Keeping you updated on the new Royal
New name for Stoddart House facility
As the new Royal hospital continues to take shape, here are a few key updates: • Our build partner Laing O’Rourke is creating the foundations for the steel structure for the new podium entrance which will commence construction early next year and is expected to complete in summer 2022 • The build continues with an 800-strong construction team working 24/7 to ensure the programme is on schedule to be handed over next year • A quick fly-through of the exterior and interior is available on our website and will give you a flavour of how the final building will look • We have a dedicated Procurement Team working closely with the Divisions to ensure any new equipment required for the new hospital is ordered and on its way • Our operational readiness team is working with clinical teams to develop the move plan. Staff that are moving into the new Royal will have both team plans and individual move plans to support the transition. We are regularly updating our website with developments happening across the Trust including up-to-date progress on the new Royal University Hospital and wider estates.
Recognising carers A new Carer Passport has been developed to highlight the importance of carers and promote a culture at our Trust that recognises carers, their value, and their needs. The passport will make an enormous difference to our patients and carers, but also to our staff, as carers play a key role in providing reassurance, supporting mealtimes and treatment regimes, and their participation in discussions around discharge planning is essential. The Carer Passport should be issued for anyone who meets the carer definition, followed by the Ward Manager/Nurse in Charge speaking with the carer and completing the agreement form, which is part of the passport. For full details visit:
6 | LUHFT Life
After an extensive consultation involving patients, service users, staff and healthcare partners, the former mental health inpatient unit Stoddart House, which is based on our Aintree site, is now named Longmoor House. Stoddart House was opened earlier this year as an integrated service for people in North Mersey following a joint project between our Trust and Mersey Care. The service provides step down capacity from acute trusts for medically stable and optimised patients, whose care and assessment can be continued at home or in a non-acute setting or they are ready to go home. It will also be open to patients needing step up care from community settings that require reablement or convalescence where alternative out of hospital home care has been exhausted. The new name for the building was chosen because Longmoor Lane runs to the north of the current site and several other notable establishments in the area carry the name of the road, giving it a direct link to the local area and its historical connection to the site.