Belize Times October 7, 2018

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MURDERS ON THE RISE! Continued from page 1 and three times in the left arm. Castro, died on the street side beside his own motorcycle. His grieving girlfriend, Yvette Leiva, told the press that Castro’s murder may have been a mistaken identity because he was not a troublesome person nor affiliated to any gang. She believes that he may have been innocently targeted. According to Ms Leiva, he was killed while he was picking up tortillas in the area for another friend. She hopes that justice will be served for his murder. Fifteen minutes after Castro’s death, Justin Diaz, 24, was targeted purportedly by the same motorcycle murderers. Diaz was on a bicycle at the corner of Sapodilla and Zericote Streets, making his way home when the men rode up to him and opened fire. Diaz was shot once in the chest and in the leg but survived the attack. He was transported from the Northern Regional Hospital to the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital (KHMH) where he remains in a critical condition. The entire incident was caught on camera, and it is believed that Diaz knew who his attackers were. Information to Belize Times is that both shooting incidents are connected to an internal rivalry between the Backatown Crips Gang in the Orange Walk Town. Members of the gang are reportedly battling for leadership since the recent murder of the gang’s reputed boss, Junior Triminio, has left the post vacant. And so, while the Government of Belize scrambles to find a solution or strategy to the nationwide violent crime, they have a blood bath problem brewing in Orange Walk town with more violence and murders which is on the rise.

LIQUOR LICENSE NOTICES Notice is hereby given that Jeremy Flowers is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at ”Castleton Entertainment Park” located in Burrell Boom Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Compre Principal

Unceremoniously Dumped

Collateral damage between Faber and Saldivar Belize Tues. Oct. 2, 2018 Maria Hutchinson, the principal of the Belmopan Comprehensive high school, has become nothing more than collateral damage in the lackluster race for leadership between Patrick Faber and John Saldivar. On Monday afternoon Principal Hutchinson was unceremoniously dumped by the Ministry of Education via a letter of her immediate termination. Our newspaper understands that upon her return from lunch she was issued the letter by the security guard at the gate. However, she managed to pushed through and went into her office. That was when the school’s chief security approached her and demanded that she accept the letter. After doing so, she

Belize City: Tuesday, October 2, 2018. Over the last 12 months, Barrow’s government has been strapped for cash and has targeted the retailing of fuel at the pump as the short-term cash cow cow solution to their immediate revenue problem. Long before the international cost per barrel of oil on the world market increased, government consistently jacked up the price per gallon of fuel on a monthly basis. We have seen no consideration by this government for the motorists nor for the small and medium businessman. They have done so by rotating the three major fuels consumed at the pump which is Premium, Regular and Diesel fuels. Last month, they raised the Premium gas, last night it was the Regular and by the 15th October it might just be Diesel, Kerosene or both. On Tuesday, the Belize Bureau of Standards announced that effective midnight, regular gas was going up by 16 cents per gallon. Regular gas, which was priced at $11.04 prior to the latest increase will now cost $ 11.20 per gallon. All other prices remain the same with premium at $11.77, diesel at $10.69 and kerosene at $8.34 per gallon until further notice.

The Belize Times

Established 1957

14 APR 2013


ISSUE NO: 4840

The Truth Shall Make You Free



serving Belize since 1957 as the longest continuous newspaper. Founder: Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus

Fay Castillo EDITOR

Omar Silva


Chris Williams


Roberto Peyrefitte Printed and Published By TIMES NEWSPAPER LTD. Tel: 671-8385 #3 Queen Street P.O. BOX 506 Belize City, Belize

Notice is hereby given that Yuling Wu is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at ”King’s Cuisine” located at # 82 New Road, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Barbados (BBD): $ 1.00

failed UDP politician. The school’s last politically appointed principal was forced out of office for Hutchinson who had previously served as vice principal. Hutchinson’s promotion was met with disappointment by her colleagues who were of the view that she was not best suited for the job, yet, because of political expediency she was named the new principal. With this latest development, Belmopan Comprehensive high school, one of the largest high schools in the country, becomes the third school to be rocked by controversy in the last four weeks. We had previously reported on developments at St. Peter Claver College Extension when former UDP Senator Minister Lisel Alamilla, terminated 9 of 11 teachers for simply refusing to agree to her proposed payment plan. We had also reported on the almost 20 teachers at Gwen Lizarraga high school whose fate remains unknown as the school had opted to terminate them because enrolment rates had fallen. While the Minister of Education occupies himself on the quest for political leadership, our educational institutions are showing widening cracks each time with no viable solution.


Notice is hereby given that Mohammed Iran Hossan & M. Tareq are applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at ”Sylhet Grocery & Laundry Mart” located at # 3338 Kraal Road, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

United States

was escorted off the compound. Information to Belize Times is that the commotion caused a temporary interruption in the flow of classes as teachers and students drew their attention to the matter. A source revealed that Hutchinson’s termination comes on the heels of accusations of financial mismanagement. However, while evidence of that alleged mismanagement is yet to surface evidence of political interference continues to surface at the Belmopan Comprehensive high school. Over the last few years, several of the school’s past principals have been solely diehard supporters of the United Democratic Party. In that list are Barrette Belisle, the mother of Belmopan’s UDP Mayor, and Walter Garbutt, a


Notice is hereby given that Naaman Gillett is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at ”Matilda’s Mini Mart” located in Burrell Boom Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

on page 31 ExchangeContinued rate (USD): $ 0.50 of One Belize Dollar



Eastern Caribbean Euro (XCD):$ 1.35 (EUR) : $ 0.46

Sterling Pound Guatemala Quetzal CANADIAN DOLLAR CHINESE YUAN (GBP): $ 0.35 (GTQ): $ 3.85 (CNY): $ 3.28 (CAD): $ 0.67

Trinidadian (TTD) : $ 3.27








ather of Our Nation Rt. Hon George Cadle Price was famous for extolling that “we should eat what we grow, and grow what we eat.” This advice is grounded on firm economic principle and so much more than just plain old common sense. The Foreign Minister in his recent address to the UN affirmed that forty three percent of Belizeans live below the poverty line and furthermore that sixteen percent live in conditions of extreme poverty. This means that they manage to survive on less than $1.25US ($2.50BZ) per day. Belizeans living in these conditions are deprived of basic human needs. These include food, safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, health, shelter education and information. These are the indigent the Foreign Minister referred to in his address to the UN. The same Minister touts his Government’s Growth and Sustainable Development Strategy (GSDS) as the best plan moving forward. In the GSDS for Belize there is little prominence given to agriculture and the role it should play in reducing poverty. Perhaps, therein lies the flaw in the UDP’s great strategy. Christiansen and Martin of the International Food Policy Research Institute sustain that “growth in the agriculture sector remains more poverty reducing than growth elsewhere.” They also claim that “the poorest benefit most from agriculture growth.” In development circles the buzz word is Food Security. Why is it important? Well besides the obvious reason that everyone needs to eat, food happens to be a basic human right…yes even for the “indigent” Foreign Minister. Food or agriculture provides jobs for even the most unskilled in our labour force and it enhances our culture through tradition. Agriculture is the industry that will keep going even after others fail. Another alarming reason is that as we move further away from being self-sustainable in agriculture we also become more dependent as a nation on those countries that supply us with food. Using food or even weapons as leverage in negotiations is not uncommon around the world. As we move away from farming for our own consumption to the growing of cash crops we also forgo our own food security and also lose parts of our identity and culture as we lose those farming traditions and knowledge we have acquired over centuries The World Economic Forum in January 18 2016 set as its second most important target the “ending of hunger, achieving food security and improved nutrition, and promoting sustainable agriculture by 2030.” The answer seems clear in order to lift our people out of poverty we must teach and help them to feed themselves. One of the issues that keep people poor is malnutrition and the insecurity of where they are going to get their next meal. If we can encourage and help people to see the benefits of farming the land we would significantly reduce both hunger and poverty. These in turn would positively impact education, health and productivity of our nation. Perusal of the last Estimates for Revenue and Expenditure of the current fiscal year revealed that the Ministry for Agriculture had a paltry budget of some 14.5M and the Ministry of Poverty Alleviation only 16M, even Economic Development had only been assigned 11M. It is clear that those ministries that have the mandate to actually make a difference in the lives of Belizeans were not awarded the funds to make a real impact. The Ministry of Foreign and Home Affairs on the other hand boasts an allocated budget of some 104M. The Foreign Minister gets more than double the budget of the other three ministries combined to jet-set around the world, first class, to speak about the “indigents” of Belize who bear on their backs the cost of his luxurious lifestyle. This government is not serious about reducing poverty. The resources of our country are being allocated and spent where they will have the least impact on poverty and advancement of our people. The resources of our country are not utilized for maximum benefit of our communities. The Foreign Minister, if he is serious, should give up a significant part of his budget to help in the efforts to combat poverty in Belize. Granny used to say “noh tell mi yu love mi, show mi.” Sedi show us some love!

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en Español



l padre de nuestra nación el muy Honorable George Cadle Price era famoso por ensalzar que “debemos comer lo que crecemos, y crecer lo que comemos.” Este Consejo está fundamentado en un principio económico firme y mucho más que un simple sentido común antiguo. El Ministro de relaciones exteriores en su reciente discurso a la ONU afirmó que el 43 por ciento de los beliceños vivían por debajo de la línea de pobreza y, además que el dieciséis por ciento vivía en condiciones de pobreza extrema. Esto significa que logran sobrevivir con menos de 1,25 US dólares (2,50 BZ dólares) por día. Los beliceños que viven en estas condiciones se ven privados de necesidades humanas básicas. Estos incluyen alimentos, el agua potable, instalaciones de saneamiento, salud, vivienda, educación e información. Estos son los “indigentes” a los que se refirió el Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores en su intervención ante las Naciones Unidas. El mismo Ministro exaltó la estrategia de crecimiento y desarrollo sostenible de su gobierno (GSDS por sus siglas en inglés) como el mejor plan para avanzar a excepción de ese pequeño problema... la tasa de pobreza del cuarenta y tres por ciento. En el GSDS para Belice hay poca importancia concedida a la agricultura y el papel que debe desempeñar en la reducción de la pobreza. Tal vez, ahí yace el defecto en la gran estrategia del UDP. Christiansen y Martin del Instituto Internacional de Investigaciones sobre las Políticas Alimentarias sostienen que “el crecimiento en el sector agrícola sigue siendo la que logra más reducción de la pobreza que el crecimiento en otros sectores”. También afirman que “los más pobres se benefician del crecimiento de la agricultura”. En los círculos de desarrollo la palabra clave es la seguridad alimentaria. ¿Por qué es importante? Además de la obvia razón de que todo el mundo necesita comer, la comida pasa a ser un derecho humano básico... sí, incluso para el “indigente”, señor Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores. La alimentación y la agricultura proporcionan puestos de trabajo incluso para los más inexpertos de nuestra fuerza de trabajo y también refuerza nuestra cultura a través de la tradición. La agricultura es la industria que seguirá adelante incluso después de que otras fracasen. Otra razón alarmante es que a medida que nos alejamos de ser auto-sustentables en la agricultura, también nos volvemos más dependientes como nación en aquellos países que nos suministran alimentos. El uso de alimentos o incluso armas como medio de presión en las negociaciones no es infrecuente en todo el mundo. A medida que abandonamos el cultivo agrícola para nuestro propio consumo al crecimiento de los cultivos remunerativos también renunciamos a nuestra propia seguridad alimentaria y también perdemos partes de nuestra identidad y cultura a medida que perdemos las tradiciones agrícolas y el conocimiento que hemos adquirido durante siglos. El Foro Económico Mundial el 18 enero de 2016 estableció como su segundo objetivo más importante el “fin del hambre, el logro de la seguridad alimentaria y la mejora de la nutrición y la promoción de la agricultura sostenible en 2030”. La respuesta parece clara, para sacar a nuestra gente de la pobreza debemos enseñar y ayudarlos a alimentarse. Una de las cuestiones que mantienen a la gente pobre es la malnutrición y la inseguridad de dónde van a conseguir su próxima comida. Si podemos alentar a la gente a ver los beneficios de cultivar la tierra, reduciríamos significativamente el hambre y la pobreza. Éstos a su vez impactarían positivamente la educación, la salud y la productividad de nuestra nación. El análisis de las últimas estimaciones de ingresos y gastos del año fiscal actual reveló que el Ministerio de Agricultura tenía un miserable presupuesto de unos 14.5m y el Ministerio de Mitigación de la Pobreza sólo 16m incluso el Ministerio de Desarrollo Económico sólo se había asignado 11M. Es evidente que los ministerios que tienen mandato para realmente hacer una diferencia en las vidas de los beliceños no fueron adjudicados los fondos para hacer un impacto real. Por otra parte, el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Asuntos del interior cuenta con un presupuesto asignado de unos 104M. El Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores obtiene más el doble del presupuesto de los otros tres ministerios combinados para darse la gran vida por todo el mundo, jet-set de primera clase, para hablar de los “indigentes” de Belice que llevan en sus espaldas el costo de su estilo de vida lujoso. Este gobierno no es serio en cuanto a reducir la pobreza. Los recursos de nuestro país están siendo asignados y gastados donde tendrán el menor impacto en la pobreza. Los recursos de nuestro país no se utilizan para el máximo beneficio de nuestra gente. Si el Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores lo toma en serio debe renunciar a una parte significativa de su presupuesto para ayudar en los esfuerzos para combatir la pobreza en Belice. La abuela solía decir “no me digas que me quieres, demuéstramelo”. ¡SEDI muéstranos algo de amor!

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Sedi said: A mouthful of deceptive Lies Belize City: Thursday 4th October, 2018 In his address for the 73rd session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Wilfred “Sedi” Elrington, said a mouthful of deceptive lies. We know that whenever this man speaks, especially on Belize’s behalf, one must take it with a grain of salt. And that is exactly what we did after reviewing almost twenty minutes of his non-stop rambling at the United Nations. He claims that the UDP was tackling crime, improving health care in the Toledo District because they plan to build a hospital in that area, BOOST Program, cash transfer, etc., But he still had to admit that under their watch since 2008, Belize’s poverty level rose to 43% and rising, and 16% of Belizeans are living in abject poverty. Elrington pointed out the need for a “Sarstoon Protocol” to be developed between Belize and Guatemala. He told the world, “…we urge our neighbor Guatemala to agree on a procedure or protocol for confidence-building measures on the Sarstoon River, our southern boundary with Guatemala, to facilitate the management of incidents of the kind that gave rise to heightened tensions between our two countries in 2015 and 2016.” At this newspaper, we wish to remind Elrington that a portion of the Sarstoon River is within Belizean territory. And as such, the Guatemalan Armed Forces is violating international laws by exercising sovereignty over the entire river. However, it is because of “cupcake efforts” by Elrington and his United Dem-

ocratic Party (UDP) government that Belize has lost a portion of its territory. To hell with a “Sarstoon Protocol,” we want to enjoy our access to the Sarstoon River without Guatemalan vessels harassing and bullying our citizens. According to Elrington, his government has already embarked on a nationwide public campaign, “to ensure all Belizeans are fully informed about the nature of the claim and why it should be referred to the ICJ for a resolution.” At this newspaper we question if the government is really engaged in a true education campaign. We ask these questions because the arguments thus presented in relation to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) have all been one sided with its objective to influence citizens. The government, it appears, remain insistent that the people of Belize must vote yes to having Guatemala’s unfounded claim adjudicated at the ICJ. And still many Belizeans remain either uniformed or misinformed about the matter because the government has failed to organize any real education campaign on this matter of national interests. Aside from the Guatemalan issue, Elrington also spoke of growing poverty and the government’s intention to address it. He confirmed that almost half of the country’s population lived in poverty with almost 20 per cent of that half experiencing “extreme poverty.” He added that the government would provide a job preparedness course and continue its food Pantry program.


At this newspaper, we are suspect of this proposed job preparedness course. The Government of Belize has not introduced any new industries for which these trained persons can seek meaningful employment. Several of Belize’s major industries have collapsed or are on life support, and the government has seemingly turned a blind eye to this reality. In terms of the food Pantry program, it will never alleviate the country’s growing poverty. A major flaw of this program is that the goods are not free and poverty-stricken families are still forced to buy them even though it is a government initiative. Additionally, the families who most need these groceries do not get them. Our newspaper has received reports of several senior public officers and even Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) in various Ministries, who are a part of this program depriving those who are most in need. Elrington then spoke about the failures of the country’s education system. He said, “An alarming knowledge gap is rapidly widening between the few fortunate Belizeans who are well educated, skilled, and poised to succeed in a fiercely competitive knowledge-based twenty-first century environment and the many who are being left behind without the skills and wherewithal to obtain employment…” He added that to increase access to education, the government was seeking to build 35 new schools. At this newspaper, we again wish to point out to Elrington that it is not his


2018 children or the children of his UDP colleagues who are being left behind. It is the children of ordinary Belizeans who can hardly afford to access even our national university. Just recently several hundreds were unregistered at the University of Belize because they were unable to make a minimum payment. And so it doesn’t matter how many more schools you build, our country’s children will continue to remain outside of classrooms.

LIQUOR LICENSE NOTICES Notice is hereby given that Kim Wai Chee is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at ”Brad’s Store” located at # 2 Farmer’s Market, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Sandra Tiechroeb is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at ”Sandra’s Meat Shop” located in Ladyville Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Maxie Staine is applying for a Publican Special License to be operated at ”Maxie’s Restaurant & Lounge” located on Philip Goldson Highway, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.



68 years of PUP! A Celebration and a Reminder of what the PUP Stands for

By: Erick Glenn On Saturday September 30th 2018 the People’s United Party’s National Executive, Parliamentarians, Standard Bearers, delegates and supporters from all municipalities gathered at the Memorial Park to celebrate the People’s United Party’s 68th birthday. It was a beautiful day as the park glowed with the elegant blue and white colors of the People’s United Party. The atmosphere was a celebratory one, highlighting the party’s continued dedication to improve the state of the country. Like any ceremony it was only right that respect be showed to our country via the National Anthem and praise to our Creator via the National Prayer. After respect was shown and praises were given the Belize City Deputy Mayor Oscar Arnold gracefully welcomed the party members and invited guests. After every one was welcomed and settled the party took the time out to award and acknowledge the hard working and loyal members of the party, who stood by the party’s side throughout the years. This was done via the annual George Price Service to the People Award that was handed out by the Party Leader and assisted by the various Deputy Party Leaders. The awardees were all grateful for their award and the acknowledg-

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ment as the crowd clapped proudly as the members received their awards and their pictures were taken. The People United Party being such a dedicated party to continuously improve the state of the country, took this moment to capture the attention of the audience and participate in the passing of four resolutions. These are four resolutions the party intended to pass collectively in efforts to combat some of the most troubling issues the country is facing. The four resolutions were, a resolution on a program for Youth at Risk, a resolution on the PUP ICJ Awareness Campaign, a resolution on Crime, and lastly a resolution on Ending Government Inefficiency. The resolutions were all favored by the I’s and were officially passed. These resolutions show the continuous dedication of the party to try and make things better for the people of this beautiful country even in Opposition. Even though all these issues are as result of the poor leadership and decision making of this current administration. The Deputy Party Leader Hon. Cordel Hyde then gave his remarks which made the group a bit more excited and electrified. He spoke about the long road and the journey ahead. He acknowledged that the PUP has gained grounds in the Municipal Election but the journey to reach Belmopan by winning the General Election is still ahead. He reminded the people that there is a lot of hard work ahead and that the party cannot do so without the people. He reminded the people that he knows that in a snap of a second the people can turn against the party and without them nothing can be achieved. He even joked about how important being a Representative of the Party was. In a general sense the Deputy Party Leader stressed how important the people are to the success of the party and how much the party appreciates their continuous support. Following the Deputy Party Leader the Party leader Hon. John Briceño gave his remarks. He gave a very motivating and powerful speech. His speech gave thanks for the many before him who contributed to the success of the party namely, the Father of the Nation, Mr. Price, Lindy Rogers, Madam Liz, Harry Courtney, Joe and Polo Briceño, David McCoy, Ray Lightburn, Marcial Mes, David Fonseca and all the other soldiers of the PUP.

His speech was also surrounded by the help the poor people need and the intentions of the party, as they anticipate being the government, to come. He said, “And I can tell you that as long as I am the leader of this party, we are going to ensure that we work for the poor people first. We are going to ensure that we can create opportunities for our children so they can go to school. We are going to make sure that our farmers can get their land to work. We are going to make sure that when our farmers grow their produce, we are going to ensure that nobody can import what they are growing in Belize. We need to eat what we grow and we have to grow what we eat and that is going to happen under a government of the People’s United Party.” This was a perfect exemplification and instance where the party showed the type of leadership they are… willing to implement that which caters greatly for the poor people. He also made powerful remarks about corruption as he said, “We are going to pass the laws; laws that are going to go after them and who broke the law and who stole from the people of this country, they are going to have their day of reckoning. And if they

are found guilty, ladies and gentlemen, they are going to go to jail.” This also showed the extent the party is willing to go to curve corruption as it is currently degrading the economy. Lastly the birthday song of the People’s United Party was song collectively and the entertainment portion of the event was carried out. Food and drinks were served and made available to attendees. This event was a great success for the party. It reminded the people of the party’s philosophy and political creed especially of those principles surrounding the faith in human rights and fundamental freedoms, the position of the family in a society of freemen and women and institutions, the dignity of the human persons and the equal and inalienable rights for all, social, economic and environmental justice, and a government that operate on a democratic basis for all societies. It reminded the people that the party is still there willing to work and represents the people. It served as a reminder for the people that they must go register and make the necessary votes to put a government in place willing to work for everyone.

NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the below companies have been dissolved and struck off the International Business Companies Register with effect from the dates indicated: Name of Company



18th September, 2018


18th September, 2018

Regional Telecom Design Corporation

20th September, 2018

Belize Corporate Services Limited Registered Agent

BVI BUSINESS COMPANIES ACT, 2004 RULINGTON LIMITED (the “Company”) A BVI Business Company BVI Company N°1635592


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to section 204(1)(b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that Mary Malone with address at Bahamas Financial Centre, 3rd floor, Shirley & Charlotte Streets, Nassau, Bahamas has been appointed as the voluntary liquidator of the Company pursuant to a resolution of the director of the Company dated September 6th, 2018 and the resolution of the member of the Company dated September 6th, 2018. Dated on this 6th day of September, 2018. Mary Malone Liquidator

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Party Leader’s Remarks National Party Council 29th September 2018

Good Morning On this our Party’s birthday we give thanks for those many good people who have contributed to our successful history. Mr. Price, Lindy Rogers, Madam Liz, Harry Courtney, Joe and Polo Briceño, David McCoy, Ray Lightburn, Marcial Mes, David Fonseca and all solders of the PUP who have left us who worked quietly behind the scene to help build our great People’s United Party. Today as we celebrate 68 years as a political family let us not forget who we are and what we have done for Belize. First of all, we are the only political party in the nation that has for over six decades remained as one institution. From the day we started the People’s United Party we have had one Party Leader at a time with one Executive, One Party Council and a huge family that gathers together every two years as we did in February for our National Convention. So that even when we have our differences, we are never divided because we stand as one family, always PUP or as we say in Spanish, Siempre PUP! We have never allowed our differences to divide us; instead we have used our diversity of ideas to unite us and to make us stronger. And 68 years later here we are ONE PUP and still the best political party in Belize. Why is this so? It is so because the sum of our total ideas and the total sum of our diverse views have never taken us away from living the creed of this Party. Instead they have helped us to better understand who we are. What unites us is our commitment to this nation, our care for our children, care for our neighbours and most important, love for all of humanity and for our Creator. Our True Blue philosophy -- what makes you and me PUP -- is what beat in our hearts, that is to say that we desire to live in a fair and just society. We want to see each other prosper and we want to build Belize. PUP will always be about LOVE. True Blue means PUP da Love. Now each Party Leader has to face the challenges of their time. For Mr. Price it was to unite and

lead our nation to Independence, our greatest accomplishment to date. For Said Musa it was to develop those important institutions that would strengthen our nation. That is why under his leadership we saw so much improvement in the South of the country, and we saw arts and education thrive and our foreign affairs respected. Under Said Musa we all said with great pride, because it was true, that we were living in a good country. That all changed in 2008, when the UDP took office and started to tear down all those institutions that were built and strengthened in the 10 years of the PUP. Today our farmers and our industry owners are struggling; our students are not getting the good education they deserve; our young people are not seeing a future here in Belize and all of us live in fear because of the violence which is so out of control that the government has given up. So when I think of the task before me as your leader, when I think what is waiting on us, I can see that there is much work to be done. I know that it will take all of us to rebuild what the UDP has broken and restore what was there just one short decade ago. This is why on Independence Day I called on all Belizeans to unite in our work, to build the future together. I want everyone to know that we in the PUP always move our country forward. I want everyone to understand that once again we stand ready to get back to work for the Belizean people. We know that together we can do great things because George Price and our first generation of PUP accomplished what many thought could not be done. Those of us who walked and worked with Said Musa took Belize into the age of a billion dollar economy; we built schools, strengthened our institutions and experienced a cultural renaissance in Belize. The era of Said Musa saw Andy Palacio rise to great fame, our arts and culture recognized all over the world. And with the leadership of Francis Fonseca as Minister of Education, African and Mayan history was forever embedded into our education system. Our economy expanded, our tourism grew and our people felt safe. In the looking glass of time we can see that under the PUP Belize prospers. Under the PUP our people excel,

our nation grows and our principles are accepted and respected abroad. Now as we look forward let us be inspired by what we have done in six decades so that as we approach our seventh decade as our People’s United Party we can square our shoulders to face the challenges ahead. Yes the PUP will work to end poverty in Belize and restore greater equality Yes the PUP will ensure that our producers get more of our products in markets abroad so that we can pay down the debt.


2018 Yes the PUP will make sure that we provide the environment so that more of our women and young people can get good jobs and have a better life. Yes the PUP will build a better education system that takes advantage of modern day innovation technology to make learning more accessible, exciting and relevant. Yes the PUP will enhance citizen security so that our economic and social fabric is restored. Yes we will put an end to the corruption and as I have said before, who is found guilty of robbing and stealing from the Belizean people will go to jail! And yes we will build Belize. I know we can do this because we have done it before. So let us keep our heads up. Let us do our part and make sure every PUP supporter is registered to vote. Let us together discuss and learn about the Guatemalan claim so that we can make the right decision next April 10th. Tell your friends about our exciting Party and our plans to make our country better. And let us love our nation and our People’s United Party where together and with the guidance of our Creator we will build a Belize that works for everyone.

Hostel Residents Protest! Belize City: 2nd October, 2018 On Tuesday morning shortly after 10:00 am, ten (10) female resident youths of the Princess Royal Youth Hostel staged a protest because they were unhappy that classes were being held inside their dormitory instead of the usual classrooms. The ten females were able to make their way to the rooftop of one of the buildings by breaking through the ceiling made of sheetrock and prying open loose zinc. According to official sources, the reason for the change of location was because some of the staff called in sick, and relief staff were on their way. Due to this staff shortage, the residents could not be escorted around the compound as per the normal schedule of activities until the relief staff arrived at the compound. This resulted in the ten female residents reacting to the change in operations. The population at the Princess Royal Youth Hostel, Gracie Rock Village, Miles 21 on the George Price Highway is made up of both males and females. The residents are youths that are considered high risk and/or are in conflict with the law in Belize. The main responsibility of the Youth Hostel is to equip the youths with knowledge, skills, and empowerment to help them become more productive members of society. Could what took place at the Princess Royal Youth Hostel this week be a microcosm of a much larger society? Are our youths fed up of the system that has failed them over and over? Just this week it was reported that over 60

students from the Saint Peter Claver Community Extension College are also staging a protest. The students there are unhappy because 9 teachers were fired after standing up for their rights. The teachers were unhappy about changes made to the payment of their small stipend. As we go to press the students at Claver Community College remain out of class and there is still no resolution ahead. In November 2015, there was a horrific fire at the female section of the Princess Royal Youth Hostel. Three girls are Ana Carlos, Shadisha Arnold both 16 years old and 14-year-old Elizabeth Mckoy were burnt to death. The three (3) teenage girls were locked in a room after escaping the day before and were re-captured by police. Serious allegations were made that several protocols were not followed. One such allegation is that the door to the room where the three teenage girls were being held was padlocked and at time of the fire was giving trouble to open. Despite a report being completed on what really transpired on November 28th 2015 inside that building where the three (3) teenage girls were being held; the findings were never made public. Two (2) years ago on March 4, 2016, CEO of the Ministry of Human Development, Judith Alpuche told the local media “although the report is concluded, neither the report nor the names in it can be made public at this time until all necessary legal procedures are followed through.”




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MEETING with COMMONWEALTH SECRETARY GENERAL Senator Eamon Courtenay, Hon. John Briceño, and Chief of Staff Ambassador Stuart Leslie (Left) met with the Commonwealth Secretary General, Honorable Patricia Scotland, in the context of the ongoing public awareness campaign leading up to the Referendum to submit Guatemala’s claim on Belize to the ICJ.

Meeting held this morning with OW Multi agency group along with Fire Department and BWSL supervisor. Several recommendations and actions to be taken to address the flaws in the delivery of service.

8 08



SUPERIOR COURT Bennington Unit

CIVIL DIVISION Docket No. 254-8-18 Bncv


] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]


SUMMONS THIS SUMMONS IS DIRECTED TO: ALEXANDER LEVIN 1. YOU ARE BEING SUED. The Plaintiffs have started a lawsuit against you. The Plaintiffs’ Complaint against you is attached to this summons. Do not throw these papers away. They are official papers that affect your rights. 2. YOU MUST REPLY WITHIN 20 DAYS TO PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS. You must give or mail the Plaintiffs a written response called an Answer within 20 days of the date on which you received this Summons. You must send a copy of your Answer to the Plaintiffs’ attorney located at: Woolmington, Campbell, Bent, & Stasny, P.C. 4900 Main Street, PO Box 2748 Manchester Center, VT 05255 You must also give or mail your Answer to the Court located at: Vermont Superior Court Civil Division, Bennington Unit 207 South Street, Bennington VT 05201 3. YOU MUST RESPOND TO EACH CLAIM. The Answer is your written response to the Plaintiffs’ Complaint. In your Answer you must state whether you agree or disagree with each paragraph of the Complaint. If you believe the Plaintiffs should not be given everything asked for in the Complaint, you must say so in your Answer. 4. YOU WILL LOSE YOUR CASE IF YOU DO NOT GIVE YOUR WRITTEN ANSWER TO THE COURT. If you do not Answer within 20 days and file it with the Court, you will lose this case. You will not get to tell your side of the story, and the Court may decide against you and award the Plaintiff everything asked for in the Complaint. 5. YOU MUST MAKE ANY CLAIMS AGAINST THE PLAINTIFFS IN YOUR REPLY. Your Answer must state any related legal claims you have against the Plaintiff. Your claims against the Plaintiff are called Counterclaims. If you do not make your Counterclaims in writing in your Answer, you may not be able to bring them up at all. Even if you have insurance and the insurance company will defend you, you must still file any Counterclaims you may have.


8. Plaintiffs have a right to partition pursuant to 12 V.S.A. § 5161. 9. Upon information and belief, Alexander Levin has neither the willingness nor the ability to pay Plaintiffs their equitable share in exchange for assignment of their interests in the Property. 10. Plaintiffs do not wish to accept assignment of the Property as sole owners. 11. Because it is not practicable to divide the Property and none of the parties wish to acquire it, partition must be accomplished by sale of the Property to third parties. 12 V.S.A. §§ 5174, 5175. 12. Plaintiffs have borne the financial burden of the Property since Ruth Levin’s death without any contribution from Alexander Levin. (See Affidavit of Rachel Levin, attached hereto as Exhibit B). 13. Plaintiffs have made efforts to prepare the Property for sale to a third party, to wit: paying all costs and expenses of maintaining the Property, actual maintenance of the Property, and handling various legal, insurance, and state regulatory issues concerning the Property. (Ex. B). 14. Plaintiffs have undertaken extensive efforts to obtain the necessary authority from Alexander Levin for the sale of the Property in order to equitably divide the proceeds among the owners, to wit: preparation of multiple iterations of legal documents concerning the authority to sell, multiple costly mailings to Belize, and two separate, multi-day, in-person trips to Belize. (Ex. B). 15. The Plaintiffs have limited financial means to carry out this partition action which have already been strained by the circumstances described above. (Ex. B). 16. It has already been nearly a year since Ruth Levin has passed away, during which Property. time the Plaintiffs have been prevented from listing or selling the Property. 17. Significant additional will accrueof quickly as time goes including: prop- the 19. Plaintiffs request waiver ofexpenses the appointment commissioners inon, favor of submitting erty taxes, winter heat, property upkeep including plowing and shoveling for service access, and fees paidtofor advice. Fairness dictates that the burden should be lessened wherever matter thelegal Court to determine the appropriate resolution. possible. 18. ThePlaintiffs appointment of Commissioners WHEREFORE, request this Court to:pursuant to 12 V.S.A. § 5169 would add unnecessary additional expense, burden, and time to the already burdensome process of dividing this Property. A. Order partition of the Property; 19. Plaintiffs request waiver of the appointment of commissioners in favor of submitting B. matter Orderto public or private sale of the theappropriate Property inresolution. a manner that best serves the interest of the the Court to determine the parties, with the net proceeds from the sale divided equitably among the parties, WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs request this Court to: subject to C and D, below; A. Order partition of costs, the Property; C. Award Plaintiffs their including reasonable attorneys’ fees and Alexander Levin’s B. Order public or private sale of the Property in a manner that best serves the interest of property taxes, carrying costs, anddivided costs associated with preparing the Property of theshare parties, with the net proceeds from the sale equitably among the parties, subject to C and D, below; for sale; and C. Award Plaintiffs their costs, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and Alexander D. Award other relief Plaintiffs as and the costs Courtassociated finds justwith andpreparing equitable.the Property Levin’s sharesuch of property taxes,to carrying costs, for sale; and D. 29th Award other relief to Plaintiffs as the Court finds just and equitable. Dated this daysuch of August, 2018. Dated this 29th day of August, 2018.

/s/ Merrill E. Bent_ Merrill E. Bent, Esq. Woolmington, Campbell, Bent & Stasny, P.C. Attorneys for Plaintiffs P.O. Box 2748, 4900 Main Street Manchester Center, VT 05255 (802) 362-2560

6. LEGAL ASSISTANCE. You may wish to get legal help from a lawyer. If you cannot afford a lawyer, you should ask the court clerk for information about places where you can get free legal help. Even if you cannot get legal help, you must still give the Court a written Answer to protect your rights or you may lose the case. 7. NOTICE OF APPEARANCE FORM. THE COURT NEEDS TO KNOW HOW TO REACH YOU SO THAT YOU WILL BE INFORMED OF ALL MATTERS RELATING TO YOUR CASE. If you have not hired an attorney and are representing yourself, in addition to filing the required answer it is important that you file the Notice of Appearance form attached to this summons, to give the court your name, mailing address and phone number (and email address, if you have one). You must also mail or deliver a copy of the form to the lawyer or party who sent you this paperwork, so that you will receive copies of anything else they file with the court. Dated: September 24, 2018


/s/ Merrill E. Bent____________ Merrill E. Bent, Esq. Woolmington, Campbell, Bent & Stasny, P.C. P.O. Box 2748, 4900 Main Street Manchester Center, VT 05255

STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT Bennington Unit Levin et al vs. Levin


CIVIL DIVISION Docket No. 254-8-18 Bncv

EDNA FLORENCE LEVIN and RACHEL LEVIN vs. ALEXANDER LEVIN COMPLAINT FOR PARTITION OF REAL ESTATE Plaintiffs Edna Florence Levin and Rachel Levin bring this action for partition of real property pursuant to 12 V.S.A. § 5161 et seq. and the equitable powers of this Court.

1. Collectively parties the sole owners, as tenants in common, of real certain real 1. Collectively thethe parties are are the sole owners, as tenants in common, of certain estate estate located in the Town of Shaftsbury, County of Bennington, and State of Vermont (“Property”). located in the Town of Shaftsbury, County of Bennington, and State of Vermont 2. Plaintiffs Edna Florence Levin and Rachel Levin are both residents of the State of Vermont.(“Property”). 3. Alexander Levin is a United States citizen residing permanently ofofthe Unit2. Plaintiffs Edna Florence Levin and Rachel Levin are both residents ofoutside the State ed States as a permanent resident of the nation of Belize. 4. Vermont. The Property is more particularly described in a Quit Claim Deed from Ruth Levin to the parties dated September 8, 2017, and recorded September 8, 2017 in Book 155, at Page Levin is a United States citizen residing permanently outside of the United 33 of 3. the Alexander Town of Shaftsbury Land Records (“Deed”). 5. A true and accurate copy of the Deed is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporatas a permanent resident of the nation of Belize. ed hereinStates by reference. 6. Ruth Levin reserved a life estate in the Property at the time of conveyance to the 4. The Property is more particularly described in a Quit Claim Deed from Ruth Levin to the parties. Ruth Levin died on September 13, 2017. 7. parties The Property cannot be equitably the parties dated September 8,divided 2017, and recordedamong September 8, 2017without in Book great 155, atinconvePage nience to the parties. 33 of the Town of Shaftsbury Land Records (“Deed”).

CIVIL DIVISION Docket No. 254-8-18 Bncv

ENTRY REGARDING MOTION Count 1, Partition (254-8-18 Bncv) Title: Filer: Attorney: Filed Date:

Motion for Alternative Service (Motion 1) Edna Florence Levin Merrill E. Bent August 31, 2018

No Response Filed Plaintiffs ask for an order allowing them to use alternative means to serve the summons and complaint in this matter on defendant Alexander Levin for the reasons set forth in their motion pursuant to V.R.C.P. 4(k)(E). The motion is GRANTED. Plaintiffs shall publish a copy of the summons, complaint and this order in a newspaper circulated in the defendant’s city of residence, Cristo Rey, Belize. Plaintiffs shall also send the defendant a copy of the summons, complaint and this order by international mail, certifying that they have done so. Plaintiffs shall text the defendant that service is being accomplished in this manner to the defendant’s last known phone number. Electronically signed on September 19, 2018 at 11:31 AM pursuant to V.R.E.F. 7(d). /s/David Barra David Barra Superior Court Judge Notifications: Merrill E. Bent (ERN 5013), Attorney for Plaintiff Edna Florence Levin Merrill E. Bent (ERN 5013), Attorney for Plaintiff Rachel Levin Defendant Alexander Levin





By: Hilly Bennett Voice of the Common Man. Poverty has become a festering phenomenon under the watch and leadership of the United Democratic Party (U. D. P.) government, Dean Oliver Barrow and his minions. Today poverty hovers around some forty-odd percent. In his presentation, Belize’s Foreign Minister Wilfred “Sedi” Elrington addressed the matter of poverty. He stated that “current statistics revealed that some 43% of Belizeans live below the poverty line with some 16% experiencing extreme poverty.” Extreme poverty (indigence) is the result when an individual’s income is insufficient even to purchase the minimum food requirements. “Sedi” had the audacity, full of deceit and con man ship to say, “we are working assiduously to address the scourge of poverty, which persistently afflicts our citizenry.” Since taking office in 2008 the U. D. P. has callously disregarded the alleviation of poverty and the consideration of the less unfortunate which is conspicuous in the empirical social realities facing society today. This was evident in the 2009 Poverty Assessment Report made public in 2011. At that time, suggestion was made “that something had gone seriously wrong in Belize as the country prepared to celebrate 30 years of Independence.” During the U.D. P.’s first term in office, the poverty remained stagnant even though this was when the U. D. P’s “Pro-Poor Policy” was launched. At the depths of the financial down in 2008-2009, the more developed nations viewed it as vital to bare the financial cost in order to assist poorer countries, inclusive of Belize, to create various social plans. It became necessary for better care for the poor considering the evidence that growth was not evenly distributed around the economy. Pressure was exacted to include those at the bottom of the economic pyramid. Organizations such as the World Bank, the International Labor Organization (ILO), World Health Organization (WHO), and Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) bought into various social programs across the world. Three Social Safety nets were engaged – BOOST Food Pantry and conditional cash transfers who became a reality in Belize. Today these programs continue to be touted a

success as witnessed in the halls of the General Assembly by Sedi Elrington. In my opinion, the successes of the U.D. P.’s social programs are but a farce and an imaginary one. Poverty and inequality continue to rise with almost fifty percent of the Belizean population living below the poverty line. Evidently, the lack of political conscience and sound governance along with the rampant political god-father ism has contributed towards the failure of the well-intentioned safety net. However, hope is in the horizon and a 20/20 vision for the people and country of Belize. The People’s United Party under the leadership of Honorable John Briceño passed a number of resolutions to bring the country back on its tracks regarding the development of country and people. Honorable John Briceño emphatically promised to end poverty in Belize and restore greater equality.

09 9

Alleviating poverty can be considered an ethical endeavor. However, it is vital to economic growth. Helping the poor can translate in the long term into the necessary human capital needed to grow the Belizean economy. Additionally, this often disregarded sector of the social ladder could help in paying the national debt which has ballooned from 1 billion to almost 4 billion under the U.D.P. government. This needs, the political will, the political conscience and a pragmatic government. That government is the People’s United Party government which will build a Belize that works for everyone.

PUBLIC AUCTION SALE BY ORDER OF THE CHARGEE HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED, a Licensed Public Auctioneer will sell on site the following property at the time as listed. At No. 1457 Rosalind Bradley Street (formerly Riverside Street), Belize City, Belize District on Wednesday October 17, 2018 at 10:00a.m.


ALL THAT piece or parcel of land comprising 638 square meters being Parcel 1457, Block 45 in the St. Martin De Porres West Registration Section situate at Rosalind Bradley Street (formerly Riverside Street), Belize City, Belize District, Belize TOGETHER with a 20’ x 25’ timber stilted single family dwelling house in very good condition containing two bedrooms, bathroom, living room and kitchen, the freehold property of KOSHIA ELIZABETH GENTLE DATED this 4th day of October 2018

All sales are strictly cash and deemed final. For more information contact: HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED 1 HYDE’S LANE, BELIZE CITY, BELIZE Phone: (501) 224-5644 Fax: (501) 223-0738 Email:


21 29 AUG JAN 7 OCT


2016 2017 2018


Vibes Alive wins O.Walk U-15 football champs

Belize City, September 30, 2018 The Unitedville Rebels United won the 2018 Charles Solis Memorial softball championship, in the invitational quadrangular held by the Belize Softball Federation at “the home of softball” at the Rogers Stadium on Sunday. In Game 1, Unitedville won 7-0 by the Belize Bank Bulldogs’ default. In Game 2, Unitedville won 5-3 against DigiCell, led by MVP Francine Salazar who gave up 7 hits, but Unitedville forced DigiCell to leave 6 runners on base; and only Earlene Belisle and Lydia Cacho scored. DigiCell’s pitcher Mary Flowers gave up 6 hits, allowing Shania Soberanis to score 2 runs, and Pat Spain, Jenieve Salazar and Shamera Wade scored a run apiece. In Game 3, DigiCell eliminated the Bulldogs 6-0, as Belize Bank’s pitcher Renisha Richards gave up 8 hits, allowing Kiri Lizama to score 2 runs; while Lydia Cacho, Mayu Fukuda, Earlene Belisle and Kimani Williams scored 1 run apiece. Mary Flowers struck out 4 batters, walked 1, but the Bulldogs left 7 runners on base, and scored zero runs. In Game 4 in the Finals, DigiCell won 8-2 against Unitedville, as Francine Salazar gave up 11 hits, allowing Martha Rhys to score 2 runs, while Lydia Cacho, Mary Flowers, Mayu Fukada, Earlene Belisle, Christine Avila and Kimani Williams scored 1 run apiece. DigiCell’s pitcher Mayu Fukada struck out 3 batters, and gave up 1 hit, allowing only Shareenie Soberanis and Shamera Wade to score 1 run apiece. In Game 5, the Finale, Unitedville crushed DigiCell 8-2, led by MVP pitcher Francine Salazar striking out 3 batters and giving up 4 hits, allowing DigiCell to lead 2-0 up to the 6th inning as Mary Flowers and Kiri Lizama scored a run apiece. in the sixth inning to lead

2-0. Unitedville took over the lead in the top of the 7th inning when DigiCell’s pitching collapsed, and Shania Soberanis, Shareenie Soberanis, Shadine Salazar, Jenieve Salazar, Pat Spain, Indira Spain, Shamera Wade and Shern Robateau scored a run apiece. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners received individual medals from Charles Solis’ sons, who presented the Charles Solis Cup to the Unitedville Rebels.

Orange Walk Town, September 29, 2018 Vibes Alive won the Orange Walk Football Association’s (OWFA) Under-15 championship at the People’s Stadium last Saturday. After a 1-1 draw in Game 1 of the Finals, Vibes Alive won Game 2 of the Finals: 2-1 against San Felipe FC, with goals by Rodolfo Argueta in the 2nd minute and Tremelle Gillett in the 49th minute.

Belize’s Jewel Fury draws 2-2

Coast Guard drills BDF 9-1 in CYDP Peace Cup Football Belize City, September 29, 2018 Coast Guard FC drilled the BDF FC: 9-1 in the Conscious Youth Development Programme’s (CYDP) the Peace Cup football competition at the MCC garden last Saturday. In Game 1, Barrack Road FC drew 2-2 with City Boys FC, with goals by Harold Thompson in the 21st minute, and Clinton Gill in the 32nd minute, while City Boys equalized with goals by Keiron Patnett in the 36th minute and a penalty by Orlando Velasquez in the 43rd minute. In Game 2, Ladyville FC and Ebony Lake FC drew 1-1, with Ebony Lake’s Kenrick Gabourel scoring in the 22nd minute, and Ladyville’s David “Hondo” Solorzano equalized in the 78th minute. In Game 3, Coast Guard marched over the BDF: 9-1, with Shemar “Mini” Thompson scoring a hat trick, and Orvin Wade and Arthur Garbutt scored 2 goals apiece. Kenrick Thomas and Jamal Martinez scored 1 goal apiece. BDF’s Shamar Gabriel scored their only consolation goal in the 48th minute. Games continue on Saturday, October 6.

Only Abdiel Dominguez scored for San Felipe in the 64th minute. In Game 1, the consolation match for 3rd place, Sinbad FC won by an aggregate score of 3-1 with goals by Rigel Castillo, Jayden Sutherland and Ravey Correa. FFB Vice President Cruz Gamez presented team trophies and individual medals to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners after the finals.

Harold Thompson scored Barrack Rd. 1st goal


Panama City, September 26, 2018 Belize’s Jewel Fury football girls of Belmopan drew 2-2 with Olimpia CD of Honduras in their 3rd and last match of the 2018 UNCAF Women’s Club Champions tournament at Maracana Stadium last Wednesday. In Game 1 last Monday, Jewel Fury lost 1-8 to the eventual champions, UNIFUT of Guatemala; Katie Jones scored Belize’s only consolation goal putting the finish on a corner kick from Suswany Martinez in the 60th minute. In Game 2 last Tuesday, Jewel Fury lost 0-7 to Alianza Nacional of Panama. In Game 3 last Wednesday, Olimpia CD led 2-0 with goals by Fatima Romero in the 7th minute and Marcela Pineda in the 31st minute. Jewel Fury got on the scoreboard with a goal by Anijay Quiroz in the 37th minute, and Naomi Gamboa equalized: 2-2 in injury time! In the championship finals, UNIFUT won 1-0 against Costa Rica’s A.D.Moravia, and El Salvador’s Alianza Women won 3rd place: 3-1 against Panama’s Alianza Nacional.






UNICOMER is seeking an experienced and dynamic

FINANCIAL ACCOUNTANT to join it’s Finance Team.

By Dolores Balderamos Garcia

ONCE MORE UNTO THE BREACH There is a passage in the Shakespeare play Henry V from which the well-known phrase “Once More Unto the Breach” comes. I would like to quote the entire passage, since it talks of going again into battle and thus having to summon up the strength and courage to fight once more. It was uttered by the King, of course, as he exhorted his troops to prepare for battle. It goes like this: “Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more; or close the wall up with our English dead ! In peace there’s nothing so becomes a man as modest stillness and humility. But when the blast of war blows in our ears, then imitate the action of the tiger; stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood; disguise fair nature in hard-favoured rage; then lend the eye a terrible aspect.” Passages like this one no doubt prove why Shakespeare is considered the greatest playwright in the English language. You shudder when you think of preparation for battle in these terms ! I definitely had this passage in mind when I decided to once more place my hat into the ring of electoral politics last May. It was not an easy decision. In my life I want stillness, humility, tranquility and peace, as the bard says. But, yes, I decided to summon up the will to go for it again, although I know that battle and war are not easy. Party Chairman Henry Charles Usher clearly also had this passage from Henry V in his mind as he swore me in last Sunday to be our party’s candidate for Belize Rural Central. He quoted this famous line of “once more unto the breach,” once more let’s do political battle. I smiled when he said this in his remarks, because over the last few months this has had to be my sentiment. Our endorsement convention went extremely well. We had five bus loads of our supporters come in to our rally site in Lord’s Bank - from Gales Point, La Democracia, Mahogany Heights, Hattieville and Western Paradise. Supporters from Freetown Sibun, Gracie Rock, and Tropical Park joined in also. And of course we had a shuttle transport to move our folks from the sprawling Ladyville/ Lord’s Bank suburban area to en-

joy the proceedings and the party. Justice of the Peace Stephen Latchman was our master of ceremonies. And we were very happy to welcome eleven other PUP standard bearers as well as the Mayors of Orange Walk Town and Belize City. Remarks were delivered enthusiastically by the young and dynamic Hon. Kareem Musa of Caribbean Shores; stalwart United Women’s Group President Tanya Santos; steadfast former party leader Hon. Francis Fonseca of the Freetown division; and then passionate next prime minister of Belize, our leader Hon. Johnny Briceno. We also were graced with a heartfelt message from Hon. Sylvia Flores of Dangriga, who wanted very much to be in attendance. However she was not able to be there due to a death in her family. Her uplifting message was spoken by Mr. Latchman on her behalf. Spirits were high last Sunday afternoon, and everyone pledged their support and encouragement as we go once more forward to return Belize Rural Central to the blue column. There were also lucky winners for our raffles, and food and drinks galore for all in attendance. I believe that there were over 450 staunch PUP supporters present. It was great to enjoy their presence and affirmation, and I want to express my gratitude to everyone who made the afternoon possible – supporters, street and area captains, standard bearers, and business people who contributed. No UDP opponent will be a walk-over. We will have to continue the hard struggle of politicking and campaigning tirelessly. But I feel that the people of Belize Rural Central and of our country on a whole are ready and waiting to vote in our team of committed candidates to form the next government. In this country we have got to do better. I am ready and willing to again take on the challenge of political leadership and good governance. It does not get easier. But with God’s help, our assiduous efforts, and the support of the Belizean people we will succeed and we shall prevail. To contemplate otherwise is not even an option ! Once more unto the breach !!


 

Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting or Finance from an accredited institution.

      

Experience in Oracle would be an asset.

Minimum of five (5) years experience in medium to large scale business at Management/Finance Level.

Day to day management of finance team– coordinate and guide accounting staff. Management/production of financial reports – daily, weekly and monthly. Analyze and investigate variances. Gather, compiles and interpret data to enhance the business. Provide support and participate in production of annual budgets and forecasts. Provide commercial and financial input into the strategic plans of the Company.

Please send resume to: Director of Human Capital Email: Closing date: October 26th, 2018. We thank all interested applicants; however, only short listed candidates will be contacted for an interview.

UNICOMER is seeking a certified and experienced

IT Manager


Degree in Information Technology

Minimum of five(5) years managing an IT department.

Microsoft Certification in Windows Server and Desktop, Certification in MS SQL Server 2008+ is essential.

Ensure integrity/security of the companies IT assets at all times.

Provide system support and maintenance services to ensure efficient functioning of all computers on the network.

Ensure policies and procedures of Courts group IT systems are adhered and enforced.

Complete accurately system synchronization procedures.

Must be able to work out of hours including Sundays and when required.

Being bilingual and mobile is essential.

Please send resume to: Director of Human Capital Email: Closing date: October 15th, 2018.

56 12







People’s United Party


18 JAN



Celebrates 68th

At National Party Council Meeting Saturday September 29, 2018


Walton Flowers

Cruz Amparo Majil

Asuncion Rosalez

Anna Chan

Dorothea Rhaburn

Pastor Cal

Porfiro Guzman

FOR Glenda Octavia Codd

Armando Chulin

Pio Julio Castillo

Ernesto Frutos

Emerita Flowers

Genaro Barrera

Luana Hines

Bevinton Cal

Roberto Salgero

Debbie Jones

David McCulloch

Rudolph Bowen Sr.

Suzette Usher

Wyonie Alvarez

Andrew Longsworth

Fabiana Scott Rowley

Carla Young

Sharette Yearwood

Norma Jean Pitts

Maria Novelo

Valerie Stephen

Lennox Lamb

FOR Rita Blanco


True Fight against Corruption By Gilroy Usher, Sr. “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” – Colin Powell Corruption in government is one of the main reasons underprivileged communities or poor neighborhoods exist in a country. Belize is a prime example of that. Over the last 20 years Ministers and their cronies have stolen millions of dollars from the public purse that should have been used to vastly improved the standard of living of Belizeans in marginalized neighborhoods on Southside Belize City and across the country. On September 12, 2018 El Salvador’s former President Antonio Saca, 53, was sentenced to prison for ten years, after he pleaded guilty to theft and money laundering involving more than $300 million in public funds. Furthermore, in September Guatemala’s Highest Court ruled that President Jimmy Morales cannot shut down the International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala or CICIG that has accused him of corruption, including the acceptance over $1 million in illegal campaign contributions. In this country, both the latest Auditor General’s Report and the nightly news continue to highlight glaring instances of corruption by Ministers and other senior government officials. As a result of pressure from the Belize National Teachers’ Union during their 11 days strike for good governance, the UDP administration even signed onto the United Nations Convention against Corruption. Nevertheless, unlike in El Salvador and Guatemala not a single public official has been prosecuted for the embezzlement of millions of dollars from this country. To curb corruption at home, the Belizean people must demand that anti-corruption bodies, that are really rubber stamps for the government, be reorganized to hold Ministers and other public officials responsible for theft of the nation’s resources. For success in the fight against corruption parliament should approve suitable budgets for The Integrity Commission, the Public Accounts Committee, and the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) to carry out their duties effectively. Those bodies should be chaired by a member of the Opposition, and the



government should not have the majority of seats on their boards to undermine their work. Parliament should also approve adequate budgets for both the Auditor General and the Contractor General to carry out their responsibilities of ensuring that the resources of the country are used in the best interest of the Belizean people. In the fight against malfeasance, both the Auditor General and the Contractor General should be protected from arbitrary dismissal for doing their jobs in an impartial way. It should also be mandatory that within nine months after the financial, each of those senior managers submitted a yearly report to the National Assembly for public debate to ensure value for the funds and other resources expended. With the support of the support of the Opposition, the social partners, specifically the churches, the unions, and the business community and all other concerned organizations in the country Belizeans should demand that Ministers and other public officials, who are accused of corruption be relieved of their post until a complete and thorough investigation in conducted into the alleged wrong doings. If found guilty such as persons should be dismissed from Cabinet or other government post, and where possible they should be prosecuted for stealing the funds and other resources of the country. In the fight against corruption, it’s important that an officer’s appointment or removal as Commissioner of Police requires at least 2/3 support of the members of the House of Representatives. That is a necessary to assure the COMPOL job security as the police prosecutes criminals in the corridors of power in Belmopan as vigorously as they prosecute low level criminals on the street. As it is now the case in El Salvador, Guatemala, and many other country’s Ministers and other public officials who are found guilty of theft of government assets in Belize should be given the maximum time at her Majesty’s Prison on the Burrel Boom Hattieville Road. The ill-gotten wealth of those convicted criminals, who wielded vast power in the corridors of the capital, should also be confiscated and used for the benefit of marginalized communities across the country as should have been done from the beginning. With those and other undertakings in a true fight against corruption in Belize, the direct involvement of Ministers and other high government officials in criminal activities such the Immigration scandal, murder, extortion, hustling at the Belize Airport Authority, drug trafficking, theft of funds for low-cost housing, swindling of Crown Lands, $70 million in bogus land compensation, and the continuous embezzlement of public funds with the bloated contracts for the Chetumal Boulevard and other projects will mostly be a thing of the past instead of daily occurrences.


HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED a statutory body formed and registered under the Credit Union Act, Chapter 314 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2000, and whose registered office is situated at No. 1 Hyde’s Lane, Belize City, Belize District hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Chargee under and by virtue of a Charge registered at the Land Registry between VICTOR SEYMOUR VASSEL of the one part and HRCU of the other part. HRCU will at the expiration of three months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the Schedule below. ALL offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing to Holy Redeemer Credit Union Limited from whom full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained.

SCHEDULE ALL THAT piece or parcel of land comprising 365.612 square metres being Parcel 3149, Block 16 in the Caribbean Shores/Belize Registration Section situate at No. 1 Belona Street, Belize City, Belize TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon, the freehold property of VICTOR SEYMOUR VASSEL. DATED this 27th day of September 2018 HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED 1 HYDE’S LANE, BELIZE CITY, BELIZE Phone: (501) 224-5644 Fax: (501) 223-0738 E-mail:

In The Matter of The International Business Companies Act (Chapter 270) AND In The Matter of Edinbridge Directors Limited in voluntary Liquidation, members’ winding up and dissolution. TAKE NOTICE that Edinbridge Directors Limited is in dissolution. The date of Commencement of the dissolution is The 19th September, 2018. The liquidator is Emanuel Rivera Limited of 5827 Corner of Graduate Crescent & Bachelor Avenue, Belize City, Belize Dated this 01st day of October, 2018 EMANUEL RIVERA LIMITED Liquidator

In The Matter of The International Business Companies Act (Chapter 270) AND In The Matter of Winford Directors Limited in voluntary Liquidation, members’ winding up and dissolution. TAKE NOTICE that Winford Directors Limited is in dissolution. The date of Commencement of the dissolution is The 19th September, 2018. The liquidator is Emanuel Rivera Limited of 5827 Corner of Graduate Crescent & Bachelor Avenue, Belize City, Belize Dated this 01st day of October, 2018 EMANUEL RIVERA LIMITED Liquidator

ALL THAT piece or parcel of land containing 869.767 square meters (1,040.24 square yards) as shown on the


land register of Parcel No. 2535 and the Registry Index Map (RIM) of the Society Hall Registration Section along Pook's Hill Road and Roaring Creek River, Teakettle Area, Cayo District: 7 OCT lodged at the office of the Registrar of Lands in Belmopan TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing



and being thereon. (Being Parcel No. 2535 containing 869.767 S.M. of vacant land situate in Roaring Creek Village, Cayo District, the freehold property of Ms. Angela Carita Pelayo)

B - STANN CREEK & TOLEDO DISTRICTS: In front The Belize Bank Limited, No. 10 St. Vincent Street, Dangriga, Stann Creek District on Wednesday 17th October 2018 at 11:30 am:

PUBLIC AUCTION SALES: PROPERTIES 1. 1.60 acres East Side of Tobacco Caye Range, Stann Creek District:

TeaKettle Village Area, Roaring Creek Village, Cayo District; Tobacco Caye Range, Red Bank Village, Independence Village, Stann Creek District: Big Falls Area, Toledo District: PUBLIC AUCTION SALES: PROPERTIES BY TeaKettle ORDER of the Mortgagees, Messrs. The Belize Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneer Kevin A. Castillo Village Area, Roaring Creek Village, Cayo District; Tobacco Caye Range, Red Bank Village, Independence Creek District: Big Falls Area, Toledo District: at the following locations, dates and times: will Village, sellStann the following properties BY ORDER of the Mortgagees, Messrs. The Belize Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneer Kevin A. Castillo will sell the following properties at the following locations, dates and times: A - CAYO DISTRICT: At The Belize Bank Limited Parking Lot, Constitution Drive, Belmopan Cayo District on Wednesday 17th October 2018 at 9:00 am: 1.

230.45 Acres of Land along Pook's Hill Road and Roaring Creek River, Teakettle Area, Cayo District:

ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Block No. 1 comprising 1.60 acres situate along the East Side of Tobacco Caye Range in the Stann Creek District of Belize and bounded and described as shown by Plan No. 578 of 2006 attached to Minister’s Fiat (Grant) No. 578 of 2006 dated 26 th May 2006 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being 1.6 acres of land along the East Side of Tobacco Caye Range, Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Mr. Karl Gabourel Jr.) 2. Lot No. 21 (1141.14 S.Y.) Red Bank Village, Stann Creek District:

PUBLIC AUCTION SALES: PROPERTIES TeaKettle Village Area, Roaring Creek Village, Cayo District; Tobacco Caye Range, Red Bank Village, Independence Village, Stann Creek District: Big Falls Area, Toledo District: BY ORDER of the Mortgagees, Messrs. The Belize Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneer Kevin A. Castillo will sell the following properties at the following locations, dates and times: A - CAYO DISTRICT: At The Belize Bank Limited Parking Lot, Constitution Drive, Belmopan Cayo District on Wednesday 17th October 2018 at 9:00 am:

that piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 21 comprising (1141.14 Square yards) situate in Red Bank REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL All Village, in the Stann Creek District of Belize and bounded and described as shown colored red on Plan No. 1. 230.45 Acres of Land along Pook's Hill Road and Roaring Creek River, Teakettle Area, Cayo District: 677 of 2002 attached to Minister’s Fiat (Grant) no. 677 of 2002 dated 5 September, 2002 TOGETHER with Society Hall 16 2685 all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [19 ft. X 24 ft.] containing 1 bedroom + sitting room + kitchen and lot [1141.14 S.Y.] situate at Lot No. 21 Red Bank and situate along REGISTRATION the Pook’s Hill Road and beside Roaring Creek River in the Village Layout, Stanngeneral Creek District, the freehold property of Mr. Mateo Teul) SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Society Hall 16 2685 e, approximately 7 Kilometers South of Teakettle Village, Cayo District, the freehold 3. Lot No. 47 Independence Village, Stann Creek District: 3. Lot No.in47 Independence Village, Stann Creek District: (Being 230.45 acres of land situate along the Pook’s Hill Road and beside Roaring Creek River the general vicinity of the ATM Cave, approximately 7 Kilometers South of Teakettle Village, Cayo District, the freehold co Enterprises Limited) property of Messrs. Indeco Enterprises Limited) 2. 81.22 ACRES ACRES - LosVillage, Tambos Village,Cayo Cayo District: CRES Los+ 23.5 Tambos District: th

3. Lot No. 47 Independence Village, Stann Creek District:

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Society Hall 16 2685 (Being 230.45 acres of land situate along the Pook’s Hill Road and beside Roaring Creek River in the general vicinity of the ATM Cave, approximately 7 Kilometers South of Teakettle Village, Cayo District, the freehold property of Messrs. Indeco Enterprises Limited) 2. 81.22 ACRES + 23.5 ACRES - Los TambosBLOCK Village, Cayo District: REGISTRATION SECTION PARCELS

Licensed Land Surveyor dated the 3 . February, 2000 registered at the Lands and Surveys Department in All that piece or parcelBelmopan of land being Lot No. 47 containing (709.975 square meters in Entry No. 4868, Register No. 22. TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being a bungalow dwelling houseCreek [20 ft. X 24District ft.] containing 2as bedrooms+1bathroom situated in Independence Village concrete Extension, Stann shown on +aLiving plan room + kitchen situated inrdIndependence Village, Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Mr. Andrew Charles Castillo) the 3 . February, 2000 registered at the Lands and Licensed Land Surveyor dated 4. Lot No. 237 Independence Village, Stann Creek District: ALL THAT piece or parcel No. of land 22. being TOGETHER Lot No. 237 situate in the Villageall of Independence in the Stann erec Belmopan in Entry No. Creek 4868, Register with buildings and District TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being a vacant parcelbungalow of land situate at the Corner Delanyhouse and Craboo[20 Streets, Village, Stann Creek District, the thereon. (Being a concrete dwelling ft.Independence X 24 ft.] containing 2 bedroo freehold property of Mr. Basilio Mes and Ms. Antonia Mes) room + kitchen situated innear Independence Village, Stann Creek District, the freehold p 5. 2 acres Mile 86 Southern Highway, Toledo District: Charles Castillo) ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 237 situate in the Village of Independence in the Stann PARCELS Creek Village, District TOGETHER with Creek all buildingsDistrict: and erections standing and being thereon. (Being a vacant PARCELS 4. Lot No. 237 Independence Stann 101 & 105 parcel of land situate at the Corner Delany and Craboo Streets, Independence Village, Stann Creek District, the

Iguana Creek 18 101 & 105 (Being Parcels A - 81.22 acres + B - 23.5 acres situate in Los Tambos Village, Cayo District, the freehold properties of Mr. Orlando Harrison.)


Parcel No. 2535 Roaring Creek Village, Cayo District:

All that piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 47 containing (709.975 square meters or 849.13 square yards) situated in Independence Village Extension, Stann Creek District as shown on a plan of survey by E.H. Arzu Licensed Land Surveyor dated the 3rd. February, 2000 registered at the Lands and Surveys Department in Belmopan in Entry No. 4868, Register No. 22. TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [20 ft. X 24 ft.] containing 2 bedrooms+1bathroom + Living room + kitchen situated in Independence Village, Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Mr. Andrew Charles All that Castillo) piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 47 containing (709.975 square meters or 849.13 square yards) 4. Lot No. 237 IndependenceVillage Village,Extension, Stann Creek District: situated in Independence Stann Creek District as shown on a plan of survey by E.H. Arzu rd

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK ON SECTION BLOCK Iguana Creek 18 (Being Parcels A - 81.22 acres + B - 23.5 acres situate in Los Tambos Village, Cayo District, the freehold freehold property of Mr. Basilio Mes and Ms. Antonia Mes) a Creek 18 101 & 105 5. 2 acres near Mile 86 Southern Highway, Toledo District: properties of Mr. Orlando Harrison.) 22 3.acres + 2535 B Roaring - 23.5 situate Parcel No. Creekacres Village, Cayo District: in Los Tambos Village, Cayo District, the freehold ALL THAT piece or parcel of land containing approximately 2 acres situate on the Southern Road, Toledo do Harrison.) District in the southwestern corner of a 25 acre parcel comprised in Crown Grant No. 77 of 1950 which said piece of land is bounded on the North 50 yards by land the property of Moses Coleman, on the South 50 yards l of land containing 869.767 square meters (1,040.24 square yards)orby parcel assouthern shown the the road, on on the East 193.6 yards by lands the property of Moses Coleman and on the West 193.6 ing Creek Village, Cayo District: yards by land the property of the estate of Tyndall TOGETHER with all buildings and erection standing and being 2535 and the Registry Index Map (RIM) of ALL the Society Hall Registration Section thereon. (Being a concrete bunglow residential/commercial building [36 ft. X 45 ft.] situate near Mile 86 Southern THAT piece or parcel ofpieceland being Lot No. situate in the of Indep Highway, Toledo District, the property of Ms.237 Ramona Coleman surety for Ms. Village Wilma Coleman.) ALL THAT or parcel offreehold land containing approximately 2 acres situate on the Southern Road, Toledo Registrar of Lands in Belmopan TOGETHER with allDistrict buildings and District erections standing in the southwestern corner of a 25 acreand parcel comprised in Crown Grant No. 77 ofand 1950 which said piece Creek TOGETHER with all buildings erections standing being there ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - (foreclosure orin parcel of land is bounded on the North 50 yards by land the property of Moses Coleman,listing) on the South 50 yards Parcel No. 2535 containing 869.767 S.M. ofparcel vacant land situate Roaring Creek TERMS: STRICTLY CASH of land situate at bythe Corner andyardsCraboo Independence Village, Sta the southern road,Delany on the East 193.6 by lands theStreets, property of Moses Coleman and on the West 193.6 KEVIN A. CASTILLO yards by land the property of the estate of Tyndall TOGETHER with all buildings and erection standing and being reehold property of Ms. Angela Carita Pelayo) freehold property of Mr.thereon. TELEPHONE 223-4488 Basilio and Ms. Antonia Mes) (Being Mes a concrete bunglow residential/commercial building [36 ft. X 45 ft.] situate near Mile 86 Southern Highway, Toledo District, the freehold property of Ms. Ramona Coleman surety for Ms. Wilma Coleman.) 5. 2 acres near Mile 86 Southern Highway, ToledoFace District: Book: Belize Auctions

ALL THAT piece or parcel of land containing 869.767 square meters (1,040.24 square yards) as shown on the land register of Parcel No. 2535 and the Registry Index Map (RIM) of the Society Hall Registration Section lodged at the office of the Registrar of Lands in Belmopan TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being Parcel No. 2535 containing 869.767 S.M. of vacant land situate in Roaring Creek Village, Cayo District, the freehold property of Ms. Angela Carita Pelayo)


ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - (foreclosure listing) TERMS: STRICTLY CASH KEVIN A. CASTILLO TELEPHONE 223-4488 E-mail: Face Book: Belize Auctions

OLEDO DISTRICTS: In front The Belize Bank Limited, No. 10 St. Vincent Street, strict on Wednesday 17th October 2018 at 11:30 am: B - STANN CREEK & TOLEDO DISTRICTS: In front The Belize Bank Limited, No. 10 St. Vincent Street, Dangriga, Stann Creek District on Wednesday 17th October 2018 at 11:30 am:

acco Stann Creek District: 1. 1.60Caye acres EastRange, Side of Tobacco Caye Range, Stann Creek District:

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (foreclosure listing)


ALL THAT piece or parcel of land containing 2 acres situate on the Southe KEVINapproximately A. CASTILLO District corner of a 25 acre parcel comprised in Crown Grant No. 77 o ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Block No. 1 comprising 1.60 acres situate along thein Eastthe Side southwestern of Tobacco Caye Range in the Stann Creek District of Belize and bounded and described as shown by Plan No. TELEPHONE: 223 4488 ofwith land 578 of 2006 attached to Minister’s Fiat (Grant) No. 578 of 2006 dated 26 May or 2006parcel TOGETHER all is bounded on the North 50 yards by land the property of Moses Coleman buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being 1.6 acres of land along East Side of Tobacco road, on the East 193.6 yards by lands the property of Moses Coleman and bythethe southern Email: Caye Range, Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Mr. Karl Gabourel Jr.) Lot No. 21 (1141.14 S.Y.) Red Bank Village, Stann Creek District: yards by land the property of the estate of Tyndall TOGETHER with all buildings and erec Face Book: Belize Auctions thereon. (Being a concrete bunglow residential/commercial building [36 ft. X 45 ft.] situa Highway, Toledo District, the freehold property of Ms. Ramona Coleman surety for Ms. W th


el of land being Block No. 1 comprising 1.60 acres situate along the East Side of


16 ESPAÑOL Costa Rica encara la cuarta semana de huelga en el sector público sin acuerdo a la vista



2018 2018

Miles de manifestantes marchan, el miércoles, contra la reforma fiscal

Fracasa el último intento de acercamiento entre los sindicatos y el Gobierno de Alvarado, que mantiene su propuesta de reforma fiscal para sanear las maltrechas finanzas públicas

San José Costa Rica 1 OCT 2018 El Gobierno de Costa Rica y los sindicatos del sector público han fracasado este domingo en el último intento por alcanzar un acuerdo que ponga final a la huelga más larga que vive el país centroamericano en casi dos décadas. El movimiento de protesta cumplirá a primera hora del lunes tres semanas, con alteraciones en los servicios estatales y pérdidas aún sin determinar en el principal motor de la economía tica -el turismo-. Los dirigentes sindicales han rechazado en las últimas horas el acuerdo preliminar anunciado en la madrugada del sábado junto a una comisión designada por el presidente Carlos Alvarado (centroizquierda) y que había contado con la Iglesia católica como intermediario para facilitar el acercamiento entre ambas partes. El documento mencionaba el fin de la huelga y la apertura de negociaciones paralelas a la reforma fiscal, pero una mayoría de bases gremiales insisten en que el Ejecutivo debe desistir del proyecto que impulsa en el Congreso para enfrentar la mayor crisis fiscal desde 1980. Las agrupaciones de trabajadores hospitalarios sí avalaron el acuerdo, pero el bloque sindical intenta mantenerse unido en su pulso con el Gobierno, que, a su vez, cuenta con el apoyo de parte de la oposición. Aunque la huelga no ha paralizado todos los servicios públicos ni la actividad económica en su conjunto, sí ha afectado al día a día de miles de estudiantes de centros estatales, de asegurados que perdieron citas médicas y de operaciones programadas desde tiempo atrás. También hay ciudadanos perjudicados por los bloqueos intermitentes en las calles en distintos puntos del país e importantes sectores económicos golpeados en proporciones que ni los empresarios ni el Gobierno han dimensionado aún. Daño al turismo Uno de los sectores más afectados es el turismo, auténtica joya de la economía costarricense: de él depende más de uno de cada cuatro trabajadores. Hasta la fecha, las pérdidas en ese sector rondan los tres millones de dólares, según los cálculos de Sary Valverde, presidenta de la Cámara Nacional de Turismo (Canatur), en declaraciones a EL PAÍS. Los ingresos, siempre según sus cifras, han caído hasta en un 20% en hoteles, restaurantes y tours. La empresa de cruceros Celebrity ha descartado atracar en la costa del Pacífico tico. Otros dos cruceros en el Caribe sí lo han hecho, pero sus pasajeros han tenido que salir del puerto escoltados por la policía. “Se pregunta uno si esta es la imagen que se querían llevar los turistas sobre nuestro país. Es un golpe fuerte para una industria clave. Esperemos que no afecte la temporada alta que empieza en noviembre”, dijo Valverde sobre el sector que representa el 40% de las exportaciones y que preveía registrar un crecimiento del 5% este año. Esa previsión queda

en cuarentena ante la disrupción ocasionada en las tres últimas semanas. La Cámara Costarricense de la Construcción informó el viernes del despido de 300 trabajadores por parte de sus empresas asociadas, ante el parón provocado por las dificultades para conseguir la materia prima necesaria para la elaboración del asfalto. Las alteraciones en los puertos también preocupan a los productores de piña, fruta de la cual Costa Rica es el mayor exportador del mundo. El presidente de la Cámara de Industrias, Enrique Egloff, acusó a los sindicatos de afectar el funcionamiento del país solo para defender los “privilegios” de los trabajadores públicos, dada la política de recorte de gastos que contiene la reforma fiscal. Aunque los sindicatos no lograron paralizar el país como se lo propusieron, la huelga sí ha provocado alteraciones en distintos puntos del país. Durante la primera semana de paros, en el Caribe se registraron actos vandálicos que la Policía atribuyó al clima de inestabilidad provocado por la huelga. El Gobierno también denunció el intento de sabotaje del servicio en la empresa estatal de combustibles (Refinadora Costarricense de Petróleo, Recope) y los trastornos también han afectado al transporte y han provocado, puntualmente, desabastecimiento en algunas gasolineras. Recope es una de las cinco instituciones en las que más apoyo ha tenido la huelga, junto a los maestros, trabajadores de los hospitales, el Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad -aunque no se interrumpió el suministro- y la entidad que administra los puertos del Caribe, que han tenido que ser controlados por las fuerzas de seguridad para evitar interrupciones en la llegada de productos al país. Los porcentajes de apoyo a la huelga varían mucho entre la versión sindical y la gubernamental. Tijeretazo fiscal “Estamos unidos. Lo que recibimos esta tarde fue un plantón

del Gobierno, que salió huyendo”, dijo este domingo Albino Vargas, un veterano dirigente sindical que acusa al presidente Alvarado de estar “secuestrado por los neoliberales”. Fuentes del Gobierno dudan de la capacidad del bloque sindical de sostener unido la huelga por mucho tiempo más y cuestionan el liderazgo de los dirigentes y su intención real de diálogo. “Lo que sigue es que la reforma fiscal siga avanzando con toda la fuerza en la Asamblea Legislativa porque necesitamos sanear las finanzas”, afirmó la ministra de Planificación, Pilar Garrido. El Ejecutivo considera indispensable aprobar en octubre el proyecto de estabilización de las finanzas públicas para frenar el crecimiento de la deuda (que ya supera el 50% del PIB). El proyecto legislativo aportaría unos 390.000 millones de colones (casi 680 millones de dólares), un tercio de lo necesario para dejar en cero el hoy abultado déficit fiscal, del 7% del PIB. La reforma propone un aumento de la carga fiscal y un fuerte recorte del gasto que pasa por limitar el crecimiento del salario de un buen número de trabajadores estatales (el 15% de la fuerza laboral). Este tijeretazo, junto con la puesta en marcha de un impuesto del 1% a varios productos de la canasta básica son los principales motivos aducidos para los paros. La huelga tuvo el apoyo del único diputado de izquierda, José María Villalta (Frente Amplio) y despertó también simpatías en el Partido Restauración Nacional (PRN), de base religiosa evangélica y convertida en tercera fuerza política en el Legislativo tras las pasadas elecciones. Sostienen que la reforma golpeará más a la clase media y a quienes viven por debajo del umbral de la pobreza (uno de cada cinco costarricenses). El Gobierno, por su parte, remarca que 80 de cada

100 colones recaudados por el fisco con este proyecto provendrán de los sectores más acaudalados. Préstamo de emergencia Alvarado, que llegó al poder en mayo con el progresista Partido Acción Ciudadana (PAC), gobierna con un equipo económico más cercano a las tesis de mercado. Para sacar adelante el plan fiscal cuenta con el apoyo de las fuerzas tradicionales: Liberación Nacional (PLN, la mayor bancada legislativa) y Unidad Social Cristiana (PUSC). La aprobación definitiva del paquete fiscal, sin embargo, aún depende de la posibilidad de aumentar la carga fiscal que recae sobre grandes empresas o cooperativas. La ministra de Hacienda, Rocío Aguilar, admite que la reforma es “insuficiente” e imperfecta, pero insiste en que es necesaria por los ingresos que daría al fisco y por la señal de saneamiento financiero ante los mercados internacionales, que han elevado el interés que exigen a Costa Rica ante la creciente desconfianza sobre el estado de las cuentas públicas. Ante la falta de liquidez, el Gobierno firmó el miércoles un préstamo de emergencia de 860 millones de dólares con el banco central tico. El crédito, por tres meses, obliga a Costa Rica a emitir moneda y pone, de esa forma, en entredicho la estabilidad de precios y el tipo de cambio. “Estoy comprometido a hacer absolutamente todo lo necesario para evitar una crisis económica”, dijo el martes el presidente Alvarado, consciente de que ciertos sectores temen llegar a una situación como la que hoy atraviesa Argentina o como la que vivió la propia Costa Rica en la década de los ochenta, cuando la pobreza se disparó hasta el 40% de la población



18 JAN


MÉXICO: DESARMAN E INVESTIGAN A TODA LA POLICÍA DE ACAPULCO POR SUPUESTOS VÍNCULOS CON EL NARCOTRÁFICO La Secretaría de Seguridad Pública de la ciudad mexicana de Acapulco, en el estado de Guerrero, fue intervenida y se encuentra bajo investigación “por existir sospechas de probable infiltración de grupos delictivos en la misma”. Por BBC News Mundo / México 30 de Septiembre de 2018 La decisión “obedeció al incremento de la incidencia delictiva que se ha registrado en el municipio y a la nula actuación de la policía municipal para enfrentar el fenómeno delictivo”, explicaron las autoridades federales y estatales en un comunicado. Acapulco es una de las principales atracciones turísticas de México, pero en los últimos años ha sido duramente golpeada por el narcotráfico y el crimen organizado. Y esto se ha traducido en una de las tasas de homicidios más altas de México: 103 por cada cien mil habitantes el año pasado, lo que terminó obligando a la intervención de las autoridades federales. En el “operativo de intervención”, iniciado este martes, participan la Secretaria de Defensa Nacional (SEDENA), la Secretaría de la

Los miembros de la policía municipal de Acapulco fueron detenidos y desarmados por las fuerzas de seguridad federales Marina (SEMAR), la Policía Federal, la Fiscalía General del Estado y la policía del Estado, integradas en el llamado Grupo de Coordinación Guerrero. Los funcionarios “realizaron labores de desarme a policías municipales y verificaron personal, armamento, chalecos balísticos, cartuchos y radios de comunicación, los cuales quedaron bajo resguardo del Estado”,

informó el grupo en un comunicado. De acuerdo con el vocero del grupo, Roberto Álvarez Heredia, “todos los policías municipales serán evaluados y sometidos a exámenes de control de confianza, como marca la normativa en la materia”. Tanto la Procuraduría General como la Fiscalía General “realizarán diligencias e investigaciones corre-

Fiscalía presenta acusación contra ocho sindicados en el caso Transurbano

administración de la empresa de seguridad Protección Metropolitana, S. A., recibió más de Q12 millones de los contratos de seguridad para el Transurbano, explicó la fiscal Gómez. Al menos Q2 millones 200 mil fueron destinados para la compra de un helicóptero que En el Juzgado Undécimo Penal, a cargo de José Eduardo Cojulum, fue pagado a la empresa Expanse conocieron los señalamientos y los supuestos delitos cometidos sión Quetzalteca, S. A., cuya representante legal es Reyna María por los ocho señalados de un supuesto fraude al Estado por el Gómez González, hermana del servicio de seguridad al transporte urbano entre 2008 y 2009. prófugo Luis Gómez, quien dirigió la AEAU. Prensa Libre: GuaEl contrato explica que los guardias La Fiscalía hizo énfasis en la investigación temala devengaron Q4 mil mensuales. “Se suba la aeronave con la matrícula TG1.53658 que 28 de Septiembre contrataron empresas de seguridad para está embargada desde el año pasado y “utilizó de 2018 sustraer los fondos públicos y realizaron el señor Manuel Antonio Baldizón -candidato a Durante más de acciones para ocultar los fondos ante la la presidencia por la extinta agrupación Libertres horas, la fiscal Rocío Contraloría General de Cuentas y después tad Democrática Renovada en las campañas de Gómez explicó los indicios los utilizaron para la adquisición de bienes 2007 y 2011. En la actualidad está detenido en que tiene la investigación en contra de e inmuebles”, dijo la fiscal Gómez durante Miami, Estados Unidos, y señalado en el caso los sindicados por, supuestamente, haber la indagatoria. Odebrech y conspiración por las autoridades “sustraído fondos públicos” destinados para Exsecretario de la SAAS estadounidenses-. brindar seguridad en las paradas de los El extitular de la Secretaría de Asun“Usted -Bernal Ovando- transfirió fondos autobuses del servicio del Transurbano entre tos Administrativos y de Seguridad de la por Q99 mil a la empresa Corporación Cen2008 y 2009. Presidencia de la República de Guatemala troamericana de Seguridad, S. A., de su proEl primero en escuchar la imputación (SAAS) Carlos Herlindo Quintanilla fue genitor Juan Miguel Bernal Ramos -sindicado-, de la Fiscalía Especial contra la Impunidad acusado de asociación ilícita, peculado en cuya entidad noha sido posible ser acreditada (Feci) fue Rudy Leonel Maldonado Castillo, grado de complicidad y lavado de dinero y su actividad comercial”, detalló la fiscal Gómez. quien fue presidente de la Asociación de Emotros activos. La fiscal también se refirió a que Bernal presas de Autobuses Urbanos (AEAU) y se “Usted procuró la asignación de fonRamos, señalado de lavado de dinero y otros entregó el 27 de septiembre pasado, después dos, hizo acciones de lobby con el gobieractivos, peculado y asociación ilícita, fue el de haber estado prófugo desde febrero. no de la Unidad Nacional de la Esperanza representante de la entidad Corporación El juez Eduardo Cojulum esuchó los para garantizar las acciones ilegales de la Centroamericana, que no estaba debidamente hechos que constan en la investigación de la estructura criminal mediante sobornos”, legalizada, no tenía algún registro de armas de Comisión Internacional contra la Impunidad especificó la fiscal Gómez. fuego y ante la Superintendencia de Adminen Guatemala (Cicig), la cual se centra en el La Feci lo señaló de haber blanqueaistración Tributaria (SAT) de 2008 a 2011 seguimiento de los contratos de seguridad. do Q12 millones. “Fue el mayor beneficiano registró algún pago del Impuesto Sobre la “Los fondos sustraídos fueron fonrio recibiendo fondos públicos a sus emRenta (ISR). dos públicos”, recalcó la fiscal Gómez para presas, incluso una sin estar debidamente Otros señalados referirse a la asignación gubernamental de registrada. La utilizó como fachada para Mario Enrique Vargas Salazar, quien fue Q81 millones 901 mil 063.02 para la AEAU, darle apariencia de legalidad a las acciones tesorero de la AEAU, es sindicado de haber dirigidos a brindar la protección en los autodelictivas”, detalló la Fiscalía. autorizado el desvío de los fondos a la empresa buses urbanos. Helicóptero Protección Metropolitana, S. A. “Los fondos Guardias La acusación al militar retirado y públicos estuvieron bajo su responsabilidad y La acusación incluyó la descripción de excandidato presidencial por la extinta no tuvo la debida atención para protegerlos”, dos convenios que explican la contratación de agrupación política Corazón Nueva dijo la fiscal Gómez. dos mil guardias, bajo un programa denomNación (CNN), Otto René Bernal Ovando El MP señaló de peculado y asociación inado “Fuerza permanente de seguridad al incluye lavado de dinero, asociación ilícita a Óscar Alejandro Rossi Archila por haber transporte urbano” y “Fuerza emergente de y peculado. avalado y autorizado el desvío de los fondos seguridad al transporte urbano”. El coronel retirado, secretario de gubernamentales que terminaron en la compra


17 17

spondientes para deslindar responsabilidades”. Por lo pronto, la seguridad del municipio quedó en manos de la Secretaria de Seguridad Pública del Estado de Guerrero, que recibirá el apoyo de la SEDENA, SEMAR y la Policía Federal. Capturas e investigaciones Las autoridades también informaron que durante el operativo se emitieron dos órdenes de aprehensión en contra de Luis Fernando “N”, alias el Fénix, y Brayan Antonio “N”, alias el Brayan, “por su probable responsabilidad en el delito de homicidio calificado”. Los dos hombres “hasta este momento, fungen como mandos operativos de la Secretaria de Seguridad Pública del Ayuntamiento Acapulco”, se lee en el comunicado. “Los demás integrantes de esta corporación están sujetos a investigación”, agrega el escrito. El estado de Guerrero, donde se encuentra Acapulco, también es uno de los más violentos en el país. Allí, bandas criminales controlan áreas donde se cultivan las amapolas para la producción de heroína. Y con salarios bajos y escaso entrenamiento, los policías locales pueden convertirse en blancos fáciles de los carteles de las drogas. Ha habido reportes de bandas que les ofrecen dinero a cambio de su obediencia o son amenazados con la muerte.

de bienes particulares. La sindicación contra Carlos Roberto Paz Reynoso, exdirectivo de la AEAU, fue por haber avalado el desvío de Q2 millones 559 mil destinados a la protección en estaciones del Transurbano. Fue acusado de lavado de dinero y otros activos, peculado y asociación ilícita. “Recibió fondos, la mayoría en efectivo del señor Bernal Ovando”, especificó el ente acusador. Hermana de Gómez Reyna María Gómez González, hermana del prófugo empresario del transporte Luis Gómez, también fue señalada en la misma audiencia. Fue acusada de lavado de dinero y otros activos por haber desviado fondos para la compra del helicóptero y bienes inmuebles en Escuintla y Petén. También fue acusada de peculado y asociación ilícita. Gómez González era representante de las entidades Expansión Quetzalteca, S. A., y Tecnología y Proyectos de Guatemala, S. A., donde fueron transferidos los fondos públicos para la compra de bienes. Declara exdirectivo Maldonado Castillo fue el único que pudo declarar. “En el tema del subsidio y la seguridad se formó una multisectorial en donde se hizo ver la ‘matazón’ -asesinatos- de pilotos”, explicó. El extesorero de la AEAU dijo: “El problema del transporte urbano es que muchos no lo entendemos. Son por los horarios de trabajo, el servicio exige desde las tres de la mañana hasta las 11 de la noche. La Asociación representaba a 28 empresas, nosotros no manejábamos dinero, solo los cheques y lo que sobraba de los Q8 millones, inmediatamente se habían los cheques para mandar al fondo común lo que sobraba”. El caso Las capturas se realizaron el 14 de septiembre pasado debido al avance de la investigación del caso Transurbano, que tiene procesado y a la espera de una apertura a juicio del expresidente Álvaro Colom Caballeros y a la mayor parte de su gabinete de gobierno por haber avalado el contrato anómalo para brindar el servicio del Transurbano. La audiencia continuará la próxima semana con el testimonio de Quintanilla, se informó.






“Climate change does not respect border; it does not respect who you are: rich and poor, small and big. Therefore, this is what we call ‘global challenges’, which require global solidarity”.–Ban KiMoon– I. Background Cuba and Belize are both Caribbean Counties that are connected by more than ocean currents, great weather, beautiful hotels, friendly people, awesome biodiversity and an amazing environment. They share critical ecosystems like mangroves and coral reefs, and both countries have made major strides in fisheries management and coral reef conservation and are currently working to renew and strengthen their fisheries laws and policies. They also share challenges facing their fisheries, including managing complex fisheries that catch dozens of species all together, rather than targeting just one or two. Besides, they have established a framework for cooperation aimed at supporting concrete agreements, activities and projects in areas as varied as the economy, the environment, education, youth, culture and arts, among others. Both countries also exchange knowledge, emotion and experience. Whereas hundreds of Belizeans have graduated from Cuban universities of medicine and other specialties, thousands of Cuban Doctors work in Belizean Hospitals and Clinics countrywide. Both Countries are learning from each other and discussing new ways to collaborate on solutions to shared challenges, including preventive measures and management strategies of different diseases affecting Caribbean countries. II. Discussion The relationships between Cuba and Belize show how working together improves education, sports, science and compliance, involves and educates more stakeholders, creates opportunities for community development and leads to better managed ecosystems that benefit users for the long-term. It is known that communities around the world that share challenges by connecting groups of stakeholders are more prepared and experienced in finding solutions to common problems. When Belize was just beginning to accelerate its fisheries data collection, expand its marine reserves, and develop community-based co-management processes, some 15 years ago, it was Cuba the first Caribbean Country that assisted Belize in such activities. Both countries face the challenge of managing multi-species fisheries, which include dozens of species all living in the same habitat. The Cubans used the approach to first assess the vulnerability of 34 different fish species and then prioritize the most vulnerable to monitor and recommended regulations. Together Cuba and Belize have examined how these fishes could be grouped into categories for management while data on each species improves. But more than shared our marine ecosystem management we both have similar main industries like tourism, agriculture and sugar cane production. We also both have afro-descendants and African cultures are part of our multi-culturalism. Thanks to Cuban partnership, Belize has made several advances to manage fisheries, conserve marine habitats, and ensure fishers and communities are involved and engaged in sustainable fishing management in Belize. Belizeans are currently especially excited to share their new sustainable fishing credentials that are similar to those in our neighbor Cuba and show how governance of managed access zones, marine reserves and marine

protected areas overlap and complement each other. We have established areas that protect coral formations and spawning aggregations where only tourism and recreational activities are allowed, and another area for preservation where only research is permitted. The Belize Fisheries Department is the government agency in Belize that enforces the regulations and provide education to prevent infractions. In Cuba they have the Ministry of Food Industry and the Fisheries Research Institute both interlinked for the better management and use of fisheries products. There are diverse partnerships between Belize and Cube that showcase how working together improves science and compliance, involves and educates more stakeholders, creates opportunities for community development and leads to better managed marine ecosystems and protected areas. Belize and Cuba are already leaders in the Caribbean because of their coral reef conservation and responsible management of fisheries areas. Their friendship benefits the marine ecosystems, coastal communities, and the interests of the Caribbean region. Both countries have several things in common, for example the main dish in both of them is the rice and beans with some peculiarities; whereas in Cuba they mostly combine it with roasted pork and veggies, here in Belize we used to combine with stew chicken, beef and pork, coleslaw or potato salad. Over the recent years the people of Belize and Cuba have covered quite a long distance along the Friendship path. An important condition for this work to be successful is the intercountry cooperation of youth, those who will be heading the government and business authorities of our countries in the near future. That is why the key idea is the development of student humanities relations and contacts, and fulfillment of joint entrepreneurial and social projects. Namely the young generation

should become a provider of the policy on integration, preserve our national and cultural origins, and shape our mutual future. Cuba has also been helping and assisting Belize in civil protection prevention, emergency management and natural disasters mitigation. Both countries have great love for sports and have starring several epic football games. Belize and Cuba are both signatories and have reaffirming their faith in the principles set forth in the most important United Nations Treaties like Paris Agreement on Climate Change, Montreal Protocol on ozone depleting substances: chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal, Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, Rotterdam Convention on shared responsibilities in relation to importation of hazardous chemicals, Sustainable Development Goals achievement by 2030, United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC), etc. They are also being determined to defend the liberty and independence of their peoples as well as their territorial integrity from any external compulsion. The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of both counties meet regularly in conference once a year, and more often if it is considered necessary, in order to study the international political situation and to take the necessary decisions regarding mutual cooperation. III. Conclusions Cuba and Belize share more than a rich biodiversity, coral reefs ecosystems and fisheries spaces; we have enjoyed a long history of friendship and collaboration. This friendship involves many acts of support, agreements, activities and projects in the areas of food production, education, sports, arts, culture, medicine, trade and commerce, agriculture and sustainable development, among others. We have realized that projects and ideas made better by working together. The relations between Belize and Cuba

go beyond diplomacy and trade links, Cuba is one of the countries that has always supported the independence and sovereignty of Belize unconditionally. Cuba has proven to be a country of solidarity, humanism and friendship since the memorable times when our leader Assad Shooman decided to spend the rest of his life in Havana. These samples continue to be maintained and proof of this is that our Prime Minister went to Cuba for a complicated spinal cord surgery, from which he is now recovering. The million bucks’ question here is: why he submitted to surgery in Cuba and not in USA where we received medical attention for several years? You can reach your own conclusions. God bless Belize. Follow us at: & www. IV. References 1. EDF Oceans (2017). Available at: “Five reasons we’re hopeful on World Fisheries Day”. Environmental Defense Fund Newsletter, available at: www.blogs. November 20, 2017. 2. Epstein, L. (2017). “Bold commitments to sustainable fisheries at the United Nations will help Belize achieve sustainable oceans goals”. Available at: June 14, 2017. 3. Miller, V. (2018) “What do Cuban and Belizean fishers have in common more than meets the eye?” Available at: August 16, 2018. 4. Paffe, H. (2013). “How a growing partnership is reducing overfishing in Belize and beyond”. Available at: www.blogs. August 12, 2013. 5. Rife, A. (2014) “Community-based fishery management delivers individual and collective benefits in Belize” Available at: April 18, 2014.

PUBLIC AUCTION SALE: PROPERTY AUCTION SALE: PROPERTY San Jose PUBLIC Palmar, Walk District San Jose Palmar, Orange Orange Walk District

BY ORDER of the Mortgagees, Messrs. The Belize Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneer Kevin A. Castillo will sell the following property [Parcel No. 754 San Jose, Palmar, Orange Walk District] at No. 170 Beltex Avenue, Belama Phase 1, Belize City on Tuesday 16th October 2018 at 1:30 pm:

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL San Jose Palmar 4 754 (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [26 ft. X 26 ft.] and lot [1045.113 square meters or 1249.96 square yards] situate in San Jose Palmar, Orange Walk District, the freehold property of Mr. Walter Tejeda & Ms. Iris Lovina Tejada) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - (foreclosure listing) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION TERMS: STRICTLY CASH (foreclosure listing) KEVIN A. CASTILLO TERMS: STRICTLY CASH TELEPHONE 223-4488 E-mail: KEVIN A. CASTILLO Face Book: Belize223 Auctions TELEPHONE: 4488

Email: Face Book: Belize Auctions





NOTICE Notice is hereby given to all interested parties that the following companies (“the Companies”) incorporated under the IBC Act of Belize commenced dissolution as follows: Name of Company

Date of Commencement of Dissolution


17th September, 2018


Liquidator Name & Address Continental Liquidators Inc. of 60 Market Square, P.O. Box 1906, Belize City, Belize Continental Liquidators Inc. of 60 Market Square, P.O. Box 1906, Belize City, Belize

Any claims against the company should be forwarded to the Liquidator within 30 days from commencement. Aleman, Cordero, Galindo & Lee Trust (Belize) Limited

Registered Agent

Liquidator Name & Address


13th September, 2018

Martin Musto of 25 de Mayo 467 Of. 102, Montevideo, Uruguay


17th September, 2018

Gabriela Foggia Varela of CI Uruguay: 1.535.735 Juncal 1378 of 602 Montevideo

Andover Holdings Inc.

17th September, 2018

Dean Lang of Cedarwood Office Park, Mount Lebanon Road, off Western Service Road Woodmead Sandton Johannesburg South Africa 2191

Any claims against the company should be forwarded to the Liquidator within 30 days from commencement. Arias, Fabrega & Fabrega (Belize) Ltd.

Date of Commencement of Dissolution

Liquidator Name & Address

Chartess International Corporation

12th September, 2018

William R. Wallace of 1215 Lombard Street, San Francisco, California 94109, US


13th September, 2018

Christina Marie Louise Mischi of 23 Park Close, London W14 8ND


17th September, 2018

Yolanda Harnamji of Suite 23, Portland House, Glacis Road, Gibraltar

Torreon Investments Ltd.

17th September, 2018

Irina Irakleous of Istrou Street, 15, Zakaki, Limassol, 3048, Cyprus

Any claims against the company should be forwarded to the Liquidator within 30 days from commencement.

NOTICE Notice is hereby given to all interested parties that the following companies (“the Companies”) incorporated under the IBC Act of Belize commenced dissolution as follows: Name of Company

Date of Commencement of Dissolution

Liquidator Name & Address


11th September, 2018

Tomas Antonio Samaniego Gonzalez of Corregimiento de Juan Díaz, Calle 4ta, Casa No. 3611, Panama City


12th September, 2018

Sergio Risso Ferraro of 9 De Junio 4377/201 Montevideo


17th September, 2018

Brigitte Lecourt of Le Château Perigord 1-6 lacets St Leon – 98000 Monaco

Lamar Business Corp.

18th September, 2018

Linda PaolaTriviño Leon of C1 182 51-24, Casa 30, Bogota, Colombia

Tessa Finance Corp.

18th September, 2018

Linda PaolaTriviño Leon of C1 182 51-24, Casa 30, Bogota, Colombia

Nicole Equities S.A.

25th September, 2018

Miranda Costi of 15 Agion Omologiton, 1080 Nicosia, Cyprus

Any claims against the company should be forwarded to the Liquidator within 30 days from commencement.

Registered Agent

Icaza Belize Trust Corporation Limited


Registered Agent

Notice is hereby given to all interested parties that the following companies (“the Companies”) incorporated under the IBC Act of Belize commenced dissolution as follows: Name of Company

Name of Company

Registered Agent

Notice is hereby given to all interested parties that the following companies (“the Companies”) incorporated under the IBC Act of Belize commenced dissolution as follows: Date of Commencement of Dissolution

Notice is hereby given to all interested parties that the following companies (“the Companies”) incorporated under the IBC Act of Belize commenced dissolution as follows:

Belize Corporate Services Limited

NOTICE Name of Company


Date of Commencement of Dissolution

Liquidator Name & Address


18th September, 2018

Tsai, Ming-Shu of No. 11, Lane 234, Hsin Shu Rd., Hsin Chuang Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan, R.O.C.


18th September, 2018

Chou, Chun-Ching of 7F, No. 15, Lane 360, Nei Hu Rd., Sec. 1, Nei Hu Dist., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.

Any claims against the company should be forwarded to the Liquidator within 30 days from commencement. GenPro Consulting (Belize) Limited

Registered Agent

NOTICE Notice is hereby given to all interested parties that the company TURISMO & COMMERCE INC. (“the Company”) incorporated under the IBC Act of Belize commenced dissolution on the 27th day of September, 2018; and Maria Luisa Cidoncha Berlanga of Avda del Malecon s/n Torre Oro Mar, Apart. 14-01, Manta, Ecuador is the Liquidator of the Company, and any claims against the company should be forwarded to the Liquidator within 30 days from commencement. Sucre & Sucre (Belize) Limited Registered Agent

NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the below company has been dissolved and struck off the International Business Companies Register with effect from the date indicated: FERGAM ENTERPRISES LIMITED – 21st September, 2018 Aleman, Cordero, Galindo & Lee Trust (Belize) Limited Registered Agent

NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the below company has been dissolved and struck off the International Business Companies Register with effect from the date indicated: ROSATTA INC. – 14th September, 2018 Arias, Fabrega & Fabrega (Belize) Ltd. Registered Agent





This week we laid to rest another youth from our community, the victim of senseless violence. He was standing outside a home when he was shot by men who passed by on a motorcycle. His friends and loved ones say he was a productive young man, a baker here in town with a bright future. Around that same time, another young man was shot. I am told he is in the KHMH recovering. News like this is not good for any of us, and definitely not good for our community. I never want to see the day that Orange Walk becomes a lawless place. I never want to see the day where our law-abiding citizens are held hostage by the criminal elements. And I will state this clearly – I never want to see the day where we have a gang situation like there is in Belize City and a state of emergency has to be declared. That is not the Orange Walk I know. As I have done before, I call on the Police Department to deal with this matter as quickly and efficiently as it can. I know the Department has been facing its own internal challenges here in town, but we cannot allow this situation to get out of hand. A proper investigation needs to be done, and those responsible need to be charged and they need to face justice. Not the questionable justice as what we saw with the BDF soldiers and the policeman who walked off a charge of murder because the Police dropped the ball – but REAL justice. The good men and women in the Police Department need to fight to try to restore the good name of the Police. Too much wrong has gone on. Even now there is a video circulating which shows a Police officer shooting his weapon outside a nightclub right here in town. And there are suggestions of officers being on the payroll of criminals here in town. That needs to stop. I call on the junior Minister of the Police, Elodio Aragon, to get serious. Now he is a Minister of State, but he was once a Policeman. He should be able to get a grip on what is happening. He now has the authority to bring about real change. And yet nothing is happening. This can’t be just about declaring war on criminals on Facebook, or when the cameras are on. The people of Orange Walk deserve

and demand good representation which will allow all of us to feel safe and secure. But it is true that we cannot only look at the Police and the government and throw blame. A lot of what we see on the streets now, a lot of the lawlessness, starts at home. A lot

of our children grow up without proper parenting, and a lot of them grow up mimicking what they see at home. Like many of you, probably, I have heard very young children using four-letter words like experts. I have seen very young children left to do their own thing, which very often is the wrong thing. Parents – all of us – need to step up to the plate and take care of our children. We need to let them know what is right and what is wrong. And we need to always show a good example. That is how we, as a community, can play a very active role in what is happening today. And there is more we can do. We need to form neighbourhood groups which can monitor what is happening in our communities,

2018 and report what we see to the Police. We need to let the criminal element know that we are watching them. We need to let them know that what is happening will not be tolerated. We need to be our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers. We need to start taking care of each other. Because the truth is that we are all in this together. Honestly, I am disheartened by all that is happening in our small community. I am disappointed in some members of our Police Department who seem to think wearing a uniform is a license to do whatever they want here in our town. I am disappointed in the government which seems clueless. Like all our right-thinking citizens I want to see our town grow and develop in the right way. We are ALL in this together.

PUBLIC AUCTION SALE BY ORDER OF THE CHARGEE HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED, a Licensed Public Auctioneer will sell on site the following property at the time as listed. At No. 2 Faber’s Road, Belize City, Belize District on Wednesday October 17, 2018 at 2:00pm.

SCHEDULE ALL THAT piece or parcel of land comprising 438.07 square yards being Parcel 1221, Block 45 in the Queens Square West Registration Section situate at No. 2 Faber’s Road, Belize City, Belize District, Belize TOGETHER with a recently renovated and well-maintained concrete bungalow house enclosed by a chain link fence and containing four bedrooms, two bathrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and laundry room, the freehold property of KOSHIA GENTLE DATED this 4th day of October 2018

All sales are strictly cash and deemed final. For more information contact: HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED 1 HYDE’S LANE, BELIZE CITY, BELIZE Phone: (501) 224-5644 Fax: (501) 223-0738 Email:






Placencia Peninsula; Stann Creek DistrictCreek District Placencia Peninsula; Stann

BY ORDER of the Mortgagees, Messrs. The Belize Bank International Limited, Licensed Auctioneer Kevin A. Castillo will sell BY ORDER of the Mortgagees, Messrs. The Belize Bank International Limited, Licensed Auctioneer the following properties in front Messrs. The Belize Bank Limited, Main Street, Placencia Village, Stann Creek District on Kevin A. Castillo will sell the following properties in front Messrs. The Belize Bank Limited, Main October 2018 at 10:30 Street, Placencia Village,Monday Stann Creek8th District on Monday 8th October 2018am: at 10:30 am: 1.

Parcel No. 2115 Placencia Residences, Placencia Peninsula, Stann Creek

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Placencia North 36 2115 (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [43 ft. X 54 ft. inclusive of a 9 ft. X 30 ft. back porch] + garage [20 ft X 22 ft.] containing master bedroom with bathroom/jacuzzi + guest room with bathroom + kitchen + dining room + large open living room + office + laundry room and lagoon side lot [876.25 square meters (1048.00 square yards)] situate in the sub-division known as The Placencia Residences near Mile 13 Placencia Road, Placencia Peninsula, Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Mr. Dario Del Valle). ******* NB. Restrictions on use of Property is available upon request ********* 2. Parcel No. 2109 Placencia Residences, Placencia Peninsula, Stann Creek:

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Placencia North 36 2109 (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house elevated 3 ft. above grade [32 ft. X 46 ft.] + side porches [5 ft X 20 ft. each side] + back porch [5ft X 42ft] containing 2 bedrooms + 2 bathrooms (1 with jacuzzi) + kitchen + laundry + dining room + large open living room and lagoon side lot [902.31 square meters (1079.16 square yards)] situate in the sub-division known as The Placencia Residences near Mile 13 Placencia Road, Placencia Peninsula, Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Mr. Giuseppe Asti). ******* NB. Restrictions on use of Property is available upon request ********* 3.

Parcel No. 2159 Placencia Residences, Placencia Peninsula, Stann Creek:

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Placencia North 36 2159 (Being a canal side vacant lot situate in the sub-division known as The Placencia Residences near Mile 13 Placencia Road, Placencia Peninsula, Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Mr. Ryan Pott). *******NB. Restrictions on use of Property is available upon request********* ADDITIONAL ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - (foreclosure INFORMATION - listing) TERMS: STRICTLY CASH (foreclosure listing) KEVIN A. CASTILLO TERMS: STRICTLY TELEPHONE 223-4488 CASH E-mail: KEVIN A. CASTILLO Face Book: Belize Auctions

TELEPHONE: 223 4488 Email: Face Book: Belize Auctions





PUBLIC AUCTION SALES: PROPERTIES PUBLIC AUCTION SALES: PROPERTIES Lord's Bank Village, Scotland Halfmoon, Western Pines, Sibun Bight, Vista del Mar, Belize District

Lord’s Bank Village, Scotland Halfmoon, Western Pines, Sibun Bight, Vista del Mar, Belize District BY ORDER of theBY Mortgagees, Messrs.Messrs. The Belize Bank Licensed Auctioneer Kevin ORDER of the Mortgagees, The Belize BankLimited, Limited, Licensed Auctioneer Kevin A. Castillo willA. sellCastillo will sell th Wednesday 10th the following properties at No. 170atBeltex Belama Phase 1, Belize City, Belize District 10 on the following properties No. 170 Avenue, Beltex Avenue, Belama Phase 1, Belize City, Belize District on Wednesday October 2018 at 1:30 pm: October 2018 at 1:30 pm: 1.

Lot No. 27 Edwin Parks Boulevard, Lord's Bank Village Extension, Belize District:


ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 27 situate in Lord's Bank Village Extension, Belize District containing 886.493 Square Meters TOGETHER with all buildings erections and developments standing and being thereon. (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [30 ft X 38 ft] + front porch [4 ft. X 12 ft.] and lot [886.493 S.M.] situate on Edwin Parks Boulevard, Lord's Bank Village Exension, Belize District, the leasehold property of Mr. Leslie Nicholas.) Four (4) Acres, Burrell Boom - Bermudian Landing Road, Scotland Halfmoon, Belize District:

ALL THAT block, piece or parcel of land situate on the south side of the Burrell Boom- Bermudian Landing Road in the area known as Scotland Halfmoon, which said block, piece parcel of land containing Four (4) Acres, Three (3) Rods, Thirty-nine (39) poles forms part of Block No. 23 as shown in Crown Grant No. 332 of 1981 in the Office of the Register General, Belize City TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being two Timber buildings supported on timber posts [15 ft X 15 ft] and Four (4) Acres, Three (3) Rods, Thirty-nine (39) poles of land situate on the south side of the Burrell Boom - Bermudian Landing Road, Scotland Halfmoon, Belize District, the freehold property of Mr. Leslie Nicholas.) Lot No. 164 Bristle Cone Street, Western Pines Area, Western Paradise Village, Mile 8.5 George Price Highway, Belize District:


ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 164 containing 643.301 square meters situated at Mile 8.5 North of the Western Highway, Belize District TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being a vacant lot containing 643.301 square meters situate on Bristle Cone Street, Western Pines Area, Western Paradise Village, Belize District, the freehold property of Mr. Thomas Valerio & Camille Valerio) 4. Nine Lots (9) Sibun Bight Subdivision, Belize City:



BLOCK PARCELS 16 61, 85, 110, 154, 157, 171, 172, 173 (Being nine vacant lots near the sea in the Sibun Bight Subdivision containing the following sizes: Parcel 61643.85 Square Yards, Parcel 85 - 432.46 Square Yards, Parcel 110 - 624.79 Square Yards, Parcel 154 - 472.80 Square Yards, Parcel 157 - 624.79 Square Yards, Parcel 171 - 521.96 Square Yards, Parcel 172 - 472.79 Square Yards, Parcel 173 - 538.24 Square Yards, the freehold properties of Mr. Antonio Novelo) Twenty three (23) Lots Sibun Bight Subdivision, Belize City:


BLOCK PARCELS 16 13,175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 193, 194, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212 & 213 (Being twenty three vacant lots near the sea in the Sibun Bight Subdivision, the freehold properties of Mr. Louis Leslie)

Continued on page 23





SEDI DISGRACEFUL SEDITIOUS ACT watch since 2008, Belize’s poverty level rose to 43% and rising, and 16% of Belizeans are living in abject poverty. The entire speech was frothed with lies and hypocrisy. He spoke of peace and tranquillity but refused to call out the Guatemalan about taking over control by annexing the Sarstoon River; he spoke of a peaceful society but refused to mention that since September 4, the UDP government has issued a state of emergency in the It should always be considered black depressed Southside area a proud moment when ourbeingpolitiALL THAT piece or parcel of land Lot No. 164poor containing 643.301 square meters situated at Mile 8.5 North of theaddress Western Highway, District TOGETHER with all buildings and that erections and being of Belize City and hisstanding government cal leaders the Belize United Nathereon. (Being a vacant lot containing 643.301 square meters situate on Bristle Cone Street, Western Pines incarcerated 75Valerio young black tionsArea, General Assembly. Western Paradise Village,Therefore, Belize District, the has freehold property of Mr.over Thomas & Camille Valerio)have been an exciting moBelizeans without a single charge. it should 4. Nine Lots (9) Sibun Bight Subdivision, Belize City: However, everyone in Belize ment for Belizeans on Saturday last knows that Hon. Elrington and the when Hon. Wilfred Elrington, Foreign UDP always have their own reality. Minister of Belize, addressed the 73rd They know that he suffers from the United Nations General Assembly. dreaded “foot in mouth disease” and However, Hon. Elrington is the last everyone in the government Cabinet person that Belizeans want to spend is in full agreement with the hideous their valuable time listening to. And as REGISTRATION BLOCK Hon. PARCELS statement Elrington has been clockwork Hon. Elrington did not SECTION disSibun Bight 16 61, 85, 110, 154, 157, spewing because on173no occasion are appoint. He rambled on for nineteen 171, 172, (Beingand nine vacant near thesecond sea in the Sibun containing the following sizes: Parcel any contradictions recorded. So 61Belizminutes thirtylotsseven pro-Bight Subdivision 643.85 Square Yards, Parcel 85 - 432.46 Square Yards, Parcel 110 - 624.79 Square Yards, Parcel 154 - 472.80 eans were not angered by what Hon. vidingSquare false information on how much Yards, Parcel 157 - 624.79 Square Yards, Parcel 171 - 521.96 Square Yards, Parcel 172 - 472.79 Square Yards, Parcel Square Yards, the freehold properties of Mr. Antonio Novelo) Elrington said, but they were angry by of a good job 173 the- 538.24 United Democratic 5. Twenty three (23) Lots Sibun Bight Subdivision, Belize City: what he didn’t say. Party (UDP) government was doing. You see the Guatemalan PresiHe claims that the UDP was tackling dent, Jimmy Morales, spoke just becrime, improving health care in the fore Hon. Elrington and in his speech, Toledo District because they plan to he stated that 96% of the Guatemalan build a hospital in that area, BOOST people vote “yes” in a referendum to Program, cash transfer, etc., But he have the Guatemalan claim be adjustill had to admit that under their REGISTRATION SECTION Sibun Bight

BLOCK PARCELS 16 13,175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 193, 194, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, Continued from page 22 209, 210, 211, 212 & 213 (Being twenty three vacant lots near the sea in the Sibun Bight Subdivision, the freehold properties of Mr. Louis Leslie) 6. .97 Acre Sailfish Avenue, Vista del Mar, Ladyville, Belize District:

dicated by the International Court of Justice (ICJ). All Belizeans and Guatemalans know that is a falsehood statement. The truth is that only 26% of the voting public of Guatemala turn up to vote on the day of the referendum, and of that 26%, 95% voted “yes.” Therefore, it was Hon. Elrington duty to correct the misleading statement of Jimmy Morales when he got up to speak. However, Hon. Elrington, like the coward he is, said nothing to correct Morales’s claim. Instead, he painted a rosy picture, which of course; he continued misleading the UN General Assembly. The referendum turnout in Guatemala could have been a very good topic to discuss in front of the members of the General Council, because they needed to be enlightened that 74% of the voting population in Guatemala, either did not care about the claim, distrusting of the political process or were simply indifferent. In addition, those that went out to vote would vote “yes” because they have nothing to lose. However, Hon. Elrington said nothing of the sorts to clear the air and so the UN General Assembly believed Jimmy Morales and he got all the accolades. What is sad, is that once again Guatemala upstage Belize in public relations and diploma-

cy on the international stage. The last time they bested Belize was when Jimmy Morales blasted Belize for the death of a youth in the Chiquibul. So once again Belizeans are embarrassed on the international stage in New York, and makes people feel even worse was when they saw the likes of Lois Young, Barbara, Elrington, Pat Andrews, etc. who are being paid top dollars to posture. They were present but did nothing to protect the pride of Belize. By the way, where the hell were Lois Young? What are Belizeans getting to have her live lavishly in New York while our poor people are getting poorer by the day? This is the level of hypocrisy and cronyism that have been the hall mark of the UDP. So once again Belize missed a golden opportunity to inform the world that we are not happy with how the Guatemalans are behaving, by flexing their military might who block unarmed Belizeans who traverse the Sarstoon River for their livelihood. Instead, Hon. Elrington was mute on the matter. He was mute in denouncing these actions of the Guatemalans. So all that Belizeans are left with is to send a strong message to Hon. Elrington and the corrupt UDP government on the General Election Day.

NOTICE BY ORDER OF CHARGEE NOTICE OF INTENTION TO SELL HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED a statutory body formed and registered under the Credit Union Act, Chapter 314 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2000, and whose registered office is situated at No. 1 Hyde’s Lane, Belize City, Belize District hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Chargee under and by virtue of a Charge registered at the Land Registry between JEROME YOUNG (Chargor) of the one part and HRCU of the other part. HRCU will at the expiration of three months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the Schedule below. ALL offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing to Holy Redeemer Credit Union Limited from whom full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained.


TION SECTION BLOCK ALL THAT piece or parcel of land comprising 444.4 square yards being Parcel Vista del Mar 16 1819 PARCEL (Being a vacant lot [.97 acre] situate on Sailfish Avenue, Vista del Mar, Ladyville, Belize District, the freehold 1316/1, Block 16 in the Caribbean Shores/Belize Registration Section situate at a del Mar 16 1819 property of Messrs. Vista del Mar Development Company Limited) No. 1316 Crown Cone Avenue, Belize City, Belize District, Belize TOGETHER cre] situate on Sailfish Avenue, Vista del Mar, Ladyville, Belize District, the freehold ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - (foreclosure listing) with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon, the leasehold property TERMS: STRICTLY CASH del Mar Development Company Limited) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION of JEROME YOUNG KEVIN A. CASTILLO REGISTRATION SECTION


PARCEL (foreclosure listing) TELEPHONE 223-4488 E-mail: Face Book: Belize Auctions

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - (foreclosure listing) DATED this 12th day of September 2018 TERMS: STRICTLY CASH TERMS: STRICTLY CASH KEVIN A. CASTILLO KEVIN A. CASTILLO HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED TELEPHONE 223-4488 1 HYDE’S LANE, BELIZE CITY, BELIZE TELEPHONE: 223 4488 E-mail: Phone: (501) 224-5644 Book: Belize Auctions Email:Face Fax: (501) 223-0738 Email: Face Book: Belize Auctions





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