Food assistance program. People were asked to apply online and many people did. People were locked up and cannot come out. How can somebody in San Benito Poite, how can somebody in San Vicente, in Mabilha, in Santa Teresa, how can somebody in Aguacate move out to come and find Internet? There is no internet nor telephone in these villages. How can they apply? I tried to help by printing the forms and distributing them to the Alcaldes of the Villages so that people can apply. After three months there are thousands that have not received no support any support. Calls in to the ministry do not get answered. I represent 28 villages and people in every community are saying they have not heard any response at all. Yet here we are getting another loan. When we speak about pantry….this is one of the worst nightmares. Some have gotten assistance one time only especially the smaller villages. Many have not even gotten into the list. The BOOST program has been of help to many but there are problems with many on that program. A lot has been political. Many people that are employed are still getting BOOST. I have written countless letters in recommendation. I think my letters are thrown into the trash can. Why is it that the Ministry of Human Development did not see it fit to work with our Alcaldes and Village Chairmen? They live in the community and know who need help. They (chairmen) were bypassed. There should have been no double dipping with two government help programs. But many found a way and found even ways to triple dip. Prime Minister you must find a way to have equitable distribution in how this money is used.” Stann Creek West, Hon. Rodwell Ferguson:
“I want to concur with the member from Pickstock(who piggybacked on PUP Party Leaders agroproductive plan, agreed with Hon. Requena and showed mistrust for his own dying UDP)I believe that the the Ministry of Local Government should have used the local bodies to be able to reach out to the people in the particular communities. There are many who have received no assistance. I feel insulted that I could not reach out to my people the way I want. I want to give thanks to those that contributed. It went international, Belizean Americans and I was able to go and help the communities. My communities go help thought there chair persons regardless if they are Red, Blue or Green. Given that schools are opening, the money should be used to offset the cost of going to school. I want to thank my village leaders for the work they have done. I have worked with all of them and they are pleased with the efforts. The best have never came. Now it is time for the day of reckoning. Mr. PM you might be bragging about your twelve or thirteen years but in the minds of the Belizean people you have not made their lives better. My grandmother used to tell me, willful waste, woeful want. Our country is on dire straits, dire need. It is now time to call and election, the people of our country need a new mandate.” Toledo East, Hon. Mike Espat: “I want to congratulate the member from Pickstock. If I was a UDP supporter I would vote for Sedi because he was the only one with any sense. The rest only criticize, criticize and cannot tell us the direction we can go. We never had no ‘BATA’ to go buy shoes. It is a serious problem, utilizing what the farmers produce. We need to help them, assist them. We used to do our own shoes. What is wrong with us taking some of this money and make an industry to produce what we use. The American subsidize their farmers with billions of dollars to keep that industry alive. Why are we afraid do do something for ourselves? You know how much we spend on uniforms in this country? We can start the women of this country sewing: Police Uniform, BDF Uniform, Coast Guard, and Student Uniform…instead of that we are wating our money and not creating employment for our people. We need to stop the foolishness of importing and importing. During the Covid lockdown, we had to go fifty miles to get bananas that are rejected to take that to Punta Gorda town to feed our people. Even the member from Stann Creek west was doing it too until they locked the gate on him. Then they talk about not being political, on that side. Now people in Midway all have to come to PG town. Something is wrong when NEMO has building everywhere and they don’t help. Where is NEMO? The candidate for leader from Collet went to Corazon. …That is one thing you do not do to the Maya people. You do not lie to them. If you lie to them do not go back to them anymore. He went there and he promised that he would pay their tuition up to fourth form. The kids are coming to us because they need their diplomas. You do not do that, it is fair. We had a flood. Where is NEMO? Nemo comes with a pad and they start to write. They are in charge of emergency situation. Nemo has piles of mattresses and pot. The people themselves have to help. This House belongs to the people of Belize. The people will make a decision. People will want a change and we must respect the will of the people.” Lake Independence, Hon. Cordel Hyde: “I want to put in my two cents. I want to tell the member from Collet that misery loves company. On this side it is only Peace and Love. [Clap] I want to tell the member from Pickstock that on that side of the House they did not have the clarity for twelve years that they espoused today. It is twelve years late sir! Continued on page 20
PUP Sound Bites
Meeting of the House of Representatives on June 26, 2020 Continued from page 19
How it is that the government is broke after only 18 cases of corona, just 18. Our lament is that we did not have to be here to borrow all over the place just to provide the basic supplies for our people. No other government has had more money than this government in the history of our country. I know they hate for us to repeat it but we have to ‘seh it.’ FIVE Hundred from PetroCaribe, SIX Hundred collected from the BNE oilfields, Millions of dollars borrowed in loans domestically and externally, and every year the national budget was more than a Billion dollars. In fact, they had so much money that last August they wrote off 90 million from big wealthy land owners. Half of that 90 was owed by 30 big land owners— persons who combines owned 500 thousand acres of land. They had so much money that they preferred to give the big boys a tax holiday. How in God’s green world did we get there? If it is that we have to go to the IMF then this government will have to be held accountable for the last twelve years. How is it that with all that money that we have ended up with more people in poverty than ever before. We have more people looking for work than ever before. More people dropping out of school than ever before. You know this Boots, more people living in broken houses than ever before. More children going to bed hungry than ever before. More of our people getting killed each year than ever before. How it is that we got here? Something went terribly/wrong. I want to submit this Madame Speaker. We got here because the government put their Party before country. We got here because they invested millions of dollars in winning elections instead of looking out for the people and trying to end poverty. None of that money was invested in the small farmer and small business person. None of that money was invested in trying to end poverty. We did not put a single dollar for a rainy day. If we didn’t pay Michael Ashcroft 560Million we would not have to be borrowing all this money. We have to be begging for masks and hand sanitizers and ventilators. What else? We have to beg for food? Only in Belize light bill gone up. We own it or owe it. We could not get relief for one month from the utilities. But they say we own it. It is all a façade and a mirage. They will say that some people got helped but they won’t tell you that FORTY THOUSAND did not get help? Something is wrong with this situation. We ploughed through billions of dollars and when Covid came with 18 cases we were broke. We were bankrupt because we didn’t put aside a dollar for a rainy day.” Caribbean Shores, Hon. Kareem Musa: “We have vulnerable citizens in our communities. We know where it went wrong and we know where it can be done better. It is important for the government must hear us out. The citizens do not wear a red shirt or a blue shirt, they were a red, white and blue shirt. You cannot force them to put on a red shirt in order to get the relief funds and the food distribution. I believe in giving full credit to where it is due: the Prime Minister, the leader of the opposition for handling the situation well when we had the crisis. Moreover I believe in placing credit to the frontline workers, Dr. Manzanero. I believe they did an excellent job with the mapping and tracing and quarantining of those who were Covid positive. I can tell you that my sister-in-law is the point person at the central region and she did not sleep for three months. I know the kind of effort that went into it by the Ministry of Health. We are one of the last countries that got a positive case and the first to become Covid-free and yet we are broke. How can this be? We have to look at the Michael Ashcroft and we have to look at the Tacos and Pibil parties. WE have to because this is where we are now. You would think that after the Chief Justice came down hard on the Prime Minister with that 100Million and…let’s be frank Mr. Prime Minister…that is the only reason we are here today. Because you violated the Finance and Reform act and you had to come correct the illegal actions in 2012. So let us be very real about that. But I am shocked that
we are coming back with this same formula of no transparency and no accountability. This is a humanitarian crisis so we should put these funds through Red Cross, the Salvation Army, through the BDF, that is who should be distributing to each and every needy Belizean. It should not just be for the UDP. There has been misuse of the funds, It has happened. There must be equitable distribution of the funds, equitable distribution of the packages to all vulnerable citizens.” Corozal Southeast, Hon. Florencio Marin, Jr.: “I do appreciate that when the curfew was being instituted that I had some issues with the roads and the Minister of Works always took my calls. We worked very well with that on the ferry. There is the issue with the Corozal Free Zone and the casinos. What I am not hearing is any kind of a plan. We already know that when the country reopens that this will be the last that will open. I have friends and family in Chetumal. It is real there I know. We are not advocating for that But we need to see some kind of a plan that will assist the free zone workers and the casino workers. Several of them have not been able to get any support whatsoever. Some of the businesses gave the full holiday pay but they themselves are running out of cash. I would like to see a plan as how this particular vulnerable area will be helped. When the cane season closes the workers will not be making any money. I hope these are some of the issues to be taken into consideration with these loan motions. As well, the stores in my area. I think it was a good idea to help the stores. Some was political but let’s not get into that. The issue is that the stores were not being paid on time. So some of them had to say that they will not give out anything until they get their payment. I would like to see some kind of a plan.” Cayo Northeast, Hon. Landy Habet: “I want to post my comment and debate on the International Fund for Agricultural Development Resilience Rural Belize Project Loan Motion 2020. I note that this project can have potentially significant benefits for Belize. I have a few concerns that need some clarification and address. Firstly, according to IFAD this project is underway for about a year and a preliminary first year assessment has been conducted. Secondly, while this motion is for 1.9 Million US dollars, it makes us aware of the total financing by the Green Climate Fund of some 8 million US dollars of which 6.085 million US dollars is grant money. However according to IFAD, the total project calls for 20 million US of which the GCF fund is 8 million and cofinancing is for 12 million dollars with a project lifespan of 15 years. This motion notes the objectives and the purpose of the project but limits the funding information to only the GCF portion which is implemented by IFAD. There is no mention where the cofinancing will come from. It suggests that the government will be approaching the CDB for the 12 million dollar funding. Thirdly, I am concerned that while the designated authority is the Ministry of Economic Development, Petroleum, Trade and Commerce that we be assured by the Ministry of Agriculture the Ministry of Environment and Meteorology should also have a significant role, Fourthly, due to the absence of a status report from the local entities while there is one by IFAD by means of a supervision report which outline deficiencies in project preparatory activities so that the implementation phase did not commence in the first year. If Implementation had commencied perhaps the Valley of Peace would not have suffered the tremendous losses with the cabbage and other crops due to waterlogging occasioned by excessive rain. This is because this project has an infrastructure component and a climate resilient agricultural practice component. IRAD report some of the difficulties. Government needs to see it they can meet the objectives and deliverables.”
Collet: Oscar Arnold Meeting with the people of Collet, one by one
ON THE MOVE Cayo Central: Alex Balona On the ground in Cristo Rey
Cayo South: Hon. Julius Espat Ongoing works on the roads in Armenia and the Cemetery in Roaring Creek by way of Chairman Banner and VC
Mesopotamia: Candice Pitts Working on a community basketball court in Mesopotamia! Also, the first Yaad Talk was held.
Belize Rural Central: Dolores Balderamos Garcia Dolores and her Team at Mahogany Heights and Ladyville!!
Corozal Town Council Mayor Rigo Vellos & Councillors deliver for Corozal Town!
Already working to Build a Belize that Works for Everyone.
ANOTHER MASSIVE JUDGEMENT AGAINST BARROW Malcolm X would repeat his famous radical response with the words, the chickens have come home to roost. Or, when you spit in the sky it falls in your face. The Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) has ruled that the Prime Minister of Belize has violated a contract in 2013 when he strongarmed a company and refused its owners for breaking the law. The company sued for 45 million dollars. The company BISIL won and Belize lost. It’s an Ashcroft-affiliated company. We say Belize lost, because our arrogant Prime Minister will be out of office come November and it is the Belizean taxpayers who will have to fork over the money. Please remember that the CCJ recently ruled that the Prime Minister has messed an agreement with Ashcroft whereby a bank debt of 30 million over the past twelve years has ballooned to 100 million dollars. Again the suffering people of Belize are the ones who will have to pay. There is a law in the public service that any public officer who causes the government to suffer any financial loss, can be surcharged and be made to pay a proportion of the loss from their private pocket. Could the Public Service and the Teachers Union please seek legal advice to find if they can take Dean Barrow and the Financial Secretary to court to get an Order that they must pay back some millions for their arrogance and negligence in handling public monies? VOTER FRAUD IN QUEEN SQUARE We have seen the evidence. We know the house address and we know the names. Credible reports have been emerging about the UDP candidates especially in Belize City resorting to their dirty game of subverting the voters list by getting/paying persons to register where they do not live. These are serious, very serious matters. This is one of the criminal ways the UDP uses to win elections. BIL IS BACK Belize Infrastructure Limited BIL, is paying a huge rent from taxpayer’s monies at the 6th Floor of the Matalon highrise building on Coney Drive. BIL, in our opinion, is an illegally created entity by the Prime Minister in order to bypass the proper government procedures of accountability and transparency. By using BIL no one answers to the Auditor General on the dozens of career public officers who are finance Officers, Accountants and First Class Clerks who must process all payments, invoices etc. and get Inspectors to certify that works have been properly done. Isn’t it BIL that frigged up the bridge from Chetumal Street to George Price Highway a mile 2 roundabout? Is it BIL that is responsible for the section of road at mile 40 that recently collapsed? Is it BIL that is responsible for the white elephant stadium where not even the cycle track is usable, and one third fencing is missing? Now BIL is going to be overseeing the construction of a Fire Station in Lake Independence, so called Special Development Area. The government has not brought any new fire trucks for ten years, but as a pre-election hustle, they will start to build a fire station. Closing date for special UDP crony contractors to send their applications is Friday July 10th. These cronies don’t stand a chance
unless Imer doesn’t want the job. Listen Belizeans, even the Ministry of Works and the Ministry of Finance cannot oversee the building of a fire station, which is basically like a whorehouse with dormitories for the firemen, better we close down the government and ask the Chamber of Commerce to run things. DEATH OF COMMUNITY POLICING Thursday morning on Channel5 featured a discussion of the new Covid law on mask and social distancing. In the course of the discussion, Marleni brought up police misconduct in charging citizens and in making cases, abusing them, and behaving in unacceptable ways. We agree. The reports of bad policing and no punitive actions by their superior have been increasing. This cannot go on. A new government under Prime Minister Johnny Briceño will put this country back on track. Bad policing is bad for Belizeans. No Police Commissioner will be allowed to be covering up for abusive Police and the criminal ill-treatment of citizens. As the attorney on the show said, there seems to be a lowgrade war by certain police against the poorer classes of Belizeans. And we support his statement that the majority of police are good human beings. But is the Commissioner protecting wrong doing at the lower ranks or in the senior positions? Too much wrong doing going on. There was a good start in better policing when the community was introduced. What is happening under Minister Peyrefitte and Compol Williams is widespread abuse of Belizeans. The incident in Cotton Tree where a single mother’s house was broken into while she was not at home, is the pits. Police dressed like Guatemalan military with machine guns. They covered her internal cameras, allegedly took six thousand dollars and all her jewelry. And no one has been dismissed or demoted. These things will come under controlled when the people vote out this rogue government and start to take back the country.
PUP Standard Bearers
Appealing to their Constituents Excerpts of FB Posts
Hon. Julius Espat, Cayo South It is important that the Prime Minister of our Country respects the rule of law. He is not above the law. Oscar Mira, Belmopan July 1 - On Friday night, as was reported, I was involved in an accident on the George Price Highway, in which my vehicle collided with a small dark Geo Prism that was parked on the middle of the road. The vehicle was turned off, with no lights on. Unfortunately by the time I was able to see it, it was too late and I ended up colliding with the rear of the vehicle. Inside was a uniformed police officer who, for whatever reason, parked his vehicle while still on the road and fell asleep. Fortunately, I was wearing my seatbelt and escaped mostly unharmed. Minutes before the accident, a witness who was driving ahead of me on the road had narrowly escaped crashing into this very same vehicle. This witness had already reported the vehicle’s presence to a nearby checkpoint, a few miles farther down the road; he has since made a formal report to the Belmopan Police Department detailing this. At the scene of the accident, I contacted my attorney who advised me not to give a specimen to the police, since they did not have probable cause to demand this from me. I was a victim, and I cooperated fully with the investigating officers. The simple truth is that this vehicle should NOT have been in parked the middle of the road, out there in the dark, with no lights on. In his recent statements to the media, the Commissioner of Police is now falsely claiming that the vehicle was parked on the roadside, implying that I am at fault for the accident, and in his words, that I was driving “without due care and attention”, which is a crime. It is inappropriate for the Commissioner to make such definitive accusatory statements against Belizean civilians before an investigation has been concluded, and before an individual has had the chance at a fair trial in a court of law. Need I remind him that we are all innocent until proven guilty, and his words as a public figure carry significant weight? He also claims that the Corporal was seriously injured and is still in the hospital, both of which are also lies. The officer who was injured was a Corporal, known to myself, and I have spoken with him since he was discharged from the Western Regional Hospital on Saturday, June 27th. Thankfully, his injuries were not life threatening. I urge the Commissioner of Police to immediately retract this statement and apologize to myself and to the family of his fellow police officer. I have always held the Commissioner in high regard, and I am appalled at his willingness to lie and smear me with these demonstrably false claims. I have plenty of respect for the office of the Commissioner but wrong is wrong, and to bring these charges against me now is just adding insult to injury. Commissioner Williams is not helping the police force by attempting to cover up for them and make me into a scapegoat. Instead of victimizing me, he should be tackling the corruption, over-exhaustion, poor work-life balance, poor mental health, lack of resources, and substance abuse plaguing the police force, as evidenced by this week’s news reports. He is their leader and he has a responsibility to these men and women. If the Commissioner wants to get to the bottom of this incident, perhaps he should talk to the police in Hattieville who reportedly tried to stop the Corporal from driving that night, as they could see that he was not in good condition and they feared for his safety. Furthermore, the vehicle that the Corporal had parked in the middle of the road had neither a valid insurance nor a valid license. To the police department, I must ask: Was the sleeping Corporal tested for any toxins or substances that may have hindered his ability to drive? Will he be charged for endangering myself and others who were out on the road that night? Will he be charged for not having his vehicle licensed or insured? Do they really want to pursue justice and the truth, or are they only interested in bringing trumped up charges against me to tarnish my image? As a candidate for the House of Representatives, I knew that at some point I may end up the victim of a political witch hunt such as the one that seems to be unfolding. It shows that my opponent and the UDP are afraid of me and my impending victory in Belmopan. They are afraid of the steady work I have been doing and the relationship I have built with the people of Belmopan. They know their time is up, and it is very concerning that they appear to be weaponizing our police force against me. This is a practice often seen in autocratic, despotic regimes. I am very disappointed in and ashamed of Commissioner Chester Williams. I cannot help but think how unbelievable it is that the police are so readily and swiftly targeting me for an accident I did not cause, in which no one was gravely injured, when we can all recall the tragic deaths of several Belizeans at the hands of well-connected UDP frontmen, who later faced little to no consequences. Like this administration, the police have a history of looking out for their own, and this has got to stop. Lack of accountability and playing politics with our criminal justice system has got to stop. The PUP will win in Belmopan, and we will begin to repair this broken system. We will prevail! Prosperity and security for all. Candice Pitts, Mesopotamia We thank everyone who came out last night to make and be a part of History in Mesopotamia!
We had our very first Yaad Talk. It was the first time in the division where the residents were engaged to that extent and given a platform where they could express themselves and voice their thoughts. We listened, and we also shared with them our plans and vision for the division. We were impressed by the turn out and thank residents for taking this interest in their community. We thank the Mayor of Belize City, Bernard Wagner, for continuously showing that he is All About the People! We thank Councilors Aisha, Micah, Javier, and Oscar, and other representatives of the Council for their support. We thank members of the wider community and PUP family for their support as well. Of course, special recognition to the Mesopotamia committee: you all are the vanguards of Change! #Mesopotamia #newbeginnings #bettermustcome #CandicePitts #MesopotamiasChoice2020 David J. Castillo, Corozal North (Via PUP Corozal North FbPage) Es un hombre humilde con una gran visión para el pueblo norteño. Su visión: ver crecimiento para Corozal Norte, proyectos de infraestructura, creación de empleos, oportunidades para los jóvenes que son el futuro de nuestro país, programas sociales para las personas mas vulnerables como lo son nuestros ciudadanos de la tercera edad, atracción de inversionistas en nuestro distrito y muy importante ver un impulso económico para el pueblo que exige un cambio. Votemos inteligentemente y hagamos el cambio. VOTE PARA David J. Castillo y EL PARTIDO UNIDO DEL PUEBLO! HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE! Allan Pollard, Queen’s Square Friday June 26, 2020 was the endorsement convention where I was officially sworn in as the standard bearer for The Queen Square Constituency. I must say I’m truly overwhelmed with gratitude for the abundance of love, hope, faith and courage I’ve been shown by the PUP, the Queen Square committee and my mentors! I’m honored and humbled to represent The Queen Square Constituency to bring forth real change and development. The future starts now, The Time Is Now Belize! The work has begun! #TheTimeIsNow #AllanPollardforQueenSquare #OfficialEndorsement #QueenSquare Special congratulations to the graduates from Gwen Liz Evening Division. Those who prioritized getting an education and went back to school. Best of luck to you all in the work force or the world of entrepreneurship. It’s never too late to learn! (The Whip) Dean Barrow, you cannot switch your integrity on and off. It doesn’t work like that. When it comes to the Faber’s Road. Why was there no ribbon cutting for that road? The history of this country is the history of PUP. The young need to know that there is a better way. If we can bring everyone together we can make a difference. I was campaigning and a young man tell me, “I know that you will be better than this.” “I deh with you.” Oscar Arnold, Collet “Be the change that you wish to see in Collet, Be apart of Team POLO.” LIVING FACTS: 17 Years of Patrick Faber in Collet and he have not built a single HOUSE/HOME for anybody, No new Development in 17 years. Currently he’s the Minister of Education, Youth Sports and Culture since 2012. Question: What has he(Faber) done for the youths in Collet (highest murder rate in the city) SPORTS: No football field. No Playgrounds CULTURE: We have lost our identity as a people EDUCATION: You have to run down a minister for a little assistance #teampolocollet. Ramiro Ramirez, Corozal Southwest We the farmers are suffering with this Government, Cane farmer Cattle farmer all agricultural sector we need good governance and a good plan, we have to save Belize. Ed. Note: Please be mindful that these are excerpts. For these and other comment/releases/ posts of our PUP leaders visit, like and follow their FB profiles and pages and the Whip Show saved videos.
Stand up for your Rights
By Gilroy Usher, Sr. All residents of Port Loyola regardless of their political persuasion are invited to a very important PUP Port meeting this Sunday July 5, 2020, from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the basketball court on C.A. Blvd opposite the Muslim School. The main purpose of the
meeting is to outline practical solutions to address several pressing issues in Port Loyola and the wider Belize City including land, proper housing, greater access to education, and jobs as well as the promotion of small businesses. There will be music, policemen on duty, and dynamic speakers which include the following: Mr. Michael ‘Chips’ Norales, Deputy Mayor of Belize City, Councilor Allan Pollard, PUP standard bearer for Queen Square; Councilor Oscar Arnold, PUP standard bearer for Collet; Councilor Aisha Gentle, land activist Nigel Petillo, Senator Isabel Bennett, youth activist Dajah Blades, and including yours truly Gilroy Usher Sr..
Invite a friend and stand up for your rights. SPECIAL RAFFLE: This is for the first 100 persons (18 and older) that are seated. Prizes will include a cellphone and school supplies such as books and school bags. In another raffle for the residents of Port, those in attendance will win 14 prizes as follows: 3 bags rice, 3 cases lemonade, 3 fans, 2 irons, a $50.00, a cellphone, and a washing machine.
St. Margaret Village, Cotton Tree Village, Cristo Rey Village, Santa Elena Town, Callar Creek & San Jose, Succotz, Cayo District; Bella Vista Village, Toledo District BY ORDER of the Mortgagees, Messrs. The Belize Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo & Christiana R. Castillo will sell the following properties at the locations, dates and times below listed:
A. BELMOPAN, CAYO DISTRICT: 1. In the Belize Bank Limited Parking Lot, Constitution Drive, Belmopan, Cayo District on Wednesday 15th July 2020 at 10:00 am:
2. In front The Belize Bank Limited, Burns Avenue, San Ignacio, Cayo District on Wednesday 15th July 2020 at 11:30 am:
(Being a vacant lot [822.37 S.Y.] situate on San Diego Street, Hillview Area, Santa Elena, Cayo District, the freehold property of Mr. Rosendo Juarez) ALL THAT piece or parcel of land is situate in the Five Blues Lake Area, North of St. Margaret Village, Cayo District and it is bounded and described as follows:- On the North for a distance of 496.515 meters (1,628.966 feet) by Five Blues Lake National Park; On the South for a distance of 219.001 meters ( 718.50 feet) by the Five Blues Lake National Park; On the East for a distance of 1,145.241 meters ( 3,757.31 feet) by the Five Blues Lake National Park; On the West for a distance of 1,117.586 meters ( 3,666.58 feet) by a road reserve and a 100.248 acre plot and a portion of a 222.556 acre plot being 98.963 acres as shown on Minister’s Fiat Plan No. 642 of 2004 attached to Minister Fiat Grant No. 642 of 2005 dated the 26th. July, 2004 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being 98.963 acres of undeveloped land situate beside the Five Blues Lake National Park, north of the village of St. Margaret, Cayo District, the freehold property of Mr. Hubert Nelson Tillett) 2. In the Belize Bank Limited Parking Lot, Constitution Drive, Belmopan, Cayo District on Wednesday 15th July 2020 at 10:00 am:
D. CALLAR CREEK AGRICULTURAL LAYOUT, 1. In front The Belize Bank Limited, Burns Avenue, San Ignacio, Cayo District on Wednesday 15th July 2020 at 11:30 am:
ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being a parcel of land comprising 5.00 acres situated along the south side of the Mopan River, Callar Creek Agricultural Layout in the Cayo District of Belize and bounded and described as shown coloured red on Plan No. 190 of 2001 attached to Minister’s Fiat (Grant) No. 190 of 2001 dated 7th April 2001 together with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being almost 5 acres of agricultural land situated along the south side of the Mopan River, Callar Creek Agricultural Layout in the Cayo District, the freehold property of Mr. Jose Aljemiro Paz jr.) E. San Jose, Succotz, Cayo District: 1. On site at Lot No. 295 San Jose Succotz, Cayo District on Wednesday 15th July 2020 at 1:30 pm:
All that piece or Parcel of Land being Lot No. 136 containing 981.140 square meters (1173.43 square yards) as shown on Plan No. 1862 at the Office of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys in Belmopan, TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house (27 ft. X 31 ft.) [3 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + living/ dining/kitchen + laundry & front porch] and lot [981.140 S.M.] situate within Cotton Tree Village, Cayo District, the leasehold property of Ms. Edda Jones (Deceased) B. CRISTO REY VILLAGE, CAYO DISTRICT: 1. In front The Belize Bank Limited, Burns Avenue, San Ignacio, Cayo District on Wednesday 15th July 2020 at 11:30 am:
ALL THAT leasehold piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 295 situate in San Jose Succotz Village, Cayo District bounded as follows: On the Northeast for 15.243 metres by Lot No. 294; On the Southeast for 30.487 metres by Lot No. 297; On the Southwest for 15.423 metres by a street & On the Northwest for 30.487 metres by Lot No. 293 containing 555.790 square metres as shown on Plan No. 1701 at the Office of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being concrete bungalow dwelling house [25 ft. X 28 ft.] containing 1 bedroom + 1 bathroom + living/dining/kitchen + verandah situate in San Jose Succotz Village, Cayo District, the leasehold property of Mr. David Perez) F. BELLA VISTA VILLAGE, TOLEDO DISTRICT: 1. On Site at Lot No. 4 Bella Vista Village, Toledo District on Thursday 16th July 2020 at 11:00 am:
All that piece or Parcel of Land being Lot No. 54 comprising of 650.571 square meters situated in Cristo Rey Village Cayo District and bounded and described as shown by Plan No. 427 of 2013 attached to Ministers’ Fiat (Grant) No. 427 of 2013 dated the 1st day of October 2013, TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being a vacant lot [650.571 S.M.] situate in Cristo Rey Village, Cayo District, the freehold property of Mr. Orvin Juarez) C. SANTA ELENA, CAYO DISTRICT: 1. In front The Belize Bank Limited, Burns Avenue, San Ignacio, Cayo District on Wednesday 15th July 2020 at 11:30 am:
(Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house approx. 26 ft. X 32 ft. inclusive of a 5 ft. verandah and lot [813.668 square meters] situate on George Price Avenue, Santa Elena, Cayo District, the freehold property of Ms. Ester Castillo)
All That piece or parcel of land situate in Bella Vista Village, Toledo District and being Lot No. 4 containing 352.706 square meters as can be seen on Entry Plan No. 5940 Register No. 22by Licensed Surveyor Ellis Arzu, dated 9th day of November 2000, lodged at the office of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys, Belmopan, Cayo District Together with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [20 ft. X 25 ft.] 2 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + living/dining room + outdoor kitchen and fenced lot [containing 352.706 square meters situate in Bella Vista Village, Toledo District, the freehold property of Mr. Benedicto Mendez)
Endorsement Convention June 26, 2020
LIAT To Be Liquidated Barbados Today: “From all indication, Leeward Islands Air Transport (LIAT) will be liquidated,” Prime Minister Gaston Browne has just announced. The Prime Minister said there will be a meeting of all shareholders shortly to discuss collapsing LIAT. “COVID would have actually, let’s say increased the losses exponentially, so whereas in all of 2019 LIAT made a loss of about EC$12 million, that was within the means of the shareholder governments to subsidize,” Browne said on local radio in Antigua. “You would have found that since COVID, the planes have been grounded, they have to pay the lease payments and they are not getting any revenue. “A decision will have to be
made to collapse it and then maybe the countries within the region will have to come together to form a new entity,” Browne added. The Antigua and Barbuda leader says he cannot see the
region moving forward without a form of connectivity and you cannot have an integration movement if people cannot connect. Browne said the new entity will require full cooperation with a mixture of public and private capital.
Anthony: Bills enacted by Gov’t must be repealed By Sharefil Gaillard, Former Prime Minister and Parliamentary Representative for Vieux Fort South, Dr Kenny Anthony says many of the bills enacted by the current United Workers Party government will be repealed by any new government coming in. Dr Anthony made the announcement June 25, 2020, during his 2020/2021 Budget debate while he slammed Prime Minister Allen Chastanet’s idea of a “New Saint Lucia” which formed the basis of the PM’s address. “Name, Mr Speaker, one piece of legislation that has reached this house that was truly original, imaginative and advanced the rights of the interest of Saint Lucians,” Anthony stated. According to him, many of the bills enacted would have to be repealed. “The Castries Constituency Act, setting up the City Police will have to be repealed and redrafted, that contains some bizarre and unlawful clauses. The new Aliens Land Holding License Act is a veritable mess, confusing and difficult to implement. It has made a process that should have been made simple, bureaucratic and unwieldy. It has
(Former Prime Minister and Parliamentary Representative for Vieux Fort South, Dr Kenny Anthony)
become a nightmare for practicing lawyers.” The former Prime Minister was not done. “All the amendments to the CIP (Citizens by Investment Programme) Act will have to be repealed and as the Leader of the Opposition rightly stated a new act will have to be enacted once a policy decision is taken to retain
that programme…We have to go back to the drawing board,” Anthony declared. According to him, the CIP programme was well-intentioned and supported by the Opposition Saint Lucia Labour Party, has now been systematically undermined, destroyed and rendered almost useless. “Even the Minister’s undis-
“What I’m hoping that we do not have going forward with the new entity, is any squabble over the location of the headquarters,” Browne said. “At the end of the day, the only service that Antigua and Barbuda has enjoyed … within CARICOM is LIAT and this has been the case for several decades. “So I just hope that we are not going to have countries within the region opportunistically fighting us to get the headquarters in their country to displace Antigua and Barbuda,” added Browne. Leeward Island Air Transport was established in 1956 on the island of Montserrat. In 1971 Court Line Aviation of the UK acquired control and renamed the airline LIAT. Ownership of the airline was acquired by 11 Caribbean Governments in 1974 and it was renamed LIAT (1974) Ltd.
guised praise for the legislation governing adoption and protection of children, which incidentally was initially crafted by the former SLP administration, will have to be recalled, revised and amended.” According to Prime Minister Chastanet during his 2020/2021 Budget Address: “From the onset, on being elected to office in 2016, it was clear that the best policy response to the challenges facing the country was to take actions to cause the economy of Saint Lucia to grow at a faster rate. This required a radical change and review of delivery systems, institutional and governance frameworks and a new approach to the economy. In other words, we had “to build a new Saint Lucia”. In undertaking this task Mr Speaker, we identified the need for a new ethos and change in attitude, one which embraced a culture of excellence and a spirit of greater unity. One of our first tasks was to address our deteriorating physical infrastructure, especially roads and bridges, which in many cases were either inadequate or failing. We also needed, Mr Speaker, legislative and regulatory reforms to create new institutions and systems to manage and coordinate the processes associated with a new Saint Lucia. All of this our government saw as necessary if we were to become a more globally competitive and resilient country,” Prime Minister Allen Chastanet explained.
SIX MONTHS MARK FOR THE NOVEL CORONAVIRUS Gilead Says Remdesivir to Cost $2,340US for Five-Day Treatment
By Robert Langreth, New York City is reconsidering a plan to allow indoor dining July 6, as other states experience a surge in Covid-19 cases after reopening restaurants and bars. One of those states, Florida, reported a jump in its double-digit infection rate. Gilead Sciences Inc. said it will charge the U.S. government and other developed countries $390 per vial for its coronavirus-fighting drug remdesivir, or about $2,340 for a typical five-day course of treatment. Remdesivir is one of the first widely used drugs for Covid-19. It received an emergency use authorization from U.S. regulators in May, after a trial found the medicine hastened recovery by about four days in hospitalized patients. “We wanted to make sure that nothing gets in the way of remdesivir getting to patients,” Gilead Chief Executive Officer Daniel O’Day said in an interview. The price “will make sure all patients around the world have access to this medicine. Deaths from the virus surpassed 500,000 worldwide and confirmed cas-
Europe to Extend Travel Ban for U.S. (12:30 p.m. NY)
European Union governments are poised to extend a travel ban for U.S. residents for at least two weeks, according to a draft of a decision due to be formally adopted on Tuesday. The wording of the decision, seen by Bloomberg, signals that the ban disrupting both business and leisure travel across the Atlantic won’t be lifted until U.S. authorities control the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. California Cases Rise 2.5% (12:30 p.m. NY) California’s virus cases rose 2.5%, less than the seven-day average of 2.8%, for a total of 216,550 confirmed infections. Deaths climbed by 0.5%
Remdesivir is one of the first widely used drugs for Covid-19. Photographer: Ulrich Perrey/AFP via Getty Images
to 5,905. The rate of positive tests over the past 14 days was 5.5%, compared with 4.8% a week ago. NYC Reconsiders Indoor Dining (11 a.m. NY) New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said Monday that officials are reconsidering a plan to allow indoor dining July 6, as other states experience a surge in Covid-19 cases after reopening restaurants and bars. De Blasio cited surges of the virus in Texas, Florida and California as reasons to consider a slowdown in reopening restaurants, even at 50% capacity. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo expressed similar concerns Monday morning during an interview on NY1. “Around the country, a number of cities and states have been moving in the wrong direction,” de Blasio said. “We all love indoor dining, but we see problems with indoor dining.” The mayor said the city and state will make a decision within the next few days, as health officials are “paying attention to this lesson. We’re
increasingly concerned.” Florida Cases, Positive Rate Rise (10:40 a.m. NY) Florida reported 146,341 Covid-19 cases on Monday, up 3.7% from a day earlier, compared with an average increase of 5.5% in the previous seven days. Deaths among Florida residents reached 3,447, an increase of 0.8%, according to the report, which includes data through Sunday. Seen on a rolling seven-day basis, Florida’s new cases reached 46,124, the highest level ever. Cumulative hospitalizations of Florida residents rose by 110, or 0.8%, to 14,354. On a rolling seven day-basis, they reached 1,235. The new rate of people testing positive for the first time climbed to 13.7% for Sunday, from 12.2% on Saturday. During the recent surge, Florida’s Monday reports have tended be more muted than other days of the week with fewer labs reporting over the weekend.
es exceeded 10 million as the World Health Organization warned that the worst is yet to come. Tokyo reported more incidences of the disease, daily deaths in Iran reached a record and cases in Austria rose to the highest level since mid-May. Tomorrow marks six months since the World Health Organization became aware of the novel coronavirus, and the “worst is yet to come” given a lack of global solidarity, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, head of the World Health Organization, said at a briefing in Geneva. Some countries are experiencing a resurgence of cases and half the deaths are coming from the Americas, he said. “This virus can be suppressed and contained using the tools at hand,” and countries shouldn’t wait for a vaccine to deal with it, Tedros said, giving the examples of South Korea, Japan and Germany. “If any country is saying that contact-tracing is difficult, it is a lame excuse.” The WHO will send a team of researchers to China next week to study the virus’s origins, Tedros said.
Houston Hospitals Redefine ICU Capacity (9:53 a.m.) Just days after issuing a dire warning that Houston’s intensive-case unit wards were on the verge of disaster, the Texas Medical Center revamped how it describes bed capacity. Gone are any mention of “sustainable” and “unsustainable” surge capacity -- the descriptors that until now denoted non-ICU beds that can be converted to handle the overflow of patients. Instead, surge capacity is now divided between “phase 2” and “phase 3,” which account for 373 and 504 beds, respectively. Normal ICU capacity of 1,330 beds was 93% full as of Saturday, down from 100% in the middle of last week. The medical center, a cluster of hospitals, medical facilities and educational centers south of downtown, was among the systems stung by Governor Greg Abbott’s ban on elective surgeries last week in four metro areas to conserve bed space.
Tour de France goes virtual
By Zach Overholt, (Excerpts)Can’t wait for the postponed Tour de France to begin? Thanks to the most recent announcement from Zwift, you won’t have to. Well, at least for the virtual edition, that is. Today, Zwift announced that thew will be hosting a virtual Tour de France in partnership with the real thing. Starting July 4th, the racing will be held over three weekends leading up to the start of the actual race which has been rescheduled to begin on August 29th. Part of the Tour de France United, these races will benefit five different charity partners including Emmaüs, Secours Populaire, Jeugdfonds Sport and Cultuur, BiJeWa, and Qhubeka. On the professional side, there will be races held for both men and women, with 23 men’s steams and 17 women’s professional teams confirmed for the racing. That includes big names like Chris Froome, Geraint Thomas, Egan Bernal and Greg Van Avermaet for the men’s race and Marianne Vos and Anna Van der Breggen for the women’s. To make the virtual world feel a little more like the race’s French home, Zwift’s Watoptia will be getting a number of additions that are said to be inspired by Nice, which is this year’s home for the Grand Départ. More importantly, Zwift will be gaining two completely new maps – France and Paris. Consisting of six stages, the virtual TDF will start on Watopia for stages 1 and 2, where it moves to the new French map for stages 3, 4, and 5, and then finishes in Paris with laps on the ChampsÉlysées, including the iconic Arc de Triomphe. Just like the real tour, the Yellow, Green, Polka-do, and White jerseys
will be awarded to the overall leader, sprint leader, King of the Mountain, and best young rider. There will also be an award for the best overall team, and a Most Aggressive rider award sponsored by Antargaz. The racing will be broadcast to more than 130 different countries so you can get your racing fix world wide. Virtual l’Etape du Tour de France For those of you that prefer riding
to watching, Zwift will also be hosting a Virtual l’Etape du Tour de France series on the same three weekends. The real l’Etape is designed to give riders a taste of the Tour by allowing them to ride on an actual TDF mountain stage in a mass participation event. The virtual version will be similar, but held on Zwift instead of French roads. Three different stages will be
used for the virtual l’Etape, starting with the Watopia mountain route which the pros will race for stage 2. Then you’ll move to the new French map for the Casse-Pattes which the pros ride in stage 4, followed by the final stage where you’ll summit “Mont Ven-Top” – the virtual version of Mont Ventoux. Unlike watching the pros, you will need a Zwift account to ride the l’Etape du Tour.
Coronavirus: How Delhi ‘wasted’
lockdown to become India’s biggest hotspot Por AUTHOR, With more than 77,000 cases of Covid-19, India’s capital, Delhi, has become the country’s biggest hotspot. The BBC’s Aparna Alluri explains how this appears to be an opportunity missed. The city administration seems to have squandered the opportunity afforded by a stringent nationwide lockdown that lasted more than two months. Lax contact tracing, excessive bureaucracy, poor or no co-ordination with private health services and political wrangles have all led to a surge in numbers. Smaller Indian cities seem to be doing a far better job than the capital, the seat of India’s federal government. The southern city of Bangalore has been lauded for its contact-tracing efforts which have contained the infection, and Chennai (formerly Madras) has had relatively few deaths despite a surge in cases. But much like the financial
capital Mumbai, which has also been hit hard by the virus, Delhi has been overrun with cases and its public hospitals, some of the best and biggest in the country, are struggling. This is despite the fact that Delhi is governed by Arvind Kejriwal’s Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), which won a thumping majority earlier this year on the back of strong public services, including healthcare. So, what went wrong? Delhi’s caseload has risen sharply since the beginning of June - more than 50,000 of its Covid-19 cases were confirmed this month alone. One reason could be increased rate of testing with newly approved antigen kits - a rapid diagnostic test that gives results in as little as a half hour. “Testing is not a panacea,” K Srinath Reddy, president of the Public health Foundation of India and member of the national Covid-19 taskforce, told the BBC. “Of course you must test -
but test judiciously, test based on symptoms or other clear criteria.” And that, he adds, is only possible with “early case identification and exhaustive contact tracing” neither of which has happened. A study on contact tracing by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) found that between January and April, India, on average, tested 20 contacts for every confirmed case. But there were massive discrepancies. While some states such as Karnataka averaged 93 contacts, Delhi tested as few as nine. some people have taken to Twitter, alleging that even family members of Covid-positive patients were not being tested, and their neighbourhoods were not being contained. Delhi has now announced an ambitious slew of measures, including door-to-door screenings of all its 29 million residents, random sampling of 26,000 people across the city, and the use of drones and police to maintain physical distancing.
Section Navy reports removal of 5,000 tonnes of sargassum in Quintana Roo The ugly weed is yet one more hardship. Saharan dust clouds, the consequences for tourism of the coronavirus and the advent of hurricane season have given residents and businesses in Quintana Roo plenty to worry about as the state faces one of its most difficult summers in history. However, reports from Playa del Carmen and other beach destinations in the state have added another concern to the list of worries: the return of sargassum which has blighted beaches in the area for several years. As of this week, 5,678 tonnes of sargassum have been removed from the region’s beaches since the algae first washed up in May, according to a report by the navy. Photos published on Facebook by the Citizens’ Sargassum Observatory showed the foul-smelling weed on several beaches. “Seven workers and a single tractor is all they have on the ground to collect the sargassum in Playa del Carmen,” the organization reported, posting an image of a group of people attacking the seaweed with shovels. The upscale, gated community of Playacar has also seen its beaches covered in a blanket of sargassum this month. So far, Playa del Carmen, the Riviera Maya
A sargassum-free beach Friday in Playa del Carmen.
and Akumal have recorded the highest concentrations of sargassum, which can cause irritation if it comes in contact with the skin. There were significant quantities in Punta Piedra, Tulum, and an image captured from Krystal Hotel and Resorts, in Punta Cancún, showed a long line of sargassum on its white sand beaches, although the seaweed problem there was minimal compared to other areas. Puerto Morelos, Cozumel, Holbox and Punta Allen have also seen low quantities of
seaweed, and Isla Mujeres and Isla Contoy have so far been immune, according to reports. The navy warned this week that large accumulations of sargassum will hit the Quintana Roo coast over the next three months. According to forecasts, the most affected beaches will be in Solidaridad, where Playa del Carmen is located, Cozumel, Tulum and Othón P. Blanco. “With cleaning of the sea in the Mexican Caribbean area as a priority, naval personnel work constantly for the eradication of
the algae with the support of state, municipal and civil organizations,” the Navy said. More than 20,000 people have been involved in the coastal cleanup. Additionally, Navy marines have installed 4,252 meters of floating barriers at sea to stop the seaweed from washing up on beaches. The navy also uses flyovers to determine the position of the seaweed, and deploys sargassum-seeking ships to intercept the floating brown algae before it blights the coastline. (Milenio y Infobae)
Proposal: $24,000 Domestic Travel & Tourism Tax Credits For Next Stimulus Package By Shahar Ziv, Republican Senator Martha McSally introduced legislation on Monday to incent domestic travel through the end of 2022. The “American Tax Rebate and Incentive Program Act’’ or the ‘‘American TRIP Act’,” would provide a yearly tax credit of $8,000 for joint filers (or $4,000 for individuals) as well as an additional $500 for dependent children for tax years 2020, 2021, and 2022. “The tourism and hospitality industries were among the hardest hit sectors across the country and their revival is critical to our economic recovery,” McSally said in a statement. “My legislation will help boost domestic travel and jumpstart the come-
back of our hotels, entertainment sectors, local tourism agencies. . . and encourage Americans to safely get out of their homes and discover or rediscover Arizona along with the rest of the amazing destinations our country has to offer after a difficult several months stuck inside.” Proposal Could Help Spur Travel Recovery: The travel industry was one of the hardest hit by Covid-19 leading to over $234 billion in cumulative losses for the U.S. travel economy since the beginning of March. The U.S. Travel Association is predicting an overall $910 billion blow to the U.S. economy because of coronavirus. Additionally, reduced travel is expected to have
a significant impact on federal, state and local tax revenues. The U.S. Travel Association estimates that “the continual depressed level of travel spending has caused a loss of $30 billion in federal, state, and local tax revenue since March 1.” Encouraging Travel Before Its Safe? Other experts also questioned the timing of the tax credit and whether it would encourage travel before it was safe; or, even worse, it migh help spread coronavirus across the country. “Americans love to travel and love to eat out, so there is huge pent-up demand. But as the lockdowns ease, it is fear of the virus that will hold people back, and sensibly so. In fact, the faster
long-distance travel resumes, the harder it will be to contain the next waves of the pandemic,” Harvard economics professor Kenneth Rogoff told Newsweek. With more than half of the U.S. currently seeing an increase in coronavirus cases, promoting domestic travel could be reckless and unsafe. Conclusion: While the proposal may sound appealing, it may have a tough time gaining traction given that it excludes almost half of U.S. households and may not be the best use of taxpayer dollars to jumpstart the economy and support millions of Americans who are struggling financially. For the full article go to Forbes. com
One Vision…One People BILL OF RIGHTS The People’s United Party wants to share its vision with the Belizean people. It is rooted in a philosophy that goes back to the Father of our Nation the Right Hon. George Price. Mr. Price always believed ours was a work in progress; he led a revolution that is at its core peaceful, always constructive, progressive and uniquely Belizean. These values remain true today and form a part of our PUP Creed. We are committed to the protection of our territorial sovereignty. We cannot, and will not risk even an inch of our beloved country, from the Rio Hondo to the Sarstoon. And we are committed to an accessible, fair and independent justice system and the rule of law in Belize. The PUP will always seek to achieve social, economic and environmental justice. It is a commitment to the socio-economic improvement of all Belizeans. Our plan is to rid Belize of poverty. To the PUP, poverty is an ugly scar on our nation’s collective conscience, and no amount of cosmetic surgery can paste over the suffering of close to half of our people, most of them women and children, who live on less than ten dollars per day. This is not only a task for governments. We all have a stake in this enterprise, but government must LEAD and bold leaders must show that they truly care. For us the task ahead is clear - to build a Belize that works for everyone, so that every Belizean should come to expect five things. This vision, this determination, has created what we call our BELIZEAN BILL OF RIGHTS. FIRST - Every Belizean should have access to a piece of land. With land we immediately create opportunities for upliftment and personal growth. SECOND - Every Belizean should be able to own a decent home. The 17th Century Jurist and politician Edward Coke in speaking on human rights said: “A man’s home is his castle.” Every Belizean in 2020 should expect such an entitlement whether they live on Bocotora Street or on Seashore Drive. THIRD - Every Belizean should be given the chance to go to school from pre-school to junior college. We have to make education free from pre-kinder to Junior College. If we will give our young people a chance at success, it must start with a good education. FOURTH – Accessibility to quality basic health care is critical, which means every Belizean should be enrolled in the National Health Insurance Program. If we can invest 42 million dollars in a basketball stadium, then we should be able to provide basic health services to all. FIFTH and most important, the driving force behind it all is JOBS - good jobs that can lead to meaningful careers; jobs that will give Belizeans a chance for personal growth and prosperity and provide a hand up for those at the very bottom of the economic ladder. If we do these things, if we create a fair and just society, if we build on these principles we will then be able to change people’s lives and together we will rid our shores of the scourge that is poverty.