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I You She He It We You They

am are is is is Are Are Are

PRESENT TO BE AFIRMATIVE FORM Yo soy o estoy Tú eres o estabas Ella es o estaba El era o estaba Ello era o estaba Nosotros eramos o estabamos Uds eran o estaban Ellos eran o estaban

Ejemplos: I am adult – Yo soy adulto Are you? – es Ud. You are a good student We are working - nosotros estamos estudiando. They are writing – ellos estan escribiendo. You are a writer - tu eres un escritor You are in los Ángeles – tú estás en los Angeles You are an ángel - tu eres un angel He is working like a carpenter – El está trabajando como un carpintero He is a carpenter - el es un carpintero It is big – ello es grande It is late – Es tarde It is later – Es mas tarde We are busy – estamos ocupados We are friends – Somos amigos You are in the car uds estan en el carro You are good people- uds son Buena gente They are very nice – Ellos son muy amables I am a waiter (weider) – soy un mesero We are the football players – Nosotros somos jugadores de futbol I am here - Yo estoy aqui She is very beautiful

I You She

am are is

PRESENT TO BE NEGATIVE FORM not Yo soy o estoy Not Tú eres o estabas Not Ella es o estaba

He It We You They

is is Are Are Are

Not Not not not not

El era o estaba Ello era o estaba Nosotros eramos o estabamos Uds eran o estaban Ellos eran o estaban

I am not (I'm not) - no soy, no estoy You are not (you're not, you aren’t) - no eres, no estás He is not (he's not, he isen’t) - él no es, no está We are not (we're not, we aren’t) - No somos, no estamos You are not (you're not, you aren’t) no sois, no estáis They are not (they're not, they aren’t) ellos no son, no están We are not brothers We’re not brothers We aren’t brothers

am are is is is Are Are Are

I You She He It We You They

PRESENT TO BE INTERROGATIVE FORM Soy yo? o Estoy yo? Es Ud? o esta ud.? Es Ella? o está ella? Es El? O está él? Es Ello? o Esta ello? Somos nosotros? O Estamos nosotros Son uds? o están Uds.? Son ellos o están ellos?

Ejemplos: Hello, are you Mr Smith? – Yes I am

Is she a nurse? No, she isn´t a nurse. Then What is she? She is a teacher.

IT NECESSARY IT NECESSARY It is necessary to sit Presente It is necessary for her to sweep What is it necessary for his to do? IT NECESSARY It was necessary for him to learn? Pasado

Es necesario sentarse Es necesario que ella barra Que es para el necesario hacer? Para él fue necesario leer.


was were was was was were were were

Yo era Tú eras Ella era Él era Ello era Nosotros éramos Uds. eran Ellos eran


was not - wasn’t Yo no Era o yo no estaba were not - weren’t Ud no Era o ud no estaba was not - wasn’t Ella no Era o ella no estaba


was not - wasn’t

It We You

El no Era o yo el estaba was not - wasn’t Ello no Era o ello no estaba were not - weren’t Nosotros no Eramos o nosotros no estabamos were not - weren’t Uds no Eran o Uds no estaban


were not - weren’t Ellos no Eran o ellos no estaban

Ejemplos: They were in Colombia. You were walking slowly.

They wasn’t a table yesterday, but there is one now’s. There weren’t chairs yesterday, but there is one today. Were the children in the classroom? No, the children weren’t in the classroom. PAST TO BE INTERROGATIVE FORM Was Were Was Was Was Were Were Were

I You She He It We You They

Era yo? o Estaba yo? Era Ud? o Estaba ud.? Era Ella? o Estaba ella? Era El? O Estaba él? Era Ello? o Estaba ello? Eramos nosotros? O Estabamos nosotros Eran uds? o Estaban Uds.? Eran ellos o Estaban ellos?

Ejemplos: Were they a dancer? – Yes, they were. PRESENTE PROGRESIVO AFIRMATIVE FORM

Expresa la acción que está pasando al momento. I You She He It We You They

am are is is is Are Are Are

eating eating eating eating eating eating eating eating

Ejemplos: I am eating. She is working. They are painting. Is he teaching? No, he isn’t eating. No, they aren´t children.

I am Reading. You are playing soccer. Are you playing soccer? Yes, I am playing soccer. No, You are not (you’re not- you aren’t) playing soccer


Expresa la acción que está pasando al momento. am are is is is Are Are Are

I You She He It We You They

eating? eating? eating? eating? eating? eating? eating? eating?

Ejemplos: Is he teaching? – esta enseñando él? Are you playing? Están jugando? Are they doing? Que están hacienda ellos?

FUTURO PROGRESIVO O FUTURO INMEDIATO (acción que se va a hacer) I You She He It We You They

am are is is is Are Are Are

going to going to going to going to going to going to going to going to

eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat

Ejemplos: I am going to eat. She is going to play. You are going to cash. I am going to rent the car. I am not going to eat. Are you going to mail the letter? Las contracciones en el negativo I’m not You’re not – you aren’t She‘s not – she isn’t

I am renting the car – Yo estoy alquilando el auto. (Presente progresivo) I am (I’m) going to rent the car– Yo voy a alquilar el carro. (Futuro inmediato) You are (you’re) going to play soccer. Ud va a jugar futbol. She is (she’s) going to eat an apple. Ella va a comer una manzana. I am (I’m) going to practice. Voy a practicar. We are (we’re) going You are (you’re) going They are (they’re) going – They’re going Las contracciones se utilizan en las conversaciones Corrientes. You are going to rent. Are you going to rent the car? pregunta No, you are not (you’re not - you aren’t) going to rent the car. Respuesta negative. Los contracciones en negativo son:

I am not – I’m not You are not – You’re not – you aren’t He is not – He’s not – He isn’t She is not – She’s not – she isn’t We are not – we’re not – we aren’t You are not – you’re not – you aren’t They are not – they’re not – they aren’t What is he going to do? – Que va a hacer él ?

PASADO IMPERFECTO TOBE COMO AUXILIAR (acción que se iba a hacer) I You She He It We You They

Was Were Was Was Was Were Were Were

going to going to going to going to going to going to going to going to

Sleep (yo iba a dormir) Sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep eat

Ejemplos: I was going to eat – yo iba a comer. She was going to dance. You were going to dance? PREGUNTA. Was she going to dance? Were you going to dance? Were you going to dance? HAY

There is - hay (singular). There are – hay (Plural.

HABIA There was - había (singular). There were – había Plural.

There is a house - hay una casa. There was a house- había una casa. There are two houses – hay dos There were two houses – había dos casas. casas.

PRESENT SIMPLE (Acciones que acostumbramos hacer) Yo corro I You She He It We You They

study smoke pay cook play drink fight give

Yo studio Tú estudias Ella paga El cocina Ello juega Nosotros tomamos Uds pelean Ellos dan


PRESENT SIMPLE Interrogative form (Acciones que acostumbramos hacer) Yo corro Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Ejemplos:

I You She He It We You They

study smoke Pay cook play drink fight give

Estudia yo? Fuma ud? Paga ella? Cocina el? Juega ello? Tomamos nosotros Pelean uds? Dan ellos?

Do you pay? No, we don´t pay. Then What do you do. – Que hacen? We charge – nosotros cobramos.


Dreamed ( yo soñé) Looked (ud miró) Cried (ella gritó) Dressed (el vistió) Lived Opened (Nosotros abrimos) Waited (Uds esperaron) Tried (ellos trataron)


Ejemplos: I worked

was ( yo fui) felt (ud sintió) lost (perdió) Sang (canto) Took (tomó) showed (Nosotros tomamos) spent (Uds gastaron/pasaron) taught (ellos enseñaron)

She needed to leave Did you want to eat in the kitchen now? (Pasado) (Pregunta - se le agrega Did para todas las personas construcción se hace como en el presente) Yes, I wanted to eat in the kitchen now. No, I didn’t want to eat in the kitchen now.

I wanted to drive a car. They needed to hear. We wished to sleep. I hoped to bring. She loved to watch. You expected to sell. You knew how to wash. She liked to swim. PREGUNTA Did they want (need, wish, have) to eat? They wanted (needed, wished, had) to eat. Did she need to sleep? Yes, she needed to sleep. Did he have to cook? Yes, He had to cook.


I You She He It We You They

will will will will will will will will

be Sing Happen Follow Dress Decide Comb Awake

Yo seré Ud. cantará Ella esperará El seguirá Ello vestirá Nosotros decidiremos Uds. Peinarán Ellos despertarán

Contractions I’ll – you´ll – he’ll – she’ll – we’ll they’ll

Ejemplos: I will be. She will sing You Will choose. No, she won’t choose.

FUTURO SIMPLE (Will) Interrogative form Will Will Will Will Will Will Will Will

I you she he It we you they

be? sing? marry? talk? hurry Clean Smile travel

Seré yo? cantarás tú? Casara ella? Hablará él? Apresurará ello? Limpiaremos nosotros? Sonreirán uds? Viajarán ellos?

Ejemplos: Will you celebrate the birthday? Celebrará los cumpleaños Ud.? Will we choose? Cambiaremos nosotros) Will you lend? (Prestarán uds.)

FUTURO SIMPLE (WILL) NEGATIVE FORM Won’t es para todas las personas.

I You She He It We You They

Will not (won´t) Will not (won´t) Will not (won´t) Will not (won´t) Will not (won´t) Will not (won´t) Will not (won´t) Will not (won´t)

Be sing smoke walk Watch Cry Live need

Yo no seré) Tú no cantarás) Ella no fumará El no caminará Ello no observará Nosotros no gritaremos Uds. no Viviran Ellos no necesitrán

THE FUTURE PREFECT (Terminación ido ado) Yo he comprado un carro PRONOM I You

HAVE will have


will have


will have


will have


will have


will have


will have

will have

PARTIC. PAS. bought a car bought bought bought bought bought bought bought

COMPLEM Yo habría comprado un carro habría comprado un carro habría comprado un carro habrá comprado un carro habría comprado un carro habríamos comprado un carro habrían comprado un carro habrían comprado un carro

Ejemplos: He will have been – El habría sido

I will have buy a dress – yo habría comprado un vestido

THE PRESENT PERFECT (Terminación ido ado) Yo he comprado un carro PRONOM I You She He It We You They

HAVE have have has has has have have have

PARTIC. PAS. COMPLEM bought a car bought a car bought a car bought a car bought a car bought a car bought a car bought a car

Ejemplos: I have studied a book – Yo he estudiado un libro. I have bought a car. Yo he comprado un carro.

We have had an apple. Nosotros hemos tenido una manzana He has been to London. El ha ido a Londres.

She has cooked the chicken - Ella ha cocinado el pollo. I have wanted to learn. - Yo he querido aprender We have had to work - Nosotros hemos tenido trabajo He has talked to her - El le ha hablado a ella. We have caused the problem. - Nosotros hemos causado el problema. – She has broken the window. She has been She hasn’t been I have talked We haven’t talked Alice has gone to the movies Has Alice gone to the movies Tom has begun to read the book Has Tom begun to read the book? (Para la pregunta se coloca primero el auxiliar have o has) Hellen has talked to Mario Has Hellen talked to Mario? No, Tom hasn’t begun All the employee have left the office Have the employee have left the office? They have left the office Have they left the office? No, they haven’t left the office.

Robert has had enough money to buy a car Has Robert had enough money to buy a car? Mike has seen Susan Has Mike seen Susan? He hasn’t seen Susana for years You have been waiting for a long time Have you been waiting for a long time No, I haven’t been waiting for a long time She has runned She has been running Has she been running? Has Tom worked enough? Has Tom been working enough? Have you slept in a comfortable bed? Have you been sleeping in a comfortable bed? Have you had my book? Yes, I have had it for a week Has she had time to sleep enough? Yes, she has had time to sleep well

I have bought a car. He has panted the house. I have worked late. He has talked to her. She has bought a pencil. She has broken the window. We have had an apple.

He has been to London. He has gone to London. It has been necessary to work. We have caused the problem. She has cooked the chicken I have wanted to learn. We have had to work No, I have not (haven’t) cooked the chicken. No, he has not (hasn’t) play soccer No, we have not (haven’t) answered I have bought a car. Yo he comprador un auto. He has panted the house. El ha comprado la casa. I have worked late. He has talked to her. She has bought a pencil. She has broken the window. We have had an apple. He has been to London. El ha estado en Londres. He has gone to London. El ha ido a Londres. It has been necessary to work. PREGUNTA Have you wanted to work? - Yes I have wanted to work. Has she needed to dance? - Yes, she has needed to dance. Has he wished to play?

THE PRESENT PERFECT Negative form (Terminación ido ado) Yo no he comprado un carro PRONOM



I You She He It We You They

have not – haven´t have not – haven´t has not – hasn’t Has not – hasn’t Has not – hasn’t have not – haven´t have not – haven´t have not – haven´t

bought bought bought bought bought bought bought bought

a car a car a car a car a car a car a car a car

Ejemplos: Yo no he comprado un carro. She has not broken the window. We have not had an apple. He has not been to London. El no ha estado en Londres.

THE PRESENT PERFECT interrogative form (Terminación ido ado) Yo he comprado un carro PRONOM Have Have Has Has Has Have Have Have

HAVE I You She He It We You They

Ejemplos: Ha tenido un carro Ud.?

PARTIC. PAS. bought bought bought bought bought bought bought bought

COMPLEM a car? a car? a car? a car? a car? a car? a car? a car?

Han tenido un carro ellos? Has she cooked the chicken? Ella ha cocinado el pollo? Yes, she has cooked the chicken. Have they loved to work? Ellos han amado trabajar. Have we been working? Nosotros hemos estado trabajando? What have you wanted to do? Que ha querido hacer ud? What has she done? Que ha hecho ella? THE PAST PREFECT (Terminaci贸n ido ado) Yo hab铆a comprado un carro

had se utiliza para todas las personas PRONOM I You She He It We You They

HAD had had had had had had had had

PARTIC. PAS. bought bought bought bought bought bought bought bought

COMPLEM a car a car a car a car a car a car a car a car

Ejemplos: Contracciones: I had – I’d. You’d - she’d – they’d I had worked in the shop. Yo había trabajado en el taller. She had talked to him. Ella le había hablado a él. I had bought a car. Yo había comprador un auto. He had panted the house. Él había comprado la casa. I had worked late. He had talked to her. She had bought a pencil. She had broken the window. We had had an apple. He had been to London. Él había estado en Londres. He had gone to London. Él ha ido a Londres. It had been necessary to work. I had worked in the shop. She had worked in the shop. Had been

I had worked in the shop. She had talked to him. I had bought a car. He had panted the house. I had worked late. He had talked to her. She had bought a pencil. She had broken the window. We had had an apple. He had been to London. He had gone to London. El ha ido a Londres. It had been necessary to work. She had cooked the chicken. I had wanted to learn. We had had to work No, I had not (hadn’t) cooked the chicken.

No, he had not (hadn’t) play soccer No, we had not (hadn’t) answered PREGUNTA Had you wanted to work? – Había querido trabajar Ud.? Yes I have wanted to work. Had she needed to dance? – Había necesitado danzar ella? Yes, she has needed to dance. Had he wished to play? Had we had to buy? Had you liked to work?

THE PAST PREFECT negative form (Terminación ido ado) Yo había comprado un carro PRONOM I You She He It We You They

HAD had not – hadn’t had not – hadn’t had not – hadn’t had not – hadn’t had not – hadn’t had not – hadn’t had not – hadn’t had not – hadn’t

PARTIC. PAS. bought bought bought bought bought bought bought bought

COMPLEM a car a car a car a car a car a car a car a car

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