The Lutheran Layman

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LUTHERAN L AYMAN Your Partner in HIS Mission!

November - December 2015



PERSECUTION By Kenneth Klaus

IN OCTOBER OF 1916, SPEAKING AGAINST THE WIDESPREAD USE of alcohol, Rev. Charles F. Aked spoke these words: “For evil men to accomplish their purpose it is only see page 3

LHM Sunday is Feb.7 . . . . . . 7 Flood Emergency Brings Response . . . . . . . . . 8 Keep Focus on Outreach . . . 10 Volunteer Teams Impact . 12-13 Social Media Tools . . . . . . . 14 ‘Online Mission Trip’ . . . . . . 19

Lutheran Hour Ministries 660 Mason Ridge Center Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63141-8557

St. Louis, MO. Permit No. 619


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The Lutheran Layman by Lutheran Hour Ministries - Issuu