Newsletter Date
Volume 1, Issue 1
March 19th2015 ISSUE 5 Edited by Juliet Knight Produced by Select Office Services
The Forum F o r u m
WELCOME TO ISSUE 5! Welcome everyone, to Issue 5 of The Forum newsletter. First of all, let me thank everyone who has contributed to this edition. I find it very interesting to read what you are doing and it reminds me what a diverse range of clients we have here at Forum House. The big news at the moment, which I have written about, is the change of management arrangements from 1 April. Forum Workspace will no longer exist, Forum House is coming under the management of Lewes Workspace Ltd. Let me take this opportunity to remind you to cancel your Forum Workspace standing order from now!
H o u s e
B u s i n e s s
C e n t r e
N e w s l e t t e r
E VE R E ST C LI M B I N AI D O F C H E ST NU T T R E E H O U S E At the end of March my son, Rupert Jones-Warner, leaves Chichester to attempt to break a world record as the first British person to summit Mount Everest twice. This has to be achieved in a very small weather window of opportunity and involves climbing up one side coming down, flying by helicopter to the other side and then doing the same again. He has raised all the expedition costs by sponsorship and has also raised a considerable amount for the Charity but is aiming to raise a lot more. Chestnut Tree House is a really worth while cause and his website gives a lot of information about the charity as well as the expedition itself. Please send this link to as many people as you are able. This is a massive challenge and the more support he receives the easier it will seem, I am sure! Jane Jones-Warner (Suites 40E/40D)
ARRIVALS & DEPARTURES Arrivals: CTJTS Ltd - College of Media and Publishing Dell Secure Works
Departures: Allied Healthcare Houserack McEwen & Co (31 March)
KIWI RECRUITMENT At Kiwi Recruitment we have a fresh and friendly approach to business and make extra effort to match candidates and clients. We have worked hard in the last year to build the business in Chichester. We are in Suite 5. Pease get in touch with Brendan if you need any further information or if we can help in any way.
Pauline Martin (31 March) Since Issue 4 we have said farewell to care staff agency, Allied Healthcare and property management company, Houserack. Here on the ground floor we are sad to be losing Accountants, McEwen & Co. And last, but not least, I would like to wish Pauline Martin a very happy and relaxing retirement. Pauline is buying a house in France where she will spend much of her time. She has been practicing at Forum House since April 2006.
TEAM MEDICAL We would like to introduce ourselves here at Team Medical. Ryan Harris the Branch Manager and his staff would like to say it’s been a pleasure moving to Forum House. We are a Care Agency that provides Domiciliary care in the community alongside staff deployed to Establishments such as NHS, Care Homes and Day/ Night Sits. We are in Suite 5.
If you know of anyone who would benefit from a Person Centred approach or require any of our serves please do not hesitate in contacting us on 01243 782400.
THEA DE MOEL Time speeds by and so it came as a bit of a surprise but also with recognition when Pauline Martin told me that she is retiring from her practice here at Forum House at the end of March. She has worked for many years as a psychoanalyst, supervisor and trainer, making a profound difference to the lives of her patients, her supervisees and her colleagues. Pauline and I have shared our consulting room for a long time and I will be taking over the rent and try to sublet to other practitioners of the 'talking therapies', such as a counsellor, psychotherapist or other psychoanalyst.
Whilst letting you all know about Pauline's retirement, I also want to rectify what was written in the previous Forum Newsletter in which we, Pauline and I, were mentioned under the section complementary medicine. This is not correct. We are both psychoanalysts focusing on alleviation of mental distress. We see patients according to their clinical need, once or up to 5 times weekly. We take referrals from private individuals, counsellors, GP's, psychiatrists and organisations who are involved with mental health. We also supervise counsellors and psychotherapists individually or in groups. We have been trained to the highest standard within the world of 'talking therapies' and work to BPC's (British Psychoanalytic Council) Code of Ethics.
I wish Pauline all the best in her retirement. It's well deserved! Thea de Moel (07833 363894)