You spin me right ’round
Welcome to a world of pure imagination come to life Let us begin with a spin through a place of fantastical creations. Around every corner, you’ll discover extraordinary inventions, dreamed up by artists and experts unbound by tradition. And this is only the beginning. Take your senses on a spectacular voyage of color, texture and scent. A vivid and enchanting display of our products showcases a passion for our art – every explosion of fizz, bubble and fragrance represents 20 years of cosmetics innovation that blasts convention right out of the water.
Stephanie at the Lush offices in Vancouver, August 2015
The Experimenter Bath Bomb in action, Vancouver, August 2015
Everything we create begins with a stroke of inspiration – a serene moment in nature, a newly discovered ingredient or the rousing first notes of a long-forgotten song. Add rich colors, provocative scents and years of experience, and a new product begins to take form. Two decades in and we’re still innovating and reinventing what we do and how we do it. Inside these pages, you’ll discover our newest and most exciting creations that do so much more than look and smell nice – each one creates a transformative experience and gives you a small glimpse into who we are. We hope you like them.
New Bath Bomb
The Experimenter Indulge your senses with a captivating display of color and scent. See Page 55
Learn more about The Experimenter and all of our creations at
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#freshnewlush 3
Welcome to Lush Oxford Street When the world’s largest Lush shop opened its doors on April 24, 2015, an incredible display of innovative products was revealed to shoppers on Europe’s busiest shopping street. COMMITTED TO INNOVATION
With more than 8,800 square feet to explore,
A visit to Lush Oxford Street is like falling
Oxford Street is unlike any other Lush shop
down a rabbit hole of colorful, fragrant
in the world. It stands three stories tall amidst
delights the cosmetics industry – and Lush
the hustle and bustle of London’s High
fans alike – have never seen. Every product
Street in Oxford Circus, and opened exactly
range we carry, from haircare and bath to
twenty years after the very first Lush shop
skincare and makeup, has been expanded.
appeared in the seaside town of Poole, UK.
An explosion of vibrant color, gorgeous
The new store answers a question posed
scents and floor-to-ceiling displays of
by Lush co-founder Mark Constantine as he
new products greet you on the main level.
reflected upon the last two decades: “What
Massive rainbow-colored soaps are stacked
haven’t we tried?” We’ve been inventing
high, giant bottles of shower creams line
(and reinventing) the bathing experience,
the reclaimed wood counters, and tubes
reimagining classic cosmetics, and filling
of bold-hued lipstick wait to be tried in the
the world with perfume for a long time
antique-looking glass. Oversized sinks invite
now. This latest burst of creativity has
you to touch, smell and play with all the
resulted in the more than 200 brand new
new inventions. Visitors can even try a hair
products in our flagship location, and show
treatment or shampoo right in the Hair Lab,
that there’s still new, innovative ground
an in-store space with a salon chair and a
to cover in the cosmetics industry.
sink for complete product demonstrations.
Oxford Street shoppers in front of our flagship shop in London, UK, April 2015
makeup line. Striking hues presented in
bold combinations will give you the palette
Descending the central staircase immerses
you need to express yourself, regardless
you in a world of fine fragrances, massage and
of how you are feeling. And like all Lush
music. Block out the world for a moment with
products, the entire range is cruelty-free.
one of our Lush Spa soundtracks, or sample a selection of artists signed to our music labels at the Listening Station. Step through the hidden
door to the interactive Gorilla Perfume gallery
Deeply nourishing pre-wash treatments will
and experience perfume in an entirely new way.
restore your crowning glory and make it shine
And before you go, visit the Spa and surrender
like never before. Whip up your own hair
your mind, body and spirit to three hours of pure
treatment by melting the solid oils and butters
bliss with the new treatment, The Planets.
in hot water for an infusion of olive oil that will condition even the most unruly heads of hair.
Upstairs holds a bath lover’s paradise – every
fragrant, fizzing creation you could possibly
Coconut oil and herbal infusions are the center
imagine is piled high to delight your senses.
of attention in these hand-pressed bars of
Compact spheres of luxury bath oils may look
washing goodness. Each of the soft-textured
like bonbons, but are actually full of rich butters
soaps contains loads of sustainably sourced
and essentials oils that paint your bath water
ingredients to cleanse and refresh your skin.
with swirls of color and fragrance. Unique gifts
New products are arriving all the time at Oxford
and Knot-Wraps of every imaginable design
Street, and will make their way across the globe
sit opposite, each one holding a carefully
to a shop near you in the coming months.
selected collection of Lush products. For now, most of these delights are only available at Oxford Street, but soon many of them will make their North
American debut. Here’s a sneak peek
Julia Hamfelt
of what you can look forward to.
Felicity Millward
New colors and new formats are just the
beginning when it comes to the reimagined
Watch or visit your local shop to find out when these ranges will be available near you. Or tell us what you think of our newest inventions
#freshnewlush 6
The main floor of Lush Oxford Street, London, UK, April 2015
A collection of luxury bath oils, Lush Oxford Street, London, UK, April 2015
Mark Constantine with the Bath UK team, Christmas 2014
Innovation vs. Globalization Lush Co-founder Mark Constantine shares his
thoughts on the question of the company’s identity and the role innovation plays in a global market.
ust before Christmas I visited our
That bit has never worried me. I’ve always
smart new shop in Bath, UK. All of
known that a small company can get better
the founders were happy to pose
as it grows and that on the whole, this is
for a photo and there I was with the crew.
what’s happened here at Lush. The secret?
After the picture, Laura Wyatt, (third from
Attract passionate, enthusiastic and energetic
the right in white), asked: “How do you find
people who share a pleasure in the work.
the globalization of the company affects
its identity?” Ah… good question. I was
When I was fluffing around for an answer I
stumped for a moment. Laura had seemed
wasn’t sure what globalization really meant and
such a nice girl and I’m not sure that I
I didn’t really want to find out. Anyway, since
liked the thought of Lush being a part of
then I’ve given the question a lot of thought.
globalization. Then I explained how Lush had recently been awarded the Fair Tax
I recently read Peter Thiel’s book, Zero to
Mark and that this had encouraged us
One, with its subtitle “How to Build the
to publish our figures country by country
Future”. In it he explained globalization.
and with great transparency.
“If you take one typewriter and build 100 you have globalization. If you have a
I recently phoned Laura to ask if I answered
typewriter and you build a word processor
her question. “No,” she said. “Not really,
you have innovation.” As I thought about
but it was interesting. What I wondered
his description I realized that in our case
was, how do you preserve the feeling of
innovation can provide a solution to some
a small company from Poole, when you
of the more horrific resource-guzzling
are all over the world.”
examples that our industry creates.
Our innovation counters globalization, but as with all dreams it ends in responsibility. Take shampoo. Hair was washed in soap
or label. A perfect example of innovation
until in the ‘30s when chemists invented
disrupting globalization! But that was billions
surfactants. By the ‘50s they were making
of bottles ago. Last year after 20 years of
modern shampoo, preserving it and putting
trying, we sold enough shampoo bars to stop
it into modern plastic bottles rather than
15 million bottles being chucked out (and keep
the old-fashioned recycled glass ones.
hair looking clean and bouncy).
By the ‘60s we had all stopped using soap
So, Laura… there is my answer. Our innovation
and used soapless shampoo instead.
counters globalization, but as with all dreams
Normally with a label talking about streams
it ends in responsibility. If we don’t grow
of milk and honey. And then we just threw
we won’t see the change we need.
away the bottle. Someone else would bury
So the inventions continue, and we now
the bottle in a hole nearby.
have dozens of patents. Yet despite our size we are still such a tiny influence.
In a recent survey 92% of Americans used shampoo. In fact, by 2012, a billion and a half
To give you some perspective, Lush is 35%
bottles a year were used in America. But that
of the size of The Body Shop, which is itself
means over a billion empty plastic bottles
4% of its parent L’Oreal, which while the
being buried in a hole somewhere every year.
largest cosmetic company in the world,
Plastic made from oil. The globalization of
is only 12.5% of our industry.
bottled shampoo has guzzled resources. So we have a bit more to do yet... When my wife and fellow founder Mo Constantine’s first patent was granted in the US in 1989, she changed her occupation to “inventor” in her passport. Along with Stan
Mark Constantine
Kryztal she invented a naked shampoo bar.
Writer, Lush Co-founder
At 2 oz, it was a fifth of the size and yet
Thomas Griffiths
lasted three times as long as an 8.4 oz bottle
of liquid shampoo. No bottle, preservative
Discover all our innovations and invention stories at
or join the conversation
#freshthinking 10
Co-founders and inventors Helen, Ro & Mo in Lush Oxford Street, May 20, 2015
11 11
Letting Kids Be Kids In the wake of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, there’s still room for children to have fun.Â
On May 11 2011 a 9.0 magnitude earthquake hit off the east coast of Japan—the most powerful earthquake on record for the nation. The earthquake triggered a massive tsunami and resulted in the devastating Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, releasing dangerous radioactive material into the environment. This series of horrific events resulted in about 16,000 deaths, 6,000 people injured and 2,600 people missing. About 120,000 Fukushima people are still unable to return to their homes and businesses due to unsafe levels of radiation or destruction by the tsunami, creating physical space and tension where close-knit family and community ties used to be. Although news coverage on the event and its aftermath has largely come to a halt, life for the thousands of people affected by the nuclear disaster is still far from normal: decontaminated
Children playing at Channel Square Indoor Park, Fukushima, Japan, March 2015
Cesium-137 continues to emit harmful radiation into the environment, robbing an entire generation of children of their ability to interact normally with the outdoor world.
Fukushima evacuation zone, March 2015
radioactive waste sits ominously near
2012 as a way to help bring fun, socialization,
roadsides, and public parks, once bustling
play and a sense of normalcy back to
with activity, now lie empty and eerily silent.
the kids who have lost it. We developed a colorful, moldable, multi-purpose soap (aptly named Fun) and donate a portion
from the sale of each bar to the FunD. The
Despite decontamination efforts many
money raised is granted to grassroots
people feel that the radiation levels in
organizations working to create safe and
some playgrounds, streets and outdoor
fun opportunities for kids to play, grow and
spaces are still too dangerous for children.
flourish. Fun is sold in every Lush shop
The normal childhood activities of free-
around the world, with North American
running exercise, outdoor adventuring
stores contributing 32% of the global sales.
and mixing with peer groups—all of which are important for children’s social and
cognitive development—are limited in these areas. Adults are cautious of the children’s
F-WORLD is one of the innovative
surroundings; questioning the safety of the
organizations that was founded in response
air, water, earth and trees around them.
to this disaster, and one that we’re proud to support through the FunD. In March 2015,
Sadly, this issue cannot be solved overnight.
they opened Channel Square Indoor Park:
Cesium-137 was one of the dangerous
a safe indoor community space for kids to
radioactive materials released during the
play and parents to socialize. Takahashi
nuclear disaster, and its half-life is 30 years.
says, “Fukushima is a beautiful area where
This invisible, odorless substance has made
the mountains and ocean meet, so outdoor
its way into the water, food chain and soils of
activities like surfing, snowboarding and
areas surrounding Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear
hiking are very popular. Channel Square
Power Plant and overexposure is believed
was created by professional snowboarders
to increase the risk of cancer, thyroid issues
and people who love nature as a place for
and birth defects. Cesium-137 continues
children to create goals and passions for their
to emit harmful radiation, robbing an entire
future.” Inside, kids of all ages are learning
generation of children of their ability to
activities like skateboarding, slacklining,
interact normally with the outdoor world.
rock climbing and more while adults enjoy a cup of coffee and chat with friends and neighbors, relishing a rare moment of
respite from the concerns of radiation.
Maho Takahashi, Charity and Campaign Manager for Lush Japan asks: “Did children
Channel Square was established not only
have anything to do with the cause of this
for children who need a safe environment
disaster? No, they didn’t. It was adults
to play, but to provide an arena for the
who made our country dependent on
whole community to come together and
nuclear energy. The responsibility now
heal the fractures created by the disaster.
rests on our adult shoulders to create an
“Everyone cares about each other and
environment where children can grow up
looks after one another through engaging
healthy and free from the fear of radiation.”
in sports and activities. It’s a kind of dream place you’d wish to have in your own town,
Being a company full of adults who love to
not only in Fukushima,” says Takahashi.
have fun, Lush was keen to support those
In addition to providing this much-needed
creating solutions to this very adult problem
safe community space, Channel Square’s
in Fukushima. The FunD was established in
partnership with the Fukushima 30-Year
Children playing outdoors with Mirai no Mori, Japan, August 2013
Sunnyside Bubble Bar, Vancouver, January 2015
16 16
“I feel grateful and happy seeing the smiles and the kids having fun, but it’s also emotional to have heard Fukushima children asking ‘Is it okay to touch this tree?’” Project Nonprofit Organization provides
emotional to have heard Fukushima children
access to radiation monitoring equipment
asking ‘Is it okay to touch this tree? Is it
and educational materials that help parents
safe to play on this ground?’ soon after the
keep kids safe. Project member Maki
disaster.” The innocence and gravity of these
Sahara says, “I want people to come here,
questions shows exactly how the nuclear event
unwind…and perhaps be able to cope with
has impacted the lives of these children.
the specter of radiation just a little bit more. I hope this place becomes a forum where
Although we don’t see or hear much about
people will voice their concerns regarding
Fukushima on the news any longer, the
radiation with no fear.” It is through this open
community continues to struggle for normalcy
dialogue and education that the community
in the aftermath of this terrible disaster.
can forge the road to recovery together.
The FunD helps grassroots organizations in providing comfort, care, support and fun to
Other organizations supported by the FunD
the people of Fukushima—a constant reminder
are bringing fun to kids and communities in
that we stand united in their road to recovery.
creative ways. The Mirai no Mori organization takes orphaned or at-risk children from contaminated areas on outdoor retreats in safe locations. Here, they experience the
Katy Cobb
healing effects of outdoor activities like
whitewater rafting and camping, all while making friends and learning new skills.
Takumi Fukushima and NPO Mirai no Mori
Takahashi has attended several retreats and says, “I feel grateful and happy seeing the
smiles and the kids having fun, but it’s also
Aliens and Monsters Fun
Use as a bubble bath, shampoo, soap or just for Fun..the only limit is your imagination! See Page 56
We believe in supporting communities in need around the world. Find out more at 17
Journey into the Lush Spa Go on an odyssey of the senses through your subconscious and back again.
The Spell treatment at the Lush Spa, Poole UK, 11:31am, February 4, 2015
Every treatment is a unique and personalized journey that picks you up where you find yourself, and puts you down right where you want to be.
magine you are on a busy city street, where
subconscious and back again. The Lush
the roar of cars blends with voices in animated
Spa engages all of your senses in a way
conversation, shoppers navigating crowded
that goes beyond the expected, leaving you
sidewalks with overstuffed bags and street
feeling just how you want, and with a smile
vendors with carts loaded down with fast food.
on your face.
Suddenly, you find yourself in an oasis of calm – the barrage of sight, smells and sounds has
been replaced with gentle lighting, friendly faces
The first treatment developed is also our
and a place to unwind. Welcome to the Lush
signature treatment: Synaesthesia, which can
Spa, where your journey is just beginning.
be described as an involuntary joining of two different senses, and is experienced by only
You won’t find any sleek white couches or
a small portion of the population. For some,
cool marble countertops here – the Lush Spa
hearing a sound will bring to mind a color.
looks like a cozy English kitchen complete with
Others might hear a sound when experiencing a
mismatched tea cups, quaint furniture, bunches
fragrance – it all depends on the individual. The
of fresh flowers and a big wooden table. Like
treatment of the same name borrows this idea
arriving at your grandmother’s home after a
of mingling senses, and is designed to occupy
long trip, you feel at ease in this welcome retreat
all elements of your sensory, conscious mind so
from the hustle and bustle on the streets, and
that your subconscious can find space to play.
perhaps in your mind. Relaxed and intrigued, you’ve left your worries at the door and are
As part of this treatment, you select a word
ready to embark on a transformative experience.
that speaks to you from those written on the wall. Your eyes are then drawn to a collection
of softly glowing, colored bottles, each with a
Developing the spa began with a desire to take
handwritten tag beckoning you to select just
care of you in a way that respects your individual
one. These words will become the basis of
needs. “Everything we do at Lush is based on
your treatment, engaging your mind and your
the same idea of helping you feel exactly how
senses at the same time. Setting an intention
you want, inside and out. The spa is the heart
for your treatment through choosing powerful,
of our business,” explains co-founder and spa
evocative words was developed with the
treatment inventor, Rowena Bird. Your spa
advice of behavioral hypnotherapist, Lady
therapist will help guide you, but the journey and
Helen Kennedy. In the comfortable and relaxed
the destination are yours to determine. “It’s not
setting of the spa, you are ready to take a trip
about what the therapist is doing to you,” says
through your own inner thoughts. “When you
Rowena. “This is your treatment and you are
are in dream world, you can orchestrate your
in charge.”
experience,” says Lady Helen.
This is not a dream: this is an odyssey of the
As your treatment continues, the calls of
senses with spa treatments meticulously
thrushes and distant noises of woodland insects
designed to take you through your
are layered on top of chimes in a wash of sound.
To an outside observer, it may look like a dance is happening between the therapist and the guest, which is not far from reality.
Spa Therapist Stanette providing The Comforter? treatment, Philadelphia, 11:15am July 26, 2015
An electronic beat resonates in your chest
Finnish forests, capturing the feeling of the
as the massage smoothes tension from your
place and transporting you there.
shoulders, rolling in waves across your chest. This feeling of being transported stays with
you, even after you leave the room.
A multi-faceted sensory experience is a key component of all the spa treatments. From a
You may be walking out the same door you
facial that instills inner confidence to a body
came through, but your new perspective helps
scrub that reminds you to have a good laugh to
you see things in a different light..
a massage that takes you on a journey through your deepest thoughts, expect to emerge from
your treatment feeling changed. “Let us take care of you,” says Rowena. “There can be so
To an outside observer, it may look like a
much comfort in allowing someone else to
dance is happening between the therapist
pamper you. Hopefully after an hour with us,
and the guest, which is not far from reality. In
you will feel like smiling.”
every treatment, the therapist’s movements are rhythmic and carefully choreographed to
Above all, your treatment is a full immersion
support the specially designed soundtrack that
into the heart of Lush, and a journey into
intertwines orchestral beauty, classic lyrics and
the unexpected.
tranquil, natural soundscapes in a unique and lighthearted way. Drawing deeply on English folk music traditions and a love of birdsong, the soundscapes are a collaborative effort between Lush co-founder
Meghann Shantz
Mark Constantine and Grammy award-
nominated record producer and musician
Kornelia Kulbacki and Richard Skins
Simon Emmerson. From the church bells to the birdsong, all the natural sounds were collected
in places like the English countryside and the
Take a trip with the Lush Spa to the place you want to find yourself, wherever that might be.
Two locations in North America: Philadelphia and New York. 22
Choose from eleven different states of
featuring a hot chocolate exfoliation and
mind for a completely personalized,
velvety rose serum, leaving you with an
immersive treatment.
all-over glow.
engages pressure points in the body to
experience using ear candles, for deep
release tension and boost circulation.
relaxation that lasts for days.
A multi-sensory, full body massage.
An indulgent body scrub treatment,
This powerfully effective massage
A balancing and tranquil sound
An affirming facial that includes a
A reflexology-inspired treatment using the
personalized consultation to lift your spirits
ancient art of treating the feet to release
and make you glow, inside and out.
tension and worries from the whole body.
A deep tissue, full body massage to
A deep, full body treatment to reworked
rid tension from specific areas or provide
Beatles’ songs using innovative, passive
an all-over release to help you stand taller.
stretching techniques to revitalize.
Orangutan in its natural habitat, Sumatra, Indonesia.
Is Sustainable Enough? What Simon Constantine, head buyer and perfumer, learned while traveling to the source of our ingredients has taken Lush on a journey beyond sustainability.
irst and foremost I make perfumes.
and seeing the devastation the palm oil
At 19 I started working in the Lush
industry was having on the ecosystem there.
fragrance factory, learning through
Palm oil is a popular vegetable oil used in
doing, mixing essential oils from all over the
everything from soap to margarine, chocolate
world. A fascinating world opened up, full
to biofuel. At first it seems a miracle cure, each
of mystery and intrigue. I’d spend my lunch
tree produces tonnes of oil that can be used
break wondering just exactly where in the
in food and as a green fuel. Until you see the
world these things came from. Lemongrass
rainforest ripped up, orangutans maimed
oil from Cochin? Vetivert oil from Java?
and killed and the peat land burned, releasing
Sandalwood from Mysore? An air of mystery
huge amounts of carbon in big smog clouds
hung over it all, a touch of alchemy to it.
that drift across south East Asia. All this to clear the land for new palm plantations.
Soon I learned a nasty lesson. These materials had been adulterated; cheap chemicals
How can something grown in such huge
had been added to increase profit for the
amounts, devastating ecosystems and not
supplier. “How could people rip us off like
providing sanctuary for wildlife be sustainable?
that?” I asked. I realized, this was because
Well, a plantation could probably keep going
of us. We’d pick up the phone and say,
for a long time, a few chemicals and it would
“We need it now and we need it cheaper”
be sustainable for a number of years. Yet this
with no understanding of what this meant.
doesn’t seem right does it? You still need
We had contributed to the problem.
to cut down rainforest to make a plantation, at the moment that’s at a rate of 300 football
Our thinking had to change. Encouraged
fields an hour, which by my calculations,
to go out into the fields I traveled with my
means an area the size of Greater London in
colleagues, visiting farms, growers and
under two months. Sustainable isn’t enough.
factories all over the world. These places,
The damage done and the demands we
Cochin, Java, Mysore; they became
are putting on the Earth mean we can’t just
places I knew. And it wasn’t always good.
draw a line in the sand and say, let’s stay with
New problems sprang up. It wasn’t just
what we’ve got. Something else is needed.
cheap chemicals I needed to worry about but slave labour, pollution, land use.
I started looking for a different way. A way that not only provides a product
The list began to grow. A pivotal moment
for us but something that can do more.
was visiting Sumatra in 2006 with Sumatran
This is when I met two remarkable
Orangutan Society (SOS) and their partner
people whose work inspired and taught
organization Orangutan Information Centre
me that something else is possible.
The damage done and the demands we are putting on the Earth mean we can’t just draw a line in the sand and say, let’s stay with what we’ve got. Something else is needed. Paul Yeboah worked for many years
income for the farmer. Not only this, but the
as a cashew farmer at a local monastery
amount of cassava he got was the same.
when he was invited to learn about a new design concept around farming and land.
I was stunned. How can this ‘mess’ be better
It was called permaculture and its aim was
than tidy fields? Well it’s simple really; modern
to integrate natural design into agriculture.
farming doesn’t know how nature works. If you
Paul had grown up in a time that saw
think of a fallow field what is it that we mean?
Ghana lose huge amounts of its forest.
A fallow field is left empty so that it can recover from our farming. By this we mean, nature
I remember when I first visited him he
‘arrives’ and makes the ground fertile on its
demonstrated why modern farming just didn’t
own. Then we come in, use up all that natural
fit in Ghana. He took me to a field to explain.
fertility until it’s gone. Paul showed that by
One side was a field of cassava (a popular
planting a more natural food forest you could
root vegetable like sweet potato), sticks of the
use species that help one another. A moringa
plant were sticking out of the ground, the soil
tree which supports black pepper vine for
was baked dry by the hot sun and needing
example. He worked on the principle that
water. This looked perfectly normal to me, we
a forest doesn’t need fertilizer.
all know that fields of crops look neat and tidy, with one crop planted to make it easier and
Having seen this good work we launched
you assume more productive, a monoculture.
a project with Paul. He found an eight hectare site that was no good for farming. Paul used
However, Paul turned to the other side of
all the techniques he had learned to help
the road. There a farmer had tried something
rehabilitate this site. To literally regenerate
else. Instead of just cassava, there were
it into a dynamic farm. He grows a tree
trees. Some for food, like mango, or firewood,
called moringa there. Moringa is a ‘super
underneath were bananas and plantains.
food’ both for humans and for the land. It’s
The trees had climbing vines up the trunks,
high in nutrients that benefit other plants
like black pepper. It was a forest of food
and its dried leaves are widely used as a
and must have had more than 15 different
supplement. He also collects the seeds
species growing, all at different levels and
and presses them for oil, which we use in
each one helping the other. This forest had
creams, lotions and soaps. On this eight
a big diversity of crops and spread out over
hectare site Paul has many examples of
the season, meaning more and steadier
businesses which make a profit through helping heal and regenerate the landscape.
Paul Yeboah at the Ghana Permaculture Institute, with the mushrooms grown from sawdust ‘waste’. February 2015
SOS replacing the forest, Indonesia 2015
Then there’s Limber. Limber is Peruvian and lives in the Peruvian Amazon. We asked
Lush Gardener
Limber if he could help us as we were
After getting busy in the great outdoors, wash away dirt with clary sage and eucalyptus. Coming Soon!
looking for rosewood oil. Rosewood has become endangered in the Amazon through deforestation and we wanted to find a way of using the essential oil that didn’t further this problem. Luckily, Limber’s father was
But perhaps what is just as impressive is that
able to locate an area with rosewood for us
the rosewood makes enough money to sustain
and we got a hurried message from Limber
the whole project. Basically you can leave
to say that a chunk of forest was being
rainforest standing and still make money
illegally logged. “It’s like Avatar down there,”
from it.
he said. Together we bought the rights to a 6,000-hectare concession—that’s an area the
And this is what lights a fire in me. Businesses
size of Auckland city. We wired him the money
can spring up around the planet that can profit
and he disappeared into the wild for a month.
people while helping repair serious damage. In fact, the longer Paul is on his site in Ghana, or Limber
The concession is beautiful, three miles along the
is working on his forest concession, the more
river and nineteen miles inland. Limber worked
good will be done. It won’t just be sustainable,
hard on techniques that mean the rosewood
it will be helping to restore and regenerate.
can be harvested with minimum disturbance. It can be pollarded, which means cutting off
And these are the projects that have inspired
at head height and allowing it to regrow. He
innovations like the new cold pressed soap
also worked with the local authorities to come
range. Using no palm oil, or petrochemicals,
up with a 20-year plan by which his team
these feature a selection of beautiful, sustainably
move on each year from the forest, allowing
sourced ingredients, like moringa from Ghana.
it to regenerate after they take the rosewood. There are 20 ‘zones’, so they move from one
Of course it sounds Utopian, but right now,
to the other to reduce impact on the wildlife.
would you want it any other way?
When I was there they had just built a two-storey
Simon Constantine
house from scratch only from wood that they
Writer, Lush head buyer and perfumer
found on site. They transported a sawmill to the site, on a tiny little boat. On the tracks left by
Andrew Walmsley for SOS and Simon Constantine
the logger you can see tapir and jaguar prints arriving back. Everything they are hoping to do is
to allow it to come back as naturally as possible.
Find out more about the Sumatran Orangutan Society at
For more buying news visit 29
All Out members protest Russia’s anti-gay laws, New York City, March 2012 30
WHAT IF YOUR LOVE WAS ILLEGAL? In 75 countries around the world, it is a crime to be gay. In 10 of those, it could cost you your life. Andre Banks of the LGBT rights organization All Out tells us why no one should be left behind in the fight for equality.
Free speech is a right that is worth preserving. In each edition we give our SOAP BOX pages to others to tell us their view of the world.
o matter who you are or where you live,
believe that the freedom to love whomever
you will probably be in a relationship
you choose should be a fundamental
at some point in your life that people
component of basic human rights. Love
will frown upon. Whether you’re dating
is a way for people to express who they
someone older, younger, of a different race
are and be themselves, and shouldn’t
or different religion, or someone of the same
come with a risk of persecution or death.
sex, people in your life may express their
Globally, there have been many successes
disapproval of who you love. But what if your
—among them, the recent vote in favor of
love was illegal? What if someone else’s
marriage equality in Ireland and the historic
opinion of your relationship was grounds
ruling for love at the United States Supreme
to put you in jail or physically harm you?
Court. Taking a moment to celebrate is important. But in that moment, we also must
Just this past June, two Moroccan men on
say: “no one should be left behind in the
holiday in Rabat were arrested after embracing
movement for equality.” Hundreds of millions
in front of a local tourist attraction. Accused
of dollars go to fight for equality in the United
of being in contravention of local anti-gay
States each year. However, less than $1 is
laws, both men were put in jail, the media
spent in Africa for every $10 spent in the
released their identities, and hate rallies
U.S. All around the world, we see that the
were organized at their homes. If they are
communities facing the toughest fights have
convicted, they face up to three years in jail –
the fewest dollars to fight back against powerful
all for hugging a member of the same sex.
and well-resourced governments, religious institutions and media institutions. These are the
When we consider that something intrinsic
communities that need our support the most.
to the human experience – like love – could be illegal, we can begin to understand how
The challenge with a global agenda is cultural
anti-gay laws can seem arbitrary for people
relevancy. These issues and the conversations
wanting to love who they want. At All Out, we
around them are different around the world,
“Love is a way for people to express who they are and be themselves, and shouldn’t come with a risk of persecution or death.”
A family participates in Brazil’s Campaign for Civil Marriage Equality / photo by MĂdia Ninja
Protesters participate in a marriage equality rally in Paris, October 2014 / Photo by Laurent Hazgui, All Out
and it doesn’t make sense to march into a
of consciousness happening, where we as
country and be self-righteous. We want to be
global citizens – not just as citizens of our own
effective and provide real value for activists
countries – are deciding that the promise of
on the ground who need help, so every
human rights should be realized for everyone,
campaign we run is done in partnership with
including people who are LGBT. I am watching
local groups. We want to change people’s
this shift happen every single day, and it’s
minds, encourage tolerance, and influence
happening a lot faster than it was five years
government policy all over the world,
ago, and way faster than it was 10 years ago.
and that can only be possible with local understanding and local passion for change.
If we build a conversation that reaches millions of people around the world, we start to break
For All Out, it’s always been about getting the
the silence on an issue that is too often missed
word out and inspiring people to believe: not
by journalists, and that is usually off the table for
just in the movement towards global equality,
policymakers. We can make sure that no one
but in the idea that there’s something they can
will go through their daily lives without reflecting
do to support it. It’s about changing hearts
on the fact that billions of people live in places
and minds, and opening up the dialogue
where it is dangerous to be who they are.
about human rights. This is our dream: to mobilize millions of people and their social
Add your voice to the conversation. Show
networks in order to change discriminatory
your support for those who are standing up to
laws, shift attitudes in every region and deliver
anti-gay legislation in their country. Most of all,
desperately-needed resources to frontline
consider the fact that a world where no one’s
activists risking their lives for love and equality.
love is illegal is possible, and worth fighting for.
I believe we can get to a point in time when the work of All Out is unnecessary. When I think about the 75 countries where it’s a crime to be gay, and the 10 countries where it might cost you your life, I also think about the real
Andre Banks
possibility of getting those numbers down
Writer, Co-founder of All Out
to 0 and 0 within our lifetime. I see a shift
All Out is non-profit organization changing laws and shifting cultural norms to build a world where no person has to sacrifice their family, freedom, safety or dignity because of who they are or who they love.
Join the global LGBT rights movement and become a member at 35
But is it art? Over 20 million bath bombs sold last year, but is it art? The process of creativity takes many forms through many mediums and by choice you select what feels the best way to express yourself. People struggle with expression. Some write songs to express their feelings because they can’t simply say it. Others portray their perspective on society through shocking artistic endeavors. We all express ourselves in some way. It’s human nature. Art catches a moment in time observing a component of culture, society and behavior and displays it. There are no studies on trends to find what should be a popular product for ‘consumers’ in Lush. There is no inspirational artist’s notepad with drawings of potential ideas either.
Yoga Bomb A meditative orange aura slowly spreads across the water unveiling infinite spirals of calming pastel colors and mimosa scents.
37 37
The Experimenter Multicolored clouds burst on impact as if a paint-covered brush has been dipped into the water. Once calm, the opaque teal-green sea is fragranced with an experimental smell of Lush— from Honey I Washed The Kids to Sex Bomb and beyond...
There are experiments, ideas and collaborations that come with drama, frustrations and successes. The culmination is put on display for the world to experience, discuss, and judge as they see fit. All of this creates a worldwide collaborative art project in which customers join in, creating their own interpretation using water as their canvas and bath bombs as paint, photographing and sharing with the world. The intimate reality is that this art is literally immersive. As the colorful bath ball hits the water unlocking each concept in a completely unrepeatable, yet creatively consistent manner.
These products are an act of self expression; however, if this is art, it is in the eye of the beholder.
Jack Constantine Writer, Global brand director and inventor
Felicity Millward and Thomas Griffiths Photographers
Welcome to Your Catalog 100% Vegetarian
Our values are at the core of everything we do, and our cosmetics are a direct representation of what we believe. As you browse this catalog, you’ll discover all of our values in every product.
All our cosmetics are 100% vegetarian and more than 80% are vegan, because we don’t believe in cruelty to animals—not for food, not for clothing, and definitely not for anything else.
Freshest Cosmetics
Freshness is a philosophy that we live and breathe; the fresher the ingredients, the more effective the product.
Ethical Buying
Our ingredients don’t cost the earth. We always want to know where our ingredients come from and how they’re made.
When it comes to packaging, less is more, so there’s minimal waste for our environment.
Fighting Animal Testing
We believe in buying ingredients only from companies that do not conduct or commission tests on animals and in testing our products on willing humans.
Everything we do has a handmade look and feel, because we know that the human touch makes all the difference.
Packaging Symbols
Look for these symbols in our product descriptions.
Black pots
Clear pots
Spray bottles
Our Packaging
Glass pots
Fun wrap Makeup
100% Transparent
We’re continually working to create packaging that’s as innovative and environmentally responsible as our products. Our black pots and bottles are made from 100% post-consumer recycled plastic, and we’ve reduced the thickness of our clear plastic bottles, saving thousands of pounds of plastic each year.
Want to know exactly what’s in your product? We make it easy. Our ingredients are listed quantitatively with natural ingredients in green and safe synthetics in black. Vegan products are indicated with the logo. Packaged products also feature a sticker showing you when it was made, who made it and when to use it by.
All prices are retail prices; pricing between web and retail may vary. All prices and ingredients are believed to be correct at the time of printing. We reserve the right to correct any errors or omissions.
Coming Soon Fresh new inventions arriving this fall and winter.
Marie-HÊlène using Refresher Shower Jelly, Vancouver, July 2015 41
Phone orders 1.888.733.5874
Shower Jellies
When your showers get boring, our jellies will help you think outside the bottle and add some wibble and wobble!
93,000 Miles
Needles And Pines
Cool down and refresh
Down to Earth
Have a run-in with this reviving jelly. Eucalyptus, peppermint and cinnamon leaf oil ease sore muscles and help you recharge.
A pine needle and cypress leaf infusion transports your mind to evergreen forests.
Ingredients: Eucalyptus Globulus Leaf Extract, Mentha
Ingredients: Pinus Sylvestris Leaf Extract, Cupressus
Piperita (Peppermint) Extract, Glycerin, Aqua, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Propylene Glycol, Chondrus Crispus
How to use Chill it, freeze or grab it straight from the pot. Then lather up just like you would with soap.
(Carrageenan) Extract, Parfum/Fragrance, Cinnamomum Zeylanicum Leaf Oil, Mentha Piperita (Peppermint) Oil, Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Oil, *Cinnamyl Alcohol, *Cinnamal, *Coumarin, *Eugenol, *Isoeugenol, *Benzyl Benzoate, *Limonene, *Linalool, Red 4, Orange 4,
Sempervirens Leaf Extract, Glycerin, Aqua, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Propylene Glycol, Chondrus Crispus (Carrageenan) Extract, Parfum/Fragrance, Pinus Sibirica Seed Oil, Juniperus Virginiana Oil, Citrus Paradisi (Grapefruit) Peel Oil, *Citronellol, *Limonene, *Linalool, Blue 1, Green 8, Methylparaben, Propylparaben. *Occurs naturally in essential oils. Made in Canada
Methylparaben, Propylparaben. *Occurs naturally in essential oils. Made in Canada
$6.95 per 100 g/3.5 oz
$11.95 per 240 g/8.4 oz
$8.95 per 100 g/3.5 oz
$19.95 per 240 g/8.4 oz
Refresher Lemony lather This zippy lemon jelly will add a refreshing blast to your morning routine. Ingredients: Citrus Medica Limonum (Lemon) Fruit Extract, Glycerin, Aqua, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Propylene Glycol, Chondrus Crispus (Carrageenan) Extract, Parfum/Fragrance, Citrus Limonum (Lemon) Peel Oil, Aniba Rosaeodora (Rosewood) Wood Oil, Backhousia Citriodora Leaf Oil, *Citral, *Limonene, *Linalool, Aluminum, Mica, Titanium Dioxide, Yellow 5, Methylparaben, Propylparaben. *Occurs naturally in essential oils. Made in Canada
$6.95 per 100 g/3.5 oz
$11.95 per 240 g/8.4 oz
Coming Soon
Shower Creams
How to use Hop in the shower, lather up and rinse away.
Some of our best-loved scents in new, softening and cleansing cream formulas.
The Comforter A cuddle in a bottle This sweet, fruity, creamy concoction of blackberry and Fair trade vanilla infusion leaves you feeling reassured and oh-so-soft. Ingredients: Aqua, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Rubus Fruticosus (Blackberry) Fruit Extract, Vanilla Planifolia Fruit Extract, Sodium Cocoamphoacetate, Stearic Acid, Lauryl Betaine, Parfum/Fragrance, Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis (Sweet Almond) Oil, Lactic Acid, Citrus Aurantium Bergamia (Bergamot) Fruit Oil, Ribes Nigrum (Black Currant) Fruit Extract, Cupressus Sempervirens Oil, Titanium Dioxide, *Limonene, *Linalool, Potassium Aluminium Silicate, Methylparaben, Red 33, Red 28. *Occurs naturally in essential oils. Made in Canada
$9.95 per
$18.95 per $28.95 per 100 ml/3.3 fl. oz 250 ml/8.4 fl. oz 500 ml/16.9 fl. oz
Yuzu And Cocoa Yuzu will love this Fresh-squeezed yuzu juice and yuzu infusion with cocoa absolute make for an irresistible chocolate orange fragrance. Ingredients: Aqua, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Sodium Cocoamphoacetate, Citrus Junos Peel Water, Glycerin, Stearic Acid, Citrus Junos Fruit Extract, Lauryl Betaine, Parfum/Fragrance, Theobroma Cacao (Cocoa) Seed Butter, Lactic Acid, Theobroma Cacao (Cocoa) Extract, Dipteryx Odorata Seed Extract, Citrus Paradisi (Grapefruit) Peel Oil, Citrus Aurantium Bergamia (Bergamot) Fruit Oil, Titanium Dioxide, *Citral, *Coumarin, *Limonene, *Linalool, Yellow 5, Methylparaben, Propylparaben. *Occurs naturally in essential oils. Made in Canada
$9.95 per
$20.95 per $28.95 per 100 ml/3.3 fl. oz 250 ml/8.4 fl. oz 500 ml/16.9 fl. oz 43
Phone orders 1.888.733.5874
Body Scrubs
How to use
Get buffed in the buff with two new scrubs—sugar or salt, whatever your pleasure, there’s one for you.
Hop in the shower and sweep these solid bars over any areas in need of exfoliation.
Rub Rub Rub Fresh floral scrubbing bar Brighten and cleanse skin with our exfoliating sea salt and citrus oil bar. Scented with mimosa, orange blossom and jasmine absolutes. Ingredients: Sodium Chloride, Illipe Butter/Beurre d’illipe, Sodium Bicarbonate, Theobroma Grandiflorum Seed Butter, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Potassium Bitartrate, Prunus Serrulata (Sakura) Flower, Lauryl Betaine, Jasminum Grandiflorum (Jasmine) Flower Extract, Citrus Limonum (Lemon) Peel Oil, Acacia Decurrens Flower Extract, Citrus Aurantium Amara (Orange) Flower Extract, Lilial, *Limonene, Parfum/Fragrance, Blue 1, Red 28. *Occurs naturally in essential oils. Made in Canada
$9.95 per 130 g/4.5 oz
The Rough With The Smooth Some like it rough Exfoliating granulated sugar sloughs off dead skin and rough bits, while murumuru butter leaves you feeling supremely softened. Ingredients: Sucrose, Astrocaryum Murumuru Butter, Sodium Bicarbonate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Potassium Bitartrate, Ricinus Communis (Castor) Seed Oil, Parfum/Fragrance, Lauryl Betaine, Piper Nigrum (Pepper) Seed Oil, Pogostemon Cablin Oil, Vanilla Planifolia Fruit Extract, *Benzyl Alcohol, *Benzyl Benzoate, *Citral, *Coumarin, *Eugenol, *Farnesol, *Geraniol, *Limonene, *Linalool, Potassium Aluminum Silicate, Titanium Dioxide, Red 7. *Occurs naturally in essential oils. Made in Canada
$9.95 per 130 g/4.5 oz 44
Coming Soon
Shower Gels
There’s nothing quite like belting out a ballad in the shower. And while you’re baring your body and soul, pair up with one of these tantalizing gels.
How to use Hop in the shower, lather up and rinse away.
Don’t Rain On My Parade
Get into a lather
Life’s a peach!
Don’t tell me not to live!
A cocktail of lavender, jasmine, rose petal, guava and fig all squeezed into an empowering shower gel.
You’ve got to get up every morning with a smile on your face. Cover yourself with gold, myrrh and peach juice, and show the world how beautiful you are.
Blow the clouds away with fresh-squeezed blueberry juice, and Fair trade vanilla pod and violet leaf infusions.
Ingredients: Aqua, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Sodium
Ingredients: Aqua, Commiphora Myrrha Resin
Ingredients: Aqua, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Sodium
Wash That Man Right Out Of My Hair
Cocoamphoacetate, Rosa Damascena Flower Extract, Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) Flower Extract, Jasminum Officinale (Jasmine) Flower Extract, Lauryl Betaine, Propylene Glycol, Parfum/Fragrance, Lactic Acid, Ficus Carica (Fig) Fruit Juice, Psidium Guajava Fruit Juice, Citrus Aurantium Bergamia (Bergamot) Fruit Oil, Jasminum Grandiflorum (Jasmine) Flower Extract, Lavandula Angustifolia Oil, Rosa Damascena Flower Oil, Santalum Austrocaledonicum Vieill, Cananga Odorata Flower Extract, *Benzyl Salicylate, *Coumarin, *Geraniol,
Extract, Prunus Armeniaca (Apricot) Fruit Extract, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Sodium Cocoamphoacetate, Propylene Glycol, Lauryl Betaine, Prunus Persica (Peach) Juice, Parfum/Fragrance, Lactic Acid, Cistus Ladaniferus Resin, Osmanthus Fragrans Flower Extract, Gardenia Jasminoides Fruit Extract, Chondrus Crispus (Carrageenan) Extract, Lilial, Coumarin, *Limonene, *Linalool, Synthetic Fluorphogopite, Iron Oxides, Silica, Methylparaben, Yellow 5.
Cocoamphoacetate, Viola Odorata Leaf Extract, Vanilla Planifolia Fruit Extract, Lauryl Betaine, Vaccinium Myrtillus (Blueberry) Fruit Juice, Propylene Glycol, Parfum/Fragrance, Lactic Acid, Acacia Farnesiana Extract, Santalum Austrocaledonicum Vieill, Vetiveria Zizanoides Root Oil, Viola Odorata Leaf Extract, Cananga Odorata Flower Oil, *Cinnamal, *Limonene, *Linalool, Methylparaben, Green 3. *Occurs naturally in essential oils. Made in Canada
*Occurs naturally in essential oils. Made in Canada
*Benzyl Benzoate, *Farnesol, *Limonene, *Linalool, Methylparaben, Gardenia Jasminoides Fruit Extract, Red 4, Yellow 5. *Occurs naturally in essential oils. Made in Canada
$12.95 per $26.95 per
100 ml/3.3 fl. oz 250 ml/8.4 fl. oz
$9.95 per
$20.95 per $28.95 per 100 ml/3.3 fl. oz 250 ml/8.4 fl. oz 500 ml/16.9 fl. oz 45
$12.95 per $26.95 per
100 ml/3.3 fl. oz 250 ml/8.4 fl. oz
Phone orders 1.888.733.5874
Face Masks
Feel fresh from cheek to cheek with real ingredients and the finest essential oils.
Barbara using Rosy Cheeks, May 2015 46
Coming Soon
Available in stores only
How to use Smooth a generous layer over your face, leave for 10 minutes, then rinse. For a deeper cleanse, massage into skin before rinsing.
Available in stores only
Don’t Look At Me
Rosy Cheeks
Don’t be shy!
Cleanse from cheek to cheek
Cleansing lemon juice and scrubby ground rice will leave your skin with nothing to be shy about.
A gentle blend of calamine powder, rose petals and kaolin calms and restores your skin’s balance.
Ingredients: Kaolin, Citrus Medica Limonum (Lemon)
Ingredients: Calamine Powder, Glycerin, Kaolin, Aqua,
Juice, Glycerin, Oryza Sativa, Oryza Sativa (Rice) Starch,
Rose Clay (Kaolinite), Rose Petals (Rosa Centifolia),
Hydrolyzed Soy Protein, Astrocaryum Murumuru Seed
Parfum/Fragrance, Rose Oil (Rosa Damascena),
Butter, Hectorite, Aqua, Rice Milk, Parfum/Fragrance,
Benzyl Alcohol, Lilial, *Citronellol, *Geraniol.
Citrus Paradisi (Grapefruit) Peel Oil, Citrus Aurantium
*Occurs naturally in essential oils. Made in Canada
Amara (Bitter Orange) Oil, *Limonene, *Geraniol, *Linalool, *Farnesol, Blue 1. *Occurs naturally in essential oils. Made in Canada
$10.95 per 60 g/2.1 oz
$12.95 per 60 g/2.1 oz
Cup O’ Coffee Kick-start your day Choose the strong, dark and stimulating type to perk up skin and leave it looking radiant and ready for the day. Ingredients: Agave Tequilana Leaf Extract, Kaolin, Glycerin, Talc, Coffea Arabica (Coffee) Seed Extract, Aqua, Coffee (Coffea Arabica) Seed Powder, Hectorite, Parfum/Fragrance, Vetiveria Zizanoides Root Oil, Vanilla Planifolia Fruit Extract, Theobroma Cacao (Cocoa) Extract, Coriandrum Sativum (Coriander) Seed Oil, Caffeine, *Coumarin, *Limonene, *Linalool. *Occurs naturally in essential oils. Made in Canada
per 150 g/5.2 oz
per 325 g/11.4 oz
Phone orders 1.888.733.5874
Facial Moisturizer Get primed to feel fresh and beautiful. This one’s packed with the world’s most renowned beauty oils for a magical effect.
Magical Moringa Renowned beauty oils create magic Rich beauty oils revered by cultures across the world leave skin looking matte, feeling velvety soft and perfectly primed for makeup. Ingredients: Zea Mays (Corn) Starch, Argania Spinosa
How to use
Kernel Oil, Theobroma Cacao (Cocoa) Seed Butter, Moringa Oleifera Seed Oil, Rosa Canina Fruit Oil, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea Butter), Aniba Rosaeodora
Smooth as much or as little as you like onto skin for a fresh, matte finish
(Rosewood) Wood Oil, Cananga Odorata Flower Oil, Vetiveria Zizanoides Root Oil, Santalum Austrocaledonicum Vieill, Fusanus Spicatus Wood Oil, *Citronellol, *Eugenol, Geraniol, *Limonene, *Linalool, Parfum/Fragrance. *Occurs naturally in essential oils. Made in Canada
$24.95 per 75 g/2.6 oz
Shaving Smoothie Look sharp and shave off that five o’clock shadow with this smooth operator.
Five O’ Clock Whistle Look sharp Coffee and lavender are whipped up cappuccino-style for the smoothest shave. Ingredients: Coffea Arabica (Coffee) Seed Extract, Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) Extract, Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis (Sweet Almond) Seed Extract, Aqua,
How to use
Glycerin, Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil, Olea Europaea (Olive) Fruit Oil, Parfum/Fragrance, Astrocaryum Murumuru Butter, Stearic Acid, Citrus
Massage onto skin and shave off as you normally would, then rinse.
Aurantifolia (Lime) Juice, Kaolin, Triethanolamine, Cetearyl Alcohol, Chondrus Crispus (Carrageenan) Extract, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Powder, *Citral, *Limonene. *Occurs naturally in essential oils. Made in Canada
$12.95 per 90 g/3.1 oz 48
Coming Soon
Get hands-on! Our hydrating silky cream, salty scrub and decadent mask are designed with your busy paws in mind.
Golden Handshake A hot hand mask for tired hands A quick stir in warm water creates a decadent soak for your hands. Immerse hands for 10-15 minutes, rinse, pat dry and enjoy! Ingredients: Cetearyl Alcohol, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Guar Hydroxypropyltrimonium Chloride, Theobroma Grandiflorum Seed Butter, Astrocaryum Murumuru Butter, Sodium Bicarbonate, Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis (Sweet Almond) Oil, Persea Gratissima (Avocado) Oil, Citric Acid, Argania Spinosa Kernel Oil, Ricinus Communis (Castor) Seed Oil, Aniba Rosaeodora (Rosewood) Wood Oil, Cistus Ladaniferus Resin, Fusanus Spicatus Wood Oil, *Citral, Coumarin, Geraniol, *Limonene, *Linalool, Parfum/Fragrance, Synthetic Fluorphlogopite, Iron Oxides, Silica. *Occurs naturally in essential oils. Made in Canada
$4.95 per 20 g/0.7 oz
Love And Light
Salted Coconut
Brightens your skin and mood
Fresh coconut hand scrub
This softening neroli and fairly traded cocoa butter hand cream makes light work of moisturizing hands.
This softening neroli and fairly traded cocoa butter hand cream makes light work of moisturizing hands.
Ingredients: Aqua, Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba)
Ingredients: Sodium Chloride, Glycerin, Citrus
Seed Oil, Theobroma Cacao (Cocoa) Seed Butter,
Medica Limonum (Lemon) Fruit Extract, Hydrolysed
Glycerin, Stearic Acid, Parfum/Fragrance, Triethanol-
Soy Protein, Rhus Succedanea Fruit Wax, Sodium
amine, Citrus Aurantium Amara (Bitter Orange) Oil,
Cocoamphoacetate, Argania Spinosa Kernel Oil,
Citrus Aurantium Dulcis (Orange) Peel Oil, Citrus
Theobroma Grandiflorum Seed Butter, Cocos Nucifera
Aurantium Amara (Orange) Flower Extract, Cetearyl
(Coconut) Oil, Parfum/Fragrance, Citrus Aurantium
Alcohol, *Citral, *Farnesol, *Geraniol, *Limonene,
Amara (Bitter Orange) Oil, Hydroxycitronellal, Amyl
*Linalool, Methylparaben, Propylparaben.
Cinnamal, *Geraniol, *Farnesol, *Limonene, *Linalool,
*Occurs naturally in essential oils. Made in Canada
Methylparaben, Propylparaben. *Occurs naturally in essential oils. Made in Canada
$15.95 per $29.95 per
$19.95 per $39.95 per 100 g/3.5 oz
130 g/4.5 oz
220 g/7.7 oz
300 g/10.5 oz
Phone orders 1.888.733.5874
Innovations are afoot, so slip on a luxurious lotion, scrub up your soles or fall head over heels for a fresh-fragranced powder.
Twinkle Toes Foot dusting powder Keep feet fresh and dry with the gorgeous fragrances of rose and geranium. Ingredients: Kaolin, Sodium Bicarbonate, Zinc Oxide, Magnesium Trisilicate, Lycopodium Powder, Moringa Oleifera Powder, Parfum/Fragrance, Styrax Tonkinensis Resin Extract, Pelargonium Graveolens Oil, Pimenta Acris (Bay) Leaf Oil, Citrus Aurantium Bergamia (Bergamot) Fruit Oil, *Benzyl Benzoate, Lilial, *Citronellol, *Eugenol, *Geraniol, *Limonene, *Linalool, Synthetic Fluorphlogopite, Iron Oxides, Sillica. *Occurs naturally in essential oils. Made in Canada
$6.95 per 45 g/1.5 oz
Foot soak And Fancy free Treat your feet Feeling dead on your feet? Drop this epsom salt and tagetes tablet into water, submerge your tired tootsies and emerge with renewed soles. Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Citric Acid, Magnesium Chloride, Magnesium Sulfate, Chondrus Crispus, Sodium Chloride, Chondrus Crispus (Carrageenan) Extract, Parfum/Fragrance, Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Flower Oil, Jasminum Grandiflorum (Jasmine) Flower Extract, Lavandula Angustifolia Oil, Tagetes Minuta Flower Oil, Amyl Cinnamal, Hydroxycitronellal, *Linalool. *Occurs naturally in essential oils. Made in Canada
$6.95 per 170 g/5.9 oz
Coming Soon
Go Faster Feet Don’t run on empty Deodorize, moisturize and protect soles with this moisturizing blend of cocoa butter, moringa and brazil nut oil. Ingredients: Aqua, Calycophyllum Spruceanum Bark Extract, Moringa Oleifera Seed Oil, Theobroma Cacao (Cocoa) Seed Butter, Baobab Oil, Bertholletia Excelsa Seed Oil, Citrullus Lanatus (Watermelon) Seed Oil, Glycerin, Stearic Acid, Triethanolamine, Parfum/Fragrance, Theobroma Grandiflorum Seed Butter, Boswellia Carterii Oil, Thyme Oil, Cistus Ladaniferus Oil, Citrus Aurantium Bergamia (Bergamot) Fruit Oil, Cetearyl Alcohol, Moringa Pterygosperma, *Citral, Geraniol, *Limonene, *Linalool, Methylparaben, Propylparaben. *Occurs naturally in essential oils. Made in Canada
$26.95 per250 g/8.4 oz
Pumice Power
Soft touch your toes
Scrub me like you do
Put your softest foot forward with a beautiful blend of silky cocoa butter, lavender, almond and bergamot oils.
This powerfully exfoliating bar scrubs away dry skin and rough bits on heels and toes, while hydrating with coconut oil.Â
Ingredients: Aqua, Althaea Officinalis Root Extract,
Ingredients: Pumice, Aqua, Brassica Campestris
Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis (Sweet Almond) Oil,
(Rapeseed) Seed Oil, Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Oil,
Theobroma Cacao (Cocoa) Seed Butter, Stearic Acid,
Glycerin, Sorbitol, Parfum/Fragrance, Citrus Aurantium
Glycerin, Triethanolamine, Theobroma Grandiflorum
Dulcis (Orange) Peel Oil, Sodium Chloride, Sodium
Seed Butter, Parfum/Fragrance, Citrus Aurantium
Stearate, EDTA, Tetrasodium Etidronate, Sodium
Bergamia (Bergamot) Fruit Oil, Lavandula Angustifolia
Hydroxide, *Limonene, Orange 4.
Oil, Santalum Austrocaledonicum Wood Oil, Lanolin,
*Occurs naturally in essential oils. Made in Canada
*Limonene, *Linalool, Methylparaben, Propylparaben. *Occurs naturally in essential oils. Made in Canada
$13.95 per $26.95 per 100 g/3.3 oz
250 g/8.4 oz
$4.50 per 70 g/2.4 oz
Phone orders 1.888.733.5874
Bath Bombs
From frozen climes to the unexplored depths of space, bask in the scent and color of these fizzers.
Intergalactic Bath Bomb in use, March 2015 52
Coming Soon
Intergalactic Blast off into funky This awesome mix will have you hooked on a feeling. Be the guardian of a galaxy as it explodes in your bath. Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Citric Acid, Parfum/Fragrance, Potassium Bitartrate, Aqua, Mentha Piperita (Peppermint) Oil, Citrus Grandis (Grapefruit) Peel Oil, Vetiveria Zizanoides Root Oil, Juniperus Virginiana Wood Extract, Isomalt, Hydrogenated Starch Hydrolysate, Carbon Dioxide, *Limonene, *Linalool, Aluminium, Mica, Titanium Dioxide, Yellow 10, Yellow 5, Synthetic Fluorphlogopite, Iron Oxides, Silica, Blue 1, Red 28. * Occurs naturally in essential oils. Made in Canada
Coming Soon
Frozen Let it go A magical blend of uplifting grapefruit and neroli will thaw the frostiest of hearts. Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Citric Acid, Parfum/Fragrance, Citrus Grandis (Grapefruit) Peel Oil, Citrus Aurantium Amara (Bitter Orange) Flower Oil, Rosa Damascena Flower Oil, Potassium Bitartrate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Lauryl Betaine, Mica, Aluminium, Titanium Dioxide, Lilial, Hydoxycitronellal, Geraniol, *Limonene, *Linalool, Zea Mays (Corn) Starch, Maltodextrin, Blue 1, Green 3. *Occurs naturally in essential oils. Made in Canada
Coming Soon
Phone orders 1.888.733.5874
Guardian Of The Forest The spirit of nature Immerse yourself in a woodland lagoon dappled with mossy greens and earthy oakmoss absolute. Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Citric Acid, Parfum/Fragrance, Cupressus Sempervirens Oil, Citrus Aurantifolia (Lime) Oil, Aniba Rosaeodora (Rosewood) Wood Oil, Evernia Prunastri (Oakmoss) Extract, Potassium Bitartrate, Aqua, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Lauryl Betaine, Amyl Cinnamal, Benzyl Alcohol, Benzyl Salicylate, Citronellol, Benzyl Benzoate, *Limonene, *Linalool, Yellow 10, Blue 1, Zea Mays (Corn) Starch, Maltodextrin, Synthetic Fluorphlogopite, Aluminium, Mica, Titanium Dioxide, Yellow 5, Green 8, Green 3, Red 4, Yellow 8. *Occurs naturally in essential oils. Made in Canada
Coming Soon
Yoga Bomb Take it slow Find sanctuary in slow, unfurling layers of deeply relaxing sandalwood and olibanum oils. Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Citric Acid, Parfum/Fragrance, Potassium Bitartrate, Acacia Farnesiana Flower Extract, Boswellia Carterii Oil, Cinnamomu Camphora (Camphor) Wood Oil, Santalum Austrocaledonicum Wood Oil, Aqua, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Lauryl Betaine, Benzyl Benzoate, Eugenol, *Limonene, *Linalool, Aluminium, Mica, Titanium Dioxide, Yellow 5, Blue 1, Synthetic Fluorphlogopite, Iron Oxides, Silica, Red 28, Yellow 6. *Occurs naturally in essential oils. Made in Canada
Coming Soon 54
Coming Soon
How to use Drop one in your bath water and enjoy the explosion of color and scent.
The Experimenter Original motion pictures Your own bathtime motion picture, starring vibrant color, popping candy and comforting fair trade vanilla. Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Citric Acid, Parfum/Fragrance, Vetiveria Zizanoides Root Oil, Dipteryx Odorata Seed Extract, Vanilla Planifolia Fruit Extract, Potassium Bitartrate, Aqua, Titanium Dioxide, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Lauryl Betaine, Coumarin, *Eugenol, *Limonene, *Linalool, Isomalt, Hydrogenated Starch Hydrolysate, Carbon Dioxide, Calcium Sodium Borosilicate, Tin Oxide, Synthetic Fluorphlogopite, Iron Oxides, Silica, Blue 1, Red 27, Red 28, Yellow 8. *Occurs naturally in essential oils. Made in Canada
Coming Soon 55
Phone orders 1.888.733.5874
How to use
Kids young and old will love creating these new Fun shapes. From mermaids to creatures from outer space, the sky’s the limit.
To use as soap or shampoo, take a small bit in your hand, hop in the tub and lather up. If you fancy a bubble bath, crumble a small piece under a running tap for mountains of suds.
Rainbow A kaleidoscope of color Can’t choose just one kind of Fun? Mix it up with all the colors of the rainbow!
Coming Soon
Aliens And Monsters
Sweet, honey toffee scent
Out-of-this-world bathtime fun
You’ve got the golden touch! Use your imagination and mold this golden sudser into whatever your heart desires.
How many arms, legs and eyes will your monsters and aliens have? Let your imagination run wild with pink, purple and green Fun.
Ingredients: Zea Mays (Corn) Starch, Talc, Glycerin,
Ingredients: Zea Mays (Corn) Starch, Talc, Glycerin,
Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Sweet Wild Citrus Aurantium Dulcis (Orange) Peel Oil, Citrus Aurantium Bergamia (Bergamot) Fruit Oil, Parfum/Fragrance, *Limonene, *Linalool, Benzyl Benzoate, Lilial, Citronellol, Aluminium, Mica, Titanium Dioxide, Iron Oxides. *Occurs naturally in essential oils. Made in Canada
Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Piper Nigrum (Pepper) Seed Oil, Pogostemon Cablin Oil, Vanilla Planifolia Fruit Extract, Gardenia Jasminoides Fruit Extract, *Limonene, Parfum/Fragrance, Red 33, Blue 1. *Occurs naturally in essential oils. Made in Canada
$6.95 per 200 g/7.0 oz
Coming Soon
2.5% from the scale of each bar of Fun supports organizations creating safe spaces for children to play following the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster. 56
Coming Soon
Bubble Bars
These little wonders not only look and smell fantastic, but you’ll get mounds of fluffy bubbles from them, too!
Big Bang Start with a bang Start baths off with a lemon myrtle bang. Lie back and think of the universe. Ingerdients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Potassium Bitartrate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Lauryl Betaine, Theobroma Cacao (Cocoa) Seed Butter, Zea Mays (Corn) Starch,
How to use Crumble or hold under running water and watch the bubbles pile up.
Persea Gratissima (Avocado) Butter, Parfum/Fragrance, Citrus Paradisi (Grapefruit) Peel Oil, Backhousia Citriodora Leaf Oil, Citrus Reticulata (Tangerine) Peel Oil, Olea Europaea (Oilve) Fruit Oil, Aspergillus/Rice Ferment Filtrate, Citric Acid, Laureth 4, Calcium Sodium Borosilicate, Titanium Dioxide, Tin Oxide, Aluminum, Mica, Benzyl Benzoate, *Citral, *Limonene, Blue 1, Red 33, Red 28, Yellow 5, Red 21 Lake. *Occurs naturally in essential oils. Made in Canada
Coming Soon
Pink Flamingo
Milky Bath
Slip into something more bubbly
Hot milk?
A cocktail-inspired reusable bubble bar, filled with fragrant rosewood and sexy ylang ylang to set the mood.
Don’t cry over spilled milk. Bathe in it! Made with fairly traded cocoa butter for softness.
Ingredients: Sodium Carbonate, Potassium Bitartrate,
Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Potassium Bitartrate,
Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Sodium Bicarbonate, Glycerin,
Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Lauryl Betaine, Nonfat Dry
Citric Acid, Lauryl Betaine, Parfum/Fragrance, Aniba
Milk/lait écrémé en poudre, Zea Mays (Corn) Starch,
Rosaeodora (Rosewood) Wood Oil, Citrus Aurantium
Theobroma Cacao (Cocoa) Seed Butter, Glycerin,
Bergamia (Bergamot) Fruit Oil, Cananga Odorata Flower
Parfum/Fragrance, Citrus Aurantium Dulcis (Orange)
Oil, Theobroma Cacao (Cocoa) Seed Butter, Oryza Sativa
Peel Oil, Pogostemon Cablin Leaf Oil, Olea Europaea
(Rice) Bran Oil, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea) Butter,
(Olive) Fruit Oil, Laureth 4, Aluminium, Mica, Titanium
Titanium Dioxide, PEG–6 Caprylic/Capric Glycerides,
Dioxide, Iron Oxides, Zea Mays (Corn) Starch,
PEG-60 Almond Glycerides, Benzyl Alcohol, *Benzyl
Maltodextrin, Synthetic Fluorphlogopite, Amyl Cinnamal,
Benzoate, *Limonene, *Linalool, Red 27, Orange 4.
Benzyl Salicylate, Lilial, Citronellol, Geraniol, Hexyl
*Occurs naturally in essential oils. Made in Canada
Cinnamal, Hydroxycitronellal, *Limonene, *Linalool *Occurs naturally in essential oils. Made in Canada
Coming Soon
Coming Soon 57
Phone orders 1.888.733.5874
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Designed and published by Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics. Printed on 100% recycled paper. All Rights Reserved Š2015
Shop List
Shops in Canada Alberta
Coquitlam Coquitlam Centre (604) 945-5874
Whistler 4308 Main St (604) 932-5445
Hamilton Lime Ridge Mall (905) 387-0309
Calgary Chinook Centre (403) 252-0741
Kelowna Orchard Park Mall (250) 860-5874
Kingston Cataraqui Centre (613) 384-5874
Market Mall (403) 288-5870
Nanaimo Woodgrove Mall (250) 390-1774
Winnipeg Polo Park Mall (204) 977-5874
Kitchener Fairview Park Mall (519) 748-4276
Prince George Pine Centre (250) 562-1907
St. Vital Centre (204) 256-2627
London White Oaks Mall (519) 963-0272
Yorkdale Shopping Centre (416) 782-9683
Surrey Guildford Town Centre (604) 584-8158
Nova Scotia
Masonville Place (519) 673-6499
Windsor Devonshire Mall (519) 966-7706
Vancouver 1020 Robson St (604) 687-5874
Dartmouth Mic Mac Mall (902) 465-5874
2248 West 4th Ave (604) 733-5874
Halifax Halifax Shopping Centre (902) 454-5874
Sunridge Mall (403) 590-5852 Edmonton 10624 Whyte Ave (780) 437-9427 West Edmonton Mall (780) 483-5974 Kingsway Garden Mall (780) 474-1758 Red Deer Bower Place Mall (403) 986-5874 Rocky View Crossiron Mills (403) 230-5874
British Columbia Burnaby Metrotown Mall (604) 437-5874
Pacific Centre (604) 563-9355 West Vancouver Park Royal Shopping Centre (604) 921-8034 Victoria 1003 Government St (250) 384-5874 Hillside Shopping Centre (250) 370-5874
Ontario Etobicoke Sherway Gardens (416) 695-1730 Guelph Stone Road Mall (519) 821-8874
Markham Markville Mall (905) 474-2874 Mississauga Square One Mall (905) 277-5874 Newmarket Upper Canada Mall (905) 895-2874 Ottawa St. Laurent Centre (613) 564-5874 Rideau Centre (613) 238-7144 Pickering Pickering Town Centre (905) 831-7266
Thunder Bay Intercity Shopping Centre (807) 577-5874 Toronto Toronto Eaton Centre (416) 646-5874 312 Queen St W (416) 599-5874
Québec Laval Carrefour Laval (450) 902-5874 Montréal Les Galeries d’Anjou (514) 355-3874 4067 Rue Saint-Denis (514) 849-5333 Montreal Eaton Centre (514) 849-9458 Pointe-Claire Fairview Pointe-Claire (514) 630-5874
Québec City Galeries de la Capitale (418) 623-5874 Place Laurier (418) 657-2874 1120 Rue Saint-Jean (418) 692-5676 Rosemère Place Rosemère (450) 420-3874
Saskatchewan Saskatoon Midtown Plaza (306) 244-5874
Phone orders 1.888.733.5874
Shops in the United States Alaska
San Francisco 240 Powell St (415) 693-9633
Anchorage 5th Avenue Mall (907) 274-0139
2116 Union St (415) 921-5874
Arizona Chandler Chandler Fashion Center (480) 857-2344 Scottsdale Fashion Square (480) 946-5874 Tucson La Encantada Shopping Center (520) 529-7270
California Anaheim Anaheim Garden Walk (714) 991-9657 Arcadia Santa Anita Mall (626) 821-0917 Brea Brea Mall (714) 672-1236 Canoga Park Topanga Mall (818) 703-7562 Carmel Pine Inn Complex (831) 625-5874 Emeryville 5665 Bay St (510) 428-2994 Escondido North County Mall (760) 746-0293 Fresno Fashion Fair Mall (559) 230-1693 Glendale Glendale Galleria (818) 244-5874 Mission Viejo The Shops at Mission Viejo (949) 364-1916 Newport Beach Fashion Island (949) 640-5657 Pasadena 24 E Colorado Blvd (626) 792-0901 Pleasanton Stoneridge Shopping Center (925) 737-0532 Rancho Cucamonga Victoria Gardens (949) 364-1916 Roseville Westfield Galleria (916) 786-5874 Sacramento Arden Fair (916) 927-2970 San Diego Fashion Valley (619) 688-9736 University Town Center (858) 552-9082
Stonestown Galleria (415) 753-3810 San Jose Westfield Oakridge Mall (408) 229-2530 San Luis Obispo (805) 543-2723 San Mateo Hillsdale Shopping Center (650) 638-1687 Santa Barbara 613 Paseo Nuevo St (805) 957-0099 Santa Clara Valley Fair Mall (408) 247-5874 Santa Monica 1404 3rd St Promenade (310) 255-0030 Santa Rosa Santa Rosa Plaza (707) 528-3317 Sherman Oaks 14006 Riverside Dr (818) 995-8661 Thousand Oaks The Oaks (805) 379-4048 Torrence Coming Soon: Del Amo Fashion Centre Universal City Citywalk (818) 487-9800 Valencia Valencia Town Center (661) 799-7180 Walnut Creek Coming Soon: Broadway Plaza
Colorado Boulder 1312 Pearl St (303) 444-5874 Denver Cherry Creek Shopping Center (303) 333-5874 Lone Tree Park Meadows Mall (303) 799-1699
Connecticut Danbury Danbury Fair (203) 744-5874 Farmington Westfarms Mall (860) 521-3436 Trumbull 5065 Main St (203) 373-6886 Uncasville Mohegan Sun (860) 862-4220
Newark Christiana Mall (302) 738-5874
Meridian Meridian Village (208) 855-4815
St. Louis St. Louis Galleria (314) 725-6333
District of Columbia
Annapolis Westfield Annapolis Shopping Mall (410) 897-5967
Chicago 859 W Armitage Ave (773) 281-5874
Washington 3066 M St NW (202) 333-6950
1727 N Damen Ave (773) 227-3946
Lush at Macy’s Water Tower Place (312) 573-1805
Aventura Aventura Mall (305) 935-7022
Oakbrook Oakbrook Center (630) 928-0389
Brandon Brandon Town Center (813) 661-8101
Orland Park Orland Square Mall (708) 403-1723
Boca Raton Town Center at Boca Raton (561) 620-2842
Schaumburg Woodfield Mall (847) 240-5874 Skokie Old Orchard Center (847) 674-2725
Jacksonville St. John’s Town Center (904) 642-3071
The Avenues (904) 519-7934
Fort Wayne Lush at Macy’s Glenbrook Mall (260) 482-4151
Miami 601B Lincoln Rd (305) 695-2711 Dadeland Mall (305) 662-4194
Indianapolis Fashion Mall at Keystone (317) 844-9260
Orlando Florida Mall (407) 854-5874
Mall at Millenia (407) 351-5559
West Des Moines Jordan Creek Town Center (515) 225-1175
Orlando Airport (407) 825-3174 Palm Beach Gardens The Gardens Mall (561) 627-4348 Sarasota The Mall at University Town Center (941) 893-1075
Louisville Oxmoor Center (502) 423-0329
Perimeter Mall (770) 394-5874
Baton Rouge Mall of Louisiana (225) 767-7002
Buford Mall of Georgia (770) 831-5889
New Orleans Coming Soon: Royal Street
Coming Soon: Magazine Street
Maine South Portland Maine Mall (207) 761-0472
Nebraska Omaha Village Pointe (402) 550-8098
Nevada Las Vegas Fashion Show Mall (702) 754-3811
Mandalay Bay (702) 227-5874
Braintree South Shore Plaza (781) 843-0251 Burlington Burlington Mall (781) 505-9898 Cambridge Harvard Square (617) 497-5874 Natick Natick Mall (508) 650-0123 Chestnut Hill Mall at Chestnut Hill (617) 244-2957 Peabody Northshore Mall (978) 531-1199
Michigan Ann Arbor Briarwood Mall (734) 761-6285
Clinton Township The Mall at Partridge Creek (586) 228-1594
Lexington Lush at Macy’s Fayette Mall (859) 971-0028
Coming Soon: West County Center
Towson Towson Town Center Mall (410) 828-1313
Overland Park Oak Park Mall (913) 888-5874
Wellington Wellington Green (561) 422-6131
Lahaina 713 Front St (808) 661-1199
Columbia The Mall in Columbia (410) 730-1364
Grand Rapids Woodland Mall (616) 285-0608
Honolulu Ala Moana Center (808) 941-7400
Bethesda Montgomery Mall (301) 365-7444
Tampa International Plaza (813) 870-6961
Atlanta Lush at Macy’s Lennox Square Mall (404) 841-0204
Baltimore Harbor East (410) 528-7260
Novi Twelve Oaks Mall (248) 348-0791 Troy The Somerset Collection Mall (248) 458-1690
Miracle Mile (702) 734-0310 Forum Shops at Caesars (702) 734-0113 Grand Bazaar (909) 899-0594 Summerlin Downtown Summerlin (702) 869-1118
New Hampshire Nashua Pheasant Lane Mall (603) 888-1521 Salem The Mall at Rockingham Park (603) 890-3455
New Jersey Atlantic City The Pier Shops at Caesars (609) 345-5733 Bridgewater Bridgewater Commons (908) 685-5950 Cherry Hill Cherry Hill Mall (856) 488-6050 Freehold Freehold Raceway Mall (732) 845-4716
Jersey City Newport Center (201) 386-3217
Bloomington Mall of America (952) 854-9672
Lawrenceville Quaker Bridge Mall (609) 750-7166
Edina 3915 W 50th St (952) 922-8063 Minnetonka Coming Soon: Ridgedale Centre Roseville Rosedale Center (651) 633-9249
Paramus Garden State Plaza (201) 843-3600 Rockaway Townsquare (973) 328-8347 Short Hills The Mall at Short Hills (973) 376-0637
Shop List
Shops in the United States New Mexico Albuquerque ABQ Uptown (505) 888-8804
New York Albany Cross Gates Mall (518) 456-0570 Buffalo Walden Galleria (716) 683-0391 Garden City Roosevelt Field (516) 746-1718 Huntington Station 160 Walt Whitman Rd (631) 385-1891 Nanuet The Shops at Nanuet (845) 623-3043 New York 206 A East 86th (212) 249-5194 Shop & Spa 783 Lexington Ave (212) 207-8151 7th East 14th St (212) 255-5133 2165 Broadway (212) 787-5874 44 W 34th St (212) 564-0254 Coming Soon: Columbus Circle Turnstile
Victor The Eastview Mall (585) 425-0439 White Plains The Westchester (914) 328-3083
North Carolina Charlotte South Park Mall (704) 366-5368
Puerto Rico
Tulsa Woodland Hills Mall (918) 461-9629
San Juan  The Mall of San Juan (787) 332-0470
Oklahoma City Penn Square Mall (405) 840- 7861
Rhode Island
Raleigh Crabtree Valley Mall (919) 787-1620
Happy Valley Clackamas Town Center (503) 653-3421
Portland 708 NW 23rd Ave (503) 228-5874
Beachwood Beachwood Mall (216) 292-7766 Cincinnati Coming Soon: Kenwood Towne Center Columbus Easton Town Center (614) 337-1952 Liberty Township Coming Soon: Liberty Centre
Tigard Washington Square (503) 624-9942
Pennsylvania King of Prussia King of Prussia Mall (610) 337-2781 Lancaster Park City Center (717) 293-2717
Polaris Fashion Place (614) 846-6353
Philadelphia Shop & Spa 1525 Walnut St (215) 546-5874
Westlake Coming Soon: Crocker Park
Pittsburgh Ross Park Mall (412) 366-8096 South Hills Village (412) 833-4204
Providence Providence Place Mall (401) 432-6587
South Carolina Charleston 316 B Kings Street (843) 720-4274
Tennessee Nashville The Mall at Green Hills (615) 292-9915
Texas Austin 1012 W 6th St (512) 524-4459 Dallas Dallas Galleria (972) 386-5874 Northpark Mall (214) 696-5874 Friendswood Baybrook Mall (281) 286-5874
Houston Highland Village (713) 552-0465
McLean Tysons Corner (703) 893-5874
Coming Soon: Memorial City
Norfolk MacArthur Center (757) 622-1485
Coming Soon: Willowbrook Mall Plano Willowbend Mall (972) 202-4573 San Antonio North Star Mall (210) 348-5484 Sugar Land First Colony Mall (281) 565-6436 Woodlands Market St (281) 465-4603
Richmond Short Pump Town Center (804) 360-1326
Washington Bellevue Bellevue Square Mall (425) 455-5874 Lynnwood Coming Soon: Alderwood Mall
Seattle Westlake Center (206) 624-5874
Farmington Station Park (801) 451-5452
Tacoma Tacoma Mall (253) 474-0121
Murray Fashion Place (801) 262-5042
Tukwila Southcenter Mall (206) 246-2504
Salt Lake City City Creek Center (801) 521-4651
Virginia Arlington Fashion Center at Pentagon City (703) 418-1878
Madison Hilldale-Madison (608) 231-2564 Wauwatosa Mayfair Mall (414) 257-1838
Furze Luxury Bath Oil
Blooming indulgent bathing Sink deep into the creamy embrace of moisturizing shea butter and coconut oil, as the comforting bouquet of neroli and elderflower enchants your senses.​
Š 1995-2015 Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics 8680 Cambie Street Vancouver, British Columbia Canada V6P 6M9