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sPecial OccasiONs! Birthdays! aNNiVersaries! eNGaGemeNts! weddiNGs!
we wOuld lOVe yOu tO share yOur sPecial OccasiON with us!
cateriNG team
Mid Herts Golf Club regularly caters for both member and non-member functions including weddings, private dinners, parties, school proms and wakes.
Ideas on room layout and themes, as well as table decorations, are always well received. Our catering team is directed by Chef Darren Buxton, who works with a professional team of chefs and waiting staff. With a background in fine dining, Darren can offer advice on menu selection and is often asked to cater for members who would like to hold a dinner party in their own home.
Menu tasting can be offered for weddings and special celebrations, as well as providing unique dishes for worldwide culinary requirements. There is a portable dancefloor available for hire as well as a DJ service and we have access to a list of live musicians who have been tried and tested in the past.
NOthiNG is tOO much trOuBle fOr the team at mid herts!
Please contact events@midhertsgolfclub.co.uk or phone 01582 832242 Option 3.
Foundations, Groundwork & Landscaping
Call: 07857 914785 Email: adrianrowe036@gmail.com The Swan
Sally & Glenn have been at the Village Local for 6 years and now more than ever offer a friendly welcome to all customers at their Covid safe pub.
Great Food
With a great lunch time menu & food served on Monday & Friday evenings too, the homemade traditional menu is full of bar food favourites... add freshly prepared Stone -baked Pizza and you’ll be spoilt for choice.
Safe & Comfortable
There’s plenty of fully socially distanced tables, one way entry and exit, bar service for drinks with table service for food and there’s also a covered outdoor seating area where tables are socially distanced.
takeaWay Pizza aVaiLabLe
For lunch or dinner, for drinks or conversation, whatever you need from your local pub, there’s always a great atmosphere at The Swan.