DOF magazine #7

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photography publication

issue #7

issue #7 online photography publication

editor / luis monteiro contact / website / printed version /

cover / 60, mecurobcotto backcover / thinking of you, luis monteiro


/ contents 5 / insight tiago rosado 18 / a glimpse luis monteiro 33 / final thoughts sensuality...


color wake up, lubimova nadya



by tiago rosado There‘s a quite narrow line between living a moment and being aware of it. Awareness often happens after the rush of the moment and in most cases, it‘s better that way, but when it occurs on the spot, then it‘s quite an experience...a mix of voyeurism with new feelings and crazy thoughts. 5

As the intimate moment unfolds itself, I let my mind seize that reality as if it was a beautifully composed cinematic take. This new layer of thought often brings mixed feelings, a sense of unloyalty by not completely surrender myself in body and mind. But who can control his thoughts when strong feelings emerge?

all my thoughts, sarah loven



yours, sarah loven

life shades - apex, alin ciortea


I guess we all get this sort of experiences sometime in life and perhaps those can become some of the best imprinted memories we have. While rarely revisiting those images later, the sole fact that I‘ve taken them provided new ways to experience reality albeit becoming a voyeur for an instant. And after framing that moment everything else is thrown aside and I can slowly let myself go. Tiago Rosado


untitled, lauren peralta



^, edward olive

inhale / exhale, leah sweet



playfull morning, yulia mustakimova



under cover, julia mustakimova

nude, viola cangi



can‘t stop the morning light, yulia mustakimova

a glimpse... by luis monteiro

From the before and after very little remains, only that it was my turn to play and that I didn‘t. The thick smoke and the late hours were already numbing by senses, but I continued to fight it, I wanted to stay longer... I always did. At the time, most of my nights were spent in the company of other soul dwellers, boarding the limits of normality with card games and not falling short on mind absentness. It was in one of these moments that my eyes journeyed across the room to notice someone coming into the house.



dasha, basvasilich

old memories, sandy manase


I could tell she was entering with caution, as if warned about what she could find. The moment challenged time itself as it went to a graceful slow motion of her walking, crossing the hallway to the other room. The elusive time fragment allowed a glimpse at what went across my peripheral vision, and that was all I needed. There are three kinds of women in this world, the ones that drag themselves from place to place, the ones that just walk either on their toes or on their heels and the ones that float... She was a floater, no doubt about that.


revival, sandy manase

delicate things, lauren peralta



untitled, lauren peralta

110/365, marly hernandez


She walked over the wooden floor as if it was made of a fragile crystal glass, she didn‘t want to be noticed but that was already too late. A clear and enhanced perception of my surroundings took over the foggy and dozed look. Immediately my senses jumped into readiness and I was overwhelmed by the smoothness and sensuality of what was disclosing before my eyes. A taunting imagery of a sexy presence, an everlasting reminder of forgotten desires buried deep within a shy character.


A brown sweeter, knitted from an endless wool ball, hanged tilted to the side, steering my attention to the velvety naked elbow. A creamy white skin, defiled by the rebellious ink of a tattoo, seen only in the in-betweens of her long dark hair. Portraying her essence in more ways than I could acknowledge. Outside this time frame the world continued at the speed of light, dogs barked and cars drove down the street as I continued phased out from the world surrounding me.



untitled, lauren peralta

midsummernight, sarah loven



dusk, sarah loven

life moments #94, bravasilich


She was long gone by the time I synced back, just in time to lay my cards on the table. Two seconds had passed but it felt as if it was three... Had I day dreamed the whole thing? Maybe so... It was to late to worry about that! She existed... Even if only for those seconds.


issue #7 online photography publication

/ contributors cover / meburobcotto 4-5 / lubimova nadya 6-7,28-29 / sarah loven 8-9 / alin ciortea 10,22-23,26-27 / lauren peralta 11 / edward olive 12-13 / leah sweet

14-15,17 / yulia mustakimova 16 / violaidi 18,19,30-31 / basvasilich 20,21 / sandy manasa 24-25 / marly hernandez text ‘‘insight‘‘ / tiago rosado

all images published in DOF magazine are sole property of the contributing photographers. no image may be copied or reproduced without the express permission of it‘s owner.

thanks to all the contributors.


/ final thoughts

sensuality... by luis monteiro

“So... What is it then?” “Well, it‘s... You know...! It‘’s when you... Hmmmm, wait!” It was only when I was asked to describe it that I actually noticed that I could not easily put it into words. I took a second to think about it, and then slowly started enumerating what I remembered from the research I had done. “No good! Start again... But this time, tell me what you see.” And then it hit me... That‘s it... Sensuality is all about what you can‘t see, it‘s about what‘s implicit in a scene or a fragment of a moment. It‘s in all those hidden or undefined elements that ticks your imagination and transports you to that fantasy you‘ve been working lately. It‘s a residual memory of that first look, that first feeling towards someone that made you day dream for weeks long. I‘m sure it is different for many other people, but one thing is certain. Sensuality derives from an acute sense of our own sexuality, forged in the backspace of our most intimid desires. It is our very own interpretation of exterior stimulus that arouses our senses... It lives in our deepest thoughts, yet it is the unconscious source for passion and all beautiful things. To put it bluntly, it’s a projection of our fantasies onto the outside world, a one way road to that beautiful place in the back of our minds.


photography publication

issue #7

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