piec es
Guer in
In c
Pre s ents
small #P4SS17
sp a c e s
Note from Lucy Guerin - Arti stic D irec tor & Co-Curator For thi s ye ar ’s P ieces for Small Spa ces we pre s ent an excit ing group of fem al e ch ore og raph ers w ith a predominanc e of Firs t Nat ions ar ti sts. All of th ese dan ce - m akers h ave rem arkably strong v i si on s for th eir work and a cl ar ity of pur p os e in th eir c ommitm ent to danc e and wh at th ey want to say. Pr ue Lang our R e si d ent Direc tor for 2017, initi ated thi s curator i al direc ti on and Mar i a a Randall co- curate d th e program w ith us, gui ding us in th e s ele c t i on of th e ar ti sts. Thi s collab orat i on h a s been inspir ing and de eply a ffe c t ing in th e di al ogues and que s t i ons it h a s opened up. T hi s i s th e 1 3 th editi on of P ie ces for Small Sp a ces . T h e br i ef to th e ar ti sts i s to m ake a 10 minute work for our studi o w ith in h ous e te chni cal produc t i on, and to use it a s an opp or tunity to take a r i sk . I see thi s s e a s on a s a s a fe pl a c e to be dar ing and thi s ye ar m ore th an ever th e i dea s and con cer n s of th e ar ti sts are brave and unusual. I want to th ank all th e ar ti sts and ever yon e wh o h a s worked on th e sea son, an d al s o th e audi enc e wh o h ave ch ampi on e d thi s program over th e years an d com e w ith open and suppor tive mind s.
CHOREOGRAPH ERS : Amrita Hepi, Mar i a a R an dall, Nan a Bilus Aba ffy, Rheannan Por t, Yumi Umiumare CURATORS : Lucy Guerin, Mar i a a R an dall, Pr ue Lan g LIGH TI NG DE S IGN ER: Matth ew Adey STAGE MANAGER: S arah Grey ( Firs t in La s t Out) PRODUCERS : Annette Vi euss eux , Te gan Na sh Durat ion: Approx 6 0 min s ( n o inter val)
~~~ Lucy Guerin Inc re spe ctfully a ckn owle dge s th e Wurundjeri pe ople wh o are th e tra diti on al custodians of th e lan d on whi ch we make ar t, conversat ions & conn e cti on s . We pay our re spe ct to th eir elders, both pa s t an d pre s ent. We a ckn owle dge and uphold their continuin g relati on ship to thi s land and cont ributi on to contemporar y Aus trali an art i st ic pract ice, an d exten d that re spe ct to other Indigenous Aust rali an s wh o j oin us at Lucy Guer in Inc.
Th ank you : Angus Kemp, Bryony Ja cks on , Emily O ’ Br i en , Claire Bradley Duke, and to th e volunte ers makin g P i eces for Sm all Sp aces 2 017 possible : Abi Bann on , Camille Nai sbitt, Emm a Ri che s, Jai Le ewor thy, Kyle Su, Michaela Ottone, Momoko Nanr i , Pi a Laur itz, an d S a sh a Brampton . Pi eces for Small Spa ce s 2017 Graphi c De si g n : Aime e S chollum Auslan interpre tati on o f Fr i day ni ght’s per for m an ce : Auslan Sta ge Le ft
Now i s the hour CHOREOGRAPHY: Amrita Hepi S OUND : Marcus Whale DANCER S: Amrita Hepi, Bella Ma son PERFORMERS: Pa sef ika Vitoria Choir In an a c tive act of remembrance and an expression of the potential of innovation in tra dition , chore og rapher and dancer Amrita Hepi an d the Pa sef ika Vitoria Choir return to the Waiata, Po Atarau. Po Atarau i s a Waiata ( MÄ ori folksong ) of c ontested origin - believed to be w ritten by many p eople. There i s still debate happening over its sourc e tod ay, even a s it i s di sappearing and sun g less. It wa s originally sung to send people to war, an d a s a way to bid farewell to loved ones. Combinin g the voice and the body a s a form for resi stan ce, the collaboration i s an active a ckn owled gment of the di sappearance of oc eanic kn owledg e and a dialogue of the prevailing effects of dia spora. The physical and vocal partnership of dance an d choir i s further animated by the a ccomp animent of an original score by contemp orary musician Marcus Whale, creating a contemporary song celebrating cultural resi stance. Thank you : Lucy Guerin Inc for their g enerous supp ort and use of the studio.
Techni que - Footwork CHOREOGRAPHY: Maria a Randall in collaboration w ith dancers S OUND : Mariaa Randall DANCER S: Ngioka Bunda-Heath and Josh Twee Thi s work i s a sh ort movement piece showca sing various Ab or iginal footwork and dance techniques of today. It i s presented a s art in motion , a reference to time and a comment on coloni sation . Thank you : I would like to acknowledg e Lucy Guerin an d Prue Lang for the moment to co- curate an d to be a part of Pieces for Small Sp a ce 2 017. It ha s been such an exciting j ourney. I would al so like to acknowledg e Teg an, Annette, S arah an d Matt the deadly mob who work at Lucy Guerin Inc. With a special mention to Oliv ia , Tony, Luke, Blair, Angharad and Josh at Arts Hous e for their continued support throughout the creation of thi s work.
RIP Meatdog… Meatdog Lives! CHOREOGRAPHY: Nan a Bilu š Abaffy in collaboration w ith Meatdog and the dancers DANCER S: Chri s Chua , Milo Love, Geoffrey Watson T hi s i s a piece about the afterlife and tra sh and an immature Musca Domestica ( baby f ly who goes by the n ame of Meatdog , n .b. the same Meatd og that we w ill see rej ecting the square f light p ath it n ever understood why or how to f ly anyway) .
Affect CHOREOGRAPHY: Rheannon Port S OUND : Jordan Gilmore COSTUME: Carletta Child s DANCER : Rheannan Port “Inva sion i s a structure not an event” – Patrick Wolfe Of Aborigin al heritag e, thi s story unlocks the mi scon c ep tion s of Australia’s identity, through dan c e. In a p owerful narrative, Affect identif ies policies of a ssimilation and structures of racial di scrimin ation to expose the effects of intergen eration al trauma – the transmi ssion of hi storical oppression and its neg ative con sequences across g enerations. Thank you : Lucy Guerin Inc. for the opportunity to pres ent at P i eces for Small Spaces 2017. Lucy for mentorin g me through thi s proj ect, to curators Prue Lang and Mariaa Randall, to Tegan an d Ann e tte for all your support and to S arah an d Matt for making thi s experience fun . To Monic a Stevens and Mimmali sa Trif ilo, Thank you!
“Whats the…?” CHOREOGRAPHY: Yumi Umiumare in collaboration w ith performers S OUND : Dan West and Murcof DANCERS/ PERFORMERS: Gregory Lorenzutti, Lilian Steiner, Lei sa Prowd The initial in spiration of thi s piece comes from the Australian say ing , “What’s the diff ?”. I ’ve b een s en sitive to ‘differences’ in people g oing about their d aily life, differences in culture, differen ces in how we work… so when I f irst heard it, I wa s quite intrigued by thi s light, c ontrary, almost lazy expression . Through our arti stic explorations of def ining what ‘diff ’ a c tually m ean s, we’ve arrived at thi s dance piec e of ritual s, using a common veg etable… CELERY! It can b e real and surreal, serious and absurd, sa cred an d profane, mundane and tribal. But then what i s the actual ‘diff ’ in us? The question continues… Thank you : Cath erine Simmond s, Riza Manalo, Matt Crosby and to LGI ; Lucy, Teg an and Ann ette for their g enerous support!
Lucy Guerin In c 28 Batm an S t reet, Wes t Melb ourn e, Vic, 3 0 03 03 93 2 9 4 2 1 3 admin @lucyguerinin w w w.lucyguerinin c.c om
ARTISTIC DIRECTOR: Lucy Guerin EXECUTIVE PRODUCER: Annette Vieusseux COMPANY MANAGER: Claire Bradley Duke ACTING COMPANY MANAGER: Tegan Na sh ADMINISTRATION ASSISTANT: Alexandra Macali ster -Bill s RESIDENT DIRECTOR 2017: Prue Lang BOARD: Chloe Munro (Chair), Robin Fox, Lucy Guerin (S ecretary), Amy Henderson, Georgina Russell, Ian McDougall (Deputy Chair) & Margaret Parker (Trea surer).
SUPPORT LUCY GUERI N I NC Lucy Guerin Inc h a s excitin g plan s for 2018! With out giv ing too much away j ust yet, we are m akin g ch an g es to b etter support our g row in g community of talented independent dan cers an d m akers by expan din g our c apacity. We w ill n eed th e support of our valued patrons and frien d s to h elp m ake thi s h appen ! All d onations over $ 2 are tax deductible. If you woul d like to contribute to th e company through support, partnerships or don ation s, you can do so online v ia Give Now : given .au/ lucyguerinin c or c ontac t our Executive Producer Ann ette Vieusseux on 03 9329 42 13 / ann ette @lucyguerinin
Pi eces for Small Spac es 2017 ha s been generously supp orted by the Angior Family Found at ion and Creative Par t nerships PlusOne program . Lucy Guerin Inc ha s al s o been supported by Creative Victoria , the City of Melbour ne and the Australian Government through the Aus t ralia Coun cil , its ar ts funding and a dv i s ory body.