2 minute read
Vol. 145 • Spring Magazine 2023
From the Editor
Is... is this thing on?
After four years, Chips again returns in a magazine format. Though it’s nice to have it in print form, it’s different from our usual operation. I have to admit that rebuilding the paper in magazine form, while also having no prior experience in magazine design, was an enterprise in it of itself. Still, after our usual printer discontinued its newspaper print format, Chips had to adapt alongwith.
“Change” seems to be the motto of our world, I figure.
This Spring Magainze issue was traditionally done during J-Term to showcase the various experiences of Luther students as they took their month-long courses. This issue molds together the J-Term magazine style with the newspaper format; it is our humble attempt to return to our roots of print journalism.
This issue also culminates a year of work done by our staff writers and our editorial members. “The times” have widdled down our staff to a small crew, but I could not have asked for a better team of writers. You all are amazing!
I also want to say that being a journalist is hard: putting yourself out there, digging for information, and piecing a bunch of information into a concise, short report is a hard skill to master. Add on top of that the constraints of living in the post-pandemic society, of being a college student, and having other responsibilities that are often themselves draining, the work of student journalism is particularly demanding and can seem unrewarding.
That said, this collection of stories, of opinions and Foolsies are the product of a lot of hours of work, and is why we do what we do. This edition offers only a handful of stories that our writers and editors have worked on this semester, and is the chance to showcase both our community and the work of our student journalists.
On behalf of the Chips staff, I would like to thank the college for continuing to fund our operational budget as we navigate these uncertain times. I would also like to thank you, our reader, for your support. We exist for you, our community. I hope you enjoy this edition.
Chips ahoy!
Phone: 563.387.1044
Fax: 563.387.2072
E-mail: chipsedt@luther.edu
Website: http://lutherchips.com
Instagram: luthercollegechips
Twitter: @lutherchips
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LutherChips
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Jackson Geadelmann, Editor-in-Chief
Peter Heryla, Managing Editor
Lydia Marti, News Editor
Ava White, Features Editor
Bao Nguyen, Arts & Entertainment Editor
Ethan Kober, Head Copy Editor
Lionel Mujuni, Copy Editor
Resana Zayan, Copy Editor
Durah Albadr
Emilee Burcham-Scofield
Verena Mueller-Baltes
Korpo M. Selay
Andrea Triminio
Jackson Geadelmann Editor-in-Chief
Chipsis a student publication of Luther College in Decorah, Iowa. The publication is designed, composed, edited and managed entirely by Luther students. It is published weekly during the academic year. Opinions expressed in articles, editorials or columns do not necessarily represent the views of the Chips staff. The author is solely responsible for opinions expressed in Chipscommentary. Chips will not accept submitted articles or campus announcements. Submissions for letters to the editor should be submitted as a word document to chipsedt@luther.edu with “Letter to the Editor” as the subject line. Letters to the editor are subject to editing without changing the meaning of the letter. Authors will not be notified of changes prior to publishing. Letters must be signed, 300-400 words and submitted by Sunday at 5 p.m. the week before publication. Publication of all letters is at the discretion of the editor.
Foolsies is a tradition in Chips. They are entirely satircal, completely fake articles and pieces meant in good fun. Nothing in the Foolsies section should be construed as the truth, nor should they be evaluated with much sincerity. Enjoy.
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