2 minute read
Brads – Show Me The Money
Dear Editor,
I write to vent again, as I try to guess why Brads was given the opportunity by the Lotteries Committee some to make the necessary correction in December of 2022 when the commission found twelve breaches. I guess it is a legal thing. This is after the fact that they were issued a ten-year contract at the tail end of the Barrow Administration. To go back to a 2019 report it was estimated that government received only $0.9 million in taxes annually. Who believes that? Not me!
Now, The Briceño Administration revoked the barrow exemption the government which is now giving the government an estimated $5 million annually. It goes to show it was a sweetheart deal as then Opposition Leader Briceño called it.
If it was not as worth it why not, simply comply with the correction sent in December and make the necessary changes if there was nothing to hide?
Still, with the revocation of the license, Brads is not seeking restoration of the license which is the easy road out in my opinion. The finances would be brought into question in court hmm.. doesn’t it make you think?
So Brads take out a release acting like a victim. Laughable. This company only took took and took. No charity; No Heart!
I believe most Belizeans would like to know that and who are the owners of Countach who acquired shares in Brads Gaming Group Ltd. In the last few years.
I believe we should ask in the famous words “Show me the money”. Don’t cry now just suck it up!
Concern Citizen
May 2, 2023 - The Government of Belize, with support from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), has established a Central Executing Unit (CEU) within the Ministry of Economic Development. This centralized unit will provide an operational, cost-efficient, and effective way to facilitate the management of project implementation, helping to ensure that all project phases are completed within desired time frames and budgets.
The CEU will provide oversight of the financial and operational aspects of the projects while ensuring that all relevant regulations and standards are followed. This unit, through an efficient reporting mechanism, will assist project stakeholders to stay informed of the progress of their project implementation.
Initially, the CEU will coordinate the implementation of the following IDB-funded loan projects, which together represent BZ$96 million:
1. Strengthening Public Expenditure Management in Belize
2. Digital Innovation to Boost Economic Development in Belize
3. Promoting Sustainable Growth in the Blue Economy
4. Trade and Investment Facilitation Program for Belize
5. Sustainable and Inclusive Belize
In supporting the above-mentioned projects, the CEU ensures that its main goal of effective and efficient implementation is aligned with the Government of Belize’s Plan Belize Medium Term Development Strategy and saving taxpayer dollars through the efficient use of public resources.
This unit is headed by a Belizean lead consultant funded by the IDB. Initially, it will be staffed by several positions financed by the respective projects. These include project managers (project leads) for each project, two financial specialists, two procurement specialists, one procurement assistant, one environmental and social specialist, and one monitoring and evaluation specialist. Having this expertise in-house will minimize project start-up and learning curve delays, particularly regarding bank procedures and reporting requirements.
The Briceño Administration is committed to improving the quality of life of the Belizeans and continuously seeks to improve the efficient use of the country’s limited resources, including seeking innovative ways to improve the implementation of projects, which is a mandate of Plan Belize.