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World Mental Health Day : Dignity in Mental Health

We are celebrating Word Mental Health Day with organisations over the world including the World Federation of Mental Health and the World Health Organisation. Following our successful conference we want to raise awareness that people with mental health problems can be active in their own recovery and well-being and live with dignity. We believe that supporting people experiencing mental health problems should have parity in provision and respect. We would like to invite you to an afternoon event on the 9th October At Armfield Road Hall, Armfield Rd,EN2 0DL

World Mental Health Day : Dignity in Mental Health 1920’s Style Tea Party 2.30pm-5pm at Armfield Road Church Hall , Armfield Road, EN2 ODL On 9th October 2015 Live Music Free Entry with this ticket

Feedback from the Conference We held a Conference in partnership with BEH Trust, CCG and LB Enfield on the 4th September 2015. We wanted feedback from service users on Enablement and Recovery when you are dealing with mental ill health. We hoped we would have a good turnout and would be able to demonstrate to our partners that people with mental health issues are able to be vocal with their opinions and take part in meaningful consultation. We are so pleased that over 125 people attended to ensure that mental health is firmly on the planning agenda! There was representation from: EMU, MIND, Saheli, Ebony and Individual service users CCG, BEH Trust Health Trust Healthwatch Enfield, LB Enfield, LB Enfield Quality Checkers Labour Party – Kate Osamor MP We were impressed at the enthusiasm and commitment shown by the professionals who attended and took part and their commitment to ensure there is continuing dialogue and co-facilitation in service design and delivery. We felt they really listened to what was being said—even when it was hard to hear— and hope this continues. We offered 4 workshops: 

Crisis Experience:

What does enablement and recovery mean to you?

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What makes a good life when living with mental illness? What is a mental health friendly GP?

And there will be a write up of all the conference on our web site as soon as it is finalised see www.emugroup.org.uk We are pleased to announce that we have been asked to host at least 2 more conferences next year. The first one to be held in March 2015.

~Dignity in Mental Health~ After a rather wet and cool summer it’s almost a relief to welcome the crisp, sunny weather we are having currently. The colours and freshness of the Autumn and the festivals like Halloween and Guy Fawkes always seem to add brightness to the darker evenings. We are well aware that Winter can seem long and depressing and are looking at new ways of offering support—please contact us with suggestions. We are thinking of a dedicated slot for slot in coffee shops across the borough and some weekend activities like the walks we have in November. This years theme for World Mental Health Day is Dignity in Mental Health and we are celebrating this with a Tea Party on the 9th October 2015 and by publishing some of the poems and stories of EMU members. I hope to see you at one of our events or groups and to hear from you with your suggestions about the group. EMU is your group and we are led by your input. I want to thank all our amazing volunteers and to invite you to volunteer with us. Come and try the training its fun, its informative and its

My Recovery Story

I have had mental health problems at various times throughout my adult life. At my lowest points I have made two very serious suicide attempts. I have been a volunteer at EMU for over two years. I found out about EMU by chance through a conversation in a local pub and went along to offer some time. I was made to feel very welcome and was never judged. The majority of the volunteers have all had mental health issues at some time in their lives. I became a volunteer driver for the Elder’s Project, read out the quiz and made tea, coffee and sandwiches once a week. I then trained to become a Peer Support Worker and visit the wards at Chase Farm Hospital on a weekly basis. I also run the football group that meets every Tuesday. EMU has given me back my confidence and working on the wards is very rewarding. My life gained purpose again as I had things to do. I have attended courses and now work part time as well as volunteer as a Steward at Enfield Football Club. I am planning to start up my own gardening business again in the near future. EMU has given me back my life and my dignity. Thank you to everyone at EMU that supported my recovery.


My Struggle With Depression A cloud of depression Takes over me I don't want to get up So I'll press the snooze button instead At times I felt the world Was much better off without me Although I have many great friends I still feel very lonely I have to force myself To go outside for a walk Or pop to the Samaritans And have a talk At my lowest point I contemplated suicide I thought of all the ways I could end my life It took all the strength I had Just to keep fighting on Although I wanted to give up Something inside kept me strong Depression is not a choice It’s a mental health issues To everyone out there struggling My heart goes out to you


Wrapping, rasping, wretched grip From whose hold I strive to slip, Slowly slithering, timely tightens Its strength prevails, its hold is heightened

With evil glint and mocking grin, It tortures my soul with its silent din, Each suffocating sinew, each constricting coil To resist its power an unending toil.

With little breath, but roaring heart, Its know my tide I fight to part. But Moses did so with God at his side, Within my heart does he reside?

My aching chest and oozing brow I shall not cave, I refuse to bow.

A voice I hear in dulcet tones Replenishes my soul and bolsters my bones, A right-thinking reminder, A serpent unwinder.

Must I give credence? Or may I be quizzical?

Can we help with your well-being? Complimentary Therapy: We do have a waiting list for services and need to make it clear that we provide 6 initial sessions for free. We ask you to fill in a base line survey at the beginning of the service and then an exit survey when you have finished the course. We use this to reflect with you if the sessions were of benefit and what other services we can help you to engage with to support your well-being. Counselling: We have 2 counsellors on placement with us, you can self-refer and we will do an assessment with you to see if our service is suitable for you. The counsellors are under supervision and will work with you for 6 sessions. At the end of this time you and they will decide what the next step might be. We do ask for a donation of ÂŁ5 per session for this service to cover our costs in providing this. With both services we ask that you think carefully about engaging with the service. If you feel you are not ready but might be later on we can keep you on the waiting list. If you do not attend 2 sessions in a row we withdraw the service and suggest you go back on the waiting list until you are in a better posi-

Tuesday Drop-in We are running a new weekly group. Tuesday Tea at 2 –3.30pm At Park Avenue Centre 65c Park Ave EN1 2HL  

Tea and coffee and cake (of course)

Mental Health Forum—have your say on services, raise issues and feedback concerns and compliments 



Signposting and Information

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Self-help and well– being

Belly dancing


Counselling Support Group

Groups Service User Support Group This is a group for anyone who would like to meet other people dealing with a mental health issue. This group will run at the Tuesday drop-in in a break out room once a month. contact Suzanne.collins@emugroup.org.uk Depression Alliance Support Group A regular drop in held on the 1st and 4th Wednesday of the month at 7-9pm at the Lancaster Centre. Coffee, tea and chat. Access to therapies, counselling and support strategies. Mindfulness techniques and a safe space to speak openly with other people who are experiencing the same feelings. Over 65 Thursday Club Thursday Club, for members who are over 65 years of age, continues to meet each Thursday afternoon at the Lancaster Centre. There are a mix of activities, quizzes and monthly art and music sessions to challenge you. Refreshments provided. LGBT Advocacy Slots This is a safe place for people form the LGBT community who are experiencing mental health problems. Signposting, information and referrals to support services and a chance to socialise with the main group for film nights, social events and chat, We offer slots at the 4th Tuesday of every month from 7.30pm for mental health information but his is a weekly LGBT group and is open access on all Tuesdays. Tuesday Group

Our Support Group is Moving

Our Support Group is changing where and when it meets. It was previously an evening group but we know that some people do not like going out in the evenings so we are changing it to an afternoon. From October it will be on the third Tuesday of each month from 2.30pm at the drop-in at Park Avenue. The group is a place where people who have used Mental Health Services can come to talk about what is happening in their lives and share coping strategies. Anyone thinking of coming to the group for the first time is welcome to phone me for a chat first to find out more. People are welcome to come to the group regularly or just from time to time if they wish. The next groups will be on: Tuesday 20th October at 2.30pm Tuesday 17th November at 2.30pm The address is 1st Floor Park Avenue Resource Centre 65C Park Avenue EN1 2HL Buses 329 and W8 stop very close by at St Stephen’s Church. Suzanne

PEER SUPPORT WORKERS NEEDED We are in need of more Peer Support workers to go onto the wards at Chase Farm Hospital and into the community to work with service users. This work is very rewarding and empowering for both the service user and the Peer Support Workers. As we are living with our own mental issues we are more able to relate to service users who are in recovery. We often find they open up and trust us more than staff, as we are able to empathise and relate to them, having some insight into what they are going through. The Peer supporters we do have are dictated and have gained confidence and enjoy the work they do.

If you feel you might be interested in doing peer support, then sign up for voluntary training at EMU and follow on with some peer support training. If you feel you have a good listening ear and are interest-

Food Growing Project EMU New opportunities for work and training! First Meeting on 23rd October 2015 At 10am At Lancaster Centre We have had a new grant to run a community food growing project. We will be providing training, expenses and some paid work. Learn skills, meet new people, have fun. Contact

VOLUNTEERS TRAINING STARTING EVERY MONDAY 9th November 2015 From 6pm—7.30pm For 3 weeks

On the Training you will learn:

Mental Health Awareness Safeguarding/ Boundaries Confidentiality/ Data Protection learn what volunteer opportunities are available with us

For more details Contact Damian Loukas EMAIL: damian.loukas@emaugroup.org.uk

Stress Management Course Monday evenings 5th October – 26th October 6 -8pm Course price £20 We all experience stress and this course looks at some of the ways we can cope with it.

At the Lancaster Centre 53 Lancaster Road Enfield EN2 0BU For more information or to book please call Suzanne on 020 8366 6560 Or email suzanne.collins@emugroup.org.uk

You are invited to the Enfield Community Mental Health Services

Service User Forum Date: Thursday 5th November 2015 Time: 3.00pm-4.30 pm 58-60 Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3EP (Almost Opposite Civic Centre) For adults who use Enfield community mental health services

How helpful do you find the service? What are we getting right? What do we need to improve on? Do you have any questions about how the services work?

Speaker on CBT

Your Views are Vital‌ Staff representatives will be there to hear your feedback. The forum will be chaired by Enfield Mental Health Users Group (EMU) which is independent of Mental Health Services. For more information please contact Enfield Complex Care Admin Team 020 8702 5011 or 0208 702 5515 Light refreshments will be provided

Local Heritage Review WALK!! Enfield Council is working with the Enfield Society and environment specialists Urban Vision Enterprise CIC to identify things which should be included on an updated Local List of Heritage Assets. A heritage asset may be a building, monument, site, place or landscape which reflects the character of an area and which should be protected wherever possible when planning decisions are made. We will be taking part and doing some walks around the Capel Manor/Turkey Street area. Please contact 0208 366 6560 for the details. We will be stopping for coffee and cake on the way and making a day of it—the proposed dates are Sunday 18th and Sunday 25th October. You can bring a friend or walk the dog— if you are good at photography even better.

Richie’s Football Group. Tuesdays - 4.15p.m. - 5.15p.m. Enfield Playing Fields. Donkey Lane. EN1 3PL. Opposite Enfield Town FC.http://www.emugroup.org.uk/

E.M.U. Office: 0208 3666560 Mobile: 07760 434405 £1.00 per session.

Have fun, make friends and keep fit.


Join us for our new singing sessions all welcome only £2 per session 11am – 12.30 every second Tuesday at Park Ave starting Oct 20th

This is for everyone from those that are just starting out and those that want to get back into singing. Our piano player and singer is Pete Saunders who has been working professionally as a musician and singer since the age of 16, he will guide us through vocal exercises and clapping and keeping rhythm and expressing ourselves through song.

Contact Details EMU Lancaster Centre 53 Lancaster Road Enfield EN2 0BU 0208 366 6560 info@emugroup.org.uk Volunteer or admin : damian.loukas@emugroup.org.uk Outreach, advocacy and information: Suzanne.collins@emugroup.org.uk Peer Support: Shelley.graham@emugroup.org.uk CEO: Sara.litchfieldbrown@emugroup.org.uk

Complementary Therapies

Complementary Therapies

Complementary Therapies

Complementary Therapies

Complementary Therapies

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

LGBT Group Advocacy 7-8pm

ing fields

Football 4.15pm Enfield play-

Tea at 2pm at Park Ave

Complementary Therapies

ing fields

Football 4.15pm Enfield play-

Tea at 2pm at Park Ave

Complementary Therapies

ing fields

Football 4.15pm Enfield play-

Tea at 2pm at Park Ave

Complementary Therapies

ing fields

Football 4.15pm Enfield play-

Tea at 2pm at Park Ave




Depression Alliance


Depression Alliance


Over 65 Group 1-4pm

Over 65 Group 1-4pm

Over 65 Group 1-4pm

Over 65 Group 1-4pm



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