1 minute read
Identity in a Chaotic World.
[by Maui Duley]
“Know thyself”, a common phrase we hear once or twice in our lifetime. But to us millennials and Gen-Z, what does this really mean?
The expectation and interminable potentials given to us is unceasing in this day and age, which means we face a predicamental life choice, “what do you want to be when you’re older?”. This question is laughable for some, but many of us find this condescending, ESPECIALLY when the words come from a baby boomer’s mouth. Maybe we dread this question so much because it always feels forced on us. But hear me out... it’s okay to not know!
To answer the former question for you. It’s your job to find that out for yourself. But there is a phrase I always like to remember which I think can help you out, and that is “everyone is on a different level of their own journey”. Meaning that some may be ahead of others while some are further behind. Which is why you don’t have to compare yourself to others, because you will eventually reach the same goal to “know thyself”.
The phase of uncertainty is a precious time for most, because it means we’re still revealing parts of ourselves we’ve not discovered yet. So don’t stress it, and remember this when you’re still sitting on the fence pondering about who you are: A world where the sun sets and rises before the clock can strike a second ahead, forces us to live a life without truly living… So take your time, take a breath, listen, and wait. “Time is of the essence”, yet it takes your entire existence for personal growth and self-discovery. The next time someone ask you what you want to do when you finish Uni or ask you what you like, be absolutely confident (if it applies to you) to say “I don’t know”. In this way, we are not pressuring ourselves, and living up to anyone else’s expectation. Take it easy .