THE TEAM AND COLLABORATION STRATEGY..................................................................................................... 4 VISION............................................................................................................................................................ 5 HISTORY OF MELBOURNE AND CBD NORTH PRECINCT....................................................................................... 6 CBD NORTH PRECINCT CONTEXT...................................................................................................................... 7 SITE EXPLORATION……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….... 8 CONCEPT PROPOSAL ........................................................................................................................................9 MASTER PLAN................................................................................................................................................. 11 DETAILED PLAN.............................................................................................................................................. 12 SUBPROJECTS................................................................................................................................................ 13 1 GREENPARK…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 14 2 VICTORIA STREET BRIDGE………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 15 3 GREEN SPINE…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 16 4 SWANSTON ENTRANCE ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 17 IMPLEMENTATION......................................................................................................................................... 18 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 19 PHASING PLAN ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 20 LOGISTICS PLAN ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 21 GANTT CHART …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 22 CREATIVE STRATEGY …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 26 COSTING …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 27 EVALUATION ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 33 SUMMARY ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…… 34 REFERENCES ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….. 35 CONTENTS

Task Who are going to do this Start date – Complete date Complete / Incomplete THE TEAM AND COLLABORATION STRATEGY All 16/7/2021 18/7/21 Complete VISION All 14/7/2021 - 16/7/21 Complete HISTORY OF MELBOURNE AND CBD NORTH PRECINCT Haydar 16/7/21-22/7/21 Complete CBD NORTH PRECINCT CONTEXT Haydar 13/7/21- 21/7/21 Complete SITE EXPLORATION All 13/7/21 14/7/21 Complete CONCEPT – MASTER PLAN Nick 15/7/21-17/7/21 Complete PLAN DETAIL Luolin (Design) Nick (Discussion) 16/7/21 18/7/21 Complete (SECTIONSUBPROJECTS-ELEVATION & VISUALISATION) 1 GREENPARK 2 BRIDGE 3 GREEN SPINE 4 TRAIN ENTRANCE & GREEN SPINE ValHaydarNickAll Luolin 18//7/2117/7/2117/7/21-18/7/2118/7/2120/7/21 18/7/21 20/7/21 CompleteCompleteComplete Complete PROJECT PHASE Luolin 19/7/21 21/7/21 Complete SCHEDULE - EACH SUBPROJECT CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE 1 GREENPARK 2 BRIDGE 3 GREEN SPINE 4 TRAIN ENTRANCE & GREEN SPINE GANTT CHART HaydarNickAll Val ValLuolin 18//7/21 -20/7/21 18//7/21 20/7/21 18//7/21 20/7/21 18//7/21 20/7/21 19//7/21 -22/7/21 CompleteCompleteComplete Complete Complete LOGISTICS PLAN Nick 17/7/21-17/07/21 Complete CREATIVE STRATEGY Luolin 18//7/21 20/7/21 Complete COST Haydar 18//7/21 -22/7/21 Complete EVALUATION Nick/Haydar / Val 18//7/21 -23/7/21 Complete

Civil Engineer Construction Manager WENXUANLI(VAL)
Architectural Designer LUOLIN
Construction Manager

VISION The CBD North Precinct will foster a new era of health and wellbeing. Through providing all-inclusive access to innovative health services, green design and embracing cultural diversity.

The history of Melbourne serves as the foundation in what this precinct is built upon. As this precinct aims to redevelop an iconic Melbourne district, identifying what precedents that have formulated much of Melbourne's culture was significant to introducing this project. Melbourne is known for a variety of things. Some of those being its liveability, arts and culture, coffee and its heritage sites.
The State Library is a significant heritage site for this precinct as it will be built around it. Established in 1854, it is in Australia's oldest public library and one of the first free public libraries in the world. It has since been a place of learning and discovery and has played a massive part of Melbourne's historical and cultural significance. It’s a place we its users can gather, hold events and quite literally bring the world to Victoria. It played a massive inspiration in providing the vision and subsequent ideas of this pitch. Which will lead into the following context slide.

The idea behind what makes Melbourne inspired the basis of this proposed precinct. In remaining true to the character of Melbourne but implementing elements that will elevate and excel the city, is what the project is intending to achieve. Understandably, a project of this stature will create higher levels of congestion since more people will be travelling two and form their destinations using this precinct. This carries the potential to be overwhelming for its users. Hence, incorporating natural elements, and creating a multiuse space for health and wellbeing took priority. Part of this wellbeing goal involves promoting a diverse range of retail and food services, along with arts and culture installations that will best represent the global population that proudly exists within Melbourne.

SITE EXPLORATION To get some inspirations of concept design, some site exploration had been Theconducted.pictures shown in this page are some significant spaces that could be renovated. Including the multi-level carpark near RMIT building 91, Victoria street T intersection to Cardigan street, Swanston street and Franklin street to develop green spine, and proposed location for Swanston 'getaway'. Source: Google Maps Greeco Parking at RMIT Greeco Parking at RMIT Swanston Street Proposed location for Swanston getaway Victoria St Victoria StFranklin Street



The Concept Design Masterplan aims to provide a wholistic visual representation of the project vision. As detailed in the above masterplan, the masterplan clearly outlines the various components of our project. Beginning with the adaptive re use of the Cardigan street Carpark, coined as a “Greenpark” . The carpark will be refurbished to form an urban park. Its transformation aims to provide a place where students, families, professionals and tourists can get away from the fast pace of the CBD.
The Greenpark will form the beginning of the green spine, transitioning into a pedestrian bridge crossing of Victoria street. Subsequently, Franklin street as we know it, will be made redundant. Allowing for exclusively pedestrian and bicycle access, Franklin street will be transformed into a green spine which aims to seamlessly connect the Cardigan and Swanston street components of the green Thespine.Swanston street green spine will span the extent of the RMIT Precinct, concluding at the La Trobe street intersection. An integrated green space will form the La Trobe and Swanston street medium volume entry and exit point for the State Library station. The station concourse will span from the La Trobe and Swanston street station entrance to an additional medium volume entrance at the mid point of A’Beckett street. Further low volume station entrance’s will be located in Building 80 and Bowen street RMIT. At the northernmost point, the concourse will have an integrated entry and exit point in the Cardigan street precinct and an additional medium volume entrance at the Franklin and Swanston street intersection.

The detailed plan focusses on the adaptively re used Cardigan street carpark. The space throughout the building is envisioned to provide an escape foo those who wish to use it. A quiet and relaxing environment, where people can relax, collaborate, explore and Thebelong.displayed plan provides an overview of the top level of the carpark as we envision it. We envision the Greenpark to be primarily powered by renewable energy, and to make use of grey water throughout. Ultimately ensuring that it achieves the highest possible level of environmental sustainability and self sufficiency. The Greenpark will incorporate an element of urban agriculture in the form of a community garden on the roof. Providing a place for locals to grow their own produce and meet like-minded individuals. Additionally, the detailed plan displays a tiled pathway and timber decking area central to the roof level, with a water tank and Inspirationbins. for the original concept design of the Cardigan Street Greenpark is displayed in the image collage on this slide.


Following our site investigations, it was understood that there was a significant need for dedicated green space within the CBD North Precinct, particularly in the vicinity of RMIT and Swanston Thisstreet.subproject aims to transform the existing carpark into an urban park which incorporates various green design elements, providing a community hub and urban escape for its users.
The Greenpark subproject of our CBD North Precinct is the adaptively re used Cardigan street carpark.
The Greenpark aims to embrace various elements of social innovation by providing a physical and mental escape in an otherwise high stress environment, while also actively encouraging urban agriculture and fostering a sense of community.
The adaptive re use of the carpark will require significant structural reinforcement works to accommodate the load of the green spaces. The lower levels of the carpark will primarily feature grass and various other small flora which thrive in lower light environments. The upper level will place a greater emphasis on mature flora, while also including a community garden and grassed areas.

. The proposed Victoria Street bridge felt like a necessity to quite literally bridge our Greenpark, Franklin St Park, as well as the station entrance; all of which make up a part of our Green Spine. The idea is to continue incorporating natural elements from top to bottom of the precinct. Closing off Franklin Street meant that we also needed to find a way to reduce vehicular and human congestion. As we are proposing new parks and a station entrance here, a bridge felt like the most natural way to meet the needs of all parties. This bridge also proposed many opportunities for us to satisfy our vision. Covering the bridge almost entirely in timber cladding, and incorporating surrounding green elements, helped satisfy our approach to bringing nature to this redevelopment. It also serves as the connector of our new green spaces. As a means for inclusivity, we implemented a ramp for disabled access as well as tactile floors for the visually impaired. It was important for us to have understandable signage. So, we implemented clear and universal directional signage on both ends of the bridge. We also have digitised signage displaying train times for the convenience of our travelers. We also intend that this bridge will also build towards our social innovation goals. This bridge serves as a platform and an opportunity to connect us to one another. We felt it was seamless to our overall precinct design and know that it will elevate the method of how people can travel to and from; and reach one another within our precinct.

The Green Spine along Swanston to Franklin as another subproject is connecting the Victoria St Bridge. On the top of the pre existing walking, riding and tram access, more green elements will be added. The tram path will be surrounded by grass and other small flora. The walking and riding area will also be covered by grass and green elements. More mature trees will be planted along the green spine. The protection obstacles between tram path and riding lane will be transformed to some small flora beds, which are more obvious for bike riders, and it is also providing better visual enjoyment to the public. Additionally, a great number of benches made from sustainable materials will be installed on both side of the green spine, so people can have a rest at any point. In the CBD are, the atmosphere of busy and fast pace is always adequate, the green spine will balance that out a bit by providing a mentally, physically and visually calming and relaxing green space. No matter if people on the way to work, to study, home or just come to the city for shopping, the green spine will always make them feel relaxed before or after some strenuous activities.
Source: Rob Moore, RMIT Presentation Mar 2021

Theplants.grapevine will develop along Swanston Street with a geometrical steel outline. It shows our desire to catch the clear perspective on those fabulous RMIT’s building inside a characteristic greenish viewpoint. Overall, the green spine will turn into a feasible venture toward what's to come. This would be our vision to expand individuals' wellbeing and prosperity by quieting down the concentrated air of metropolitan turn of events.
Source: Rob Moore, RMIT Presentation Mar 2021
The green rooftop will contain regions for BBQ, setting up camp, and a large portion of the ground regions are covered by grass that permits individuals to sit on it. The green rooftop will assimilate water, store it in water tanks, and reuse later. The watering tank system will help to save water and it has a sustainable effect on the environment in a long term period. Moreover, to finish the Green Spine, we will plant our chose trees, grapevine, and some evergreen


In this project, all construction materials proposed to be used are going to be focused on sustainable, reused and natural components. Looking at every subproject, in the GreenPark project, utilization of pre existing facilities will be maximized, ensure mainly adding natural and environmentally friendly new components only. On the roof of the park, some solar panels are installed. For the Victoria St bridge and green spine, besides putting sufficient natural elements, it will be ensured that the timber cladding for the bridge and most of the other materials are recycled; the automatic watering system installed along the green spine will use recycled water; the same concepts will be applied to the Swanston getaway roof and every part of the project wherever possible.
CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL Sustainable Reused Natural

3: Constructing sub entrance/leave focuses on a time of one year as displayed in stage 3. Stage 4: The last development is the Swanston new passage with a green rooftop. This stage will complete simultaneously as the underground train station and mall complete. No structures will be demolished all through the entire project; we expect to adaptively re-utilize all the structures and material with a more regular and practical capacity. 2
The CBD North Precinct task will be separated into four significant Stagestages.1: The northern development of the Greenpark and the Victoria Bridge will begin and complete in three and a half years. Stage 2: Begin to foster the green spine alongside Franklin Street and Swanston St. This stage will take 8 Stagemonths.

The site logistics plan focusses on the logistical considerations required for the Franklin street green spine construction Asworks.shown, Franklin street will be permanently closed to all traffic. It is assumed that the closure of Franklin street will span the extent of the roadway. Therefore allowing for pedestrian access on the north and south boundaries, and a bicycle detour on the southernmost Forboundary.theduration of the construction works, vehicle access will be provided to Franklin street through both Victoria and Swanston Uponstreets.completion, vehicle access to Franklin street will be permanently restricted, providing exclusively pedestrian and bicycle access through the green spine. Additionally, Emergency Exit/Assembly points, Security Access and Equipment and Material Storage locations are depicted on the site logistics plan.

On the other hand, the Green Spine along Swanston St to Franklin St and the 6 entry/exit points will be constructed at the end of the whole tunnel project successively from 2023. All developments will start to serve the public together in early 2026.
The Greenpark and Victoria St Bridge are scheduled to start in August and September 2018 respectively, finishing and putting into use in approximately 22 and 15 months respectively. Thus, these two developments will be able to serve the community in an early stage of the whole tunnel project.
A Gantt Chart for the CBD North Precinct redevelopment project is displayed on the next three slides. Additionally, a standalone PDF version of the Gantt Chart has been provided as a part of this project package. As shown in the Gantt Chart of the project, the whole metro tunnel project starts in July 2016, and will keep going for almost ten years.




The creative strategy allowing we utilized inventive technique, imaginative ways to attract our stakeholder. By recognize and investigate freedoms to affect more individuals' consideration and comprehension, engaging in them while the development is going on. By concentrating how university understudies, staff, and home lives around may respond in the Street by highlining their daily activity in the arrangement. We choose to paint on the construction hoard and the building on both sides. We will utilize this as a chance for public to recognize our future vision of an eco Melbourne.


Underground Station Sub-projects Overall Cost
Train Station Entries/Exits 150,000,000 Tram Line Redevelopment 50,000,000 Cardigan St Redevelopment 15,000,000
Underground Retail Centre 350,000,000 Underground Food Court 350,000,000 Underground Station 932,500,000 Total 2,000,000,000 Our overall costing for this precinct sits at roughly $2 billion. This figure is derived from the estimates of the overall cost of the ongoing metro redevelopment. With a precinct like this, naturally the largest costing is allocated to the CBD North station Weitself.wanted to provide a dynamic view of the overall works being done within the precinct, so we broke down the station costs even further. These costs were found using rates from relevant Australian projects involving other train stations, as well as large underground retail and carparking projects. Other notable projects include the Franklin St Park as well as the Greenpark, of which the figures were inspired by and based around the New York City highline project. Additionally, there is the proposed Victoria Street Bridge, where various detailed cost estimates were inspired the costs and line items, specifically the Narabeen Pedestrian Bridge in New South Wales. See references page for sources used.
Victoria St Bridge 2,500,000 Franklin St Park 30,000,000
Victoria St Bridge
Underground Food Court
Greenpark 15,000,000 Swanston Green Spine 30,000,000 La Trobe St Entry 75,000,000
Franklin St Park Green SwanstonParkGreen Spine La Trobe St Entry Station Entries/Exits Line Redevelopment St

Above is a 3D render of the proposed precinct, accompanied by the names and costs of the previously listed sub projects.

To the right is a detailed cost breakdown of the proposed Victoria Street Bridge. The vision outlined for this precinct served as an invitation to implement many features into the construction of this bridge as per the requirements of the outlined vision. The bridge is effectively a concrete structure with structural steel elements that form the basis of it‘s support and overall a look. Since the bridge is to be constructed on Victoria St, understandably, site specific costs would need to be accounted for. Hence, traffic control and services diversions for example, were accounted for under the site preparation Somesubheading.excavation works would also be required, since pathways would need to be reworked to provide support for the various bridge components.

This continued breakdown expands upon the specific elements required as per the vision of the precinct. Since the precinct is being constructed so that it is an all inclusive space, clear and effective signposting was a significant element to be accounted for so that any and everybody could make use of the bridge and avoid running into any confusion in the process. Throughout the bridge, there would also be digital signage so that travellers could very easily refer to the train time for their convenience before entering the station. We ensured to account for the additional works required for our proposed ramp to go along with the bridge that would satisfy the needs of the physically Sinceimpaired.we wanted to implement natural elements wherever possible throughout the precinct, we decided to cover the bridge entirely in timber cladding to provide an all natural finish. We also accounted for landscaping costs with the trees that were to be planted around and underneath the bridge, along with the hanging plants and shrubbery under the ceiling of the bridge itself.

Process Evaluations
Outcome Evaluations
The long term outcomes were successfully met due to the efficient and effective planning and mapping out of tasks throughout the project. By keeping the team up to date with all tasks at all times, it gave structure to the tracking and completion of the works getting done. With tasks being delegated accordingly, and group members having a supportive and responsive platform to voice each and all of their concerns, long term objectives were able to be successfully met.
Why is the team creating an evaluation framework?
Impact Evaluations
The team successfully undertook a series of brainstorming and collaboration processes, and gradually developed the envisioned framework for the project. The team members then discussed and optimized the framework, ultimately leading to the development of the project vision.
To put the concept into the detailed design, the team members ensured ideas were produced in line with the project vision, while trying to understand and help one another. Throughout the project, transparency and openness was encouraged among team members, ensuring that any concerns our doubts were raised in discussion. This allowed all team members to remain on the same page and created a shared understanding of the teams overarching goals.
The evaluation framework was created as a tool for measuring the success of the project. The evaluation framework allows for a greater understanding of the lines of accountability and for a comprehensive analysis of the lessons learnt and potential improvements throughout the project life cycle. The knowledge gained throughout the implementation of the evaluation framework allows for greater efficiency and improvements in future projects. Similarly, the evaluation framework may be used to highlight successes within the project.
In order to achieve the long term objectives for this project, It was a necessity to break it down into smaller, measurable objectives. The way in which this was achieved was firstly through a series of weekly briefings. This assisted the team in identifying the progress made and the works that would be required moving forward. The was a space for the team to voice their concerns and continue to build upon and improve their ideas as the project was taking place. Additionally, weekly reporting and benchmarking assisted in identifying how the project was tracking. These helped assess if tasks were on track for completion and where certain sections may take priority.

How will we collect this data?
In order to collect the data for our project evaluation framework, we will implement a series of post-project surveys and discussion forums where team members are given the opportunity to share their project learnings and discuss the project outcomes. We find that this an effective and comprehensive means of data collection, since these surveys and discussions will allow for a diverse and all round perspective of objectives and the process of getting to their completion.
Indicators of Success: There are various indicators for the project evaluation framework. As the project progresses, a clear indicator of success is the development of objectives and increased specificity of objectives. Further to this, a clear indicator of the project progressing successfully is a greater understanding of the required tasks and deliverables in order to achieve the project goals. Key to the success of a project is also the provision and adherence to specific timelines and completion deadlines for project tasks.
Who are the types of people who will use the evaluation and why might they use it?
Various project stakeholders may benefit from understanding the project evaluation outcomes. Project managers may reflect on the outcomes of the project evaluation to understand greater opportunities for risk management or for general learnings surrounding the construction process. As a concerned stakeholder, the state government may be interested in the outcomes of the project evaluation when they are exploring the feasibility of future projects relevant to the CBD and public transport infrastructure. Developers may also be interested in the outcomes of the project evaluation when they are exploring the possibility of projects which may be of a similar scale and nature. Additionally, members of the local community may be interested in the outcomes of the evaluation process when referring to the associated disruptions and profit and loss of local business.

The CBD North Precinct will foster a new era of health and wellbeing. Through providing all inclusive access to innovative health services, green design and embracing cultural diversity. SUMMARY In summary, This precinct intends to promote increased levels of health and well being, while also being an all inclusive space; implementing the use of sustainable resources in the process. From varying types of plans, subprojects, chartings and costing, design was conducted with this vision in mind.

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