Belize Times June 7, 2020- Who paid 400k for the planes?

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The Belize Times

7 JUNE 2020 | ISSUE NO: 5201

Established 1957

The Truth Shall Make You Free | $1.00

CRACKHEAD DEAL Who paid 400K for the Planes?

Our Cash strapped UDP government sold seized/abandoned narcoplanes at prices that can only remind us of desperation and people who would do anything to satisfy worldly habits. The UDP and Dean Barrow do not know that it is time to move on. Denial reigns. For the sake of transparency(which we know we will not get), who bought planes? Who were they sold to? Who appraised the planes? Where are they now? Talking about 400K, has Vega paid back the 400K owed to Belize? Has Sharon? Maybe these could be collected since there is desperation for money and end of month will come quicker than one can say UDP go. As many drug planes have entered Belizean skies as one

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Elvin!!!! and the Former Ministers Investigated Pg. 2





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CRACKHEAD DEAL Who paid 400K for the Planes?

Continued from page 1 can wish to count and the few that are seized by Belize and are in flying condition, it would seem to be a super windfall especially in the time of Covid and other UDP ills. But no...not with the UDP. They have found a way to concoct a deal that smells corrupt but who knows. The Belizean people will await transparency or Elections. The 64 million dollar question is, why could you not even inch to the million dollar mark with these planes. Only the Business Executive Jet hauled as our soldiers died should net us tens of millions. The needy 180K Belizeans who signed up for help to survive Covid and the State of Emergency and the UDP recession demand to know.

Elvin!!!! and the Former Ministers Investigated The name is spelled correctly. He will never be as cute and nice as Alvin. A Supreme Court judge had to issue a bench warrant for the arrest of one Elvin Penner for him to make an appearance. Let’s pull in those of us that need to get up to speed beyond 4 years ago at least. When you hear/see Aldo Salazar asked about the Senate Select Committee’s Report they are really referring to former Minister of Cayo Elvin Penner. How? Sanctuary Bay and Immigration in the same breath? As succinct as possible, let’s try. Aldo Salazar of Keystone sudden success and also known for being an attorney of the Sanctuary Bay Enterprise was anointed chair of the committee charged with conducting hearings into the Immigration scandal officially uncovered by the Auditor General smack in the middle of the infamous UDP three incomplete term government. Penner had been fired from Cabinet for taking part in allowing a passport to be processed for one now called Citizen Kim, a Korean con. This was an especially infamous case since the Korean was at the time jailed in Taiwan. Said passport was seized and the mystery is, how he received this passport. Ex deputy Mayor Chang who coincidentally was in Taiwan during the same time in 2013 could have unravelled said question. As the story goes, Aldo Salazar is then tasked to present a final report to the people of Belize. He might argue that he will present this to the Prime Minister. So the Penner Mystery is still unofficial as Salazar and the UDP has found it politically preferable to deal with other exigencies like Sanctuary Bay and the Keystone Building. the Immigration report is allowed to marinade since 2018, Penner has been involved in a traffic fatality. His case was due this week and he failed to show and thus a bench warrant was penned for his arrest. Said arrest didn’t happen. When he appeared he was not happy. He even threatened Cayo Northeast with becoming a candidate for the mud fest called the UDP. He is a joke. Back to the Immigration Report...



Lev Dermen is featured in it as he was a part of the Passport desirous He was greedy. He wanted to be an Honorary Counsel for Belize. He was pulling no tranches to get this. He even convinced John Saldivar to put in a word with the artificial one who in 2020 wasted no time in exposing this. Saldivar officially is under investigation which hinges on documentation from the Utah courts. Lesson Salazar 101...drag your feet as much as you can and look busy, busy, busy and the investigation could disappear. Moving on a bit, Patrick Faber’s Ministries were investigated for a period of a few years by the Auditor General. UDP Standard Bearer then Principal Simeon Coc and some teachers spent some 2million very inappropriately. Faber himself doesn’t know how to explain how some money was moved. Former Minister Longsworth placed some money in his bank account; he was fired as consul in New York but investigation is pending. Penner, Saldivar and Longsworth all UDP poster boys of infamy. Saldivar thinks that all is well and he can upload a document and bam, he is a leader. Oh my, how low has the UDP fallen? Belize does not want to go along. Test this theory scientifically…it is called an election. The spikes you will see will go directly into the heart of the UDP.


CANE FARMERS DISADVANTAGED As the June month came into our calendar, the Pacific Hurricane season which begins on May 15, came to bear on to Belize. Flooding could be seen all around the country in the form of mere remnants to Amanda. Our good graces continue in that no death can be attributed to the flooding as in El Salvador and Guatemala. But in the time of Covid our locally grown vegetables and the little we still have of our large scale agro industries are delicate and succumb easily. Our food and economic security is held to ransom. In the north Sugar has always battled droughts and the rains. It is a balance no one has the handle over. That is of God and Nature. This UDP brought in another factor, the American Sugar Refineries/ Belize Sugar Industries (ASR/BSI) which has been one headache after another for the traditionally oriented cane farmer. Both farmer and ASR, the real owner, want to make money and the Goliath always wants it their way. This 2020 suffering from the extreme water shortage of 2019 was already experiencing record low numbers—at least for the last few years. Hon. Jose Mai: “This is sad. These cane farmers were to deliver their sugar cane but ASR will not receive any more for processing. ASR announced that due to excess rainfall they will suspend milling. They would only receive what was already burnt or cut and was still in the field. Unfortunately harvesting in these conditions is difficult and farmers could not make it to the mill on time. Unconfirmed reports are that ASR will only weigh the sugar cane but will not accept for processing. There is talk that ASR may be considering compensating the farmers. That is still not

yet confirmed. Please note that up to, June 1, 2020; crop day 139, BSI had only received 737, 047.979 tons of Sugar cane. Conversion ratio of tons sugar cane / tons sugar this week was horrible 14.626. The last time I saw this was in 2009, when BELCOGEN was commissioned!! The ratio was around 15 tons sugar cane to 1 ton sugar. How much worse can it get? 1. Low prices 2. Drought/ low yields 3. Poor milling 4. Excess rainfall 5. Low sugar conversion rates 6. High costs Bitter times bitter times!” This comes at a time when we see neighbouring mill yielding prices much higher than ours. “This is the price cane farmers are getting paid in Quintana Roo today..It is sad to be Belizean cane farmer!! Shame and disgrace on the government!! Shame and disgrace on ASR!!! Shame shame!! Equivalent to $108.00 Bz per ton of sugar cane..... Belize cane farmers are receiving $47.00 per ton!! Shame and disgrace!!” In all of this did the government blare their horns and use the State of Emergency to negotiate for the farmers? Did the Minister of Agriculture help the farmers in this last ditch effort to make every cent count? The UDP does not know what that means. The UDP is busy cleaning up desks and accounts and everything they can as they know they will need to rush out of Belmopan in the very near future.

The Belize Times

Established 1957

14 APR 2013


ISSUE NO: 4840

The Truth Shall Make You Free



serving Belize since 1957 as the longest continuous newspaper. Founder: Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus OFFICE MANAGER

Fay Castillo EDITOR

José Jiménez


Chris Williams


Roberto Peyrefitte Printed and Published By TIMES NEWSPAPER LTD. Tel: 671-8385 #3 Queen Street P.O. BOX 506 Belize City, Belize





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The Impasse

rime Minister Dean Barrow has gone on record to assure Belizeans, yet again, that despite hard evidence to the contrary the Belizean economy is not in a free fall and that there are enough foreign reserves to cushion our fall. While experiencing an overwhelming feeling of Déjà Vu at these hollow assurances, Belizeans continue to receive notices from commercial banks advising of severe restrictions on credit card usage and purchases which require foreign exchange. A few weeks ago we raised the issue of Belize’s underlying comorbidities in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and we have highlighted on other occasions the enormous trade deficit we carry and the manner in which it has been allowed to balloon unfettered. Two months ago in April 2020 the PM announced that there was enough foreign exchange and that payments for fuel and energy were at the top of the pyramid. He continues to declare that we have enough foreign reserves. It seems though that the PM has been abusing the simple pills he is wont to so heavily recommend. How else can we explain his remarks which contradict the measures already put in place by the commercial banks? His shallow assurances are more in line with wishful thinking, than grounded in any fiscal data or economic facts. Belize has its currency pegged to the US dollar. Most countries in the Caribbean do the same as they trade heavily in tourism and those services are paid in US dollars. Using a fixed exchange rate provides economic stability and cushions against the volatility of the international markets, on the downside it requires that the Central Bank keep huge amounts of reserves in US currency. These are precisely the reserves that are now threatened by Belize’s inability to earn foreign exchange, and this is the reason why commercial banks seek to limit the availability of foreign exchange. The PM has declared that one of the major ways in which Belize has brought in foreign exchange is true the many grants and aid afforded by international agencies, not as we had hoped through our exports. However those sources are drying up fast and the IMF seems unwilling to lend Belize anymore if it will not adopt any of its cost cutting measures outlined in the Standby Agreement. The exportation of cattle has ground to a halt, the sugar industry is in severe trouble, and with the painful death of the Tourism Industry the opportunities to earn foreign exchange have dwindled to a trickle. However, our demand for foreign currency has not dwindled as our trade deficit remains extremely high. Sooner or later we will finally deplete the reserves at the Central Bank and when we are unable to defend the peg, Belize can be forced into floating its currency. The Thai Baht was forced to do the same between 1996 and 1997, and although the IMF eventually bailed out the Baht, it fell by 40%. The PM has been uncharacteristically shy about outlining the way in which he and his Cabinet will avoid the impending doom that devaluation will spell. Whenever he has been pressed to outline his economic recovery plan he has denied the information on the details. He has banked heavily over the years on the charity of the IMF and other international lending institutions, and is unwilling to pay the pound of flesh they now require as the price of the loans. The IMF and all other International Financial Institutions (IFIs) will not aid a country they deem incapable of paying back their debts or of spending the loans inefficiently. As usual the PM puts his party over his country, in a last moribund effort to win elections he is unwilling to curtail government spending even as he squeezes the unions and the teachers. The Statistical Institute Of Belize (SIB) records that the economy declined by 4.5% in the first quarter citing a downturn of 6.1% in the primary sector, 13.2% in the secondary sector and 3.3% in the tertiary sector respectively. The only sector that saw an increase in the first quarter was government services by 4.1% this despite their austerity measures. Those cost cutting measures that did not include the upgrading of the government fleet. The PM is at an impasse unwilling to lose the imminent general elections due to retrenchment that the IMF will make a condition of their continued fiscal support and the fact that without that fiscal support Belizean foreign reserves will dwindle causing a slipping of the peg and devaluation of the Belizean dollar. The PM has been cornered and disgraced, there is no way out of this quandary and he has no answers. The longer he postpones the inevitable election, the worse his mess becomes. Call elections now PM and go quietly into retirement!

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en Español

Callejón sin salida

l Primer Ministro Dean Barrow ha declarado públicamente a los beliceños, una vez más, asegurando que, a pesar de las pruebas contundentes de lo contrario, la economía de Belice no está en caída libre y que hay suficientes reservas extranjeras para amortiguar nuestra caída. Mientras experimentan una sensación abrumadora de Déjà Vu ante estas garantías huecas, los beliceños siguen recibiendo avisos de bancos comerciales que advierten de severas restricciones en el uso de tarjetas de crédito y compras que requieren divisas. Hace unas semanas planteamos la cuestión de las comorbilidades subyacentes de Belice a la luz de la pandemia COVID-19 y en otras ocasiones hemos resaltado el enorme déficit comercial que tenemos y la forma en la que se le ha permitido incrementar sin restricciones. Hace dos meses, en abril de 2020, el Primer Ministro anunció que había suficientes divisas y que los pagos por combustible y energía estaban en la cima de la pirámide. Continúa declarando que tenemos suficientes reservas de divisas. Sin embargo, parece que el PM ha estado abusando de las píldoras de inocentón que está acostumbrado a recomendar tan fuertemente. ¿De qué otra manera podemos explicar sus observaciones que contradicen las medidas ya adoptadas por los bancos comerciales? Sus aseveraciones superficiales están más en línea con las ilusiones, que basadas en datos fiscales o hechos económicos. Belice tiene su moneda vinculada al dólar estadounidense. La mayoría de los países del Caribe hacen lo mismo ya que comercian fuertemente en turismo y esos servicios se pagan en dólares estadounidenses. El uso de un tipo de cambio fijo proporciona estabilidad económica y amortigua la volatilidad de los mercados internacionales, en el lado negativo esto requiere que el Banco Central mantenga enormes cantidades de reservas en moneda estadounidense. Estas son precisamente las reservas que ahora están amenazadas por la incapacidad de Belice para obtener divisas, y esta es la razón por la que los bancos comerciales tratan de limitar la disponibilidad de divisas. El Primer Ministro ha declarado que una de las principales formas en que las divisas son aportadas a Belice es la gran cantidad de donaciones y ayuda proporcionada por las agencias internacionales, no como esperábamos a través de nuestras exportaciones. Sin embargo, esas fuentes se están agotando rápidamente y el FMI parece poco dispuesto a seguir prestándole a Belice si no adopta ninguna de sus medidas de reducción de costos esbozadas en el Acuerdo de Fuerzas de Reserva. La exportación de ganado se ha detenido, la industria azucarera está en graves problemas y, con la dolorosa muerte de la industria del turismo, las oportunidades de obtener divisas se han reducido a un hilo. Sin embargo, nuestra demanda de divisas no ha disminuido, ya que nuestro déficit comercial sigue siendo extremadamente alto. Tarde o temprano finalmente agotaremos las reservas del Banco Central y cuando no podamos defender la paridad, Belice puede verse obligado a flotar su moneda. El baht tailandés se vio obligado de hacer lo mismo entre 1996 y 1997, y aunque el FMI finalmente rescató al baht, este cayó un 40%. El Primer Ministro ha sido inusualmente tímido a la hora de esbozar la forma en la que él y su Gabinete evitarán la ruina inminente que supondrá la devaluación. Siempre que se le ha presionado para que esboce su plan de recuperación económica, ha negado la información sobre los detalles. A lo largo de los años, ha contado fuertemente con la caridad del Fondo Monetario Internacional y otras instituciones crediticias internacionales, y no está dispuesto a pagar la libra de carne que ahora requieren como el precio de los préstamos. El Fondo Monetario Internacional y todas las demás instituciones crediticias internacionales no ayudarán a un país que consideren incapaz de pagar sus deudas ni de gastar los préstamos de manera ineficiente. Como suele hacer, el Primer Ministro una vez más pone los intereses de su partido antes que los de su país, en un esfuerzo último y moribundo para ganar elecciones y no está dispuesto a recortar el gasto del gobierno, incluso mientras oprime a los sindicatos y a los maestros. El Instituto de Estadística de Belice registra que la economía disminuyó un 4,5% en el primer trimestre, citando una caída del 6,1% en el sector primario, 13,2% en el sector secundario y 3,3% en el sector terciario, respectivamente. El único sector que experimentó un aumento en el primer trimestre fue el de los servicios públicos en un 4,1%, a pesar de sus medidas de austeridad. Esas medidas de reducción de costos no incluyeron el mejoramiento de la flota de vehículos gubernamental. El Primer Ministro se encuentra en un callejón sin salida pues no está dispuesto a perder las inminentes elecciones generales debido a la reducción de personal que el FMI exigirá como una condición de su apoyo fiscal continuo y el hecho del que sin ese apoyo fiscal las divisas del país disminuirán causando una pérdida de la paridad con el dólar estadounidense y la consecuente devaluación del dólar de Belice. El primer ministro ha sido acorralado y desacreditado, no hay manera de salir de este dilema y no tiene respuestas. Cuanto más posponga las inevitables elecciones, peor será su desastre. ¡Llame a las elecciones ahora PM y váyase tranquilamente a la jubilación!




BELLY of the


The Tranche-Man The Belize Times has received very reliable information of a backdoor deal which is currently being brokered which should, if all goes as planned, usher the disgraced John Saldivar into leadership of the UDP. In an interview this week, Saldivar himself admitted that he was only asked to step down so that things could cool off and the people of Belize could forget just how damn worthless he is. According to Saldivar, whose brain seems to have flat-lined just like that other appendage we were unfortunate enough to see, he has the integrity and honesty needed to be leader of the UDP. Then, after shocking the world with that statement, Saldivar did it again, claiming that he will be the one to lead the charge when it comes to campaign finance reform. Good lerd! It does appear that the man has gone quite loony. We’ve heard of cases like this where trauma causes people to forget whole chunks of their lives. Maybe Saldivar has forgotten when he, Dougie and Lev Dermen were frolicking in speedos in the Beverly Hills Hotel swimming pool. Maybe he’s forgotten all those cozy nights spent with William Danny Mason. If he has, the people of Belize certainly haven’t. We’re waiting patiently for him. Eating Vomit What an ignoble end this is turning out to be for the bald-headed despot. It is almost impossible to remember the bombastic Barrow who pretended every day that he was the brightest and the ‘brilliantest.’ This is the same man who stood on a stage and told the people about all the millions and millions and millions he had in the coffers. Remember that? It was in Penner’s area when the people were ready to recall that fool for selling off our Belizean birthright. Barrow bribed the people with false promises, telling them about culverts and schools which never did materialize. Now how the

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mighty have fallen. Dean Oliver is now forced to go, hat in hand, to the lending agencies and beg for pennies. We understand that Barrow has been turned down by the same agencies he boasted about, because they say that COVID-19 barely brushed Belize so there should not be this level of economic ruin. Now everyone will know the truth. The mess that this country is in is because of Dean Barrow and the UDP, not because of the pandemic. Who will help us now? Housing Hustle The people of Belmopan want to know if Mayor Khalid Belisle’s newfound wealth, seen clearly with the mansion he is building which we are reliably informed has inched up to around $2.5M, has anything to do with his father’s position at the defunct Ministry of Housing. It’s a hell of a thing. All eyes have been on Khalid for a while now. He’s known as John Saldivar’s pet puppy, so when the money started to flow, everybody figured he was getting a share of the tranches. Then the Hilltop was sold by Khalid in what was obviously a shady deal, and the people of Belmopan figured…so that’s where he’s getting the money. But suppose that’s only a part of it. The Ministry of Housing gets millions every single year, but hasn’t built a single house for deserving Belizeans in the last ten years. Where does that money go? The people will find out, and there’s be hell to pay. Cockroach Seems like with talk of elections soon, all the big, disgusting cockroaches are crawling out of the woodwork. Last time we checked with one of the nastiest cockroaches, Elvin Penner, he was drunk in some sleazy bar, probably beating up on himself and all depressed because he didn’t hit up Won Hong Kim for much more money. Anyway, remember he knocked down and killed a man a couple years ago in Cayo? So he was to appear in court this week and decided he wouldn’t show up. The Judge was having none of it and issued a warrant for his arrest. Anyway, long story short, Penner gave an interview right after that in which he talked about re-entering politics for the UDP. Seriously. Can you imagine that? Imagine a UDP with Penner and Saldivar and Boots and Castro at the forefront. That is what Dean Barrow wants to offer to Belizeans. Call it now, Dean. The people are ready.

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1. Will the Minister of Health please update the nation on the number of ventilators that are available in the country and will he also say, of those in country, how many are functional and how many are not functional? 2. Will the Minister of National Security please confirm or deny if 3 of the planes seized during recent drug busts were sold and, if so, to whom were these planes sold and for how much were they sold? 3. Will the Minister of Tourism please inform the nation if there is a Tourism plan for the country and if this plan can work if the International Airport is closed? 4. Will the Prime Minister please inform the nation why with more than 50 days without a reported case of the corona virus and with our borders on lock down why there is still a need for the nation to be under a State of Emergency? And will the Prime Minister agree that under a state of Emergency a number of fundamental rights and freedoms of the Belizean people are being denied? 5. Stay safe Belize, wear a mask in public, practice social distancing, good hygiene and be considerate.



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IFIs Say NOPE, NO MONEY FOR YOU Thursday, 04 June 2020 On more than one occasion, Dean Oliver Barrow has stood on a podium, stupid-looking glasses perched on his stupid-looking nose, and has boasted about how the International Finance Institutions are lining up to lend Belize money because they love the UDP so much. Dean Oliver has been heard to say that he doesn’t even have to call the IFIs to ask for assistance. He says his phone is ringing off the hook be-



Dear Editor, Are Masks Here to Stay? With the onset of the world-wide spread of COVID-19, the public use of masks was recommended as a means to help prevent & contain the disease. After the many back & forth debates as to when and when not to wear a mask, we are still wearing masks today in public. It is becoming more & more of a routine for society. I can clearly understand wearing masks in large countries or in areas of concern, but here in Belize we have been COVID-19 free for over 50 days. If the virus is not circulating in our country, then why is it still mandatory to use masks in public? Isn’t the purpose of wearing a mask to prevent the wearer from being contaminated by an infected person? I believe we should all have our masks ready and available until the immediate threat of the pandemic is over, but not forced to wear it routinely the second we leave our homes. I would want to believe that the criminals are now starting to take advantage of the facial mask essential. Just last week a Chinese businessman was sneaked up on and murdered by someone wearing a piece of garment over his/her face. Had masks not become a norm, it would have been very suspicious to see someone walking or riding up the street wearing a mask. It’s making life easier for the criminals. With your mouth & nose covered it is almost impossible to recognize anyone. How long will we continue wearing a mask? Until the virus has completely disappeared? Will it ever completely vanish? Have masks become a part of our future? Thanks Editor, Masked Belizean

cause everybody wants to give the UDP money. Readers, then, and all Belizeans should be asking themselves right now why absolutely NO MONEY has come in from any of those IFIs. Something must be very wrong. Every single day in the news, there are reports of countries right here in our region getting financial assistance for post-COVID response and economic relief. But in Belize, all that we are told, every single week, is that the Government remains confident that millions and millions and millions will come in from the IFIs, but nothing yet. Way back at the start of April, when the State of Emergency was first implemented, the Prime Minister told the nation that it would

only be a matter of weeks before money would come pouring in. He broke down in detail the many millions that would come in to fill the coffers, from one IFI or the other. That was in April. April came and went, and the only money the country received was a little small change from our ready ally, Taiwan. The only bank which seemed ready to lend was the Central Bank, controlled by Dean Oliver. At the end of April, Dean Oliver told the nation that the money was coming, and all was well. And still, that money never came. Nothing from all those IFIs that the Prime Minister boasted about. Getting desperate, his nudity showing, the little emperor named Dean


$1.4 BILLION $100 million spent in 2012/2013 was unconstitutional. This was spent in the run up to the 2012 General Elections. Today, eight years later, we still don’t know who got this money, how much they got, and whether the monies were misappropriated. $100 million dead and gone.

started intimidating public officers, telling them that they would need to bail out this government from the mess we are in. There are many countries in the world that have recorded tremendous devastation from the panic, with death in the thousands and lockdown lasting months. In the Caribbean and Central America, the pandemic has wreaked havoc. In Belize, through the grace of God, the nation was spared. But even with God’s grace, Belizeans were not prepared for the country to fall into an economic pit almost instantly. Within two weeks of lockdown, Dean Oliver was having trouble paying the wage bill. And it has only gotten worse. Because the UDP mismanaged the country’s economy, thousands and thousands of Belizeans who need help the most have been unable to access it. There are many who have not gotten even the first $100 or $150 from the Unemployment Relief Program. There are many families who have not even gotten a pound of rice or beans. There are thousands without jobs, and Dean Oliver’s government can do nothing to help anybody, except beg. And nobody’s buying that anymore. It is the month of June, a full two months after the SoE was implemented, and Belizeans have yet to see one dollar from the IFIs. There is a reason for that. The writing is on the wall.

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KEYSTONE TENANT GOB ? Sanctuary Bay finally meets Belize City Harbour!! Has the Government of Belize rented at Aldo Salazar’s Keystone Building for an insane 10 years? Is the International Merchant Marine Registry of Belize (IMMARBE) moving into said building soon? Can the applicants for COVID Relief Fund (Belizeans) take a look at any and all contracts signed between Keystone and the government? We will always be interested in any UDP tales of rags to riches...especially the condition and the quantum of those riches. Apparently, Amanda and her hard rains over the weekend tested the rain resilience of the building. It was a fail as the entire building was flooded out due to a leaking rooftop damaging call center computers and equipment. This construction was pulled off by your Senator Aldo Salazar, in one year. Let us recall, this is the same man that had exigencies that prevented him from completing the Immigration Scandal Report. As Senator he is collected public monies and not delivering on commitments. As a public person, a fair question is, will Hon. Salazar disclose this building in his personal finance report due to the Integrity Commission?




2020 31 MAY 2020


mi poor! But099yu

WE WATER CAN’T RATIONED ANDBREATHE BURNING “Decades of unfairness are nowTOLEDO boiling over in the ISSUESUnited IN SAN ANTONIO, States in the form of protests, riots, burning DISTRICT buildings and violence.”

Nestled in the picturesque Thescenic United Democratic and Maya Mountain Party rangunder the leadership of Dean Oles of the Toledo District is the iver Barrow oversaw the most lubeautiful village of San Antonio. crative financial years Belize has Founded in 1883 by Maya fleeeven seen. One would not be coning persecution in Guatemala, sidered pessimistic if you were to San Antonio offers several attracconclude that the exponential ecotionsgrowth namely, San to Antonio nomic andthe access easy Falls along with its Roman Cathliquidity is coming or has come to olic stone church in 1950. a close at least for thebuilt foreseeable The San Luis Rey RC School in future. San in All Antonio systemswas andconstructed policies that 1949,and a gorgeous building. Barrow his UDPstone buffoons put in place to govern sharing are of Majority of thethe population resources, be it, political, humble Mopan Mayas,economindustriic ous and and especially financialI had – were hard working. the designed to concentrate among privilege of spending one night in a few not share, wealth. San families, Antonio over the CommonThe end result is an exponential wealth holiday weekend. Apart increase in rolling the poverty rate unfrom the hills, awesome der Barrow and the UDP’s 12 year people and just the utter tranfleecing of our country’s limited requillity, what blew my mind was sources. In Belize, the UDP estabthe water situation in the village. lished an economic pie that clearly Thenever waterdesigned system isto turned at was feedon the 8 p.m. nightly and turned off at majority poor but rather to guaran-4 In other elites words, you teea.m. the wealthy thewhile far largsleep water is available but once er piece of the little that remains. youthe awake is no water in What UDPthere has created is what the system. How ridiculous can I term as inconceivable, palpable we be? What is the justification for turning on water during the night and off during the day? Incidentally this is the home LIQUOR LICENSE village of the UDP Standard BearerNOTICES and former Principal of Julian Cho Technical Notice is hereby givenHigh thatSchool, Evi Mr. Simeon Coc. How can he Espejo is applying for a Shop behave as though it is okay Liquor License to be operated at to have overGrocery 1500 people without “51 Amara Shop” located at # 51 water Amarafrom Avenue, Belize running 4 a.m. to 8 City, Belize Mr. District the p.m. daily? Coc under it is alleged, Intoxicating Liquor re-appointed theLicense WaterOrdiBoard nance Revised Editionfully 1980. Chairman knowing well that he had been cited for impropriNotice eties is ashereby fundsgiven fromthat theHecWater tor Mencias is applying for a Board Account have gone missBeer Liquor License to be opering. The villagers vehemently ated at “Mencia’s Shop” located opposed the reappointment of in August Pine Ridge, Orange this gentleman andthe a letter was Walk District under Intoxisent to Dr. Carla Barnett who cating Liquor License Ordinance is the Minister for RuRevised Editionresponsible 1980. ral Development but in the usual UDP way, she did notthat even have Notice is hereby given DantheSchakron decencyis toapplying respondfor to athe iel letter. As Liquor it pertains to to Simeon Restaurant License be operated at “Shisha this 8” located at Coc reappointing apparently #corrupt 162 Newtown Belize Water Barracks, Board Chairman, City, Belize not District under thebewe should be surprised Intoxicating Liquor cause Mr. Coc asLicense PrincipalOrdiis also nance Revised Edition 1980. accused of administering the disappearance of substantial sums Notice is hereby given that Casiof money and the issuance of no Tropicana Co. Ltd. is applying illegal contracts to special memfor a Restaurant Liquor License bers of his staff. to be operated at “Casino Tropcan located you aspire icanaHow Co. Ltd” at # to 160represent an entire constituency Newtown Barracks, Belize City, when District you cannot even Belize under the represent Intoxiyour home village by properly cating Liquor License Ordinance appointing someone Revised Edition 1980. capable of

unfairness. It was Plutarch who wrote and I quote,” An imbalance between the rich and the poor is the oldest and most fatal ailments of all societies.” The Corona Virus cannot be blamed for the current state of affairs in the world and more specifically in Belize. What Rona has done is bring to the light the utter unfairness of the system that allows this incompetent UDP bunch of crooks to plumage, rape, and abuse the country’s finances. To see public funds placed in completely needless projects while the social programs put in place serves only as a Band-Aid to the many social ills plaguing our nation state. Barrow and this UDP set fails to realize that every one of these

breaches of public trust, every bloated contract, illegal passport issued, etcetera, undermines our collective safety and security. They have managed to shift our foundation from beneath us and as a country. We now find ourselves at the brink of economic and social failure. The lowest level of management in this UDP fiasco is the police state they have created. The news stories have been filled with images of heavily militarized police units trained more as an invading force rummaging through our communities (GSU for example), terrorizing and clearly utilizing excessive force to routinely drag, brutalize and arrest and verbally abuse our people.


running the Water Board? How can we begin to trust you with the country’s resources when according to the Auditor General’s report of the School you administered, you cannot be trusted to do the right thing? On another note, rise the burnToss in a massive in unemployment, ing of medicalsteep wasteincrease by the Sanin the cost of Poly living,Clinic predatory banks Antonio continues asset forfeiture, and you have unabated. Complaints aftera dry pile of wood debris waitcomplaints haveand fallen on deaf ing for a spark. ears. While the Village Council In those essence, Belizeans like and families most affectthose in the United States are fed ed have tried to bring awareup. Fed up: with this extended ness to their plight in the hope State of Emergency, with this this that someone at the Ministry ridiculous curfew, but above all of are Health the Department we just and completely fed up of of the Environment would a UDP government, inept of solumove to come to their rescue. tions for an economy on free fall. AsThe I pen thisthing article nothing has best Barrow can do done. is insane forbeen Belize andThis Belizeans at and this cannot be iscountenanced critical time, to announce a any date Both the water situaforlonger. the General Elections. Call Elections tion andnow. the burning of medical WE areCAN’T waste untenableBREATHE… and must Enough is Enough. be addressed immediately.

Congratulations! All Graduates of The Class of 2020

On Behalf of Party Leader John Briceño and the PUP Family






Super UDP Khalid is crying Covid made me do it. The star-struck Mayor of the Capital City seems to have the same underlying condition as his boss Barrow. Everyone knows that he had been stumbling for some time now; the proof on this pudding was the eating away of the Belmopan greens. Do we remember 1000 dollars of the socially priced lots sold to rich Belmopanese in very questionable transactions? While we are on Khalid Belisle, did he Initiated by the European Union and the United Nations: ever explain the tarmac and Las Vegas pics? The answer/truth will be required for a serious run at anything political in the future? Or maybe there Initiated by the European Union and the United Nations: is no political future for this falling star. The Belmopan City Council staff deserves more than this. Your SPOTLIGHT INITIATIVE BELIZE council is in government. Mayor… maybe the Belmopan people are CIVIL SOCIETY NATIONAL REFERENCE GROUP silently protesting and using Covid as an excuse themselves to topple CALL FOR NOMINATIONS you. We won’t even ask for you SPOTLIGHT INITIATIVE BELIZE to resign; resignation is either deWhat is the Civil Society National Reference Group (CS-NRG)? manded directly from you via your CIVIL SOCIETY NATIONAL REFERENCE GROUP big Boss or if you have honor you The CS-NRG is a group of around 15 pre-eminent national and local experts on eliminating VAWG as well as on CALL FOR NOMINATIONS resign. None of these seem to be women’s rights more broadly. The CS-NRG will: happening in the UDP.  Provide advice on the overall strategic direction of the Spotlight Initiative’s Country Programme in Belize and on What is the Civil Society National Reference Group (CS-NRG)? cutting-edge national policy issues on eliminating VAWG. The CS-NRG is a group of around 15 pre-eminent national and local experts on eliminating VAWG as well as on women’s more broadly. The CS-NRG will:  Partner rights on high-level advocacy and communications as well as political dialogue, including by supporting visibility and promotion of the Initiative’s goals at the national level.  Provide advice on the overall strategic direction of the Spotlight Initiative’s Country Programme in Belize and on



cutting-edge national policy issues on eliminating VAWG. Provide advice on ongoing interventions, possibilities for scaling up the Spotlight Country Programme in Belize.

Partner on high-level advocacy and communications as well as political dialogue, including by supporting visibility and of the Initiative’s goals at the national level. Who can promotion apply? 

Leaders with significant experience working on women’s rights and gender equality and have expertise in elimiProvide advice on ongoing interventions, possibilities for scaling up the Spotlight Country Programme in Belize. nating VAWG, 

Who can apply?  Leaders or members of national and/or local/community-based women’s rights organisations/networks and other relevant networks of CSOs working on eliminating VAWG using a human rights-based approach.  Leaders with significant experience working on women’s rights and gender equality and have expertise in elimi 

Es con profundo pesar que ofrecemos nuestras sinceras condolencias a la familia Marcos en San Antonio, Cayo. Esperamos que El Divino Creador les conceda las fuerzas para poder superar estos momentos difíciles. Que descanse en paz, hermano.

NEEDED: Helper at AL Tope Class clothing store, located at # 27 Albert Street, Belize City. Call 600-9047 for more information.

nating VAWG, Representatives from important constituencies working on eliminating VAWG using a human right-based approach as youth networks, progressive faith-based groups, networks men and boys, Personsand with Leadersasorfollows: members of national and/or local/community-based women’s rightsof organisations/networks Disabilities, Key Populations (sex workers, LGBTI), Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, indigenous other relevant networks of CSOs working on eliminating VAWG using a human rights-based approach. groups.

Representatives from important constituencies working on eliminating VAWG using a human right-based apHow to apply proach as follows: as youth networks, progressive faith-based groups, networks of men and boys, Persons with Key Populations (sex workers, LGBTI),ofSexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, indigenous In Disabilities, order to qualify for consideration as a member the CS-NRG an individual can either be nominated by a third groups. party or self-nominate. All candidates are required to submit their CV along with a Nomination Expression of interest (EoI) Form (see Annex 1) to no later than 5:00pm on 12 June 2020. Email subject: How to apply Spotlight Initiative CSO Reference Group 

In order to qualify for consideration as a member of the CS-NRG an individual can either be nominated by a third party or self-nominate. All candidates are required to submit their CV along with a Nomination Expression of interest (EoI) Form (see Annex 1) to no later than 5:00pm on 12 June 2020. Email subject: Spotlight Initiative CSO Reference Group

Links EOI: TOR:






Belize City’s

Entrepreneuring Council

BY ORDER OF MORTGAGEE NOTICE OF INTENTION TO SELL HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED a statutory body formed and registered under the Credit Union Act, Chapter 314 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2000, and whose registered office is situated at No. 1 Hyde’s Lane, Belize City, Belize District hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under and by virtue of a Deed of Mortgage registered at the Land Titles Unit between DUDLEY MICHAEL GARCIA of the one part and HRCU of the other part. HRCU will at the expiration of three months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the Schedule below. ALL offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing to Holy Redeemer Credit Union Limited from whom full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained.

SCHEDULE “We knew that we had to protect our frontline workers…Today we have the new ‘Operational Support Team’.” – Mayor Bernard Wagner Just as the Belize Central Government is reeling and failing at governing, the Mayor Bernard Wagner-led Belize City Council is describing a success story with actions. While the prolix PM is exuberant with his fascination with Tourism, the Belize City Council team is keeping the city afloat with their New Bond, Addressing the Old Bond, Employee Work Schedule, Donations of Masks to Police, Donation of Masks, Food Donations, Covid Test Booth Donation, Continuous Flood Mitigation, Tax Discounts and so on. The very latest of the BBC’s initiatives was destined for the betterment of both their employees or of local seamstresses. The latter were involved in sewing of jumper/coverall suits for BCC workers in the field. Mayor Wagner: “We feel that this new line of clothing will better equip our workers to handle the different risk elements they face every day on the job.” Let’s be emphatic; these clothes were not imported nor donated from abroad. Our very own women took to the machine and thread and made this vision a reality. Employment was created for our Belizeans. Greater health protection was realized for the

ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 47, comprising 582.384 Square Metres situate along the Northern Side of the Lord’s Bank Road, Cuellar’s Layout, Lord’s Bank Village, Belize District, and more particularly shown and delineated on a Plan of Subdivision Survey by Cyrus B. Samuels Sr., Licensed Land Surveyor, recorded at the Office of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys, Belmopan City, Cayo District in Entry No. 12953, Register No. 21TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon, the freehold property of DUDLEY MICHAEL GARCIA DATED this 2nd day of June 2020 HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED 1 HYDE’S LANE, BELIZE CITY, BELIZE Phone: (501) 224-5644 Fax: (501) 223-0738 Email:

worker’s bodies. All this during a time when the UDP central government is hell-bent in blaming Covid for the financial fiasco it claims is impossible to override since “revenue collection is down to a trickle.” PM Barrow forgot, if he ever knew, that one has to incessantly Live and Learn…as entrepreneurs do. The Belize City Council today is one of the three municipal beacons in Belize’s sea of intranquility. This PUP entrepreneuring municipalities will lead their people to solid ground even as the UDP does it’s best to crush our dreams and sail us into oblivion. The people will place all the UDP on the plank and vote for the PUP and an era of sound success.

NOTICE OF COMMENCED DISSOLUTION Notice is hereby given Narinder Financial Corp. commenced dissolution on 4th May, 2020; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the company. Notice is hereby given BAMBARA HOLDING S.A., KUNDINA GROUP LTD. and Exterra Investment Limited all commenced dissolution on 12th May, 2020; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the companies. Notice is hereby given MASIC GROUP USA LTD. commenced dissolution on 15th May, 2020; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the company. Morgan & Morgan Trust Corporation Belize Limited

NOTICE OF COMMENCED DISSOLUTION Notice is hereby given HOWLING FINANCE LTD. and MADOG UNIVERSAL S.A. commenced dissolution on 20th May, 2020; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the companies. Notice is hereby given DIVINNO INTERNATIONAL LIMITED commenced dissolution on 27th May, 2020; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the company. Notice is hereby given GLOBAL REAL CORPORATION and PAGE SECURITIES LIMITED commenced dissolution on 28th May, 2020; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the companies Morgan & Morgan Trust Corporation Belize Limited





Belize’s Weather RADAR Not Functioning (Just like the UDP) A weather radar is used to provide important information on monitoring and forecasting the weather. Without it, we are not living in 2020 in the time of climate change. We are supposed to depend on our local information. Everybody forecasts for themselves. This year I was alerted by a text message and not the Belize Met Office. Coincidentally a plane flew and landed in Belize at around the same time and because of the same reason—no RADAR. June 1st was the beginning of the hurricane season and we started without a weather radar in the country. The Deputy Met officer in an interview with local media could not provide a forecasted date as to when the radar will be back up. He would only say that the radar has been down since mid- march. The UDP government is so broke that not even purchase/repair an important piece of equipment that is necessary in a time like now – the hurricane season. They should be able to invest monies on it to keep it up and running for residents. No hurry Omar or is it Castro! It is only predicted to be a very active Hurricane season.


Sunrise: May 21, 1946 Sunset: May 27, 2020 The People’s United Party extends our deepest condolences to all members of Góngora Family on the passing of our unconditional warrior. He who was Mayor of Benque Viejo Town on 1977 and unfortunately died on May 27, 2020. Born May 21, 1946 Rest in Peace and rise in eternal glory!

PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE Lodgment of an EIA Report and Public Consultation Lodgment of an EIA Report Forand Public Consultation For Upgrading Project, Mile 24.5 The Philip S. W. Goldson Highway The Philip S. W. Upgrading Mile 92 Including theGoldson RemateHighway Road Bypass, by theProject, Ministry of 24.5 Works 92 Including the Remate Road Bypass, by the Ministry of Works The General Public is hereby advised that an Environmental Impact AssessThe General is hereby advisedsubmitted that an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report has ment (EIA)Public report has been to the Department of the Environment been submitted to the Department of the Environment (DOE) by the Ministry of Works for The (DOE) Ministry of Works forProject, The Philip S. W. Goldson Philip S.byW.the Goldson Highway Upgrading Mile 24.5 – 92 includingHighway the Remate UpgradRoad ing Project, Milereport 24.5was – 92 including theMacDonald Remate Ltd. Road/ Nextera Bypass. The EIA report Bypass. The EIA prepared by Mott Environmental & Engineering Consultants. The EIA report will be reviewed by the National Environmental was prepared by Mott MacDonald Ltd. / Nextera Environmental & Engineering Appraisal Committee (NEAC) before a final decision is taken. Consultants. The EIA report will be reviewed by the National Environmental Appraisal Committee beforethat a final decision is taken. The General Public is(NEAC) hereby informed the EIA report will be available for public review starting 5, 2020. Copiesisofhereby the EIAinformed report can be examined freereport of charge, to TheJune General Public that the EIA willMondays be available Fridays, during normal working hours (8:00 am to 5:00 pm), at the following locations: Orange for public review starting June 5, 2020. Copies of the EIA report can be examined Walk Town Hall, Corozal Town Hall, San Narciso Community Center, and San Jose / San Pablo free of charge, Mondays to Fridays, during on normal working hoursPage (8:00 to 5:00 Public Library. The EIA report is also available the DOE’s Facebook andam website pm), at the following locations: Orange Walk Town Hall, Corozal Town Hall, San Narciso Community Center, and San Jose / San Pablo Public Library. The EIA reBearing in mind the realities related to the COVID19 State of Emergency, and while hard copies port is EIA alsoreport available on the DOE’s Facebooklocations, Page and of the are available at the above-mentioned thewebsite DOE would prefer that this EIA report be reviewed using the online options. Please practice social distancing when viewing environmental-clearance/. hard copies of the reports and follow recommendations of the Ministry of Health. Bearing in mind the realities related to the COVID19 State of Emergency, and while hard copies ofinterested the EIApersons reportorare available at the above-mentioned locations, The general public and groups are invited to submit comments, questions or queries to the DOE prefer via emailthat to by June using 17, 2020. the DOE would this EIA report be reviewed the online options. Please practice social distancing when viewing hard copies of the reports and folKindly be informed that a virtual public consultation session for the EIA will be held on June 18, low recommendations Ministry of Health.of Belize Press Office Facebook Page. 2020, commencing at 3:00 of pmthe sharp via the Government TheThe general public public is invited to interested participate inpersons this virtual consultation make comments, general and or groups aretoinvited to submitask comquestions, seek clarification, express concerns or issues, or to make representation to the DOE in ments, questions or queries to the DOE via email to relation to the possible effects of the proposed project activity on the environment. by June 17, 2020. Kindly be informed that a virtual public consultation session for the EIA will be held on June 18, 2020, commencing at 3:00 pm sharp via the Government of Belize Press Office Facebook Page. The general public is invited to participate in this virtual consultation to make comments, ask questions, seek clarification, express concerns or issues, or to make representation to the DOE in relation to the possible effects of the proposed project activity on the environment.






Earl Alexander Underwood Jr



The Government of Belize (GOBZ) has received financing from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) and the United Kingdom Caribbean Infrastructure Partnership Fund (UKCIF) towards the cost of The Government of Highway Belize (GOBZ) received financing theofCaribbean Developthe Sixth Road (Coastal Upgrading)has Project and intends to apply from a portion the proceeds of ment Bank (CDB) thepayments Unitedunder Kingdom Caribbean Infrastructure Partnership (UKCIF) this financing to and eligible a contract for which this invitation is issued. PaymentsFund by CDB willthe be made at the request of GOBZ and upon approval by CDB, and willProject be subject in all respectsto apply towards costonly of the Sixth Road (Coastal Highway Upgrading) and intends to theof terms conditionsofofthis the Financing Agreement. The Financing Agreement withdrawals a portion theand proceeds financing to eligible payments under aprohibits contract for which this from the Financing Account for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any import of invitation is issued. Payments by CDB will be made only at the request of GOBZ upon apgoods, if such payment or import, to the knowledge of CDB, is prohibited by a decision of the and United provalNations by CDB, andCouncil will be subject in all respects the terms and conditions theother Financing Security taken under Chapter VII of the to Charter of the United Nations. No of party than GOBZ derive any Agreement rights from theprohibits Financing Agreement or have any claim to the proceeds of Agreement. Theshall Financing withdrawals from the Financing Account for the Financing. the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any import of goods, if such payment

By Senator Elizabeth Bennett No one is happy all of the time for different reasons, but some people feel as if they can never find happiness or at times they see not a single ray of hope only pain, hunger, hurt and rejection. During this Covid-19 world crisis, with the loss of so many jobs there are many in our country who are presently experiencing these moments of deep despair. Every day is a struggle, and every breath a fight for survival for the basic things in life such as food and water and a safe shelf. These people have a deep understanding of the word depression which sometimes leads to suicide of which is completely an avoidable situation. I sat on the bed with uncontrollable tears streaming down my face. Suffocating my cry periodically in my pillow just so no one in the dorm room could hear my cry. I was hungry, hungry and was too ashamed or prideful to ask for help. I wondered what people would say or think of me, if I went to ask them for food. I never had to do that before as an adult. Yes, there were challenging days as a child with limited resources but mi Abuela always did her best to provide and even the neighbours helped out at times especially my “Mom” Mrs. Mona Vernon and Elder Paulino Dominquez and Mr. and Mrs. Miller down the street. But as an adult to beg for food?! NO! That was unlike me. I was more hurt and confused than anything else as to why all this was happening if God had brought me to a distant land to bless me. So with no food plus no money for the outstanding tuition this meant I would not have been able to take my final exam and return home with my degree. The year was 2004, I was away from home at the University of the West Indies, Mona Campus Jamaica living in the all-girls dormMary Seacole Hall- pursing my Bachelor’s degree in Nursing Ad-

Earl Alexander Underwood Jr

ministration. A self-sustained student on a “prof and tech” scholarship and a small HRCU loan battling my way to complete my first degree as a young mother with two children back home. Depression was slowly taking over. I did not contemplate suicide but the stressors were weighting me down. And I could not see a single ray of hope at the time! For those of us in the population who have or is experiencing hardship in Belize, we can certainly relate or imagine just how Earl Alexander Underwood Jr. must have felt emotionally days or moments before he decided to end his life. Utter despair, not a glimpse of hope or relief for his basic needs to be met, even as a working man, imagine how our unemployed neighbor must be feeling at times. I read the different media stories of his life struggles that lead up to this unfortunate loss for our country during this pandemic. His action, his death, is a representation of the population of our country that is desperately in need. His death, to my mind, echoes in eternity as a national call for help. His death should have triggered a robust national plan of action to actively implement toll-free counseling hotlines countrywide. All churches should be actively reaching out to their membership not just with food bags but also with that human moment when we can each ASK AND WAIT SINCERELY FOR A REPLY TO – the questions – ‘HOW ARE YOU COPING?’ ‘HOW WAS YOUR DAY?’ In the end, Earl Alexander Underwood Jr’s name like George Floyd of the US, should remain with Belize, as Earl’s unfortunate death was a nation’s cry of desperation a cry for help! Earl was safe from Covid-19 but the stressors of life got the best of him. As a nation of caring people, let’s be our neighbor’s keeper and be if not their only ray of hope. My sincere condolence to his family, his friends and co-workers he has left behind.

or import, to the knowledge of CDB, is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security The Ministry of Works (MOW) - PEU, the Executing Agency, now wishes to procure consultancy Council taken Chapter VIIBuilding of the Charter of the United Nations. services forunder Community Capacity for Livelihood Enhancement Projects. No party other than GOBZ shall derive any rights from the Financing Agreement or have any claim to the proceeds of the The objective of the consultancy is to explore the potential economic development opportunities available Financing. for the communities (specifically Gales Point and Mullins River), and helping the targeted communities to develop and take advantage of the wider economic and livelihood enhancement opportunities that the

The Ministry of Works (MOW) - PEU, the Executing Agency, now wishes to procure conupgrading of the road is expected to bring. The consultancy team is expected to provide the consultancy sultancy services Community Building for Livelihood Enhancement Projects. services in two for phases: Phase One inCapacity 30 days, over a four-month period and Phase Two in 45 days, over an eight-month period.

The objective of the consultancy is to explore the potential economic development opporThe Ministry of Works now invites interested eligible consulting firms to submit Expressions of Interest tunities available for the communities (specifically Gales Point and Mullins River), and helping indicating qualifications and experience required to provide these consultancy services. the targeted communities to develop and take advantage of the wider economic and livelihood enhancement the upgrading of the road is expected to bring. The consultancy Consultantsopportunities shall be eligible that to participate if: team is expected to provide the consultancy services in two phases: Phase One in 30 days, over in theand casePhase of a body it is over legallyan incorporated or otherwise a four-month(a)period Twocorporate, in 45 days, eight-month period.organised in an eligible country, has its principal place of business in an eligible country and is more than 50 per cent beneficially owned by citizen(s) and/or bona fide resident(s) of eligible Ministry of Works now invitescorporate interested eligible consulting firms to submit Exprescountry(ies) or by a body(ies) meeting these requirements;

The sions of Interest indicating qualifications and experience required to provide these consultancy services. Consultants shall be eligible to participate if: (a) in the case of a body corporate, it is legally incorporated or otherwise organised in an eligible country, has its principal place of business in an eligible country and is more than 50 per cent beneficially owned by citizen(s) and/or bona fide resident(s) of eligible country(ies) or by a body(ies) corporate meeting these requirements; (b) in the case of unincorporated firms, the persons are citizens or bona fide residents of an eligible country and (c) in all cases, the consultant has no arrangement and undertakes not to make any arrangements, whereby any substantial part of the net profits or other tangible benefits of the contract will accrue or be paid to a person not a citizen or bona fide resident of an eligible country. (b) countries in the case unincorporated firms, persons are citizens or bona fide residents of an Eligible areofmember countries ofthe CDB. eligible country and

The attention of interested drawn to paragraph 1.9 of CDB’s (c) in all cases, the Consultants consultant hasis no arrangement and undertakes not toGuidelines make any for the Selection and Engagement of Consultants (2011), conflict arrangements, whereby any substantial part ofsetting the net forth profitsCDB’s or other policy tangibleon benefits of of the contract accrue or be paid to a person not a citizen or bona fide resident of an interest for the selection ofwill consultants. eligible country.

In the countries assessment of submissions, consideration will be given to qualifications and expeEligible are member countries of CDB. rience on similar assignments. The consultancy team should possess persons with appropriate The attention interested Consultants is drawn to paragraphGender 1.9 of CDB’s Guidelines for thefield, Selection qualifications inofSociology, Community Development, Studies or a related as well and Engagement of Consultants (2011), settingmanagement forth CDB’s policy on conflict interest for the and selection as expertise in monitoring and evaluation, or business or of a related field; natural of consultants. resources management with a minimum of 10 years’ practical experience in applying community development and small business/livelihoods development, and naturaland resource management In the assessment of submissions, consideration will be given to qualifications experience on similar in ruralassignments. communities. The consultancy team should possess persons with appropriate qualifications in Sociology, Community Development, Gender Studies or a related field, as well as expertise in monitoring and evaluation, management or ainrelated field;Further and natural resourcesmay management with from a All information mustorbebusiness submitted English. information be obtained minimum of 10 years’ practical experience in applying community development and small the first address below between 8:00am and 5:00pm Monday to Friday. business/livelihoods development, and natural resource management in rural communities.

Three hard copies the Expressions Interest must bemay received at the first below All information must beofsubmitted in English. of Further information be obtained from theaddress first address belowthan between 8:00amon andMonday, 5:00pm Monday to Friday. no later 10:00am 6th July 2020 and an electronic copy in pdf format must be sent simultaneously to both MOW and CDB at the Email addresses below. The sealed envelope Three hard copies of the Expressions of Interest must be received at the first address below no later than containing each submission should include the name and address of the applicant and shall be 10:00am on Monday, 6th July 2020 and an electronic copy in pdf format must be sent simultaneously to clearly “Expression of Interest Consultancy Community Capacity both marked MOW and CDB at the Email addresses- below. The sealedServices envelope for containing each submission Building Livelihood Enhancement Projects” should for include the name and address of the applicant and shall be clearly marked “Expression of Interest - Consultancy Services for Community Capacity Building for Livelihood Enhancement Projects”

Following the assessment of submissions, a short-list of not less than three and not more the assessment of submissions, a short-list of not less than three and not more than six thanFollowing six applicants will be provided with full terms of reference and invited to submit technical applicants will be provided with full terms of reference and invited to submit technical and financial and proposals financialtoproposals to undertake GOBZ reserves the right to accept or undertake the assignment. the Theassignment. GOBZ reservesThe the right to accept or reject late applications reject late applications to cancel the present invitation partially or in toitsassign entirety. It will or to cancel the presentor invitation partially or in its entirety. It will not be bound any reason for not not short-listing applicant defray any costs by any the preparation be bound to assignanyany reasonand forwill notnotshort-listing anyincurred applicant andapplicant will notin defray any costs and submission of Expressions of preparation Interest. incurred by any applicant in the and submission of Expressions of Interest. 1. Attention: Mr. Evondale Moody Project Execution Unit Ministry of Works Power Lane Belmopan Cayo District BELIZE C.A. Tel: +501-828-5220 Fax: +501-822-0563 Email:

2. Procurement Officer Procurement Policy Unit Caribbean Development Bank P. O. Box 408, Wildey St. Michael BARBADOS, W.I. Tel: +246-431-1600 Fax: +246-426-7269 Email:



Orange Walk Town Council Keeps on Working

During the onset of the COVID-19 threat, the Orange Walk Town Council and Mayor Kevin Bernard formulated a comprehensive plan to ensure the employees and the people of Orange Walk town remain safe and to mitigate its impact. An inhouse educational Focal person was appointed and very soon educational campaigns for employees began. This was to ensure our employees were up-to-date with the threat and to know what to do to avoid being infected with the virus. Hand Washing stations and HOT & Cold Bathrooms were installed at the council so sanitation employees could be able to sanitize themselves before going home to their families. Continuous press releases were issued to ensure you, the residents, were kept abreast of all the developing information. The Child Advisory Body took out an Advertisement to promote Staying AT Home. The Traffic Department continued offering es-

sential services via WhatsApp, while Garbage Collection never stopped. During the LOCK DOWN all workers who were sent home as well as those working kept a steady income from the Orange Walk Town Council. The Operations employees were also assisted with a bag of Groceries. As we start returning back to normal a 25% discount was offered during the month of May for all Property Tax payments. The Traffic Department is now offering all services and the Operations Department is now providing more services like drain cleaning and street-side chopping. So far no employees have been terminated and we are still working to stabilize our finances so as to better serve our employees and our beloved residents. We are in this together and with your continued support, Orange Walk Town will continue being the most exemplary municipality in the country of Belize.

NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Companies listed below have been dissolved and duly struck off the IBC Register as follows: NAME OF COMPANY


Date of Dissolution

May 7, 2020 May 8, 2020 May 13, 2020 May 13, 2020 May 15,2020 May 15, 2020 May 21, 2020 May 23, 2020 May 26, 2020

Morgan & Morgan Trust Corporation Belize Ltd.








Michel Chebat Jr. for Cayo North The People’s Champion Michel Chebat, affectionately known as Micho, has become a veritable powerhouse in Cayo North in the years he has been working there. That’s because he hit the ground running, and has never stopped working for the people, dealing with their issues and becoming the real representation for an area which has been neglected. Micho obtained his Associate’s Degree at St. John’s College Sixth Form, and then went on to earn his Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations from the Florida International University. He then went on to achieve a Bachelor of Laws at the University of the West Indies, with honours, and his Legal Education Certificate from the Norman Manley Law School. He opened and is currently operating his own successful law firm, with branches in Belize City and in San Ignacio. Outside of his law practice, Micho has also served with distinction as President of the Bar Association, and on the Boards of the Judicial and Legal Services Commission, the Social Security Board, the Central Bank of Belize and the Red Cross. He entered politics fully in 2015 in Cayo North and was endorsed as the Party’s Standard Bearer in 2018. Micho continues to focus on the critical need for land and housing in the division and also maintains his vision of empowerment of the people, providing them with opportunities for meaningful employment, affordable education and quality health care. Micho has proven that he is a worker, and that he cares for the people. He is the only choice in Cayo North.

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18 JAN



Anthony Mahler for Pickstock Real, Ready & Nothing but Love Anthony Mahler is a family man, a visionary leader and a political veteran with 25 years of working for the people. He has served as Communications Director and as Deputy Party Leader for the East and is now prepared to bring real change and real love to the Pickstock Division. He has a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from the University of Phoenix where he majored in Global Management, and a Master’s Program Graduate Certificate in Financial Analysis from the Devry, Keller School of Management. He also attained a Certificate in Strategic Management from Tuck Institute at Dartmouth. Anthony has served in a management capacity in the public and private sectors and has led teams which have spearheaded campaigns and policies. He is a leader and a team player, a humble individual who believes in service and is committed to the people of Pickstock. For too many years, the Pickstock Division has been neglected, and the needs of the people ignored. There has been no real development in the area, and there are very few opportunities for the people to empower themselves. Anthony is committed to transforming the division, with a focus on the needs of the people. There is a REAL need for infrastructure, and for quality, affordable housing. The people need meaningful employment, not temporary, menial jobs. The children of the Pickstock Division need access to good education, and proper healthcare. This is my vision for Pickstock. I will work hard and smart to bring a thriving division where the people can participate in their own development and have REAL input in the decisions which affect their lives. This can’t be politics as usual where the people are encouraged to be dependent on politicians. This is about empowering Belizeans, given them the opportunities to work and to be productive citizens. It is time for REAL work in the Pickstock, and time for REAL leadership. Anthony Mahler is the man for Pickstock.

Oscar Requena for Toledo West A Giant in Toledo West Oscar Requena may be small in stature, but he is a giant of a man in the communities of Toledo West, and in the House of Representatives where he is the loud and powerful voice of the people. He is dynamic, visionary and understands development and service, and that is why he has been the representative of the people since 2012. Oscar graduated from the Toledo Community College and went on to the Belize Teacher’s College where he earned distinction as a trained teacher and Principal. He attained his Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education from the University of Belize and has dedicated his life in the education of his people of rural Toledo. He has been a teacher and Principal for nine years and has been the Curriculum Officer and District Education Officer as well as the Vice Principal of the Big Falls R.C. School. Through his work in the rural communities, and the neglect he witnessed, Oscar saw the need for better representation of the people on a political level, and he became the Area Representative in 2012. He has continued to work for his people and for the Party and is a valued member of the national executive. He is committed to creating a constituency where the people are empowered through job opportunities, low interest capital for investment in areas they see relevant to their social, economic and environmental development. Because of his lifelong passion for education, he has placed priority on providing equitable educational opportunities to relevant education in line with national priority areas. Because this giant of a representative is committed, qualified and serious about service of the people, he is the only choice for Toledo West.







Ramon ‘Monchi’ Cervantes for Orange Walk North True Leadership in Orange Walk North Ramon ‘Monchi’ Cervantes is a man on a mission in Orange Walk North. He is loved and respected by his people who have seen him working the ground for years. He is a man with a plan for the area, to bring the people out of economic stagnation and to create opportunities which allow all residents to work and produce and to uplift themselves, their families and their community. Monchi has worked and continues to work every day, because his life is one of service and hard work. Monchi attended La Inmaculada Primary School, and then went on to Muffles College and St. John’s College Sixth Form, where he received an Associate’s Degree in Economics and History. He pursued further education at the University of New Orleans, where he earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting. He is also one of the very few Certified Public Accountants in Belize. After achieving his Bachelor’s Degree and Certification, Monchi worked as an auditor at Price Waterhouse. He later moved on to work as assistant Financial Controller at the Ramada Royal Reef Hotel and then as Financial Controller at Tropic Air. After several years of employment at these establishments, Monchi decided to join his family business, San Isidro Construction Center in Orange Walk Town, where he continues to build a strong foundation of integrity and service. Monchi has also served as the Treasurer of the Finance Committee of the Belize Sugar Cane Farmers Association (BSCFA). In 2011, Monchi pioneered the plan for the purchase of Belize Sugar Industries Limited (BSI) by the BSCFA. He led the group that went to Mexico City and secured US$42.5 million of loan funds for the purchase. He is presently a member of the negotiating team of the BSCFA that continues to work hard for a fair payment for bagasse for the cane farmers. Monchi comes from a family with the strongest principles of integrity and service, and that is what he brings to Orange Walk North. His is not a life or luxury or privilege but of hard work in the trenches, shoulder to shoulder with the people. Monchi will work to achieve universal access to education for all Belizeans. He firmly believes that all Belizeans must have access to education, regardless of their financial position. It is one of government’s main responsibilities to ensure that all Belizeans obtain an education. Monchi will also work to ensure the revitalization of the economy, so that opportunities for employment and self-employment are increased for the existing work force and the new graduates that join the work force every year. He will work for the development and passage of a new Sugar Act that will guarantee just benefits for the cane farmers, including a Marketing Committee for sugar and fair payment for bagasse. For these reasons, and because it is time for REAL representation in Orange Walk North, Ramon Monchi Cervantes is the only choice.




Belize deserves better!

By Karim Adle, President At the time of writing this article, we are at the end of what has been the most corrupt and downright failed days of Belize’s history. Currently also, we are gearing up for one of the most important elections of our nation’s history. Belizeans will decide what direction our country will go. On one hand we have the status quo, the UDP that has saddled all Belizean tax payers with unprecedented debt. A UDP party that has failed us in time of our highest peril. A UDP government that is geared solely towards bloated contracts and hustling. A UDP party that is about roundabouts and not people. A government that taxes the living crap out of our fuel and has left us with the highest rates around the region. Let us not forget that this UDP government has not even lifted a finger in raising the minimum wage for our people and has not invested in our youth. Let us remember that they do not even have a clear cut leader. They have 5 failed politicians that all of a sudden want to lead the country. They have a Ghost that has failed the people of Cayo North and now has leadership aspirations. If he cannot deliver for Cayo North how will he deliver for the country? The only persons that have benefitted are those close to him and undoubtedly are praying he becomes the Prime Minister of this great nation. We cannot allow him or any of the other four failed persons to take the helm of our country. Luckily for Belize and our future we have hope within the People’s United Party. We have a great leader in John Briceño that is all about serving the people. We have candidates that are people-driven and are ready to serve. We are very serious about fixing the ails in our society. We have a social jus-

tice mandate that is also people-driven. We have a team 31 that comprises of competent individuals that are focussed on improving the quality of life for all our citizens and not only a select few. Even here in Cayo North we have a candidate and standard bearer that is all about the people. He puts people over projects and is serious in improving the lives of his constituents. For too long our representatives have failed us and gratefully 2020 is the year of change. 2020 allows us to usher in a new government with a fresh mandate to serve and improve lives. As we go to the polls, remember who has benefitted these past 12 years and will undoubtedly continue to benefit if they would ever get a fourth term. It is time to put people over projects and it is time for a new government that offers hope instead of concrete!





By Ricardo Moguel Rosado Most self-proclaimed political pundits, observers and the clueless class are claiming that the patriotic Belizean opposition is a stubborn observer and an absent participant in national life, self-destroying, and resting on its past glories because of its inability to garner national political victories. As the UDP viciously, systematically, aggressively and remorselessly destroys the social fabric of this nation that we love so much, the PUP, the greatest political party that Belize has ever had, went through some necessary meaningful growing pains, and drastic changes. It overcame an heated leadership election that was catapulted by the voice of the clamoring masses and a not so silent critical awakening. This was a difficult and sometimes self-inflicting pain yet healthy and necessary for the political survival of our party. This crucial and delicate political intersection demanded all our skills and tact to manoeuvre these treacherous uncharted waters and emerge as a true nationalistic People’s United Party. Because of our enlightened leadership, loyal and nationalistic partisan followers with a strong belief in social justice and our constitutional mandate to serve the people, we came out as a true and united PUP with a clearer head and a sharper vision. Now we have unity of purpose and a mandated nostalgic return to

our core PUP values where the loyal and patriotic Belizeans give us reason for existence. Today the PUP is reenergized, reinvigorated and rejuvenated with a grass roots fighting energy stronger than ever. The PUP comeback does not center in Belmopan or in boardrooms. Our conversation with Belize begins on the farms, in the factories, in the shops, in the ghettoes, on the streets, in our neighborhood meetings and in our hearts. Defeat humbled and fortified us with more respect for the voice of the silent majority, those who toil in the cane fields, sugar mill, citrus farms, rice farms, tourist industry, shops and the aquaculture farms. They know the pain of an uncaring and incompetent tax addicted government. The PUP is moving aggressively to seize the moment. We recognize the urgency of the times and establish our principles in both words and deeds. As true and patriotic sons and daughters of the peaceful and constructive Belizean revolution, we stopped being scared of a victimizing corrupt oppressive government and stand up to it. Our path and our challenge are to apply our principles not to the past, but to the present to impact the future and serve all Belizeans. In this dark Belizean hour of Covid-19 inflicted hardship, economic recession, unemployment, victimiza-

tion and a strangulating corrupt government, the PUP must stand just a bit stronger, a bit wiser, ready once again to think and act with a new and uncompromising bold approach and focused vision of service and do it aggressively and without apology. For our principles to take root in the next generation, we must offer genuine solutions that are relevant to this age. The PUP must always respect reality, effectively assess the times, and become relevant to them. We will overcome the challenges facing us. The PUP will stand up for the countless Belizeans who worry about their utility bills, Belizeans who pay astronomical gasoline prices despite oil prices going down, Belizeans who can’t afford the basic food basket, Belizeans who are defenseless in the face of foreclosures, mothers who receive substandard medical attention in our rapidly deteriorating health care in government hospitals, Belizeans who lost hope in our government institutions. We are with them, because we are them. The PUP is Belize. We have consolidated our leadership, we have attracted young minds and voices and blended them with the wisdom and experienced leadership of our fathers to come up with fresh answers and new approaches to old and new problems that are plaguing the homeland. All our PUP entities, with malice towards none,


2020 are fortified with the resources, energy, focus, and determination to turn our timeless and altruistic PUP principles into new solutions for the future. Today Belize needs the PUP more than ever before because the UDP government wields absolute uncontrolled power and is hell bent and determined on consolidating that power by eliminating all opposition especially the People’s United Party even if it has to destroy Belize in the process. They are more dangerous than the invisible Covid-19. It’s time now for all good citizens to rise to the occasion. It’s time to make our voices heard. We are the strength of the weak, the voice of the voiceless, the champion of the poor, the striking arm of the victimized, the hope for all our faithful supporters, we are the Political Party of all nationalistic Belizeans disgusted with politics as usual. We enter a brave new world as warriors and not on our knees.


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BARROW’S STATE OF EMERGENCY IS ILLEGAL Belizeans have been forced into a State of Emergency which has become very illegal. Most of the almost two thousand citizens have been wrongly arrested for not wearing a mask or not keeping social distance or for curfew restrictions, several of which, are just plain stupid. At first Belizeans dutifully agreed to the restrictions on some of their liberties – freedom of movement, and freedom to work, because of the serious threat of a very infectious virus known as covid-19, coronavirus or barronavirus. It is now going for three months of the State of Emergency and the time has come to express concern and dissatisfaction with most of what is happening. One of these concerns is the on-going police improprieties and brutality of citizens. The Governor-General was told by the Prime Minister to sign a proclamation declaring that there was a public emergency. This was based on correct information that Belizeans could be infected by covid-19 and drastic action to curtail their God-given rights and guaranteed freedom was required. Section 18 of the Belize Constitution is the only authority that deals with public emergency. It says a “period of public emergency means any period during which”a) Belize is engaged in any war, or b) ….a proclamation by the Governor General that a state of public emergency exists; or c) …that the National Assembly declares our democratic institutions are threatened by subversion. a) and c) do not apply to our covid-19 situation. Section 18 subsection (2) states that where the Governor General makes a proclamation that a state of emergency exists, it shall be published in the Gazette. Section 18 subsection (3) says a proclamation shall not be effective if it does not state that the Governor General is satisfied that a public emergency has arisen because of flood, fire, hurricane, earthquake, pestilence or outbreak of infectious disease or other similar calamity. It is arguable whether or not there was an “outbreak” of covid-19. There was fear there could be an outbreak. One person, a Belizean returning from the USA brought the virus to Belize and negligence on the part of the government did not place her on strict quarantine. As a result a small number of 18 persons became infected. Eventually two persons died. One Mr. Pipersburgh died from government negligence as health officials provided a much delayed attention. The other Belizean Mr. Everett most likely also died through negligence of the government due to botched procedures between private hospital and the government hospital. The families of both men should seek legal advice and, if so advised, sue the government for negligence resulting in the death of their loved ones. In the case of Pipersburgh the negligence was outrageous and even inhumane. At least five to seven hundred thousand dollars could be ordered by the Court of Appeal or the Caribbean Court. Our Supreme Court is too conservative when dealing with wrong-doings and negligence by government, its police officers and other agents and employees. So whether or not there was an outbreak back in March and early April, there have certainly been no new cases for almost two months. Dr. Manzanero, the leading health official advising government made a Christopher Columbus statement on Channel 5 Wednesday night. He stated what every Belizean has known for the past month and a half. There is no covid-19 in Belize and that it is highly unlikely that any person is walking around the country suffering from the virus. God be praised for this. Let us do our best to keep the virus at bay. But let us be sensible about it. Let’s keep our airport and borders closed. Let’s conduct a public information and education program about remaining safe. Let’s condemn the Prime Minister for trying to open the airport in July. His motives are political. He wants to collect monies so he can cover up that he has ‘broke’ the country and cannot even pay the forty thousand citizens still waiting for months for a little one hundred dollars. We are skeptical of the Prime Minister. We think he would want a few persons to catch the virus so he can prolong the now illegal state of emergency. This would, he thinks, help him in stretching out his cover-up tactics until general elections in November. Aint gonna happen.


As the situation presently exists, the state of emergency is completely in violation of the law. There is no outbreak of an infectious disease. There IS NO VIRUS IN the country. The Constitution does not authorize any state of emergency for any other reason other than those we listed above from Section18 subsection (3). The law does not authorize any state of emergency because of speculation about a second wave. There was not even a first wave. Not even a high tide. The whole country cannot remain in lock-down under an illegal state of emergency. Look how many small vendors and businesses have been put out of earning their livelihood just to allow the Prime Minister to hold press conferences and play saviour. The collapse of the tourist industry is not his fault; but the ruination caused to everyone else is the result of his many stupid measures forced on Belizeans by his illegal state of emergency. “I CAN’T BREATHE” We at this column unreservedly offer our fullest support to the thousands of black and young white Americans who are protesting against the latest incident of racist police killing black people in America. The most recent being the choking to death of George Floyd, in broad daylight in front of pedestrians and cell phone cameras. Racism is so institutionally ingrained in the USA that the country erupted into a civil war from 1861 to 1865 over the issue of freeing black slaves. The states in the southern part of America lost the war but the racists never lost their prejudice and hatred. It was not until the 1960’s and Dr. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X and the Black Panthers that the government was forced to pass the law against discrimination of black people and another law allowing them to become voters. Nothing else has changed in America for black people. This week the President called demonstrators terrorists and said he would bring in American soldiers against them. Despite all the odds and obstacles, the awesome talent of black people as entertainers, athletes and achievers have broken through racist barriers. In case you didn’t think about it, black people in America and black people in Belize come from the same place. In Belize, we have our own troubles with the fake political UDP leaders who have ruined and now broke our wonderful country. Their ‘I Can’t Breathe’ moment is coming.





PUP Standard Bearers

Appealing to their Constituents Excerpts of FB Posts

Hon. John Briceño, OW Central; Hon. Francis Fonseca, Freetown; Candice Pitts, Mesopotamia; Hon. Kareem Musa, Caribbean Shores; Michel Chebat, Cayo North Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. #BlackOutTuesday Hon. Rodwell Ferguson, Dangriga As an elected representative of the people and a member of the People’s Untied Party (opposition) during this pandemic I tried to be fair and just. I represent 26 villages and communities which span over some 75 miles and almost 8500 voters the biggest constituency in Belize. I did my best to provide whatever assistance to all without discrimination, prejudice or favour. I took the most appropriate position by delivering whatever I contributed to the village councils. They(VC) know their people’s position more than I do and I think they did a spectacular job. They know the ones who are employed, who are on pantry, who are on boost, who are on unemployment relief, who are on food assistance. At times, when I suggest someone should get assistance, they would tell me no area rep that person is already on some assistance program. I respect them and I therefore did not force the issue. I want to give kudos to all the village councils whether red, blue, or independent. They acknowledge my contribution and let their people know when I give. I see it on several of your village council pages. I never distributed the stuff. I gave it to the village council and left. I know that there are strong supporters of mine who think I should have done otherwise and hand deliver to them. I can tell you that would have being more chaotic because there will never be enough and everybody is in need. It’s impossible to provide for all. If Government would have done the distribution through the village councils it would have been more effective. In lieu of all this, our economy has being broken. It will take those with innovation and care about the people to turn it around. I have come to the conclusion that agriculture should be the backbone of the Belizean economy and every other thing should be coupled unto it. You have a major decision to make later on this year. You will decide who will serve you for the next 5 years, I have never been political with none of you I respect your political preferences. I am certain the gears will change and from day one if God gives me the ability, health and strength you will see the transformation of people’s lives. Thank you for your support always. Hon. Landy Habet, Cayo Northeast It is fitting to recognize the good and selfless assistance provided by Quality Poultry in Repairing the much dilapidated road between Bullet Tree and Spanish Lookout. This road was almost impassable. Thanks to Manager Raymond Barkman and his team for their invaluable assistance to the people of Cayo Northeast and other users. Hon. Julius Espat, Cayo South

These are the losses our Valley of Peace farmers will now face. Surely this is a hit to many famers around the country. I hope that the same way they have sustained our country during this time of emergency and need the Government will come to their aid. Andre Perez, Belize Rural South After more than month unable to visit la Isla Cariñosa because of the pandemic, I was given a warm welcome and thank you to The Voice of Caye Caulker for allowing me to convey my message to our sisters and brother of Caye Caulker. Senator Louis Zabaneh, Dangriga Please join me in congratulating some exceptional women in Dangriga - Michelle Irving, Denise Flores Henry, and Erica Jang. My sister, Michelle Irving, has been serving our Dangriga community for many years, especially women and young girls facing many challenges. She has deservedly received recognition from Queen Elizabeth for this wonderful work. Thank you Mich for your selfless work! Mrs. Denise Flores Henry has been very active in educational development and is the district President for the BNTU. She has helped with numerous worthy causes over the years. (I am proud to have been one of her teachers along her journey). Thank you for your wonderful service Ms. Denise! Councillor Erica Jang has also been serving in the education sector for many years and has participated and assisted in many social efforts. She has also taken her aspiration to the political arena to serve. Thank you Councillor for working with those who are in need in our community! We have many in our communities who serve others. They deserve to be recognized and we have much to learn from their sincere commitment to make the lives of our people better. So please join me in congratulating these outstanding women in Dangriga and I humbly encourage you to do the same for others in our communities across our lovely country. Together we will overcome Covid-19; together we will change our country for the better! God bless you! Jorge ‘Milin’ Espat, Cayo West Digamos SI a la prosperidad de Cayo Oeste y el bienestar de nuestra gente y mejor gobernación. ¡Nos cansamos de esperar lo mejor, por eso vamos con todo a decir NO AL ABANDONO! ¡JUNTOS PODEMOS! Esta elección 2020 votemos por nuestros candidatos PUP #2020añodelCAMBIO Are you registered to vote? REGISTER TO VOTE

The Elections and Boundaries office in Cayo West is now open from Monday-Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. If you need assistance in getting registered please contact Mr. Manuel Mendez 604-0673, Mr. Alfred Kuylen 625-6163, Mr. Joe Mendez 635-5977 or Mr. Marco Chable (Succotz) 652-2995. Our country is in crisis with an incompetent government which has failed our people during the most vulnerable moments. The best never came and certainly will never come with this administration. It can only be possible if we make a change. The only way you can change the direction of our future is by VOTING. YOUR VOTE MATTERS! Get registered on time as we gear towards a decisive moment in Belizean Politics. Stay Safe. Best wishes from your PUP Cayo West candidate. Oscar Mira, Belmopan Hello Belmopan! Have you registered to vote? Do it today, or call us at 670-9555 for information or help. Hola Belmopan ¿Te has registrado para votar? Hágalo hoy o llámenos al 670-9555 para obtener información o ayuda. Where is Khalid and the City Council? The people need some help! Where is the Area Rep? Belmopan areas flooded out. It’s now the people need you! A backhoe(water gathering in areas) is desperately needed! We are doing what we can (we rented a backhoe) but we need another backhoe! Area Rep in his dark dungeon, he can stay there! Candice Pitts, Mesopotamia As a people, we allow our government and elected officials to sit too comfortably with their corruption and oppressive dominion This is 2020 and socio-economically disadvantaged Belizeans are still fighting for small parcels of land. Mind you, this access and relationship to land, or the lack thereof, that the mostly excluded masses of Belizeans have goes all the way back to the first day after Emancipation Post-emancipation, the former slaves and descendants of slaves inherited nothing. They had nothing. They were given nothing because their colonial masters wanted them to remain dependent on the system that enslaved them There were a few exceptions, of course, and some others managed to pool their resources to buy small plots and properties to do subsistence farming and the like. But, when the colonial masters saw the extent to which land and property ownership was empowering the former slaves, they made those necessities expensive and inaccessible (we are not even discussing yet how property would be used to keep the descendants of slaves disenfranchised for a long while after). With respect to Belize, Crown property then became state property when our country was recognized as such, and State property was and is still controlled by those who control the state—the government and its officials. 14 years from now, we will celebrate 200 years since Emancipation. We are here today with our government still controlling land, still using it to their political advantage, and importantly, still ensuring that poor Belizeans don’t have access to it. Why? #landlessness #domination #oppression #powerlessness #exclusionofthemasses #Belize2020 Alex Balona, Cayo Central “EDUCATION IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS” We salute two of our young intellectual minds coming from remote areas of Cayo Central, El Progresso village and San Marcos. These two youth have proven to us that, no matter what obstacles may lie in the path ahead, “where there’s a will there’s a way.” There were times when these two great minds had to weather the road to get to school, had to leave the comfort of their beds in the early hours before daylight to catch public transportation to school, and still had to maximize the use of daylight to complete their assignments as the luxury of electricity wasn’t an option for the most part of their four year journey. Both students have excelled as the top two of the St. Ignatius High, Graduating Class of 2020! Banesa Godoy, proudly represents her village of El Progresso as the Valedictorian for her graduating class. Wagner Maldonado also proudly represents his village of San Marcos as the Salutatorian for the same graduating class. Our gratitude goes the Almighty as well as to their parents who took care and provided their needs during their studies. Congratulations to Banesa Godoy and Wagner Maldonado as we ask God to continue guiding and blessing them in their future endeavours! #CONGRATULATIONSBANESAGODOY #CONGRATULATIONSWAGNERMALDONADO #CLASSOF2020 #EDUCATIONISTHEKEYTOSUCCESS #STIGNATIUSHIGHSCHOOL Oscar Arnold, Collet “The Power of the People is Greater Than the People in Power” Ghonim....#teampolocollet. Ed. Note: Readers please be mindful that these are excerpts. For the complete comment/releases/posts of our PUP leaders visit, like and follow their FB profiles and pages.




Restoring the Economy

By Gilroy Usher, Sr. “Just remember, you can do anything you set your mind to, but it takes action, perseverance, and facing your fears.”- Gillian Anderson The economy is in ruins; the country is broke. Scores of businesses have closed; thousands of persons have lost their jobs, and government’s revenue collection has decreased by over 60% on a monthly basis. Covid 19 is responsible for 1/5 of the catastrophe. Mismanagement and corruption by the administration for over a decade is responsible for the other 4/5 of the financial and economic disaster. Three government institutions which can provide loans at affordable rates for many businesses to remain open are the Development Finance Corporation (DFC), the National Development Bank (NDB), and the Social Security Board (SSB). Due to political interference those institutions have failed in that responsibility miserably, and the country has lost millions of dollars in uncollectible loans given to political cronies. To aid in the rebounding of the economy persons of integrity must be appointed as managers and board members of those institutions, and those individuals should be allowed to do their jobs professionally. Applications for loans from the DFC, NDB, or SSB

should never require a recommendation letter from any Minister or Area Reprehensive, period. The Agro-productive sector includes crops and animals and is labor intensive especially with small farmers; nevertheless 95% of the food items in the stores are imported products. This fact underscores the great opportunity for the agro-productive sector to replace scores of imported foods with local items. That would be good news for the economy as increased production in the sector would lead to thousands of jobs in a wide range of fields for Belizeans. Realizing that dream however has always been mission impossible due to leaders who put their bank accounts before the welfare of the country. Farmers are encouraged to clear more land for greater production. Each year however, many of those farmers barely break even. That’s because unscrupulous businessmen are allowed to flood the local market with cheaper imported products even as local farmers are harvesting cabbage, tomato, onions, or potatoes. This repeated flooding of the market with imported products similar to the ones being harvested deny local producers the market to increase the quantity and quality of their production. Secondly no serious effort is made to equip famers with the technical knowledge to produce bigger and better quality products in the most efficient ways as farmers in the region who work with similar soil. To make the land productive at a higher level, local farmers must be protected from greedy importers. That’s one of the most basic necessities for true development in any country. Like the agro-productive sector housing development results in sales for many business and requires input from a wide range of employees. There are a number of private housing companies in Belize; over the years they have done fairly well. Due to their investment many families now own land with long lasting beautiful homes. Enabling

such businesses to access affordable financing for more housing development is always good for the economy. Addressing the huge shortage of proper low income homes for marginalized Belizeans is also a noble cause for any administration. In the last decade however the country has gotten a rotten deal with housing for deserving families. Millions have been spent in the name of proper housing for marginalized Belizeans, yet were few houses worthy of mention are visible. Most of the money was stolen with totally bogus contracts, ghost em-


ployees, exorbitant cost for construction materials, and under the table sale of materials for entire homes. Another investment in proper housing for poor people would be a major economic boost for the country with jobs and revenue for GoB from the related sales, but hustlers cannot be in charge of the program again. We already know what must done to restore the economy for the benefit of all Belizeans. No need to invent the wheel again. Vote for the PUP and their plans, when the time comes.





By: Hilly Bennett With the advent of coronavirus, COVID-19, the global economy, inclusive of Belize, is experiencing the worse economic downturn since the 1930’s great Depression. Interestingly, the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) has forecasted another “possibly worse downturn” ahead. Notwithstanding the seismic public health event, Belize’s economic fault lines, the country’s financial woes preceded the pandemic. A situation induced by a sclerotic Barrow administration. The jewel lay bare, crippled and perched on the precipice of financial collapse. On Thursday, March 5, 2020 the Rt. Hon. Dean Barrow, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Labor, Local Government, Rural Development, Public Utilities, Energy and Public Service, in boastful splendor, paraded his $1.3 billion budget. In his swan song presentation as Minister of Finance, Barrow characterized the 2020/21 budget as persuasively positive, that was birthed of dexterous public sector management which has resulted in an unprecedented span of steady growth, fiscal strength and macro-economic advancement. The PM bragged that Belize entered 2020 with its banking industry coffers filled to the brim, the financial chalice runneth over. An estimated $5billion in domestic banks, the holdings of $3.5 billion, credit unions finances stood at $1.09 billion and $417,000,000 stored at international banks. On March 30, 2020 Dean Barrow assured the Belizean populace that the country was ready for the pandemic and that “we are able to dig in for the long haul.” Furthermore, the government of Belize would have been able to deploy a diverse range of fiscal and economic measures to “bring us through.” However, the pandemic has exposed the “full light of day the nudity, folly, and complete fakery” of Barrow’s illusory assurance. The PM has admitted that Belize is “broke” and serious funding assistance is urgently necessary. Reports circulating are that Dean Barrow went hat in hand to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for funding. The PM’s request was denied. Dean has finally met his waterloo. Barrow had sworn to Belizeans that entering into an arrangement with the IMF would never happen “as long as I am here.” Additionally, Barrow acknowledges that prior to the pandemic, which forced countries to close their borders in a bid to prevent the spread of the virus, international financial institutions such as the IMF had urged

his government to reduce its debt. Barrow gloated that he managed to avoid adopting that strategy which involved trimming the fat and draining the swamp. The Prime Minister is now warning that a condition for the assistance needed could be pension reform, the trimming of the wage bill and the retrenchment of the public sector. The United Democratic Party Government, as indicated by the Honorable Francis Fonseca and the PUP Parliamentarians, had access to unprecedented resources – Petro Caribe half a billion, oil revenues 600 million

and $180 million in immediate savings in debt service with a realized worth of US$481.5 million for the period 2007-2015 when the Barrow administration assumed office in 2008 this was the fountain head for their braggadocios economic vitality transformed into Belize’s current economic malaise. 4 billion in debt presently hovers over the collective heads of Belizeans for generations to come. Quoting Herbert Hoover, Barrow said: ‘blessed are the young for they shall inherit the national debt.’ The people’s purse was fleeced dry. The UDP failed to invest in the growth and development of the country and its people. They concentrated on the chronic appetite for meaningless infrastructure instead of projects that would increase production and employment. The UDP feathered the nest of families and cronies whilst the Belizean people sunk


2020 deeper and deeper into poverty. The UDP refused to adhere to the advice regarding Belize’s fragile reserve position at the Central Bank from the IMF consultative Mission. The Mission posit that “as it is, it is incapable of cushioning unfavorable external development.” The climatic event has forced Belize towards the clutches of the IMF. Dressed in sackcloth and ashes Dean Barrow heartless requiem for Belize is “bottomline is, I grieve for my poor Belize and I certainly extend my sympathy from now to those that will have to deal with the particular problem.” Clearly the Prime Minister, as was suggested, “will not be around to pick up the pieces, when a fed up Belizean electorate applies the rod of correction and give them a good trashing at the next general election.” Then the healing of the tiny nation will begin. God Bless Belize.





Section “Se olvidaron de la salud y ahora pagamos las consecuencias”

Por qué Perú, un país que tuvo un gran crecimiento económico, no invirtió más en su sistema sanitario Por Cecilia Barría, BBC News Mundo Hacen largas filas. Algunas son para conseguir oxígeno o para una cama de hospital. Otras son para recibir un plato de comida. Y también está la de los que esperan afuera de la morgue para recibir el cadáver de un familiar. Son las colas de la desesperación de los habitantes de Perú, el segundo país latinoamericano con más personas contagiadas después de Brasil, a pesar de que fue el primero en declarar la emergencia sanitaria. Lo hizo el 16 de marzo. “Se van a morir a sus casas porque no tenemos camas”, decía Luis Runciman, médico de Iquitos, en el norte de Perú, en diálogo con BBC Mundo. Han pasado más de dos meses desde que comenzó la cuarentena y, de acuerdo a los datos oficiales, ya van más de 4.000 víctimas mortales y cerca de 140.000 contagiados. “Se olvidaron de la salud y ahora pagamos las consecuencias”, dice Ernesto Gozzer, médico experto en seguridad sanitaria de la Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. Y esa responsabilidad, explica, no tiene un solo color político. “Es que el gasto en salud no rinde resultados en el corto plazo. Lo que inicia alguien, luego lo inaugura otro”, le dice a BBC mundo. “Ni los gobiernos ni los congresistas han entendido la importancia de la salud”. “El piloto automático” A partir de la década de los 2000, la economía peruana despegó con fuerza. Con alto y bajos, el crecimiento económico promedio en el país durante las últimas dos décadas fue del 4,9%, un resultado muy superior al de la gran mayoría de los países latinoamericanos. Primero hubo un ciclo impulsado por los altos precios de las materias primas en los mercados internacionales, donde Perú aprovechó sus exportaciones mineras para abrirse camino. Fueron años de bonanza. En 2008, por ejemplo, el Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) anual del país llegó a superar el 9% y en los pasillos de los organismos internacionales se hablaba de una rising star, algo así como una estrella emergente. Crecimiento económico de Perú A partir de 2014, con la caída

del impulso minero y el precio de los commodities que afectó a toda la región, la economía peruana bajó el ritmo de crecimiento, aunque continuó destacándose en relación al resto de los países latinoamericanos. Y a pesar de la inestabilidad política que ha marcado al país sudamericano, Perú muestra con orgullo sus cuentas fiscales ordenadas, con un bajo nivel de deuda, inflación controlada y la casa relativamente en orden. Eso le permitió anunciar el mayor paquete de estímulo fiscal de la región cuando estalló la pandemia. “Perú es un país confiable que ha demostrado prudencia. El problema es que ha descuidado aspectos sociales”, le dice a BBC Mundo Joaquín Rey, investigador principal de la consultora económica Videnza. El gasto público en salud, como porcentaje del crecimiento económico, ha aumentado levemente en las últimas dos décadas, llegando a un 3,2% en 2017, la última estimación que tiene la Organización Mundial de la Salud y el Banco Mundial. Gasto público en salud en Perú “Los gobiernos han funcionado con el piloto automático en lo económico, pero la salud se ha quedado atrás”, apunta. Y agrega que el país tiene una amplia capacidad de endeudamiento como para enfrentar esta emergencia, pero “no se puede remontar el descuido de décadas en pocas semanas”. Tampoco ayuda a enfrentar la crisis que tres de cada cuatro trabajadores sean informales, que

las familias vivan en condiciones de hacinamiento y que muchos sectores del país tengan acceso parcial al agua potable. “Barrimos el problema y lo dejamos bajo la alfombra” Según Diego Macera, gerente del Instituto Peruano de Economía (IPE), aunque el gasto en salud no haya aumentado mucho en relación al crecimiento económico del país, sí se ha expandido como porcentaje del gasto

público total. Pero el tema de fondo, dice el economista, no tiene que ver tanto con la cantidad de recursos asignados al sector salud. “No es un problema de plata, es un problema de gestión. Se pierde mucho dinero por ineficiencia o por corrupción”, señala Macera en diálogo con BBC Mundo. Con la pandemia, explica, se ha hecho más evidente una precariedad que se arrastraba por décadas.

Un año de gobierno de Bukele en El Salvador:

el contraste entre el aplastante apoyo que mantiene en el país y las acusaciones de abuso de poder en su contra

(Reuters: Bukele cumple este 1 de junio doce meses al frente del gobierno de El Salvador y su gestión ha dejado grandes polémicas.) Continued on page 26






Nicaragua no cumple reglas sanitarias internacionales, según exministra de Salud, Margarita Gurdián

Por Cinthya Tórrez García, Laprensa. com La respuesta de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS) ante la misiva enviada por cinco exministros de Salud, preocupados por la inacción del Gobierno de Nicaragua ante la pandemia del Covid-19, desvela que este no cumple el Reglamento Sanitario Internacional (RSI), un acuerdo mundial vinculante que busca prevenir y dar respuesta a los riesgos graves para la salud pública que pueda afectar a la población del planeta. Margarita Gurdián, exministra de Salud (2004-2007) y una de las firmantes de la misiva enviada, además a la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), explica que la respuesta de la directora de OPS, Carissa F. Etienne, dice claramente que comparte la preocupación que ellos expusieron. Entre dichas preocupaciones están la no mitigación de la pandemia, el no brindar los medios de protección a los profesionales de la salud; no ser transparente con la información, y que sea una amenaza, no solamente para Nicaragua sino también para la región. Además, en lo que respecta a la información, según lo establecido por el RSI “no está siendo cumplido”, expresó. La OPS señala que tras conocer los primeros casos de Covid-19, solicitó al Centro Nacional de Enlace (CNE) en Nicaragua, responsable del intercambio de información según lo dispuesto en el RSI que completara el listado de la OMS para recopilar información preliminar sobre los casos de Covid-19, esto fue el 21 y 28 de marzo. “Hasta la fecha, el CNE de Nicaragua ha presentado la información requerida de manera irregular”, se lee en la carta firmada por Etienne.

Gurdián explica que esta vía de comunicación es para estar en contacto en todo momento en un contexto como el actual, pero además el RSI establece que cuando envían una verificación o comprobación se debe de responder en un lapso no mayor a 24 horas. Es decir, Nicaragua violó el artículo 6 del RSI, entre otros. “(…)Cada Estado Parte notificará a la OMS por el medio de comunicación más eficiente de que disponga, a través del Centro Nacional de Enlace para el RSI, y antes de que transcurran 24 horas desde que se haya evaluado la información concerniente a la salud pública, todos los eventos que ocurran en su territorio y que puedan constituir una emergencia de salud pública de importancia internacional de conformidad con el instrumento de decisión, así como toda medida sanitaria aplicada en respuesta a esos eventos (…)”, se lee en el artículo del Reglamento. —Entonces, ¿Nicaragua podría ser sancionada por incumplir un acuerdo internacional del que es parte? “El Estado no está cumpliendo con su obligación como signatario del reglamento. Desafortunadamente este reglamento no es coercitivo, no te dice si no cumplís tal cosa, te vamos a hacer tal cosa. No. No es esa la concepción del Reglamento Sanitario porque uno se imagina que cada Estado va a querer preservar a la población lo más posible de cualquier pandemia o de cualquier epidemia. Entonces, no es coercitivo”, explicó Gurdián. Pese a que el Reglamento no incluye elementos que castiguen a los países por no cumplir lo acordado por todos en su momento. Gurdián explica que uno o varios países pueden establecer restricciones a los ciudadanos

nicaragüenses así como a las mercancías, si son considerados de riesgo. “Nosotros no vamos a permitir la importación de productos de tal país porque no sabemos la situación sanitaria o no permitimos el ingreso de personas de este país porque no sabemos en qué condiciones vienen, una serie de cosas que afectan no solamente la economía, sino también al nicaragüense”, señaló la exministra. El pasado 27 de mayo, el ministro de Salud costarricense, Daniel Salas, aseguró que el principal riesgo sanitario para su país es el alto nivel de circulación del virus en Nicaragua. El presidente salvadoreño, Nayib Bukele, a inicios de abril, también se refirió a Nicaragua, y dijo que registraba mejores cifras de Covid-19, pero se debía a que no las estaba midiendo de forma adecuada. Gurdián asegura que existe una preocupación regional por lo que está pasando en Nicaragua, y siempre está abierta la posibilidad de las restricciones por países o por región, en aras de presionar o negociar con Nicaragua para que tomen otras medidas en relación con la pandemia.

Un año de gobierno de Bukele en El Salvador: Por Marcos González Díaz, BBC News Mundo Hace justo un año, el país más pequeño de Centroamérica lograba una inusitada atención internacional. El 1 de junio de 2019, Nayib Bukele asumía su cargo como nuevo presidente de El Salvador y había gran curiosidad por saber cuáles serían las bases de su gobierno. Y no era para menos: su histórico triunfo en las elecciones cuatro meses antes había conseguido romper con el tradicional bipartidismo existente en el país desde el fin de la guerra civil. Y lo consiguió él, un joven empresario millenial que se perfilaba como símbolo de la renovación política y le prometía un giro radical en la gestión del país a una población hastiada por la pobreza y la violencia que le hizo llegar a tener una de las mayores tasas de homicidios del mundo. Y aunque 12 meses después sigue disfrutando del rotundo y mayoritario apoyo de la población salvadoreña según las encuestas, Bukele también enfrenta duras críticas por algunas de sus decisiones, especialmente desde organismos internacionales y de derechos humanos. Sus enfrentamientos públicos con el Congreso y la Corte Suprema y sus drásticas medidas frente a la pandemia de coronavirus han llevado a algunos a acusarlo de autoritarismo y de querer acumular demasiado poder hasta el punto de poner en peligro la joven y frágil democracia del país. Las polémicas por las que Bukele ha recibido duras críticas internacionales contrastan con un apoyo mayoritario de la población salvadoreña, también sobre su gestión de la pandemia del covid-19. Porque si hay algo que Bukele consigue, casi con cada tuit que publica desde su red social favorita para hablarle al mundo y darle ordenes a sus funcionarios, es no dejar a nadie indiferente con sus acciones. La inquietud de ciertos sectores hacia la figura del presidente salvadoreño se disparó a raíz de su polémica entrada en la Asamblea Legislativa acompañado de militares el pasado mes de febrero. Con aquella sorprendente imagen, bautizada popularmente como “Bukelazo”, pretendía presionar al Congreso -en el que su partido no tiene representación- para que aprobara la financiación de la siguiente fase de su plan de seguridad. “Al no obtener la respuesta que él quería, irrumpe violentamente en la Asamblea con militares. Si eso no es autoritario, no sé qué podría ser”, dice Elisa Ortega Velázquez, investigadora del Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Editor: Para más información sobre este artículo, visite





Section Muerte de George Floyd: el “inevitable” riesgo de superpropagación de coronavirus en las protestas en EE.UU

(Terrence Floyd, hermano de George, visita este lunes el lugar donde murió en Minneopolis, Minnesota. Reuters)

Por BBC Mundo Del distanciamiento social a la aglomeración de personas en las calles. En pocos días, Estados Unidos pasó de protagonizar los titulares como el país con más muertos por covid-19, al alcanzar los 100.000, a ser noticia por las protestas en decenas de ciudades por la muerte del afroestadounidense George Floyd en custodia policial en Minneapolis, Minnesota. La indignación por la muerte de Floyd llevó a miles de personas a salir a las calles a protestar, en muchos casos de manera pacífica. Pero en otros, los manifestantes se enfrentaron con la policía, provocando incendios, destrozos y saqueos, lo que llevó a activar la Guardia Nacional en varios estados e implementar medidas de toque de queda. Todas estas protestas se dan en medio de la pandemia del nuevo coronavirus que sigue vigente y en la que una de las recomendaciones principales para evitar el contagio es el distanciamiento social. El mismo gobernador de Minnesota, Tim Walz, dijo que espera un fuerte aumento en los casos de covid-19 en su estado. «Estoy profundamente preocupado por la superpropagación», aseguró Walz en una conferencia de prensa el sábado. «Vamos a ver un repunte de covid-19. Es inevitable». Si bien las manifestaciones se producen al aire libre, lo que podría frenar la transmisión del virus, y

muchos de los manifestantes usan máscaras, los riesgos de contagio son claros. «Existe una clara posibilidad de que estas marchas y protestas contribuyan a la propagación«, asegura Joel Wertheim, profesor asistente de Medicina de la Universidad de California, San Diego (EE. UU.). «Cada vez que grandes grupos de personas se reúnen en medio de una epidemia o pandemia, existe el riesgo de superpropagación en los que una persona contagiosa puede infectar decenas de otras personas a la vez», dice el especialista a BBC Mundo. Esta superpropagación «puede conducir a cadenas secundarias de transmisión, es decir, que las personas se infectan en una protesta y posteriormente causan transmisión adicional con contactos fuera de las protestas», explica Angela Rasmussen, viróloga de Columbia Mailman School of Public Health, la escuela de posgrado en salud pública de la Universidad de Columbia, en Nueva York. Además de la proximidad de las personas en las manifestaciones, los gritos que pueden provocar gotas de saliva, y algunas prácticas policiales, como el uso de gases lacrimógenos y gas pimienta, que causan que las personas lloren y tosan, también pueden acelerar la transmisión. «La investigación es clara al respecto de que cualquier actividad que produzca gotitas y los aerosoles pueden conducir a la propagación del Sars-CoV-2. Es probable que el uso de gas lacrimógeno conduzca a la transmisión viral», sostiene Wertheim. Editor: Para más información sobre este artículo, visite






Shattered Glass in SoHo as Looters Ransack Lower Manhattan By Ali Watkins, Derek M. Norman and Nate Schweber, New York Times All Sunday night, the scene repeated itself as protesters moved through Lower Manhattan. After the main marchers would advance, fringe groups would hang back, and then the shattering glass would begin. By morning, the devastation in Manhattan was unlike anything New York had seen since the blackout of 1977. Block after block of boutiques in the Flatiron district had their windows shattered and’ their goods looted. All down Broadway and through the side streets of SoHo, the destruction was widespread and indiscriminate, from chain drugstores to the Chanel boutique, from the Adidas outlet to Dolce & Gabbana. Looters moved from storefront to storefront, picking through the rubble to fill garbage bags with shoes, clothes, electronics and other goods. The SoHo outpost of Bloomingdale’s was ransacked. The police said that more than 400 people were arrested in New York overnight on Sunday, mostly for looting and burglary. “I don’t think this has anything to do with Black Lives Matter,” said a 24-year-old man at the corner of Houston and Broadway, some time after midnight. “It’s just chaos. People are just using this as an excuse to act crazy, do stuff they never dreamed of doing before.” The man declined to give his name, because he, too, was looting, and because he said he worked during the day as a security guard. After hours of mostly peaceful protests, the streets of Lower Manhattan grew frenetic around 10 p.m., after police confronted and dispersed a large group that had crossed over the Manhattan Bridge from Brooklyn. When the march was met by the police near Canal and Church Streets, the crowd grew tense as marchers became separated from one another, kept apart by flanks of riot police. Gradually, protesters splintered into smaller groups, fanning across several blocks and continuing uptown. But as the march frayed, small bands of violent actors on its fringes began escalating. First, they threw trash cans into the street. Soon, they lit piles of trash on fire, eventually igniting scaffolding on an

(Looters smashed windows and emptied boutiques of merchandise in Flatiron, SoHo and other parts of downtown Manhattan. Credit...Benjamin Norman for The New York Times)

apartment building near the Strand bookstore. By the time the stragglers had reached the stretch of Fifth Avenue between 14th Street and the Flatiron Building, they were smashing almost any glass in sight. One small group of young men tore through a CitiBike terminal, yanking bikes from their docks and twisting the plastic. Nearby, the windows of an Anthropologie clothing boutique were smashed. An older protester, visibly distraught, rushed over and begged them to stop. They sprinted onward, shattering windows as they went. One man carried a partly clothed mannequin down the street with him. Police officers in riot gear sprinted after the group, often just a few stores behind, as peaceful demonstrators yelled, “No protection for looters!” It continued this way uptown for blocks, where protesters dispersed across empty streets brought to life only by ghostly red and blue patrol car lights and the periodic clatter of riot police giving chase. After midnight, a second protest march from Brooklyn crossed the Manhattan Bridge after having clashed with the police outside the Barclays Center. Once they reached

Manhattan, the protesters immediately began smashing windows of stores on the Lower East Side. Not long after this group arrived in Manhattan, gunshots rang out along Crosby Street in SoHo, and people scrambled for cover. Two men dove into an idling car, which sped off. An ambulance soon arrived and picked up a man, who the police said had been shot. It is unclear whether the incident was connected to the looting or protests. As the looting continued, police seemed to abandon whatever enforcement they had attempted elsewhere. They sat in their cars as looters, often in full view of police, brazenly walked in and out of stores. “We’re robbing everybody!” one young man yelled on Houston and Broadway at 2:24 a.m. It was not only luxury franchises that were targeted: On Lafayette Street, Jason Ackerman, 45, stood in front of his small business, Soho Ink, a tattoo and clothing shop. He said shoplifters stole $1,000 cash, all his clothing merchandise and smashed his display cases. “I feel anger, disgust; I feel shame for my city that we’ve resorted to destroying,” he said. “New Yorkers, we’re supposed to come

together.” Mr. Ackerman said he considered himself a supporter of the protests, and was troubled that the looting had tried to commandeer its mission. The destruction waned by 3 a.m., but it brought a new wave of panic: Looters, many of whom had crossed over the bridge from Brooklyn, realized they had no means of transport home. The city’s subways have been shut down overnight because of the coronavirus pandemic. Ubers were scarce, and cellphones were dying. Looters accosted anyone with a visible cellphone, and begged for rides from random, stopped cars. One woman pleaded with a driver on Houston Street: “Please let me in, please let me ride, I have cash, lots of cash.” At 5:18 a.m., Joseph Holder, 65, a maintenance worker who sweeps the streets, surveyed the damage and was horrified. “I’m fearful for my life,” said Mr. Holder, who is black. “Yes, black lives matter, but what example are you setting for the next generation?” “Let me do what I have to do,” he said, preparing to go work. “Because I don’t want to be on these streets too long.”





Section By Yucatan Times June 1, 2020 - President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador held his daily press conference from the state of Quintana Roo to mark the beginning of Mexico’s economic reopening and resume his tours across the country. Quintana Roo, home to the famed beaches of Cancun and Tulum, will resume activities next week. The state, which depends heavily on tourism, has lost over 83,000 jobs in the last few months due to the pandemic, said governor Carlos Joaquin Gonzalez. The decision to reopen the tourism industry in the state has to do with a downward trend in contagion, he said and added the reopening will be slow and progressive. @CarlosJoaquin, Governor of Quintana Roo, explained that the state will use a complimentary traffic light to the federal one for its economic reopening. The president will kick-off the construction of the Maya Train this week. The fifth tranche of the project will be auctioned this month Lopez Obrador said the presidential plane might not return to Mexico given that a potential buyer has made an offer. The president said half of the payment would be made in cash and

Every Single Worker Has Covid at a U.S. Farm on Harvest Eve By Mike Dorning and Jen Skerritt May 29, 2020 - One farm in Tennessee distributed Covid-19 tests to all of its workers after an employee came down with the virus. It turned out that every single one of its roughly 200 employees had been infected. In New Jersey, more than 50 workers had the virus at a farm in Gloucester County, adding to nearly 60 who fell ill in neighboring Salem County. Washington State’s Yakima County, an agricultural area that produces apples, cherries, pears and most of the nation’s hops,

Cancun reopens to tourism next week (Playa Las Perlas Cancun. Photo by

half in medical equipment, and that a decision should be reached in 15 to 20 days’ time. The government has unsuccessfully tried to sell the aircraft since Dec. 2018 Low sargassum is expected for Mexico’s Caribbean beaches in the months of May through July, said

Navy Minister Jose Rafael Ojeda. The foul-smelling algae have scared away tourism in previous years Mexico will focus on local tourism to reactivate the industry and try to attract U.S. and Canadian tourists in the winter season,

Farm laborers from Fresh Harvest working with an H-2A visa harvest romaine lettuce on a machine with heavy plastic dividers. Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images) has the highest per capita infection rate of any county on the West Coast. The outbreaks underscore the latest pandemic threat to food supply: Farm workers are getting sick and spreading the illness just as the U.S. heads into the peak of the summer produce season. In all likelihood, the cases will keep climbing as more than half a million seasonal employees crowd onto buses to move among farms across the country and get housed together in cramped bunkhouse-style dormitories. The early outbreaks are already starting to draw comparisons to the infections that plunged the U.S. meat industry into crisis over the past few months. Analysts and experts are warn-

ing that thousands of farm workers are vulnerable to contracting the disease. Aside from the most immediate concern — the grave danger that farmhands face — the outbreaks could also create labor shortages at the worst possible time. Produce crops such as berries have a short life span, with only a couple of weeks during which they can be harvested. If a farm doesn’t have enough workers to collect crops in that window, they’re done for the season and the fruit will rot. A spike in virus cases among workers may mean shortages of some fruits and vegetables at the grocery store, along with higher prices. “We’re watching very, very nervously — the agricultural harvest season is only

said Tourism Minister Miguel Torruco. The government will recommend shutting down economic activity if Mexico experiences a new surge of COVID-19 cases during the reopening period, said Lopez Obrador starting now,” said Michael Dale, executive director of the Northwest Workers’ Justice Project in Portland, Oregon, and a lawyer who has represented farm workers for 40 years. “I don’t think we’re ready. I don’t think we’re prepared.” Unlike grain crops that rely on machinery, America’s fruits and vegetables are mostly picked and packed by hand, in long shifts out in the open — a typically undesirable job in major economies. So the position typically goes to immigrants, who make up about three quarters of U.S. farm workers. In Canada, migrant workers often come from Jamaica, Guatemala and Mexico. They’re typically housed on farms, with two or four people sharing a room, depending on if there are bunkbeds, said Colin Chapdelaine, president of BC Hot House, a greenhouse farming company that grow tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers in Surrey, British Columbia. All the houses are audited and approved by regulators with guidelines for how much kitchen and bathroom space to provide, but “Covid has kind of turned that on its head,” he said. “It’s a precarious situation if something happens and it flows through a greenhouse and you can’t pick your crop,” Chapdelaine said. “We’re taking huge precautions to make sure everyone comes in suited and masked up. You have to do all the right things and still hope for the best.”





Section Mérida City Council will keep encouraging artistic creation and culture during June By Yucatantimes For the Merida City Council, stimulating artistic creation and cultural management is one of the initiatives that needs to be maintained in force in these times of social confinement due to COVID-19. Hence, the “Art at Home” (ARTE EN CASA) program will continue to offer incentives to the community of local creators during the month of June. Through the Culture Directorate, the selected Art at Home projects and the Diffusion of Audiovisual Materials through social networks with artistic and cultural content will allow the cultural life of Mérida to be enjoyed from home, taking care of health and contributing to family coexistence and strengthening the social fabric in the municipality. A total of 334 projects were selected supporting the creativity and talent of artists in which the love of art is reflected in its different manifestations. During the week of May 18 to 25, the contents of “Arte en Casa” reached 160,472 followers on the Mérida es Cul-

tura Facebook page, 41,579 interactions and 93,714 video views were recorded. Women continue to be the group that most closely follows initiatives and social networks have become the main tool for cultural enjoyment from different digital platforms. The five videos that people have liked the most on Facebook so far are: “Lelopatra” de Titeradas (4,609 reproductions), el taller “Aprende a crear tu huerto desde casa” (4,571), “En concierto con Los Méndez” (3,841), “El gremio y la corrida de toros” del Ballet Folclórico Jaguares (3,344), la Marimba Lira de Pichucalco (3,139) and theatrical play “¡Qué familia!” de Juan Carlos Argáez (2,989). The official channel of Mérida’s art and culture in YouTube (Mérida es Cultura) is an option to enjoy the best videos and artistic proposals, a channel that up to date has received thousands of visits, and you can choose from 29 productions, mainly related to music and theater.

Problem for those coming to St Lucia Getting COVID test By Jonathan Stuart, As St Lucia reopens its borders to air travel on June 4, 2020, one of the precautionary measures being taken is that all incoming nationals and non-nationals must present a certification of having tested negative for COVID-19. However, in some source countries, getting a COVID-19 test while asymptomatic could prove difficult or even impossible for some would-be travellers. During the NTN program COVID-19- The Road to Recovery which aired on NTN, Sunday, May 31, 2020, moderator Lissa Joseph posed the question: “There are countries, the US for example, you can’t get testing done if you are asymptomatic, showing no symptoms, getting tests done, that’s very, very difficult. How do we now ask of the travellers to provide a certificate when they are unable to get that certificate?” Chief Environmental Health Officer Parker Ragnanan responded saying: “The onus of getting that certificate is not on the country of Saint Lucia. It’s on the person desirous of coming to Saint Lucia... The airlines are aware that this is

a requirement before you’re allowed to board an aircraft to come to Saint Lucia.” It can be concluded from this response that those who are unable to get the test would not be able to travel to Saint Lucia. Permanent Secretary in Department of Tourism Donalyn Vittet addressed the issue saying: “Our first line of defence is getting an idea, knowledge, of whether you are coming in positive

or negative and in our case we want you to come in negative. So the person just might have to wait a little while longer.” To be clear, asymptomatic testing is available in the United States. However, according to a recent NBC report, people in the US may not be able to get tested, especially if they do not have severe symptoms. “While testing is available in every state and more labs are begin-

ning to test around the country, demand is so high that tests are largely being reserved for highrisk cases: people with severe symptoms, other risk factors like age and complicating health conditions, and health care workers.” According to the official United Kingdom government website, only those who show symptoms can be tested. The UK’s National Health Service site says explicitly: “You can ask for a test: • for yourself, if you have coronavirus symptoms now (a high temperature, a new, continuous cough, or a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste) • for someone you live with, if they have coronavirus symptoms This service is for people in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. In England and Wales, you can ask for a test for a child who lives with you, whatever their age. In Scotland and Northern Ireland, you can only get a test for your child if they are aged 5 or over. If you’re asking for a test for someone else, and the person is aged 13 or over, check they’re happy for you to ask for a test for them. Please help the NHS by only asking for tests for people who have coronavirus symptoms now.”






Tropical storm kills 17 in El Salvador and Guatemala AP News Rains from Tropical Storm Amanda left at least 17 dead and seven missing while causing extensive damage across El Salvador and Guatemala that pushed thousands of people into shelters amid the coronavirus pandemic. EL Salvador Interior Minister Mario Durán said Monday some 7,000 people were scattered across 154 shelters. He said a quarter of the rain that the country normally receives in a year fell in 70 hours. That set off landslides and flooding, especially in the western part of the country. A day earlier officials had said at least 900 homes had been damaged. President Nayib Bukele visited one of the most affected communities on the outskirts of San Salvador. Some 50 families lost their homes and Bukele said the government would give them $10,000 to rebuild. One whose home was damaged was María Torres. “We’ve never experienced this,” she said. “The rain was so strong and suddenly the water entered the homes and we just saw how they fell.” The Legislative Assembly approved the government’s use of a $389 million loan from the International Monetary Fund to deal with the pandemic and the storm’s impact. El Salvador reports more than 2,500 infections and 46 deaths. In Guatemala, a 9-year-old boy was swept away by a river and drowned and another person was killed when a home collapsed, said David de León, spokesman for the national disaster agency. Amanda pounded El Salvador with rain for days before moving ashore as a tropical storm on Sunday and pushing across Guatemala. It quickly dissipated, but the U.S. National Hurricane Center said Monday afternoon its remnants had formed into a tropical depression in the Bay of Campeche off Mexico’s gulf coast and was expected to move through the Gulf of Mexico in coming days. Mexico issued a tropical storm warning from Campeche west to the port of Veracruz, expecting the depression to become a tropical storm Monday night or Tuesday. It had sustained winds of 30 mph (45 kph) and was expected to move slowly just off the Mexican coast for the next couple days. The storm is expected to dump 10 to 15 inches of rain over the Mexican state of Tabasco and Veracruz with up to 20 inches in some isolated areas.

(The swollen Los Esclavos River flows violently during tropical storm Amanda in Cuilapa, eastern Guatemala, Sunday, May 31, 2020. The first tropical storm of the Eastern Pacific season drenched parts of Central America on Sunday and officials in El Salvador said at least seven people had died in the flooding. AP Photo/Moises Castillo)

Millions of cicadas to emerge in parts of US for 1st time in 17 years By Americans won’t be the only ones emerging from their isolation this summer; so too will millions of insects that have been underground for nearly two decades. A species of cicadas will buzz around in southwest Virginia, parts of North Carolina and West Virginia for the first time in 17 years, with as many as 1.5 million cicadas emerging per acre, according to entomologists at Virginia Tech. “Communities and farms with large numbers of cicadas emerging at once may have a substantial noise issue,” Eric Day, an entomologist in Virginia Tech’s Department of Entomology, said in a statement. “Hopefully, any annoyance at the disturbance is tempered by just how infrequent — and amazing — this event is.” The cicadas that will emerge are part of the Brood IX species. They have spent most of their lives living in the soil and feeding on tree boots underground. The transition from “nymphs”

to mature adults living outdoors is synchronized based on the year and temperature of the soil. The timing of the cycle, which can be either 13 years or 17 years, remains a mystery to scientists. Research suggests that the length of the brood cycle could be attributed to avoiding predators because when the cicadas emerge, the amount of biomass they provide could serve as a food source for potential predators. Because of this, one theory is that they evolve to avoid synching up with predator cycles. The cicadas are not harmful to hu-

mans and do not pose a danger to plants through feeding. The cicadas, however, can cause damage to plants through their egg-laying habits. Adult female cicadas implant their eggs onto branches or vines, causing them to either split or wither in a process called “flagging.” If it happens too many times, the plants can have their growth stunted or be killed altogether. The noises that cicadas produce are mating calls from the males who are attempting to attract females. It could be an annoyance to some, considering it is described as an “alien-like wail,” according to Virginia Tech. Most cicadas only have four to six weeks of activity before they die. “This insect is really fascinating, and if you don’t have fruit trees or grapevines to protect, you can enjoy this phenomenon while it lasts,” Doug Pfeiffer, a professor and Extension specialist in the Department of Entomology, said. A separate species of cicadas emerge every year.





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