A Conversation - Research and Development

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A Conversation

By Luke Pearson

Project Brief

For this project brief I will be researching what is defined by a conversation and to go more indepth about the factors of speaking to one another or in groups. These factors will include how we speak and how the evolution on technology has evolved the we as people communicate. I will be researching designers who create work that forces a topic of conversation upon us. This will all help me create a number of concepts which I aim for a minimum of three ideas that I would like to take forward to the experimental stage. I will be aiming to use a number of different materials and concepts to create my ideas to see which will provide the best outcomes for my final piece.

The Brief

Conversation Through Me What’s the most important conversation for Who will you speak to? today?

I will be speaking to my piers at university but also

In society today, I believe that climate change is the my family and friends. I am going to be conducting a biggest issue we are faced with. This is because of survey as part of my primary research and with the

the current state of weather systems. With colder advancement of the internet I will be able to share

winters and warmer summers. Unusual things this on my facebook page and within groups to be are happening with other countries with Australia able to retrieve a number of different responses. having snow for the first time decades. When that happens you know something is wrong.

What is the message?

What’s the most important conversation for the The message will be in my final outcome. At the future?

moment I don’t know what message I will be delivering, simply because there are so many

It’s hard to say as we don’t know what sort of areas and points to consider, it would be difficult to problems we will have I the future. However be able to pick one in particular. with the way things are escalating, I believe that technology will have a big part in it. We rely on technology a lot these days and I fear that it could be the worst thing that could’ve happened. On the other hand populations could be a big problem with more people entering countries which could be devastating when finding jobs and with over crowding problems.


A Conversation

- A talk or discussion where news, and opinions are exchanged between 2 or more people


“What is the point in conversation?�

A conversation is to be able to talk with friends, family, colleagues and strangers who could turn into friends or even family. The point of a conversation depends on the people you are conversing with. This could be to find out news, opinions or even generally directions for somewhere. A conversation is to find out something you haven’t heard before, whether that being something of a certain topic like politics, or something about the other person(s) in the conversation. Talking to strangers is a good way of making new friends by getting to know about that person, and being told what their interests are. However, when conversing with a friend or family member the information being exchanged is news. This news could include what everyone in the conversation has done in the time since the last conversation between them; or any news regarding other friends or family such as, change in employment, pregnancy or relationship status. In some conversations there is more than 2 persons, which makes a conversation longer because of the more opinions being shared.


“What are the types of conversation?” Conversation is viewed in a number of different

On the other hand, people have conversations that

ways depending on what will be addressed in the

are more noticeable and are made for more people

discussion as well as which persons are talking.

to get involved. Politics is a good example of this

Conversation is more noted as casual when

with debates especially televised ones between

with friends, family and work colleagues. These

party leaders and audiences of the public and

conversations are called “catch-ups” most of

media. These debates are made to get people

the time. These types of conversation are ones

talking about issues raised and to also choose

where everyone informs each other about what

a party they want in power to run the country or

everyone has been up to regarding employment,

county area. Politicians try to secure votes with

their interests and other friends, which could be

campaigns and advertising, which is another

classed as gossip. Conversations with friends

conversation to be had to the public. Advertising

and family can be casual but also personal too.

is a company or charity’s way of conversing with

These personal conversations are about problems

people through television, leaflets and the radio.

people have with health, relationships etc. and are

This is used to get more people talking about them

referred as private conversations, noting that the

and eventually coming to buy products or donating

person with the problem wants the conversation to

to raise an awareness.

be private between them and the other person(s) involved. If a problem is very serious counselling is a form of conversation too which is kept confidential between doctor and patient.


Non-verbal Communication Non-verbal conversations are a way for people

In modern day, people with full sight and hearing

with disabilities to converse. For example the blind

still use hand gestures to communicate with others

are able to have conversations verbally, meanwhile

around them. Most common hand signal is usually

when it comes down to reading like a letter for

and offensive one with the middle finger or a “V�

example they are unable to read without the help

sign being used. However, other people use their

of Braille. Braille is where a page is embossed with

hands to meet somebody new with a hand shake,

what are like dots, for the blind person to run their

and for if they want someone to come to them they

fingers over to tell what is being communicated.

would wave towards them. Saying hello is a very

The words communicated are shown as symbols

common hand gesture with the use of a wave or a

so they are quick and easy to be able to read. As

thumbs up. These gestures are made to engage

for the deaf, people are able to see what people

with people who are stood away from you like

are saying through lip reading but an easier way

across from the street or between work colleagues

just like the blind with Braille, use their hands to

like bus drivers for example.

communicate signals which mean different words. This is a good way for someone to be engaged with someone as it takes two people to be able to communicate sign language.


“How do people speak in conversation?” They are all kinds of different ways people speak

The way people speak is also depended on their

in a conversation. For one everyone has a different

emotion state, as if someone is happy they are

voice and that is down to a persons accent. Every

more high pitched and jolly. Whereas, if someone

country or county for example have different

is sad they would be quiet and for anger they would

ways of saying things, whether it being a different

be low pitched, louder. This is to intimidate the

word used to mean the same as something else

person so they make their presence known. The

or the way a word is pronounced. For example,

emotion in a conversation changes on what the

in Yorkshire “A’ up” means Hello, but the French

topic spoken about is but this can also be difficult

say Bonjour. Another example would be the word

to process in present times because, more people

status, because in American the pronunciation is

are conversing through technology. This is online

“Sta-tus”, where as in the UK “Stay-tus” is how the

through social media or mobile devices. Emotion is

British pronounce the word.

difficult to track on these devices because it is just words people are seeing and not how it is said. In most recent times this has been attempted to make easier with the addition of emojis or emoticons. These are small images that represent different emotions such as happy, sad, laughter, love and many more.


Modern Conversations In the modern day conversation has progressed

and everything because abbreviated, including

a long way with the addition of developing

phrases. The lead in this was “laugh out loud” or

technologies. The mobile phone was the start of

“lol”. Communicating with someone through email

the change, with more people being able to text

now seems obsolete for a social aspect, this is

message rather than call for shorter pieces of

now used as a professional way to contact with

information. This was an introduction to “text speak”

someone. Since the rise in social media Facebook

where words then became shorter and abbreviated

has been a big culprit in changing the way people

with some being just letters, like the word “you”

communicate. This is down to being able to share

changed to “u”. As technology grew further with

pictures, video and views or “statuses” with anyone

the hype over social network becoming huge,

they are “friends” with, from someone around the

people were then able to communicate through

corner or the other side of the world. Facebook also

sites like Facebook, Myspace, Bebo, Twitter

added a feature to video chat through a web cam.

and recently Instagram; all because of instant

This was introduced after the success of Skype

messaging. MSN or Windows Live Messenger,

by Windows. This is a good way to converse with

was the leader of instant messaging before any

business partners and others who live away from

other social media platform. It was on MSN which

each other. Some critics of modern society believe

was popular with young teens, was the canvas for

that social media has destroyed peoples ability to

new was of conversation with abbreviations. Here

speak to each other in person without having a

was where slang was the way everyone spoke

mobile phone or computer in front of them.


Magazine of Favourite Words Throughout my research I have thought to myself what makes a conversation? It was at this point my sarcastic self said words, words make a conversation happen otherwise people would be stood staring at each other like two dogs in the street. So I thought deeper about words and how people use them and I thought everyone has a word they like and a word they hate, a word that makes them shiver, like “moist”. This has given me the concept of finding out people’s favourite words and making a magazine out of them. Each word having a double page spread where one word is there on a page which is manipulated to relate to the word. Meanwhile of the other page is reasons for why the word is liked, so it is like an article on a word by people.

Concept Research

Tang Yau Hoong The project named quote illustration by designer Tang Yau Hoong is a personal project of his. In this project he uses inspirational quotes made by famous or unknown people, and he illustrates them in a way that relates to the quotation. He also makes references to the words but then he expands his ideas on the image making them more animated and part of the whole piece. Like with this example the quote is “Sharpen your imagination”, and with this he is using a pencil sharpener in relation to the word “sharpen” and the excess pencil is being documented on a journey toward being a bird. This is connected to the imagination part because you wouldn’t expect a relationship between pencil sharpenings and a bird.

Concept Research

Fons Hickmann Focusing






Amnesty International, where he created a range of illustrations for the organisation. These illustrations were used for a regular magazine, which were showcased on the cover and also inside the publication. The work I have looked at is the front cover work. These designs were developed language based on a typographic system which was simple and clear to understand. The illustrations themselves became animated because of the strong graphics. The whole series of work is like a system of signalling, and this is down to the contrast of the colours used, which is mainly two colours. This continues with the hard character headlines and graphics along with, the pictograms produced in the way of illustrations.

Concept Research

Political Campaign Posters After looking at my research I am very fond of

This relates to a conversation as this sort of work

the idea of using politics as a way to express

will get people talking about it and the issues

conversation. My idea for this has been inspired

around the politician themselves. However, the

by Shepard Fairey’s Barack Obama “Hope” poster.

meaning behind this is that politics is about

However, instead of using the word like hope, I

persuading people to vote for them and then once

will be using real people’s opinions of the political

they’re in power they leave those people behind,

world. For example instead of “Hope” I could

and persuasion is a part of conversation to make

replace that with “Hopeless”. I would be using a

people do things they may not want to do.

number of famous politicians who most likely have had their voters turn on them, as Tony Blair for example after going to war with Iraq. Instead of copying Fairey’s work by just changing the name, I will be using collage and de Collage to reveal parts of newspaper headlines to make this a more radical look. I am also interested in a propaganda style but I believe this would have more effect in the meaning.

Concept Research

Shepard Fairey/OBEY Shepard Fairey is the founder of the OBEY sticker campaign. OBEY are a campaign that sells prints and clothing as part of an experiment in phenomenology. Fairey and his team were the creators of the famous Obama “HOPE” poster. The poster was created in the run up to the Presidential elections in 2009. OBEY started a grassroots campaign at street level, that was to help elect Barack Obama as President of the United States. Overall there was 300,000 posters printed and these were placed all over yards and windows as part of the campaign. The poster itself is printed with the colours of the United States, in red, white and blue. Obama is the centre image looking into the distance and then word “HOPE” is written along the bottom. This was to show that Obama would give hope to the American people.

Concept Research

Propaganda Propaganda is a type of information that is aimed

Propaganda is still around today in modern society

towards a biased opinion. These opinions are

because of the social media usage. This is called

generally politically and are shown by forms of

social media propaganda and this takes attack on

posters and actions such as protests. Propaganda

the social media outlets online for being so open

art is focused mainly on war throughout the years

and people able to talk to each other all over the

with a political appearance over recent times.

world, as this could be risky. Also politics has

Women are a prominent presence in Propaganda

a big part in modern propaganda, because its a

posters because of the influence they have had

common feeling that politicians plead for votes

since World War 2. These images of women were

to win an election but when they’re in power they

send out to urge the women population to get

ignore their policies that they wanted to implement

into employment in factories and mills to help the

whilst in power, such as changing the world.

economy, whilst the majority of men were away fighting in the war. Women are still a big focus point in propaganda because of the rise in women’s rights and also feminism being a talking point of the modern day.

Concept Research

De Collage and Collage The difference between de Collage and collage is

Famous artists for de Collage include, Jamie Reid,

that, de Collage is where paper or something is

whose style is known for the album covers for

ripped away. For example an advertising billboard

the British punk rock band The Sex Pistols. Wolf

is ideally used for this as, once an advert is ripped

Vostell is another famous de collagist, with his work

away it then reveals what was there before it. On

with removing advertisements from each other

the other hand collage is where items like paper and

to reveal interesting images and compositions.

card etc. is added to a blank canvas and arranged

Collage however, has many different artists such

into something that has a meaning. Both art forms

as Kurt Schwitters, who also creates assemblages

look very similar when results are compared. This

with wood and 3D objects. Richard hamilt’s collage

is only because similar elements are the same or

work is more pop art based, where he uses cuttings

look in the same style such as; the ripped outline

from newspapers and magazines.

of materials.

Concept Research

Political Campaigns Political campaigns are used to help push a

When a political party is campaigning for votes,

candidate who is running in an election. In the UK

they use the colours of their party along with a bold

there is a number of people available to vote for as

typeface that tell people who to vote for like “Vote

a member of the public, because of the different

*party name*” or “Vote *MP’s name*”. This is to get

approaches people have there is different parties.

people’s attention of the election and to go and find

Each party is represented by a colour or two. This is

out about the policies that are in place. Compared

so that even if there’s no information about people

to America, things are very similar with party

know what party that is. For example; Labour is

conferences and rallies, where people from that

red, Conservatives are blue, Liberal Democrats are

town, city or state come to support the candidate.

yellow, Green party is green and UKIP is purple and

This is where you see coloured badges and cards

yellow. Compare this to the Americans, who have

around with the candidates name on it or a slogan

the Democrats are blue represented, Republican

they are using such as “Forward” or “change”.

which is red, Liberation is yellow, Green Party is

These words are the most used ones in political

green and the Constitution Party is red, white and

campaigns, because if things haven’t worked

blue. However, The Democrats or the Republicans

out with a previous government, politicians want

are the main two with either one of them getting

people to know that there is a way out and things

into power. This is similar to the UK where either

can change or they can move forward in building

Labour or Conservatives are elected.

a better future. This makes their campaigns relate to the people.

Concept Research

British Politics Campaigns Campaigns that have been used in British politics

Over the years Labour and the Conservatives

have always focused on the positive information

have fought against each other as main rivals

that voters want to hear. For example in the 2010

in elections. Over the years they have tended

General Election, David Cameron’s Conservatives

to blame each other for the current state of the

used a campaign poster that quoted him saying; “I

economy or have chosen to scare the public by

will cut the deficit, not the NHS”. At that time with

saying what the other will do when in power. One

the worries of the NHS begin cut, this was the news

of the biggest and most memorable campaign

everyone wanted to hear that knowing their health

images was from the 1979 general election. This

service wouldn’t be axed for private healthcare.

was the image showing a queue of people lining

However, this campaign was then used in the

up to enter the unemployment office, with the bold

2015 General Election campaign by Ed Miliband’s

words about stating “Labour isn’t working”. This is

Labour. This was used by the opposition, but with

a good design from Saatchi & Saatchi, because it

the words changed to “I’m cutting the NHS, not the

is showing an image of the current state at the time,

deficit”, because during the four years that David

but also using the “Not working” status as both the

Cameron was in charge for, he cut part of the NHS.

public being out of work and also the government

Now this was used to mock the Tories and gain

not working out the way people expected.

more voters back on the fact that they couldn’t trust Mr Cameron.

Concept Research

Newspaper Headlines




Political Campaign Experimentation What did I produce?

What can I improve on?

Using Shepard Fairey’s Obama Hope poster, I

As this was a first experiment a number of this

decided to start creating my own posters that

went wrong. Firstly some of the larger headlines

would be made of 3 colours. When thinking about

I printed had a far too big point size to even fit

what I wanted from this piece was to be able to

on the page. Some of the colour schemes on the

screen print one of these images. So with that in

images didn’t look right. My image of Nick Clegg

mind I collected images one after the other and

with a purple suit didn’t work as well as the black

placed them in Adobe Illustrator. Then after that,

and yellow with the white. I used purple as it was

I began the image trace with the 3 colour option.

the colour of cowardness. However, the outcomes

This gave me the outlines I wanted but the colours

I got were fantastic especially from the Bureau

were very similar and random. It was with this I

typeface. I feel that if I was to develop this concept

decided to use the politicians party colours,

further, I would try using a black background and a

so David Cameron was blue and white for the

white text over the top as some of the white didn’t

Conservatives for example. I then though about

stand out as much. I would also like to photocopy

using colours that are associated with the words

some of these and experiment with the copying

I am using for each politician, with war being red

machine, as that I think could give me some good

and black colours. After that I began creating the


headlines that I wanted to use. I researched into the most common fonts used by newspapers and I went with Utopia Display as the serif and Bureau for a San serif font.


Statement Photography One of the first ideas I have come up with was

the truth at the time but, in the future things may

the use of photography. The briefs states that two

not work out. My concept is to capture the good

types of media must be used in the final outcome,

moments and use typography to handle the good

and Photography is a good media to use because it

quotes like “I love you”, but also have a quote that

can easily be digitally or manually manipulated. For

somehow creates the end of the memory. I intend

this concept I thought about using black and white

to capture this by using a ransom note style. This

photography to capture moments in someone’s

means that the word’s “I love you” is in a happy

life which are the best moments you can think

typographical style, While the bad phrase such as

of but some of these always come to an end. In

“until someone better comes along” will be shown

an example a relationship is perfect, because

as a ransom note. I’ve decided to do things like

everyone goes through the “honeymoon” stage,

this because it’s a way of showing the good and

which is where both people can’t get enough of

the bad conversations we have as people, but they

each other and want to spend every minute with

are also the most memorable we have. A ransom

each other or talking to each other. It is at this point

note is chosen as I believe it relates to bad things

where someone will say “I love you” or they’ll be

and it would give a lot of emphasis on the meaning

together forever. Now that is natural and could be

as it’s a lie that hasn’t been intended.


Jamie Reid Reid’s work is an iconic representation of the punk rock era in England. With most of his work created for punk rock band The Sex Pistols, his work became globally recognisable. It was said that his work on the albums “Never mind the Bollocks” and “here’s the Sex Pistols” was the single most iconic image of that time. Reid’s work was made up of newspaper clippings with letters cut from headlines in a random note style. He then used this style a number of years later to create the political magazine Suburban Press, which he ran for a number of years.

Concept Research

Statement Photography Experimentation What have I produced?

What could I improve?

For this concept I have produced an image with

I feel like I can improve a lot on this concept,

newspaper headline cuttings over the top of the

because the way I pictured it hasn’t come out as

image to produce a phrase, like a random note

well as I had hoped. Firstly, I would add more serif

style. I started off by collecting a number of images

headlines to the ransom note because it all feels

I could use that would go well with this idea of

very modern with the San serif headlines. The size

mixing image and typography with collage. Once I

is a bit of a problem but I think that could be down

had images I placed them into InDesign and added

to the seize of the phrase and A3 paper. To rectify

text. For example for the couple image I used “I love

this I can use a larger paper size or use smaller

you so much...”. I used the typeface Baskerville as I

headlines. However, I have ripped the letters out

felt that it is a classy font that goes with the mood of

instead of cutting them, and I think that would help

the image. After that I added newspaper cuttings to

with the sizing issue too. Finally, I would use my

form “until someone better comes along.” This was

own images, because it would be easier to get the

to make this phrase totally different to Baskerville,

shots I want exactly.

because it is being used to ruin the romantic mood set. I have done this because it shows that when people say things but then they change their minds months or years later, and I am documenting a lie that hasn’t yet been intended. When I scanned the original, I then began playing with the black and white setting too and the threshold, which relates to one of my other concepts.


Emoticon Photography Here I have again decided to use photography once

This will also compare the effect these icons have

again to create an emotion using the modern theme

over a computer or phone screen with a real life

of an emoticon. My concept is to record images of

situation. I would also like to add text to the image

people in emotional situations such as a funeral for

as to add a little extra, by asking the audience

example, and to express the emotion of someone

“Does the emotion capture the feeling?�. I want to

in the image, I will be using the modern emoticons

add this because the image itself seems like it will

instead. In my example a funeral is an upsetting

be strong but I believe that if I add the text, it will

place, especially for people who are close to the

give that extra kick for people to really think about

deceased. I want to capture that sadness but also

the use of emoticons.

make reference to modern day society with the emoticon. This is to make a dig at the way social media has become, because everyday someone uses one of these icons and it doesn’t show a big impact on their feelings. I feel that the addition of an emoticon will force people to think twice about their decision to use these icons.

Concept Research

Emoticon Photography Emoticons or Emojis in some cases are small images of yellow faces which show emotions or moods. For example there is an emoticon for being happy with the small face smiling and so on. These images have developed massively over the last few years with social media outlets mostly with Snapchat. These emoticons work well with Snapchat because of the limited text available to use in a “snap�. The main ones used were happy, sad and the joking icons are the original emojis. Meanwhile, now they are emoticons which are not just face emotions but love hearts, sporting icons such as a football etc. as well as food and medical items. They are known for their fun like nature and relevance to feelings and activities. Most of these are able for use on all Snapchat accounts but are only available through Facebook and text messaging on iPhones. However, Android phones have their own emojis but are harder to encrypt.

Concept Research

Liza Nelson Liza Nelson is the first Photographer to recreate emojis or emoticons in real life detail. Her project that she has named Emoji.IRL.LOL is a series of photographs she has taken, that captures emojis that are the most meaningful to her. She has stated that these 20 x 20 pixel cartoons “Mean everything but nothing at the same time�, and by that I feel she is describing them as practically useless but also that people use them to express their own raw emotions through messaging. Nelson is an emoji user herself and feels that she could be taking them for granted, but she designed the project because she felt that the characters needed to be closely examined in detail. I really like how she has captured them with the colour scheme along with the detailed photograph. I really like the concept as she has really captured the essence of them and indicating that they are now part of our language.

Concept Research

Emoticon Photography Experimentation What have I produced?

What could I improve?

With this concept I have decided to create my

For any improvements I would say the photography

own emoticons but use them in real life situations.

would be my own. This would help me out with

I wanted to show that emotions are now part of

retrieving the right images and angles that I’d want

modern culture, and people are now using these

as sometimes they’re hard to get hold of online,

cartoon images to express their emotions instead

which are copyright free. As for my emoticons, I

of using actual words. I wanted to show this by

feel very pleased with them and for me to go a

using photography by mixing a real life moment

step further would be to make more and maybe

along with something that now represents a way

create my own if I can. I am also wondering about

we all feel instead of the person actually showing

if I could add any text to the image, which would be

their emotion. This is my way of showing that

an area I could experiment with more.

people are hiding behind these emoticons instead of facing reality. The images I have used so far are what I have found on Google. However, if I choose to pursue this concept, I will be using my own images and potentially different scenarios.


Message Photography My final concept is based on Photography once

a text messages over the top of the image. The

again. However, I want to show my observations

messages would say things such as “Hi, How are

of the modern conversations people have. Now

you?” etc. just regular conversations and replies.

this could be using the abbreviations I have found

This will be to show everyone that if you are going

in my research but I mainly want to focus on the

to be on your phone during a catch up with your

lack of face to face communication people have

friends then why bother meeting up?. I want this

with each other. In the present day people speak

concept to attract people and make them think

through their phones via text, email, and social

about the way they conduct themselves around

media. Through my observations by being out and


about, I see people on their phones all the time, even when they’re with friends. Its a common sight nowadays to see a group of friends together all on their phones, either messaging other people or taking photographs of their coffee or food. My idea here is to show images of people on their phones or social media using photography, and then add

Concept Research


Concept Research


Laugh out Loud


No Way


Hugs and Kisses


Before Anyone Else


See You


What’s up?






Be Right Back


You Too


Are You






What You Up To?


Right Back At You






What You Been Up To?


Too Much Information


All The Best




See You Soon




For Your Information


As Soon As Possible


You’ve Got To Be Kidding


Sounds Like A Plan


In My Opinion


I Love You




Thank You








Not My Problem


No one




Thinking Of You


Just Kidding/Joking




Rolling On The Floor


Nice To Know


Just Playing




By the Way


What Do You Think?


Just Wondering


Want to


At the Minute/Moment


Wish You Was Here


Good Luck




Point of View


Tender Loving Care






None of Your Business




Got To Go


Be Right There


Best Friend Forever






Are You Okay?




What Are You Doing?


Get Over It




Also Known As


Works For me






Nothing Much


Are You There?


I Don’t Know






To Be Honest


How’s It Going?


You Never Know




To be Fair


Crack Me Up



Message Photography Experimentation What have I produced?

What could I improve?

Here I have wanted to capture a conversation

The improvements that I will look to make in

that people have face to face, but through text

this concept will include the change of the text.

messages. I have used images that show people

I used Helvetica regular, but the actual iPhone

in the company of others, but over the top I have

message typeface is Helvetica Neure Light. I will

used text messages to show what would be said to

also use my own images that I intend to take as

each other. However, this links in with the image of

well as improving the shaping of the text bubble in

the people on their phones. This links in well with


the modern way of communicating. I have used images that are not my own at the minute due to these outcomes being experiments. I also created the text bubbles myself in Illustrator and thought of the appropriate text for the images. I then changed the opacity to 80% of the text bubbles, to make the text more together with the image.


Concept Development The concept I have chosen to produce as a final

My final outcome idea is to create an advertising

outcome, is my ideas on using emoticons as a way

campaign for emotions. Instead of trying to sell an

to hide peoples faces and emotions in photographs.

idem or promote a brand, I am going to promote

I have chosen this concept because I believe that

the emotions of, love, happy, sad, excitement,

it is a strong part of modern society, where people

scared,, illness and laughter. Looking back at my

are shying away from expressing their feelings

initial experiments for this concept, I have taken on

and emotions. Emoticons are also used as a fun

board the criticism I gave to myself with regarding

effect because they are cartoon images of facial

improvements I could make. I have already created

expressions. The emoticons are not relatively new,

all the emoticons I wish to use in Illustrator, and I

but over the past year or so these cartoons of

will be using my own photography to go with each

faces showing feelings have expanded. They have


expanded into not just faces but objects, activities like sports for example; and also hand gestures. What I am doing with this concept is to show people that its okay to show their emotions and to hide behind these images.

Further Development

Concept Development For the advertising campaign, I will be presenting a

These tag lines are there to tell people that they

series of posters, that will be also used as billboards,

should be expressing their feelings and not just

and a series of t-shirt designs will be made as well.

using an image to show it. This isn’t good because

My development so far, has included my using the

when someone sees an emoticon, they feel that

emoticons I have illustrated and adding them to

the person who sent it is upset or whatever the

stock photographs from Google. I have done this

emoticon is, but the cartoon image give it a fun

to see if any of the emoticons I have designed,

side which takes away a lot of remorse for the

need any modifications to them and if they work

person going through the emotion. This is were

well as an image. In my next stage of development

people can then hide behind these images so they

I hope to add text to the image, such as a slogan

can avoid a conversation about the emotion.

for the campaign. At the moment I have thought of a number of tag lines that I can use, which relate to the concept of promoting emotions and feelings. The tag lines I have chosen are; “Much more than an image”, “feelings are for living” and “don’t just feel them, show them”.

Further Development

Image Development After taking my own photographs I began to place

Afterwards I began to look at the effects, and it

the emoticons I wanted to use over the faces of

was here where came across the posterise tool. At

people. For this I had to determine the size of

first the image was very sharp in contrast but after

each emoji to be able to cover peoples heads and

adjusting the effect, this became to work more with

also in proportion to the camera. This is to make

the emoticon images because of the cross of real

the image realistic with the larger heads closer to

life and the cartoon images. With the posterise

the camera and smaller heads further away. After

effect working well I wanted to see how this could

I organised the emoticons in the right positions I

work in a black and white style. This is when I used

then experimented with the effects in Photoshop.

the threshold effect and started adjusting with the

Firstly I chose to adjust the colouring by making the

elements of the detail. This worked really well

image black and white and then I played around

because the images became more striking and the

with the levels to create a sharper image.

viewers eye went directly to the emoticons.

Further Development

Image Development These are my final images that I am going to use

I used Photoshop because this was a lot easier

in my advertising campaign. I wanted them all to

to adjust the photograph style and feel with the

be have a similar quality to them and with this I

different effects at my disposal. I imported my

have them all black and white. This is because the

created emoticons in the document and then I

emoticons will be the most visible to the viewers,

stylized the photograph image. I did this because it

and in an advertising campaign something has

helped me see what was the best style that worked

to stand out and make people want to look at the

with the emojis. I also used the patch and healing

image. I also chose to go with black and white

tools throughout, because of some of the clothing

imagery because I want to raise awareness for

my models were wearing had logos and other

people who don’t express their feelings because

branded products and I didn’t want to be involved

bottling their emotions up could cause depression

with a copyright infringement.

and other mental health problems; and with that I felt the black and white would create a serious atmosphere around the posters. I have also created one landscape image because not all advertising spaces will be landscape.

Further Development

Typography Development Now that I have my images, the only thing left to do

I wanted a typeface that was bold and strong,

is the detail work with the addition of text. Because

because that is what I had found throughout my

my work is an advertising campaign I have created

research on advertising campaigns. The use

a short tag line that I think works really well with my

of bold text was used regularly, which was to

message that I want to get across to people. I have

make the statement stand out. After looking at

chosen the slogan “Don’t hide your true feelings”;

a number of typefaces I ended up with Avenir,

this is to express to everyone that it’s okay to share

Cubano, maven and Mission. I really liked them

their emotions and they don’t have to hide what

all because of their bold natures and abilities of

they are feeling from others. I didn’t want a tag line

various styles including, bold and thin types. After

that was too long or too short because I wanted

my experimentation I have decided to go for Avenir

the image to be the main focus of the design, but I

Bold. This is because it is as bold and strong font

didn’t want the message to be lost either within the

and fits well with the image and logo.


Further Development

Final Outcome For my final pieces I have created a number of

I have chosen to use black and white photography

advertising campaign posters about how people

because I can capture a moment in real life and then

have started to show their emotions through

create emoticons over the top of peoples faces, to

emoticons. This has become a major thing in the

represent their emotion. I wanted to do this so I

modern day with the introduction of social media,

can bring the modern way of communicating into

which has driven the design of these cartoon

the real world, and also show people this is what

images showing emotions. It has got to a point

they are saying to someone when they send an

where people can have a conversation through

emoticon instead of expressing themselves.

emoticons, and this has taken the beauty of communication away from our social lives. People believe that they can use an emoticon or “emoji� to show someone they are sad but yet its a fun type of sad, because the emoticons are a fun icon. I have chosen to do an advertising campaign to show people that do this who are mainly younger adults and teenagers, that people shouldn’t be scared to hide their feelings and emotions.

Final Piece

Final Outcome

Final Piece

Final Mock Ups

Final Outcome

Emoticon Merchandise With the evolution of the emoji or emoticon, designers have created merchandise for them. The most common is cushions, because with their round shape figure and emotion pattern, these make a great product to sell to consumers. I have been unsuccessful in finding out the designer of the first lot of this type of merchandise. However, they are being sold within high street shops and online through popular site such as Amazon and Ebay. These are great additions to beds or sofas because of their soft textured material. The round shape makes then practical because they are easily available to cushion the head and can be used as a pillow substitute.

Further Research

Emoticon T-Shirts After finding out about emoticon cushions, I felt that I could use the images I have created to make my own merchandise. I went for t-shirts, because they are easy to make and also to print. However, I had noticed that no one has created t-shirts like these before with the whole t-shirt being represented as the emoticon. I have used a yellow base colour for the shirts, because of the known design of the yellow faces. I have made it so the emotion is on the front of the shirts to make it eye catching and make people wonder what the shirts are. Meanwhile, on the back I have linked these with my advertising campaign, which is why I have added the slogan I have used on the back. I have also added the logo of a mental health charity that could use this campaign in future.

Further Outcomes

Photography Contact Sheet

Primary Sources

Photography Contact Sheet

Primary Sources


Secondary Sources





































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