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STRATEGY PLAN MAX IV LABORATORY 2013 -‐ 2026 ............................................... 1 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................... 4 2 VISION, GOALS & VALUES ................................................................................. 5 3 STATUS ............................................................................................................. 8 3.1
MAX I-‐III ................................................................................................................................. 8
3.2 MAX IV Project ....................................................................................................................... 8 3.2.1 MAX IV Building ...................................................................................................................... 8 3.2.2 MAX IV Accelerator ................................................................................................................. 9 3.2.3 Funded MAX IV Beamlines .................................................................................................... 10 3.3
Organization ......................................................................................................................... 11
4 TRANSITION MAX-‐LAB TO MAX IV .................................................................. 13 4.1
Ramping up to MAX IV ......................................................................................................... 13
Dark period .......................................................................................................................... 13
Decommissioning MAX I-‐III ................................................................................................... 14
5 FUTURE ACTIONS ........................................................................................... 15 5.1
Position of MAX IV ............................................................................................................... 15
5.2 Future beamlines ................................................................................................................. 15 5.2.1 Beamline ramp-‐up plan ........................................................................................................ 15 5.2.2 The MAX IV Straw-‐Man Suit ................................................................................................. 16 5.2.3 Phase II beamlines ................................................................................................................ 21 5.2.4 Selection process for Phase IIb and Phase III beamlines ...................................................... 21 5.2.5 Individual applications vs. Funding Frame ............................................................................ 24 5.2.6 Swedish High energy beamline at PETRA III ......................................................................... 24 5.3
Phase II accelerator .............................................................................................................. 25
MAX FEL ............................................................................................................................... 25
5.5 Internationalization .............................................................................................................. 26 5.5.1 Status & milestones of the internationalization ................................................................... 26 5.6 Synergies: ESS – SVS – MAX IV .............................................................................................. 27 5.6.1 Priorities for SVS ................................................................................................................... 28 5.6.2 SVS time plan ........................................................................................................................ 28 5.7 Industry -‐ Innovation – Education ......................................................................................... 29 5.7.1 Industry ................................................................................................................................. 29 5.7.2 Education & outreach ........................................................................................................... 30
6 RESOURCES NEEDED TO FULFILL VISION ......................................................... 32 Strategy Plan MAX IV Laboratory_August 23_2013 Dnr MAX 2013/95
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7 TIME PLAN & MAJOR EVENTS ......................................................................... 35 7.1
Communication .................................................................................................................... 35
7.2 Phase IIb Workshops………………………...…………………………………………………………………………………35
8 QUESTIONS TO VETENSKAPSRÅDET ................................................................ 37
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1 Executive Summary MAX IV Laboratory is a Swedish national laboratory providing scientists with X-‐rays for research. It is presently operating the MAX I-‐III facilities and building MAX IV, which will be inaugurated June 21st 2016. This document proposes a strategy for the laboratory until 2026. By then MAX IV shall have reached its full capacity and will be a crown jewel for natural science in Sweden and a cornerstone in the academic and industrial materials competence center in Brunnshög, Lund. MAX IV is built with the strong intellectual and financial support of 12 major Swedish Universities. It shall continue this collaboration and in addition attract international partners contributing both intellectually and to investment and operation. This will provide a better and more complete facility for less Swedish money. In its development MAX IV shall keep a close watch of the international scene as exemplified by storage rings and free electron lasers, emerging communities and grand challenges. Because of its revolutionary design MAX IV will provide high brightness X-‐ray beams of high transverse coherence and ultra-‐short duration. These will transform our understanding of matter and materials in many fields of natural science. Based on these world-‐leading strengths we suggest scientific fields for which beamlines shall be built up, the straw-‐man suit. The selection, prioritization and specification of beamlines serving these fields shall be done in full collaboration with the scientific community and the funders. The final suite of beamlines will serve all of natural science and cater to existing as well as emerging communities. The existing MAX I-‐III storage rings continue to attract almost 1000 users/year producing circa 240 publications and 35 PhD students every year. In the transition phase we prioritize MAX IV while safeguarding the operation at MAX I-‐III, which will be closed down in December 2015. The MAX IV-‐project consists of three subprojects: Building, accelerator and beamlines. All are on schedule and in specifications. Since reporting a slight cost increase in summer 2012 the cost is reported to the funders on a quarterly basis and no further increase has occurred. The accelerator project entered the installation phase in May 2013 and LINAC installation is progressing according to plan. Commissioning will start in March 2014. The building is scheduled for final handover in October 2015. Beamlines are progressing according to plan. The inauguration of the entire facility is scheduled for June 21st 2016. To cope with the very complex and expensive MAX IV project the laboratory has reformed its organization. It now has a matrix organization handling the MAX IV project complemented by a line organization taking care of the individual employees Strategy Plan MAX IV Laboratory_August 23_2013 Dnr MAX 2013/95
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and organizing operation issues. This organization shall remain in place at least until completing the MAX IV project in 2016. MAX IV Laboratory already has close to 50 % international users. It has the potential and ambition to become a regional facility. For this formal partnership with countries in the Nordic/Baltic region shall be established. Partnership shall allow contributions to the operation cost and to future investment matching the scientific use of MAX IV. A first step towards this goal was taken in December 2012 with Estonia and Finland funding the FinEstBeaMS beamline at MAX IV. Internationalization must be done in a way protecting the large initial Swedish investment and resulting in a win-‐win situation for both Swedish and Nordic/Baltic users. The future development of MAX IV is mostly steered through the beamline ramp-‐up plan. The suggested ramp-‐up allows exploiting the full capacity of the revolutionary MAX IV design and serving all areas of natural science in the Nordic/Baltic countries. It will require full involvement of the many scientific user communities and the international partners. For this we suggest a beamline selection process balancing scientific excellence and strategic aspects while maximizing transparency and accountability. Sweden will build and operate beamline P21 at PETRA III. This is optimized for high energy X-‐rays and can ideally complement MAX IV. It is suggested to exploit synergies by coordinating the efforts. From the beginning the MAX IV project anticipated the construction of an FEL. We summarize the scientific and economic benefits of co-‐locating the FEL with MAX IV and suggest a time line for the application and building process. To maximize the synergies enabled by the proximity of MAX IV Laboratory, the European Spallation Source (ESS), the Lund University campus, and Science Village Scandinavia (SVS) we list priorities including for example a common physical (user reception) as well as virtual (user office) portal with ESS and suggest a timeline for their realization. Cohesion with Lund University and other universities shall be maintained by joint appointments and by contributing to education. Finally we estimate the full resources necessary to realize the vision of MAX IV as a world-‐leading regional facility serving all of natural science. Starting from the operations cost applied for (2014-‐2018) and assuming the beamline ramp-‐up we anticipate an almost constant investment need of 150 MSEK/year (2017-‐2023) and an operations budget levelling out just above 500 MSEK/year in 2026. Part of this cost shall be financed by the future Nordic/Baltic partners.
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2 Vision, Goals & Values
This document describes the vision of building and operating MAX IV as a world-‐ leading user facility for all of natural science. MAX IV is based on more than 25 years of successful work in photon science in Lund. It is presently hosted by Lund University (LU) and located next to the future European Spallation Source (ESS) and to Science Village Scandinavia (SVS), with which it will collaborate closely and exploit all possible synergies. This will make the Brunnshög complex a unique asset for research, innovation and education for the entire Nordic and Baltic region. The developing MAX IV will be driven by the needs of the Nordic and Baltic users and will keep a close watch on the international competition. When becoming operational June 21st 2016 MAX IV will be the lowest emittance storage ring worldwide and will stay so for many years to come. It is our goal to translate this unique machine performance to unique beamlines and to unique results in science and innovation. For this MAX IV will expand its user community to non-‐traditional fields like cultural heritage, engineering, cell biology and others. It must be the goal to exploit the full potential of the initial investment in the facility. We define this as follows: • Provide excellent service for all fields of natural science • Building and operating a full portfolio of beamlines • A close collaboration with: a. The Swedish and other universities to optimize research and education. b. ESS as exemplified by a common entrance point for all users (electronic user portal & physical reception). c. Related facilities like ESRF, PETRA III, European XFEL and others to exploit synergies and complementarities. • Becoming a regional facility for all interested users in the Nordic/Baltic countries by securing financial contributions to the operation and investment in beamlines. • Building and operating an FEL to complement the science done at the storage rings. The staff of MAX IV will provide an inspiring and welcoming environment for new and for returning users from both academia and industry. The beamline staff will be qualified to support the most demanding research projects because of their experience and their own active contributions to research. Some staff will be active in educating the next generation of scientists.
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It is our vision to operate MAX IV using renewable energy sources to be procured in a long-‐term contract from a commercial energy supplier. This shall lower the environmental footprint and make the project immune against rising energy prices, which have to be expected in the future. The recycling of energy, by selling heat from the cooling systems to the central heating system of Lund, is already realized and lowers the operations cost.
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3 Status 3.1 MAX I-‐III The MAX I, II, and III facilities have provided a broad scientific community access to VUV and X-‐ray radiation and energetics electrons for nuclear physics research for decades and are the foundation on which MAX IV is built. The beamlines continue to attract almost 1000 users per year and produce high quality science published in about 240 articles per year. However most of them are no longer competitive with newly built beamlines at more modern sources (SLS, DIAMOND, SOLEIL, PETRA III, …). For the coming years their task is to continue serving users at the level possible given their age. This will ensure the continuity in the user community and prepare users as well as possible for the opportunities of MAX IV. Because of limited resources and because of the need to focus on the future and prepare the staff for upcoming challenges, MAX IV Laboratory has decided to prioritize the MAX IV project, while safeguarding the operations at MAX I-‐III. The MAX I-‐III accelerators and beamlines will be closed in December 2015. This results in a dark period of at least 6 months. See also 4.2.
3.2 MAX IV Project The MAX IV project, funded jointly by VR, LU, VINNOVA, and Region Skåne, was approved in 2010. An increased project cost estimate was reported in the summer of 2012. The main cost drivers are in the New Lab Facilities subprojects, which cover the infrastructure necessary to support users during their work at the beamlines and general infrastructure for the facility. The MAX IV Phase I cost is monitored closely and reported to the funders on a quarterly basis. At present contracts for more than 70 % of the total expected cost has been signed. The approved budget is 1 134 MSEK plus a guarantee by the funders concerning cost increases necessary to construct the accelerators of the MAX IV-‐project Phase I. It has been agreed with the funders that an application to cover the funding gap will be submitted to VR in spring 2014 when the exact amount is known. 3.2.1 MAX IV Building The building project is progressing well. At present about 60 % of the approved budget has been spent and no problems with technical specifications, budget or schedule have been encountered. Topping out is planned for August 22nd 2013; first beneficial occupancy (LINAC and start building only) is planned for October 1st 2013. Full hand over of the entire building is scheduled for October 2015.
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3.2.2 MAX IV Accelerator The accelerator is based on a novel multi-‐bend-‐achromat (MBA) design providing world-‐leading emittance for moderate investment cost. It consists of three parts which each have unique and irreplaceable functions. 1. The LINAC accelerates electrons to the operating energies of the storage rings, thus allowing for top-‐up injection. The combination of a laser cathode gun and two bunch compressors provides the ultra-‐short electron bunches (<100 fs) required for ultra-‐fast science at the Short Pulse Facility (SPF) used by the funded FemtoMAX beamline (SPF can host 2 beamlines). The LINAC is also a prerequisite for the future expansion to an FEL. 2. The 1.5 GeV storage ring provides high brightness radiation and will be the only modern storage ring1 in the spectral region between about 5 and 500 eV. It serves the large and successful scientific community, which has built up MAX-‐lab to become an internationally recognized facility. The 1.5 GeV ring can host approximately 6 beamlines, more beamlines would require expanding the present building. 3. The 3 GeV storage ring provides the highest brightness radiation in the spectral region between about 250 eV and 35 keV. By fully exploiting the multi-‐bend achromat (MBA) lattice, invented by M. Eriksson and the MAX-‐lab team, it achieves a record low emittance (0.3 nm*rad) and performances exceeding those of recent facilities (Soleil, Diamond) by an order of magnitude at comparable or lower cost. This will allow focusing the beam to sub-‐micron spot sizes while maintaining the low divergence necessary for diffraction and other scattering experiments, an important requirement in the ever-‐increasing field of nano-‐science. The 3 GeV ring, when combined with state of the art beamlines, provides world leading research facilities in fields such as structural biology, soft matter, nano-‐science, energy materials, etc. of huge importance for solving the challenges that face society in the decades to come. The 3 GeV ring can host approximately 20 beamlines. The MAX IV accelerator project can be considered a true leader on the international scale. Even before completion its MBA design is copied by much larger international competitors like ESRF2, APS, Spring83 and PEP-‐X. The accelerator project entered a new phase when installation of the accelerator components began in May 2013. By early July 280 meters of LINAC structures were installed and under vacuum. No serious problems were encountered so far. 1
The competitors for the 1.5 GeV ring are for example ALS, BESSY, ELETTRA, NSRRC which are circa 20 years old, SOLARIS being built in Kracow, PL is an exact copy of the MAX IV ring realized as a collaborative project. 2 ESRF Low Emittance Project: http://www.esrf.eu/fr/home/UsersAndScience/Publications/Highlights/2012/axs/axs9.html http://www.esrf.eu/about/upgrade/documentation/whitepaper-‐upgrade-‐phaseII.pdf 3 Spring-‐8 upgrade plan: http://www.spring8.or.jp/en/about_us/whats_sp8/spring-‐8_II/ Strategy Plan MAX IV Laboratory_August 23_2013 Dnr MAX 2013/95
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The initial phase of beamlines consists of: • FemtoMAX (Linac): Studies of ultra-‐fast processes in materials • NanoMAX (3 GeV ring): Imaging, spectroscopic & scattering techniques with nanometer resolution • BALDER (3 GeV ring): Hard X-‐ray absorption spectroscopy with emphasis on in-‐situ and time resolved studies • BioMAX (3 GeV ring): Macromolecular crystallography with a high degree of automation and remote access • Veritas (3 GeV ring): RIXS combining a unique resolving power with high spatial resolution • Hippie (3 GeV ring): High-‐pressure photoelectron spectroscopy on solids and liquids • ARPES (1.5 GeV ring): Angle resolved photoelectron spectroscopy for detailed studies of the electronic structure of solids • FinEstBeaMS (1.5 GeV ring): Electronic structure, gases, aerosols, luminescence All initial seven beamlines have presented Technical Design Reports (TDR), which were evaluated by international experts. Procurement and purchasing is on-‐going for all these seven beamlines. Part of the development of technical solutions for the seven beamlines is being done within the MAX IV – SOLEIL collaboration funded by the Swedish Research Council. An agreement on collaborative metrology of X-‐ray optics and R&D of gratings has been signed with Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin (HZB). A TDR for FinEstBeaMS will be presented late 2013. An agreement concerning procurement and financial aspects of the FinEstBeaMS beamline has been negotiated with Tartu University. The beamline projects are on time. Contracts completed so far indicate that they will be in budget.
3.3 Organization The MAX IV Laboratory is a National Laboratory founded by Lund University, VINNOVA and VR (see Governmental Regulation 2011:1567). Lund University hosts the MAX IV Laboratory and is the legal entity for the laboratory. Lund University, VINNOVA and VR appoint the Board of the Laboratory, which is responsible towards the main funders of the Laboratory and appoints the Director and the management team of the Laboratory. The MAX IV project is much bigger, more technically demanding, ambitious and last but not least more expensive than anything the previous MAX-‐lab organization has done. While the project relies on the experienced people and on their motivation, it does require a more structured organization. First steps in this direction were taken several years ago. They were accelerated and completed by the current director who joined the laboratory in August 2012. Strategy Plan MAX IV Laboratory_August 23_2013 Dnr MAX 2013/95
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The organization of the Laboratory now has the following core elements: • Coexisting: o Project organization using a matrix structure to realize the MAX IV project4. o Line organization handling personnel, career and operation of the present MAX I-‐III facilities. • The Director with overall responsibility • Three Directors for Accelerator, Administration and Science, respectively A second science director (Life Science) is presently being recruited. • A single project coordinator responsible for coordinating the three sub-‐ projects (building, accelerator, beamlines). • The project coordination office (PCO) negotiating and agreeing on solutions for issues in and between sub-‐projects. • The steering committee [Machine-‐, Science-‐, Administrative-‐, Building-‐ director, and Director] deciding on issues having substantial influence on the budget, scope or time and on issues escalated by PCO. The MAX IV Laboratory is further supported by: • The MAX IV Laboratory Board • The Machine Advisory Committee (MAC) • The Science Advisory Committee (SAC) • The Program Advisory Committee (PAC) The management and organization of the laboratory is regularly reviewed; see for example National Audit report concerning 2011, Self-‐evaluation to VR June 2012 and Kåre Bremer’s review of Swedish national research infrastructures May 2013. These documents can be found at: https://www.maxlab.lu.se/strategy_report
Project management plan MAX IV Project, as agreed at February 2013 Board meeting (Item 14).
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4 Transition MAX-‐lab to MAX IV 4.1 Ramping up to MAX IV Ramp-‐up towards MAX IV in terms of personnel and organization has started and is vital for the whole project. The ramp-‐up is delayed due to the late decision on the operations budget for 2013, which came only on 2012-‐12-‐14 thus limiting the staff that could be hired for 2013. For the future MAX IV Laboratory will take an optimistic and courageous point of view and ramp up staff and competences now to have qualified people in place 2016 when they are needed. It will assume that the funders will provide reasonable funding for the project. While being courageous and optimistic we will take great care to communicate the ambitions, the status and the pending issues to all funders in time, allowing them to take the necessary decisions. This document is part of this strategy!
4.2 Dark period After several decades of successful research the MAX I-‐III accelerators and beamlines will be permanently closed in December 2015.5 The opening of MAX IV, with its initial set of 8 beamlines, to users on June 21st 2016 will cause a minimum dark period of 6 months. However several communities, currently active at MAX I-‐III will have significantly longer dark periods. Examples are: • Non protein diffraction is presently done at BL I711 and BL I811, but there is not yet a funded such diffraction beamline at MAX IV. • SAXS is presently done at BL I911, but there is not yet a funded SAXS beamline at MAX IV. Funding for the CoSAXS beamline has been applied for and a decision is expected by November 2013. • Nuclear Physics has been a very strong activity at MAX-‐lab during the past 25 years. At present the user community is small and shrinking (leading professors have retired). In order for nuclear physics to play an important role at MAX IV would require strong signals by the Swedish universities such as replacing the retired professors. • Infrared spectroscopy and imaging has been done successfully at MAX I (BL 73) and III (BL D7), but today is challenged by ever improving laboratory instruments. At MAX IV the small diameter of the vacuum chamber makes it technically very difficult to extract the FIR part of the spectrum at competitive intensities. Therefore a very strong initiative by the user community would be needed to justify the extra technical effort.
RFI decided February 7, 2013 to guarantee the amount of 52,5 MSEK for securing the operations of MAX I-‐III for 2015 and through this minimize the dark period.
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Gas phase and low density matter is only partly covered by the FinEstBeaMS BL and by the CliMAX endstations that are part of the transfer package (decision November 2013).
Most soft X-‐ray and VUV science is covered by the transfer package for which a funding decision by VR is expected in November 2013.
4.3 Decommissioning MAX I-‐III In 2016 the existing MAX I-‐III accelerator, all beamlines and the entire infrastructure will be decommissioned. The goal is to hand over the current building to LU in the summer 2016. The necessary resources for the decommissioning have been applied for to VR (2013-‐03-‐26).
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5 Future Actions 5.1 Position of MAX IV The unique properties of the MAX IV accelerator will allow ground breaking science because of its low emittance and coherence (microscopy, micro-‐diffraction), and because of the full energy LINAC (ultra-‐fast processes). MAX IV will be the lowest emittance (ε= 0.3 nmrad) accelerator worldwide. It is the ambition to maintain this position [5.2.4] and to expand this capability to the beamline [Future beamlines 5.2] and science programs and to become a worldwide leader in synchrotron radiation research. When deciding on future science areas MAX IV will focus on its strengths in terms of: o Unique properties of the accelerator o High brightness and high coherence ideally suited to small spot analysis and imaging techniques. o Broad energy range: 10 -‐ 400 eV @ 1.5 GeV ring 250 – 35keV @ 3 GeV ring o Ultra-‐fast science using the SPF and potentially an FEL in the future o Strong support by the Swedish universities as exemplified in their co-‐ funding of the beamlines. o A strong user network mostly in the Nordic and Baltic countries. o Synergies with research institutes nearby (European Spallation Source, Medicon Village, IDEON Science park), Swedish and other universities, and partners in the Nordic/Baltic region. o Accelerator physics (this will require recruiting a leading expert to succeed Mikael Eriksson as the Machine Director). The MAX IV Laboratory should strive for becoming a European steward in sustainable development of research facilities.
5.2 Future beamlines 5.2.1 Beamline ramp-‐up plan The number of beamlines determines not only the breadth of science MAX IV can enable and the number of users it can support; it also has major influence on the cost of ownership6. It is thus the main parameter to steer the future of the facility. With the presently funded 8 beamlines not even all of the community already existing at MAX I-‐III is served, much less are new communities attracted. Thus increasing the number of beamlines is mandatory. Increasing the number of beamlines does not increase the base cost necessary to operate the facility (accelerator, administration, rent). Thus it is a way to take better profit from the large initial investment made by the Swedish funders. 6
We define cost of ownership as the full cost needed to build (investment) and operate (salaries, consumables, overhead) the facility and to keep it competitive until 2026. Upgrades beyond this and decommissioning are not included. Strategy Plan MAX IV Laboratory_August 23_2013 Dnr MAX 2013/95
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III. Beamlines for which proposals are being prepared: Phase IIb Final decisions are pending, but funding for some will be applied for in 2014 [6 new BLs] IV. Wildcards reflecting beamlines to be built 2020 and beyond: Phase III For these the science case is not known yet because it has to reflect new and unexpected progress and areas where further capacity is needed to satisfy the needs of the users community. [6 new BLs]
Together these 25 beamlines would fill the suit provided by the large Swedish investment into the MAX IV facility and shall guide the development of MAX IV until 2026. The beamlines listed are based on user input and are a further development of the existing Strategic Plan 2012-‐20207. It cannot be emphasized enough that this straw-‐man suit is tentative and subject to changes. Scientific fields develop and funding changes. No decisions have been taken for Phase IIb and Phase III. Fields not yet represented may rise and fields now listed may decline. We present this list as an input to the funders and to the community to initiate the necessary discussion preceding any decision. The straw-‐man suit is based on the following assumptions: o Lifetime of MAX IV accelerator: 25 years plus 10-‐15 years after an upgrade o Average lifetime of a beamline: 10 years with regular minor upgrades plus 5-‐10 years after major upgrade o Full capacity of 25 beamlines: reached by 2026 o Ramp-‐up: 1 -‐ 2 beamlines/year This straw-‐man suit has to reflect the strengths of MAX IV and its scientific community and their ambitions on the international scene.
Strategic Plan 2012-‐2020 MAX IV Laboratory (May, 2012): https://www.maxlab.lu.se/sites/default/files/Strategisk%20dok_0.pdf
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Oper– Name Design ation Unique properties International potential Phase I (financed by KAW and 12 major Swedish Univ.)
Angle resolved electron spectroscopy. Full polarization variation of light.
Hard X-‐ray absorption spectroscopy (XANES, EXAFS) emphasizing in-‐ situ and time-‐resolved studies Small focus, low divergence beam; high throughput protein diffraction; large high speed detector; high level of automation; remote access; on-‐the-‐ fly data analysis Femto-‐second X-‐ray diffraction and spectroscopy. More flux than available at existing slicing-‐based sources Nano-‐scale imaging of materials, spatial resolution down to low nm range. Scanning and coherence-‐based imaging methods. Near ambient pressure photoemission to study surface reactions under relevant gas pressures. Full polarization variation of light.
Soft X-‐ray resonant inelastic X-‐ray scattering. High flux at world-‐class energy resolution, study excitations in solids and liquids. Full polarization variation of light
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Existing international user community; will be state-‐of-‐ the-‐art and attract additional international users. Will be exceed performance of related beamlines at HZB-‐BESSY and ALS, which are aging.
Will be state-‐of-‐the-‐art and attract additional users worldwide.
Existing users in DK, FI, NO; will be state-‐of-‐the-‐art and attract additional users from oversubscribed BLs worldwide. Will attract international users that require more flux than available at slicing-‐ based sources (SLS, ALS, HZB-‐BESSY, SOLEIL). Will be state-‐of-‐the-‐art and attract users worldwide because it fully exploits the potential (brightness) of MAX IV. Existing international user community; will be state-‐of-‐ the-‐art and attract additional users from oversubscribed BLs worldwide.
Will be state-‐of-‐the-‐art and attract additional users worldwide. Fully exploits the MAX IV potential (brightness).
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Phase I' (financed by Finland and Estonia)
10 SoftiMAX
11 FlexPES
VUV and soft X-‐ray spectroscopy for studies of solids, gases, and aerosols including luminescence.
Funded by Estonia and Finland. Role model for international partners.
2013 2016 Phase IIa (applied for to VR 2013-‐03-‐26)
Small and Wide Angle X-‐ray Scattering (SAXS and WAXS), X-‐ray Correlation Spectroscopy (XPCS), and Coherent X-‐ray Diffraction Imaging (CDI). Exploits fully the potential of MAX IV (low emittance & high coherence). Soft X-‐ray Coherent X-‐ ray imaging and Scanning Transmission X-‐ray Microscopy. Full polarization variation of light. Exploits fully the unique coherence of MAX IV X-‐rays. Soft X-‐ray spectroscopies on solids, gases, aerosols, and liquids. Multi-‐ dimensional spectroscopy and coincidence methods. High cost efficiency by reuse of MAX II equipment. One of few aberration corrected SPELEEM on a modern source (ultimate resolution in the low nm-‐range). Full polarization variation of light. High cost efficiency by reuse of MAX II equipment.
Near ambient pressure photoemission and soft X-‐ray resonant inelastic X-‐ray scattering. High cost efficiency by reuse of MAX II equipment.
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Existing Nordic, in particular Danish, user community. Will be state-‐of-‐the-‐art and attract additional users worldwide.
Will be world-‐leading due to high coherent flux from MAX IV and will attract users worldwide.
Existing international user community; will be state-‐of-‐ the-‐art and attract additional users from oversubscribed BLs worldwide.
Existing international user community; will be state-‐of-‐ the-‐art and attract additional users from oversubscribed BLs worldwide.
Existing international user community; will be state-‐of-‐ the-‐art and attract additional users from oversubscribed BLs worldwide.
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Phase IIb: Covering obvious gaps in the portfolio (Application to VR planned for spring 2014)
Combined diffraction & imaging for hard 2015-‐ 14 materials 2017
Cultural 15 heritage
2015-‐ 2017
Diffraction for crystals & 2015-‐ 16 surfaces 2017
2019-‐ 2020
2019-‐ 2020
2019-‐ 2020
Medical imaging and bio-‐medical 17 technology
2015-‐ 2017
2019-‐ 2020
Microfocus 18 MX
2015-‐ 2017
2019-‐ 2020
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Analyse meso-‐ structure of hard materials (metals, ceramics, …) by combining diffraction and micro-‐ tomographic imaging. Samples can be powder or few grains. Includes 3D grain and stress mapping. Dedicated to investigating precious cultural artefacts by tomography & fluorescence. Solve small molecule structure by powder and single crystal/surface diffraction. Focused beam will allow measuring single or few crystals in polycrystalline samples. Millisecond time resolution to capture dynamics and transient phases. Medical imaging: tissue, teeth, bones, and animals. High resolution & sensitivity, samples up to centimetres. Close proximity to hospital and full involvement of medical faculty & and bio-‐medical industry. Solve the most challenging protein structures membranes, ribosome, … ) using micron sized crystals. These are much easier to produce, but cannot be analysed today. Fully exploits MAX IV advantages (brightness)
Driven by the Danish community. Is on a top position of the roadmap for Danish research infrastructure. In particular the imaging part will be state-‐of-‐the-‐art and attract users worldwide. Large potential for use by National Heritage Boards of Scandinavian and Baltic countries
Existing international user community from particular in DK. Large user base for diffraction in Scandinavia.
Will offer state-‐of-‐the-‐art facilities combined with large local expertize on biological imaging. Will attract users worldwide.
Will be world leading BL and attract users worldwide.
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Micro-‐focus spectroscopy XAS and XAFS in the difficult but relevant "tender" X-‐ray range (2-‐5keV) for light elements (Si, P, S, Na, …) in environmental, geo, materials science.
Will be state-‐of-‐the-‐art and attract users worldwide. Only few BLs exist in this difficult spectral region.
Tender X-‐ray 2015-‐ 2019-‐ 19 spectroscopy 2017 2020 Phase III: Expand to new communities and open to emerging fields 20 Phase III_1 2019 2022 The science cases for these BLs are not yet developed. 21 Phase III_2 2019 2022 They must be based on the needs of the scientific 22 Phase III_3 2020 2023 community and the possibilities in ca. 2020. These BLs leave room for MAX IV to be world leading 23 Phase III_4 2020 2023 beyond 2020. 24 Phase III_5 2021 2024 The BL will take into account the development of both 25 Phase III_6 2021 2024 ESS & SVS and will depend on international partners. Figure 3: Straw-‐man suit listing beamlines which would realize the full potential of the MAX IV initial investment as a regional facility reaching its capacity by 2026.
5.2.3 Phase II beamlines The Phase II process was started in December 2012 and has led to an application for funding to Vetenskapsrådet (2013-‐03-‐26), which is anchored in the scientific community, ranked by the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) and approved by the Board.8 The Phase IIa application requests funding for: 1.) Transfer package (75 MSEK) 2.) CoSAXS beamline (98.5 MSEK) 3.) Softi-‐MAX beamline (94.84 MSEK) These were selected from 9 proposals, which were extracted from the sketches in the Strategic Plan 2012-‐2020 [see note 7]. The interaction with the user community was intense, but limited by the short notice (December 2012 – March 2013). Partial funding of 15 MSEK for the transfer package was granted by KAW in May 2013. Work for the Phase IIb application is presently on-‐going. It consists of a series of workshops, leading to presentations at the 2013 Users Meeting. In the continued process the results of these workshops will be cast into beamline proposals to be ranked and submitted to the funders. 5.2.4 Selection process for Phase IIb and Phase III beamlines Selecting the right beamlines is crucial for the success of a facility. It requires intense and open communication between the scientists proposing a beamline, the laboratory managing the facility and the funders providing the resources. It also 8
Application Research Equipment Grant to Vetenskapsrådet/The Swedish Research Council, Research infrastructures, MAX IV Phase IIa Beamlines, VR No 2013-‐44950-‐102300-‐94. Strategy Plan MAX IV Laboratory_August 23_2013 Dnr MAX 2013/95
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always requires hard choices because resources (money, people, time) are limited and not every proposal can be realized. Decisions have to be based on scientific excellence, availability of resources, and strategic arguments. We propose the following scheme for the selection process: 1. Science Case Scientists are invited to suggest a Science Case. For this they provide the MAX IV Science Director with an informal document answering the relevant questions: o What shall be done? o Why is this important? o Who will be using the beamline? o How shall it be realized technically? MAX IV analyses the Science Case, assigns a responsible and assists the proposers in organizing a workshop at which the following issues are discussed: o Scientific case o User case o International status of the field o Technical issues o Possible funding from industry, international partners, etc. As an output of the workshop the scientists deliver a short workshop report to the Science Director summarizing the workshop and updating their proposal. This includes a list of people able to work on the project in the future. This step has already been done for some of the science cases related to Phase II. 2. Beamline Case MAX IV receives the input from all workshops (at present 8 + FEL). In order to maximize the scientific output and to minimize the use of resources, MAX IV makes a suggestion how to map the suggested Science Cases to Beamline Cases. This suggestion takes into account technical aspects, the size of the user community, and resources. It may lead to combining several Scientific Cases into a single Beamline Case or to splitting a Science Case to several Beamline Cases. This suggestion is presented to the user community, typically at the users meeting, where input is requested. Based on this MAX IV makes the final list of Beamline Proposals, which for every proposal assigns a Beamline Spokesperson and a list of collaborators. 3. Beamline proposal The beamline proposal is worked out by the responsible and the collaborators with the support and guidance of MAX IV. It is submitted to MAX IV. It contains: I. Scientific case II. User case III. International status of the field IV. Technical design suggestions Strategy Plan MAX IV Laboratory_August 23_2013 Dnr MAX 2013/95
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V. Budget and time plan VI. Possible funding from industry, international partners, etc.
4. Beamline ranking and selection All Beamline Proposals, together with a preliminary assessment, are submitted to the MAX IV Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC), the University Reference Group (URG), and the MAX IV Industrial Network Group (MING) by the MAX IV Management. • URG comments on the relevance in terms of the strategic plans of the universities. • MING comments on the Industrial Relevance in terms of size of the user community, international competition and any aspects that would increase the beamline’s attractiveness for industry. • The MAX IV management reviews the advice and recommendations on Beamline Proposals by the URG and MING, analyses them with respect to the available resources, synergy effects and the strategy agreed upon with the MAX IV stakeholders. It makes a preliminary ranking of the proposals. This suggestion is presented to the SAC. • SAC comments the ranking and selection proposed by the management. The SAC comments are based on o 1) Scientific excellence o 2) Size and impact of the users community (academic and industrial) o 3) Technical feasibility o 4) Status of the international competition The comments explicitly address o A) A recommendation to build the beamline or not o B) Advice on the ranking of all Beamline Proposals suggested by the management • After the SAC comments, the MAX IV management reviews all input on Beamline Proposals by the SAC, URG and MING and makes the final ranking of the proposals. 5. Beamline application The MAX IV management submits the final ranked list of beamlines to the MAX IV Board, which checks its compliance with the strategy and its feasibility and authorizes an application to one or more of the funding agencies. All decisions as well as all written advice from the various parties involved in the beamline selection process will be accessible to the scientific community and stakeholders. MAX IV prepares the application and submits it according to the rules of the specific funder. 6. Beamline project Upon approval of full funding the beamline becomes a Beamline Project. MAX IV assigns a Beamline Project Manager (either from existing MAX IV staff, or from the user community, or it recruits a person). This person becomes member of the Beamline Project Office (BPO), which coordinates the building of all beamlines at MAX IV. MAX IV receives the full funding and takes responsibility to build and Strategy Plan MAX IV Laboratory_August 23_2013 Dnr MAX 2013/95
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operate the beamline and for its safety. During the design and building process the Beamline Project Manager and the MAX IV Management are in close contact with the Beamline Spokesperson and the collaborators. 5.2.5 Individual applications vs. Funding Frame Depending on the funding situation there are different scenarios for how often Science Cases are selected and Beamline Applications are submitted. I. If MAX IV succeeds in obtaining a funding frame financing the construction of some 3-‐5 beamlines over a period of 5-‐7 years, such a process will happen at the beginning of such a cycle. At this point MAX IV Laboratory would likely take a decision for the first 2 years (2-‐3 beamlines) and repeat the process after two years to always be open for new opportunities such as changes in science or funding using the process described in section 5.2.4. It would give great flexibility to the facility and allow staging the building of beamlines with the goal of maximizing the output for given resources. In particular it would allow opening MAX IV to new and emerging communities, not having the users base to beat all other projects in direct competition. It will also allow making optimum use of international contributions, which may amount to only a fraction of a beamline. II. If no funding frame is available, then MAX IV will submit individual applications to all relevant funders whenever calls are open. It will result in many applications, some of which may be overlapping (same project to several funders) or depending on one another (parts of the same project to several funders). Clearly the later case is undesirable for the community and the facility. Thus MAX IV will increase its efforts to negotiate some kind of funding frame with its funders. 5.2.6 Swedish High energy beamline at PETRA III PETRA III is an ideal complement to MAX IV, providing better performance above circa 35 keV. The Swedish beamline P219 at PETRA III will offer valuable opportunities for hard materials (metals, ceramics), thick samples and pair distribution function (PDF) work. At present the design of P21 is coordinated by the Röntgen-‐Ångström Cluster (RAC) and not at all coordinated with the activities at MAX IV. Coordination would be of advantage for all of X-‐ray science in Sweden. MAX IV is willing to play a role in this beamline, but would need a mandate and possibly additional resources to do so. The coordination should continue into the operation phase to maximize the output and the obvious synergies. Such coordination by MAX IV would also result in a closer relation between MAX IV and DESY (Petra III) thus fulfilling and important goal of the RAC and the MoU between the Swedish and German governments. 9
P21 Bl at PETRA III: http://petra3-‐extension.desy.de/e84814/e86693/
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5.3 Phase II accelerator In order to stay competitive on the international scene the accelerator and its team need an ambitious but realistic development program. A strong accelerator physics program was a major reason for the successful MAX IV ideas and design. However for the first years (<2018) the full attention must be given to attain the relevant specifications for user operation: o Emittance < 0.3 nmrad o Current stability < 0.5 % (using top-‐up) o Availability >98% o Current >300 mA o SPF: repetition rate = 100Hz (FemtoMAX beamline) The following upgrade goals are suggested: The introduction of some 20 insertion devices will automatically reduce the ring emittance to approximately 0.15-‐0.2 nm rad. Reducing the emittance even further by lattice improvements should be investigated. o Coupling reduction will increase brilliance and coherence even further o Improved electron beam stability o Filling pattern development For many time resolved experiments a hybrid (cam-‐shaft) filling pattern is necessary. At the 1.5 GeV ring this would for example allow the use of TOF analysers for atomic and molecular physics and for electron spectroscopy (AR-‐TOF). Any such upgrade program will require both a financial budget and dedicated machine shifts.
5.4 MAX FEL FEL’s are a very important and dynamic field of photon science. The FEL´s now being planned and constructed will pave the way for the next generation of photon-‐based science in terms of the Fourier transform limited longitudinal coherence, fs pulses and diffraction-‐limited radiation offered by these sources. Sweden is a major player at LCLS and the European XFEL and there is a sizable user community as well as knowhow in accelerator physics. A FEL has been an option for the MAX IV design since the beginning and the basic investment (LINAC, SPF, infrastructure) has already been done. Placing a Swedish FEL at MAX IV and thus complementing the high performance rings and beamlines at MAX IV is a natural and cost-‐effective way of opening up both doors of tomorrow’s science, which rests on temporal and geometrically optimized sources. Moreover, this would make use of synergies with: a.) the Lund Laser Center b.) the storage rings c.) the support laboratories and infrastructure in SVS and d.) ESS. After being pushed by the user community the SAC has evaluated the possibility of building a FEL in the existing building very soon (start circa 2014). The recommendation was NOT to do this. The reason being that in this case the FEL Strategy Plan MAX IV Laboratory_August 23_2013 Dnr MAX 2013/95
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would not be competitive in terms of flux and that seeding, which is considered a must for a future FEL, would not be possible due to length limitations. Instead the SAC recommended working towards a full FEL in the future. Current ideas suggest that the future FEL would have 5-‐6 GeV energy, requiring circa 350 meters additional length (200 meters accelerator, 150 meters IDs and experiment) and cost of order 900 MSEK10. The MAX IV Laboratory team in collaboration with Swedish universities will continue working towards the FEL by assembling a.) the user and science case and b.) the technical design. These should be completed by the end of 2016, which would allow an application for funding in 2017 and start of operation circa 2022 (1a planning + 2a building + 2a installation and commissioning).
5.5 Internationalization Internationalizing MAX IV is a top priority. It is the way to exploit the full potential of the large initial Swedish investment and get a better and more complete facility. It would provide financial contributions to both future investment and operation. It is attractive to partner countries because it gives them access to a world leading facility for moderate cost and being partner will provide long-‐term stability for their research programs and influence on the future strategy. It will also create kickback by cooperation in education and instrument building as well as by in-‐kind contributions. It is advantageous for the Swedish scientific community because it provides a more complete and better-‐equipped facility and more long-‐term stability. In addition it will attract top brains to Sweden. If internationalization does not happen, Sweden will focus its resources on Swedish research, thus reducing access for non-‐Swedish users. This would lead to an incomplete facility and less international users and collaborations. Both are bad for the progress of science. Internationalization can and will be organized in a way that Swedish researchers also profit from it. MAX IV will do whatever possible to support internationalization, but the initiative resides with the Swedish Ministry for Education and Research, who has the authority and the means to drive the issue. 5.5.1 Status & milestones of the internationalization Internationalization of MAX IV has been part of the project plan since the beginning. The international perspective was mentioned, for example, already in the agreement 2010 between Lund University, VR and VINNOVA [see § 6.2 in the 10
This is a very rough estimate assuming: 175 MSEK for extending the LINAC tunnel, 150 MSEK for the acceleration up to 5-‐6 GeV, 150 MSEK for undulators, 125 MSEK for the experimental hall, 50 MSEK for a laser lab, and 250 MSEK for two FEL based beamlines.
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Överenskommelse/Agreement https://www.maxlab.lu.se/strategy_report]. Status and outlook are as follows: • 2013-‐06-‐18/19: Workshop “MAX IV – Future Opportunities” was held at the site. Official delegations representing the ministries, research councils and scientists from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Norway and Poland were present. • 2013-‐06-‐28: Official invitation from Katarina Bjelke (Division for Research Policy, Swedish Ministry of Education and Research) for bilateral discussions sent to Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Norway, and Poland. • 2013-‐Oct & Nov: Bilateral negotiations planned • 2013-‐11-‐27/28: International conference Joint Nordic Focus on Research Infrastructures -‐ Looking to the Future in Stockholm. Organized by the Nordic Council of Ministers, the Swedish Ministry of Education and Research, NordForsk and the Swedish Research Council, this conference is an opportunity to continue negotiations and possibly to sign a Letter of Intent. • 2014-‐Jan & Feb: Sweden presents a proposal to the potential partners outlining the structure of partnership in MAX IV. • 2014-‐Mar – Jun: Multinational negotiations on partnership • 2015: First financial commitments by partners • 2016: Changing MAX IV governance structure to accommodate partners. • 2016-‐Jul: Partners use MAX IV and contribute to its cost alongside their Swedish colleagues.
5.6 Synergies: ESS – SVS – MAX IV For exploiting the full potential of MAX IV a close collaboration with the future European Spallation Source (ESS) and with Science Village Scandinavia (SVS) is essential. • Synergies in research and education It will allow realizing synergies such as joint research programs, user consortia and support laboratories in the important fields of structural biology, materials engineering, soft matter and nano-‐composites and energy materials. When including LU and other universities it will enable creation of a joint theory group, workshops and hopefully a research school in Materials Science using X-‐rays and Neutrons. • Synergies in instrumentation and technology MAX IV and ESS use similar cutting edge technology in many areas. Collaborating will allow achieving better output with the same resources. This is particularly true in the field of data management and analysis. Here ESS is presently setting up the Data Management Center Copenhagen (DMSC). Together with the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC) these are very good platforms to acquire, store and analyse the vast amounts of data, which MAX IV will produce.
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5.7 Industry – Innovation – Education 5.7.1 Industry MAX IV Laboratory is committed to actively engage with industry, and serve its needs, by providing tailored solutions and reliable access to brilliant synchrotron X-‐ ray sources. Industrial liaison work can be divided into service oriented activities, i.e. providing access to its synchrotron X-‐ray sources to industrial clients, and all other activities in collaboration with the private sector, e.g. innovation, patenting, technology transfer etc. Service-‐oriented activities here refer to access to synchrotron X-‐ray instruments through proprietary beam time (commercially purchased), not industrial-‐academic partnerships accessing the facilities through normal peer-‐reviewed public access modes. Currently the largest use of SXR by industry is in the fields of pharmaceuticals (MX), followed by chemical industries (EXAFS, SAXS), and a wide spectrum of industries using (high-‐resolution) powder diffraction and other capabilities. This situation is not likely to change with the only exception of imaging techniques, in which the low emittance of MAX IV will open new frontiers. To increase industrial use of SR MAX IV will focus on: • Raising awareness of what its facilities can offer • Training industrial users by hands-‐on courses (see also • Optimizing modes of access (time-‐scales, turn-‐around time) • Offering a single point of access together with ESS to realize synergies (see also 5.6) • Listening to and accommodating the needs of industry in terms of assistance during experiments, data reduction and interpretation • Establishing the MAX IV Industrial Network Group (MING) to advise on all aspects of commercial use ranging from access modes to experimental infrastructures, support labs and selection of beamlines (see also 5.2.4) • Supporting the existing as well as new emerging mediator companies, which provide specialized service to industrial companies in a way that MAX IV can and should not compete with • Providing commercial service directly through the ILO for specific experiments and where no mediator companies exist • Developing partnership agreements with complementary facilities in areas not covered by beamlines at MAX IV (e.g. P21 at PETRA III, ESRF, DTU Imaging portal, ESS, …) with the aim of passing industrial clients onwards • Actively seek operational co-‐funding for investment (parts of beamlines, dedicated sample environment, detectors) in return for privileged and guaranteed access modes The goal is product-‐oriented service by offering tailored solutions (preparation, execution and interpretation of experiments) either by referring clients to mediator companies surrounding MAX IV or through the ILO at MAX IV itself. Strategy Plan MAX IV Laboratory_August 23_2013 Dnr MAX 2013/95
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The pricing of the access to beamtime will be competitive with other synchrotron X-‐ ray facilities (e.g. ESRF €3 600/8h shift excl. VAT). The ambition is to increase the direct commercial exploitation of MAX IV to a level of ≈5 % of the user shifts at full operation in 2020, thereby generating additional revenue of around 10-‐20 MSEK annually. 5.7.2 Education & outreach Education and outreach are fundamental issues for MAX IV Laboratory to fulfil its mission of providing service to new communities and partner states and to disseminate its results into the public. MAX IV Laboratory must take an active role in educating academic users as well as in reaching out to the general public. Academic education MAX IV Laboratory has a strong tradition of providing support to academic education, which must be preserved in the future. Training students all the way from undergraduate to the post-‐graduate level is an important tool for broadening the user base and bringing synchrotron radiation as a tool to new communities. MAX IV should continue to have an open door policy regarding support for university courses, projects, visits and PhD students. At present some MAX IV Laboratory employees hold formal academic appointments at LU and thus give lectures and supervise students on all levels. Reversely for instance the LU academic department MAX N-‐Fak has several members who significantly contribute to the strength of the MAX I-‐III and MAX IV projects. For the future it must be the goal that the very successful model of collaboration between MAX IV and LU be extended to include all Swedish and other universities. This requires that possibilities be created for formal dual affiliation of MAX IV Laboratory staff at Swedish and possibly other universities. Temporary staff like postdocs shall be educated so that they find appropriate positions after leaving the laboratory. This necessitates own research as well as dedicated training through the permanent staff. Future actions: • Continue a proactive collaboration with all Swedish universities ensuring high quality education and supervision of students on all levels. • Expand hands-‐on training courses focused on a particular field or technique for newcomers (students, experienced staff, industry) in collaboration with the users and Swedish universities. These courses shall provide theoretical background, practical training on the beamline and data analysis. At the end of the course scientists shall be able to write an application for beamtime, do a standard experiment with the support of the local staff and analyse and publish the results. This will be particularly important for emerging communities and techniques. • Expand joint appointments of MAX IV staff with Swedish and other universities. Strategy Plan MAX IV Laboratory_August 23_2013 Dnr MAX 2013/95
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6 Resources needed to fulfil vision
Our vision is to operate the accelerator complex (LINAC, 1.5 GeV and 3 GeV rings) and the full amount of 25 beamlines listed in the straw man suit by 2026 with world-‐ leading performance and output. In the following we try to give an estimate of the full cost associated with fulfilling this vision until 202611. Such an extrapolation is very difficult and involves several assumptions. The main assumptions are:12 • The cost of operating MAX IV can be divided into: o A Base Cost covering administration, management, rent, accelerator, etc. 300 MSEK (of which salaries amount to circa 115 MSEK and other costs (e.g. rent, electricity, administrations costs)) to circa 185 MSEK) o a Cost per Beamline built and operated. • An average beamline will cost 105 MSEK in investment (over a 4 year building period) plus 10.5 MSEK/annually in terms of operation (staff, consumables, overhead, upgrades to keep the beamline and associated labs competitive for 10 years). This includes 5 MSEK to either integrate equipment supplied by users or to build up laboratory capacity related to the beamline. These numbers are extracted from two more detailed budgets submitted to VR 2013-‐03-‐26 (MAX IV Operations13 and MAX IV Phase IIa BL). • The three transfer beamlines in the application are low cost in terms of investment but have identical operations cost to a new beamline. • In the following extrapolation internationalization is not explicitly considered. o All cost are summed up but part of these costs should be taken by future Nordic and Baltic partners. o Internationalization might add costs related to the formation of an independent legal entity (ERIC or similar) and to becoming independent of LU. These costs are not included. They would in part be compensated by not paying overhead to LU any longer (2016: 14 MSEK, 2018: 20 MSEK). • All costs are given in 2013 prices. Indexing according to real inflation and salary development (circa 2 %/annually) has to be added. The cost crucially depends on the beamline ramp-‐up plan [Figure 2]. It can be steered by changing this ramp-‐up. However reducing the number of beamlines does not reduce the Base Cost of 300 MSEK/annually and reduces the service to the scientific user community. Delaying the ramp up risks not taking advantage of the large initial investment (circa 3 500 MSEK). 11
In the following the cost of a future MAX_FEL is not taken into account. This extrapolation is associated with many assumptions, which may change over the long projection horizon of 13 years! It has to be taken with great care and should be reevaluated after commencing operation in 2016 and then periodically every few years. 13 Application Operation grant to Vetenskapsrådet/The Swedish Research Council, Research infrastructures, MAX IV Operations 2014 – 2018, VR No 2013-‐45096-‐102946-‐75. 12
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The 26th Annual Users Meeting includes a session where the organizers of each of the workshops will present the discussions and conclusions reached at their workshop. Following this session science cases will be mapped onto beamline cases for potential inclusion in the Phase IIb suite and groups responsible for developing the cases of these will be formed as described in section 5.2.4. A URG meeting for presentation and discussion of the beamline list is planned for early October. The beamline cases will be presented at a workshop combined with a SAC and MING meeting December 4-‐5 in order that the SAC can prepare the ranked list of beamlines. Finally the MAX IV Laboratory management will prepare a suggestion for the final ranked list of beamlines and submit it to the MAX IV Laboratory Board.
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8 Questions to Vetenskapsrådet
We ask Vetenskapsrådet to provide us with feedback to this document so that we can improve possible shortcomings and take the decisions and actions proposed herein. In particular we ask for feedback on the following issues: 1.) The beamline ramp-‐up is in our strategy to a large extent dependent on the progress of the internationalization. Is this acceptable to VR? 2.) Do you agree to keep the resources needed to design, build and operate the MAX_FEL separate from the MAX IV strategy or would you like to receive a Total Cost of Ownership including MAX_FEL? 3.) The dark period [4.2] has been discussed in earlier stages and is calculated to 6 months. Is this still a reasonable and acceptable period to VR? 4.) PETRA III is according to our strategy an ideal complement to MAX IV, providing better performance above circa 35 keV [5.2.6]. The Swedish beamline P21 at PETRA III will offer valuable opportunities for hard materials (metals, ceramics), thick samples and pair distribution function (PDF) work. How does VR suggest to make use of these synergies and how shall the strategies and technical solutions of P21 and MAX IV be co-‐ordinated? 5.) Details on future beamlines in phase III is in our strategy open until circa 2018 [5.2] to allow incorporating new and presently unknown fields of photon science. Is this acceptable to VR? 6.) Does Vetenskapsrådet require individual applications every year for beamline investments or is it willing to accept an application for a funding frame of circa 6 beamlines in Phase IIb or III (circa 600 MSEK investment)? How would that change if part of such beamline investment was paid by international or industrial partners?
Strategy Plan MAX IV Laboratory_August 23_2013 Dnr MAX 2013/95
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