The secrets behind restoring your health

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The secrets behind restoring your health By Thyme & Emerald

2020 © Thyme & Emerald – Get more inspiration at


2020 © Thyme & Emerald – Get more inspiration at



he last decade as I have embarked on my own healing journey I’ve studied and experimented with various healing modalities that have had a tremendous positive effect in my own healing progress. I was bedridden for years and at some point I was not able to walk. These tools that I’m sharing has literally been saving my life and helped me to restore my health so I was able to walk again, travel and give birth to my healthy and vibrant little girl. True health is the outcome of what we feed our mind and body; from nourishing foods and herbs to stillness, meditations, activities, connecting with nature, rest, sleep and overall slowing down the noise of this fast pace world we all live in. honoring our health as the most important foundation of life and being consistent with our daily habits will transform your life.

I found these five areas to be some of the most impactful healing tools that will support your body’s own ability to heal. Changing your diet approach and other lifestyle choices is all about showing up for yourself and be the best version you can be everyday for you and your loved ones. It’s about progress not perfection so take your time to learn and create new habits, educate yourself by being curious and always stay open to new insights and knowledge. It requires an opened mind and that you are willing to create changes and let go of old habits to make space for new healthier ones… one at the time and in your own pace. You will eventually see the result speak for itself and most likely it will make you curious and motivate you to continuing on this new lifestyle path.

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High vibrational living foods


ver the course of our lives we build up a lot of toxic waste in our bodies from the food we eat to and the air we breathe. As it accumulates it becomes a heavy burden for our body as it’s not able to detoxify this waste out of our system on a regular basis as most people tend to eat foods that are hard for our bodies to process. Consuming raw living foods daily will allow the body’s natural ability to detoxify and correct imbalances in your body or a even a more chronic condition if you give it time to heal and allow rest along with a clean diet. You will quickly notice you feel more energized for work, creativity and other activities.

This will allow old emotions and wounds from the past arise. This is an opportunity to look at old patterns and emotions surfacing in the process that no longer serves us and we can then let go of. We store grief and traumas in our cells and tissue and a living food diet will allow you to release those and become lighter and more aligned with your spirit and inner guiding system. Fruits & vegetables are filled with the kind of nourishment and fuel we need and provides proper hydration for us to thrive.

Furthermore this a catalyst to heal emotional wounds and heighten your consciousness. When we eat a diet of these high vibrational foods; fruits, vegetables and fresh herbs it releases energy that the body can use for healing.

2020 © Thyme & Emerald – Get more inspiration at

BOOK REFERENCES: “The Fully Raw Diet” by Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram The mucus-less diet” by Arnold Ehret


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Celery juice


thony William has taken world with storm with his controversial books about mystery illness and how we can heal naturally from various disease and symptoms. One of his number one recommendations is to add celery juice and I felt inspired to incorporate this to my daily routine a few years ago and it has been superior tool for healing. It hydrates you on a cellular level which is a key component in deeper levels of healing and has so many other benefits for our skin, liver, adrenals and overall health. One of the main causes of dis-ease in people today is dehydration on a cellular level and acid build up from a life time of toxic substances like food, alcohol, drugs etc. Adding celery juice to your routine in the morning, freshly juiced pure celery juice has a magical effect on your body. It flushes the kidneys and liver from viruses and other toxins and can help heal gut issues. It builds up the hydrochloric acid in the stomach that is essential for us to have an optimal digestion. It’s an herbal magician to upgrade your health and wellbeing and I encourage you to test it out for yourself for a one week to start with and see how you feel.

I trust that you will feel more energized and a new sense of vitality. This is such a simple tool and it’s challenging for people to believe that simplicity is what we need to go back to…. taking a step back and see how nature designed us to thrive and be more intuitive with our food choices. You will automatically get more in tune with your senses and not only when it comes to foods however other things that we take in daily, air, water, words, experiences. Pay attention to what your do daily to nourish and hydrate your health as it will have a great impact on your health long term.


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RESOURCES: •Maria Treben’s Books about herbs: Health Through God’s Pharmacy, Maria Treben’s Cures, Health from God’s garden. •Best quality herb or food based supplement brands: www. ,

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Herbal teas & quality herbal supplements


or years it’s been a habit for me drinking daily herbal tea or infusions, sometimes a single herb or a mix of herbs. Most people are not aware of the power of herbs and how it can transform your health in many ways if you consume these on a regular basis. It’s such a simple and overlooked health tool for cleansing and strengthening our vital organs in the body. In our modern world our medical system have made true health complicated and intellectual….It’s actually more simple than we think however we are bombarded daily with opposite information about what is good for our health and healing. It’s a magical gift from nature and if you add these herbal wonders it will support your health both in acute cases and long term. You will over time notice symptoms disappear or maybe a chronic condition starts healing. Buy books about herbs, study them and become your own best doctor, this is the best investment you can do for your health. I want to introduce you to a few of my favorite herbs and the benefits of each of these. You can drink these as a hot tea, a tonic or buy them in a tincture form or as capsules. Always find the best quality and add this to your daily routine. Herbs are rich in minerals and will help strengthen your organs and support you through a cleansing process.

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THYME it’s an antiviral herb that protects us from viruses and is beneficial for autoimmune conditions.

HORSETAIL Is great for any kidney or bladder weakness or conditions. It strengthens your bones and can prevent osteoporosis and high cholesterol levels.

NETTLE helps the kidney to cleanse and to achieve proper kidney filtration a key component in healing.

DENDELION ROOT Helps detoxify your liver and gallbladder. It also lowers inflammation in the body and blood pressure.

OREGANO It a super herb that kills unwanted bacteria’s and pathogens, especially for people with digestive or gut issues.


Adaptogens Adaptogs are like herbal pharmaceuticals and works to counteract any negative affects in the body. Stress causes physical changes in the body which are harming to our immune, endocrine and neurological system. Adaptogens help prevents stress and fatigue and can be resourceful both for prevention and also support the body’s own ability to heal from a chronic condition or any imbalances. These are my favorite powerful adaptogens that I typical make as a tonic with hot water, a latte with warm homemade nut milk and a dash of sweetener, like maple syrup or raw honey.

RESOURCES: The sweet founders behind SUPERFEAST are Adaptogen wizards and know everything you need to know about these healing plant medicines so if you feel inspired you can dive more into the adaptogenic world find more in-depth knowledge about these herbs on their website.

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ASHAWAGANDHA Reduces stress and anxiety in the body. Balancing hormonal health especially in woman. Increases energy levels and combat fatigue.

REISHI Strengthens the immune system even under harsh medical treatment. Effective for allergies and asthma.

CHAGA Improves skin conditions. Helps balancing Candida overgrowth. Supports hormonal health.

LION’S MANE Supports brain and nerve health.

CORDYCEPS Supports lung health. Enhance energy level and athletic performance.

LICORICE ROOT Is soothing the adrenals and helps balancing low blood sugar.

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Pure quality water


rinking fresh and pure water is essential for hydration and our health in general. There are manu studies that shows that our tap water is highly polluted and contain things like heavy metals, fluoride,m pharmaceuticals, particles from plastic and a loads of unwanted bacteria’s. Most people are very internally acidic and dehydrated and we need to consider this as a crucial part of healing and detoxification. If we have access to a pure spring, spring water is the highest and most nourishing and electrical charged water we can consume.

Water filters like Berkey or Omnica is also a great way to filter it from toxic substances that can harm us. This is the more important step for healing than people acknowledge as we have lived a lifetime not questioning that water that is coming out of our dirty pipes? We absorb water also through our skin when we shower so it’s worth investing in a good drinking water and a shower filter. The quality of water we consume and how much hydration we achieve are the foundation of great health so do your research and do not underestimate this area in your healing protocol.

RESOURCES: ~ a worldwide map of where to find a pure spring

2020 © Thyme & Emerald – Get more inspiration at


Thank you!! Would you like more inspiration so that you create greater levels of health & life, you can follow me on instagram @thyme_emerald XOXO Christina

2020 Š Thyme & Emerald – Get more inspiration at


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