Belize Times June 4, 2023 $90M Hospital for All

Page 27

Upon this news, the haters of development for Belize flocked from sun up to 7pm manufacturing anti-healthcare stories on the go. It is definitely shameful how a few UDP haters hide behind a Union presidency or smile as a gossip show host or a stumble as a loo and oppose the construction of a fully-loaded tertiary health care institution destined to help Belizeans of all walks. These shameless UDPs who now oppose health care, also opposed jobs, disrespected Belizean talent, and ignored the plight of thousands who cannot wait for this level of hospital to be accessible in the real center of the country, Belmopan—check Google maps. The lowly UDP fresh of being exposed for a so-called Definitive Agreement which dwarfs any other scandal in Belizean history are looking for anything to dissuade the public from witnessing a mega-scandal by creating another mega-scandal—opposing something as honourable as building a hospital which is always needed to keep our population with the cleanest bill of health. A healthy population works.

THE BELIZE TIMES 1 4 JUN 4 JUNE 2023 | ISSUE NO: 5354 The Truth Shall Make You Free facebook/belizetimespress | $1.00 Taiwan Boosts Safety in the City HURRICANE SEASON BEGINS: ARE WE PREPARED? $90M STATE-OF-THE ART HOSPITAL FOR ALL DFC Wins: Alide Award 2023 for support of Women Entrepreneurs The Belize Times Established 1957
Hospital in Belmopan Pg. 6 Pg. 9 Pg. 8 Pg. 13 PM Briceño
Pg. 2 Pg. 10 LABOUR MEETING WITH CARIBBEAN MINISTERS Water for 850 plus residents Min. Oscar Requena Chairs Fire Truck Donation
Access to 150-Bed University
Addresses Leaders’ Summit in South Korea


Access to 150-Bed University Hospital in Belmopan

Continued from page 1

One of the mantras of our democracy is that of our healthy Opposition but Belize has none now. The UDP was so scandal-ridden that their moral authority to point wrongs has been terminally compromised. The PUP get a concession type loan of 90 million and the UDP writeoff $90 million for wealthy land owners. The UDP let a 30 Million grant loan for a hospital literally expire because they were too incompetent to put it to use. Shyne, a

Government to Establish a New University Hospital for Belmopan

A significant priority in the Ministry of Health & Wellness (MOHW) is to strengthen universal health coverage, which means that all Belizeans have access to the full range of quality health services they need. This should be accompanied by the fundamental strategy of “improving the quality of care,” which is one of the many underlying principles that made the Government of Belize consider the construction of another hospital in Belmopan. Apart from providing tertiary care services in a phased-in approach, it will also be the secondary care hospital, replacing the current structure of the Western Regional Hospital, which has deteriorated significantly.

Since the construction of the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital (KHMH) in 1995, the population of Belize has grown from 198,000 to 417,000. The KHMH remains the only tertiary care public hospital in the country, providing specialized care in surgery, neurosurgery, cardiology, neurology, and intensive care for adults and children, among other key areas.

sasters; therefore, this project will ensure an alternative for the evacuation of KHMH should the need arise. During every hurricane season, the MOHW encounters the challenge of identifying space to evacuate patients who need to remain hospitalized should a hurricane impact the city. It is, therefore, imperative to create a permanent alternative for evacuation; this is also an underlying reason for the new hospital project. The disaster mitigation strategy also demands that health facilities be climate resilient. This is an effort to help assure the continuity of quality health and human care before, during, and after extreme weather events.

This project will have a dual role as it will also be the University Hospital for the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Belize, which is currently being developed. It will represent the linkage for networking with the Caribbean and Central American subregion for the formation of human resources in health.

deportee from the USA, was gifted Mesopotamia to keep the UDP in the dark ages. His task is to hide all the scandals of the UDP but they are being exposed one by one.

Joe and Fonso, also, shouted foul…the PUP is doing things outside of planBelize. How dare the PUP not follow planBelize. The crass-minded duo challenged “let me see planBelize.” So Fonso starts reading to their few listeners. Ooops, yes…the PUP did promise a hospital in San Pedro and Belmo-

pan among others…and they are delivering. It is easy to analyze. The UDP see meaningful Housing, Resilient Infrastructure, International accolades, historic unemployment, historic job availability, debt management, tourism boom, agriculture diversity, education reform, constitutional reform, women opportunities, MSMEs rise, BPO proliferation and FDIs everywhere. They see no UDP in government for any term during their lifetime and it hurts to their rotten core. The UDP bawl.

Prime Minister Signs Loan Agreement with Saudi Fund for Development to Construct Tertiary Hospital

On May 30, Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño signed a US$45-million development loan agreement with the Saudi Fund for Development (SFD) for the construction of a tertiary hospital in Belmopan. His Excellency Ahmed

Al Khateeb, Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Tourism and Chairman of the Board of Directors of SFD, signed on behalf of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The signing is part of efforts taken by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to support developing countries and small island developing states like Belize to overcome sustainable development and climate change challenges. This agreement, therefore, emphasizes the kingdom’s commitment.

Witnessing the signing were Hon. Anthony Mahler, Minister of Tourism and Diaspora Relations; Hon. Kevin Bernard, Minister of Health & Wellness; Hon. Christopher Coye, Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development and Investment; Mrs. Narda Garcia, CEO in the Office of the Prime Minister and Investment and H.E. Haisam Diab.

More than 200,000 citizens are expected to benefit from the new state-

of-the-art medical facility which will provide both secondary and tertiary healthcare services. Additionally, the new facility will serve a dual role as the university hospital for the University of Belize’s Faculty of Medicine, providing an enabling environment to foster the growth and development of future medical professionals.

Belmopan is an ideal location for the hospital, which will not only serve residents of western and southern Belize but will also provide an alternative for the evacuation of patients from the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital during natural disasters, should the need arise. This will ensure the continuation of medical services before, during, and after such events.

Prior to the signing, the delegations held a bilateral meeting during which H.E. Al Khateeb informed the Prime Minister that funding was also approved to the Government of Belize for the construction of a solar energy plant that will assist the country in meeting its energy needs using an eco-friendly energy source. The solar energy plant discussions also dovetailed on the advantage to continue promoting Belize

In 1995, the combined population for Stann Creek and Toledo districts was approximately 39,200; now it is 83,000. The Western Regional Hospital has been the support health facility for the southern health region. It is then essential to replace the current structure and make tertiary care services available and accessible to the residents of the western and southern districts. The establishment of some tertiary care, for example, intensive care, in this new hospital will bring improved, critical services for the population closer to home.

The MOHW is cognizant of the issue of human resources and the concern surrounding the staffing of the new facility; therefore, efforts are being made through bilateral agreements to recruit specialized human resources. The need for more human resources stems from the expansion of allied health services, along with the creation of relevant posts and the expansion towards 24/7 coverage in all district hospitals.

Belize City is prone to natural di-

as an eco-tourism destination. Following an invitation from Prime Minister Briceño to participate in the upcoming Belize Investment Summit, scheduled for August 30 to September 1 in San Pedro Town, the Saudi Minister of Tourism committed the participation of government officials and private sector representatives from Saudi Arabia.

Since its establishment in 1974, SFD has implemented more than 700 development projects and programs worldwide. Belize is the 88th country to benefit from SFD funding for a development project.

The people and Government of Belize thank the people and Government of the Kingdom of Saudia Arabia for their support, which will ensure that every citizen is afforded access to affordable and quality healthcare and healthcare facilities.

The MOHW recognizes the need to improve its readiness to respond to emerging and re-emerging diseases, which are currently global threats. Being able to react promptly to pandemics within the context of universal health coverage requires preparedness in the areas of human resources, laboratory strengthening, capacity building, surveillance, etc. The collaboration with the University of Belize in establishing a medical school and having this new hospital as the University Hospital will contribute to emergency preparedness.

It is envisioned that this hospital will become an enabling environment for the next generation of medical professionals, foster an atmosphere of learning and growth, and will be a huge source of inspiration not only for doctors and nurses but also for medical laboratory technicians, pharmacists, and other allied health personnel.

The Government of Belize and the Ministry of Health & Wellness are convinced that this investment will lead to improved healthcare for all Belizeans.

serving Belize since 1957 as the longest continuous newspaper.

Founder: Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus


Fay Castillo EDITOR

José Jiménez


Printed and Published By TIMES NEWSPAPER LTD. Tel: 671-8385 #3 Queen Street P.O. BOX 506 Belize City, Belize Email: The Belize Times The Truth Shall Make You Free 14 APR 2013 ISSUE NO: 4840 $1.00


It has been a most interesting week to be sure. The Big Deal bounded into San Narciso Village but it seems that his Cheddah Bounce was a little weak and after a very short visit it turned into a walk of shame worthy of The Game of Thrones. As if that was not comedy enough, a certain talk show host was clearly surprised to discover in his personal copy of Plan Belize that in fact, this PUP Government is keeping their commitments to Belizeans. Clearly, this was not the same experience he had while his own political party was in power which would explain his incredulity. Plan Belize commits to new hospitals in San Pedro Town, Belmopan, and another in the South. So far two of those have materialized and Belizeans have not had to wait until a few months before an election to have multiple sham ground-breaking ceremonies as was the case in Belize Rural South with the serial groundbreaker.

Health and Health care are basic human rights. This government is rolling out universal healthcare coverage at the primary level through NHI. This will decrease the load at the secondary and tertiary levels. The Hospital in San Pedro will address the needs of that population at the secondary level again ameliorating the overload now carried at the KHMH. The new hospital facility in Belmopan will address two problems simultaneously, it will provide secondary-level care for people in the area and aid in the formation of healthcare professionals as it will be a teaching hospital. As the population in Belize grows it is expected that the demand for professionals will increase. The ideal ratio is 1 doctor and 2 nurses for every 4000 residents at the primary health care level and therefore in anticipation there is a need to address the formation and continuous capacity building in this regard.

There is also a need to address the professional formation of pharmacists, and laboratory technicians, and the training and capacity building of other high-level medical personnel. The ability to anticipate the needs and to be able to plan for them is something the UDP and the former Minister of Health never quite got. What passed for health care under the UDP were merely knee jerks and reactionary rather than thorough assessment and minute planning. This was the reason that the cracks in the system turned craters as soon as a stressor such as the pandemic attacked. The system is still not perfect, and after thirteen years of mismanagement, neglect, and the pandemic there is still much work to be accomplished. The difference this time around is that there is a plan, and there is true leadership in both the Minister of Health and Wellness and the Prime Minister. They keep their commitments and understand that health is one of the key factors to lowering poverty and increasing the productivity and well-being of Belizeans. Even Fonzo had to grudgingly agree that the PUP is keeping up with Plan Belize and that my friends, is the Real Deal!


EDITORIAL en Español


Ha sido una semana de lo más interesante. Don Gran Cosa llegó a Louisville Village, pero parece que su Cheddah Bounce era un poco débil y después de una visita muy corta se convirtió en un paseo de la vergüenza digno de El Juego de Tronos. Por si esto no fuera suficiente comedia, cierto presentador de un programa de entrevistas se sorprendió claramente al descubrir en su copia personal del Plan Belice que, de hecho, este Gobierno del PUP está cumpliendo sus compromisos con los beliceños. Evidentemente, no fue la misma experiencia que tuvo cuando su propio partido político estaba en el poder, lo que explicaría su incredulidad. El Plan Belice se compromete a construir nuevos hospitales en San Pedro Town, Belmopán y otro en el sur. Hasta la fecha, dos de ellos se han materializado y los beliceños no han tenido que esperar hasta unos meses antes de las elecciones para celebrar múltiples ceremonias de inauguración falsas, como ocurrió en Belice Rural Sur con el pionero en serie. La salud y la atención sanitaria son derechos humanos básicos. Este Gobierno está desplegando una cobertura sanitaria universal en el nivel primario a través del NHI. Esto reducirá la carga en los niveles secundario y terciario. El hospital de San Pedro atenderá las necesidades de esa población en el nivel secundario, aliviando de nuevo la sobrecarga que soporta ahora el KHMH. El nuevo hospital de Belmopán resolverá dos problemas a la vez: proporcionará asistencia secundaria a la población de la zona y contribuirá a la formación de profesionales sanitarios, ya que será un hospital docente. A medida que crezca la población de Belice, se espera que aumente la demanda de profesionales. La proporción ideal es de un médico y dos enfermeras por cada 4.000 residentes en el nivel de atención sanitaria primaria, por lo que, en previsión, es necesario abordar la formación y el desarrollo continuo de capacidades en este sentido.

También es necesario abordar la formación profesional de farmacéuticos y técnicos de laboratorio, así como la formación y capacitación de otro personal médico de alto nivel. La capacidad de anticiparse a las necesidades y poder planificarlas es algo que el UDP y el anterior Ministro de Salud nunca consiguieron del todo. Lo que pasó por asistencia sanitaria bajo el UDP fueron meros tirones de rodilla reaccionarias en lugar de una evaluación exhaustiva y una planificación minuciosa. Esta fue la razón por la que las grietas del sistema se convirtieron en cráteres tan pronto como un factor de estrés como la pandemia atacó. El sistema sigue sin ser perfecto y, tras trece años de mala gestión, negligencia y pandemia, todavía queda mucho trabajo para hacer. La diferencia esta vez es que hay un plan, y hay un verdadero liderazgo tanto en el Ministro de Salud y Bienestar como en el Primer Ministro. Mantienen sus compromisos y entienden que la salud es uno de los factores clave para reducir la pobreza y aumentar la productividad y el bienestar de los beliceños. Incluso Fonzo tuvo que reconocer a regañadientes que el PUP está cumpliendo el Plan Belice, y eso, amigos míos, ¡es la verdadera gran cosa...!

04 04

Prime Minister Meets with Green Climate Fund and Global Green Growth Institute

South Korea, May 26, 2023.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries of the Republic of Korea invited the Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, Minister of Finance, Economic Development and Investment, to be the keynote speaker at the World Climate Industry Expo - Leaders’ Summit in Busan, Republic of Korea. The summit will take place on May 27, under the theme “Global Cooperation and Solidarity for the Fight against Climate Change in the Ocean.”

Hon. John Briceño’s delegation includes Hon. Eamon Courtenay, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Immigration, and Dr. Osmond Martinez, Chief Executive Officer in the Ministry of Economic Development.

The delegation met with Dr. Frank Rijsberman, Director General of the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI). The GGGI was established as an international intergovernmental organization in 2012 with a vision to have a low-carbon resilient world and to support its members in transforming their economies into a green growth economic model. The institute works closely with the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and focuses on assisting developing nations with capacity building and the mobilization of climate finance. With the need for maximizing climate finance in Belize, the GGGI invited Belize to become a member enjoying the benefits of capacity-building and technical assistance.

Prime Minister Briceño and his delegation also visited the GCF Headquarters. Their discussions centered on improving the approval process of the Project Preparation Facility, projects proposed by Belize that will be going to the Board of Governors for approval, the accreditation of the Development Finance Corporation, and the re-accreditation of the National Accredited Entity — the Protected Areas Conservation Trust — and the Regional Accredited Entity — the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre.

The Prime Minister also invited representatives of the GCF to visit Belize to have a firsthand experience of the challenges Belize faces due to climate change. The meeting ended favourably, with GCF offering assistance in providing capacity-building expertise within our human resource sector.

The Belize delegation concluded their day with a working dinner meeting hosted by H.E. Hyoeun Jenny Kim, Ambassador and Deputy Minister of Climate Change in Korea's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Later today, the Prime Minister is scheduled to meet with the Prime Minister Han Duck-soo of South Korea.

Tonex Invest Ltd. #000000475 (“the Company”)

Notice is hereby given that the Company named Tonex Invest Ltd. has been dissolved and struck off the Belize Companies & Corporate Affairs Registry Register with effect from the 30th May, 2023 CILTrust International Limited Registered Agent

Notice of Dissolution THE BELIZE TIMES


PM Briceño Addresses Leaders’ Summit in South Korea

Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, on the invitation of the Government of the Republic of Korea, delivered the keynote address at the World Climate Industry Expo - Leaders’ Summit in Busan, South Korea, on May 27.

In his address, Prime Minister Briceño focused on the threatening effects of climate change on food security, the vulnerability of the livelihoods of humanity, the annual losses that Belize’s gross domestic product (GDP) suffered - which is around 4%- and the unique economic model that Belize has created through the Blue Bond. Furthermore, he spoke about ocean solutions as climate solutions, also pointing to their importance as food security and biodiversity solutions. He also spoke of the importance of investing in ocean conservation as an investment in the sustainability and prosperity of our people, highlighting that the state of our world’s oceans already reflects a narrative of the impacts of the present and the past. He further stated that to reverse the effects, we need to develop “brain trusts” that will respond to the fundamental question of, “How do we harness our achievements and accomplishments to scale finance in conservation that matters for our oceans and our people?”

In November 2021, the Government of Belize and The Nature Conservancy announced the completion of a US$364-million debt conversion for marine conservation that reduced Belize’s debt by 12% of GDP. This move created long-term sustainable financing for conservation and locked in our commitment to protect 30% of Belize’s seas, as well as a range of other con-

5 FEB 2023

servation measures. The Prime Minister encouraged developed nations to support developing nations in their efforts to adapt to and mitigate the impacts of climate change on their marine environments.

Honourable Briceño concluded his speech by emphasizing to leaders that the “time to act is now.” By taking decisive and bold steps, countries can steer the planet toward a sustainable and resilient future. He also called on nations to rise above self-interest and work together to combat climate change for the sake of the oceans, vulnerable and poor populations, future generations and, more so, because this is truly the only place that can be called home.

Prime Minister Briceño extends his gratitude to Prime Minister Han Duck-soo and the Government and people of the Republic of Korea for their hospitality and for hosting this important summit that focuses on moving forward in the face of climate change, for all people and the planet.

(Speech on Page 7)


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5 FEB 2023



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Your Excellencies, Other Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen.

On behalf of my delegation, I thank the Government of the Republic of Korea for their warm hospitality and for their excellent hosting of this important summit that focuses on moving forward in the face of climate change for our planet and people.

In Belize, we proclaim that nature has blessed us with wealth untold. Among our treasures is the beautiful Caribbean Sea, which spans our entire Eastern coastline, stretching approximately 190 miles (300 kilometres) along the coast. This, our blue space, is a treasure trove of socio-economic wealth, natural beauty, and biodiversity. Belize is the home of the largest barrier reef in the western hemisphere; indeed, the largest living barrier reef in the world. The Belize Barrier Reef is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most significant features of Belize’s marine space. The coral reefs in Belize are incredibly diverse and teeming with life. We also have the great Blue hole, a giant sinkhole that forms a near perfect deep blue circle - 300 metres across and 125 metres deep. It is an iconic dive and snorkelling site that attracts adventurers from around the world.

The sea in Belize is captivating and vibrant. Of the four atolls in the Western Hemisphere, three of these natural wonders border our reef line. Its pristine waters, thriving coral reefs, and abundant marine life make it a truly exceptional destination for underwater adventure. But all of these natural wonders are now being threatened by the climate crisis that is upon us. As a global community, we have acknowledged and experienced the devastating impacts on our environment, productive sectors, and our broader economies brought on by rising temperatures, sea levels rises and excessive CO¬¬2 emissions. The effects of Climate Change are threatening the security and livelihoods of humanity. In Belize, our GDP has suffered annual losses of 4 percent due to the impact of climate change. As Global Leaders and scientists we have conceded to the opportunities the world oceans offer to build climate resilience via its protection and restoration of coastal areas.

Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, ocean solutions are climate solutions, but they are more than that - they are food security solutions and biodiversity solutions. Investing in ocean conservation is an investment in sustainability and prosperity of our people. The state of our world’s oceans already reflects a narrative of the impacts of the present and the past. There is perhaps no certainty of how far and how deep these impacts are felt but there is no denying that the oceans are changing before our very eyes. Our Oceans are warming at a pace that is likely to overwhelm their processes for the storage and transportation of heat and for nutrient supply for productivity. Roughly one third of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is being absorbed by the world’s oceans creating unprecedented acidic conditions threatening its functionality and continued delivery of ecosystem services globally and even more so to developing states. To reverse this, we need to develop “brain trusts” that will respond to this fundamental question: how do we harness our achievements and accomplishments to scale finance in conservation that matters for our oceans and our people?

The actions taken by my Government to protect the environment, through the development and implementation of marine strategies and the introduction of policies and legislation to protect the marine environment,



May 27, 2023

Time to Cope with Climate Change: for People, Planet & Prosperity

yielded immediate and positive results. In November 2021, the Government of Belize and The Nature Conservancy (TNC) announced the completion of a 364 million US dollar debt conversion for marine conservation. This reduced Belize’s debt by 12 percent of GDP. This move created long-term sustainable financing for conservation and locked in our commitment to protect 30 percent of Belize’s seas, as well as a range of other conservation measures. The transaction, when completed, was the world’s largest debt refinancing for ocean conservation. The debt conversion enabled Belize to repurchase USD 553 million, a quarter of the country’s total public debt, from bondholders at a 45 percent discount through a “Blue Loan” arranged by The Nature Conservancy (TNC). The “debt conversion” resulted in a reduction of USD 189 million in principal outstanding. Additionally, Belize saved around USD 200 million in debt service reduction over a period of 20 years. The savings achieved in the refinancing allowed Belize to create an estimated USD 180 million in conservation funding over 20 years, composed of annual cashflows from the government and an endowment capitalized through the Blue Loan. As part of the transaction, Belize committed to ocean conservation undertakings, including placing 30 percent of our ocean and parts of the Mesoamerican Reef, under protection by 2026, using a transparent, participatory Marine Spatial Planning process, and establishing an independent Conservation Fund to allocate the conservation funding to in-country partners.

Among many other awards, the Blue Bond transaction was recognized in Environmental Finance’s 2022 Bond Awards, winning the sovereign sustainability bond of the year and the award for sustainability bond structure innovation. Belize’s successful negotiations of its Blue Bond demonstrated a tested model for incorporating its marine conservation, climate and sustainable use commitments and goals into an innovative and non-traditional deal. The conservation of our seas is a must and Belize will see the global target of 30 by 30 met through its Blue Bond Deal by 2026. Belize recognizes the need to employ ecosystems-based management to better balance our use of the oceans with the need to maintain healthy and resilient oceans. Through its Blue Bonds, Belize intends to develop a comprehensive and inclusive Marine Spatial Plan for its entire Ocean Space to ensure that its Blue Economy is based on an approach which has incorporated conservation, traditional and indigenous approaches and nature positive development. We consider our Blue Bond to be an important milestone in financing ocean conservation goals and we are proud that it has served as a precedent for other sovereign green financing instruments and debt restructuring operations.

This endeavor requires global solidarity, cooperation, and equitable partnerships. Developed nations must support developing nations in their efforts to adapt to and to mitigate the impacts of climate change on their marine environments. Scientific research, knowledge-sharing, and capacity building initiatives should be fostered to empower all nations to tackle this shared crisis.

Your excellencies, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen the time to act is now. By taking decisive and bold steps, we can steer our planet towards a sustainable and resilient future. Let us rise above self-interest and work together to combat climate change, for the sake of the oceans, for the sake of the vulnerable and poor populations, for the sake of future generations, and more so, because this is truly the only place we can call home.

Thank you!

Prime Minister


“Social Justice: The Foundation for Sustainable Caribbean Transformation”

Hon. Oscar Requena, Minister of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour and Local Government, attended the 12th Meeting of Caribbean Ministers of Labour (CLMM) in Georgetown, Guyana, from May 23 to 25. Minister Requena was joined by Mr. Valentino

Shal, Chief Executive Officer in the ministry, and Mrs. Rissela Dominguez-Patt, Labour Commissioner.

Held under the theme, "Social Justice: The Foundation for Sustainable Caribbean Transformation," the meeting's main objective was to discuss the

Belize Chairs 30th Special Meeting of COHSOD

challenges affecting the Caribbean labour market. Discussions focused on social justice for the Caribbean, labour migration and mobility in the Caribbean, just transition for sustainable Caribbean socio-economic transformation, and fundamental principles and rights at work.

In his remarks, Minister Requena said, “I am a firm believer that encouraging social justice and decent labour is essential for achieving sustainable development. The occasion has paved the path for fruitful partnerships between Caribbean countries and encouraged regional collaboration for a better Belize. This meeting also provides strategic

Hon. Oscar Requena, Minister of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour, and Local Government, chaired the 30th Special Meeting of the Council for Human and Social Development (COHSOD), an organ of CARICOM, in Georgetown, Guyana, on May 24. Present at the meeting were Ministers of Labour and heads of delegations from CARICOM member states.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss a single agenda item related to advancing the Free Movement of Skilled Nationals in the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME). The CSME economic regime enables citizens of participating member states to travel and work within the region. This regime intends to increase the pool of skills accessible throughout the region, facilitate economic integration, and foster a sense of community and solidarity among member states. The free movement of persons is a crucial element of regional integration.

Hon. Roosevelt Skerrit, Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Dominica, led the discussion, having requested for member states to evaluate proposals on the freedom of movement, which includes a gradualist approach and the full free movement approach with accommodations for certain expectations and limitations. These options will appropriately consider the sensitivities of member states and provide for exceptions and flexibilities, including the phased implementation of specific categories or exclusions when necessary.

Member countries shared their position on the options and concluded with a commitment to continue working on this important matter for CARICOM.

discussions on how to enhance labour institutions while developing policies for long-term development and growth.”

During the session, Minister Requena also signed on to the “Latin America and the Caribbean Free of Child Labour Regional Initiative,” making Belize the 31st nation to join this regional effort.

Among the high-level participants at the forum were Ministers of Labour of the Caribbean, the CARICOM Secretariat, the Jamaica Employers' Federation, the Employers' Consultative Association of Trinidad and Tobago, and representatives from the Caribbean Congress of Labour.


National Fire Service Celebrates EMS Week with Open Day

Taiwan Boosts Safety in the City

Fire Truck Donation

On May 27, the Belize National Fire Service (NFS) held an open day at the San Ignacio/Santa Elena Fire Station as a part of Emergency Medical Service (EMS) Week, celebrated from May 21 to 27.

Now in its 49th year, EMS Week celebrates paramedics, emergency medical technicians, all EMS practitioners, and the important work they do in their communities as highlighted in this year’s theme, “EMS: Where Emergency Care Begins.” The week also serves as opportunity to continue to raise public awareness of the critical role of EMS.

Hon. Orlando Habet, Minister of Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management, delivered opening remarks at an opening ceremony to kick off the event. During the ceremony, Hon. Ramon Cervantes, Jr., Minister of State in the ministry, joined Minister Habet to distribute training certificates to firefighters who successfully completed the Emergency Medical Responder program.

Firefighters who are now certified in CPR also received certificates for completing the CPR Instructors Course. The officers have already commenced training sessions in surrounding villages in the Cayo District.

At the open day, the NFS showcased its Emergency Communications Center, extinguisher training, and rescue capabilities during a simulation exercise alongside the Spanish Lookout Rescue Team. The San Ignacio Community Hospital also provided blood and glucose checks along with other health information at their booth.

On May 30 the Belize City Council was delighted to have been able to collaborate with the Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) here in Belize to boost the Belize National Fire Service’s fleet in Belize City with the addition of a fire truck. This gift symbolizes the bonds of friendship that have developed over the years with Taiwan and will undoubtedly enhance the capabilities of our dedicated firefighters and strengthen their ability to respond effectively to emergencies. With advanced equipment and technology, our firefighters will be better equipped to save lives, protect property, and safeguard our beloved city.

The Belize City Council was represented by the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Councillors while the Government of Taiwan was represented by Ambassador Lily Li-Wen Hsu and the Belize National Fire Service by Fire Chief Colin Gillett. With consistent collaboration, there are no limits to what we can accomplish together!

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Located on the northeast coast of Central America, Belize is a country that is fully alert to the potential of investment as a crucial tool for sustainable economic development, income growth, and employment –both for local and foreign direct investment (FDI).

The exploration of non-traditional agricultural products and manufacturing activities has been a consistent focus of the Belizean government since the end of the 20th century to open the national economy, following a decrease in the commercial logging and timber export activities that had previously been a mainstay of its investment landscape.

Tourism is a key industry for economic activity and an invaluable source of foreign exchange for Belize. This runs parallel to the extensive export of seafood, particularly to the US, with a continued foray into different avenues of aquaculture such as shrimp farming.

Whether domestic or FDI, a healthy enabling environment for business is the cornerstone on

DFC Wins: Alide Award 2023 for support of Women Entrepreneurs

which successful investment rests. In Belize, this entails a sound macroeconomic environment, a robust domestic financial system, effective rules of law, good governance, and a suitably skilled workforce to meet capacity demands. In addition, the country fully leverages a host of incentive schemes devised through the government and designed to function as a catalyst for investment. Complementing these internal initiatives, which specifically target the growth and development of the country’s micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), is Belize’s active involvement in various agreements that maintain an openness to international trade. The coun -

Continued on page 12



Belize City, 24 May 2023: The public is hereby informed that, in accordance Regulation 32 of the Exchange Control Regulations, 2003, the Central Bank of Belize the buying rate of the United States Dollar at a rate of BZ$2.00 to US$1.00 for all monetary instruments, including currency notes, commencing 1 June 2023.

Belize City, 24 May 2023: The public is hereby informed that, in accordance with Regulation 32 of the Exchange Control Regulations, 2003, the Central Bank of Belize has fixed the buying rate of the United States Dollar at a rate of BZ$2.00 to US$1.00 for all United States monetary instruments, including currency notes, commencing 1 June 2023.

Therefore, all transactions involving the purchase and sale of all United States instruments, including currency notes, must be conducted as follows:


Therefore, all transactions involving the purchase and sale of all United States monetary instruments, including currency notes, must be conducted as follows:

City of Belmopan, Cayo District

| June 1, 2023 – The Development Finance Corporation (DFC) known for its establishment of innovative loan products and creation of support of various businesses across the country whether small or large, announces today that its "Empowered Business Loans (EBL)" was named the winner of the ALIDE Award 2023. ALIDE, the Latin American Association of Development Finance Institutions, is the international organization that represents Latin American and Caribbean development banking since 1968.


Belize City, 24 May 2023: The public is hereby informed that, in accordance with Regulation 32 of the Exchange Control Regulations, 2003, the Central Bank of Belize has fixed the buying rate of the United States Dollar at a rate of BZ$2.00 to US$1.00 for all United States monetary instruments, including currency notes, commencing 1 June 2023.



Belize City, 24 May 2023: The public is hereby informed that, in accordance with Regulation 32 of the Exchange Control Regulations, 2003, the Central Bank of Belize has fixed the buying rate of the United States Dollar at a rate of BZ$2.00 to US$1.00 for all United States monetary instruments, including currency notes, commencing 1 June 2023.

Therefore, all transactions involving the purchase and sale of all United States monetary instruments, including currency notes, must be conducted as follows:

Therefore, all transactions involving the purchase and sale of all United States monetary instruments, including currency notes, must be conducted as follows:


Note that this change aligns the buying rates for US currency notes and other instruments at BZ$2.00 to US$1.00.

Note that this change aligns the buying rates for US currency notes and other monetary instruments at BZ$2.00 to US$1.00.

The Central Bank of Belize encourages individuals and firms to transact their holdings of United States currency and monetary instruments with an authorised dealer, subject to regulations under the Money Laundering and Terrorism (Prevention) Act, 2020.

This award is for the recognition of best practices in development financial institutions, in the category "Support for Women Entrepreneurs" in recognition of its contribution to supporting women and young people to access financing and financial assistance, and, at the same time, with the provision of free evaluation of commercial and property projects.

The award was presented to the Development Finance Corporation by ALIDE at the 53rd ALIDE General Assembly Awards Ceremony in San Pedro Sula, Honduras on June 1, 2023. The Regional Award gives DFC recognition among other Development Finance Institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean. DFC is being represented at the meeting by its Chief Executive Officer, Henry N. Anderson and Chief Lending Officer, Shanelle Reneau.

The Central Bank of Belize encourages individuals and firms to transact their holdings States currency and monetary instruments with an authorised dealer, subject under the Money Laundering and Terrorism (Prevention) Act, 2020.

Note that this change aligns the buying rates for US currency notes and other monetary instruments at BZ$2.00 to US$1.00.

The Central Bank of Belize encourages individuals and firms to transact their holdings of United States currency and monetary instruments with an authorised dealer, subject to regulations under the Money Laundering and Terrorism (Prevention) Act, 2020

Note that this change aligns the buying rates for US currency notes and other monetary instruments at BZ$2.00 to US$1.00.


- ENDS -

- ENDS -

The Central Bank of Belize encourages individuals and firms to transact their holdings of United States currency and monetary instruments with an authorised dealer, subject to regulations under the Money Laundering and Terrorism (Prevention) Act, 2020 -

Belize Authorised Dealers Buying Rate Selling Rate Buying Rate Selling Rate BZ$2.00 BZ$2.0063 BZ$2.00 BZ$2.0175
Central Bank of Belize Authorised Dealers Buying Rate Selling Rate Buying Rate Selling Rate BZ$2.00 BZ$2.0063 BZ$2.00 BZ$2.0175
Central Bank of Belize Authorised Buying Rate Selling Rate Buying Rate BZ$2.00 BZ$2.0063 BZ$2.00
INSTRUMENTS Central Bank of Belize Authorised Dealers Buying Rate Selling Rate Buying Rate Selling Rate BZ$2.00 BZ$2.0063 BZ$2.00 BZ$2.0175

People's Constitution Commission: Empowering Public Participation in Belize's Constitutional Reform

In a significant step toward strengthening democratic principles and ensuring an inclusive governance structure, the People's Constitution Commission (PCC) has emerged as a vital force for public participation in Belize's constitutional reform process. The Commission's commitment to engaging citizens and amplifying their voices will revitalize the national discourse on constitutional matters and will ultimately pave the way for a more representative and accountable democracy.

As Belizeans, we recognize that a constitution is the cornerstone of a nation's governance, providing a framework that safeguards our rights, shapes our institutions, and governs the relationships between citizens, government, and state. It is imperative that the constitution reflects the values and aspirations of the people it serves. In this regard, the PCC has emerged as a beacon of hope, with the plans to drive an inclusive and participatory process to reshape the constitutional landscape of Belize.

One of the most striking aspects of the PCC's approach is its dedication in proper planning which will ensure the involvement of ordinary citizens, amplifying their voices, and facilitating their contributions. The commission will implement a multi-faceted strategy, combining nationwide public consultations, civic education campaigns, and the use of modern technology to gather inputs from Belizeans across diverse communities.

With plans to make the constitutional reform dialogue to the grassroots level, the PCC will generate enthusiasm and encourage civic engagement among citizens who may have felt marginalized or disconnected from traditional decision-making processes. Through town hall meetings, focus group discussions, and online platforms, individuals from all walks of life have had the opportunity to share their ideas, concerns, and aspirations for a new constitution that truly reflects the collective will of the Belizean people.

Moreover, the PCC's commitment to transparency and accountability is aimed to build trust and confidence among Belizeans. The commission has planned to make every effort to ensure that the constitutional reform process remains open, accessible, and responsive to public input. Regular updates, consultations, and feedback mechanisms will allow citizens to stay informed and actively participate throughout the journey.

In recognition of the significance of the PCC's efforts, both the government and civil society organizations have come together to support and champion the Commission's work. This collaborative approach underscores the shared commitment to a participatory democracy where citizens are active stakeholders in shaping their country's future.

As Belize moves forward on its constitutional reform journey, the importance of public participation cannot be overstated. The PCC's innovative and inclusive plans will reinvigorate the nation's democratic fabric, ensuring that the constitutional reform process reflects the diverse voices and perspectives of Belizeans. By placing the power to shape the nation's constitution firmly in the hands of its citizens, Belize is setting a commendable example for other nations seeking to embrace genuine participatory democracy.

People’s Constitution Commission

Market Square Plaza, Belmopan, BELIZE Tel: 822-3669 Email:

Let Belize Live


Address of Premier George Price of Belize at the Official Opening of the Extraordinary Session of CARICOM Ministers Responsible for Foreign Affairs

Belmopan City

March 17, 1981

Mr. Secretary General, Excellencies, Hon. Ministers of the Cabinet and Members of the National Assembly, Members of the Diplomatic Corps, Distinguished guests, My fellow Belizeans,

Please accept a heartfelt welcome to Ministers and distinguished guests from our fellow Caribbean States who are here to take part in this extraordinary session of the Standing Committee of Ministers responsible for Foreign Affairs. We see some familiar faces of good friends among you. For some of you this is not your first visit to Belize, for others it is. You are all welcome.

Apart from attending the scheduled meetings, you will have an opportunity to meet and talk with a cross-section of our Belizean people. This will give them an opportunity to personally thank all of you for the effective work you have done to help Belize reach this important milestone on the road to a secure Independence with all our territory.

Yesterday, a release was issued simultaneously in Belmopan, London and Guatemala City setting out the Heads of Agreement reached at the talks just ended between the United Kingdom and Guatemalan governments over the country of Belize. Copies of these Heads of Agreement have been circulated to delegates and are being given wide publicity among our people.

As I signed the agreement in London on behalf of the Government of Belize, I was very conscious of the fact that without your solid support it would have been impossible to have reached this far in attaining our just objectives.

This support has been given by your Governments and people wholeheartedly the United Nations, at the Organization of American States, at the Conferences of the Non-Aligned countries and elsewhere.

Fortified by the knowledge that you were at those international forums championing our just cause gave us the determination and courage to keep going-to keep struggling for our freedom.

It is therefore in a spirit of deep gratitude that I say to you today that the agreement signed in London on March 11 will provide a framework within which the Anglo-Guatemalan dispute over Belize may be honourably and finally settled. It is an inspiration for Belizeans to press forward to ultimate victory and I hope a similar inspiration for you to note what the small nations of the Caribbean Community have and can achieve in a unified and cooperative effort.

The agreement is not a full and final settlement of the dispute. There is a lot of hard work still ahead of us. In this respect, we will be consulting with you to get your valued counsel and support in the days and months ahead as we work out the details of a final treaty or treaties. There are hard and difficult issues still remaining to be negotiated. Nevertheless, the important thing as we told the Belizean people in our report to the nation is that by the present agreement “Belize can proceed to independence and Guatemala WILL accept and respect the independent state of Belize with its traditional boundaries without quarrel and without war”.

It is gratifying to note that together we have been able to protect ALL the basic and fundamental rights of the Belizean people.

People’s Constitution Commission

People’s Constitution Commission City of Belmopan 29th May 2023

City of Belmopan

29th May 2023

Our meeting here in Belmopan comes at a time when world attention as never before is focused on Belize as a test case in finding a peaceful and honourable solution to an ancient territorial dispute. It comes at a time when the whole region has come under the close scrutiny of the world. An independent Belize will enter the region with much to offer our neighbours who are plagued with internal problems. It is our hope and prayer that our emergence as a New Nation in the Caribbean basin will help to bring stability and social justice to our troubled corner of the world.

The work of the People’s Constitution Commission (PCC) is of national importance and requires an engaged, transparent working relationship with the public and the media.

The work of the People’s Constitution Commission (PCC) is of national importance and requires an engaged, transparent working relationship with the public and the media.

Future historians no doubt will interpret the decades of the seventies and eighties of the twentieth century as a vibrant period of national and international transformation.

Section 6(1) of the PCC Act constrains the role of the Commission to two basic, but all- encompassing functions:

Section 6(1) of the PCC Act constrains the role of the Commission to two basic, but allencompassing functions:

(a) conduct a comprehensive review of the Belize Constitution; and

(a) conduct a comprehensive review of the Belize Constitution; and

(b) prepare and submit to the Prime Minister a final report on the findings of the review.

In the conduct of its work, it is the duty and responsibility of the PCC to be guided by the Act. This includes collecting and considering the views and opinions of the public. To this end, the PCC has invested the past 6 ½ months into orientation and strategic planning on how best to engage the people of Belize and the media in a public education and consultation process. This process will be launched shortly.

(b) prepare and submit to the Prime Minister a final report on the findings of the review.

In the conduct of its work, it is the duty and responsibility of the PCC to be guided by the Act. This includes collecting and considering the views and opinions of the public. To this end, the PCC has invested the past 6 ½ months into orientation and strategic planning on how best to engage the people of Belize and the media in a public education and consultation process. This process will be launched shortly.

To date, despite what may have been suggested in certain quarters, the PCC has not had any debate, nor has it made any proposal on any specific wording, addition, or deletion regarding the Belize Constitution.

In the fifties and sixties, there was the formation of regional groups all over the world. In our western hemisphere, the Caribbean Community and the Central American Common Market came to life and became internationally viable. The beginning was good. Many sound and substantial developments marked real progress towards cooperation and regional community life.

This exercise is critical and sensitive, and we invite and encourage all members of the media and the public to contact Ms. Carla Bradley, communications officer at the Secretariat, if there is the need for any information or clarification on any PCC related matter.

To date, despite what may have been suggested in certain quarters, the PCC has not had any debate, nor has it made any proposal on any specific wording, addition, or deletion regarding the Belize Constitution.

As time went on, the structures left by centuries of colonialism could not in every section and angle withstand the pressures of modern capitalism and socialism which blow with the winds of change. Inevitable strains and stresses have resulted and now we face together the challenges of transformation on every level. The period in which we live can be a blessing or a curse. Whatever happens, let us make it a blessing for all our people. All is not lost; let us continue to build on the solid structures we have cast, trim our sails to the winds that blow and advance to a better future.

This exercise is critical and sensitive, and we invite and encourage all members of the media and the public to contact Ms. Carla Bradley, communications officer at the Secretariat, if there is the need for any information or clarification on any PCC related matter


For more information, contact: Carla Bradley, Communications Officer People’s Constitution Commission t: +501-614-7471, 822-3669 e:

For more information, contact: Carla Bradley, Communications Officer People’s Constitution Commission t: +501-614-7471, 822-3669 e:

To this end, we must not withdraw to what appears safe and untroubled isolation. We have a duty to the region to work together for the common good and to effectively safeguard freedom in the midst of political pluralism. We have a duty to the region to promote justice and equality in a truly participatory society so that applying rightly the power of science and technology we create resources for all to share and thus rescue humanity from underdevelopment.

There are the objectives that loom before us. Let us go forward with the prayer that the God of the Universe, Almighty and Eternal, bless our work and guide us by His counsel and fortitude.

May we have a good and fruitful Conference.

Speeches of the Premier Exhibit Booklet


Continued from page 10

try’s myriad investment opportunities are supported by the National Investment Policy and Strategy (NIPS), which enables greater cohesiveness in the investment value chain and a new Fiscal Incentive Act, which provides broad-based incentives to MSMEs as engines for macroeconomic growth; a legislative tool that is geared towards improving the local business climate and streamlining the facilitation of short-, medium-, and long-term opportunities. Through NIPS, Belize confronts investment challenges with an eye to mitigate the existing trade imbalances, the result of a weak manufacturing sector and an export specialization that traditionally relies on products that are vulnerable to the risks posed by climate change, including sugar cane, citrus, and bananas.

As the country pioneers its economic recovery from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, Belize stands by its stringent environmental commitments, including a target of reaching net zero, and navigates the exploitation of investment opportunities that do not compromise or threaten the protection of its pristine habitats.

Making business happen in Belize, we speak with Dr Leroy Almendarez, Executive Director of BELTRAIDE, as the national statutory body pursues diversification and increased domestic capacity

Could you talk us through BELTRAIDE’s inception and your current mission?

Dr Leroy Almendarez, Executive Director (LA): BELTRAIDE originally began in 1998 as a trade and investment promotion agency, looking specifically at that landscape as a vehicle to try and enhance those areas. Shortly after, in 2000, it transitioned into what is now formally known as BELTRAIDE, which branched into functional areas such as training and employment, small business development, and exports. We remain focused on investment as the country’s interface, but there is a whole ecosystem that exists under BELTRAIDE. Now that we are focused on economic recovery, our role has become even more significant. MSMEs are seen as an engine for growth, especially with the current mandates from government, so that has given us greater relevance.

What would you identify as the key industries that are currently transforming the economy in Belize?

LA: There are increasing investment opportunities within offshore and outsourcing, agriculture, fishing, manufacturing, and tourism, and these remain our priority areas. Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a very quick decline in gross domestic product (GDP). But now, it’s rebounding, and agriculture has acted as a substitute

in terms of economic activity and income generation for the country.

Business process outsourcing (BPO) is a big focus for us, especially with increased diversity. In fact, there are 28 BPOs operating, employing around 8,000 people with the intention of expanding to 12,000. As a result, there are many avenues available for the expansion of the BPO industry.

The government has enacted various policies, strategies, and put a legal framework in place. Certain legislations have been amended, repealed, and entirely replaced, and we have a national investment policy and strategy (NIPS) that was passed by the Cabinet last year. This takes a very broad look at some of the major challenges that we face when it comes to doing business in Belize. Skills development is so important when it comes to investment, and we now have a new Fiscal Incentive Act in place since the old version was repealed. This has several incentives for MSMEs that allow for increased productive capacity as we intend to bridge the trade imbalance that exists between exports and imports into the country.

We have also developed an MSME policy and strategy that is all-encompassing with the private and public sectors working very closely together. Ultimately, it’s the government that creates the enabling environment, but it’s the private sector that puts it into business. It’s important to build confidence so that they can invest to expand and find new avenues for business growth. At first, we were mainly focusing on traditional products, but now we’re exploring non-traditional sources of output and that has been working well. This includes resources such as coconuts and seaweed, which previously, we would not have included as part of our industrial basket.

A stable political and business environment is an essential consideration for investment. Is this something that Belize benefits from and how does that advantage translate to potential investors?

LA: We have a level of political tranquility that lends itself to economic activities which are stimulated by the various incentives that we have in place. These don’t cater solely to FDI, but also to local investors since we want to encourage a landscape of joint ventures (JVs) and possible mergers. These are just some of the avenues available to us to expand. Tourism is one such area where there have been several investments, and it’s the same with the blue economy. We have now segregated our economy into blue, green, and orange, because the creative industry is an area where previously, we hadn’t put enough effort into tracking its wealth contribution to the country. There is now a direct focus on how MSMEs can benefit from incentives and programs that will allow them to generate greater economic activity. (tbc)


San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize District; Camalote Village, Cayo District; Dangriga, Stann Creek District

BY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. The Belize Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via the following properties. Sales currently running until 15th July 2023. Public Auction Sales will expire fortnightly within this period on the dates and times listed on the website until these properties are sold.

1. Parcel No. 6201 San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, Belize


The freehold property of Mr. Alfredo Rubio


The freehold property of Mr. Luiz Guerra & Ms. Rosalia Sanchez.



Dangriga South 31 58




TELEPHONE: 223-4488



Facebook: Belize Auctions


Our Councils At Work

Infrastructure development plays a crucial role in the growth and well-being of municipalities and The Belize Mayors' Association recognizes the significance of investing in infrastructure as it directly impacts the lives of residents. By enhancing infrastructure in our municipalities, we can provide better access to services, boost economic activities, attract investments and improve the overall quality of life for residents. (BMA FB) It must be also emphasized that municipalities work closely with their area Representatives. This collaboration increases productivity as the use of the Community Development Fund is optimized when it is put into use by the Town Council. The CDF is a monthly stipend that each representative gets allocated to their constituency depending on both number of electors, and monthly receipts accountability.

THE BELIZE TIMES 16 4 JUN 2023 THE BELIZE TIMES 285 5 FEB 2023 ELECTIONS AND BOUNDARIES DEPARTMENT VILLAGE COUNCILS BY-ELECTIONS HELD ON 28TH MAY 2023 OFFICIAL RESULTS BELIZE DISTRICT Election Village Candidate Name Position No. of Votes Remarks # of Registered Electors Total Votes % of Votes Polled % of Voter Turnout Rejected Date Received Polled Votes 5/28/2023 Flowers Bank Chairperson Stephenson, Marilyn Amanda Chairperson Uncontested Elected TOLEDO
Election Village Candidate Name Position No. of Votes Remarks # of Registered Electors Total Votes % of Votes Polled % of Voter Turnout Rejected Date Received Polled Votes 5/28/2023 Forest Home Member Watters, Nemesio Alexander Member Uncontested Elected


The People’s United Party (PUP) supermajority victory at the polls in November 2020 was the signaling of the changes long sought by the good people of Belize. It was the beginning of a transformation revolution, a BLU revolution, a PUP revolution. Upon taking over the high stool of government, the Briceño government was firing on all cylinders in delivering the mandate of PlanBelize.

The economic turnaround, the miraculous recovery, bringing the Haven of Democracy back from the brink of losing its economic sovereignty, and freeing citizens from the resultant effects of an incompetent, corrupt United Democratic Party (UDP) red regime that feasted on the interests of the people without compunction. The UDP was an utter failure in governance structure.

Embedded in the tenets of the Blu plan, it was written that “#planBelize sets out how to learn, how to listen, to collaborate, reach reasonable consensus; to have access to quality healthcare, progressive education, better ways to work our lands & sea, our industries & be good administrators.”

ernment which will make tertiary care available to all Belizeans. Imagine the possibilities of what thirty million dollars could have done to health care in Belize. Simply put, for the red Barrowcudas, Belizeans doesn’t deserve better. However, it is the “elusive” Definitive Agreement that have twisted them into fidget spinners. The revelation of elements within the Definitive Agreement has laid bare the most egregious act of corruption committed in Belize’s political history. A gamut of taxes has been

5 FEB 2023

waived by former UDP Minister of Economic Development, Erwin Contreras. Seemingly none of the John Crow UDPs wants to take the blame, none of the gutter snipers want to feel the shame. Mikey P said he didn’t sign but was head honcho in the drafting of the terms and conditions of the agreement. Tracy said similar likening to Shaggy “it wasn’t me” and Ah me King Dean said that although he had not seen the agreement he has some constructive knowledge about it. Oh how, the sophistry of the English language is being weaved into untruths.

Nonetheless, the Red Hydra, Massa Dean wielded power, for thirteen years of abusive reign, with reckless abandon. The Governance structure crumbled under replaced by malignant failures of leadership. Corruption, incompetence and vile behavior within the United Democratic Party government became the norm. The truth of “where there is corruption, development cannot take

place, and where there is poverty social justice is needed” went unheeded. Dean Barrow was heedless and clueless to Belize’s debt crisis. Poverty was on the rise as unemployment soared. The marginalized and downtrodden population had only a glimmer of hope for a life-changing opportunity. That hope was realized on that faithful day in November 2020.


The PUP sprang into action, armed with its cadre of experts with PlanBelize in hand and northstar bound. The leadership of Prime Minister, Honorable John Briceño understood that the recovery of “poor Belize” depended largely upon the “Good Governance” component of PlanBelize. The PUP Government with its supermajority mandate continues to work in the interests of the country and its citizens/making right decisions, sometimes tough, but in the interests of the nation and its people. Aluta Continua, the struggle continues.



Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons to fill the following post in the Operations Department. In the Port ’s continued effort to promote diversity both males/females are encouraged to apply for the available post.

Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons to fill the following post in the Operations Department. In the Port ’s continued effort to promote diversity both males/females are encouraged to apply for the available post.



Reports to: Operations Manager

Reports to: Operations Manager

Notwithstanding, the great achievements of this PUP government, the greater success to the PlanBelize manifesto is the Good Governance component. Governance is intimately intertwined to democracy. Crucita Ken in her article “Belize: A Haven of Democracy, Are We There Yet” proffered that “Governance is the only way left for underdeveloped countries to alleviate poverty, take advantage of globalization and bring about human development. Governance is the only guarantee for democracy to work and produce its intended results.” It was the lack thereof that turned Belize into a pariah nation, reject of the IFIs and pushed Belize to the cusp of becoming a failed state.

summary of Responsibilities: The primary duties of the Temporary Operator (towhead) are to safely operate and maneuver towhead truck and chassis around the container yard and pier, safely transporting containers (20’, 40’ 45’) and flat racks with out -of-gauge (OOG) cargo.

Summary of Responsibilities: The Crane Operator reports to the Operations Manager (OM). He/she works on a roster determined by the vessel schedule and berthing plan. He/she are responsible to safely load/unload cargo ships that are berthed at the pierhead. In house training and mentorship will be provided as required

Job Responsibilities:

Job Responsibilities:

• Operate PBL Mobile Harbor Cranes (MHC) at the Pierhead to facilitate the unloading and loading of container/cargo vessels in a safe and efficient manner.

He/she is responsible for to safely drive within the facility and abide by PBL speed limits and safety measures put in place. In house training will be provided.

• Operate ‘Dragline Crane’ as needs arise and directed by Supervisor/Manager

• Assist in operating any other PBL equipment/vehicles when needed and operations/driving duties that may arise from time to ti me.

• Check, fuel and service Towheads before commencement of vessel

• Daily equipment inspection per Checklist, servicing and all preventative maintenance of the equipment as assigned.

• Prompt reporting of all faults to the Cargo Operations Manager in order for him to put in a work order to the Mechanical Mana ger for repairs.

• Maintain and update the MHC Logbook with all required relevant information including engine hours / mileage, service and repa irs and maintenance.

• Daily equipment inspection per Checklist, servicing and all preventative maintenance of the equipment as assigned

• Prompt reporting of all faults to the Operations Foreman in order for him to put in a work order to the Mechanical Manager fo r repairs.

• Maintain and update the Container Stacker Logbook with all required relevant information including engine hours / mileage, re pai and maintenance.

• He/she shall conduct a pre-operation check and test run of the crane to ensure that it is ready and fit for work.

• Responsible for the upkeep of the equipment by assisting with minor maintenance from time to time.

• Position and fuel equipment (both stacker and towheads) at allocated time as coordinated with Technical Dept.

Dean Barrow’s weeping for poor Belize and the worry for who comes next did not deter the Briceño government from taking the bull by the horns in returning the country to its halcyon days of the PUPs. Today the country and its citizenry is witness to a massive transformation revolution. The Saudi government has entrusted the Jewel with ninety million dollars to build a tertiary care hospital, equipped with state-of-the-art medical facilities and health services. The was the realization of another PlanBelize promise of expanding healthcare. Critics abound within the deceitful, gutter sniper, rake and scrape, and corrupt UDPs who are attempting to undermine a noble investment - the building of a tertiary care hospital. Lest we forget, it was the same government that had the opportunity to thirty million in grant funding to build a new hospital in Belmopan and because of incompetence blew the deal in 2017. Thirty million dollars of free money! But then again it was supposed to be built in the Garden City of Belmopan. Now the Leader of the Opposition, Shyne the Nonsensical Intellectual Barrow has the audacity to criticize an investment of the PUP gov-

• Operate towheads to facilitate loading and unloading of container/bulk vessels from Pierhead to yard and vice versa.

• Assist with stripping of containers at the warehouse as required

• Assist with refueling the mobile harbor crane (MHC) in preparation for the next operation and park the MHC in the designated area as directed by the Operations Foreman.

• Report all accidents and damage incidents immediately to the Operations Supervisor on Duty. Take pictures of the accident sce ne order to assist with the investigation.

• Report all accidents, damage incidents and performance issues immediately to the Operations Foreman on duty.

• Actively multi -skill in order to have ability to operate other PBL equipment including towheads, forklifts, vehicles etc.

• Any other duties and functions, of a related nature that may be assigned from time to time.

• Actively multi -skill in order to have ability to operate other PBL equipment including vehicles, towheads, forklifts and ultimat ely stackers.

Job Qualifications/Requirement:

• Wearing proper PPE at all times, and report any safety non -compliance issues to the Operations Foreman.

• High School Diploma

• At the end of operations ensure the towheads are parked in its designated area as assigned.

• Minimum five (5) years’ experience working as a heavy equipment Operator; Crane Operator certification would be an asset

• Any other duties of a related nature assigned from time to time.

• A valid class E (All) driver’ s license


Job Qualifications/Requirement:

• High School Diploma

• Able to work as a team

• Ethical

• Minimum five (5) years’ experience working as a heavy equipment Operator

• Ability to work independently

• Able to work flexible hours

• Experience operating container handling equipment such as forklift, container stackers and/or Crane Operator certification wo uld an asset

• Supervisory and leadership skills required

• Proactive in addressing Operational emergencies

• A valid class E (All) driver’ s license

• Computer literate


Compensation Package: Will be commensurate (in accordance with the Company's Salary Structure).

• Able to work as a team

• Ethical

To apply: Provide updated resume, cover letter (addressed to Human Resource Manager ), copy of valid social security card, valid police report, vaccination card, name and phone number of two (2) previous employers.

• Ability to work independently

• Able to work flexible hours

Applications should be emailed to:

• Proactive in identifying operational improvements and addressing operational emergencies

Closing date for receipt of applications is Friday, June 9th, 2023

• Computer literate


Plan Belize in Action

Dear Editor, I write to give props to this government not just saying PUP, but a true government that is working for the people of this country. I have been north and south, east to west and I can start to see what a vibrant country looks like even after covid and the plague that was the previous government.


Notice is hereby given that H20 Holdings Limited is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Agua Magica” located at Miles 2 ½ Philip Goldson Highway, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

I can see construction works going on, new businesses and industries popping up, and investments happening all over. It shows that investors are confident in this government led by the Honorable John Briceño. We can all have hope for a better future in this little jewel we call Belize.

Dear Editor,

tional partners can help curb the sense of not getting the desired and/or deserved justice for any Belizean.

This is something that we must do as a country and individually.

Youth on the Rise


PlanBelize at work education, tourism, small business, land issue, healthcare, security….. I can go on, but the people are confident in a government that works. I am not saying I agree with everything this government does, but you must give props where it is due.

I write to vent I see that heinous murder of the young lady in Belmopan. Just a few weeks ago a double murder of a mother and her brother-inlaw. A life so young was just snuffed out why and a community came together to try and heal.


The Central Bank of Belize Denounces Proposed Special Meeting by Former Principals of St. Francis Xavier Credit Union Limited

5 FEB 2023

Keep it right guys!

Concern Citizen

Notice is hereby given that Eugene Card/Maria Lara are applying for a Malt & Cider Liquor License to be operated at “Cardy’s Cookout” located at Miles 10 Philip Goldson Highway, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

It’s hard to believe that we will get the justice that this young lady deserves because most people feel the system is too corrupted. As the due process is long and at the end nothing or a feeling of little guilt.

We hope that the investment made by the government and interna-

Belize City, 31 May 2023: The Governor of the Central Bank of Belize, in his capacity as Registrar of Credit Unions , advises that it has come to his attention that former principals of St. Francis Xavier Credit Union SFXCU) are calling a special meeting on 4 June 2023 at Centro Escolar Mexico, San Roman Village. The Registrar further advises that the former principals of SFXCU are not authorised to call any meeting on behalf of SFXCU, and such action is not in accordance with the Credit Unions Act (CUA).

Notice is hereby given that Indira F. Alvarez is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Ami Mini Shop” located at # 47 Gristock Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

The Central Bank of Belize denuncia la propuesta de reunión extraordinaria Exdirectores de Saint Francis Xavier Credit Union








Notice is hereby given that Belize Brewing Co. Ltd. is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “Naybaz Store” located at # 216 Yo Creek Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Belize Brewing Co. Ltd. is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “Naybaz Store” located at # 3239 Palmar Boundary Road, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

The Central Bank of Belize denuncia la propuesta de reunión extraordinaria de los Exdirectores de Saint Francis Xavier Credit Union Limited

The Central Bank of Belize denuncia la propuesta de reunión extraordinaria de los Exdirectores de Saint Francis Xavier Credit Union Limited


The Central Bank of Belize denuncia la propuesta de reunión extraordinaria de los Exdirectores de Saint Francis Xavier Credit Union Limited

Belize City, 31 de mayo de 2023: El Gobernador de Central Bank of Registrador de Uniones de Crédito (Registrador), informa que ha llegado Exdirectores de Saint Francis Xavier Credit Union (SFXCU) están convocando el 4 de junio de 2023 en el Centro Escolar México, en la aldea de San informa, además, que los Exdirectores de SFXCU no están autorizados nombre de SFXCU, y que dicha acción no es en conformidad con la (Credit Unions Act (CUA)).

The Central Bank of Belize denuncia la propuesta de reunión extraordinaria de los Exdirectores de Saint Francis Xavier Credit Union Limited

Members of SFXCU are reminded that on 10 March 2023, the Registrar appointed Mr. Martin Marshalleck as Administrator to SFXCU Mr. Marshalleck is responsible to the Registrar for the conduct of the business of SFXCU and is to carry out all orders and directions of the Registrar with respect to the credit union. Pursuant to section 61(8) of the CUA, the Registrar has approved for the Administrator to call a special meeting of members in June 2023 to report on the affairs of the credit union and the steps taken by the Administrator to protect their equities.

The Central Bank of Belize denuncia la propuesta de reunión extraordinaria

The Central Bank of Belize denuncia la propuesta de reunión extraordinaria de los Exdirectores de Saint Francis Xavier Credit Union Limited

Exdirectores de Saint Francis Xavier Credit Union Limited

Belize City, 31 de mayo de 2023: El Gobernador de Central Bank of Belize, en su capacidad de Registrador de Uniones de Crédito (Registrador), informa que ha llegado a su conocimiento que los Exdirectores de Saint Francis Xavier Credit Union (SFXCU) están convocando una reunión especial el 4 de junio de 2023 en el Centro Escolar México, en la aldea de San Román. El Registrador informa, además, que los Exdirectores de SFXCU no están autorizados a convocar una reunión en nombre de SFXCU, y que dicha acción no es en conformidad con la Ley de Uniones de Crédito (Credit Unions Act (CUA)).

The Registrar thanks members of SFXCU for their commitment and understanding as the Administrator and staff of SFXCU continue to work arduously and honestly to protect their interests.

Belize City, 31 de mayo de 2023: El Gobernador de Central Bank of Belize, en su capacidad de Registrador de Uniones de Crédito (Registrador), informa que ha llegado a su conocimiento que los Exdirectores de Saint Francis Xavier Credit Union (SFXCU) están convocando una reunión especial el 4 de junio de 2023 en el Centro Escolar México, en la aldea de San Román. El Registrador informa, además, que los Exdirectores de SFXCU no están autorizados a convocar una reunión en nombre de SFXCU, y que dicha acción no es en conformidad con la Ley de Uniones de Crédito (Credit Unions Act (CUA)).

Belize City, 31 de mayo de 2023: El Gobernador de Central Bank of Belize, en su capacidad de Registrador de Uniones de Crédito (Registrador), informa que ha llegado a su conocimiento que los Exdirectores de Saint Francis Xavier Credit Union (SFXCU) están convocando una reunión especial el 4 de junio de 2023 en el Centro Escolar México, en la aldea de San Román. El Registrador informa, además, que los Exdirectores de SFXCU no están autorizados a convocar una reunión en nombre de SFXCU, y que dicha acción no es en conformidad con la Ley de Uniones de Crédito (Credit Unions Act (CUA)).

Belize City, 31 de mayo de 2023: El Gobernador de Central Bank of Belize, en su capacidad de Registrador de Uniones de Crédito (Registrador), informa que ha llegado a su conocimiento que los Exdirectores de Saint Francis Xavier Credit Union (SFXCU) están convocando una reunión especial el 4 de junio de 2023 en el Centro Escolar México, en la aldea de San Román. El Registrador informa, además, que los Exdirectores de SFXCU no están autorizados a convocar una reunión en nombre de SFXCU, y que dicha acción no es en conformidad con la Ley de Uniones de Crédito (Credit Unions Act (CUA)).

Notice is hereby given that Belize Brewing Co. Ltd. is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “Naybaz Store” located at # 3982 Palmar Road, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Yonora Sanchez is applying for a Malt & Cider Liquor License to be operated at “ D-TATCH” located in San Jose Palmar Village, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Belize City, 31 de mayo de 2023: El Gobernador de Central Bank of Belize, en su capacidad Registrador de Uniones de Crédito (Registrador), informa que ha llegado a su conocimiento que Exdirectores de Saint Francis Xavier Credit Union (SFXCU) están convocando una reunión especial el 4 de junio de 2023 en el Centro Escolar México, en la aldea de San Román. El Registrador informa, además, que los Exdirectores de SFXCU no están autorizados a convocar una reunión nombre de SFXCU, y que dicha acción no es en conformidad con la Ley de Uniones de Crédito (Credit Unions Act (CUA)).

Le recordamos a los miembros de SFXCU que el 10 de marzo de 2023, el Registrador nombró al Sr. Martin Marshalleck como Administrador de SFXCU. El Sr. Marshalleck es responsable ante el Registrador y por la dirección de los negocios de SFXCU y debe cumplir con todas las órdenes y instrucciones del Registrador con respecto a la unión de crédito. En conformidad con el artículo 61(8) de la CUA, el Registrador ha aprobado que el Administrador convoque una reunión especial de miembros en junio de 2023 para informar sobre los asuntos de la unión de crédito y las medidas adoptadas por el Administrador para la protección de las acciones de los miembros.

Le recordamos a los miembros de SFXCU que el 10 de marzo de 2023, Sr. Martin Marshalleck como Administrador de SFXCU. El Sr. Marshalleck Registrador y por la dirección de los negocios de SFXCU y debe cumplir instrucciones del Registrador con respecto a la unión de crédito. En conformidad 61(8) de la CUA, el Registrador ha aprobado que el Administrador convoque de miembros en junio de 2023 para informar sobre los asuntos de la unión adoptadas por el Administrador para la protección de las acciones de los El Registrador agradece a los miembros de SFXCU por su compromiso Administrador y el personal de SFXCU continúan trabajando ardua y sus intereses.

Le recordamos a los miembros de SFXCU que el 10 de marzo de 2023, el Registrador nombró al Sr. Martin Marshalleck como Administrador de SFXCU. El Sr. Marshalleck es responsable ante el Registrador y por la dirección de los negocios de SFXCU y debe cumplir con todas las órdenes y instrucciones del Registrador con respecto a la unión de crédito. En conformidad con el artículo 61(8) de la CUA, el Registrador ha aprobado que el Administrador convoque una reunión especial de miembros en junio de 2023 para informar sobre los asuntos de la unión de crédito y las medidas adoptadas por el Administrador para la protección de las acciones de los miembros.

Belize City, 31 de mayo de 2023: El Gobernador de Central Bank of Belize, en Registrador de Uniones de Crédito (Registrador), informa que ha llegado a su conocimiento Exdirectores de Saint Francis Xavier Credit Union (SFXCU) están convocando una el 4 de junio de 2023 en el Centro Escolar México, en la aldea de San Román. informa, además, que los Exdirectores de SFXCU no están autorizados a convocar nombre de SFXCU, y que dicha acción no es en conformidad con la Ley de Uniones (Credit Unions Act (CUA)).

Le recordamos a los miembros de SFXCU que el 10 de marzo de 2023, el Registrador nombró al Sr. Martin Marshalleck como Administrador de SFXCU. El Sr. Marshalleck es responsable ante el Registrador y por la dirección de los negocios de SFXCU y debe cumplir con todas las órdenes y instrucciones del Registrador con respecto a la unión de crédito. En conformidad con el artículo 61(8) de la CUA, el Registrador ha aprobado que el Administrador convoque una reunión especial de miembros en junio de 2023 para informar sobre los asuntos de la unión de crédito y las medidas adoptadas por el Administrador para la protección de las acciones de los miembros.

Le recordamos a los miembros de SFXCU que el 10 de marzo de 2023, el Registrador nombró al Sr. Martin Marshalleck como Administrador de SFXCU. El Sr. Marshalleck es responsable ante el Registrador y por la dirección de los negocios de SFXCU y debe cumplir con todas las órdenes y instrucciones del Registrador con respecto a la unión de crédito. En conformidad con el artículo 61(8) de la CUA, el Registrador ha aprobado que el Administrador convoque una reunión especial de miembros en junio de 2023 para informar sobre los asuntos de la unión de crédito y las medidas adoptadas por el Administrador para la protección de las acciones de los miembros.

El Registrador agradece a los miembros de SFXCU por su compromiso y comprensión mientras el Administrador y el personal de SFXCU continúan trabajando ardua y honestamente para proteger sus intereses.

Le recordamos a los miembros de SFXCU que el 10 de marzo de 2023, el Registrador nombró Sr. Martin Marshalleck como Administrador de SFXCU. El Sr. Marshalleck es responsable ante Registrador y por la dirección de los negocios de SFXCU y debe cumplir con todas las órdenes instrucciones del Registrador con respecto a la unión de crédito. En conformidad con el artículo 61(8) de la CUA, el Registrador ha aprobado que el Administrador convoque una reunión especial de miembros en junio de 2023 para informar sobre los asuntos de la unión de crédito y las medidas adoptadas por el Administrador para la protección de las acciones de los miembros.

El Registrador agradece a los miembros de SFXCU por su compromiso y comprensión mientras el Administrador y el personal de SFXCU continúan trabajando ardua y honestamente para proteger sus intereses.

El Registrador agradece a los miembros de SFXCU por su compromiso y comprensión mientras el Administrador y el personal de SFXCU continúan trabajando ardua y honestamente para proteger sus intereses.

El Registrador agradece a los miembros de SFXCU por su compromiso y comprensión mientras el Administrador y el personal de SFXCU continúan trabajando ardua y honestamente para proteger sus intereses.


The Office of the Governor

El Registrador agradece a los miembros de SFXCU por su compromiso y comprensión mientras Administrador y el personal de SFXCU continúan trabajando ardua y honestamente para proteger sus intereses.


Le recordamos a los miembros de SFXCU que el 10 de marzo de 2023, el Registrador Sr. Martin Marshalleck como Administrador de SFXCU. El Sr. Marshalleck es responsable Registrador y por la dirección de los negocios de SFXCU y debe cumplir con todas instrucciones del Registrador con respecto a la unión de crédito. En conformidad 61(8) de la CUA, el Registrador ha aprobado que el Administrador convoque una reunión de miembros en junio de 2023 para informar sobre los asuntos de la unión de crédito adoptadas por el Administrador para la protección de las acciones de los miembros.

The Office of the Governor

El Registrador agradece a los miembros de SFXCU por su compromiso y comprensión

THE BELIZE TIMES 20 4 JUN 2023 To place advertisement in the Belize Times Newspaper CALL 280-8385 or EMAIL: belizetimesadvertisement@
What is Belize Coming To? THE BELIZE TIMES
- FIN-
Belize City, Belize T: +501 223 6194 COMUNICADO DE PRENSA
- FINPUBLICADO POR: 1 GABOUREL LANE The Office of the Governor Belize City, Belize T: +501 223 6194
- FINPUBLICADO POR: 1 GABOUREL LANE The Office of the Governor Belize City, Belize T: +501 223 6194
FINPUBLICADO POR: 1 GABOUREL LANE The Office of the Governor Belize City, Belize T: +501 223 6194

NHI Continues to Diversify Putting Wealth in People's Hands - Port Loyola Land Clinic

The Ministry of Natural Resources will wrap up its first land clinic in Southside Belize City on May 26, 2023. While Porta Loyola was the target division, there were residents from all over the city eagerly hoping that their respective land issues could be resolved without having to trav-

MIDH House Handing Over - Plan Belize, Transforming Lives!

el to Belmopan. These clinics bring services to the people and put their wealth in their hands.

The Government of Belize continues to expand its rollout of the National Health Insurance (NHI) to provide Belizeans with universal access to affordable primary healthcare. Approximately 270,000 Belizeans will be covered under the project after implementation in the Orange Walk District by the end of the current financial year. In the Toledo District, NHI continues to grow and diversify to meet the needs of the communities being served.

Denounces Proposed Special Meeting by St. Francis Xavier Credit Union Limited



Belize City, 31 May 2023: The Governor of the Central Bank of Belize, in his capacity as Registrar of Credit Unions (Registrar), advises that it has come to his attention that former principals of St. Francis Xavier Credit Union (SFXCU) are calling a special meeting on 4 June 2023 at Centro Escolar Mexico, San Roman Village. The Registrar further advises that the former principals of SFXCU are not authorised to call any meeting on behalf of SFXCU, and such action is not in accordance with the Credit Unions Act (CUA).

The Central Bank of Belize Denounces Proposed Former St. Francis Xavier Credit Union Limited






Belize City, 31 May 2023: The Governor of the Central Bank of Belize, Registrar of Credit Unions (Registrar), advises that it has come to his attention principals of St. Francis Xavier Credit Union (SFXCU) are calling a special 4 June 2023 at Centro Escolar Mexico, San Roman Village. The Registrar further the former principals of SFXCU are not authorised to call any meeting on and such action is not in accordance with the Credit Unions Act (CUA).


The Central Bank of Belize Denounces Proposed Special Meeting by Former Principals of St. Francis Xavier Credit Union Limited

Members of SFXCU are reminded that on 10 March 2023, the Registrar appointed Mr. Martin Marshalleck as Administrator to SFXCU Mr. Marshalleck is responsible to the Registrar for the conduct of the business of SFXCU and is to carry out all orders and directions of the Registrar with respect to the credit union. Pursuant to section 61(8) of the CUA, the Registrar has approved for the Administrator to call a special meeting of members in June 2023 to report on the affairs of the credit union and the steps taken by the Administrator to protect

The Central Bank of Belize Denounces Proposed Special Meeting by Former Principals of St. Francis Xavier Credit Union Limited

The Central Bank of Belize Denounces Proposed Special Meeting by Former Principals of St. Francis Xavier Credit Union Limited

The Central Bank of Belize Denounces Proposed Special Meeting by Former St. Francis Xavier Credit Union Limited

Belize City, 31 May 2023: The Governor of the Central Bank of Belize, in his capacity as Registrar of Credit Unions (Registrar), advises that it has come to his attention that former principals of St. Francis Xavier Credit Union (SFXCU) are calling a special meeting on 4 June 2023 at Centro Escolar Mexico, San Roman Village. The Registrar further advises that the former principals of SFXCU are not authorised to call any meeting on behalf of SFXCU, and such action is not in accordance with the Credit Unions Act (CUA).

Members of SFXCU are reminded that on 10 March 2023, the Registrar Mr. Martin Marshalleck as Administrator to SFXCU. Mr. Marshalleck is Registrar for the conduct of the business of SFXCU and is to carry out all orders of the Registrar with respect to the credit union. Pursuant to section 61(8) Registrar has approved for the Administrator to call a special meeting of members to report on the affairs of the credit union and the steps taken by the Administrator their equities.

The Ministry of Natural Resources will wrap up its first land clinic in Southside Belize City on May 26, 2023. While Porta Loyola was the target division, there were residents from all over the city eagerly hoping that their respective land issues could be resolved without having to travel to Belmopan. These clinics bring services to the people and put their wealth in their hands.

The Registrar thanks members of SFXCU for their commitment and understanding as the Administrator and staff of SFXCU continue to work arduously and honestly to protect their -

Belize City, 31 May 2023: The Governor of the Central Bank of Belize, in his capacity as Registrar of Credit Unions (Registrar), advises that it has come to his attention that former principals of St. Francis Xavier Credit Union (SFXCU) are calling a special meeting on 4 June 2023 at Centro Escolar Mexico, San Roman Village. The Registrar further advises that the former principals of SFXCU are not authorised to call any meeting on behalf of SFXCU, and such action is not in accordance with the Credit Unions Act (CUA).

Belize City, 31 May 2023: The Governor of the Central Bank of Belize, in his capacity as Registrar of Credit Unions (Registrar), advises that it has come to his attention that former principals of St. Francis Xavier Credit Union (SFXCU) are calling a special meeting on 4 June 2023 at Centro Escolar Mexico, San Roman Village. The Registrar further advises that the former principals of SFXCU are not authorised to call any meeting on behalf of SFXCU, and such action is not in accordance with the Credit Unions Act (CUA).

Members of SFXCU are reminded that on 10 March 2023, the Registrar appointed Mr. Martin Marshalleck as Administrator to SFXCU Mr. Marshalleck is responsible to the Registrar for the conduct of the business of SFXCU and is to carry out all orders and directions of the Registrar with respect to the credit union. Pursuant to section 61(8) of the CUA, the Registrar has approved for the Administrator to call a special meeting of members in June 2023 to report on the affairs of the credit union and the steps taken by the Administrator to protect their equities.


Notice is hereby given that Sandra E. Leslie , of # 2 Iguana Street, San Pedro Town, Belize District, owner of a fiberglass skiff, namely “SEA-RIOUS STORM” bearing registration number BZ-0168 is declaring the lost of her boat registration certificate.


Members of SFXCU are reminded that on 10 March 2023, the Registrar appointed Mr. Martin Marshalleck as Administrator to SFXCU Mr. Marshalleck is responsible to the Registrar for the conduct of the business of SFXCU and is to carry out all orders and directions of the Registrar with respect to the credit union. Pursuant to section 61(8) of the CUA, the Registrar has approved for the Administrator to call a special meeting of members in June 2023 to report on the affairs of the credit union and the steps taken by the Administrator to protect their equities.

The Registrar thanks members of SFXCU for their commitment and understanding Administrator and staff of SFXCU continue to work arduously and honestly interests. - ENDS -

Belize City, 31 May 2023: The Governor of the Central Bank of Belize, Registrar of Credit Unions (Registrar), advises that it has come to his attention principals of St. Francis Xavier Credit Union (SFXCU) are calling a special 4 June 2023 at Centro Escolar Mexico, San Roman Village. The Registrar further the former principals of SFXCU are not authorised to call any meeting on behalf and such action is not in accordance with the Credit Unions Act (CUA).


The Registrar thanks members of SFXCU for their commitment and understanding as the Administrator and staff of SFXCU continue to work arduously and honestly to protect their interests.

- ENDS -

Members of SFXCU are reminded that on 10 March 2023, the Registrar appointed Mr. Martin Marshalleck as Administrator to SFXCU. Mr. Marshalleck is responsible to the Registrar for the conduct of the business of SFXCU and is to carry out all orders and directions of the Registrar with respect to the credit union. Pursuant to section 61(8) of the CUA, the Registrar has approved for the Administrator to call a special meeting of members in June 2023 to report on the affairs of the credit union and the steps taken by the Administrator to protect their equities.

The Registrar thanks members of SFXCU for their commitment and understanding as the Administrator and staff of SFXCU continue to work arduously and honestly to protect their interests.

The Registrar thanks members of SFXCU for their commitment and understanding as the Administrator and staff of SFXCU continue to work arduously and honestly to protect their interests.

Members of SFXCU are reminded that on 10 March 2023, the Registrar Mr. Martin Marshalleck as Administrator to SFXCU. Mr. Marshalleck is responsible Registrar for the conduct of the business of SFXCU and is to carry out all orders of the Registrar with respect to the credit union. Pursuant to section 61(8) Registrar has approved for the Administrator to call a special meeting of members to report on the affairs of the credit union and the steps taken by the Administrator their equities.



The Registrar thanks members of SFXCU for their commitment and understanding Administrator and staff of SFXCU continue to work arduously and honestly interests.

FEB 2023
- ENDS -

Sheep and


To enhance the development of the sheep and honey industry in Belize, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food

BEL Present 5-Year Business Plan

On Thursday, May 25, 2023, ‘The Future is Here’ Belize Electricity Limited presented its 5-Year Business Plan; met and networked with key stakeholders as they chart their way towards building a modern energy services infrastructure in Belize. The public along with the media was invited to view and interact with the new technologies and innovations being implemented over the next 5 years.

The Government of Belize currently holds thirty-two-point five-eight percent. Now as the company embarks on this venture with its over 345 works is focused on modernizing the electrical sector here in Belize. It serves over a hundred eight thousand customers in the country. Comprising over a total of 4,000 miles of transmission lines across Belize and accumulating assets of over $720 million to date.

BEL’s focus is on ensuring that they grow but also to make sure that customers are taken advantage of and that they keep the current rates.

The Chairman of Belize Electricity Limited Mr. Andrew Marshalleck stated in his presentation, “Every day we rely on electricity to power the appliances and gadgets indispensable to the standards of living achieved with economic development.”

He went on to advise, “We also however rely on electricity to power the plant equipment which makes our enterprises and our industries productive, profitable and which drives economic development.”


Security and Enterprise (MAFSE), in collaboration with the International Regional Agricultural Health Organization (OIRSA) and Taiwan ICDF Breeding Sheep and Goat Production and Guidance System Enhancement Project (Sheep Project Phase II), is holding a Sheep and Honey Traceability System Training Workshop in Belmopan, from May 23 to 25.

The workshop aims to train MAFSE extension officers, technicians from the Belize Agriculture Health Authority, and the Belize Livestock Producers Association in operating the TRAZAR-AGRO system developed by OIRSA. Two consultants, Mr. Ever Hernandez and Mr. Ever Ascencio, from OIRSA’s headquarters in El Salvador are facilitating the work-

5 FEB 2023

shop which includes sessions on an introduction to data operation, data analysis and practices of TRAZAR-AGRO traceability system in the sheep and honey section.

Twenty-five participants are being trained in this workshop. It is also expected that the extension officers who attend the workshop will help collect data and promote the importance of a traceability system to the farmers in

their respective districts.


The governments of Belize and the Republic of China (Taiwan) along with OIRSA are committed to working together to support Belizean farmers and to strengthen the sheep and goat industry within the country. The Sheep and Goat Project, theoretical and practical training, and educational outreach will further help advance Belizean people's welfare.




The Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) invites applicants to submit proposals for a service contract to complete a WHO Global Policy Survey on Sexual, Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health (SRMNCAH) and Violence Against Women

The Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) applicants to submit proposals for a service contract to complete a WHO Global on Sexual, Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health (SRMNCAH) Violence Against Women.

Duration of contract: June 19 – July 18, 2023

The Pan American Health Organization/World Health applicants to submit proposals for a service contract on Sexual, Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child Violence Against Women.

So based on the details presented due to the increase in demand for electricity a major investment is needed to keep up with the demand and to become self-sustainable.

Duration of contract: June 19 – July 18, 2023


Mr. John Mencias, Chief Executive Officer stated, “Everything starts with our mission ‘We deliver safe, reliable, and sustainable energy solutions to enhance the quality of life and the productivity of enterprise and to support national development’ and we ensure that everything that we do is based on our mission. If it is not aligned with our mission, then we revisit the plan we are making.”


Profile: Professional should have the following:

Duration of contract: June 19 – July 18, 2023

• Education in public health or a health-related area.

• At least three years of experience in managerial or clinical position, working in reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child or adolescent health.

Profile: Professional should have the following:

The 5-year Business Plan target and Projected outline an estimated total of $527.2 million investment with a six-point five percent sales growth. The rate is estimated at forty cents per KwH which is the average rate and a return on investment of $21.6 million. New revenue can come from appliances, electrical vehicles, and other alternative/ renewable energy sources including solar.

So as BEL looks to the future, one can only have faith that Belize’s electrical sector is in good hands, and we can continue to build a more self-sustained electricity system in Belize.

Contractor Profile: Professional should have the following:

• Demonstrate strong communication and analytical skills.

• Education in public health or a health-related area.

• Excellent understanding of the maternal, neonatal, child and adolescent health services as well as sexual and reproductive services of Belize.

• Be detail-oriented, pro-active, self-directed, and results-oriented.

• Background or previous experience conducting technical research.

• Education in public health or

• At least three years of experience in managerial or clinical working in reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child or adolescent

Deadline: Interested applicants should submit the following to; cc: no later than June 7, 2023:

• At least three years of experience working in reproductive, maternal,

• Demonstrate strong communication and analytical skills.

• Cover letter

• Curriculum Vitae

• Demonstrate strong communication

• Excellent understanding of the maternal, neonatal, child health services as well as sexual and reproductive services

• Financial proposal

• Excellent understanding of the health services as well as se

• Be detail-oriented, pro-active, self-directed, and results-oriented.

• Background or previous experience conducting technical

For further details visit our website Only submissions that meet all the evaluation criteria will be contacted.

• Be detail-oriented, pro-active,

• Background or previous experience

Deadline: Interested applicants should submit the following to

cc: no later than June 7, 2023:

Deadline: Interested applicants should submit




The Government of Belize (GOB) has received financing from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) towards the cost of a Second Road Safety Project and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this financing to eligible payments under a contract for which this invitation is issued. Payments by CDB will be made only at the request of GOB and upon approval by CDB, and will be subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the Financing Agreement. The Financing Agreement prohibits withdrawal from the financing account for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any import of goods, if such payment or import, to the knowledge of CDB, is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations. No party other than GOB shall derive any rights from the Financing Agreement or have any claim to the proceeds of the Financing.

The Ministry of Finance, Economic Development and Investment (MFEDI), the Executing Agency, now wishes to procure consultancy services for a Finance Officer.

The objective of the consultancy is to maintain records and carrying out the day-to-day financial management of the Second Road Safety Project, including the preparation of regular financial progress reports. The duration of the assignment is for eighteen (18) months.

The Consultant must have a minimum of the following qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent in Business Administration, Accounting, Finance or other related field with minimum of three (3) years’ experience in the financial aspect of project management. Having experience working with International Funding Institutions (IFIs) financing project would be an advantage.

MFEDI now invites interested eligible individual consultants to submit Expressions of Interest (EOI) indicating qualification and experience required to provide this consultancy service.

Consultants shall be eligible to participate if:

(a) the persons are citizens or bona fide residents of an eligible country; and

(b) in all cases, the consultant has no arrangement and undertakes not to make any arrangements, whereby any substantial part of the net profits or other tangible benefits of the contract will accrue or be paid to a person not a citizen or bona fide resident of an eligible country.

Eligible countries are member countries of CDB. The Member Countries of the CDB can be found at the following web address: The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of CDB’s Guidelines for the Selection and Engagement of Consultants (2011), setting forth CDB’s policy on conflict of interest.

In the assessment of submissions, consideration will be given to qualification and experience on similar assignments. All information must be submitted in English. Further information may be obtained from the first address below between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 pm (local time) Monday to Friday.

The Expression of Interest must be received electronically at the first email address (Second Road Safety Project) and second email address (CDB) below no later than 3:00 p.m. (local time) on Monday, June 12th, 2023. The subject of the email shall be “Expression of Interest – Consultancy Services for Finance Officer.”

Following the assessment of submissions, the most technically capable and appropriately experienced applicant will be invited to negotiate a contract to provide the consultancy services. GOB reserves the right to accept or reject late applications or to cancel the present invitation partially or in its entirety. It will not be bound to assign any reason for not short-listing any applicant and will not defray any costs incurred by any applicant in the preparation and submission of Expressions of Interest.

Envelopes should be addressed to:

1. Project Manager

Second Road Safety Project

#1904 Constitution Drive, Second Floor Belmopan City

Cayo District BELIZE, C.A.

Tel: +501-822-3517

2. Procurement Officer Procurement Policy Unit Caribbean Development Bank


Tel: (+1 246) 539 1600




The Government of Belize (GOBZ) has received financing from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) towards the cost of the Second Road Safety Project and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this financing to eligible payments under a contract for which this invitation is issued. Payments by CDB will be made only at the request of GOBZ and upon approval by CDB and will be subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the Financing Agreement. The Financing Agreement prohibits withdrawal from the financing account for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any import of goods, if such payment or import, to the knowledge of CDB, is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations. No party other than GOBZ shall derive any rights from the Financing Agreement or have any claim to the proceeds of the Financing.

The Ministry of Finance, Economic Development and Investment (MFEDI), through the Second Road Safety Unit, now wishes to invite sealed bids from eligible bidders for the Supply of Road Safety Equipment.

Consideration will be limited to firms or joint ventures of firms which are legally incorporated or otherwise organized in, and have their principal place of business in an eligible country and are either:

a.) more than 50% beneficially owned by citizen or citizens and/or bona fide resident or residents of an eligible country or by a body corporate or bodies corporate meeting these requirements; or

b.) owned or controlled by the government of an eligible country provided that it is legally and financially autonomous and operated under the commercial law of an eligible country and otherwise meets the eligibility requirements of the CDB Guidelines for Procurement (2006).

Eligible countries are Member Countries of CDB.

Eligible bidders will be required to submit full qualification information with their bids establishing their eligibility to bid and qualification to perform the contract if the bid is accepted. Tender and qualification information are to be submitted in the English Language on the prescribed forms inserted in the Bid Document. Submissions that do not provide the information required or that do not demonstrate the prospective supplier’s ability to perform satisfactorily, will not qualify and will not be considered for further evaluation.

Interested eligible firms may obtain further information and inspect the bidding documents by contacting the office of the Second Road Safety Project at the first address below between the hours of 9.00 a.m. and 4.00 p.m., local time, Monday through Friday until June 16th, 2023. A complete set of the bidding documents (electronic copy) may be obtained on the submission of a written application to the office of Second Road Safety Project, at the first address below. The documents will be promptly dispatched, but under no circumstance will Second Road Safety Project be held responsible for late delivery, loss or damage to the documents.

One (1) original and five (5) hard copies of each submission must be received at the first address below no later than 3:00 p.m. local time on Monday, July 3rd, 2023. The sealed envelope containing each submission should include the name and address of the applicant and shall be clearly marked “TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY OF ROAD SAFETY EQUIPMENT FOR SECOND ROAD SAFETY PROJECT – BELIZE”. Bids will be opened, immediately thereafter at 3:15 p.m. (local time) on Monday, July 3rd, 2023, at the first address below in the presence of Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend. Bids received after the prescribed time and date will be rejected. Qualification information only must be sent simultaneously to CDB at the second email address below.

MFEDI reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, and to annul the process and reject all bids, at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected prospective bidder(s) or any obligation to inform the affected prospective bidder(s) of the grounds for MFEDI’s action. MFEDI will not defray any costs incurred by any bidder in the preparation of bids.

Tel: (+1 246) 539 1600


Tel: +501-822-3517

1. Project Manager Second Road Safety Project #1904 Constitution Drive, Second Floor Belmopan City Cayo District BELIZE, C.A.
2. Procurement Officer Procurement Policy Unit Caribbean Development Bank BARBADOS, W. I.

BELIZE UNITED & TUT BAY LEAD 2ND BTB Anthony Mahler Mundialito


Institution: Inter-American Development Bank

Country: Belize

Project: Program for Sustainable and Inclusive Belize.

Sector: Agriculture and Tourism

Abstract: The project’s implementation includes the procurement of several contracts that falls in the following categories: goods, consulting (individuals and firms) and non-consulting services for environmentally sustainable and climate resilient farming systems, sustainable and inclusive agrifood markets and sustainable and inclusive tourism.

Loan/Credit/Grant No.: 5583/0C-BL

Borrower: Government of Belize

The Government of Belize has received financing in the amount equivalent to fifteen million, eight hundred thousand US Dollars (US $15.8M) from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and it intends to apply part of the proceeds to payments for goods, consulting (individuals and firms) and non-consulting services to be procured under the project Program for Sustainable and Inclusive Belize. Bidding will be governed by the Inter-American Development Bank’s eligibility rules and procedures.

The main objective of this project is to improve incomes and promote sustainable livelihoods in the agriculture and tourism sectors. The specific objectives are to improve Micro Small and Mediumsized Enterprises (MSMEs) competitiveness, climate resilience, and environmental sustainability. The project contains two (2) components.

2-0 vs Reality Youths

The Belize United and Tut Bay Yabra continue to lead the 2nd annual BTB Hon. Anthony Mahler Under-13 Mundialito football tournament, with bolth squads enjoying their 5th wins at the Berger Field in Belize City on Saturday morning, May 20.

In Game 1, Tut Bay Yabra schooled the Sampson Academy: 3-1 with goals by Zamir Gibbs 5’, Asher Welch 8’ and Khayri Martin 30’, after Ethan Lewis 6’ had equalized 1-1 for Sampson Academy.

In Game 2, Evandale Bailey 19’ struck for first for Queen Square, as they battled to a 1-1 draw with the Leaders of Tomorrow, for goalkeeper Kyrie Pook equalized from the penalty spot.

In Game 3, the Face of Belize forfeited again, conceding the 3-0 win to to SMART Brown Bombers.

In Game 4, the Reality Youths drilled Hattieville United 2-1, after Breyden Jacobs 19’ scored first for Hattieville. Alden Coleman 25’ equalized 1-1, and Charles Leslie 36’ “bent it like Beckham” on a corner kick, floating the ball over the keeper’s head just inside the far post, golazo: 2-1!

In Game 5, the Belize United enjoyed a 2-0 win over the Ladyville Rising Stars, with goals by Clive Medwood 17’ and Norman Munoz 22’

Upcoming games on Saturday, May 27

Hattieville United vs SMART Brown Bombers

Reality Youths vs Tut Bay Yabra

Face of Belize vs Leaders of Tomorrow

Queen Square FC vs Sampson Academy

Pickstock vs Belize United

Ladyville Rising Stars rest.

Pickstock - GK Leonard Lemoth denies Bze Utd.Norman Munoz

Component 1 Direct support to farmers, agriculture groups and MSMEs for sustainable and inclusive development.

Component 2 Enabling environment for sustainable and inclusive development.

Procurement processes of contracts financed by the Inter-American Development Bank will be conducted in accordance with the Policies for Procurement of Goods and Works financed by the Inter-American Development Bank (current edition), and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the policies. Consulting services will be selected and contracted in accordance with the Policies for the Selection and Contracting of Consultants financed by the Inter-American Development Bank (current edition).

Specific procurement notices will be published as they become available pursuant to the Procurement Plan published in https://projectprocurement. For consulting services expected to cost an amount equivalent to US $200.000 or more, a request for expressions of interest contracts will be advertised in UN Development Business and Inter-American Development Bank’s Web Site, CARICOM Public Procurement Notice Board (CPPNB) and national newspapers of wide circulation within Belize.

Interested eligible bidders and consultants who wish to be included on the mailing list to receive invitations to prequalify/bid under ICB procedures, and interested consultants who wish to receive a copy of advertisement requesting expressions of interest for consultancy contracts, or those requiring additional information, should contact the address below:


Central Executing Unit

Attn: Procurement Specialist

Habet Building

2nd Floor

1904 Constitution Drive

Belmopan, Cayo District

Contact Information: Tel: 501-822-4106


Belize United wins 2-0 vs Pickstock Tut Bay Yabra win


Institution: Inter-American Development Bank

Country: Belize

Project: Program for Digital Innovation to Boost Economic Development in Belize.

Sector: Finance and Public Service

Abstract: The project’s implementation includes the procurement of several contracts that falls in the following categories: goods, consulting (individuals and firms) and non-consulting services for digital transformation services, digital transformation of government services and demand for digital technology and innovation.

Loan/Credit/Grant No.: 5647/0C-BL

Borrower: Government of Belize

The Government of Belize has received financing in the amount equivalent to ten million US Dollars (US $10M) from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and it intends to apply part of the proceeds to payments for goods, consulting (individuals and firms) and non-consulting services to be procured under the project Program for Digital Innovation to Boost Economic Development in Belize. Bidding will be governed by the Inter-American Development Bank’s eligibility rules and procedures.

The main objective of this project is to promote digitalization of firms and government services in order to promote growth and increase efficiency in Belize’s economy The specific objectives are to: (i) promote firms’ growth through increased adoption of digital solutions; (ii) promote firms’ efficiency through digitization of licensing processes; and (iii) reduce costs for citizen through the digitization of civil registration services. The project contains two (2) components.

Component 1 Digital transformation for firm growth and efficiency- stimulate private sector demand for digital technology and digital innovation, enhance local digital capacities; and digitalize government services for firms.

Component 2 Digital transformation of government services for citizens -support the optimization and digitalization of government processes related to citizens registration services.

Procurement processes of contracts financed by the Inter-American Development Bank will be conducted in accordance with the Policies for Procurement of Goods and Works nanced by the Inter-American Development Bank (current edition), and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the policies. . Consulting services will be selected and contracted in accordance with the Policies for the Selection and Contracting of Consultants nanced by the Inter-American Development Bank (current ed).

Specific procurement notices will be published as they become available pursuant to the Procurement Plan published in For consulting services expected to cost an amount equivalent to US $200.000 or more, a request for expressions of interest contracts will be advertised in UN Development Business and Inter-American Development Bank’s Web Site, CARICOM Public Procurement Notice Board (CPPNB) and national newspapers of wide circulation within Belize.

Interested eligible bidders and consultants who wish to be included on the mailing list to receive invitations to prequalify/bid under ICB procedures, and interested consultants who wish to receive a copy of advertisement requesting expressions of interest for consultancy contracts, or those requiring additional information, should contact the address below:


Central Executing Unit

Attn: Procurement Specialist

Habet Building

2nd Floor

1904 Constitution Drive

Belmopan, Cayo District

Contact Information: Tel: 501-822-4106



Institution: Inter-American Development Bank

Country: Belize

Project: Strengthening Public Expenditure Management in Belize

Sector: Finance and Public Service

Abstract: The list of procurement is to achieve the objectives of each subcomponent of the project. Procurement will include consultancy services and goods for financial management, procurement systems, technological infrastructure and strengthening capacity building.

Loan/Credit/Grant No.:

Borrower: 5353/0C-BL

Government of Belize

The Government of Belize has received financing in the amount equivalent to eight million US Dollars (US $8M) from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and it intends to apply part of the proceeds to payments for goods, works, related services and consulting services to be procured under the project Strengthening Public Expenditure Management in Belize. Bidding will be governed by the Inter-American Development Bank’s eligibility rules and procedures.

The main objective of this project is to promote the fiscal sustainability of Belize. The specific objective is to increase the efficiency of public resources by strengthening public financial management. The project contains four (4) subcomponents.

Subcomponent 1 Financial Management - Improve the efficiency of key expenditure functions.

Subcomponent 2 Procurement - Improve efficiency by promoting economies of scale and competitiveness among suppliers in the acquisition of all goods and services.

Subcomponent 3 Technological Infrastructure - Promote a more sustainable technological infrastructure enabling processes to be more reliable and faster

Subcomponent 4 Strengthening Capacity Building - Improve institutional capacity for personnel to carry out processes and operate systems efficiently

Procurement processes of contracts financed by the Inter-American Development Bank will be conducted in accordance with the Policies for Procurement of Goods and Works nanced by the Inter-American Development Bank (current edition), and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the policies. For these procurement processes domestic preference shall be applied to compare bids. Consulting services will be selected and contracted in accordance with the Policies for the Selection and Contracting of Consultants nanced by the Inter-American Development Bank (current edition).

Specific procurement notices will be published as they become available pursuant to the Procurement Plan published in For consulting services expected to cost an amount equivalent to US $200.000 or more, a request for expressions of interest contracts will be advertised in UN Development Business, Inter-American Development Bank’s and Ministry of Economic Development Web Site, CARICOM Public Procurement Notice Board (CPPNB) and national newspapers of wide circulation within Belize.

Interested eligible bidders and consultants who wish to be included on the mailing list to receive invitations to prequalify/bid under ICB procedures, and interested consultants who wish to receive a copy of advertisement requesting expressions of interest for consultancy contracts, or those requiring additional information, should contact the address below:

Subject – Request for information – SPEM – BL-L1038


Central Executing Unit

Attn: Procurement Specialist

Habet Building

1904 Constitution Drive

Belmopan, Cayo District

Contact Information: Tel: 501-822-4106







The Ministry of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour and Local Government is launching a call for proposals from interested legal professionals to support the review of the Labour Chapter 297, Revised Edition 2020 with the objective of the enactment of a modernized Act.



The main objective of the Consultancy is to provide support and technical expertise to the primary consultant of the project for the research, analysis and preparation of key recommendations and the legislative drafting required for a comprehensive review and modernization of the Labour Act, Chapter 297, Revised Edition 2020 and to support the consultations thereon.



(i) Work plan/schedule:

The consultant will, at the outset, prepare and submit a work plan (schedule of tasks and activities) based on the agreed date of commencement of the consultancy.

The Ministry of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour and Local Government is launching a call for proposals from interested legal professionals to support the review of the Labour Chapter 297, Revised Edition 2020 with the objective of the enactment of a modernized Act.

(ii) Situational and policy analysis report:

The situational and policy analysis report will be based on consultations, interviews and a thorough desk review of key documentation, national and international legislative records and any other relevant materials obtained through independent research using quantitative and qualitative methodologies

(iii) Consultation with stakeholders:


The consultant, in coordination with the Labour Advisory Board, the designated Ministry officials and representatives of the ILO, will support consultations with social partners and national stakeholders. The consultant will prepare an updated situational and policy analysis report incorporating feedback and recommendations of the stakeholders, and a summary report of the consultations. The consultant will also provide support for consultations on the draft legislation.

(iv) Provide input and assist with the drafting of the legislation, and prepare a white paper:

The main objective of the Consultancy is to provide support and technical expertise to the primary consultant of the project for the research, analysis and preparation of key recommendations and the legislative drafting required for a comprehensive review and modernization of the Labour Act, Chapter 297, Revised Edition 2020 and to support the consultations thereon.

•Provide support and input with respect to the preparation of various drafts of the new Labour Act, as well as the consultations held on the drafts

•Prepare a White Paper in the format required by the Ministry of the Attorney General for submission to Cabinet and ultimately the National Assembly.



Candidates seeking to undertake this consultancy should possess the following:

• LLB degree with at least ten (10) years post qualification experience of practicing law in Belize including experience of advising on employment law matters in Belize.

(i) Work plan/schedule:

• A member in good standing with Belize Bar Association.

• Knowledge of and experience in legislation drafting, Rule of Law, legal framework and CARICOM Model Laws.

• Practical knowledge of government processes, social dialogue and industrial relations.

The consultant will, at the outset, prepare and submit a work plan (schedule of tasks and activities) based on the agreed date of commencement of the consultancy.

• Knowledge of ILO Conventions, Recommendations and Protocols and ILO supervisory system.

• Ability to interpret, simplify and translate complex legal issues and conduct qualitative and quantitative research.

(ii) Situational and policy analysis report:

• Highly skilled in business judgment, law, analytics, communication, and research.

• Has strong computer skills, fluency in English, and can work both as a team and independently.

• Adaptable to diverse cultures, genders, religions, ethnicities, ages, and can produce high-quality output within budget and on time.


The situational and policy analysis report will be based on consultations, interviews and a thorough desk review of key documentation, national and international legislative records and any other relevant materials obtained through independent research using quantitative and qualitative methodologies.

Each proposal should consist of:

(iii) Consultation with stakeholders:

1. A short cover letter (2 pages maximum) summarizing references to the consultant’s experience with similar undertakings.

2. The proposal will specify in detail: (i) experience with practicing law in Belize including experience of advising on employment law matters in Belize; (ii) Experience in of legislation drafting, Rule of Law, legal framework and CARICOM Model Law and practical knowledge of government processes, social dialogue and industrial relations and (iii) Knowledge of ILO Conventions, Recommendations and Protocols and ILO supervisory system;

3. Relevant samples of work and/or hyperlinks to published material;

The consultant, in coordination with the Labour Advisory Board, the designated Ministry officials and representatives of the ILO, will support consultations with social partners and national stakeholders. The consultant will prepare an updated situational and policy analysis report incorporating feedback and recommendations of the stakeholders, and a summary report of the consultations. The consultant will also provide support for consultations on the draft legislation.

4. Tentative calendar for carrying out the various phases of the process (see section VI, paragraphs (i) to (iv) of the Terms of Reference). With regards to the calendar of activities, please note:

a. The consultant is expected to start working during the month of June 2023 and conclude the exercise at least, by June 2024.

b. The full stakeholders’ consultation schedule and modality will be jointly determined after selection of the candidates in line with the stakeholders’ availability, and available resources.

5. Curriculum vitae and current affiliation of consultant;

6. A price proposal that includes all consultant fees and related expenses. Meetings and workshop costs will be covered by the Ministry.

7. Incomplete proposals will not be considered.

8. The full Terms of Reference may be requested from

Proposals must be submitted to:

Labour and Local Government 5163 University Boulevard

All submissions must be made by June 16th, 2023 at 4:00pm




Supply of Goods for 115kV Transmission Line Rehabilitation Energy Resilience for Climate Adaptation (ERCAP)

The Government of Belize (GOB) has been allocated grant funds (the Grant) from the Global Environmental Facility (GEF), which are administered by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) and executed by Belize Electricity Limited (BEL) in conjunction with the Ministry of Public Service, Energy and Public Utility (MPSEPU) and the National Meteorological Service (NMS), in an amount equivalent to USD 8 million, towards the cost of an Energy Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation Project. A portion of the proceeds of the Grant will be applied to eligible payments under the contract for which this specific procurement notice is issued. Payments by the World Bank will be made only at the request of BEL, and upon approval by the World Bank, and will be subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the Grant Agreement. The Grant Agreement prohibits withdrawal from the financing account for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any import of goods, if such payment or import, to the knowledge of the World Bank, is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations. No party other than GOB shall derive any rights from the Grant Agreement or have any claim to the proceeds of the Grant.

BEL now invites electronic Bids from eligible Bidders for the Supply of Goods for 115kV Single Circuit Transmission Line Rehabilitation from Westlake Substation to Maskall Substation, Belize.

Bidding will be conducted through International Competitive Bidding (ICB) using a Request for Bids (RFB) as specified in the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” dated January 2011 (revised July 2014) (“Procurement Regulations”) and is open to all eligible Bidders as defined in the Procurement Regulations.

Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from the following person:

Ms. Carolyn L. Crawford, Procurement Consultant

ERCAP Project Management Unit, Belize Electricity Limited


The bidding document in English may be requested by interested Bidders upon the submission of a written application to the address above. The do cument will be sent electronically upon this request.

Bids must be received at the email address below on or before Tuesday, June 20, 2023, by 3:00 pm and will be opened on the same day at 3:30pm sharp, Belize time.

Submission of bids by electronic email (EM):

A PDF copy of the bid should be submitted by EM. The PDF copy should be encrypted, or password protected. The email should not be encrypted but only the attachment shall be encrypted, or password protected.

The procedure for submission of bid is:

A. The zipped file is to be sent to Manager, Procurement Department at

B. Password or encryption key should be sent along with the bid to the same bid submission email address listed below.

C. Bidders will receive a confirmation email from the BEL once their bid is received.

D. Bidders should ensure that the bid document(s) are not corrupt or affected by any computer virus that may possibly deny an access to the files. BEL will not be responsible for such corrupt files which may deny access during the bid opening process.

E. The maximum file size for each email will be 30 MB. Any email with an attachment above this size will bounce back. Hence, Bidders must ensure the attachments do not exceed the 30 MB threshold.

F. Email submissions should be clearly labelled in its subject with the following: Bid for the Supply of Goods for 115kV Transmission Line Rehabilitation– ERCAP – “include Bidders name or Company name”.

Bids submitted electronically shall only be opened publicly at the Bid Opening time mentioned above on Tuesday, June 20, 2023, in the presence o f bidders and/or their representatives who have submitted a bid. Bid opening will be held virtually using Microsoft (MS) Teams. The link to the MS-Teams bid opening invite will be shared with all Bidders prior to the bid opening date and all Bidders are encouraged to participate therein. Late Bids shall be rejected.

All Bids must be accompanied by a Bid-Securing Declaration.

The address referred to above is:

Manager Procurement Department

Belize Electricity Limited

2 ½ Miles Phillip Goldson Highway

Belize City, Belize


Telephone: +501-227-0954

BEL reserves the right to reject late bids or to cancel the bid opening session in its entirety. It will not be bound to assign any reason for not engaging the services of any bidder and will not defray any costs incurred by any bidder in the preparation and submission of their bid.

Envelope Bidding P rocess

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