Model Ninoska Vasquez @ninoskavasqueza
Photographer Alejandra Ghersi @alejandraghersi
Creative direction Fran de Solas @Frandesolas & CarmenRaigon @carmenraigonn
Makeup Dulce Jimenez @dulcejimnz
Assistance Angelica Diaz @enmisabeth Yeferson Díaz
Location director Pedro Romero @peedroromero_
Videographer Jesús Castillo @jescastillo_visuals
Editor Cleimar Rivero @cleimarphotography
Studio Ghersi Studio @ghersistudio @ghersimgmt
Nails beauty Nails @beautyhandsmadrid
Outfits ChatsbyCDAM @chatsbycdam
IDENTITAS. @identitashoes_official Lacoste @lacoste

Editor in Chief & Publisher
Graphic Designer
www.LucysMagazine.com IG @LucysMagazine

Photography Annsy @annsy.co
Styling Imogen-Jade Porter @tigsnoop
Makeup Annabelle Miller @annabellemillermakeup
Hair Nadia Webber @nadiawebberartist
Model Emilia Turnbull @emiliaturnbull from @fortemodelmgmt wearing Dress Coperni
Nails Julia Hopkins @doodle.nails.studio
Retouching Sofya Sibikina @sofya.retouch

Creative producer Alexandra List @alexandralist
Kompas United Production @kompasunited
Creative direction & Photography Alexandra Mech
@alexandra.mech Style Vladimir Frol @vladifrol
Makeup and Hair Liza May @lizamaymakeup
Model Isael Rodriges @isael_rodrigues7
Retouch Len Bui @retouch.bui Retouch film @ela_khazimova
Jewellery designer Beatriz Jardinha @beatrizjardinha
Shirt Molly98 Skirt vintage Tights calzedonia
Shoes Prada Jewelry Beatriz Jardinha
Time Of Seasons

Of Seasons


Model Keltie Straith @keltiestaith Agency Rebellion Management / Pink Francis @pinkgkf Photographer Wilder Marroquin @wildermonster Styling Roula Argyros @styledbyrou
Hair & Makeup Melissa Samayoa @Mess.makeup Brands used: Zara, Free People, The Sei, Isabel Marant, Abercrombie & Fitch, Almost Famous, Dolce Vita, Boutique Europa, St. Michael, NY Collection, West31st, Soulbrim, Jupe Sport, Moon Collection,


Photographer John Harrison @johnharriison
Model Isabella Pérez @isabellaperezeste
Makeup Artist Alexandra Cassiram @glossycassie
Fashion Stylist Eliette Yammine @elietteyammine
Assistant Daniel Grau @digrau
Wardrobe/Designer Angie Mejia Cohen @designlabmia
Brand Pinkgungallery @pinkgungallery
Homenaje a
Mis Raíces

This photoshoot explores two significant aspects of my identity: my hometown of Caracas and the art of flamenco. Just as flamenco is a vital part of my life, Caracas is woven into the fabric of my being, shaping who I am today. I aim to illustrate the deep connection between my roots and my artistic expression, blending the memories and influences that define me.
- Eliette Yammine, the creator of this concept.

Makeup Artist Shannie Jung
Photographer Anne Marie
@annemariemunozphoto www.annemariemunoz.com
Assistant Calvin Cesar @artinotherforms
Hair Stylist Yasmine @ic.system
Wardrobe Stylist Neve Kerry @nevekerry
Female Model Naomi Carré @naomicarre www.naomicarre.com
Dress: Laura Rouleau Design
Latin Blood, A Hair Story



Model Ninoska Vasquez @ninoskavasqueza
Photographer Alejandra Ghersi @alejandraghersi
Creative direction Fran de Solas @Frandesolas & CarmenRaigon @carmenraigonn
Makeup Dulce Jimenez @dulcejimnz
Assistance Angelica Diaz @enmisabeth Yeferson Díaz
Location Director Pedro Romero @peedroromero_
Videographer Jesús Castillo @jescastillo_visuals
Editor Cleimar Rivero @cleimarphotography
Studio Ghersi Studio @ghersistudio @ghersimgmt
Nails beauty Nails @beautyhandsmadrid
Outfits ChatsbyCDAM @chatsbycdam
IDENTITAS @identitashoes_official Lacoste @lacoste

chasing shadows
Photography And Creative Directions Karolina Hűbner www.karolinahubner.com/About @Kahubner
Photographic Assistnat Maria Monfort-Plana @Mariamonfortplana
Maciek Wojciechowski @Maciek_wojciech
Hair Zoë Kramer www.zoekramer.com @Kramerzoe
Makeup Michelle Leandra www.Michelleleandra.com/Fashion @Michelle.leandra.makeup
Styling Maxime Ephritikhine www.epithuxikharmonie.com @Maaaxance
Model Michele Manteaw @ Bame Agency @Melaninmichie www.bamemodels.com @Bameagency
Video Maciek Wojciechowski @Maciek_wojciech
Leather Coat Vintage

Flared trousers Frame
Pleated corset Yiqing Yin
Jewellry EpithuxikHaromonie
Cowboy boots Isabel Marant
Fishnets tights Falke
opposite page Asymmetrical two-tone dress EpithuxikHaromonie
Fishnets tights Falke
Platform Sandals Jimmy Becmeur Jewellery EpithuxikHaromonie

Photographer Amir Jamshidi @Amirjamshidiii
Mira Nagy @Mirafloraa, Lehel Bencsik @Lehelbencsik, Paksi Bettina @Paksibetti_
Modelling Agency Face Model Management Hungary @Facemodelmanagementhungary
Art Director Amir Jamshidi @Amirjamshidiii
Makeup Artist & Hair Stylist Inez Chlebda @Makeup_by_inez
Stylist Annelise Arieli @Annelise_arieli
Dress Vintage Bravo Overall BreshkaT-shirt H&M

mother of nature


Model Dariana Carmona @itsqnd for @newiconmodels
Photographer Diego Bigolin @diego.bigolin
Stylist Romi Reinoso @roi.roi / Makeup Beka Hernandez @beka_hy
Makeup assistant Rebeca Yurrita @rebecayurrita team @grana.culto
Hair Rocky Villa @rockyvilla.hair / Hair assistant Karla Arias @lykcharls team @grana.culto
set designer Miranda Couture @mirucouture and Esmme Pozas @esmmegreen team @atrezoart Brands
Mariana Gaitan @mariandreegaitan for Step on fashion @steponfashion
Gabrielle Venguer
Aler sundi @alersundi for Step on fashion Angela Reyna @angelareynamx