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IS S U E # 2





CO NTEN TS On the Cover: Models 04 10 18

Jeris Jamar Prince Amzaadh Stephane Lome

Let Us Live in Truth: Stories 05 06 08

Austin Gary Chris June Durell Peart

Let Us Live in Music: Artists on the Rise 12 14

Rahim Brazil Guua

Let Us Live in Love: Unashamed 16

Marco & Randy

Let Us Live in Business: Entrepreneurs 20 22 23 24 26 27

Brown Boys Lemonade LBClothing & Things Karen Hunter - La’shay Hair Markus Johnson FauxRox Fishline

Let Us Live in Entertainment: Platforms 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Julian J. Walker Dem Girlz Productions Broadway Banks - Howard Wolliaston Darell Kluster Radio Kia Comedy Rainey Cates Parnell Marcano


EDITOR A Journey isn't a journey until you've gone through some things but I think "For Me" once I started to trip over my issues, is when I began to fall into my solutions that ultimately worked for me and as I started to listen to others stories, I could see it works for others too. THE "MAGAZINE" is my product, a lifeless platform that began to come alive when I filled with it with purpose, a purpose with unlimited and unconditional love, unity, diversity, and truth...and so much more. As an independent editor, I realized that taking my time worked best in order to provide something real, authentic, likable, and memorable to where others would start to want more. We were able to help others continue to envision themselves moving closer to their dreams, promote their successes, inform our audience about upcoming events, and even bring awareness to personal issues which ultimately helped perspectives and change lives. Good News!!! As we continue as a Lifestyle magazine, we have been able to discuss incorporating fashion in our upcoming issues because we saw that there was interest in that area from small names up to big names which will help expand the issues more and more. "Fashion has always been Evolutionary" because of the creatives and their eyes for style. I would like to encourage all entrepreneurs to keep pushing to achieve ANY dream you have because you never know who's watching and where it will take you. "Love Is Power" is definitely an issue we encourage you to read, and share with others. You'd be surprise how much you gain from all these amazing people and their reasons for why they are saying in their own way " Let Us Live" . FOUNDER AND CEO Dwyane Stovall

ISSUE #2 | 3

Model: Jeris Jamar Fashion/Stylist: Dwyane Stovall MUA: Racquel Smith

J ISSUE #2 | 4

My name is Jeris Jamar. I was born and raised in Manassas, VA. I went to college at Alabama A&M University and received my bachelors in Physical Education. Fitness is my passion!!! My dream job would be to own Fitness Facility or become an athletic director! I am a Mother to a beautiful little girl and now just recently a little boy, and I enjoy every moment of it.

Austin Gary Austin Gary was born and raised in St. Petersburg, Florida in the late 1970’s. I am a creator, innovator, stylist, and contagious. From early childhood, Austin had an eye for detail, fashion, and the exocentric. This three-fold talent later birthed a passion which is now known as “The Austin Gary Experience” which is simply… IMAGE. Within my business, it includes custom eyelash extensions created specifically for “YOUR” personal style and contour of your eyes. Secondly, we provide a Professional Image Consultation which composes of personal wardrobe makeovers including but not limited to a personal shopping experience and a one on one counseling with myself. Lastly, I am currently in the process of launching a personal show line designed for women that will encapsulate all that is feminine, all that is style, and all that is Austin Gary. All of the Image services created by Austin Gary are geared towards bringing the inner beauty that all humans possess innately within them to the forefront. Each client is left with the tools to continue their own personal journey of fashion knowledge and empowerment. I’m inspired by Nene Leaks , her ambition motivates me to be a RICH BITCH ! I would Love to meet LEE Daniels his vision is innovated. Yes , because my motto is be yourself because you can’t be replicated each person has there own vision and each joint supply is to create the BODY!

The hardest thing I’ve come across has been the prayer of Jabez, God removed people I thought were for me to replace them with less , the easiest thing was to trust his word in the transition. I would change the introduction of the industry , meaning Hollywood is so small and make it hard for talent to get into the industry I would make it easier to get into the business and the great thing is the word declares your gift will make room for you, so if you are inn your gift will either push you through or remove you, it shouldn’t be based on man to say yea or nay! One thing no ones knows about me I’m a Prophet. That I’m a man of God 1st love and love the word, I’m a prayer warrior, and take from knowing me “FAITH IT” all the way. Not Yet, many people I desired to work with but they took my pockets as a joke and passed up on me for thicker pockets and got no where so it’s still a open vacancy on who will get my mind and time. Except all the No’s for the one YES! Faith it all the way up, the no’s were your down moments. The charity I would give too would be to the benevolent offering to churches to really provide the less fortunate who are struggling with life issues, I would love to see the benevolent offering to the cause that is really ignore the house of God, people shouldn’t be on assistance, evicted, without food, etc.

ISSUE #2 | 5



Dear Dad, First thing, sorry about not calling you on Thanksgiving but that moment is what prompted me to write this letter now. I’m writing you because I need to be totally honest with myself and with you. I don’t want there to be this odd invisible wall between us, and for you to always wonder why I don’t respond to you in a way that a son should, whenever you call me or want to get details about my life. I can’t have complete self-respect and dignity for myself and who I am when our relationship plays with the idea that I’m straight. That’s right, I’m gay, I could always sense that it has been a big fear for you about me. I remember growing up, you would tell me “don’t hold your hand like that, and don’t walk like that, put some bass in your voice”. God knows I’ve tried to curb those mannerisms, I’ve tried to change how I talk, how I walk among other things with more fight than you could ever know. I’ve heard how you voiced your opposition to gay marriage, and even our cousin Sydney and her friend at a get together a few years ago. I remember you telling me “if Jennifer or you ever were to be gay, I would lose my mind”. I remember you exclaiming how the bible says it’s a sin and that it is wrong, I’ve read that too and as you know, was very involved in the church growing up. I may not know all the answers, but I know that when you sin, it’s a choice, I surely didn’t choose this. I also know, God makes no mistakes. But it’s been moments and statements like this, which you’ve positioned, that have made me fear coming out to you. That same fear of being gay is what made me try so hard to deny that part of who I am. Please believe, this is not something I chose, I’d challenge you to think, who would choose this type of burden? If I had the choice to be straight I would have surely taken it without question years ago. The stigma, ridicule, harassment and discomfort as it comes to how people and especially your own family will receive you is not anything anyone would ever chose. I was picked on enough in school, I’d have gladly given people one less thing to bother me about if I had the choice. I’m sure you’re thinking, what could I have done? And maybe even blaming yourself. I believe I just am and have always been born this way, you know me, think about me as a child and growing up. I have always been the same person. I know Mom has tried to “fix” her anxiety about not knowing when it came to me either, putting me in many activities growing up that would make me identify with more “manly” things such as sports for example. But if things like sports or other hyper-masculine interests were the key to stopping someone from being gay, you wouldn’t have gay football, basketball, military or whatever else, kinds of people coming out of the closet also. People that you wouldn’t believe, successful people nonetheless. So don’t think throwing a football back and forth with me more would have done anything. Or that I hung too much with this or that person. It’s not your fault; it’s not even a fault because I’m most happy when I’m able to embrace that side of me. I don’t expect you to understand everything I’m saying or understand what it means to be gay. I just hope that you can understand that I am your son, and that loving me is not changing me, but accepting who I am. That’s what great parents do, love unconditionally and in spite of. I could take all the steps you expect of me and find an opposite-sex spouse, marry and have a family. I know that would make you happy. But your happiness at that lie would crush me. I'm sorry if I believe that you don't want to crush my own heart and soul by following what you want for me. I’m sorry if it turns out that your happiness would be affected if I decided to pursue mine, that’s always been at the forefront of my decision, I wouldn’t want you to be disappointed. But I’ve got to live my life for me. I know that you will be worried about me and what my future will be. I know that you might think that gay people cannot marry and have families. But we do have those options, and I don't want you to be worried. I only want you to understand that the person I will love and who will take care of me might not be the picture you have in your mind. You've always taught me to be truthful, to be honest with myself and with others, so I hope you know that I can only be happy being true to myself. Maybe it's naive for me to hope that I could share my happiness with you when I find the one for me, or that you will accept me as I am, as well as the family that I might have one day. I hope that you will still love me and respect me the way you always have, the way you've embraced me and the person I've become, the way you have loved everything about me before everything I've told you today. Every degree I’ll earn, every achievement I’ve made, every talent I possess has made you proud thus far. I hope that who I am, who I become and how I treat people, my character as a person, will make you the most proud. I love you, and it's taken all my strength to take the one of the biggest risk of my life by asking you today to love me too. All of me, the way I love all of you. Love your son, Chris Williams

ISSUE #2 | 7

Lashon and I ran the label for 3 years together. In 2008, he made a move to Raleigh NC and I continued to run the company on my own working with an artist here in Orlando, FL named D.Cody. We worked together for a few more years until we decided to part ways in 2012. I decided that I wanted to finish my degree, and in 2013 I enrolled in Full Sail University to pursue a Bachelors Degree in Entertainment Business. I won numerous awards during my program as well as being awarded the Valedictorian and Advanced Achiever in 2015 when I graduated. Currently I now run an artist management & marketing company called Double N Management & Marketing Group where my mission and vision is to help independent artists build a global music business. I have been very fortunate over the past 3 years since starting my new company to be able to build numerous global relationships and curate multiple touring opportunities for my artists. I’m truly passionate about making a difference in the indie music community and in the lives creati of creatives worldwide. ISSUE #2 | 8



I, Durell Peart, Founder & CEO of Double N Management & Marketing Group, LLC was born on November 24th 1985 in Brooklyn New York. Durell was born with Acute Spastic Diplegia Cerebral Palsy. Durell would continue to attend regular school and graduate at the age of 17. I began to gain an affinity and love for the entertainment industry when I joined a local hip-hop dance group called H.Y.P.E (Hot Young People Entertaining) at the age of 19. I met my mentor LaShon “TS” Jones. LaShon began to teach me the in’s and out’s and the proper way to navigate the music industry. I asked LaShon to help me run my first company, which was my indie label that I created in 2005 called Bros. 4 Life Music Group.


Give us one word that would describe your Creative Style? Why? Colorful. I’m the person that works with creatives on the business side. The way I express my creative style is through my favorite hobby, which is fashion. I love colors especially bright colors. Is there anybody famous/non-famous that you would say you are inspired by? Why? I am inspired by one of my dearest friends Joy Saunders. She is the owner of Aeonian Legacy Arts & Entertainment. Joy is sucha woman of honor and integrity. She’s building a company that is about uplifting creatives and entrepreneurs who she feels is about uplifting others through the arts and the many different facets within the entertainment industry. She always makes it a point to keep me encouraged and inspired by continuously finding ways to allow me to shine as I build a brand of honesty and integrity. Sometimes when I’m down I can always reach out to her and by the end of our conversation she has me pumped up and ready to go and continue to impact people the way that I always do. Do you believe that you can bring a different vibe to the industry today? Why? I definitely believe that I can bring a different vibe to the industry today because my company and brand is built on integrity, positivity, and honesty. The music industry, which is my area of focus, is basically drugs, sex, and rock-n-roll. Artists often feel that they have to engage in activities that may make them uncomfortable in order to achieve their goals. I want to be an advocate for artists in showing them that they can build a career and be known globally without ever having to sacrifice their character and what they believe in from a moral perspective.



In a wider spectrum, if you could change anything in the world today, what would it be, and why? If I could change anything in the world it would be the way that society often looks at individuals with a special need. I’m someone who lives with one everyday and it can be very difficult at times and most have no idea what we go through everyday. I often tell people that even though we have a special need we are still human beings and want the same things that every other human being desires when it comes to building great relationships and finding love and things of that sort. Tell us one thing that no one knows about you? One thing that no one knows about me is that I’m really fascinated with crime shows. What would you want people to obtain from you and your work? I want people to obtain that my mission and vision is to make a difference in the lives and careers of the indie music creatives that I work with. I want to be a light in the music/entertainment industry. The industry is known for being an industry that often lacks professionals who don’t have integrity both personally and professionally. I want to be a part of the solution and not continue to add to the problem. Have you ever had the opportunity to work with someone of interest in the work that you do? If yes, who? If no, who would you like to work with? When it comes to the work that I do my niche is really about helping new artists who are looking to build and lay a foundation for success as an indie artist. So I’m not really focused on wanting to work with celebrities or widely known artists. I have been however very fortunate to build a network of some awesome we’ll know industry professionals. As I mentioned earlier I’m a graduate of Full Sail University and I’ve built a great relationship with my alma mater post graduation. They have given me a platform to use my network in being able to bring some of my friends and colleagues to speak to the current students. Most recently I had the pleasure of inviting my friend Vincent Berry II who is a Grammy Award winning producer/songwriter for Beyoncé. He wrote “Sandcastles” off of Beyoncé’s “Lemonade” album. When I bring guest speakers it brings value to not only the School but as well to me. I really look forward to continuing to be a part of some pretty awesome opportunities to continue to pay it forward to the next generation. What advice would you give to someone interested in your career field or pursuing to be an entrepreneur? The advice that I would give to someone who is interested in working in the music/entertainment industry is that you must have the ability to build and cultivate relationships. Success in this industry is truly about loving people. The key is also when building relationships it’s important to always come from a place of humility and being of service to others. This is what I focus on and it definitely has worked in my favor for sure. If you had the opportunity to give back to charity, what charity would you give to? If I had the opportunity to give back to charity, I would give back to any charity that supports young kids who live with Cerebral Palsy, which is my disability. One of the major organizations that I know that support them is United Cerebral Palsy!!! There are so many things in our lives we cherish, but what would you say would be the one thing that you “LIVE” for? Why? One thing that I live for is my ability to make a difference in the lives of people. One of the reasons I chose to pursue a career in the arts is because we really can’t live our lives without the need to be entertained and/or impacted by some aspect of the arts whether it is film, music, visual arts, etc. I truly love the fact that I get the opportunity to help someone tell his or her story in some kind of way that will affect someone’s life in what I hope is a positive and impactful way.

What would you say has been the hardest thing you have come across so far along your journey? What do you think has been the easiest? The hardest thing that I have come across so far along my journey is having to overcome the major obstacle of being born with a physical disability. Having a disability presents its own set of unique challenges especially not being as mobile as most but I never make any excuses as I’ve been able to travel to multiple countries building my career. My ability to build and cultivate influential relationships in the industry has been the easiest thing for me because I’ve been blessed with a personality that attracts positive and powerful people to clients and me that in turn helps me to be an asset to my artists that I work with on a daily basis. This I believe is what sets me a part from people and has been a major key to the success that I’ve achieved thus far.

SOCIAL MEDIA: IG: @durellpeart Twitter: @durellpeart Facebook (Personal Page) Durell Peart Facebook (Fan Page) LinkedIn: Durell Peart

ISSUE #2 | 9

Model: “Prince� Amzaadh Ali Emmisaheb Fashion/Stylist: Dwyane Stovall MUA: Racquel Smith

P ISSUE #2 | 10

I am a Indian Model, Actor, and the official title holder of Mr. Best Smile of South India in 2014. Before moving out of Atlanta, GA, I was working as an IT Systems Analyst during the week days to meet the ends of life, I tried my best over work-offs to establish my career in Acting & Modeling. I was all set to compete as a NPC Physique competitor taking part in the prestigious Lee Haney games in 2018. I'm also a lifestyle fitness blogger hosting some intriguing and useful content at With Professional relationships that I have with the ha worked with, I designed designers I have my own menswear line and was targeted for release at the end of 2018 under the brand name "The Greek God's Collection". When I was an acting student at the Nick Conti's Professional Actors Studio (Atlanta), I dreamed to make a debut in Hollywood and eeventually make my way to the Hollywood Hall of Fame. Samuel L. Jackson. Denzel Washington, and Dwayne The Rock Johnson all inspire me. I envision standing as a living example for all the people of color struggling against the currents in the ocean of Hollywood.


Rahim More than a creative, but a brand.

Gi us one word that would describe your Creative Give Style? Why? One word that describes my creative style is Unique, because I am always thinking outside of the box while pushing myself to get the best results of my life, work and experience. Is there anybody famous/non-famous that you would say you are inspired by? Why? I am continually inspired by many people. However, if I had to choose I would say that Beyonce’, Tyler Perry and Oprah are by far my biggest inspirations of this time. They embody hard work and success. ISSUE #2 | 12

Fashion/Stylist: Camersn Sweatt @ceejai_laytonsboutique

Representing various forms of entertainment. He represents someone who is passionate about his work, someone who shows leadership and someone who is also passionate about people.

Photographer: Ralph Edward of The REd Brand @iamredbrand


Do you believe that you can bring a different vibe to the industry today? Why? Yes, I do not feel anyone is the same. My uniqueness comes from knowing myself as an artist, and allowing myself to bring a difference and introduce it to the community. What would you say has been the hardest thing ha come across so far along your journey? you have What do you think has been the easiest? The hardest thing about this journey is not knowing the road ahead. Sometimes we plan things one way and we are led on a different path. The easiest thing for me is remaining true to myself no matter what the experience. In a wider spectrum, if you could change anything in the world today, what would it be, and why? If I could change anything in the world I would Change the music. I feel like music has lost a sense of realism that it had when I was growing up. If someone how we could get back to that, I think we will bring music appreciation back into our homes. Tell us one thing that no one knows about you? No one knows that My nickname is Chuckie. I used to love the movie Child’s Play, Although Scared of it. What would you want people to obtain from you and your work? I want people to be inspired through my work and be encouraged to follow their own dreams.

Have you ever had the opportunity to work with someone of interest in the work that you do? If yes, who? If no, who would you like to work with? I have had the pleasure of interviewing various celebrities and socialites, but I would like to work with Angela Bassett the mother of Acting. What advice would you give to someone interested in your career field or pursuing to be an entrepreneur? Like Nike, JUST DO IT! We always have a certain amount of fear that keeps us from obtaining what we desire, but if we prepare ourselves everyday working toward our goals we’d be surprised at what we can accomplish. We have to fight and fight hard for these dreams. If you had the opportunity to give back to charity, what charity would you give to? I used to give back to the homeless, they always had a soft-spot in my heart because people need homes. Everyone should have one. So Maybe partnering with a Homeless foundation Like Atlanta Mission. There are so many things in our lives li we cherish, but what would you say would be the one thing that you “LIVE” for? Why I LIVE FOR GOD! I believe that when you live for God you also live for people, because God cherishes people. I live to also use these talents given by God to give to people. These gifts and talents are his, im just using them to inspire the hearts of the people of whom he li lives inside.

ISSUE #2 | 13


Give us one word that would describe your Creative Style? Juice. Why? Because I got that juice, if your down my music can lift you. My music can help you make it when you think there’s nothing left. Every song, every mixtape I put my all into my craft because that’s just the person I am. I really label my self a country story teller, the man with the word and the rhyme. Is there anybody famous/non-famous that you would say you are inspired by? Why? I would have to say Tip Harris inspired me the most. Seeing what he went through and how he overcame it says a lot about his character as a man. My lesson from that was no matter what you go through you can be successful if you keep pushing. My father inspired me to be a better man and push myself to the limit. If you put your mind to something and stick to it you’ you’ve already won before you start. Do you believe that you can bring a different vibe to the industry today? Why? I totally believe that I can bring a different vibe, I have my own unique sound. My music speaks for itself, I’m a story teller and a hood motivator. I take my life and day by day situations and turn it into a song. What would you say has been the hardest thing you have come across so far along your journey? What do you think has been the easiest? The hardest thing is knowing you have the talent to be great but you don’t have the funds and resources to back it up. The easiest thing for me was not giving up no matter the situation at hand. In a wider spectrum, if you could change anything in the world today, what would it be, and why? I would change the flow of money because the world is to rich for there to be so many people to be homeless, without jobs and decent living conditions. I would also change the view of people, I feel as if everyone should be treated equal no matter their race, religion, or sexual orientation. Tell us one thing that no one knows about you? No one really knows that I’m spiritual and passionate person. What would you want people to obtain from you and your work? A vivid picture of the world and life as it should be viewed. Have you ever had the opportunity to work with someone of interest in the work that you do? If yes, who? If no, who would you like to work with? I had the chance to work with Pastor Troy which was one of kno the most influential days of my life. I obtained a lot knowledge on how the music industry works and what it takes to become a successful rap artist. What advice would you give to someone interested in your career field or pursuing to be an entrepreneur? Make sure you know exactly what you want and your reason for wanting it. Stay focus and never let anyone mislead you on your dreams. Always invest in your craft and network, network, network. If you had the opportunity to give back to charity, what charity would you give to? I would give to the homeless shelters to expand there facilities to house more people. Also to the Make a Wish Foundation, to fund researchers to help them find the cure to kids life threatening illnesses. There are so many things in our lives we cherish, but what would you say would be the one thing that you “LIVE” for? Why? The one thing I live for is family, because if it wasn’t for them I don’t know where I would be. That’s my motivation and the reason I wake up each day in grind mode, my main focus, my motto is grind for you and yours and that will never change. ISSUE #2 | 15


Where did each of you grow up, and how was that as a child? Randy: I was born in Tuscaloosa, Alabama and raised in Birmingham, Alabama by Reverend Randy Bowden, Sr. and my mom Deborah Boykin Bowden, who is now a Reverend as well. My parents are both college degree'd, mentioning that my Dad is a Chemist till this day and still is a math and science wiz, so growing up in that shadow really enlightening! I have three siblings, we all grew up southern churchy for sure to say the very least. Being a church boy is something I will always cherish to my heart! It was very hard for me going up and knowing that my mind was interested in more than what society told me I could love and be interested as far as my sexuality, but do not get me wrong I dated some of the baddest and most wanted women throughout high school and college. Haha, I do not regret it one bit because it taught me so much about relationships and how it is not fair to the other person not to show who you really are. Marco: I was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio baby! A true midwestern city where there a lot of hidden gems in my opinion. I am the product of Angel Luis and Baby Lee Maldonado and the youngest of four siblings. Being bi-racial, I was exposed to both the Black and Puerto Rican culture ISSUE #2 | 16

equally, which was such a blessing. I identify as both races without a doubt because my parents ensured I spent time with both sides of the family. My parents also made sure that I was well traveled to understand the importance of culture. Trip to Puerto Rico and Alabama were taken frequently! Living in Cleveland I was an around the way cool kid, a true “heights boy”. I had a close circle of friends and was a social buuerfly. I was baaling with self identity issues and growing up in an urban city/neighborhood - being gay was frowned upon. I kept my feelings to myself and tried to figure it out in my head which was the absolute worst. I was so close to my family and knew then and know now that they love me unconditionally. But that shit was scary and I was still learning about myself and the lifestyle I was starting to live. How/Where did you guys get the opportunity to meet one another? We actually met through (at the time) a mutual friend. This man was PRESSED and soooo adamant about us meeting that it was geeing annoying. He claimed we would be the perfect couple and would compliment each other so well so both of us were down to meet. We went through many, many occasions where that old friend coordinated a time and place to meet and it just didn’t end up happening for the longest. I think we both gave up after some so many

aaempts because we were paranoid that the other person may not have been interested. When we finally did meet, at a house party, the chemistry was insane. It was like nobody else was in the room. No lie, we have been in each other’s lives and has spoken everyday since then. The crazy part is that after we met and hit it off, the mutual friend (at the time) tried to sabotage and break us up. BUT IT AINT WORK ! HAHA ! What would you say transitioned you guys into becoming the successful partners you are today? We were both mentally in very dark places when we met. I think we saved each other from falling deeper in that dark hole. We were overly exposed and so vulnerable with each other from the jump so it’s like we didn’t have anything to hide from one another. Most people try to hide certain insecurities or hide their “ways” but we didn’t have to do that. We both dealt with making sacrifices for each other very early on in our relationship and it was definitely a test. I feel like those hard times in the early stages really proved how down we were for each other. That felt amazing to have someone that just rides for you and doesn’t care about how messed up you are. When you feel that, you move differently with that person, naturally.

I will say communication is a huge factor in our relationship, as it should be will all couples. So many disagreements, differences of opinions and frustrations can literally be solved by just talking about it and being transparent with one another. But we have learned it’s not what you say it’s how you say it. Being thoughtful of your partners feelings even in the heat of the moment is sooo crucial, even if you think they are being dramatic or overreacting. We have also learned that timing is important in the communication process. Sometimes you have to think on things and get your ha mind right before you have discussions. If the timing isn’t right, your approach can come off disrespectful and aggressive and that never helps. Most importantly, we make each other laugh. Like we crack up at each other. We are two of the goofiest people and we play off of each other all day everyday. We have fun together and make fun of each other. Laughter is good for the soul and we do plenty of it. Randy, give gi us one word to describe Marco & Why? Kinetic. I chose this word because it means crazy high energy. When we first met, I felt his energy without him even saying much of anything. I admire how he interacts with people, but especially his friends. People really looked up to him and look to him for guidance and his overall outlook on many things. Marco is such a social butterfly, the way he lights up when he is around his circle and even people he just met. It is immediate positive energy! He can literally shift the atmosphere of a tight tension room with one of his many catch phrases. I would drop a few but I’ll let you guys find out exactly what they are throughout the season of Hustle in Brooklyn! Ha - He is such a hard worker and very detail-oriented. He juggles hundred of tasks at work at once and still he finds time to make sure his family, friends and loved ones are good. He is super affectionate and loving, that energy is always consuming and saturating. Marco, give us one word to describe Randy & Why? Talented. I admire my man and his talents so much and I think he tends to forget how special and how talented he is.

Not only is he an amazing model, he has an extensive fashion background and a degree in Fashion Merchandising. His passion for fashion is inspiring! Seeing him get excited about trend and new collections is so damn sexy. Did I tell you he can sing? No, like he can SANG SANG! Randy, along with his three siblings, have been trained since they were children growing up heavy in the church to sing. He is a great dancer and will bust a move anywhere as soon as that beat drops. Randy plays the violin very well and is a wiz when it comes to press and social media. Randy also has a passion for physical health, clearly with that body. But he is not just a gym head, he has the knowledge to train and actually was a certified personal trainer for some time. As a Couple, have your businesses ever crossed combined? If so, how has that been? Actually, yes and your looking at it. Once we confirmed that we would be on the show as a couple we seen this opportunity to build our brand as a black/latino gay couple and make moves! We say this all the time, but this is bigger than us. Even though the gay lifestyle is slowly being more accepted there is still so much more progress that needs to be made. We want to be apart of closing that gap between straight men and gay men and that awkward grey area, especially in the Black and Latin community. It has been an emotional roller coaster for sure. We have learned so much about each other: how we react to certain things, our triggers, our levels of patiences, our survival skills and ultimately I think we respect each other more. Business and pleasure most of time does not work but in this case it seems to be working out great. We are gonna ride this wave and hustle our asses off to make this sacrifice of exposing our relationship to the world worth while!

Production then followed up and inquired about Randy’s love life and asked if Marco would want to be apart of the show. Marco was leery about the whole thing as he wasn’t trying to put their relationship on TV, esp reality TV. Marco agreed to the Skype interviews to hear production out after discussing with Randy. Another set of weeks had passed and they finally told us that they were interested in us as a couple on the show! What message would you guys want the “LGBT” community to be able to receive from seeing you guys on this show? Face your fears and do not be afraid to live in your truth. As cliche as this sounds it is so important. Love who you are. Be confident in who you are. OWN who you are and nobody else will be able to challenge that, regardless if they agree with your lifestyle or not. “Love is Power” is the name of Issue 2 “Lo for Lulmagazine. What comes to mind when you think of the statement? Love trumps all. Love trumps hate, Lo insecurities, evil, depression, fear, doubt. Love can heal old wounds. Love can be motivation and inspiration. Love can be stressful and overwhelming. Love can affect your mood and your perspectives. Love can be dangerous and hurtful. But true, unconditional love lo will uplift you and unravel a power in which you never thought you had. Take from us, we know. What would you say as a couple something you guys “LIVE FOR”? Happiness, family, greatness and growth

How did the opportunity for “The Guaps” come about on the new show Hustle in Brooklyn? A friend of Randy sent him the shows description and application. Randy applied for the show and WEEKS after production reached out to Randy and said they were really interested in him. So after some additional weeks of Skype interviews, a lot of back and forth emails and complete silence production finally ...came back and said the network loved Randy!

For all media and press request contact Gerald D. Thomas via email at

ISSUE #2 | 17


Model: Stephane Lome Fashion/Stylist: Dwyane Stovall MUA: Racquel Smith

My name is Stephane Lome. I’m originally from Paramaribo, Suriname, located in South America. However, I was raised in the Netherlands, in Europe. The things that I enjoy most in life are meditating in God’s presence, being kind, traveling, fashion, and dancing, along with much more. In this life, I always al try to influence others to be grateful and humble, know that respect is earned, honesty is appreciated, trust is gained, and loyalty is returned. My everyday motto is live your life to the fullest, because you only get one.

ISSUE #2 | 18

ISSUE #2 | 20


BOYS Lemonade

Brown Boys Lemonade stand started in 2013, when founder Anthony wanted to buy a video game to play during his Summer vacation. The cost of the game was $100, and Anthony didn't have that much money in his allowance. He asked his parents to purchase the expensive video game for him. Anthony's parents told Anthony that they would help him pay for the video game, if he raised half of the money to pay for it. Together they brainstormed on fun ways to earn money. They came up with the idea to sell lemonade outside of a local business. They tested several recipes, and finally found the perfect one. Two weeks later, Anthony sold lemonade at his lemonade stand and made over $200! Anthony had a lot of fun, and really liked making money too! Selling lemonade was so much fun, Anthony started selling his lemonade regularly throughout the Summer. His younger brother Ja'Den joined the lemonade stand a year later, and the two have been in business together ever since. In 2017, Brown Boys Doing Business became an official business and Anthony and Ja'Den became official business owners of Brown Boys Lemonade. Their first order of business? Taking their fresh squeezed lemonade from cups, to bottles, and in homes everywhere! Anthony and Ja’Den are on a mission to “quench thirsts everywhere”, and they’re definitely off to a great start! In 2018 the self-proclaimed “Lemonade Kings” secured they’re FIRST restaurant partnership with neighborhood wings and burger restaurant, “JR Crickets on MLK”, in downtown Atlanta, GA.

MISSION: Anthony and Ja'Den, brothers and co-owners of Brown Boys Lemonade would like to virtually introduce themselves to you. Anthony and Ja'Den are 11 and 8 years old, and currently OWN AND OPERATE their own bottled beverage business out of Atlanta, GA. These two brothers make, bottle and sell their own brand of lemonade. Brown Boys Lemonade is all natural, homemade and made with brown sugar and honey! Not only do the Brown Boys Lemonade brothers strive to produce the BEST LEMONADE IN THE WORLD, but they aim to motivate and encourage other young kids, especially “Brown” boys and girls of diverse backgrounds to pursue their dreams of entrepreneurship and financial literacy / independence. In the future, Anthony and Ja’Den foresee a network of business owners/ operators under the age of 18, that will help shape the future of our multifaceted communities in the United States of America. ISSUE #2 | 21


Our services allow people to custom design a shirt front or back anyway they would like. LB Clothing will customize shirts, vinyl solid or glitter, front & back, in big or small quantities allowing customers to choose material, style & shirt. Having the ability to create a custom shirt, being different, standing out from others is an excellent way of being recognized by others. We're not just limited to clothing, we can & have done so, provided personalized car tags, tote bags, glasses, mirrors, key chains, photo buttons & much, much more. Our history...LB Clothing and Things LLC started back in the year of 2015. It was established by Mrs. Bridgette Crenshaw. Starting out with only limited equipment that included a silhouette cameo & a heat press machine out of her home. Within a few years she was able to move forward into her own shop from monogramming shirts and tumblers to creating signs and banners along with a lot of other items. She made her husband Dwyane Crenshaw her business partner & co-owner.

Contact us: Facebook @ LB Clothing and Things LLC. Email: Phone: 256-374-4292 or 256-614-5772

ISSUE #2 | 22

Kareem Hunter LA’ SHAY HAIR

A 31-year-old African American male with a great sense of humor and a hard work ethic that takes pride in everything I do. I am one of the CEO's of La'shay Hair.

I am Inspired by anyone that has a dream and makes that dream their reality. Famous or Not

Give us one word that would describe your Creative Style? Why? Hungry! The drive is something I developed over the years. If it's one thing I know, I know that when your driven anything in your way will get destroyed.

Do you believe that you can bring a different vibe to the industry today? Why? I do believe belie I can bring a different vibe to the industry because of my unique personality and the way I pour good energy into other people's lives. What would you say has been the hardest thing you have come across so far along your journey? What do you think has been the easiest? The hardest thing I came across on this journey is the person I use to be. The easiest thing is being myself no matter what. In a wider spectrum, if you could change anything in the world today, what would it be, and why? It would probably be giving more people jobs despite their past mistakes. Tell us one thing that no one knows about you? I'm my own worst critic, but that's something that I'm working on daily.

What would you want people to obtain from you and your work? I want people to see that you really have to work hard at something to be great at it. Success doesn't happen overnight, build that momentum! gi to What advice would you give someone interested in your career field or pursuing to be an entrepreneur? My advice would be to do your research and make sure that ”WHY” is stronger than anything. Do not just do it for the money because you will never be truly happy or satisfied. Do something that keeps you up at night with excitement and when you wake up it doesn't feel like work because it's something you're passionate about. If I had an opportunity to give back to a charity it would be this Compassion program that my church back home does. It helps kids in third world countries with school, and makes something out of their lives so that they can provide for their families. ISSUE #2 | 23


Give us one word that would describe your Creative Style? Why? The word classic represents me as everything I do and produce is timeless. I am not one to follow trends or fads. I tend to invest in pieces and styles that can always be worn regardless of the year or season. My classic style allows me to mix and mingle as well as add and subtract pieces depending on my mood and the occasion. Everything I own and do is reminiscent of my classic style. Even my work, I create spiritual opportunities that relate to mixed audiences in ways that doesn’t offend or exclude others. I actually think this question has just helped me name an aspect of our community, Classic Spirituality.

MARCUS KEITH JOHNSON The entrepreneur talks living by one’s own rules, mixing style with spirituality, and believing in self. I am one of many gifts and talents. Two years ago I decided to hone in on just one of my many gifts – ministry. I am a licensed and ordained minister. I graduated from seminary with a Masters of Divinity and have worked in the local church for a number of years. Let’s make a long story short, the traditional church wasn’t for me. Out of my discomfort and refusal to believe in antiquated theology, I decided to start something that worked for my spirituality and then realized others benefited from my something too. Years later, I am the founder of Your Soul Care Community, Inc., an organization that helps people to listen and care for their souls in healthy ways. Proudly, I was born and raised in the ATL. I love my Atlanta dialect and how I sing my words when talking. Because natives are sparse, I am overjoyed when we find each other at event because we sing our words alike. I know that was random but you asked. ISSUE #2 | 24

Is there anybody famous/non-famous that you would say you are inspired by? Why? While I want to say names like Oprah and Barack Obama, I have to be completely honest with you and myself. My inspiration comes from someone I work very closely with, I am inspired by Marion Lessington. He is my fellow Soul Care Companion which means he has walked with me along this entrepreneurial journey. His faith inspires me. In all my life, I have never seen anything like it before. There have been a lot of challenging times including financial hardships, incapacitation and just lack of everything. Marion always forges ahead without acknowledging the circumstances, which is a lesson that his grandmother taught him. When I find myself occupied with the obstacles, his faith reminds me to overcome. Through our partnership on this journey, he consistently challenges me and hold me accountable until the job is done. Do you believe that you can bring a different vibe to the industry today? Why? So my industry is kind of different. My organization was birthed out of what the traditional church lacks. So to answer your question, absolutely! We are so different. We believe in being your true and authentic self. We encourage people to be who you are while discovering who you desire to be. The only ways in which this happens is via confidence, comfort, positive support and safe space. We create opportunities for people to do just that. We enjoy adult conversations with adult beverages in safe spaces with people who are dedicated to self-work. When spaces like this happen, lives are changed and we experience God and spirituality in non-traditional and unorthodox ways.

What would you say has been the hardest thing you have come across so far along your journey? What do you think has been the easiest? I resigned from my fulltime traditional job almost two years ago. Since then, every time my life and situations become uncertain (which is often), I think about going back into the traditional workforce because getting paid bi-weekly is certain and so are the benefits that come along with a traditional nine to five. I thought by now, I wouldn’t think about going back to tradition, but I honestly think about it often but am quickly reminded of why I left and that internal conversation is one of the hardest things I have faced. The easiest thing is flexibility hence why I am reminded why I left my old field of work. I make my own schedule now so I am available for lunch meetings and midday activities. Traditional jobs require us to miss out on a lot of life that happens during the day. There are beneficial opportunities that aren’t available after five oclock. Being in Atlanta, there is always something to do as well as networking to accomplish during the day and if you are advantageous, you will succeed.

What would you want people to obtain from you and your work? Freedom, I desperately want people to be free! We only live one life so why not live by our own rules. Since day one, most of my peers and I have been presented with the 8am – 5pm narrative. We have to work hard at a good job that offers benefits and paid time off hoping to get raises and or promotions every year until we retire. It’s only then we will rest and do what we desire at the retirement age of 65. Nope, that’s not it at all. As a matter of fact, I refuse for that to be my story. If we learn early to listen to our souls - which tells us what we destine for, what we need and ultimately reveals to us what makes our hearts happy. When we listen and become fully in tune, we then begin to live by our own narrative. It is my hope that through me and Your Soul Care Community, people will listen to their souls and ultimately pick up their pen and write their own narrative – Freedom!

Have you ever had the opportunity to work with someone of interest in the work that you do? If yes, who? If no, who would you like to work with? This is a very hard question for me because I have been looking for Tell us one thing that no non-traditional people like myself in the field of care and haven’t been one knows about you? successful. And maybe I should look a little harder. Side note, Your Soul Now this is weird. Don’t Care Community was birthed because judge me but, as I am there was nothing like it. I learned driving I challenge myself years ago if you can’t find what you to make as many words as want, your job is to create it. I would possible from the letters on love to work with Oprah. She’s got it! I am not talking about just money, I car license plates that are am talking about freedom. If you have situated in front of me paid attention to Lady O’s journey, while at traffic lights and you realize that she has grown to do stop signs. Seriously! It and say what she wants without fear of rebuke. When people get to this gets frustrating when point in their lives, they’ve got it. I can license plates are missing see me and Oprah helping people become free and living meaningful vowels. lives without regrets - Freedom.

In a wider spectrum, if you could change anything in the world today, what would it be, and why? If I could change anything, it would be how we relate to one other. Very few people empathize with others. And it is obvious based on the state of the affairs of our country. We judge everything and everyone without knowing why they are the way that they are. We don’t ask questions anymore. Communication is key when it comes to empathy. Just think, if we took a second to ask questions and listen, we would all not only get to know others but we would allow ourselves to understand why people act, look, behave, believe and think the ways in which they do. Empathy is a skill we all should learn by the time we leave this earth. We miss out on so many learning opportunities because we refuse to give people to opportunity to share their story.

What advice would you give to someone interested in your career field or pursuing to be an entrepreneur? Create ways to center yourself and start your day. Days as an entrepreneur can be very uncertain so it is important to create your own certainty that will allow you the space to start your day in the healthiest of ways. This is time that is spent alone, time to think, reflect and exercise your faith. It should set the tone for the rest of your day. I personally start most days in a small gym near my house. I don’t go to big gyms because I don’t want to talk or be bothered. I listen to the most current Maranda Curtis music in my air pods and I work out uninterrupted for a whole hour. Days that start out like this are the most productive and successful. No matter how busy you are, prioritize and make time for yourself and do what makes you feel good and most productive.

ISSUE #2 | 25


Rahsheeda "Roxy" Hicks

was born and raised in Jacksonville, Florida. In 2009, she relocated to Orlando, Florida and hit the ground running. She has coordinated multiple events in the Central Florida area; including Spring on The Fun, Keep Up the Chat and The Annual Black Business Expo. She has received several local honoree awards from Orlando Florida and is grateful for the support. Roxy has supported local non-profits in the community such as but not limited to Let your voice be heard Inc, Orlando Unity, Wells’ Built Museum and Saving our daughters. While an active member of Women on the Rise Orlando she is also a member of Business Babes Atlanta.! !Roxy created The Annual Black Business Expo to provide a platform for local business owners within the community. Consumers are willing to support business owners but without the knowledge of their existence, it’s difficult to support. The Annual Black Business Expo provides a dedicated space for individuals to come out and be educated on businesses within their community and focus on financial literacy and mental health.! !We want to educate the community on community-based economics and show what amazing things can happen when you bring the community out to support homegrown business owners.!Our Mission to educate the business owner and consumers on productivity, financial literacy, and mental wellness. Our Vision is to Create a platform for entrepreneurs to showcase their products and services.! !We are focusing on expanding Fauxrox Productions and dedicated to supporting other local businesses in other communities. Please visit for additional information on how to get involved! ISSUE #2 | 26


Fish Line

The founder of the hottest new transgender brand, , Janelle Black is a young trans woman starting a legacy in her community. She has been trailblazing in the fashion world of hair, makeup, and styling before starting this latest venture. This dramatic change has not come without setbacks, but Janelle remains steady on a clear path of educating, empowering, bringing beauty, and celebrating the trans community. Janelle was born on February 22, 1983 in Abbeville, SC. She long aspired to be a creator in the fashion and beauty industry. Atlanta, GA was her first big city move in 2003. There, Janelle made her start at Bauder College for fashion design. The next big move came in 2010, when she hopped on a Greyhound for Los Angeles. Her faith was tested, as arrived with a duffle bag, makeup case, big dreams, and a prayer. Here Janelle obtained her cosmetology license from Universal College of Beauty, also the alumni of celebrity st stylist Kim Kimble. The next few years were spent mastering her craft and starting her own brand, Face Me Fierce. During this pivotal time in her career, Janelle made her mark through accomplishments such as her work being featured on major billboards, producing a fashion show for LA Fashion Week, and gracing many covers of magazine with her talents. Entrepreneurship has been the way of life where Janelle thrives. There was no turning back when Janelle made the decision to transition from a man to woman. The backlash from various family member and friends was tough, but she has the perfect mix of courage and guts to live her life with purpose as a black trans-woman. The idea for Fishline came in a dream that gave her a new sense of purpose. Transwomen of color have a safe ha a sense place to engage and can have of belonging in their community. Young fly and trans is the theme for the brand and clothing line. This unique platform celebrates trans women as beautiful and misunderstood. Plans for the future of the brand include a magazine and podcast. Janelle hopes to inspire others to overcome obstacles and teach the world their way of loving and giving the gifts of beauty. Fishline allows Janelle to create something fresh and new, with hopes to soon become a worldwide brand for not only trans but also cis people as well.

ISSUE #2 | 27

Models: Darius Leslie, Quinn Gamble, Crystal Glass Attire: Lul New Spring Apparel Collection Designer: Markus Jones Photographer: Ralph Edward of The REd Brand @iamredbrand ISSUE #2 | 28

Julian J Walker Actor, Activist & Author

is from Jackson, MS & a graduate of The University of Southern Mississippi. He starred in the breakout film Blackbird in 2015 and you can catch him in the Being Mary Jane finale airing on BET in April 2019. He recently released his first poetry book entitled, "A Year Without You". This poetry book is a required reading for two freshmen intermediate courses at his alumni USM for this Spring 2019 semester & will be added to Hinds Community College (Raymond Campus) library (where he received his Associate Degree in Fall 2012). For information on Julian please visit his website at

Photographer: Strxke

IG: exp_imaging

ISSUE #2 | 29

Who is DemGirlz?

DemGirlz Productions ("DG") is an entertainment company formed by two artistic and passionate women with the ambition to make positive-oriented content meant for worldwide distribution. We are a full service production company and our focus is creating, developing and producing independent projects. DemGirlz offers a network of professional partners to ensure our clients receive the best exposure possible.

Gi us one word that would describe your creative Give style? God-inspired. Is there anybody famous or non-famous that you would say you are inspired by? Why? Spike Lee. He’s an innovator. He started from the ground up, pursuing his dreams. In his first production, he held many titles; director, caterer, writer, producer, etc. signaling that he will do whatever it takes to make his dreams come true. Do you believe that you can bring a different vibe to the industry today? Why? Yes, we’re not saying that this has not been done before, but it has not been done by us. Everybody is unique in his or her own way. What would you say has been the hardest thing you have come across so far along your journey? Knowing where to start this journey was the hardest. In a wider spectrum, if you could change anything in the world today, what would it be, and why? How the world views people of color. The world would be a better place if everyone was treated equal. Tell us one thing that no one knows about DemGirlz? No one knows that DemGirlz was originally going to be a blog channel.

ISSUE #2 | 30

What would you want people to obtain from the movie Divided We Fall? That everyone is different and have differing opinions, ideologies, morals, etc., but our differences should be embraced and not used to tear each other down. Have you ever had the opportunity to work with someone of interest in the work that you do? If yes, who? If no, whom would you like to work with? No! Spike Lee. What advice would you give to someone interested in your career field or pursuing to be an entrepreneur? If it’s something you really want to do, keep grinding. If you had the opportunity to give back to charity, what charity would you give to? A charity that gives back to our youth by equipping them with tools needed to be successful. There are so many things in our lives we cherish, but what would you say would be the one thing that you “LIVE” for? Why? At this point in our lives, we live for the adage “pursue your dreams.” We are seasoned in years and can now look back at our lives and realize we’ve wasted a lot of time doing things for other reasons and not getting any satisfaction out of it.

to Tell us a little about yourself. I was born on October 5, 1990, and raised in Harlem, New York. My parents are from Jamaica Kingston and Spanish town. I’m an upcoming actor currently working on a newseries called “Deep”. What would you say has been the hardest thing you have come across so far along your journey? What do you think has been the easiest? The hardest thing that I have ha encountered throughout my journey thus far was breaking out of my comfort zone. Taking more risks and feeding into what others think about my mistakes. The easiest thing I have come across has been my communication. It is easy for me to empathize and sympathize with people from different backgrounds, beliefs, cultures etc. If you had the opportunity to give back to charity, what charity would you give to? If given the opportunity to gift and support any charity I would choose JCCA. They sponsor $bused, neglected and traumatized children. Is there anybody famous/non-famous that you would say you are inspired by? Why? Yes. Will Smith is my inspiration. He is a family man, artistic, creative and has a very deep way of thinking. What would you say has been the hardest thing you have come across so far along your journey? What do you think has been the easiest? The hardest thing that I ha have encountered throughout my journey thus far was breaking out of my comfort zone. Taking more risks and feeding into what others think about my mistakes. The easiest thing I have come across has been my communication. It is easy for me to empathize and sympathize with people from different backgrounds, beliefs, cultures etc. In a wider spectrum, if you could change anything in the world today, what would it be, and why? If I could change anything thing in the world today it would be the school and court systems. I would change the financial demand for higher education that creates further debt. I would change the court systems because I feel as though African Americans are racially profiled and fathers are not granted equal opportunities. I have been on child support for the past 8 years due to the unjust court system. I’m a good father but the court system overlooked that.

What would you say has been the hardest thing you have come across so far along your journey? What do you think has been the easiest? The hardest thing that I have ha encountered throughout my journey thus far was breaking out of my comfort zone. Taking more risks and feeding into what others think about my mistakes. The easiest thing I have come across has been my communication. It is easy for me to empathize and sympathize with people from different backgrounds, beliefs, cultures etc. belie that you can bring a different vibe to Do you believe the industry today? Why? belie that I can bring something new and innovative I believe to today’s industry. I would do things differently in regards to straying away from the misconception that “its not what you know but who you know.” I would have casting calls once a month in order to create a frequent intake of new talent. What advice would you gi give to someone interested in your career field or pursuing to be an entrepreneur? If I had to give gi someone advice who was interested in my career field or in pursuit of being an entrepreneur I would let them know that there are good days that accompany the bad. I would advised that they never give up and to go out and meet people with positive mental energy and attitudes. There are so many things in our li lives we cherish, but what would you say would be the one thing that you “LIVE” for? Why The one thing that I LIVE for is my family. Family defines who we $re. I believe that nothing beats love and family. Family is what keeps me grounded. Being able to reshape the family tree hroughout past decades is exciting and scary at the same time. What would you want people to obtain from you and your work? The thing that I want others to be able to obtain from me is to never quit, no matter how bad things get. What I want others to obtain from my work is that no matter where we come from, who we believe or whatever lifestyle we live.

Howard Wolliaston ISSUE #2 | 31


ATLANTA, GA, August 14, 2018 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Move over terrestrial radio here comes President/CEO Darrel Davis, of Kluster Radio Media, LLC as he join the streaming radio market with five urban radio stations. As the stratosphere of technology eats away at terrestrial radio's market share, Kluster ser the Radio Media, LLC is poised to reach and serve deep-pocketed listeners who advertisers want to reach. The online audience is comprised of 75 percent U.S. and 25 percent international listeners. Eighty percent are college educated; half of who are entrepreneurs. Davis' fifth estate and corporate background includes stints at Los Angeles radio outlets KGFJ, KDAY, KWIZ and financial giants FDIC, Prudential Bank and Bank of America. Davis has always dreamed of owning his own radio station one day and six years ago he started his first streaming station JazzBeatsRadio serving up Le Cool Hot Smooth Jazz music in all its internationally delectable forms via 24/7 online streaming. He has also started (R&B and Adult Contemporary format), (Gospel, Christian Format), HHJRRadio (Hip Hop, Rap Radio, and R&B format) and WTTRadio (R&B and Pop format). Radio has always been in the forefront of Davis mind as he continues to build his Media Brand. Kluster Radio Media stations can be heard via the Apple App, Android App, Tune In Radio, iTunes Radio (JazzBeatsRadio), Alexa, and the world wide web. Davis is number eleven of fourteen siblings growing up in Watts an Urban Community in Los Angeles. “ My dream was always to own a radio station and be able to give other young people a chance to have a broadcasting career that I received,� Davis states. Davis has trained over 50 individuals at his studios located in Ellenwood, GA over the past 6 years. Davis stated that he ne never thought he would be building a brand such as Kluster Radio Media, LLC because he always thought brands was for major corporations. Well over the years the Kluster Radio Media, LLC brand has become a name that is ringing worldwide. He also stated he will be launching Kluster Media Records where he will help develop artist, and a lifestyle magazine Kluster Magazine. Davis also currently co-owns Jazzy Boyy Designs. The sky is the limits with Davis as he continues to flourish and build an empire that is destined to reach millions!!! 4016 Broadleaf walk Ellenwood, GA Office: (404) 343-1527 Cell: (404) 457-8513 Email: ISSUE #2 | 32

KIA COMEDY Kia Barnes, also known as Kia Comedy, is an Atlanta based comedian, host, speaker, and writer. She's headlined her signature "Lez Laugh" Comedy tour with some of the country's most prominent comedians, and she also hosts SVTV Network’s “Queer Comedy Jam." Kia produces and hosts LGBTQ parties, events, and fashion shows across the country, including the Andro Fashion Show, Atlanta Pride's Dyke March, Nashville Pride's Lesbo Comedy Show, Plezzure Island's DJ Battle, Washington, D.C.'s Masculine of Center Conference, and Sweet Heat Miami's Lesbian Speed Dating. With a social media following of over 70k, Kia uses her platform to encourage acceptance, diversity, and unity. She does so by sharing her experiences growing up in church, as an educator, as number 11 of 12 siblings, and as a married lesbian in an interracial relationship in the South. Kia recently completed a Fulbright Research Fellowship to study abroad in Belize, and her research is published and implemented in American curricula and potentially in classrooms throughout the country. Kia's work can also be found in "The Advocate," "Curve" Magazine, "GA Voice," and more. She has produced events with Georgia Equality, the Human Right's Campaign, and Gayborhood, and she is an advocate and activist in the LGBTQ community. Simply put, Kia Comedy is not just jokes. Kia is available for standup comedy, hosting, workshops, podcasts, and event bookings. Topics include: Intersectionality, Creative Activism, Androgynous Fashion, Living Out Loud as an Educator, Growing up Queer and Christian, Effective Gay-Straight Alliances, and Masculine Identified Queer Women ISSUE #2 | 33

with a

ISSUE #2 | 34


PARNELL DAMONE MARCANO Parnell Damone Marcano is a multi-talented entertainer with a career spanning over 30 years! Though his role as "Carlton Cruise" on the hit show "Greenleaf" now in its 4th season on the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN), is his highest profile job so far, he has numerous credits on his resume. Crowning himself as #the1andonlymalesupreme, he has toured the world singing with Motown Legend, Mary Wilson, for 25 years. For the past 3 years, he's been singing with Thelma Houston, a legend in her own right!

"For those ofyou who ain't yet guessed, I... am an ENTERTAINER!" - Harvey Fierstein in Torch Song Trilogy

Parnell has appeared in several films, including the upcoming "Daughters of Legend ", and the documentary, "Choices". The former is a primarily LGBT and people of color helmed "super hero" movie. The laaer is a documentary focused on homophobia and the black community. He has been cast in several plays and musicals, such as Dreamgirls, Evita, Ragtime, Hello Dolly, Booty Candy, Fucking Men. Making his off-Broadway debut originating the role of "Desmond" in The Babies. Parnell resides in Los Angeles with his husband, Michael Rabb, a trained chef. The couple started a jewelry design company, RabbMar Designs, in 2016. He is the company manager at the award winning Celebration Theatre, and a founding board member of Youth Drama Theater. ISSUE #2 | 35













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