Sharing the Power of the Gospel W O R L D W I D E

Our Every person has the opportunity to hear the Gospel in an understandable way.
Those seeking are connected to a healthy Christian community where they can grow in their faith.
Every Christian is equipped to share the Gospel in word and deed.
Engaged Christians advance this common mission as a global community. Our Driven ... we believe that perseverance and unyielding determination are crucial to LHM’s global Gospel urgency and impact.
Empowerment ... we believe that people are empowered for service and leadership when they intentionally live their daily lives before God as vital members of the Body of Christ.
Innovation ... we believe that accomplishing our mission and vision requires creative, scalable solutions utilizing research and technology.
Stewardship ... we believe that the bold management of resources, balancing efficiency with efficacy, provides the surest path to long-term sustainability and growth.
Partnership ... we believe that strategically aligning with like-minded individuals and organizations provides the opportunity for synergy, shared learning, and exponential impact.
Lutheran Hour Ministries has been sharing the hope of Jesus for more than 100 years, positively impacting millions of lives around the world every day.
But now, more than ever, the world needs the Gospel! Did you know there are more than three billion people worldwide who have not yet heard the saving message of Christ? That means billions of fathers, mothers, children, grandchildren, and friends from all walks of life have not yet experienced the transformative love of our Savior. Many of these people, especially those living in other countries, have had little or no opportunity to hear about the love of God in Jesus Christ. We must act now to bring the hope of Jesus to those who don’t yet know Him.
At LHM, we are uniquely poised to grow the Body of Christ by reaching beyond those areas where He is already known. Our unique global ministry model uses ministry centers that are operated by local staff and volunteers who have a passion for the Gospel and a willingness to proclaim it throughout their communities. These ministry centers across five global regions reach into more than 60 nations with programming that is contextually appropriate because it is
developed locally to ensure maximum impact and accuracy of the Gospel message.
As we navigate a shifting world culture, we know the saving message of Christ does not change, but the way we share it does. Guided by your passion to make His Name known, we continually keep our eyes on the future and challenge ourselves to build capacity that takes advantage of new opportunities to broaden the reach of the Gospel.
This life-changing work would not be possible without your prayers, involvement, and financial support. I invite you to explore this year’s ministry impact report to see just a few ways God is working through you to help individuals worldwide find hope, comfort, and relief in the Gospel. I hope you are humbled to see ... how together ... we are making a difference in the lives of the lost and hurting.
Bringing Christ to the Nations®—and the Nations to the Church through
225,000 + Engaged Constituents
Times LHM Reaches People with the Gospel Globally Each Week
295 Staff Members
163 million+
Countries Reached by Ministry
Annual Responses to Outreach Efforts
Annual Referrals to Churches and Christian Communities
Times Individuals Were Equipped Last Year to Share Their Faith More Effectively
New Bible Correspondence Course Students Enrolled Around the World Last Year
Number of People Completing Their First Bible Correspondence Course Last Year
North American Stations Airing The Lutheran Hour®
People Connected with Christian Communities Annually
To engage the greatest number of Christians in reaching the greatest number of unreached people, we have implemented four strategic priorities that guide our ministry efforts:
Gospel rich environments to proclaim the Gospel in word and deed through strategic media and outreach channels that create environments conducive to conversion and resilient faith formation.
those seeking towards faith by mentoring seekers to explore and clarify the marks of Christian identity through biblically based instruction.
healthy Christian community by connecting seekers to Christian communities which demonstrate positive induction and retention through deep Christian connections and shared lived experience.
engaged Christians to reach out in holistic word and deed by equipping them to engage in a redemptive movement focused on Gospel outreach and grace-based collective action.
Following are some of the ways in which LHM was abundantly blessed by God during the last year thanks to your generous support.
LHM’s culturally relevant programs share the Gospel with people worldwide more than 163 million times each week. This year we celebrated two milestone anniversaries: 75 years in Brazil and 70 years in India. We thank God for the wonderful things He has done through these ministries.
Increased mass media opportunities led to new radio broadcasts in Thailand, Cambodia, and Ghana. Locally produced broadcasts like these on topics of interest attract a variety of audiences and invite listeners to contact the local ministry center to receive resources that address the topic from a Christian perspective. Listeners also have opportunities to take a Bible Correspondence Course and connect with a local Christian community.
LHM–Latvia launched a video podcast called Under Four. In Latvia, it is common for people to say, “Let’s talk under four,” when referring to a private conversation under the four eyes of two people. Each podcast allows the host to talk with a guest about God working in our daily lives, and how we can apply the Christian faith to daily life.
Satellite television broadcasts continue shining the light of Christ throughout the Middle East and North Africa. The third season of the Arabic talk show, New Light, produced in partnership with SAT-7
allows three co-hosts to introduce a relevant topic for each program. New segments are designed to capture the attention of viewers, including updates such as youth guests in the studio, outdoor interviews, a spiritual message, and pre-recorded inspirational success stories.
Holistic outreach is an effective way of demonstrating to people the love of Christ. These programs have a comprehensive impact in reaching both body and soul as a ministry to the unchurched in word and deed where both physical and spiritual needs are addressed. In Mongolia, staff implemented Financial Alphabet Training to provide financial education to both Christian and non-Christian families, youth, and single parents to teach them how to manage their finances wisely and sustainably while hearing about the Gospel through the training modules. In Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, and Liberia, our successful holistic programs continue to reach atrisk young adults, especially women, through medical camps, prison ministry, vocational training, and spiritual guidance and fellowship.
Many ministry centers, especially those in Latin America, continue to use Project JOEL in offering biblically based guidance to youth in making healthy lifestyle choices. In Panama, staff and volunteers implemented a presentation called “Dream and Fly,” where sixth-grade students at three schools learned about emotions, values, physical development, and goals from a biblical perspective.
We thank God for the wonderful things He has done through these ministries.
The fourth year of the successful Gospel Adventures™ program visited the African country of Zambia. Just like previous adventures, Zambia Bound offered elementary and middle school students a five-day curriculum, videos, interactive website, theme music, and more, all under an overarching biblical theme. More than 1,000 teachers, parents, and individuals registered for Gospel Adventures: Zambia Bound—giving more than 40,000 students a firsthand look at spotting God’s goodness through an introduction to children living in another country who carry their faith with them through day-to-day life.
Our new CPTLN app (Cristo Para Todas Las Naciones) continues a “by Hispanics for Hispanics” approach to connect with growing Hispanic audiences in the most culturally effective way. The app serves as a mobile hub for all LHM Spanish resources, including sermons, sermon notes, daily devotions, booklets, Bible studies, reflections,, a Bible app, and a chat function. continues to be an instrumental digital platform for LHM to reach Portuguese- and Spanish-speaking individuals worldwide, including an expanded focus on connecting with Hispanics living in the United States. More people than ever are searching online for guidance on topics like stress, anxiety, depression, fear, guilt, toxic relationships, and other relevant issues. assists these individuals through live chats, blog posts, articles, e-books, and courses. It also offers a safe space where trained volunteers can listen to what people have to say about specific situations in their lives and accompany them in these moments with biblically based support and guidance.
“How Long …” was developed as a 2022 Christmas radio special from The Lutheran Hour. Hosted by Speaker Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler, this original presentation featured fresh and
The Lutheran Hour continues to proclaim the Gospel on more than 1,800 traditional radio stations throughout North America each week …
lively arrangements of Christmas carols by internationally known vocalist Erin Bode that accompanied a story written by Rev. Dr. Jason Broge, LHM’s senior director of design and development. The contemporary story illuminated an ancient set of poems inspired by the Old Testament book of Isaiah. They are called the “O Antiphons” and are the basis of the well-known Christmas hymn, “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.” In addition to being available online, the hour-long special aired on 179 stations the week of Christmas (including the entire Bott Radio Network).
Now in its 90th broadcast season, The Lutheran Hour® continues to proclaim the Gospel on more than 1,800 traditional radio stations throughout North America each week and features a variety of program elements to complement the sermon. These include interviews with expert guests, details about new LHM ministry endeavors, deeper discussions about the message, and occasional music selections. The broadcast is also available online, as a podcast, and on new media platforms such as Amazon Alexa, iHeartRadio, Spotify, and Sirius XM satellite radio.
In 2018, LHM embarked in a partnership with Barna Group—an industry leader for researchbased insights about faith and culture, leadership and vocation, and generational groups—for a critical study of faith in America. Two new laylevel resources, Discover Your Gifts: Celebrating How God Made You and Everyone You Know and Discover Your Gifts Workbook: Twelve Sessions for Exploring Your God-Given Purpose, were published this year based on the newest research topic of Gifted for More. LHM also released Digital Research Kits designed for church leaders covering each yearly topic: Spiritual Conversations in the Digital Age, Households of Faith, Better Together, and Gifted for More. Each kit includes a digital copy of a monograph, slide deck, links to video presentations, and a discussion guide.
Various aspects of the research findings and their application served as the foundation for presentations given by LHM staff at events across the United States in 2022. These included the LCMS Youth Gathering, Best Practices for Ministry, Best Practices for Ministry: Heartland Conference, LCMS Hispanic National Convention, Lutheran Education Association Convocation, Q Ideas Culture Summit, and many others.
The Hopeful Neighborhood Project™ (HNP) led a collaborative group of more than 50 community leaders, faith leaders, and writers who are dedicated to finding ways for people to become more engaged
“Start with Hello” to encourage others to get to know their neighbors and build hopeful neighborhoods right where they live.
neighbors through its participation in the annual National Good Neighbor Day. The group shared the theme “Start with Hello” to encourage others to get to know their neighbors and build hopeful neighborhoods right where they live. In addition, HNP joined the University of Missouri Extension Council’s Engaged Neighbor Program as co-sponsors for the newly created Missouri Good Neighbor Week celebration. The week was a tremendous success, with 12,594 Acts of Neighboring registered; 119 Engaged Neighbors nominated for a state-wide award; 295,812 social media views; and 40,765 visits to the campaign web pages.
God has called all laypeople to be powerful witnesses for Christ with their families and communities. LHM produced several new resources in 2022 as convenient ways for you to connect with Jesus and share your faith with others. As part of the popular Project Connect booklet ministry, a new Journey Through series speaks to relevant topics touching the lives of family members and friends. Our Nurturing Your Faith Bible studies now include all four sessions of Life Together by Rev. Dr. Dale Meyer, the first of four parts in Identity by Rev. Dr. John Nunes, and a single-session study titled God in Worship by Rev. Dr. Jason Broge. LHM Learn’s online course library grew with the addition of two mini-courses,
5 Ways to Talk About Faith with Your Child and
5 Ways to Engage Scripture with Your Child.
God has called all laypeople to be powerful witnesses for Christ with their families and communities.
As people around the world continue to navigate challenging times, Lutheran Hour Ministries’ mission to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with a hurting world is even more urgent. Following are some of the ways that your gifts helped LHM share hope in five regions around the world during the past year.
In the past year, LHM’s social media messages have reached tens of millions of people in the Middle East and North Africa, and nearly 1.5 million people from throughout the region have responded by subscribing to our page. LHM staff has had conversations with tens of thousands of these individuals where they shared the message of God’s hope and love for their lives. Though living in places as different as you can imagine, 19-year-old Samia from Algeria and 29-year-old Aaron from Yemen were both reached by the same social media post containing a short video message called, Facing Your Fears.
Both grew up following the faith in their region, but both had nagging doubts and questions. In Algeria, Samia was abused when she was young and had found her religious texts lacked love and compassion. Aaron was seeing war and suffering all around him in Yemen and was in pain from living in fear. Both yearned to know the unconditional love of our God.
Over time, LHM staff and volunteers were able to share the Gospel with Samia and assure her that through Jesus, God shows His limitless love and grace towards us. After several days, she asked us to help her become a Christian. After praying and repenting of her sins, she felt moved by the Holy Spirit to accept the gift of faith. She asked us, “I’m crying! Is this normal?” She is now reading the Gospel of John. Please pray that her faith is strengthened.
With Aaron, we shared how faith in God strengthens us and His eternal plan for our salvation gives us hope, comfort, and peace to work through any earthly trial. In time, Aaron asked, “How can I change my perspective about God?” Our staff said our perspective comes through our knowledge of, and relationship with, Christ. Aaron was not yet convinced. He said that only God [the Father] can forgive sins. Our staff taught him more about Jesus, sharing testimonies and stories about redemption that come only through Christ. At last, Aaron confessed he wished to know Christ. We prayed with him as he was also called to faith through the power of God’s Word. LHM staff continues to nurture him as he now lives in confidence as a child of God. u
Teresia used to go to church several years ago. She had friends that engaged in prostitution and saw how they had money and looked successful, so she turned to prostitution because she wanted to get out of poverty. She felt unworthy to attend church services because of her new job, so she quit going. At first, she felt like she was achieving her financial goals, but then she got sick. Her friends abandoned her, so she turned to LHM–Kenya staff for assistance. She joined a monthly fellowship and began listening to the Word of God. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Teresia became a Christian. She is currently learning how to make soap so she can sell it and provide for herself financially. u
Nina is a teen mother who joined the Divine Sewing School program hosted by LHM–Cameroon. She learned about the holistic program while she was enrolled in LHM–Cameroon’s Bible Correspondence Courses. She has been abandoned by men in the past, causing Nina to lose confidence and hope. After recently completing the sewing school program, Nina shared that she thanks God for restoring her dignity and confidence. She said her dream of financial autonomy has come true and she is so thankful for the LHM–Cameroon staff providing her with the skills necessary to earn money to provide for her family while also hearing the Gospel and learning more about Jesus. u
LHM’s social media messages have reached tens of millions of people in the Middle East and North Africa …
Kumar is a tailor who has continuously listened to LHM–Sri Lanka’s radio programs for several years. Like many people living there, he is often facing what seems like hopeless situations in his daily life. “I came across the Time of Hope program and it has filled my heart with hope, peace, and joy,” says Kumar. He says he never misses a program since the messages and songs are such a blessing to him. One day he called LHM staff to request prayers, saying he had been facing several problems in his life and he needed relief. A staff member asked if they could refer Kumar to a local pastor who could visit him and pray with him. Kumar agreed and connected with the pastor. We pray that Kumar will continue to rely on his faith and that the radio program continues to give him peace. u
Mealea is 62 years old and lives in a village where she is a farmer. Like most Cambodians, her family had followed another religion for generations. Mealea’s family members struggled with sickness for a long time, so the family sought advice from fortune tellers. They told the family they had displeased an ancestor’s spirit, who then sent the illness upon them. The recommended solution was to sacrifice something—a chicken, a pig, a banana—to return the family to favor with the spirit. Yet the sickness remained, year after year. The experiences left Mealea in despair. Without resolution, she felt helpless. Mealea first heard about Jesus several years ago. However, because she did not understand the Good News or have faith in Him, she mocked the Christians she met … but God had planted the Gospel’s seeds in her heart. Years later, LHM–Cambodia held a film showing in her village, which proclaimed the salvation available to everyone in Christ. The Holy Spirit brought Mealea to faith in Jesus. Finally, she had answers. She had resolution. “That is why I turn to God, Jesus Christ, now,” she says. LHM staff referred Mealea to a local congregation, where she continues to grow in her faith today. She attends Bible studies and prayer meetings. But best of all, she has the Savior’s peace that surpasses understanding. u
LHM–Myanmar hosted a summer Bible camp in the Mandalay Region. At the end of the camp, many youth participants wanted to continue learning the Bible, so during the next month LHM staff hosted an online Bible camp for youth using Zoom. Every Saturday at 8 a.m. LHM–Myanmar staff and a group of youth between the ages of 14 and 22 came together virtually to share the Word of God and their life stories. Each week more participants told their friends about the experience and invited more people to attend. Some who don’t have access to a phone would meet up with another person to participate together. The weekly lessons focused primarily on the fruits of the Spirit and how we can apply them to our daily lives. After the camp ended, participants reached out to staff to share the impact the lessons had on them.
“I thank God and LHM–Myanmar,” says Chan Nyein. “Now I take more time for reading the Bible. I am applying the nine fruits of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and selfcontrol—into everything I do and I’m trying to love others who have hurt me. I look forward to meeting all the teachers again.”
“After the Bible camp, I take more time for reading the Bible and praying every day,” says May V. “I learned to put God first in my life and now understand how to apologize for my mistakes. I also enjoy memorizing scriptures with friends.” u
“I thank God and LHM–Myanmar … Now I take more time for reading the Bible.”
LHM staff and volunteers in Latin America are using a multichannel platform called Huggy to communicate with people through an online chat, in addition to using Facebook Messenger, Instagram, and Telegram—which are all popular tools in Latin America. The volunteer support team can respond to any message using a single communication application from Huggy, available for smartphones.
Marta from Guatemala shared that she was suffering from strong feelings of fear and stress that resulted from her family relationships. After exchanging online messages back and forth with our volunteer one evening, Marta wrote: “Thank you for listening to me and being with me. You are a good friend, and I hope you have a very good night.” They continued to chat and after a few months she wrote: “You cannot imagine how grateful I am for you and your prayers! God listened to our prayers, and I hope God gives you as much as you are asking in prayers for me.” Marta took our online Bible course, Who is Jesus?, and has continued to stay in contact with our ministry center in Guatemala.
Marcia from Brazil sent an urgent message seeking help: “I am in extreme need and don’t know what to do to avoid seeing my children suffering in hunger. I sold my fridge and my 10-year-old daughter’s bike to provide them with food. I am desperate.” Our staff quickly registered Marcia in a local social program and referred her to a local church. u
“You cannot imagine how grateful I am for you and your prayers!”
Miguel is in the fifth grade. He lives in a lessprivileged area of a large Panamanian city, but he takes part in a program that allows him to attend school in a more stable area. Many children like Miguel come from dangerous places. Oftentimes, exposure to violence at such young ages leads to harassment and other behavioral issues in school. Because of their divergent home lives, children like Miguel struggle to build healthy relationships with other students.
LHM–Panama staff first met Miguel when he was in kindergarten. LHM brings its popular Project JOEL program to his school, a program whereby we promote positive values among youth that will set them up for a safe, successful future. Starting at a young age, Miguel began to participate in LHM’s puppet shows, songs, games, and readings. He also participated in presentations for the students and staff every Monday.
Today, LHM and Project JOEL have made a difference in Miguel’s life. His confidence has grown as he learns how to make responsible choices. One step at a time, he is learning how to escape the background into which he was born. By God’s grace, we celebrate with Miguel as he prepares to enter a bright, more hopeful future. u
More people than ever are searching the internet for guidance on topics like stress, anxiety, depression, fear, guilt, toxic relationships, suicide, and other issues. offers relevant content to help Portuguese- and Spanish-speaking individuals. It encourages them to download topical e-books, watch videos, and talk to our team of volunteers throughout Latin America. Rosa, suffering from terminal cancer, wanted to talk to someone because she was scared and could not find peace. She accepted the invitation to be referred to a pastor, who called her right away. Rosa told him she had heard about Jesus, but she wasn’t sure about her salvation or what happens after we die. The pastor patiently and lovingly talked with her about the life, suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus and what that means for each of us, including her. He also talked about repentance and the forgiveness of sins Jesus provides. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, at the end of the call and after praying, Rosa confessed Jesus as her Lord and Savior. She was assured of her salvation and at peace with herself and with God. u
Ana participated in a financial training course hosted by LHM–Mongolia staff. The purpose of this training is to provide financial education to families, youth, and single parents to teach them how to manage their finances wisely and sustainably. It encourages them to apply what they learn during the training into their daily lives to result in stronger families, in-depth financial knowledge, and a stable financial outlook where they can overcome debt and avoid a budgetary crisis. The weekly training sessions take place over two months and are focused on Christian perspectives regarding specific topics each time. After she completed the financial training, Ana continued to meet with LHM staff and enrolled in the ministry’s Bible Correspondence Courses to learn more about Jesus. Ana shared that she had a difficult childhood and struggled with anxiety. LHM staff talked with her and shared that she can find her worth in Jesus. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Ana became a Christian. She and her husband were connected to a local church where she can continue learning about Jesus and she is growing in her faith. u
Eugene is 36 years old and struggles with drug addiction. He overdosed several times, got severely sick, and is now limited in his mobility. A local pastor reached out to Eugene and encouraged him to make his health a priority. He told Eugene about a local rehab facility that he could go to. Eugene decided to start the rehab program and now he is no longer using drugs. He also started attending church services and was introduced LHM–Kazakhstan staff to enroll in the ministry’s Bible Correspondence Courses. He shared that he wants to restore his health so he can be a ministry resource for others who struggle with addictions. u
Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Ana became a Christian.
Brigita teaches kindergarten in Latvia, where she enjoys answering children’s questions. Yet unanswered questions tugged at her own heart. As a child, Brigita had visited church, but that was the extent of her experience with religion. She got married and had children. Life grew hectic.
“I always felt like there was something missing in my life,” she says. “I always said I believe in God, but I’m not the person who will attend church on Sundays. I felt I don’t belong there.”
One day, while with a Christian friend, their conversation turned to religion. Brigita shared her lingering questions. Her friend encouraged her to seek answers. Since Brigita didn’t feel comfortable visiting a church, her friend recommended signing up for the Bible Correspondence Courses offered through LHM–Latvia. This would allow her to explore Christianity at her own pace. The teacher became like a student. Brigita enrolled in the BCC program, and the Lord worked in her heart and brought her to faith in Jesus. Brigita found a local congregation, which she continues to attend today. In receiving the answers to her questions, she learned one of the greatest lessons of all: “Only God can fill your soul,” she says. u
Anna was connected to a local Lutheran church about a year ago for the Bible Correspondence Courses offered by LHM–Russia. Since then, she has completed three courses and is now working on a fourth. She shared that during the last year, her faith slowly grew. Anna knew people were praying for her and then she suddenly wanted to start praying for herself. She wanted to go to church and fellowship with the members. After visiting the church and learning more about Christianity, through the power of God’s Spirit, Anna became a Christian. She went through confirmation and became a member at the church. She is thankful for the BCC lessons and wants to continue growing her faith beyond what she has learned in the courses. u
Each morning during National Lutheran Schools Week, students at Immanuel Lutheran School in Plainview, Minnesota, gathered as an entire school for 15-20 minutes to participate in Gospel Adventures: Zambia Bound. “The students really enjoyed two things about the program,” says Pam Arguto, a fifth- and sixth-grade teacher. “First, was the music video. We used that music video each morning as the children took their seats. They would end up dancing and singing with the video, even after everyone was present. It was the best part of my day seeing everyone praising God! Second, the videos showing the children of Zambia doing their chores, getting water, going to school, and making their meals were eye opening to us all. From the little kindergarteners to the older students, they all were fascinated with the differences and the similarities between the children of Zambia and themselves.” u
Darlene Lind of Bemidji, Minnesota, remembers listening to The Lutheran with her parents and family many years ago. One day at church, around 12 years ago, one of her friends told her about LHM’s Daily Devotions and where to find them online. She immediately signed up to start receiving the devotions via email and has been faithfully listening to them every day.
About six years ago, Darlene realized that one of her best friends didn’t have access to a computer to receive the devotions, so she thought of a way that she could share them with her. Every day around 9 a.m., Darlene calls her friend.
“I turn up the volume on my computer and put my phone right there, and we listen to the devotions together.” After listening to the devotion, they discuss their thoughts on the message. “If we miss a day, we’ll do two devotions the next day,” she says. “The speakers are all great, and I like having a short sermon with a prayer every day. We are both aged widows, and we feel these devotions really strengthen our faith and friendship. We appreciate all of the messages.” u
“It was the best part of my day seeing everyone praising God!”
Through church attendance and participation in Bible studies, Mitchell Barnett of Camden, Arkansas, has learned of the many prophecies contained in the books of the Old Testament that foretold of the long awaited coming of the Messiah. But he learned something new this year while listening to the special Christmas broadcast of “How Long …” from The Lutheran Hour. “I never tire of hearing the Christmas story, but this year I heard it retold in a most unique manner,” he says. “This was my first experience with the ‘O Antiphons,’ or for that matter any antiphon. What a tremendously well-crafted presentation that beautifully wove hundreds of years old biblical prophecy into a contemporary setting. It played like a vivid motion picture in my mind. The musical performances by Ms. Erin Bode were beautiful beyond all description! What a gift!” u
Berta, a woman from New York, is a regular listener to the Sentido Latino podcast. One day, she came across an episode discussing healthy boundaries and wanted advice on her relationship. She reached out to LHM staff and said she was going through a challenging moment because she found out that her husband was unfaithful to her. She felt like her life had collapsed and she was at the end of her rope. After talking for a few minutes, LHM staff asked if she would like them to pray for her. She said, “Yes, I ask that God would unite my family again ... my home is divided. My 14-year marriage is falling to the ground. I don’t know how to accept this reality.” LHM staff assured her they would be praying for her and offered to have a local pastor contact her, which she graciously accepted. u
“I never tire of hearing the Christmas story, but this year I heard it retold in a most unique manner.”
LHM Board of Directors
(As of January 2023)
Kurt Senske Austin, Texas DIRECTORS
Linda Arnold Oswego, Illinois
Eric Brown Adel, Iowa
Jim Dankenbring St. Louis, Missouri
Kirk Farney Hinsdale, Illinois
Gene Partlow Williamsburg, Virginia
Patricia Ross
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Vincent W. James Boston, Massachusetts
Jonathan Laabs Roselle, Illinois
Kristi Matus Boxford, Massachusetts
Virginia Miller Rochester, Minnesota
Rev. Tom Pfotenhauer Pastoral Advisor Woodbury, Minnesota
Edith Schoepp Onoway, Alberta, Canada
Donald Scifres Greenwood, Indiana
Gordon D. Tresch Williamsville, New York
(As of January 2023)
Phil Daniels Chairman Tampa, Florida
David Leege Vice Chairman Alexandria, Virginia
Kurt Buchholz
LHM President & CEO Grant, Minnesota
Thomas Dankenbring St. Louis, Missouri
Mercedes Hendricks Laguna Hills, California
Scott Homan St. Louis, Missouri
Jeffrey Craig-Meyer President St. Louis, Missouri
David Lanius Treasurer St. Louis, Missouri
Heidi Hove Stillwater, Minnesota
Vincent W. James Board of Directors Representative
Boston, Massachusetts
Jack Kidwell Bay City, Michigan
Aaron Pawlitz St. Louis, Missouri
Lois Engfehr Assistant Secretary Collinsville, Illinois
Lloyd Probasco Grand Island, Nebraska
Kurt Senske Int’l LLL Chairman of the Board Austin, Texas