Welcome to StephenLekasAttorneyatLaw.com
At StephenLekasAttorneyat law, we are a new kind of law firm for a changing world.
About Us Let Stephen Lekas Attorney at law be the solution for your Legal Representation needs. By combining a fundamental understanding of the big picture with the complexity of daily interactions and experiences, we provide, FREE CONSULTATION, with proactive solutions to a diversity of clients. We are involved in some of the most innovative, sophisticated, and complex Legal Representation cases in Houston.
Legal Representation A lawyer who provides legal services to those who claim to have been injured, physically or psychologically, as a result of the negligence of another person, company, government agency or any entity is known as a personal injury lawyer. Personal injury lawyers tend to practice primarily in the area of law known as tort law.
STEPHEN LEKAS ATTORNEY AT LAW - Professional Skill, Outstanding Results STEPHEN LEKAS ATTORNEY AT LAW is able to talk through each step of your case, ensuring only the highest quality service. We pride ourselves on a deep tradition of excellence. In addition, we offers authorized services where you’ll experience the distinction. Stephen Lekas has many experienced Personal Injury Lawyer Houston Texas who have been serving the Houston area since 1979 with considerable success.
STEPHEN LEKAS - The Best Divorce Lawyers in Houston STEPHEN LEKAS ATTORNEY AT LAW is one of the Best Divorce Lawyers in Houston. STEPHEN LEKAS is here to help ease your worries and secure you a bright future! The company employ a team of solicitors specializing in divorce law and, whatever your situation, can assist you in all related matters — from advising on child arrangements to negotiating settlements.
Get in Touch Address: 6001 Clinton Dr Houston, Texas 77020 Tel: 713-671-9494 Fax: 713-6719496 Email: Slekas@aol.com