DOF magazine #1

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photography publication

issue #1

issue #1 online photography publication

editor / luis monteiro contact / website / printed version /

cover / day three hundred and five, lauren withrow backcover / self portrait, luis monteiro


/ contents 4 / featured photographer lauren withrow 18 / featured photographer tiago rosado 28 / showcase self-portraits 39 / final thoughts about a photo...


/ featured photographer

lauren withrow

untitled, lauren withrow


Lauren was one of the first Flickr photographers that I‘ve stumbled upon when in one of those long sleepless nights. As I went through her photostream I got more and more the impression that I was looking at some serious work of art, I couldn‘t stop feeling that I had found something... something amazingly beautiful.


´´ Lately I‘’ve been staring at the clouds, alive with beauty. Reflecting all that I live, and I can‘t help but wonder, When will they fade away? ´´



untitled, lauren withrow

untitled, lauren withrow



untitled, lauren withrow

I had just started this project a couple of days before and already I had found my featured photographer. I was quite happy... I scooped around a bit more and found that Lauren was a 16 year old girl who had just picked up a camera a year ago, imagine that... I‘m not sure if it‘s because she‘s just starting, but she has a somehow, kind of intimate concept of portraiture. She travels through all sorts of emotions and her photos are playful and fun, sometimes even conceptual and ethereal. It‘s just amazing the kind of mood and feeling that she imprints in her photos.

untitled, lauren withrow



., lauren withrow

´´ If this is right, I‘d rather be wrong. If this is sight, I‘d rather be blind.



day three hundred and three, lauren withrow

untitled, lauren withrow



day two seventy seven, lauren withrow

untitled, lauren withrow


I can see her in a zen moment taking the photos, silent and alone, snapping... You can almost hear her thoughts and read from her expression all the emotions, problems and joy that this photos have embedded in themselves. These are a small selection of her 365 project, which at the time of these writings is just about to end. I‘m very surprised at the quality of her work, I wouldn‘t dare to classify it, it‘s not up to me, I just know I like it and that I might be in the presence of something great.


/ featured photographer

tiago rosado

Tiago‘s approach to photography could be described as one in peace with his surroundings, he merges himself and waits for the moment. Although very strong minded, Tiago can be very patient, an outstanding quality that he makes use in his photography.

untitled, tiago rosado



through the sky, tiago rosado

in smoke, tiago rosado



through the stairs, tiago rosado

untitled, tiago rosado


I would say that he does not make pictures he grabs them as they pass by him, and has a keen eye to spot a photo were we only see common scenarios.


untitled, tiago rosado


These are family and friends photos that represent a perspective in Tiago‘s life, in a way it‘s a portrait of him trough others, his relation with them is expressed in their faces, their actions, we could as well have picked them out of his brain... I like to think that this is how he sees the world.


untitled, tiago rosado

Tiago has a passion for everything that surrounds him, I guess photography is his tool to express just that. Even more than silence we have shared great moments in the company of our cameras portraying the world as we saw it. Tiago is a close friend that has taught me as much about photography as he has about life.



sunset talk, tiago rosado

/ showcase



There is something about self-portraiture that defies the normal concept of portraits, could be because it is a very personal moment or because there is no one behind the camera at the time of the shot. Either way they give us a rare and quite introspective look at the ones that are normally behind the camera, not often in front of her...


untitled, Leanne Surfleet

.2612, welcome, ghosts / Annette Pehrsson



gold in the air of summer, nikki and the whale

., .Pola



you shrug it off. except that you don’t, mum, i am gay! / Anna



#333, bye bye omoide / Victoria

I‘m very impressed by good portraits, they are very difficult to come by, at least some that really portrait something of value, like an emotion or a character. I guess one could always pose or pretend to be, but there is something about a good portrait that transcends the photography concept and presents us with the presence of the individual.



untitled, Alison Bushor

issue #1 online photography publication

/ contributors 4-17 / lauren withrow 18-27 / tiago rosado 28-29 / leanne surfleet 30 / annette pehrsson 31 / nikki q. 32-33 / cecilia armand ugon 34 / anna kieblesz 35 / victoria 36-37 / alison bushor

all images published in DOF magazine are sole property of the contributing photographers. no image may be copied or reproduced without the express permission of it‘s owner.

thanks to all the contributing photographers. 38

/ final thoughts

about a photo... by luis monteiro

Nowadays it is very easy to have access to an enormously amount of photographers, either professional or amateur, everybody can just post their work in the web and puff... it‘s there. The line between pro and amateur grows dimmer and dimmer, almost to the point were you get confused and overwhelmed by the high quality of these new amateurs. In a conversation with a total stranger I met a couple weeks ago over this precise subject, he told me that what separates the notorious from everybody else is not a pro title or even how many exhibitions you have on your portfolio, but it‘s all about how you relate with your own work, in the sense of how much of it is yours and not influence of your own rising to the top. He gave me some references like Banksy and Basquiat to witch I add Charles Bukowsky who in the role of Henry Chinaski always rejected the spotlight because he felt that you need to be a bum in order to write about a bum... Well... I’‘m not saying we should all start wandering the streets, but my point is about truth, one you can only find when you detach yourself from the expectations of the world surrounding you. Keep surprising yourself and you‘ll sure surprise everybody else. In photography this translates into photos that are taken through your own eyes and tell an intimate story or portrait an unconscious fantasy. Self portraiture has that written all over the place, it makes you express your feelings in a way that you normally wouldn‘t, it makes you play yourself in this imaginary role of your own personal life. It’s a bit strange... crazy even, but I like it...


photography publication

issue #1

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