
Page 1



紮實複習 B 9. If you don’t want to put on more , you should eat less and exercise more. [95] (A) treasure (B) weight (C) food (D) body

9. eat less and exercise more 少吃少運動




10. (1) Public Welfare

A 10. Many people worry that computerized Public Welfare Lottery gambling to become rich instead of working hard to make money. [91] (A) encourages (B) specializes (C) predicts (D) concerns

Lottery 公益彩券


(2) instead of 而不是

單字片語 ~ 每回補充統測高頻率單字、片語,配上同反 義字與搭配詞,用法一目瞭然。


常考片語 : make 片語

Phrases & y r la u b a c I. Vo 重點字彙

1. ac ti o n

Ac tions speak

['AkSEn] 動 名 行為;行

2. ac ti vi ty [Ak'tIvEtI] 名 活動

3. al low

於空談。 《諺》行動勝 n 採取行動 搭 ‧ ta ke ac tio

[E'l0] 動 允許

4. b el ieve [bI'liv] 動 相信

5. ca re

[kWr] 動 關心 名 照料

6. ch an ce [7Ans] 名 機會


94 90

91 90

2. make a reservation



99 90

5. make believe

6. make sure

11. make up one ’s mind 94 92 91 (to V) 12. make friends with

101 99 98


it or not 信不 假裝 ve = pretend ‧ make belie

if] 名 信仰 cing) 衍 be lie f [b I'l 信的(= convin 形 e [bI'livEbL] 可 bl va belie 照顧 of = care for 搭 ‧ ta ke ca re 心地 小 = carefully ‧ with care cautious) (= 的 WrfEl] 形 小心 衍 ca re fu l ['k cautiously) lI] 副 小心地(= carefully ['kWrfE ally 偶然地 ce = accident 搭 ‧ by ch an 冒險 ce on... 在…… ‧take a chan 會 ce 抓住機 ‧ seize a chan 10

9. make up for

100 99 96


搭 ‧ be lie ve

make up

10. be made up of

permit hite. troduce Mr. W Allow me to in 讓我來介紹懷

96 95 90

8. 97 96 95 92


參加社交活動 積極的 形 活躍的; ac tive ['AktIv]


7. make progress (in)

tiv rt in social ac 搭 ‧ ta ke pa 衍


4. make an appointment (和某人)有約 arrange to see sb. at (with sb.) a fixed time

101 98 95

Unit 1

ec t examine, insp 機 入住/辦理登 記 登 in k 搭 ‧ ch ec 退房 ‧check out 對;檢查 核 up k ec ‧ ch en – chose – chos 三態 ch oo se 同 se le ct tion) 4s] 名 選擇(= op 衍 ch oi ce [7 +V to t oice bu ‧have no ch 不 得 不 +V = cannot but

make 94 93 97 9513. 91 9014.

[7Wk] 動 檢查 票 名 檢查;支

8. ch o o se [7uz] 動 選擇

fun of

make use of

15. make it


be certain


be getting better





consist of

95 93 90






play a joke/trick on



take advantage of

93 91

工作模式的象徵。 (2) 本句的主詞為 the term 7-Eleven, 而the name of a convenience store為其同位語,且 空格後的as (當作……) 為提示,因此這裡必 as...” 的用法。

(A) had done (C) was doing

常與「現在完成式」 連用,而且「紙張



是被用來溝通的工 成式的被動。 臺灣的綠島雖小,


卻因其自然景觀之美而 吸引許多遊客。實際




上眾多小火山島之一。 更精確來說,它座落在

Par t A: 從下列的



of (B) is made up (E) make up for

(A) make fun of ervation (D) make a res

(C) made an ap

at five The y will meet h our manager.

岸線長只有20公里,而 島上最高的山為281公

C 1. (On the telephone)


尺高。 綠島周邊的海域富

Paul: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Wu, please?

o ’clock

has wit C 1. George nd, you ’d rant on weeke this evening. [99改] t popular restau nt to eat in tha wa you If 2. D our family. in advance. it brings joy to and better er oth h [95改] eac ts like to A 3. My paren and South nd Isla rth No nds, [93] two main isla aland B 4. Ne w Ze s l when she wa oo sch in d sse Island. [91] time she mi to the had ry Ma 5. E sick.


南方33公里處。綠島面 積15平方公里。全島海




Paul: Oh, I’m sorry.


(A) Who’s calling, please?


外,超過300種以上的 見。這些珊瑚和魚類使

(B) May I know your name?

天然鹽水溫泉而著名。 這些泉水因深藏地底的

A 2. (On the phone…)

火山活動而被加熱。許 多遊客被這些溫泉池所

Secretary: Mr. Hubbard ’s office. How may I help you?

吸引不僅只因為這些溫 泉池是免費開放給公眾

Client: Yes, I’d like to speak to Mr. James, please?

使用,更因為浸泡在這 些溫泉中他們感覺更接


s. storie king up ma friends by


Client: This is Mrs. Stone from Sandhill.

功的。 it ke ma trying, you ’ll

一天會成 續努力,你有

商人每年都可賺進大把 鈔票。綠島也以島上的

(C) You must have the wrong number. (D) Who are you?

(B) is done (D) will do

done (A) had done (C) was doing (C) was doing

(B) is done (B) is done (D) will do (D) will do


ofbecause its natural of its beauty. naturalThe beauty. islandThe is, inisland fact, is, one in of fact, theone many of the many Formosa ’s Green Island, though small, attracts lotsbecause of tourists 尺高。 little littleislands volcanic in the islands northern in thePacific northern Ocean. Pacific To Ocean. be moreTo specific, be more specific, because of its natural beauty. The island is, in 綠島周邊的海域富 fact, one of thevolcanic many it isspecific, it 33 is 1 kilometers 1 33 kilometers southeast southeast of Taitung,of aTaitung, county aincounty the in the little volcanic islands in the northern Pacific Ocean. To be more 含超過200種形形色色 southeastern part of Taiwan. part ofGreen Taiwan. Island Green is 15 Island square is 15 kilometers square kilometers in in it is 1 33 kilometers southeast of Taitung, a 瑚 county in the 不同的珊 。southeastern 除此之 area. Its coastline area. Itsiscoastline only 20 kilometers is only 20 kilometers long, and its long, tallest andmountain its tallest mountain is is 外,超過300種以上的 southeastern part of Taiwan. Green Island is 15 square kilometers in 魚類 其 周 邊281 終 年meters 可 281 meters high. area. Its coastline is only 20 kilometers long, and its在tallest mountain ishigh. 見。這些珊瑚和魚類使 The seas around The seas Green around Island Green are Island abundant are abundant with morewith thanmore 200 than 200 281 meters high. 得島上從事潛水生意的 different species different of species colorfulofcoral. colorful In addition, coral. In over addition, 300 types over 300 of fish types of fish The seas around Green Island are abundant with more than 200 can of2 can in the 2neighboring in the neighboring seas all year seas round. all year Both round. the coral Both and the coral and different species of colorful coral. In addition,商人每年都可賺進大把 over 300 types fish 鈔票。綠島也以島上的 thecoral fish and allow the fish businessmen allow businessmen on the island on the 3island much 3money much from money from can 2 in the neighboring seas all year round. Both the 天然鹽水溫泉而著名。 touristsfrom who tourists comewho for scuba come for diving scuba each diving year.each Green year. Island Green is also Island is also the fish allow businessmen on the island 3 much money 這些泉水因深藏地底的 famous famous its natural for its saltwater naturalhot saltwater springs. hotThe springs. springs The 4springs naturally 4 naturally tourists who come for scuba diving each year. Green Island is for also 火山活動而被加熱。許 byactivity volcanic deep activity underground. deep underground. Many tourists Many aretourists attracted are to attracted to famous for its natural saltwater hot springs. The springs 4by volcanic naturally 多遊客被這些溫泉池所 hot-spring the hot-spring pools on the pools island, on the notisland, only because not onlythe because pools are the free pools are free by volcanic activity deep underground. Many 吸引不僅只因為這些溫 tourists are the attracted to to the public to the but public also because but also here because they can here enjoy they the can feeling enjoy the of being feeling of being the hot-spring pools on the island, not only because the pools are free 泉池是免費開放給公眾 close close 5 . to 5 . [96改] [96改] to the public but also because here they can enjoy the feeling of to being 使用,更因為浸泡在這 close to 5 . [96 改 ] 些溫泉中他們感覺更接


Unit 1

(C) How do you find us? (D) Where are you going?

Unit 1




May I speak to 請問亞當在嗎

Adam, please

to Mr. Brown?

y I speak • Hello. Ma問布 朗先生在嗎?


Hello. May I spe 哈囉,請問林


ak to Dr. Lin?


. 我就是。 • Speakiis ng ). am (speak ing • This Ad當。 我就是亞


home now.

is not at • Sorry, he現在 不在家。 抱歉,他

• He is noge?t in right

ea now. May I tak


我可以幫 他現在不在, 對方打錯電話

have the • Sorry. You你打 錯了。


wrong number

. Unit 1

(C) natural

座落於…… 2. 300多種的魚類終年 可以「被發現」,故 選被動。 3. allow + sb. + to V 使

(D) national

某人能夠…… 4. 泉水(The springs)是 「被火山熔岩加熱」成 溫泉,需用被動式。 5. close to nature 接近 自然




enjoy...] to

1 not only... but also... 「不但……而且……」是對等連接詞片語,連接兩 個字詞或是子句,但兩者需為同等的語法結構,如本句連接兩個由 because所引導的副詞子句。

色彩存在我們目力 所及的任何一處,從藍 天到綠草、從城市混凝 土建築的灰到無月夜晚 的黑。色彩對我們的感 受與對於周遭環境的反

IV. Reading Comprehension Everywhere we look, there is color, from the blue sky to the green

grass, from the gray of concrete buildings to the black of a moonless night. Colors have a direct and powerful impact on the way we feel and react to our surroundings. When we decorate our homes, we choose colors that welcome us and make us feel good. Some colors excite us while others soothe and calm us. For example, when the Blackfriar Bridge in London was painted green, suicide jumps from the bridge decreased by 34 %. Research reveals that people have similar emotional responses to specific colors. In general, the brighter the color, the stronger the response. [100改]

響。當我們裝潢我們的 家,我們選擇我們喜歡 並讓我們感覺舒服的顏 色。有些色彩讓我們興 奮,而有些則讓我們舒 緩安定下來。例如當倫 敦的黑衣修士橋漆成綠 色以後,從橋上跳河自 殺的數字就大降34%。 研究顯示人類對特定顏 色有類似的情緒反應, 一般來說,愈鮮豔的顏 色引起的反應愈強烈。 1. 從第二句的 “Colors have a direct... react

A 1. What is the best title for this passage? (A) Emotional Responses to Color

to our surroundings”, 以及後半段 “people have similar

(B) Color and Decoration

emotional responses

(C) Suicide Jumps and Color

to specific colors”, 得知答案是(A)。 Unit 1

Unit 1

(B) May I ask what this call is about?


(B) nation

(D) The Importance of Color

100 98 94


(B) heated (D) been heated

volcanic island 火山島 to be more specific 更明確地說 in area 以面積而言 be abundant with 富於……的 scuba diving 潛水 be famous for 以……著名 be attracted to... 被……吸引





(D) earned

1. 建築物 + be located...


Formosa ’sFormosa Green Island, ’s Green though Island,small, though attracts small,lots attracts of tourists lots of tourists

(A) Who is calling, please?

r a new leaf.

(C) to earn

積15平方公里。全島海 岸線長只有20公里,而 島上最高的山為281公

14 14

(D) transported

..., not only [because the pools are...] but also [because here they can




(B) earning

* * * * * * *

人們不需要使用紙張。 可以在電腦上完成,所以 常與「現在完成式」 人們不需要使用紙張。 Part B:張Translate Part B:the Translate Following the Sentences Following Sentences into English into English 連用 ,而且 「紙

Part C: Cloze Part Test C: Cloze Test

Part C: Cloze Test

C 3. (A) earn

A 5. (A) nature

4. 因為撰寫及編輯的程序都

To build a bridge To build over a bridge this big over river this is big a very river difficult is a very job.difficult Most people job. Most do people do 吸引許多遊客。實際 be completed be completed believe it can believe it can . . To build a bridge over this big river is a very difficult job. Mostnot people donot 上,這座島是北太平洋 3. 通往邊境的路被關閉了,所以士兵們被迫要改變他們的計畫。 3. 通往邊境的路被關閉了,所以士兵們被迫要改變他們的計畫。 (force) (force) be completed. not believe it can 上眾多小火山島之一。 were forced were to The road toThe the road border to was the border closed, was and closed, the soldiers and the soldiers forced 3. 通往邊境的路被關閉了,所以士兵們被迫要改變他們的計畫。 (force) 更精確來說,它座落在 change change plans.their plans. [101改] [101改] were forced to their The road to the border was closed, and the soldiers臺灣東南部的臺東縣東 南方33公里處。綠島面 [101改] change their plans.

(C) drowned

(C) be founded (D) be found


是被用來溝通的工 Part B: Translate the Following Sentences into English 1. 在修車時,我的手機被偷了。 1. 在修車時,我的手機被偷了。 (repair) (repair) 具」,所以本句用完 being repaired being My cellphone My was cellphone stolen was while stolen my car while wasmy car was . repaired . 1. 在修車時,我的手機被偷了。(repair) 成式的被動。 2. 在 這 條 大河 在上 這蓋 條橋 大是 河很 上困 蓋難 橋的 是工 很作 困。 難大 的多 工數 作的 。人 大不 多相 數信 的它 人可 不以 相被 信完 它可以被完 being repaired My cellphone was stolen while my car was . 2. 臺灣的綠島雖小, 成。 (complete) 2. 在 這 條 大 河 上 蓋 橋 是 很 困 難 的 工 作 。 大 多 數 的 人 不 相 信 它 可以 被 完成。(complete)


(B) located (B) found

(C) have heated

(C) is used (C) is used (D) has been (D)using has been using (B) has been store為其同位語,且 used (D) has been空格後的as using (當作……) B 4. As the B writing 4. As the andwriting editingand process editing processon a computer, on a computer, people people 為提示,因此這裡必 B 4. As the writing and editing process 為被動語態 on a computer, don’t needdon to use ’t need paper. to use paper. [94改] [94改] “be usedpeople as...” 的用法。 改] (A)[94had 4. 因為撰寫及編輯的程序都 3. “for + 一段時間” 經

B 1. (A) gathered D 2. (A) find A 4. (A) are heated

(A) had used (C) is used

don’t need to use paper.

請稍等。 你的電話。


C 店2.的 Nowadays, C 2. Nowadays, the term 7-Eleven, the term the 7-Eleven, name the of aname convenience of a convenience store, store, 2. (1) 現 今 便 利 商 名稱—「7-11」,也 a metaphor as a for metaphor the non-stop for theworking non-stoppattern. working pattern. [100] [100] C 2. Nowadays, the term 7-Eleven, the name of a convenience store, as 被用來當作無止無休 used (A) used (B) uses (B) uses (C) is used (C) is (D) used is using(D) is using as a metaphor for the non-stop working pattern. (A)[100] (A) used (B) uses (C) is used 工作模式的象徵。 (D) is using B 3. For over B 3.2000 For years, over 2000 paper years, paperas a major as tool a major for tool for (2) 本句的主詞為 the communication. [94改] [94改] B 3. For over 2000 years, paper as a major for 而the communication. term tool 7-Eleven, communication. 改] used name of a convenience (A)[94had (A) had used (B) has been (B)used has been used

為被動語態 “be used 3. “for + 一段時間” 經

Give It a Try

Give It a Try

要重新做人。 nd to turn ove mi 3. 我已下定決心 my de up ma I’ve








放棄 2. 如果你不輕易 keep e up easily and If you don’t giv ay. ed som


2. (1) 現 今 便 利 商 店 的

• Who’s calling, please? • This is Jill Chen. 我是陳吉兒。 • Who’s this, please? • May I ask who is speaking/calling? • May I have your name? • Hold on, please. • Don’t hang up, please. • You are wanted. • There’s a phone call for you. • Mr. Bush is on the phone. • I’ll put you through.

Jackie enjoy

99 91 90

= Yes, please tell him to return my call.

93 90 91





compensate for

become a friend of sb.








綜合測驗、閱讀 ~ 補充常見文法重點,介紹常見主題、 考題及答題技巧,篇章掌握一級棒! 文法區收錄非選練習題喔!

• No, thanks. I’ll call back later.

• Do you want to leave a message? • Yes, please tell him to call me back.


91 90

98 96 93 91

• May I take a message?


事來逗她 1. 賈姬喜歡編故 s amusing her


對話 ~ 依統測歷屆主題做分 類,整理各主題常見對話, 額外補充實用表達法,搶攻 對話一把罩。

Par t B: 填充題

93 92 91 90







97 96 95 92

7. ch ec k


1. make a decision


louder than w


3. make an impression on 給某人留下印象 impress sb.




Yes,You can




3182-S 統測英文複習講義測驗卷




紮實複習 B 9. If you don’t want to put on more , you should eat less and exercise more. [95] (A) treasure (B) weight (C) food (D) body

9. eat less and exercise more 少吃少運動




10. (1) Public Welfare

A 10. Many people worry that computerized Public Welfare Lottery gambling to become rich instead of working hard to make money. [91] (A) encourages (B) specializes (C) predicts (D) concerns

Lottery 公益彩券


(2) instead of 而不是

單字片語 ~ 每回補充統測高頻率單字、片語,配上同反 義字與搭配詞,用法一目瞭然。


常考片語 : make 片語

Phrases & y r la u b a c I. Vo 重點字彙

1. ac ti o n

Ac tions speak

['AkSEn] 動 名 行為;行

2. ac ti vi ty [Ak'tIvEtI] 名 活動

3. al low

於空談。 《諺》行動勝 n 採取行動 搭 ‧ ta ke ac tio

[E'l0] 動 允許

4. b el ieve [bI'liv] 動 相信

5. ca re

[kWr] 動 關心 名 照料

6. ch an ce [7Ans] 名 機會


94 90

91 90

2. make a reservation



99 90

5. make believe

6. make sure

11. make up one ’s mind 94 92 91 (to V) 12. make friends with

101 99 98


it or not 信不 假裝 ve = pretend ‧ make belie

if] 名 信仰 cing) 衍 be lie f [b I'l 信的(= convin 形 e [bI'livEbL] 可 bl va belie 照顧 of = care for 搭 ‧ ta ke ca re 心地 小 = carefully ‧ with care cautious) (= 的 WrfEl] 形 小心 衍 ca re fu l ['k cautiously) lI] 副 小心地(= carefully ['kWrfE ally 偶然地 ce = accident 搭 ‧ by ch an 冒險 ce on... 在…… ‧take a chan 會 ce 抓住機 ‧ seize a chan 10

9. make up for

100 99 96


搭 ‧ be lie ve

make up

10. be made up of

permit hite. troduce Mr. W Allow me to in 讓我來介紹懷

96 95 90

8. 97 96 95 92


參加社交活動 積極的 形 活躍的; ac tive ['AktIv]


7. make progress (in)

tiv rt in social ac 搭 ‧ ta ke pa 衍


4. make an appointment (和某人)有約 arrange to see sb. at (with sb.) a fixed time

101 98 95

Unit 1

ec t examine, insp 機 入住/辦理登 記 登 in k 搭 ‧ ch ec 退房 ‧check out 對;檢查 核 up k ec ‧ ch en – chose – chos 三態 ch oo se 同 se le ct tion) 4s] 名 選擇(= op 衍 ch oi ce [7 +V to t oice bu ‧have no ch 不 得 不 +V = cannot but

make 94 93 97 9513. 91 9014.

[7Wk] 動 檢查 票 名 檢查;支

8. ch o o se [7uz] 動 選擇

fun of

make use of

15. make it


be certain


be getting better





consist of

95 93 90






play a joke/trick on



take advantage of

93 91

工作模式的象徵。 (2) 本句的主詞為 the term 7-Eleven, 而the name of a convenience store為其同位語,且 空格後的as (當作……) 為提示,因此這裡必 as...” 的用法。

(A) had done (C) was doing

常與「現在完成式」 連用,而且「紙張



是被用來溝通的工 成式的被動。 臺灣的綠島雖小,


卻因其自然景觀之美而 吸引許多遊客。實際




上眾多小火山島之一。 更精確來說,它座落在

Par t A: 從下列的



of (B) is made up (E) make up for

(A) make fun of ervation (D) make a res

(C) made an ap

at five The y will meet h our manager.

岸線長只有20公里,而 島上最高的山為281公

C 1. (On the telephone)


尺高。 綠島周邊的海域富

Paul: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Wu, please?

o ’clock

has wit C 1. George nd, you ’d rant on weeke this evening. [99改] t popular restau nt to eat in tha wa you If 2. D our family. in advance. it brings joy to and better er oth h [95改] eac ts like to A 3. My paren and South nd Isla rth No nds, [93] two main isla aland B 4. Ne w Ze s l when she wa oo sch in d sse Island. [91] time she mi to the had ry Ma 5. E sick.


南方33公里處。綠島面 積15平方公里。全島海




Paul: Oh, I’m sorry.


(A) Who’s calling, please?


外,超過300種以上的 見。這些珊瑚和魚類使

(B) May I know your name?

天然鹽水溫泉而著名。 這些泉水因深藏地底的

A 2. (On the phone…)

火山活動而被加熱。許 多遊客被這些溫泉池所

Secretary: Mr. Hubbard ’s office. How may I help you?

吸引不僅只因為這些溫 泉池是免費開放給公眾

Client: Yes, I’d like to speak to Mr. James, please?

使用,更因為浸泡在這 些溫泉中他們感覺更接


s. storie king up ma friends by


Client: This is Mrs. Stone from Sandhill.

功的。 it ke ma trying, you ’ll

一天會成 續努力,你有

商人每年都可賺進大把 鈔票。綠島也以島上的

(C) You must have the wrong number. (D) Who are you?

(B) is done (D) will do

done (A) had done (C) was doing (C) was doing

(B) is done (B) is done (D) will do (D) will do


ofbecause its natural of its beauty. naturalThe beauty. islandThe is, inisland fact, is, one in of fact, theone many of the many Formosa ’s Green Island, though small, attracts lotsbecause of tourists 尺高。 little littleislands volcanic in the islands northern in thePacific northern Ocean. Pacific To Ocean. be moreTo specific, be more specific, because of its natural beauty. The island is, in 綠島周邊的海域富 fact, one of thevolcanic many it isspecific, it 33 is 1 kilometers 1 33 kilometers southeast southeast of Taitung,of aTaitung, county aincounty the in the little volcanic islands in the northern Pacific Ocean. To be more 含超過200種形形色色 southeastern part of Taiwan. part ofGreen Taiwan. Island Green is 15 Island square is 15 kilometers square kilometers in in it is 1 33 kilometers southeast of Taitung, a 瑚 county in the 不同的珊 。southeastern 除此之 area. Its coastline area. Itsiscoastline only 20 kilometers is only 20 kilometers long, and its long, tallest andmountain its tallest mountain is is 外,超過300種以上的 southeastern part of Taiwan. Green Island is 15 square kilometers in 魚類 其 周 邊281 終 年meters 可 281 meters high. area. Its coastline is only 20 kilometers long, and its在tallest mountain ishigh. 見。這些珊瑚和魚類使 The seas around The seas Green around Island Green are Island abundant are abundant with morewith thanmore 200 than 200 281 meters high. 得島上從事潛水生意的 different species different of species colorfulofcoral. colorful In addition, coral. In over addition, 300 types over 300 of fish types of fish The seas around Green Island are abundant with more than 200 can of2 can in the 2neighboring in the neighboring seas all year seas round. all year Both round. the coral Both and the coral and different species of colorful coral. In addition,商人每年都可賺進大把 over 300 types fish 鈔票。綠島也以島上的 thecoral fish and allow the fish businessmen allow businessmen on the island on the 3island much 3money much from money from can 2 in the neighboring seas all year round. Both the 天然鹽水溫泉而著名。 touristsfrom who tourists comewho for scuba come for diving scuba each diving year.each Green year. Island Green is also Island is also the fish allow businessmen on the island 3 much money 這些泉水因深藏地底的 famous famous its natural for its saltwater naturalhot saltwater springs. hotThe springs. springs The 4springs naturally 4 naturally tourists who come for scuba diving each year. Green Island is for also 火山活動而被加熱。許 byactivity volcanic deep activity underground. deep underground. Many tourists Many aretourists attracted are to attracted to famous for its natural saltwater hot springs. The springs 4by volcanic naturally 多遊客被這些溫泉池所 hot-spring the hot-spring pools on the pools island, on the notisland, only because not onlythe because pools are the free pools are free by volcanic activity deep underground. Many 吸引不僅只因為這些溫 tourists are the attracted to to the public to the but public also because but also here because they can here enjoy they the can feeling enjoy the of being feeling of being the hot-spring pools on the island, not only because the pools are free 泉池是免費開放給公眾 close close 5 . to 5 . [96改] [96改] to the public but also because here they can enjoy the feeling of to being 使用,更因為浸泡在這 close to 5 . [96 改 ] 些溫泉中他們感覺更接


Unit 1

(C) How do you find us? (D) Where are you going?

Unit 1




May I speak to 請問亞當在嗎

Adam, please

to Mr. Brown?

y I speak • Hello. Ma問布 朗先生在嗎?


Hello. May I spe 哈囉,請問林


ak to Dr. Lin?


. 我就是。 • Speakiis ng ). am (speak ing • This Ad當。 我就是亞


home now.

is not at • Sorry, he現在 不在家。 抱歉,他

• He is noge?t in right

ea now. May I tak


我可以幫 他現在不在, 對方打錯電話

have the • Sorry. You你打 錯了。


wrong number

. Unit 1

(C) natural

座落於…… 2. 300多種的魚類終年 可以「被發現」,故 選被動。 3. allow + sb. + to V 使

(D) national

某人能夠…… 4. 泉水(The springs)是 「被火山熔岩加熱」成 溫泉,需用被動式。 5. close to nature 接近 自然




enjoy...] to

1 not only... but also... 「不但……而且……」是對等連接詞片語,連接兩 個字詞或是子句,但兩者需為同等的語法結構,如本句連接兩個由 because所引導的副詞子句。

色彩存在我們目力 所及的任何一處,從藍 天到綠草、從城市混凝 土建築的灰到無月夜晚 的黑。色彩對我們的感 受與對於周遭環境的反

IV. Reading Comprehension Everywhere we look, there is color, from the blue sky to the green

grass, from the gray of concrete buildings to the black of a moonless night. Colors have a direct and powerful impact on the way we feel and react to our surroundings. When we decorate our homes, we choose colors that welcome us and make us feel good. Some colors excite us while others soothe and calm us. For example, when the Blackfriar Bridge in London was painted green, suicide jumps from the bridge decreased by 34 %. Research reveals that people have similar emotional responses to specific colors. In general, the brighter the color, the stronger the response. [100改]

響。當我們裝潢我們的 家,我們選擇我們喜歡 並讓我們感覺舒服的顏 色。有些色彩讓我們興 奮,而有些則讓我們舒 緩安定下來。例如當倫 敦的黑衣修士橋漆成綠 色以後,從橋上跳河自 殺的數字就大降34%。 研究顯示人類對特定顏 色有類似的情緒反應, 一般來說,愈鮮豔的顏 色引起的反應愈強烈。 1. 從第二句的 “Colors have a direct... react

A 1. What is the best title for this passage? (A) Emotional Responses to Color

to our surroundings”, 以及後半段 “people have similar

(B) Color and Decoration

emotional responses

(C) Suicide Jumps and Color

to specific colors”, 得知答案是(A)。 Unit 1

Unit 1

(B) May I ask what this call is about?


(B) nation

(D) The Importance of Color

100 98 94


(B) heated (D) been heated

volcanic island 火山島 to be more specific 更明確地說 in area 以面積而言 be abundant with 富於……的 scuba diving 潛水 be famous for 以……著名 be attracted to... 被……吸引





(D) earned

1. 建築物 + be located...


Formosa ’sFormosa Green Island, ’s Green though Island,small, though attracts small,lots attracts of tourists lots of tourists

(A) Who is calling, please?

r a new leaf.

(C) to earn

積15平方公里。全島海 岸線長只有20公里,而 島上最高的山為281公

14 14

(D) transported

..., not only [because the pools are...] but also [because here they can




(B) earning

* * * * * * *

人們不需要使用紙張。 可以在電腦上完成,所以 常與「現在完成式」 人們不需要使用紙張。 Part B:張Translate Part B:the Translate Following the Sentences Following Sentences into English into English 連用 ,而且 「紙

Part C: Cloze Part Test C: Cloze Test

Part C: Cloze Test

C 3. (A) earn

A 5. (A) nature

4. 因為撰寫及編輯的程序都

To build a bridge To build over a bridge this big over river this is big a very river difficult is a very job.difficult Most people job. Most do people do 吸引許多遊客。實際 be completed be completed believe it can believe it can . . To build a bridge over this big river is a very difficult job. Mostnot people donot 上,這座島是北太平洋 3. 通往邊境的路被關閉了,所以士兵們被迫要改變他們的計畫。 3. 通往邊境的路被關閉了,所以士兵們被迫要改變他們的計畫。 (force) (force) be completed. not believe it can 上眾多小火山島之一。 were forced were to The road toThe the road border to was the border closed, was and closed, the soldiers and the soldiers forced 3. 通往邊境的路被關閉了,所以士兵們被迫要改變他們的計畫。 (force) 更精確來說,它座落在 change change plans.their plans. [101改] [101改] were forced to their The road to the border was closed, and the soldiers臺灣東南部的臺東縣東 南方33公里處。綠島面 [101改] change their plans.

(C) drowned

(C) be founded (D) be found


是被用來溝通的工 Part B: Translate the Following Sentences into English 1. 在修車時,我的手機被偷了。 1. 在修車時,我的手機被偷了。 (repair) (repair) 具」,所以本句用完 being repaired being My cellphone My was cellphone stolen was while stolen my car while wasmy car was . repaired . 1. 在修車時,我的手機被偷了。(repair) 成式的被動。 2. 在 這 條 大河 在上 這蓋 條橋 大是 河很 上困 蓋難 橋的 是工 很作 困。 難大 的多 工數 作的 。人 大不 多相 數信 的它 人可 不以 相被 信完 它可以被完 being repaired My cellphone was stolen while my car was . 2. 臺灣的綠島雖小, 成。 (complete) 2. 在 這 條 大 河 上 蓋 橋 是 很 困 難 的 工 作 。 大 多 數 的 人 不 相 信 它 可以 被 完成。(complete)


(B) located (B) found

(C) have heated

(C) is used (C) is used (D) has been (D)using has been using (B) has been store為其同位語,且 used (D) has been空格後的as using (當作……) B 4. As the B writing 4. As the andwriting editingand process editing processon a computer, on a computer, people people 為提示,因此這裡必 B 4. As the writing and editing process 為被動語態 on a computer, don’t needdon to use ’t need paper. to use paper. [94改] [94改] “be usedpeople as...” 的用法。 改] (A)[94had 4. 因為撰寫及編輯的程序都 3. “for + 一段時間” 經

B 1. (A) gathered D 2. (A) find A 4. (A) are heated

(A) had used (C) is used

don’t need to use paper.

請稍等。 你的電話。


C 店2.的 Nowadays, C 2. Nowadays, the term 7-Eleven, the term the 7-Eleven, name the of aname convenience of a convenience store, store, 2. (1) 現 今 便 利 商 名稱—「7-11」,也 a metaphor as a for metaphor the non-stop for theworking non-stoppattern. working pattern. [100] [100] C 2. Nowadays, the term 7-Eleven, the name of a convenience store, as 被用來當作無止無休 used (A) used (B) uses (B) uses (C) is used (C) is (D) used is using(D) is using as a metaphor for the non-stop working pattern. (A)[100] (A) used (B) uses (C) is used 工作模式的象徵。 (D) is using B 3. For over B 3.2000 For years, over 2000 paper years, paperas a major as tool a major for tool for (2) 本句的主詞為 the communication. [94改] [94改] B 3. For over 2000 years, paper as a major for 而the communication. term tool 7-Eleven, communication. 改] used name of a convenience (A)[94had (A) had used (B) has been (B)used has been used

為被動語態 “be used 3. “for + 一段時間” 經

Give It a Try

Give It a Try

要重新做人。 nd to turn ove mi 3. 我已下定決心 my de up ma I’ve








放棄 2. 如果你不輕易 keep e up easily and If you don’t giv ay. ed som


2. (1) 現 今 便 利 商 店 的

• Who’s calling, please? • This is Jill Chen. 我是陳吉兒。 • Who’s this, please? • May I ask who is speaking/calling? • May I have your name? • Hold on, please. • Don’t hang up, please. • You are wanted. • There’s a phone call for you. • Mr. Bush is on the phone. • I’ll put you through.

Jackie enjoy

99 91 90

= Yes, please tell him to return my call.

93 90 91





compensate for

become a friend of sb.








綜合測驗、閱讀 ~ 補充常見文法重點,介紹常見主題、 考題及答題技巧,篇章掌握一級棒! 文法區收錄非選練習題喔!

• No, thanks. I’ll call back later.

• Do you want to leave a message? • Yes, please tell him to call me back.


91 90

98 96 93 91

• May I take a message?


事來逗她 1. 賈姬喜歡編故 s amusing her


對話 ~ 依統測歷屆主題做分 類,整理各主題常見對話, 額外補充實用表達法,搶攻 對話一把罩。

Par t B: 填充題

93 92 91 90







97 96 95 92

7. ch ec k


1. make a decision


louder than w


3. make an impression on 給某人留下印象 impress sb.




Yes,You can




3182-S 統測英文複習講義測驗卷




紮實複習 B 9. If you don’t want to put on more , you should eat less and exercise more. [95] (A) treasure (B) weight (C) food (D) body

9. eat less and exercise more 少吃少運動




10. (1) Public Welfare

A 10. Many people worry that computerized Public Welfare Lottery gambling to become rich instead of working hard to make money. [91] (A) encourages (B) specializes (C) predicts (D) concerns

Lottery 公益彩券


(2) instead of 而不是

單字片語 ~ 每回補充統測高頻率單字、片語,配上同反 義字與搭配詞,用法一目瞭然。


常考片語 : make 片語

Phrases & y r la u b a c I. Vo 重點字彙

1. ac ti o n

Ac tions speak

['AkSEn] 動 名 行為;行

2. ac ti vi ty [Ak'tIvEtI] 名 活動

3. al low

於空談。 《諺》行動勝 n 採取行動 搭 ‧ ta ke ac tio

[E'l0] 動 允許

4. b el ieve [bI'liv] 動 相信

5. ca re

[kWr] 動 關心 名 照料

6. ch an ce [7Ans] 名 機會


94 90

91 90

2. make a reservation



99 90

5. make believe

6. make sure

11. make up one ’s mind 94 92 91 (to V) 12. make friends with

101 99 98


it or not 信不 假裝 ve = pretend ‧ make belie

if] 名 信仰 cing) 衍 be lie f [b I'l 信的(= convin 形 e [bI'livEbL] 可 bl va belie 照顧 of = care for 搭 ‧ ta ke ca re 心地 小 = carefully ‧ with care cautious) (= 的 WrfEl] 形 小心 衍 ca re fu l ['k cautiously) lI] 副 小心地(= carefully ['kWrfE ally 偶然地 ce = accident 搭 ‧ by ch an 冒險 ce on... 在…… ‧take a chan 會 ce 抓住機 ‧ seize a chan 10

9. make up for

100 99 96


搭 ‧ be lie ve

make up

10. be made up of

permit hite. troduce Mr. W Allow me to in 讓我來介紹懷

96 95 90

8. 97 96 95 92


參加社交活動 積極的 形 活躍的; ac tive ['AktIv]


7. make progress (in)

tiv rt in social ac 搭 ‧ ta ke pa 衍


4. make an appointment (和某人)有約 arrange to see sb. at (with sb.) a fixed time

101 98 95

Unit 1

ec t examine, insp 機 入住/辦理登 記 登 in k 搭 ‧ ch ec 退房 ‧check out 對;檢查 核 up k ec ‧ ch en – chose – chos 三態 ch oo se 同 se le ct tion) 4s] 名 選擇(= op 衍 ch oi ce [7 +V to t oice bu ‧have no ch 不 得 不 +V = cannot but

make 94 93 97 9513. 91 9014.

[7Wk] 動 檢查 票 名 檢查;支

8. ch o o se [7uz] 動 選擇

fun of

make use of

15. make it


be certain


be getting better





consist of

95 93 90






play a joke/trick on



take advantage of

93 91

工作模式的象徵。 (2) 本句的主詞為 the term 7-Eleven, 而the name of a convenience store為其同位語,且 空格後的as (當作……) 為提示,因此這裡必 as...” 的用法。

(A) had done (C) was doing

常與「現在完成式」 連用,而且「紙張



是被用來溝通的工 成式的被動。 臺灣的綠島雖小,


卻因其自然景觀之美而 吸引許多遊客。實際




上眾多小火山島之一。 更精確來說,它座落在

Par t A: 從下列的



of (B) is made up (E) make up for

(A) make fun of ervation (D) make a res

(C) made an ap

at five The y will meet h our manager.

岸線長只有20公里,而 島上最高的山為281公

C 1. (On the telephone)


尺高。 綠島周邊的海域富

Paul: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Wu, please?

o ’clock

has wit C 1. George nd, you ’d rant on weeke this evening. [99改] t popular restau nt to eat in tha wa you If 2. D our family. in advance. it brings joy to and better er oth h [95改] eac ts like to A 3. My paren and South nd Isla rth No nds, [93] two main isla aland B 4. Ne w Ze s l when she wa oo sch in d sse Island. [91] time she mi to the had ry Ma 5. E sick.


南方33公里處。綠島面 積15平方公里。全島海




Paul: Oh, I’m sorry.


(A) Who’s calling, please?


外,超過300種以上的 見。這些珊瑚和魚類使

(B) May I know your name?

天然鹽水溫泉而著名。 這些泉水因深藏地底的

A 2. (On the phone…)

火山活動而被加熱。許 多遊客被這些溫泉池所

Secretary: Mr. Hubbard ’s office. How may I help you?

吸引不僅只因為這些溫 泉池是免費開放給公眾

Client: Yes, I’d like to speak to Mr. James, please?

使用,更因為浸泡在這 些溫泉中他們感覺更接


s. storie king up ma friends by


Client: This is Mrs. Stone from Sandhill.

功的。 it ke ma trying, you ’ll

一天會成 續努力,你有

商人每年都可賺進大把 鈔票。綠島也以島上的

(C) You must have the wrong number. (D) Who are you?

(B) is done (D) will do

done (A) had done (C) was doing (C) was doing

(B) is done (B) is done (D) will do (D) will do


ofbecause its natural of its beauty. naturalThe beauty. islandThe is, inisland fact, is, one in of fact, theone many of the many Formosa ’s Green Island, though small, attracts lotsbecause of tourists 尺高。 little littleislands volcanic in the islands northern in thePacific northern Ocean. Pacific To Ocean. be moreTo specific, be more specific, because of its natural beauty. The island is, in 綠島周邊的海域富 fact, one of thevolcanic many it isspecific, it 33 is 1 kilometers 1 33 kilometers southeast southeast of Taitung,of aTaitung, county aincounty the in the little volcanic islands in the northern Pacific Ocean. To be more 含超過200種形形色色 southeastern part of Taiwan. part ofGreen Taiwan. Island Green is 15 Island square is 15 kilometers square kilometers in in it is 1 33 kilometers southeast of Taitung, a 瑚 county in the 不同的珊 。southeastern 除此之 area. Its coastline area. Itsiscoastline only 20 kilometers is only 20 kilometers long, and its long, tallest andmountain its tallest mountain is is 外,超過300種以上的 southeastern part of Taiwan. Green Island is 15 square kilometers in 魚類 其 周 邊281 終 年meters 可 281 meters high. area. Its coastline is only 20 kilometers long, and its在tallest mountain ishigh. 見。這些珊瑚和魚類使 The seas around The seas Green around Island Green are Island abundant are abundant with morewith thanmore 200 than 200 281 meters high. 得島上從事潛水生意的 different species different of species colorfulofcoral. colorful In addition, coral. In over addition, 300 types over 300 of fish types of fish The seas around Green Island are abundant with more than 200 can of2 can in the 2neighboring in the neighboring seas all year seas round. all year Both round. the coral Both and the coral and different species of colorful coral. In addition,商人每年都可賺進大把 over 300 types fish 鈔票。綠島也以島上的 thecoral fish and allow the fish businessmen allow businessmen on the island on the 3island much 3money much from money from can 2 in the neighboring seas all year round. Both the 天然鹽水溫泉而著名。 touristsfrom who tourists comewho for scuba come for diving scuba each diving year.each Green year. Island Green is also Island is also the fish allow businessmen on the island 3 much money 這些泉水因深藏地底的 famous famous its natural for its saltwater naturalhot saltwater springs. hotThe springs. springs The 4springs naturally 4 naturally tourists who come for scuba diving each year. Green Island is for also 火山活動而被加熱。許 byactivity volcanic deep activity underground. deep underground. Many tourists Many aretourists attracted are to attracted to famous for its natural saltwater hot springs. The springs 4by volcanic naturally 多遊客被這些溫泉池所 hot-spring the hot-spring pools on the pools island, on the notisland, only because not onlythe because pools are the free pools are free by volcanic activity deep underground. Many 吸引不僅只因為這些溫 tourists are the attracted to to the public to the but public also because but also here because they can here enjoy they the can feeling enjoy the of being feeling of being the hot-spring pools on the island, not only because the pools are free 泉池是免費開放給公眾 close close 5 . to 5 . [96改] [96改] to the public but also because here they can enjoy the feeling of to being 使用,更因為浸泡在這 close to 5 . [96 改 ] 些溫泉中他們感覺更接


Unit 1

(C) How do you find us? (D) Where are you going?

Unit 1




May I speak to 請問亞當在嗎

Adam, please

to Mr. Brown?

y I speak • Hello. Ma問布 朗先生在嗎?


Hello. May I spe 哈囉,請問林


ak to Dr. Lin?


. 我就是。 • Speakiis ng ). am (speak ing • This Ad當。 我就是亞


home now.

is not at • Sorry, he現在 不在家。 抱歉,他

• He is noge?t in right

ea now. May I tak


我可以幫 他現在不在, 對方打錯電話

have the • Sorry. You你打 錯了。


wrong number

. Unit 1

(C) natural

座落於…… 2. 300多種的魚類終年 可以「被發現」,故 選被動。 3. allow + sb. + to V 使

(D) national

某人能夠…… 4. 泉水(The springs)是 「被火山熔岩加熱」成 溫泉,需用被動式。 5. close to nature 接近 自然




enjoy...] to

1 not only... but also... 「不但……而且……」是對等連接詞片語,連接兩 個字詞或是子句,但兩者需為同等的語法結構,如本句連接兩個由 because所引導的副詞子句。

色彩存在我們目力 所及的任何一處,從藍 天到綠草、從城市混凝 土建築的灰到無月夜晚 的黑。色彩對我們的感 受與對於周遭環境的反

IV. Reading Comprehension Everywhere we look, there is color, from the blue sky to the green

grass, from the gray of concrete buildings to the black of a moonless night. Colors have a direct and powerful impact on the way we feel and react to our surroundings. When we decorate our homes, we choose colors that welcome us and make us feel good. Some colors excite us while others soothe and calm us. For example, when the Blackfriar Bridge in London was painted green, suicide jumps from the bridge decreased by 34 %. Research reveals that people have similar emotional responses to specific colors. In general, the brighter the color, the stronger the response. [100改]

響。當我們裝潢我們的 家,我們選擇我們喜歡 並讓我們感覺舒服的顏 色。有些色彩讓我們興 奮,而有些則讓我們舒 緩安定下來。例如當倫 敦的黑衣修士橋漆成綠 色以後,從橋上跳河自 殺的數字就大降34%。 研究顯示人類對特定顏 色有類似的情緒反應, 一般來說,愈鮮豔的顏 色引起的反應愈強烈。 1. 從第二句的 “Colors have a direct... react

A 1. What is the best title for this passage? (A) Emotional Responses to Color

to our surroundings”, 以及後半段 “people have similar

(B) Color and Decoration

emotional responses

(C) Suicide Jumps and Color

to specific colors”, 得知答案是(A)。 Unit 1

Unit 1

(B) May I ask what this call is about?


(B) nation

(D) The Importance of Color

100 98 94


(B) heated (D) been heated

volcanic island 火山島 to be more specific 更明確地說 in area 以面積而言 be abundant with 富於……的 scuba diving 潛水 be famous for 以……著名 be attracted to... 被……吸引





(D) earned

1. 建築物 + be located...


Formosa ’sFormosa Green Island, ’s Green though Island,small, though attracts small,lots attracts of tourists lots of tourists

(A) Who is calling, please?

r a new leaf.

(C) to earn

積15平方公里。全島海 岸線長只有20公里,而 島上最高的山為281公

14 14

(D) transported

..., not only [because the pools are...] but also [because here they can




(B) earning

* * * * * * *

人們不需要使用紙張。 可以在電腦上完成,所以 常與「現在完成式」 人們不需要使用紙張。 Part B:張Translate Part B:the Translate Following the Sentences Following Sentences into English into English 連用 ,而且 「紙

Part C: Cloze Part Test C: Cloze Test

Part C: Cloze Test

C 3. (A) earn

A 5. (A) nature

4. 因為撰寫及編輯的程序都

To build a bridge To build over a bridge this big over river this is big a very river difficult is a very job.difficult Most people job. Most do people do 吸引許多遊客。實際 be completed be completed believe it can believe it can . . To build a bridge over this big river is a very difficult job. Mostnot people donot 上,這座島是北太平洋 3. 通往邊境的路被關閉了,所以士兵們被迫要改變他們的計畫。 3. 通往邊境的路被關閉了,所以士兵們被迫要改變他們的計畫。 (force) (force) be completed. not believe it can 上眾多小火山島之一。 were forced were to The road toThe the road border to was the border closed, was and closed, the soldiers and the soldiers forced 3. 通往邊境的路被關閉了,所以士兵們被迫要改變他們的計畫。 (force) 更精確來說,它座落在 change change plans.their plans. [101改] [101改] were forced to their The road to the border was closed, and the soldiers臺灣東南部的臺東縣東 南方33公里處。綠島面 [101改] change their plans.

(C) drowned

(C) be founded (D) be found


是被用來溝通的工 Part B: Translate the Following Sentences into English 1. 在修車時,我的手機被偷了。 1. 在修車時,我的手機被偷了。 (repair) (repair) 具」,所以本句用完 being repaired being My cellphone My was cellphone stolen was while stolen my car while wasmy car was . repaired . 1. 在修車時,我的手機被偷了。(repair) 成式的被動。 2. 在 這 條 大河 在上 這蓋 條橋 大是 河很 上困 蓋難 橋的 是工 很作 困。 難大 的多 工數 作的 。人 大不 多相 數信 的它 人可 不以 相被 信完 它可以被完 being repaired My cellphone was stolen while my car was . 2. 臺灣的綠島雖小, 成。 (complete) 2. 在 這 條 大 河 上 蓋 橋 是 很 困 難 的 工 作 。 大 多 數 的 人 不 相 信 它 可以 被 完成。(complete)


(B) located (B) found

(C) have heated

(C) is used (C) is used (D) has been (D)using has been using (B) has been store為其同位語,且 used (D) has been空格後的as using (當作……) B 4. As the B writing 4. As the andwriting editingand process editing processon a computer, on a computer, people people 為提示,因此這裡必 B 4. As the writing and editing process 為被動語態 on a computer, don’t needdon to use ’t need paper. to use paper. [94改] [94改] “be usedpeople as...” 的用法。 改] (A)[94had 4. 因為撰寫及編輯的程序都 3. “for + 一段時間” 經

B 1. (A) gathered D 2. (A) find A 4. (A) are heated

(A) had used (C) is used

don’t need to use paper.

請稍等。 你的電話。


C 店2.的 Nowadays, C 2. Nowadays, the term 7-Eleven, the term the 7-Eleven, name the of aname convenience of a convenience store, store, 2. (1) 現 今 便 利 商 名稱—「7-11」,也 a metaphor as a for metaphor the non-stop for theworking non-stoppattern. working pattern. [100] [100] C 2. Nowadays, the term 7-Eleven, the name of a convenience store, as 被用來當作無止無休 used (A) used (B) uses (B) uses (C) is used (C) is (D) used is using(D) is using as a metaphor for the non-stop working pattern. (A)[100] (A) used (B) uses (C) is used 工作模式的象徵。 (D) is using B 3. For over B 3.2000 For years, over 2000 paper years, paperas a major as tool a major for tool for (2) 本句的主詞為 the communication. [94改] [94改] B 3. For over 2000 years, paper as a major for 而the communication. term tool 7-Eleven, communication. 改] used name of a convenience (A)[94had (A) had used (B) has been (B)used has been used

為被動語態 “be used 3. “for + 一段時間” 經

Give It a Try

Give It a Try

要重新做人。 nd to turn ove mi 3. 我已下定決心 my de up ma I’ve








放棄 2. 如果你不輕易 keep e up easily and If you don’t giv ay. ed som


2. (1) 現 今 便 利 商 店 的

• Who’s calling, please? • This is Jill Chen. 我是陳吉兒。 • Who’s this, please? • May I ask who is speaking/calling? • May I have your name? • Hold on, please. • Don’t hang up, please. • You are wanted. • There’s a phone call for you. • Mr. Bush is on the phone. • I’ll put you through.

Jackie enjoy

99 91 90

= Yes, please tell him to return my call.

93 90 91





compensate for

become a friend of sb.








綜合測驗、閱讀 ~ 補充常見文法重點,介紹常見主題、 考題及答題技巧,篇章掌握一級棒! 文法區收錄非選練習題喔!

• No, thanks. I’ll call back later.

• Do you want to leave a message? • Yes, please tell him to call me back.


91 90

98 96 93 91

• May I take a message?


事來逗她 1. 賈姬喜歡編故 s amusing her


對話 ~ 依統測歷屆主題做分 類,整理各主題常見對話, 額外補充實用表達法,搶攻 對話一把罩。

Par t B: 填充題

93 92 91 90







97 96 95 92

7. ch ec k


1. make a decision


louder than w


3. make an impression on 給某人留下印象 impress sb.




Yes,You can




3182-S 統測英文複習講義測驗卷


Contents 編.輯.大.意

從近幾年統測的英文試題 中,我們可以發現試題的難

Unit 1


Unit 2


Unit 3


Unit 4


Unit 5


Unit 6


Unit 7


Unit 8


Unit 9


Unit 10


Unit 11


Unit 12


Unit 13


Unit 14


Unit 15


Unit 16


易度很難掌握,讓許多應試 者無從準備,有的甚至放 棄,誠屬可惜。其實,不管 題型如何變,只要掌握命題 的動向,就能掌握學習的要 點,本書的內容是以近十年 的統測英文試題為主軸,加 以分類、歸納,讓同學在準 備統測英文時,能更省時省 力,效果加倍。最重要的 是,本書是依出題頻率的高 低來決定編排的順序,老師 可依照同學的需求做適當的 調整,以增強學習的效果, 讓本書成為高三統測英文複 習的好幫手。


1 I. Vocabulary & Phrases 重點字彙 舉一反三


1. action ['AkSEn] 名 行為;行動

2. activity [Ak'tIvEtI] 名 活動

3. allow [E'l0] 動 允許

4. believe [bI'liv] 動 相信

5. care [kWr] 動 關心 名 照料

6. chance

[7Wk] 動 檢查 名 檢查;支票

8. choose [7uz] 動 選擇


Unit 1

101 98 95

《諺》行動勝於空談。 搭 ‧ take action 採取行動

94 90

搭 ‧ take

97 96 95 92

衍 同 例

part in social activities

參加社交活動 active ['AktIv] 形 活躍的;積極的

91 90

permit Allow me to introduce Mr. White.

100 99 96 94 92 91

讓我來介紹懷特先生。 搭 ‧ believe

it or not 信不信由你 ‧ make believe = pretend 假裝 衍 belief [bI'lif] 名 信仰 believable [bI'livEbL] 形 可信的(= convincing) 搭 ‧ take

care of = care for 照顧 ‧ with care = carefully 小心地 衍 careful ['kWrfEl] 形 小心的 (= cautious) carefully ['kWrfElI] 副 小心地(= cautiously) chance = accidentally 偶然地 ‧take a chance on... 在……冒險 ‧ seize a chance 抓住機會

101 99 98 97 95 94 93 91 90

97 96 95 92 91 90

搭 ‧ by

99 91 90

examine, inspect 動 搭 ‧ check in 登記入住/辦理登機 ‧check out 退房 ‧ check up 核對;檢查

93 92 91 90

choose – chose – chosen select choice [74s] 名 選擇(= option) ‧ have no choice but to + V = cannot but + V 不得不

98 96 93 91

[7Ans] 名 機會

7. check

Actions speak louder than words.


三態 同 衍

9. company ['kVmpEnI] 名 同伴;公司

10. concern

friend 朋友;firm 公司 搭 ‧ keep company with 與……交往 ‧ run/manage a company 經營公司

far as I’m concerned 就我而言 ‧ be concerned about... 關心……

搭 ‧ as

[kEn's3n] 動 關心;有關 名 關懷

11. decide

[dI's1d] 動 決定

12. design [dI'z1n] 名 動 計劃; 設計

13. diet

同 衍

['dIfErEnt] 形 不同的

plan 名 動 ; pattern 名 designer [dI'z1n2] 名 設計師

balanced diet 均衡的飲食 ‧go on a diet 開始節食

96 95 93 92

101 99 96 95 90

101 99 98 96 95 92 91 90 101 97 96 93

搭 ‧a

98 97 94 90

diverse 搭 ‧ A be different from B A 和 B 不同 衍 difference ['dIfErEns] 名 差異 . It makes no difference to me. 我無所謂。 differ ['dIf2] 動 不同 (= vary) .differ from country to country

99 98 97 96

[d1Et] 名 飲食

14. different

decision [dI'sI5En] 名 決定 .make a decision 做決定 . come to a decision 達成決定

100 99 97

95 94 93 92


15. dress [drWs] 名 洋裝;衣服 動 穿衣

16. education

搭 ‧ be

dressed in... 穿著…… ‧dress up 盛裝 ‧ dressing room 更衣室 衍 dressing ['drWsI9] 名 沙拉醬 搭 ‧ receive

[,WGE'keSEn] 名 教育

17. encourage [In'k3IG] 動 鼓勵

18. except [Ik'sWpt] 介 除……之外

a good education


99 98 95 94 93 92 90

101 97 94


91 90

except = ex- (= out) +

‧in-service education 在職訓練 ‧physical education 體育

-cept (= take)

搭 ‧encourage

101 98 96

me to try again 鼓勵我再嘗試 courage ['k3IG] 名 勇氣 discourage [dIs'k3IG] 動 使氣餒;阻止

94 93 91 90

Adam works every day except Sunday.

97 95 94 90

除了星期天,亞當天天工作。 辨 besides [bI's1dz] 介 除……外,還有…… . Besides Chinese, Justin also speaks


→把……拿出去 →除……之外 accept = ac- (= to) + -cept (= take) →去拿 →接受 intercept = inter- (= between) + -cept (= take) →中途奪取 →攔截

除了中文,賈斯汀還會說英文。 Unit 1


19. excuse [Ik'skjuz] 名 藉口 動 原諒

20. happen ['hApEn] 動 發生

21. headache ['hWd,ek] 名 頭痛

22. health [hWl8] 名 健康

23. influence ['InflUEns] 名 影響

24. interest ['IntErIst] 名 興趣;利息 動 使感興趣

25. join

forgive 動 原諒 搭 ‧ make up an excuse 捏造藉口 ‧ find an excuse 找藉口

[luz] 動 失去

27. mainly ['menlI] 副 主要地

28. manage ['mAnIG] 動 經營; 管理; 設法做


Unit 1

92 91

occur, take place 例 Accidents happen. 意外的事總會發生。 搭 ‧ happen to + V 恰巧

93 92 91

搭 ‧ have

95 94 93

a headache 頭痛 stomachache ['stVmEk,ek]

98 97 96 94


搭 ‧ be

in good health 健康 ‧ be in poor health 不健康 ‧benefit one ’ s health 有益某人健康 衍 healthy ['hWl8I] 形 健康的

98 97 95 93 92 91

effect, impact 搭 ‧ have an influence on... 對……有影響 衍 influential [,InflU'WnSEl] 形 有影響力的

99 98 96 94

搭 ‧ have

101 98 95

an interest in... 對……有興趣 衍 interesting ['IntErIstI9] 形 有趣的 interested ['IntErIstId] 形 感興趣的 ‧be interested in 對……感興趣 us for lunch 和我們吃午餐 ‧ join the two islands 連接這兩個島

93 92

搭 ‧ join

97 93 92


lose – lost – lost 搭 ‧ lose one ’ s temper 發脾氣 ‧lose one ’ s face 丟臉 ‧lose one ’ s head 喪失理智;昏頭 衍 loss [lCs] 名 損失 ‧ at a loss 困惑地

98 97 96 92

chiefly, primarily 衍 main [men] 名 主要的 ‧the main idea 大意;主旨

98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91

搭 ‧ manage

101 96 94

[G4n] 動 加入(活動); 連結

26. lose

97 95 94 93

to finish the work

設法完成工作 衍 manager ['mAnIG2] 名 經理 management ['mAnIGmEnt]

93 92 91 90


29. matter ['mAt2] 動 重要 名 問題

30. mean [min] 動 意旨;用意 形 小氣的; 卑鄙的

31. message

It doesn’t matter to me. 對我不重要。 What’s the matter with you? 你怎麼了? 搭 ‧ make matters worse 使事情更糟 ‧ as a matter of fact = in fact 事實上 例

mean – meant – meant 衍 meaning ['minI9] 名 意義 meaningful ['minI9fL] 形 有意義的 means [minz] 名 (pl.)手段;方法 ‧ by no means 絕不 ‧ by all means 務必;一定 三態

搭 ‧ receive

and send messages 收發訊息 ‧leave a message to sb. 留訊息給某人

['mWsIG] 名 訊息

32. muscle

['nA7ErEl] 形 自然的

34. order ['Crd2] 動 訂購;點餐; 命令 名 順序;訂購

35. patient ['peSEnt] 名 病人 形 耐心的

36. provide [prE'v1d] 動 提供

37. realize ['riE,l1z] 動 了解;實現

['rizN] 名 理由;理性

98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90

98 97 94 91

31. massage [mE'sa5]

one’s muscles 練肌肉 ‧strengthen one ’ s muscles 強健肌肉

搭 ‧ build

99 94 91

搭 ‧ natural

97 96 94 93

resource 天然資源 nature ['ne72] 名 天性;自然 naturally ['nA7ErElI] 副 自然地;天生地

May I take your order?

97 96 95 94


93 92 91 90

impatient [Im'peSEnt] 形 沒耐心的 例 Be patient , patients . 病人要有耐心。 搭 ‧ be patient with... 對……有耐心 衍 patience ['peSEns] 名 耐心 offer, supply, serve 搭 ‧ provide sb. with sth. 提供某人某物 ‧ provide sth. for sb. 為某人提供某物

同 例

同 衍


Keep the room in order. 請保持房間整齊。 disorder [dIs'Crd2] 名 失調 動 使失調

38. reason

92 91

動 名

['mVsL] 名 肌肉

33. natural

99 97 96 93

understand 了解;come true 實現 Adam’s dream was finally realized.

101 97 92 91

98 97 96 95 93 91

99 98 97 96

in reality = in fact

亞當的夢想終於實現了。 real ['riEl] 形 真實的 reality [rI'AlEtI] 名 現實

cause reasonable ['rizEnEbL] 形 合理的 reasonably ['rizEnEblI] 副 合理地

37. 事實上

99 98 97 96 95 94 91

Unit 1


39. research ['ris37] 名 研究 [rI's37] 動 研究 40. review = re- (= again) + -view (= see) → 再看一次

40. review [rI'vju] 動 名 複習; 回顧

→ 複習 preview = pre- (= before) + -view (= see) → 事先看

41. scientist ['s1EntIst] 名 科學家

→ 預習

study 動 名 搭 ‧ market research 市場研究 ‧ research and development 研發 (R&D) 衍 researcher [rI's372] 名 研究人員

97 95 94 91

one’s textbook 複習課本 衍 view [vju] 名 景觀;觀點 (= opinion) 動 看;看待 (= regard, see) ‧point of view = viewpoint 觀點 ‧ with a view to + V-ing 為了

99 97 94 93

搭 ‧ review

science ['s1Ens] 名 科學 scientific [,s1En'tIfIk] 形 科學的 搭 ‧ scientific evidence/knowledge/ research 衍

-view (= see) → 互相看 → 面談;面試

99 98 97 95 93


interview = inter- (= between) +


42. serious ['sIrIEs] 形 認真的; 嚴重的

43. serve [s3v] 動 服務;供應

44. suggest [sE(g)'GWst] 動 建議;暗示

同 例

earnest You’re looking very serious.

99 98 96 95 93 91 90

你看起來很嚴肅。 衍

seriously ['sIrIEslI]


provide, offer, supply 例 First come, first served . 先到先贏。 It serves you right. 你活該。 衍 service ['s3vIs] 名 服務 同

同 例

advise The doctor suggested that my father stop smoking. 醫生建議我父親應該要戒

99 98 97 95 91

98 97 92 91 90


45. taste [test] 動 嚐起來 名 味道

46. throw [8ro] 動 丟

47. visit ['vIzIt] 動 名 拜訪; 訪問


Unit 1

suggestion [sE(g)'GWs7En]

The chocolate tastes a little bitter.

提議;忠告 99 95 92

這巧克力嚐起來有點苦。 There is no accounting for tastes . 《諺》人各有所好。 三態

throw – threw – thrown 反 catch 接住; seize, grasp 抓住 搭 ‧ throw away 丟掉

99 96 93 92

call on 搭 ‧ pay a visit to sb. 拜訪某人 衍 visitor ['vIzIt2] 名 訪客

98 97 95 92


48. weight [wet] 名 重量

49. wonderful ['wVnd2fEl] 形 美好的; 很棒的

50. worry [w3I] 動 擔心;煩惱 名 煩惱

搭 ‧ gain

weight = put on weight 增重 ‧ lose weight 減重 衍 weigh [we] 動 秤……的重量 overweight ['ov2,wet] 名 過重 形 過重的 同 衍

marvelous wonder ['wVnd2]

99 98 97 96

想知道 (= doubt) 名 驚奇;奇觀 (= miracle) ‧No wonder (that)... 難怪 動

anxiety 名 焦慮 ; trouble 動 名 麻煩 例 Don ’ t worry about me. 別擔心我。 衍 worried ['w3Id] 形 擔心的 (= anxious) ‧be worried about... 擔心…… ‧ be worried to death 擔心得要命

97 96 95

93 92

97 96 94 91

Give It a Try B 1. The restaurant has superb business because it serves delicious and healthy food. [98] (A) works (B) provides (C) forwards (D) strikes C 2. Overweight, we are advised to pay close attention to our daily diet. (A) liked (B) related (C) suggested (D) treated [97] A 3. Because of the heavy rain, Mr. Johnson drove down the hill very slowly and cautiously. [97] (A) carefully (B) naturally (C) quickly (D) entirely

1. have superb business 生意超好

2. pay attention to 注意

C 4. The course is primarily designed to improve students ’ English writing ability. [96] (A) willingly (B) eagerly (C) mainly (D) skillfully B 5. You have to bring your own shopping bags now because the supermarkets no longer supply them. [96] (A) construct (B) provide (C) need (D) limit

5. no longer 不再

C 6. If you ask students why they are late for class, their excuses will be very different. [93] (A) views (B) rights (C) reasons (D) voices C 7. More and more students that with a good knowledge of English, they will have more opportunities to find a good job. [99] (A) delay (B) launch (C) realize (D) bother A 8. Formosa’s Green Island, though small, attracts tourists because of its beauty. [96] (A) natural (B) serious (C) healthy (D) main

Unit 1


9. eat less and exercise more 少吃少運動 10. (1) Public Welfare Lottery 公益彩券 (2) instead of 而不是

B 9. If you don’t want to put on more , you should eat less and exercise more. [95] (A) treasure (B) weight (C) food (D) body A 10. Many people worry that computerized Public Welfare Lottery gambling to become rich instead of working hard to make money. [91] (A) encourages (B) specializes (C) predicts (D) concerns

常考片語 : make 片語


Unit 1




1. make a decision



96 95 90

2. make a reservation



99 90

3. make an impression on 給某人留下印象 impress sb.


4. make an appointment (和某人)有約 arrange to see sb. at (with sb.) a fixed time


5. make believe



6. make sure


be certain


7. make progress (in)


be getting better


8. make up



93 90

9. make up for


compensate for


10. be made up of


consist of

95 93 90

11. make up one ’s mind (to V)




12. make friends with


become a friend of sb.


13. make fun of


play a joke/trick on


14. make use of


take advantage of

93 91

15. make it



Give It a Try Part A: 從下列的片語中選出最適當的答案

(A) make fun of (D) make a reservation

(B) is made up of (E) make up for

(C) made an appointment

C 1. George has with our manager. They will meet at five o ’clock this evening. D 2. If you want to eat in that popular restaurant on weekend, you ’d better in advance. [99改] A 3. My parents like to each other and it brings joy to our family. [95改]

B 4. New Zealand two main islands, North Island and South Island. [93] E 5. Mary had to the time she missed in school when she was sick. [91] Part B: 填充題

1. 賈姬喜歡編故事來逗她的朋友開心。 making up Jackie enjoys amusing her friends by stories. 2. 如果你不輕易放棄並持續努力,你有一天會成功的。 make it If you don’t give up easily and keep trying, you ’ll someday. 3. 我已下定決心要重新做人。 made up my mind to turn over a new leaf. I’ve

II. Conversation 電話用語

出現年度101 100 98 94





• May I speak to Adam, please? 請問亞當在嗎?

• Hello. May I speak to Mr. Brown? 哈囉,請問布朗先生在嗎?

• Hello. May I speak to Dr. Lin? 哈囉,請問林醫師在嗎?

• Speaking. 我就是。 • This is Adam (speaking). 我就是亞當。 非本人接聽

• Sorry, he is not at home now. 抱歉,他現在不在家。

• He is not in right now. May I take a message?

他現在不在,我可以幫他留話嗎? 對方打錯電話

• Sorry. You have the wrong number. 對不起,你打錯了。 Unit 1



• May I take a message?

• No, thanks. I’ll call back later.




= Yes, please tell him to return my call.

• Do you want to leave a message? • Yes, please tell him to call me back. 好的,請告訴他回電給我。 詢問對方是誰(請問哪一位?)

• Who’s calling, please? • This is Jill Chen. 我是陳吉兒。 • Who’s this, please? • May I ask who is speaking/calling? • May I have your name? ◎實用表達法

• Hold on, please. • Don’t hang up, please. • You are wanted. • There’s a phone call for you. • Mr. Bush is on the phone. • I’ll put you through.

請稍等。 別掛斷。 你的電話。 你的電話。 布希先生正在講話。 我幫你轉接過去。

Give It a Try C 1. (On the telephone) Paul: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Wu, please? Voice: Paul: Oh, I’m sorry. (A) Who’s calling, please?

(B) May I know your name?

(C) You must have the wrong number. (D) Who are you? A 2. (On the phone…) Secretary: Mr. Hubbard ’s office. How may I help you? Client: Yes, I ’d like to speak to Mr. James, please? Secretary: Client: This is Mrs. Stone from Sandhill. (A) Who is calling, please? (B) May I ask what this call is about? (C) How do you find us? (D) Where are you going?


Unit 1


B 3. Secretary: Good morning, XYZ Company. May I help you? Mr. Clinton: Yes. Is Mr. Bush there? Secretary: Mr. Clinton: Yes, please. This is Bill Clinton. Please tell Mr. Bush to call me back. My phone number is 361-6599. [98] (A) Speaking. (B) He is not in now. May I take your message? (C) I am his secretary. Please wait. (D) Mr. Bush is on the phone. Who is this? D 4. Secretary: Good morning, Johnson ’s Computer. Peter: Hello. May I speak to Manager Chen, please? Secretary: I ’m sorry. He ’s not in right now. Peter: Yes. This is Peter Li. Please tell him to call back. (A) He’s always busy.

(B) What ’s your name?

(C) It’s a pity.

(D) May I take a message?


III. Grammar 被動語態 : be + P.P.


1 2 3

說 明 「進行式」的被動語態:在“be + P.P. "之間加上“being "。 例 The room was being cleaned when I came. 句 當我來時,房間正在清理中。 說 「完成式」的被動語態: 明 在“have/has/had + P.P. "之間加上“been "。 例 The building has been built for three years. 句 這棟建築物已經蓋好三年了。 說 含有「助動詞」的被動語態: 明 在“will/can/must/may... "之後加上“be + P.P. "。 例 The dishes can be washed in half an hour. 句 這些碗盤可以在半小時內洗好。

Give It a Try Part A: Choose the Best Answer

D 1. A few interesting similarities can between the two great philosophers: Confucius and Socrates. [101改] (A) is found (B) was found (C) to be found (D) be found

1. 在這兩位偉大的哲學 家——孔子及蘇格拉 底——身上可以發現 一些有趣的共同點。 Unit 1


2. (1) 現 今 便 利 商 店 的 名稱—「7-11」,也 被用來當作無止無休 工作模式的象徵。 (2) 本句的主詞為 the term 7-Eleven, 而the name of a convenience store為其同位語,且 空格後的as (當作……) 為提示,因此這裡必

C 2. Nowadays, the term 7-Eleven, the name of a convenience store, as a metaphor for the non-stop working pattern. [100] (A) used (B) uses (C) is used (D) is using B 3. For over 2000 years, paper as a major tool for communication. (A) had used (C) is used don’t need to use paper.

as...” 的用法。

(A) had done (C) was doing


(B) has been used (D) has been using

B 4. As the writing and editing process on a computer, people

為被動語態 “be used 3. “for + 一段時間” 經



(B) is done (D) will do

4. 因為撰寫及編輯的程序都 可以在電腦上完成,所以 人們不需要使用紙張。


Part B: Translate the Following Sentences into English


1. 在修車時,我的手機被偷了。(repair) being repaired . My cellphone was stolen while my car was 2. 在 這 條 大 河 上 蓋 橋 是 很 困 難 的 工 作 。 大 多 數 的 人 不 相 信 它 可 以 被 完 成。(complete) To build a bridge over this big river is a very difficult job. Most people do be completed. not believe it can 3. 通往邊境的路被關閉了,士兵們被迫要改變他們的計畫。(force) were forced The road to the border was closed, and the soldiers to change their plans. [101改]

具」,所以本句用完 成式的被動。 臺灣的綠島雖小, 卻因其自然景觀之美而 吸引許多遊客。實際 上,這座島是北太平洋 上眾多小火山島之一。 更精確來說,它座落在 臺灣東南部的臺東縣東 南方33公里處。綠島面 積15平方公里。全島海 岸線長只有20公里,而 島上最高的山為281公 尺高。 綠島周邊的海域富 含超過200種形形色色 不同的珊瑚。除此之 外,超過300種以上的 魚類在其周邊終年可 見。這些珊瑚和魚類使 得島上從事潛水生意的 商人每年都可賺進大把 鈔票。綠島也以島上的 天然鹽水溫泉而著名。 這些泉水因深藏地底的 火山活動而被加熱。許 多遊客被這些溫泉池所 吸引不僅只因為這些溫 泉池是免費開放給公眾 使用,更因為浸泡在這 些溫泉中他們感覺更接 近自然。 14

Unit 1

Part C: Cloze Test Formosa ’ s Green Island, though small, attracts lots of tourists

because of its natural beauty. The island is, in fact, one of the many little volcanic islands in the northern Pacific Ocean. To be more specific, it is 1 33 kilometers southeast of Taitung, a county in the southeastern part of Taiwan. Green Island is 15 square kilometers in area. Its coastline is only 20 kilometers long, and its tallest mountain is 281 meters high. The seas around Green Island are abundant with more than 200 different species of colorful coral. In addition, over 300 types of fish can 2 in the neighboring seas all year round. Both the coral and the fish allow businessmen on the island 3 much money from tourists who come for scuba diving each year. Green Island is also famous for its natural saltwater hot springs. The springs 4 naturally by volcanic activity deep underground. Many tourists are attracted to the hot-spring pools on the island, not only because the pools are free to the public but also because here they can enjoy the feeling of being close to 5 . [96改]

B 1. (A) gathered

(B) located

(C) drowned

D 2. (A) find

(B) found

(C) be founded (D) be found

C 3. (A) earn

(B) earning

(C) to earn

A 4. (A) are heated

(D) earned

(B) heated

(C) have heated A 5. (A) nature

(D) transported

(B) nation

2. 300多種的魚類終年 可以「被發現」,故 3. allow + sb. + to V 使

(D) national

某人能夠…… 4. 泉水(The springs)是 「被火山熔岩加熱」成


* * * * * * *



(D) been heated (C) natural

1. 建築物 + be located...


volcanic island 火山島 to be more specific 更明確地說 in area 以面積而言 be abundant with 富於……的 scuba diving 潛水 be famous for 以……著名 be attracted to... 被……吸引

5. close to nature 接近 自然


..., not only [because the pools are...] but also [because here they can 1


enjoy...] 1 not only... but also... 「不但……而且……」是對等連接詞片語,連接兩 個字詞或是子句,但兩者需為同等的語法結構,如本句連接兩個由 because所引導的副詞子句。

色彩存在我們目力 所及的任何一處,從藍 天到綠草、從城市混凝 土建築的灰到無月夜晚 的黑。色彩對我們的感 受與對於周遭環境的反 應,有直接且強大的影

IV. Reading Comprehension Everywhere we look, there is color, from the blue sky to the green

grass, from the gray of concrete buildings to the black of a moonless night. Colors have a direct and powerful impact on the way we feel and react to our surroundings. When we decorate our homes, we choose colors that welcome us and make us feel good. Some colors excite us while others soothe and calm us. For example, when the Blackfriar Bridge in London was painted green, suicide jumps from the bridge decreased by 34 %. Research reveals that people have similar emotional responses to specific colors. In general, the brighter the color, the stronger the response. [100改]

響。當我們裝潢我們的 家,我們選擇我們喜歡 並讓我們感覺舒服的顏 色。有些色彩讓我們興 奮,而有些則讓我們舒 緩安定下來。例如當倫 敦的黑衣修士橋漆成綠 色以後,從橋上跳河自 殺的數字就大降34%。 研究顯示人類對特定顏 色有類似的情緒反應, 一般來說,愈鮮豔的顏 色引起的反應愈強烈。 1. 從第二句的 “Colors have a direct... react

A 1. What is the best title for this passage? (A) Emotional Responses to Color

to our surroundings”, 以及後半段 “people have similar

(B) Color and Decoration

emotional responses

(C) Suicide Jumps and Color

to specific colors”,

(D) The Importance of Color

得知答案是(A)。 Unit 1


2. 從倒數第二句的例子 “...painted green...

C 2. According to the passage, what color may have a soothing effect on people?

suicide jumps... decreased by 34%”, 推測綠色有舒緩人 心、降低自殺率的功

(A) Red.

(B) Blue.

(C) Green.

(D) Gray.

D 3. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true? (A) Colors have an impact on how people react to their surroundings.

效,故答案選(C)。 3. 本題可從 “people

(B) Some colors excite people while others soothe and calm them.

have similar emotional responses

(C) The brighter the color, the stronger the response to it.

to specific colors” 得

(D) People ’s emotional responses to specific colors are different.

知答案(D) different 是不對的。


* * * * *

the gray of concrete buildings 混凝土建築物的灰 the black of a moonless night 無月夜晚的黑 have a direct and powerful impact on... 對……有直接而強大的影響 have similar emotional responses to... 對……會產生類似的情緒反應 in general 一般而言


1. Some colors excite us while others soothe and calm us. 1

2 1 1 “some ... others/some... ” 的句型表示「有些……有些……」。 2 連接詞while 是表「對照」的用法,作「然而」解。

2. The brighter the color, the stronger the response. 1


1 “The + 形容詞比較級..., the + 形容詞比較級... ” 的句型表示「愈……就 愈……」。


Unit 1

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