Education / Project Experience / Esh Construction

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Orion Building Client: Middlesbrough College

Victoria High School, Ulverston Client: Cumbria County Council

The project comprised of the construction of a new three storey extension to the existing Orion Building with associated external works and internal refurbishment works to the existing portion of the building also being carried out. The building is part of Teesside University’s School of Science and Technology and houses specialist plant for chemical and mechanical engineering. Internal refurbishment works involved full mechanical and electrical strip out and the reconfiguration of existing learning spaces and associated rooms. A new soundproof room was created for the testing of jet engines as well as constructing space for a flight simulator.

This design and construction contract involved the construction of an extension and the completion of internal alterations to provide a library, sixth form study area, offices and suite of special learning rooms, new main entrance and the construction of a new glazed link corridor. The new extension has been designed to complement to existing buildings but has a contemporary approach as it provides flexible teaching spaces which continuously meets the requirements of a changing curriculum.

Value: £2.3m Duration: 48 weeks

Value: £4.1m Duration: 62 weeks

Ashington High School and Ellington Primary School Client: Northumberland County Council

Excelsior Academy, Newcastle Client: Laidlaw Schools Trust

The project comprised of the design and construction of new build extensions to both Ashington High School and Ellington First School in order to provide additional teaching and learning facilities. The works also encompassed the refurbishment of existing internal offices, changing room and gym space and the reconfiguration of external landscaping and play areas at the two schools.

The works involved in this project have been split into two phases. Phase 1 comprised of the replacement of 2.1km of roof overhangs with these being split into 33 sections. Each overhang was stripped and made weather tight to prevent weather ingress into the school. Phase 2 comprised the refurbishment and replacement of the main hall and dance studio floors and the adaption of an existing building within the grounds of the school to create an apprentice workshop providing work experience and attracting the next generation to the construction industry.

Value: £4.3m Duration: 40 weeks

Value: £1.3m Duration: 56 weeks



STEM Skills Centre, Middlesbrough Client: Middlesbrough College

Lister Building, Bradford Client: Bradford College

The Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) Centre is a three storey, steel frame building which combines classroom space with workshop, production and manufacturing areas, ICT suites, cafe and break out areas incorporating logistics yard, service access road and hard and soft landscaping. The project also included the construction of a floodlit Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) and new drainage across the site. The building was constructed using steel frame with external facing brickwork and several types of cladding including translucent and coloured panels.

The extension and internal refurbishment of part of the Lister Building was completed to create a new entrance, a new Learning Resource Centre (LRC) and cafe space. The works were required to address the access and circulation issues most notably for wheelchair users so we re-orientated the building to suit the campus masterplan. We constructed a new glazed pavilion which wraps around the existing art gallery entrance. The new entrance provides a point of entry into a double height space and provides an orientation point for access to the new LRC and cafe.

Value: £7.4m Duration: 56 weeks

Value: £2.1m Duration: 32 weeks

Construction Skills Centre, Workington Client: Cumbria County Council

Dame Allan’s Primary School, Newcastle Client: Dame Allan’s Primary School

The project involved the construction of a purpose built facility to the host the entire construction curriculum which was dispersed around the College campus. The building caters for 600 students studying mechanical, welding, plumbing, joinery, bricklaying and electrical courses. The building has been constructed to BREEAM ‘Very Good’ and incorporates solar photovoltaics, air source heat pumps, rainwater harvesting and a host of other energy efficient measures such as daylight linking for internal lighting and LED Lights.

This state of the art sustainable nursery and primary school for 300 pupils was constructed on the 23,000 sq ft derelict, Victorian Hunters Moor Hospital site. The nursery and reception have been given their own entrance and self contained classrooms together with open spaces and breakout areas. The other classrooms are paired with their own cloak room and toilets. The modern library is red in colour and a prominent shape to symbolise learning at the heart of the school. Coloured aluminium composite cladding enhances the appearance of the building and ties in with the vibrant red of the library.

Value: £5.7m Duration: 52 weeks

Value: £3.8m Duration: 48 weeks


Trinity School, Carlisle Client: Cumbria County Council This design and build project comprised the major redevelopment of an existing school campus within Carlisle City Centre and incorporated a range of new build, refurbishment and demolition works together with extensive external works. The build element provides approximately 7,000m2 of new teaching, office and

associated ancillary space. The refurbishment provides a range of fully upgraded and modernised school accommodation. The project was delivered in three phases enabling the full ongoing operation of the school whilst we completed out work.

Value: ÂŁ17.1m Duration: 3 years

Teesville Primary School, Redcar Client: Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council The project comprised construction of a new single storey extension to create approximately 770m2 of new floor space, together with the internal modification to re-organise the existing school layout. The new extension contains 3 classrooms, art studio, reception, nursery classrooms, offices, toilets and communal areas. The external walls were Value: ÂŁ1.9m Duration: 32 weeks

constructed using a structural framing system with external insulation, through colour render and single ply roof with structural roof lights. The remainder of the school was refurbished, a new library, staff room, IT suite and entrance created.



Allerton Primary School, Bradford Client: Bradford Metropolitan District Council Allerton Primary School was established in 1894 and required a programme of refurbishment and extension to create an extra 104 pupil spaces. The £2m construction works comprised of a two storey steel framed structure clad with ashlar stone and cedar cladding together with entrance

ramps and balustrades to blend in with the structure of the existing school. A mezzanine level was created in the main hall to provide extra an Information Technology Centre (ITC) and the refurbishment included new wall linings, ceiling decoration, floor coverings, replacement doors, frames and

Value: £2m Duration: 72 weeks

Hylton Construction Facility, Sunderland Client: City of Sunderland College This project involved the construction of a two storey, steel frame workshop to house the College’s Construction Facility for brickwork and plasterwork. The site is located within the existing Hylton Skills Campus and is adjacent the Beechwood Building which remained operational throughout. The two storey steel frame was metal clad with a linked walkway Value: £506k Duration: 17 weeks

and ramp to the main college. It has minimal internally segregated spaces including toilet and changing facilities with showers. General and external lighting, power and data supplies, intruder and fire alarms were fitted throughout the building.

STEM Skills Centre, Middlesbrough

ÂŁ7,400,000 Client: Middlesbrough College

The Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) Centre is a three storey, steel framed building which combines classroom space with workshop, production and manufacturing areas, ICT Suites, cafe and break out areas incorporating logistics yard, service access road and hard and soft landscaping. The site of the new STEM Skills Centre is located on the reclaimed Middlehaven Dock, with a leg of the filled dock projecting beneath the footprint of the building. The project was completed in three phases. Phase 1 was the construction of the floodlit Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) and all associated equipment, external works and drainage. Phase 2 involved the design and construction of the externals and the Heartspace landscaping area between the STEM Skills Centre and the existing college. The Heartspace has outdoor seating, amphitheatre seating, exercise trail with outdoor gym equipment, footpaths, external lighting and soft landscaping.


Phase 3 saw the construction of the STEM Skills Centre. Continuous Flight Auger (CFA) and driven steel tube piles were situated either side of the dock wall. The foundations have been designed to span across the existing relic dock wall with the CFA piles used in the in-filled dock area as these are most suited to the soft ground. Piles

were driven 27m into the ground to ensure that settlement in the ground didn’t impact the building. Concrete pile caps were positioned on top and ground floor slab laid. The building is of steel frame construction with external facing decorative block work and multi effect cladding including translucent and coloured panels. There is a single main entrance is a large open plan area which offers an informal social area and exhibition space. The ground floor is predominantly occupied by the large scale workshop spaces and refectory. The first floor is occupied by functional spaces such as staffroom, classrooms, electrical servicing workshop and breakout space. The second floor is occupied by further classrooms, theory rooms, IT Suites, conference room and lecture theatres. Key Issues and How They Were Managed The site is located in a highly pedestrianised area utilised by college students walking between the town centre and the College. The site was surrounded by Heras fencing with two pedestrian entrances, both partially hoarded. The pedestrian gates were locked using digital access key pads and a dedicated pedestrian route created around the site. The vehicle entrance gate was situated towards the side of the site as this provided delivery vehicles with a good pull off area. A designated delivery route and weight limit was created and

Contract Duration: 56 Weeks Form of Contract: JCT Design and Build 2011

was issued with all orders. This route avoided the pedestrianised areas and was used throughout the duration of the project in order to reduce the risks of pedestrians and vehicles coming into contact with one another. Where possible we re-used materials on site to minimise materials removed. Recycling figures indicated a 98% recycling achievement. Eco cabins used on site contained PIR sensors on lights, timers on heaters and push taps in the toilets. Successful Outcomes We liaised closely with the college to avoid disruption to the exam timetable and lessons. They provided us with a schedule and all noisy and disruptive activities including piling were completed outside of these times. We also liaised with the nearby offices and issued newsletters throughout the project. These conveyed the nature of the works and the contact details for the site team. In addition to the Site Teams details we also had a 24 hour contact number available for people to use in the event of problems out of hours. Several local events took place such as fun runs while we were on site so we re-programmed some of our works to suit and also halted operations when a football match was held at the nearby stadium.

Added Value 500 students were inducted onto the site in order to carry out site visits which aided their learning and allowed them to observe relevant trades, take photographs and ask questions. Diploma and BTEC students from multiple pathways visited the site between February and May 2015 to observe their desired trade and spend some time with the project team. The entire cohort attended one of eight Health and Safety induction sessions given by a member of the Site Team. Only students who attended and were registered had access to the site visits. The students were provided with 1 hour windows where students could visit the site and observe their specific trade in action and applied to an active project. We were also involved with 3 schools in Middlesbrough providing over 350 students with an introduction to the world of work through our ‘Building my Skills’ Scheme. Delivered over the course of an academic year the programme incorporates employability skills workshops delivered by ourselves and guest businesses at no cost to the schools.


Construction Skills Centre, Workington

£5,7000,000 Client: Cumbria County Council

The Construction Skills Centre is a purpose built facility developed to host the entire construction curriculum currently dispersed around the current Lakes College facility. The new building will cater for 600 students who will be studying Mechanical, Welding, Plumbing, Joinery, Bricklaying and Electrical courses. This design and build Further Education project required our team to take conceptual drawings through to a modern, energy efficient sustainable building, that could also be used as a ‘teaching aid’. Our novated design team allowed various areas of the construction to be left open to view the different construction methods. This close working relationship continued throughout the project and contributed immensely to the success of the project. The building has been constructed to BREEAM ‘very good’ standard and incorporates solar photovoltaics, air source heat pumps, rainwater harvesting and a host of other energy efficient measures such as daylight linking for internal lighting and LED lights.


Key Issues and How They Were Managed The construction team worked very closely with Lakes College to fully understand the differing curriculum requirements for each trade, combining certain equipment into functioning elements of the building. For example, ‘teaching’ boilers were linked to the building’s heating system so that heat produced during training sessions was not wasted. We were also tasked to ‘future proof’ the building to allow total flexibility for the ever changing curriculum. We achieved this by using various adaptable features such as lightweight robust walls that are easy to relocate, steel frames with allowance for future works, mezzanine floors with foundations already installed and the capacity to ‘bolt on’ the very latest energy efficient technology to the M&E system. This paved the way to construct the building using a steel portal frame and composite cladding with lightweight internal stud walls strengthened at lower level. Aluminum windows and doors to SBD standard were linked with the Colleges door access control system.

Contract Duration: 52 weeks Form of Contract: NEC3

The M&E installation takes advantage of solar photovoltaics to generate power using, Air Source Heat Pumps and passive/natural ventilation which harnesses the stack effect to produce power. External works comprised of hard and soft landscaping, and the construction of an external work area for teaching groundworks. Due to local restrictions, the drainage works were attenuated. Added Value

and the importance of leadership and diversity in the workplace. We worked closely with staff to ensure all areas are covered and offered the opportunity to include additional topics for the workshops. Everyone potentially affected by our works was advised before our work commenced via newsletters, public meetings and door knocks. We minimised the nuisance caused by deliveries by ensuring our deliveries were arranged for outside of peak traffic hours (7:30 to 9:00 and 15:00 to 18:30). Diversions were clearly signed to prevent confusion for motorists and pedestrians.

Following design development, the agreed cost was delivered substantially under budget allowing the client to increase their fit out specification. The building is also designed to be a learning resource for the students. All aspects of the building structure have been left exposed and all plant rooms are oversized to allow student access to view how renewable technologies work. As part of our commitment to the college and the community we employed three apprentices to complete their programmes and delivered and Employability programme to 650 students. The scheme comprised of the how to write the perfect CV, communication and presentation skills


Dame Allan’s Primary School, Newcastle

£3,8000,000 Client: Dame Allan’s Primary School

We were appointed to construct a new state of the art sustainable Nursery and Primary School for 300 pupils to promote education, sport and play on the 23,000sq ft derelict, Victorian Hunter’s Moor Hospital Site of circa 23,000 sq ft. The nursery and reception have been given their own separate entrance and self contained classrooms together with open spaces and breakout areas. The other classrooms are paired with their own cloak room and toilets. The ground floor classrooms also have direct access to the outdoor areas. The classrooms for the older children are on the upper floor and replicate this paired area, cloak room and toilets. The modern, distinctive library is also located on this floor, its red colour and prominent shape symbolising learning at the heart of the school. Coloured aluminium composite cladding was chosen to enhance the appearance of the building and tie in with the vibrant red of the library. This option is light weight but very sturdy and fire retardant.


At break times the children can play in one of three separate areas, one for the early years pupils, one for years 1 to 3 and one for years 4 to 6. They also have dedicated netball, rugby, cricket and athletics areas and all weather football, tennis, and hockey games areas.

Key Issues and How They Were Managed Located on Hunter’s Road the site is within the grounds of the previously demolished hospital. The surrounding area is predominantly residential and access to the site was shared with the existing bungalows which required access to be maintained throughout the duration of the works. A continuous look ahead programme ensured access wasn’t restricted at any time and took great care whilst approaching and leaving the site. We chose solid hoardings to segregate our site from the public due to the proximity of the site to residential areas. Solid hoarding has the added advantage of suppressing noise and dust and in addition to this we also used silenced equipment wherever possible. During the project we were initially facing a possible delay of up to 5 weeks due to extreme weather conditions and the administration of the M&E contractor, however we overcame this and completed the works on time. These problems were managed effectively by offering summer over-time and increased labour. The Client was kept fully informed of the implications and changes to our programme.

Contract Duration: 48 weeks Form of Contract: JCT Standard Contract with Quantities 2005, Revision 2, 2009

The site contained some established trees which had been protected by tree preservation orders. The nearby presence of bats and kestrels had been identified early on and resulted in bat and bird boxes being erected. The decision was also made to use an existing unused building on site instead of a temporary cabin as this reduced the potential of damage to the surrounding trees during the transportation and location process. Successful Outcomes We worked closely with the Dame Allan’s School and changed some of the original manufacturers and suppliers for materials such as windows and roof installation. These changes resulted in a £30,000 cost saving for the client without conceding on quality. Our relationship with Dame Allan’s led to us engaging with the school for an entire academic year. We carried out a number of exercises with students ranging from primary right through to sixth form students. The children were asked to create their own artist’s Impressions of the new school and these were used to brighten up the fences around the site. A local photographer also took interval photos of the site and created a unique timeline of the project for the school. Sustainability was a key focus to the client and the school was designed and constructed

using recycled materials wherever possible and when the building reaches the end of its life all materials can be recycled or reused. The buildings ergonomic design also incorporates natural ventilation systems and solar shading devices together with ground source heat pumps for heating, solar panels for hot water and rainwater harvesting for flushing toilets. An intelligent building management system effectively monitors the buildings temperature and carbon dioxide levels and adjusts the ventilation accordingly thus maximising occupant comfort levels within. Due to the proximity of local residents, neighbours were kept informed by a door knock and letters. They were kept up to date with site progress and working hours (weekday site hours 0800-1630), so that they would always know what to expect. Site works were also displayed on notice boards within the main school, and advertised on local buses & TV advertisements. Regular meetings were held with the school, architect and our subcontractors with quarterly meetings being held with the head teacher and regular update emails detailing any changes to the programme and the provision of monthly reports. The site was registered with the Considerate Constructors Scheme and achieved a score of 35.5 out of 40. This is above the national average of 33.


Esh House Bowburn North Industrial Estate Bowburn Durham DH6 5PF Esh Group

T: 0191 377 4570 F: 0191 377 4571


Unit 17B, Astley Way Industrial Estate, Swillington, Leeds LS26 8XT

Esh Building, Baker Road, Nelson Industrial Estate, Cramlington NE23 1WL

1st Floor, 3 Deer Park Avenue, Fairways Business Park, Livingston, West Lothian EH54 8AF

Marconi Road, Burgh Road Industrial Estate, Carlisle, CA2 7NA

Esh Business Park, Heighington Lane, Aycliffe Industrial Park, Newton Aycliffe, County Durham DL5 6QG

T: 0113 399 3030

T: 01670 700 170

T: 01506 315001

T: 01228 522296

T: 0191 377 4570

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