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the huB
the huB PrOVides a recePtiON serVice fOr all telePhONe eNquiries tO the GOlf cluB aNd the first POiNt Of cONtact fOr all VisitOrs aNd memBers
This includes: • All general enquiries • Society bookings, acting as a starter, course rules and health & safety • Green Fee Visitors including taking fees, briefing and directing to the tee • All Private Functions including
Lunches, Parties, Weddings, Wakes • Club Social Events • Golf Buggies, Electric Trolley and Pull
Trolleys - maintenance and bookings • Retailing a wide range of Golf
Accessories & MHGC clothing • Selling Refreshments and Confectionery We are keen to become a club that embraces technology and reduce the amount of cash and cheques we handle, therefore we are encouraging contactless payments. Mid Herts Members can choose to be charged via their Member Card for any purchases they make in the Clubhouse, the Hub or the Halfway House.
OPeNiNG times sPriNG | summer
Monday - Friday Weekends wiNter
Monday - Friday Weekends
08.00 - 18.00 07.30 - 16.00
08.00 - 16.00 08.00 - 15.00
Andy Clapp (Golf Services & Marketing) thehub@midhertsgolfclub.co.uk 01582 832242 (Option 1)
Jan Hynes (Golf Services & Marketing) events@midhertsgolfclub.co.uk 01582 832242 (Option 3)
Joy Pickard (General Manager) gm@midhertsgolfclub.co.uk 01582 832242 (Option 2)