4 minute read
Belize Airlift Development Conference Remarks by Hon. Anthony Mahler
Ministry of Tourism and Diaspora Relations
different airlines that fly from all over the world. Our persistence paid off because today I am glad to say that all our flagship carriers have returned and are performing well.
We are not the only ones who refuelled with grit and optimism since the pandemic. I am proud of the work that Tropic Air is doing to connect Belize with the rest of our region. These days this “national carrier” has routes to Honduras, El Salvador, and Cancun. From my position, I would like to see additional routes added in the near future, but for now, we are very pleased with the work they have done as when we tally all the routes into Belize in 2023, we have 11 carriers, coming from 7 countries, and 21 cities. The success we have had in rebuilding the airline capacity in Belize has been steady; however, we will continue to work harder and smarter to get more. Having an expanding airlift capacity is the only way we will continue to grow as a leisure destination. To reiterate, airlift is our ‘lifeblood’.
In Belize, we have had some tremendous successes in our tourism recovery, but there are still many challenges and hurdles that we have to be mindful of as we continue to collaborate and expand. We acknowledge that many airlines are still in recovery mode and waiting for planes to be delivered. We remain cognizant and sensitive to some of the human resource issues within the airline industry such as – needing more pilots, flight attendants, ground handling crew, and other support staff. We realize that there are some concerns with getting gates in bigger jurisdictions. Additionally, we also have to grapple with higher airfares, lingering inflation as a result of the ongoing war in Ukraine, supply chain issues, and the overall global economic uncertainties of the day.
Regionally, Belize has to contend with stiff competition from destinations with bigger budgets. To top it off, experts have signalled the end of the revenge travel era. The Covid travel capital is officially finished.
Finally, we all know that there is a capacity issue at the PGIA, during peak periods. On this issue, I am glad that the Belize Airport Concession Company has finally committed to an upgrade of the airport. The 250-million-dollar investment by the government and BACC will modernize and expand our airport facilities to improve the PGIA experience for Belizeans and foreigners alike. Brother Enrique and the big folks over at BACC, I will hold you to your commitment and I look forward to seeing the significant upgrade of our airport.
Now, I know many of you are wondering when we will get our first flight out of Europe. To you, I say that we will leave no stone unturned in doing everything we can to ensure that we build connectivity between Belize and Europe. It must be noted that getting the flight from Europe requires over US$396,000.00 per round trip.
I close by saying that even though we continue to confront many challenges, I am excited about our future. Belize is poised to record continued growth in both the overnight and cruise sectors. When the pandemic hit, we fell off the cliff with everyone else, but today we can say that we have found our parachute. After-all God has blessed us with “wealth untold” and as the custodians of this natural wonder, we must ensure that it is managed sustainably for future generations of Belizeans and foreign visitors to enjoy.
Thank you!!!
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Buying Rate Of The United States Dollar
Buying Rate Of The United States Dollar
Buying Rate Of The United States Dollar
Belize City, 3 May 2023: The public is hereby informed that, in accordance with Regulation 32 of the Exchange Control Regulations, 2021, the Central Bank of Belize has fixed the buying rate of the United States Dollar at a rate of BZ$2.00 to US$1.00 for United States currency notes, commencing 2 May 2023.
Belize City, 3 May 2023: The public is hereby informed that, in accordance with Regulation 32 of the Exchange Control Regulations, 2021, the Central Bank of Belize has fixed the buying rate of the United States Dollar at a rate of BZ$2.00 to US$1.00 for United States currency notes, commencing 2 May 2023.
Belize City, 3 May 2023: The public is hereby informed that, in accordance with Regulation 32 of the Exchange Control Regulations, 2021, the Central Bank of Belize has fixed the buying rate of the United States Dollar at a rate of BZ$2.00 to US$1.00 for United States currency notes, commencing 2 May 2023.
Therefore, all transactions involving the purchase and sale of United States Currency Notes must be conducted as follows:
Therefore, all transactions involving the purchase and sale of United States Currency Notes must be conducted as follows:
Therefore, all transactions involving the purchase and sale of United States Currency Notes must be conducted as follows:
Please note that the buying rate for all other US dollar denominated monetary instruments is unchanged.
Please note that the buying rate for all other US dollar denominated monetary instruments is unchanged.
Please note that the buying rate for all other US dollar denominated monetary instruments is unchanged.
The Central Bank of Belize encourages individuals and firms to transact their holdings of United States currency with an authorised dealer, subject to regulations under the Money Laundering and Terrorism (Prevention) Act, 2020
The Central Bank of Belize encourages individuals and firms to transact their holdings of United States currency with an authorised dealer, subject to regulations under the Money Laundering and Terrorism (Prevention) Act, 2020
The Central Bank of Belize encourages individuals and firms to transact their holdings of United States currency with an authorised dealer, subject to regulations under the Money Laundering and Terrorism (Prevention) Act, 2020
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